Projects of houses with a trapezoidal roof. How to draw up a competent roof project without the help of specialists

reservoirs 26.06.2020

The roof is a structure that serves as the end of the house in its upper part.

Roof construction is one of the most important moments in the process of building a house. When installing a roof, it is very important to follow the technology of roof installation, the violation of which can lead to trouble: heat loss, leakage or even distortion and destruction of the entire roof frame. In order for the roof to cope with its protective functions, it must be properly built.

The roof is an essential element of any building. Regardless of the type of roof and the materials from which it is made, this design must be durable and perform its main functions. The main purpose of each roof is to protect the building from any bad weather, and in the case of an attic floor, to serve as a high-quality hydro and heat insulator.

Designed in accordance with the expected loads and architectural features of the building, the roof structure will not only decorate the structure, but also provide it with reliable protection. The more carefully the device of the roof is thought out and the calculations of the parameters of the constituent elements of its structure are more accurately performed, the more practical it will be in the course of further operation.

Scheme of the device of a roof from a metal tile

Based on the slope of the roofing system, they can be pitched or flat. The latter are installed horizontally or with a slope not exceeding 3%. Pitched roofs consist of inclined planes intersecting their tops - slopes.

The slope of such roofs is calculated based on the roofing material used. So, when the roof is covered with ceramic tiles, the slope is determined by the ratio 1:2, and if it is covered with metal tiles - 1:3 (L = 16). Roofs with a slope angle of 15% or more are classified as steep, up to 15% - gentle.

What parts does the roofing system of buildings consist of?

Regardless of the features of the structure on which the installation of the roof is planned, its structure is assembled from the following main elements:

  • Mauerlat;
  • rafter system;
  • crate;
  • waterproofing;
  • thermal insulation;
  • vapor barrier;
  • roofing material.

Roof system design

Mauerlat acts as a solid foundation for roof construction. This is the upper trim of beams made of wood or reinforced concrete. The bars must be firmly fixed to the walls of the structure. The upper surface of the beams or wooden logs must be horizontal, since the rest of the structural elements will be mounted on it in the future. To protect the wood of the beams from moisture, several layers of roofing material can be laid on them.

The truss system is the most important part of the roof structure, determining its shape, as well as providing the necessary protection and stability to the entire building. Often, the features of this roof element determine its type and shape and allow you to create unique roofing systems. Rafters must withstand not only the effects of weather conditions, but also the total weight of the roof. Usually the size of the beam for the frames of the truss systems is 5x15 cm.


To evenly distribute the load, the rafter beams are reinforced with additional supports: spacers laid on the Mauerlat parallel to the rafters, vertical posts, inclined struts, as well as ridge and side runs located across the rafter beams.

The stability and strength of the roof depends entirely on its supporting structure - the truss system.

To fix the roofing material on the rafters, a crate of small planks or boards is laid. Wooden boards are placed at a certain distance from each other, depending on the type of roofing material. If the roof is of a roll type, the step of laying the lathing should be no more than 1 cm. For metal tiles or polycarbonate sheets, a step of about 60 cm is optimal.

For waterproofing, namely protecting the roof from moisture penetration from the outside, a layer of a special film is used. It can be placed under the crate or on top of it, avoiding excessive tension and sagging of the layer. At the joints, the film sheets are overlapped with a size of 20 cm and firmly fixed with construction tape.

There is a large selection of thermal insulation materials for roof insulation. They can be laid or sprayed between rafter beams without leaving gaps. Uneven distribution of insulation can adversely affect the quality of the thermal insulation layer and lead to a decrease in its performance.


To prevent the accumulation of excess moisture in the roofing system, it is necessary to install special gaps that provide sufficient ventilation.

Thermal insulation of the roof allows not only to make the house more comfortable and the microclimate in it healthy, but also to reduce energy costs by 30%.

To protect against the penetration of moisture into the roof from the inside of the structure, the insulation is covered with another layer of film. Special membrane films are designed in such a way as to absorb water vapor without letting it into the roof. Subsequently, the absorbed moisture gradually evaporates.

The topmost part and face of the roof is the roofing material. Sheets of metal tiles, slate, corrugated board, roofing steel are mainly used to cover the roof. Less often they make a roof from polycarbonate, ceramic tiles, glass.

Metal tile is a very popular material for creating a reliable roof for any building.

Types of roof structures depending on the shape

There are a wide variety of roofing options available. In modern construction, the installation of pitched roofs is mainly carried out. Horizontal structures cannot fully protect the structure from adverse weather conditions. A lot of snow lingers on their surface, and during rain, moisture can seep into the building.

Pitched roof shapes

Pitched roofs differ in the number of sloped slopes. The simplest and most economical single pitch roof construction. The frame system of such a roof is mounted on the walls of the house with a certain slope, due to the fact that they have different heights. On the attic floor with such a roof, it will not be possible to equip a residential attic. Yes, and the building with such a roof looks rustic. Such polycarbonate roofs are often built on terraces, balconies, and verandas.

The design of a shed roof is extremely simple


Gable (gable) roofs are widely used in the construction of a wooden house in the suburbs or private buildings in small towns. Often it can also be used in summer cottages. 2 slopes of such a roof are interconnected by means of a ridge - a horizontally located rib. This type of roof is the most common and most practical. The space under such a roof, limited on the sides by parts of the walls of the structure, can be used as an attic or attic. The original look of the building can be given by installing slopes that differ in width or angle of inclination.

Gable roof - the most popular design in private construction

Varieties of hip roofs

A very reliable and durable design made in the European style is a hip roof (Dutch). Its frame consists of 4 slopes: 2 triangular, located instead of gables, and 2 trapezoidal slopes. The device of such a roof is a rather complicated and time-consuming process, but the result justifies the efforts made.


Sometimes, in order to achieve a triangular shape on the unused part of the pediment, its lower part is covered with a slope. In this part, a window is usually mounted.

Even more difficult to perform is the semi-hip type of roofs. Such a roof has truncated triangular slopes located above the trapezoidal ones. In addition to additional attractiveness, it is characterized by high functional qualities. In addition, the half-hip design allows you to arrange a rather large window on the pediment.

Half-hip roofs - one of the most interesting options borrowed from northern European architecture

The hipped frame roof is also a type of hip type. It is formed by three or more slopes, with their tops connecting at the top at one point. The peculiarity of this roof is the absence of a ridge. Symmetrical triangular slopes create an impressive design in appearance. This type of roof is usually used in polygonal or square-shaped houses.

Multi-forceps design

For installation in polygonal structures, a multi-gable frame roof is suitable. This type of roof is a rather complex structure and requires a carefully thought out, precisely drawn up plan.

A multi-gable roof will require enormous physical and financial costs, but will delight the creators with the architectural beauty of the building.

For the device of a residential attic on the attic floor, a broken-type roof is installed. The kinks of its slopes have a significant angle of inclination, which ensures the formation of a large free space under the roof.

The broken roof structure allows you to increase the functionality of the building

Domed roof structure

Rounded roofs in the form of a cone or dome are not installed around the entire perimeter of the building. They cover such elements of the structure as decorative turrets or rounded terraces.

Dome houses are a relatively new word in construction, quickly gaining popularity due to the use of an unconventional shape.

Combined roof options

Combined roof structures can combine a wide variety of frame types.

Combined roofing may include various elements of hip roofs. The multi-gable design can be equipped with a large number of compact glass windows, small balconies, as well as polycarbonate verandas or terraces. Thus, they allow embodying the most daring and original design solutions. Their main disadvantage is complex installation and rather expensive maintenance.

Combined roofs - the most complex in structure

What type of roofing system to choose for a private house

In construction practice, a wide variety of types of roofs of private houses are used. Basically, the uplift of one or another type of roof depends on the wishes and financial capabilities of the owner of the house. Currently, it is possible to install the most unusual roofing systems: glass, metal, polycarbonate coverings, ceramic or metal tiles.

Giving preference to any type of roof, the owner of a private house thereby determines the features of the future frame truss system. It is also taken into account in what weather conditions the building will be located, how it is planned to use the attic space. If a residential attic is planned, the desired number of rooms in the space under the roof, as well as their purpose, are taken into account.

A flat roof is a fashionable architectural way of building a roof for a country house, which has a number of advantages and functional features.

Roof covering materials

Various building materials are used to cover roof structures: rigid and bending, piece and in rolls, profiled and flat. Some use for the roofing of a small house, others for a multi-storey city building, and others for utility buildings.

Sheet roofing:

  • sheets of metal;
  • corrugated board;
  • ondulin (euro slate, aqualine);
  • slate;
  • copper seam sheets, as well as aluminum or steel.

Profiled sheet and metal tiles are valued primarily for their durability. Slate is a more budget option. Seam coating, unlike metal tiles, is more often used for sheltering industrial buildings.

Decking is one of the best building finishing materials in terms of price and quality ratio.

Soft types of materials:

  • flexible tiles. A multi-tweezer design is mainly mounted from it;
  • roll roofing (stekloizol, hydroizol);
  • membrane roofing (EPDM, TPO, PVC), such as polycarbonate sheets.

Piece materials:

  • ceramic tiles;
  • bulk (mastic);
  • slate roof.

In the construction of country houses, polycarbonate covers are often mounted. Thanks to its features, the roof is durable and lightweight. This material is characterized by strength and lightness, transmits daylight and is an alternative to glass coatings. Polycarbonate roofing is used in the construction of terraces, mansards, verandas, greenhouses. Due to the presence of air chambers, polycarbonate sheets are highly soundproof and perfectly retain heat indoors. In addition, the cost of polycarbonate is lower than glass coatings.

A gazebo with a polycarbonate roof is a very good option for installation in summer cottages of any size.

Functions and types of roof eaves designs

The overhang of the cornice protruding beyond the perimeter of the walls of the house is designed to protect against precipitation. The elements of the cornice mask the line of connection of the inner surface of the roof slopes with the walls of the house and make the facade of the building complete.

Overhangs of the eaves are equipped on the sides of the building and from the side of its facade due to the protruding edges of the inclined slopes. The overhang of the side cornice is usually 50 cm, the front one is about 1 m.

To ensure the safety of the operation of the frontal cornice, it is necessary to responsibly approach the choice of materials.


An important point when finishing the cornice is the mandatory provision of sufficient ventilation, regardless of the type of design chosen and the size of the cornice.

In total, the number of ventilation holes should be within 1/400 of the area of ​​the interior space.

The roof cornice device provides an additional function of ventilation of the under-roof space

Types of roof frames

The roof frame system is an important load-bearing element of any building. Depending on the materials of manufacture, roof frames are divided into the following varieties:

  • a concrete-type frame structure is used for the manufacture of flat or gently sloping single-pitched systems, it consists of special slabs;
  • the roofing system of the truss type is a frame made of lumber. This option is best suited for mounting various types of pitched roofs;
  • in industrial-type houses, it is advisable to install metal roof frames made of durable metal beams;

In the construction of private houses, a frame gable roof made of lumber is mainly used.


The roof frame is subjected to heavy loads during operation. To ensure the safety and reliable protection of the building, it must be as strong and of high quality as possible.

Construction of a frame house with a mansard multi-gable roof

For the construction of the roof of a multi-storey apartment building, metal or concrete shed structures are more often used.

The choice of the shape of the roof and the type of roofing material is largely determined by the features of the architectural configuration of the structure, weather conditions, the planned direction of water flow, as well as the individual preferences of the owner of the house. Regardless of the type of roof, if desired, it can be supplemented and old elements replaced with new ones.

Ksenia Skvortsova. Chief Editor. Author.
Planning and distribution of responsibilities in the content production team, work with texts.
Education: Kharkov State Academy of Culture, specialty “Culturologist. Lecturer in History and Theory of Culture. Experience in copywriting: From 2010 to the present. Editor: since 2016.

The roofs of private houses are divided into several different categories, depending on the shape, structural elements, complexity of the device, and other things. Choosing the type of roof during the construction of a building should take into account many factors: the amount of precipitation in a particular area, structural strength, wind load, arrangement of living rooms in the attic, etc.

The roof of the house performs several important functions at once:

  • provides hydro and noise insulation;
  • creates a barrier from the wind;
  • acts as a thermal barrier.

The durability of the structure depends on the quality of the structure itself and the roofing material. Also, these indicators affect the cost of heating rooms inside the building.

Flat and pitched roofs

Roofs of houses can be flat and pitched (sloped).

Depending on the architecture of the building, an appropriate roof structure is selected even at the design stage. Drawings are created, and calculations are carried out, taking into account all the features of this architectural structure. The layout of the roof - the attic or living quarters - is also thought out in advance.

Country cottage with a flat roof

Flat structures are found mainly in countries that receive a small amount of annual precipitation. Since with abundant rainfall, water will accumulate on such a roof, and it may begin to leak. In the vastness of our country, pitched roofs are used in the construction of buildings. The plane of such structures is located at a certain angle, usually it is more than 10 degrees and depends on the abundance of precipitation that falls during the season in a given region.

You can learn more about all the other advantages and disadvantages of flat roofs from this special video.

Much more often they use roof projects of private houses with an inclined structure, which can have several slopes at once.

Attic and attic roofs

According to their design, roofs can be divided into non-attic and attic. In non-attic, the bearing elements of its design are at the same time the ceiling of the upper floor of the house. They can be ventilated or non-ventilated. Attic roofs have an attic floor that separates their structure from living quarters.

Roof purpose

When choosing the roof of a house, you should decide in advance how its space will be used: as a simple attic or living space. These points significantly affect what shape and type of roof is suitable for your home.

The main types of roofs of houses in shape

Roof structures of private houses in their form can also be divided into several types:

  • lean-to,
  • gable,
  • hip,
  • multi-forceps,
  • attic,
  • tented,
  • domed,
  • conical,
  • flat.

The main types of roofs for private houses

For shed roofs, the angle of inclination usually does not exceed 20-30 ⁰. The planes of mansard roofs are set at an angle of 45-60⁰ in the lower part and 25-35⁰ in the upper part. For conventional gable structures, this figure is in the range of 25-45⁰.

Hipped roofs suggest the presence of 4-8 planes for better removal of rain and snow.

Beautiful roof structures of private houses are obtained by combining several gable elements or types, however, maintaining such structures in good condition and installing them is not an easy task.

shed roof

It has a fairly simple form. At the same time, this type of roof is extremely rare in the arrangement of private residential buildings, since with such a design, the load on the rainwater drainage system increases significantly, and they simply do not look too beautiful.

Private house with pitched roof

In most cases, such roofs are used in the construction of outbuildings of small width. If you still decide to equip just this type of roof, then you will need an enhanced drainage system with a greater throughput.

Gable roof

Also having a very simple design, they are the most common type of roofs for private low-rise buildings. When arranging it, you can use almost any roofing materials.

Scheme of the device of a simple standard gable roof of a private house

Hip (four-pitched) roof

The hip (four-pitched) roof is more common in the southern regions. With this option for arranging the roof, the attic has no gables, and the dormer windows, in most cases, are located at the intersection of the ridge with the hip ribs. By design, a hip roof is much more complicated than a gable roof, so it is more often used in cases where a building needs to be given aesthetic appeal.

The design of the hip four-slope roof of the house

Multi-gable roof

The multi-gable roof type is distinguished by an impressive number of different options, depending on the size and number of gables (pediments). Its construction is recommended to be trusted only by experienced professionals, since its arrangement is accompanied by the formation of sunken corners, which require very precise and accurate roofing work.

The device of the multi-gable roof of the house

mansard roof

As a rule, they equip in cases where it is planned to use the attic for living quarters. This type of roof has a broken profile and, accordingly, is somewhat difficult to manufacture. It is often a kind of multi-gable and gable roof.

Scheme of a broken mansard roof

Other types of roofs of private houses

In addition, conical, domed and combined types of roofs are quite common. Conical and domed roofs are often used as decorative or separate elements of more complex building structures. The combined type is one of the most common types of roofs, as it combines several elements of individual types at once.

Private country cottage with a conical roof

The choice of the type and shape of roofs for private houses

When choosing the shape and type of roof, it is necessary to take into account the factors on which its performance depends. First of all, you should pay attention to the slope of the roof. In snowy areas, it is advisable to select structures with simple and steep shapes, since snow will practically not accumulate on such areas.

In areas with strong winds, the strength of the wind load must be taken into account when choosing.
The higher it is, the greater the angle of inclination, area and height of the roof. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fire requirements for roofs.

Read also

Projects of houses and cottages from logs

Glass roofs for private houses

Many owners of country cottages dream of enjoying the view of the starry sky. Roof projects for private houses may involve both partial glazing and the arrangement of a transparent dome. Glass roofing is installed on the terrace, balconies, veranda.

The shape of the roof for private houses and various kinds of structures is made in the form of an inclined plane, a dome, a sphere. Panoramic glass roofs are mounted on several slopes, which significantly increases the viewing area. During the installation of this design, it is necessary to use reinforced aluminum and steel profiles.

Glass roofs for private houses have their own distinctive features. When designing the structure, it should be taken into account that it will be necessary to periodically wash and repair the glass. The roof, like windows, will fade over time from dust and precipitation on its surface. It is also advisable to install a heating system on the windows so that in cold weather ice and snow do not accumulate on them, and you can enjoy the views.

Materials for transparent roofs

To create transparent and, at the same time, warm and safe roofs, they use:

  • triplex glass,
  • plexiglass,
  • polycarbonate,
  • transparent slate.

Ordinary glass is not used to create transparent roofs because of its high fragility; if broken, fragments can harm human health.

  1. Triplex is the safest material for creating a safe coating.
  2. Laminated glass also does not shatter when broken, however, the light transmission is not very high and it is very thick.
  3. Wired glass is sometimes used for roof glazing. If the glass breaks, the fragments will remain in the metal mesh frame.
  4. Plastic translucent materials - polycarbonate, plexiglass and slate have excellent properties (lightness and high strength), which make it possible to use them to create complex sliding structures.

The device of a simple roof of a wooden country house

House roof projects usually involve the maximum use of attic space, for which the room above is expanded and insulated. The resulting usable attic area can be used for housing.

The roof structure of a wooden house consists of a frame and a roof. The roof frame consists of load-bearing and fastening elements. The main part includes: rafters, Mauerlat and crate. Important additional frame elements are crossbars, struts, racks, etc. They give rigidity to the structure.

The design of the elements of the roof of a wooden house

The height and volume of the resulting room depend on two factors: the angle of inclination and the number of slopes. Typically, projects for the roofs of country houses involve a gable broken shape. This design is the most convenient for human life. Sometimes on the second floor the plan includes a balcony. Be sure to take into account that at the maximum point the height of the attic floor should not be less than 2.2 m.

The inside of a conventional gable roof can also be used as a living area. There are bedrooms or an office here. In this case, the height of the middle part of the room should not be less than 1.8 m.

The roof consists of materials that provide heat, hydro and vapor barrier.

When constructing a roof, special attention is paid to the choice of insulation. It is also worth stopping at the roofing material, which is more suitable in terms of characteristics for your building.

Detailed scheme of the roof of a wooden house
  1. Waterproofing provides protection from precipitation, so the coating should not have damage on its surface, and even very small holes.
  2. The vapor barrier ensures that there is no condensation, which can cause dampness in attics and attic spaces. Also, the inclusion of window openings in the projects of the roofs of country houses, which will allow ventilation, will allow to exclude the dampening of the wooden structure. The location and number of vents affects the ventilation of the attic and its illumination.
  3. produced depending on its design features. Rigid material is laid on monolithic floors. From above they make a screed and mount the floor covering. On wooden structures they are laid: vapor barrier material, insulation, a subfloor is made and only then the floor covering is installed.

The roof is an important part of the house, without which it is impossible. Most people prefer practicality, completely forgetting about the external data of the house, its visual perception. Not everyone attaches particular importance to the roof and its type, but in vain. Thanks to the roof, even a small one-story house can be significantly transformed, become more expressive and original.

Of course, it is clear that, first of all, the roof is a reliable protection, because it must protect the house from external factors and their influences. In pursuit of beauty, many people forget about reliability, and subsequently suffer from problems that have arisen at the first snow or heavy rain. That is why you need to choose the best option that combines both external attractiveness and reliability.

Roof construction of a one-story house

The roof of a one-story house consists of a load-bearing and enclosing parts interconnected, because they not only interact, but also maintain the balance of the entire structure. The peculiarity is that the mistakes made in one component will lead to violations in the second, which means that the design as a whole will suffer and will not be of high quality.

In most cases, it is customary to use pitched roofs for a one-story house, the angle of the slopes depends on many factors. Pitches can be affected by both the type of pitched roof and the roofing material. The supporting part of the structure is the roof frame, which includes wooden rafters.

In addition to them, you can find a Mauerlat there, which collects all the rafters at one point, the other side of the leg is attached to the beam intended for this. The rafter system should be based on the run, and special racks will evenly distribute the weight, make the load the same on all load-bearing walls. To prevent the rafters from moving, braces and struts are used, as well as a wire that provides secure fixation.

If the house is completely made of logs, then the wire will have to be replaced with metal brackets, which must be attached to the second log (counting from top to bottom). The rafters must be laid, making an indent from the ceiling of 0.3-0.4 meters, this will give easy access to the rafter system in case urgent repair work is required.
The enclosing part begins from the moment when they begin laying the waterproofing that protects the house, protecting it from moisture and rotting of the roof structure. Between the rafter legs and the Mauerlat, you need to put two layers of roofing material, after which you can make a wooden crate and roof the roof.

If the house is large and its width is more than 6 meters, then the construction of supporting walls will be required, because the roof will need additional support. With such dimensions of the house, a layered truss system is used; in the case when the building is small, a hanging rafter laying system is used.

Current types of roofs

If we take into account all the roofs, they can be divided into two main categories: pitched and flat. In the case of a flat type of roof, everything is already clear, because there are no features here. It should be noted that one-story houses with a flat roof look very boring and unsightly, so its use is not recommended. The only options where a flat roof is better is to create extra space for a roof top pool.

Types of pitched roofs that can be used for one-story houses:

  • Single and double slope.
  • Tent, hip and semi-hip.
  • Broken line (mansard).
  • Complex (multi-forceps) and combined.

Shed roof - cheap, simple and reliable, but not very attractive. In general, a shed roof is a slope fixed on walls with different heights. This option is more likely to have outlived its own, since the shed roof is practically not used in the construction of modern houses. It is best used on outbuildings or garages.

The gable roof is a timeless classic. This option is optimal for a one-story house. This type of roof combines practicality and reliability; it is simple and not very expensive to build it. With this roof, you can already emphasize the exterior of the house, express its individuality, using various styles and roofing.

A four-pitched hipped-type roof consists of slopes in the form of a triangle, the tops of which converge to one point. This option looks interesting, built quickly and easily.

An alternative option is a hip roof, this is also a kind of four-pitched roof. The main difference is that during the construction of the roof, two triangular slopes (end) are used, and the two main ones are made in a trapezoidal shape. Building a hip roof is a little more difficult, but outwardly it will be very tempting.

The mansard roof is a construction with broken slopes that is constantly gaining popularity. Thanks to such a roof, it is not necessary to create a second floor, because the attic can be actively used as a residential attic.

A combined or multi-gable roof is an expensive and difficult option to implement. Such roofs are mainly used for large cottages or houses with several floors, so the use of these types of roofs will not be entirely logical when building a small one-story house. These roofs are the most beautiful in appearance, however, only professionals can build them, and the cost of this will be very high.

Roof design and installation

Before you start building a house and a roof, you need to develop a project, think through all the details in it and pay special attention to every little thing. At the stage of project formation, you need to choose the type of roof, solve design issues, and also choose the material that will be used to build the roof, its roof.

The end result should be successfully combined, harmonized, creating a single picture that suits both externally and functionally. When choosing materials, you need to focus not only on their external data, but also on functionality, especially installation. Roofing material should be not only attractive, but also reliable, because you need to live in this house.

You can carry out the work yourself, but you can attract professionals who guarantee the quality of work and the reliability of the design. It will cost more, but the result will certainly be good, which is very important when building a house.

When we talk about "types of roofs" and "types of roofs of houses", we do not always clearly understand the difference between these two concepts. Therefore, before talking about what roofs are, let's find out the differences in the concepts of "roof" and "roof".

The roof (in the traditional sense) is a part of the building structure, which provides protection from all types of precipitation, retains heat or protects against overheating. That is, this is the entire upper structure of the structure. For a modern stone building with a flat design, these are floor slabs, heat and waterproofing. Exit, fences, ventilation ducts and their protection, antenna attachment elements, funnels for storm drains are also roof elements. There is no consensus regarding the ownership of the hatch with a lock, which is hung by the ZhES so that they do not climb on the roof. For a house with an inclined (pitched) structure, this concept includes a supporting truss system or trusses, insulation, hydro and wind insulation, pipes, weather vanes and roofing.

In fact, from the point of view of Soviet building science, the roof is a pre-revolutionary and illiterate concept, and only the progressive term “covering” should be used. But in life, even professional designers and builders rarely use it. Perhaps due to the possibility of a dual interpretation. In part, the definition of “covering” has taken root in relation to structures with a supporting reinforced concrete or metal base, mainly flat ones. And to call the upper part of St. Basil's Cathedral or the roof of a village hut a “covering” would never occur to any architect, even though they were taught “correctly”.

The roof is only a shell that protects the coating from atmospheric influences. The roof does not perform load-bearing functions. That is, floor slabs, truss system, beams, insulation do not apply to the roof. Often, it includes a load-bearing roof preparation: lathing, flooring, screed. The material laid on the prepared surface: Soviet roofing felt and slate, folk Russian-French ondulin, fabulous German tiles and Novorussian copper are called roofing.

Flat and pitched designs

Roofs are flat and pitched. In accordance with SNiP, roofs with a slope of up to 12 ° are flat, with a large slope - pitched. On flat roofs, the slope is arranged to remove precipitation, 1.5-3 ° is enough.

The flat roof provides a lot of room for imagination in terms of design.

The pitched roof can be very original.

Attic and non-attic roofs

As the name implies, an attic roof has an attic, a non-attic one does not. The Russian hut, and indeed most types of traditional dwellings of all countries and peoples, have a ventilated attic. With the exception of mobile housing: yurts, tents, wigwams. It's hard to do there. Also, there are no attics among the tribes living in the equatorial jungle, they do not need them. Attics (technical floors) are in modern multi-storey residential buildings. Therefore, if the roof leaks, the tenants will not know about it immediately.

Atticless (synonymous - combined) coatings can be pitched (mansard) and flat. We are familiar with flat combined structures from panel "Khrushchev". The attic device allows you to use the attic as a full-fledged living space. Non-attic and mansard roofs require good thermal insulation of the upper floor. The roof of a one-story building can also be combined.

The combined gable roof in a one-story house creates the impression of spaciousness

Types of flat coverings

In terms of layout, flat roofs are quite similar, differing mainly in design. According to the mutual arrangement of the layers of insulation and waterproofing, in addition to the usual type, inversion roofs are also distinguished, in this case, a hygroscopic (waterproof) insulation is located above the waterproofing layer. As load-bearing structures in flat roofs, prefabricated or monolithic reinforced concrete, metal profiles with metal beams, wooden beams with solid flooring can be used.

The structure of the roof of a flat roof over a reinforced concrete slab is multi-layer

The area of ​​flat roofs can be used by laying a covering that can be walked on: ceramic or paving slabs, boardwalk, or arranging a lawn on the roof.

In New York, a program has been adopted to turn the roofs of public buildings into gardens and lawns.

In fact, arranging a lawn on the roof of a house is not as difficult as you might think. Perhaps the only thing that is relatively expensive is a waterproofing polymer membrane. Everything else is quite simple, and grass care is standard: it needs to be mowed and watered in a drought. A layer of earth additionally protects the premises from cold in winter and from overheating in summer.

The design of the lawn on the roof is quite simple. It is necessary to use reliable waterproofing - a roofing polymer membrane

Pitched construction details

Before talking about what roof shapes are, let's define the main details of pitched roofs and terms. Main elements: ridge, inclined rib, valley (groove). Overhangs are divided into cornice (lower) and gable (end or gable). For most types of roofing, in addition to the base material, there are separate additional elements for protecting and decorating roof details.

The main elements of pitched roofs are standard.

Consider what are the roofs of houses, depending on the configuration. The forms of pitched roofs are very diverse. More often, the most simple in design and rational single-pitched, gable and hip types and roof structures are used.

The first eight types shown in the illustration are available to a private developer of average income. The rest are quite complex and expensive to implement.

Consider the individual types of roofs and their properties in more detail.

Shed cover

A roof with one slope is as simple as possible structurally, has a minimum number of parts. There is no ridge, for non-ventilated roofing (eg flexible tiles, seam roofing) there is no need for special ventilation elements. It is enough to provide a ventilation layer above the insulation, and ventilation holes can be placed in the filing. A shed roof does not have valleys, ribs and ridges, which are most exposed to atmospheric influences. The maximum wear of roofing in cold climates occurs in the valley, as snow and ice lie there longer. A simple roof with a slope in one direction is exposed to uniform rainfall, ultraviolet radiation and wind. The snow load is also distributed evenly. Ceteris paribus, a shed roof will last a little longer. And it will cost less: the truss system is simpler, the minimum number of not always cheap additional elements.

Russian project of a typical house with a shed roof. A high slope with living rooms should be oriented to the sunny side

Shed roofs are quite popular in developed countries. More often they are used for inexpensive, or, conversely, prestigious housing. For a house with an attic, one slope allows you to rationally organize the layout, bringing living quarters under a high slope, and stairs, bathrooms, and wardrobes under a low slope. In a premium-class home, such a roof makes it possible to create a magnificent interior.

For the construction of this country house, simple materials were used: wood, galvanized metal profiles and a lot of glass. Large roof overhangs protect the walls from precipitation, and the premises from overheating. Athermal stained glass windows fill the house with light, open up the landscape and protect people from the cold

The roof with one barrel-shaped slope looks quite interesting.

Gable design

The most common form in the world. A gable (gable) roof is traditional in almost all countries where at least some precipitation occurs. It is not much more difficult to build a supporting structure for two slopes than for one. It is very durable, especially if it is possible to build a closed truss system using a puff.

The tightening (2) tightens the rafter legs (1). From the closed triangular contour, only the vertical load is transferred to the Mauerlat (3) and the wall.

For large spans, additional supports must be used.

The gable roof is simple in execution, economical in materials, it is not difficult to build it yourself. Gables serve as a better place than slopes for placing windows; it is easy to equip an attic.

The gable roof fits perfectly into the design of the frame house, allows you to rationally use the space of the upper floor

The slopes do not have to have the same slope; the shape of the roof may be asymmetrical. The slope of the roof is determined mainly by the layout of the second floor.

The peaked roofs of the half-timbered houses traditionally concealed attics, where the inhabitants stored part of the supplies. In this reconstructed house, the attic is adapted for living quarters.

The Swiss chalet has a gable roof with a slight slope.

The minimal slope and open space of the upper floor create a wonderful, spacious interior.

A gable roof can have many options. With a house plan more complex than a simple rectangle, more complex roof shapes are inevitable.

Gable roof with additional gable. With a stretch, it can be called multi-forceps

A gable (as, indeed, a shed) roof is perfect for landscaping.

Green roof slope must not exceed 25°

hip view

A hipped or hipped roof is more complicated than a gable roof. Both the rafter system and the roofing will cost more. But you do not have to build masonry gables. With an inexpensive roofing (asbestos slate, ondulin), a hip roof, taking into account the absence of gables, will cost less than a gable roof. At more expensive - hardly. Of the positive properties of the hip structure, one can name the optimal aerodynamic resistance of such a structure, which in general can increase its service life (slightly). The slopes on all sides of the house allow you to make large canopies around the perimeter of the entire structure, providing the walls with the best protection from precipitation. But in the organization of the attic space, the hipped roof loses.

Simple four-pitched attic roof

There are varieties of hip roofs: semi-hip (an intermediate type of roof between a gable and hip), hip with a visor, or their varieties.

The main part of the roof of a rather complex shape is half-hip. On the right, a bay window with a multi-pitched roof is attached, a pediment is arranged.

The windows in the hip roof have to be built into the slopes, into the roofing. This complicates their construction and operation and is often more expensive than placing a window in a pediment.

Skylights of this type are called "bull's eye"

Multi-slope variety

A hipped roof is called a hipped roof. But if the house does not have four outer corners, but more, there will also be more slopes. A roof with more than four slopes is called a multi-pitched roof.

Multi-pitched roof is difficult to install

A hipped roof is called a hipped roof, all the faces (slopes) and edges of which converge at one upper point. Such a roof does not have a horizontal ridge.

Shed roof. Three types of skylights are placed on it at once

Mansard construction

Mansard roofs are called roofs of various shapes and types, which are united by one common feature: the shape of the slope is broken in order to increase the height of the attic rooms. Thus, it is possible to avoid the installation of sloping ceilings, to arrange full-fledged rooms at the top. The broken contour of the rafters can be used for any type of roof: gable, hip, semi-hip and so on.

The truss construction of a gable mansard roof was assembled.

The design of the mansard roof allows you to connect the upper and lower beams (puff), racks, rafters into a single truss, which provides it with extreme strength and allows you to somewhat reduce the cross section of the frame elements.

The load from the mansard roof truss is transferred vertically

Mounting the load-bearing structures of mansard roofs is more difficult than for prototypes with a straight slope. Slightly larger roof area. Accordingly, the cost is higher. However, these costs are paid off by increasing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bnormal height on the attic floor.

Mansard roof based on a gable roof. Additional fractures in the eaves area allow creating large overhangs, making the roof vaguely reminiscent of Chinese pagodas

Pleasant to the eye hip mansard roof. Slopes divided into different volumes, the lower part has a curvilinear shape

Roofs of complex shape

All kinds of domed, conical and closed roofs are complex in execution and were invented by architects to decorate important public buildings. After the period of “crimson jackets” and “locks on the ruble”, complex roofs in the architecture of individual residential buildings are not common.

Residential building with a complex domed roof

Sometimes complex roofs are made up of known elements and are "hybrids" of different types.

This roof combines the features of a gable, hip, semi-hip, pyramidal and conical roofs.

But people tend to decorate their home, make it unusual. Sometimes there are "hybrid" types of roofs, which are difficult to unambiguously define.

The natural slate roof is definitely not flat. Germany

Simple in form, but unusual roof. To be more precise, this house has two of them, downstairs and upstairs.

The roof of this "dugout" would have been designed for sledding in winter, if palm trees were not reflected in the windows. And what type is it?

The choice of roofing material for a pitched roof

Types of roofing are determined by the material of the roofing. The roof can be tiled, metal, shingled, copper and so on. The choice of roofing is primarily determined by the financial capabilities of the developer, the aesthetic tastes of the spouse and himself, and secondly by the shape of the roof and its slope. Roofs of curved shapes are covered with small-piece or flexible coatings, sheet materials are more suitable for simple shed and gable roofs. In the presence of fractures (inclined ribs, valleys), cutting sheets is less rational.

The table shows the minimum roof slopes for different types of roofing.

For roofs of simple shapes, any roofing material can be used without restrictions. Roofs of complex curvilinear shape can only be decorated with small-piece (natural tiles, slate slate, shingles, shingles), flexible (bituminous tiles) coating. A roof made of galvanized steel, copper, steel with a titanium-zinc coating is also suitable, provided that the elements are individually cut and the fold is made on site.

So, we found out what types of roofs are. What to choose for yourself? First of all, the roof must fit the budget. The more complex the form, the more money you have to spend. Any builder will cope with a gable roof. In Germany, there are 80 percent of such roofs. And why are we worse? If you have the funds, you can think of something more original, but simple things can be done beautifully.

The roof not only protects the house from external influences, but also emphasizes the individuality of the house in architectural terms. It is worth noting that the types of roofs are diverse, a lot depends on their characteristics. First of all, the comfort of the residents of the house depends. The roof must be both visually attractive and reliable. Today, architects offer a huge range of designs, one or another type is chosen depending on the location of the house, the volume of construction, and the overall design of the building.

Main Functions

Naturally, the purpose of any roof is to protect the structure from external influences. The design is the main element of any building. It must withstand various loads, as well as look attractive. The element of architectural design must be impeccable, it must emphasize the overall style of the building.

It is worth noting that modern roofs are high-quality materials, the latest technical solutions that should improve the characteristics that affect the reliability of the structure. Of course, the types of roofs are diverse, each owner selects one or another option, taking into account numerous factors. And, of course, today the beautiful roofs of private houses in the photo that you will meet in the article allow home owners to present their housing not only reliable, but also visually attractive. It is worth noting that there are types of roofs in terms of design and external features. At the same time, what are the roofs of private houses in the photo you can see, but you should really learn more about the characteristics.

There are types of roofs that are considered the most popular:

  • flat;
  • pitched.

The angle of inclination also determines what matters. If the slope is more than twelve degrees, then the design is pitched and it also has subspecies. Knowing the types of roofs for a private house and their features, it will be much easier to choose the most suitable option.

flat roof

It should be noted that this type is rarely used. And there is a reason for this. Flat roofs are more expensive. A durable reinforced concrete coating is not cheap, and without it, the structure will not withstand, for example, snow loads. At the same time, if we talk about the service life, then the design of this type will last longer. This roof design is very practical, because on a flat surface you can organize a sports ground, a terrace, a chic garden. Popular types of roofs for a private house include a flat design.


Roofs with a slope of more than twelve degrees are considered pitched. It is worth noting that the varieties of roofs of private houses, photos of which are presented by architects, simply amaze with their diversity. By the way, pricing depends on the shape of the roof of private houses - in the photo you can see a clear difference between them. Consider options for the roof of a private house of a pitched type.


Previously, it was believed that this type is suitable only for yard outbuildings. However, for example, in Germany and Scandinavia, many houses of this kind are now being built. This option is considered budget. In turn, the roofs of single-pitched private houses, the photos of which are below, look great.

It is worth noting that the use of this particular subspecies in the design allows you to create amazingly beautiful interiors. Installing stained glass windows is a priority. Of course, this decision is relevant in the design of the room, if there really is a picturesque landscape outside the window.


This subtype of roofing is more in demand.

Design features:

  1. It consists of two equal slopes, they are based on load-bearing walls.
  2. The shape resembles a triangle.
  3. A classic solution for many.

The magnificent gable roofs of private houses in the photo attract many lovers of interesting and practical solutions. By the way, the gable roofs of one-story private houses in the photo are quite often present even in children's books. Often the composition is complemented by a pipe and a neat column of smoke. And no wonder, because the gable design is a simple budget option. That is why he is so popular.

with loft

The attic acts as a kind of air gap between the living space and the outside. A house with an attic has many advantages. For example, if the roof needs to be repaired, the attic has access to the structure to carry out the necessary work.

The option of a roof with an attic is now common in modern cottage construction. At the same time, the cost of work increases, but the pricing policy does not affect demand in this case. After all, the use of roofs with an attic is quite common.

mansard roof

Now attic roofs are called roofs of really different shapes. But at the same time, they are united by a common feature - the shape of the slope itself is made broken in order to increase the height of the attic ceilings. It is worth noting that the mansard roofs of private houses in the photo look fabulous and are popular with fans of original solutions.

Thanks to this type of roof, you can arrange a full-fledged room in the attic. Looking through the forms of roofs for houses with an attic photo, it is simply impossible to remain indifferent to these magnificent buildings.

It is worth noting that the installation of attic structures is complex, unlike roofs with a straight slope. That is why the work is more expensive. But at the same time, the height of the attic floor will increase, which means that the owner of such a house receives another full-fledged room. Types of mansard roofs of private houses, photos of which delight many, so if the budget allows, no one refuses an extra room. The money spent is recouped from the area received.

Gorgeous views of the roofs of private houses with an attic, the photos of which now encourage many people to really fall in love with this type of construction. The building looks amazing.

hip roof

It consists of two slopes of a triangular shape. In turn, the slopes are called hips. It is worth noting that the design is quite complicated, so the construction of such a roof should only be trusted by professionals. By the way, it is very resistant to external influences (strong winds, precipitation), debris and dust are quickly blown off its slopes.


If the future owner of the house is attracted by interesting design solutions, a hipped roof can be considered as an option. By the way, this species is considered a kind of hip design.

Design features:

  1. All slopes are even triangles.
  2. The roof is designed for square or polygonal structures.
  3. The design is symmetrical.

Interesting options for the roof of private houses in the photo include hipped structures.

complex shapes

Attract fans of original solutions and complex shapes . These types of roofs are rare, but those who really want to draw attention to the structure give preference to complex structures. The complex roofs of private houses look unusual in the photo, so fans of exclusive solutions choose this option. Consider the most popular of them.

Broken line (mansard type)

The design has a large angle of inclination, which allows you to increase the attic area. The original sloping roofs of private houses in the photo look really interesting, so they cannot leave indifferent fans of non-standard solutions.


Rarely used for arranging a private house. Often, rounded shapes adorn the verandas. The coating looks stylish, but is mainly used more for the decoration of various buildings.


The structure is cylindrical. It is worth noting that the load-bearing elements of such roofs are made of curved metal or beams made from glued laminated timber. The price for such an original roof is too high, so this type of complex shape is rarely used.

"Salt cellar"

It has an asymmetrical shape. Design features:

  • two slopes;
  • one slope is longer than the other.

The “salt shaker” appeared thanks to thrifty Americans who tried to find a way to reduce taxes on their housing.

Today, the types of roofing for the roof of a private house are diverse, everyone can choose the most suitable option for themselves, and it is worth considering some factors in order to make a really right choice.

Which option to choose

The most popular are pitched roofs. They are quite common and have a number of indisputable advantages. What is the reason for such an active demand for this type of roofing?

First, the design is really reliable and durable. It is worth noting that it becomes an excellent defender of the house from various external influences.

Secondly, the service life of the structure is quite long, therefore, by giving preference to this option, you can forget about problems with the roof for a long time.

Thirdly, the appearance of the structure is magnificent, the architects offer really diverse options to the attention of buyers.

And, fourthly, you can make an attic or attic under the roof.

Of course, the appearance of such a roof is already considered a classic; it will not work to surprise with the originality of the design. Many strive for originality, so they prefer more complex forms. It is worth noting that for individuality you will need to pay much more. The more complex the design, the more expensive will be its cost.

Tastes are individual, the budget for construction work is also different. However, the main thing is that today you can really choose the optimal solution from a wide range of options.

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