Vocabulary work in Russian language lessons. Vocabulary work at Russian language lessons in elementary school

garden equipment 03.07.2020
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It's no secret that the Russian language is considered one of the most difficult school subjects. On the one hand, knowledge of the native language is given to a child from childhood, he masters it as naturally as he breathes and grows. On the other hand, it is a complex discipline that requires a lot of work, aimed primarily at memorizing individual lexical units called “vocabulary words”.

Sending a child on a voyage across the boundless ocean of words, we often hoped for a chance. But the drill of memorized lexemes does not help the child to develop a linguistic instinct, to become literate. The traditional method of formal memorization of words from a dictionary does not provide a sufficiently fast and stable memorization, as evidenced by the mistakes made by younger students both in memorized words and in words related to memorized ones.

The relevance of working on the dictionary of younger students is also due to the low level of their speech development: in the lessons of the Russian language and reading, we often meet with answers that are poor in lexical terms. But the problem of the lexical organization of speech has recently occupied one of the leading places in the general list of topical issues in the methodology of teaching the Russian language.

Developing children's speech means systematically working on its content, consistently teaching children how to build sentences, thoughtfully choosing the right word and its form, and constantly working on the correct formulation of thoughts.

Vocabulary work in the lessons of the Russian language and literary reading is of particular importance for enriching the vocabulary of students, since, up to grade IV, half of the new words enter the vocabulary of younger students through these lessons. “Vocabulary work is not an episode in the work of a teacher, but a systematic, well-organized, pedagogically expediently constructed work related to all sections of the Russian language course,” wrote the famous methodologist A.V. Tekuchev.

The stages of dictionary work can be represented as follows: 1) semantization of the word; 2) actualization of the word; 3) use of the word.

M.R. Lvov singled out the following ways of interpreting the meaning of a word: visual, contextual, method of substituting synonyms, logical definition, detailed description, selection of antonyms, analysis of the morphological structure of the word and word formation.

The explanation of the word is only the first stage in the process of enriching the vocabulary of students. In order for the word to become “one’s own” for the student, i.e. entered the active vocabulary, we need consistent, flexible, constant work on the word, which is planned for each lesson.

After analyzing the entire complex of spelling work on vocabulary words offered by the methodology, we can conclude that students have difficulties for the following reasons:

  • any algorithm for working on a dictionary word is quite laborious, and the attention and volitional sphere of younger students is still poorly developed;
  • prolonged work on memorizing these words is not always effective;
  • visual - illustrative material from the school "Picture Dictionary" only draws the attention of students to work, and it does not contribute to memorizing an unverifiable letter;
  • a letter for a 7-year-old child who has just learned to write is just a set of elements, it is “lifeless”, “uninteresting”, besides, he writes it crookedly. And it still needs to be remembered with the help of repeated spelling of the word.

It must be remembered that the more analyzers a word is perceived, the stronger it is remembered by children. Therefore, it is necessary to pass each word through the consciousness of the student several times and in different contexts, so that sight, hearing, hand, memory, and, of course, consciousness take an active part in the assimilation of the word.

It should be noted that successful memorization is facilitated by the observance of certain conditions:

1) setting for memorization: the student must remember what he needs to remember;
2) interest: it is easier to remember what is interesting;
3) brightness of perception: everything that is bright, unusual, that causes certain emotions is better remembered;
4) imagery, imprinting: memorization based on images is much better than mechanical memorization.

I divided my work on vocabulary words of each class into thematic groups. Depending on the number of groups and the number of words in each of them, work with them lasts 1-2 weeks.

The first step is the introduction or presentation of words. Here I am using:

1) riddles,
2) rebuses (40 a, distance, etc.),

  • looking at subject pictures
  • listening to humorous poems, etc.

The next step is to write the word with the “difficult” place omitted, or write with the “window:”. Here, it is important that the students themselves identify the “difficult” place, as in this case, the writing process becomes more conscious for them, spelling vigilance improves.

After the children have written down the word with the “window”, they try to identify the correct letter. When this fails, authoritative sources come to the rescue: a teacher or a dictionary.

The teacher either shows the spelling of the word himself, or presents a card, or offers to look at the word in the textbook.

Turning to the dictionary contributes, firstly, to the accumulation of experience in working with the dictionary, and secondly, to the formation of the ability not only to set a spelling problem, but also to solve it independently. At this stage of the work, it is useful to use etymological analysis (if it helps to explain the spelling of the word).

Let's take the word "raspberry" as an example. “Some scientists associate the origin of the word with the root small: raspberry berry consists of small berries - grains. What letter should be written in the first syllable?

After a letter is inserted into the “window”, the word is read orthographically.

Thus, at the stage of introducing a new word, work on an unverifiable spelling includes: oral presentation of the word, setting a spelling problem, choosing a solution method, and actually solving the spelling problem. The final step is writing the word.

A good assimilation of the correct spelling of a word is facilitated by the use of emotional-figurative memory of children, one of the properties of which is the ability to memorize an object at the first presentation, without repeated repetition. For successful work it is necessary nothing connect information elements that are not significant for the child with emotionally significant ones that generate emotions that arouse interest. Curiosity, and even better - a smile and laughter. By the way, laughter not only activates emotional memory, but also provides an additional supply of oxygen to the brain cells, which also has a positive effect on the assimilation of the material.

An associative connection can be played in a comic poem, a funny fairy tale, etc. It is important that the associative image must: 1) be associated with the dictionary word by some common feature (color, shape, action, location, material, etc.), 2) had in its spelling an undoubted letter, which is doubtful in the word.

Such a word becomes, as it were, a “foster relative” for a dictionary word. Moreover, the more unexpected, comical, absurd the connection between words in an associative pair, the higher the efficiency of memorization. Let's look at this with an example. When introduced to words sparrow and crow you can use the poem “About two thieves”.

Like ours at the gate
Bird people gathered.
They don’t yawn at the feeder,
and the treats are flying,
They take from each other.
You listen soon
And you will hear: “Thief, oh, beat!”
I will answer slowly:
“Don't fight! Crow!"

I. Konkov's poem can help in learning the word rooster.

The children asked the rooster:
- Why is your name Petya?
- So Petya answered the children:
- I can sing well.

And the word "nightingale" can be supported by a poem:

Do you hear the solo between the branches?
The trill is brought out by the nightingale.

A solo is a performance by one performer. Perhaps, because the nightingale loves to sing alone in the morning and evening dawn, he was called that.

Examples of vocabulary words and associative images:

nightingale - solo, notes,
newspaper - paper,
cabbage - hare,
ship - sea, waves
Clothes, shoes.

Another technique that affects the quality of memorization is the use of assonance (“K a someone in b a r came b a R a n, b a R a b a nya in b a R a b a n”). This technique activates auditory memory: some part of the text is saturated with the sound that corresponds to the memorized letter.

When studying dictionary words, you can use the method of sound (phonetic) associations with a successful consonance of the phrase and the dictionary word:

Tomorrow crayfish crayfish.

Shout at ra. (From the book by V. Volina “Merry Grammar”)

Kostya in to style, and Pa led in pa summer

Or: de d in de jealous,

children de mournful,

tomorrow on per water.

Another option for working with dictionary words is to make drawings on letters that cause difficulty in writing. Children enjoy doing this exciting activity.

(Examples of vocabulary words with pictures).

After getting acquainted with the dictionary word, the next stage of work begins - training and fixing. At this stage, it is necessary to use multiple, short-term repetition of words with clear articulation, while visual, hand-moving, and auditory articulation sensations are of great importance. This means that the exercises should be based on different perceptions of words, be quite diverse, i.e. must necessarily contribute to the active memorization of the difficulties contained in the word.

In the 1st grade, at this stage, I often use games in literacy lessons.

Game 1. The syllable is lost.
The words lived quietly in the book,
But the book was suddenly gnawed by mice.
Bitten off from the words of the beginning,
They dragged them out of the book into a mink.
... baka (dog)
...radi (notebook)
...skva (Moscow)

Game 2. Collect the syllables.
cash, pe (pencil case)
ro, ka, so (magpie)
che, u, nick (student)

Game 3. The vowels “rolled away”.
s...b...k... (dog)
in ... r ... n ... (crow)
.. .ch.. .t.. .l (teacher)

Game 4. Tell me a word.
Dried up in the hot sun
And breaks out of the pods ... (peas).
I ask you to name all the words,
Where - oro- it is necessary to write.

In writing lessons, you can offer the children a letter through tracing paper on stencils, copying with skipping letters, translating printed words into capital letters, etc.

From class to class, the knowledge of the children expands, which makes it possible to use a large number of various exercises when working on words with unverifiable vowels. All exercises can be classified according to the directions that traditionally make up the system of the Russian language.

I will give examples of phonetic exercises.

  1. Write down words that begin with the letter O (r, k, m, etc.)
  2. Write down words with stress on the first (second, third) syllable.
  3. Write out the words in which all consonants are solid: p.. .nal, s.. .roka, uch.. .nick
  4. Write down the words that end in a voiced (deaf) consonant.
  5. Write the words in alphabetical order.
  6. Make a chain of words so that the last letter of the previous word is the beginning of the next.
  7. "Through letter".

Oh ... oh ... a (magpie)
...oh...oh... a (cow)
...oh...oh... a (crow)

8. "Ladder".

Write the words in a column so that each next word has 1 letter more. hare wind crow sparrow

9. “Collect a basket”

Subject pictures on the board: tomato, cucumber, carrot, cabbage, peas, potatoes, raspberries. Pupils should put vegetables in the basket, in the name of which, for example, the letter “o” is written.

10. "Who said that?"

Drawings of a crow and a chicken are hung on the board, as well as cards with vocabulary words in which letters are missing: k ... rtina, k ... mnata, k ... ditch, k ... potato, k ... r. ..ndash, k...nki ..

Children should distribute the words based on the fact that the crow says “kar!”, And the chicken “ko-ko-ko!”.

10. Puzzles

Morphological exercises are aimed at students' awareness of the morphological structure of the language. When studying parts of speech, various types of practical exercises help to combine individual words into certain groups; to distinguish and determine the forms of parts of speech: declension, case, time, number, in order to consciously use words with unverifiable spelling in oral and written speech in the correct form.

1. Write out dictionary words denoting objects, signs of objects, actions of objects.

  1. Write out vocabulary words of the 1st declension, 2nd and 3rd.
  2. Write out from the dictionary the words f.r., m.r., cf.r.
  3. Match the vocabulary words with the same root words of different parts of speech.
  4. Insert appropriate vocabulary words.

... came on the ear.
The word is not ... you won’t catch it.

6. Answer the question in one word. Change this word by case.

Who lives in a den?

In connection with the study of grammar, lexical exercises are conducted, where children explain the meanings of words, both direct and figurative, find out the polysemy of words, understand the relationship between synonyms and antonyms.

1. Write out the words from the dictionary on a given topic: “School”, “Birds”, etc.

2. Find an extra word.

pencil case, notebook, phone, pencil
magpie, hare, crow, sparrow

3. Distribute the words by topic.

Tomato, cucumber, student, pencil case, pencil, cabbage

4. Pick up antonyms for words

sad, boy, bad, slow

5. The game “Who is doing what?”

Syntactic exercises help children to understand the syntactic structure of their native speech and correctly express their thoughts in the form of sentences. Here are some exercises that can be used in the lesson when learning vocabulary words.

  1. Make sentences with these words.
  2. Make sentences with vocabulary words that differ in purpose of the statement.
  3. Match the words in the left column with the correct words in the right column. Make suggestions.

  1. Select from the sentence a phrase with a dictionary word. Identify the main word in the phrase.
  2. Arrange the sentences to make a coherent story.

He put on boots and a coat.

The worker got into the car and drove to the factory.

In the morning, the worker began to get ready for work.

  1. Make up a story using vocabulary words.

Weather, road, vegetable garden, vegetables, carrots, peas, tomato, cucumber

Dictionary words are well remembered with the help of the mnemonic system of “connections”, which is as follows:

  • memorization is easier if a person mentally imagines objects, phenomena or actions that denote words;
  • objects united in groups should “come to life”, “move”.

For example, a group of vocabulary words: in front, behind, left, right - can be associated with a Russian hero who drove up to a stone at a crossroads.

And the words fast, soon, fun, good will help to remember the bike, or rather, its wheels, which look like the letter “o”.

The most common type of vocabulary and spelling exercises are dictations (visual, explanatory, with commentary, picture, selective, from memory, creative).

To work with difficult words, the minutes allotted for calligraphy are also used: That hero- who is for the motherland.

When summarizing the knowledge gained about a group of words, you can use this type of grammatical game as a crossword puzzle. It contains great opportunities for the development of the child's creative abilities, memory training. The use of thematic crossword puzzles in the classroom helps to improve literacy, activates the attention of children, and diversifies the lesson.

The next stage of work on vocabulary words is accounting and control, the purpose of which is to test the ability of students to write the studied words correctly. It uses control vocabulary dictations, cards, punched cards, which can be made in the form of various objects.

Vocabulary and spelling work carried out in this way helps to achieve the desired results, captivates and develops students, and contributes to the deep assimilation of program material.


1 Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafieva

2 Lesosibirsk Pedagogical Institute - a branch of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Siberian Federal University"

The article is intended to provide methodological assistance both to students - future teachers in the process of developing their professional competence, and to primary school teachers in organizing vocabulary work in Russian language lessons. The techniques of mnemonics described in the article provide a deep understanding of the material when memorizing vocabulary words, since they rely mainly on imagination, on vivid figurative illustrations of concepts and definitions. The techniques under consideration (rhyming, the "chain" technique) and methods of working on vocabulary words (the method of graphic associations, the method of sound (phonetic) associations, the combined method, the Cicero method) will allow teachers to optimize the method of working on words with traditional spelling. This kind of words are difficult to learn, because they do not fall under a certain rule, but require memorization. This approach is also due to the fact that the implementation of the new Federal State Educational Standards makes it necessary for the teacher to solve professional pedagogical tasks in new conditions: it is necessary to apply such methods of work that will allow obtaining new high-quality learning outcomes for schoolchildren.




vocabulary work

unchecked spellings

dictionary words

1. Levushkina O.N. Vocabulary work in elementary grades: A guide for the teacher. - M.: VLADOS, 2004. - 96 p.

2. Lvov M.R. Spelling in elementary grades. – M.: 1990. – 160 p.

3. Matyugin I.Yu. How to memorize vocabulary words. – M.: Eidos, 1997. – 161 p.

4. Olenyuk O.I. Associative Dictionary as a Means of Assimilation of Unchecked Spellings // Elementary School. - 2009. - No. 10. - P.79-80.

5. Pronina I.V. The study of difficult words using etymological analysis. - M., 1964. - 126 p.

6. Sinkwine [Electronic resource]. – URL: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki.

7. Tekuchev A.B. Methods of grammatical analysis: State Educational and Pedagogical Publishing House of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR. - 1952. - 344 p.

One of the most difficult tasks of primary education is to achieve a high quality of spelling skills, the degree of formation of which depends on the further education of the child, his ability to master the Russian language program in subsequent grades.

Spelling-literate writing not only performs a social function, but is also an integral part of the language culture, a guarantee of the accuracy of the expression of thought and mutual understanding, so the program places rather high demands on the skills of literate writing.

The program of primary education in the Russian language for each class provides for the obligatory assimilation of a number of words (dictionaries), the spelling of which is not checked, but is based on the historical principle of spelling, according to which morphemes of related words are written uniformly, but it is impossible to check them using the modern literary language, and Therefore, their spelling is recommended to be remembered. In the methodology, there is a wide and narrow view of this group of words. In a broad sense, “difficult” refers to words that cause various kinds of difficulties in children, most often spelling (words with an unstressed vowel at the root of the word). More often, as O.N. Levushkin, the term "difficult words" is understood more narrowly: these are words that have unverifiable and difficult to verify spellings in the modern language. Difficult words are divided into the following groups: words that are difficult for students in terms of: 1) spelling (bicycle), 2) spelling and pronunciation (combiner, eye to eye); 3) spellings and meanings (jockey, without restraint); 4) spelling and connection with other words (railing); 5) spellings, meanings and connections with other words (react); 6) spelling, meaning, pronunciation and connection with other words (dumbbell).

The spelling of dictionary words in elementary school is of particular difficulty, since the main method of conducting dictionary and spelling work at school is the mechanical memorization of the graphic appearance of the word. Unfortunately, this technique is ineffective, since it does not activate the mental activity of students who make mistakes in “difficult” words both in primary and secondary schools.

To make the process of assimilation of words with unverifiable spellings more efficient is a complex and time-consuming task that requires a lot of creative work from a modern teacher, so the famous Soviet methodologist A.V. Tekuchev noted that vocabulary work should be a systematic, well-organized, pedagogically expediently constructed work related to all sections of the Russian language. Therefore, one of the most important tasks for the development of speech at school is the streamlining of vocabulary work (Lobodina N.V., Prudinkova A.V., Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Baranov M.T.), highlighting its main directions and their justification, managing the processes of enriching the vocabulary of schoolchildren .

In the process of working on difficult words, the teacher can associate various types of vocabulary work with the content of the classes: firstly, the work can be aimed at familiarizing students with the lexical meaning of words (phrases) that are new to them, the meaning of which children understand incorrectly or inaccurately; secondly, it can pursue grammatical goals: the assimilation of some grammatical forms, the formation of which causes difficulties for children (for example, the genitive case of plural nouns: socks, but stockings); thirdly, vocabulary exercises can be carried out in order to teach children the orthoepic pronunciation of words and, above all, compliance with the normative stress (sorrel, call, etc.).

The key to success in working on difficult words is a good memory. Any underestimation of a child's memory, the ability to memorize and reproduce, can bring considerable harm, especially in the primary grades, where children still have little knowledge and experience that allow them to build complex reasoning chains, i.e. solve grammar and spelling problems, draw independent conclusions. Moreover, in Russian orthography there is a lot of things that can only be learned by memorization.

It is known that the process of memorization is facilitated by the involvement of various analyzers in the perception. Visual, hand-moving, auditory-articulatory sensations are of great importance for spelling. Diverse connections: visual, auditory, speech-motor, inextricably linked with understanding the meaning of a word, in their totality create the necessary conditions, without which it is difficult to achieve a strong assimilation of the spelling of words with unverifiable spellings. Consequently, the exercises should be based on different perceptions and be quite diverse.

Memorization of vocabulary words is facilitated by the involvement of mnemonic techniques. Mnemonics (from Greek - the art of memorization) - a system of various techniques that facilitate memorization and increase the amount of memory by forming artificial associations.

Consider the basic techniques of mnemonics:


The rhyming technique is the interpretation of information in poetic form (syncwine).

Method of graphic associations

Due to the fact that the thinking of primary school students is visual-figurative in nature, most of them, respectively, also have a figurative type of memory. Therefore, taking into account the psychological characteristics of the thinking of a younger student, it is necessary to create an “image” of a letter in a particular word. The difficult spelling of a dictionary word is associated with a vivid associative image that is remembered when writing this dictionary word, helping to write the spelling correctly.

When memorizing the spelling of a dictionary word, you need to make a drawing denoting the word itself and beat the memorized letter in it. It can be large or small, printed or written, in any font.

The associative image should not only be associated with the dictionary word by some common feature (color, shape, action, material), but also have in its writing an undoubted letter that is doubtful in the dictionary word. It should be noted that the teacher should not impose his associations on the student, since the value of this technique lies in the exclusivity of associative images.

Method of sound (phonetic) associations

This method is preferable in cases where a phrase from a consonance and a dictionary word is especially successful. For example, children on duty.

Combined method

This is the use of both graphic and phonetic associations when memorizing a dictionary word, if this word contains several unverifiable letters. For example, for the word "mayonnaise" a consonance is chosen for the first syllable - "MIKA". And the second unverifiable letter "O" is easier to draw as a spot on a T-shirt. It turned out: "MIKA is stained with mayonnaise" + O. So, to facilitate the work of the memory mechanism, it is necessary to involve various analyzers in the perception and memorization.

Cicero's Method

The essence of this method is that the memorized units of information must be mentally arranged in a well-known room in a strictly defined order. Then it is enough to remember this room in order to reproduce the necessary information.

Reception "Chain"

"Chain". The essence of this technique is the pairwise connection of images that encode the elements of the sequence, in the formation of a connection between them. For example, you need to remember a list of words: loaf, milk, sausages, salt, newspaper, battery. We vividly imagine a loaf on which a pack of milk lies (for 1-2 seconds we consider this connection). Then we connect the milk package with the second image of the chain: the package is lined with sausages. We fix, go to the salt. When we remember the first image - a long loaf, “milk” will inevitably pop up in our memory, milk will call up the image of sausages in our memory, and so on along the chain.

The formation of spelling skills in the study of words with unchecked spellings should be based on the active educational work of students. Work on words with unchecked spellings can be rationalized. The essence of rationalization lies in the fact that in the process of teaching the spellings of this type, the mental activity and memory of students are activated, which gives a much higher efficiency than the study of unchecked spellings “in dictionary order”. This is achieved through special training techniques. As an example, consider working on the word “room”:

I. Acquaintance with a new word

1. Solve the puzzle.

2. Read the rebus.

3. Living space in the apartment. Guess the word using the hint key.

II. Primary memorization of a word

1. Come up with a visual support for the word "room".
Pictures appear on the board depicting a triangular (like the memorable letter A) curtain on the window located in the room. Children write the word room in their dictionaries - instead of an unstressed unverifiable vowel, they draw a picture of a triangular (like a memorable letter A) curtain on the window located in the room at their own discretion.

2. Pick up the same-root words for the word "room".

(Room, room.)

Write these words in a column in your dictionary notebook, to the right of the words draw a triangular curtain on the window in the room. Highlight the root, put the emphasis.

III. Strengthening the ability to correctly spell a word

1. Write down the phrases, stress, highlight the root, underline the unverifiable unstressed vowel in the root of the word in the words.

Large room, cozy room, enter the room, spacious room, indoor plants.

2. Read the phrases.

DKEOTMSNKAATYAA (Children's room)

KNOEMZHNIAPTAKYAA (Non-residential room)


How did you guess? (Read through the letter.)

Write down phrases, highlight the root, stress, underline the unstressed unchecked vowel at the root of the word.

What other spellings have you noticed?

3. Compose a syncwine with a dictionary word, underline the spelling.

Thus, vocabulary and spelling classes cannot be reduced only to memorizing the spelling of words with unchecked spellings. It is necessary in the process of studying the spelling of words of this category to offer students tasks that, along with spelling tasks, also pursue lexical goals, i.e. I will be aimed at both mastering spelling and activating the children's dictionary (tasks for selecting cognate words for the word being studied, compiling phrases and sentences with the word being studied.) These observations on the lexical compatibility of words, which are carried out in the process of compiling phrases and sentences by children, are an essential prerequisite for expanding learners' active vocabulary. Only with such an organization of vocabulary and spelling exercises will the work become meaningful, interesting for children, and therefore more effective, because a comprehensive study of the word not only fixes its spelling in the best way, but also contributes to the firm assimilation of the word as a lexical unit, fixing it in active student's dictionary.


Chizhakova G.I., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University. V.P. Astafieva, Krasnoyarsk;

Sharifullin B.Ya., Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Speech Communication at LPI - branch of FSAEI HPE "Siberian Federal University", Lesosibirsk.

Bibliographic link

Kulakova N.V., Avtushko L.I., Wekkesser M.V., Mamaeva S.V. VOCABULARY WORK IN THE LESSONS OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE // Modern problems of science and education. - 2015. - No. 4.;
URL: http://science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=20542 (date of access: 02/10/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

Article "Organization of vocabulary work

in Russian language lessons

Master the word- means to learn its meaning and norms of use in speech. Well done vocabulary work firstly, ensures timely mental and speech development of children; Secondly, contributes to the deep assimilation of program material; third, serves as a means of moral education of students.

Word writing is complex and varied. It is necessary to educate children to pay attention to unfamiliar and unfamiliar words. To this end, it is necessary to practice a task that requires students to indicate new and unfamiliar words found in a text or exercise, and explain their meaning.

The Russian language program requires systematic vocabulary classes that could provide the necessary lexical training for students.

The types of vocabulary tasks are varied.

1) The inclusion of additional lexical material in an exercise taken from a Russian textbook.

2) Inclusion of semantically difficult words in sentences for parsing.

3) Selection of words for the spelling rule. So, nouns are selected for the spelling rule of prefixes on З - С (revival, recovery, ascent) and adjectives (weak-willed, selfless, unselfish, careless),Verbs (reunite, elect, succumband etc.).

4) Compilation of exercises that include thematically related words.

5) Making phrases or sentences with selected words.

6) Compilation of coherent texts based on key words. So, in the story about the hero of the war of 1812, adjectives are introduced experienced, selfless, general (battle), heroic, proud, valiant, decisive, selfless(in connection with the study of "Borodino" by M.Yu. Lermontov).

Of particular importance is work on the semantics of the word. In school practice, it is recommended to use various methods of familiarizing students with a new word and its meaning:

1) finding out the meaning of a word in a dictionary;

2) selection of synonyms (claim - claim; attraction - attraction);

3) selection of antonyms (courage - cowardice; talented - untalented);

4) word-formation analysis (serene - rebellious - revolt);

5) etymological analysis (crafty - from the bow - "bend, curvature", i.e. crafty - "dishonest, insincere, two-faced, deceitful");

6) translation (international - international).

In the process of studying the semantics of a word, it is necessary to draw the attention of students to the existence in the language of words that are similar in sound, but different in meaning, in the use of which mistakes are made especially often.

For example, the words are mixed in use introduce - grant, condemn - discuss , recognition - gratitude, connected - connected andothers.

Researchers see the reason for mixing such words in the similarity of their sound composition and morphological structure, in ignorance of their exact meaning. It is quite obvious that the study of these lexical units should be carried out in terms of preventing errors in their use.

Great attention must be paid to tasks that require reveal the semantics of similar-sounding words. For this purpose, students are offered the following types of exercises:

1) The answer to the question, for example: Who is called envoy, Who envoy? What is the difference in the meaning of the words deed and misdeed? What people are called honest, and which ambitious?

2) Synonym selection (cf.rude - rude, rude, impolite human , ignorant - ignorant, poorly educated person ) .

3) The inclusion of the studied words in the context (composing phrases, sentences, stories), for example: skilled craftsman - artificial flower, get recognition - express gratitude.

The strength of assimilation of unfamiliar and unfamiliar words is ensured by their repetition in the educational speech activity of students both in the lessons of the Russian language and in the lessons of literature, history, etc.

To use the language, i.e. to speak and write, you need not only to know the words, but also to be able to change and link them together. Words are the building material of language, you can create beautiful speech buildings from them, but in order to put this material into action, you need to be able to process it.


1. Skorokhod L.K. Vocabulary work in the lessons of the Russian language: A book for a teacher: From work experience. - M.: Enlightenment, 1990

2. Burmako V.M. Russian language in drawings: Book for students. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991

From the experience of a teacher of the Russian language. Vocabulary work at Russian language lessons in secondary school (grades 5-8).

I. Relevance and problems.
In the modern world, education is a prerequisite for the formation of a person as a full-fledged personality. School is the first step in this long and difficult ascent. It is at school that a child builds a system of knowledge, skills, abilities and values ​​that he will use throughout his life.
One of the global problems of modern society is the inability to clearly and competently express one's thoughts. And therefore, the main task of the language teacher is to teach how to correctly and freely use all the riches of the native language, to enrich the student's vocabulary.
The quality of proficiency in oral and written speech lies in the amount of vocabulary and turns of speech, the ability to build a harmonious, logically correct sentence. And from this point of view, vocabulary work with students in grades 5-8 is the best means of mastering literate speech, as it solves several problems at the same time.
These include:
1. Expanding the student's vocabulary;
2. Translation of words from passive to active stock;
3. Correct and competent ability to express your thoughts in writing and orally.

In recent years, the school has increased a great interest in the methodology of conducting vocabulary work in Russian language lessons. The school has undergone major changes, there has been a modernization of educational programs and forms of student activity. However, the question of the need to carry out dictionary work was raised by the largest methodologists in the last century: F.I. Buslaev, I.I. Sreznevsky, K.D. Ushinsky, D.I. Tikhomirov. In particular, F.I. Buslaev draws attention to the need for vocabulary work in the classroom, not only for the purpose of teaching literate writing, but also for a better understanding of the lexical meaning of words by students. It is this understanding that guarantees an accurate and conscious choice of words in the conditions of natural speech.
Vocabulary work in the Russian language lessons should be varied. Word-formation analysis allows one to penetrate into the essence of the semantic relations between words, both in language and in speech.
“Vocabulary work is not an episode in the work of a teacher, but a systematic, well-organized, pedagogically expediently constructed work related to all sections of the Russian language course,” wrote the famous methodologist A.V. Tekuchev.
But, despite the importance of the issue, vocabulary work is still one of the problems of the school in general. If the problem is not solved, then it turns into a heavy burden, which at a crucial moment in a person's life can fail him.
It must be remembered that literacy is not “natural”, it is formed in a person throughout his life and depends on how well and how much he reads. The process of reading develops in the student not only a semantic orientation, but also a spelling one, as a result of which the student fixes in his mind and visually the most difficult pieces of text to read and memorizes them.

II. Methods and techniques for teaching vocabulary work.
Methods of vocabulary work in the Russian language lessons are closely related to the study of unstressed vowels, unchecked unstressed vowels at the root.
The question of unstressed vowels is the most important for schoolchildren, because. it is this kind of rule that causes the most difficulties for the child throughout the entire course of study. The study of unstressed vowels in the roots of words, in prefixes, suffixes and endings, in connecting vowels takes the most time in the school course of the Russian language. Therefore, the teacher of grades 5-8 faces a very serious task - to ensure that students master the spelling skills of unstressed vowels. On the one hand, stress serves as a starting point, on the other hand, inflection and word formation. It is necessary to teach children to see their mistakes, to develop in them the so-called “spelling vigilance.
In my lessons, I put the following at the forefront: the richer the active vocabulary of a person, the more meaningful, intelligible, more competent and beautiful his oral and written speech.
Vocabulary work in grades 5-7, I devoted a lot of time at every fourth lesson. 1. Often, the children and I worked with dictionaries, because such a teaching method is of great educational and educational importance.
2. In addition to working with dictionaries, we worked with the meanings of polysemantic words, learned to distinguish their shades, made phrases and sentences with each of them. This work made it possible to identify the volume of existing words in students, as well as to enrich its stock with new meanings.
3. Also, the work on compiling phrases and sentences with new words made it possible to show the variety of variations voiced by different students.
4. Often, work with vocabulary words smoothly flowed into the topic of the lesson, where among the texts of the exercises there were vocabulary words already studied and worked out at the beginning of the lesson. This helped the children to use new words more confidently in speech and writing.
5. All these techniques made it possible to accomplish the main task: memorizing words and their meanings, as well as their active use in speech.

The meanings of new words for a child can be revealed in several ways:
1. Showing a picture on a slide (grades 5-6);
2. "Dismemberment" of the concept, an indication of its features and their enumeration (grades 7-8);
3. Introduction of a word into the context in order to reveal its meaning, as well as the technique of “adding a sentence” (grades 7-8);
4. Replacing a dictionary word with a synonym (grades 5-7);
5. Performing a morphemic analysis of a word (i.e. by composition) (grades 5-8);
6. Finding out the meaning in the explanatory dictionary (grades 5-8);
7. Direct question, for example, "Who is a couturier?" (grades 6-8).

Personal experience shows that the number of new words introduced at a time in a lesson should not exceed three to five. But even this condition does not yet give a full guarantee that the words explained by the teacher will be remembered by the students in the correct form and meaning. The meaning of the word is acquired by students somewhat later than the word itself. This is due to the lack of life experience and knowledge of children of a certain age. The teacher should return to these words, check how the students understand them, and give additional explanations. A one-time study of vocabulary words will not give a result.

Techniques for memorizing vocabulary words:
1. Writing a word on the board with stress and underlining unchecked letters;
2. Pronunciation of a word by syllables;
3. Determining the meaning of a word by listing its features;
4. Compiling a sentence or phrase with a new dictionary word;
5. Carrying out dictionary dictations with the introduction of specifying words that explain the vocabulary (for example, the word "couturier", in the dictation give "fashion couturier");
6. Carrying out creative work with vocabulary words (compilation of mini-stories, presentations, essays);
7. Maintaining Dictionaries (grades 5-7).

Basically, the selection of vocabulary words in my lessons is based on the textbook material. All of them are distributed thematically, and they can be worked out immediately when studying the topic of the paragraph. In addition, all dictionary words are divided according to thematic and stylistic features: everyday, neutral, historical, scientific, etc.

III. Results.
So, we found out that vocabulary work is an integral part of the school curriculum for teaching the Russian language, as it contributes to the solution of many important tasks:
1. Firstly, it helps to form the personality of the student, his worldview, expands the vocabulary and gives the student the skills necessary for future practical activities;
2. Secondly, during vocabulary work, the student gets acquainted with the richness of the native language and shows its stylistic possibilities.

Fazlieva Olesya
Types of vocabulary work in Russian lessons

Types of vocabulary work in Russian lessons

Russian language in skillful hands and in experienced lips - beautiful, melodious, expressive, flexible, obedient, dexterous and roomy.

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin

Primary education is the primary stage of a child's education. It gives him a system of knowledge for their further use in the process of life. The perception, accumulation and understanding of information directly depends not so much on the type of occupation, but on the method, quality and form of their presentation from teacher to student.

The most important aspect of speech development is enrichment vocabulary. This is essential at any age. It's no secret that remembering dictionary words presents a significant difficulty.

Mastering writing difficult words requires repeated systematic exercises that are associated with all types of written student work. The skill of writing these words On the one hand, it largely depends on children's vocabulary, their active dictionary, on the other hand, the study of such words and holding vocabulary- spelling exercises should revitalize dictionary of younger students.

vocabulary words, like the multiplication table, you need to know by heart. That's just the multiplication table is placed on half of the notebook page, and dictionary words - a huge thick dictionary. They need to be taught and taught, often returning to the same word. it Work- difficult and painstaking.

Based on my experience work I can say that it is not difficult for children to determine the spelling. However, the need to apply a long-familiar rule in somewhat unexpected conditions turns out to be a daunting task for many.

Vocabulary work in the lesson is one of the means of improving the spelling literacy of students.

Flipping through the pages of the textbook « Russian language» for grade 3, you can see that in one case on lesson There are several dictionary words, and in the other - for several vocabulary lessons are not addressed at all - they are absent on the pages of the textbook.

Considering all of the above, I began to study the issue " Vocabulary work in Russian lessons as a means of improving spelling literacy "

my goal work: identify the most effective forms of techniques, memorization methods words with unverifiable spellings for the implementation of which certain tasks:

Study the methodological literature on the topic;

Conduct vocabulary work in each lesson;

Turn on working with vocabulary words at various stages lesson;

Reveal effective ways of memorization and spelling dictionary words;

To generalize the methodology of vocabulary work and develop various types of tasks for working with vocabulary words in Russian language lessons.

I have my own spelling system. words. It is necessary that the child use the same word 5-8 times in a variety of exercises. This results in the student becoming fluent in vocabulary material and unerringly applies it in practice.

I propose types of vocabulary work at Russian language lessons in elementary school.

1. Submission the words(Puzzles, proverbs, sayings, demonstration of a picture depicting an object, solving a rebus, encryption, charades.

2. Lexical meaning the words.

3. It's interesting to know...

4. Complete the task.

Undoubtedly learning new things is a complex and contradictory process. Any methods, techniques only become effective when they are naturally woven into the already established methodological system.

Stage 1 Submission the words

Children can independently identify word:

With a riddle

little boy

In a gray coat

Sneaking around the yards

Collects crumbs.


This little bird

Wears a gray shirt

Picks up crumbs fast

And escape from the cat.


Demonstration of a picture of an object.

Solving puzzles, encryption, charades.

Stage 2 Lexical meaning the words.

Step 3 Interesting to know...

At this stage, children will learn interesting things about word.

Stage 4 Complete the task.

write down word;

put the accent;

Write down the transcription the words;

stripped word for syllables;

stripped word to transfer;

Pick up single-root the words;

Compose and write a sentence with the given word, underline the spelling;

Compose and write with data word combination.

In the future, all Work aimed at fixing spelling dictionary word. At this stage, various types of work:

Creative Work

Attention task

search engine Work

Many tasks provide an opportunity for mutual learning, as they involve group forms. work, work in pairs

Therefore my Work to fix spelling dictionary words is aimed at the accumulation, systematization and application of these various types of work.

The thinking of primary school students is visual and figurative, so I paid attention to visual memorization words.

One of the techniques, presentation and memorization, is:

method of graphic associations.

The essence of this method is that the memorized letter is encrypted in the form of a graphic image - a picture.

Lexical exercises

In connection with the study of grammar, lexical exercises are carried out, i.e. children explain the meanings words as straight, and figurative, clarify the ambiguity words, make up with them phrases and sentences.

Note "creating a free association" is a creative process. The value of this technique is that everyone has dictionary word his associative image.

cabbage - hare



To vocabulary words choose synonyms and antonyms.

The variety of figurative meanings words good show on examples:

Winter - ___ (cold, spring, snow, summer)

Quiet - ___ (dark, children, loud)

End - ___ (break, start, all)

Deep - ___ (bottomless, shallow)

To make it clearer the difference in the meanings of similar words, synonyms are selected for them.

Storm, hurricane, storm;

Cloudy, rainy, gloomy, gray;

enemy, adversary, adversary, foe

Traditionally I use thematic crossword puzzles

Exercises for the formation of phonetic concepts.

The game "Guess what word»

I distribute cards - tables on which the letters of the desired the words

I suggest doing this task in pairs.

2. Game "Guess word» .

I show the cards on which the first or last syllable of the desired the words. Students write down their the words.

Bo (swamp, boots)

OE (animal, ice cream)

spelling exercises.

I attach great importance work on the composition of the word. As a result, the ability to recognize and select cognates is improved. the words develops the ability to accurately use in writing dictionary words with prefixes and suffixes. These skills are developed through a variety of exercises.

Education related the words.

Selection words to these diagrams.

Finding differences of single-root words and forms of the same the words.

Finding cognates in the text words.

Morphological exercises are part of vocabulary work


Selective working with a dictionary

Work with catchphrases

Single-root selection words of different parts of speech.

For example: address (address, address, address; wind (breeze, windy, windy).

Syntactic exercises

In the process of syntactic exercises, too working with vocabulary including them in assignments.

I suggest to the guys dictionary words make sentences that differ in purpose.

Make proposals with phrases.

Isographs are the words, which are depicted by letters, the image of which resembles the image of the subject in question.

The task of the child is to make the words from the letters found in the isograph, a sketch of the isograph, drawing up your own isograph. Tasks of this type are offered for group work.

Of course, such Work requires the teacher to spend time, effort, and the availability of visual material. That's why vocabulary work I also plan for extracurricular activities Seeing the first results of my students, I can say with confidence that I am going in the right direction.

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