The science of population 10 letters. Population science

Engineering systems 03.07.2020

Population science and got the best answer

Answer from Irene[guru]
Demography (from the Greek words "demos" - people and "grapho" - description)

Answer from Olga Koroleva[guru]
THE SCIENCE OF POPULATION, a generalizing designation for the study of peoples. generally. The term "N. about N" (population science, die Bevolkerungslehre) arose in the West. -European socio-economic lit-re in the 2nd floor. 19th century in connection with attempts to deduce the study of peoples. beyond statistics (see Doctrine of Population). In the owls scientific liter-re, this term has become widespread from the beginning. 1960s , which was due to the formation of a comprehensive study of the problems of peoples. , overcoming demographic and statistical. approach to its study, expansion and deepening of this study. The concept of "N. about N." reflects the unity of the object - the people. - and the integrity of its study, conducted by a number of societies. and natures. sciences (see Population Knowledge System, Comprehensive Approach) . In modern demographic Lit-re term "N. about N." is sometimes used as identical to the concept of "demographic. science", which cannot be recognized as correct, since the latter does not study the people. in general, but only the reproduction of the population.

Answer from Galina Firsova[guru]
Demography is the science of population: its size, composition, distribution over the territory, changes taking place in it.

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Population Science

Population science

First letter "d"

Second letter "e"

Third letter "m"

The last beech is the letter "I"

Answer for the clue "Science of population", 10 letters:

Alternative questions in crossword puzzles for the word demography

Section of statistics studying the composition and movement of the population

The science of the composition of the population and its changes

scientific discipline

The science that studies the population (composition, reproduction, etc.)

Word definitions for demography in dictionaries

Dictionary of medical terms The meaning of the word in the dictionary Dictionary of medical terms
a science that studies the size and structure of the population, as well as the processes of its movement and reproduction; in social hygiene and the organization of health care, the actual data and methods of D. are used for a comprehensive assessment of the state of health of the population and for the purpose ...

Wikipedia The meaning of the word in the Wikipedia dictionary
Demography is the science of the patterns of population reproduction, the dependence of its nature on socio-economic and natural conditions, migration, which studies the number, territorial distribution and composition of the population, their changes, causes and consequences ...

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.
-and, well. The science of the composition of the population and its changes. Indicators of the number, composition, distribution and change of the population. D. cities. adj. demographic, th, th.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.
and. A scientific discipline that studies the population and the patterns of its development in socio-historical conditions. unfold demographic statistics.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov
demography, pl. no, w. (from Greek demos - people and grapho - I write) (stat.). Department of statistics, studying the composition and movement of the population.

Examples of the use of the word demography in the literature.

Demography, ecology, economic and agricultural development, the reverse side of high growth rates, regionalism, national minorities, Tibet, the fight against corruption, crime and drug addiction, and so on.

galloping demography tomorrow will lead to the fact that mankind cannot be fed, a thin layer of agricultural soil is rapaciously destroyed, mineral reserves of raw materials and energy are obsolete and come to an end, the ecological balance of nature is disturbed, the sea - tomorrow's food reserve - is dying, poisoned by man, and everything that brought science and technology, it would seem, for the benefit of man, he turned against himself.

An idea of ​​the number of these losses can be made only on the basis of those indicative data that are contained in a number of works on the history of the civil war, in separate publications on problems demographics and population.

In our homeland in the year 17 they did such a thing that now dozens of future generations will rake up the garbage heap and solid blockages not only in the economy, demographics, but also in elementary psychology, in linguistics.


THE SCIENCE OF POPULATION, a generalizing designation for the study of peoples. generally. The term "N. o n." (population science, die Bevolkerungslehre) originated in Western Europe. socio-economic lit-re in the 2nd floor. 19th century in connection with attempts to deduce the study of peoples. beyond statistics (see). In the owls scientific liter-re, this term has become widespread from the beginning. 1960s, which was due to the formation of a comprehensive study of the problems of peoples., Overcoming demographic and statistical. approach to its study, expansion and deepening of this study. The concept of "N. about n." reflects the unity of the object - the people. - and the integrity of its study, conducted by a number of societies. and natures. sciences (see, Integrated approach). In modern demographic lit-re term "N. about n." sometimes used as identical to the concept of "demographic. science", which cannot be recognized as correct, since the latter does not study the people. in general, but only the reproduction of the population.

Demographic encyclopedic dictionary. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Chief editor D.I. Valentey. 1985 .

See what "POPULATION SCIENCE" is in other dictionaries:

    THE SYSTEM OF KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE POPULATION, a branch of Marxist-Leninist science that has been taking shape since the 1960s. in the course of a comprehensive study of the peoples. nearby societies. and natures. sciences (see. Integrated approach), considering the people. as integrity... Demographic Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Demography- The science of population, its size, geographical distribution and composition, the patterns of population reproduction, depending on social and cultural factors. Accounting for various demographic data is very important when studying ... ... Dictionary of sociolinguistic terms

    demography Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    Demography- The science of population, its size, geographical distribution and composition, patterns of population reproduction, depending on social and cultural factors. D. data are necessary in the study of sociolinguistic problems ... General linguistics. Sociolinguistics: Dictionary-Reference

    DEMOGRAPHY- the science of population that studies population change, birth and death rates, migration, age and sex structure, national composition, geographical distribution and their dependence on socio-economic, historical and other ... Big Economic Dictionary

    Demography- The science of population, investigating its size, density, geographical distribution, composition and reproduction processes ... International Migration Law: Glossary of Terms

    DEMOGRAPHY- [fr. demographic Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Demography- (demography) The science that studies the population, including its size, composition (age, sex, occupation, etc.) and sociological indicators (birth rate, death rate, etc.). Business. Dictionary. M.: INFRA ... Glossary of business terms

    DEMOGRAPHY- (from the Greek demos people and grapho I write) the science of population that studies population change, fertility and mortality, migration, age and sex structure, national composition, geographical distribution and their dependence on social ... Economic dictionary

    DEMOGRAPHY- (from the Greek. Dnmos people and grapo I write) the science of population. See Art. Population… Soviet historical encyclopedia


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