How to enter Windows Safe Mode. Windows Safe Mode

garden equipment 21.10.2019
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For some operations, it is necessary to start safe mode on the computer. In windows 7, XP and Vista, it turns on almost the same way, on Windows 8 it is a little different.

To run it (turn on, enter, download, go, call, get, go, put, translate, select) in windows 7, there are several ways.

Why might you need to start safe mode? Sometimes the computer simply does not start normally, or you need to disable something, in particular Kaspersky Anti-Virus.

Safe Mode is useful for troubleshooting problems caused by programs and drivers that may not load correctly or prevent Windows from starting correctly.

If these problems do not occur when booting in safe mode, then the default settings and the basic set of device drivers can be excluded from the list of possible causes.

If a recently installed program, device, or driver is preventing Windows from starting correctly, you can start your computer in Safe Mode and uninstall the program that is causing the problem.

Also, with its help, many software problems caused by the operation of drivers are eliminated. They prevent the Windows system from starting.

If there are no problems when loading in this "harmless" order, then when loading, the default settings should be excluded.

How to enter safe mode: the standard way

To start safe mode in the standard way (on windows 7), press restart and until you see the Windows logo on the screen, press the f8 key (button). You will see a view as in the figure.

Don't worry, this is how it should be - this is not a system error.

In rare cases, this login method may not work. Then experiment with other buttons F1 - F12.

How to switch to safe mode - method two

The second way to enter safe mode is no worse than the first, both in time and in quality.

To apply it, enter the control panel, find "administration" and in this tab click system configuration.

You can also use the "msconfig" utility - you can find it by searching for a computer or by running the command.

In any case, in the "boot" tab, you need to check the box next to the "safe mode" line and click "OK" - there is only one, therefore, there will be no error.

The third way to start safe mode on the computer

The third, last way to turn on the safe mode of a computer on windows 7 is rather banal.

You need to shut down your computer with a shutdown error. You can simply turn it off or press the off button and hold for a few seconds - until everything goes out.

Next, when you start the computer, your win 7 will offer you a choice of several ways to turn it on - choose the safe one and go ahead.

That's all sorted out. There will be no problems with this, the main thing is that you manage to eliminate the problems that have arisen. Good luck.

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Being a special type of computer diagnostics, safe mode involves starting the operating system with the exclusion of virtually all unnecessary components. This mode is very common during the recovery of the user's computer after the appearance of certain breakdowns and malfunctions of a different nature. System malfunctions happen quite often, so proper knowledge of the safe mode startup procedure will be a significant advantage for the computer owner.

How to start safe mode windows 7

There are two commonly used options for opening Safe Mode in Windows 7. The first involves logging in during system startup, the second is enabled during system operation. The first option will work even in cases of serious computer malfunctions, because there is no need to fully boot the OS, the user enters safe mode and performs the required repair and recovery manipulations. A prerequisite for the second option will be a running and active OS, because this method is not applicable in all situations, consider how to start windows 7 safe mode:

  • When the computer is turned on, you should restart it (if the PC is off, you need to turn it on).
  • Before the start of the operating system, the display shows information about the BIOS version, it is at this moment that you need to press the F8 key several times (pressing more than two or three times is recommended).
  • A screen will open with a window for selecting advanced OS boot options.
  • Using the arrow keys, the "Safe Mode" section is selected and the "Enter" button is pressed.

When instead of a special window with a choice of options for starting the system, the inscription “Windows 7” appears, which means the normal boot of the OS, the user should try again to enter security mode. It should be noted that the F1-F12 keys may have been disabled earlier, in which case, the F8 button should be pressed while holding the Fn key (often on laptops).

Consider the launch option during the active OS environment:

With the OS running, press the key combination "Win + R", enter the query "msconfig".

The above settings will bring the user to an interface that will prompt you to restart the PC. The owner of the computer can enter safe mode by clicking the "Restart" item. If you select "Exit without reboot", the entry into the required mode will take place after turning off / on the PC or after its first restart.

1. Features of Windows 10, how to enter safe mode?

An innovative modification of Windows 10 did not include the outdated method of opening Safe Mode by using the F8 key. There are three ways to activate it, the first pair of which is used during OS boot. The last option involves the failure of the system to start in the user's usual operating mode.

Starting safe mode using "msconfig" configuration:

Safe mode can also be started using the command line:

If the PC refuses to boot, you can activate safe mode as follows:

  • You must have a boot disk or USB flash drive with Windows 10.
  • Boot from this disk or flash drive, select the required interface language and other parameters.
  • In the window that appears, which prompts you to install the OS, you need to press the "System Restore" button located at the bottom of the window.
  • Go to the "Diagnostics" section and in the "Advanced options" subsection, launch the command line.
  • In the window that opens, enter "bcdedit / set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true".
  • Wait for the message that the operation was successful and deactivate the command line by clicking "Continue" after that.
  • After restarting the PC, a menu with available modes of operation will be displayed, select "Safe Mode". (It can be disabled with the command "bcdedit /deletevalue (globalsettings) advancedoptions").

2. Windows 8, how to enter safe mode for correct troubleshooting?

The specifics of the Windows 8 interface suggest not the most familiar method of launching safe mode against the background of other systems. Consider the main options for entering this mode.

The first option is to log in using the F8 button.

However, this method may not work on all modifications of computers, its sequence is as follows:

How to start Windows 8 Safe Mode by changing boot options?

The method is considered to be quite effective; for its implementation, the following series of actions are used:

  • Press the key combination "Win + R", enter the command "msconfig".
  • Go to the section called "Download". In the item "Boot Options", you should check the box opposite the inscription "Safe Mode".
  • Set the selector opposite the entry "Minimum", and then click "OK".
  • A window opens in which the user needs to confirm the restart of the OS.
  • After the reboot, safe mode will become active. After solving and troubleshooting, it is important to uncheck the previously checked box next to the "Safe Mode" item in the settings of the boot itself.

Another common way to activate Safe Mode in Windows 8 includes the following steps:

With bootable media.

Of course, including the possibility of a complete failure of the operating system, there is an option to enter safe mode using a boot disk or flash drive:

  • Insert a bootable USB flash drive into the PC and start from it.
  • Select date, time and other options.
  • In the installation window that appears, click on "System Restore".
  • Go to the "Diagnostics" item and select the section called "Advanced options".
  • In the "Command line" section, enter the task "bcdedit / set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true", then press "Enter".
  • Close the command prompt, and then press the "Continue" key.
  • After rebooting the OS, in the window that opens, press the F4 button.
  • Login in safe mode. To prevent the window with possible options for starting the system from appearing after each subsequent shutdown / on or restart of the PC, you must enter the following into the command line: “bcdedit / deletevalue (globalsettings) advancedoptions”.

3. How to enter safe mode in Windows XP?

Considering the outdated, but still relevant version of Windows XP for many users, let's consider the process of starting safe mode on it:

How to start Windows XP Safe Mode from the system? In some cases, this option may be an alternative to the above. Consider the sequence:

"Safe Mode" implies limited booting of Windows, such as starting without network drivers. In this mode, you can try to fix problems. It is also possible to fully work in some programs, however, it is strongly not recommended to download or install anything on a computer in safe mode, as this can lead to serious failures.

"Safe Mode" is needed solely to solve problems within the system, so it is not suitable for permanent work with the OS (editing any documents, etc.). "Safe Mode" is a simplified version of the OS with everything you need. Its launch does not have to be from the BIOS, for example, if you are working in the system and notice any problems in it, you can try to log in using "Command line". In this case, restarting the computer is not required.

If you cannot enter the operating system or have already exited it, then it is better to really try to enter through the BIOS, as this will be safer.

Method 1: Boot key combination

This method is the simplest and most proven. To do this, you will need to restart your computer and, before the operating system starts loading, press the key F8 or combination Shift+F8. Then a menu should appear where you need to select the OS boot option. In addition to the usual, you can choose several varieties of safe mode.

Sometimes the shortcut key combination may not work because it is disabled by the system itself. In some cases, it can be connected, but for this you will need to make a regular login to the system.

Use the following step by step guide:

It is worth remembering that some motherboards and BIOS versions do not support entering Safe Mode using key combinations during boot (although this is very rare).

Method 2: Boot Disk

This method is much more complicated than the previous one, but it guarantees the result. You will need Windows Installer media to run it. First you need to insert a USB flash drive and restart your computer.

If after rebooting you do not see the Windows Setup Wizard, then you need to do boot prioritization in the BIOS.

Sometimes it happens that the system refuses to work stably. The cause of such instability may be the activity of virus programs, problems with device drivers, accidental or intentional deletion of system files, and more. Therefore, it is worth stopping at the question of how to enter safe mode in Windows XP in a little more detail.

In such cases, as luck would have it, you need to quickly return the computer to normal operation. One solution to this kind of problem is to use safe mode. Since if you go into safe mode, you can troubleshoot and enter the Windows system that is already familiar to everyone for further work.

Entering Safe Mode

To enter safe mode, you need to turn on the computer by pressing the "Power" button, as we do every day (or restart it if you have already turned it on). But without waiting for Windows to load, when inscriptions on a black background appear on the screen and a short beep sounds, you need to press the "F8" key.

After a while, you will see a menu with a choice of different modes. The first three modes are varieties of safe. The list begins with a simple "safe mode". Safe mode is a mode of Windows operation in which only the main services and device drivers necessary for the stable operation of the operating system are loaded. In safe mode, you can cure your computer from malware infection, which is not possible in normal Windows mode.

I have an article on my blog in which I tell you how to remove viruses, read.

If you have one Windows OS installed, in the next window press "Enter" or select the system into which you want to boot.

When your operating system boots into safe mode, it will ask you if you want to continue in safe mode, or if you want to use system restore. In this window, you can safely click "Yes".

If you have a different system, then use the following links: and.

If you can't enter safe mode

You learned how to enter safe mode a little higher, but if for some reason you are unable to boot into safe mode, do not despair. For such cases, there is a wonderful SafeBootKeyRepair utility that you need to download and run. This program works for Windows 2000/Windows XP. To download SafeBootKeyRepai, click .

You can also use the *.reg file (for Windows XP), click to download the file. Open xp-safeboot.reg and click the "Yes" button, thereby you agree to the changes to the registry. After that, a message will appear that all changes to the registry have been successfully made, click "OK".

In the event that Windows Vista / Windows 7 is installed on your computer, then you need to download the . Open the file and agree to the changes that will be made to the registry "YES".

After all the steps that are described by you, restart your computer and try to enter safe mode.

Next on the list is Safe Mode with Network Driver Loading. This mode is advanced and allows you to use the Internet.

Safe mode with command line support - The mode is MS-DOS emulation. But we will leave MS-DOS alone, since it is very rarely necessary for the user, because it uses commands that you need to know.

I also want to note a very important point in choosing different download options. This is the Last Known Good Configuration (with working parameters) boot. This mode helps out very often, for example, the system refuses to boot. In most cases, this boot option will restore Windows, and you will be able to continue working without any problems.

Now I will briefly talk about the last three modes that we can use. Normal Windows boot is a standard, most ordinary boot of the operating system with all the necessary services and drivers. In this mode, you will boot when you fix all the problems.

Return to operating system selection - this mode is used if you have several operating systems installed on your computer. This is sometimes required and is associated with the specifics of working on a computer with various programs. In this mode, you can choose which of the installed operating systems to load into RAM.

Today I told you how to enter safe mode in Windows XP, what problems may arise, and how you can deal with them. I sincerely wish that you have to use safe mode as little as possible.

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What is safe mode in Windows 10 and how to get into it if the operating system does not boot? If you have problems booting Windows 10 (or 8.x), you can't use the usual "lifeline" as provided in Windows 7 - using the F8 key during computer startup to access additional boot options. In particular, in this way, in the seventh version, you can get into safe mode (safe mode) and try to solve the problem with regular means. For example, if the solution to the problem may be to remove the driver or change the system settings. The Shift + F8 keys, which, in theory, can be used when loading Windows 10 to get into the system recovery environment (and this is an analogue of the Seven boot options), are not so easy to apply in practice. You will need to practice several times to catch the very moment of reduced system boot when the Shift + F8 keys can work.

Why is it needed?

Safe Mode is a specific Windows state designed to resolve various problems.

In this case, only the most necessary devices and components for maintaining the OS are involved. Safe mode is, by condition, working with administrator rights, it also allows you to delete files that the system or third-party software will not allow you to delete under normal conditions.

OS Safe Mode is an environment used to remove incorrectly installed drivers and undo poorly applied system settings. For example, when setting a screen resolution that is not supported by the monitor, it will not always be possible to change it to the latter supported within the framework of a fully functioning system. So, there may simply be no image on the screen, and if there is no other monitor at hand that can display the picture with the applied resolution, the problem cannot be solved except by using safe mode. Instead of a video driver, the monitor uses the VGA standard, which is supported by all video cards designed for Windows devices.

Safe mode is one of the solutions to the problem of viruses penetrating the OS, blocking the work of anti-virus programs. If the part of the system registry responsible for loading safe mode has not been damaged by malware, you can try to run a virus scanner, delete the startup file and / or the virus process in the task manager, and take other actions to resuscitate the system.

Running system configuration section

Using the configuration section of a running system, you can get into Windows 10 safe mode by making some settings and rebooting. Right-click on the "Start" button and select the "Run" function.

In the field for entering commands, write:


After pressing Enter, we will see the system configuration window. We are interested in the "Download" tab, here we tick the "Safe Mode" item.

By default, the system configuration provides for the minimum type of safe mode when startup programs do not start, there is no sound, the network is turned off, only the basic drivers of the video device, hard drive, mouse, keyboard and other devices work, which are necessary to maintain a minimum operating system performance.

For Windows 10 safe mode, you can install other types of it. By selecting the “Other shell” item, the safe mode will be without the usual graphical interface, but only with the command line. This may be relevant in the event of a failure of explorer.exe, a system service that ensures the operation of the OS explorer.

The "Restore Active Directory" item provides for booting safe mode with a graphical interface and a minimum number of active services, including the Active Directory directory service. If you need to access network resources, then in this case you need to select the "Network" item. It provides, respectively, the operation of the network card driver.

Having decided on the choice, at the bottom of the window, click "Apply", and then "OK".

After the reboot, Windows will start in safe mode.

The process of configuring Windows 10 to boot normally is reversed. In the system configuration section, the "Safe Mode" checkbox must be unchecked.

Shift key and reboot button of a running system

Another way to get into safe mode, if Windows is in a healthy state, is to use the simultaneous pressing of the Shift key and the restart button. Open the "Start" menu, click on the shutdown button ("Shut down") and, while holding down the Shift key on the keyboard, select the option to restart the computer.

This will take us to the Windows 10 recovery environment. Here we first need a diagnostics section, then an advanced settings section.

All sorts of boot options will appear in front of us - by pressing the F4, F5 or F6 keys, you can get into the appropriate type of safe mode.

Safe Mode Unbootable System

If Windows does not start at all or, for example, a resolution that the monitor does not support is mistakenly applied, displaying a message about this on a dull black background of the screen, you can boot into safe mode and try to find a solution to the problem, as in the previous case, using the system recovery environment .

As mentioned above, pressing the Shift + F8 keys during Windows startup may not always work, so a more reliable way to get into the recovery environment is to boot from the installation disk or from the one created earlier by the regular system tools.

When booting from the latter, we get into the recovery environment immediately after choosing the language. If the computer is booted from the installation disk, click "Next" in the welcome window.

The next steps are "Diagnostics" and "Advanced options".

In the command line window, write:

bcdedit /set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true

and press Enter.

The operation was successful, close the command line and in the action selection menu, click continue using Windows 10.

Then we will see a list of download options.

If safe mode can eliminate the cause that prevents booting, and reinstalling the system can be avoided, in the future the computer will always boot from the boot options menu. It is very easy to fix this using the same command line that we now open by selecting from among the contents of the context menu on the Start button.

We enter the command:

bcdedit /deletevalue (globalsettings)advancedoptions

and press Enter.

Everything - now the computer will boot as usual, without any pre-boot states and menus.

Have a great day!

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