The best indoor plants to purify the air in the apartment. The best houseplants to purify the air

garden equipment 23.06.2020
garden equipment

The fact that plants effectively purify the air was proven by NASA scientists in 1989. Researchers placed various types of indoor plants in chambers filled with volatile compounds: benzene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene. It turned out that many common types of home flora actively absorb and bind these compounds dangerous to humans.

Scientists have found that for natural air purification it is desirable to have at least one small plant per 5 m2 of living space or one large plant per 10 m2.

ON THE PICTURE: "Green filters" near the workplace increase efficiency.

Purification of air from microorganisms

Indoor plants not only purify the air of harmful substances, but also reduce the number of bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms in it. This property is associated with the ability of the flora to secrete phytoncides - special substances that negatively affect many pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

Most of the phytoncides the plant releases during the growing season and flowering. For many tropical and some subtropical plants, this period falls on winter - early spring. For most people, this is a difficult period with a high risk of colds! That is why it is important to surround yourself with bright greenery of plants, which will cheer you up and improve the microclimate in the room.

Phytoncides are volatile substances that can spread several meters from the plant. Therefore, even one medium-sized flower can significantly improve the microclimate in the apartment.

Phytoncidal properties are fully manifested only in healthy plants with proper care.

Some types of indoor plants also emit essential oils that have a beneficial effect on the general condition of a person. They relieve nervousness and headache, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Such properties have , .

However, the presence of flowers with a strong spicy aroma in the room can have the opposite effect and cause a deterioration in well-being. For this reason, Magnolia should not be kept in small apartments.
ON THE PICTURE: Oleander is beautiful and easy to care for. However, the aroma of its flowers can cause headaches in people who are sensitive to strong odors.

Information for thought

In addition to cleaning the air, green plants saturate it with oxygen. O 2 is released during photosynthesis, which occurs only during the day in sunlight (with the exception of orchids and some other exotic species). At this time, the leaves actively absorb carbon dioxide and, converting it into organic compounds, produce oxygen. However, plants themselves need oxygen for respiration. At night, when photosynthesis stops, plants use the oxygen in the air. Therefore, in the bedroom you can not put a lot of indoor flowers.

The beneficial effect of domestic plants on the microclimate of the room also lies in the ability to increase the humidity of the air. This is especially important during the heating season.

There is a widespread myth about the absorption by some plants, such as cacti, of electromagnetic radiation from computers and other electronics. In fact, cacti and other plants are not capable of drawing electromagnetic waves towards themselves. They only absorb radiation that passes directly through them. Therefore, they cannot greatly reduce the radiation dose received by a person sitting at the monitor.
ON THE PICTURE: The cactus does not reduce the level of electromagnetic radiation, but like any plant, it absorbs some of the harmful substances and releases oxygen.

Top 10 Plant Air Purifiers

1. - an unpretentious plant and a champion in air purification from harmful substances. Chlorophytum pots in the kitchen will help remove volatile compounds released during the combustion of household gas. Chlorophytum also has a high bactericidal activity. Experts of the All-Russian Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR) found out that in 24 hours this flower almost completely purifies the air of harmful microorganisms. Phytoncides Chlorophytum destroy up to 80% of microorganisms in the air. To increase the efficiency of air purification, it is necessary to regularly remove contaminants from the leaves of the plant (for example, bathing the plant in a warm shower, covering the soil with your palm, or wrapping the pot in a bag in advance).
ON THE PICTURE: paradox, but X Lorophytum grows better in rooms with polluted air

2. one of the best air purifiers due to its large leaves. They have many stomata through which the plant absorbs harmful compounds and then converts them into sugars and amino acids. Ficus is ideal for rooms where synthetic materials were used, or apartments where there is a lot of chipboard furniture. Wide Ficus leaves compete with the best air purifiers in terms of cleaning dust from the air! The plant is also an efficient oxygen generator.
ON THE PICTURE: Regular rubbing of ficus leaves contributes to better air exchange and the process of photosynthesis.

3. fights harmful compounds contained in varnishes and paints (xylene and toluene). The plant is especially necessary if the apartment has parquet. You can use Dieffenbachia in rooms with windows overlooking the highway or in houses located near large industries. Phytoncides Dieffenbachia inhibit the activity of staphylococci - pathogenic bacteria that cause many respiratory diseases.
ON THE PICTURE: Dieffenbachia not only purifies the air, its large decorative leaves will decorate any interior.

4. or mother-in-law's tongue is a plant capable of producing oxygen in large quantities. Sansevieria is very unpretentious, suitable for growing in offices. It has a high phytoncidal activity against streptococci - the causative agents of tonsillitis, scarlet fever and other severe inflammatory diseases (pneumonia, endocarditis, etc.). In addition, Sansevieria is able to reduce the overall microbial contamination of the air. The effectiveness of the plant in the absorption of hazardous compounds has been proven. Of the common air pollutants, Sansevieria binds all but ammonia.
ON THE PICTURE: Sansevieria, popularly called "pike tail" or "mother-in-law's tongue", is one of the most unpretentious plants that purify the air.

5. purifies the air of most hazardous substances, with the exception of ammonia. Especially effective. Phytoncides Dracaena have a detrimental effect on protozoa. It is believed that Dracaena absorbs xylene that is released from a computer monitor. Therefore, the plant is sometimes recommended to be placed next to the computer desk. There is some truth in this statement - Dracaena really absorbs xylene and toluene. But the pollution of the apartment with these compounds is not the fault of the computer. Xylene is a popular solvent used in the manufacture of varnishes, adhesives, paints, and plastics. It stands out from the finishing materials used during the repair of residential premises.
ON THE PICTURE: Dracaena has many faces and sometimes its species are strikingly different from each other.

6. cleans the air of many toxic compounds, including ammonia. Thanks to large leaves, the plant is able to cope with a large amount of pollution. In addition, it increases the humidity of the air. This representative of the home flora is relatively shade-tolerant, it can be placed in the back of the room or on the stairwells.
ON THE PICTURE: Spathiphyllum is one of the most popular plants in the design of offices and institutions.

7. has a high absorption coefficient of benzene, formaldehyde, xylene, trichloroethanol. The plant perfectly moisturizes and ionizes the air. Ivy - an indicator of the level of humidity in the room. If the air is dry, the leaves of the plant quickly become covered with brown spots. Ivy phytoncides reduce the activity of microorganisms that cause respiratory infections and some protozoa. The plant is widely used in folk medicine and for the manufacture of cough medicines (such as Gedelix or Prospan). This shade-tolerant representative of the flora is suitable for rooms with a lack of natural light.
ON THE PICTURE: Ivy in ancient Greece was a sacred plant and was considered a symbol of affection.

8. not only a beautiful flower, but also an effective room cleaner. Absorbs hazardous volatile compounds including xylene and ammonia. The plant produces a large amount of active phytoncides. Their action reduces the overall microbial contamination of the air.
ON THE PICTURE: Chrysanthemum in Greek means "golden flower"

9. - an ornamental flowering plant that releases a lot of biologically active substances. Geranium and citranella essential oils have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system and repel insects. Menthol and turpentine have powerful antimicrobial activity, having a detrimental effect on such dangerous microorganisms as streptococci and staphylococci. It must be borne in mind that flowering Pelargonium can cause an allergic reaction, although this happens extremely rarely.
ON THE PICTURE: Pelargonium strikes with a variety of varieties

10. (Scindapsus aureus) is effective against two of the most common pollutants, formaldehyde and benzene. Phytoncidal activity of the plant against bacteria and microscopic fungi is also high. In addition, Epipremnum ionizes the air and saturates it with oxygen. This unpretentious fast-growing vine with large leaves does not need special care, but it looks very impressive.
ON THE PICTURE: Scindapsus golden differs in unusual color of leaves

  1. Healthy plants are better at filtering out harmful impurities than stunted and diseased ones, so remember to take care of them.
  2. Use plants with dense foliage or large leaves to purify the air. They are considered the most effective cleaners.
  3. In the bedroom, one or two indoor plants that release essential oils (such as Geranium or Pelargonium) can significantly improve the quality of sleep.
  4. Be sure to get "green filters" in the kitchen, where a lot of soot, smoke and other harmful substances are emitted.
  5. Wipe the leaves of plants more often, avoid the accumulation of dust and dirt on them.

Today I will list indoor plants that can help us clean the air of our homes.

Indoor plants, in themselves, are beautiful and decorate our house with this, often giving the house an exotic look.

But what do you say that houseplants can also improve the quality of the air we breathe and limit household pollution?

And yet it is so!

By the end of the 80s, scientists were conducting research on the ability of indoor plants to purify the air.

Research has shown very interesting results: not only are plants capable of absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen through photosynthesis, but many of them are able to neutralize volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in our homes, thanks to methylotrofi enzymes.

Let's take a closer look at plants for purifying the air in our home.

1) Sansevieria("Laurentii" Sansevieria trifasciata) or, as the people call it, mother-in-law's tongue.

This houseplant is one of the most effective air purifiers.

It is able to filter and render harmless the formaldehydes found in many household cleaners.

Indoor plants that purify the air in the house - Azalea.

7) Azalea(Rhododendron simsii)

This large flowering shrub is ideal for combating formaldehyde found in plywood and foam.

Its filtering ability even increases if the bush is placed in a cooler place, as long as this place is well lit.

Read more about this beautiful plant in my article on. Please, please follow the link.

11) Philodendron(Philodendron oxycardium)

Indoor plants that purify the air in the house - philodendron

On the other hand, philodendron has a very strong filtering capacity for pollutants, in particular formaldehyde.

12)Bamboo palms(Chamaedorea sefritzii)

Indoor plants that purify the air in the house - bamboo palm.

This small palm grows well in shady areas and often produces flowers and small fruits.

This palm tree is one of the best natural filters against benzene and trichlorethylene, but it is also able to neutralize formaldehyde.

13) Spathiphyllum(Spathiphyllum Mauna Loa)

Indoor plants that purify the air in the house - spathiphyllum.

Spathiphyllum is unbeatable in the fight against the most common volatile organic compounds such as benzene, formaldehyde and trichlorethylene, but is also effective with toluenes and xylenes.

This lily can grow in dim light and with regular watering: once a week. This is enough to constantly bloom with white unusual flowers.

14)Aglaonema(Aglaonema Crispum Deborah)

Aglaonema grows even in low light conditions and produces flowers and fruits. With it, you can filter various air pollutants.

15) Chlorophytum(Falangio comosum)

If you don't already have this enviable green falangio, then this is the plant for you.

Indoor plants that purify the air in the house - chlorophytum.

Chlorophytum is very unpretentious, not susceptible to disease, easily multiplies. Prefers diffused light.

Thanks to its dense foliage and white flowers, the plant is able to filter benzene, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and xylene.

A flower pot is not only a small part of the interior. Of course, plants are a wonderful home decoration, but their function is not limited to one decorative role. The uniqueness of indoor plants lies in the fact that they can actively supply oxygen, regulate air humidity, purify it by absorbing harmful air impurities.

Almost always, the air of the room in which we spend most of our free time contains harmful compounds that have the ability to accumulate in the human body and then adversely affect the activity of not only the respiratory, but also the immune and cardiovascular systems. These chemical compounds are usually emitted by furniture, household appliances, plastic, rubber, carpets and curtains, and chipboard-based panels. Basically, these are the following connections:

  • Phenols and formaldehyde;
  • Oxides of nitrogen, carbon or sulfur;
  • Benzene, as well as trichlorethylene.

A bush of a simple indoor rose, especially when geraniums, chlorophytums, herbs such as basil, tarragon and all kinds of mint grow here, can create almost healing air in the room. And all because these plants emit active phytoncides - compounds that are extremely beneficial for human health. Who they are - big and small green ecologists, can be further considered in more detail.

Plants that purify polluted air in the apartment

Let's remember childhood. What bloomed most often on my grandmother's windowsill? Mostly it was geranium, and it's not just for the sake of beauty.

Geranium (Pelargonium)

This plant is an excellent air freshener. A couple of geranium pots in a room can disinfect the air and deodorize it. Pelargonium can rightfully be put first on the list of useful plants, since it not only purifies the air, but can also cope with colonies of pathogenic microbes or bacteria in the air space of a dwelling. The essential oils that geranium secretes have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, they calm and improve sleep, and the leaf of the plant acts in the same way as psyllium when placed on an open wound.


If there are chlorophytums on your windowsill, or even better, hanging in a flowerpot in front of the window, then the problem of air pollution will be solved by almost half, since these plants are able to collect not only carbon monoxide from the air, but also other toxic substances. But, most importantly, how this green orderly helps us is cleaning the air from formaldehyde. And, by the way, it also has no equal in terms of the amount of oxygen released. For some housewives, this plant seems not very decorative, trivial, but its benefits are so great that it is not worth giving up chlorophytum.

ficus benjamina

Ficuses are phenomenal in terms of combating toxic compounds that today emit chipboard-based panels, objects made of plastic. Ficus is the best in terms of air purification from dust and toxic compounds emitted by furniture and plastic items. In its natural form, ficus is a forty-meter tree with wide and shiny leaves (often variegated). The plant is not only useful, but also very decorative: its roots sometimes wrap around the trunk, creating original forms.


Needless to say, in a stuffy, unventilated room to be hard. For normal human health, it is necessary that there be a sufficient amount of negatively charged ions in the air, their number, as you know, decreases if, say, a computer is working in the room. In this case, plants that are able to release the same ions help, thereby creating a healthy microclimate - these are dwarf coniferous plants (bonsai): cypress and thuja, as well as cryptomeria. It is scientifically proven that these plants absorb nitrogen oxides and formaldehydes.

Hamedorea or bamboo palm

In any home garden, Hamedorea will look chic, look like a real queen. But, in addition to decorativeness, hamedoreas purify the air by removing formaldehyde from it. In addition to cleaning, the bamboo palm is a natural humidifier in the room. In wildlife, the bamboo palm grows up to two meters. At will, you can buy elegant chamedorea (Chamaedorea elegans) or high chamerodea (Chamaedorea elatior), both of which are useful.


Gerberas are acquired mainly because of their decorative effect in flowering form. In fact, Gerbera is able to absorb benzene, as well as trichlorethylene, which is found in the air. Trichlorethylene enters the air from the cleaners we use on carpets. In addition, a beautiful plant is able to very actively absorb carbon dioxide exhaled by us and release oxygen.

orange and lemon trees

Citruses are great for purifying the air. The air in the room where oranges and lemons grow is, by default, rid of not only microbes, but also bacteria. Essential oils of citrus fruits are extremely useful, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and freshen the air. It seems to some that it is difficult to care for citrus fruits at home, but believe me, it's worth it.


Nothing compares to the degree of popularity in our homes with this plant, but, in addition to decorativeness, begonia is also a home orderly. The plant actively attracts dust particles and humidifies the air. Begonias should be constantly sprayed, as cleaning the room from dust never stops: the plant attracts it. In addition to dust, begonia kills pathogenic microbes and fungal spores, helps to neutralize the radiation of various electrical appliances.

noble laurel

In European houses, laurels in flowerpots are present in almost all dwellings, in our country this is less common, but in vain. Laurel is not only a seasoning for soup, the plant cleanses from dust and harmful microbes, actively promotes recovery from cardiovascular diseases. The essential oils found in laurel have antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory agents.


Speaking about what other plants purify the air in our apartment, one cannot fail to mention the spathiphyllum, the flowers of which we called the bedspread. The plant is very beautiful, but it also actively contributes to the fact that the indoor climate is healthy. Spathiphyllum is able to pick up mold spores, which are almost always in the air, in addition, the plant cleans it from formaldehyde and trichlorethylene.


This Plant is simply necessary where people who are prone to lung diseases live, it does not hurt to put it in the children's room for prevention. The fact is that dieffenbachia is able to destroy staphylococcus aureus in the air, which is the causative agent of many diseases. In addition, dieffenbachia can trap and then destroy some toxic substances, such as toluene or xylene, which are contained in paints and varnishes that can be used to paint walls.


There is a flowerpot with Aloe (or even a whole plantation) in almost every home, since its leaves are healing, we remember them for colds, runny nose, women make cosmetic masks. But its benefit lies not only in this. A couple of flowerpots with aloe will remove almost completely the formaldehyde compounds that your furniture, for example, can emit. Aloe phytoncides also help reduce physical fatigue, they are able to actively stimulate the brain. The latter suggests that the presence of aloe is mandatory for the room where people of mature age live.


A pot of sheffler should be present by default in a smoker's house, especially if non-smoking relatives also live there. Schefflera is able to absorb and neutralize harmful substances released during smoking along with smoke. The plant is very decorative, in order to grow such a plant of a beautiful yellow-green color traditional for it, you will need more diffused light.


We conclude our review of plants that create the best microclimate in an apartment with dracaena, which is an excellent orderly for our indoor air. Thanks to the dracaena, you can completely get rid of the gas pollution that so torments the inhabitants of city apartments in the summer. The plant is able to take benzene compounds from the air, as well as trichlorethylene, which penetrate our homes with exhaust gases.

In addition to powerful cleansing properties, almost all indoor plants perfectly humidify the air in our apartments, which is of great importance during the heating season. It should be noted that the above houseplants are not alone in their amazing ability to be orderlies, and cleanse us of various harmful substances, these are just some examples. In fact, the list of our green helpers in the fight for a healthy microclimate is much more extensive.

The rapid development of the market for non-natural building materials sometimes turns into air pollution problems for citizens making repairs in an apartment or house. While enjoying the new laminate flooring, fashionable wallpaper, bright decor, we imperceptibly inhale substances hazardous to health, emitted by all this “beauty”. Therefore, do not be surprised if you often feel dizzy, have breathing problems, or have allergies. Living green filters - houseplants - will help to avoid harmful effects. Among them there are instances that are especially effective in purifying the air in the home.

Green helpers in the fight against polluted air

NASA specialists dealt with the problem of air purification in confined spaces in space. It turned out that this problem is closely related to our daily life: being in a residential area, an ordinary person is exposed to harmful substances emitted into the air by surrounding objects.

During the experiments, it turned out that not powerful air purifiers, but ordinary indoor plants help to get rid of these substances, which equally threaten the inhabitants of modern apartments and astronauts in orbit. Let's dwell on the most famous ones, who may already live in your house.

Our apartment and the closed space of the spacecraft are united by one problem - polluted air.

flowering plants

Not only decorate the premises, but also blooming houseplants do an excellent job of purifying the air:

  • - an evergreen plant with glossy leathery leaves on long petioles and amazingly beautiful bright flowers - fits perfectly into any space. The flower not only actively humidifies the air, but also purifies it of ammonia, toluene and formaldehyde. However, cat owners need to put the plant in a place inaccessible to animals, since the bad habit of chewing the leaves can cause swelling of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity in the purr;

    Anthurium not only cleans, but also moisturizes the air thanks to wide leaves that evaporate moisture well

  • spathiphyllum - this delicate plant with white flowers is a real champion in air purification, as it can effectively clean rooms from formaldehyde, toluene, benzene, trichlorethylene and ammonia. Besides,the flower actively fights mold fungi in the air and reduces the number of microorganisms. For animals it is not dangerous;

    Delicate at first glance, spathiphyllum, however, is a powerful filter that purifies the air from harmful impurities.

  • - herbaceous perennial with elongated pinnately dissected leaves. Its flowers look like large daisies, but are painted in bright colors - pink, orange, red, yellow, white. In indoor floriculture, the Jameson (Jamson) gerbera is represented, which cleans the air from formaldehyde, benzene and trichlorethylene. Not toxic.

    Next to the gerberas, you not only get positive, but also breathe clean air.

Decorative leafy plants

Unpretentious decorative and deciduous plants are perfect for both residential and working premises:

  • - a plant that is a bunch of soft narrow leaves of bright green color - has been well known in our country since the times of the USSR. Then few people thought about its benefits, and it was popular due to its unpretentiousness. But scientists have proven that this green "spider" helps to breathe freely, as it cleans the air of xylene, toluene and formaldehyde. Not dangerous for pets;

    The bright optimist chlorophytum, it turns out, was not in vain so popular since Soviet times.

  • (we have this plant is well known under the name "mother-in-law's tongue"). Long, sometimes meter-long, leaves are directed upwards and often end in a point. You can’t call the coloring boring - green leaves are decorated with yellow, white and even silvery stripes and spots. The plant removes xylene, toluene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene and benzene from the air. During transplantation, care must be taken - the flower is toxic;

    Sansevieria will be useful in any corner of the living space

  • aglaonema has a very representative appearance. Its dense, sometimes leathery leaves on long petioles have a beautiful shape - from broadly ovate to elongated-lanceolate. The coloration depends on the cultivar and can be presented in a calm combination of green shades or burst into bright pink-red stripes against a green background. Aglaonema filters the air, removing benzene and formaldehyde from it. In people with hypersensitivity, contact with juice may cause skin irritation;

    It turns out that aglaonema is not only bright and elegant, it also serves as a good filter for air purification.

  • - a very popular indoor and office plant, reminiscent of a palm tree. Such a resemblance is given by a leafless lignified trunk, decorated on top with a bunch of long thin leaves. Helps clean the air from trichlorethylene, benzene and formaldehyde. The juice of the plant, although it is of low toxicity, can cause skin irritation or indigestion (if ingested);

    Dracaena gives beauty and harmony, simultaneously filtering the air in the apartment

  • ivy. There are many prejudices and superstitions about this plant. But for someone who does not believe in them, a flower can be useful. It will decorate the apartment and purify the air in it from harmful impurities - benzene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene, toluene and xylene. A well-groomed plant looks quite elegant thanks to glossy leathery leaves, and long shoots can be twisted around various supports, creating a lively decorative element. May be toxic to animals.

    Phalaenopsis passed the test of experts and took pride of place among pets

    Surrounding yourself with living green filters, you should remember that in order for them to effectively cope with their task, they need to be properly looked after. Before bringing a plant into the house, study the information about it, find out its features. And, of course, do not forget to clean the leaves from dust in a timely manner.

Houseplants bring a little summer vibe to the house, which is especially true now, in the midst of winter. Plants not only add comfort and beauty, but also purify the air in the apartment.

As it turns out, some species do this better than others.

As a result of a NASA study, it turned out that individual plants can absorb harmful chemical compounds and bacteria from the air.

We will tell you about 11 plants that purify the air in the apartment.

1. Aloe Vera

Aloe is a succulent whose medicinal properties have been known since antiquity: aloe juice is used to increase immunity and fight viral diseases, with burns and ulcers, to improve appetite, as a general tonic. But it turns out that the fact that aloe is just in the room is beneficial. Aloe has the ability to capture formaldehyde from the air, a harmful compound that is released from furniture made from chipboard and MDF.

2 Areca Palm

Areca Catehu or Betel Palm is a large plant that loves sunny, spacious rooms; it will successfully decorate any living room. Areca produces a large amount of oxygen and is able to humidify the air. In addition, this plant takes carbon dioxide and toxins from the air.

3. Peperomia obtuse

Many types of peperomia are known, and even peperomia blunt has subspecies. This is a small plant that grows well indoors. Peperomia does not like bright light and too much dimming, does not tolerate abundant watering. But it is worth paying attention to it, providing proper care: peperomia is able to purify the air of harmful chemicals, including formaldehyde.

4. Bamboo palm, or chamedorea

Slow-growing indoor palm loves moderate watering and dim lighting. Bamboo palm will not only be a decor item in your apartment, but also an excellent air filter. It cleans the air from benzene, formaldehyde and trichlorethylene.

5. Nephrolepis

Also known as "fern", nephrolepis grows well at home. He loves shade and good watering. Nefprolepis is very beautiful and looks good in hanging planters. It made our list of air-purifying plants because it can filter toluene and formaldehyde from the air, as well as kill pathogenic microbes.

6. Aglaonema

The name of this plant is literally translated from English as "Chinese evergreen". Aglaonema has a variegated leaf color, blooms and bears fruit at home. He likes good watering, moist air and good lighting, but will also grow in shading. Aglaonema cleans the air from benzene and is able to kill streptococcal infection.

7. Fragrant dracaena (Massengeana)

One of the largest representatives of dracaena, an evergreen tree with a massive trunk and large leaves. The leaf has a bright yellow stripe. Dracaena Massengeana loves bright lighting without direct sunlight, abundant watering and humidified air. This plant captures xylene, toluene, benzene, trichlorethylene and formaldehyde from the air.

8. Date palm

Another palm tree on our list. It has become very popular due to the fact that it can be grown from a seed if desired. The date palm looks exotic and decorative. Likes light, good watering. It successfully filters xylene in the air.

9. Ficus Ali

Ficus Ali is a very beautiful plant with long narrow leaves. It does well in bright light without direct sunlight, regular moderate watering and high humidity. This ficus is able to purify the air from benzene, trichlorethylene and phenol.

10. Gerber Jameson

An ornamental flowering plant on our list. She likes well-lit rooms and abundant watering. Gerbera can capture trichlorethylene and benzene from the air.

11. Chlorophytum

Let's finish the list of "green filters" with a cleaning champion - this is chlorophytum, a familiar and hardy plant that everyone has seen in offices and school classrooms. Chlorophytum is absolutely unpretentious, it grows in the most beginner growers. At the same time, it purifies the air better than special devices.

We hope that our list will help you create a favorable atmosphere in the house, free from the fumes of harmful substances. We wish you to breathe only clean air!

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