Can you get pregnant with an ovarian cyst. Can you get pregnant with an ovarian cyst?

Decor elements 18.02.2023
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The modern approach of gynecologists to pregnancy planning involves preliminary diagnosis. Being examined, the couple will protect themselves from problems after conception. Sometimes a potential mother is diagnosed with a tumor of the gonads. Is it possible to get pregnant with an ovarian cyst, they decide only when the reason for the growth of the tumor is clear.

The process of fertilization of the egg by the sperm does not depend on the ovarian cyst. If the female gamete left the follicle, and at the same time sexual intercourse took place, then conception cannot be ruled out. By themselves, ovarian tumors are not able to prevent the physiological process of cell fusion and the formation of an embryo.

The situation is different when the ovarian cyst and infertility are interrelated. The formation of the tumor occurs on the gonad, and it, in turn, performs an important function - it grows the follicle and the egg in it. Certain types of neoplasms can disrupt this process. It is believed that large cysts reduce the likelihood of conception, as they fill more than half of the ovary.

However, this rule is not valid for all tumors. Functional cysts usually do not interfere with ovulation and do not significantly affect menstruation. At the same time, some tumors of a non-functional nature, even with small sizes, can seriously impair reproductive function. Whether a cyst interferes with getting pregnant, not a single doctor will say in absentia. To answer this question, it is necessary to determine the origin, type, size and position of the tumor. Ultrasound will help in the diagnosis.

corpus luteum

The cyst of the corpus luteum of the ovary during pregnancy is quite common. It is formed after ovulation at the site of the ruptured follicle. The corpus luteum got its name from the reddish-orange content. This formation supplies progesterone. It is necessary to maintain normal uterine tone and prevent premature detachment of the endometrium.

A large luteal formation is called a corpus luteum cyst. In fact, this is the same supplier of progesterone, but only in a larger volume. While the egg meets the sperm and descends into the cavity of the reproductive organ, such a tumor will maintain the integrity of the endometrium and prevent the contractile activity of the uterus.

Read about in the detailed article.

If implantation occurs, then the luteal tumor will maintain the correct tone of the myometrium until the placenta is formed. This means that the neoplasm of the corpus luteum, formed on the ovary, plays an important role in conception. Neoplasm not only does not interfere with this process, but contributes to it. In most pregnant women, a corpus luteum cyst is detected at the first ultrasound.

With endometrioid

With an endometrioid ovarian cyst, the likelihood of natural conception is significantly reduced. A tumor of the gonad is caused by the spread of the functional layer of the uterus outside of it. Why the pathological process occurs is not completely known. It is assumed that the cause of genital endometriosis is an imbalance of hormones.

The presence of an endometrioid tumor suggests that the pathological process no longer has the first stage, but the third or fourth. Getting pregnant with such a disease will be problematic. The ovaries stop doing their job correctly, and adhesions form in the pelvis. Even if ovulation occurs with subsequent conception, there is a high probability of an ectopic pregnancy. Adhesive disease will not allow the embryo to reach its target, as a result of which it will have to be implanted in the fallopian tube or on the ovary itself, covered with a layer identical to the lining of the uterus.

Often, an endometrioid cyst is combined with adenomyosis - endometriosis of the uterine cavity. In this condition, uterine pregnancy is unlikely. However, much depends on the severity of the pathological process and the actions of the patient. Getting pregnant with an endometrioid cyst is most likely not going to work, but there are exceptions to every rule.

With paraovarian

Getting pregnant with a paraovarian cyst is real. This neoplasm differs from others in its location and shape. A single-chamber tumor is formed on the ovarian epididymis, mainly due to hormonal, inflammatory, endocrine disorders.

With a small size, the neoplasm does not cause any discomfort and does not affect the function of the reproductive system. If there is a cyst of large volumes (from 5 cm), then it has a leg. Such a tumor also does not prevent conception, but it can become complicated and require emergency surgical intervention. Therefore, if a paraovarian cyst is detected at the planning stage, it is advisable to decide on the need for its treatment.

In certain cases, the factors that caused it can affect conception with a paraovarian cyst. If the tumor is provoked by an infection, then the pathogens can disrupt the growth of the endometrium or cause violations of the secretion of cervical mucus. All this plays an important role in the process of fertilization.

With follicular

The follicular cyst of the left ovary can significantly affect the process of conception. This neoplasm is formed in violation of the production of hormones. According to statistics, a follicular tumor of the right ovary is more often formed. This pattern is associated with a different mechanism of blood supply to the sex glands.

Hormonal imbalance in a certain cycle leads to the fact that the formed follicle does not break in time, but continues to grow. Reaching a size of more than 2.5 centimeters, he is no longer able to covulate and release an egg. The vesicle remains in this Graafian state until the beginning of the next menstruation. Since the female gamete does not leave the place of its formation, it is not able to meet with the spermatozoon. It can be concluded that it will not work to get pregnant.

Despite the logical conclusions, in some cases it is possible to become pregnant with a follicular ovarian cyst. The process of tumor regression takes from one to several months. If in the next cycle ovulation occurs in the ovary opposite the cyst, then conception is likely. It is important that the gonad without a cyst be healthy and function properly. The follicular cyst is not able to affect the course of pregnancy and usually resolves completely by the middle of the gestational period.

With dermoid

Cystic formation on the ovary may be dermoid. Usually it is discovered unexpectedly at the first ultrasound, which is done to the girl. A dermoid cyst does not appear unexpectedly. Tumors of this type are congenital neoplasms. The reason for their formation is a failure in the distribution of germ cells at the time of intrauterine formation of the girl's organs. The cyst includes layers: mesoderm, ectoderm and endoderm. Having an initially small size, the tumor begins to grow under the influence of hormonal changes at the time of puberty. Therefore, the pubertal period and the time after it is the peak of the detection of this pathology.

If you think about whether it is possible to get pregnant with a dermoid-type ovarian cyst, then a positive answer will be found. This neoplasm does not disrupt the functioning of the ovaries and does not affect the hormonal background, if it is not large. When a dermoid cyst is found, doctors evaluate the need for its removal. A neoplasm that is small and does not increase for a long time is kept under control. When the dermoid cyst is large, it is recommended to remove it and only after that plan conception. During pregnancy, the tumor may begin to grow due to a change in hormonal levels.

Is it possible to get pregnant after cyst removal

After removing the ovarian cyst, you can become pregnant, and the chances of a successful conception increase several times. The type of neoplasm and the state of health of the woman will play a decisive role in the prognosis.

Laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst

  • Pregnancy after an endometrioid cyst is possible, but it is necessary to pre-treat and eliminate the cause of the formation of the tumor. For this, the patient is prescribed long-term hormonal therapy. Even the later stages of the disease can be cured with an integrated approach (surgery, drug therapy, physiotherapy).
  • Pregnancy after removal of a dermoid ovarian cyst can occur within 3-6 months. This is how many doctors recommend to refrain from conception. This type of neoplasm is removed if it grows or is already large, and the patient is planning a pregnancy. The operation to remove the dermoid cyst increases the chances of trouble-free gestation.
  • After an operation involving the removal of malignant ovarian tumors, the prognosis will be ambiguous. If the disease is detected at an early stage, and at least part of the gonad was preserved during surgery, pregnancy is possible. However, it is impossible to say how it will affect the further function of the ovaries. The restructuring of the hormonal background can provoke a recurrence of the tumor. For this reason, doctors prefer to remove the entire ovary with a malignant neoplasm, especially if the patient already has children.
  • Surgical intervention for apoplexy or torsion of the cyst stem has a favorable prognosis if it is performed in a timely manner. For most patients, it is possible to save the ovary by removing only part of it. Pregnancy will subsequently occur if the woman has no other obstacles to this.

After a laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst, the chance of becoming pregnant is higher than after a laparotomic operation. The low-traumatic technique prevents many of the complications that usually occur as a result of strip surgery and can prevent pregnancy. Within 1-6 months after the operation, the patient is recommended to protect herself, since the gonads need time to restore the hormonal background. Individual terms and recommendations for rehabilitation are given by the surgeon and gynecologist.

Stress, hard work, environmental conditions - all this cannot but affect the body. The disease is detected most often quite unexpectedly. Sometimes during the examination, a woman is diagnosed with a neoplasm. It may not always become an obstacle to conceiving a child, but almost every woman has a thought - is it possible to get pregnant with an ovarian cyst?

Types of cystic neoplasms

Characteristic signs of neoplasms will be:

  • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • irregular nature of menstruation, disturbed cycle (admissible delay value - 2-3 days);
  • dizziness, bouts of nausea after sexual intimacy and physical overwork;
  • frequent urination;
  • heat;
  • swollen belly;
  • hypotension, hypertension;
  • drastic weight loss.

Cyst types:

  • Follicular. When the follicle does not burst and the egg does not exit into the abdominal cavity, a follicular cyst is formed. Reason: hormonal imbalance. The cyst disappears either by itself or as a result of medication. If it grows more than eight centimeters, then it is removed.
  • Paraovarian. When a secret accumulates in the epididymis, then a paraovarian cyst grows. It may go unnoticed until the moment of examination by a doctor. There are complications when the menstrual cycle goes astray. Suppuration of education is not excluded. The cyst is removed by exfoliation.
  • Endometrioid. There is such a disease - endometriosis, when endometrial tissue goes beyond it. Thus, an endometrioid cyst grows in the ovary. Often asymptomatic, can lead to menstrual irregularities and cause infertility. Such a formation is treated either with medications, or laparoscopy is performed and the cyst (or the entire ovary) is removed.

If you find any of the above symptoms in yourself, then you need to go and be examined without wasting time. The doctor will prescribe:

  • blood test for hormones;
  • computed tomography;
  • laparoscopy.

On examination, it is very similar to the symptoms of a cyst. The doctor will recommend a pregnancy test or ultrasound to rule out a dangerous condition.

Cystic neoplasm of different types

  • Follicular cyst. With this type, conception is possible only when two follicles are formed at once. One of them becomes a cyst, the other is fertilized. Against the background of changes in the hormonal background, the neoplasm sometimes resolves itself within 1-3 months. If the cyst has not disappeared, then it is observed and not touched for no good reason. Remove cysts only larger than 5 centimeters. If the hormonal background is normal, there are no other diseases and the cyst is small, then under such conditions conception is possible. But it's better to be safe. How? When planning a pregnancy, you need to go through such doctors:
    • endocrinologist;
    • therapist;
    • gynecologist.

It is also worth taking tests for hormones and undergoing an ultrasound scan.

  • Paraovarian cyst. If the cyst allows sperm to pass to the egg and does not affect ovulation and egg maturation, then pregnancy is possible.
  • Endometrial cyst. That's when pregnancy is almost impossible, so it's with an endometrioid cyst. Failure of the menstrual cycle and the diagnosis of infertility are the consequences of this neoplasm.

When thinking about an upcoming pregnancy, visiting a gynecologist and undergoing a complete examination is very important. When diseases are detected, it is necessary to be treated.

With an ovarian cyst, you can get pregnant, but it is dangerous to bear. If the cyst continues to grow, surgery may be needed to remove it.

Diagnosis and removal of neoplasm

A cyst that blocks the work of organs, pressing on them, requires prompt removal. The doctor performs a laparoscopy and decides on the need to remove the cyst.

A pregnant woman with a diagnosed cyst is monitored. Surgical intervention will be performed only if there is a threat to the fetus:

  • Rupture of the cyst.
  • Torsion of the leg of education.
  • cyst necrosis.
  • The rapid growth of education.

Chance of having a baby

In 50% of cases, pregnancy occurs after laparoscopy. Each subsequent year takes away 10% of the chance of getting pregnant.

It is better to get rid of the cyst before pregnancy. No doctor will agree that cyst treatment has no effect on conception. It is possible to get pregnant, and yet some complications cannot be avoided. The menstrual cycle after taking hormonal drugs is disturbed. It takes months to recover. If the cyst has grown strongly and the ovary has to be removed, then the likelihood of becoming pregnant decreases.

After removing an ovarian cyst, doctors advise avoiding any physical labor and sexual activity for a month. You can plan the conception of a child after 2-6 months. Before that, you need to visit a gynecologist for diagnosis. The chance of a successful birth is about 85%.

A timely visit to the doctor with minimal malaise or inflammation will help prevent the development of neoplasms.

To increase the possibility of conceiving a child after removing the cyst, you need to follow two rules:

  1. The first is to follow a diet. You can not eat fried or spicy, as well as too salty or smoked meats. Alcohol should be completely forgotten. You need to eat in small portions, but as often as possible - about ten meals. Dishes are cooked in the oven or steamed. Freshly squeezed juices and berry fruit drinks will have a positive impact. It is important to observe the principle of a varied and proper diet, and the doctor must also prescribe vitamins.
  2. The second is the fulfillment of all doctor's prescriptions. This will increase the chances of conception, reduce the risk of miscarriage.

Don't give up. Believe - and the long-awaited miracle will happen. When will pregnancy come? Much depends on the woman, who must comply with all the doctor's prescriptions.

"Is it possible to get pregnant with an ovarian cyst?" - one of the most popular questions of women with this diagnosis. And this is not surprising, because absolutely all gynecologists recommend planning a pregnancy and carefully preparing for the conception of a child. Preparation for such an important event in life helps to prevent possible violations not only in the newborn, but also in the expectant mother herself. One of the main examinations during pregnancy planning is an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. It was then that the woman finds out about the presence of a neoplasm. In most cases, patients are undergoing treatment and are already planning a pregnancy after an ovarian cyst. However, there are those who do not pay attention to the recommendations of the doctor. Some of them successfully give birth to healthy children, while others face sad consequences, even death. So where is the truth? Is it possible to get pregnant with an ovarian cyst, what is the real risk of complications and is it necessary to treat the disease?

The occurrence of a neoplasm on the ovary does not impair reproductive function. Moreover, it is pregnancy that helps the cyst to dissolve on its own. However, this applies only to formations of a benign nature (follicular cyst). Others require constant monitoring and mandatory treatment.

It is possible to get pregnant with an ovarian cyst, but it is not recommended. As the neoplasm grows, it begins to put pressure on neighboring organs, especially interfering with the normal functioning of the ovary itself and the fallopian tubes. So, the follicles do not develop enough, the release of the egg does not occur, as a result of which there is no ovulation. Accordingly, pregnancy does not occur. If, nevertheless, the egg is released, then, most likely, it will not be able to get into the uterus due to the neoplasm of the ovary. In this case, fertilization will occur in the tube and an ectopic pregnancy will occur. Is it worth the risk?

If the woman nevertheless succeeded, then additional examinations and tests are immediately prescribed to her. The specialist constantly monitors the dynamics of the development of education, and if over time it does not decrease in size, but continues to grow or become malignant, a woman is prescribed laparoscopy. According to statistics, only 4-5% of patients during pregnancy undergo surgery to remove the cyst.

There are quite a lot of women who are interested in: “Is it possible to get pregnant with a cyst of the right ovary?” Can. And the left ovary too. The location of the neoplasm does not affect conception.

It is important to note that there were cases when the doctor himself could not accurately diagnose, because he did not know that the woman had a cyst or pregnancy, especially when the pregnancy test was positive. Indeed, if there is a cyst, a pregnancy test may show two stripes. That is why always think about the professionalism of a specialist, read reviews about him, find out the opinions of his other patients.

Types of cysts and their effect on conception

Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict how the neoplasm will behave during pregnancy. Some resolved on their own, while others increased and were removed. However, there are types of cystic formations that do not interfere with conception:

  1. . The small size does not interfere with the onset of pregnancy. Also, a woman should have a stable level of hormones, and no diseases should be present. When planning a child with this diagnosis, it is recommended to visit a therapist, ENT, endocrinologist, gynecologist and take a blood test for hormones.
  2. . Although the formation belongs to tumor-like processes, it does not affect the maturation of the egg and its advancement into the uterine cavity, and does not inhibit the movement of spermatozoa. Pregnancy is possible.

If conception has occurred, it is important to see a gynecologist regularly. There were cases when the neoplasm contributed to the cessation of intrauterine development of the fetus and its death. Moreover, having undergone the necessary treatment, the ovarian cyst reappeared after a missed pregnancy.

How to get pregnant after an ovarian cyst

To get rid of the neoplasm, specialists most often use an operation to remove the cyst - laparoscopy. The recovery period should be calm and comfortable. It is allowed to have sex only three months after the operation, and to try to conceive a child - after six months. The chance of pregnancy is 85%. However, it is better not to rush, but to go through all the necessary examinations for successful fertilization and childbirth.

To increase the chance of conception after surgery, it is recommended:

  • Stick to a special diet. Do not eat anything fatty, fried, smoked. It is best to eat steamed food. So it retains a maximum of vitamins. When planning conception, alcohol should be completely abandoned. To restore the microflora, daily intake of fermented milk products, cereals and freshly squeezed juices is necessary. In addition, the doctor prescribes a course of vitamins.
  • Avoid physical exertion, overwork and stress.
  • If there was surgery, after the operation, adhere to bed rest.
  • Follow all doctor's orders. For example, if a gynecologist prescribed antibiotics, they should be taken.

Is it possible to do IVF with an ovarian cyst

Neoplasm is not a hindrance to in vitro fertilization. Most clinics do not perform surgery, but simply initiate ovulation and collect eggs, trying to fully preserve the ovarian reserve. Thus, ovarian cyst and IVF are compatible. Moreover, the restored hormonal background helps the neoplasm resolve on its own, pregnancy occurs faster and does not affect the bearing of the child.

Preparing for pregnancy, and even more so after learning about it, a woman usually undergoes a comprehensive medical examination. During it, various pathologies and changes can be detected that do not manifest themselves, but, left unattended, can harm both the expectant mother and the fetus. One of these pathologies is an ovarian cyst.

Why do ovarian cysts form during pregnancy?

An ovarian cyst is a pathological tumor-like benign formation, which is a pedunculated cavity filled with fluid and capable of growth due to the accumulation of secretions. It is formed from the follicle, endometrium and other tissues, it can occur in any of the ovaries, its dimensions vary from a few millimeters to twenty centimeters. An ovarian cyst is a very common formation, with a wide range of causes and consequences - some types of cysts are asymptomatic and resolve on their own, some cause severe pain and require surgical intervention.

The exact and unambiguous causes of ovarian cysts during pregnancy are unknown, but there are several factors contributing to the development of this pathology:

  • hormonal problems;
  • the genetic predisposition of the organism;
  • eating disorders;
  • inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs;
  • long-term use of oral contraceptives;
  • disorders of the monthly cycle;
  • abortions;
  • infection in the body;
  • chronic stress.

During pregnancy, the hormonal background of a woman is rebuilt, a stress factor appears, eating behavior changes - in other words, factors increase that increase the chance of an ovarian cyst.

Types of cysts

There are several types of this neoplasm. Depending on the type of cyst, its danger to a pregnant woman and the methods of treatment differ. The follicular cyst and the corpus luteum cyst are functional cysts - capable of self-resorption. Endometrial, paraovarian and dermoid cysts are not prone to this.


This type of cyst takes its name from the endometrium - the inner layer of the uterus. When the reproductive organs are infected or in the presence of a genetic predisposition, endometrial cells and blood clots released during menstruation penetrate into the internal cavity of the uterus, forming a cyst. It can "grow" both on one of the ovaries, and hit both.


As a result of any reasons (infections, inflammatory processes, hormonal imbalance, poor ecology, drug abuse, and much more), a cavity filled with fluid is formed in the appendages - a paraovarian cyst. Usually she does not manifest herself in any way and does not bother a pregnant woman.


The most bizarre type of cyst. It consists, unlike others, not of liquid, but of the epidermis, dermis, hair follicles, sebaceous glands and hair. The reason for its formation is a violation of the intrauterine development of the fetus, a congenital defect. This type of cyst occurs in a woman at the stage of her embryonic development.


A follicular cyst usually occurs when there is a violation of the ovulation process. During normal ovulation, the dominant follicle bursts, releasing the egg. If this does not happen, then liquid may begin to collect in this closed space. There is no pathological proliferation of cells, the size of the cyst increases only due to the accumulation of fluid and stretching of its walls.

Otherwise called a luteal cyst. It also occurs when the ovulation process is disturbed. After the release of the egg from the dominant follicle, a temporary gland remains in its place, called the corpus luteum because of its color. When pregnancy occurs, the gland functions for several more months, subsequently being replaced by the placenta, otherwise it regresses and resolves. If the regression of the corpus luteum for any reason did not occur, due to circulatory disorders, serous or bloody fluid accumulates in it, degenerating it into a cyst.

Photo gallery: types of ovarian cysts

It occurs if the dominant follicle has not burst It is formed as a result of a violation of the ovulation process Location - a cavity in the appendages It usually occurs as a result of endometriosis Unlike the others, it is not filled with liquid, but with hair, teeth, skin and other

Symptoms of education

In most cases, an ovarian cyst does not manifest its existence in any way, being a physiological and not dangerous formation. Often, a woman learns about her new “organ” only during an examination by a gynecologist during an ultrasound examination. The presence of a cyst can also be suspected by pain and symptoms characteristic of diseases or changes in the pelvic organs:

  • pain in the lower abdomen - may indicate complications;
  • enlargement and / or asymmetry of the abdomen - caused by the growth of a cyst;
  • squeezing of organs and vessels - a growing cyst shifts and presses down neighboring organs;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle - caused by an imbalance in the hormonal system;
  • frequent trips to the toilet - frequent urination or flatulence.


If a pregnant woman has found any of the symptoms of an ovarian cyst, she should contact an obstetrician-gynecologist. The following studies are used for diagnosis:

  • manual examination - palpation in the region of the appendages, to determine the approximate location and possible size of the cyst;
  • ultrasound examination - to localize the location of the growth, clarify its size and shape;
  • computed tomography - to determine the type of cyst and the method of attachment;
  • diagnostic laparoscopy - to clarify the type and size of the cyst.

Why is a cyst dangerous during pregnancy, is it possible to get pregnant with a cyst?

As already mentioned, most cases of a functional cyst do not pose a danger in themselves and resolve themselves, without outside interference. An endometrial cyst requires increased attention and, if necessary, surgical treatment. But even functional cysts can lead to complications, so they should be under the constant supervision of a doctor.

Torsion of the leg

The cyst is a sac of fluid attached to the ovary with the help of a "leg". If this "leg" is long enough, the so-called torsion of the leg can occur - as a result of physical activity, the cyst shifts and turns. Vessels in the stalk, providing the neoplasm with blood, are partially or completely pinched. The tissues of the cyst cease to receive nutrition and die, which leads to the appearance of a focus of inflammation. Symptoms of this complication:

  • sharp, "dagger" pain in the lower abdomen;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • high (more than 39 C) temperature;
  • contraction of the abdominal muscles.

Torsion of the leg requires urgent medical attention.

Rupture of an ovarian cyst

Rupture of the cyst may be the result of torsion of the leg or an independent complication. The cyst increases in size due to the fluid filling it, as a result of which the walls of the cyst stretch and become thinner. Increased physical activity, trauma to the abdomen, critically thin walls - all this can lead to rupture of the ovarian cyst. This is accompanied by internal bleeding and outflow of the contents of the cyst into the abdominal cavity. Symptoms:

  • a sharp drop in blood pressure;
  • dizziness and / or loss of consciousness;
  • increased thirst;
  • increased heart rate;
  • blanching of the skin.

If the cyst ruptures, emergency medical attention is needed.

Can you get pregnant with an ovarian cyst

The effect of a cyst on a woman's reproductive health depends on its type and size.

An endometrioid cyst requires treatment and reduces the chance of pregnancy to almost zero. This type of cyst usually occurs against the background of endometriosis - a serious disease that causes the formation of adhesions in the abdominal cavity, narrowing of the lumen of the fallopian tubes and rejection of the fetus due to a pathological change in the structure of the uterine wall. In addition, the appearance of a cyst interferes with the growth of follicles and the appearance of an egg.

A follicular cyst unequivocally prevents the onset of pregnancy in the ovary in which it arose, since when it occurs, an egg is not released. At the same time, she usually does not require treatment and passes on her own, so her appearance is not at all a sentence for conception.

A corpus luteum cyst does not prevent pregnancy, but can become dangerous if it grows to a critical (more than 3 centimeters) size.

How is an ovarian cyst treated during pregnancy?

If a future mother's ovarian cyst is suspected, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo a diagnosis. To determine further actions and, if the situation requires it, treatment tactics, you should know the type of cyst and its size.

waiting tactics

In most cases, doctors prefer not to touch the neoplasm on the ovary in pregnant women, since they themselves do not pose a danger, and the consequences of the operation can be quite unpleasant. They try to minimize surgical interventions in the body of a woman bearing a child, and even more so, without extreme necessity, do not touch the reproductive organs themselves.

If the ovarian cyst does not bother the woman, does not tend to grow, there is no risk of its rupture, then the treatment tactics is reduced to passive monitoring of her condition.

Laparoscopy of the ovaries during pregnancy

If a cyst threatens the health of a woman and a child - it grows rapidly, has critical dimensions, causes severe pain to the pregnant woman, torsion of the leg occurs, rupture or necrosis of the cyst - then an operation is performed to remove it. As a rule, the operation occurs between 14 and 18 weeks of pregnancy. Laparoscopy is performed under inhalation general anesthesia. Three small (from 2 to 5 centimeters) punctures are usually made - in the umbilical region and in the projection areas of the appendages. This reduces the pain syndrome and allows you to do without strong narcotic decongestants, and also accelerates the recovery of the expectant mother after surgery.

Ovarian cyst and childbirth

If by the end of pregnancy the ovarian cyst has not yet been removed and has not regressed, then the doctor raises the question of choosing the method of delivery. In most cases, during childbirth, the neoplasm bursts and leaves the body. In this case, after childbirth, a woman receives a special therapy aimed at stopping the inflammatory process and normalizing the hormonal background. If the cyst has not burst, then it is removed by surgery.

In the case of a particularly large cyst or its condition requiring surgical intervention, the doctor may send the woman for a caesarean section. In this case, the cyst is removed during the operation.


  • physical activity;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • correctly selected contraception as a guarantee of the absence of abortions;
  • taking hormonal drugs only on the recommendation of a doctor;
  • timely and adequate treatment of any diseases of the reproductive organs;
  • proper nutrition with a sufficient amount of essential vitamins and minerals;
  • minimization of stress factors;
  • examination by a gynecologist and the delivery of the necessary tests at least twice a year.


Women who have found neoplasms on the gonads often ask gynecologists if it is possible to get pregnant with an ovarian cyst. To answer this question, it is necessary to examine the patient. After all, the likelihood of pregnancy is directly related to the type and size of the neoplasm.

The effect of cysts on reproductive functions

To understand the peculiarities of the influence of cystic formations on the possibility of getting pregnant, you need to find out what types of them exist:

  • dermoid;
  • endometrioid;
  • follicular;
  • cystomas;
  • cysts of the yellow body;
  • polycystic ovaries.

Practically do not affect the functioning of the reproductive organs: corpus luteum cyst, follicular and dermoid tumors, cystomas. Women who have endometrioid formations, diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome, it is difficult to get pregnant.

Important! The occurrence of certain types of tumors is due to hormonal disruptions. When they appear, the ovulation process may be disrupted. If the egg does not mature in the follicle or cannot be released, the patient will not be able to conceive.

Is pregnancy possible with an ovarian cyst?

Many women manage to get pregnant and bear a child even with diagnosed reproductive health problems. But with an ovarian cyst formed, ovulation is not always possible. If the existing tumor does not prevent the egg from maturing and leaving the follicle, a woman can become pregnant.

With a cyst of the corpus luteum

A cystic neoplasm in place of the corpus luteum forms after ovulation. It occurs in cases where the corpus luteum, formed in place of the released egg, degenerates into a cystic formation.

It doesn't interfere with conception. Often, luteal tumors are found during pregnancy. Their appearance is associated with hormonal imbalance in the body and circulatory disorders in the ovaries. A functional ovarian cyst does not affect the course of pregnancy. It produces progesterone, like a normal corpus luteum.

With endometrioid cyst

Endometrioid neoplasms appear when intensive growth of tissues begins, identical to the mucous layer of the uterus. Such structures are covered with a thick capsule, and there may be adhesions on their surface. Inside endometriotic heterotopias are the remnants of blood that is released during menstruation.

It is almost impossible to get pregnant with endometriosis neoplasms. Often these problems are detected in women who come to the gynecologist with complaints of infertility. They are located both on the right and on the left ovary. Endometrial growths are detected on the fallopian tubes, the outer uterine layer, in the pelvic cavity. In order for the patient to become pregnant, gynecologists recommend first removing cystic neoplasms.

Sometimes endometrioid cysts of the right and left ovaries are diagnosed during pregnancy. In the presence of endometrioid heterotopias, there is an increased risk of spontaneous abortion. If they are small in a pregnant patient, do not compress the internal organs, there are no contraindications to pregnancy and childbirth. It is important that a woman during the period of gestation be under medical supervision.

With paraovarian cyst

A paraovarian neoplasm is a benign tumor that is located between the fallopian tube, ovary, uterine broad ligament. It is a cavity with liquid inside. The main reason for the appearance is considered to be a violation of the process of intrauterine laying of the genital organs.

If the formation is small, pregnancy with such an ovarian cyst is possible. Large tumors provoke the appearance of infertility, they also lead to disruption of the process of urination, defecation. Doctors recommend removing large structures, they do not resolve themselves.

With follicular cyst

Most often, follicular tumors appear in girls during puberty. They occur with equal frequency in the left and right gonads. In the absence of associated reproductive health problems, follicular cystic structures do not interfere with pregnancy and gestation. When carrying a child, the hormonal background changes, as a result, the follicular ovarian cyst in pregnant women resolves by 16-20 weeks.

In some patients, against the background of the formed follicular tumors, estrogen begins to be produced in increased quantities. This leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle, the appearance of acyclic bleeding. To normalize the cycle, the gynecologist may prescribe conservative treatment. With the right selection of drugs, recovery occurs after 2 months.

For dermoid cyst

Dermoid formations are benign tumors of the female gonads. They can grow up to 15 cm in diameter. Dermoid tumors include:

  • hair;
  • sex, sebaceous glands;
  • nervous, connective, muscle, adipose tissue.

Inside, the neoplasms are filled with jelly-like contents. The most common dermoid cyst of the right ovary during pregnancy. If it is small, does not put pressure on neighboring internal organs, they do not touch it during gestation. But the patient must be under close medical supervision.

If a dermoid formation is detected, before conception, it must be removed immediately. In some cases, a partial excision of the ovarian tissue is also carried out.

How does an ovarian cyst affect pregnancy?

To avoid unpleasant surprises, before you get pregnant, you need to be examined. If tumors are detected, the gynecologist may recommend conservative or surgical treatment. If an ovarian cyst was detected during early pregnancy, the woman's condition should be monitored. Drug treatment during this period is not used.

Small cystic formations do not affect the course of pregnancy. If a future mother has a follicular cystic structure, it should resolve on its own. Its disappearance is associated with a change in hormonal levels. Tumor-like formations of the corpus luteum may disappear at the beginning of the 2nd trimester, but some functional structures remain until the very birth.

Warning! Neoplasms of large sizes are dangerous for the life of the fetus and mother. When they are detected, patients are advised to observe bed rest. Independent childbirth in such situations is not practiced. Women are scheduled for a planned caesarean section.

Is it possible to give birth with an ovarian cyst: possible difficulties

The choice of the method of delivery in cystic formations in each case is carried out individually. If the patient has functional neoplasms, the diameter of which is not large, there are no contraindications for natural childbirth.

For large neoplasms, doctors recommend a caesarean section. There is a high risk of developing complications in the form of rupture of the cystic tumor or torsion of its legs. This can lead to intra-abdominal bleeding and peritonitis. Neoplasms can also interfere with the passage of the child through the birth canal. During abdominal surgery, the tumor is immediately removed.

Can an ovarian cyst be removed during pregnancy?

When detecting cystic formations in expectant mothers, gynecologists recommend only observing them. But if the ovarian cyst grows at the same time as the pregnancy is getting longer, the doctor may suggest removing it.

Urgent surgical intervention is required in cases where a woman complains of dagger pains in the abdomen, deterioration of health, and a drop in blood pressure. This condition indicates the development of surgical pathology.

If possible, the removal of an ovarian cyst during pregnancy is carried out using laparoscopy. If it is not possible to perform a laparoscopic operation, a lower median incision is performed. This allows you to keep the pregnancy.

ovarian cyst and infertility

With the appearance of certain types of tumors, a woman's menstrual cycle is disturbed, problems with reproductive health appear. If the luteal ovarian cyst and pregnancy are compatible, with endometriosis, large paraovarian formations, difficulties arise in order to become pregnant. In some patients, problems with conception are caused by follicular cystic tumors.

If neoplasms cause infertility, treatment is prescribed. Depending on their type, the doctor may recommend drug therapy or surgical treatment. It is better to remove the tumor in a timely manner than to try to get pregnant with it. Even if pregnancy occurs, there is a possibility of developing complications when carrying a child.


Many women who have identified various neoplasms on the gonads are worried about whether it is possible to get pregnant with an ovarian cyst. With some types of tumors, there are no problems with conception and bearing. But there are cysts that provoke the development of infertility. You can understand their types, find out how they affect the ability to get pregnant, from the video

Pregnancy with an ovarian cyst: reviews

Veronika Vasilyeva, 38 years old, Kirov

As practice has shown, with an ovarian cyst, you can get pregnant. I did not prepare for pregnancy in advance, I did not undergo any examinations. I had my first ultrasound at 8 weeks. During the examination, I was told that on the left was a benign follicular neoplasm measuring 45 mm. But with ultrasound at 22 weeks, the tumor was no longer found.

Irina Kapatorova, 27 years old, Moscow

I went to the doctor after 2 years of unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant. During the examination, I was diagnosed with endometrioid tumors. The doctor ordered laparoscopic surgery to remove them. After surgery, pregnancy was allowed only six months later.

Marina Dimirova, 31, Ryazan

After the detection of a follicular tumor-like formation on an ultrasound, the doctor said that I would not be able to get pregnant until I underwent treatment. But the very next month I saw a positive test, with an ovarian cyst I managed to get pregnant. At the moment, the child is already 4 months old, there were no problems with bearing and childbirth.

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