How to paint a timber house outside. Timber house painting

garden equipment 26.06.2020
garden equipment

Due to its excellent construction characteristics, wooden beams are often used in the construction of houses. However, additional protection for any type of wood never hurts, so walls are often coated with paints or special impregnations. Along with an increase in performance, painting a house from a bar makes the facade more attractive, and the interior more comfortable.

Painting is a laborious process and in some cases requires the involvement of professionals, but with a strong desire and some experience, you can try to paint the facade or interior walls yourself.

The main goals of painting

The beam has many advantages over artificial building materials and even over a cylindrical log, but only after pre-treatment or the application of specially selected coatings.

Painting has several purposes:

  • prevention of reproduction of microorganisms, spread of rot in wood;
  • reducing exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • protection of the surface of the timber from climatic influences, including precipitation, temperature changes;
  • increasing the fire resistance of the material;
  • emphasizing the originality of the design.

To achieve these goals, wall painting should be carried out not only in accordance with the technology, but also with the use of properly selected high-quality coating material.

Paint selection

On the market of paints and varnishes there are means of various composition and cost. For the optimal choice of finishing of the facade or internal walls from a bar, you need to decide on the priority requirements for the surface.

From a number of products that can be used for staining wood, the following types of paints are distinguished:

  • water based. An excellent option for those who seek to preserve some of the natural properties that a timber house originally possesses. The products are well absorbed, protect the surface to a certain extent, do not disturb the natural circulation processes, allow the wood to breathe, and do not have a sharp specific smell. Recommended for use mainly indoors, as they do not have high wear resistance;
  • oil based. The oil base allows you to create a film on the surface that protects against chemical and mechanical influences, which is why it is suitable for exterior painting of houses. In order for the product to dry completely, it will take at least a day, the timber after painting will have a specific smell, it will not be possible to completely eliminate it. For a long time, insects will not start in such wood, rot will not spread. Oil paints are produced on the basis of natural oils, there is also a budget option - synthetic drying oil;
  • wax based. Those who prioritize the use of a minimum amount of chemical agents should choose wax-based paints. They are also produced in the form of mastics, impregnations. They are used for interior decoration, while protecting the timber from moisture and emphasizing the natural beauty of the tree. Wax compositions retain most of the original properties of the timber, including if it is glued. The composition can be transparent or colored shade with a glazing effect;
  • based on organic solvents. An example here would be alkyd paints. They are resistant to moisture, have a bright color, dry relatively quickly and are easily applied to log surfaces and timber.

The most common paint used on wood is acrylic. It is highly practical, resistant to ultraviolet radiation, and also allows you to protect a wooden house in a comprehensive manner.

Note! Acrylic paints can be used inside and outside the house, in addition, a large number of transparent compounds are produced on the basis of acrylates, which owners of wooden log houses like to use.

Each of the categories has its own characteristics, a separate classification and application technology. For any design performance there is its own color scheme, it is possible to achieve a certain effect, such as matte or light glossy sheen. If desired, you can choose a varnish or paint with any composition, but in order to preserve the properties of natural wood, it is recommended to give preference to natural finishes, especially if you need to paint the timber inside a residential building.

Differences in external and internal processing

Painting the facade of the building and finishing the internal walls in a house made of timber are distinguished by the selection of the applied material. The main criterion is the composition, on which the functionality of the product and its impact on human health depend.

Usually, funds for painting a log house on the outside are more expensive than compositions for internal processing. The requirements for each type of coverage also differ.

For interior or interior painting, the following points are important:

  • safety, environmental friendliness, the absence of aggressive components that negatively affect well-being;
  • the possibility of implementing various design solutions. This is a variety of color solutions, imitation of certain types of wood or other materials, giving additional surface effects;
  • paints should dry quickly, not have a specific persistent smell;
  • ease of maintenance.

These requirements are met mainly by water-based products, but there are also some types of paints with synthetic components that are allowed for indoor use, including acrylic varnishes.

If we consider the characteristics of facade paint for a house made of timber, then resistance to climatic influences, including temperature extremes, high humidity, is more important for it. It must withstand mechanical stress, have vapor permeability, which is especially important if the house is built from timber.

Facade impregnation or paint must have certain fire retardant properties, resistance to biological influences in the form of microorganisms, insects, mold, fungi.

In order for the paint to meet the basic requirements, it must contain special chemical compounds that are undesirable for products applicable for painting indoor walls.


High-quality painting of a house involves a certain sequence and manufacturability of actions. This process can be presented step by step as follows.

First, you need to remove the old coating, which is important for houses that were previously painted. Then comes the cleaning of the surface from dirt, leveling, if necessary, sealing defects. In order for the paint to lie well on the timber, it is necessary to sand it. The surface of the polished timber looks very beautiful, so sometimes transparent and glazing materials are used for processing.

You will need a grinding device, which must be used carefully. If you have no experience in such work, then it is better to practice. Excessive force will immediately form irregularities, it is problematic and time-consuming to eliminate them.

Note! Be sure to apply a primer before painting or varnishing, preferably of the same brand as the main composition.

Before that, you can use antiseptics or other means that provide a protective effect. They are selected in advance depending on the requirements, apply them according to the instructions.

After the preparatory layer has dried, the timber is covered with the main paint. It is important to do this taking into account the recommendations of the manufacturer himself, since each type of material has its own application features. Usually the paint is applied in several layers with the previous one having dried beforehand.

Lacquer can be applied over the paint. It forms a kind of film that protects the surface and makes it aesthetically more attractive.

At first glance, painting a house seems like a simple task, but for beginners in construction, this event can be delayed, and the quality will be questionable. In addition to this, you need to have an airbrush, since painting large areas by hand is difficult.

If there is no experience and the coloring of the timber needs to be carried out as soon as possible, then it is better to entrust the work to specialists who provide a guarantee for their services.

Painting is not just an aesthetic choice. Properly selected and applied paintwork protects wood while maintaining useful natural qualities, ecological purity of the material. Raw timber absorbs dirt and precipitation, darkens and cracks.

The characteristics of wood include the reaction to changes in temperature and humidity. Paints and varnishes for external processing should form a mobile elastic film on the surface, which expands or contracts as the tree changes.

How to paint exterior walls

Before the use of wood coloring compounds treated with special tools penetrating deep through the pores. A house made of timber must be processed:

  • antiseptics. Antiseptics create a protective barrier that prevents the penetration of insects, destroy and prevent the reappearance of fungi, blue, mold.
  • flame retardants, flame retardants that increase the fire resistance of the structure.

Manufacturers often add a light dye to fire retardants. The mixture is tinted to avoid gaps during application. Then a primer layer is applied, which reduces the consumption of the main coating, leveling the absorbency of the wood.

Next stage- painting with tinted finishes.

According to the degree of coverage, paints and varnishes are divided into glazing and coating.

Glazing the compositions are translucent, retain the structure of the tree, giving the desired shade.

Covering paints are used for a large number of knots, small cracks, putty.

A dense tone will cover and level the surface, hiding imperfections, emphasizing the texture of the wood.

Color selection

Planed timber of coniferous species is quite smooth, light, easily repainted.

A wide range of colors of modern impregnations provides a rich choice. From classic colorless or brown hues to golden, aged wood imitations, there is something for everyone. Contrasting combinations of light and dark shades look interesting, highlighting the corners of the house, visors, stairs with color.

Colorless formulations do not contain UV filters the wood will darken over time. By tinting the timber with a shade close to the natural color of the wood, the original appearance of the surfaces is retained longer.

traditional light colors used in hot areas. Wood painted in white shades does not heat up, reflecting the sun's rays. Dark colors are used to absorb heat by walls in cold areas.

Coatings classified according to the degree of brilliance. The glossy finish is shiny and festive looking, but leaves all application defects, chips, dust and scratches in sight.

Matte formulations highlight the structure of the wood. The golden mean is semi-matte coatings containing up to 20% gloss.

Material selection options

New materials are gradually replacing toxic oil-based paints.

High-quality protective impregnations by composition are classified into the following groups:

  • alkyd paints, based on alkyd resin, form a rigid, durable polymer film, dry quickly;
  • acrylic emulsions, contain acrylates and polyurethane in the composition of small particles, diluted with water, odorless, have a pleasant silky sheen;
  • latex, or rubber emulsions. They consist of coloring pigments and latex, form a high-quality velvety vapor-permeable coating.

Preference for the quality of the coating should be given impregnations on acrylic and latex basis. Paints of these groups do not fade, do not exfoliate from the surface.

Specialized oils for wood coating on a natural basis with various pigment additives are gaining popularity.

How to paint a house from a bar?

Prepare before starting work tool for work. Depending on the height of the building and the amount of work, scaffolding is equipped or a portable ladder is used. The grinder will simplify the process of grinding surfaces.

Most of the compositions have no restrictions, they are perfectly applied:

  • spray gun. The spray gun gives a thin layer without streaks, but requires skill and skill. The consumption of the mixture when applied with a spray gun is reduced;
  • paint brush. The consumption of paint in comparison with the spray gun increases. The tool works along the fibers of the wood, stripes remain in the opposite direction;
  • paint roller. The consumption of the composition per square meter is less, the speed of painting is faster than when working with a brush.

Prepare a container or tray for paint, rags to remove accidental smudges.

Working outside, choose the weather conditions.

The wind increases the spraying of paintwork materials when working with an airbrush, the surface dries unevenly, dust sticks.

Work is carried out in dry weather with an air temperature of at least +5 degrees.

The facade of a log house is painted in the following steps:

  1. Careful grinding of the surface with filling cracks with putty.
  2. Application of a primer with exposure of the layer until completely dry.
  3. Intermediate grinding of timber.
  4. Application of a color coating with a break for drying.
  5. Removing the raised pile by grinding.
  6. Applying the final coat of paint.

Acrylic paints half diluted with water can be used as a primer. This technique will achieve the depth of the shade.

The price of paintwork

The cost of painting a log house is added up from the cost of materials and a complex of works to cover the facade.

Comparing the price of paints from different manufacturers, determine the need for the material. The square of the facade is multiplied by the consumption of the composition indicated on the package label, taking into account the number of applied layers.

On the stock and errors in the calculation add 10% to the resulting number. Paint consumption can vary between 100-250 grams per square meter. It is the total amount, and not the unit cost, that will give an idea of ​​the costs.

When thinking about how to paint a house from a bar outside, it must be remembered that painting for a bar is not only a decorative element, but also protection from the negative effects of the external environment, ensuring safety and durability.

Painting a house from a bar should include: antiseptic wood treatment and varnishing or paint.

Having a country house or a summer house is a dream of many residents of cities and especially megacities. Constant city noise, stuffiness, crowds of people on the streets are very tiring and make you want to retire to a quiet place, breathe fresh air, communicate with nature. Therefore, a comfortable country house is often not just material property, but an urgent vital necessity.

Not everyone can afford to buy a ready-made country house. But after all, you can build a house on a suburban area with your own hands. It will cost an order of magnitude cheaper, and the result will be exactly what the owner of the future building needs. Especially if all the preliminary steps were done competently, thoroughly, sensibly: choosing a site, designing a future home, drawing up an estimate, planning construction work, choosing a material.

The main thing, when starting to build a house, is to remember that this will require a certain investment of time, labor, and money. When starting to build a country house, you need to carefully study the information about the materials on the market, consult with experts and those who have already gone down this path.

What is good about a house made of timber

After the site has been selected, the dimensions and layout of the future home have been thought out, it is necessary to decide on the choice of material for it. This is the main question. Depending on what the house will be built from, the issue of the necessary foundation, insulation, etc. is being decided.

Currently, one of the most popular materials for suburban buildings is timber: calibrated, glued or profiled. It is an environmentally friendly, relatively inexpensive material with good thermal insulation properties.

For the construction of a house from a bar, laying a massive foundation is not required. Equipment will be needed only to deliver the material to the construction site. All this significantly reduces the cost of the house and facilitates construction.

In addition to the main house from a bar, you can also build an outbuilding, a mezzanine, a summer kitchen, a bathhouse or a sauna. For outbuildings, this material is not used.

The insulation of the walls of the house from profiled or any other timber is made from natural (moss, tow, etc.) or modern synthetic materials. For home heating during the cold season, it is best to install an electric or gas boiler with a steam heating system.

Finishing a finished house from a bar

Proper painting of a house from a bar is a very important point. The solution of this issue should be treated with special attention, because not only the appearance of the building depends on it, but also its safety and durability. A properly selected coating will protect the house from corrosion, rot, fungus, mold and other factors that reduce its service life. Waterproofing and protection from direct sunlight will also help preserve the original qualities of wood and its natural color.

Basic painting rules

It is necessary to apply an antiseptic to wood with a brush with a hard natural bristle.

Exterior painting of a log house is carried out when the developer decides to abandon the use of any finishing materials. Before painting a house from a bar with natural moisture, the entire structure must be thoroughly dried. Paints adhere better to dry surfaces.

After drying, the walls of the log house are cleaned of natural contaminants and carefully polished. This will improve the quality of the painting. Polished dust is removed with a brush or a vacuum cleaner set to the blowing mode.

A primer (antiseptic) is applied to the surface prepared in this way. The primer must be applied to all natural or artificial irregularities of the timber: bends, cracks, small chips. The primer dries usually no more than an hour. After that, it must be applied with a second layer.

Only after the primer has dried again can the paintwork be applied. It is also applied twice or thrice. Drying of each layer must be carried out according to the technical instructions on the packaging.

It is better to apply finishing materials with a brush or spray. The main thing to remember is that the brush should only move vertically. Paints and varnishes applied with horizontal movements lie unevenly, paint over the timber insufficiently and look very sloppy.

What materials are best to use

The choice of exterior decoration of a wooden house from a bar depends on the material used in the construction. A house made of calibrated or profiled timber will be more practical to cover the outside with various finishing materials. In this case, you do not have to constantly update the painting. A house made of glued laminated timber is better to paint.

Usually, the painting of glued laminated timber houses is carried out using natural coloring compounds. This contributes to the preservation of the natural appearance of wood, its environmental qualities, and is also safer for the residents of the house than, for example, synthetic compounds.

For exterior painting of a finished log house, coloring compositions made on the basis of natural materials are used: clay, oil, water, etc. It should be remembered that painting a house from glued beams with synthetic coloring compositions is highly undesirable.

Facade paints can be matte or semi-gloss, glossy or semi-gloss. For a bar are used:

  • acrylates;
  • antiseptics;
  • oil paints.

Acrylic coloring compositions have high strength, are well applied and do not require constant updating. Their main disadvantage is their high cost.

For work you will need: a roller, brushes, rags and so on.

Antiseptic compositions are made from organic substances, water and various additives. Dried antiseptics protect the painted surface well. The main disadvantage of antiseptic formulations is low stability and long drying after application.

Oil paints are still considered the most economical and reliable. Their popularity is ensured by high protective properties and low prices. The main disadvantages of oil-based compositions: long drying and susceptibility of painted surfaces to fading, cracking and small chips.

After applying the paint and completely drying the painted surface, it is recommended to apply a layer of natural varnish. This will help to fix the paint and further level the surface, because the varnish, as a rule, lays down without smudges.

When choosing a specific composition, it is better to give preference to products from well-known manufacturers. Their long-standing presence in the market for these products will be a guarantee of the quality of the goods offered. A well-known manufacturer is unlikely to want to lower its rating with a low-quality product.

Interior painting of a wooden house

Painting the timber inside the house is also a very important moment of finishing work. Painted timber walls look much better and become more resistant to moisture, temperature changes, and mechanical damage.

It is better to use special paints for the internal processing of timber. These compositions have high strength, various colors, stability and retain a bright and fresh look for a long time, providing additional protection against deformation.

You can emphasize the natural aesthetics of the timber from the inside of the walls with wax, drying oil or special oils. Small natural imperfections of the walls made of timber can be covered with mastic, which will not only help to level the walls, but also give them a special velvety.

Properly selected and carefully applied paints and varnishes will protect and decorate the house from a bar. Tastefully decorated interior will give a country house a special coziness. This will make such a house a great place for the owner of the house, his family and friends to relax.

The easiest and surest way to protect wood from the damaging effects of moisture, the penetration of biological pests, ultraviolet radiation and other environmental aggression is varnish, paint. The process of updating the walls gives the building a new look, attractive, elegant. Exterior painting is durable oil compositions, protective impregnations, durable, reliable.

Features of exterior painting

Facade protected by paintwork materials

Painting performs two functions - protection and decoration. Decorating compositions can be transparent or with the addition of color, a color that masks flaws and irregularities.

LCPs dry differently. Quick-drying bases contain solvents or an emulsion base. Oil formulations take time to harden, desiccants will help speed up drying.

An important indicator is light fastness, the ability to maintain its original appearance for a long time without fading from sunlight. The parameter is of great importance for facade work, maybe even the main thing.

Important! The use of paint and varnish coatings is necessary if it is not planned to line the walls with finishing materials, panels, siding.

The paint and varnish coating does not interfere with the breathing of wood, air exchange is carried out through the ends of the timber and micro-slits of the inter-crown joints, preserves the beauty of the natural wood pattern, does not affect the ecological balance (glazing transparent composition). If the timber is of low quality, has significant flaws, varnish or paint will hide them, significantly improving the appearance of the house.

Material selection options

How to cover the outer walls of a log house is the main question. Which of the colors to prefer will help comparative analysis.

Habitual oil paints, familiar from childhood, have many advantages, but are of little use for facade work. Sensitivity to solar radiation quickly renders the painted surface unusable. The paint changes color, peels off, restoration will require a lot of effort.

Alkyd paints are designed for outdoor use, but they adhere well to metal or plastered surfaces, they lie unevenly on wood, and they do not adhere well.

Emulsion compositions are not afraid of the sun, but over time they are washed out with water, two or three slanting rains and the wall is bare.

Silicate paints for outdoor finishing work are also not suitable for a wooden surface, they are created for stone, concrete and plaster.

So it turns out that with all the wealth of choice there is no alternative to acrylic paints. The compositions are durable, do not fade in the sun, the surface coated with acrylic acquires the properties of hygroscopicity. In the work, the compositions are convenient, until the moment of complete drying, unnecessary stains can be washed off with plain water.

Paints can be matte and glossy. Shiny surfaces are not to everyone's taste, besides, all cracks, knots, and other flaws appear on them. Matte surfaces are boring, but this drawback is easily eliminated by properly selected tones or their harmonious combination. There are also semi-gloss and semi-gloss paint compositions.

In Europe, it is now fashionable to apply any paint on timber walls and cover them with high-quality durable varnish on top. Houses turn out like jewelry boxes. Handsomely.

Advice! To ensure that the coating is of high quality, beautiful and durable, choose coatings from Zobel, Osmo, Tikkurila, Belinka. German, Finnish and Slovenian manufacturers are famous for the fact that their products are not only of high quality, but also environmentally friendly.

The technology of painting the facade of a timber house

Good preparation for the process is its integral part, the key to success and a guarantee of quality. First prepare tools and materials so as not to be distracted, because it is extremely inconvenient, to constantly wash your hands, hands and clothes. You will need:

  • roller on a long handle;
  • a medium-sized brush and a small brush;
  • grinder with fine-grained abrasive;
  • primer antiseptic;
  • dye;
  • brush.

First, the walls are cleaned of dust and dirt, polished, and the products of grinding are removed with a brush.

Advice! Use a vacuum cleaner. It will help to quickly, without much effort to clean the surface. The more powerful the vacuum cleaner, the higher the guarantee of high-quality wall processing.

The second step is priming. It is applied in two layers, carefully soaking cracks, bends, depressions, knots. The second layer should be applied after the first has completely dried, after about an hour and a half.

Then the walls are painted in several layers. The drying time of each paint is different, all subsequent layers are applied after the final fixation of the coating. Finishing layers - varnish, it is also applied in 2-3 layers.

The application of paintwork materials with a brush should be carried out with horizontal even strokes or with a spray gun. The application of the product with the help of an airbrush also occurs in layers.

The cost of painting work

Is it worth it to invite specialists, or is it better to save money by doing the work yourself. In different regions of the country, the prices for this service do not differ much. The cost depends on the height of the building, volumes, number of layers, complexity and volume of pre-preparation of the walls.

For example, painting 1m² of the area of ​​the first floor will cost 500 rubles, to which you will have to add the cost of 1m² of grinding 300 rubles, finishing the ends 700 rubles, and covering with protective equipment 300 rubles. Total: 1800 rubles per 1 m² of wall. There is something to think about, especially if the house is large.

It's up to you, our business is to give some useful tips in conclusion.

You should not stretch the painting process, otherwise the tone of the sections may differ. It is difficult to achieve color uniformity, you will have to use chemical bleach.

Remember, paint destroys the flavor of the wood!

Apply varnish products, they form a protective film, which for a long time will become an effective protection for wood.

For impregnation it is better to use natural mastics. This option is not applicable for glued beams.

Many people use drying oil, dust does not stick to it.

It is not enough to build a comfortable house from a bar, you need to know how to protect wood from bad weather and pests for a long time, what paint to choose. Painting a house from a bar is not at all as simple as it seems at first glance.

Until recently, PF-115 alkyd enamel with a limited set of colors was offered for coloring wood, but now the number of offers is dizzying. To make a choice, you need to determine how to paint the house from a bar on the outside: you need hiding power to get a dense glossy finish, or you need a light glazing varnish or azure to reveal the structure of the tree.

Characteristics of the compositions

Exterior painting performs several functions and meets the requirements:

  • Resistance to adverse weather conditions (low and high temperatures, precipitation, wind).
  • Fire safety.
  • Resistance to UV radiation.
  • Durability.
  • Vapor permeability.

For painting a house made of wood, vapor permeability is especially important, since the tree must breathe during operation - let out excess moisture. Otherwise, wooden structures rot. A bonus for any paint will be protection from pests and fungus.

Choose from special compositions for staining wood:

  • Dye.
  • Enamel.
  • Azure.

Painting a house from a bar is a matter of taste of the owner, but recently, due to the general passion for ecology, it has become fashionable to reveal the structure of a tree when painting, azure is suitable for this.

According to the texture of the coating, the compositions can be:

  • Matte.
  • Glossy.
  • Semi-matte.
  • Semi-gloss.

According to the chemical composition of the paint can be:

  1. Natural.
  2. Synthetic.

Natural compounds are environmentally friendly, harmless, not always resistant. Synthetic compounds can be based on alkyd or acrylic resins, silicone or latex.

Water emulsion on acrylic binderForms a thin vapor-permeable film. High resistance to temperature extremes and precipitationPainting facades made of wood materials
Latex-based aqueous emulsionForms an elastic film with a silky sheen, resistant to direct sunlightPainting facades, window and door frames, wooden fences
Compositions based on alkyd resinsThey form a film with a glossy texture that is resistant to changes in temperature and humidity, but quickly fadePainting of wooden surfaces not subjected to mechanical stress
Oil paintsCovering compositions with low consumer properties - wear out and fade quickly, unstable to low temperaturesFencing painting

For painting a log house, consumers prefer acrylic and alkyd compounds, which have excellent strength, durability, and vapor permeability.

Compound manufacturers

ManufacturerProductPurposeCharacteristicsSpecial conditions
Belinka, SloveniaBelinka ToplasurPainting facades, window and door framesAlkyd, emphasizes the structure, does not contain biocides, does not crack, protects against UV radiationProtection of wood from decay, fungi and pests for 10-15 years
Belinka TophybridReinforced wood facade protectionAlkyd, weather-resistant, light-resistant, dries quickly, leaves structure visible, can be tintedSame
Tikkurila, FinlandPika TehoProtection and painting of external surfacesWater-based acrylate, excellent adhesion, tintableWood protection up to 7 years
Teho oljumaaliPainting facades, frames, fencesTraditional alkyd based oil paint, slow drying, excellent adhesionService life 5-7 years
Ultra ClassicPainting any wooden surfacesResistant to low temperatures, UV radiation, humidity, microorganismsService life more than 7 years
ALPINA, GermanyAlpina Die Langlebige fur HolzfassadenPainting of all wooden surfacesThin-layer breathable elastic coating, resistant to mold, fungus and UV radiationService life 5-7 years
Alpina Lasur fur HolzfassadenFacade paintingThe same, tinted, repels moistureProtects the tree from darkening for a period of 7-10 years
Alpina Lasur fur HolzPainting of surfaces in atmospheric conditions, except for floorsAlkyd azure, emphasizes texture, repels moisture, vapor permeableIt is applied over the primer on wood with a moisture content of 12-15%
TEKNOS, FinlandWOODEX EKOColoring wood in atmospheric conditionsA glazing antiseptic without organic solvents that brings out the textureWarp-resistant coating protects against UV radiation when tinted
WOODEX CLASSICSameJelly-like tinted antiseptic, protects against negative atmospheric phenomenaCannot be applied to previously painted surfaces
HAITISameAlkyd antiseptic is resistant to temperature changes, mold, fungus, algae, dirt-repellent effectService life 5-7 years
AQUATEX ROGNEDA, RFAQUATEXOld and new wooden facadesAlkyd paint, tinted, antiseptic and anti-rot, for new and old surfaces, tintable, visible textureThe same, application on a damp base is possible, without tinting the composition, the wood burns out
AQUATEX EXTRAThe same, surfaces previously treated with drying oilSame, maximum sun protectionIt has a specific smell, it will burn for a long time
AQUATEX GELSameThe same, the coating is vapor-permeable, dirt-repellentSame
Yaroslavl paints, RFTEKOTEXWood staining or primer for varnishingAlkyd compound, tinted, for biological and UV protection, vapor permeableService life up to 7 years
PREMIAColoring and protection of wood in atmospheric conditionsThe same, both colorless and tinted are available, visible textureSame
FAST HAIRSameSameSame, maximum rain protection

In order not to spend money on low-quality goods, it is advisable to choose a composition from a well-known manufacturer that has been on the market for more than 10 years, and make a purchase in a large market specializing in the sale of building materials.

Coating technology

You can paint the house with a brush or with the help, however, the latter method requires dilution of the paint, which is undesirable for many compositions.

For work you will need:

  • Brushes - brush for soil, flute for paint.
  • Airbrush, with mechanized painting.
  • Sandpaper, Sander.
  • Improvised means - empty containers and a ladder.
  • Overalls set.
  • Protective equipment - gloves and goggles.

Before painting the surface of the facade, it must be prepared, the processing is carried out in several stages:

  • Cleaning of dust, dirt, paint, oil stains and solvents.
  • Grinding.
  • Cleaning with a brush or blowing with a vacuum cleaner.
  • Pre-primer with flame retardant, fungicidal and antiseptic effect.
  • Primer to increase adhesion.

Each layer of primer must dry before applying the next. Drying time is specified by the manufacturer of the composition. The quality of painting and the durability of the coating depend on the thoroughness of the pre-treatment. Then the paint and varnish composition is applied in 2-3 layers according to the manufacturer's recommendation.

ATTENTION: When using a brush, coloring movements should have a vertical direction - up and down, horizontal movements give an uneven stroke.


Painting a house with your own hands does not require professional skills, but it will allow you to keep the facades in a presentable form for a long time. However, before deciding to paint, you need to evaluate your strengths and the microclimate inside the building - will it be necessary to insulate the cottage by next winter.

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