How to treat powdery mildew. Hom is the best remedy for powdery mildew

Landscaping and planning 23.06.2020
Landscaping and planning

Let's figure out what kind of disease it is, what harm it does and how to deal with it.

What is the harm?

Powdery mildew initially manifests itself as a white coating on plants, which has formed a fungus mycelium. At first, the raid looks like a web. Over time, it becomes like a powder. The plaque strikes the sheet on both sides. Most often, young branches and leaves are affected: they contain many nutrients needed by the mycelium. The danger to plantings is that fungi quickly spread throughout the plant.

Description and signs of the disease

The most vulnerable plants

Powdery mildew affects only deciduous plants:, and even. Also, this disease causes great harm to such ornamental plants as, and many others. The course and development of the disease in all plants is approximately the same. And the disease develops most often in warm cloudy weather and with high humidity.

Important! Powdery mildew develops best at 18-25 ° C and high humidity.

Causes of the disease

Once on the plant, it penetrates the inside of the leaves and begins to feed on the beneficial substances that are inside the leaf. The fungus grows and forms a mycelium. Over time, the spores of the mycelium burst, and the mushroom seeds “fly” onto neighboring leaves or plants.

How to fight: folk and chemical remedies

It is possible and necessary to fight this fungal disease. It is necessary to remember a few rules that will help not only prevent the onset of the disease, but also tell you how to get rid of powdery mildew if it has just appeared:

  • plant only after the soil has dried;
  • plants are not allowed;
  • diseased plants must be brought to light;
  • it is also necessary to monitor fallen leaves: they should not lie on the ground.

Use less. It is better to replace them with phosphorus-sodium (with remission). During the period of the disease, it is not recommended to fertilize the land at all. Let's figure out which powdery mildew remedy helps for each class of plants.

On vegetables

  • . In case of disease of vegetables, it is necessary to remove the damaged parts of the plant. From folk remedies, the application of sulfur powder in the ratio of 25-30 g per 10 square meters is suitable. m. A solution of colloidal sulfur also helps: for 35 liters of water, 25-30 g of sulfur. Of the preparations for the treatment of cucumbers, and are suitable. Read the instructions before use.

  • . The disease appears in two ways: either at the edges the leaves begin to dry out and over time the young plant dies, or yellow spots appear on the upper side of the leaf. In this case, plaque is visible only on the back side of the leaves of vegetables. Over time, it appears on the upper side of the leaves of the plant. If the tomatoes are sick, they must be sprayed with a solution. When spraying, read the instructions. Helps with this disease and "Bactofit". It is necessary to process 3 times with an interval of 1-1.5 weeks. "Planriz" will also help to cope with powdery mildew. Do not forget about the help of drugs such as Baileron and. It is advisable to add laundry soap to the solutions of these preparations.

Did you know? To create 1 ton of tomato paste, you need to grow 5.8 tons of tomatoes.

  • . The land around diseased zucchini is necessary. It is also necessary to spray this plant with a solution of or. Of the drugs you need to use "Kefalon", as well as phosphorus sodium.

  • You can cope with the disease thanks to a solution of soda ash or with the help of. It is necessary to spray the plant 4-5 times with an interval of 7 days.

On fruits and berries

  • Powdery mildew on currants is immediately noticeable. If you do not fight it from the very beginning, then by the beginning of autumn the bush will die. The harm of the disease is also dangerous in that it affects all species. If one bush is damaged, all bushes may die. In the fight for currants, it must be treated with both chemical and folk remedies to combat powdery mildew. You can treat the bush with natural methods - ash solution, manure solution, and so on. Among the chemicals, Nitrafen or spraying with a solution will be effective. In summer, it is best to spray with soda ash. In the spring - copper chloride.

  • . Gooseberries are treated with kefir, manure, soda, infusion of hay, ash, horsetail decoction. They will help for the recovery of the bush and "Gausin" with, as well.

  • . The conditions under which the disease develops best are from 18 to 25 degrees Celsius and high humidity. At low humidity, the disease does not develop. Treat grapes (at +20 ° C or more) with a solution of sulfur in water: for 90 g of sulfur, 10 liters of water. When the temperature is below 20 ° C, colloidal sulfur is useful for treatment. During the ripening of the fetus, it is best to use a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Among the chemicals that help destroy the disease, it is better to use Quadris or Topaz.

Did you know? To get 1 kg of raisins, you need 4 kg of fresh grapes.

  • . Powdery mildew is so dangerous for apple trees and garden trees that the protective function of trees to frost may decrease, which means that the apple tree may not overwinter. In addition, this disease halves the yield of apples. To protect the trees, you can treat them with soda ash along with soap, as well as copper oxychloride. "Topaz" apple trees are treated with a break of 6-12 days . Before starting treatment, remove all infected tree branches.

  • . This disease manifests itself on strawberries in the form of plaque on the back of the leaves. With the progression of the disease, it passes to the mustache and plants. The fruits may smell like mold. Strawberry treatment is carried out with the help of Quadris, Switch or Bayleton preparations. After the appearance of the first berries, it can be treated with "Fundazol". Carefully process strawberry leaves on both sides and do not forget about the instructions for these preparations.

In addition, in the fight for a good harvest, "TMTD" or a 1% suspension of colloidal sulfur will help you.

On garden flowers

  • also suffer from powdery mildew, which affects the stems of flowers. At first the color of the plaque is white, but then it changes to brown. Infected leaves must be removed and the flowers treated 2-3 times with a 1% suspension. Repeat the procedure after 7 days until the flower recovers.

  • Roses. If you see that the roses are sick, Fitosoprin-M, colloidal soda, and Maxim will help you cure them. In spring and autumn, prepare a solution to combat this disease from 50 g of soda ash, 10 liters of water, 300 g of soap (preferably green) and 15 g of copper oxychloride. Treat roses with this solution and they will be healthy.

  • . To cure a petunia, it is necessary to remove all diseased parts of the plant. Next, you need to process the flower, "Topaz" or "Fundazol". For potted petunia, after removing the infected parts of the flower, it is necessary to remove the infected layer of the earth and replace it with a new one, which must be treated with Fitosporin-M. A solution of ash, whey, mustard also helps to fight powdery mildew.

  • become infected with this disease during heavy watering, a large amount of nitrogen fertilizers or in very warm weather. Powdery mildew can be cured with Morestan, Topsin-M, soda ash with soap, or with Fundazol.

On indoor plants

White plaque on indoor plants, which appeared when the temperature drops or the stuffiness of the air in the room, is powdery mildew. This white bloom on indoor flowers is dangerous because if the plants are close to each other, a healthy plant can also get sick. As a result, due to powdery mildew, the flower rots and dies.

Indoor flowers are treated for powdery mildew with a solution of potassium permanganate or garlic tincture. Soda ash will also help.

Of the chemical drugs, Bayleton, Topaz, or will help best. Before using the drug, read its instructions.

Prevention of the appearance

It is known that any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Let's see what are the methods of preventing plants from powdery mildew.

  • Serum solution. Combine 1 liter of serum with 10 liters of water. Next, the solution is applied to the damaged stems at least 3 times with an interval of 3 days.
  • Decoction from. A solution in a ratio of 1:10 (horsetail with water) is boiled for 1.5 hours. Then it is filtered, again diluted with water with the calculation of 1 liter of solution per 5 liters of water. This solution should be sprayed bushes. Store the solution in a warm place for no more than 7 days.
  • Mustard. 1-2 tbsp. l dry mustard diluted with 10 liters of hot water. Cool down. Next, the solution is either watered on the ground, or the plant is sprayed.
  • Copper vitriol. 5 g of copper sulfate is dissolved with 1 tbsp. water. Additionally, 50 g of soap is diluted in 5 liters of water (warm). A solution of vitriol is combined with a soap solution. The plant is sprayed 2-3 times a day with a frequency of 6-7 days.
  • Manure tincture. Infused 1 kg of manure per 3 liters of water. After that, the solution is diluted with 3 liters of water. Used as a means for spraying shrubs.
  • Baking soda and soap. Dissolve in 4 liters of water 1 tbsp. tablespoons of soda and ½ teaspoon of soap. Spray 2-3 times a day with an interval of 6-7 days.
  • A solution of ash and soap. 1 kg of ash is added to 10 liters of warm water. During infusion, the solution is stirred. After that, it is poured into a clean dish and liquid soap is added. Used as a spray. 10 liters of water are added to the remainder of the ash solution and the bush is watered.
  • Potassium permanganate. 5 g of potassium permanganate is diluted with 1 liter of water. Sprayed 2-3 times with an interval of 5 days.
  • Soda ash and soap. 5 g of soap and 25 g of soda are added to 5 liters of hot water. Cool down. Spray the soil and plant 2-3 times with an interval of 7 days.

I would also like to dwell on preventive measures for the treatment of individual, the most common green plants.

  • Cucumbers. Prevention is the correct fit and care, as well as spraying with the Quadris preparation.
  • Tomatoes. To prevent powdery mildew, it is necessary to soak the tomato seeds in a solution of "Immunocytophyte" or "Epin" 42 days before planting in the ground. You can also treat tomatoes with 10% whey or ash solution.
  • Zucchini. Prevention of powdery mildew on zucchini: spray with Nitrafen in spring. Folk methods are sprayed every other day in dry weather.
  • Grape. Use a solution of sulfur - 25-40 g per 10 liters of water.
  • Apple tree. To prevent this serious disease, the tree must be treated with Topaz.
  • Strawberry. Don't plant strawberries too densely. Weed it in time and replant those bushes that are too close to the "relatives".
  • Phloxes. Mulching with humus or peat. In the spring, phloxes are treated three times with 1% Bordeaux liquid. Repeat the procedure after 12-14 days. It is also necessary to fertilize the flowers with mineral fertilizers.
  • 57 times already

(copper oxychloride) depends on the exact following of the instructions for each use. The HOM fungicide, according to the instructions, is allowed for use not only in the agricultural industry, it will help increase the yield of any country garden or garden. The popularity of HOM indicates that the instruction does not in vain prescribe an extensive field of application for this fungicide, which has been proven over the years. The drug helps out even in cases where there are obvious signs of a fungal infection, but its exact definition is difficult.

Protective and therapeutic, contact by method, the effect of HOM is manifested in the destruction of cells of harmful microorganisms of fungal origin (observed with the naked eye, like rot, stains, mold). The process of exposure to infection occurs on the surface of the stems and leaves, excluding penetration inside. Application in compliance with the rules dictated by the instructions makes copper oxychloride harmless to people and pets. In the external environment, the fungicide decomposes into harmless components in six months.

Copper-containing preparation brand HOM for plants

  • Fruit rot - moniliosis, scab on fruit trees,
  • monilial burn, various spots on cherries and other stone fruits,
  • anthracnose, grape mildew.

Medicinal, flower and ornamental crops HOM saves from insidious rust, harmful spots, powdery mildew. The best result is achieved by rapid suppression of the initial stage of infection or by regular prophylaxis (3-6 sprays with a half-month interval). Protective measures must be completed three to four weeks before harvest (for cucumbers, tomatoes, at least 5 days).

We apply the HOM fungicide strictly according to the instructions

Treatment with copper oxychloride is carried out by spraying plants during the growing season (excluding flowering time); it is useless to act on it before bud break and after leaf fall, and also to spill the soil. To prepare the solution, it is recommended that you first dilute the HOM powder with water (the container should not be made of iron), then add water according to the instructions at the rate of 40 g of dry preparation per bucket of water (for 1 weave). For better adhesion, you can add skimmed milk (half a glass per bucket). In accordance with the instructions, we use the ready-made fungicide solution immediately. When spraying, it is important to moisten the leaves abundantly, including from below. This should be done when it is dry and calm, preferably at an air temperature not higher than plus 30 and better in the evening. Protection is maintained for a couple of weeks. However, if it rained during this period, the treatment should be repeated.

Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that affects a huge number of ornamental, vegetable, fruit and berry plants.

The most common pathogens - fungi of the species Podosphaera fuliginea and Erysiphe cichoracearum - are indiscriminate, they affect a wide range of plants: melons and gourds most often suffer from horticultural crops: cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, melons, watermelons; berry bushes: gooseberries, currants, fruit trees are affected, as well as berry bushes.

There are also specific pathogens that are characteristic of specific plants, for example, the causative agent of powdery mildew of grapes is the species Oidium tuckeri. Therefore, powdery mildew on grapes is called: Oidium.

Garden flowers are very susceptible to the sphere library, sometimes with a cut from a store or garden, powdery mildew also gets on indoor flowers.


Powdery mildew is easy to identify, as it has quite characteristic symptoms. It begins with the appearance of small white spots on the upper side of the leaf. Gradually, the spots increase and cover the entire leaf as a whole, moving to the entire aerial part of the plant. As the disease progresses, the spots become larger, denser and whiter: the bushes look like they have been doused with lime mortar. And upon closer inspection, the leaves seem to be covered with the thinnest layer of cotton wool or cobwebs - this is a white mycelium of the fungus, consisting of numerous conidia collected in chains.

In fruit plants, the growth of the bush is disrupted, the wood on the growing shoots does not ripen, as a result, the plants suffer greatly from frost, especially for grapes. In addition, the sphere library very quickly moves from leaves to ovaries and fruits, you can be left completely without a crop, since berries and fruits affected by white bloom are unsuitable for food.

With vegetables, the situation is more complicated - since tropical plants consume a huge amount of nutrients for the growth and formation of fruits, very often they simply cannot cope with the infection and die. Powdery mildew seriously threatens cucumbers and tomatoes.

Where does powdery mildew come from

Spheroteca pathogens reproduce both sexually and asexually.

  1. Asexual reproduction occurs with the help of conidia - these are motionless spores, so named from the Greek konia - dust and eidos - view. It is the chains of conidia that we see on the leaves of infected plants in the form of a white coating, they easily break away from each other and are carried by the wind for a decent distance. So, throughout the summer season, new shoots and plants are regularly re-infected.
  2. Sexual reproduction is carried out through spore-bearing structures - cleistothecia. This fruiting body of the fungus is composed of very densely intertwined hyphae and can contain millions of spore sacs, each typically containing four to eight ascospores. Cleistothecia hibernate on fallen leaves, and in spring the ascospores mature, are released and give rise to a new focus of infection.

At the moment when cleistothecia are formed, the plaque on the leaves turns from white to gray, then brown - the fruiting bodies themselves (cleistothecia) themselves are brown or black in color, and the dimensions do not exceed 0.2 mm.

Conditions for the development of powdery mildew

The incubation period with favorable factors for powdery mildew is 5 to 10 days, depending on the temperature. For example, at a temperature of about +15°C, the period from the onset of infection to the formation of conidia is about five days.

The favorable temperature for the formation of conidia is from +5°C to +28°C, but mass development occurs at +20°C. Contributes to the disease relative humidity of 60-80% in the absence of precipitation. Directly during rains, the spread of the disease is inhibited - the colonies of conidia remain on the leaves, but when the precipitation stops, the soil evaporates moisture for a long time, and the pathogen develops rapidly.

Therefore, it is after heavy rains that the development of the sphere library occurs rapidly, in 2-3 days a gooseberry bush can become covered with a white coating.

The denser the planting of seedlings, flowers, vegetables, tree crowns, the higher the air humidity, the less wind movement and the stronger local infection occurs within the garden plot.

What contributes to the rapid development of powdery mildew

Infection occurs most rapidly when alternating warm, dry days and rains, then humidity does not fall below 60%. Although infection can occur even at a relative humidity of about 50%.

The introduction of an excess amount of nitrogen fertilizers or weather conditions that favor the conversion of nitrogen into an assimilable form increase the development of fungal diseases (oidium, rust, septoria, etc.). Excess - means more than 0.6 kg of active substance per 1 weave.

The conditions necessary for the maturation of spores differ in different types of powdery mildew pathogens, for example, with powdery mildew of grapes (Oidium), mycelium grows better at 25–30 ° C, i.e. the hotter the weather, the faster the vineyards are affected.

Young leaves are most susceptible to damage by the sphere library - within 16-20 days after deployment.

Powdery mildew prevention

If powdery mildew has already been noticed in your garden plot, in early spring, as soon as the leaves begin to unfold on fruit bushes, spray the bushes with Topaz or Vectra (their action is aimed specifically at powdery mold). After 2 weeks, repeat the spraying of the leaves and the resulting ovaries. The third spraying will be after harvest.

Follow the general rules of prevention:

  • Destroy infected plant debris by burning all leaves and shoots that show signs of the disease.
  • Weed weeds, many are prone to infection.
  • Observe crop rotation, do not re-plant crops susceptible to powdery mildew in the same place.
  • Purchase seedlings and seeds of plants that are genetically resistant to diseases.
  • Ensure sufficient air circulation, avoid crowding, thin out seedlings and seedlings.
  • Disinfect the tools you use for trimming or tying (ribbons and ropes, secateurs, etc.).
  • If you use the principle of sprinkling, then water vegetables and berries in the morning so that the plants have the opportunity to dry out during the day. Even better, choose a drip irrigation system to help keep the leaves dry.
  • Do not overdo it with nitrogen fertilizers, but apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers regularly.

Powdery mildew serum

Whey works best as a preventative rather than a cure, and should be used if you notice infected plants, trees or weeds somewhere near your site. Susceptible crops need to be protected: gooseberries, currants, roses, etc.

There is no difference between what to spray - milk or whey (backflow) - only in price, both products contain milk proteins, and we need them.

How exactly the whey works against the fungus, no one knows for sure, it is assumed that milk proteins have an antiseptic effect when exposed to sunlight. Therefore, the treatment with milk and whey is carried out not in the evening, but at 10-11 in the morning in sunny weather. Moisten both sides of the leaves with a solution of milk until it flows to the ground.

How to dilute whey with water against powdery mildew: for 1 part of milk (whey), we take 2-3 parts of water. The solution is sprayed on the leaves of plants every 10-14 days. If there is a desire - it is possible more often - once a week.

  • Sometimes you can find a recipe for powdery mildew, where reverse, whey, sour milk or kefir (yogurt) are used in a 1:10 dilution with cold water. Believe me - it does not work, too weak concentration! We breed 1:2 or 1:3, and repeat every week.

Powdery mildew ash

Good prevention of the sphere library, i.e. spraying before the symptoms of the disease appear - ash treatment. To do this, take 1 kg of clean wood ash, sifted from debris, and pour 10 liters of water. Leave the solution to infuse for 3-5 days, stir occasionally. Add a couple of tablespoons of grated soap. Strain the solution through a thin cotton cloth into the sprayer so as not to clog the sprayer.

Powdery mildew - control measures

If powdery mildew has already cleared up on fruit and berry bushes, flowers or vegetables, not only general agricultural techniques are needed, such as loosening and thinning, but also the use of various fungicides or chemicals. And even at this stage, it may already be too late, for example, on berries with clearly expressed signs of the disease, it is too late to use chemicals, because poisons remain in fruits for up to 20-30 days. On grapes, you need to start processing from powdery mildew at the very beginning of the growing season, when the shoots have formed only 3-5 leaves.

Consider the most common methods of treatment.

Powdery mildew iodine

We take medical iodine, measure out with a syringe 10 ml and dissolve in 10 liters of water. We thoroughly moisten the leaves of infected plants with this solution.

On roses, you can use a more concentrated solution: 20 ml of alcohol tincture of iodine per 7 liters of water.

If you do not have a syringe to measure out, count as drops, for example, to treat powdery mildew cucumbers, 30 drops of iodine per 10 liters of water. But since cucumbers do not tend to retain moisture on the leaves, you need to add an adhesive: a couple of tablespoons of grated laundry soap or green potash.

Fitosporin-M from powdery mildew

How to breed:

  • Fitosporin-M powder - 1 g per 1 liter of water or 10 g per 10 liters of water
  • Fitosporin-M liquid - 0.6 ml per 1 liter of water or 6 g per 10 liters of water 20 drops per 200 ml of water.
  • Fitosporin-M paste, how to breed, read


In America, in gardening centers, it is recommended to use a universal ethanol-based mouthwash (antibacterial) from the sphere library. We can see similar ones on sale, for example, "Forest Balsam". Jeff Gillman, director of the Botanical Gardens at the University of North Carolina and author of books on plants ("Organic Gardening"), claims that this recipe for powdery mildew works effectively: one part mouthwash and three parts water. True, he warns that such a solution should be used with caution - it can damage young, just unfolded leaves. Therefore, it is better to use commercial fungicides.

Our compatriot, the famous gardener Galina Kizima, advises: it is important to carry out preventive spraying of the garden in the first half of summer. According to her recommendations, we do the following:

  1. We take a bottle of 1.5 liters, pour 500 ml of water.
  2. We throw 2-3 grains of the Healthy Garden preparation and 2-3 grains of the Ecoberin preparation into the bottle.
  3. Close the lid and shake the bottle vigorously until the grains dissolve.
  4. Add water to a volume of 1 liter.
  5. Add 6 drops of Zircon, 4 drops of Cytovit, 8 drops to the solution.

This solution should be sprayed with all fruit and berry bushes and plants, seedlings of vegetables, young trees. For powdery mildew, spray as soon as the first leaves open, then after flowering and after harvest.

Galina Alexandrovna calls this cocktail protective against a complex of diseases and pests.

Naturally, for a summer cottage, you need to prepare a large volume of solution, it is better to cook in small batches, or count for 5 liters of water. Do not store the solution! Do not spray in the sun, spray in cloudy weather or in the evening.

Powdery mildew fungicides

Copper soap solution: 20-30 g of copper sulfate and 200-300 g of soap per 10 liters of water. To prepare copper sulphate and soap separately, dissolve in a small amount of hot water, then pour the copper sulphate solution in a thin stream into the soap solution, with constant stirring. Strain, spray.

Copper soda solution: Dilute 50 g of soda ash and 200 g of soap (household, tar) in 2 liters of hot water. Separately, dilute 10 g of copper sulfate in a glass of water, pour in a thin stream into a solution of soda and soap. Add water to 10 liters of solution volume. Stir, strain, spray.

Of the effective fungicides against powdery mildew, you can choose: bayleton, but, quadris, rayok, scor, tilt, topaz, topsin, thiovit jet, hom, oxychom, etc. Some of the drugs are available in small packaging for personal household plots, some can only be obtained in collective purchases, as they are sold for agriculture in large containers (quadris, bravo, bayleton, etc.)

  • Agrolekar, Chistoflor, Prognoz - contain propiconazole, dilute 10 ml per 10 liters of water, maximum 3 treatments: spraying at the beginning of the growing season, before flowering and after harvesting.
  • Rayok, Chistotsvet contain difenoconazole, we dilute 2 g per 10 liters of water, a maximum of 4 treatments: the first - along the green cone, the rest - after 12-14 days. For flowers and ornamental plants and shrubs, dilute 2 ml per 5 liters of water.
  • , contains penconazole, we dilute 6-8 g per 10 liters of water, no more than 4 treatments, the waiting period is 20 days.
  • Vectra, contains bromuconazole, we dilute 3 mg per 10 l, only 3 treatments: the first - after flowering, the second - after 12-15 days, the third - after harvesting, do not spray during flowering!
  • Alirin and Gamair, dilute 2 tablets per 1 liter of water.

The consumption of the working solution is up to 2 liters per bush of currant, gooseberry or young fruit tree 5-6 years old, up to 5 liters per large fruit-bearing tree. When spraying grapes, the fungicide consumption is 10-15 liters per hundred square meters.

It is not recommended to use fungicides based on the same active ingredient more than three times, although some manufacturers recommend four times. Stop all fungicide treatments 20 days before harvest!

Video: treatment of gooseberries with iodine from powdery mildew

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands do not know boredom!


What is powdery mildew

Under this disease, which is otherwise called ashtray, linen, is meant a fungal infection of a plant caused by microscopic fungi from the order of powdery mildew (Erysiphales). This disease affects a large number of vegetable, fruit, berry, ornamental plants. Garden flowers are very susceptible to the American ashtray or sphere library. Sometimes, with a cut from a garden or store, this fungus also enters indoor plants.


Whitish plaque is a mycelium that lives off vegetation. Reproduction occurs through spores that look like small brown balls. Before you find a suitable remedy for powdery mildew, familiarize yourself with the causative agents of this fungal disease. The name of this problem reflects the features of the symptoms of infection - they are common to different types of imperfect fungi. Pathogenic microorganisms include:

  • Erysiphe communis - causes infection of sugar beets;
  • Sphaerotheca mors - gooseberry;
  • Uncinula necator - grapes;
  • Sphaerotheca pannosa Lew. var. rosae Voron. - roses;
  • Sphaerotheca pannosa forma persicae - peach;
  • Oidium tuckeri - grapes;
  • Erysiphe graminis - cereals;
  • Erysiphe cichoracearum, Sphaerotheca fuliginea - affect a wide range of plants.


This fungal disease is easy to determine, because. has characteristic symptoms. It begins with the appearance of small white spots on the upper side of the sheet. Gradually, these spots begin to increase until they cover the entire leaf as a whole. Then they move to the entire aerial part of the plant. As you progress, the spots become not only larger, but also denser, whiter. As a result, the bush becomes like a plant doused with lime. When viewed, you can see that the leaves are covered with a thin layer of cobwebs or cotton wool - this is the white mycelium of the fungus.

As for fruit trees, the growth of the bush begins to be disturbed in them, and the wood ceases to ripen on the maturing shoots. The bush eventually suffers from frost - this is especially detrimental to grapes. In addition, the sphere library quickly moves from leaves to fruits and ovaries. As a result, you can be left without a crop, because fruits affected by white plaque cannot be eaten. With vegetables, it is a little more difficult, because. tropical vegetation consumes a lot of nutrients for the formation of fruits and overall growth. Often they do not cope with the infection and simply die.

How it spreads

White bloom on flowers and leaves can be spread by spray when watering other plants. The wind also contributes to this. Another condition for infection is the contact of healthy bushes with infected ones (only if they belong to the same species). Especially quickly the disease begins to develop on days when there is dryness and heat, and with sharp fluctuations in temperature and humidity. This is due to the fact that due to such weather conditions, the tension of the membranes of the vegetation cells is weakened, and as a result, favorable conditions are created for the development of the ashtray.

In this case, the incubation period with favorable factors for the disease is within 5-10 days. For example, at a temperature of about + 15 ° C, only five days pass from the onset of infection to the formation of conidia. The development of the sphere library is especially rapid after heavy rains, for example, a gooseberry bush can become covered with white bloom in just 2-3 days. Local infection becomes stronger if the planting of seedlings, vegetables, flowers, tree crowns is dense, the wind movement is small, and the air humidity is high.

Sexual reproduction is carried out through spore-bearing structures - cleistothecia. This is the fruiting body of the fungus, consisting of tightly intertwined hyphae and which contains a large number of spore bags. Inside they contain 4-8 ascospores, which, after release, form a new focus of infection. It is also important to know that the disease can appear if too much nitrogen fertilizer is applied to the soil.

Powdery mildew control

Start fighting this fungal disease should be timely. If for some reason you have to postpone this event, then the disease will spread to a large area of ​​\u200b\u200byour garden plot in a short time. If the ashtray has already cleared up, then you will have to use not only agricultural techniques like thinning and loosening, but also resort to the use of fungicides and chemicals. In some situations, folk remedies can help. Pay attention to the common methods to resolve the described problem:

  • Iodine. Take iodine, measure 10 ml with a syringe and dissolve in 10 liters of water. If there is no syringe, then count as drops. Moisten the leaves of infected vegetation with the resulting product. For roses, you can use a more concentrated solution, consisting of 20 ml of iodine alcohol tincture and 7 liters of water.
  • Copper-soap solution. Mix 20-30 g of copper sulfate and 200-300 g of soap with 10 liters of water. For preparation, the first two components should be dissolved separately in a small amount of hot water, and then pour the copper sulfate solution into the soapy one, constantly stirring the resulting slurry. After that, it remains to strain the solution and spray the area with it.
  • Copper-soda solution. Dilute 10 g of copper sulfate in a glass of water and pour into a solution of 50 g of soda ash, 200 g of soap (household, tar) and 2 liters of hot water. Then add water so that the total volume of the product is 10 liters. Mix thoroughly and strain.
  • Fitosporin-M. Before use, dilute the product in accordance with the instructions. For example, to dilute Phytosporin powder, you will need to maintain a ratio of 1 g per 1 liter of water.
  • Mouthwash. In the United States, gardening centers recommend using a universal ethanol-based mouthwash to get rid of the spherotheca. This product is antibacterial. Jeff Gillman states that this recipe is effective when mixed with 1 part of this liquid and 3 parts of water. At the same time, he warns that the resulting solution must be used carefully, otherwise they can damage the young leaves.


Fungicides are often used to quickly solve the problem. The modern market offers a wide range of these products to choose from. Some drugs are available in small packages for private household plots, while others can only be obtained through collective purchases, because. are supplied only for agriculture in large containers (Bayleton, Bravo, Quadris, etc.). You can get acquainted with known drugs in the table:




Protects against ashtray for 4-8 weeks. It has a strong healing effect. Activity decreases in wet and cool weather.


Systemic fungicide for the protection of fruit and berry crops, which has a preventive, curative, eradicating effect. Well tolerated, highly effective against causative agents of ashpel, especially in suppressing the primary infection. It has a long protective effect and is quickly absorbed by vegetation.

An effective tool for protecting crops such as strawberries, currants, raspberries, gooseberries.

Means with a long-term preventive and pronounced therapeutic effect. The drug can quickly penetrate into the tissues of cultures, due to which it is not washed off by rain within a couple of hours after the treatment.


Systemic fungicide used on many crops. It has high efficiency against pathogens of the sphere library. Absorbed quickly, has flexibility in terms of application.

A preparation that quickly penetrates into vegetation tissues and is not washed off by rain a couple of hours after spraying. Has increased activity in warm, humid weather. It has a long-term effect, due to which the number of treatments is reduced.

Specialized highly effective remedy with preventive and curative effects. Stops the mycelium of the causative agent of the ashtray 2-3 hours after the treatment.

Fungicide of protective, therapeutic and contact-systemic action. Penetrates into vegetation tissues within 6 hours and moves acropetally, while protecting young growing organs. The duration of the protective effect at the optimal concentration is from 10 to 15 days.

Effectively suppresses pathogens of fungal diseases on indoor plants and all types of garden crops. Reduces soil toxicity by restoring soil microflora after application of chemical protection agents or steaming.

Remedy against bacterial and some fungal diseases of fruit, berry, flower, ornamental and vegetable crops.

Folk remedies

The question often arises of how to deal with powdery mildew with improvised means without the use of fungicides. To protect cucumbers, gooseberries, grapes and other crops, you can resort to folk methods. A few effective tools to help solve the problem:

  • Dissolve in a liter of water 4 g of soap and soda ash. Treat the infected vegetation with the resulting solution 2 times. Between spraying, maintain an interval of a week.
  • Fermented water, which is prepared from weeds, also has good efficiency. Fill the bucket about half full with weeds (previously crushed), then fill it with hot water. The composition should be fermented for several days, then strain it. Processing is carried out in the evening.
  • Pour cold water over fresh mullein - about 1/3 of a bucket. Let the mixture brew for three days, not forgetting to stir it from time to time. Filter the liquid with a dense cloth, mix with water 1:10. Carry out the treatment in the evening, constantly using fresh infusion.

How to get rid of powdery mildew

The disease reveals itself after flowering, when the tops of the shoots are covered with white bloom. Affected shoots begin to twist and dry out, and the leaves become twisted and pale. At the same time, there are specific pathogens that are characteristic of specific vegetation, for example, Oidium is the causative agent of grape ash, and fungi of the species Erysiphe cichoracearum and Podosphaera fuliginea infect a wide range of plants, especially melons.

On indoor plants

White plaque on the leaves of indoor plants will seriously affect the decorative effect of the latter, so take action in a timely manner. In room conditions, the ashtray can be found on gerberas, roses, begonias, cissus, violets, etc. The reason for its appearance is stagnant moist air and sharp temperature fluctuations indoors. If the lesion is small, then use a soda solution - dilute 5 g of soda ash in 1 liter of water, adding a little soap shavings. Treat with the resulting solution once a week.

Treat with special preparations (if the damage to the vegetation is severe), for example, fungicides Topaz, Thiovit, Skor, Vectra, Hom. Use them strictly according to the instructions without independently increasing the dosage and observing all precautions. A good option is Topaz, 1 ampoule (2 ml) of which is diluted in 10 liters of water. True, such an amount of solution is not needed when processing indoor flowers, so divide the ampoule into several treatments.

On bushes and trees

The sooner you notice the disease, the greater the chance of success. Remove all sluggish i.e. lost turgor leaves or shoots. If the fungus has affected bushy species, for example, peonies, petunia, then cut off as many of the affected shoots as possible. Radical pruning will increase the chances of solving problems. Burn plant residues and, in addition:

  • Try replacing the topsoil near a shrub or tree. Sprinkle a layer of ash 1-2 cm thick on top.
  • Spray diseased shrubs, trees with fungicides suitable for controlling ashtray. Make the treatment plentiful so that the shoots and leaves "bath" in the solution.
  • Spraying is supplemented with a strait of earth. Carry out several treatments at a certain time interval (for more details, see the instructions for the drug).

on roses

Powdery mildew on roses is one of the most common diseases caused by the fungus Sphaerotheca pannosa. If you notice that your rose bushes have been affected by this disease, then remove all damaged parts and destroy them. Then carry out a thorough spraying using fungicides such as Skor, Thiovit-Jet, Baktofit, Fitosporin, Topaz.

Sulfur is an effective remedy, but if you use it in the first days of the appearance of an ashtray. As soon as you notice the first symptoms of fungus infestation, immediately spray them with a sulfur-based fungicide. The procedure should be carried out several times. The natural store of sulfur is garlic, the squeezed juice of which is used to create solutions for spraying roses. True, sulfur can be devastating, so you can spray a baking soda solution several times a week instead.

On flowers

Many gardeners are wondering how to get rid of powdery mildew on flowers. There is no one universal way to deal with this problem, because a whole range of measures is needed to solve it. In general, the methods used are practically the same as in the fight against ashes that have affected trees, bushes, and houseplants. To do this, you can use the above-described folk remedies or chemical preparations like Topaz, Flint Star, Topsin M. These funds are quickly absorbed and spread through the vascular system of flowers without causing significant damage to them.

On vegetables

Powdery mildew on vegetables is treated with fungicides, folk remedies, but the fight against the disease on cucumbers is impossible without preventive measures. Prevention consists in observing the agricultural technology of culture and treating the beds with Quadris three times in strict accordance with the instructions. Spraying cucumbers with mullein also helps. Good results are obtained by dusting cucumbers with sulfur powder: 25-30 g per 10 m2. Remember to remove diseased parts before spraying.

It is advisable to treat tomatoes with a solution of sodium humate in accordance with the instructions - 1 time in 2 weeks. Biological preparations also cope well with the task, for example, a 1% solution of Baktofit. In addition, Planriz culture liquid is used to control ashpel on tomatoes. Zucchini, on the other hand, can be saved by cutting off the affected leaves and shoots, which must be burned, and digging up the soil around the infected plants. To destroy the pathogen, use a solution of ash, cow dung or soda ash.

Powdery mildew prevention

Be sure to follow a set of measures aimed at preventing the disease. All infected plant debris should be destroyed immediately by burning all shoots and leaves showing signs of the disease. Weed the weeds, because. many of them are prone to being hit by a sphere library. But that's not all, there are several other preventive measures:

  • Try to keep crop rotation. Do not plant susceptible crops in the same place.
  • You need to buy seeds and seedlings of crops only those that have genetic resistance to diseases.
  • The tool used for tying or trimming (secateurs, ribbons, ropes, etc.) must be disinfected.
  • Ensure sufficient air circulation.
  • Avoid crowding plantings, do not forget to thin out seedlings, seedlings.
  • You should not overdo it with nitrogen fertilizers, but you need to make phosphorus-potassium agents regularly.
  • If you resort to the principle of sprinkling, then water the berries and vegetables in the morning - they should be able to dry out during the day. It is better to give preference to a drip irrigation system - it will help keep the leaves dry.


A good option is to use curdled milk (kefir) or sour milk. To do this, you need to separate the serum, dilute it with cold water in a ratio of 1 to 10 - it is better to increase this concentration to 1 to 2-3 parts. With the resulting product, treat the plants affected by the fungus. Whey works best as a prophylactic. It is worth resorting to it if you notice infected weeds, trees, shrubs near your site. Currants, roses, gooseberries, etc. should also be protected.


As a good prevention of the sphere library and the treatment of already infected plants, ash treatment is used. For this purpose, you need to take 1/2 cup of wood ash (clean, sifted from debris), pour it with 1 liter of freshly boiled water. The resulting solution is infused for 2 days. After insisting, it remains to add 4 g of soap, previously mixed with a small amount of water. Strain the solution into a sprayer and treat diseased bushes twice with an interval of 7 days. Increase the number of sprays if necessary.


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It is a contact fungicide that is used on many horticultural crops to protect them from diseases, pests, weeds, and the consequences of their actions.

Active substance: copper oxychloride (900g/kg).

It is produced in the form of a crystalline powder of a bluish-green color, odorless. On sale you can find packaging of 20 and 40 g. Hom is a full-fledged substitute for the well-known Bordeaux mixture, but unlike it, it is already ready for use.

Hom's appointment

This drug has found wide application in amateur gardens and, according to reviews found on the net, is a very effective remedy for many garden diseases. On what specific cultures and from what does Hom help.

Preparation of working solution

Or, more simply, how to dilute Hom: measure the right amount of the drug (see below) and dilute in a small amount of water, and then, stirring constantly, add water to the desired volume.

In order for the working solution to better linger on the plants, skimmed milk can be added to it in an amount of 1% of the total volume.

When to process

All crops are sprayed during the growing season, with the exception of ornamental plants, which are treated before and after flowering.

Treatment of plants with Hom is carried out in clear weather without wind, with an air temperature of no more than +30 degrees. Leaves should be evenly moistened on all sides. The working solution is applied on the day of preparation, it is not subject to storage.

Plant treatment with Hom

  • onion (on a turnip) from peronosporosis. Consumption rate: 40 g per 10 liters of water. Waiting period 20 days;
  • cucumbers from peronosporosis, anthracnose, bacteriosis. 40 g per 10 liters of water. 1 liter of working solution is enough for 10 sq.m. landings. Waiting period 2 days;
  • potatoes from late blight and macrosporiosis. 40 g per 10 liters. This amount is enough to spray 100 square meters of plantings. Waiting period 28 days;
  • tomatoes from late blight, macrosporiosis and brown spot. 40 g per 10 liters of water. 1 liter of solution is enough to process 10 square meters. m landings. Waiting period 5 days;
  • apple, pear, quince from scab and moniliosis. 40 g per 10 liters of water. It consumes 5 liters per adult tree, spraying is carried out during the growing season. Waiting period 20 days;
  • peach, plum, apricot, cherry, sweet cherry from clusterosporosis, coccomycosis, moniliosis, leaf curl. Dilute 40 g of the drug in 10 liters of water. 2-5 liters of working solution is enough for 1 tree (depending on size). C/o 20 days;
  • grapes from mildew and anthracnose. The consumption rate of the drug is 40 g per 10 liters of water. 1.5 liters of solution is enough for 10 sq.m. landings. Spraying is carried out during the growing season. Waiting period 30 days;
  • beets from cercosporosis. 40 g per 10 liters of water. This amount of solution is enough to spray 100 sq.m of plantings;
  • flowers from blotches and leaf rust. 30-40 g per 10 liters of water. Spraying is carried out before and after flowering.

Precautions while using Hom

The Hom drug belongs to the third hazard class, that is, it is moderately toxic to humans and animals. For bees, it also poses some danger, so plants should not be sprayed during flowering.

Works on spraying plants should be carried out in overalls, and after they are completed, you need to change clothes, wash your face and hands with soap and water. Eating and drinking, as well as smoking during spraying are not allowed.

Hom is an environmentally friendly preparation, within a short time it is completely decomposed by soil microorganisms into the simplest substances, leaving no traces of chemistry. To prevent the accumulation of the active substance in the fruit, treatment with drugs is stopped 20 days before harvest. For grapes, this period is extended to 30 days.

For most crops, the drug is not phytotoxic, but in some plants at high humidity it can cause burns on the leaves and a brown net on the fruits, so the maximum effect of Hom is achieved in areas with dry summers.

The fungicide Hom is well compatible with many pesticides and, when used wisely, shows a very high efficiency. The shelf life of copper oxychloride packed in paper bags is practically unlimited.

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