Apitherapy bee products. Bee treatment: benefits, harms and contraindications

garden equipment 30.06.2020
garden equipment

For some, a bee sting is associated with pain and discomfort, while for others it is a procedure that helps get rid of the disease without surgery and the use of numerous medications. This technique of stinging or apitherapy has been practiced for a long time and, if used correctly, gives amazing results.

What happens during a bite

An insect can sting only once, because after that it dies, unlike a wasp. The sting itself remains in the skin and through it, along with the poison, a number of other compounds enter the body, contributing to the passage of various reactions that stimulate blood circulation. These are amino acids, peptides with a toxic effect, esters, minerals and some other elements. All of them in a complex, and there are more than 200 of them, begin to influence problem points and, if they are correctly identified, a positive effect can be observed.

For the penetration of the poison, 10 minutes of finding the sting is enough, after which it must be pulled out. How to do it right, you can find out by watching the video, which will be useful for ordinary situations when a bite occurs in nature.

How is the stinging procedure

Apitherapy session

The procedure must be carried out in a specialized office. A thorough examination is carried out in advance, the feasibility and possible consequences of this event are analyzed. It is important that the apitherapist has sufficient experience. It is strictly forbidden to apply to private individuals who do not have the appropriate permission, who are not responsible for the activities carried out. A video is now available on how to conduct apitherapy, but such independent experiments are dangerous.

Visually, the treatment area looks a little intimidating, but after a while the swelling subsides. Massage helps to reduce the reaction, which must be done correctly and some points can be found by watching the training material on the video.

First of all, the points are determined, since the treatment is carried out precisely on them. The skin is disinfected and only then the bee is brought to a pre-selected place. The number of bites varies depending on the disease, the age of the patient, the general physical and psychological condition, and the main method of healing. The course itself can last 10-15 days, or in some cases up to one and a half months. In some cases, treatment may include a second procedure, but only after a break, the duration of which is determined by the doctor.

The application is preceded by an assessment of the psychological state of the patient, since a number of people have a special fear of stinging insects. The bite is accompanied by a pain syndrome, the average person is able to withstand such a degree of discomfort, but for some, the symptoms of stinging become critical, especially several insects at once. To exclude a negative reaction of the body, nervous breakdowns, the specialist conducts a conversation, analyzes the state of the person before apitherapy is carried out.

For those who want to fully understand how the process will go, you can watch the video.

Indications for the use of apitherapy

The need for use is determined by a specialist, since the use of bee stings is preceded by diagnostics. More often these are diseases, which are eliminated by stimulating blood supply and saturating cells with beneficial compounds contained in bee venom. The most common indications include the following disorders in the body:

  • Multiple sclerosis. The consequences of the disease are dysfunctions of some internal organs, and apitherapy can prevent such complications. The main thing is to correctly determine the points and conduct a course of sessions, and you can see how they will be treated on the video.
  • Phlebeurysm. Improvements are noticeable after several procedures, pain is reduced, vasoconstriction is noticeable.
  • Rehabilitation after a stroke, prevention of recurrent attacks.
  • Cardiovascular disorders. In severe forms, apitherapy must be applied very carefully, in particular, by determining the active points.
  • Prostatitis, inflammation of the genitourinary system in men. A proven fact is the positive effect of bee stings with already diagnosed prostatitis. Not every man can withstand a direct impact on the problem area, so often the specialist determines the acupuncture points and already undergoes treatment on them.
  • Disorders of the immune system, the treatment of which is based on the natural capabilities of the body.
  • Vascular deformities, arthritis, arthrosis. The effectiveness of therapy is quite high, there is even a video where after a few sessions positive changes in vascular tissues are observed.
  • Skin diseases, eczema, dermatological problems.
  • Infections. Indications for use regarding the types of infection are quite wide, which is associated with a pronounced manifestation of antibacterial properties.
  • Symptoms with pain syndrome of different locations and with a different nature of occurrence.
  • Neurosis, psychological disorders.

The indications are not limited to the above phenomena, since there are many violations in the body, which can be dealt with with the help of bee stings. The treatment cannot be called pleasant, but in some cases it gives better results than conventional medications.

Despite the numerous beneficial properties, when a bee stings, it still releases poison along with the sting. It can provoke severe allergies, leading to suffocation and other unpleasant consequences. The effect of the instantaneous formation of a tumor, as well as other consequences, is widely presented in the video. Even if there are direct indications for the use of apitherapy, it is imperative to study the body's reactions to such contact with an insect. Contraindications include pregnancy, age up to 6 years, chronic severe diseases, in particular, kidney disease, diabetes, oncological pathologies. Treatment is not recommended for low blood clotting.

In order for the treatment to be of high quality and effective, it is necessary to initially approach the search for an apitherapist with full responsibility, focusing on his experience, the status of the institution. You should not rely only on cost, since the professional procedure and even the use of young bees, which must be properly grown, requires certain costs, which is reflected in the price. The fact that the process really requires special skills can be seen in a special video.

Apitherapy called the use of bee venom for medicinal purposes. It has long been known that bee products are unique in their composition. This allows them to be used as a remedy for getting rid of many ailments, including diseases of the joints. From this article you will learn what types of non-surgical treatment for bee stings are, about the composition of bee venom, about how it can be used safely and effectively.

Benefits of bee venom

Bee venom is a product of the vital activity of bees, which has a rather complex composition:

  • Amino acids are the basis of proteins with enzymatic properties. They are the main substance that has an extensive effect on the human body.
  • Peptides: cardiopene, melittin, adolapin. Peptides activate nonspecific defense factors of the human body, thus affecting trophic processes. With their help, the mechanisms of regeneration of atrophic, as well as subatrophic processes that have arisen during inflammation of the joints are launched.
  • Esters and biogenic amines.

In the process of treatment with bees, the risk of infection is eliminated, since the bee venom is sterile. Moreover, it can retain its properties both when heated to 100 0 C and frozen.

Apitherapy is a unique way to treat joints in both men and women. People with diseases of the musculoskeletal system often have to take a fairly large amount of medication. It can be both hormones and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. As you know, over time, such drugs can be addictive, that is, they will become ineffective. Moreover, such drugs have a negative effect on the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

In this regard, patients have to resort to alternative medicine methods. One of the few options is the treatment with bees, as it helps to mobilize the latent possibilities of the body.

The presence of biogenic amines in bee venom, which have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, makes it possible to achieve high efficiency in treatment.

The effect of bee venom on the body

When the poison enters the affected area, the capillaries and arteries expand, while more blood flows to the diseased joint, swelling and pain go away.

Due to a decrease in excitability in the ganglia of the autonomic nervous system, the transmission of nerve impulses through synapses is blocked, there is a numbing effect. When treated with bee venom, metabolic processes in the cartilage are accelerated, due to which synovial fluid in the cartilage is restored.

Treatment with bee stings is recommended in courses. In this case, there is a gradual ingrowth of blood vessels into the affected area, collaterals are formed, thus it is possible to achieve restoration of innervation in the affected joints. Moreover, the therapeutic effect of apitherapy persists for some time, as the diseased organ "remembers" the mechanism of action. In addition, bee venom is also able to stimulate the body's immune response.

In the treatment, the so-called shock therapy is used, which promotes the production of normal antibodies by the human body, which inhibit the production of abnormal proteins. To attain anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, the poison is also injected into the area of ​​the affected joint.

Practical application of apitherapy

Treatment with bee stings can be indicated for the following diseases:

  • widespread osteochondrosis of the spine, including osteochondrosis of the cervical region;
  • lumbar hernia, as well as other problems associated with the spine;
  • pinching, inflammation of the sciatic nerve;
  • gout;
  • arthritis of the middle (knee, ankle, shoulder, humeroscapular, elbow) and large joints;
  • arthritishaving an autoimmune component - psoriatic or rheumatoid.

When treating with apitherapy, a number of rules must be observed. First of all, you need to consult with your therapist. A mandatory step is to check the patient for a possible allergy to bee venom. The first sessions of treatment with bees must be carried out in a clinic under the supervision of an apitherapist.


There are certain contraindications to bee treatment:

  1. allergy to bee venom;
  2. severe infections;
  3. malignant tumor formations;
  4. acute liver or kidney failure;
  5. tuberculosis;
  6. hypertension of the second and third degree (at the first degree it is used with caution);
  7. children's age up to 18 years;
  8. diabetes;
  9. increased body temperature;
  10. exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  11. in the presence of autoimmune lesions, special care should be taken.


After the bee stings the patient, the sting stays in the person for about a minute. The therapy is carried out in courses of 10-15 sessions, which are prescribed every other day. Hitting the sting in the same place several times is undesirable.

A patient planning a treatment with apitherapy should know the following points:

  • After the procedure, you need to lie down for about 20 minutes, it is not recommended to get up immediately.
  • The use of alcohol during treatment should be excluded.
  • Daily consumption of one tablespoon of honey is recommended.
  • It is not recommended to carry out therapy immediately after eating, after a bath, after physical overwork.
  • It should be excluded for the period of therapy the use of foods that are allergens, including citrus fruits, chocolate, strawberries, eggs, fish. It is recommended to limit the consumption of meat, strong tea, coffee, spices. A dairy-vegetarian diet is desirable.
  • You should remain calm, trust the apitherapist and be tuned in to a positive outcome of the treatment.
  • With positive dynamics of treatment and good tolerance of bites by the patient, 2-3 courses of therapy can be prescribed per year. Each time, the procedures are easier to tolerate, as the body becomes tolerant to bee venom.

Why is it not recommended to drink alcohol during the course of apitherapy?

When conducting apitherapy, the use of alcohol should be completely excluded. The bottom line is that even a small amount of alcohol greatly reduces the effect of bee venom. Thus, the intake of alcohol will lead to a lack of results from the treatment. However, the consequences can be more serious. With the regular use of alcohol in significant doses during the course of therapy, an individual reaction may develop, this threatens with dangerous complications, even death.

Alcohol should be excluded from use in the treatment of any bee products, not only bee venom. In addition, any alcohol-containing medicinal tinctures, such as Corvalol, for example, fall under the ban.

In the case when a person unknowingly consumed alcohol, diphenhydramine can be injected to prevent a sharp drop in blood pressure.

After completing the course of treatment, alcohol is not recommended for some more time, as the accumulated bee venom will still be present in the body.

The use of apitherapy at home, the location of sting points on the human body

Is it possible to treat bee venom at home without consulting a doctor? It is possible, but highly undesirable.

First of all, you need to know where on the human body there are biologically active sting points.

The location of these points is indicated in the figure.

The course of home apitherapy can last from one to two weeks, in some cases up to a month. It is recommended to start therapy with the stings of two or three bees, do not immediately give a loading dose. The increase in the number of bites is carried out gradually, from procedure to procedure.

When a bee bites you, this process is very unpleasant. Many people are wary of these insects.

Nevertheless, there are those, and there are many of them, who are happy to practice bee venom treatment.
This type of treatment is called apitherapy - when bee stings help a person recover from any disease.

Why do bee stings have a healing effect?
What diseases can be cured with striped insects? Who should not be treated with apitherapy and why?

natural syringe

The term "apitherapy" itself is translated as treatment with bees. Also bee stings.

In fact, apitherapy treats diseases not only with bee stings, but also with royal jelly, honey, wax, and pollen.

Biting is just one type of this therapy.
The Ministry of Health in 1959 recognized the method of treatment with bees as official. Pamphlets began to be published on how to use bee venom for treatment. Gradually, a specialization appeared - an apitherapist.
The method of bee stinging is also called apyreflexotherapy in a different way. This is due to the fact that during apitherapy, as in the procedure carried out with the help of needles, the action is directed to certain points on the body.

The apitherapist directs the bee to a point on your body to inject poison there.
That is, a bee is a real disposable natural syringe in which a miraculous medicine is stored.
A bee bites a person once. After being bitten, she dies.
How does it differ from a wasp, which bites more painfully and can bite many times.

Naturally, a bee stings a person not in order to cure. Her sting serves as a weapon with which she defends herself and with which she attacks if she is in danger.
Curiously, only those bees that are honey-bearing bite a person.
Drones have no poison or sting. Despite the fact that many people think that the bee attacks any people, this is not so. A bee bites a person only when it is provoked to display aggression or defends itself. For example, bees do not like strong smells, fast moving people.
When a person is calm, the bee does not pay attention to him. A bee is usually provoked by a strong smell of perfume, cologne, and sweat.

Bee weapon

A bee sting is like a dagger that is notched. Due to this, when a bee bites, its sting remains in the skin of the stung, it gets stuck. It comes out of the bee's belly, and the bee dies.
The wasp has a smooth sting. Therefore, she can sting as much as she wants.

The bee sting releases the venom for another ten to fifteen minutes as it exits the bee's body with a reservoir that stores the venom.

Bees also bite various natural aggressors, including insects and birds.

Few are aware that when an insect stings, the bee remains alive.
Insects are owners of a thinner cover, so the sting cannot get stuck in them.
If bee venom enters the human body in a small dose, it is not dangerous, unless you are allergic.

With a favorable outcome of events, the poison should simply scare away. The bite site burns, a tumor appears.
In the case of an allergy to bees, which 2% of the people on the planet have, the poison can kill - there will be a serious inflammatory reaction, after which Quincke's edema occurs.

If a bee bites a mouse or a small bird, the prey is likely to die.
Bees inject approximately 0.3 - 0.8 mg of poison into the victim's body. In summer, the concentration usually increases.
Toxic to humans is the amount - 50 bites.

In order for a person to die from a bee sting, 0.2 g of poison is needed. This is approximately 250 to 500 bee stings.
With bee stings, the body gradually gets used to them, the risk of allergies is reduced. Due to this property, homeopathy has come up with a method of apitherapy.

But the reaction of the human body to bee stings is unpredictable.
Sometimes beekeepers, who have worked for a long time and have been bitten by bees many times, die from the bite of one.
This means that if you are not allergic to bees, you are not insured that it can develop at any time.

There is a dependence of the body's reaction to a bite on age, lifestyle, weight, and the place of the bee sting.
Bees are extremely dangerous for children whose immune system is still vulnerable.
But do not consider them the worst enemies.

The appearance of the bee refers to the time 60,000 years before the appearance of Homo sapiens, and with his appearance, the bee began to heal him.

Poison medicine

Apitherapy is carried out by two types of exposure:
The first impact is reflex. The apitherapist, using tweezers, turns the sting on the points that need to be acted upon.

For a certain time, the bee sting is left at the point of impact, after which the doctor removes it.
The second type of influence is biological.

Aptioxin, also known as bee venom, affects the human body.
There are only 240 names of substances in aptioxin. These are copper, magnesium, formic, hydrochloric acids, phosphorus and calcium, amino acids, stearins, carbohydrates, peptides.

    The most important peptides are:
  • cardiopeptide - has a stabilizing effect on the cardiovascular system.
  • adolapin. He anesthetizes. According to some reports, its analgesic effect is 80 times stronger than that of opium.
  • mellitin. Its action is anti-inflammatory. It kills unwanted bacteria in the body. The poison has a bactericidal effect on E. coli, staphylococci, streptococci and many others.
  • apamin, action - tonic nervous system. The impact occurs on the nerve endings, which are located in the human skin. Apamin stimulates blood circulation and metabolism, helps lower cholesterol levels, and helps to reduce blood clotting.

The acids in bee venom and histamine help dilate blood vessels. Vessels become permeable, pressure decreases.
With the help of acetylcholine contained in bee venom, paralysis is treated.

Who do bees help?

    It is very effective in the treatment of apitherapy for such diseases as:
  • Diseases of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system:
    These include gout, arthrosis, neuritis, neuralgia, myalgia, polyarthritis, arthritis, sciatica, osteochondrosis, vertebral hernia, deforming osteoarthritis.

    Bee venom is able to relieve acute pain after the first session, return the joy of walking.
    Aptioxin is used as part of an ointment for sciatica.

    There is evidence from scientists saying that bee venom helps to form a new cartilage structure. As a result, patients suffering from a herniated disc located between the vertebrae are favorably cured by apitherapy.

    The results will also be favorable in the treatment of multiple sclerosis and cerebral palsy. Bee venom can delay their development.

    It reduces the effect of autoimmune inflammation, favorably affects the coordination of movements. Bee venom therapy helps restore a person's ability to move.

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
    Therapy with bee venom contributes to the achievement of good results during the treatment of patients after a stroke, paralysis.
    Apitherapy is suitable for patients with angina pectoris and arrhythmia, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins.
    Also, bee stings are applicable for bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis.
    Aptioxin dilates the bronchi and thins sputum, helps to expectorate it.

Apitherapy is also used to treat female infertility and prostatitis.

It hurts?

In order to treat a person with bee venom, precautions must be taken. Therefore, a doctor with a diploma conducts treatment sessions with bee venom and bee products: acupuncturist or apitherapist.

You should not turn to amateurs who simply deal with bees and try to heal a person with bee venom in their spare time, without a medical degree.

In the case of an allergy, this person may not have medical instruments for resuscitation. Contact clinics specializing in apitherapy. It is advisable to have a bee venom treatment session in a comfortable and well-equipped room.

The most important! Treatment with bee venom and bee products always begins with a human tolerance test for bee venom.

How is the testing process going? The doctor places a bee on the patient's lower back.
The bee bites the patient, the doctor removes it. The stinger bag must be held for 10 seconds. After six to eight hours, the effect of aptioxin will appear.

The doctor should look at the effect of the poison after six hours and the next day.
Let's say the result is normal. Now you need to take the next bioassay.
It is necessary to leave the sting under the skin for a longer period of time.

If the second test gives a good result, the doctor conducts treatment.
How many bees to use simultaneously in one session, the duration of the course of treatment will be determined by the doctor.
Everything will depend on how serious the diagnosis is and what was the reaction of the body to the bee venom.
With the disease "osteochondrosis" the bee is planted along the spine. If you have arthritis, the site of the bite will be diseased joints.

With varicose veins - veins. If you have high blood pressure, the bee will be planted on the cervical spine.

The minimum total number of bees that need to be planted on the body is 56.
Maximum - 200 in summer, 250 in winter. In winter, the bee is not so active.
If the patient's body reacted positively to the first bite, this does not mean that more than 2 bees can be placed on him at a time. And some patients put 30 bees at once.
That is, the first patient will be treated longer, and the other will complete the course in 10 sessions.
Does this procedure hurt?

Yes. But some people just have to endure that pain because they have to. Against the background of pain in arthritis, osteochondrosis, a bee sting is the least evil.

After apitherapy sessions, a person gets on his feet and feels better.
The body gradually gets used to the stings of bees and it does not hurt so much anymore.

Pain lasts about 20 seconds, after which the bite becomes numb. Before the bite, the doctor may put an ice cube on the skin to reduce pain.
After a session of apitherapy, the patient may be weak, lethargic, with fever for some time.

Do not go to the session at the beginning of the day.
After treatment with poison, patients itch, swell. They are allowed homeopathic medicines so that the skin does not irritate.

Treatment with bee venom is cumulative. The effect lasts for six months.
Doctors recommend taking a course 2 times a year.


Getting ready for treatment

During the course of apitherapy, do not drink alcoholic beverages, strong tea, do not eat citrus fruits, chocolate, strawberries. Do not go to the sauna and bath, do not undertake physical activity.
Do not eat much before a bee sting.

"Apis" in Latin means "bee", from which it is easy to guess: the name apitherapy refers to a field of medical science in which the main method of treatment are bee products and the bees themselves.

There is a separate section of apitherapy called apitoxin therapy. It is dedicated to the treatment of hard-working insect stings, in other words, bee stinging.

Apitherapy was recognized as a therapeutic method by the USSR Ministry of Health in 1959. From that moment on, professional apitherapists began to be trained - specialists using therapies based on the use of bees and bee products.

What is used in apitherapy

This area of ​​medicine has in its arsenal products that have unique properties that positively affect human health.


A multicomponent substance produced in bees by special glands. As a raw material is used:

  • Zabrus is a wax layer with which bees seal honeycombs filled with honey. Beekeepers cut them off before downloading.
  • Non-standard, discarded combs not suitable for beekeepers' intended use.
  • The wax left after eating honey in combs.

It has active bactericidal properties. In traditional medicine, it is used in the production of ointments and plasters.


A glue-like substance produced by bees to maintain the necessary microclimate in the hive by covering the cracks with it. With the help of propolis, industrious insects regulate the size of the notch depending on temperature indicators.

This beekeeping product has an antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory effect.

The peculiarity of propolis is that with strong heating, including boiling, it fully retains its healing properties.


Plant pollen collected by bees, placed in honeycombs, processed with honey and preserved in them under the influence of the resulting lactic acid. This is a nutritious food for young bees, its second name is bee bread. It contains vitamins, mineral salts, organic acids.

Perga has antitoxic properties, stimulates an increase in hemoglobin, erythrocytes, and normalizes the number of blood leukocytes.

This fragrant product is essentially plant nectar, partially digested by bees. It consists of 16-20% water, about 80% carbohydrates (sugars), approximately 2% vitamins, minerals, organic substances, aromatic acids.

Honey has antibacterial, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antiallergic properties.

Feed intended for mother larvae. It is produced by the maxillary glands of bees. The queen bee feeds on this product throughout the entire period of life.

Royal jelly is an acidic jelly-like mass of white color with a complex composition. For 65-66% it consists of water, approximately 19% of the composition falls on proteins and sugars. The fat content can reach up to 9%. More than 1% are mineral salts.

Milk is obtained by extracting it from queen cells - wax bowls made by bees on the walls of honeycombs.

It normalizes the functioning of the nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular systems, has a positive effect on metabolism, and is effective in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is actively used in cosmetology.

drone milk

The product, also referred to as drone homogenate, is obtained by pressing comb fragments containing drone larvae (male bees). The result is a kind of larval milk with a specific taste.

The drone homogenate has a tonic effect, restores metabolic processes, lowers cholesterol, and has a positive effect on the functioning of the male reproductive system.

The bodies of dead bees that did not survive the winter are collected by beekeepers in the spring. Podmor bee consists of components produced by insects during life: honey, propolis, royal jelly, bee venom.

The chitinous layer with which the bees are covered contains valuable components that can benefit the body.

Podmor prevents the accumulation of body fat, normalizes digestion and metabolism, prevents thrombosis in blood vessels.

All of the listed bee products can be used for the complex treatment of various ailments at home, however, before using them, it is advisable to consult a doctor with a narrow specialization in a particular disease, as well as a professional apitherapist.

The unique composition of beekeeping products allows them to be used in the complex treatment of a wide variety of pathological conditions.

  • Diseases of the nervous system: depression, neurosis, neuritis, pathology of the intervertebral discs, migraine, recovery from a stroke.
  • Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract: duodenal ulcer, gastritis, gastroduodenitis.
  • Cardiovascular diseases: ischemic diseases, angina pectoris, cardiosclerosis, hypertension.
  • Systemic pathological conditions: dermatomyositis, scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • Skin ailments: dermatitis, eczema, neurodermatitis, pruritus.
  • Respiratory diseases.
  • Endocrine disorders: thyrotoxicosis, type 2 diabetes mellitus.
  • Pathologies of the genitourinary system: chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma, infertility, failure of the menstrual cycle, impotence.
  • Various types of anemia.
  • Eye diseases: farsightedness and myopia, glaucoma.

Caution first: contraindications to apitherapy

Like most biologically active products, apitherapy products can cause an adverse reaction in the body.

  • Allergy to bee products.
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Tuberculosis at any stage, up to long-term healed and not manifesting itself.
  • Liver failure, hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Renal failure, any diseases of the kidneys and adrenal glands.
  • Chronic and acute infectious pathologies in the period of exacerbation.

Biting for Good: Apitoxin Therapy Treatment

Many people associate apitherapy with bee stinging, but meanwhile this type of treatment is now placed in a separate section and is called apitoxin therapy.

What is the process of bee stinging? The insect, with a strong movement of the abdomen, immerses the sting into the skin, directing the poison into the wound with the help of muscle contractions. Notches on the sting contribute to the fact that the entire stinging organ remains in the skin, and for some time the toxin continues to enter the body. The insect then dies.

Bee venom has a complex composition, including:

  • toxic peptides;
  • inorganic acids: formic, orthophosphoric, hydrochloric;
  • amino acids;
  • proteins with enzymatic properties;
  • mineral components: magnesium, potassium, iodine, iron, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, copper, zinc, manganese, chlorine.

Apitoxin serves as a natural defense for bees from attacks by other insects and animals that react differently to its effects: there are known cases of death of horses from stings, but bee venom has practically no effect on snakes, hedgehogs, and bears.

The effect of bee venom on the human body depends on individual characteristics. There are people who can calmly endure the bites of several dozen hardworking insects, and for someone, even one sting can be fatal.

Therefore, if other products available in the arsenal of apitherapy can be used at home on their own, then apitoxin therapy should be carried out only by a qualified specialist.

The doctor calculates the required dosage of the poison, checks for allergies, draws up the necessary schedule of sessions. Before starting the procedures, he will definitely carry out preliminary preparation:

  1. On the first day, the bite of one insect in the lower back is used, after 15 seconds the sting is removed.
  2. The next day, you need to conduct laboratory tests of urine for sugar and protein.
  3. On the third day, a procedure similar to the first is performed, but the stinging apparatus remains in the body for a minute.
  4. Further, laboratory analysis is carried out again.

Sessions of apitoxin therapy begin if after two tests no negative reactions of the body appear.

Not only the number of stinging insects matters, but also the place of the bite. The apitherapist uses tweezers to direct the sting of the insect to active points.

In addition to stinging insects, bee venom can be introduced into the body by injecting apitoxin-based preparations, by inhalation. In addition, this substance is applied externally in the form of ointments.

Apitoxin, when used correctly, expands the lumen of blood vessels, increases blood flow to the sore spot and reduces the intensity of pain; has a positive effect on metabolism and on the general condition of the body (increases tone and performance).

The use of apitherapy at home

In the absence of intolerance, bee products are great for healing the body at home.

The most popular product used in apitherapy is honey. It is used not only as an independent product: on its basis, various home health-improving drugs are made.

When purchasing honey, you should consider a few rules:

  • Beekeepers start pumping out a new honey crop after mid-July. Therefore, you should not choose honey before this time.
  • When buying, look with your eyes at the beekeeper: he will most likely have only a few varieties of fragrant product on the counter, unlike a dealer who offers dozens of varieties of honey.
  • Dissolve a teaspoon of fresh product in a glass of warm water. High-quality honey will dissolve in about 10 minutes, the water will become evenly yellowish. The appearance of a cloudy precipitate in the form of undissolved crystals is an indicator of falsification.

Honey should not be heated above 40 degrees - it loses its beneficial properties. Therefore, do not put it in hot tea, eat it as a bite, waiting until the drink stops being scalding.

Dissolve a teaspoon of honey in 200 ml of warm milk and take it in the evening: getting rid of insomnia and healthy sleep are guaranteed.

To rid the body of toxins and reduce blood sugar, take this mixture on an empty stomach in the morning: a teaspoon of honey, juice of ½ lemon, a tablespoon of aloe juice and a little warm water.

Means based on honey and propolis

Propolis must be thoroughly crushed, poured into enameled, ceramic or glassware, placed in a water bath and melted until the density of sour cream is reached.

Honey should be brought into this mass, mixed and removed from heat. Remember: honey should not be heated too much!

Pour the resulting drug into a dark glass container under an airtight lid and store in a cool place.

Honey with perga

The most common way to prepare such a drug is to mix these two products, taking 1 part of perga and 2 parts of honey. If granulated bee bread is used, a 1: 1 ratio is taken. Such a mixture is stored for a long time without losing its healing properties.

Home remedies based on dead bees

To prepare a decoction, pour a tablespoon of crushed subpestilence with 200 ml of water, bring to a boil, boil for an hour. Cooling should take place under the lid. Strain the product and store no more than 3 days.

With varicose veins, joint pain, an ointment using bee deadness will help. To prepare it, a tablespoon of this product must be ground into powder and combined with 100 grams of petroleum jelly. The ointment is rubbed in a heated form.

What is apitherapy, how it developed and what means were used, is described in this video:

Apitherapy is an effective method of treatment, however, it should be used as an addition to the main therapy after consultation with a specialist in this field.

Treatment with bees or apitherapy is a field of medicine that includes treatment with any bee product: honey, bee venom, perga, propolis, subpestilence, royal jelly.

Treatment with bee stings has its own name, however, most often this procedure is also called apitherapy. It, like any other medical procedure, has its indications and contraindications.

What are the benefits of apitherapy

Bee venom in moderation is a kind of medicine for humans. No wonder he found a use in the production of various medicines. The poison contains more than 50 useful substances that are distributed in the blood after stinging. Bee venom increases hemoglobin levels, increases blood flow, lowers cholesterol.

Bee venom is called apitoxin - a substance that is beneficial to human health and necessary for bees to protect themselves. It is a natural component, therefore it practically does not cause allergic reactions. In the venom of older bees, there are more useful components than in young ones. Useful properties of apitoxin are expressed in the following:

The use of bees for treatment is common among beekeepers. They carry out the procedure for themselves or provide services for money. Some apiaries have built special houses for apitherapy. It is not recommended to trust even the most experienced beekeepers, because they may not know all the intricacies of medicine.

Sessions are also conducted by certified apitherapists. Wherein insects are applied not to a sore spot, but to biologically active points. This is how the maximum positive effect is achieved. Experienced apitherapists know where these points are located.

During the sting, the bee pierces the skin with its stinger and releases the venom. In this case, the person feels a strong burning sensation at the site of the bite. The bee fails to remove the sting, it remains in the skin, and the insect quickly dies, since a small part of the body remains with the sting. The wound is always too large and does not give the insect a chance to survive.

Burning and pain after stinging do not go away immediately, the duration depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Usually, discomfort subsides after half an hour or an hour after the bite. Swelling and redness may not go away for up to a day.

What diseases can be cured

Apitherapy covers a fairly wide range of medical indications. Indications for the use of apitherapy:

  • joint diseases;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • trophic ulcer;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • type 2 diabetes mellitus;
  • eye diseases;
  • prostatitis;
  • BPH;
  • sexual impotence in men.

And this is an incomplete list of diseases. We can say that bee venom has a beneficial effect on almost all vital human systems.


Before you start bee treatment, you need to make sure that a person does not belong to the category of people who are contraindicated in apitherapy. Contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • heart diseases;
  • diseases of the blood, kidneys and liver;
  • tuberculosis;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • the stage of exacerbation of any chronic disease;
  • a state of high temperature;
  • intolerance to bee venom or allergies.

If a person has no contraindications, he is tested. For this, several stings are used as test ones and the affected area is checked the next day. If a rash has begun, and the edema is not within the normal range, then treatment is not recommended.

Treatment Methods

A disease like multiple sclerosis treated with apitherapy. Bee venom contains apitoxin, which blocks the development of the disease and has a beneficial effect on the entire nervous system. Multiple sclerosis is treated with many bee products, but bee venom is the best. From 2 to 6 insects are placed in the lumbar zone at a time. A day later, the procedure is repeated. If the redness and swelling disappear fairly quickly, you can repeat the next day. In general, the course should get from 50 to 60 stings. After that you need to take a break.

Multiple sclerosis requires constant medical supervision. Bee venom will help you recover, but it won't be enough. Simultaneously with the course of apitherapy, you can take mumijo, a tincture of propolis. Thanks to the poison, memory is restored gradually.

Treatment with bee stings is prescribed for varicose veins. Insects are planted on inflamed veins. Bee venom contains peptides that have analgesic properties. Substances, getting into the inflamed node, contribute to the resorption of blood clots, and the legs return to their previous state.

With the help of bee stings, they treat and osteochondrosis. Sting occurs in the back, in a sore spot. There is a point treatment. Bee venom penetrates to the nerve endings of the spinal cord and eliminates pain. The effect is visible after several sessions.

Gout also treated with bee stings. You can be treated at home, and the effect comes after a few sessions. Insects are applied to the following areas: hips, shoulders, spine. Apitherapy helps reduce pain and reduce inflammation.

A therapy is effective in prostatitis. Such a procedure can permanently save a man from this disease. To treat prostatitis, more poison will be needed, so the bees need to be angry before the procedure. The session is held during the flowering of honey plants, when insects are constantly on the move, and they have more than enough energy. To further annoy the bee, you can place it in a matchbox for a while. If you repeat the procedure several times, there will be no trace of prostatitis. The specialist knows the places where the bees should sting, it is better to trust him, and not to conduct sessions on your own.

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