Tips from Chinese healers to improve memory classmates. How to improve memory and be attentive

The buildings 30.06.2020
The buildings

Ayurvedic medicine knows a huge number of simple, but very effective recommendations for improving memory. These primarily include a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, the rejection of bad habits, as well as physical activity.

As for the nature of nutrition, doctors recommend that you include in your diet products such as carrots, beets, spinach, sweet potatoes (yam), grapes, almonds, ghee and milk. In addition, it is very useful to drink carrot and beet juice. to.

Ayurveda Recipes to Improve Memory

One of the best prophylactic agents for atherosclerosis of the brain is called walnuts. According to ancient Eastern doctors, people who are catastrophically losing their memory should eat at least 20 nuts daily.

Perfectly affects the activity of the brain and parsley. All parts of this plant contain ingredients that can remove salts from the body. It is very good to include in the diet of people with memory problems, foods containing a lot of potassium - baked potatoes, dried apricots, fresh apricots, eggplant, sunflower seeds.

Aloe juice (1 tablespoon) with black pepper (a pinch) and powdered mustard seeds (1/8 teaspoon) have a beneficial effect on memory. You need to take this composition two to three times a day.

Black cumin oil improves memory very well. Add 7 drops of black cumin oil to the prepared mint decoction and sweeten with honey. Drink warm and on an empty stomach 1 time per day.

To improve memory, you can eat 3 g of ground black cumin seeds mixed with a teaspoon of honey once a day with warm water.

For amnesia, it is recommended to take a paste of cumin with honey: mix 1 teaspoon of ground cumin seeds with 1 tablespoon of honey. Take daily. Another recipe that can be used for amnesia: mix a pinch of finely ground pepper with honey and take 2 times a day. published

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Natural strengthening of memory

Memory is one of the leading human brain functions, which is based on certain changes in its nervous tissue. Nervous tissue is made up of interconnected cells called neurons. Emotionally colored or repeated information is deposited in long-term memory due to persistent changes in neural connections.

Persons, concepts, events are stored in memory because we comprehend them, compare them, associate them with something (that is, we force the brain to work and consolidate these connections). Thanks to these processes, we can, without looking into the address book, dial the mobile numbers of loved ones on the phone. Or we find in memory, as on a computer hard drive, the basics of the school curriculum when we help children prepare for lessons.

The best medicines to improve memory from Chinese health practices

The accuracy, the amount of information that is stored in memory for a long time, the speed with which we remember and forget things and life episodes, is affected by the general condition of the body.

After all good brain function energy resources are needed - glucose and oxygen. The level of glucose in the blood depends on the nature of human nutrition, the activity of the humoral system. At the same time, if the vessels are clogged, the supply of energy resources to the brain is weakened.

Unique knowledge about what does memory depend on Traditional Chinese medicine has long mastered how to develop its capabilities and prevent diseases that worsen it. In the works of the healers of the Celestial Empire, one can trace the idea that memory, like all those studied today functions of the cerebral cortex, is better developed in people who:

  • strong immunity;
  • high vitality;
  • calm and balanced character.

Therefore, any Chinese medicine to improve memory normalizes the functioning of various body systems. For example, in our catalog of drugs in this category, universal remedies are presented. These medicines:

  • relieve symptoms of chronic fatigue and mental fatigue;
  • calm the nervous system, thereby restoring immunity and intellectual abilities;
  • saturate the body with calcium, vitamins and other essential components that regulate hormonal, energy and other processes;
  • restore blood microcirculation in the brain.

The effectiveness of the constituent components of some of these natural elixirs has been proven by thousands of years of practice.

For example, Ginkgo capsules intended for improving memory in the elderly, created on the basis of an extract of the relic plant ginkgo biloba. Its seeds have long been eaten and are used today in pharmacology for the prevention of multiple sclerosis. And the powder of freshwater pearls has been used in China for thousands of years to prevent diseases caused by a deficiency of calcium and vitamins in the body.

We start at school. The program provides for learning poems and memorizing the rules. In the future, we develop even more when receiving higher education. The need to improve memory cannot be ignored. At work, it is also often necessary to memorize a significant amount of information. But how to do this if no actions have been taken previously aimed at developing this quality?

How is the study of memory

Methods for studying the state of memory of patients are used in clinics that treat nervous and mental diseases. The ability to remember is studied in case of asthenia, general weakness, increased fatigue, as well as in infectious, endocrine or vascular diseases.

The state of short-term and long-term memory can be determined by the method of conducting a survey. The bottom line is that the subject tells about the events that happened to him recently, which helps to analyze his memory. A memory test may include a request to tell what books have been read recently, as well as films watched. To study memory, you can ask even the most simple questions. To identify the ability to remember current events, they ask about what dishes the patient ate today.

Learning the ability to perceive different information

The subject is offered to read stories of different levels of complexity in order to determine the state of the semantic and logical memory. The study of memory consists in the use of works that differ in their duration. The subject must retell the content of the reading.

To identify retrograde and anterograde amnesia, you need to find out how well the patient remembers the events that occurred before the onset of the disease, as well as after it began. In this case, the doctor can compare the information received from the patient with the information that his relatives tell. Thus, it is checked how well his memory works.

The study of memory, carried out experimentally, uses the method of repetition. Short stories, sets of syllables, numbers, words are offered for study. If you present the patient with the words presented on the cards, then in this way you can study different

Learning the ability to memorize with words

The technique has become quite widespread. It consists in counting the number of words reproduced by the patient. Initially, 10 of them are offered. The test material is preliminarily repeated for 6-7 times. For the first time, the task is performed after a one-time enumeration of words, as well as at certain intervals. The test subject is asked to list the words in the order named in the task in order to study his memory.

The study of memory also involves the use of a method aimed at identifying the patient's ability to reproduce information after being distracted. To do this, they talk to the subject on some extraneous topic, after which they turn to the patient with a proposal to repeat the previously given words. Of course, if a person suffers from increased distractibility, then his results are significantly reduced.

What causes memory loss

The ability to memorize needs an attentive attitude towards it. It may improve or, conversely, become worse over time. Among the reasons that adversely affect memory are the following:

  1. Depressive state.
  2. Lack of a good night's rest.
  3. Smoking.
  4. Frequent use of alcohol.
  5. Use of sleeping pills and antidepressants.
  6. The presence of any disease. It can be multiple sclerosis, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, thyroid dysfunction.
  7. Brain injury.
  8. Aging of the body that occurs naturally.
  9. Lots of daily stress.

The state of your memory should be monitored

As you know, the quality that is not used atrophies over time. This is not surprising, since to remember something that requires some effort, the desire usually does not arise. If you constantly listen to light popular music, avoid difficulties, do not memorize streets, names, dates, etc., then you can gradually notice that memory has begun to deteriorate. Of course, this happens gradually and many do not notice the problem. Also, they do not start sounding the alarm because of primitive laziness. Although you really should take care of yourself.

And, as a result, the inability to reproduce in your head the desired event that happened recently. Usually this fact is a complete surprise for a person. How is it that he does not remember what happened this morning, how he got out of bed and whether he drank tea during breakfast.

Problems at work

But the eventfulness of what happens at the household level is not so important. It is much worse when the owner of a weak memory suddenly finds himself unable to remember any data at his workplace. For example, everything related to his current duties, he knows by heart. And how to remember something new, if it suddenly turns out that this ability has been lost?

With a slight change, for example, automation in the workplace, it becomes difficult for such a person to get comfortable. As a result, he begins to spend more time than required. And if he fails to remember new information and get used to it quickly, then this is fraught with problems with the performance of his functions, which may result in dismissal.

Easy exercises

To improve memory, you should periodically perform small tasks. Thus, the ability to work with several tasks at the same time can be developed. Among them are such simple exercises for memory and attention:

  1. Making changes to the arrangement of objects on the desktop.
  2. The desire to find as many different ways as possible to work, visit, shop and other places.
  3. Brushing teeth with the left hand.
  4. Dressing in the dark.
  5. Listening to audiobooks while shopping.

You should also practice. To do this, you need to choose 5 different objects in the room, remember their color, size and location features. And after a few hours, you need to give yourself the task of reproducing this data.

Any conversation consists of questions and answers. Therefore, you need to try to communicate more with other people. Through thinking about what to answer a person, the ability to remember and analyze situations of various kinds develops.

Need to take care of your health

You should take care of your health, give preference to natural and healthy foods. After all, we depend on what we take in the form of food. It is the products we use that completely shape our body as a result.

You need to get rid of bad habits. Smoking and drinking alcohol have a detrimental effect on the state of the body as a whole. There is no benefit from such “hobbies”, but they bring a lot of problems. Smoking and drinking destroys the cells of the central nervous system. That is, to improve memory and brain function, you must first of all give up bad habits.

Get rid of unpleasant factors as much as possible

You need to make every effort to reduce the amount of stress in your life. After all, negative emotions significantly weaken the nervous system, undermine the immune system. You need to try to smile as often as possible, if necessary, seek help from a specialist. By the way, when experiencing positive emotions, the ability to develop develops. Thus, memory also improves.

Do not memorize unnecessary information. It is best to have a notepad handy in order to write down all the minor points in it. Memory overloads are not needed at all. Moreover, due to the fact that information is not perceived as necessary, its internal rejection will occur. That is, remembering such information is quite difficult. As a result, stress will appear, as well as dissatisfaction with oneself due to the inability to retain the necessary information in memory.

Medications to improve memory

In today's world, memory can be improved by taking certain drugs. But before you start using them, you should consult your doctor. This is done in order to avoid the occurrence of allergic reactions, as well as side effects or negative interactions of various drugs.

In any case, you should not expect from yourself such abilities as the protagonist of the film "Area of ​​Darkness". But it is quite useful to know which foods and drugs are good for memory and attention. In this case, it will be possible to significantly improve memory in any case. And when you combine two or more drugs, there is a chance of getting an ineffective combination, which can even worsen your well-being.

Coffee, tea and chocolate

The combination of caffeine + L-theanine is a fairly effective medicine for memory. Moreover, the necessary products are usually available in every home. As you know, the effect caused by caffeine is short-term. That is, after nervous excitement, a sharp decrease in working capacity occurs. L-theanine is an amino acid found in green tea. To achieve the desired effect with the help of improvised means, you can use products that are ordinary at first glance, but contain the right substances. The proportion should be approximately as follows: for 1 cup of coffee, you should drink 2 cups of green tea. For this combination, a long and very noticeable effect is observed. At the same time, attention also improves significantly.

Dark chocolate significantly improves memory and thinking. At the same time, thanks to the flavanols and phytochemicals contained in cocoa, it turns out to significantly raise your mood. Cardiovascular health is thus also improved. This drug can not be called very powerful, but the usefulness of it is quite noticeable. Preference should be given to chocolate with a high cocoa content and a minimum of sugar. And every day you need to eat 35-200 grams, while the pleasure should be stretched for the whole day.

Other drugs

A drug such as Piracetam significantly increases the activity of receptors and neurotransmitters. And in order for its properties to be fully disclosed, "Choline" should be added. It is recommended to use 300 mg of Piracetam and the same amount of Choline 3 times a day.

Creatine can significantly improve memory and increase. It is an organic acid that is present in the body of animals. You need to take medicine for memory in the amount of 5 grams, doing it daily.

L-tyrosine is used to elevate mood as well as increase mental focus. The drug is effective when used to prevent the pathology of the endocrine system, namely in diseases of the thyroid gland and pituitary gland.

An interesting tool is "Ginkgo Biloba Extract". It is extracted from growing in China. The drug improves memory and improves concentration. Through the use of the extract, short-term memory is also developed. The person using the drug feels calmer and less tired than usual. The nutrient should be taken 2 times a day, 500 mg.

Asian ginseng has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years. This product affects all the processes that take place in the brain.

Also, to improve memory and brain function, you can take a drug such as Rhodiola Rosea. This component effectively reduces the feeling of fatigue and anxiety, thereby increasing efficiency. The plant is rich in phytochemical components, which have been used by representatives of the northern peoples of Scandinavia and Russia since ancient times. Use is usually recommended from 100 to 1 thousand mg per day. This amount must be divided into equal parts.

Acetyl-L-carnitine is an amino acid involved in the regulation of the formation of intracellular energy. The substance affects carbohydrate metabolism. People taking the drug are smarter at solving problems that require remembering information.

Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil also improve brain function. When using this drug, concentration of attention increases, and the emotional background also improves. Use preferably 1200-2400 mg daily. This is approximately 1-2 capsules of fish oil.

Children's memory

Parents want their child to grow up to be the most intelligent and quick-witted. Therefore, they are interested in how it develops from the first days of its life. Memory is represented by the processes of obtaining, storing and reproducing information over a certain period of time.

In childhood, perception and memorization merge, at the age of 3, stable brain structures are formed that are responsible for memorization. The child's memory is not intended to remember anything. The child behaves directly. That is, there is a memorization of what seemed interesting to the baby, attracted his attention.

The best way to develop memory is by playing a game. But children 2-3 years old have the lowest ability to memorize. At the age of 3-4 years, arbitrary memorization of information, as well as its use in the game, is already taking place. A good memory is formed from childhood. And by the life period of preschool childhood, the child already has a long-term memory.

Memory of preschoolers

Children of early preschool age are characterized by visual-emotional memory. They remember well, and also reproduce what they saw and heard. This happens if what is happening aroused their interest.

And it is best to engage in the development of memory in early childhood. Moreover, the memory of a preschooler develops faster than other abilities. It is preferable to engage in its development in the most favorable period for this.

As you know, when the best years are missed, the process becomes irreversible. If it turned out that time was lost, then the opportunities to learn everything necessary that could be learned at this age are lost. Preschoolers are sensitive to what is happening. However, the results are not always immediately visible. Children absorb everything that happens around them like a sponge, so if there are no obvious effects of something, then this does not mean that nothing has happened. In any case, to analyze the situation, there are methods for studying memory, allowing you to get an impression of the current state of affairs.

Ayurvedic medicine knows a huge number of simple, but very effective recommendations for improving memory. These primarily include a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, the rejection of bad habits, as well as physical activity.

As for the nature of nutrition, doctors recommend that you include in your diet products such as carrots, beets, spinach, sweet potatoes (yam), grapes, almonds, ghee and milk. In addition, it is very useful to drink carrot and beet juice.

One of the best prophylactic agents for atherosclerosis of the brain is called walnuts. According to ancient Eastern doctors, people who are catastrophically losing their memory should eat at least 20 nuts daily.

Perfectly affects the activity of the brain and parsley. All parts of this plant contain ingredients that can remove salts from the body. It is very good to include in the diet of people with memory problems, foods containing a lot of potassium - baked potatoes, dried apricots, fresh apricots, eggplant, sunflower seeds.

Aloe juice (1 tablespoon) with black pepper (a pinch) and powdered mustard seeds (1/8 teaspoon) have a beneficial effect on memory. You need to take this composition two to three times a day.

A few more Ayurvedic medicine recipes that can be used to improve memory:

Black cumin oil improves memory very well. Add 7 drops of black cumin oil to the prepared mint decoction and sweeten with honey. Drink warm and on an empty stomach 1 time per day.

To improve memory, you can eat 3 g of ground black cumin seeds mixed with a teaspoon of honey once a day with warm water.

For amnesia, it is recommended to take a paste of cumin with honey: mix 1 teaspoon of ground cumin seeds with 1 tablespoon of honey. Take daily. Another recipe that can be used for amnesia: mix a pinch of finely ground pepper with honey and take 2 times a day.

A few years ago, a number of publications appeared in the major Western media at once about whether it is ethical to take drugs that improve memory.

Doctors and journalists wondered if this was doping, the use of which, like in sports, should be banned. Such attention to the problem was explained by the fact that it was then that students began to use the so-called smart drugs, which are usually prescribed to patients with Alzheimer's disease, attention deficit disorder, etc. school for children or who are accepted by all the same students, simply ineffective.

If you ask on any Russian forum: "What to take to improve memory?" - someone will definitely offer glycine or piracetam. Both of these drugs belong to the group of nootropics, which is extremely common in the countries of the former Soviet Union. It is known that nootropics are compounds that stimulate metabolic processes in the brain. However, numerous studies have not been able to prove that, for example, the same piracetam improves memory. With glycine, there has been only one small study that can be considered at least somewhat convincing, demonstrating the benefit of this drug. In the West, glycine is seen more as a treatment for schizophrenia, although this is not a common practice.

Folk methods
Those who want to improve memory and at the same time “not be poisoned by any chemistry” often use ginkgo biloba extract, fish oil, vitamin E, ginseng, etc., etc. As is usually the case with alternative medicine, studies that give at least some certainty regarding the effectiveness of these drugs is not much. However, the evidence for Ginkgo biloba to help with dementia (senile dementia) is unclear. But studies involving healthy people are less ambitious and convincing. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are not effective in improving memory in healthy older people. Ginseng has only a small effect on cognitive performance. And vitamin E, fish oil, multivitamin complexes and many dietary supplements have not shown their effectiveness.

smart drugs
Typically, pharmaceutical drugs to improve memory (donepezil, galantamine, rivastigmine) are developed for those who get worse with age, for example, due to Alzheimer's disease. However, for some time now these funds have been actively used for other purposes - they are bought up by students during the session. The same happens with drugs for attention deficit disorder (methylphenidate) and narcolepsy (modafinil). They increase the production of various neurotransmitters - norepinephrine, acetylcholine, dopamine, etc. - which improves signaling between nerve cells.
These drugs really help to improve memory for a few hours, to concentrate. However, they have two major drawbacks. First, being under the influence of such means, a person can behave unnaturally, rudely towards everything that prevents him from doing his chosen business. Secondly, these drugs were developed for sick people. How such drugs affect the young healthy brain in the long term remains unknown.

Ergasak's comment:
Training and movement can take the place of all medicines, but no medicine can take the place of exercise. The brain is like a knife, it becomes dull when idle. Natural vitamins sharpen the brain that has become dull from excessive activities and tired.
Force yourself to remember the verses you learned as a child. Remind yourself of past pleasant events. Look through the family album more often and revive in your imagination the images of memory in it. Try to memorize phone numbers, cars, houses, street names, names of actors, movies, performances, streets, familiar faces and favorite characters as much as possible. Conduct such workouts purposefully in the morning, preferably every day, at the same time, confidently setting yourself the task of training your memory. Start with the multiplication table. Recall your primer in several languages. Relive a few words and expressions each in other languages. You can use the phrasebook. Go to the rhymes and lyrics of your favorite songs. If you are a believer, you probably know a few prayers by heart. Most importantly, keep a diary. Record your daily progress day by day. You will see, the result will be in reality. It is advisable to practice out loud.

A few additional memory training activities:
Bury one drop of your favorite essential oil in 500 g of 2% tea soda in boiled water, and rinse your mouth intensively for about ten minutes. Avicenna recommended thousands of years ago, and recently scientists have confirmed the usefulness of this method of brain massage.
A piece of dark chocolate, cheese and four pieces of walnut and a handful of pistachios in the morning regularly feed the brain well.
Excite your brain from time to time with a honey sandwich with horseradish and mustard.
Eat blueberry jam regularly. Helps improve memory and vision.
My Ergashak Agave balm not only strengthens your memory, but also your immune system.

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