Useful and harmful foods slides. Presentation on the topic: "Food"

Engineering systems 30.06.2020
Engineering systems

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Chewing gums These products can hardly even be called food, because they are almost entirely made up of food additives: sweeteners and sugar substitutes, stabilizers, thickeners, emulsifiers, antioxidants (antioxidants) and food colors.

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Chips and french fries are a highly concentrated mixture of fats and carbohydrates, coated with dyes and flavor substitutes. Due to the peculiarities of preparation, they form a lot of carcinogens - substances that provoke cancer.

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Sweet soda is a mixture of sugar, chemicals and gases. As a rule, they contain aspartame (E951), a synthetic sweetener. But most importantly - soda does not quench thirst. And sodium benzoate (E211), which is used as a preservative, leads to metabolic disorders and obesity.

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Instant noodles It would seem that there is nothing harmful in the composition of noodles. Useful, however, also nothing. All flavors, dyes and preservatives that the seasoning contains have a negative effect on the human body. Frequent consumption of it threatens with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract such as gastritis or ulcers.

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Popcorn By itself, corn does not pose any health hazard, but everything changes when they come - oil, salt, sugar, caramelizers, dyes, flavor enhancers, flavorings. the dose of salt in the classic salted popcorn goes off scale, and this is fraught with, at a minimum, an increase in pressure and disruption of the kidneys.

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Berries Berries slow down the aging process of the human nervous system. Blueberries and blueberries are a very healthy food for those who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, and oncological diseases. They are also indispensable for obese people and diabetics, as they can lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

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Nuts Nuts are a great source of vitamins, minerals, proteins, healthy fats. These healthy foods, when consumed daily, are good for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, anemia, and vision problems. It has also been proven that nuts are a healthy food for stress, depression, loss of strength, and the general tone of the body.

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Onions and garlic Onions and garlic contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, useful essential oils, and have a positive effect on the entire human body. They are good for diseases of the liver, cardiovascular and endocrine systems, lower blood cholesterol, strengthen the human immune system. And, of course, with colds. Essential oils and fintocides contained in them prevent the reproduction of microbes and destroy them.

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Legumes Soybeans, beans, beans and peas contain a large amount of protein and coarse fiber. This makes them useful products for patients with diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, people suffering from obesity, diseases of the digestive system, kidneys and liver, who have a weak immune system. Legumes are able to supply the human body with proteins without being accompanied by fat.

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Fruits Apples are used for the prevention and treatment of the cardiovascular, digestive, urinary, immune systems, diseases of the skin and the musculoskeletal system. Reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels, slow down the growth of cancer cells. Other fruits were also included in the list of "Most Healthy Foods": kiwi and persimmon, pineapple and pomegranate, apricot and banana, avocado and mango.

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Vegetables Spinach, lettuce and cabbage are good for the intestines, slow down the growth of tumors, have a diuretic effect, are useful for hypertension, obesity, tuberculosis, atherosclerosis. Carrot strengthens the immune system, improves the functioning of the intestines, has a positive effect on the retina of the eye, is used to prevent diseases of the heart, kidneys and liver, has a wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect.

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Seafood The first place among them is occupied by fish: salmon, tuna, sardines. Favorably influencing the cardiovascular system, fish significantly reduces the possibility of various heart diseases. They are recommended to be eaten by people who have problems with the stomach, thyroid gland, overweight. Fish contributes to the activation of the brain, the rapid healing of wounds, and prevents the formation of cancer cells.

Olga Artemyeva
Presentation "Healthy Eating"

Dear colleagues! Problem health preschooler is at risk. And modern products are to blame. food which adversely affect the fragile body of the child. modern food "fast food"(English, which means a dish prepared for a quick meal. These products food filled the shelves of many stores. Every year the number of diseases of children is growing. And the problem is getting worse and worse. Recently, I see children who are happy to eat not only chips and crackers, but also disposable Rolton or Dosherak noodles. It is clear that the problem with health arose not in a month, but after some time. Therefore, the idea arose to introduce children to those products food from which they will benefit, that is health. I bring to your attention presentation on this topic.

1 slide. Today we will talk about the right nutrition. To always be healthy.

2 slide. Vitamins are substances needed for health. Vitamins with food enter the bloodstream and strengthen our muscles and bones.

3 slide. Guys, you already know that if a person eats junk food, he begins to develop various diseases of the stomach and intestines. Sometimes you even need the help of a doctor.

4 slide. So, tell me the harmful foods that are undesirable for people, especially young children. (Children make their guess)

Due to the content of phosphoric acids, Coca-Cola destroys teeth and leaches calcium salts from bones, destroys our nervous system, and leads to various diseases. It is better not to drink such a terrible drink at all, even on holidays.

5 slide. Look at the screen. What do you see? That's right, chips and crackers, are they healthy? (children's answers)

In order for the chips to be tasty and crispy, to be stored for a long time, a huge amount of chemicals has been added to them. And including, flavor enhancer - monosodium glutamate. Bright beautiful packaging attracts your attention. But this product is addictive, food addiction. A person very quickly gets used to this product and it is no longer possible to force him to eat ordinary potatoes. He wants chips!

Interestingly, the manufacturer of one of the largest and most popular brands of chips is the CHEMICAL concern. By the way, let's try to set fire to one chip for the sake of interest. (The teacher sets fire to one chip)

What happened to her? Of course, she is on fire, because all soaked in oil. But pay attention to how it smokes and smells unpleasant. And that's what people eat.

Let's talk about crackers. At first glance, there is nothing wrong with them. Croutons are dried bread. And primordially Russian product. But generously sprinkled with flavors, preservatives, baking powder, separators, modern crackers have acquired new unsafe properties.

In the composition of crackers and chips, Swedish scientists have identified dangerous carcinogens.

It is known to damage the nervous system and cause abdominal tumors. This, guys, is a very terrible disease. And it's better for us not to get sick! Ask your mothers to dry slices of bread or a loaf in the oven, these will be not only the most delicious crackers, but also healthy ones.

6 slide. Food helps you guys grow. Food gives you the energy you need.

The growing body of a child needs energy for the vital activity of the brain and nerves.

Food affects a person's appearance. Healthy shine of hair is the first sign of the correct food. As well as hair, nails and skin require the use of vitamins and proteins, their condition depends on the correctness human nutrition.

7 slide. Look guys at this picture, it's called a pyramid food. Pyramid food or food pyramid - a schematic representation of the principles healthy eating developed by nutritionists. Let's see what we need to eat and in what quantity. Foods at the bottom of the pyramid should be eaten as often as possible, while foods at the top of the pyramid should be avoided or consumed in limited quantities.

8 slide. But not always eating right, the person can stay healthy. And the reason for this, look at the screen - microbes.

9 slide. I read a verse.

10 slide. Microbes enter our body along with dirty vegetables and fruits, poorly cooked meat or fish, poor-quality and expired products. Germs are on dirty hands, a handkerchief, in which a person has already blown his nose.

11 slide. So guys, let's talk about how we can get rid of these harmful germs? (children's answers)

12 slide. Well done, right. We need to keep our body clean. Wash your hands with soap and water more than once. Use disposable wipes. And of course, thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits.

13 slide. 14 slide. 15 slide. Guys, we got letters. The postman brought us today. Let's read who they are from. I read, we consider with children fruits and vegetables that contain these vitamins. So, this letter is from vitamins.

14 slide. And this letter is from the girl Masha, that's what she wrote to us. I'm reading.

15 slide. And I read this letter from Sovunya.

16 slide. Guys, what is shown on the screen? (Scales).

That's right, scales. What do you think they show us? (Children talk).

We received many letters today. And Vitamins, and Masha, and Sovunya offer us to understand what is harmful to our health and what is useful and make your choice.

Well, guys, our lesson has come to an end. Today we learned a lot about the benefits and harms food. I really want you all to be healthy, which means eat right. Goodbye.

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Slides captions:

Useful and harmful food Moiseeva Natalya Nikolaevna MBOU secondary school in the village of Donguz, Baltai district, Saratov region

Useful and harmful foods It is necessary to eat tomatoes, Fruits, vegetables, lemons, Porridge - in the morning, soup - for lunch, And for dinner - vinaigrette. Well, if you start your dinner with a bag of sweets, You will have a bite of imported chewing gum, You will sweeten it with chocolate, Then surely your companions will always be Myopia, pale appearance And poor appetite.

Proper nutrition is the key to health for life. There are people who eat right, and there are people who have never thought about what they eat. How diverse is human food! It is very important that food of animal and vegetable origin gets into our body. Many people consume foods that are harmful to the body: chips, soda, a huge amount of sweets, very fatty and spicy foods. Eating healthy foods, we enable our body to work clearly and without errors. In the daily menu of a person must be fruits and vegetables. But if you eat only vegetables and fruits, then the food will not be quite complete. Every day people should receive hot meals. Cooked food gives a person energy. After all, even the smell, the aroma from cooking helps our body prepare for lunch or breakfast. And how nice, having played enough on the street, to eat a portion of fragrant hearty borscht, cooked with love by your mother! Of course, no one will refuse a delicious buckwheat porridge with milk or an amazing vegetable stew. Hot meals give strength and health to children and stamina to adults, which are necessary for excellent study.

vitamins Vitamin A. Do you have reduced vision? Can't see objects clearly at night? Of course you miss me. Guess who I am? Vitamin A! I can be found in dairy products, carrots, lettuce, spinach, caviar. I'll be glad to meet you guys! Vitamin B. Well, if you do not have enough B vitamins, refer to foods such as bread, cereals, milk, cheese, eggs. How can you tell if you're deficient in B vitamins? It is enough to look at yourself in the mirror: after all, with a lack of us, you get cracks, sores in the corners of your mouth, peeling of the skin ... Vitamin C. Here I am the most popular vitamin. I am contained in almost all fresh vegetables, berries, rose hips, lemons, cabbage, potatoes, onions, dill, etc. Guess who I am? Vitamin C of course! If you have a cold and your body has ceased to resist disease, then immediately eat foods with vitamin C. Vitamin D. I am rare, but perhaps one of the most important vitamins - vitamin D! I can be found in butter, in eggs, in beef liver, in fish. And you can meet me in the summer under the sun. Like all living things, you need the sun to grow well. And the deficiency of my vitamin in the body of a child causes growth retardation and a disease such as rickets.

DIETARY DIET To be healthy and strong, you need a varied diet. Healthy food and plenty of fluids provide the body with the energy it needs to grow and develop. It is useful to eat at the same time. Food eaten without fuss and haste, well chewed, is easier to digest and assimilate by the body. It is better to eat 3-4 times a day with breaks of 4-4.5 hours. After eating, physical education and sports should be postponed for 1.5 - 2 hours, since a full stomach does not allow you to perform exercises in full; feeling of heaviness in the abdomen. It harms the body.

Reminder for children and their parents 1. Eat a variety of foods every day. 2. The bulk of the food should be vegetables and fruits. 3. Food must be chewed well to moisten with saliva. 4. The break between meals should not be more than 3 hours, preferably eat at the same time. 5. For breakfast, it is better to eat various cereals. 6. Lunch should be complete, consisting of 3-4 courses. 7. During lunch, the child eats the most food. That's why it's best to choose quiet activities after lunch. 8. For an afternoon snack, it will be useful for a child to eat a bun and milk. 9. To sleep well and rest at night, you can eat only light food for dinner: casseroles, cottage cheese, scrambled eggs, kefir, etc. 10. Food should be well cooked or fried and prepared from fresh ingredients. 11. If you want to grow up beautiful, healthy and strong, you need to eat healthy foods.

A person needs to eat, To get up and sit down, To jump, somersault, Sing songs, make friends, laugh, To grow and develop And at the same time not get sick You need to eat right From a very young age.

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 52


" Food"


Target: expanding the idea of ​​food, activating the passive vocabulary, correcting the grammatical structure of speech.


Expansion of ideas on this lexical topic, its clarification. Systematization, activation of passive vocabulary. Improving the ability to form words in a suffix way. The development of speech attention, memory.

The use of computer technology to create a favorable trusting atmosphere between a speech therapist and a child, when conducting corrective work with children of the OHP.

Presentations help speech therapists to diversify classes, make them colorful, modern, "alive", to interest children in animation.

  • Dictionary development: activation of the passive dictionary, expansion of the conceptual dictionary on the lexical topic "Food".
  • The development of the grammatical structure of children's speech.

Explain folk proverbs, sayings

  • Who is hungry is cold.
  • Bread warms, not a fur coat
  • Cold, does not tolerate hunger.
  • Skinny belly neither in dance nor in work
  • The mill is strong with water, and man with food
  • Not a horse is lucky, but oats.
  • What you bite is what you pull.
  • Here's a spoon, here's a cup. Buckwheat porridge in a bowl. The spoon was in the cup, the buckwheat porridge was gone.

You won't spoil the porridge with butter.

Kissel does not damage teeth.

Without salt - what is without will: you will not live life.

Butter cow, eat on health!

Where there are pancakes, there we are; where there is porridge with butter, there is our place.

Appetite comes with eating.

When I eat I am deaf and dumb

On an empty stomach and the song is not sung.

You won't be full from one berry.

Everyone needs both lunch and dinner.

Trouble is trouble, and food is food.

Guess the riddles

Liquid, not water White, not snow. Starts with K Our milk product

Can be welded or broken If you don't touch it might be a chicken.

Not snow And always white. Even though it flows Not water

Guess easily and quickly: Soft, fluffy and fragrant. He is black, he is white Delicious even burnt.

Mom cooked from cereals, Salted, sweetened. Hey, where's our spoon?! Need it for breakfast...

And he ear, and broth, Shchi, pickle - he is also. He is pea, cabbage And, of course, very tasty.

We are for bread

we'll smear him And add to different cereals. The porridge will not be spoiled for sure White-yellow pieces.

They sit on a spoon Dangling legs.

Name the products, designate in one word

Nature itself has created a unique food product for us - MILK

Milk serum


curdled milk


List products, name in one word

Meat stew

Liver pate

What does a chef need to prepare food?


Meat products



Equipment - oven, stove ...

Pots of various sizes


Name the porridge correctly

Barley porridge

Millet porridge


Barley porridge


Wheat porridge

Rice porrige

Pea porridge

Say the opposite




Guess the pie filling

Currant filling

Fish stuffing

Potato stuffing

What are you pie?

Stuffing from cottage cheese, eggs and greens

Filling from the liver

Stuffing from various types of jam

Carrot stuffing

Meat filling

name it right


Say it right

One apple. Two … . Five … . Ten … .

What is superfluous?

1st row

2 - row

3 - row

Correct mistakes

Lena drink lemon tea

Lena drinks lemon tea. Olya eats chocolate cake.

Olya eats chocolate cake

Sveta loves pea soup

Sveta loves pea soup Vanya cook vegetables salad

Vanya prepares vegetable salad

Nomination "Multimedia technologies in the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions"

The presentation was developed taking into account the beginning of speech therapy work, the psychophysical capabilities of pupils aged 5-7 years, who are engaged in speech therapy, with the conclusion of a speech therapist: general underdevelopment of speech of the third level with a concomitant diagnosis of dysarthria.

The presentation is aimed at expanding ideas on this lexical topic, their clarification, systematization, as well as the activation of passive vocabulary, improving the ability to form words in a suffix way, and developing speech attention.

The use of computer technology allows you to create a favorable trusting atmosphere between the speech therapist and the child, which is important when carrying out corrective work.

The purpose of the presentation is to expand ideas about food, activate passive vocabulary, correct the grammatical structure of speech.

This multimedia presentation can be used by teachers (speech therapists, educators) in the age group of 5-7 years old in order to enrich the pupils' vocabulary on this lexical topic.

Children with speech disorders gave incorrect answers to the questions: “What are they made of: meatballs, cottage cheese, butter?”. The questions were supported by visual material (illustrations). In addition, difficulties arose in the formation of an adjective from a noun - it was necessary to name the departments in which they sold: milk, cottage cheese, meat, sausages, etc. No less difficult was the task of selecting antonyms-adjectives, which is associated with an insufficient level of development of the passive and active vocabulary.

These problems can be found not only in the group of children with speech disorders, but also in those who do not seem to have them. In the process of work, it is important to draw the attention of children to case endings, both in the singular and in the plural, to the agreement of nouns and adjectives, nouns and verbs.

The task “Correct mistakes” was performed incorrectly by almost all children studying at the logopoint, as the level of ability to concentrate on speech material was reduced, in addition, understanding of the grammatical categories of the language is at an insufficient level of development, which clearly confirms the mistakes made in their own speech ( agrammatisms, violation of logic and sequence of presentation of the material).

To prevent pupils from overworking, speech material should be presented in doses: 2-3 slides, while integrating the knowledge gained into other educational areas.

Multimedia presentations help speech therapists to diversify classes, make them colorful, modern, "alive", to interest children in animation.


  1. Pictures from the Internet source:
  2. Teremkova N. E. Speech therapy homework for children 5-7 years old with ONR.

Presentation "Food".

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