What can you make ingots in minecraft. Metal products - we decorate the house and yard with our own hands

garden equipment 03.07.2020
garden equipment

Beautiful crafts for giving can be made with your own hands from all sorts of things - from what is at hand. We offer you a few simple projects that will take no more than half an hour.

DIY crafts for giving.

The owners of old Soviet chandeliers probably immediately recognized what the “water” in this original garden stream was made of.

So, if you have an old chandelier with transparent plastic or glass pendants, then you can make yourself such beautiful crafts for giving. This option is made with a watering can - we attach beads or pendants to a wire, thread it into the spout of the watering can and fix carnations on the inner end of the wire - it will hold our flow of their beads.

The number of beads depends on the size of the watering can - if the watering can is large, there should be enough of them so that they can be seen from afar. The watering can can be hung on a tree, or fixed on a rod in the middle of a flower bed.

The water faucet can also be decorated with a bead - if the faucet is operational, then it is better to think over the spout cover, which would be convenient to remove.

For those who do not have an old chandelier with pendants in stock, we offer another project: we concrete metal rods on a small platform, we attach a watering can to their upper ends.

You can leave our original craft in this form, or you can put a container with flowers below or break a flower bed.

Beautiful crafts for a summer residence made of glass.

Crafts for giving with your own hands - the topic is simply inexhaustible! We will also put the rest of the dishes into action and make a garden angel out of them.

It is not necessary to put the first experiment on unnecessary crystal dishes - it is quite possible to start with ordinary bottles, old salt shakers and glass salad bowls. We connect everything with universal glue. If our base is a bottle, we will also need a metal rod on which we will put our figure.

Oddly enough, such crafts from improvised materials can be quite functional, for example, to be a ceiling lamp for a garden lamp.

If not every form of dishes is suitable for a garden angel, then almost everything that is not needed in the household is suitable for magical glass flowers - plates, saucers, vases, bowls, etc.

We select the shape of the flower from the presence of unnecessary dishes - it is not necessary to take only transparent ones, the basis for the flower may well be an ordinary plate. We glue the dishes together with universal glue.

Think in advance how you will fix this flower in the garden. There are two options: the first - on the back wall of the flower you glue a bottle (jar, vase, etc.) - a container that can be put on a rod.

The second option - you can simply glue a piece of plastic pipe to the plate and put it on the rod.

There are just a lot of options for such colors: different shapes, colors, combinations ... try it!

Crafts for giving from metal.

Any summer resident eventually accumulates all sorts of pieces of iron in the household, either these are old garden tools, or the necessary pieces of metal, which are a pity to throw out and have nowhere to use. From all this metal you can make wonderful crafts for giving.

Such country crafts can be made from old garden tools, pipe cuts and all the metal that every owner has in the barn.

The best method of attaching such crafts is welding, although there may be other methods of attachment for different designs.

Look at the character of this fun garden figurine made from scrap metal cans and old springs.

And this "master's dog" is distinguished by its special thoroughness and friendliness.

As already mentioned, metal garden crafts can be made without the help of welding. For example, this openwork wire panel is made on a metal frame made of thick wire, to which the entire image is attached with thin wire. Maybe this is a garden nymph, or maybe the mistress of the estate.

Stainless steel garden crafts look neater and do not require regular maintenance, but they are more difficult to manufacture.

For the most daring: a mailbox grasshopper can not only surprise your good friends, but also scare intruders.

Our fantasy is amazing - this either a piglet or a puppy that is waiting for us in the depths of the garden is charming and causes a smile.

Crafts for giving from metal require not only the availability of suitable material, but also the availability of your free time. Don't regret wasting your time making a garden figurine instead of painting the fence.

Original crafts for giving.

Look around - did the metal mesh remain in the barn after the repair? Excellent material for garden lamps.

Old spoons were lying around - teach your son to solder, and he will be happy to remember what funny things he did as a child with his father.

After all, such crafts for giving say that we not only know how to work well, but are also able to have fun and relax from the heart.

Create your own mood - make your own version of original crafts for the garden in the country.

In the preliminary version 16w50a, a new item was added to Minecraft - Iron Nugget (a piece of iron). These are a kind of iron ingots, which are obtained by remelting objects (tools and armor) containing metal.

In principle, the purpose of such a solution is clear. You can take a pick that is about to break and smelt a piece of iron out of it. And when there are nine of them, it will be possible to collect a whole ingot, which can then be used in crafting items.

It is clear that there is a certain logic in this. Everything on the farm will fit, even nine broken shovels can be converted into one whole. If desired, you can make calculations to identify the possible benefits of such manipulations.

It would seem that the goal is clear, but ... we also have a recipe for the reverse transformation of an iron ingot into nine small pieces.

Why is this done? In my opinion, this only makes sense in one case - if there is some use for these iron pieces.

There are no special recipes in the game yet, but almost immediately one thought comes to mind.

I think it would be logical to use pieces of iron to create all the elements of mail armor. Indeed, in fact, this is one of those things that has existed in the game for a long time, but still does not have a crafting recipe. It is not possible to create chain mail items while playing in survival mode; you can only try to knock them out of the mobs running past or buy from the rednecks.

In any case, such a surprise awaits us or there will be another use for iron ingots (or not), we will find out soon. Minecraft 1.11.1 is due out very soon, maybe even next week.

P.S. It may have surprised some that I carefully avoided the word "nugget" in relation to the Iron Nugget. This was done deliberately because I believe that this item is not

Each owner spends a lot of time thinking about how to embellish his home. At the moment, there is a huge choice of materials - wood or plastic, but metal is in the first place - one of the durable, strong, resistant materials in the world, which serves as an example and standard of metaphors.

History of occurrence

Metal products were most popular in Europe in the 11th century. Everywhere the facades of buildings, fences, decorative statues began to be decorated with unusual forging, and the profession of a blacksmith became an honorary and famous figure of the early Middle Ages.

What kind of craft can be made from metal?

Having thought it over well, the owner decides to present a piece of the unusual to his house, the question immediately arises to buy or do it yourself? Of course, do it yourself, because doing something with your own hands is an order of magnitude more pleasant and more profitable from a price point of view.

Today, forged ornaments for lattices, doors or fences are in fashion, and forged animals, a mysterious owl, or a Russian bear also look great in the garden. Ladies, on the other hand, prefer wrought-iron bouquets, and a rose created by oneself will surprise anyone.

What do you need to make metal crafts?

There are not as many tools as it seems, you just need to get such a list:

  • Photo looking at you crafts;
  • Paper;
  • Welding machine;
  • Chisel and hammer;
  • Bulgarian for cutting metal;
  • Special rust remover;
  • Pencil and scissors, when using a stencil;
  • Several washers or bolts, for decorative elements;
  • Steel bars, from a few centimeters to a meter.
  • The basis of creation is sheet metal.

Step by step DIY crafts

The original idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmetal crafts will be an owl. First, for aesthetics, you will need a template or stencil. It can be made from a sheet of paper with printed drawings.

After cutting out the drawing of an owl, the stencil should be attached to a sheet of steel and transferred to the drawing, you need to do it in the most realistic way.

The next step will be cutting the metal with a grinder and drilling holes for fasteners and inserting owl eyes. After creating the body, you should go to the details: paws are made from the rod, and the bumps are straightened with a grinder. In the end, our beauty is treated with a chemical rust remover and painted.

Master class on making roses

And materials. List of basic tools:

  • Welder.
  • Hammer and pliers.
  • steel sheet
  • Bulgarian.
  • Special paint for metal.
  • Grindstone.
  • Steel wire with a diameter of 6 mm.
  • Metal scissors.

Attention. Do not forget about safety when working with these tools! Be sure to use gloves and a welding mask when working.

We take scissors for cutting metal and cut out thirty rose petals (due to thirty petals, the bud will seem more magnificent). You need to move in cutting from small to large, that is, from 15 mm to 80 mm. Your rose should not be prickly. Therefore, a grindstone will help to smooth out all the irregularities of the petals.

After the formation of an integral flower, we weld the spikes and clean the excess with a grinder, clean the seams and cover with a layer of protective paint - the craft is ready.

Metal products with steel wire

The National Academy of Sciences of Britain in 1856 declared: "Everything that could be invented has long been invented", but time has shown a different outcome. So now. Every year new ways of decorating are invented.

For example, in recent years it has been fashionable to make a figure out of wire or rod. Combinations and special weaves debug the impression of indescribable beauty.

Master class butterfly from a rod

In terms of its complexity, a steel butterfly is not difficult and will not take much time. Usually the working technique consists of twisting the wire (the manufacturing process depends on the right material: the material should not be too thick to be able to bend, but should not be too thin so as not to bend) in several layers.

A body is created with spiral turns, after attaching wings made of two ovals.

Some interesting facts

Metal is the most ancient mineral of interest to man. He mined it, forged it, and now a new fence or another forged deer lit up with a smile of passers-by.

In times of the rapid introduction of Hollywood films and the development of artificial intelligence, the topic of androids and the like has become relevant. Although the world is far from the uprising of machines, it is always possible to forge a transformer, for example, for an exhibition.

Vitaly Yashkovich from Krasnoyarsk became famous throughout the city for his miracle robots. In his collection are such titans of world cinema as: Megatron, Terminator T-200 and T-800, androids of Star Wars, as well as droids from cartoons. The owner himself claims that he will not sell his robots to anyone, they say, he created for the soul

Create and you, because the world is not identified and multifaceted. Give him something new and different.

Photo of metal crafts

The Minecraft game, which has quickly gained popularity, has long been taking its rightful place on the computer of many players. Pretty simple controls and the banal idea of ​​a designer on a computer attract many users every day. In this article, we will look at iron, a material of almost the lowest level, surpassing only wood and stone in its characteristics.

How to get?

Iron crafting in Minecraft primarily involves the creation of ingots and blocks from the corresponding material. In order to get them, you need to find and dig iron ore. You can find it at a depth of 1 to 64 blocks. The main condition is that you have stone tools.

As with the search for any other materials, it is better to start it without entering the cave, but by starting to dig with a ladder. This will allow you to protect yourself from falling into underground cavities with lava or mobs. Having reached a point at a depth of 16 blocks, you can safely begin to expand the room by digging to the sides.

Getting Started

To make it easier for you to understand the description of crafting items, let's decide on the name of the cells and where to get the materials from. How to smelt iron in Minecraft? To smelt into ingots, you need a furnace and coal. To work with ingots, you will have to make a workbench. To get it, press the "E" button and in the simple crafting mode (2x2) put boards in each cell. After that, the workbench must be placed on the map. So, we got a workbench, it has 9 cells. We number them in the same way as the numbers on the phone are located (see table).

Numbering cells in the workbench
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9


So, what other options does the Minecraft game offer? What can be made from iron and carried around, using against the environment? The first on our list will be protective devices:

  1. Helmet. We arrange 5 ingots in the form of a small letter "p". Cells No. 7, 4, 5, 6, 9.
  2. Armor. You need 8 ingots (#1, 3, 4-9).
  3. Leggings. 7 ingots are located with a capital letter "P" (No. 1-4, 6, 7, 9).
  4. Boots. There are four ingots in total: two at the edges (No. 4, 7 and 6, 9).

Work tools are the things you need to explore the world around you. To create them, in addition to iron, you may need other materials:

  1. Scissors. Crafted from two ingots placed in slots #7 and #5.
  2. Sword. It is created from two pieces of iron (in cells #2, 5) and a stick (#8).
  3. Shovel. On the contrary, two sticks in #5, 8 and iron in #2.
  4. Pick. It is made from 3 units of the material in question (No. 1-3) and two sticks (No. 5, 8).
  5. Hoe. Iron in #1, 2 and sticks in #5, 8.
  6. Axe. Place in #1, 2, 4 and sticks in #5, 8.
  7. Flint and Steel can be obtained by fusing iron (#4) with flint (#8).
  8. The compass is crafted from four iron ingots (#2, 4, 6, 8) and red dust (#5).

Environment elements

In addition to items that can be used with your hands, with iron you can create some items for arranging the environment. What can be done in Minecraft from iron, designed to ennoble the territory?

  1. Doors. Sufficiently strong and reliable. Crafted from six ingots (#1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8).
  2. To create a bucket, you only need 3 units of iron (#4, 6, 8).
  3. The minecart needed to move along the rails requires 5 iron ingots arranged in an inverted "p" pattern (#4, 6-9).
  4. You can create 16 Iron Bars from 6 Ingots (#4-9).
  5. To make a cauldron, you will need 7 iron blanks in the shape of an inverted capital letter "P" (No. 1, 3, 4, 6-9).

As you understand, iron is not the only raw material in the game. What can be done in Minecraft from iron in combination with other materials?

  1. Rails. A device for moving the trolley. Crafted with a stick (#5) and 6 iron (#1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9).
  2. Push rails. If you replace a stick with a pressure plate on ordinary rails, and add red dust to cell 8, then you will get the item you are looking for.
  3. In addition, iron is used to create the piston.
  4. Using a stick (#5), planks (#8), and an ingot, you can create a tension gauge used for traps.
  5. You can also make a weighted pressure plate from a couple of ingots.
  6. Another necessary item is a loading funnel. To create it, place 5 units of iron in cells #1, 3, 4, 6, 8, and the central one (#5) in the chest.
  7. Similarly to pressure rails, rails with a sensor are created. We build iron on the sides, and put sticks in cells No. 2 and No. 8. Place a red torch in the center one.
  8. And in conclusion, we can name the core of the Lower World reactor. However, it can only be played in the pocket edition.


The last thing worth mentioning when considering what can be done in Minecraft from iron is an iron block. To create it, you will need nine iron ingots that completely cover the slots in the workbench. How can it be applied? It can be crafted into an anvil used to repair items. The layout is as follows: three blocks are placed in cells No. 1-3, and four ingots in No. 5, 7-9.

That's all that can be done in Minecraft from iron. We hope this article will help you master the cubic world and create real architectural and design masterpieces. Play, build, develop your world in the image and likeness of the present. Good luck to you!

If you plan to become an expert in the world of Minecraft, then you simply must know all the crafting recipes that are the main component in the game. We have collected for you absolutely all the Minecraft recipes that only exist in the game. Thanks to this, you can always learn how to make a map or portal in Minecraft, as well as many other useful blocks. Crafting (or crafting) in Minecraft is the main way to obtain and create new blocks that exists in the game. For crafting items, a crafting grid in the inventory or a workbench is used, with the help of which most of the game items are created. So, how to make a workbench in Minecraft? To do this, we need 4 blocks of planks and a crafting window available in the inventory. The workbench in Minecraft is created according to the following scheme:

By the way, a workbench can be created from any type of boards. In order to make colored boards in Minecraft, we need different types of wood.

From the boards you can create sticks that will be useful to us for crafting torches, tools, signs, stairs and a number of other items.

In order for the nights in the game not to seem too dark, we need a torch. How to make a torch in Minecraft, see below.

The longer you play Minecraft, the more items you will find. In order not to carry all the items with us, we need to learn how to make a chest in Minecraft, where we will put all our game items. By the way, it is better to make more chests in advance and group the contents into them. To create a chest, you can use any type of planks.

Some blocks and items need to be crafted (smelted) in a furnace. For example, the furnace is used to craft food and smelt various ores and minerals. The recipe for crafting a furnace is presented below.

In Minecraft, there is another chest, which is called the end chest (or ender chest). Its difference from a regular chest is that, having two such chests, you can leave items in one place and pick them up in another. To craft the chest of the end, we need obsidian and an enderman's eye.

Not so long ago, magic was added to Minecraft, with which you can improve items and inventory. To do this, you need to create a table for spells. The recipe for a spell table can be found in the image below:

Minecraft Blocks

Precious metals, emeralds and diamonds can be combined into blocks for more convenient storage. In order to create a block of diamonds or emeralds, you need to arrange items across the entire grid in the workbench. As an example, take a look at our images.

To illuminate the surrounding space in Minecraft, you can use not only torches, but also a luminous block, which is created from light dust. Lightdust, in turn, can only be found in Hell, to access which you need to create an obsidian portal and activate it.

Minecraft also has wool, which is needed to create a bed or paintings. Wool can be collected from sheep using scissors, or crafted from threads.

To destroy the terrain and create tricky traps, in Minecraft you can use dynamite, which requires gunpowder and sand to craft. How to make dynamite in Minecraft you can see below.

To decorate buildings and make it easier to move around in Minecraft, there are various plates. Slabs can be crafted from wood, stone, brick, and a range of other blocks. You can see how to create slabs in Minecraft in our examples.

To quickly move vertically and climb in your buildings, you can use the stairs, which are created in Minecraft in a very simple way. In addition, steps can be crafted from various blocks, so you can beautifully fit them into the style of your building.

To build beautiful buildings in Minecraft, you can create various blocks such as brick, clay or snow blocks and many other items.

To create a brick block, we need clay, which must be smelted in a furnace into brick ingots, and it will be possible to craft a brick block from brick ingots.

Sand in Minecraft can be used to create sand blocks and stairs. If you love the Egyptian style, then you simply must know how to create new sand blocks in Minecraft.

Another block that will help you decorate the interior of your buildings is a bookcase. In order to create a bookcase in Minecraft, we need books and boards. The bookcase crafting recipe is shown below.

In Minecraft, there is another block with which you can light up the area. We have already shown you how to craft a torch and a glowstone, and now we invite you to familiarize yourself with the recipe for crafting a glowing pumpkin.

Minecraft Tools

Minecraft has a huge number of tools with which you can mine new ores or items. At the beginning of the game, you have to create your first wooden tool, which includes an ax, a shovel, a pickaxe, a hoe (and even a sword). Below you can find recipes for crafting wooden inventory.

After some time, you will get the first resources, which will include a broken stone (cobblestone). Cobblestone can be used to create stone tools, which are more durable and have more uses (only a pickaxe) than wooden items. Recipes for crafting stone equipment are presented below.

With the help of stone tools, you can extract new ores, which include metal. The metal must be smelted in a furnace into metal ingots, after which it will be possible to create new iron inventory from them.

Once you get your first gold blocks, you can use them to craft new gold inventory. To do this, gold blocks must be melted down into ingots, after which it will be possible to use them for crafting. The gold inventory has a high mining speed, but the gold items are not very strong, which is why many people prefer not to use them.

However, the best items are traditionally those made from diamonds. Such inventory is distinguished by a high rate of resource extraction and is the most durable of all existing ones. The recipe for crafting diamond inventory is identical to the previous recipes.

To activate the portal to Hell, as well as to set fire to the area in Minecraft, there is a lighter. How to create a lighter in Minecraft you can see below.

If you want to carry water or lava from one place to another, you will need a bucket. The recipe for crafting a bucket is not so difficult and is presented in the image below.

You can use coordinates to navigate the world of Minecraft, but real Minecraft fans create a compass and a map for this purpose. How to make a map or compass in Minecraft, we showed on these crafting recipes.

If you spend a lot of time in caves in search of resources, then you probably want to be aware of what time of day it is on the surface. For these purposes, you can make a clock.

Scissors have been added to Minecraft to collect wool and get foliage blocks. Their crafting recipe is presented in this image.

In order for your game character to always remain full, you need food. One type of food is fish, which can be caught by making a fishing rod in Minecraft.

An analogue of a lighter can be a fireball, which is created from gunpowder, coal and fire powder. The fireball can set the area on fire by right-clicking, or can be used as a dispenser projectile.

Carrots and a fishing rod can be used to make a great tool for managing pigs. To do this, you need to craft a fishing rod with carrots, the recipe for which is simple to disgrace.

Anvil can be used to repair tools in Minecraft 1.4. It is notable for the fact that weapon improvements on it are not reset, but, on the contrary, they are superimposed on each other. Also on the anvil you can rename any item. Crafting an anvil is fairly easy, although it does require a fair amount of iron.

Weapons in Minecraft

Since there are aggressive mobs in Minecraft, you will have to defend against them. To do this, there are weapons in Minecraft that can be used in close combat or attacks from a distance. For close combat, you need to create a sword, which can be wood, stone, metal, gold or diamond. The better your sword, the more damage it will deal.

For a long-range attack in Minecraft, a bow is used. The recipe for crafting a bow and arrow can be found below.

Armor in Minecraft

To protect your playable character in Minecraft, there are several different types of armor, each made from different materials and with different levels of protection. For example, diamond armor will provide you with the most protection, but it requires quite a lot of diamonds to create. Recipes for crafting a helmet, breastplate, pants and boots from different materials can be found below.

The next most durable armor is metal armor.

Golden armor protects against damage better than metal armor, but wears out the fastest.

The strongest armor in Minecraft is armor made from diamonds. Recipes for crafting diamond armor:

Do not forget that you can combine different types of armor. For example, you can use a diamond breastplate, a leather helmet, and metal pants and boots. However, in this case, your defense will be summed up from the characteristics of each piece of equipment.

Trolleys and rails

To move around the Minecraft world faster, there are a number of items with which you can create your own railway or subway. First you need to create rails, which are divided into regular rails, electric rails and push block rails.

Electric rails can be connected to redstone torches, thanks to which they will speed up your minecart when moving.

Push block rails allow you to send a restone signal as soon as the cart passes over them.

Minecarts in Minecraft are also divided into several types. A normal cart allows you to move around in it and is created in the following way.

The Furnace Minecart allows you to move other minecarts by placing coal in the Furnace.

A minecart with a chest can transport things over long distances and is created using a crate and a normal minecart.

For lovers of sea travel in Minecraft, you can make a boat with which you can surf the ocean in search of new islands and biomes. How to make a boat in Minecraft, see below.

Items with redstone

Any building in Minecraft must have an entrance, and any entrance must have a door to keep outsiders out. There are two types of doors in Minecraft - wooden and metal. You will find how to make a wooden door or a metal door in the following images.

If you prefer dugouts or vertical entrances instead of standard doors, then you can make a trapdoor in Minecraft and use it as the entrance to your building. The hatch can be made from boards of any color.

The only movable block in Minecraft that can also move other blocks is the piston. How to make a piston in Minecraft, see below.

In addition to the regular piston, in Minecraft you can make a sticky piston that can return blocks to their starting position. To craft a sticky piston, you need to combine a standard piston and slime.

To activate pistons or other active blocks, we need a redstone. You can also create various items from redstone, with which you can control circuits from a distance and so on.

Whether used as decorations, or to create interesting redstone circuits, traps, and anything else you can imagine, there are many blocks in Minecraft that can also be activated using redstone circuits.

Another block with which you can illuminate the surrounding space is a lamp. To create a lamp, we need a glowing block and some redstone.

To activate redstone circuits or various blocks, you can use levers, buttons or pressure plates.

Not so long ago, stretch marks were added to Minecraft. You will learn how to stretch in Minecraft from the picture below.

Food in Minecraft

Any living organism has a need for nutrition, and the main character of Minecraft is no exception and also has a feeling of hunger. But for this, Minecraft has a huge number of recipes for cooking various foods that you can learn about.

To begin with, you should know that any raw meat can be cooked in the oven, after which it can be eaten. But if you want to cook something more interesting in the game, our Minecraft recipes will help you!

In order to cook a baked potato, you need to put it in the oven and wait for the cooking process.

The recipe for making golden carrots is one carrot, overlaid on all sides with golden nuggets.

To make pumpkin pie, you need pumpkin sugar and an egg.

Various blocks and items

Minecraft has the ability to create books to further create bookcases or record your stories and notes right in the game. To do this, you need to make paper, and already out of paper you can make a book in Minecraft.

To decorate your home, you can craft pictures to hang on the walls. See below for how to make a painting in Minecraft.

To make the night in Minecraft go faster, you can make a bed where you can sleep.

In Minecraft, you can create signs on which you can write your own text. How to make a sign in Minecraft is shown below.

To move vertically, you can create stairs.

In Minecraft, there is a wooden fence, as well as a gate to it. You will find how to make a fence and a gate in our crafting recipes.

In addition to the standard block of glass, which is created by melting sand in a furnace, in Minecraft you can make glass panels, which are also called as thin glass.

Ender's eye can be crafted as follows.

The recipe for crafting new paintings or item frames in Minecraft 1.4 is very simple. We need 8 sticks and 1 leather.

Flower pots are another decorative block that you can use to decorate your buildings. In flower pots, you can plant almost all types of plants, from red or yellow flowers to tree sprouts.

In order to craft a flower pot, we need 3 bricks. The recipe for crafting a flower pot is shown below.

In addition to ordinary fences, there are also stone ones. Recipe for crafting a stone fence:

Dyes in Minecraft

In Minecraft, there are a huge number of dyes in a wide variety of colors, with which you can recolor wool blocks or leather armor. Bonemeal is not only a white dye, but also allows you to instantly grow plants if you apply it to a seedling or seed.

Wool dyeing

In Minecraft, you can dye wool with dyes. Colored wool is used to create interesting and unusual buildings, as well as to create pixel art drawings right in the game.

Magic and Potions in Minecraft

Magic in Minecraft allows you to create various potions with which you can get new abilities like increased movement speed and so on. To create potions, you will need a number of items, the craft of which we will show you now. Flasks serve as the basis for crafting potions. How to make a Flask in Minecraft:

Any potion preparation takes place at the brewing stand, the crafting recipe of which is below.

There is also a cauldron in Minecraft, but it does not bring any benefit yet.

Potions Ingredients:

Skin dyeing

Starting with Minecraft 1.4.2, we have been able to dye leather armor. An interesting fact is that when painting, you can mix any dyes.

In Minecraft 1.4, you can dye not only leather armor, but also the collar of your pet. To do this, you need to take any dye in your hands and use it on your dog.

Salutes and Fireworks Minecraft

On the eve of the celebration of the New Year, Minecraft received an update in which it became possible to create festive salutes and fireworks. We have already dedicated to this event, in which you can learn how to create different types of fireworks, and on this page we will show you crafting recipes.

First you need to learn the recipe for crafting a star, with which you can set the light of the salute.

As soon as the star is ready, you need to craft a salute or fireworks, which can then be launched into the sky. Salute crafting recipe:

In the Minecraft 1.5: Redstone Update, a huge number of new blocks and items have been added that are somehow related to redstone. Just below you can find all crafting recipes from Minecraft 1.5 to be ready to create new items and blocks.

In Minecraft 1.5, in the nether world, you can find new infernal blocks with white patches. These are blocks of quartz and can only be obtained in hell. Some useful items can be crafted from quartz, as well as decorative blocks, semi-blocks, and steps. In order to get pure quartz, you need to place blocks with quartz in a furnace and smelt them into ore.

After you get quartz, you can craft new blocks and columns from it. Kravets crafting recipes are just below.

Minecraft 1.5 has a light sensor that can send a signal to the redstone during daylight hours. Light sensor crafting recipe:

The comparator, which is useful to all lovers of redstone circuits, can be crafted as follows:

A trap chest capable of transmitting a signal when opened has the following crafting recipe:

New pressure plates made of gold and metal, able to change the signal strength depending on the number and weight of objects located on them.

The ejector is another new block that has appeared in Minecraft 1.5 and can be crafted as follows:

To collect items and distribute them to chests, a funnel has been added to Minecraft that has such a crafting recipe. With the help of a funnel, you can craft a cart with a funnel that can distribute items even in a moving state.

Well, now you can make a whole block from redstone, which will consistently give a strong redstone signal.

Minecraft crafting recipes 1.6.1

In the new version of Minecraft 1.6.1, codenamed " horse update"The main focus of the game was to add a new mob - horses, so the Minecraft 1.6.1 crafting recipes are mostly associated with this. However, the new version of the game did not do without new blocks, the crafting recipes for which you can find below.

So, in Minecraft 1.6.1, a block of coal was added, with which you can heat the furnace to cook food and smelt ores. The coal block has the following crafting recipe:

A new decorative block that appeared in Minecraft 1.6.1 is a haystack. With the help of a haystack, you can decorate barns, farms or your other buildings. A haystack can be crafted with 9 wheat.

Clay in the new version of Minecraft 1.6.1 got the opportunity to be dyed, as well as wool. You can apply any known dye to get a new clay color. To do this, you need to place a block with raw clay in the furnace, thereby crafting fired clay that can be painted.

Another innovation in Minecraft 1.6.1 is carpets. The recipe for crafting carpets is very simple: just use 2 blocks of wool (you can use colored wool) located horizontally to get 3 pieces of carpet. The color of the carpet will depend on the color of the wool that you use when crafting.

Let's get to the fun part, the horses! Minecraft 1.6.1 has a huge number of new horses, donkeys and mules that can be tamed. And on horses you can wear not only a saddle, but also armor! Many players ask how to craft armor for horses? The fact is that in the final version of Minecraft 1.6.1, the recipe for crafting armor for horses was cut out, and the only way to get it is to explore caves and mines.

Tag is another new item that does not have a crafting recipe and can only be found in dungeons. The tag is used to rename mobs, and you can rename absolutely all mobs, except for the Dragon and civilians! In order to rename a mob, you must give a name to the tag on the anvil, after which it can be applied.

With the help of a lasso, you can lead the mobs behind you or tie horses to wooden fences so that they do not move away from the parking lot. Lasso can be crafted using the following recipe:

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