Hacksaw for wood, which is better and how to choose the right one. Types and characteristics of hacksaws for wood Which hacksaw is better to cut trees

Encyclopedia of Plants 26.06.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

Hacksaw This is a manual carpentry tool that is a kind of saw. Depending on the design, it can be used to cut wood, metal, plastic, aerated concrete and other materials. The tool consists of two parts - a working blade with sharp teeth and a handle for a comfortable grip.

Varieties of hacksaws

Hand saws come in two configurations - for wood and for metal. Hacksaws for wood have large teeth and can also be used for cutting aerated concrete and drywall. Saws for metal are capable of cutting almost any material, including wood, plastic, drywall, aerated concrete, polystyrene foam, polystyrene, etc. They have small cutters, so the cut is neat, and small chips are formed.

Wood saw
The hacksaw is one of the most ancient tools. It appeared much earlier than the modification for working with metals. There are several varieties of it:
  • Classic.
  • Vykruzhnaya.
  • Thorn.

which is also called wide or regular, is a standard manual sawing tool. It is intended for longitudinal or transverse cutting. With it, you can shorten the board or cut down a branch. This is a standard carpentry and joinery tool. Such a saw provides fast cutting, while the cut is quite rough and large chips are formed. Its teeth have a triangular shape, the pitch between them is from 1.5 to 6.5 mm.

Round or narrow

This is a more narrowly focused tool. Due to the small width of the web, it can be used to cut curved elements. The main purpose of such a tool is not in the usual trimming, but in the possibility of sawing sheet material when work is required along a strictly defined contour. A narrow blade is more maneuverable and allows you to bypass lined bends, which cannot be done when using wide hacksaws. These saws are much lighter and more compact. They may have teeth on both sides that differ in size. This makes it possible to create a cut of various purity. By choosing smaller teeth, you will be able to make a smoother cut.


Also called pasovochny or obushkovy- This is a specific tool, the main purpose of which is to remove protruding spikes and grooves. These saws are used by carpenters and joiners to get clean and smooth cuts. The blade of this tool is the thinnest, so the cut is narrow. In order for the canvas not to constantly bend to the side opposite to the incisors, a butt clings, which increases rigidity. Due to the presence of the butt, it is impossible to make a deep cut wider than the height of the blade. Such a tool has fine teeth in the shape of an isosceles triangle. It is used exclusively for transverse cutting. The thickness of the working part does not exceed 1-1.5 mm.

Types of teeth
Wood is a specific material that can be difficult to cut depending on the direction. In this regard, hacksaws are divided into three categories:
  • For longitudinal cutting.
  • For cross cutting.
  • Universal.
  • Specialized.
For longitudinal cut

The hacksaw has special teeth that are inclined forward at an acute angle. As a result of movement, they provide cutting of wood fibers and chipping of sawdust. Such equipment guarantees the fastest possible work in cases where it is necessary to divide the board in the direction of the fibers. In this case, rather large sawdust is formed, the size of which depends on the height of the teeth. The larger they are, the faster the work goes. If it is necessary to cut even a thin branch, such a saw will be ineffective.

For cross cutting

A hacksaw with straight teeth is used. Such a tool will be an excellent choice for trimming boards or cutting branches in the garden. It is he who is suitable for harvesting firewood or shortening the handle to a shovel. The vast majority of all hand-held woodcutting equipment is crosscut.


This is a modification of the transverse, but with a special sharpening of the teeth, which allows you to compensate for the lack of the obtained angle of attack to the wood fibers. There are also specialized types of hacksaws, in which the teeth are arranged in groups of several pieces. There is a small gap between groups. This tool is designed to work with raw wood. The indentation between the cutters ensures that wet chips are cleared away on their own without the need for manual cleaning.


Especially for working with aerated concrete, a special specialized design with victorious soldering was developed. This tool provides a more rigid plunge into the surface and faster sawing of hard materials. Such a hacksaw is quite suitable for both transverse and longitudinal cuts.

When choosing a saw, you should pay attention not only to the direction of the teeth, but also to their size. There are 3 types of incisors:
  • 2-2.5mm– for accurate work with small details.
  • 3-3.5mm- for medium-sized workpieces.
  • 4-6 mm- for rough cutting of timber and firewood.
Hacksaws for metal

The hacksaw has a special design, which consists of a cutting blade and a frame for its fastening. The sheets are interchangeable. They have small teeth that are specially hardened. Itself is densely made of high-speed steel, but nevertheless, as a result of operation, it is erased quite quickly, there are also cases of breaking of individual teeth. The dimensions of such a tool rarely exceed 400 mm in length. The depth of cut is limited by the height of the frame.

At the ends of the canvas there are through holes through which the mount is inserted to the frame. It should also be borne in mind that the direction of the teeth for cutting is of particular importance, so arrows are affixed to the blades, guided by which you can properly fasten. If you confuse the side, then the speed of work is significantly reduced. A hacksaw for metal allows you to adjust the length of the installed blades. There are also professional saws that allow you to adjust the slope of the edge, turning it at an angle of 45, 90 and 180 degrees.

Manufacturers of cloths produce them with teeth on one side and on both sides. By choosing the latter, you can turn over the spent cutting edge. This will allow you to get a sharp and ready-to-use tool again. When working with a hacksaw for metal, a high-quality and smooth cut is ensured. The tool can cut almost any material except stone and concrete.

It is worth noting that for the frame of a hacksaw for metal, special blades are produced for working with wood. This allows you to significantly expand the scope of the frame. It should be noted that in this configuration the tool is still inferior to a specialized saw for wood.

When choosing any tool, regardless of the material it is intended for sawing, you should pay attention to the size of the teeth. The larger they are, the faster it will be possible to cut the required workpiece. At the same time, the quality of the cut will turn out to be quite rough, and large sawdust will form. Small cutters will allow you to get the most even surface, while the sawing process will take much longer. The delay is due to the difficulty in removing sawdust and the lower efficiency of cutting into the material.

It is also worth noting that the convenience of work depends on the handle. The softer and more pleasant it fits in the hand, the easier it will be to use the tool. Rubberized handles are the best. They do not slip, and besides this, they significantly reduce rubbing.

Unusual hiking hacksaws

A hacksaw is not only a metalwork and carpentry tool, but also an effective tool for cutting firewood. With it, it is much easier to divide a tree trunk into decks than in the case of using an ax. In this regard, there are specialized camping saws that are compact in size. Their main task is to provide an easy transverse cut. The vast majority of these models fold like a regular pocket knife.

There are also universal pocket hacksaws, the design of which provides for folding the working blade inside the handle, as is the case with a mounting or clerical knife. Such a tool is designed to work with wood and scrap metal. It is convenient to carry, but the effectiveness of the application is minimal and will allow you to perform the simplest tasks.

Very convenient to carry is a compact metal file, which is a small handle worn on the canvas. Such a tool is the most compact and inexpensive. During operation, there is a high probability of breaking the canvas, because it constantly bends.

Wood, as a building material, has many advantages, not the least of which is ease of processing. Various tools for working with wood are produced, but the simplest and most common is the usual hand saw-hacksaw. What are the parameters for choosing a wood saw, which one is better and what to look for when choosing a new tool?

Criteria for choosing a hacksaw for wood

The choice of the most convenient option, as a rule, is determined by a set of the following characteristics:

  • canvas length;
  • material used in the manufacture of the saw;
  • handle configuration;
  • shape, pitch, size of the tooth.

Even with a change in one of the listed characteristics, the operational properties of the hacksaw also change markedly. It is clear that the shape of the handle affects the comfort of working with the tool. Therefore, if the saw will be used mainly by one master, you need to select the handle in such a way that, as they say, it “lies” in the hand. If the hacksaw is used rarely, and also not too intensively, then the comfort of holding becomes not the most important parameter.
Most often, hacksaws are produced with a blade length of 350 to 600 mm. The choice of blade length depends on the expected thickness of the wooden products that will have to be sawn. The main thing here is not to go to extremes, because a blade that is too short will have to work longer to achieve the same result, and a blade that is too long, especially when sawing hard wood, can spring back and, again, create difficulties.

Blade material, tooth pitch and types

The material for the production of hacksaw blades is, as a rule, tool or alloy steel. In order for the tool to serve for a long time, you should choose a saw with a blade made of high types of steel, preferably stainless steel. The price will be higher, but it will certainly pay off. In addition, the teeth may or may not be hardened. Both options have their merits. Unhardened teeth can always be sharpened, with a certain skill. Hardened teeth are more reliable, last longer, but sharpening them after they wear out is unlikely to succeed.

The question of which wood saw is best suited for certain conditions can most often be answered based on the size, type, and tooth pitch. Efficient sawing of wood materials is characterized by the speed and accuracy of the cut. These properties depend on each other - the accuracy of the cut guarantees a fine tooth, while reducing the speed of work. Larger teeth make sawing faster, but cut surface quality and accuracy are reduced.

For the correct choice, the TPI parameter is important, which means the number of teeth per inch of the working length of the blade. This coefficient, as a rule, is indicated in the marking on the side surface of the web. For accurate work, where the accuracy and quality of surfaces are of serious importance, TPI should be equal to 7-11, but if speed is preferable, then TPI is selected with a value of 3-5.

By the type of teeth, there are several types of hacksaws:

  1. For longitudinal sawing. This tool has teeth in the form of an oblique triangle, used for sawing wood along the grain.
  2. The crosscut saw is equipped with isosceles triangular teeth, mainly used for dry wood.
  3. For mixed sawing. Triangular teeth alternate with semicircular ones. Not recommended for intensive, frequent use.
  4. Trapezoidal tooth. Each tooth of this hacksaw has three cutting edges. The use of this hacksaw has undeniable advantages - the tool cuts quickly, effortlessly.
  5. The upgraded saw has grouped teeth separated by special gaps that make it easier to remove chips from the cut zone.

Hacksaws, in addition to the shape and location of the teeth, are divided according to the shape and length of the blade, they are folding, with different shapes of handles. The price can also indirectly testify to the durability, as well as the quality of the performance of the tool. A good hacksaw is unlikely to be the cheapest.

Popular Models

Information from sellers about which wood saws sell best makes it possible to judge the most popular models. Let's consider some of them.

Stanley Jet Cut SP2-15-288

This hacksaw is equipped with a D-handle, 50cm blade with 7mm tooth pitch. A tooth with three cutting edges provides ease and speed of sawing. The fine Swedish steel used in the production of the blade ensures the high quality of the tool. The teeth are practically not subject to wear, which makes it possible for many years of successful use. The price is within 1200–1300 rubles.

Zubr Expert

The tool is popular, it wins due to an acceptable cost (from 700 rubles), as well as versatility. Triangular hardened teeth allow for longitudinal and transverse cuts at a fairly high speed. The special tooth setting technology eliminates the occurrence of clamping forces, improves productivity, and improves work efficiency. Hardened, specially set teeth, 5 mm pitch, comfortable plastic handle. The length of the canvas is from 40 cm.

Stanley General Purpose 1-20-089

Designed for accurate and accurate sawing of workpieces, this hacksaw has fine teeth (TPI=11) made using Jet Cut technology, an ergonomic handle, and a polished steel blade. A feature can be considered the accuracy provided by a small tooth. At the same time, the speed of work is also quite high, due to the teeth with three cutting edges (sawing occurs both on the forward and reverse strokes). The comfortable handle provides a firm grip, excellent control and ease of use, and is attached to the blade with three screws. Length 380 mm, price - 650–700 rubles.

BAHCO Laplander 396-LAP

An excellent tool designed for sawing dry and wet wood, designed and manufactured specifically for hunters, fishermen and tourists, although it also finds use in gardeners and even builders. Excellent Swedish quality, TPI=7, Sandvik XT shaped teeth for sawing both along and across the grain. The canvas has a special coating applied not only to protect against corrosion, but also to reduce friction. Folded length -23 cm, weight 200 g. The blade is securely fixed both in the folded and in the open position. The only drawback is the price - from 1.6 to 2 thousand rubles.

Most Russian families in the closet in the corridor, in the shed in the country or in the garage will definitely have a traditional model of a hacksaw. Her appearance is familiar to absolutely everyone, from young to old. But did you know that there are several modifications of this wonderful tool? We offer a closer look at the classification of the heroine of our review.

Traditional hacksaw for wood - a versatile option

It is this type of instrument that we so often mentioned in the introduction. Of course, you have seen it more than once - a wide handle made of plastic, metal or other materials and a steel blade with teeth of various shapes and directions. The length of the cutting part for different models may vary, and sometimes a set of additional blades is included for different purposes.

With the help of such a device, you can perform various actions - from simple sawing of branches and branches in the garden to specific carpentry operations. The only drawback is that such a hacksaw is difficult to use when working with various types of furniture.

Folding hacksaw for wood - "pocket" assistant

It is not always possible to have a full-fledged version of the saw at hand, and sometimes such performance is not needed at all by the homeowner or craftsman. In such a situation, a folding hacksaw would be the best way out. In addition to compact dimensions, this type of product is characterized by a short cutting blade and small, often spaced teeth.

Due to the dimensions, folding models are very popular among summer residents, foresters and lovers of outdoor recreation. But it is worth noting that residents of close “odnushki” in large cities will find this solution very profitable.

Narrow (circular) hacksaw for wood - a choice for connoisseurs of aesthetics

If you often create various decorative elements from wood, finish wooden rooms, or just like neat and even cuts, then you should take a closer look at circular hand saws. Due to the narrow cutting part, comfortable and ergonomic handle, as well as a special combination of teeth, this hacksaw lends itself to complex curly cutting. It is especially worth highlighting that the quality of the cut will be at a very high level - no notches or burrs.

Despite the many advantages, hacksaws are a narrowly focused type of tool, which will not allow it to be used for many everyday purposes or large amounts of work.

Bow saw for wood - an option for real men

This model got its name because of its unusual shape: outwardly, it looks like a bow for shooting. This device is ideal for cutting massive branches and branches, as well as longitudinal and transverse sawing of boards and other bulky materials.

With all its significant advantages, it is necessary to highlight one notable drawback - this requires a certain physical preparation for effective work. In this regard, the choice of a bow hacksaw for wood should always be compared with your capabilities.

By themselves, archery hacksaws for wood also have an internal classification. To date, there are:

  1. crosscut saw- for sawing wood in the transverse direction.
  2. swing saw– for cuts in the longitudinal direction.
  3. spiked hacksaw- to create end-to-end geometric shapes in the bars.

Edge hacksaw for wood - "hard nut"

Outwardly, this one is very similar to the classic model. But this option has one important feature - the so-called butt has been added to its design (in fact, a regular stiffener). With its help, in the process of working with wood, the canvas does not change its shape and does not bend, which allows you to make the process as convenient and fast as possible.

Alas, the butt itself is the main drawback of this modification: it does not allow cutting to a depth exceeding the width of the working blade.

Reward - an unusual two-handed saw for wood

This representative of its class is not a very common type of instrument with a specific appearance and characteristics. According to its functionality, it can be considered a planer in the world of hand saws. The main task of this hacksaw is the creation of convex or recessed volumetric figures of varying degrees of complexity in wood.

It is difficult to single out the strengths and weaknesses of the award, since it is mainly present in the arsenal of craftsmen who make carvings or decorate the facades of wooden houses with intricate patterns.

Electric wood saw - purpose and benefits

Although hand saws are considered more reliable and durable, they are increasingly competing with a powerful, productive, convenient electric variation of the tool in all respects.

In a professional environment, she received the name of a saber electric cutter. As in the case of the bow saw, this is due to the appearance of the device: it resembles a saber. Unlike stand-alone tools, this option allows the movement of the cutting blade, both reciprocating and pendulum. This allows not only to increase the sawing speed, but also to prevent deformation of the working part of the hacksaw.

Despite the high productivity and the ability to work with various materials (metals, concrete), it is not always possible to recommend buying a similar wood saw. The need for a source of electric current or constant recharging, the high cost of products, as well as a certain risk of mechanical breakdowns - all these features tip the scales towards standard hand saws.

How to choose a manual or electric hacksaw for wood according to its characteristics

Having decided on the main types of heroines of our review, we invite our readers to study the most important parameters responsible for the quality and efficiency of using a hacksaw under any circumstances. It is not recommended to ignore this section - the risk of acquiring an unfinished pacifier will be too high.

Materials used in the manufacture of the handle and working part

Traditionally, manufacturers use wood, plastic or steel alloy to create a handle. The first option suggests a more pleasant tactile sensation, but is not as durable. The plastic handle is the "golden mean", but in some situations it is also prone to damage. The steel version has a long service life, but you need to get used to it.

The working canvas is always made of metal. It is desirable that chromium is included in its composition - it prevents the formation of corrosion. Also an important factor is the processing of cloves - they can be ordinary or hardened. Although the second version shows increased strength, its effective life is short, and after wear, the teeth cannot be re-sharpened.

Hacksaws for wood with a small or large tooth, the shape of the teeth

These characteristics are among the most important: the nature of the work performed in the future depends on them. To date, there are three types of teeth:

The shape of the tooth allows it to perform a certain type of operation and also has a certain classification:

Among modern proposals there are models with combined teeth - theoretically, such a saw can perform any type of wood cutting. In practice, it all depends on the skill and ability of the owner of the hacksaw.


When choosing the size of the teeth, it is worth knowing that all over the world there is a single standard for designating this parameter. It is called TPI (in some editions - PPI). It is calculated based on the number of teeth per inch. Accordingly, a saw with a TPI value of 8 will have a finer tooth than a hacksaw with a TPI of 4.

Working cloth dimensions

The length of the working area of ​​the tool directly depends on the previous characteristics. If we analyze this dependence, we can get the following options:

It is necessary to balance your needs with the possibilities of adaptation. For large volumes of work, it is better to buy a wood saw with a large tooth, and for fine operations - with a small one.

Handle shape

As you might guess, the usability depends on this parameter. Before buying, you must definitely hold the tool in your hands, since the ergonomics of each product is individual. It is also worth giving preference to models with rubber inserts or just a non-smooth surface.

Additional options for electric saws

In the case of choosing an electrical modification, in addition to materials, the shape of the teeth, the size of the web and ergonomics, it is worth considering the power of the device - the higher it is, the better results you can achieve in a short time. It is also important to have built-in protective mechanisms that protect the device from overheating and premature failure.

How to sharpen a hacksaw for wood: we understand the intricacies of the procedure

In the process of performing various operations, the saw teeth tend to wear out and lose their former sharpness. If the cloves are hardened, you can send the product to the scrap, if standard, you can try to sharpen them. In words, everything is simple, but what you need to know in order to do everything right, quickly and efficiently? Let's figure it out.

Sharpening accessories

The minimum set to perform the necessary actions is a file (or several types of such a tool) and a vice. But this kit will only allow you to make a rough preparation. For full-fledged cleaning, sharpening and wiring, you need a consumable abrasive material - an emery cloth or a special emery bar.

Sharpening a hacksaw for wood with your own hands

In order to fully understand how to properly sharpen a hacksaw on wood with a file, our editors have selected for you an interesting video from the vastness of the Web. Agree, it is better to see once than hear a hundred times! We highly recommend viewing:

Interesting models of manual and electric wood saws - prices, specifications and customer reviews

It's time to consider several profitable and effective representatives of their class, presented on the Russian market. Each of them is good in its own way, but the final choice, of course, is yours.

Encore "Fox" 400 mm.

Comfortable model with a rubberized handle, hardened teeth - at a very attractive price. We recommend to all owners of private buildings and just builders.

Site editorial evaluation: 9,5/10

Feedback on the model Enkor "Fox" 400 mm.:

Read more on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_2346437.html

Encore "Fox" 400 mm


An excellent folding option with an affordable price tag and excellent features. Travelers and summer residents will definitely be delighted!

Site editorial evaluation: 9,6/10


Irwin 300mm 14TPI

A Japanese hacksaw from Irwin breaks into our review! An excellent offer for carpenters and craftsmen who create true masterpieces from wooden blanks.

Site editorial evaluation: 9,8/10

Irwin 300mm 14TPI

STANLEY HAND TOOLS arched 300 mm.

A universal offer that allows you to work with both wood and metal (two sheets included). Suitable for lovers of versatile solutions and excellent performance.

Site editorial evaluation: 9,7/10


Brigadier JETSHARK Lite 63220

Modestly priced, but superb in performance, hardened tooth tools are nothing to say, you must try it at least once!

Site editorial evaluation: 9,6/10

Brigadier JETSHARK Lite 63220


Despite the fact that German or Swedish saber-type hand saws are very popular, we want to highlight the product from a domestic manufacturer. The excellent combination of price and quality simply could not leave us indifferent - the characteristics speak for themselves!

Site editorial evaluation: 9,8/10

Feedback on the STAVR PS-850 model:

Read more on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_3968488.html


Summing up: which hacksaw is best for a modern buyer

So our excursion into such a vast world of hand saws is coming to an end. Today you learned that there are several types of this handy tool; understood how to sharpen a hacksaw for wood; studied many interesting subtleties of product selection. With this information, it will be very easy for you to buy the perfect model. In the meantime, we wish you good luck in your search and we can say with confidence that there is no ideal model, it all depends on the category of work you need.

In the arsenal of a home master there is always a functional and easy-to-use circular saw. But there are situations when you need to saw off a part and do a small amount of woodwork, and there is no time or desire to deploy and connect the unit. In these cases, a hand hacksaw perfectly saves. But how to choose a manual hacksaw for wood so that it is convenient to use and easily “gnaws through” any type of wood, we will consider in more detail.

The saw is rightfully considered the ancestor of a large family of hand tools. Since the creation of the first type of tool from iron, the saw has undergone many changes, having managed to acquire numerous “sisters” capable of performing dozens of jobs.

In the household, it is impossible to do without "toothy helpers": they are indispensable for pruning the garden, small carpentry and joinery work

Hand saws for wood differ from each other in many ways: blade size, steel grade, tooth shape, handle design. Let's dwell on each parameter in more detail.

How should a hacksaw blade be?

The main part of the tool is a hacksaw blade. The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a product is the length of the canvas. The possibilities of its application largely depend on this parameter. At the same time, the longer the blade, the more springy it is, which also complicates the process, especially when working with hardwoods such as ash, maple or oak.

The long stroke makes it possible to apply less effort when sawing, since a large number of teeth are cut in one stroke.

For sawing small elements such as skirting boards, bars or narrow slats, you can get by with a hacksaw with a blade length of 25-30 cm. When planning to use the tool when performing more serious construction work, choose a product with a blade of 45-50 cm.

When determining the length of the hacksaw blade, follow the rule that the length of the saw exceeds the diameter of the processed elements by 2 times. If you do not follow this recommendation, you will only complicate your work. The teeth of a short hacksaw will stick inside the wood, and everyone will have to make a lot of effort in order to advance the tool to free it from sawdust. Uncomfortable work will cause premature fatigue.

Traditionally, the width of the fabric of the product varies in the range of 10-20 cm. Models with a narrower fabric are not allowed for technical reasons, since they fail at the slightest bend. But it should be borne in mind that too wide canvases are inconvenient for manual work.

Of no small importance is the material of manufacture of the blade, which is most often alloyed steel, as well as its degree of hardening.

For hacksaws, tool alloy steel with a high content of silicon and carbon grades is used:

  • 65G, 60 S2A;
  • 8 HF, 9 HF, 9 HS;
  • U7, U7A, U8, U8A, U8G, U8GA, U9A, U10

Hardening of the metal is carried out by exposing it to an alternating magnetic field, in which a high-frequency electric current appears. Spreading over the surface, it heats the surface layer of the metal, which hardens after cooling.

The standard parameter is the metal hardness of 45 HRC, but it is still preferable to choose products whose web hardness is 55-60 HRC. A hacksaw with a high hardness blade will have sufficient flexibility, but at the same time high tooth stability. With an external examination, such a tool can be identified by the darkish shade of sharpened teeth.

Blade tooth parameters

The determining indicator of the performance of the tool and the accuracy of cutting wood is the size of the teeth.

The teeth of a hacksaw for woodworking perform a dual function: they cut wood and simultaneously remove sawdust

Sawing accuracy is determined by the "TPI" indicator - the number of teeth per inch.

There is an inverse relationship between these technical parameters:

  • canvases with large teeth set a high speed of work, but the saw cut turns out to be rough and sloppy;
  • hacksaws with fine teeth guarantee a clean and precise cut, but at a relatively slow working speed.

When determining the required tooth size, one should be guided by the type of material being processed. For example, for work with chipboard, where high precision of the cut is required, choose a tool with a high TPI of 7-9, and for sawing logs and gardening, where the cleanliness of the cut is not so essential, choose a TPI of 3-6.

When choosing the best hacksaw option, follow the rule that the minimum log thickness should in any case be more than a three-tooth pitch

If we compare a hardened and ordinary tooth, then the difference lies in the fact that in the first variant, subject to domestic use, the product does not dull for a long time. But a hacksaw with a hardened tooth can no longer be sharpened again. When she starts to cut badly, she will just have to be thrown away.

A normal tooth can be sharpened. Periodically, it can be performed using a special file marked with an accident (for sharpening saws). To sharpen the blade, it is enough to perform several movements on each tooth.

Depending on the type of teeth used, there are three types of hand saws:

  1. For longitudinal sawing. Products are equipped with teeth in the form of an oblique triangle and look like hooks. The tool allows you to cut wood along the grain. Such saws have sharpening on both sides of the tooth, due to which they are able to cut both when passing forward and in the opposite direction.
  2. For cross cutting. The teeth of the tools are made in the form of isosceles triangles. This design makes it easy to saw through the material both when the cutting edge is drawn forward and in the opposite direction. But this type of tooth is only suitable for working with dry blanks, but not fresh wood.
  3. For mixed sawing. Products have a combined composition in which triangular edges are combined with slightly elongated semicircular notches. This solution allows, when moving the hand forward, semicircular teeth to perform a guide cut, and when returning, to expand the channel with triangular ones, removing chips and sawdust from it.

Some types of modern tools are equipped with teeth that are made in the shape of a trapezoid. This solution allows you to make the canvas more durable and wear-resistant.

But it should be borne in mind that sharpening such a blade is very problematic, since it is difficult for trapezoidal teeth to give the desired shape. This significantly reduces the service life of the product, after which it is necessary to change the blade or purchase a new tool.

For sawing fresh branches, it is more convenient to use blades equipped with triangular teeth processed by parallel sharpening, in which each element is sharpened only on one side and in a checkerboard pattern

Often on the market you can also find a modernized type of hacksaws.

Upgraded hacksaws are easy to distinguish by the groups of teeth located on the canvas, between which the gaps are clearly visible.

Modernized type hand saws are effective for cutting raw wood. Wet chips through the gaps between the teeth in the process of sawing easily come out of the cut, without hindering the movement of the tool.

Types of hand saws for wood

A small narrow saw is a design that consists of a straight flat blade and a handle. She performs delicate work: through cuts, cut out curved parts.

This type of tool is designed for sawing wooden blanks, the thickness of which does not exceed 8-10 cm, sawing small branches and small garden work.

In the manufacture of narrow models, manufacturers install blades with triangular double-sided teeth, or with parallel sharpening. The disadvantage of the tool is that when pressed during operation, the canvas can deviate from a given direction.

Option #2 - Regular

A standard hand saw can be equipped with any type of teeth and is often equipped with interchangeable blades of various types and designs.

To be able to saw off workpieces at a certain angle using a standard hand saw, you have to purchase special miter boxes

But despite the declared versatility of their application, it is not advisable to use saws of this type in the manufacture of furniture.

Option # 3 - with a butt

Both narrow and conventional saws are prone to bending when the material being processed increases in rigidity. In these cases, it is effective to use canvases equipped with a backing, which acts as a kind of stiffener.

Hand saws equipped with a back are designed to create shallow cuts in a wooden surface of any thickness.

The presence of the butt prevents the saw from making a cut deeper than the width of the blade, as it prevents the cutting blade from passing further into the tree.

Option # 4 - bow

Bow-type saws are more bulky devices that act as an analogue of a jigsaw.

The main purpose of this type of saws is to create an accurate cut when working with surfaces located at any angle.

Due to the solidity of the design and the threaded connections of the handles, bow-type saws are able to easily overcome knots, cutting along radii and curvilinear patterns.

Depending on the purpose and design solution, saws can be:

  • swing - for longitudinal cutting;
  • transverse - for sawing blanks across the wood fiber;
  • rounded - for cutting holes, making roundings and figured sawing;
  • spiked - for cutting connecting spikes, as well as sawing simple geometric shapes on a workpiece.

Only with a bow-type hacksaw can you cut the material up and down, sawing blanks with complex lines and doing the work alone without involving an assistant.

The procedure for choosing a hand saw for wood is quite simple:

  1. Determine the purpose for which the tool will be used. For carpentry work, choose products with fine teeth that provide high sawing accuracy, for carpentry - blades with large teeth.
  2. Application frequency. If the hand saw will only be used for occasional work, choose a tool with hardened teeth. The service life of this type of product is quite large. In addition, you do not have to worry about sharpening and setting teeth during operation.
  3. Canvas uniformity. While inspecting the tool, try gently bending the blade to a 30-45° angle, and then release it. Re-examine the blade: the slightest deviation at the fold point, even within 2 mm, indicates poor quality of the metal.
  4. Product cost. As with other tools, keep in mind that high-quality models from leading brands are always an order of magnitude more expensive than consumer goods. This overpayment acts as a kind of guarantee of wear resistance and durability of the saw. But for one-time work, it makes no sense to spend money on an expensive tool.

Conventional handles are made of plastic. Prefabricated plastic handles made of two halves do not have sufficient rigidity. It is much more convenient to work with a tool that has a one-piece handle, which is equipped with a rubberized finger pad. The presence of a rubber insert allows you to make a tighter grip, preventing the formation of calluses on the palm.

Pay attention to the design of the tool handle: it is desirable that it has an ergonomic shape that allows you to correctly transfer force to the blade

On sale there are products with standard and flip-over handles. The second option is convenient in that it allows, if necessary, to replace the worn canvas with a new one.

Keep in mind that not all hand saws go on sale already sharpened. And this seemingly trifle largely determines how soon you can get to work.

There are many companies that manufacture hacksaws on the market. Judging by the reviews, they have proven themselves well: the Zubr hacksaw of domestic production, Gross Piranha joint German-Chinese cooperation, Irwin Xpert made in the USA. They are famous for their decent quality at a low price, which varies between 10-20 USD.

Finally, we suggest you watch a video with tips on choosing:

Every real master (even a home master) always has a convenient and multifunctional circular saw. But sometimes there are such types of work when you need to saw off only one part, or just do small amounts of work, but you don’t want to get an electrical device. In this case, a hacksaw blade will help you out. But how to choose a good hacksaw for wood, which will be easy to use and will easily “gnaw through” any type of wood, we will consider further.

By right, it is the saw that can be called the mother of all hand tools. Since the moment people realized the importance of iron and created the first saw, the tool has changed many times and already has a dozen "sisters" that can do any kind of work.

Let's take a closer look at what each of these parameters should be.

Hacksaw blade - what it should be

The main part of the tool is the canvas. The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a hacksaw for wood is the length of the blade. Much will depend on this, at least even the possibilities of application.

At the same time, the larger the canvas, the more it will spring, which will complicate the process, especially when working with maple, ash and oak.

If you plan to cut bars or narrow laths, a tool with a length of 25 to 30 cm is enough for you. When planning to use a tool for serious work in construction, give preference to tools with a blade length of 50 cm.

When choosing the length, one should be guided by the rule that the length should exceed the diameter of the element being processed exactly 2 times.

If you do not follow this recommendation, you will complicate your work. The teeth of a short hacksaw will only stick in the wood, and it will be very difficult to move such a saw to free it from sawdust.

Working in an uncomfortable environment will cause fatigue sooner than if you followed all the instructions.

Usually the width of the hacksaw blade is from 10 to 20 cm. Models with a smaller width have many disadvantages, since they are impractical and will immediately fail. But keep in mind that tools that are too wide will not give you comfort.

For the manufacture of hacksaws, alloy steel is used, which differs from the usual high content of carbon and silicon of the following grades:

  1. 65G, 60 S2A.
  2. 8 XF, 9 XF, 9 XS.
  3. Y7, Y7A, Y8, Y8A, Y8G, Y8GA, Y9A, Y10.

The metal is hardened with a special effect of a magnetic field, due to which a high-frequency electric current appears.

When spreading on the surface, it warms up the upper layer of the metal, after which it is quenched with cold water. According to the standard, the hardness of the metal should be 45 HRC, but it is better to give preference to products whose web hardness will be from 55 to 60.

A high-density hacksaw will have good flexibility, but the teeth will be stable. Externally, upon inspection, you will determine the quality of the tool by the dark shade of sharpened teeth.

What should be the teeth

Another important factor in the performance of the tool and its work when cutting is the size of the teeth. Such an indicator as sawing accuracy is designated TPI, which means the number of teeth per inch (2.54 cm).

The relationship between this technical parameter is as follows:

  • A blade with larger teeth gives you high speed when working, but in this case, expect a sloppy and rough saw cut.
  • For hacksaws with fine teeth, the cut will be clean and accurate, but the speed of work will be several times lower.

When you decide on the size of the teeth, be guided by the type of material being processed.

When working with material such as chipboard. Where high cut accuracy is needed, a tool with a value of 7 to 9 should be taken, and for logs in the garden, where the cleanliness of the cut does not play an important role, a value of 3 to 6 is suitable.

If we compare a normal and a hardened tooth, the difference will be that the usual one does not get dull for a long time in domestic use. But a hacksaw with hardened teeth cannot be re-sharpened, so when the quality of the cut decreases, you will have no choice but to simply throw it away.

The advantage of a regular tooth is that it can be sharpened. This work is periodically carried out using a file marked with an accident ( for sharpening saws). For sharpening, you need to run a file over each tooth several times.

There are three types of hand saw depending on the type of teeth:

Some types of instruments have teeth that resemble a trapezoid in shape. This decision has made a new generation of hacksaw blades that are wear-resistant and an order of magnitude stronger.

But it is worth considering that sharpening such a blade is a difficult task, since it is difficult to shape the complex figure of small teeth. This greatly reduces the life of the tool, at the end of which you will have to change the blade or choose another good hacksaw for wood.

Now the market is increasingly seeing new models of hacksaws that are designed for cutting not yet dried. Small chips easily pass between the teeth of the cut, and do not impede the work.


This is a small saw, which is a flat straight blade and a handle. With its help, you can perform a number of small jobs: cut out curved parts, make a through cut, and so on.

It is made from a blade with double-sided teeth in the form of a triangle, sometimes with parallel sharpening. The disadvantage of the tool is that when pressed during operation, the canvas may deviate from the specified direction.


A hand saw with standard parameters can have any type of teeth and is most often equipped with several blades for changing, which have different designs and types of teeth. Despite the versatility declared by the parameters, such saws are not suitable for making furniture.

with a butt

Both narrow and standard saws are prone to bending when the stiffness threshold is increased. To avoid this, it will be effective to use a tool with a butt, which will act as a stiffener. The presence of such a "clamp" will not make it possible to make a cut larger than the width of the web, as it will prevent the web from passing into the tree to a greater depth.


A saw of this type is a more bulky device, which is a manual version of a jigsaw. Due to the fact that the design is solid and its threaded connection of the handles, such saws can easily overcome knots, making cuts according to patterns and radii.

Depending on the intended type of work and the design of the saw, there may be:

  • transverse– for sawing across the grain of the tree.
  • Swinging- for cutting along.
  • Fillet- for creating holes, roundings and sawing figured type.
  • spiked- for cutting connecting spikes and cutting out simple geometric shapes on the workpiece.

Only a bow-type hacksaw can perform all these functions without additional tools.

The procedure for choosing is quite simple:

Now about the handles. They are usually made from plastic. Prefabricated handles are made from two plastic halves, which are not very rigid. It is much more convenient to work with tools that have a one-piece handle equipped with a rubber backing for the fingers. With a rubber insert, it will be much more convenient for you to make a grip, thereby protecting yourself from the formation of corns.

Even on sale you can often find a tool with a flip and a standard handle. The first option is convenient in that it is possible to replace the canvas with a new one in case of expiration of the service life.

Keep in mind that not all saw models go on sale sharpened, and how soon you can start working depends on this seemingly insignificant detail.

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