How to recover instagram if you forgot your login. How to restore Instagram: standard methods and cases if you forgot your mail

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To understand Consequences of losing access to your Instagram page you need to know the origins of the problem, i.e. the reason why it is impossible to enter the profile.

Today there are several of them, and from this, decisions regarding the resuscitation of data differ.

Reasons for not being able to login to Instagram:

  1. blocking the user by the administration of the resource for the exchange of photos and information due to violations of the main points of the policy of the service;
  2. sending spam;
  3. registering a page under the guise of another or non-existent person;
  4. the page contains offensive content and pornographic materials;
  5. self-deletion by the user of his profile with all content linked to the page on Instagram;
  6. inability to log in due to fraudulent actions of third parties;
  7. the cracker uses the page in parallel with the owner;
  8. the fraudster deleted the information using the stolen password;
  9. loss of your registration data.

In the first three cases, the account cannot be restored in its original form, i.e. for the most part, all of your previously published, photo and video materials, with appropriate comments, and marks like "Like" will be lost forever.

how to recover instagram account

Subscribers and friends list will also be unrecoverable. Unfortunately, this is the policy of the service. Therefore, it is necessary to observe both the standard security measures prescribed for all users when working on the Internet, and not to cross the border indicated by the rules of operation.

Return of the page after blocking by the administration

As with other resources, restricting access by moderators and admins of virtual services, whether it be a banal forum or chat, to social networks leads to the irretrievable loss of the profile and the inability to log in using the same data.

Although there is a chance and you can convince the administration of the service to restore the profile, since the actions were accidental. But objective statistics say that this process is quite long and the probability of returning credentials is almost zero.

So, the petition is satisfied and only one user per 10,000 people is restored access. Sometimes the Instagram administration considers the user's cassation complaint in just 2-3 days. And the second way out is to create a new profile, from the same device, but under a different login.

The recommendation, in such a case, is strict adherence to the rules put forward by the service and careful filtering of the material that is published in the feed. The fate of an Instagram account can be a foregone conclusion, no matter how popular the page is and the person who created it is known.

Indicative in this regard is the example of the famous Riana, whose Instagram is blocked due to the publication of candid photos.

Temporary access restriction

But in fact, not everything is so sad with the procedure for restoring access to your Instagram page. Sometimes, the inability to log in is not related to a complete block. This means that the entry was restricted. But he is recovering through the phone. However, the order and complexity of recovery for smartphones on Android and iTunes differ.

For Apple, when an account is temporarily frozen, an ID is tagged. Therefore, it is necessary to create a new ID associated with a new credit card. In this case, a backup copy of the photos is made so that later they can be downloaded manually so that there is no link to the old Apple ID.

After that, the application is deleted from the iPhone and rebooted. The next step is to install an earlier version of Instagram on your phone. It is the old version of the application that allows you to enter and then update.

On Android, the procedure for restoring access to a temporarily banned account is similar, but a little simpler. You need to link the new gmail address to another Google Play profile via a second credit card in Google Wallet.

These manipulations allow you to download the Enable Instagram application on Android, which allows you to access your data.

But before carrying out such complex actions with the phone, you need to log into your profile using another device. Perhaps there is a banal conflict with the current smartphone, and you will still have time to make a full-fledged backup copy, preventing a complete loss of information.

Inability to log into the account due to fraudulent actions of third parties.

A sign of hacking is the inability to enter the profile. In this case, the scammer most likely deleted the profile permanently and it is not possible to restore it.

There is a small reliable revive access using the instagram help center. Few people know about this last opportunity to access the old account.

You can find the help center by visiting the official Instagram web resource and find the "support" icon at the bottom. Entering it, you need to find the page for submitting a complaint about a hack.

This can be done using the search bar by entering the appropriate query. Through this form, suspicions about hacking are sent to support.

Now it remains to wait for the decision of the support service. Based on the result of the check, there is a possibility that you will be returned access to your page, having previously completed a survey.

Self-deletion by the user of the profile with all content linked to the page

In this case, the content linked to the page will be lost forever. Before performing such actions, you need to understand for yourself that there will be no way back to restore your data.

Restoring a profile when a user loses their registration data

This situation is common, and in this case, the possibility of not only returning data, but also completely restoring the tape with all photo and video materials is high. There are several solutions based on how you registered in this service.

Most prefer to login via facebook or email. Then you should only send a request to the mail to which the account is linked through the password reset form. After entering the captcha and clicking the "send" button, an email with a link will be sent to the email address. By clicking on it, a window for creating a password will appear.

This method is typical when restoring access through a computer.

There are three options for resuming access via phone: using facebook, by receiving a link in the form of SMS, or via an attached email address.

Using the first two methods, it is possible to log into an account if the social network profile or phone number is associated with the owner's Instagram.

When receiving SMS, you must follow the link and then set a new password. Facebook is the easy way. After selecting it, you are redirected to a page with a password change. The method for recovering a password on a phone by using an email address is identical to the steps taken on a computer.

If the range of problems associated with the solution of the issue how to recover instagram account, goes beyond the standard set, it is necessary to solve them taking into account individual characteristics. This is done by searching for answers in the help center on the official Instagram page.

Internet users create 2-3 mailboxes for different purposes: work, communication, registration on services. When one of the email addresses is no longer needed, it is deleted. And with it, the ability to restore forgotten access to linked services.

What to do if this happened and how to recover your Instagram account if you forgot your password and email, read this article. You will learn about three ways to recover your account, in which access to the mail is not required.

Restore Instagram with Facebook

If during registration the user was prudent and linked the account to the Facebook page, then there will be no problems with logging in. With the help of an account in this social. networks, you can easily log in if you forgot your password and there is no access to e-mail.

Recover your Instagram password if you don't remember your Facebook mail:

  • Launch the official smartphone app.
  • If the mobile device has the Facebook application and is logged in, then a button will appear under the authorization form "Login as (your nickname)". Click on this button - you will immediately find yourself in your profile.

  • If authorization is not completed, click the button "Login with Facebook".

  • Enter your login information.
  • Click the Login button. You will be in your account.

Now change the email in the profile to the current one - go to your account.

  • Click on the edit button next to the account photo.

  • In the Personal Information section, enter the address.

  • Click the checkmark in the top right corner.
  • Go to mail.
  • Open the received letter.
  • Click on the address confirmation button.

Now you know that restoring Instagram without mail if you forgot your password is not only real, but also easy.

Recover Instagram account by number

If the Facebook account is not linked, then we choose the second method - by phone number.


  • Open the app.
  • Under the login form, click on "Help Login".

  • A page with recovery options will open. Select Send SMS.

  • Select a country code from the dropdown list.
  • Enter the number.

  • Click the arrow in the upper right corner.
  • Close the notification.
  • A message will be sent to the specified number with a link that will allow you to recover your Instagram password without knowing the mail if you forgot your access. Tap this link.
    You will be automatically redirected to the Instagram app. Enter a new password.
  • Click on the checkmark.
  • After that, as in the previous instructions, change the outdated email, if necessary.

Restore Instagram account through TP

To get the result from the last method, you will have to wait, as we will talk about contacting Technical Support. The answer comes within a week, but the result cannot be guaranteed. This is the only option for those who have forgotten access to email, phone and have not linked their Facebook page.

How to restore Instagram without mail and phone number:

  • Open Instagram.
  • "Help Login".

  • Choose the first option in the block "Access to your...".

  • Enter a nickname. If you don't remember it either, ask a friend who follows you to send a screenshot of the account.

  • Click the arrow at the top.
  • At the end of the page select "We need extra. help".

  • A support contact form will open. Enter a valid and non-current email.
  • Check the appropriate items.
  • Write additional information about the problem.
  • Submit a request.

  • Open the letter that will be sent to the specified email address.
  • Send a reply email with the information needed to recover your account.

After reviewing the problem, another message will be sent to the mail with a request to send a photo of a certain format. When all requirements are met, you will receive a link to reset your password. Write down the new password so you don't forget it again.

We have considered all the options on how to restore Instagram if there is no access to mail and phone. Try to save passwords from mail and other services so as not to forget them and not be in a similar situation.

Access can be lost for various reasons: the password is forgotten, hacked, banned by the administration, or the user himself temporarily froze the profile. This can happen to anyone, because when passwords from dozens of resources are kept in your head, one can be forgotten. From the article you will learn how to recover your Instagram (instagram) account.

Removing a temporary block

Users, wanting to take a break and take a break from using the service, temporarily block their accounts. This opportunity is available to everyone, and the procedure itself takes a minute.

But, when the break is over, the question arises - how to restore an account (profile) on Instagram. And during the blocking, it is indicated how to do it, but not everyone notices the notification.

How to unfreeze a profile:

  • Open the app or the official web version of Instagram.
  • Enter password and login.
  • Click Login.

  • After that, the page will be restored to its original form.

It happens that the application gives an error when logging into your account. In this case, log in through the web version.

If the account was not just blocked, but deactivated forever, then access cannot be restored.

Forgot password

Restoring a page on Instagram if the password is lost is not difficult. The main thing is to have access to the mobile number or mail to which the page is linked.

Access recovery instruction:

  • Open application.
  • Under the authorization form, click on the line "Help logging in...".

  • Select the recovery option: by nickname, mail, SMS or Facebook. Let's take SMS as an example.

  • Select the country code (the first digit after the plus) and enter the number.

  • Open a link to restore access from SMS.
  • Come up with a password.

You can choose any option. The principle is the same - a letter arrives with a link to reset the password. If you select "via Facebook" - log in using your social account. the network to which the profile on Instagram is linked.

Blocked by the administration

An administrative ban can be obtained due to violation of the rules of the service.

Instagram account recovery, in such a situation, is possible if the violations are not serious and the blocking is the first.

What should be done:

  • Open a browser on your smartphone or PC.
  • Go to the support contact form.
  • Fill in the required fields.
  • Write why the account needs to be restored. Explain to the administration that you and your publications did not violate the rules of the service, if so. Arguments are required. If not, then write about the account being hacked.

Within seven days, access can be restored. If there is no answer after a week, start a new profile.

Lost all access data

Now let's figure out what to do and how to restore your Instagram account if you forgot all the data. The help center of the service for this case offers the following options:

  • Restore the email address the profile is registered to.
  • Through the Facebook profile, if it was linked.
  • Recover linked phone number.

That's all: the article in the help center says that in case of loss of access to the number and mail, access will not be granted. In this case, it remains only to start a new profile.

Recover hacked account

If the attackers did not have time to change access, use the password recovery form.

If all data in the profile has been changed:

  • Open the Instagram app.
  • Press on "Help Login".

  • Select the first item in the block Access to your account.

  • Enter a nickname. If it was changed, ask a friend to write to you what the account is now called.
  • Click on the arrow in the upper right corner.

  • Find the line "Need more help" and press.

  • Enter your email.
  • Select the type of account you are recovering.

  • Press on "Account Hacked".
  • Write additional information.
  • Submit your request using the button below.

After submitting the form, an email will be sent to the specified email address requesting additional information about the problem. In response to this letter, send everything you need:

  • Description of the problem.
  • Mail and number from the account, type of mobile device.
  • Previous usernames.

After that, you will receive a letter in which you will need to take a photo with a code. If all conditions are met, you will receive a link to reset your password in a few days.

Suddenly, if your friend comes up with the idea to delete an account from the phone, then it's better to do it with our instructions.

How to restore a profile on another phone?

If everything is in order with access, but you just changed the device, read how to restore Instagram on a new phone:

  • Open the app.
  • Enter your login information.
  • If you have forgotten your password, use the recovery form.

If the new one is not only the phone, but also the number, you can bandage the profile:

  • Log in to the app.
  • Go to your profile and click on the edit button next to your nickname.

  • Enter the new number in the field at the bottom of the page.
  • Enter the six-digit code from SMS.

To avoid such situations and not lose access, store passwords in special programs - KeePass, 1Password, eWallet and others. You can also use the two-factor authentication feature.

In order to understand how to restore Instagram, you need to know the essence of the problem, so, for example, in some cases you can save your profile, but most often the consequences are irreversible. The question of how to restore Instagram is structural and has several separate elements with which you can try to solve this problem. Let's look at the most common problems that arise in the context of the phrase restore instagram.

Let's return to the essence of the issue, in order to restore Instagram, you first need to delete it or deactivate the account - this is a procedure that requires relative effort. And if you went through this process and deleted your Instagram, and consciously, then you understood all the consequences. Another option by which you are looking for how to restore Instagram, maybe hacking your profile and we will consider this option in our publication, but first things first.

How to restore instagram if I deactivated my account

When you delete your profile or, to be more precise, deactivate it, then photos, videos, comments, likes are deleted from your account forever, and most importantly, you will not be able to restore your Instagram.

So, if your question is, is it possible to restore instagram after I deleted my account, then the answer is no you can't.

If for some reason you are unable to log into the instagram app, then your profile may have been hacked. In this case, it is better not to hesitate and try to use password recovery as soon as possible. To do this, you need to find the active link [Forgotten?] on the main page of the application and, using a touch click, click on it, after which the [Help with registration] page will open. Here you will need to choose a password recovery method - this is using a username, email address or through a Facebook account. All ways to recover a password, we published in the material;

  • How to recover password on Instagram

    After the transition, by laying restore by username or e-mail, you will enter your data specified during registration and an email will be sent to your mailbox to change your password.


    What pitfalls can await you if you do not log into your account, for example, you did not indicate a real mailbox, restore Instagram, in this case it will not work, a similar situation with Facebook.

    Forgot your username? Only your email can help you remember it. mail, when recovering a password, the letter will contain a respected [your name], and if, as in the first case, it was indicated incorrectly, then it will not work to restore your nickname.

    For more personalized answers to a question related to logging into your Instagram account, we recommend visiting the [Instagram Help Center]. To do this, visit the Instagram website, and in the bottom menu, find the active link [Support]. After going to the page, the help center, in the search box, enter the query [I can not log in], and then find the answer to your question.

    You tried all the ways to restore your instagram, but nothing works, but you are sure that your account was hacked. In this case, you can also use the Instagram help center, just on a slightly different page. This is a questionnaire that you fill out, with the help of leading questions, about your problem, more precisely, about hacking. Since it is very difficult to find it, and most importantly, most do not even know about its existence, but we will try to shorten your path to this page as much as possible.

    You already know how to find the help center, but the page for filing a complaint about an account being hacked, followed by its restoration, is difficult. Since the list of problems described in the support center is incredibly huge. To find this page directly, the search box will help you, enter the query [Complain about my account being hacked] into it and in the drop-down list of results, we find the heading [I think my account was hacked]. Then we go, follow the header link and get to the corresponding page, a short text awaits you on it, in which, after the words, if you cannot log in and thinks that your account has been hacked, there is a test link [Tell us about it] - that is the form filling out a complaint.


    If you still want to use the right menu of the help center, then the navigation will be as follows. First [Privacy and Security Center], then go to the [Complaints] section and already in it, you need to find the [Account Hacking] tab, we hope you succeed.

    Restore instagram

    There are ways to restore instagram and we hope that you can easily restore your instagram account if any problems arise. Finally, we note that you should not be upset if you failed to restore Instagram, because you can always create a new account.

    Get popular on Instagram. Order likes and followers.
    You can place an order by.

  • Having many accounts on various Internet resources, each user may encounter the problem of accessing his personal page. Often such problems arise when the password for the account is entered incorrectly. For those who already have a registered account on the social network Instagram, information on restoring access to the account may be useful. And in this step-by-step instruction with photos, we will show you three ways to recover your Instagram account password on your phone (tablet) and computer.

    Step 1

    How to recover a password using a username or email address on a phone (tablet)

    Start by downloading the Instagram app and on the account login page, click "Help Login".

    Step 2

    In the "Change password" section, select the "using username or email" option. addresses".

    Step 3

    The next step is to enter the name or email address that was used when registering the account. Then press the arrow.

    Step 4

    Now click on the line "Reinstall using email. addresses". After that, an email will be sent to your inbox to confirm the password change for your account on the Instagram social network.

    Step 5

    The next step is to go to the list of messages in the mailbox. For this I used the Opera browser. Open the message from Instagram and click the "Change Password" button.

    Step 6

    Now enter your new password twice and click the Reset Password button.

    Step 7

    Step 8

    Account access restored.

    Step 9

    How to reset your password using your Facebook account details on your phone or tablet

    Now let's consider the possibility of restoring access to an Instagram page using Facebook profile data. This method will be relevant for those users who registered on Instagram using Facebook login. Start by clicking "Help Signing In"

    Step 10

    The next step is to select the "using Facebook" password recovery method.

    Step 11

    Now you need to log into your Facebook account, to do this, enter your login and password to the Facebook page, then click "Login".

    Step 13

    Access to your Instagram page has been restored.

    Step 14

    How to recover a password on a phone or tablet using a phone number

    If you registered on Instagram using a phone number, then this password recovery method is for you. Start by clicking on the "Login Help" line.

    Step 15

    The next step is to select the method of changing the password "via SMS".

    Step 16

    To get started, select the country code by clicking the box at the beginning of the phone number.

    Step 17

    In the window that opens, you can start entering the country code manually or select a country from the list.

    Step 18

    Now enter the phone number and click the arrow.

    Step 19

    A password reset link has been sent to the phone number provided. Click "OK" and go to the folder with messages on the phone.

    Step 20

    Step 21

    The next step is to select the application with which the link will be opened. I select "Instagram" and click the "Just now" item, this will allow me to select the next time I click on the links.

    Step 22

    Now enter the new password twice and click the checkmark.

    Step 23

    The password has been changed and access to the Instagram page has been restored.

    Step 24

    How to recover a password on a computer

    In this password recovery method, you need to go to the site in the browser

    We recommend reading
