Script writing and staging of the fairy tale “Spikelet. Dramatization to the Ukrainian fairy tale "Spike

Decor elements 23.09.2019
Decor elements

Tatyana Kharitonova
Scenario of the theatrical performance "Spikelet"


Theatrical performance based on a fairy tale:

« Spikelet» .

Tutor-Kharitonova T.V.

Characters : mice - leading, mice - Turn and Turn, Cockerel.

Scenery: on the stage - house, bushes, bench, table; spikelet on the floor.

Musical arrangement: used by Russian folk music:

mouse song - motive of ditties, cockerel song - motive "Ladies".


presenter: all girls and boys

we know they love books

love fairy tales and riddles.

The story is hidden in a mystery.

Well, try to guess.

If the answer is correct

the fairy tale will come to us now.

1. Little animals, gray coats

long tails, black eyes,

pointed teeth (mice).

2. Tail with patterns, boots with spurs.

He sings songs, counts time. (Cockerel).

3. A house has grown in the field - the house is full of grain. (spikelet) .

4. Golden and mustachioed, in a hundred pockets a hundred guys. (spikelet) .

We'll tell the story now

And we'll tell and show

This fairy tale « Spikelet»

Do you know her? Silent!

Hush, children, don't make noise!

Do not scare our fairy tale!

Music sounds. Dancing out mice: run out on toes, hands in front of the chest; put a hand "visor"- look to the right - to the left; walk in all directions - twirl their tail (with a rope, taking it in their hands; circling.

Cool. I am a mouse Krut, I like to spin very much. (spinning).

Twirl. I am a little mouse, I like to spin very much. (spinning).

Music sounds. The cockerel comes out and dances.

I get up very early

I wake everyone to work.

I sweep the yard

I take out the trash. (sweeps).

Cool! Twirl! Look what I found!

Cool. it spikelet. You need to thresh him.

Cockerel. And who will do it?

Mice. Not me! Not me!

Cockerel. Then I. (leaves with spikelet into the house) .

Twirl. He found spikelet, him and thresh.

Music sounds. Mice play leapfrog, patty, spin, etc.

The Cockerel comes out with a cup of flour.

Cockerel. Cool! Twirl! Look how much flour it turned out!

Cool. Wow! Now you need to knead the dough and bake pies.

Cockerel. And who will do it?

Mice. Damn not me! Damn not me!

Cockerel. Apparently, I have to do everything myself. (leaves).

Mice. (sing). We are happy mice!

We are always too lazy to work!

We are funny guys!

We play all day!


We are the mice Turn and Turn,

We love to sing songs!

Let's dance and sing

And let's start all over again!

(dance: spread and close socks on "four" accounts - "harmonic",

walk around each other, changing places, continue to sing.

Chorus. They play with their hands. The rooster comes out.

Cockerel. (with pie). Here the cake is ready!

Mice. Ouch! How you want to eat! (sit down at the table).

Cockerel. Wait! Wait! you first to me tell: who spikelet threshed?

Mice. (loudly). YOU!

Cockerel. Who kneaded the dough?

Mice. (quiet). YOU!

Cockerel. And who cooked and baked the cake?

Mice. (whispers). All you! All you...

Cockerel. And what did you do?

Mice. Just sang and danced (head down, leave the table). Forgive us, Rooster! We understood everything. And now we will always help you!

The rooster hugs the mice. Music sounds.

Cockerel. (sings).

Spikelet I found and grinded flour,

Kneaded the dough well

Yes, and poured oil.

Got a pie

Paint his barrel!

You will go around the whole district,

And you won't find it!

Fairy tales are loved by everyone in the world,

Adults and children love it!

Fairy tales teach us good

And diligent work

They say how to live

To be friends with everyone around.

The guys were artists,

And we showed you the story.

Artists introduction:

cool mouse -

mouse twirl -

Cockerel -

Artists, audience

everyone was good!

Let's pat each other heartily.



Mouse Cool.

Storyteller: Once upon a time there were two mice, Cool and Vert, and a cockerel Vociferous Neck. The mice only knew that they were singing and dancing, spinning and spinning. And the cockerel rose a little light, at first he woke everyone up with a song, and then set to work.

Once a cockerel was sweeping the yard and saw a spike of wheat on the ground.

Cockerel: Cool, Spin, look what I found!

Narrator: The mice came running.

Mice: You need to thresh him.

Cockerel: And who will thresh?

1st mouse: Not me!

2nd mouse: Not me!

Cockerel: Okay, I'll shut up.

Storyteller: And set to work. And the mice began to play bast shoes.

Finished threshing cockerel.

Cockerel: Hey, cool, hey, twist, look how much grain I have threshed!

storyteller: The mice came running and squeaked in one voice.

mice: Now you need to carry grain to the mill, grind flour!

Cockerel: And who will bear it?

1st mouse: Not me!

2nd mouse: Not me!

Cockerel: All right, I'll take the grain to the mill.

Storyteller: He shouldered the bag and left. And the mice, meanwhile, started a leapfrog. Jumping over each other, having fun.

The cockerel returned from the mill, again calling the mice.

Cockerel: Here, Cool, here, Turn! I brought flour.

storyteller: The mice came running, they look, they don’t praise.

Mice: Hey cockerel! Oh well done! Now you need to knead the dough and bake pies.

Cockerel: Who will knead?

Storyteller: And the mice are on their own again.

1st mouse: Not me!

2nd mouse: Not me!

Cockerel A: Apparently, I'll have to.

storyteller: He kneaded the dough, dragged firewood, lit the stove. And as the stove was heated, he put pies in it. The mice also do not lose time: they sing songs, dance. The pies were baked, the cockerel took them out, put them on the table, and the mice were right there. And I didn't have to call them.

1st mouse: Oh, and I'm hungry!

2nd mouse: Oh, and I want to eat!

Storyteller: And they sat down at the table.

Cockerel: Wait, wait! You tell me first who found the spikelet.

mice: You've found!

Cockerel: And who threshed the spikelet?

mice(quietly): You threshed!

Cockerel: And who carried the grain to the mill?

Mice: You too.

Cockerel: And who kneaded the dough? Did you carry firewood? Fired up the oven? Who baked pies?

Mice: All you. All you.

Cockerel: And what did you do?

Storyteller: What to say in response? And there is nothing to say. Krut and Vert began to crawl out from behind the table, but the cockerel does not hold them back. There is nothing to treat such loafers and lazy people with pies.

Natalya Mikryukova

Dramatization of a fairy tale« Spikelet» .

Leading: Once upon a time there were two little mice, Cool and Vert, and a Pied Hen. Mice only and were able: sing, play, spin and dance.

(Mice run out from two sides)

Sing (to the music. "I went up the hill".)

mice: 1 I'm a mouse Cool

I am a mouse

Together: We are glorious mice

Nice funny ones.

2 Eh jump jump

Gold spikelet

Lying on the grass

The mice were waiting

Dance (Piper, circling with a boat)

(Run away for the house)

Hen comes out to the music and sweeps the path.

Song of the Chicken (to the music for the song "Chickens")

I get up early

I wake everyone up with a song

I am not afraid of work

I work all day long.

(raises spikelet)

Cool Turn! look, I found a spikelet.

mice: It's time to thresh him!

Hen: And who will thresh?

Cool: Not me!

twirl: Not me!

Hen: Okay, I'll grind,

I am not afraid of work

I work all day

. Leading: Hen went to the mill to grind grain.

(the mice stay and play)

The game "Under the Mill"

Under the mill (hands swirl to one side like a pretzel) under the spit (circling the other way)

Two carp fought (sliding claps)

That's the whole fairy tale. (hugs)

(Chick exits)

Hen: Cool! Twirl! Look how much grain you have threshed! mice: Now we need to grind flour!

Hen: And who will grind?

Cool: Not me!

twirl: Not me!

Hen: Okay, I'll go grind.

I'm not afraid of work

I work all day long.

Leading: Hen carried the grain to the mill.

(The mice play to the music in "Leapfrog")

(Hen goes)

Hen: Here, Cool! Here, Vert!

I brought flour!

Cool: Oh yes Hen!

twirl: Oh, well done!

Cool: Now you need to knead the dough,

twirl: Yes, bake pies!

Hen: And who will do it?

Cool: Not me!

twirl: Not me!

Hen: Apparently I have to again

Get to work

I am not afraid of work

I work all day

(Hen leaves)

(Mice sing their song again)

mice: I'm a mouse Cool

I am a mouse

We are glorious mice

nice funny

(dance to music)

Chicken meanwhile: the dough was kneaded by the oven and heated,

baked pies.

(Brings out a tray of cakes and puts it on the table)

(mice run)

Cool: Oh, and we are hungry!

twirl: Oh, eat as you like!

(sit down at the table)

Hen: Wait. Wait!

Who spikelet found?

mice: You found!

Hen: Who threshed the grain?

mice: You threshed!

Hen: And who carried the grain to the mill?

mice: You too.

Hen: Who kneaded the dough, heated the oven, who baked pies?

mice: All you, all you.

(leaves the table)

Hen: That's the same! Not for such lazy and loafers

serve pies!

presenter: Aren't you guys lazy?

(In the end)

mice: Forgive us, Hen, We will not do this again!

(The hen forgives and treats everyone with pies)

Thank you for your attention, Sorry for the poor quality photos. Sent fairy tale maybe someone will come in handy. Personally, I am always grateful to everyone for such materials.

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To stage a literary work, you must first draw up a script - a work based on which the performance is staged. The script includes not only the text that the actors (heroes of the work) pronounce, but also instructions about the location of the actors on the stage during the performance (mise-en-scene), a description of the situation, the nature of experiences, actions, gestures, intonations of the characters, their exit and departure from the stage (remarks).

At the first stage of preparing a performance, the educator acts not only as the director-organizer and director of the production; he also determines what the puppets-characters of the play, scenery, props, musical accompaniment should be like.

When writing a script, it is very important not to distort the ideas of the work, to remember that the speech and actions of each character are motivated by the properties of his character and plot situations.

The moments of the description of events in a work of art, the narration from the author in the script are partially translated into remarks, into the actions of the character, but to a greater extent - into the direct speech of the characters, so that children correctly perceive the essence of the events.

So, it is better to give the beginning of the fairy tale “The Little Fox and the Gray Wolf” as a monologue of the fox, and not from the author: the children immediately get into action, with particular acuteness they follow what will happen next. In the fairy tale “The Hare, the Fox and the Rooster”, the author’s phrase: “The hare sits and cries, grieves, wipes tears with its paws” - it is necessary to realize not only in the actions of the character, but also accompany the hare’s direct speech in order to fully reveal his state, mood: “Oh , woe to me, woe ... the fox kicked me out ... where will I live now?



Prologue. Cockerel Vociferous throat appears in the foreground.

Rooster: Hello, children! Oh, how many of you! Here, I see Kolya, Olya, Lenochka, Seryozha and Natasha too ... And my name is Cockerel Vociferous throat. Why do you think?

Children: You sing loudly.

Cockerel: That's right, I love to sing! The mice Krut and Vert appear. They are heading for Petushka, spinning, fiddling, squeaking.

Cockerel: And these are my friends: Spin and Spin. They are so restless!

Mice: Hello, children!

Children: Hello!

Cockerel: We live together, okay, in harmony. Only once we were dissatisfied with each other ... And why? Now you will find out for yourself. Look!

The rooster and mice leave. Silence...

Picture 1st. After a short pause, the curtain opens. On the stage - a white house covered with straw. On the hedge - jugs, behind the hedge in the foreground - sunflowers, in the second - garden scarecrow. The sky is clear and blue. The sun rises from behind the roof of the house, the Cockerel comes out of the door.

Cockerel (flaps its wings, sings): Only the dawn will do, Only the sun will wake up - I sing: “Ku-ka-re-ku!” Do not lie on your side, Lively, get up together! Get to work! Hey Cool! Twirl! Get up! (Goes to the window, looks in.)

Sleep! Here are the couch potatoes!

But don't worry, I'll sweep the yard for now. (Takes a broom, sweeps, sings.) Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko! I work easily, I love the early morning, The sun's radiance!

(Looks at something on the ground.)

Wait, wait, wait... What is this? Spikelet! Yes wheat!

(Turning towards the house, calling.)

Cool! Twirl! Look what I found!

Mice (running up to the Cockerel, they look, sniff the spikelet, rejoice).

Spikelet! Wheat spike! You need to thresh him!

Cockerel: And who will thresh?

Cool: Not me!

Vert: Not me!

Cockerel: Okay, I'll grind. He takes a flail (stick), threshes the spikelet, rakes the grain into a pile, pours it into a bag. The mice, turning from time to time in the direction of the Cockerel, play rounders.

Cool: Shutting up?

Vert: Yes.

Cool: Already raking the grain!

Vert: I already poured it into a bag!

Cockerel: Hey, Cool, hey, Vert, look how much grain I have threshed! (Holds a full sack of grain with its wings.)

The mice run up to the bag, look into it, sniff the grain, rejoice.

Cool: Now you need to carry the grain to the mill!

Vert: Grind flour!

Cockerel (turns to the mice): And who will incur?

Cool (turning away): Not me! Twirl (also turning away): Not me!

Cockerel (with a sigh): Okay, I'll take the grain to the mill. (Pulls the sack over his shoulder and leaves.)

Vert: The day is long until evening, if there is nothing to do ...

Cool: Come on, Vert, play leapfrog!

Vert: How?

Cool: I'll get up, and you run up and jump over me; then you will stand, and I will jump over you.

Vert: Come on, let's play! It's good you, Cool, came up with.

Krut and Vert are jumping, squealing, laughing. Tired, sat down on the mound. The cockerel returns from the mill, carries a sack of flour in the leak, stops, sighs, fans his head with his wing.

Cockerel (calling mice): Here, Cool, here, Turn! I brought flour.

The mice came running, rejoice.

Cool: Oh yes Cockerel!

Vert: Oh, well done!

Cool: Now you need to knead the dough ...

Vert: Yes, bake pies.

COCK (still breathing heavily). Who will knead?

Cool (turning to the right): Not me!

Twirl (turning to the left): Not me!

Cockerel (shaking his head): Apparently, I have to ...

Picture 2. There is a table, a bench, a wooden shovel by the stove; an embroidered towel hangs on the wall; the stove is decorated with bright ornaments.

The cockerel kneads the dough, carries firewood, heats the stove, puts pies in it.

Cockerel (saying): Nui dough! The pies will be nice! Firewood is dry! Lively pies will be baked!

Mice (dance and sing outside the window): We love cheese, cheese, Even though there are a lot of holes, holes in it! We love pies very much, stuffed with dried apricots!

Cockerel (takes pies out of the oven): Oh, how ruddy, fragrant!

(She lays it out in a pile on the table, admires them, sings.)

Nice job today

And now let's go hunting.

pies, pies,

Fluffy pies...

(Flaps its wings, dancing.)

The mice run in and hurriedly sit down at the table.

Cool: Oh, and I'm hungry!

Vert: Oh, and I want to eat! (They reach for the pies.)

Cockerel: Wait, wait! You tell me first: who found the spikelet?

Spin and Spin (loudly): You found it!

Cockerel: And who threshed the spikelet?

Spin and Spin (quieter): You threshed!

Cockerel: And who carried the grain to the mill?

Spin and Spin (very quietly): You too.

Cockerel: And who kneaded the dough? Did you carry firewood? Fired up the oven? Who baked pies?

Twist and Twirl (hardly audible): All of you. All you...

Rooster: What did you do?

Krut and Vert, heads down, silently leave the table.

Cockerel: Have fun, play - but know business! Yes, it's hard to live who runs away from work.






Synopsis of a dramatization game

based on the Ukrainian folk tale "Spikelet".

Senior group.


S. G. Shtimenko


Continue to teach children to emotionally perceive the figurative content of a fairy tale, comprehend the characters and actions of the characters, convey the mood of the characters by means of facial expressions and gestures;

Work on the expressiveness of gestures and facial expressions;- develop the skills of monologue and dialogic speech, attention, memory, listening skills;

To cultivate the ability to feel and understand the fabulous image, the language of fairy tales; cultivate industriousness; instill love for artistic word, love for the book.

Material: box, toys (mouse, rooster), bell, mouse masks, rooster, spikelet, accordion, ball, bowl of grain, bag, plate with dummies of pies, table, chairs, cube, broom, benches, 3 shirts, sundress, scarf, handkerchief, tape recorder, audio recordingRussian folk melody "The moon shines".

Characters: Storyteller, Mice, Cockerel (children)

Preliminary work: examining spikelets of wheat and rye, illustrations on the topic “Who grows bread?”, “What is baked from flour”, guessing riddles about bread and bakery products, reading the Ukrainian fairy tale “Spikelet”, looking at illustrations for the Ukrainian folk tale"Spikelet".

The course of the dramatization game:

Educator: Good day to you

Your day is clean

A day without pain and without evil,

And from all the good people

I bow to you, friends!

Guys! I walked along the path, I found a beautiful box. And the box is not simple, it is magical - that's what it is!

The teacher shows the magic box.

Educator: What a beautiful box, I wonder what's in it?

The teacher tries to open the magic box, but it does not open.

Educator: - Maybe a fairy tale? The story is hidden in a mystery. Well, try to guess. If the answer is correct, the fairy tale will come to us again!

The teacher makes riddles.

Educator: little animals,
gray coats,
long tails,
black eyes,
Sharp teeth.

Who is it?

Children: Mice.

The box opens and the teacher takes out a mouse toy.

Educator: Tail with patterns, boots with spurs,
He sings songs, counts time.

Who is it?

Children: Cockerel.

The teacher takes out a toy from the box - a cockerel and a spikelet.

Educator: Well done boys! All riddles solved! What fairy tale are these characters from?

Children: Spikelet.

Educator: How did you guess?

Children: Cockerel with spikelet.

Educator: Guys, do you want to play the fairy tale "Spikelet"?

Children: We want!

Educator: Who will be the Rooster? Who will be the mice? Who wants to be a storyteller? Hands up. Come to me, please.

The teacher helps the children put on costumes and masks.

Educator: The rest will be spectators. Hear the bell rang, it's time for the audience to take their seats in the auditorium, and the artists on the stage. The fairy tale begins!

The teacher rings the bell.

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Spikelet"

Narrator:Once upon a time there was a Cockerel - a vociferous neck, mice Krut and Vert. The cockerel loved to work, and the mice loved to have fun.

The rooster comes out of the house.

Cockerel: Crow! Crow! Cool, Vert! Wake up!

Mice come out of the house, lazily stretching.

Mice: What did you wake up so early?

Cockerel: Time to get to work. I'm going to sweep the yard.

Mice: And we will play ball.

The mice begin to play, and the Cockerel sweeps and suddenly finds a spikelet.

Cockerel: Cool, Vert! Come here! Look what I found!

Mice: Spikelet! Well done, Cockerel! Now he needs to be threshed.

Cockerel: And who will thresh?

Mice: Just not me! Just not me! We need to play, we don't have time.

Cockerel: Okay, I'll grind myself.

Narrator: The cockerel began to thresh, and the mice play leapfrog.

Cockerel: Cool, Vert! Look how many grains I have threshed.

Mice: Well done. Cockerel! Now we have to take it to the mill.

Cockerel: And who will bear it?

Mice: Just not me! Just not me! We need to dance, we have no time.

Cockerel: Okay, I'll take it myself.

Narrator: The Cockerel went to the mill, and the mice began to dance. Krut plays the harmonica, and Vert dances with a handkerchief around him (the Russian folk melody “The Moon Shines” sounds)

The cockerel leaves, Krut plays the harmonica, and Vert dances with a handkerchief.

Narrator: The cockerel came from the mill and calls the mice.

Cockerel: Cool, Vert! Look how much flour I brought!

Mice: Well done, Rooster! Now you need to knead the dough.

Cockerel: And who will knead?

Mice: Just not me! Just not me! We danced and tired, we need to rest.

Cockerel: Okay, I'll knead myself.

The mice go into the house, and the Cockerel sits down at the table and "kneads" the dough, puts a plate of pies on the table.

Narrator: The mice went home to sleep, and the Cockerel kneaded the dough, made pies, baked them in the oven, did not have time to put ruddy pies on the table, like mice here.

Vert: Cool, come here, it smells like pies.

Cool: Let's go eat.

The mice sit down at the table.

Narrator: They ran to the Cockerel and sat down at the table, and the Cockerel asked.

Cockerel: Wait, wait, who found the spikelet?

Mice: You, Rooster.

Cockerel: Who threshed him?

Mice: You, Rooster.

Cockerel: Who carried grains to the mill?

Mice: You, Rooster.

Cockerel: Who kneaded the dough and baked the pies?

Mice: You, Rooster.

Cockerel: There is nothing to feed lazy people with a pie.

The mice are sad, get up and leave the table.

Narrator: Mice sad and hungry left the table. Do you guys like to work or just like to have fun like mice? (Answers of children). Remember the proverb: "Who does not work, he does not eat."

Educator: Here is our whole story

And the guys have an order:

Who loves work

That people honor!

The cockerel worked hard, he had a hard time, but what wonderful pies on the table. It is not for nothing that people say: “If you don’t work, you won’t get bread!”

Educator: The guys have been artists! They showed us the story! Artists and audience - all were good! Let's clap each other heartily!

The artists bow, the audience applauds.

Educator: Guys, what are we playing?

Children: In the fairy tale "Spikelet"

Educator: What was the Cockerel in the fairy tale?

Children: Caring, hardworking, diligent…

Educator: And what are the mice?

Children: Lazy, playful, playful..

Educator: And what was the narrator?

Children: Interesting.

Educator: And what were the audience like?

Children: Attentive, educated...

Educator: Guys, did we get a fairy tale?

Children: It turned out.

Educator: Guys, what fairy tale do you want to play next time? (children's answers)

We recommend reading
