How to unlock all achievements on steam. How to get all achievements on Steam

Decor elements 03.07.2020
  • Decor elements Somebody set a bomb
  • - Win a round by planting a bomb (I think everything is clear here) For the sake of justice
  • - Win a round by defusing a bomb (Everything is simple here too)- Defuse a bomb less than one second before it explodes
    When the alarm music starts, count down 6 seconds and start discharging the bomb
  • Anti-special forces- Kill an enemy while he is defusing a bomb

  • Short wick- Plant a bomb in 25 seconds (not in “Destroy object” mode)
Can be easily done in the game, or with bots
p.s. achievements are counted only with bots of easy difficulty level and higher!
  • Participation Reward- Kill an enemy within 3 seconds of him picking up a dropped bomb.
Can be easily done in the game, or with bots
p.s. achievements are counted only with bots of easy difficulty level and higher!
  • Demoman- Blow up five enemies with a planted bomb
1 way: Easily done on this map:
Method 2: We install de_dust with bots, in the console mp_autoteambalance 0, mp_limitteams 0; bot_kick; bot_add_ct - set 10 bots; bot_knives_only 1; mp_c4timer 10, mp_restartgame 1, buy a "haeshka", run to put a bomb on B, throw a toast into the tunnel, kill a bunch of bots with knives, they run after you, quickly put a bomb, and run with the bots near the bomb. After 10 seconds there is an explosion. Success.
3 way: We look for the achievement_defuse map, go behind the terrorists, plant a bomb and just wait.
  • Chasing a ghost- Being the last terrorist left, distract the mine clearing commando before the explosion
Can be easily done in the game, or with bots
p.s. achievements are counted only with bots of easy difficulty level and higher!
  • Explosive Will- Win a round by picking up a bomb from a dead teammate and successfully planting it.
Can be easily done in the game, or with bots
p.s. achievements are counted only with bots of easy difficulty level and higher!
  • Interruptus neutralus- Stop defusing the bomb to kill the terrorist and then finish defusing it
Can be easily done in the game, or with bots
p.s. achievements are counted only with bots of easy difficulty level and higher!
  • Path of Destruction- Plant 100 bombs
You can do this on the map:
  • There will be no explosion- Defuse 100 bombs
You can do this on the map:
  • Gracious Shepherd- Rescue all hostages in one round
  • Quick Samaritan- Rescue all hostages within 90 seconds
Having created a game with bots on a map with hostages, enter a command into the console that will leave only 1 hostage "mp_hostages_max 1". We save the hostage and our achievement)
  • Dead Shepherd- Kill the player leading the hostages without injuring the hostages themselves
Can be easily done in the game, or with bots
p.s. achievements are counted only with bots of easy difficulty level and higher!
  • Certified conductor- Rescue 100 hostages
  • The king of search and rescue- Rescue 500 hostages
These achievements are easy to complete on the maps:

  • World Order of Novices- Win ten rounds
  • Pro-movement- Win 200 rounds
  • Leader of Humanity- Win 5000 rounds
These achievements can also be accelerated with cards:

  • Blitzkrieg- Win a round against five enemies in less than thirty seconds
Can be easily done in the game, or with bots
p.s. achievements are counted only with bots of easy difficulty level and higher!
  • Right to mercy- Kill the entire enemy team without losing anyone from your team

p.s. achievements are counted only with bots of easy difficulty level and higher!
  • Flawless Victory- Kill the entire enemy team without taking damage to a single player on your team.
You can easily do it in the game, or with bots (in the console: bot_kick; bot_add. Kick the bot. Success.)
p.s. achievements are counted only with bots of easy difficulty level and higher!
  • Get rich- Give 100 weapons to your teammates
Hint: The easiest way is to give the bomb away.
  • Cold War- Win a round without killing any enemy players.
We leave one bot with a knife against us and take away the hostage.
  • War bonds- Earn $50,000
  • War trophies- Earn $2,500,000
  • Blood money- Earn $50,000,000
Pozhnoe on this map:
  • Cleaner- Kill 5 enemies in one round in Classic (Competitive) mode.
Can be easily done in the game, or with bots
p.s. achievements are counted only with bots of easy difficulty level and higher!
  • War of attrition- Be the last one standing in a team of five
Can be easily done in the game, or with bots
p.s. achievements are counted only with bots of easy difficulty level and higher!
  • Killer Initiative- Win 5 pistol rounds in competitive mode.
  • Give the gun a chance c - Win 25 rounds with pistols in competitive mode
  • Deadly pact- Win 250 pistol rounds in competitive mode
We carry out
  • Covert operation- Win a round without giving yourself away by footsteps and killing at least one enemy
It is enough to create one bot, for example, on the de_aztec map for the ST team, while you yourself are behind the T. The bot will come running to you at rep and you will kill it. Or we stupidly spend the entire round on Shifte (don’t forget that you still need to kill).
  • Thrifty beret- Win 10 rounds in Classic (Competitive)
mode without dying or spending money
Can be easily done in the game, or with bots
p.s. achievements are counted only with bots of easy difficulty level and higher!
  • Angel of vengeance- Kill an enemy in the same round in which he killed a player on your friends list
Play with friends, there's no other way...

Here is a wonderful example of the fact that “I planted the garden myself, I will water it myself.” What are we talking about!? Yes about the computer entertainment industry.

How to reset achievements in Steam.

Here's a look at the entire course of your life:

Specific behavior in games

Well, then we move on to the specifics of the behavior of everyone in any way worth playing. With every “toy” we strive to achieve something. When we have what we have achieved “in our pocket”, next time we can start from scratch again. But it’s still better to start with what has already been achieved, so as not to go through dozens of times along a path that may no longer be interesting. There may be more than a dozen such achievements, and all of them are remembered programmatically.

ADVICE. Moreover, there can be as many such “breakpoints” as you like, and you can continue the game with any one you choose. Sometimes, to be honest, these “points” begin to interfere, and there is a desire to simply reset or reset them.

So two pressing tasks arise in Steam:

  • how to get all achievements in steam, and,
  • How to delete achievements in games.

To solve these problems, it is very convenient to use a useful utility, because Steam itself allows you to work with achievements only one at a time, and this is both time-consuming and inconvenient.

The solution to the first problem is simply viewing

So, here, as always, well-meaning programs of “third-party developers” come to the rescue. We go to the website of such a program - Steam Achievement Manager. The authors did not reinvent the wheel and called it directly - “Steam Achievement Manager”.

We download the program, it is free and comes packaged, so first, of course, we unpack it.

ATTENTION. The program uses the Microsoft.NET Framework, so it is highly advisable that you have it installed on your computer latest version this package.

Next, we launch and immediately on the screen we see all the games that Steam attributes to you. Experts strongly advise, for the purity of the “experiment,” to first exit all programs running on the computer. To get a list of achievements for a game, select it and see on the right the number of achievements (achievements, as experienced gamers say) for this game. The task of how to open all achievements in steam has been completed.

Go ahead and delete the achievements

Another thing is that the opening steam achievements(as, in fact, the achievements themselves are more the internal “kitchen” of any program - we must somehow ensure the desire for more in this endless sitting at the computer) curious out of purely “sports” interest, since there are achievements. Now a more everyday problem arises: can this program not only open achievements in Steam, but also now remove achievements in order to start the game “from scratch”.

Yes, this is possible, however, we mean that we are not talking about any “Baskets” here, and deleted achievements will be forgotten and cannot be returned. So, when the Steam Achievement Manager program opens a list of all points reached (and you can even get a description of each), to delete them we follow the following algorithm:

We looked at the Steam Achievement Manager program (sometimes called SAM for short). But keep in mind that the gaming computer industry is developing so rapidly that not today or tomorrow another application may appear that can perform the tasks we have set for achievements in games from Steam. Therefore, there can be only one piece of advice here - constantly monitor the entertainment market on your computer and quickly respond to its new products.

By using Steam Achievement Manager 6.3 you will be able to open all achievements not only on Team Fortress 2 but also on all other games from the Steam catalog!

Important: To avoid getting banned, do everything strictly according to the instructions below!

1) Launch the Steam client, DO NOT launch games! No games should be running, just in case, make sure by looking in the task manager - there should be no hl.exe process and no game process.
2) Launch the Steam Achievement Manager program (SAM.Picker.exe), a window will appear where you select the desired game for which you want to open all achievements by clicking on its name.
3) A second window will appear. In it you need to click on the icon " open lock" and then to the icon with green waves in the upper right corner:

4) That's it, the achievements are open, you will see something like this:

5) Important: Before starting the game, make sure that Steam Achievement Manager turned off and just in case in the processes, check that there is no process of this program; if there is one, terminate it manually. Only after this can you safely launch the game and enjoy the unlocked achievements and items you received for it.

If you do everything exactly as described above, taking precautions, then a ban is basically impossible. But don’t be impudent either, if you open all the achievements on a new account, on which you’ve only played for a couple of hours, let’s say, it will certainly seem suspicious and some enemy might inform on you.

2. Check if you have them enabled Steam games on the computer and only one Steam works. It is important!

3. Unpack the archive with the program and run the file SAM.Picker.exe

4. In the window that appears, select your game (Team Fortress 2) and double-click with the mouse.

5.A window with a list of achievements will appear in front of you, click on the icon with an open lock and then at the top right on the Store button with an image of an antenna.

6. That's it, now you can monitor notifications about receiving all achievements. Turn off the program. In the game you will have all achievements and all weapons unlocked for the achievement. (since there will be a lot of weapons and items, they will not fit into the standard number of slots. To expand them and get all the weapons, first buy something in the Team Fortress 2 store).

In a note to the instructions, I would like to add that for greater safety you should use SAM with a sufficient number of hours played in Team Fortress 2. Agree, it will be strange if a person plays the game for 20 minutes and already has all the achievements unlocked.

Can this method of unlocking all achievements be considered cheating? This is a rhetorical question. More likely no than yes. Because achievements would still be unlocked sooner or later, but to consider this method cheating is how to consider it special cards in TF2, created to get achievements is also cheating, but they are officially allowed and approved by Valve.

By the way, the SAM program can unlock all achievements not only for Team Fortress 2, but also for any other game. In its own way, this is a universal program.

If you're tired of just raising your rank in CS GO round after round, you can do more exciting and challenging work. Achievements are available in the game for every gamer. Of course, if you have been playing for several years, a good half of them will definitely be completed, but if you have just begun to learn the game, but want to quickly complete all the “achievements,” then as many as 167 tasks will be available to you.

In addition to the fact that achievements are interesting, completing all the tasks will also help you better understand the game, train well, and at the same time learn maps, weapons and missions. Although, undoubtedly, there will be achievements that can only be achieved with experience and over time.

Groups and missions

So, how to get all the achievements in CS GO? First of all, you need to understand all the existing categories. There are 167 achievements in total. They can be divided into 5 groups. These include team tasks, as well as research missions or weapons research. Each group has a certain number of achievements. For example, in the “Art of Combat” group there are as many as 40 tasks that you will have to complete.

If you don’t know how to get all achievements in CS GO without programs, then this article is for you. We’ll talk about other options for earning “achievements” a little later.

First stage

First you need to open “Steam”, go to the games section, select “CS:GO” and independently examine all the available achievements. Don’t be alarmed right away, many of them are repeated or are continuations of each other. There are also easy ones, which, in principle, you don’t have to do on purpose; they will count themselves over time. There are also those that will have to be worked on.

By the way, get ready. Before we figure out how to quickly get achievements in CS GO, we’ll have to immediately download maps from the workshop and start chasing “achievements.”


The first category is “Team Tactics”. This includes 37 achievements. In this group you can get 3 medals: bronze, silver and gold. To do this, you first need to earn 13 achievements, then 24 and finally all 37. Conventionally, all missions can be divided into difficult and easy.

The fact is that some achievements do not require additional effort. You just need to enter the game with bots or your friends. Difficult achievements may require workshop or console assistance.

So, how to get all the achievements in CS GO from the “Team Tactics” group? There's probably no point in describing the objectives of achievements like "Award Winner" or "Someone Set a Bomb." One has only to say that in this group there is a certain set of missions related specifically to the bomb. You will need to kill the enemy while he neutralizes it, you need to win the round thanks to defuse. You will have to plant the bomb 25 seconds before the end of the battle. Also, take a break from neutralizing, kill the enemy, and then continue your work. Or raise a bombsite from a killed teammate, mine the territory and win.

In general, all these tasks are easy to complete, if you find it difficult to do this with live players, you can go to the lobby with bots.

In the same group there is a difficult block with hostages. You need to save them all in one round or certain time. You can use the console for this. Enter the command “mp_hostages_max 1”, where the number indicates the number of hostages. Thus, you will only have one “poor guy” left on the map who will need to be saved.

"Angel of Vengeance" will force you to chase after the one who killed your friend. By the way, it turns out that the “Get Rich” task is not so difficult to complete. According to its terms, you must give 100 weapons to your allies. If you don't like sharing, then just drop the bomb.


Next we will talk about the difficulties that will be encountered in the Team Tactics group. Many gamers cannot cope with the “Barely in Time” task. According to its conditions, it is necessary to defuse the bomb a second before the explosion. To do this, you need to listen carefully to the music. Naturally, you will have to do it in a lobby with bots, because it would take too long to try with real players.

So, the bomb was placed, the 45 second countdown begins. 10 seconds before the explosion, dark music starts. It is at this moment that you need to prepare. If you have “whales”, then you need to count 5-6 seconds and begin neutralization.

“Demolition Man” assumes that the player will be able to destroy five enemies at once with one bomb. In order not to experience happiness in normal mode, you need to download the Achieve_Clusterstruck map and complete this mission there. The achievements “Path of Destruction” and “There Will Be No Explosion” can be quickly completed using maps from the workshop.

Second group

So, we continue to learn how to get all achievements in CS GO quickly. You already get the point. The main thing is to evaluate the mission correctly. If you see that the task is difficult, try looking in the workshop for cards to implement it.

The second group is “The Art of Combat”. Here, as mentioned earlier, there are 40 achievements. You can get three medals for them. For bronze you must complete 14 tasks, for silver - 26, for gold - 40.

To quickly deal with “achievements”, it is best to pay attention to IDLE servers. Or find the All Weapons and Hostages Achievements card in the workshop. So, let's start with those achievements that are more convenient to get in the lobby with bots.

By the way, there is an interesting “achievement”: you need to destroy 100 snipers who are looking through the scope. To do this, you can simply write “bot_snipers_only 1” to the console in the lobby with bots. This is another answer on how to get all achievements in CS GO in the console. Teams can make it much easier to receive awards.

In the “Art of Combat” group there is also a group of missions that require IDLE servers. So, you can easily get the “God of War” by eliminating 10 thousand enemies. It’s also easy to destroy the enemy with a grenade, a one-shot to the head, deal a certain amount of damage, etc.

Weapons Expert

The next group is “Weapons Specialist”. This includes 40 missions. To get a bronze medal we complete 13 tasks, for a silver medal - 26, and a gold medal is awarded after all achievements. The answer to the question “how to get all the achievements in CS GO in this group” remains the same IDLE servers, as well as the “Deathmatch” mode and cards like Weapon Specialist Achievement.

There is no point in describing this group. Here you will understand everything yourself. To complete this block of challenges, you will have to kill a lot with all types of weapons. For example, 200 enemies will be killed by the “Deagle”, 100 enemies by the “Famas”, knife or “rooster”. In general, there are many tasks that, in principle, are not difficult to complete in special modes and special maps.


The Explorer group is associated with victories in different maps. There are 17 achievements in total. For a bronze medal you need to complete 5, for a silver - 11, for a gold - all 17. To quickly overcome this block you will have to work hard with the console. You need to save for yourself all the commands associated with accelerating the restart, maximum number and the duration of the rounds, etc.

Basically, you will need to not only play, but also win a hundred games each on Dust, Italy, Train, Nuke and other maps. You will also have to win in the “Arms Race” mode, in the game with hostages or planting bombs.

What is now causing problems is the lack of a Shorttrain map. The fact is that the achievement remains, but the card itself is missing. Therefore, most likely, you will have to look for it in the workshop, since the developers have not yet returned it.

Well, the last task remains “This Glass World”. To successfully complete the mission, you need to break 14 windows on the “Office” map with shots. To get an achievement without any problems, you just need to go to the map and enter “bot_kick” in the console. This way you will be left alone on the map and can easily run around breaking windows.

Special mode

"Arms Race" is the fifth group, in which 33 achievements are available. For a bronze medal you need to complete 12, for a silver - 23, for a gold - all the remaining ones. As practice shows, this group the most difficult to perform. For it you will need to not only install two cards: Achievement: Demolition Mode / Piece Treaty and Demolition.

You will also have to learn some console commands. For example, it will be important to set the required number of rounds, get rid of all sorts of delays, turn off auto-balancing, and make only 2 bots. The rest is up to you. For example, to perform “One shot - one kill” you need to reload all the time.

We practically learned how to get all the achievements in CS GO in the “Arms Race” group. There are only a few missions left for which you will need individual approach. Everyone usually has a “tourist” at once. To get it you need to play one round on each map of the “Race...” and “Destruction...” modes.

No time to wait

So, now you know how to open and get all achievements in CS GO. Of course, you won't do everything in one day. Nevertheless, if you set a goal, then achieving these tasks is quite possible. In addition, you saw how some “achievements” can be obtained almost immediately. But what to do if you don’t want to wait or don’t believe in your strength?

To do this, we will answer the question of how to get all achievements in CS GO at once. You ask: “How, right away?” Yes, it turns out that there is a program on the Internet that will help you instantly get, albeit in a not entirely honest way, all the achievements. In general, there are many such applications. But specifically for those who do not know how to get all the achievements in CS GO, the Steam Achievement Manager program provides the opportunity to become successful in several games at once.

To use this software, you need to download and install it. Next, launch Steam, turn on the program, and you will see a list of games. We find CS GO there and select it. A list of all “achievements” will appear in front of us. There will be an “open lock” above it that you need to press. Then in the right corner click on Store, and that’s it. All achievements have been completed.

The main thing to remember when using such programs is that you are putting your account at risk. You can also get a VAC ban.

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