Runes and their meanings runa fehu. Rune of money Fehu - a powerful money talisman

Decor elements 28.06.2020
Decor elements

The rune Fehu is a symbol of wealth and material well-being; in staves it plays the role of an element for attracting money. It belongs to the Elder Futhark and is also called the Feu rune. This is a kind of talisman that can serve as an autonomous element, or can be combined with other runes in magical staves.

"Fehu" - a rune that symbolizes wealth and material well-being

Characteristics of the rune Fehu

Runa Fehu symbolizes not only money. This is the first rune of the Futhark, so it is the "opener", the first, the beginner.

It absorbs the energy of not only material goods, but also everything new. Good for starting over with a clean slate. For what purposes is the Fehu rune suitable:

  1. Attracting wealth and wealth to life.
  2. Setting the energy of a new relationship in a positive way.
  3. Attracting good luck in matters related to financial matters.
  4. The attraction of victorious energy, which Fehu is completely saturated with.
  5. Cleansing and getting rid of the bad influence of the environment or society.

From century to century the wisdom of our ancestors is betrayed. Since ancient times, they have used runes for magical rites, believing in their incredible power. Each rune has its own purpose: some protect, some direct, some attract success, and Fehu absorbs all these qualities. An amulet or talisman of a rune called Fehu can change a person's life, if only the rules for using runes are followed.

Amulet "Fehu" can change a person's life. However, for this, it is necessary to follow the rules for using runes.

Rules for using runes

When using runes to attract money, good luck in relationships with colleagues or luck in love, it is important to remember the rules that must be followed to achieve maximum effect. Yes, and if used incorrectly, magical symbols can harm and bring a crisis in life instead of a favorable influence.

Terms of use:

  1. To activate the runes, the right attitude is important. Runic signs categorically do not recognize skepticism and only harm such people.
  2. Runic images are important to correctly combine with each other into staves.
  3. For beginners, it is better to start with the simplest combinations and only gradually increase the level of difficulty.

Having learned these simple rules, any person can easily cope with the energy of the runes. After reading the description and knowing what this or that symbol means, you can begin to draw a rune.

How to draw runic symbols correctly

You can buy ready-made runes in the store, or you can do the drawing yourself. This will help to amplify the energy of the symbol and maximize its impact on life.

It is best to use natural materials: leather, silk, linen, cotton, wood, marble, etc. The Fehu rune can be drawn on the body, tattooed with its image, drawn on a piece of paper and put in a wallet, scratched on the desktop, etc.

An important aspect is the activation of the sign, because without it it will not even work. All aspects for the correct disclosure of the action of the runic hieroglyph Fehu are presented below.

How to activate the Fehu rune depending on the value

The activation of this magical symbol requires the casting of a spell called a slander. It will be different depending on what the rune is used to attract. We have already given examples of situations from life in which the use of this sign is appropriate, and now we will dwell on each of them in more detail and consider how this sign is drawn and in what magical combinations it can be used.

Using the rune to attract money and actions with material values

This magical symbol is not only an amulet and a magnet to attract money, but also a talisman against losses. The scope in this case is wide: you can make a tattoo or apply a pattern to the skin with essential oils, or you can make a static talisman that will lie in a safe, wallet or at the doorstep of the house. This helps to protect investments and real estate from adverse influences, evil eye, theft, etc.

  1. Becoming according to the Fehu Fehu Fehu scheme (a combination of three Fehu runes, attracting into a person’s life not only an increased flow of wealth, but also a possible new coup; the triple Fehu is one of the most powerful amulets for wealth).
  2. Runogram Otal Fehu Yer (not only attracts cash flow, but also increases existing capital).
  3. The formula of Dagaz Evaz Fehu Vunyo in the runic alphabet (denotes a breakthrough, a push, a "shift").

There are many more formulas, but these are the most popular and effective and are suitable for both beginners and more advanced people in this matter. The level of awareness and skills does not play a dominant role, because the runes are subject to those who sincerely believe in their strength, and not to those who have completed some special course and received a diploma.

It should be remembered: the runes obey only those who sincerely believe in their power

After creating a stav, stuffing a tattoo or preparing a drawing, activate the rune. The mechanism of action itself is very simple, but before that it needs to be consecrated with four elements: water (drop a few drops or dip), air, fire (hold over a candle) and earth (pour a few grains of ordinary table salt). To do this, follow a series of steps to activate:

  1. Lay the rune or standing in front of you prepared and consecrated.
  2. Create and pronounce a slander to increase the effect of symbols. If you require it. The slander is a simple formulation of desire, excluding the particle not and clarifying the details as much as possible. Also, in order to correctly program the slander, it is recommended to use all words in the present tense.
  3. Fold your palms into a kind of tube; and direct them to the hieroglyphs.
  4. Next, you need to take a deep breath and focus on the desired result.
  5. The penultimate step is exhalation. Breathe out on the object in front of you, breathing life and energy into it for work.
  6. And in conclusion, do not forget to thank the runic symbols for their cooperation and long service.

In addition to amulets and talismans, the Fehu rune is actively used in runic divination.

She can predict the fate of a person in love, career, business, etc. Depending on whether it is straight or inverted, the interpretation of divination will change. But more about this in more detail and separately.

Fehu in divination

Runes are used not only to make combinations and change the course of life, but also for predictions in divination and predictions. Rune Fehu is actively used in divination for love. It reveals the whole secret of the relationship, all the pitfalls and hidden aspects. A detailed interpretation of the meaning of the rune depending on the position:

  1. Fehu in a straight position (straight line) symbolizes a good relationship in which there is mutual understanding and love, but the material aspect also plays an important role. Mutual benefit lies at the heart of such an alliance. Communication of partners often occurs according to the principle "I - to you, and you to me." It is fraught with commercialism, but both of the couple are satisfied with the current situation. If the alignment is made in order to learn about the events of the future, then this hieroglyph symbolizes a strong relationship that is financially beneficial.
  2. The inverted position (Fehu indirect) tells the fortuneteller that the flame in the relationship has long been extinguished, everything has come down to everyday life. Lost tenderness and romance. In such an alliance, only calculation is at the forefront. If you learn about the events of the present time, then this symbol is a sign that feelings are either leaving right now, or have long disappeared. In predicting prospects, it should be interpreted as a relationship with material conflicts, an imminent break.

The wrapped runic symbol "Fehu", unfortunately, indicates that the flame of love in a relationship has long gone out

The main meaning of Fehu is still prosperity, therefore, even in love divination, it indicates self-interest or material well-being. Do not worry if the image fell out in a straight position, because such a union is strong and with a good material foundation, but it is better to end the relationship where the hieroglyph is turned upside down. If a partner does not want to end the relationship, it is likely that he does not do this only because of material gain.

How to repay a debt with the help of the Fehu rune

All manipulations related to finances are subject to Feh. With its help, you can return debts if the debtors do not want to do this on their own. It will help not only to return the money, but also to compensate for their temporary absence.

  1. Write on the sheet your desire: the return of a certain amount (do not forget to indicate) from a certain person (indicate the debtor).
  2. On the prepared sheet with the wording of desire, draw a line of three identical hieroglyphs.
  3. Hieroglyphs should be mirrored, that is, facing away from you.
  4. Put on the windowsill so that the symbols can shine through and in front of them place a picture of the one who owes.
  5. Read the slander written on a piece of paper and activate the rune, having previously consecrated it.
  6. Thank the runes for their cooperation and help and expect a quick refund.

The use of three symbols is a proven method that has been used hundreds of times in order to stabilize the financial situation. You need to draw a rune in this position, because it “reverses” its action and establishes a connection between the borrower and the debtor.

The runic alphabet has gained its popularity since the middle of the twentieth century and today is in great demand among both professionals and ordinary people. And it can be useful for both - the main indicator is the desire and desire, the knowledge of how to activate and consecrate the rune, as well as the belief that the runes can be useful. After all, magical hieroglyphs feel the mood and only multiply it.

Rune Fehu (Fehu, Feoh or FE) is the first rune of the ancient Germanic rune series. Its name translates as "cattle". The rune symbolizes wealth, prosperity and prosperity. She is mentioned in several runic poems, in particular, in Old Norse: "wealth (Fe rune) is discord in the family, fire during the flood and the path of the snake."

It is with this rune that the futhark begins, which means that it can help a person start life from a new leaf. What the rune Fehu looks like, you can see in the photo.

The main action of the Fehu runes: saturation, nutrition. The main deity is the magical cow Audhumbla. This creature is present in the epics of the ancient Scandinavians. The sacred cow Audhumbla arose at the same time as the giant Ymir. The latter fed on the milk that flowed from her udder.

The general meaning of the rune Fehu

Photo runes Fehu

In the broadest sense, the meaning of the Fehu rune is the acquisition of something material. In the traditional interpretation, it is cattle, and in a more generalized and modern interpretation, it is property, things and other material goods. Among other things, the Fehu rune may well mean spiritual enrichment. It is a symbol of those achievements that were obtained by hard and exhausting work.

Runa Fehu is also a dream come true, which a person has been striving for for a very long time and overcame a lot of difficulties. Competition, lack of time and money, the machinations of ill-wishers - he went through and survived all this, and with honor and dignity.

Runa Fehu puts a person before a choice: to live for real or to pretend that you live, to imitate a full life. This, by and large, is the problem of authenticity, the truth of being, an indicator of the high spiritual culture of the individual.

The inverted rune Fehu brings difficulties, losses and disappointments. True, all these troubles are quite easy to overcome and survive. But this does not mean that they can be taken lightly. Ignoring even the most insignificant problems can lead to negative and most unpredictable consequences.

The use of the rune in magic and divination

The rune Fehu is closely associated with material wealth.

The use of the Fehu rune in magical rituals is mainly associated with material values. Tired of being in need and wandering - draw this sign on your wrist, and it will point you to new promising opportunities. A talisman with the image of this rune will protect you from deceivers and swindlers when buying a property or making a major investment. It is important to note that in matters of trade or speculation, the Fehu rune is not an assistant.

We list the main magical functions of the Fehu rune:

  • increase in well-being;
  • acquisition of property;
  • strengthening friendships or love relationships;
  • new acquaintances or the renewal of long-forgotten ties.

First of all, needy people who are tired of poverty and ordeals turn to this sign for help. The rune contributes to the receipt of money and material wealth, the acquisition of quality goods, protects the property and property of a person from all sorts of risks and dangers. However, the Fehu rune has one very strict principle: money and all material wealth should not be an end in itself! That is, they must serve something higher, and lead to something. In amorous affairs, the Fehu rune helps in establishing physical intimacy between two people.

In divination, the rune Fehu denotes well-being, prosperity, wealth, the achievement of a goal, and so on. In an inverted form, it indicates the limitedness, primitiveness and earthiness of a person, his total immersion in the viscous world of material values.

A lot in divination depends on the neighborhood of rune symbols. Let's look at what meanings the Fehu rune has in combination with other futhark runes:

  • Fehu +: a generous gift of fate (it is quite possible that we are talking about a large inheritance);
  • Fehu +: nervous strain and financial losses;
  • Fehu +: profit, financial success;
  • Fehu +: a trip fraught with some difficulties;
  • Fehu +: phenomenal success and resolution of all existing problems;
  • Fehu +: dangerous connection, unpredictable partnership;
  • Fehu +: material enrichment;
  • Fehu +: force majeure, tragedy (related to water);
  • Fehu +: bankruptcy and loss of fortune;
  • Fehu +: unemployment, creative simple;
  • Fehu +: inappropriate haste, lack of result;
  • Fehu +: an urgent need for action;
  • Fehu +: pregnancy;
  • Fehu +: success in absolutely all areas of life;
  • Fehu +: all troubles are a thing of the past;
  • Fehu +: victories and success in business;
  • Fehu +: marriage, acquiring a family;
  • Fehu +: implementation of plans;
  • Fehu +: getting good advice;
  • Fehu +: all sorts of successes;
  • Fehu +: need for rest;
  • Fehu +: change for the better;
  • Fehu +: unforeseen situations, fires, natural disasters;
  • Fehu + Wyrd (empty rune, rune of Odin): unexpected favor of fate, good luck.

The meaning of the Fehu rune in divination on the situation

In the upright position, the rune promises full or partial satisfaction with life. It can be about work, material wealth, finances, personal life or health. In an inverted position, the rune predicts a quick and even unexpected loss of something: money, things, relationships, etc. It can also mean making room for something new, a logical parting with a past life.

The meaning of the Fehu rune in divination for love relationships

straight rune

To unravel the meaning of the Fehu runes in the layout for love, you need to look at the rune environment

In the upright position, the rune Fehu has little to do with love relationships. However, it is still possible to somehow interpret its appearance in this aspect. The main thing is to take into account the proximity of this rune to other symbols. So, for example, in combination with the Gebo rune, it promises a person a major and very important event in his personal life (it may well be a marriage proposal if a young lady is guessing). In some cases, the Fehu rune gives a person a tip: it's time to take courage and act, casting aside all doubts and fears. Here we are talking, of course, about a declaration of love or an attempt at reconciliation after a long quarrel.

Inverted Rune

From the inverted rune Fehu in a love scenario, you can not expect good

The inverted rune Fehu in love layouts is most often interpreted as a harbinger of quarrels, troubles and problems in personal life. But the depth of these problems is determined by the proximity to the surrounding rune signs. For example, the combination of the runes Fehu and Eyvaz warns a person against excessive pressure in defending his point of view in communicating with a partner.

The meaning of the Fehu rune in divination for a career

straight rune

The direct rune of Fehu is interpreted as follows: your career is about to go uphill, or you are expected to rapidly move up the career ladder. It can also promise a successful investment in a project. If they are guessing for a new job and see this rune in the layout, then this means that future work will be fruitful and financially beneficial. In combination with Raido, the Fehu rune portends a serious and successful business trip.

Inverted Rune

In the layout for a career, the inverted rune Fehu is a symbol of warning

Seeing an inverted Fehu rune in a career layout, a person should be extremely careful in all his future affairs. This is a clear sign that circumstances have changed, and now it is necessary to adequately and timely respond to these changes. In addition, an inverted Fehu rune may indicate the danger of being involved in some kind of adventure.

Another possible interpretation of such a rune is an unwanted acquaintance with a two-faced person, which can cause a lot of problems in the financial independence of the fortuneteller. The negative color of the inverted rune Fehu is significantly softened by the nearby runes Dagaz, Inguz or Lagaz. The combination of the inverted Fehu rune and the Laguz rune recommends that a person observe others more and learn from the mistakes of others, and not from their own.

Rune Fehu and possible problems

straight rune

The straight rune of Fehu is always a gift. Gift from above. Therefore, it is very important to sincerely rejoice and thank heaven for the blessing given to you. In addition, any acquisition should stimulate a person to develop, to improve himself. It is important to strengthen your will in order to be ready to receive larger gifts of fate in the future.

It is very important to learn how to properly handle your wealth or well-being. If everything is done correctly, then a person will enjoy and experience happiness. If it is wrong to work with energy, then a person may experience an acute feeling of discomfort. He will feel incomplete, inferior, he will be annoyed by everything that happens around him.

Inverted Rune

The reverse rune Fehu through a certain price will help the fortuneteller become better

The reverse rune Fehu is a kind of indicator. An indicator that the gods are unhappy with their charges. It is important for a person to think about where he could have failed, and to whom he forgot to give something. This "something" can be time, money or labor.

The rune Fehu in an inverted position is a loss that, in the end, will benefit a person. Perhaps they will help him become better, stronger, kinder. It is important to remember that fate always selects only what you do not need. The reverse rune of Fehu is the risk of dubious and dangerous adventures. She is very critical of those transactions that affect human conscience and human dignity.

The inverted rune Fehu teaches us to appreciate intangible wealth: moral and spiritual. After all, it is they, and only they, who claim the title of “eternal”, imperishable and true values.

The inverted rune Fehu carries the meaning of timeliness

The Fehu rune that fell out in a straight position focuses the fortuneteller's attention on the fact that the material benefits received are given to him at once and in large quantities. Most likely, this is some kind of reward for the volume of work done. In the inverted position, the Fehu rune warns: it is important to use everything on time! If the cow is not milked in time, the milk will spoil. If the bread is not eaten on time, it will become stale. And you should never regret the lost money, otherwise you will have to lose even more in the future.

Speaking in general, the Fehu rune advises to descend to the sinful earth and not to fly in the clouds. You need to set realistic goals and take on only achievable tasks. To succeed in business, it is important to use what you already have - money, experience, knowledge or connections. Circumstances always have weight - this should not be forgotten either.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take everything that comes with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps you have been tainted with money. This amulet will help to remove lack of money


The symbol of the Elder Futhark, which will be discussed today, is associated by many exclusively with wealth and material wealth. But in fact, the associative field of the Fehu rune, the meaning of which we will now see, is much wider. Although the rune is considered a powerful money talisman, it would be wrong to perceive it only in this single vein. But let's understand sequentially.

Rune Fehu - basic meaning and interpretation

To understand the true meaning of the Fehu rune, you first need to refer to the translation of its name. Fehu means "cattle". It must be understood that livestock is not a literal reference to goats, cows and domestic pigs, but property as such. A reasonable question immediately arises: why not call the rune “home”, “luggage”, something else that could be associated with more specific material objects?

In fact, it is through the word "cattle" that one can fully realize the breadth of the meaning of the Fehu rune. Livestock is, on the one hand, what a person owns, and on the other hand, what he actively uses. It is in this important nuance that the philosophical meaning is hidden: just owning something is not enough, you also need to use your property correctly.

Speaking about the symbolic field of this symbol, it is impossible to ignore the very concept of ownership, possession. Far from always, this is precisely material wealth, although in many situations Fehu will indeed point to money, acquired things, movable and immovable property. The rune Fehu, the meaning of which we consider as possession of something, includes in its meaning the intellectual baggage of a person - what he receives, accumulates and preserves as his property. These include experiences, emotions, memories, life experience, knowledge gained, social contacts.

From this side, it becomes very easy to understand the meaning of the Fehu runes, if we accept as true the statement that well-being is more of a psychological category than a financial one. In order to be happy, it is not at all necessary to be a millionaire, although, unfortunately, some people limit themselves to this very concept, forgetting that the wealth of the soul and inner world should come first.

Another point that cannot be ignored when talking about this symbol is what a person will do with his property. It does not matter whether material or spiritual wealth is being discussed here. The meaning, description and interpretation of the Fehu rune cannot be static: it is not only about accumulating or collecting something, but also about how to put the accumulated into work, how to use your wealth for its intended purpose. A person is given something not just like that, but in order to develop further. There will be no use for a chest of money if it just remains locked in a closet or safe. In the same way, there is no sense in the acquired knowledge if it is not used in practice.

Everything that you get, you must use: you need to invest money, acquire something significant with it, open your own business, in a word - make them work to increase your own well-being. You need to do the same with spiritual goods, because, you see, life generally loses its meaning if you do not use the experience and accumulated knowledge, and also do not take into account the memory of the past.

You can deal with your intellectual and mental baggage in different ways: you can use it to qualitatively improve your own physical and spiritual life, or you can teach someone else what you know. Both will eventually count. The main thing is to be aware of this aspect of the application, which is included in the meaning of the Fehu runes.

There is another important nuance regarding property - this is its protection. Fehu calls not to scatter what you have and receive, but to treat these objects of the material and spiritual plan carefully and carefully. Otherwise, this property will be taken away.

Let's briefly summarize the above. Runa Fehu, coming in a layout, will always talk about any acquisitions of the physical or spiritual plane. It can be both very specific material things or money, as well as fame, public recognition, new connections, useful experience.

The meaning of the inverted rune Fehu

The meaning of the inverted rune Fehu follows smoothly from the interpretation of the straight line. It says that a person can lose something from his property, but this loss usually occurs only if he violates the rules of direct Fehu. Let's figure out what exactly we are talking about.

As we have already mentioned, the rune advises, firstly, to use your wealth correctly, and secondly, to protect it, take care of it. It is logical to assume that by violating one of these rules, a person loses what he has.

Let's look at simple examples. A person suddenly wins a large amount of money in the lottery. He, of course, rejoices, but decides not to spend money, but to put it aside for a “rainy day”. Another winner has long dreamed of his own cafe, and now he takes and opens his own business with this money - albeit a small one, but his own, fulfills the dream. The third, who also received a solid prize, generally donates most of the amount to a fund for disabled children or an animal shelter. And the fourth mindlessly skips all the winnings in restaurants, travels by taxi, buys expensive clothes and all sorts of knick-knacks.

Question: to which of them will the direct Fehu subsequently come, and to whom will the reverse? In fact, the inverted Fehu will very soon “visit” the first and fourth heroes. However, in the case of the first one, she can still wait for some time - what if a person comes to his senses and finds worthy use of money, for example, saves it to pay for his grandchildren's studies or builds a summer house where the whole family can gather?

If we remember the meaning of the Fehu runes, we will understand that the first character violated the rule of the reasonable use of his wealth, and the fourth not only did not let him work, but could not even protect him. However, sometimes under the reverse Fehu we lose not what we got, but something else. So, for example, a person who skipped winnings in restaurants may find himself with a serious illness - then the inverted Fehu will punish him with a loss of health, and the first hero may seriously quarrel with his relatives, and old age awaits him alone - here there is a loss of communication with loved ones.

However, the very meaning of the inverted Fehu rune does not always imply the wrong disposal of material wealth - it can be a violation of the rules regarding accumulated knowledge (when a person receives a doctor's diploma, but goes to work at a construction site), about the incorrect use of one's own experience (woman two contacted married men once in her life, it did not end well, but she again begins a relationship with someone who has a spouse). One can cite as an example the situation when a person does not value his friends (remember the saying “My friends are my wealth”?), And in the end loses them forever.

What does the rune Fehu mean in divination for work and business?

The value of the Fehu rune in divination for work, if the symbol comes in a straight position, will always be positive. The rune portends career growth, project success, promising investments, income, a good position (if we ask about getting a job). The surrounding runes will tell you in which area the acquisition will be.

  • - Fehu: The combination can report income related to business trips or the road - this is a hint that a person will not be able to earn while sitting in an office chair
  • - Fehu: This pair of characters will indicate that success will come with partnership work or the conclusion of any contract

An inverted Fehu bears material losses, unwanted acquaintances, the risk of falling into some kind of adventure and in every possible way warns a person about the need to be careful. Soften the effect of the reverse Fehu, and: if any of these runes is nearby, the losses will not be so serious or temporary.

The value of Fehu when divining for relationships and love

As you might guess, the meaning of the Fehu rune in divination for relationships and love can be interpreted similarly to other areas of life. If the rune comes straight - we gain something, if inverted - then we lose. In terms of love, this can be a new meeting, a joyful event, a promising relationship (direct Fehu), or a break, infidelity, family troubles, any other difficulties in personal life (reverse Fehu).

To better understand the meaning of the inverted Fehu rune in a relationship, you can focus on neighboring symbols.

  • - Fehu: The couple will report the loss of a woman (for a man), the loss of a child (for a woman)
  • - Fehu: The combination speaks of a break in relations with a representative of the stronger sex (for ladies)
  • - inverted Fehu: Symbols indicate that this is a break in communication with a certain person
  • - inverted Fehu: The combination indicates the need to take a break, analyze the situation, otherwise the relationship can be destroyed

What does Fehu mean in divination on health issues?

Everything is very simple here. A straight rune is a sign of excellent health, the absence of any threats, and in case of illness, a quick and successful recovery. The reverse Fehu, on the contrary, speaks of a deterioration in physical condition, the manifestation of some kind of ailment.

  • - inverted Fehu: You should beware, with this combination there is a high probability of injury or the need for surgery, so watch yourself carefully

How is Fehu used in magic?

The meaning of the Fehu rune in magic is very often used, and this is not surprising, since this symbol of the Elder Futhark is closely associated with acquisitions of any kind. Fehu is usually used in rituals to attract wealth and success, to increase the social level and achieve prosperity. Black Mages use the power of an inverted rune to punish enemies, eliminate competitors and induce damage.

Why can I wear an amulet with the rune Fehu?

In household rituals, the Fehu rune is most often used to attract money. It is believed that the amulet with her image opens blocked money channels, and also directs the financial flow to its owner. Many prefer to use a talisman on which three Fehu runes are drawn - the meaning of such an amulet remains the same, but its effect is tripled.

Fehu Day Rune

If the symbol comes to you as a Rune of the Day - rejoice! Today you will definitely receive vivid emotions, a monetary reward, a nice gift or some kind of news that will bring you a feeling of happiness.

When you receive something, always think about how you will dispose of your acquisition. Look for the correct use of the material and spiritual baggage you have, protect it, do not waste it in vain - then the Fehu rune will come to you more than once.

Questions Suitable for Fehu Meditation

Since this rune is closely connected with our physical and spiritual property, then appropriate questions should be asked when meditating on its photo. For example, these:

  • What do you value most: material or spiritual?
  • Do you value what you have?
  • Do you know how to properly manage your property, money, knowledge, experience?
  • Do you take care of loved ones, personal belongings, your own talents, do you squander what you own in vain?

So, we examined the meaning of the Fehu rune, a description of its magical properties, as well as the principle of the impact of this powerful and very pleasant symbol on our lives. We hope that the rune will teach you to appreciate what you have and to properly manage your material and spiritual wealth. Good luck and prosperity!

Runa Fehu is a symbol of wealth and material wealth. At the same time, it also has negative connotations. After all, wealth itself has never been synonymous with happiness and prosperity.

In the article:

Runa Fehu - what it looks like and what it means

Translated from the Old Norse language, the rune Fehu means property or livestock. It is depicted as a straight vertical line, from which two diagonal lines extend up and to the right. This rune is the first in, and it is from it that the knowledge of the secrets of runic magic begins during training.

One of the most common beginner mistakes is using this rune as a purely positive symbol. However, it is not. In the Old Norse runic poems, this aspect is especially emphasized:

Wealth causes discord in the family.
The wolf grows up in the woods.

Thus, even in ancient times, people knew that excessive wealth is a source of trouble. And, accordingly, they treated everything related to material enrichment with caution. This means that the rune responsible for this aspect of life can, in the end, bring a lot of evil with the inept use of its magic.

The meaning of the Rune Fehu in divination

was very common, but not the only use of these ancient symbols. It should be noted that there are quite a lot of divination techniques, and, depending on them, the general interpretation of the results may also differ. We will consider the meaning of the Fehu runes in the most popular layouts and in general principles.

When fortune-telling using just one die, the Fehu rune can answer the question asked in different ways. Naturally, if the question concerns material well-being and business, then its loss practically guarantees success. The same applies to the meaning of Fehu in relationships - they will be successful and fruitful, both materially and spiritually.

At the same time, if Fehu was the answer to the question of what to fear, this is a direct sign that you should stop focusing on the accumulation of material wealth. Because they can easily come to you, but unnecessary troubles will come with them. Thus, care should be taken in any cases related to this rune - an excessive passion for the accumulation of material wealth will not necessarily bring you happiness.

In an inverted position, the Fehu rune, on the contrary, predicts troubles associated with money or property. But just like with the direct position, it is not necessary to consider this news as negative. Perhaps this test that awaits you will be able to give you something more than banal wealth.

In divination with several runic dice, a lot depends on the position in which the given rune fell. If it should indicate something, it will undoubtedly indicate material well-being or vice versa - disaster, depending on the position of the die. In the final provisions, this sign promises a successful completion of the plan - necessarily in accordance with expectations, but not necessarily guaranteeing pleasure from this.

In spreads for several dice, others may indicate the source of wealth. So the Odal rune, which fell out as an “auxiliary” die to Feh, will indicate that your family or home will become the source of your profit. A - will hint that you will come to success with the help of your soulmate.

How to use the Fehu rune in runic magic

How to draw the Fehu rune

Since the use of runes refers not only to divination, but also to practical magic, it will be useful to know the meaning of each rune in order to be able to use them for your own purposes. In general, the Fehu rune can be used both as a separate amulet and as a component of many specialized amulets along with other runes. In its classical form, this symbol, applied to clothes, jewelry or as a tattoo, will realize all the aspects contained in it.

He will really help to achieve material well-being, but he will not worry about other aspects of life. That is, in itself, this sign can be used exclusively to achieve success in anything. But it does not guarantee real happiness and satisfaction from this.

As an opening sign in amulets, Fehu sets the general goal of such a talisman - material well-being. And the rest of the runes indicate what exactly will happen to him. One of the most common ready-made runic formulas is a symbol repeated three times on any object. Such a talisman guarantees the maximum disclosure of the power of the rune of wealth and the rapid achievement of financial goals. If you do not strive to increase wealth, but want to focus on something else, then you can use the power of the Isa rune to "freeze" your current wealth in the form in which it is present. For this, the Isa-Fehu-Isa formula may be suitable. Despite the seeming danger of using the glyph of ice, this ward is perfect for use during times of crisis. Although it will not provide you with an increase in wealth, it will be able to guarantee the absence of sharp shocks and ruin.

In general, the Fehu rune is one of the easiest to understand and understand. Perhaps that is why she is in first place in the Elder Futhark, because it is with her that most people begin to get acquainted with the Scandinavian magical tradition. At the same time, care should be taken in working with it, because the irrepressible craving for money-grubbing has often become the cause of the destruction of many human destinies.

In contact with

A stable financial position, wealth, financial success... Every person strives for this, with the exception of hermits and mystics who have devoted their lives to the search for spiritual values. The rune Fehu, whose meaning is “money”, “gold” or “movable property”, reflects exclusively the material side of an individual's life. This is a symbol of the embodiment of long-planned plans, success achieved through one's own efforts.

However, it would not be entirely true to believe that the Fehu rune carries an exclusively positive meaning. In Old Norse poems, there is a repeated warning that "wealth brings discord and brings confusion to the family." The ancients believed that excessive wealth is the source of all sorts of troubles - from envy to betrayal. Therefore, the Feu rune was used in magic with the greatest care.

Rune Fehu in magic

If necessary, get out of poverty and strengthen your financial situation, this sign was drawn on a bracelet or on a ring. Such a talisman was supposed to be worn all the time, it could only be removed at night. But even in this case, the amulet should have been placed under the pillow. The Fehu rune was used in the transportation of material values, to protect against robbers and all sorts of troubles.

The Fehu symbol provides assistance only to those people who seek to strengthen their well-being in an honest way. Financial speculation, fraud and usury do not find support in this sign of the Elder Futhark.

Some people use the Fehu rune to make for themselves such a talisman as. But this approach is not the most practical. The Fehu sign, depicted on a wallet or purse, will really attract money to its owner. But at the same time, a painful tendency to hoarding will take over a person over time. And why do you need money if there is absolutely no desire to spend it?

Meaning in divination

The Fehu rune, which appeared in the rune layout, promises a person at least the preservation of what he has. You had to overcome a lot of obstacles on the way to achieve your goals. But you managed to cope with the intrigues of envious people, and with competitors, and with unfavorable conditions.

If there are negative symbols of the Elder Futhark nearby, then you should take a closer look at your surroundings. Perhaps there are certain circumstances or people "working" against you. But all difficulties are temporary and surmountable, continue to believe in your success.

In an inverted position, the Fehu rune portends loss and disappointment. However, you will be able to overcome all the difficulties that have arisen if you treat them responsibly. Otherwise, they can turn into real problems. An inverted Feu can indicate a variety of troubles - in relationships with work colleagues, in personal life, financially.

Career, business, work

If the rune fell out in a straight position, then we can say that a person is expected to have the fastest positive changes in professional terms. Also, the direct rune of Fehu in the layout of finances can indicate a good deal, a good investment, the establishment of profitable partnerships. In combination with the Fehu symbol, it speaks of an upcoming business trip.

In an inverted position, the Fehu rune indicates that you should not continue to do business in the same way as before. In this situation, the person who subtly feels the changes and knows how to adapt to them will win. If the Laguz rune is nearby, then you should pay more attention to training. The acquired skills will be useful in future professional activities.

Love and family matters

The Fehu symbol is not directly related to love affairs. However, it can be interpreted as a significant event in personal life. If it is located to the left or right of the symbol, then we can say that the questioner will have great joy. Such a sign can be interpreted as a promising relationship that can develop into mutual love.

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