Make a well in the country with your hands. Well design: ideas and options

Engineering systems 26.06.2020
Engineering systems

How often the attention of neighbors in the country is attracted by such a seemingly ordinary thing as a garden well. Nevertheless, there are times when this particular subject becomes the object of close attention and admiration. In this case, we are talking about the external design of the well.

Most owners of country houses do not attach much importance to the design side in this matter. Usually their "fantasy" is limited to digging a well and installing concrete rings.

But if someone really wants to transform the gray routine, he can easily turn his garden into a real fairy tale. To do this, you will need to think carefully about the garden landscape and install a beautiful house for the well as one of the elements of garden design.

The need for a well

What is the need for such a building? Is it an ordinary decoration that could well be ignored, or is its construction and installation really important.

The main task that such a design performs is to create a protective effect for clean well water from dust, various debris, and fallen leaves.

In addition, it is customary to spray the garden and vegetable garden in the spring and summer. Some summer residents prefer to use chemicals for this. At the time of processing, splashes can fly into the open space of the well.

All of the above factors are taken into account when there is a need to build a house on a well. Among other points, it is noted that if the well is closed, then the water in it does not freeze even when severe frosts begin.

Repeating, you can add the already known opinion that the construction on the well can become a decoration of the site, if a creative approach is applied to the work on its manufacture.

Well house installation options

Of course, the easiest way to buy such a house in the construction market. The range of such structures abounds in its assortment. From the simplest, sold at fairly low prices, to expensive, representing a real work of art.

If the market does not attract with its choice, you can place an order according to the corresponding catalog of wooden garden structures. Among the colorful pages with views, you will surely find a photo of a house for a well that you like, which can later be transformed into reality.

At the request of the client, craftsmen working with wooden structures can decorate the structure with beautiful carved figures, decorate using natural stones, ceramic tiles or other finishing materials as decoration.

It is the original forms of such structures and other exotic buildings that often become objects that attract everyone's attention with their originality, which naturally highlights the site on which they are located.

Independent work

No less often, the idea of ​​​​buying or ordering a wooden structure is replaced by a completely reasonable decision to build a house for a well with your own hands.

All that is needed for this is to make a drawing and purchase the necessary tools and materials. The main building material will naturally be wood. It is easy to handle, looks great and will last a long time.

Of the building materials for the house, you will need a certain amount of wooden beam, edged board, block house or wooden lining. Any of the last two materials can be an excellent finishing element.

The roof can be made of metal, polycarbonate or roofing material. As a coating, many people use siding, profiled sheet, euroslate and other types of roofing surfaces.

The requirement that is placed on the top cover is that it must be lightweight so that the installed support posts can freely support it.

Among other materials, you will need a log and a metal rod to make a gate. To process wood, you will need to purchase antiseptic compounds, varnishes and paints. Next, you need a door and door hinges to it.

For a tight grip, you will need short metal corners. Additionally, you will need metal bushings made from pipe trim (2 pieces). A metal chain is needed to lift the bucket.

The construction of the house begins with a detailed study of the drawing. Moreover, most of those who are going to build a well on their own find drawings on construction sites. And of course they require detailed study. In the same place on the Internet you can find a detailed technology for performing such work, starting with the installation of the frame and ending with finishing work.

It's not all that difficult if you approach the matter in good faith. As a result, a wooden miracle will be created with your own hands.

Photo of a house for a well

A well in the country, and sometimes near the house, is a necessary thing. But just a concrete ring sticking out of the ground with some kind of cover does not please the eye, and the comfort of use is below average. To remedy the situation, it is required to ennoble it and put a gate that will facilitate the rise of water. Ready-made well fences are for sale - with a roof and a gate, but they either have a solid price or look pathetic. Therefore, most often a house for a well is built with their own hands. Then you can apply your imagination and arrange everything the way you need.

Types of well houses and their tasks

The primary task of the well house is to protect water from the ingress of various substances - dust, foliage and other similar contaminants. This requires a tight-fitting lid. Open wells are possible only for technical water - for irrigation. Water from them cannot be used for other purposes. So if you plan to at least wash the dishes, the well should close tightly.

Protection from precipitation of any kind is also necessary: ​​rain and melt waters carry very dirty water with fertilizers dissolved in it, animal waste, various garbage and impurities. Its entry into the well is fraught with serious pollution. To protect against precipitation, a canopy is made, most often a gable - it is easier to remove precipitation.

Another task of the well house is to protect from outsiders or, in any case, to ensure safety for children. To do this, hecks are made or locks are cut in.

To make it easier to raise water, racks and gates are installed - in the simplest case, a rotating log with a handle to which a chain is attached. And all this together should still please the eyes of the owners, but at the same time require minimal maintenance.

open or closed

As you can see in the photo, the well house can be open and closed. It’s cheaper and easier to make it open: the well ring can be finished with stone or wood, the lid, racks and canopy - made of wood or metal - whichever costs less. Materials for such a structure require a minimum. There is only one “but” - in winter, water can freeze in such a well. If you do not plan to use it in cold weather, no problem.

But for winter use, an insulated well house is required. But even then it can be made open:

  • buy a polystyrene "shell" for the well - they are of the right size, fix it, and put the finish on top of it;
  • make the overlap of the ring and the cover from several layers of wood, and lay the boards in different directions, blocking the joints.

Another option is to make a closed house. It is slightly larger than the well ring in size. The existing air gap is already a good heat insulator, but protection can be further improved - by laying gaps with foam, for example.

What to do

The choice of appearance sometimes takes a long time. The beautiful half of humanity is especially “suffering” with the desire to decorate the well, going through numerous design options and spending a lot of time doing this. In fact, everything is simple: if there is a house, and the well is nearby, it is worth decorating it in the same style and, if possible, in the same color. Agree, it looks good.

What if the house is brick or plastered? Choose a finish that matches your style. If this is one of the first buildings on the site, just do it the way you like.

Often the question arises: to make of metal or wood. Wooden ones look really nice. But without proper care, they quickly lose all their attractiveness and become gray and ugly. If you are not afraid of the prospect regularly, at least once a year, renew the protective coating (remove old paint, then repaint), make it from wood. If this is not for you, make it out of metal. The whole structure or just the frame - your choice. What is a bad option: a frame made of galvanized metal profile, sheathed with siding. Especially if the house is finished in the same way.

As you can see, there are a lot of options. First choose the type - open-closed, then the materials and finishes to your taste, understand the design, make a house for the well with your own hands.

Canopy for a well with a cover - an open house

Structurally, the device is simple: there are two racks located one opposite the other. They serve as a support for a canopy, and a gate is attached to them - a device for lifting buckets of water. A drawing of an open house with dimensions, see the photo below.

Please note that the posts can be dug in after the well ring has been finished. Depending on this, the order of work changes, but the design in any case remains the same.

How to make a canopy

First, the canopy is assembled. Make two side triangles according to the required dimensions. In the drawing above, only an approximate spread of the two extreme points is given. More can be done if necessary. The length of the canopy depends on where the racks will stand - close to the well ring or behind the casing. The approximate dimensions of the canopy with a ring diameter of 100 cm are shown in the photo below.

Dimensions of a well canopy for a diameter of 100 cm

It is possible to assemble the structure from a galvanized profile, a metal profile pipe or a wooden beam. To prevent the profile from bending, it is reinforced at the door attachment points - you can put a wooden block or a metal corner inside.

To ensure that rain does not get inside, the expansion must be made much larger than the size of the ring - at least 20 cm on each side.

If the racks are attached directly to the concrete ring, the procedure is slightly different. First, a frame is assembled that encloses the ring. In the photo, it is made of a board 30 mm thick. Racks are also made of the same board, the place of attachment to concrete is reinforced with overlays. They also play a decorative role.

If the canopy turned out to be heavy, it is advisable to use a beam of greater thickness, otherwise it will not withstand the load.

After that, the previously assembled roof is attached to the racks. It is possible to make triangles immediately on the spot, but it is more convenient to prepare them in advance, assemble the truss system, and hoist them on racks in finished form.

Next is the finish. Sew up with a board, clapboard, roofing material. Just keep in mind that the boards, if used raw, will dry out after some time, gaps up to 5 mm thick will form between them. Then there is no question of any hygiene: both rain and dust will fall ... Using a dry board is also not very good - in wet weather it will swell, the flooring will “go in a wave”. In general, if you want to have clean water, build a house with doors - closed. There are more chances to save moisture from pollution.

Do-it-yourself closed house for a well

We are talking about such a variant of shelter for the well - with a door. If you still make a cover inside, it’s sure that dust will not get in.

A frame is being built, then it is put on the head of the well and fixed with anchor bolts.

  1. support post made of 100*200 mm
  2. short support posts from the same beam 100 * 200 mm
  3. fixing bar 30*60 mm
  4. triangular beam

We assemble the frame, with the help of short bars we fasten it to the ring. After we proceed to the assembly of the pallet. Assemble the flooring from a board of 30 * 100 mm or so. The frame is sheathed with boards or sheet material, such as waterproof plywood.

To keep the doors well, you can put additional jibs. We hang doors - one or two, as desired. To make it easier to navigate, below are drawings with dimensions.

According to the same scheme, you can make a roof for a metal house. If available, you can use a profile pipe. It is easier to attach finishing material to it.

How to make a fully enclosed frame

You can also hide a concrete ring in the house. In this case, the gate, as a rule, stands separately, and then the frame is assembled. Choose the dimensions so that the design freely covers the ring. Height - 20 centimeters higher than your height: so that you can safely bend over and get a bucket.

We take profiles from thick metal, galvanized. From the guide we assemble two identical frames - the “floor” and the upper level of the ring. They are connected by racks (profile for racks). It turned out a cube with filled sidewalls.

At the guide profile, we cut the sides, leaving the “back” intact. So you can make a triangle. We fix the rack, which is equal to the height of the entire house. If you want to have equal slopes, the rack is attached in the middle. You can make the far slope steeper, then the stand is moved 15-20 cm from the center.

We attach the notched profile to the fixed rack. We get one of the elements of the truss system. We perform the same operation on the other side. We connect the resulting tops of the triangles with a crossbar.

From the side of the door, we add racks - on both sides. It is better to strengthen them - put wooden blocks inside and fasten them with self-tapping screws.

We fasten the roofing material, for example, a profiled sheet, sheathe it with plywood. Soft tiles are then laid on plywood and nailed - who has what technology. The "foot" and sides of the roof are finished with any material. If you want - you can use wood - clapboard, imitation of a log or timber, if you want - siding.

In this case, the same materials were used as when facing the house: so that everything looks like a single ensemble.

Another video example of an assembly from a drywall profile in video format.

Making a well ring with your own hands

If a cap or canopy is made, the gray concrete ring remains visible. The view is not the most attractive, and I want to decorate it.

stone finish

The most popular way to decorate a well is to finish it with stone - pebbles or medium-sized rubble. If everything is more or less clear with the finishing material - to buy or assemble, then the question of what to cling to it remains. There are several recipes:

We offer the third recipe for how to line a well with stone in video format. The composition of the mixture here is very similar, but before applying the solution, a mesh is fixed on the ring. With this technology, nothing will definitely fall off.

An interesting variant of the hinged cover on the well is proposed in the following video: it leans back almost completely, but whether such a device is needed is up to you.

Photo options for finishing wells

Own source of water in your favorite suburban area will significantly increase the level of comfort. Eliminate the need to carry buckets of water to care for reverently grown plants, to fill containers in a bath or shower.

The construction of a water intake structure can be entrusted to a team of workers specializing in this field. But it is better to dig and equip a well in the country with your own hands, investing a minimum of funds in it. We will tell you how to choose a place for a water source, how to drill and equip a working.

Any enterprise requires careful preliminary preparation from the future contractor. Especially as laborious as digging a well.

Errors in planning, distribution of forces and work stages will certainly affect the result. At best, the construction will stretch for a long, but unknown period, at worst, it will end with the construction of a useless tunnel "to nowhere".

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Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Building your own well is not an easy, but quite doable task that a home master can easily solve without involving hired workers. True, he will need at least two assistants to extract the soil to the surface and to monitor the condition of the worker at the bottom of the mine.

In case of dizziness, it must immediately be raised to the surface, and before work, regularly check the gas contamination with a burning candle or a gas analyzer.

Would you like to tell us how you built a well in your own summer cottage? Have questions about the topic of the article, found controversial points in the information? Please comment in the block below, leave posts with your opinion and photos on the topic.

You look inside the neighbor's well and wonder how this can even be done? In fact, any owner of a summer cottage can build this simple and useful hydraulic structure with his own hands. The main thing is to want.

We will tell you how and in what order the arrangement of the well is carried out, we will tell you which method is more convenient and faster to carry out the work. In the article presented by us, the technology for constructing a mine water intake structure is described in detail. Tips are given, following which you can easily arrange an autonomous water intake.

Any work begins with the acquisition of building materials and equipment. In this case, the list of building materials and tools is quite extensive. It is better to prepare everything ahead of time, so that later you do not have to travel back and forth to the hardware store and be distracted from work.

And you should prepare the following:

  • A shovel with a short handle that fits into the shaft.
  • A pump, preferably capable of pumping water containing sand particles, in other words, slurry.
  • A strong rope, preferably nylon, or a sling for hanging the pump, if the submersible option is used.
  • Hose to the pump of the appropriate length - the depth of the mine plus the distance of the outlet from the work site.
  • Buckets, preferably a couple.
  • Lighting carry-extension.
  • The usual carrying, so that it reaches the nearest outlet and allows you to power the same hammer drill and pump.
  • A tripod with a hoist, if the rings are installed after the hole is dug up to the upper limit of the aquifer.
  • Auxiliary boards and timber, with which it will be possible to move, lift, install rings, if a tripod hoist is not provided.
  • Perforator.
  • Staples or anchor bolts with metal plates.
  • Hammer, in case staples are selected.
  • Mortar - ready mix or cement with sand.

If everything you need is prepared, we proceed to the instruction on the direct arrangement of the well with our own hands.

Stage number 1 - markup and start of work

Initially, the hole in diameter should be slightly wider than the ring. We mark a circle of the desired diameter, and proceed to dig. At the first stage, the ground may be hard, in some cases scrap may be required. But then things will go much easier.

It would be superfluous to say that the edges of the future well shaft should be strictly vertical to the horizon, and since the building level cannot be used in this case, we will control the vertical along the construction plumb line. If it is not there, you can make such a tool yourself from a weight and an ordinary rope.

Stage number 2 - digging a well mine

At this stage, you should immediately decide which method you will dig the well, open or closed. If the soil on the site consists of sand, sandy loam, flooded gravel and gravel deposits, interspersed with sandy aggregate, the well is dug in a closed way.

In order to avoid collapses and undermining, the first one is installed in a hole dug along its diameter at the initial stages of digging. The soil is removed with a shovel from under the ring and it falls down due to its gravity.

If the soil is dense, the walls of the mine do not collapse, since clay and loam prevail in the section, it is better to build a well in an open way. In this case, the shaft is deepened without installing rings into it until the worker performing the digging reaches the upper groundwater horizon.

After that, the rings are lowered into the shaft, fastened together, and further deepening occurs according to the closed type method.

Stage number 3 - installation of concrete rings

If the mine was dug by an open method, a tripod is mounted on top to lower the rings, in the center of which a hoist is fixed. Each ring is mounted strictly lock to lock. Before installing each subsequent link, a special solution is applied to the lower lock with the addition of plasticizers from waterproof cement grades.

When all of them are planted on top of each other, holes are drilled in the upper parts of the lower rings and in the lower parts of the upper rings, into which stainless staples are hammered. Three brackets or strips with anchor bolts are enough to ensure that the rings do not come off each other as a result of heaving.

The rings fastened with the help of such brackets will no longer budge, no matter what degree of heaving the soil in your area is. And stainless steel will prevent rust from getting into the well water

When building a well using the closed type method, each of the rings is placed on the next one as it deepens. Lubrication with mortar and staples here is done as the concrete shaft grows.

Stage number 4 - equipping with a filter

In order for the filter in the well to be not a distraction, but actually perform its function, it must consist of three layers:

  1. Lower - 25 cm of coarse quartz sand.
  2. Medium - 25 cm of small river pebbles.
  3. Upper - 25 cm large river stone.

It is clear that when equipping the well with such a powerful and effective one, you will have to deepen it as low as possible, equipping it with a kind of sump, since only one filter will take you a whole ring in capacity.

Also, do not forget that the filter periodically (the best - once a year) will have to be serviced, that is, washed or changed stones. Otherwise, the water quality will drop.

If the well is intended only for watering the garden and other household purposes, then you can do without a filter. What is sump and how it looks can be clearly seen in the following diagram.

Stage number 5 - clay castle and formwork

At the final stage, along the circumference of the well - at a distance of 3-5 meters from the rings of the mine, the top layer of the earth rises and is covered with clay. This layer, subsequently covered with sand and gravel, will be called clay castle. On top of a sand and gravel cushion, it would be desirable to make concrete pavement. Not necessarily the same area as the castle, but not less than 2-3 meters.

Everything is closed up so that the upper edge of the sand and gravel cushion (sand 15-20 cm, gravel 15-20 cm) goes to the level of the top layer of soddy soil, and the formwork (7-10 cm) rises above it by 5 cm.

A clay castle will protect the mine from, which you can make with your own hands, from abundant moisture to their outer edges. This will prevent excessive heaving and, thereby, protect the structural elements from shifts and penetration of dirt into the well shaft.

Formwork is needed in order to, in turn, protect the clay castle from washing out and enhance its protective properties. In the end, a well with formwork around the circumference just looks more aesthetically pleasing.

Stage number 6 - arrangement of the upper part

You can insulate the formwork, as well as the upper ring of the well, from frost. This is especially recommended in regions where the winter is severe and the top layer of the earth is thoroughly frozen. In the role of a heater, hard-grade polystyrene foam is perfect, on which a crate is installed on top, and then plaster is applied.

Having tried hard, you can make a real work of art from the top of the structure, which will not only diversify, but also greatly embellish your country landscape. Most often, the head is covered with stone, but with the help of wood you can give it a delightful look.

To protect against debris caused by the wind, the head of the well should be closed with a tight lid. And in order to extend the life of this cover, as well as the skewer and other equipment, a visor is made on top of the head.

The choice of a place for or a personal suburban area is made in compliance with a number of rules.

It is erected according to certain rules, and here are the main ones:

  • The water source cannot be located closer than 8 meters from the outdoor toilet.
  • If in the country the sewerage is arranged according to the type of absorbing cesspool (septic tank without a bottom), and the well is intended for drinking water, then the well shaft should be located at least 50 m from it.
  • In the case of an airtight cesspool or if the water will be used exclusively for watering the garden, this distance can be reduced to 20 m.
  • Also, the water source should not be located close to the silo pits. The distance to them must also be at least 8 m.

Here it is worth considering that the greater the distance of your well shaft from all kinds of structures polluting groundwater, the better.

This diagram shows that the well from the septic tank must be at least 20 m away if the water is intended for household needs, and 50 meters if the water is intended for drinking

It is best to start work when the aquifer is at its lowest possible level. And it drops significantly either during periods of prolonged drought, or after a month after the first frost hit.

Why during these periods? During these periods, water horizons are not fed with water - in summer due to insignificant precipitation, and in late autumn and winter because the freezing top layer does not let water into the earth.

You can do it at normal times, but in this case, at the last stage, you may not be able to go deep enough into the aquifer.

If you plan to make a filter, and this is at least 60 cm, and have at least one ring high in the well - 80 cm, then you will have to go deep below the upper threshold of groundwater by about one and a half meters. And the easiest way to do this is in conditions where the water does not stay constantly and at high speed.

But, if you rely entirely on a good pump that can pull slurry mixed with sand, then this is not a problem. You will have to tinker in the liquid in both cases. And, of course, it is better if it is in warm weather.

Many could see how some specialists in search of water walk around the area with two frames. Where they intersect, then, supposedly, the aquifer passes close to the surface.

To this we want to note that any real hydrogeologist will tell you that:

  1. Water is everywhere and always, except, of course, when you live on a mountainside. If the terrain is more or less even, then the groundwater belt lies, as a rule, at the same distance from the surface of the earth. If your site is hilly, in this case, it would be more acceptable to consider digging a mine in a lowland. You can save money on 1-2 or even 3 rings, depending on what elevation changes your country landscape has.
  2. Searches with the help of frames do not give anything at all. The effectiveness of this method has not been proven by scientists. Therefore, if you hire a home-grown specialist who practices this method, know that this specialist is most likely hanging noodles on your ears. Another thing is that you can't prove it. As already mentioned, water is everywhere. And the fact that he made a mistake by a couple of rings down or up, he will write off this for the costs of the method, about which he will warn you in advance.
  3. The best way to find out at what distance the water lies is either to ask a neighbor on whose site there is already a well, or to ask local geologists, drillers and meteorologists. They have engineering-geological maps, according to which they will determine the depth of groundwater.

Well, when we have decided on the place, we go for the rings and for the necessary tools and equipment, if there is none at your summer cottage.

Some craftsmen are looking for water with the help of such frames. But there is no scientific confirmation of their effectiveness, so it is better to entrust this operation to specialists.

It all depends on what diameter your shaft will have. If you want to have a wide well, you can take wider rings. Of course, it takes longer to dig, but it is more convenient to both dig and use. You can turn around properly, use a shovel with a longer handle, etc.

If a narrow design suits, you can stop at rings of small diameter. In order to “feel the situation”, right at the firm you can climb into one of the rings and try to turn around in it. In what will be more convenient to work, take such.

The best option for a country well would be KS 10.9 tongue-and-groove, made in accordance with GOST 8020-90. Of these, mounting a mine is a pleasure.

Quicksand is a layer of silty clayey sand soaked in water. It resembles outwardly dirty slurry, it is very difficult to get water from it: it is possible only as a result of prolonged settling. And then it will be too small, and therefore it is pointless to extract water from quicksand.

In general, the presence of a quicksand in a section is an extremely rare geological situation. They are found only in glacial deposits, which are, for example, in the Leningrad region. However, if it comes across, it will be desirable to go deeper below this layer. Only in this case it will be possible to ensure the constant and rapid filling of the mine with water.

The process of overcoming the quicksand is very laborious. The legs are constantly sucked in, and the accumulated water and slurry create additional difficulties in the work. But if you want the well to be full-flowing, then you have to do it.

Three staples on opposite sides are enough to ensure that the rings are fastened firmly. This design is not scary

It is desirable to carry out work on the arrangement of the well in the country as soon as possible. Delays in carrying out work using an open method will lead to a collapse of the walls of the pit.

And if in a situation with an open method, the situation can be corrected by cleaning the pit and filling the crumbled edges with earth after installing the rings in the shaft, then in the second one it may be necessary to use a crane.

Upon completion of digging the well and backfilling the bottom filter, it is advisable to pump out the first water from it. Then you must take it without fail in order to hand it over for laboratory testing. Only after that it will be possible to decide whether it can be used for technical or drinking purposes.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Those who would be interested in listening to expert advice in a slightly expanded and different version can watch the following video:

Work on the arrangement of a well mine is not as difficult as it is laborious. And it is not always necessary to dig the earth's surface, delving into it ten meters.

Much more often, the aquifer passes at a depth of 4 to 7 meters. Alternately changing, two strong guys are quite capable of digging such a mine in two days. The main thing is the desire and the tool!

Tell us about how you dug and equipped a well in your summer cottage with your own hands. Share technological subtleties that site visitors can use. Leave comments, post photos and ask questions in the block below.

Making a well in the backyard and in the country is a very affordable option to ennoble the village landscape on your own and arrange landscape design based on financial capabilities and creative abilities.

Species diversity of wells

Currently, there are several main, most popular and popular types:

  • ascending key;
  • descending key;
  • mine wooden;
  • mine concrete;
  • mine brick;
  • mine stone;
  • pipe structures;
  • drilling or tubular structures.

A variety of materials can be used for the arrangement, including:

  • clay;
  • wood;
  • rubble stone;
  • cobblestone and boulders;
  • brick;
  • flagstone;
  • gravel or gravel;
  • concrete mortar;
  • reinforced concrete.

Most often, wells or wells on a site are the best option for extracting water in the absence of centralized communications, so it is very important to determine which types of water supply sources are suitable for each specific site. When choosing, you will need to take into account the type of soil, the depth of the aquifer and other important factors.

How to make a well with your own hands (video)

Well Design: Design Techniques and Solutions

When designing wells, both classic natural materials and modern, unusual elements can be used. Beautiful well houses are a great opportunity to harmoniously fit the water supply source into the overall concept of the landscape, and also allows you to make the design an original and very individual architectural solution.

Decoration in accordance with the general style of the garden

Most often, country wells are made of wood, which is very organically combined with garden plantings and wooden households. Natural materials and wood finishes in our time are highly valued not only for external aesthetics, but also for environmental friendliness and reliability. As a rule, even a base made of concrete rings is lined with planed boards. In this case, it is also possible to cover the well with wood in the form of a gable, three-slope and four-slope roof with a weather vane or a decorative ridge.

You can close the roof not only with boards, but also with cement, ceramic or soft tiles, as well as sheet metal, especially if the same coating was used for roofing on household and outbuildings. Designs in oriental style look very impressive. The Japanese well used to be covered with a lid, which is woven from bamboo and fastened with palm ropes. In Japan, the Tsukubai water source can be observed quite often in the territories of Buddhist temple complexes. Nowadays, such wells perfectly complement the landscapes and Japanese gardens, and their decoration is the figures of animals and mythical creatures.

If the backyard is designed in country style, then you can supplement the source of water intake with the help of neatly arranged carts and wheels. A decorative mill and wicker fences will successfully fit into the landscape design.

Color solutions

Today, concrete rings are most often used to equip a water supply source., which have a not too presentable appearance and a dull gray color. The wooden head and the roof also need to be treated with varnishes and paints, which will make the structure not only more presentable, but also significantly extend the service life. In this case, it is recommended to use contrasting combinations of colors for painting the surface, as well as juicy and pure shades.

Artistically gifted homeowners can design concrete rings in any direction, using ready-made or custom sketches. You can also do stencil painting, or create geometric and abstract patterns. It should be remembered that before painting, wooden log cabins must be treated with special compounds aimed at preventing rotting and burning.

DIY decorative finishes

Do-it-yourself decoration largely depends on the characteristics of the material from which it is built.. The simplest, and at the same time popular way of finishing is represented by natural stone decoration in the form of small cobblestones or large pebbles, which must be selected in size, basic coloring and shape. With color differences in the material, a beautiful and very original ornament is laid out around the head of the well on the mortar. Artificially "aged" appearance perfectly complements the "retro" style.

Many homeowners prefer wood trim to mimic the look of a natural quadrangular or multi-faceted log house that complements the green lawn perfectly. A combination of various finishing materials was also recognized as successful. Colored brickwork and hardwood work well together, as does brick and siding panels. It is allowed to perform spectacular illumination of the area around with beautiful lanterns suspended from the roof of the structure, and spotlights located on the branches of garden plantings or shrubs.

How to decorate a well with a tree (video)

What plants to plant near the well

An interesting solution would be to use a gabion or a budget alternative to factory mesh to form a mesh frame around the above-ground part of the well structure.

Further design depends on the surrounding landscape design. If a significant part of the garden area is represented by alpine slides and a recreation area, then the space between the base of the well and the mesh frame can be filled with decorative stones. If it is necessary to make the decoration the most flourishing and picturesque, then the mesh holding the stones is used as a support for the arrangement of climbing vegetation.

One of the most beautiful and popular ways for domestic homeowners to decorate a well structure is to surround a water source with densely growing plants. In this case, autumn is often used as flower beds, but it is allowed to place hanging planters and containers with ampelous plants at the ends of the well. Also, flower pots with plants can be placed around the entire perimeter.

How to make a decorative well functional

The direct purpose of a conventional well is to obtain autonomous water supply. However, very often such decorative options do not fulfill the main purposes, but are used as decorative elements for storm wells, borehole pumps, barrels for irrigation activities and other communications. Such structures are good as an original element in landscape design.

The decorative structure or the so-called shaduf is most often equipped with a “crane”, and consists of a system of logs, for which hinges are used to fasten. A functional structure is characterized by the presence of a log cabin or a reinforced concrete shaft, as well as a chain, which is attached to a wooden drum or brace attached to two posts. A bucket is attached to the other end of the chain for taking water by rotating the drum. Also, the functional structure can be installed above water wells of various depths.

Ascending, tubular and shaft functional structures are especially popular, over which decorative structures are erected. It is very important that the sheathing is not only a decoration, but also serves as protection against moisture and freezing. According to the type of water lifting, structures come with a gate or a crane. The head can be open, from the base, rack and roof, or closed, like a "house". An open well post is closed with a lid, and the "houses" are equipped with a door located on one of the roof slopes.

How to make a well from concrete rings

The cheapest solution to the question of how to qualitatively and beautifully equip the upper part of the house well system on your own is to perform the lining of the concrete ring of the water intake structure. To carry out the work, you will need to purchase a masonry mortar, as well as facing material in the form of stone, river pebbles and substandard ceramic tiles or decorative artificial stone.

If necessary, the cladding solution is replaced with conventional frost-resistant adhesives for working with tiles. It is best to prepare a working facing solution using an electric nozzle on a drill. Finishing material is glued over the entire surface of the concrete ring. In the upper part, it is recommended to expand to accommodate decor elements.

How to install a house for a well (video)

When choosing a design solution for the design of a well system or a well, it is not at all necessary to strive to acquire and use the most expensive and modern finishing materials. The main thing is a great desire, as well as a little imagination and competent execution when decorating an individual source for water supply.

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