Miscellanea. Locations of the hidden gnomes in Fortnite Battle Royale Where are the gnomes located

Decor elements 03.07.2020
Decor elements

Everyone who played the first line of the Sims game remembers funny magical gnomes who loved to swim in the nectar and helped take care of the garden. In The Sims 3, gnomes have become more mysterious and individual. Each of them is not like the others and knows how to do their own unique things. But keeping track of them is not so easy! It is worth turning away, and the cunning gnome standing on the lawn will move and change his position. Let's follow them and try to find out what is their specialty and what they can do.

Where do gnomes come from?

Well, certainly not from cabbage, and storks do not bring them. But there are plenty of places to find these little tricksters:

In the water (sometimes when fishing, not a fish, or even a rubber duck, but a whole gnome can get caught on a hook)
In the ground (with the help of a drilling rig, you can dig out a lot of things)
In the catacombs (when visiting the mausoleum, sometimes you can return with a new find)
By mail (after sending the stones for cutting with morning mail, not only jewelry can return)
With transglucation (sometimes during transglucation, you can get not quite what you expect)
In the garbage can (if you rummage through the neighbor's garbage, you can sometimes find gnomes there too)

In addition, these ubiquitous creatures can surprise you with their appearance in the most unexpected places:

Sometimes a gnome may appear when casting a snake.

Sometimes, with a low photography skill, a gnome can get into the photo.

At first, you will probably think that the gnomes move only when you are not looking at them. But it's not. They can disappear right before your eyes. It all depends on whether you look at the right time.
Disappearing with a characteristic cotton, they leave pollen from golden stars. After that, the gnomes can change their location and move to any other point on your site.

All gnomes, without exception, love the garden and nature, so if you have vegetables, fruits or trees on your site, the gnomes will be happy to be located next to them.

Mr Gnome
Sims 3 base game

In a blue blouse and a red cap, this character from the base game appeared in the first part of The Sims, so he is the founder of the gnomes, so to speak. He loves garden plants, constantly admires and looks at them.

Often he can turn on the TV or music center and enjoy movies and music, like other gnomes, in general. She loves to lie down and sleep somewhere on the coffee table or even right on the floor.

Magic gnome "Sultan Sam"
The Sims 3 World Adventure

This gnome came to us from Egypt. It looks like a little pharaoh.

Shows great interest in the antiquities of distant countries, located at the exhibition stands. Sometimes he can climb onto the stand himself and take an important pose.

Magic gnome "Master Manchu"
The Sims 3 World Adventure

This Chinese gnome constantly practices martial arts Sim Fu and meditation anywhere in your home.

If you are wrestling on a training dummy, it may be nearby and watch you.

Magic gnome "Baby Leon"
The Sims 3 World Adventure

This plump, Napoleon Bonaparte-like gnome loves looking at your wine cellars. He really rubs his belly at the sight of nectar deposits.

But in general, he is not devoid of anything human, therefore, if you do not keep nectars at home, he will be happy to watch TV or relax in the garden.

Magic gnome "Sculptor"
The Sims 3 Career

The gnome-sculptor devotes almost all his free time to depicting the famous works of outstanding sculptors. So, you will meet him in the poses of the Disco Thrower and the Thinker statues.

Can observe your work near the sculptor's workshop.

Magic gnome "Inventor"
The Sims 3 Career

This gnome can be created by chance - obtained when creating some crafts on an inventive machine.

I did not notice any special actions behind him, but he is mainly interested in the inventive machine, he constantly climbs to look at it. He can also climb onto a shelf with crafts and pretend that he is one of them. Takes various poses of the robot.

The Sims 3 Career

This brutal "young man" can be brought with you from the past, traveling in a time machine. Outwardly, he strongly resembles the cartoon characters Flintstone, in a skin, with a club and a huge protruding hair on his head. He loves to swing his baton in flight.

The gnome, getting into our time, begins to be surprised and admired by almost all the wonders of technology, nature and the modern world. He falls to his knees, drops his club, and stares with inspiration at some contemporary object.

The Sims 3 Career

This bear is the master of laundry. You can find it by chance when you take out dry clothes from an expensive dryer.

He will carefully watch how you wash clothes and can watch the process right on the dryer. If you leave dirty laundry unattended, he will constantly stare at him. To distract him from everyday things, plant more greenery in the garden. If he has nothing to do, he can spin on his head.

The Sims 3 At dusk

In addition to the fact that this dwarf is a rapper, he has not yet revealed other features.

Wherever it is convenient, he takes cool poses, break dances and pretends to rap. Despite the fact that grandfather is already under 60 years old, he looks quite stylish.

Magic Gnome Vampire
The Sims 3 At dusk

The peculiarity of this creature is that its activity is manifested mainly at night. If you put a vampire baby in the yard, then in the morning he will instantly move to a room closed from the sun's rays and will be able to return to the street only after dark. He sneaks up on any other dwarf and after a while turns him into his own kind. That is, the more vampire gnomes you have on the lot, the faster they will turn all the other gnomes into vampires. Probably the most predatory dwarf of all. Believe it or not, one of these vampires even turned a teddy bear into a vampire!

These gnomes, by the way, can fly, and also constantly trample near the bushes with bloody fruits.
But like other gnomes, they are not without love for TV and music. Therefore, they can be distracted from their vampire duties if they are very carried away by some kind of soap opera on television.

Gnomes, by the way, can be kicked. Sometimes they can freeze from this and not move anymore, and sometimes vice versa - motionless gnomes begin to move immediately.

Mr Gnome
The Sims 3 All Ages

« The Sims 3 All Ages"touched not only the lives of our wards, but also the lives of magical gnomes, namely Mister gnome. Now you can start your own magical family that will grow, grow old and even die... What do you need for this?

Mr Gnome "Baby"
The Sims 3 All Ages

To begin with, you need to have 2 magical gnomes on your garden plot (more can be, which will significantly increase the chances of a baby appearing on your plot). There is, of course, a small chance that these two will soon have a baby, but if you want to save your time, then you just need to marry or marry one of your wards living on the same site. You will see, replenishment in the magical family will not be long in coming. The appearance of a magical baby is somewhat different from the appearance of children with Sims, here you may not even notice when the baby is born. Like other gnomes, this one appears suddenly - just "Poof!", And he is already nicely napping on your site.

Mr Gnome "Child"
The Sims 3 All Ages

If you still got a magical baby, then all the most interesting is yet to come - now you can observe the habits and growth of this miracle. If a baby likes to snore quietly in the shade and lazily move from place to place, rarely changing his positions, then when he reaches the age of “child”, he will delight you with his mischievous poses, as well as a special love for electrical engineering. For example, he can turn on the TV whenever he wants. But do not think that adult gnomes leave their children unattended. If earlier the gnomes "scattered" in different directions, now they move in groups. There are, of course, exceptions, but they are extremely few.

Mr. Gnome "Teenager"
The Sims 3 All Ages

Having passed the stage of a mischievous prankster, the gnome becomes a teenager. It is fair to say that the developers created exactly the emo teenager, perhaps thereby trying to draw attention to the problems of adolescence and the difficulties associated with it in all teenagers. After all, it is at this age that all children become vulnerable. You can notice how quickly this gnome's mood changes, either he jumps and smiles, or sits dejectedly in his thoughts, or simply lies face down. After this stage, the gnome acquires the (his usual) appearance of Mr. gnome, already well known to us, in which he can again have offspring.

Mr Gnome "Old Man"
The Sims 3 All Ages

All Sims get old at some point, and gnomes are no exception. Aging, well, or growing up of Mister Gnome occurs even if he is in the Sim's luggage throughout his life, it's sad, isn't it? But, despite his age, the gnome does not stop playing pranks, he can threaten with his cane, expressing his displeasure at the noise, or calmly take a nap in the garden, leaning on the same cane. Gnomes do not grow up in one day or two, their growth is comparable to the time of growing up a Sim. But don't worry, if you want to change the age of the magical gnome, you can simply enter the developer code and hold down the Shift key and click on the gnome. An action panel will appear, on which all ages are written in English, you can choose any, and the gnome will immediately go to this age.

After his death, the magic gnome does not disappear without a trace, a monument remains in its place, which will remind you of him.

Magic gnome "Rex Sobachevsky"
The Sims 3 Pets

This time, the developers of the game decided to move away from stereotypes and replace the gnomes familiar to us that look like miniature men with small animals, such as this dog gnome. This miracle can appear on your site after you have got a dog or if your dog has brought offspring to the family. It is with the advent of puppies in the house that the chance that this gnome will settle on your site increases. The gnome is very inquisitive about almost everything, he is like another pet in the house, although your sims cannot interact with him "there are only a few interactions, just like with ordinary gnomes."

Magic gnome "Kotofey Kotofeevich"
The Sims 3 Pets

Another pet gnome, a cute cat, will appear on your site immediately after you get a cat in the house, and with the advent of offspring, the chance of this gnome appearing increases. This gnome appears with a ball of thread and is virtually inseparable from it. He does not show much activity, he is mainly carried away by his ball, and the rest of the time he sleeps peacefully, having settled down in the shade under a lettuce bush in your garden.

Magic gnome "Zenyatta"
The Sims 3 Pets

The Zenyatta, or Dwarf Horse, is named after a true horse legend, an American champion Thoroughbred racehorse. It usually appears in the area where there is a horse. There is a chance that this gnome will appear every time the horse licks the salt. Several gnomes may appear at one time. Zenyatta is not indifferent to the plants in your garden, just like the horses themselves. If your horse is training or getting ready for a competition, Zenyatta can mimic your pet and "jump" over the barrier too.

Magic gnome "Ice rabbit"
The Sims 3 Pets

Probably the weirdest gnome in The Sims 3 history. At first glance, it might seem that this white triangle under the gnome's nose is nothing more than a big smile, but it's just a beard, like the rest of the gnomes. This miracle Yudo can appear on your site if your dog barks at a loudly buzzing refrigerator for a long time. This gnome is very inquisitive, he can easily sit down in front of the trash can, go to bed by your refrigerator or parody the way you saddled a horse, sitting on a miniature llama. The facial expressions with which the dwarf takes various poses are simply touching.

All these gnomes can both attract wild animals to your site and scare them away, as you're lucky. And even after the release of the Sims 3 All Ages add-on, your gnomes may become larger over time, of course they will not have miniature children, but magical gnomes in greater numbers are definitely provided to you.

Magic gnome "Kranstan Bunitz"
The Sims 3 Showbiz

Cranstan Bunitz, or Magician Gnome, is the new dwarf from the Showbiz DLC. You can find this gnome in the luggage of a character with the magician profession. Of course, it doesn't show up right away. Your ward can find this gnome literally in his palm during the next performance for a tip. There was no particular activity for the gnome, the gnome loves to watch you practice your magician skill and even imitate some of your actions.

Magic gnome "Ladies' Man"
The Sims 3 Showbiz

Ladies' man or dwarf singer. Appears before us in all its glory, reminiscent of the appearance of the singer of the 50s. Likes attention and can appear in the inventory of a Sim with a profession of a singer. In addition to his boundless love for the attention of others, he can influence Sims. If your sim singer during the next performance will take this gnome out of his luggage and put it nearby, then both your sim and all the people around him will receive a positive "masterpiece of the melody". This will last for 24 hours and will convince all viewers that your Sim's song is a masterpiece.

Cursed Dwarf
Sims 3 Supernatural

The most mystical of all gnomes is the "Cursed Dwarf". He came to our game with the Supernatural expansion in the form of a mischievous ghost, whose head is draped in a hoodie with holes cut out for eyes, which they like to scare children. A ghost gnome will appear on the lot after a failed séance spell, like the spirit of your dead witch. There is also a chance to pull out the cursed gnome as a prize from the Kogooot machine. Not only does this little guy move around the lot and love the company of other gnomes, but he also changes shape during the night. In total, there are 5 different poses, each of which corresponds to a certain color.

The gnome bears its name because it can be haunted by a real ghost, like a character who has been cursed with a séance. In exact numbers, there is a 50% chance that the haunting ghost of the cursed gnome will appear on the site, which will disappear after about 8 hours, and after another 24 hours a new ghost may appear. So life is not sweet for the little gnome, although he himself will scare anyone, for example, cowards, who will need about 2 hours to recover after meeting him (negative).

Dwarf Bron-bron (Summer)
The Sims 3 Seasons

Dwarf Bron-bron loves summer and everything connected with it. An old man in a summer shirt, shorts and flip flops can't live without fireworks, barbecues and pool parties. Also, this gnome can be bought at seasonal festivals for 500 prize tickets.

Cracklin Neckerbell (Autumn)
The Sims 3 Seasons

Cracklin Neckerbell is a witch who personifies autumn. This gnome can be found after the night of the Spooky Day or in the haunted house. Also, if you want to get Cracklyn in your collection, then you should know: she loves pumpkins and scarecrows!

s-GNOMO-vic Bittertotter (Winter)
The Sims 3 Seasons

Bittertotter burns with a passion for winter, snow and snowmen. The gnome has one weakness - he loves to pose very much, so early in the morning you can find the gnome in a model position. When you build a snowman on a home lot or park, there is a chance you will get a Bittertotter. It can also be found on Snow Day, when the whole city is resting.

Bactus Butternut (Spring)
The Sims 3 Seasons

The dwarf rabbit is exhausted from jumping, he can often be caught doing this fun activity. You can find Bactus on a residential or community lot with an amazing garden, as well as on an area with an abundance of wildflowers. Sometimes this gnome comes across while hunting for Easter eggs and collecting wild flowers.

Evil Mister Dwarf (All year round)
The Sims 3 Seasons

Ever explored the catacombs and found gnomes there? So now you have a chance to get the Evil Master Gnome by exploring spooky mazes (Sims with the Evil trait are more likely to get this Gnome). Also, your "evil ones" can receive such a gnome by mail with a notification. These little pests can mess up your home and ruin your daytime sleep. They will make a mess on your bed, overturn the garbage can, annoy other gnomes, in one word turn your life into a gnome nightmare.

University graduation gnome
The Sims 3 College Life

A Confederate girl and an academic gown - what is the end of the university without these attributes? But the usual dwarf beard this time is compensated by a slightly reddened nose.

To find this gnome as soon as possible, you will have to "study, study and study again." This kind fellow can be found literally on the pages of textbooks, as well as in electronic manuals. In addition, the gnome can be in your Sims' luggage through attending classes at the university, during an exam, or even at graduation.

The gnome graduate loves students, and he himself prefers to be near the computer desk. Moreover, he is not always interested in the computer - he can just look at the table, or climb on it and become a great addition to the interior. Of course, he adheres to the general habits of all fairy gnomes, such as watching TV, admiring the garden and knocking down in company.

Dwarf Mr. Marine
The Sims 3 Island Paradise

Mister Sea Dwarf is a real diver. He always has his retro scuba diving suit, which even has its place for a beard! Since this old man lives in the water, he can most often meet your Sims while snorkeling and diving. It can be found and picked up at the bottom of the sea, obtained by exploring underwater caves, or found in a treasure chest.

Mr. Morskoy takes funny poses: he sleeps in an embrace with a scuba tank or sits on it, swims, peers at various objects. Most of all, he likes to be on the street and be near the entrance to the house. He can also look at all sorts of objects, for example, at a fish, a bath or a refrigerator.

Mechanical gnome
The Sims 3 Forward to the Future

This gnome can be created from pieces of toy llamas. You can find them in the wasteland of the future when excavating in the sand or inside the premises of a fallen UFO (on the stands). Collect 5 different types of llamas and click on any of them to select the "Collect" option.

This unusual gnome most of all resembles a transformer robot. He can take on funny heroic poses, and he also loves to be outdoors. If there are several mechanical gnomes, they are very fond of playing and moving around the site in a group, and then you don’t have time to follow their teleportations. The Nimble Kid can be dismantled at any time, when disassembling, you will again receive 5 original toy llamas.

By the way, if you have pets in your house, don't be surprised if you see gnomes scratched by cats. Even ghostly gnomes can pass for a scratching post, check it out for yourself!

The second season of challenges has started in the network shooter Fortnite Battle Royale. To complete one of them, players need to find several dwarf figurines hidden in certain locations of the island. Finding all 7 figurines at once is quite difficult, so we decided to simplify this task for you by indicating the location of all the hidden gnomes in the game.

Why do you even need to look for these gnomes? If you complete this and 3 more similar challenges, you will be rewarded with some rare in-game item. In addition, these figurines start to laugh terribly when you are near them. Therefore, if you hear a strange laugh, then immediately start looking for the gnome.

Where can you find gnomes in Fortnite Battle Royale

First Gnome - Dump Crossing

Head to the Sloppy Crossing area. The gnome lies inside a large building located in the middle of the location. You can find it near the vending machine.

Second Dwarf - Good Landing

You can find him in Lucky Landing. It is hidden inside a building located in the northeast corner of the area. Look for it in the bathroom.

Third Dwarf - Lands of Anarchy

If you wandered into the Lands of Anarchy, then be sure to look for a gnome figurine in a large farmhouse located in the north of the location. Upon entering the building, turn left and enter the living room. The gnome is behind the old TV.

Fourth Dwarf - The Damned Fields

Go to the farm and find a dilapidated shack there, standing next to two silos located in the south of the location. Then find a haystack. Destroy it with a pickaxe and take the gnome.

Fifth Dwarf - Angry Keys

Once in the right location, go to a large dilapidated house located on the south side of the road (several trees fell on it). Go inside and look for the gnome under the stairs.

The sixth dwarf - Tomato

The next grumpy gnome can be found in a pizzeria. Head to Pomidorovka and then enter the local pizzeria from the back entrance. Turn right and go through the door to the office. You will find the figurine in the left corner, behind the table.

In parallel with the development of the main plot, secondary tasks will begin to appear on the global map. One of the longest and most tiring quests in Fable 3 is the "Dwarfs be damned!" quest. It begins with a heartfelt conversation with Brian in the courtyard next to Brightwall Academy, where the Hero will arrive in search of a music box for Sabin. An unlucky collector will talk about his hobby, show his collection of gnomes and ask to deliver a small package that was lost along with the caravan in the Khmar Valley (task "Long live the gnomes!"). The found box will contain a stone gargoyle. After Brian reads the magic words, she, thanks to magic, will revive all the gnomes, endow them with the gift of speech. Taking advantage of the opportunity, foul language will disperse to all the cities of Albion. While the collector writes an angry letter to the gargoyle manufacturer, the Hero has to find and return 50 fugitives. It is important to remember that when approaching the gnomes, they begin to taunt, call names and tease. This helps to locate them. When the target is found, you need to shoot at it with a firearm: a pistol, a shotgun or a rifle (key), since cold weapons or magic cannot reach them. An aimed shot will make the gnome return to Brian, to his rightful place. The task should be completed along with the search for silver and gold keys, since the habitats of the dwarves intersect with the places where the keys are stored.

For completing the quest "Dwarfs be damned!" in Fable 3, several rewards are given: 40 Guild Seals, the "Gnomicide" achievement, a unique weapon - the "Gnomolder" pistol, as well as several small items. The task is not limited in time, it is available both during the main story and after it. Some locations where the dwarves hide are inaccessible without completing other secondary tasks. Data on the number of gnomes can be found by hovering a magnifying glass over a city on the global map (key [M]).

The location of the gnomes in Brightdale in Fable 3:

  1. Under the ceiling in Brian's house next to the platform near the Academy, where all the gnomes were gathered.
  2. On the wall above the door of Plukh's house. You need to cross the bridge at the entrance to the city and turn into the left lane to the three houses.
  3. On a boulder near the stone stairs, not reaching the huge toad, behind the Rudeness of the Whisperers house.
  4. At the base of the platform with the white sarcophagus in the room with lifting plates, before jumping into the water from a height, in the Vault of the Academy.
  5. On the wall next to the secret room with the silver key, opposite the round pillar (after jumping into the water from a height), on the lower level of the Vault of the Academy.

The location of the gnomes in the Free Camp in Fable 3:

  1. On the fence on the way to the wagon on the hill above the settlement.

Location of the dwarves in Hmar Valley in Fable 3:

  1. Between the lanterns on a pole behind the burning tram in the monorail cave, after taking the elevator down to the lower level.
  2. Above the arch at the entrance to the arena, shortly before the exit from the caves with the monorail.
  3. On a frozen waterfall in the gorge next to the guardian demon (speaking stone face).
  4. By the tree on the hill where the silver key lies, on the right side of the entrance to the monorail station.
  5. On a stone pillar in the middle of a frozen lake in Frostbreath Cave, where Samuel of Brightwall Academy sends for the Book of Secrets. You can get to the cave if, from the transition to the Mercenary Camp, go along the road along the lake, turn right at the first road sign, into the mountains, go to the second road sign next to the stone, turn left from it, to the rock with the entrance to the cave.
  6. On a rock next to an open grave at a dead end in the mountains. You need to go down from the top of the mountain, from the transition from the Freemen Camp to the first bridge, and at the next road sign turn right, into a dead end, and not onto the second bridge.
  7. On the stalactites under the ceiling at the entrance to the Icebreath Cave at the foot of the mountains. It is necessary from the transition to Yasnodol to go along the main road towards the forest, skipping the first crossroads with an ascent to the mountains, turn left at the round boulder (it is easy to miss the path), go through the bridge and climb the hill, where there will be an entrance to the cave.

The location of the dwarves in the Mercenary Camp in Fable 3:

  1. On the water tower behind the second wooden gate.

The location of the gnomes in the Millfield in Fable 3:

  1. On the rock on the right side of the path when crossing the "pass" from the industrial zone and residential.
  2. On a rock near the waterfall in Chilled Cave. It is necessary at the top of the "pass" from the industrial zone to the residential area to turn towards the statue of Theodore Cohen with a telescope, and not go down to the lake with a gazebo, and go along the path to the reservoir, next to which there will be an entrance to the cave.
  3. On a stalactite behind a pillar at the roundabout in Chill Cave, in the next room from where the second dwarf was hiding.
  4. On the remains of a stone archway in front of the statue of Jeffrey Cohen on a hill, near the destroyed wooden bridge leading to the Isle of the Falters (the bridge can be restored by completing the task to repair it).
  5. On the railing before launching into the water on the pier in front of the Trickster's mansion.

Location of the gnomes in the House of the Setting Sun in Fable 3:

  1. On a boulder by the water, to the right of the ghost house.

The location of the dwarves in the Silverpines in Fable 3:

  1. Above the entrance to the mine in the middle of the village.
  2. On a mining tower on a hill above a village with a mine.

The location of the gnomes on the Isle of Fables in Fable 3:

  1. On a rock by a crashed ship behind the islands.
  2. In a small van in a grove among the hills. From the entrance to the location, you need to keep to the left side all the time, go around the van near the fields on the shore, and go between the boulders along an inconspicuous path without swimming to other islands.

The location of the gnomes in Burning Forest in Fable 3:

  1. On a stone arch at the entrance to the cemetery from the side of the fort.
  2. On the rocks on the roof of the sewers at the exit from the settlement, on the right side of the transition to New Bowerstone City.
  3. Between the crypts next to the round column in the second courtyard of the necropolis, to the descent into the courtyard with an empty pedestal. The entrance to the necropolis is opened in the cemetery by the spirit of Sam during the search for Max in the mission "No One Is Forgotten".

Location of the gnomes in New Bowerville Market in Fable 3:

  1. In the backyard of the "Konura" house at the end of the main street (through the house), next to the "Rooster in the Crown" tavern.
  2. On the city wall separating two quarters. The ascent to the wall is located at the furniture store "We have wood", on the opposite bank from the clock tower.
  3. At the second rise to the city wall separating two quarters.

Location of the gnomes in New Bowerstone City in Fable 3:

  1. In a niche under the bridge next to the factory, where the Trickster dealt with the worker according to the plot.
  2. On the mound in the sewers in the Weasel's lair (after jumping into the water), opposite the orphanage. The task "Abduction" appears near the orphanage after a story conversation with the head of the Rebels, when you need to gain the trust of the inhabitants of the city by collecting 100 Guild Seals for completing side tasks.
  3. On the wall of the building at the beginning of the lane leading to the factory, through which, according to the plot, the heroes ran to the ship to sail to Aurora.
  4. In the cage in the poultry factory from which the chickens were rescued in the mission "Freedom for the Animals", next to the Rebel lair.
  5. On a sewer grate near the ceiling in one of the see-through rooms in the sewer, which can be accessed through a door by the water on the embankment in front of the factory where the Trickster killed the worker. Access to this part of the sewers appears in the task "Search for the Ring", after visiting the Trickster's house along with the leader of the Rebels Paige.

Location of the gnomes in New Bowerville Castle in Fable 3:

  1. On a grate near the ceiling in the kitchen on the first floor.
  2. On the fountain in the garden, to the left of the entrance to the catacombs, through which, according to the plot, an escape is made.
  3. On a stone column at the exit from the corridor to the caves at the beginning of the catacombs, through which, according to the plot, an escape is made.

The location of the gnomes in the Old Quarter of New Bowerstone in Fable 3:

  1. On the chimney of the house, on the right side of the monument to the pig with the rider, in the central square.
  2. On the window of the house above the garden, between the Cheese Cottage and the Utkins House, at the turn of the street to the city garden with a statue.

Dwarf locations in Aurora in Fable 3:

  1. At the roof of the first house in the harbor.
  2. On the arch above the road on the way to the altar on the hill. From the main gate, you need to keep to the left side all the time, walking along the low fence.

Dwarf locations in Shifting Sands in Fable 3:

  1. On a pillar right at the entrance to the location.
  2. On a rock on the left side of the entrance to the Palace of Falling Sands, located at the end of the right gorge from the entrance to the location.
  3. On the wall near the bridge, at the level of the second floor, in front of the entrance to the hall with the Desert Star diamond.
  4. At the top of the cliff in the central gorge from the entrance to the location, before reaching the arch (and the fort under it, if a decision was made to build it during the story).

The location of the gnomes on the Hidden Path in Fable 3:

  1. On the wall on the right side of the entrance to the location, to the area with two statues.
  2. On the sand in front of four statues at the third triangular door with riddles inside, where the golden key is hidden.
  3. On a counter in a collapsed passage, before reaching a room with three multi-colored circles on the floor, inside a cave with riddles behind the third triangular door in the canyon.
  4. On a pillar in front of two statues after the third triangular door with riddles inside.

Gnomes are collectibles in Watch Dogs 2. Each of the situations in which you will find them will be completely different, someone takes a hot tub, and someone is not averse to raising an armed uprising and recreating a revolution. Having collected the required amount - 10, you will receive Dwarven clothing set. In order for the collection to be counted, you need to collect gnomes with a green cap. In this guide, we will tell you about the location of all the gnomes in Watch Dogs 2.

Places with laptops are marked with crosses, gnomes are marked with circles.

Location of the First Notebook

The first laptop needed to activate the collection of gnomes is located under a cozy restaurant near Fisherman's Wharf. On the front side of the restaurant, activate the Jumper and put him under the stairs, there you will find a passage to the ventilation. Following the "gut" at the end of the path, a laptop with a gnome will be waiting for you, which will activate tasks to collect them. Don't forget to take it there.

Location of Dwarves in Watch Dogs 2

You can collect the gnomes in any order, our version of the collection sequence is no better than any other.

Tenderloin Lombard

The first Gnome is located inside the Pawnshop on Tenderloin near the amplifier and other things.

Gang near the Palace of Fine Arts

The next gnome is next to the Palace of Fine Arts. Nearby there will be a gang that will need to be eliminated before starting the collection. In the booth next to the entrance to the protected area you will find a gnome, you will need a Jumper to collect it. Also don't forget to take the research point you need.

Location of Second Notebook

You can find the second laptop in the park located next to the building Channel WKZ. Once there, pay attention to an unremarkable tent in the corner, its insides will be stuffed with gnomes, and a laptop will lie in the depths. Activating it will give you access to the Dwarf clothing set.

The guide will be updated as information becomes available.

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