Height of handrails, railings, staircase railings according to GOST. GOSTs and SNiPs for stair railings

The buildings 16.07.2023
The buildings
6137 10/06/2019 6 min.

If a private house has two or more floors, the question of the need for a staircase between these floors will certainly arise. The requirements for a staircase structure come down to two main points: mandatory safety for all family members and external presentability and compliance with the style of the house. We'll talk about the first point - security - in the article. When going up and down stairs, you need to eliminate the possibility of injury, and handrails play a major role in protecting against bodily harm. They must be high enough (which is why height is taken into account as one of the first factors) to suit all household members, strong and reliable to withstand many years of use without failure. In this article, we will take a closer look at the issue of handrails on the stairs in a private house: we will find out what size they should be and how to correctly calculate this size.

GOST standards for railings for stairs in private houses

The dimensions of railings in private houses, although they are not regulated by GOSTs, however, it does not hurt to listen to generally accepted standards: they are developed taking into account many factors that the common person is not even aware of. Let's find out what state standards say about handrails on stairs in private houses.

The established height of handrails in a residential building.

First, state regulations state that any staircase with more than three steps must have side rails. This rule does not affect extensively constructed external staircases: in this case, they often make do with a low parapet on one side, or even without it at all.

Read also about how a spiral staircase is calculated.

If the flight of stairs is no more than 125 cm wide, then one handrail can be installed, but only if there is a wall or a reliable permanent partition structure on the other side.

If the march has a width from 125 to 250 cm, it requires the presence of railings on both sides. If the width of the march is even more impressive, experts recommend dividing it in the middle with another additional handrail.

If the staircase is not straight, but curved, it should also have handrails on both sides. And the screw structure is equipped with one handrail, but only because the second edge of the steps faces the axial pillar and is attached to it.

You may also be interested in information about convenient.

Set the height of the railings in the house using common sense and not forgetting about GOST standards. Compliance with these established regulations guarantees safe climbing of the stairs, and eliminates your fault if an accident occurs.


Let's find out which type of railings on stairs in private homes is considered the most preferable.

Continuous fencing of the stairs is the most reliable and capital option, which ensures complete safety. However, such railings are not used in private houses: this option is intended more for stairs located in public buildings. In private construction, a solid version of the railing can be used to enclose an external staircase, and have a purely symbolic height.

You probably also want to know about metal stair railings, which you can read about.

Lattice railings are the most common option. Externally, they look like vertical columns - of any shape, design, and made of different materials.

In addition, you may need existing ones.

Combined railings are a combination of the two above-mentioned types. Handrails here are usually attached to posts, between which solid panels made of glass, plastic, wood or metal are installed.


Let's find out what the standard sizes of railings on stairs in a private house are.

State standards place special emphasis on the height of the railings - as their most important indicator. If the fences are too low, it will be unsafe and inconvenient, but if they are too high, it will again be inconvenient and not very aesthetically pleasing.

How to attach balusters to steps and railings is described in detail.

Size Requirements

The minimum height of this most important element of the staircase must be no less than 90 cm. The same applies not only to the internal staircase, but also to the structure opening onto the attic or attic. This parameter (90 cm) was not dreamed of by the compilers of regulations and state standards: it clearly corresponds to the height of an average person (namely, the segment between the end of a freely hanging arm and the floor).

It is impossible to lower the established 90 cm height of the handrails, but it is possible to make it higher. For example, high handrails are required for those houses where people with mental disabilities live.

Important parameters of a home staircase.

An external staircase in a private house must have a railing height of at least 120 cm. All railings should be at the same level: this makes it easier to move around and looks harmonious.

There must be at least 40 cm of free distance from the handrail to the wall.

He will tell you how to make a spiral staircase.

If there are small children, then it is advisable to install an additional handrail for them, running parallel to the main one, but having a smaller height. This will make it much easier for children to move up the stairs and save them from possible falls and bruises. The optimal height of the railing for children is 65 cm.

For safe movement on stairs, not only the height, but also the angle of inclination of the railing is important. This angle should be from 20 to 45 degrees, and should not go beyond the designated limits.

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Other Important Requirements

In addition to the height of the railing, it is important to take into account some other nuances, which are also very important. Let's tell you more about them.

  • The load on the railing should be no more than 30 kg per meter.
  • The thickness of the handrail must be at least 5 cm in cross section.
  • There should be at least 5-7 cm of free distance from the handrail to the wall.
  • If the flight of stairs is straight, it must be equipped with handrails on both sides. But if the width of the staircase is less than 80 cm, the rule may not be followed.
  • If a person with disabilities lives in the house, then the height of the handrails can be adapted to suit him: this is quite acceptable, and even necessary.

Structure: balusters, handrails, slats

Let's find out what elements the railings are made of. This information will make it easier to cope with home finishing work and provide the staircase with reliable and strong protection elements.

Standard railings consist of:

  • balusters (or - racks);
  • handrails, which are also accompanied by additional handrails;
  • underbalance strips;
  • and, of course, the fasteners that connect all the above elements.

In addition, choosing the option of a two-flight staircase will help.


When choosing a material for railings, think first not about style and external effect, but about the safety of those living in the house. Therefore, if the question is - beauty or reliable protection, it is better to choose the latter option. And ideally, combine them. Let’s find out what materials stair railings and railings can be made of.

First of all, it must be said that according to fire safety requirements, staircase railings should not be easily flammable: after all, the staircase is one of the main escape routes. In order for, say, wooden railings to obtain this property, they are treated with special compounds that ensure non-flammability.

Typically, the following types of materials are used to make railings for the stairs of a private house:

  • tree (most often);
  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • glass;
  • concrete;
  • combination of different materials.

Find out more about what steps for stairs made of porcelain stoneware look like in.

If the style of the house is classic or currently fashionable ecological style, wooden railings will fit into the interior in the best possible way.

The metal produces openwork forged railings, suitable for sophisticated interiors. Very often, metal railings are attached to spiral staircases. Metal protective elements forged in a fancy pattern create the impression of weightlessness and lightness and expand the space.

The selected metal should not rust, so the most preferred option is stainless steel: it is both durable and corrosion-free.

Glass fencing is best suited for those homes where there are no small children. Transparent material is unsafe for children, who, having played too much, may not notice the fence at all. But if there are no small children living in the house, you can install stylish fencing made of tempered, reinforced or laminated glass, which has increased strength.

A few additional tips for a more competent approach to arranging a staircase in a private home.

It is very important to maintain the correct distance between the posts (balusters) of the railing: it should not be more than 1-1.2 m. Compliance with this rule prevents children from falling down the stairs, and generally increases the overall safety of the structure.

All handrails that family members and guests will hold onto must be well polished: free from roughness, protruding pieces of material, and other dangerous defects.

Vertical posts should be attached to the steps as rigidly as possible. This will ensure the reliability of the entire structure and the safety of people’s movement.

Video about installing stair railings

Video showing installation of staircase railings:

We looked at the design features of the railings on the stairs in a private house. As you can see, these important protective elements have certain requirements that are best observed to ensure the safety of your household. Using our advice, you can accurately set the required railing height that suits your home.

When drawing up projects for industrial and residential buildings, state norms and standards are applied to the design of internal and external staircases. According to them, the result obtained is completely safe for movement. In such projects, special attention is paid to the parameters of handrails.

Required railing height

According to the standards, the minimum height of fences is considered to be 90 cm. Such fences can be installed in residential buildings, administrative institutions, office buildings and branches, as well as in places of mass trade (shops, supermarkets, shopping centers). If the gangway is assembled for a two-story private house, the same conditions must be taken into account. But when installing steps, it is important to take into account not just comfort, but also the average height of the person living in this building.

There is a GOST for the height of the railings

Important! The emphasis is often on the tallest resident of the house. The best option in this case can be determined by focusing on the distance from the floor to the palm of an outstretched arm.

In some cases, the supports are equipped with only a few steps. This number of steps is relevant for the porch of premises with high traffic. There are requirements and standards for the height of such stair railings. According to state standards, the height of the railings of small steps should be 80 cm.

What determines the height of the railing?

The main parameter of supports for stairs is to ensure the safety of people who will move along them. The height of the supports may be different, but it must be fully designed to fulfill its intended purpose. When choosing the height of handrails for stairs according to GOST, the minimum standards of SNiP must also be taken into account. These legislations specify clear rules that completely depend on the purpose of the structure in which the structure will be installed.

In this video you will learn how to determine the height of the railing:

General norms and standards according to GOST

The main criterion for the safety of steps is the length of the handrails that are installed on it. During the design of gangways and fences, the minimum requirements established according to GOST documentation must be taken into account. Only in some cases can you deviate slightly from them.

Basic standards:

  1. Width. This parameter should not be more than 7 cm, but the minimum can be less than 3 cm. The exception in this case are structures that belong to ceremonial buildings. These structures can have a width of more than 7 cm. But, regardless of deviations from the standards, a person who has lost his balance should quite easily grab the support firmly and not get injured.
  2. Spacing between balusters. He can't shoot more than half a meter. Sagging of balusters is not allowed in any structures. In the case when the pitch of the installed balusters exceeds 12 cm, horizontal crossbars must be additionally installed to them. The exception is kindergartens. In them, the interval between balusters is more than 12 cm.
  3. Parameters according to GOST. When constructing steps with guardrails, minimum standards must be met. Not in all cases the dimensional parameters of staircase railings are observed. An exception may be structures with an increased risk of injury or uncomfortable use of supports during movement. In kindergartens, supports may be installed that deviate from the recommendations. Also, houses with people with limited physical abilities may deviate from the standard height for stair railings.

Deviation from the minimum requirements adopted in the state standard is allowed only if the parameters of people were taken into account during the installation of the gangway. For tall or short people, you need to create supports of a suitable size; comfort for them is the basis when using the steps.

Requirements for the height of the railing, depending on the type of room

Many people are interested in the question: how high should the railing be? There is no common denominator for the organization of work, since the requirements for compliance with minimum indicators when installing fences completely depend on the type of room in which the installation will be carried out.

Parameter standards according to GOST for different types of buildings:

  1. Preschool institutions. The most optimal height of the railings should be from 50 cm. If buildings are frequently visited, then the gangway is equipped with additional supports with dimensions of up to 90 cm. Vertical posts of fences are also installed according to the standard. The documents indicate that the distance between the vertical posts of the handrails should not be more than 15 cm.
  2. Schools. According to the state standard, in such institutions the dimensions of the installed structure are at least 1.2 m. In these institutions, handrails protect the child from accidental falls. This is very important, because primary school children actively move and run around during breaks. If this is a school or institution for mentally retarded children, a mesh with parameters of 1.5 meters or more is installed as a fence, which guarantees additional protection.
  3. Firefighting ladders. All buildings should be equipped with such facilities, regardless of their intended purpose. At the exit from the building there must be a platform for evacuation of people, which is fenced with supports with parameters of 1.2 meters.
  4. Outdoor installation sites. For such sites, handrails are provided according to construction SNiP with a height of 1 meter.

Each establishment has its own requirements

Standard height of handrails on stairs according to GOST

Any design is convenient to use only in cases where a certain distance is maintained between the main components, namely the risers and the tread. Such indicators are not fundamental, but it is recommended to follow them for ease of use.

Steps in a residential area must meet the following requirements:

  1. General dimensions of the approach and two risers. Data of this nature should be the same as the step distance of the average person. The step distance varies from 60 to 65 cm. According to the documentation, the height of the step is 10-12 cm. As for the width standard, it should be from 20 to 40 cm.
  2. The standard height of handrails on a staircase in a private house is considered to be 90 cm or more. The width of the handrails should be no more than 7 cm, and vertical balusters are installed at a distance of 12 cm from each other. If the interval between them is increased, horizontal crossbars are additionally used.

Attention! If such requirements were taken into account during design, use becomes more comfortable and, most importantly, safe.

In conclusion, let us remind you that during the manufacture of stairs and installation of fences, it is necessary to comply with all standards of GOST and SNiP documentation. Do not forget about the use of high-quality material and adherence to the correct technology, because the comfort of operation of the structure and the safety of people also depend on this.

Have you ever noticed that when going up or down the stairs, out of habit, we try to grab the railing with our hand. On a subconscious level, we feel safer when we hold on to a handrail. Therefore, it is important to follow all the rules for installing railings; they must be of the correct height and have the correct design.

Some novice craftsmen designing flights of stairs do not think about this, but in vain. In this article we will reveal all the important points that you need to pay attention to when planning the railings, and also consider the types of stair railings. Remember: the most important thing is to initially establish the correct dimensions of the railing at the planning stage.

Requirements for various staircase elements

Stair railing design

When starting to design a staircase, it is important to take into account not only such aspects as design and ease of use, but also regulatory documents that establish standards for different types of stairs.

The design of the railing is described:

  • SNiP IV–14–84, section. “Staircase structures” and “Staircases of residential buildings”;
  • GOST 23120–78, “Stairs, landings and steel fences.”

There are cases when experts rely on other norms, but for now we will limit ourselves to this basic list. Of course, this applies to those who are renovating or building a house for themselves. If the work is carried out to order, in this case you will have to agree on the dimensions of all elements with the customer and the relevant authorities.

So, what do the regulations say about step railings?

The first thing you need to know is that your staircase must have railings if it has more than 3 steps. By the way, this requirement does not apply to external capital structures within the same household. Although, even in this case, it is worth installing at least parapets on the sides that will prevent it from falling.

The installation of railings also depends on the size of the flight of stairs. If the flight width is no more than 125 cm, then you will only need to install one handrail, but this is only if the span, on the other hand, is limited by a permanent partition or wall.

For spans with a width of 125 to 250 cm, it is imperative to install railings on the sides of the stairs. If the march is even wider, then experts recommend installing an additional handrail in the center.

If we are talking about curved stairs, then they have railings mounted on both sides. But screw structures are usually fenced on only one side, and all because the second staircase edge is attached to the axial pillar.

Fences and railings can be made in a variety of designs:

  1. The safest are solid ones, which are prefabricated or monolithic panels that are installed on the sides of a flight of stairs. As a rule, these fences are used in public buildings. In private buildings, a monolithic barrier is rarely found, only when constructing an external stepped rise.
  2. The most common designs are lattice. These are handrails that are installed on supporting vertical posts. The space between the support pillars can be filled with vertical balusters or inclined rods. Such elements not only serve as support for the handrail, but also as protection against falls.
  3. Combined handrails - they combine some of the features of the two above-mentioned types. Here the handrails are fixed to the posts, and panels made of glass, plastic, wood, metal, etc. are mounted between them.

Height of fences

The height of stair railings is one of the most important parameters and you must adhere to the dimensions according to GOST. If you violate it, you may not only fine, but it will simply be inconvenient for you to go down or up the stairs with very low railings. Add to this the risk of falling from a height. Let's look at the requirements that are put forward for railings in current regulatory documents:

  1. The railing of a wooden staircase in a residential building should not be lower than 90 cm.
  2. The size of the staircase fencing and the entrance area to the stairs leading to the attic should not be less than 90 cm.
  3. The height of the railings on the external stairs should not be less than 120 cm.
  4. In rooms where children are constantly present, for example, in educational institutions, the railings should not be lower than 118 cm.

In addition to the railings, you can also install wall handrails, which are designed to make it easier to move up the steps. They are also must be installed according to the following rules:

  1. The height of the wall handrail should be equal to the height of the handrail on the free edge of the stairs.
  2. The distance from the wall to the handrail should not be less than 4 cm. The standard design provides for a distance of 7.5 cm from the center of the handrail.

If you are building a house for yourself, and you have children in your house, then you can install an additional handrail on the existing railing, slightly lower than the main one. At what height you install the additional handrail, the height of the handrails and the height of the stair railings depends on how old the child is.

Other items

Not only the dimensions of handrails and railings are determined by standards.

The maximum slope is 1:1.25. In some situations, it is allowed to build staircase structures at an angle of 20 to 450 inside the building.

Within the same span, the steps must be made in the same size. The offset can be up to +/- 5 mm horizontally and vertically. This norm does not apply to the first stage, because it can be partially recessed into the floor covering.

There should be no more than 18 steps in one flight.

The dimensions of the steps are also defined very strictly:

  • step height from 125 to 210 mm;
  • width from 210 to 355 mm.

If the staircase is made in a curved shape, then in the narrowest part of the step there should not be less than 15 cm wide, and in the center - at least 20 cm.

The areas between flights should not be narrower than the stairs adjacent to them.

Methods for making different types of fencing


Wooden railings are the easiest to manufacture; they are assembled from 3 basic elements:

  • support pillars (pedestals);
  • handrails;
  • baluster

For production, deciduous and coniferous wood is used. Perfect fit oak, cedar, and larch. Birch, alder, birch and pine will become more affordable in price. You can make wooden railings with your own hands only if you have a woodworking machine. And even then, the whole process will take you a lot of time. Interesting fact: the famous expression “turning balusters” refers to the process of working on balusters on a lathe. The phrase itself hints to you that the work is tedious and lengthy.

Workpieces should always be treated with an antiseptic and then opened with varnish. In some cases, it is allowed to varnish after installing the railings. By the way, the installation of wooden railings is carried out after the installation of other elements of the staircase structure is completed.


Metal fencing are durable and reliable. However, they are expensive and difficult to manufacture. If you are limited on budget or time, this may be a barrier for you.

The material used is a profile pipe, because metal fences made of profile pipes are most often installed on external staircase structures.

The staircase can also be made of metal, or of brick, concrete or stone. If your staircase is made of stone or brick, then in this case it is important to think about installing metal mounting plates at the places where the handrail is attached.

Prefabricated with glass filling

Glass is used very often in interior design today. That is why no one is surprised anymore when they see glass panel railings.

In order to make such a fence, you need to order panels made of heat-resistant glass or triplex. Ordinary glass, even very dense glass, should not be used, because... the fence will be fragile and unreliable.


When designing and building internal staircase structures, do not lose sight of a single detail, check every step with regulatory documents. This applies to such parameters as the height of the railings on the stairs, the size of the steps, and the design of the railing. Remember that meeting the requirements of GOSTs and SNiPs will not only lead you to a staircase design that will bring you comfort, but also the safety of your entire family.

When designing residential and industrial buildings, state standards and norms are used for arranging internal and external staircases. An important parameter regulated by GOST is the height of the stair railing.

The regulatory documents that define the basic parameters for fencing include the following norms and standards: GOST 23120-78, SNiP IV–14–84, GOST 25772-83, GOST R 51261-99, SNiP 2.08.01-89, SNIP 2.08.02 -89, SNIP 2.08.02-89. They describe the requirements for the height of railings on stairs in a private house, in industrial premises and public buildings, and determine the dimensions of railings for balconies, loggias and roofs.

The need to standardize the size of stair railings is associated with maintaining sufficient safety measures for people inside and outside the premises. The dimensions of the span width and height of the barrier are provided for by fire safety standards.

The minimum height of handrails on stairs should be 90 cm.

General requirements for fencing

A standard requirement for the organization of stair railings is the obligation to install handrails on flights with a number of steps of three or more. Other regulations provide specific guidelines for structural dimensions for each type of structure. These include:

  • The minimum width of a flight of stairs, measured along the inner surface of the railing, cannot be less than 90 cm.
  • For interior spaces, the height of the staircase railing should be 90 cm. This standard applies to administrative buildings and residential buildings with two or more floors.
  • For fencing of staircases installed on the street, structures with a height of 120 cm or more are made.
  • If the width of the flight of stairs exceeds 125 cm, it is recommended to install handrails on both sides of the stairs. In cases where the width of the flight of stairs exceeds 250 cm, a separator is organized in the middle of the flight, which allows streamlining the flow of visitors.
  • A flight of stairs, one part adjacent to the main wall of the building and having a width of 125 cm or more, in addition to the external fence, is equipped with a special handrail securely fixed to the wall.
  • Stairs that have a non-standard, curved configuration, and are spaced from the wall of the building, must be equipped with barriers on each side.
  • Railings used for flights of stairs leading to the attic, attic or basement must be at least 90 cm high.

The fence height standard of 90 cm is valid for the average height of an adult and teenagers, but in some cases, in places where only adults are located or during individual construction, it is possible to install handrails at a height of 110 cm.

GOST imposes special requirements for the processing of materials used for the manufacture of fences. All railing joints must be carefully adjusted, and the railings themselves must be sanded.

Stair railings must withstand a load of at least thirty kilograms per linear meter. This requirement suggests providing the required number of vertical fencing posts that support the railings. More frequent installation of balusters allows them to withstand these loads.

When organizing wall railings, it is necessary to provide for the location of the holding brackets at a distance of 0.5 m from each other.

The standard for evacuation and fire escape stairs for load per linear meter is 54 kg.

Requirements for the height of railings and fences

For buildings and structures for various purposes, GOST requirements provide special standards that are designed to ensure fire safety and ease of use of stairs. Standard sizes are provided for the following structures:

  • flights of stairs located in residential, public and industrial buildings;v
  • stairs in kindergartens and other preschool institutions;
  • fencing of balconies and loggias;
  • fencing of open gazebos, terraces and verandas;
  • ramps for the disabled.


The distance from the floor surface to the top of the handrail should be 0.9 m - these are the requirements for the height of the handrail on the stairs. GOST 25772-83 provides this size for private houses, public and industrial buildings, residential high-rise buildings, shops.

Some public buildings have three flights of stairs. According to the regulations, such flights do not need to be equipped with a handrail, but if there is a lot of traffic from visitors to this institution, it is recommended to equip the stairs with a fence. There are no special height requirements in this case, but most often it is from 80 to 90 cm.

Balconies and loggias

The height of the railing on the balcony is a barrier that ensures the safety of people on the upper floors in residential and public buildings. The minimum size of a balcony railing is considered to be a railing height of 120 cm or more. This size allows you to reliably protect small children from accidentally falling out of the balcony or loggia.

Modern standards allow for panoramic glazing of loggias and balconies, but for the construction of the lower part of the fence it is necessary to use materials of increased strength that can cope with lateral loads.

Terraces and verandas

When constructing open terraces and verandas at a height of more than 30 cm from ground level, it is necessary to provide railings. Regulates the height of the railings on the terrace according to GOST 25772-83.

The optimal height of the fence for terraces and verandas is considered to be 110-120 cm. This size makes it possible to prevent a fall and also allows a person to comfortably lean on the railing, and therefore balusters for an outdoor area should be selected taking into account this standard.

The height of the railings on the veranda, as well as the distance between the balusters, should not interfere with a comfortable view from a sitting position.

Ramp guards for disabled people

When making handrails for ramps, it should be taken into account that an applied load of 50 kg at any level must be successfully withstood by the structure. When designing handrails for ramps, the following rules must be observed:

  • The optimal design of handrails for ramps is considered to be the organization of two levels, which are located parallel to the angle of descent from the flight;
  • the top handrail is installed at a height of 90 cm;
  • the lower handrail is installed at a height of 70 cm;
  • to ensure comfortable descent and ascent, the handrail is equipped with a 30 cm reach beyond the outer fence post;
  • both handrails must be securely fastened to the base of the fence and connected to each other;
  • if a single-tier handrail is used to enclose a ramp, it is additionally secured to adjacent walls or other structural elements.

If a porch with a ramp is equipped in a children's institution, it is necessary to install a second additional handrail at a height of 0.5 m so that the child can reach the railing when descending or ascending.

Requirements depending on the type of premises

Kindergartens and other preschool institutions

Stair railings in these institutions are installed at a height of 50 cm. If there is a large flow of visitors, an additional handrail for adults is installed at a height of 90 cm.

For preschool institutions, there is a standard that determines the distance between the vertical posts of the fence. The gap between the balusters should not exceed 15 cm.


In schools, at the request of GOST, fences with a height of 120 cm or more are installed. This requirement is due to the need to restrain the child from accidentally falling. The activity of younger schoolchildren during recess is quite high, so such a high barrier to the opening is required for safety.

For special schools and educational institutions for mentally retarded children, stair railings are made of metal mesh at a height of 1.5 to 1.8 m.

Fire escapes

All buildings whose height exceeds one floor are equipped with these structures. The guardrails of fire escape and escape stairs at the exit site should be 120 cm.

Outdoor installation sites

This design provides for the installation of fencing with a height of 100 cm.

In addition to the listed requirements for the height of fences, there are standards regulating the width of the railings (from 30 to 70 mm) and the distance between the vertical posts (no more than 50 cm).

Video on the topic


According to SP 1.13130.2009, clause 5.4.20, amendment 1 and SNiP 31-01-2003, clause 8.3 - The height of the railings of stairs, balconies, loggias, terraces, roofs and in places of dangerous differences must be at least 1.2 m. Flights of stairs and landings must have fences with handrails.

According to SP 59.13330.2012, clause 5.2.15, handrails should be located at a height of 0.9 m.

In accordance with SP 54.13330.2011, clause 8.3, the height of fences for external flights of stairs and landings, balconies, loggias, terraces, roofs and in places of dangerous differences must be at least 1.2 m. Flights of stairs and landings of internal stairs must have fences with handrails at least 0.9 m high.

According to SP 1.13130.2009 “Fire protection systems. Evacuation routes and exits”, paragraph 4, paragraph six of paragraph 4.3.4 should be stated as follows: “If the height of stairs is more than 45 cm, fences with a height of at least 1.2 m with railings should be provided.”

At what height should railings be placed, and what types of stairs do these requirements apply to?


The height of fences on external flights of stairs and landings, balconies, loggias, terraces, roofs and in places of dangerous differences must be at least 1.2 m.

Flights of stairs and landings of internal stairs must have railings with handrails at least 0.9 m high.


The height of the fences of external flights of stairs and landings, balconies, loggias, terraces, roofs and in places of dangerous differences must be at least 1.2 m by virtue of clause 8.3 of SNiP 31-01-2003.

Flights of stairs and landings of internal stairs must have fences with handrails no less than 0.9 m high in accordance with clause 1.6 of GOST 25772-83. Steel fencing for stairs, balconies and roofs. General technical conditions”.

GOST 25772-83 is voluntary, but it is the only document to which the above SNiP refers, establishing the height for flights of stairs and landings of internal stairs.

During the transition period, SP 1.13130.2009 does not cancel the validity of SNiP 01/31/2003 (letter of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated 08/15/2011 N 18529-08/IP-OG).

Height of fencing of external and internal flights of stairs
Height of fencing of external and internal flights of stairs Question: According to SP 1.13130.2009, clause 5.4.20, amendment 1 and SNiP 31-01-2003, clause 8.3 – Height of fencing of stairs, balconies, loggias, terraces,

Calculating the height of the railings

Railings are barriers along the edges of the stairs that are installed for safe movement along them. The height of the staircase railing is a very important indicator, and it must be taken into account when designing. Such structures can be used not only to protect steps, but also in the construction of balconies, terraces, etc.

In addition, stair railings can act as handrails and help when ascending or descending steps. Their length should be commensurate with the length of the steps.

What are the railings made of?

In order to properly assemble a staircase, you need to know well all the elements that are necessary for construction. In addition to the steps, there are many more components. Railings, for example, consist of:

  • racks (in other words - balusters),
  • handrails,
  • handhold,
  • sub-balustrades,
  • fastenings.

When selecting materials for the structure, one must not forget about the main function of the railing – protective. This means that they must be of high quality. Particular attention should be paid to the fences on the balcony, because their instability may well cost lives. Falling from several steps is one thing, but from a height of at least the 2nd floor is completely different. Therefore, maximum measures must be taken.

How many fencing do you need?

For narrow stairs, the width of which is no more than 125 cm, railings are usually installed on only one side. For wider steps, it is better to place railings on both sides, this way you can provide passage up and down at the same time.

Another option is to install an additional handrail along the center of the stairs to separate the flow of traffic. This method will be functional on stairs with high traffic.

Which stairs require guardrails?

Do not forget that any staircase that is not equipped with railings is dangerous to use. However, in some cases you can do without them. Thus, length is very important, and handrails are usually neglected when building short stairs (less than 5 steps).

For fencing higher structures, it is recommended to make stable supports that will prevent them from falling from the structure. In addition, it is very important to calculate their height.

Railing height

In any residential premises, the height of the railing should be at least 90 cm. At the same time, the length of the distance from the wall to the railing should be no less than 40 cm. On the landing, the height of the railing should also be 90 cm.


It is no coincidence that such parameters exist, because this size is ideal for the height of the average person.

What about children? For them, additional railings about 65 cm high are often installed.

Supports on the terrace

Of course, various decorative features in the porch project or the original design of the railings can make adjustments to their height. However, it is highly undesirable to violate the values ​​​​recommended by the builders.

The main reasons why you should take into account the advice of experts:

  1. If the railing is lower than recommended, it will be difficult to use and dangerous.
  2. If the railings are higher than recommended, they will be less comfortable, but safer.

Compliance with State Standard

According to GOST 25772-83, the presence of handrails on the stairs of public buildings and residential buildings is a prerequisite. The height is also specified, and to comply with the standard, it must be equal to or greater than 900 mm.

Balcony railings are regulated by GOST as follows:

  • In preschool institutions they must be at least 1200 mm.
  • On smoke-free stairwells - at least 1200 mm.
  • In buildings whose height is up to 30 m - 1000 mm.
  • In buildings with a height of more than 30 m - 1100 mm.

Among other requirements of the standard, you can find that sharp protrusions must not be used on fencing elements. The railings must also be fire-resistant; for this, stainless steel or glass should be used. The length of the step is built taking into account many parameters.


When building a house, the aesthetic side of the staircase is not in last place. In this regard, many people strive to give the handrails an unusual look or create beautiful steps. The shapes of balusters and posts come in different designs and from different materials.

But quality and sustainability should still remain the basis when choosing building materials.

All handrails must be smooth, that is, without burrs. And the joints must be well adjusted. The posts should be installed with the greatest possible rigidity, because the reliability of the fence depends on this.

So, we talked about how important it is to install strong railings for stairs, terraces, and balconies and how to calculate their height. Did you learn anything new from our article? What advice was most helpful? We will be grateful if you share your personal experience in making stair railings or how you yourself tried to calculate their height!

Calculating the height of the railing
Calculating the height of the railing Railings are fences along the edges of the stairs, which are installed for safe movement along it. The height of the staircase railing is a very important indicator, and it

Requirements for fire escapes according to GOST R 53254-2009

When constructing multi-storey buildings, houses and structures, it is necessary to provide special paths to ensure people can escape to a safe place in the event of fires and other emergencies. One of the means of evacuation and access to the roof is external fire escapes. Requirements for their production, installation, and operation are established in state standards, in particular, in GOST R 53254-2009.

Types of designs

Two types of stairs are made:

Marching, considered the safest, can be used for descent and ascent to great heights, from 20 m. They are also installed in places where the roof height difference is more than 20 m. Designed for mass evacuation of people and access for firefighters to the fire site. Consist of alternating marches and platforms.

Vertical structures are used when extinguishing fires and lifting maintenance personnel onto the roof. They consist of two longitudinal parallel metal strings, rigidly connected by transverse steps. They are installed on buildings with a height of 10 to 20 meters and in places where the roof height differs from one to 20 m. At a height of more than 6 m they have an enclosing structure that prevents falls.

Requirements for installation of evacuation structures

State standards, which indicate the main provisions for the installation sites of fire escapes:

  • GOST R 53254-2009 “Fire fighting equipment. External stationary fire ladders. Roof fencing",
  • SNiP 2.01.02-85 “Fire safety standards”.

For buildings with a height of more than 10 m (from ground level to the parapet or cornice), exits to the roof are provided through structures mounted on the outer wall.

Residential buildings, administrative and public buildings with attic coverings must have access to the roof for every 100 meters of length. Buildings with no-attic coverings - one exit for every 1000 square meters of covering.

Warehouses and industrial buildings are equipped with fire escapes every 200 m of the perimeter or more often.

In places where the difference in roof height is more than one meter, stairs must be installed.

It is allowed not to install evacuation structures on the main facade of the building if:

  • building width no more than 150 m,
  • On the side opposite the main facade, a fire-fighting water supply line is installed.

If the building is one-story and has an area of ​​less than 100 square meters, it may not have access to the roof.

Fire escape to the roof. GOSTs and SNiPs

The STK Konstruktsiya company manufactures evacuation structures in accordance with TU 5262-002-92716048-2012 in accordance with GOST R 53254-2009, GOST 23118-2012, GOST 23120-78, as evidenced by the certificate of conformity. Production is carried out in factory conditions. To ensure the durability and strength of the connections, we weld using special equipment.

Our stairs are made of non-flammable materials and are reliably protected from corrosion.

Installation and placement of structures is carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.03.01-87, GOST 23118 and the Draft Code of Rules “Fire Protection Systems. Evacuation routes and exits."

Requirements for welds are established in GOST 5264 and SNiP 3.03.01-87. The presence of rust and scale is unacceptable on their surface. Also, sharp protrusions, edges, and burrs at the joints of structural elements are not allowed.

The class of protective coating according to GOST 9.032 must be no lower than fifth. The remaining requirements for corrosion protection are according to the same standard and SNiP 2.03.11-85.

Evacuation structures must be securely attached to the wall of the building and provide the required strength and rigidity during acceptance tests and throughout the entire period of operation.

Special requirements are also imposed on the material used to make flooring for platforms and steps - it must ensure strong adhesion of the sole to the base so that while moving a person does not slip, get injured or fall from a height.

Vertical stairs

Vertical structures located at a height of more than 6 meters are manufactured with fencing. It consists of semicircular arcs welded to the bowstrings. In this kind of tunnel made of rigid metal rods, it is much safer to go down and go up to a height.

The following size requirements apply:

  • The minimum width of the stairs is at least 0.6 meters.
  • The distance from the ground to the top step is at least 1.5 meters. It is permissible to make the lower section retractable if its reliable fixation is ensured in working condition.
  • Platforms for access to the roof are made with a length of 0.8 m or more. It should be fenced with railings and located level with the roof or slightly higher.

Requirements for fire escapes according to GOST R 53254-2009
Marching and vertical fire escapes: requirements according to GOST for dimensions, materials of manufacture, installation and operation

Stair railing height

According to paragraph 1.3 of GOST 25772-83, 0.9 m from the tread surface.

Best regards, Aquarius

Asashai ®
"P. 4.3.4 SP 1.13130.2009. If the height of stairs is more than 45 cm, fences with a height of at least 1.2 m with railings should be provided.”

Sometimes tearing out fragments of text from a whole paragraph is not very correct. Here is the text of the paragraph in full:

“4.3.4 The clear height of horizontal sections of evacuation routes must be at least 2 m, the width of horizontal sections of evacuation routes and ramps must be at least:

0.7 m – for passages to single workstations,

1.0 m – in all other cases.

In any case, the evacuation routes must be of such a width that, taking into account their geometry, a stretcher with a person lying on it can be easily carried along them.

In the floor along escape routes, height differences of less than 45 cm and protrusions are not allowed, with the exception of thresholds in doorways. In places where there is a difference in heights, stairs with a number of steps of at least three or ramps with a slope of no more than 1:6 should be provided.

If the height of stairs is more than 45 cm, fences with a height of at least 1.2 m with railings should be provided.

On escape routes, the installation of spiral staircases, staircases completely or partially curved in plan, as well as winder and curved steps, steps with different tread widths and different heights within the flight of stairs and staircases is not allowed.”

Now it is clear that what is meant here are stairs with a difference in floor heights. This has nothing to do with the railings of staircases and stairwells.

Best regards, Aquarius

Well then, in SP 1.13130.2009 I found specific requirements for buildings of certain classes of functional fire hazard:

5.2.15. Handrails and fences in buildings of preschool institutions must meet the following requirements:
the height of stair railings used by children must be at least 1.2 m, and in preschool institutions for children with mental disabilities - 1.8 or 1.5 m with a continuous mesh fence,
in staircase fencing, vertical elements must have a clearance of no more than 0.1 m (horizontal divisions in fencing are not allowed); the height of the porch fencing when climbing three or more steps must be at least 0.8 m.

5.4.20. The height of fencing for stairs, balconies, loggias, terraces, roofs and in places of dangerous differences must be at least 1.2 m. Flights of stairs and landings must have fencing with
handrails. Fences must be continuous, equipped with handrails and designed to withstand horizontal loads of at least 0.3 kN/m.

8.2.1. Handrails and fences on the floors of schools and educational buildings of boarding schools, where premises for first grades are located, must meet the following requirements:
the height of stair railings used by children must be at least 1.2 m; vertical elements in stair railings must have a clearance of no more than 0.1 m (horizontal divisions in railings are not allowed),
the height of the porch fencing when climbing three or more steps should be 0.8 m.

4.4.2 Stairs of the 3rd type should be made of non-combustible materials and placed near blind (without light openings) parts of walls with a fire hazard class of at least K1 with a fire resistance limit of at least REI(EI)30. These stairs must have platforms at the level of emergency exits, fences at least 1.2 m high and located at a distance of at least 1 m from the plane of the window openings.

9.6.7. Along the outer perimeter of shelves and platforms of external installations, open openings in ceilings, stairs and landings of stairs (including platforms on columnar devices), it is necessary to
It is possible to provide fences with a height of at least 1 m.

For the rest of the buildings there was a general phrase - Staircases and landings must have fences with handrails

Stair railing height
The height of the staircase railing According to paragraph 1.3 of GOST 25772-83, 0.9 m from the tread surface. Sincerely, Aquarius Asashai ® “p. 4.3.4 SP 1.13130.2009. At height

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