Fortune-telling to determine the sex of a child online. Determination of the sex of the child by external signs

Encyclopedia of Plants 28.06.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

Every expectant mother really wants to know who settled in her tummy: a boy or a girl? Modern medicine allows you to find out the sex of the fetus only after 9 weeks of pregnancy. But what if you want to get to know your baby as early as possible? Is it possible to know the sex of a baby before conception?

japanese baby gender prediction chart

Today, Japanese medicine is known throughout the world for its quality and high qualification of doctors. Even in ancient times, Japanese scientists developed their own methods for diagnosing and treating patients of all ages. Among other materials that have survived to this day, the Japanese table for predicting the sex of the fetus is very popular. How to use this technique?

The scheme for determining the sex of the fetus consists of two parts. In the first table, the month of birth of the expectant mother is indicated vertically. Horizontally, you can also find the month of the birth of the future father. At the intersection of these lines is a certain number that you need to find and remember. We will need the discovered number for the second table and for calculating the sex of the unborn child.

In the second table, numbers from 1 to 12 are indicated horizontally. We find the number we need and under it we see lines indicating the month of conception of the child. In the center of the table, opposite the desired month, the probability of having a child of a certain gender is indicated. The chances of having a boy or girl are expressed in crosses. The more crosses, the higher the likelihood of conceiving a male or female child at a given point in time.

  1. Mother's date of birth is 13.03 (March).
  2. Father's date of birth is 27.08 (August).
  3. The date of conception of the child is 5.06 (June).

In the first table, at the intersection of the lines for the required months, we find the number 11.

In the second table, under the number 11, we find the month of conception - June. In June, for this couple, the probability of conceiving a boy is very high - 5 crosses. But the chances of a girl appearing are small and amount to only one cross. If we translate the received data into percentages, then the following picture comes out:

  • the probability of having a boy is 83%;
  • the probability of having a girl is 17%.

How does the Japanese table work?

Modern scientists have not been able to fully decipher the methodology of the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun. Probably, the ancient Japanese studied the influence of the Moon or other celestial bodies on the conception of children and, based on the data obtained, compiled this table. At its core, the proposed scheme is closer to astrology than to classical medicine, so it is difficult for practitioners to assess the significance of this technique.

Classical medicine does not use the achievements of ancient Japanese scientists to calculate the sex of the fetus. Modern obstetrics knows nothing about how the date of birth of future parents can affect the sex of the unborn child. Doctors prefer to use more conventional methods. Calculate the sex of the fetus for a period of 7-9 weeks allows the detection of a special SRY gene in the mother's blood. After 12 weeks, ultrasound successfully copes with the same task.

Japanese Gender Prediction Calculator

Mother's birth month:

Dad's birthday:

Month of conception:

Gender Probability: 0% /0%

Why do you need to know the gender of the baby?

Some women, denying the achievements of modern medicine, refuse to find out the sex of the fetus even during a routine ultrasound. Future mothers are preparing a surprise for themselves and their spouse, wanting to find out about everything only at the time of childbirth. Is this tactic justified?

The desire to know the sex of the child as early as possible is not just curiosity. Many women would like to be able to predict the sex of the baby even before conception. This question is especially acute when a couple is planning a second child. Not so many women decide to have many children, and in this situation, the desire to be the mother of two children of different sexes is quite understandable.

There are more serious reasons for predicting the sex of the baby before conception. Some hereditary pathologies are transmitted to the fetus of a certain sex (only a boy or only a girl). The desire to give birth to a healthy child makes expectant mothers look for any ways to determine the sex of the baby even at the stage of pregnancy planning. Since modern medicine can only offer IVF with the transfer of an embryo of the desired sex as an alternative, parents have no choice but to turn their attention to the ancient methods of the Land of the Rising Sun.

To believe or not to the Japanese table is up to the parents. The accuracy of this technique is about 50%. You can try to predict the sex of the child, but do not rely too much on the result. In the end, fate decides everything - and the only sperm that gets to the egg first. If he is a carrier of the X chromosome, a girl will be born, while the Y chromosome will give birth to a boy. It is not possible to seriously influence this process at this stage of human development.

Almost every woman wants to determine the sex of a child who is still in her tummy. From the outside, one can say: what kind of need is this, to know who will be born to you? It is important that the baby was born strong, full-term and healthy!

But for some people, the gender of the unborn baby is very important. For some, this is not the first child, but I want to have heterosexual. For some, it is a religious belief or a desire to have an heir. That is why since ancient times all sorts of methods for determining the sex of the unborn baby have been so popular.

Fortune telling on the sex of a child cannot say with complete certainty who will be born: a son or a daughter, when it will be born and will show the number of children. But it can tell with a probable error who will be born into this world.

Some parents do not want to know the sex of the baby before his birth - and this is important. They deliberately ask not to tell them about it at the ultrasound examination. They do not look at the monitor at the time of inspection. They do not resort to all sorts of divination methods. For them, the most important thing is the health of the baby.

There are folk signs that the future father and mother observe. This belief came to us from ancient times. Even in those days it was forbidden to acquire a dowry for the unborn baby. They were bought only after his birth. But not everyone followed these rules.

And for those people who do not observe all sorts of signs, fortune telling was invented. The gender of the child was determined as follows:

  • by the blood of the parents;
  • fortune telling on cards;
  • used a thread or took a needle;
  • by the date of birth of the future baby.

Baby to order

This is a modern method for determining the sex of children. It allows you to find out who will be born even before the conception of a child. The essence of this method is to reject spermatozoa of an undesirable sex, as well as sick and affected by hereditary diseases. The number of fertilized eggs can vary from one to four.

Therefore, with this method, a woman at the beginning of her pregnancy may not know how many children she will have at birth. After all, not all eggs survive with this method. It is used only for IVF - fertilization.

This procedure is quite expensive due to the complexity of its implementation. It is not available to every couple. And getting what you want in one attempt is quite difficult and cannot guarantee a 100% result.

With eco-fertilization, you can predict the sex of the child

Gender of the baby by date of conception

The female body is designed in such a way that it cannot accept sperm to fertilize an egg on any day of the menstrual cycle. This is possible only on specially designated days. Each woman is unique. They depend on the moment the mature egg is released, which is ready to meet with the sperm.

By correctly calculating the day of a possible conception, you can get pregnant, as well as find out the sex of the child. Scientific studies have shown: The closer the date of conception of a child to ovulation, the greater the likelihood of having a boy.

More precisely, the sex of the child can be determined if the exact date and time of ovulation and conception is known. It can be recognized with a more detailed ultrasound examination.

Determining the sex of a child by blood

  • The first way is as follows: It is based on the periodic renewal of blood from future parents. Male blood is capable of renewal every four years, while female blood is renewed every three years. By calculating who has younger blood, you can find out the sex of the unborn baby. If the mother's blood is younger - there will be a girl, and if the father's blood - a boy.
  • The following blood technique is not effective enough, but some people also use it. It is based on a specially designed table. It can be found in specialized literature or on Internet sites. It compares the blood type of both parents and determines the sex of the unborn child.
Blood type comparison table
Blood type father
mothers I II III IV
I Girl Boy Girl Boy
II Boy Girl Boy Girl
III Girl Boy Boy Boy
IV Boy Girl Boy Boy

Gender of the child according to popular belief

  • In some sources, you can find this method: Determining the sex of the baby by the presence of toxicosis in the expectant mother at an early stage of pregnancy. They say that toxicosis accompanies a pregnant woman waiting for a girl. She also takes away her attractiveness from her mother. Therefore, the expectant mother has all sorts of rashes on her face, swelling in her body, and so on. Those who like to eat salty and meat products were predicted to have a son, and they are drawn to a girl for sweets.
  • The shape of the belly of a pregnant woman can also help in determining the sex of the baby. A sharp and barely noticeable belly from the back indicates that a boy will be born. A round belly, spreading to the sides, indicates that there will be a girl.
  • The boys in the mother's stomach behave violently, and the girls weakly give any signs.
  • Which of the spouses is older in age, the same sex will be the baby.

All these folk signs can tell you about the future baby. But they are inaccurate.. If you look at them from the side of medicine, then some of them can be explained from a scientific point of view. The sex of the child does not depend on the shape of the mother's abdomen. This is her anatomical structure of the body. And the presence of frequent fetal movements indicates a lack of oxygen or other pathology. It is likely that the woman does not have enough fresh air and it is enough to go outside or look out the open window.

Diet and gender of the unborn child

There is a way in which you can predict the birth of a son or daughter. It lies in the nutrition of the expectant mother. If both parents follow a special diet, you can achieve the birth of a child of the desired sex. Some sources say that this method is eighty percent reliable.

The boy's diet should consist of meat products, potatoes and citrus fruits. As little as possible, it should contain lactic acid products and cottage cheese.

The sex of the unborn baby can be determined with a needle. A thread is threaded into it and brought to the mother's stomach. Keep the needle still. If the movement of the needle resembles a circle - a girl will be born, if up and down - a boy. The needle will also predict the number of children you will have in marriage.

Future mothers are trying in every possible way to find out who will be born to them, the number of children and so on. Some of them also resort to fortune-telling on cards, turn to fortune-tellers for help.

The popularity of fortune-telling for children is explained by the fact that most girls have been dreaming of children since childhood. Therefore, they want to know not only how many children they will have, but also seek to predict the gender of the babies.

Comic fortune-telling for children is carried out directly at the wedding celebration. So, for example, gift money is collected in two caskets. If more was collected in the girl's box, then the baby will be born first. Otherwise, the birth of a boy should be expected.

The newlyweds can also compete in catching fish in a makeshift pool. If the groom caught the first fish, then the birth of the first-born boy should be expected. And if the fishing was successful for the bride, then the first child in the family will be a girl.

Fortune telling on the gender of the unborn child can be carried out in various ways. All peoples at different times had various fortune-telling rites that made it possible to predict the gender of the unborn baby. So, in ancient Egypt, the seeds of wheat and barley were watered with the urine of a pregnant woman. If wheat was the first to sprout, then this foreshadowed the birth of a girl, in another case, the birth of a boy was expected.

Fortune tellers still widely use a common method for determining the sex of a child. To do this, they are asked to show the pregnant woman's hands. If the expectant mother held them out with her palms up, then this indicated the birth of a girl, in another case, a boy should have been born.

around the ring

Many peoples of Europe used divination with a ring, which made it possible to determine the sex of the child. For the ceremony, it was necessary to use a wedding ring, into which a thick white woolen thread is threaded. During the ceremony, the pregnant woman should lie on her back. Above her belly, you need to hang a ring on a thread in the form of a pendulum.

You need to pay attention to the following:

  • If the ring oscillates back and forth, then this portends the birth of a boy.
  • If the ring makes circular movements, then we can expect the birth of a girl.

In some cases, a pendulum ring was allowed to be held over the palm of a pregnant woman. Only in this case was it believed that the circular movements of the ring foreshadowed the birth of a girl, and movements from side to side indicated that a boy would be born.

By the stomach

Many fortune tellers determine the sex of the unborn child by the shape of the belly of a pregnant woman. But this method can provide conditional truthful information. It is believed that if the belly of a pregnant woman is small and has a sharp shape, and if you look from the back, you can see the waist, then you should expect a boy. And if the belly is round and large and the waist is not visible, then most likely a girl will be born.

There are also many folk signs that allow, according to various external signs of a pregnant woman, to determine the sex of the unborn child.

They claim the following:

  • If during pregnancy you want to diversify the table with sweet dishes, then most likely a girl will be born.
  • When you constantly want to taste sour and salty dishes, this portends the birth of a boy.
  • A slower heart rate in late pregnancy is seen in boys.
  • It is believed that the future girl takes away the beauty from her mother, therefore, during pregnancy, the woman's appearance deteriorates, at a time when, when carrying a baby boy, a woman blossoms.

By date of birth of parents

The sex of the unborn child can be predicted by the date of birth of the parents. This method of divination is offered by numerology, which, in most cases, gives correct information. For divination, you first need a blank sheet of paper and a pen. First, you should write your own date of birth and the date of birth of the father of the unborn child. Then you need to sum all the numbers in the first and second cases. Such actions must be performed until a pair of single-digit numbers is obtained.

It is they who are the code, deciphering which you can predict the sex of the unborn child:

  • If the number obtained by adding the digits in the date of the female birthday is much larger than the similar number obtained from the male birthday, then a boy will be born. Otherwise, a girl should be expected.
  • If the difference between the numbers obtained is small, then the error in predicting the sex of the unborn child increases.
  • If after adding the numbers turned out to be the same, then there may be problems during childbirth. It can also indicate the incompatibility of the couple, which is often the cause of infertility.

Divination for the birth of a child is often carried out long before his conception. Caring future parents want to choose the best date of birth and predict the gender of the baby. Divination for the birth of a child can be considered a very useful magical act. After all, with its help you can answer many questions that concern you. The information received will warn against the wrong questions and give peace of mind and confidence.

There are certain rules that must be observed when conducting fortune-telling. First of all, such rituals cannot be performed on church holidays, as well as on Sunday. You should not guess at a child with severe emotional and physical fatigue.

Conception is a crucial period for every woman. Therefore, this explains the desire of many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity to get more information using various fortune-telling. Magic will help you get answers to very important questions and tell you when to plan a pregnancy.

If you want to know everything about the birth of a child, fortune telling should be done on Christmas days filled with magic. The easiest way is to use a wedding ring. It must be lowered into a glass of water, which is taken out in the cold for the night. The answer was received in the morning, which was deciphered by the frozen ice surface. So, the tubercles testified that a son would be born in the near future, and the hollows predicted the birth of a daughter. If the water surface after freezing remained perfectly even, then this indicated that it was not necessary to expect the birth of a child in the near future.

On playing cards

A very popular divination is a rite using ordinary playing cards. An important condition is that the deck of cards has not previously been used in the game. When fortune telling, you can ask a variety of questions regarding pregnancy.

But at the same time, the main ones that are pronounced first should be the following:

  • When will conception occur?
  • Who will be born to me?
  • How will the pregnancy proceed?
  • Will the child be desired by the father?

One card is laid out for each question and thus a layout is formed.

When decoding it, the following features must be taken into account:

  • If, when asking the first question, a red suit card was laid out in denominations from six to ten, then this indicates that pregnancy will not come soon.
  • If a red suit card with a picture fell on the first question, then this indicates conception in the near future. This value is reinforced by the ace drawn next.
  • If a black suit card fell out on the first question, then this is a warning that now is not the best period for conception, so it’s better to wait a while.
  • If a lady fell out when asking the second question, then this portends the birth of a girl. If the king was drawn, then you can prepare for the birth of a boy. Moreover, the color of the suit indicates the color of the hair. The queen or king of hearts or a tambourine predicts the birth of a fair-haired and red-haired baby. The queen or king of spades or clubs predicts the birth of a child with dark hair.
  • If, when asking the third question, a red suit card was drawn, then the pregnancy will go smoothly, and childbirth will be easy. But a black suit card in this position warns of problems during pregnancy and difficult childbirth. A very bad card in this case is the ace of spades, which is a harbinger of the death of the mother or child during childbirth.
  • If a red card falls on the fourth question, then this confirms that the child will be desired by his father. Conversely, black suit is a negative answer.

On tarot cards

Among the huge variety of divination, the most reliable is to receive predictions using Tarot cards. Using the layouts, first of all, you can clarify the true desire of partners to conceive a baby. When the sincerity of the mutual understanding of two people in this matter is confirmed, it will be possible to obtain information about the most favorable period for pregnancy. Also, Tarot cards will tell you what condition the woman’s health is in and whether she is ready to bear a child.

With the help of the Tarot layout, you can find out how likely the planned conception is. Fortune telling will indicate the gender of the unborn child with a high probability. But at the same time, it should be remembered that in order to decipher the layouts, it is necessary not only to carefully study the meaning of all Tarot cards, but also learn to listen to your intuition in order to understand the overall picture of the prediction.

The most popular fortune-telling is the layout, which involves the use of 12 Major Arcana. At first, the deck is carefully shuffled, and then the cards are laid out in a circle in a clockwise direction. In addition, each laid out card will correspond to a certain month of the year. The main cards in this scenario are the Moon and the Sun. The first signifies conception, and the second signifies birth. The period between them corresponds to pregnancy, and the cards in these positions describe the course of pregnancy.

It is optimal if nine cards fall between the Moon and the Sun. This indicates that the pregnancy will be successful. The fact that conception has occurred is evidenced by such cards as the Jester, Judgment and Peace. A combination of cards indicates problems during conception: the Devil and Death. Moderation in the alignment indicates that nothing has changed.

on the runes

Divination for conception can also be done using runes. Such runes are responsible for conception and pregnancy - Algiz, Dagaz, Berkana.

Their meanings are deciphered as follows:

  • Algiz shows the protection of a pregnant woman by higher powers. This rune is a harbinger of easy childbirth.
  • Dagaz is a direct evidence of pregnancy. That is, when such a rune falls out, we can conclude that conception has already occurred.
  • Berkana - symbolizes the feminine. This rune, along with the prediction of pregnancy, indicates its successful course.

Divination with a needle and thread

A very famous fortune-telling for a child is a ritual using a needle and thread. There are several options for such fortune-telling.

But at the same time, it has several general rules that must be observed:

  • Only new attributes should be used in the ritual, while the needle and thread should be bought without change. If this is not possible, then having received the change, it should be given as soon as possible to the first beggar encountered.
  • The needle should be energetically cleansed and consecrated by fumigating it with incense or holding it over the flame of a church candle.
  • Divination should be carried out in the evening and always after sunset.
  • The rite must be performed alone in a secluded place, while no one can be informed about the plans for its implementation.
  • In the room where fortune-telling will be carried out, it is necessary to turn off artificial lighting and light candles.
  • You need to guess in loose clothes, without any jewelry and makeup.

In order to find out how many children there will be, as well as their gender, you need to take a medium-length white thread and thread it into the needle. After that, you should open your left palm and take the ends of the thread with your right hand.

Then the needle must be lowered three times into the space between the thumb and the left palm. After that, you need to rest your right elbow on the table to fix your hand in a stable state.

The needle should be placed right in the center of the left palm and watch its movements:

  • If the needle begins to make circular motions, then a boy will be born.
  • If movements are observed from side to side, then a girl will be born.

This method is suitable for the case when a woman wants to know the gender of her firstborn. The number of children can be determined in a similar way. Just take a short break before going in. So, the second time the needle will show the gender of the next child. And if the needle stops and does not make any movements, then this indicates that there will be no more children.

There are a lot of different fortune-telling that can tell you how many children a woman will have. As a rule, these are very simple and absolutely safe rituals. It is important to remember that if the result of fortune-telling is not satisfactory, then the rite cannot be repeated. All repeated attempts will not only not give true results, but may also have a negative impact on reality.

Each time when fortune-telling, it should be borne in mind that existing children will not be displayed in the fortune-telling results. That is, if there is already one child, then after receiving a prediction for another child, we can conclude that there will be two children in total.

The most common is divination by stones. To do this, you need to take ten pebbles and write numbers from zero to nine on them with a felt-tip pen. After that, the prepared pebbles should be carefully lowered into a container filled with clear water and observe them. For some time, the drawn numbers will begin to gradually disappear. The pebble on which the number lasts the longest and indicates the number of children.

Tarot can be used to predict the number of children. To do this, a deck consisting of 78 cards must be shuffled, and then cards are drawn in random order to the first significant one, namely:

The cards indicate that a woman will have one or two children: Justice, Lovers, Chariot, Priestess, Temperance, Judgment, the Sun, two of cups, pentacles and swords, four of wands, six bowls.

As well as:

  • The triple of wands testifies to three or five heirs.
  • The Four of Wands predicts two or four children.
  • They indicate that more than three children will be born five or six of pentacles.

It is very important to carry out any fortune-telling for children in a positive mood. In addition, it is important to use magical methods only if you sincerely want to have children.

Today we will touch on the most delicate topic - How to determine the sex of the child?

Perhaps, for every woman, pregnancy is one of the most important and crucial moments in her life. This special state has long been shrouded in a halo of mystery and mystery, exists on this occasion. Now there is no shortage of information and a woman, being in a position, can draw it from various sources: the Internet, magazines, newspapers and books.

Define gender of the child can be done with ultrasound. But in the early stages, when it is still difficult to say something by ultrasound, or there are doubts about the reliability of the information received, there is another way - this. Many women who have already become mothers can confirm the fairly high accuracy of their predictions. But undoubtedly, such a private and responsible business can only be entrusted to a professional who knows all the subtleties and nuances and will not harm the mental health of a woman. And each expectant mother decides for herself what methods to use to determine the sex of the child and the outcome of pregnancy, and not harm herself and the baby.

So, what are the main methods and principles for determining the sex of an unborn child in Tarot?

First, let's touch the edge of the dress, how can we still see children in the layout?

In the Rider-Waite deck, on which, by the way, we do everything, the children are indicated by the plot of the cards:

Jester, all pages, 6 cups, Sun, 10 cups.

10 of pentacles can show that a person is rich in children (large).

As for the definition of such an aspect as gender, it is necessary to take into account the evenness and oddness of the number of cards. If even numbers are rolled, there is a high probability of a girl being born, and if odd - wait for a boy. There are errors, as in every method.

So, the presence of the following Arcana will talk about the future son:

  • Senior Arcana - Mage, Emperor, Priest, and also the Hermit;
  • The Minor Arcana are the Three of Pentacles, Three of Wands, Five of Swords, Five of Wands, Seven of Cups, Seven of Wands, Nine of Cups and Nine of Wands, also the Page of Wands, the Knight of Wands and the Knight of Swords, the King of Pentacles, the King of Swords and, of course, the Ace of Swords.

And if these Arcana fall out, then you can tune in to the birth of a girl:

  • The presence of the Major Arcana - Strength, Empress, Priestess and Star;
  • And the following Minor Arcana - the loss of all twos, fours and eights, some Queens, Aces of Swords and Wands, Pages of Cups and Pentacles, dozens of Pentacles, Cups and Wands.

Determination of the sex of the child on the Major Arcana:

Jester- boy
Mage- boy
Priestess- girl
Emperor- boy
Priest- boy
lovers- may indicate twins.
Chariot- more like a boy, but maybe twins.
Strength- girl
Hermit- boy
Wheel of Fortune- rather a girl (Fate), but in general, how lucky, maybe a surprise in the form of a boy.
Justice- girl (Themis)
Hanged- boy
Death- girl
Moderation- girl
Devil- a boy (but maybe twins ... then a girl and a boy)
Tower- girl
Star- girl
Moon- a girl (there may be a deception and in the end it will turn out to be a boy)
Sun- girl (Star)
Court- boy
World- girl (Earth, Universe)

Rogue cards:

It is worth paying attention to the presence of misleading cards. From the Major Arcana, these are cards Jester if the rest of the alignment prophesies a boy.

And in the layout, reporting on the future girl, the presence of such a Major Arcana as Moon, should alert you.

Also, possible confusion will be hinted at by such Minor Arcana as Fives of Cups and swords and Seven of Cups and swords.

Twins and Triplets:

Tarot cards can tell the expectant mother not only gender of the child, but also that she needs to prepare for the birth of twins or triplets, if there are such Major Arcana in the layout as:

Chariots, Priestesses, Courts and lovers.

Of the Younger, this will be indicated:

Two of Pentacles, Cups and Wands, Five and Six of Pentacles and Four of Wands.

For most people, the conception and birth of a child remains akin to magic or a miracle, fortune-telling for children will help you to open the veil of secrecy, look into the future and get answers to exciting questions: on a needle and thread, a wedding ring, by date of birth. It is believed that in this way you can find out the number, gender, and even the exact date of birth of your unborn child. Due to the fact that so far no science has learned how to accurately determine these data by calculation, why not try?

A selection of the best fortune-telling for children accurately predict your future

tell you how many children you will have and what gender they will be.

Fortune telling on a needle and thread for children: this is a fairly well-known ritual, you may have already heard about it from someone you know. Such great popularity is due to its stunning performance and ease of execution.

Preparing and conducting the ritual

  1. For fortune-telling, you will need the most ordinary sewing needle and a white or red thread;
  2. Thread a needle and, before starting fortune telling, read any prayer that you know, for example, "";
  3. Try to calm down, as trembling hands can knock down all true results and lead you to false ones;
  4. Lock the needle over your left palm. Then carefully lower it between the thumb and forefinger three times, then again raise the needle above the palm;

Interpretation of results

Watch the movement of the needle carefully.

It's simple: If the needle swings from side to side like a pendulum, then you will have a boy, if the needle rotates in a circle, then this means that you will give birth to a girl.

Continue to lower the needle between your fingers three times and raise it above your palm until it stops "still" in place. Thanks to this method, you can not only determine the gender of your future children, but also find out their number. Do not be afraid if the needle refused to move at the very beginning - nothing is permanent in our life, so make every effort to achieve your goal: the birth of a healthy baby, and you will succeed.

Option two: Online fortune-telling in the name of the child by the names of the parents

divination for children online In this section you will find comic online divination for children (the name of a boy and a girl) by the names of their parents.
Enter the names of the future Mom and Dad of the baby and click on the "Guess" button and the Oracle will give you advice on what baby names best suit this couple! By clicking on the link you will learn everything about this name!

Boy name:

Name for a girl:

Why exactly these? Read on the link!

Option three: numerological divination by date of birth

Using the date of birth of the parents, you can find out the boy or girl they will have

The date of birth of both parents can tell whether their first child will be a boy or a girl. This method of divination for a child by date of birth is based on the principles of numerology, the science of the mystical relationships of numbers with the events of our lives. You will need a blank sheet of paper and a pen.

If you are wondering: When I get pregnant, then the date of birth of you and your spouse is quite predictable.

So what needs to be done:

  1. Write your date of birth and the future father of your joint child in the format: DD.MM.YY
  2. Add up each digit of your date of birth and separately the dates of the man's birth until you get two digits. 14/12/90 = 1+2+1+4+9+0 = 17.

Interpretation of the received numbers

The ratio of these numbers will tell you the gender of your unborn child:

  • If the female figure is much larger than the male, then your firstborn will be a boy;
  • If, on the contrary, the male figure is much larger than the female, then it is more likely that you will have a girl first;
  • If the difference between the numbers is small, then there is a possibility of an error in determining the sex of the unborn child;
  • If the numbers are the same, then the risk of infertility in your couple is high.

Option four: divination by hand for the number of children

This is a simple divination by hand, requiring only your attention and your left hand.

  • Carefully consider the lines under the little finger of the right hand.
  • The number of lines, as well as their clarity and length, will give an idea of ​​the number of future children.
  • Long lines indicate male, and short lines indicate female.
  • The clearer and thicker the line, the better, this means that you will have a strong, healthy baby.
  • If the lines are thin and broken, then this indicates the poor health of the unborn child and his future serious injuries.

Fortune telling on the number of children (5 options)

There are many ways to find out how many children will be by date of birth or through various fortune-telling. We already wrote about some of them earlier in our article, and now we want to invite you to familiarize yourself with a few more options. All of them are quite simple, choose any one for yourself.

By mother's date of birth

This is a very simple fortune-telling, which of course can be attributed to numerology, but rather it is a simple comic fortune teller. You need to do the following:

  1. Write down your date of birth in the format YYYY.MM.DD
  2. Sum all numbers, for example: 1980.08.11 = 1+9+8+0+0+8+1+1 =28


If the number is even, you will have one child; if it is odd, you will have two; if it ends in 0, you will not have children; if it is 9, you will have triplets.

Divination for Christmas time

This is also a pretty simple guess. Take a few small pieces of paper, write the numbers from one to five on them. Carefully fold each leaf and hide under the pillow. In the morning immediately after waking up, pull out one leaf. He will tell you the number of your future children.

How many children will I have? This question torments both men and women. Our fortune-telling will answer how many children there will be by date of birth!

Fortune telling on icy water

Another type of winter Christmas divination is the freezing of water. In the evening, take a ladle of cold water. Put the container outside, and in the morning carefully examine the ice that has formed. By the number of pits, you can determine how many girls you will have, and by the number of tubercles, how many boys you will have.

Fortune telling "question to a child"

It's no secret that young children amaze with their sensitivity and awareness in some matters. We suggest that you, as a simple fortune-telling on the number of future children, ask about this ... a child. Observe certain conditions, the question must be asked to a boy or girl between the ages of four and six spontaneously without prior preparation, the question must be worded simply and concisely, for example,

“Masha, tell me, how many children will I have?”

The younger the child, the more reliable his answer will be.

Divination on grains of rye or millet

It is better to spend it in the spring, when there are more and more warm sunny days. And the growing moon. Take a handful of grains, rinse them under running water and soak in damp cotton for one day. The next day, plant all the grains in a round pot with earth and wait for the crop to emerge. How many seeds germinate, so many children you will have. It is strictly forbidden to water the crops with fertilizers.

Divination by the ring

Pour an incomplete glass of holy water. Tie a red thread to your ring and dip the ring into the water. Ask a mental question

“Lord, how many children will I have?”,

Carefully remove the ring from the water and place it close to the rim of the glass. The ring will begin to move and knock on the glass. Count how many times the ring will knock, how many children you will have.

Simple divination on playing cards. Shuffle the deck, mentally asking a question about future children. Draw seven cards from the deck. Remove the cards that match suits, and look at the remaining cards both the number of children and their gender: red suit is a girl, black suit is a boy.

Fortune telling on the gender of a child by a wedding ring

Interesting fortune-telling on the sex of a child by a wedding ring

If you are already in a state of expectation of a miracle, and doctors are constantly changing their minds about the sex of the unborn child, then you should pay attention to this fortune-telling on the sex of the child.

To perform it, you will need your wedding ring and a red thread.

  • Tie the thread to the ring, bring this design to your stomach.
  • Breathe deeply and wait a few seconds. The ring should then begin to move.

If the ring moves like a pendulum of a clock from side to side, then you are expecting a boy, if the ring rotates in a circle, you are expecting a boy.


As you can see, there are quite a few ways to determine the gender, number and date of birth of children. Choose the most convenient for you, but use it only once. This condition cannot be ignored. Otherwise, fate will play a trick on you, and you will never get answers to the questions posed. The only exception to conducting repeated fortune-telling for a child is the situation when fortune-telling tools indicate the absence of children or infertility. In this case, you can ask fate until you get a positive result.

Good luck guessing!

Divination for love for free!

Astro7 experts have combined ancient mantic practices with modern technology to develop a divination that will help you sort out love and relationships with your partner.p

New Year's Eve and Christmas - the best time for love divination!

Video: “Will I have children? Can I have children? Fortune-telling for everyone ... "

Online test "How many children will I have?" (21 questions)


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Website visitor comments

    I tried to guess by the wedding ring when I was waiting for the first one ... it came true, surprisingly ....

    Divination by a needle and thread is a favorite among my group of friends. Once, for the sake of interest, they guessed children for themselves, and over time we are convinced that the fortune-telling is really true - you can find out the gender and number absolutely exactly! The only thing they didn’t know was that the color must be red or white — they took the first one that came across!

    About asking a child - it's amazing, but it works! When I had a little daughter, my girlfriends brought her up with this question - how many children will there be. The one with confidence to whom 1, to whom 3 prophesied) So the one who should have 3 children, 2 have already raised them and did not even think about the third. And then the other day he calls and reports the news))) So ask the kids what interests you, they know the answer to any question

    My husband and I have been together for a long time, but we still didn’t have children (But the most amazing thing was that when I was still in college with my girlfriends, they wondered about the number of children. And it turned out that I should have two. But you know, in 4 years, not I never got pregnant, the doctors said that it was infertility. I thought that fortune-telling was bullshit. And then the other day I realized that something was wrong, and just in case I took out a test, I thought to calm my soul.. But it turned out that I was pregnant. And you won’t believe it Now I'm waiting for the birth of my children and I can't get enough of it!

    They did fortune-telling by date of birth. Everything came true! First a boy, then a girl. But she advised a friend, and they have the same numbers, infertility, which the doctors later confirmed ((But I read an article here called “The right way to become a mother.” I think this will definitely help her, and you too.

    According to the date of birth is nonsense, my mother's figure is much higher than the figure of my father, but in the end there are two girls))))

    It always showed that there would be 2 boys and a girl, and the ring with a needle stopped further, but in reality 2 daughters (7 and 9 years old) and now they say a girl on ultrasound, on all ultrasounds! There were 4 of them.

    I remembered my youth, when with the girls at the garment factory at lunchtime they were guessing on a needle and thread. It was a wonderful time) in the truest sense of the word)) Then I predicted a girl for myself and so it happened, and my husband still did not believe these fortune-telling and often even laughed. But I believed to the last!) I didn’t know that there was such a large number of fortune-telling, I became interested again, pulling me towards mysticism)))

    Any young woman planning a baby would like to know how many children she will have, what they will grow up to be, what fate is in store for them. Partially open the curtain of secrecy will help ancient fortune-telling. This is a rather exciting activity that will allow not only a little glimpse into the future, but also calm, cheer up. They told me by the ring and 2 times it hit the glass. I went to read this article and really 2 children, now I'm expecting twins! Happy)))

    Fortune telling on a ring and a needle, shows 2 boys and 1 girl. There are 2 boys, pregnant with the third on the ultrasound they say a boy. In April, give birth, let's see where the truth is.

    My wife and I decided that it was time for us to have a second child. With interest I am looking for all the information on how to correctly calculate the sex of the unborn child. I already have a son and I want a girl. Tell me, are there any other additional methods of fortune-telling, clearly defined days for conception when using fortune-telling?

    Oh class! I was always very curious about how many children I would have)). Since childhood, they have been guessing on this topic in different ways)). Now I tried to tell fortunes on a needle and thread, and asked the child how many children I would have)). His answer, of course, shocked me a little)). But who knows, maybe fate has really prepared me to have five children))). Wait and see)).

    When I was little, my mother's girlfriends asked me about children. I always thought it was some kind of game and always imagined them playing with kids or with dolls. And that's how much she imagined, she just called. She told one mother's friend that she would have 7, simply because I thought so. And what is most incredible, all my predictions came true, even 7 children were born to one. She converted to the faith and successfully married. And her husband believes that there should be as many children in the family as God gives! Like this!

    I'm shocked! In this article, I tried online divination in the name of the child by the names of the parents. I got the names of the children Cyril and Galina. And we have two children, Cyril and Angelina! I understand that Galina and Angelina are different names, but they sound very similar. Now I will check all my friends)

    When I was still at the university, my girlfriends did fortune-telling on the number of children that would be married. And it happened to me that there will be two. For a long time it was not possible to conceive a baby with her husband, hands were already falling, but the clever husband did not give up. I didn’t forget about fortune-telling and somewhere there was a hope that it would come true
    Sooner or later. Soon it turned out that she was pregnant. My son is already a year and a half old, and my husband and I are preparing to conceive another one, we really want to give birth to a sister to our baby. The main thing is not to give up.

    I am very glad that I came across this article, because for a long time we want a child with my husband, but everything does not work out. I will act according to the indicated methods of divination, I hope everything will work out. Relatives are already fed up with questions like “well, when, well, when”, but we do not despair, we believe that everything has its time.

    Any woman would like to know how many children she will have and who they will become, whether they will be happy, whether they will find themselves in life. It is very interesting and informative to tell fortunes for children, it helps to reduce excitement a little, and it amuses in general. A fortune-teller friend told me two children using the ring method. I hope this is true, my husband just wants a boy and a girl.

    I tried divination with a needle and thread. Who knows, maybe I really will have so many children, while my husband and I have two, but we want at least one more. Yes, and I don’t even want to go to work from the decree, so I decided to ask about such methods, to look a little into the future) I won’t tell my husband how much I guessed.

    I didn’t say anything and I won’t say anything to my wife, but my curiosity got the better of me. I love children very much, I have a son from my first marriage, I still have no children with my current wife. According to fortune-telling, it turned out that I would have three children. I am very glad, I hope this is absolutely true) We will work in this direction with our beloved.

    This fortune-telling is clearly in demand) Everyone is interested in the question about children. Any girl and woman dream of motherhood and from childhood think about what to name their babies. From an early age, we play with dolls and pretend to be mothers. And all expectant mothers have their favorite names. I would also like to know the name of the future spouse)

    I also love and want children very much, but so far I am not even married, and I am already 32 years old. I told myself 2 children and I’m sitting in myself, I can’t come, is it really true? Now I again have an incentive to get acquainted, otherwise recently my hands have dropped. No matter how a man, then married, then drinking, then a moron. All normal apparently already dismantled. Now there is hope

    Rave!! According to this count, I have 8. And in real life, I have already given birth to two)) and God forbid to give birth again. I don't know how to deal with these. NO 8 this is definitely not about me) My husband and I laughed heartily. And he rolled 3, and I don’t believe in that either. We are not going to have more children and are taking measures)

    I used one of the tips, I have 2 daughters, one 2 g and 6 m. We went for a walk, fed the pigeons, walked on the playground, and when she got tired and sat down in the sandbox, I carefully approached her. She asked you to help dig a hole, she answered “no”, well, as I asked: daughter, how many children will mom have? Her answer knocked me down, said 7 now I think to believe it or not.

    I have uterine fibroids. The doctors diagnosed her as infertile. But I'm already 3 months late. I'm afraid to buy a test, for all fortune-telling it falls out in different ways, where 1 is one where 2. But most of all it turns out that there are no children. The needle contradicts, at the same time both the boy and the girl then stops. I'm probably already pregnant with two.

    When I was pregnant, at the first visit to the doctor, the gynecologist immediately told me that there would be a girl. My lead time was 6-7 weeks. Just went into the office, is she pregnant? and fortune-telling is not needed, the way it is. She gave birth to a girl, named after her our doctor from God, everyone and immediately determines the gender. Never made a mistake yet. So I checked with a needle waiting for another daughter where she is and when she will be.

    A very effective fortune-telling by the date of birth of the mother, my grandmother always tells all pregnant women the date of birth of their first child, but for some reason it does not match the second. The second one turns out to be very true, only if you add up both dates and moms and dads, then count 11 and 11 from then you get the birthday of the second.

    I guessed at the water, took a bucket of water and took it to the porch. But at night there was no frost, the water did not freeze. But dad was very grateful to mom for taking care of him and putting water on his porch. Because I knew he wanted to drink. I kept silent and took a thread and a needle and looked that I would have 2 sons.

    At Christmas time, I decided to guess, and wrote the numbers from one to five. In the morning when I woke up, I found three glued pieces of paper under my pillow. On one it was 2, on the other 5, and on the third 1. This is probably the number of girls, on one piece of paper, and on the other boys, but on the third I think that I don’t know how to judge abortions anymore.

    Although it is said that a comic fortune-telling by the date of birth of the mother, but the option in my case coincided completely. I didn’t check for myself, but took my mother’s date. It turned out after additions an odd number, everything is correct in our family there are two children: me and my brother. I'm afraid to do it myself, I believe in it all

    Conducted fortune-telling in the name of the child online. We all argue with my husband what is the best name for the baby. True, doctors have not yet accurately named the sex of the child. We predicted Denis and Ekaterina. I really like Katya, and it seems that other girls' names are in fashion now, and Ekaterina sounds great!

    Divination with a needle is correct. As soon as they do not try to predict the sex of the child both by the type of abdomen and by the year of birth of the parents. Many said that we will have a girl. Nothing like this! I wondered to myself with the help of a thread and a needle and it turned out to be a boy. I didn’t tell anyone, I just got confident. And so it happened. We have a boy

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