How to create an ecovillage. Russian settlements

Site arrangement 03.07.2020
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In Fallout 4, building settlements is a fun way to fulfill your ambitions to save the world. But first you need to choose a place and stock up on tools to create the perfect home for survivors. Let's take a look at the best Fallout 4 mods for building and find a place to start from.

The best places to build in Fallout 4

Which locations in Fallout 4 should you choose first? How not to miscalculate and start the rapid development of your own empire from small fragments of civilization? We choose the best places in this guide to building settlements. You can choose any of the 36 options and start developing it first. We will not list all possible places for construction - some of them do not represent anything.

Sanctuary Hills

The picturesque town is the small homeland of the Survivor. This is the first available settlement in Fallout 4 that a character can begin to develop and fortify. It is quite a good place to start – there are already 14 houses almost ready, and around there are heaps of rubbish necessary for crafting and building. Not far from the town flows a river that can provide residents with water.

This place is universal - everything is here to create the basis for building an empire. Residents can be provided with food, water, shelter and security without establishing a supply line from other locations. In addition, the hero gets into it quite early. Therefore, if you start developing Sanctuary from the very start, you can get a well-developed city.

Abernathy Farm

This Fallout 4 location is a very profitable option. There is plenty of space for planting crops and building. You just need to find residents for the settlement and resources for its construction. It's nice that the location already has important buildings - for example, a chemical laboratory. But to populate it, you will have to complete the quest "Reciprocal favor". Only after that it will be possible to start arranging and developing the Abernathy Farm.

There is also a drawback of this settlement - there are no open reservoirs. Therefore, it will be necessary to create a supply line with other villages, from which water will be supplied to the inhabitants of the Farm. There is also not enough trash for construction.

Greentop Greentop

This is a great place to build another farm. It can become one of the main ones in the infrastructure, creating food for the inhabitants of other territories. There is enough land in Teplice to create a powerful agricultural point. And, given that mutafructs sprout here, there will be no problems with choosing the desired crops.

There are already two natives growing mutafructs here. To subjugate the Greenhouse, you will have to take it from them and complete the quest. After that, the territory passes under the control of the Survivor.

The disadvantage is a little trash and water. But this construction site can be provided from other locations by establishing a supply line.

Tuffington Boathouse

A good place to establish a settlement of "water producers". Water is a scarce resource for any Fallout 4 location, it is constantly in short supply. You will often have to transport it to other locations. It is in the Boathouse that the missing moisture can be harvested and transferred through the supply line to dry places. To gain control over the territory, the location will have to be cleared of gnats.


A good Fallout 4 location for those who love berries and are ready to exist next to the ghouls. Sweatshop is a farm on which friendly and adequate ghouls decided to establish a small settlement after they were kicked out of Diamond City. Here they began to grow the best resin in the Wasteland, which attracted merchants.

Here you can create an excellent agricultural settlement, since in addition to the areas for growing resin trees, there is a lot of land for other crops. At the same time, by restoring the farm, you can build relationships with John Hancock. Building a base in this place is quite a good decision.

Bunker Hill

This place is capable of becoming the city of the new world of Fallout 4. It is located well, so that it is easy to build trade routes through the location to coordinate the provision of other points. Even without a Survivor, it is popular as the heart of trade in the Wasteland. The infrastructure here is excellent, the settlement is very well fortified. Almost nothing needs to be changed. And the presence of a large number of merchants will facilitate development.

To gain control, you will have to complete the Battle for Bunker Hill quest. The only negative is that you will have to establish a good defense system, since the place is popular among raiders.


A very interesting farm that can become a plant for food supplied to other settlements in the wasteland of Fallout 4. It is convenient for development, because... Robots live here. They work on the farm and grow crops. They do not need to be provided with food and water, so all of it can be sent to other residential points.

To join, you need to deal with the access of water to the farm during the quest "Restless Waters". Important! You will have to seriously think about protecting the settlement, because it is constantly under threat.

Kingsport Lighthouse

Favorable location for the construction of water processing stations for the sake of supplies to all points of the map. Nearby there is a lot of water and enough land for planting food. The location of the location is very good - natural barriers in the form of rocks and gorges will make it difficult to approach the settlement.

Unfortunately, this beacon is very well guarded by the hostile Children of the Atom. Therefore, poking around here at lower levels is suicide. But after clearing it, you can build a well-protected base here with access to infrastructure and water.

Spectacle Island

An ideal settlement located on an island and protected from all the inhabitants of Fallout 4. But, unfortunately, inaccessible to a low-level hero. The island is inhabited by swamps of different levels. And before you can organize construction here, you will have to kill them all. Which is possible towards the end of the game.

But after gaining access, this place can really be called the paradise island of Fallout 4. Because there is everything a builder might need here - huge territories, water, land for agricultural crops, a lot of power plants. Know only materials for buildings bring up.

These are the best places to start building in Fallout 4. After capturing some of them, you can safely go to conquer the rest - with the help of these locations it is easy to provide all existing points with food and water for a comfortable stay.

Mods for building in Fallout 4

But choosing a location for the perfect settlement in Fallout 4 isn't everything. Unfortunately, Bethesda didn't provide players with enough building options. There are not enough objects, it is not as convenient to arrange them as we would like. As a result, it will not be possible to create the ideal atmosphere that we would like.

And building mods for Fallout 4 will help solve this issue. They can seriously expand the possibilities and make the creation of settlements more enjoyable and easier.

Settlement Supplies Expanded

The Fallout 4 mod adds over 400 different objects and items to build. The number of available things is increasing - from doors to beds and even a surgical table! Decorations are also added - cars, stones, trees and much more. There is even a whole tank. True, static. An excellent solution for those who do not have enough objects in the standard development mode of settlements.

A similar and very useful modification for Fallout 4 for new items is the "Housewife". It contains over 1000 items.

Scrap Everything

Probably, many of you are familiar with the annoying indestructible buildings in the settlements of the world of Fallout 4. They do not allow you to make exactly the kind of settlement that the author wants - construction is difficult due to garbage. Therefore, the mod “Break everything!” Was created. It is necessary to completely clear the territory of unnecessary objects.

With it, you can break every house, every bush in the chosen place for construction. You can also dismantle roads and destroy garbage. After careful use of this “vacuum cleaner”, there will be nothing left in the location in Fallout 4 that could interfere.

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Is it difficult to live in an ecovillage? Not so easy, of course. In an open field, all issues have to be solved by ourselves, creating "from scratch", on our own and at our own expense, and infrastructure, and the necessary industries, and society. There are a lot of questions, and you have to look for solutions on your own, taking full responsibility for your life and the lives of your loved ones. In conditions when everything depends only on you and failure cannot be attributed to "uncle" or to the "system". But we have already decided for ourselves! And life is no longer possible. Without their own land with their own garden and garden, without clean air, without spring water, without birdsong and silence around. Without a calm and friendly space in which you want to live by yourself and raise your children

Moreover, we associate not only our future, but also the future of many people, if not our entire planet, with the ideas of the ecovillage and the Kin's Homestead. Is there any other way? In addition to returning people to a reasonable and healthy life on Earth, abandoning excessive consumption, which has a devastating effect on it, restoring other values, except for huge cottages and expensive limousines. But the trend is already encouraging. Hundreds (if not thousands) of ecovillages are being set up across the country. And while the process is at a very early stage, it is especially necessary to help each other by sharing our successful experience in solving a wide variety of issues related to the organization of settlements and land development.

However, it should be added that this text is a description of the design scheme that needs to be followed, but by no means a history of walking through the authorities. Consciously choosing the path of a dry presentation, the author simply describes the specific steps that we must take in order to achieve the official status of a settlement. But behind these steps is the living experience we have passed, a bunch of documents with seals and, in the end, the status of a settlement.

Stage one: what is an ecovillage?

The creation of a detailed, carefully worked out concept of an ecological settlement is the most important and responsible stage in the entire procedure for its organization. Everything else - location, structure, legal form, people who will be attracted to it, will, for the most part, only be a consequence of the initially laid down image. Ideally, the creation of an image should be basically completed not only before the choice of the legal form of the settlement, but also before the start of registration of the land plot. Experience shows that the more issues are resolved and agreed upon within the team (initiative group) at the very first, organizational stage , the easier and more efficient will be the way of development of the settlement in the future. Conversely, unresolved or missed moments tend to turn into "time bombs" that can, over time, lead to very serious problems, if not to the collapse of the entire undertaking.
And since it often happens that people remember their statements and agreements differently in a few years, these agreements must be recorded on paper in the form of specific documents.

An approximate list of issues requiring general agreement:
The essence of the settlement For example, we are creating an ecological settlement consisting of family homesteads;
Approximate size of the future settlement. How many people (sites) are designed;
The project of the settlement: the size and shape of individual plots, the width of roads and driveways, the presence (or absence) of a common territory;
Will there be infrastructure in the settlement: are roads planned (if so, with what coverage), electricity, gas, and so on;
Location (approximately) - region, district, direction and distance from the city (specific or any);
Location characteristics: presence of a reservoir, river, forest, access roads, distance from central highways, and so on;
Will there be general rules that apply throughout the settlement (in the field of ecology, ethics, social relations). If so, which ones (at least the most important ones);
How these rules will be adopted (changed) in the future, how their implementation will be monitored;
The status of plots (in our country - Kin's Homesteads) located on the territory of the settlement (purpose, indivisibility, possibility (impossibility) of free sale, etc.);
Requirements for a person who has a plot in the territory of the settlement. Including: the rate of development, planting plants, building a house, permanent residence and so on;
The procedure for accepting new people to the settlement (very important!). The presence (or not) of a probationary period, the availability of the right to participate in decision-making during the probationary period;
The procedure for changing the owner of the site (such cases inevitably arise);
The procedure for excluding people whose actions pose a danger to the settlement (or the absence of such a procedure);
Decision-making mechanism (general meeting, board, and so on), how and with what number of votes decisions are made;
The mechanism for implementing the decisions made;
Legal form of ecological settlement.
This list can be supplemented, but the main questions are indicated in it.

How to start creating an ecovillage?

In letters, forums and meetings, like-minded people often ask the question: what is needed in order for the administration to treat us with understanding and meet us halfway?

What do you need to start implementing our project?
- Desire, which is expressed not just by the word "I want", but by the awareness of what is happening. Willingness to change your lifestyle, reassess your values ​​and move towards your goal. It is important to have a team (at least 3-4 people) with a common outlook on life and a common desire to change it.
- Gather the most active participants, get into the car and go to the administration, having previously worked out a common position. Tune in to a friendly constructive conversation with a person who is not familiar with our idea.
- Arriving at the administration, to formulate exactly what we want. Without reference to anyone and any sources, state the essence as we understand it. The more precise the wording, the easier it will be further.
- Prepare for the questions that we will be asked. Whatever the administrator is, he is concerned about the question: what did we come with, what will we bring to the district, how will it be better for the district from us? And given that the situation in the villages is, to put it mildly, sad - people either drink too much or flee to the cities - quite natural questions arise. Namely: What will you do and how will you earn? Therefore, it would be good for future participants to realistically assess the situation and discuss the economic program, which has a great chance of being implemented. We need this first of all (something else will appear besides the idea). And the administration will treat us much more seriously.

After we find a common language in the administration and get the "go-ahead" for the creation of the settlement, agree on the form in which the land will be provided. Clarify what documents are needed and in what order they need to be completed. In our case, these are: a decision on the allocation of a site, an act of site selection and a permit for design and survey work. It would be nice if you could get the help of a lawyer.
- It may happen that we will be given the opportunity to choose a site. It would be good if, in this case, we have a specialist with us who can, by external signs, characterize the place and assess how suitable it is for a settlement.

The term "eco-village" itself It does not have a clear official definition and implies, as a rule, the aspiration or intention of a person or a group of persons to build life in an alternative way, more economically in terms of the use of resources and loyal to the environment.
So, an ecovillage in our understanding is a territory intended for permanent year-round habitation of people, within which there are additional (to those determined by the laws of the country where it is located) requirements for environmental impact, for the legal status of sites, in this the territory of the incoming ones, as well as social and moral and ethical standards that are mandatory for both residents of the ecovillage and its guests. In addition, there should be specific mechanisms for creating, changing and maintaining these rules and requirements.
What are the basic principles underlying our settlement?
- Our settlement is focused on permanent residence, that is, we invite only those who are already ready to change their lifestyle. No more than three years are allotted to prepare for the move, although life does not always go so smoothly;
- All decisions concerning the life of the settlement are made jointly at the General Meetings, where one representative from the site has the right to vote. Decisions are taken by a three-quarters vote;
- The rules adopted at the General Meetings are binding on both all residents of the settlement and its guests.
Here is the main list:
- At least one quarter of the area of ​​each Estate must be occupied by wild trees;
- All synthetic plant protection products (pesticides), as well as all chemical plant growth regulators, are completely prohibited for use throughout the Settlement;
- Throughout the territory of the Settlement, it is prohibited to raise animals for meat, as well as to slaughter animals;
- On the entire territory of the Settlement, any activity that damages the environment, as well as brings inconvenience to the residents of the Settlement, is prohibited;
- In public places it is forbidden to smoke, use profanity and also appear after taking even the smallest intake of alcoholic beverages.

But the most important feature of our ecovillage is that it is based on Kin's Homesteads - plots of one hectare allocated to each family (or a resident who does not yet have a family) for building a house and creating a space that includes a hedge, a garden, a kitchen garden, a pond, a small forest - such that the owners wish for their lives. At the same time, we want the status of the Kin's Homestead allocated to people not to change over time, at the will of the owners themselves, their relatives and heirs.

What are the main features of the Family Homestead in our understanding?

- The family estate cannot change its purpose, that is, turn, for example, into a farm, a plot for the placement of industrial or other non-residential facilities;
- The family estate cannot be divided into smaller plots, with the provision of each of them to other users or owners;
- The family estate cannot serve as an object of sale;
- The family estate can be inherited according to the will of its owners;
- The family estate should be surrounded by the same estates.

That is, if the plans of the owners of the site regarding the Family Homestead and the ecovillage have changed (and this sometimes happens), the residents of the ecovillage must be sure that the new owners fully share all the rules laid down in its basis. This is what creates the stability of the ecovillage and attracts those who plan to seriously implement the idea of ​​the Kin's Homestead.

How do we put into practice the ideas outlined above?
Through a legal entity - Non-commercial Partnership "Hyperborea". It should consist of the owners of the estates (one from the estate), act on the basis of the Charter containing all the above provisions, and be governed by the General Assembly-Veche.

Functions of N.P. "Hyperborea":
- Determining and maintaining the status of ecovillage and family homestead;
- Registration of the land plot on which the settlement is located (the land plot must be allocated free of charge by the administration of the district, the region for this very purpose - the organization of the ecovillage);
- Transfer of land to the category of settlements. The ultimate goal is a rural settlement with plots for personal subsidiary plots (PSP);
- Conclusion of contracts for geodetic and design and survey work, construction and commissioning of electrical networks and roads;
- Development and adoption of rules binding on the entire territory of the settlement;
- Implementation, if necessary, of the transfer of plots from one owner to another.

Interestingly, the original, we assumed the possibility of transferring plots allotted for family homesteads, to their owners upon completion of the settlement process. However, faced with reality, they realized that this action could eventually nullify the whole idea of ​​an eco-village, the implementation of which had spent so much time and effort. The reason is very simple: individual ownership of land contradicts everything that we put into the concept of a family estate and removes from its owners the obligation to follow any rules adopted by the meeting of the inhabitants of the settlement. Family estates, which we treat so responsibly, in the case of individual ownership of land, become a good way to invest money and an object for resale for profit ... This is the modern reality.
To avoid all this, upon completion of the process of registration of the settlement, we plan to transfer the plots to their owners through contracts of unlimited use with the right of inheritance. The land remains in a non-commercial partnership, and its participant, being the indirect owner of his land, receives the right to build, register a building and register in it.
The transfer of the site to a new owner (if necessary) will be accompanied by its acceptance into the N.P. and compensation for the value of the property remaining on the site to its old owner.
As for inheritance, the owner of the site will be able to write a will and transfer the site to the one he chooses, legally bypassing the complex and very often unfair inheritance procedure.
Thus, the competent registration of land for a Non-Commercial Partnership, consisting of the owners of all plots (and not several founders!) Provides a legal opportunity to embody the ideas of an eco-village, a family estate and the ancient veche way of managing space.

So, what does our path mean in arranging land for ecovillages and Kin's Homesteads?

It means our desire to build our lives the way we ourselves see fit, as well as our willingness to make efforts and take responsibility for our decisions and our actions. It is not enough to arrange only your estate, but you need to make considerable efforts to build the life of the settlement as a whole, creating a society in which we ourselves will live, as well as our children will grow and educate.
Eco-settlement for us is Kin's homesteads for each family plus the Society, which is responsible for the entire territory of the settlement and controls the space surrounding it. Managed by a veche - a gathering of representatives from each estate and creating in the settlement an atmosphere of good neighborliness, mutual assistance and joint creativity.

Stage two: choosing a design path

For our settlement, from the very beginning, the path of registration as a rural settlement with plots for personal subsidiary plots (LPS) was chosen. This legal form, from our point of view, currently most fully corresponds to the essence of the ecovillage. Why?

There are two types of private household plots - within the boundaries of a settlement (household plot) and on agricultural land (field plot). In the first case, you can build a residential building on it and register, which is what we need. In the second case - only engage in agriculture.
Plus, a land plot with the status of private household plots is intended for self-sufficiency in agricultural products, but not as a source of entrepreneurial activity. This means that running private household plots does not require any additional registration and documentation (as, for example, in the case of KFK - a peasant farm). In addition, all surplus products grown on household plots can be freely sold.
So, the status of a personal subsidiary plot within the boundaries of a rural settlement (household plot) makes it possible to build a house on the plot, register in it, and grow products both for their own needs and for sale. That is, it corresponds to the idea of ​​the Family Homestead as much as possible.

And yet, the status of the Family Homestead, from our point of view, has a number of its own features in addition to those that gives the status of private household plots within the boundaries of the settlement. Namely, a certain purpose, indivisibility, the impossibility of free sale, and so on. The concept of an ecovillage as a set of family homesteads also implies a number of features that distinguish it from the currently existing rural settlements. After all, modern villages (at least those that are located next to us) have the same status - rural settlements with plots for household plots, but in our understanding they are not ecovillages. This means that the idea of ​​an eco-village implies the possibility of introducing additional requirements, compared to generally accepted ones, in the areas of environmental impact, social structure and ethics, as well as the status of individual sites. Without such an opportunity, it will be incompetent to call a new settlement an ecological settlement, and land plots - Kin's homesteads.

In the ecovillage "Hyperborea" this issue will be resolved in the following way:

Land plots included in the territory of the settlement are not temporarily registered as individual property. This must be done in order to preserve the idea of ​​an ecological settlement in the form in which it was conceived (and will be spelled out in the charter of the NP "Hyperborea"), and to prevent a change in the status of Kin's Homesteads, as well as (which is very important!) Trade in them . The entire land plot (with an area of ​​....... ha), on which the settlement will be located, remains on the NP "Hyperborea", which, in fact, will consist of the owners of the estates. That is, a certain form of joint ownership of land and joint responsibility for it is obtained.

The right to own individual plots located on the territory of the ecovillage is determined by agreements that are concluded between NP "Hyperborea" and its members - the owners of the plots. The form of contracts is currently being worked on.

Since the NP "Hyperborea" consists of the owners of the plots included in the territory of the settlement, and all decisions are made at the General Meeting (Veche) by three-quarters of the votes, by doing so we not only preserve the idea of ​​an ecological settlement, but also create a mechanism for real self-government.

So these questions will be solved by us. There may be other options for their solution, and the choice is ours. The main thing is that they work.

Stage three: obtaining the right to a land plot for a future settlement

There are two main options here:
1. Buying out a plot from the owners of shares, farmers, other persons or organizations. The buyout procedure is well known, and we will not dwell on it.
2. Obtaining a plot from the state. Since we are following this path and consider it the most promising, we will talk about it in more detail.

According to modern laws, both an individual and a legal entity have the right to receive a land plot. All free land is in the redistribution fund, information on the composition of which is considered open. To obtain a land plot, an application addressed to the head of the administration is required, indicating the location of the plot, the area and the purpose for which it is taken. After that, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the head of administration and the local government (meeting of deputies). Further, after signing the relevant papers, the site is put up for auction, and if additional applicants appear within the period prescribed by law after publication in the newspaper, the site is “played out” between them. The winner enters into a lease agreement for a land plot, and after three years, in case of intended use, he receives the right to buy this plot into his property.

This whole procedure is not so complicated, it makes no sense to describe small details, especially since they may differ in different regions and regions. Information about the procedure in the form of a clear sequence of actions should be given by the relevant officials (employees of the land committee, property committee and other structures), whose responsibility is to draw up the relevant documents. In real life, this is how it mostly happens, but on one condition. If there is an indication "from above", from the head of administration.

At the moment, very large powers have been transferred to local self-government, but the heads of administrations of rural settlements have neither staff nor funding for the implementation of these powers. Therefore, the real "masters" of almost all state lands are the heads of district administrations. It is they who "give the go-ahead" to the distribution of free land, as well as to their unhindered registration.

So, the approximate sequence of steps:
- Creation of an initiative group.

Drawing up a common vision of the future settlement.

Writing the first official document - a protocol of intent.
- Selection of the approximate location of the settlement.

Land search.

Have a ready-made rationale for an eco-settlement, collect information on various programs that can be implemented in the settlement, travel and talk with officials.
- Search for a specific site. (soil scientist, geologist and geobotanist).
- Registration of a legal entity at the place of organization of the ecovillage.
- Writing an application addressed to the head of administration for the issuance of a land plot for such and such purposes.
- The district meeting of deputies - an instruction to the land committee to prepare the relevant documents for agreeing on the location of the ecovillage.
- Registration of a land plot selection act (prepared by the land committee and signed in the main district authorities, such as SES, architecture, and so on).
- The district meeting of deputies - a resolution on the approval of the location of the settlement and permission for design and survey work.

When registering a land plot for organizing an ecological settlement, it is necessary to take into account one important circumstance regarding the category of land. The bottom line is that every land plot in our country is assigned to a certain category, each of which implies certain types of permitted use. The issue of transferring a site from one category to another is decided at the level of the subject of the federation (region) and requires quite serious work.

How does this concern us?

If the plot of land chosen for the settlement belongs to the category of settlement land, then there are no problems at all - draw up plots, build, register. But this is extremely rare (for example, the land of a very large disappeared village). Most often, we have to deal with agricultural land on which it is forbidden to build residential buildings (there are cases when people managed to register on the lands of peasant farms and gardening cooperatives, but this is more an exception than a rule).

That is, the district does not have the formal right to lease out a plot of agricultural land for the organization of a settlement on it. How to deal with it?

There are two options here.

In the first variant(preferred) an interested organization, having in hand the relevant resolutions of the district assembly, we are engaged in the transfer of the land plot to the category of land of settlements and the organization of the settlement. And only after all the work has been done, a lease agreement is concluded. The procedure is quite logical, but has a number of disadvantages. What?
- The process of organizing a settlement can take a long time, and at this time you do not have normal rights to the site (decisions of the district assembly give only partial rights);
- It is impossible to engage in any activity on the site until it is fully completed (neither planting trees, nor even building);
- The leadership of the district may change (as it was in our case), and it is not always necessary to count on a good relationship with the new one;

In the second option, the interested person immediately becomes the owner of the land plot and only after that begins the procedure for changing the category and registration of the settlement. Any agricultural activity, such as gardening, beekeeping, or simply the production of agricultural products, can be included in the lease agreement.

But it is best if the lease agreement includes the use of land for personal subsidiary plots (while these will be field plots) by members of the organization for which the entire land plot is registered. This may be a Non-Profit Partnership or any other legal form.

And then, having become copyright holders, you can begin to organize a settlement. But at the same time, it is very desirable that the ultimate goal - the organization of an ecovillage - be agreed with the administration from the very beginning, and not only agreed, but also documented (by a resolution of the district assembly).

Stage four: drafting a settlement

To obtain the status of a settlement, it is necessary to change the category of land on which it will be located, and to change the category, in turn, a basis is required. Such a basis is the project of planning the territory of the future settlement approved by the relevant authorities.

The site planning project (or settlement project) includes a breakdown into sections, roads, junctions, and some other details, but does not contain information about the location of buildings. The project of the settlement should not be confused with the master plan, which contains much more complete and detailed information, but is not required at the stage of organizing the settlement.

The territory planning project is drawn up by an organization that has the appropriate license, based on a topographic survey of the area in accordance with the requirements of the customer and national SNIPs (urban planning norms and rules).

Let's consider this question in a little more detail.

Architects for drawing up a project require:
- Documents confirming the rights of the customer to this land plot, or the consent of the copyright holder to draw up a project;
- Customer's requirements for planning the territory (size, shape, location of individual plots and the general territory, location of roads and much more);
- SNIPs and norms approved by the relevant authorities for rural settlements. These standards are readily available and, as a rule, architects have them;
- Topographic survey of the area (detailed map with contour lines and reference to the coordinate system). It may be found in the archives of the Land Committee (aerial photography materials), or it may not be available. Then you need to invite topographers and pay for their work. This is a common thing for them - a couple of people for several days with a plot area of ​​​​100 hectares.
There is nothing complicated in drawing up a settlement project. It contains a copy of the license, a dozen sheets of standard content (road sections, etc.), an explanatory note (drawn up with the participation of the customer) and the actual territory planning plan.
The latter is the only time-consuming part of the project and is done by the architect (35-40 tr) at most, a week.

I must say that (attempts to earn money on us) will be repeated in the process of organizing a settlement more than once, but there are always options to avoid this. Therefore, to pay for all the work on registration of the settlement, something about 100 thousand rubles is needed, while the state would have cost two million for similar work.

And this point requires a little comment.

A bold, but also very profitable question may be how to build a cottage village. At the same time, you will have to draw up a competent business plan and calculate how much money will be needed to implement such a project.

Today, people are increasingly willing to buy or build a house outside the city in order to live closer to nature, in a quiet area. Beautiful cozy buildings for every family, the presence of a garden or lawn near them, convenient roads, suitable infrastructure, remoteness from a noisy city - all this attracts many people who are ready to pay for comfortable housing.

Project Features

If we consider a cottage settlement as a business, then it differs from standard ideas in its advantages and disadvantages. So, the benefits and attractiveness are as follows:

  1. Relatively fast return on investment.
  2. At each stage of construction, the profit covers the next costs.
  3. Housing prices are lower than in the central and prestigious areas of the city, so the demand from buyers for it is always present.
  4. People for the most part prefer to live near nature, but at the same time do not sacrifice the usual amenities.
  5. When building houses outside the city, you can use local materials (for example, wood from a nearby forest), which will significantly save initial costs.
  6. It is available to make money not only on the sale of houses, but also with the help of a well-thought-out infrastructure.

Among the minuses, there are difficulties in the process of paperwork, obtaining the necessary permits, finding a suitable site and large capital investments. But having overcome all the difficulties, you can enjoy a significant profit.

Registration questions

Before you build a cottage village, you will have to be patient and spend a lot of time and effort to obtain the necessary papers. To get started, register as an LLC, that is, a legal entity that is responsible for all the actions of the company.

Gradually, at each stage of the project implementation, it will be necessary to obtain the relevant documents. These include:

  • land ownership;
  • permission to carry out construction and installation works;
  • developed architectural project;
  • cadastral registration of the site;
  • converting it into a suitable form for living;
  • technical documentation for communications, etc.

The exact list can be found in the administration of the city or district, as some of the nuances change every year and various amendments are made. Also, initially read the requirements of RosTechnadzor so that all stages are coordinated with each other.

Download for free to use it as a sample.

Where to begin?

In order for the project to go smoothly and bring the desired profit, you need to carefully think through everything and draw up a business plan, which describes the sequence of actions in stages, as well as the amount of costs and estimated income.

Develop the basic concept of the future village and your business. Decide for which segments of the population you want to create housing. Specify their requirements and wishes regarding country cottages. In your calculations, be guided by the solvency of the target audience. So, you do not need to use expensive materials for the construction of economy-class housing and vice versa.

Initially, think about what type of houses will be on the site, how convenient it is to lay a road between them, what social infrastructure you can offer, how to attract a future buyer. Often, when building a cottage village, entrepreneurs choose one style of decorating houses of a certain theme.

Site selection

Particularly responsibly, you need to approach the territory on which the town will be built. In doing so, it is desirable to pay attention to such important criteria:

  1. The proximity of forests, rivers or other natural areas, the more attractive they are for customers, the higher will be the prestige of housing.
  2. The aesthetic component of the landscape.
  3. The presence of access roads, although they can be laid separately.
  4. Remoteness from the city, for example, if cottages are built within 50 km from the metropolis, then you can live in them permanently, and if the distance reaches or even exceeds 100 km, then such housing involves seasonal holidays.
  5. The availability of infrastructure today is a decisive factor for most customers (kindergartens, schools, shops or shopping centers, hospitals, police stations, etc.).
  6. It is important that there are no cemeteries, pigsties, garbage dumps and other unattractive objects nearby.
  7. The geographical position of the area and the topographic study of the site must comply with the requirements for construction (groundwater depth, soil quality, etc.).
  8. Features of the climate in the region.
  9. Plot dimensions.
  10. Its intended purpose and the possibility of development.
  11. Evaluate the availability of all required communications (centralized electricity, gas, water supply, sewerage).

For a more accurate study of the area, you can hire a specialist or conduct market research. At the same time, do not forget to focus on the target group of people for whom you are going to build cottages of a certain type.

Since the foundation of a building requires most of the cost, saving on its complexity is extremely important for the entrepreneur. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the quality of the soil and its other features.

It will depend on this whether it is possible to use simple tape construction or whether it will be necessary to strengthen the foundation, install reinforcement or drive in piles. You will have to pay for additional ground research and topographic survey, but these costs are mandatory.

Land transfer

A separate issue is related to building permits. When purchasing a plot from the owners, pay attention to the intended purpose. You can buy it from the state, various industrial enterprises and farmers. Each of the options provides for different chores for the design and accessibility of the building.

A long and complex process is the transfer of the site in another direction. For example, if earlier it was allowed to conduct farming activities on it, then it will take a lot of time and money to re-register it for one where you can build residential buildings.

There are also some nuances that distinguish between development for summer cottages and cottage settlements, where permanent residence and registration of citizens are assumed. All these details must be clarified with the administration before the acquisition of the site. If you buy several different territories that stand side by side, then at the end you will have to carry out a topographic survey and deal with the cadastral register in order to clarify the boundaries.

Sometimes land is offered by wholesale buyers who specialize in finding plots and their complete preliminary preparation for building a cottage village. But the cost of such a territory will most likely be too high, because it must cover not only the price of the land itself and the receipt of all permits, but also bring profit to the owner. For you, as an entrepreneur, this is unprofitable.

Conducting communications

For most clients, a very important point in choosing a cottage is its connection to centralized systems. Therefore, ask in advance if it is possible to conduct engineering networks:

  • electricity (it is specified at the nearest power plant the availability of a free cell allocation);
  • water supply;
  • sewerage;
  • gas supply.

This takes into account the level of consumption of all elements, their cost, the possibility of connecting or installing individual generators, allocated limits, etc. All this is agreed upon at the stages of planning and studying available territories.

The availability of roads and the proximity of bus stops is also of no small importance. But if a suitable area is found where transport routes have not yet been laid, then it may make sense to build your own road. In some cases, this is much better and more profitable than giving up a beautiful and elite site.

social infrastructure

Not every cottage settlement provides any other opportunities besides accommodation. But today, customers are becoming more demanding and even on economy class sections they are trying to provide some kind of convenience and entertainment.

So, it will be attractive to have:

  1. Grocery store or supermarket.
  2. Clinic or family doctor's office.
  3. Kindergarten.
  4. Schools.
  5. Recreation areas or playgrounds.
  6. entertainment complexes.
  7. Wooded areas, rivers or lakes for family leisure in nature.
  8. Recreational areas nearby.

In practice, the presence of a lawn or garden plot around each cottage is already considered the norm. Thus, a person can independently decorate the territory of his own free will or use garden services from the developer. For you, this is another article of possible income.

Design stage

Only after thinking through all the little things and deciding on communications, features of the territory and the main idea for construction, you can contact the designers. It is they who, in figures, diagrams and drawings, will clearly show what and where to build, that is, they will realize the settlement on paper. Without this component, it makes no sense to start work.

To do this, it is important to discuss with a specialist all the nuances:

  • type of settlement (seasonal or permanent residence);
  • what class of houses is provided (economy, medium or elite);
  • its positioning;
  • which of the additional buildings need to be built to create the desired infrastructure;
  • provide the features of the selected site and all relevant documentation for the study of soil and terrain;
  • zoning of the territory;
  • already existing layout of individual objects (for example, the presence of a pier or a park);
  • wishes for the appearance and size of each site;
  • style decisions, architectural moments, etc.

It may take up to 2 months to create and approve a finished project, but it will take into account all the details - geography, climate, roads, communications, building features, aesthetics and much more.

Only on the basis of such a document can construction begin. To do this, it is enough to conclude an agreement with an experienced and reliable company that provides services to developers. You will only have to choose building materials, pay for the work and control the deadlines for completing tasks.

Realization of housing

Even at the construction stage, you can promote the project, its advertising and the sale of future homes. To do this, it will be necessary to inform the population by all available means about the new cottage settlement, its advantages, and also conclude an agreement with some banks on the provision of accreditation for mortgage loans. To do this, you need to meet the following parameters:

  1. The developers you have hired already have experience in building such large facilities.
  2. All documents are correct.
  3. Sales are carried out directly and legally.
  4. Are you insured in any way against financial risks?

You can sell your home in a variety of ways:

  • Directly to the client, placing ads on billboards, in the media, etc.
  • Through real estate companies that sell houses much faster, they will find buyers, but will reduce your income by the amount of commission.

For example, when selling luxury cottages, you can focus on the uniqueness of the infrastructure, the proximity of any special complexes or recreational areas. Economy-class houses are sold due to low prices and the proximity of the establishments that people need.

Financial component

The cost of such a project can be very different, but this figure is always quite large. Specific amounts will depend on the following factors:

  1. The size of the common area.
  2. Its uniqueness and various features.
  3. Difficulties in construction (foundation, soil quality, etc.).
  4. The original purpose of the site and the possibility of changing it.
  5. The cost of services of individual specialists and companies with which you will cooperate at different stages.
  6. Selected building materials.
  7. The need for communication.
  8. Availability and quality of roads.

In any case, even from a simple sale of houses, you will receive a significant profit. But prices need to be set carefully. They must cover all your costs for the implementation of the project, provide a net profit, but at the same time be within reasonable limits established for the selected region. Also, in pricing, be guided by the solvency of the target audience.

Let's take an example. You spent a total of 5 million rubles on the construction of a small economy-class cottage village. Having sold houses, you get 6 million. Total, net profit - 1,000,000. But that's not all. By organizing recreation areas nearby, opening a supermarket, providing garden services, installing plumbing, etc., you can earn additional income on a regular basis.

On average, the stage of planning, paperwork, obtaining permits and the construction itself lasts about 3-5 years. And already six months after the start of construction, you can count on income. Approximately in 2 years, the initial investment is fully returned.

Video: project for the construction of a business-class cottage village.

The building option is available already at the beginning of the campaign, but it is not so easy to make the citizens of your settlement happy, so first, for the sake of interest, familiarize yourself with the needs of the citizens by completing several tasks from people living near the shelter where you woke up. This will allow you to understand whether all these worries are to your liking, or whether it is better to go in search of a son, adventures and the like, instead of satisfying the various everyday needs of almost unfamiliar citizens.

Building a happy settlement in Fallout 4

It’s better to immediately determine how many citizens can come under your roof, you can familiarize yourself with this in the upper menu bar of the workshop - it accurately indicates both the number of people grazing in the region and the availability of the resources necessary for the happiness of the settlers, such as energy, water, food, beds, happiness, protection and energy.

As in SimCity, these scales are marked with their own color, the greener each of the indicators, the more satisfied the need for a particular resource. Citizens do not care what you build and how, the main thing is to indulge their basic needs, otherwise you are completely free.


Even in the last part, you could spoil your reputation by sleeping in someone else's bed. This is a very understandable resource. Without a comfortable rest, people begin to express dissatisfaction (as if in the wasteland before they came to you, a warm blanket and a glass of tea were waiting for them every evening).

A little more beds are needed than the number of villagers themselves, because new tenants may appear, and this must be foreseen in advance. In addition, you yourself can restore strength during sleep.


There will be no happiness in your village without food. If you already own a settlement, look around carefully for cultivated plants, and don't forget to look at vendors for vegetables that can be planted.

For the garden, only earth is suitable and nothing else. Feel free to climb into the workshop menu, select "Food" in the resources section, decide on a plant and plant it in a convenient place.

In order to regularly harvest, you need to involve a local resident in this work, just go to some loitering loafer and set the desired command through the workshop menu, then go to an impromptu farm and indicate the destination to the resident. Thus, the need for food will be partially satisfied.


Around the desert, so without water - anywhere, it is required for the growth of vegetables and for the satisfaction of citizens. Building a water pump will require a familiar procedure - opening the workshop menu and selecting the "water" resource. The water pump can only be installed on a concrete base. If there is enough material, build a few more spare pumps around.

Water is needed not only for residents and vegetables, but sometimes it is also required for crafting, so by building a water pump you will forever provide yourself with this valuable resource.

Of course, it is best to install an industrial water pump, but you won’t create it right away, for this you will have to run a lot, taking apart any unnecessary garbage. Oh yes. The water pump will not work without electricity, so you will also have to build a generator and connect it to the water intake mechanism using wires.


Many objects require a mandatory share of electricity, otherwise they will not be built. This applies to lighting devices, water treatment devices, fans. Therefore, first you need to build a generator. At the same time, do not forget that each of the devices must be connected to the generator using wires or power lines.

For your own convenience, place the generator in a conspicuous place, best of all next to the building where you live directly - this will make it easy to place and supplement the settlement with new devices. Each generator produces a certain amount of energy, marked with a number next to the lightning icon.


The area around your village, as you have already noticed, is not particularly friendly, so your inhabitants must be protected. You can delegate the role of defenders to the settlers themselves, for this you need to build special posts around the village and assign your attendants to them, this is done through the workshop command menu, as well as with gardening and harvesting.

It is necessary to give the appropriate order, and then ask the resident the desired point, indicating the protective post as the place of his work.

Around the settlement, you can build a complex of traps and turrets that does not require labor, it is also good to buy a dog, it adds five points to security at once. If the security rating of the village is low, it is highly likely that your village will be plundered or destroyed by raiders in your absence.

Additional ways to make settlers happier

In practice, the creation of a settlement begins with an initiative group. This project is always non-commercial. The process of creating a settlement and beyond, the nature of the settlement itself, are very different, they largely depend on the initiators, on the main team, the backbone of the settlement, on their cohesion and ability to negotiate.

If you decide to create a new ancestral settlement on your own, it would be best to study the experience of several settlements, travel around, and talk with the organizers. Then choose the creation option that is most suitable for you and start acting. The main thing is to start! :-) And then everything will definitely work out!

Many organizers share their experience in creating ancestral settlements. Here is a link to the article "How to start creating an ecovillage" on the site of the Ark, one of the most successful and rapidly developing settlements in Russia:

And here is the option of creating a settlement from the initiator, one of the main organizers, the settlement of Bolshaya Medveditsa, Vitaly Kiyatkin:

How to create an Ancestral Settlement

from scratch (project plan).

(Countdown of figures and data - January 11)

1. The General Plan of the Settlement is being drawn - of a general nature.

2. The course of social policy is determined.

3. A financial plan is being written - of a general nature.

4. A place is selected for the Settlement.

5. The land is being formalized.

6. An updated general plan of the Settlement is being drawn.

7. An updated financial plan is being written.

8. The financial plan is being implemented.

9. Additional information.

1. General plan of the settlement of a general nature.

In practice, they usually begin to create a Settlement by choosing a place.They learn from the design of the land, and fit into the proposed conditions as it will.For example, there are cases when initially the initiators took the land under

Family homestead in order to create a family settlement, but in the end they received onlyland for several of their family homesteads, and the rest of the land went into thishammer time.Or if in another case the land did not "leave", then physically create a family settlement - there was no place. Therefore, you need to decide right away: is a Family settlement being created, or severalFamily estates.

If there are several family homesteads, then this section for further reading is irrelevant.If a family settlement - we draw a master plan.

The General Plan of the Settlement, first of all, determines the size of the Settlement, which, in turn, determines the course of social policy, financial plan, choice of location, etc.The master plan is drawn by hand, or in some other way - for example, in the editor.

Time for drawing - takes from 5 minutes, or more - at will.For example, you decide to draw a plan-minimum-optimum -General plan of the Settlement with a size of 150 hectares.We draw a square (optional - draw a circle, oval, etc.),

denoting the size of 150ga.And you can immediately draw your Family Homestead in it - why drag out time.

If you nevertheless drew something else, for example, - A settlement in the form of a circle,then 99% that you will change it soon.In practice, such forms are not implemented; moreover, even land companies withmultimillion-dollar turnovers prefer simpler forms.If, inside the master plan, you draw estates in the form of circles, then the number 99 must bewill add - 9 more, and maybe in the period.But, these are already details, - the main thing is that the general plan has already been drawn, which means that your

The tribal settlement - almost already exists - it remains to specify itAs a rule, in practice, the size of 150ha is roughly divided by 100ha + 50ha.Where 100 hectares is the land directly under the Kin's Homesteads,

and 50 hectares - land for common infrastructure.100ha is 100 plots of 1ha, i.e. we can potentially expectin your Settlement for 100 participants, i.e. 100 families.50 hectares - will contain - roads, alleys, parks, etc.

To the total area of ​​the Settlement - the total length of roads, taking into accountminimization during planning, will be about 7 km.This is taking into account the access road to the entrance to the Settlement from some existing one - up to 1 km.

At the same time, internal roads should be planned with a width of at least - and enough - 3.5 m,and the access road is already about 6m.The perimeter of the Settlement will be about 5 km.

The length of the central alleys is approx. 2 km.

The area of ​​the central place is approx. 10 hectares.

And there will still be "impassable" roads - ok.8km.

In terms of area, this will be:

Roads with verges and pedestrian spaces - 10m wide,

per 14km = 14ha.

Here it must be borne in mind that you planted a Christmas tree, and the neighbor - answered you with the same from the edge, -the Christmas trees were delighted with the open space, and threw branches at 3m.From the 10m road, only 4m remained.Although in practice this is rare, because. on an initially clean field alonea neighbor from the south and east does not want to close the fir trees, and the other from the west and north does notsits in the 1st row, because spruces are windfall due to the superficial root system.But there remain many other large trees, which, if not below, then above -they will spread their crowns.

Perimeter with a width of 30m = 15ga.

The perimeter includes - a protective moat (from cars, fires, cows, etc.),a green living fence around the Settlement 6-10m wide, and a walking alley.

Alleys with a width of 40m = 8ha.

On the alleys you can break flower beds, alpgorki, garden glades.In the central place we place a common pond, an amphitheater, different platforms,school, club, tea house, seedling nursery, etc.

3 ha - we will leave it on common areas, - for example, on a stable.

Total: 14+15+8+10+100+3 = 150 ha.

2. Determining the course of social policy.

90% of the issues when creating a tribal settlement revolve around money. The remaining 10% could also be indirectly attributed to money, but this would not be entirely accurate. Rather, these 10% determine the level of responsibility in approaching the solution of tasks. And 90% is the level of own engagement. In other words, the more self-responsibility and self-involvement is manifested, the cheaper the organization of the Settlement is. These questions, it would seem, could be thrown into the finance section, and this topic closed, but here we define precisely the approach to resolving issues. And approaches can be such (conditionally):

1. Issues are resolved and implemented independently.

2. Issues are resolved independently, and someone embodies them.

3. Questions are solved by someone, and someone embodies them.

Let's start with the last one.

There are people who want to create an estate, but do not take it, because. believe that there is no decision on its creation. Those. someone hasn't decided yet that you should create an estate. This someone - can be anyone, for example - the President.

And such people can say - the President will make the Decree - and then I will take the estate for free (again - a matter of money). That is, allegedly, there will be no need to pay for land surveying, for registration, and roads will be built, etc. Or there is, for example, a Half, rich, smart, - well, and everything will be done.

And here the main question is the following - in one's own non-participation. Those. one could not take the estate, but become the same President, or somehow participate in the promotion of these issues, but they are not moving.

Therefore, you most likely will not meet such people, because they will not come to your meeting to resolve issues, or to participate in some other way - for example, with money.

In the 2nd paragraph, people understand that the Decree (from above?!) can be expected for a long time, especially if you do not participate in its promotion. Therefore, they begin to register the land on their own - they invest in registration, etc.

But in the following questions, they can start to slow down. For example, to consider that having issued the land, they are already doing well, but everything else - let someone else do it - for example, some kind of "state".

Those. this state must provide people with electricity, build roads, provide them with work in the field, and so on. Therefore, when entering the new Settlement, it is necessary to clarify on the shore whether we do it ourselves, or we are waiting for state and other subsidies.

If time endures, then we can wait together, - most importantly, do not be offended if later children or grandchildren will be called as - “from the settlement of Poproshaikino”.

And the 3rd option is when people take and solve issues on their own. Albeit with a small budget, but if the issues are thought out enough, then there will be no social conflicts and revolutions in your Settlement.

He is informed, if he is not aware, that he does not kill animals on the estate, and does not grow them for slaughter. This rule is usually observed, because. everyone understands that his estate - his Space of Love - will suffer from such actions.

But such cases still occur. Most likely, because of the money - ie. a person is reluctant to pay the store for the same chicken - and he grows it himself. Or, there are times when someone behaves too noisily on the estate and in the settlement - turns on the music at full power, thumps with dubious women, and drunk drives around the settlement. But such cases are extremely isolated, and they must be resolved separately at the general meeting of the Settlement. For example, to give a person money for meat - well, he is starving, maybe he, let him buy it. Or give the address of the bar to another - let it come off in full.

Those. in general, general issues are solved cheerfully, sometimes not very much, - the main thing is that they are solved. If you approach the type of "face control" or "dress code", then you can create a closed system based on fear.

However, someone thinks otherwise, and they appoint themselves "watchers", and set the terms of "watching". As a result, they may not go further than the “review”.

An important social aspect in the creation of the Kin's Settlement is the allocation of the 1st - 2nd plots to the 1st - 2nd orphanage children. Is free. This is well written in Vladimir Megre's books of the Ringing Cedars of Russia series.

And also in these books it is told about special types of settlements. About settlements for prisoners. And about settlements for deputies.

3. Financial plan of a general nature.

So, as already mentioned, it is very important to correctly calculate the finances, and / or the own resources involved. Funds collected can be conditionally divided into:

    Required starting.

    The following are important.

    Necessary for subsequent and/or ongoing operation.

At the same time, if the necessary starting funds are sufficient for the further self-development of the Settlement, then the main task will be solved, and it remains to determine how the financing will take place:

Or phased co-financing;

Or third party investment.

Basically, Kin's settlements are created on the principles of phased co-financing. At the same time, the sufficiency of the required start-up capital either varies and is also solved, or results in a number of problems, subsequently, in principle, also solved. The difference between co-financing and investment is in the cost percentage, and in the development of the Settlement's start-up project. In the case of investment, the starting project of the Settlement needs to be worked out better, otherwise you may not work out the money invested. Therefore, we will consider the option of a start-up project as for an invested one, but in the case of co-financing.

So, we need to organize a Settlement with a total area of ​​150 hectares, where 100 hectares are land for estates, 50 hectares are for common areas.

What we need?

    To issue the land, to divide it into plots.

    Lay roads.

    Green the Settlement.

    Improve the settlement.

    Organize security.

    Build public houses (tea house, school, etc.).

    Resolve issues related to additional infrastructure.

    Resolve questions about the launch of common projects.

In our new settlement, 7 km is the length of roads, 10 hectares are allocated for a central place, alleys are 2 km, a fence is 5 km.

Land registration, land surveying.

1.1. Surveying - 300 thousand rubles

1.2. Ownership registration - 5 million rubles(the average price of the secondary market for agricultural land located at a distance of more than 50 km from megacities). Note: it is cheaper to enter the primary market, but later - for example, 50 km from Moscow to purchase 150 hectares of land even for 5 million rubles. - can be very difficult.

1.3. Change of the status of agricultural land to the status of a Settlement.

Here everything depends on point 7 - what additional infrastructure you are going to extend immediately. If electricity, and maybe gas, then it is necessary to fund a shift - about up to 2 million rubles, this is if you need it relatively quickly. These figures are not determined, because we (we - that means all of us, the inhabitants of Planet Earth) have not yet adopted the Federal Law on the Family Homestead and there may not be interested parties. And if so, please participate in the social programs of the district, and even the region. Where the offer is only 1 site for an orphanage child, it may not play a special role. Moreover, they may not believe you - they may say that "you are hanging noodles so that grandmothers do not pay." But the status can be obtained gradually, with a justification for what you are creating - to some extent this is a voluntary advertisement of the Kin's Settlements.

Then let's put - 200 thousand rubles

Total: 5.5 million rubles

    Road laying.

2.1. Asphalt is expensive.

2.2. Backfilling with crushed stone, with preliminary removal of the fertile layer, for every 100m - approx. 10 KAMAZ trucks, or 60 thousand rubles.

For 1 km - 600 thousand rubles. For 7 km - 4.2 million rubles. + there will be corrections - up to 300 thousand rubles.

Total - 4.5 million rubles

2.3. Another option

Compaction of the soil, or stabilization of the soil with lime, these options will be almost free, based on the essence of their description, but they must be tested.

    Landscaping of the settlement.

For every 10m of the fence you will leave - approx. 17 seedlings of various tiers. Those. per 100m - 170 seedlings. And for 5 km of the fence - 8500 pieces. Alleys, 2km - 3400pcs. Central Park - 1000 more

Total: approx. 13000 pieces.

Taking into account the replanting and the acquisition of rare varieties of deciduous and coniferous, for each seedling, you need to lay - 80 rubles / piece, along with planting.

In total we get: 1 million rubles(1.04 million rubles)

    Improvement of the settlement.

A well is needed in the center, playgrounds are needed, flower beds are needed, an amphitheater is needed for general meetings and a common pond is needed, and an organized summer place is also needed.

Well - 60 thousand rubles.

Game and sports grounds - 120 thousand rubles.

Amphitheater - 300 thousand rubles.

Pond - 300 thousand rubles.

Flower beds - 80 thousand rubles.

Place of rest - 100 thousand rubles.

Total: 1 million rubles(960 thousand rubles)

    Security organization.

To organize security, we need:

    Dig a ditch.

    Build a gatehouse at the entrance.

    Organize security.

    Buy guard dogs.

A moat is needed to protect against fire, running animals - cows, for example - and from the arrival of third-party cars where it is not required to enter. The gatehouse at the entrance can play a role, including for meeting guests. The guard can be a guest.

And dogs - to play the role of small horses - for children.

Regarding protection, the main question is for how long it will be included in the starting project of the Settlement.

Those. after what period it will either not be needed, or it will switch to the current financing mode - it is necessary - everyone chipped in for some amount.

By prices.

Ditch, 5km - 200 thousand rubles(cube excavator)

Gatehouse - 400 thousand rubles(together with water, toilet, electricity, firewood and stove).

Security, together with dogs - 200 thousand rubles / year.

For 5 years = 1 million rubles

Total: 1.6 million rubles

    Construction of public houses.

These include guest (tea), club and school. As a rule, a club and a school will be needed later, i.e. they are transferred to financing under subsequent plans. And a tea house, depending on its size, can be considered somewhere from 1.4 million rubles

7. Implementation of additional infrastructure.

It includes the conduct of centralized electricity, gas and sewerage with water supply. The latter - sewerage with water supply - are abandoned almost immediately.

They prefer to make them autonomous, because. stagnation will accumulate in the central line, it is not clear where to drain; an undesirable accumulation is formed - and the water in the pipeline - fades, and becomes undrinkable (and the townspeople drank enough bleach anyway).

As for gas, few people dare to carry it out. It turns out to be more economical to supply your own cylinder than to pay for the installation and subsequent operation. On electricity, opinions are divided 50 to 50. Someone thinks that it is necessary to carry out, and then you can break a high price for plots - they will sort it out like that. And someone thinks that they will not understand. And the picture of prospects is not clear. For example, 1 kW - costs 1 rub. for a private owner. And for an entrepreneur - already 5 rubles. And where is the guarantee that the landlords will not be made higher. Look, people have healed well - you have to fuck with them. Those. it is a needle of incomprehensible perspective. Also, electricity is supplied mainly from the nuclear power plant. There it accumulates a lot, and then we get off with Chernobyl.

Those. what is the point of creating an estate, connecting it to a central nuclear power plant, so that it would then slam for children and grandchildren. On the other hand, some suggest throwing the central, and then - maybe something else will come up. You can also use this method. But it is better to launch this project when collecting the majority of the participants in the Settlement, so as not to impose a central system on those who prefer autonomous. Again, those who demand a central system do not really want to wait for the decision of the autonomists.

Therefore, here we will lay - nothing yet.

8. Launch of common projects.

The general projects include tourism, the activities of cafes and hotels, etc. On the one hand, these projects can provide jobs on the spot, and on the other hand, not everyone agrees to chip in them. Therefore, it is more expedient to assign these projects to an individual-collective solution.

Therefore, in total for the implementation of the initial (starting) project of the Settlement we get:

5,5+4,5+1+1+1,6+1,4=15 million rubles

Land + roads + landscaping + landscaping + security + tea house

The project does not: school, club, central electricity.

For 100 hectares under family homesteads - these are 100 plots of 1 hectare,

or 150 thousand rubles. for 1 hectare

You can also lay for the supervision of the project - 10%.

Those. total - 165 thousand rubles / 1 ha.

If you attract third-party investment for a period of 5 years, then the price can rise up to 100%. There will also be an inflation recalculation for new arrivals.

Benefits of co-investment.

    Lower price per 1 hectare in the Settlement.

    The opportunity to involve future neighbors in the organization of the Settlement - construction, landscaping, etc.

    The potential for greater participation of landlords in the creation of the Settlement.

    The ability to start the creation of a Settlement with at least 1 person and at least 100 rubles of cash (to get to the administration and write an application for land, and advertise on the Internet about inviting neighbors).

Disadvantages of co-investment.

    As a rule, there is a lack of start-up financial capital, as a result of which individual parts of the project have to be sacrificed, up to the fact that the planned general plan of the settlement is cut off several times.

The main advantage of third-party investing.

At the same time, it should be noted that if the land is formalized in accordance with the law on ancestral settlements, then the role of the investor in terms of land reservation can be performed by some state structure.

As a result, we are already using the principle of co-investment, and do not lose in the planned master plan.

4. Choosing a place for a family settlement.

For example, a Yandex map is opened, or an atlas of your region is bought. And we start looking. Here, in advance, it is desirable to decide what we are viewing - what area:

Clear field;

Hills, mountains;

The presence of water bodies;

Or some mixture of the previous.

For example, we have chosen:

Clear field;

The presence of a reservoir.

Now we set a schedule of possible distances from your location. For example - no more than 70 km. Note: the distance depends on your settlement and its features - the presence of industries, etc. As a rule, the larger the settlement and the more industries are concentrated around, the more expensive the land will be when approaching them. We leaf through the map, look in the right radius, try on the master plan. Oh-p! - approached! Your master plan fits in - it means that this is your potential place.

Define additional search criteria. Additional criteria include:

Distance from the federal highway;

The presence of nearby settlements - either for the possible binding of additional amenities - cleaning the road to your turn, the presence of a store, etc. - or, conversely, to distance unwanted attention;

The presence of a number of free sites for the organization of neighboring tribal settlements;

The presence or absence of a number of large industries;

The presence of special conditions for the development of the planned projects of the participants in the Settlement - local attractions, legends, history, development prospects, and / or the possibility of creating legends and / or conditions for the implementation of projects.

Additional criteria will determine the specifics when choosing your new site. When the site is selected, you need to clarify its freedom with the local administration and start the design.

5. Registration of the land.

Land registration is carried out in the following ways:

Redemption from the owners of the property.

Registration of land administration in the property.

Registration of administration land for rent (with the possibility of registration in ownership later).

The following decisions are involved in the design:

Design based on the experience of other Settlements.

Registration by hiring knowledgeable legal practitioners.

Own design in consultation with lawyers, consultations in the administration, searching for technical solutions on the Internet.

Or a mixture of options.

For example, the land for the settlement of Bolshaya Medveditsa (Middle Urals) was issued according to the technical decision of the settlement of Paradise (which is near Tyumen). And the landowners of the Big Dipper have already consulted (to clarify the technical decision) the landowners of the settlement of Solnechnoye (Middle Urals).

Further, if you are registering the land of the administration, then most likely you will need an updated master plan before you issue the land + financial justification - this is the main difference between acquiring land from the owners, and registering the land of the administration. However, if you declare yourself as an active participant in solving social issues of an administrative district, then the fewer requirements will be put forward for you, and the faster the registration of administrative land will take place.

In the additional information section, you can find more details about the options for registering land for ancestral settlements. Also, in order to simplify the procedure for registering land, it is necessary to participate in the implementation of the Law on Family Homesteads and Family Settlements.

6. Updated General Plan of the Settlement.

In the updated master plan of the settlement, we can link the original master plan to the area. In addition to changing the general contour of the boundaries of the Settlement, the changes may affect the change in the direction of roads and alleys - depending on the terrain. For example, if we want to retain spring water when snow melts in spring, we make roads across the flow of water, and alleys - across the main wind rose, or with possible movements.

7. Updated financial plan.

The main clarifications in the previous fairly complete planning may relate to the part of land registration. Because the planned price for the land and its registration - can swing in one direction or another. It is desirable to plan this "swing" in the financial "fork" of the initial planning. Also, prices are clarified according to the necessary possible price changes depending on the length of the access road, and the length of internal roads, the distance to the nearest building materials, and the general price level of the local area. And here it is desirable to prioritize the implementation of plans for the organization of the Settlement.

land clearance - 1st priority,

landscaping - 2nd, etc.

8. Implementation of the financial plan.

Actually, the implementation of the financial plan began already in the process of registering the land. Depending on how you accurately planned the replenishment of the Settlement Fund, this is how you will be resistant to financial fluctuations at the initial stage.

It is especially important to insure at the stage of land registration. At this stage, the emergence of possible budget holes is especially unacceptable. Such holes appear at the stage when the land is not yet formalized, and some of the planned owners refuse to participate in the project to create the Settlement. Refusals may occur in the event of a delay in the timing of land registration. For example, they designated an entry fee - 100 thousand rubles. per 1 hectare, and the term of registration of land in the property - 1 year.

And they themselves stretched the design for 3 years, - for example, as it happened in the settlement of Bolshaya Medveditsa. During this time, future owners may change their priorities, or other reasons will arise - for example, urgently need money for plastic windows in an apartment - and as a result, the person refuses and claims a refund of the money he has contributed. Moreover, when there is one applicant, he will definitely “take” with him someone else, or several. As a result, we will get an already larger budget hole in the Settlement Fund. And if you did not insure yourself with additional reserve capital, or did not stipulate a refund period as - “after the implementation of the project for registering land in ownership of the landowner / landlords of the Settlement until there is an amount in the Settlement Fund sufficient for a return, excluding third-party sale of land”, then you you will either have to go into debt, or "get out" in some other way, if you want to keep the master plan of the Settlement in full.

Immediately completely.

Orders have their pros and cons. The advantages of the 1st option - at the stage of registration of the land, if the organizers of the Settlement do not have a positive financial history - more precisely, the balance holders of the Settlement Fund - it is difficult to collect the full entry fee at once - few people want to. Or it is necessary to create additional preferential conditions for those who pay the full contribution at the initial stage. It's like buying an apartment - at the stage of laying the foundation - one price, and after the delivery of the house - the price can grow 2-3 times. The disadvantages of the 1st option are a possible refusal to participate in the Settlement project due to the unwillingness of a financial contribution. For example, when organizing the Bolshaya Medveditsa settlement, there were cases that after the 1st installment of 5-10 thousand rubles. for 1 hectare - there were a lot of claims against the organization of the Settlement and responsible persons, up to the rejection of certain parts of the Settlement project - for example, who needs roads - let them pay for them, and let them pay for other projects - and who needs only land - let they pay only for land - for example, the same 5-10 thousand rubles. Such claims, as a rule, “hook” almost all future owners whose contribution has not been paid in full - and a community of those who do not want to pay for any reason arises. It's like, say, an apartment costs 1.5 million rubles. You describe it as: 0.5 million rubles. - this is the price of the apartment (walls, ceiling, base), 1 million rubles. - these are communications - sewerage, water, electricity, heating.

The owner contributes 0.5 million rubles, and the other - the same amount, and others contribute whoever. And then the arguments begin - why do we need a scoundrel - you can like a cat - he bought sawdust, then he took it to the trash. Or why electricity - I will be powered from batteries, from a neighboring house, or I will directly throw a branch through the air - I have friends there. And the general meeting of future owners makes a decision - to pay only 0.5 million rubles. for their apartments, and communications - to hell with them.

Another part of the owners, who paid all 1.5 million rubles, is starting to develop the topic that it’s like without central electricity, and that we are not going to take sawdust to the trash, but we want to go normally to flush toilets.

Those. an undesirable confrontation arises, which by no means leads to a better and faster achievement in the implementation of plans - in our case, the organization of the Settlement.

Therefore, the most careful attention should be paid to a clear order of financing and possible necessary insurance.

To do this, it is necessary by that time to create either an existing Council of the Settlement, which will be able to resolve such issues, or to have funding from projects launched in parallel and together with the start-up project of the Settlement, and included in the amount of the start-up targeted contribution. What money may be needed for the subsequent current functioning of the Settlement. For example, to clean roads in winter, and to pay for security. Let's say it will be an amount of 300 thousand rubles / year.

This means that for 100 owners - this comes out at 3 thousand rubles / year from each, or 250 rubles / month. - also from each. If there is no desire to pay this money later, then it is necessary to launch a financial project with the starting money to meet these needs. For example, we add 10 thousand rubles/1 ha to the starting 100 thousand rubles / 1 ha, and for the collected additional million rubles we will organize a tourist site - steam gliding, horseback riding, etc., which will have to provide profitable capital for an amount of at least 300 thousand rubles / year. Projects not included in the start-up project - for example, a school, central electricity, etc. - are launched for separate targeted contributions.

For example, 2 million rubles are needed for a school, which means that this is 20 thousand rubles each. - from each owner of the land plot - in addition to the entry fee.

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