Replacement of glass in interior doors. Self-replacement of glass in an interior door: advice from experienced

landscaping 03.03.2020

The interior door, which does not perform a protective function, unlike the entrance door, belongs to the functional part of the room, is considered a fairly significant element of the attribute. Models with glass inserts add light to the room, give harmony to any interior. It happens that the glass breaks, and the owner is faced with the question of whether the damaged door element can be replaced and how to do it. This article provides detailed answers to these questions.

Professionals do not recommend do-it-yourself glass replacement, if there are no certain skills in working with similar materials. In the absence of knowledge of modern repair technology, the door deteriorates even more. This is especially true for stained glass, triplex and photo-printed glass, which are fragile and expensive.

However, armed with the necessary tools, familiarizing yourself with the safety precautions, it is possible to eliminate the trouble, but with a slight nuance - it is unlikely that you will be able to find the same, since the manufacturer does not provide for the distribution of components to door models.

But do not be upset, broken glass is replaced with other elements from alternative materials. The main thing is to find out the design features of the interior door and get acquainted with the specifics of its production, since a fragile part requires careful handling.

If you still managed to find a similar one, cutting is best done at trade construction organizations, providing similar services after the purchase of glass decor.

In general, replacing a broken glass decor is not difficult.

Causes of damage to glass inserts

In fact, the interior modern door is quite strong, but there are several factors that contribute to damage to the glass inserts:

  • Poor quality material. Typically, the manufacturer uses fairly durable glass, which additionally acts as decorated inserts. But it happens that a material that is not made in accordance with the technological process becomes fragile and vulnerable, and becomes unusable at the slightest blow.
  • Careless handling. Sometimes the door is subjected to a sharp pop, as a result of which the glass bursts. Most often this happens in families with small children. They can also deteriorate after contact with animals that like to close the door with their paws, which makes it slam.

Required Tools

Before putting new glass in the door structure, prepare tools in advance, that will be needed in the course of work. These include:

  • A hammer. It will be needed to drive nails and adjust the position of the glazing bead. A special furniture or rubberized hammer is suitable for work, which does not damage the material.
  • Screws 3 cm and a screwdriver.
  • Ruler or tape measure.
  • Sandpaper is fine-grained.
  • Pliers.
  • Construction knife.
  • glass cutter
  • Chisel. May be needed when replacing glass.
  • Gloves. Help protect your hands from cuts.
  • Scoop and broom. In order to collect broken old glass and remove debris left after installing a new one.

What to use?

Of course, interior doors with glass inserts look impressive and stylish, but due to the fragility of the material, situations often occur when a decorative element needs to be replaced. Owners prefer to replace the part with a similar one, they lose a lot of time looking for a suitable item, but this is not always possible.

If the search for a similar part is not successful, ordinary glass, frosted or any other, is replaced with one of the alternative materials produced according to modern technologies.

Fiberboard sheet

As a temporary and budget option, laminated fiberboard, folded in half, is suitable so that the smooth side is on the outside. Or the usual, non-laminated type of fiberboard, on the front surface of which an opaque decorative film is then applied. This method is considered the least aesthetically attractive and short-lived, therefore, it most often serves as a temporary way to hide the missing glass element in the overall design of the door.

decorative film

If the glass is cracked, but not crumbled, and also with small chips, all parts of the structure are pasted over with a decorative film. Thus, not only defects are hidden, but integrity and harmony in the appearance of the door structure are also achieved.

stained glass insert

Refers to the most expensive materials used by manufacturers in the manufacture of interior doors. Such glass adds style and originality to doors, is quite durable and does not require additional refinement material. The only drawback is the difficulty in finding a part with a similar decor, so you have to change all the parts, which translates into a significant amount.


Transparent material without additional decor at an affordable price is considered one of the most suitable for replacing a broken element. After taking measurements, the glass is ordered from the glazier, inserted in place of the damaged element. If you have the necessary tools, for example, a glass cutter, cutting and cutting is done independently. Then the surface is decorated with a special film or any other suitable material.


In other words, it is a transparent plastic that looks like glass. It is also called monolithic polycarbonate, a durable, unbreakable material, the only drawback of which is the clouding of the structure. This is due to the appearance of scratches on the surface of the material. Applying a decorative film will help protect the plexiglass or hide the imperfections that have already appeared, which will additionally serve as a decoration for the door.


Ordinary glass, made using a special technology that has undergone heat treatment, which gives the material not only increased strength, but also fire safety and sound insulation.

How to disassemble the structure?

Before replacing cracked or broken decor, you need to know how to disassemble the door. To do this, perform a series of actions:

  1. Remove the door from the hinges so that the process of replacing the insert occurs as safely as possible. To do this, it is lifted and loosened in different directions.
  2. Lay it on any flat surface on a raised platform, such as a table or chairs shifted towards each other.
  3. It is better to cover the floor under the structure with old fabric to avoid damage in case of unforeseen situations.
  4. Examine the method of attaching glass to the canvas, as well as the design principle of the door itself.

If the decor is fixed with glazing beads, during repair they are pushed back with a chisel, knife or screwdriver, the broken insert is pulled out through the top, starting with large fragments, then small parts are removed. Next, measurements are taken, a new element is selected, inserted and fixed in the same way, but in reverse order.

To replace a damaged insert in models of interior doors, where the glass is connected to the door leaf without using a glazing bead, disassemble the door in the following order:

  1. Remove the door from the hinges, lay on a horizontal solid surface.
  2. Check the door structure for all kinds of plugs, behind which fasteners, such as self-tapping screws, are usually hidden.
  3. Unscrew the plugs and unscrew the screws on one side of the door.
  4. Pull out one of the door sides, free the cavity of the door structure from fragments. If the glass is cracked but still intact, remove it.
  5. Measure the damaged material, taking into account that the size of the new glass is 1.5-2 cm smaller than the bed.
  6. Get rid of the old gasket, adhesive residue, sealant. Clean the canvas with fine sandpaper.

What to use: necessary materials

Materials are prepared in advance that will be useful in the process of replacing decorative glass, having previously found out how the element is attached to the door:

  • Glue. To securely attach the insert to the sheet, glue is often used, applying it to the edges of the glass sheet.
  • Rubber compressor. Useful for filling too wide gaps between the glass and the door.
  • Sealant. An elastic substance is useful for covering cracks, cavities and joints. Also, the tool is used when installing new glass for applying to the surface of the installed canvas and glazing beads.
  • Little nails. They are used to fix the glazing bead to the door leaf. It is considered the most reliable and common option.
  • Beads and other fastening materials.
  • Sealing paper. It is useful to adjust the dimensions to the design of the canvas.


The list of tools and materials that will be needed for repair work may differ depending on the type of material, as well as the design features of the interior door.

How to install?

After the door is prepared, the old damaged glass is removed, proceed to further steps to replace it. Depending on the shape and door structure, there are several options for replacing the insert.

  1. Replacing the rectangular décor on a standard veneer door is simple. It is not necessary to disassemble the door for this, usually the glass sheet in such models is inserted through the upper end. The prepared, sized material is lubricated around the perimeter with silicone gel for secure fixation, lowered into the door leaf through the upper part.
  2. If the insert was fastened with glazing beads, the quarters are removed with a chisel or flat screwdriver, following the order: first the side parts are dismantled, then the bottom. Next, measurements are taken from the broken part, a one-to-one analogue is prepared, put in place, fixed in quarters in reverse order. If the glass does not crumble, a decorative film is applied. Next, the glazing beads are fixed with cloves.
  3. The non-standard view of the canvas, in which the wings are glued together, and not fastened with self-tapping screws hidden behind the plugs on the side, as in the standard design, requires a slightly different approach. To replace the damaged element, the door is dismantled. How to do this is described above. When the damaged glass is removed, measurements are taken, an analogue is made and inserted into place.
  4. In premium models, it is better to entrust the replacement of the insert to professionals, since the canvas has a collapsible design. To remove the broken glass, you will have to completely disassemble the structure, after replacing the insert, reassemble it. The process is quite laborious, requiring increased attention and caution. However, having understood the principle of assembling a particular model, the replacement is performed independently.
  5. If the insert is made in a unique design style, has an oval shape or resembles a wave, the fragments are removed from the door cavity, the canvas is placed on cardboard spread on the floor, outlined with a marker. According to the measurements obtained, the workpiece is ordered in the workshop, then a replacement is performed.
  6. Doors in which glass is inserted instead of a panel are easily disassembled. The vertical and transverse bars are connected according to the tenon-groove principle; to get to the glass, it is enough to open the lock and remove the insert. Then replace the damaged part, assemble the door in reverse order.
  7. Broken glass in a sliding door is changed after the canvas is dismantled, the metal frame is removed. The method of inserting a glass element may differ, having understood it, a replacement is made according to the design features.
  8. In addition to the standard interior door, today there are often side models in which the glass insert is also susceptible to damage. The door leaf in such models contains reinforcement bars, with the help of which the structure itself is securely fixed in the opening, which adds rigidity and strength to it. To change the insert, it is removed, the plugs are unscrewed, the bolts are unscrewed from the inside of the hinges, laid on the floor or a long table.

    Next, proceed to remove the remaining plugs along the edges of the canvas. Starting from the location of the fasteners, moving from the bottom up with the help of a wooden block and a hammer, the side is separated from the canvas. Having disconnected the beam, remove the broken glass from the groove along with the rubber seal, measurements are taken, a new one is purchased, and a replacement is performed. Actions are performed in the reverse order, being careful and accurate.

We offer you to watch a video on how to replace glass in an interior door:

Replacing a broken insert is a responsible and time-consuming task, requiring a sequence of actions that take into account the characteristics of the selected materials, as well as the door structure itself. Experts share their advice with those owners who decide to get rid of the unpresentable appearance of the interior door on their own.

  1. To remove the broken glass, the glazing beads holding it do not have to be completely removed. It is enough to loosen the quarters with a screwdriver or a construction knife, bend to the side, remove the fragments, and only then remove the fasteners.
  2. Before replacement, the complexity of the work is assessed, some designs are unique, have non-standard sizes, so they are assembled in production. These include, for example, triplexes.
  3. If, after replacement, large gaps have formed between the web and the insert, pieces of cork are placed in the gap, filled with sealant or liquid glue.
  4. A small crack that appears does not always require a complete replacement of the insert. It is enough to glue the area with special glue or "epoxy", apply a molding or decorative film.
  5. Matches that are installed in the corners of the grooves and also “sit down” on silicone glue will help fix the loose insert.
  6. When taking out the glass, rubberized gloves should be used so as not to injure your hands.
  7. If it is not possible to remove the door, it is fully opened, the lower part is securely fixed. But this method is more suitable for standard veneer models, the inserts in which are fixed in quarters.
  8. The updated door leaf is left in a fixed position for several hours to allow the adhesives to harden, to fix the internal structure.
  9. To safely remove the broken material, the glazing beads are removed first from the top.
  10. No matter how strong the adhesion between the insert and the canvas seems at first glance, the fixation is completed by installing glazing beads. They are nailed with finishing decorative carnations using a special carpenter's hammer.
  11. Do not apply too much force when inserting new glass if it fits tightly into the groove. It is better to cut the gasket a little, otherwise the material may be damaged.
  12. Before cutting, the glass is heated to room temperature, then washed with soapy water and wiped with a cotton cloth. Thus, the material becomes less brittle and does not crumble when cutting.

Replacing the insert with your own hands is a laborious process, but quite feasible. The main thing is to deal with the design of the interior door, the features of fastening individual elements. An important condition is the correctly chosen alternative material, as well as compliance with the above rules.

Interior doors are often decorated with additional decorative elements, you can often see the decor in the form of a glass insert. But when using low-quality glass inserts or improper and careless operation of the door leaf, it may be necessary to dismantle this fragile part. We will talk today about how to properly replace glass in an interior door.

How to remove cracked glass?

Replacement of broken or cracked glass in an interior door begins with its removal from the door leaf. The greatest difficulties arise if the glass insert is cracked, because it must be removed in such a way that the glass does not crumble into pieces during dismantling.

It is best to perform all work after the door is removed from the hinges and laid on a flat horizontal surface. If this is not possible, it is necessary to open the door and fix it securely at the bottom so that the door leaf does not wobble during operation.

On the cracks themselves, it is necessary to glue a transparent strong adhesive tape in several layers on both sides of the glass. It is very important at the same time that the adhesive tape also captures its intact part. Such a manipulation will fix the glass and prevent it from falling apart during the dismantling process.

You will also need:

  • gloves, best rubberized on a fabric basis;
  • broom and scoop;
  • chisel;
  • several pieces of thick paper;
  • small hammer.

All work must be carried out with gloves, this will help protect your hands from damage. The further procedure for removing cracked glass will consist of the following steps:

  • It is necessary to establish how exactly the glass insert is fixed in the door leaf. It can be brought in through the end or fixed with glazing beads.
  • If the glass is installed through the end, then the door will still have to be removed from the hinges. It can only be removed through a special hole.
  • If the insert is fixed with glazing beads, then using a chisel and a hammer, they must be slightly moved to the side. There is no need to completely remove these fasteners.
  • Then the glass is slowly removed from the canvas. It is better to perform this operation with two people, especially if the insert is large. One person will have to hold the glass at the location of the cracks, while the second will carefully remove it from the door.
  • It is necessary to clean all grooves of sawdust, door putty or sealant.

The dismantled insert should be disposed of immediately after wrapping it in prepared paper. If in the process of work a piece of glass broke off, it should be carefully swept in the room.

There are no particular difficulties in performing such work. The main thing is to immediately prepare all the necessary material and perform the actions slowly.

Worth paying attention to gum condition, which is located between the glazing bead and the glass itself. If it is severely damaged or torn, it must be replaced with a new one.

What can be replaced?

After removing the cracked glass from the canvas, a new insert must be installed in its place. Many people have difficulty choosing the right replacement material. Before proceeding to the description of possible alternative inserts, I would like to say that sometimes you can just fix broken or cracked glass with the following options:

  1. A special decorative film in cases where a crack or chip is small. It is glued to all the glass at once, so that the door looks harmonious and complete.
  2. Hardboard sheet. This option is temporary and can only be used until a new glass is selected. To improve the appearance, it is also recommended to paste over the temporary insert with a decorative film.

For the final replacement of cracked glass in the door, you can use other materials:

  1. Ordinary glass. This material does not have any decor of its own, it is completely transparent, widely available and low price. When choosing this option for a replacement, it becomes possible to decorate it in any way in the future.
  2. Organic glass has a high level of strength, and it is very difficult to break it, but at the same time, scratches on such material appear quite quickly. You can eliminate this drawback with the help of a decorative film, which will decorate the door itself and protect the insert from minor damage.
  3. Decorative (stained glass) glass. This replacement option is the most stylish, beautiful and expensive. An insert made of such glass is distinguished by its unusual appearance and high strength. True, it will be necessary to spend a lot of time on the selection of a drawing suitable for the general style of the interior. Some varieties of this material will not be possible to install at home.
  4. The tempered glass, differs in the increased durability, fire safety and a noise isolation.

There are quite a few materials to replace old cracked glass. It is worth giving preference to the one that most accurately fits not only in terms of its technical characteristics, but also in appearance.

How to paste with your own hands: step by step instructions

The installation of a new decorative part in the door leaf should not begin with the work itself, but with measurement. It is necessary to accurately determine the size of the future insert. When performing measuring work, you need to remember that the glass itself should not fit too tightly into the grooves, otherwise it may burst again from strong pressure.

To install a new insert, you will need the following equipment:

  • sealant;
  • small nails;
  • a hammer;
  • glue;
  • rubber insert.

The replacement itself is quite simple in several stages:

  1. The sealant is applied on one side of the door leaf in special grooves for glass.
  2. The newly acquired insert is inserted into the elastic and then installed into the grooves. It is possible to glue glass and wood directly without using such a rubber seal, however, such an installation will be unsafe, and the glass itself will not be securely fixed in the grooves.
  3. Sealant is applied again, but on the other side of the door.
  4. After 5 minutes, the previously removed glazing beads are installed. If necessary, they should be securely fixed using special small nails.
  5. The door leaf must be left stationary for another couple of hours. During this time, the entire structure is completely fixed inside the door.

You can glue glass into a wooden door not only using a sealant, but also a special wood or universal glue. The application of sealant also remains a mandatory part, but this stage is performed after the installation of the glass.

It is best to do this work after removing the door from the hinges. This installation option is the simplest and is suitable for glasses of ordinary rectangular shape.

The very technology of performing the work can also be used for other types of inserts installed not only in ordinary doors, but also sliding or collapsible ones.

If the glass is located in the side door, and it is not possible to remove the leaf itself from the hinges, then it is necessary to fix the door leaf firmly in such a way that so that it does not move during operation.

How to change in the royal door?

In addition to ordinary interior doors, today you can also find side doors, which can also have a damaged glass insert. The side door leaf differs from the usual one in that it has special reinforcement bars that securely fix the structure itself in the doorway. The replacement of the insert in such a door will be carried out as follows:

  • It is necessary to remove the door from the hinges, using a screwdriver and removing the plugs first. Unscrew the bolts from the inside of the hinges.
  • The door leaf is laid on a flat horizontal surface located above the floor level.
  • Using a ruler or chisel, it is necessary to remove the remaining plugs located along the edges of the canvas.
  • Remove fasteners with a screwdriver.
  • With the help of a hammer and a wooden block, it is necessary to disconnect the drawer along the entire perimeter from the door itself. The direction of movement is from bottom to top. It is necessary to start removing the drawer from the place where the fasteners were located.

  • After detaching the drawer, it is necessary to carefully remove it from the canvas and, wearing gloves, remove the cracked glass from the grooves along with the silicone seal.
  • We measure glass and purchase replacements.
  • But we put on a new insert and insert it into the grooves.
  • We install the tsargi in place.
  • Now you need to assemble and install the entire canvas in the reverse order of the analysis of the structure.

Replacing glass inserts in a tsargovy door is considered more difficult than the work performed on ordinary interior doors, therefore, it should be approached very responsibly and carefully.

How to fix shaky glass in the apartment?

The glass in such door panels does not always crack or break. Much more often you can hear that it just starts to stagger strongly and make loud and unpleasant sounds at the same time. There are several ways to solve this problem without replacing the decorative insert:

  • You should purchase a special "sanitary" sealant, which is applied in a thin strip into the cracks formed between the insert and the tree.
  • Ordinary matches, one at a time, are inserted into the corners of the glass panel. Instead, you can use acrylic putty, which is also applied to the corners of the insert.
  • Small pieces of cork are liberally lubricated with universal glue and inserted into the slots along the perimeter of the glass.
  • You can also carefully remove the glazing beads themselves, apply sealant to the glass, and reinstall them on top, but closer to the decorative panel itself.

All these ways to eliminate noise and glass movement in the doors really help get rid of the problem, and their implementation does not take much time.

Installation options

There are two main ways to replace glass in interior doors, and each of them, in turn, has two varieties:

  • Installation of a new insert with preservation or increase in size. In the first case, the cracked or broken glass is removed and a new one of the same size is installed in its place. Such work is considered the simplest and fastest.
  • In the second case, after dismantling the damaged insert on the door leaf, he draws an image of a new one with a pencil, then measurements are taken, and then glass of a suitable size is purchased. With the help of a hacksaw, the desired shape of the hole is cut, special grooves are made in it, and only then the installation takes place. Such work requires special care in measuring and care when cutting out a new shape in the door, otherwise you can only spoil all the material without solving the problem.

Sections of the article:

Interior doors equipped with glass inserts look great and delight the eye of their owner. Such door structures fill the room with light. However, glass is glass, and even today's strong glass breaks sometimes. At the same time, you should not be very upset - inserting glass into an interior door is quite simple.

Glass types

Before considering the procedure for replacing the glass insert in the door leaf, it is worthwhile to study the materials that can be used to perform these works. After all, there are many options that can replace the "classic" glass.

Decorative glass as an insert in the door is one of the most expensive options. Not all door manufacturers use similar glass sheets in their products. In general, this is a great option that does not require any additional modifications - the main thing is to find it on sale with the same type of decor or pattern as on the other doors in an apartment or house, which can be a very difficult task. Often, if the glass on one door is damaged, this entails the need to replace glass inserts on all canvases, which can be very expensive, because the price of such glass starts from 1,500 rubles per square meter.

Ordinary glass is a good and, most importantly, more affordable alternative to expensive decorative glass. However, this material requires a slight refinement, which is pasting with a special decorative film. You can buy them at construction markets or in hypermarkets - a wide selection will allow you to find a film for every taste and color. As a result, this option will cost two times cheaper than decorative glass.

Also, as a replacement, you can purchase monolithic polycarbonate (plexiglas). Any glass, whether ordinary or decorative, is glass with all its attributes. With careless operation, such inserts can break, which cannot happen with plexiglass. It is nothing but transparent plastic. There is only one drawback and it is insignificant - plexiglass is highly susceptible to scratches and eventually loses its transparency. As in the case of ordinary glass, a slight refinement is also possible here using the same film.

Rectangular glass replacement

It is not difficult to replace glass of a traditional rectangular shape in a conventional door leaf. Often, a glass sheet or insert is mounted through the upper end.

So, the first step is to remove the pieces of old glass from the door. Then measurements are taken of the space in which the new glass sheet will be installed. After that, glass of suitable dimensions and thickness is purchased. Then it is very carefully inserted through the top of the door leaf. To strengthen the insert, you can apply silicone gel - it is applied around the perimeter of the glass element.

When taking measurements, it is necessary to take into account the depth of the groove where part of the glass goes. Its value must be added to the overall dimensions of the glass sheet. To measure it, lower a metal ruler into the groove.

If the glass is held on the door leaf with the help of so-called "beads", then both measurements and installation work are carried out in the same order, except that the bead must first be dismantled. Then, after installing the glass, it is installed back with small nails.

Premium door glass replacement

If everything is simple with more affordable models of interior doors, then some difficulties may arise with premium models. Such doors require a special approach. The replacement process is very labor intensive. Often, the canvas has a collapsible design, and in order to dismantle a glass insert that is broken or damaged in any other way, you will have to completely disassemble the entire door, then replace the insert and assemble everything back. Usually this work is trusted only by specialists, but you can do the replacement yourself. To do this, you need to know how this or that door model is disassembled.

If the door leaf is not made of wood, but of metal (for example, aluminum), then there are also certain nuances here. In the event that glass is inserted in the same way as on inexpensive doors or glazing beads are used for fastening, then its replacement is quite possible. But it is very undesirable to allow direct contact of the metal of the door with the glass. When mounting, it is best to use a rubber lining.

How to replace non-standard glass

Glass in modern interior doors can be made in a unique design style. The shape of the insert can be very different - it will be better if the glass is oval and much worse if it is made in the shape of a wave.

If the glass is inserted into the canvas through the top, then the first step is to remove the fragments of the broken glass insert. Then, using a felt-tip pen or marker, the resulting hole is outlined along the contour on paper or cardboard. After that, you need to order a new glass of the required shape in the workshop, after which you just have to insert it into place.

Features of working with panel structures

Paneled doors are very popular. Replacing glass is associated with the need to disassemble the structure. Often, these door panels are easy to disassemble. The glass in them is a panel. The canvas can consist of a vertical and transverse support, glass between them, as well as a baguette - this is a kind of decorative element.

The connections are based on a locking system - on most models it is a tongue and groove. It is not necessary to completely disassemble the door into its constituent elements - the main thing is to open access to the glass. Then, everything that remains of the damaged glass is taken out of the door structure, and a new one is installed in its place, after which it remains only to assemble the structure back.

Sliding door glass replacement

Doors equipped with glass can be not only hinged - there are many designs and sliding solutions among them. If glass breaks in such an interior door, the first step is to dismantle the canvas, and in order to get to the glass, it is necessary to remove the metal frame-frame of the door. Due to the large dimensions, this can cause certain difficulties.


For creative people who love to improve things, make the world around them and others a better place, the simple process of replacing glass can be turned into creative work. For example, you can get an interesting effect if the new glass is illuminated from the inside. How to do it? Everything is very simple - an LED strip is installed in the groove where the glass is inserted or in its end. After that, the system is connected to the electrical network. It is also possible to equip the door leaf with a microswitch so that the tape only lights up when the door is closed. Such decor gives a very wide scope for imagination and creativity, and the result can be very interesting and unique.

Glass replacement in the interior door

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1 2 3 4 5 When is it necessary to replace glass in interior doors? Various types and sizes from the DomGlass company at the contractual price. glass store

Doors with glass inserts look very attractive, refined and elegant. They naturally fit into the design and style of any interior. Such door leafs can transform any room, make it visually more spacious and lighter. They are installed in the living room, bedroom, kitchen, nursery and any other room. Glass replacement in the interior door- required service. Its popularity is due to the growing demand for door structures with glass inserts.

Modern technologies for decorative processing of glass surfaces make it possible to implement any design ideas in the manufacture of interior doors. The glass in them can be frosted, colored, transparent, stained glass, tinted, colored in mass, with images applied by engraving, sandblasting or in another way. Various sizes and configurations. Glass inserts in the form of windows of original shapes in the door leafs look very beautiful and sophisticated.

When is it necessary to replace the glass in the interior door?

As a rule, the glass for the door is pre-treated, giving it strength, resistance to impacts, scratches and various mechanical damage. It's pretty hard to break it. But during active children's games, holidays or for other reasons, the door glass is damaged or cracked. Therefore, it must be replaced.

You also need to replace:

  • If from time to time it has faded and lost its appearance;
  • If there is a desire to refresh and renew the door leaf;
  • If you need to change the design of the door for a new interior design;
  • If it is necessary to replace obsolete glass with more durable, tempered;
  • If there is a desire to replace the glass in all the doors in the apartment with the same or matching color or pattern.

Reasons to insert a new one may vary according to needs. But we recommend contacting professionals. Since it is very important to take measurements correctly, to cut exactly to size. Replacement is a rather complicated process, consisting of several operations, especially if you need to replace glass inserts of complex or non-standard shape.

Service cost

The final price of replacing door glass depends on their size, shape, thickness and some other parameters. Also, the cost of the service is affected by the type and decorative properties of glass elements, since the price of transparent, frosted, patterned, stained glass or other glass is different. You can order glass for an interior door of the required type, shape and size from DomGlass.

Did the glass in the door break or lose its aesthetic appeal? Do you need to replace the glass in the interior door - quickly, efficiently, reliably? Highly qualified specialists will come to your home, to any address in Moscow or its districts.

Why you should order from us

  • We carry out work of any type and complexity, regardless of shape, size and color in any door, whether it be wood, PVC or aluminum.
  • Our specialists work with the following glasses: display, window, stained glass, mirror, two-layer, tempered, reinforced, colored and patterned.
  • Choose one of two options for working with us:
  • call the glazier of the company "Lambrem-service" to the house,
  • or bring the damaged surface to the workshop yourself.
  • Additionally, in our company you can order a service such as door repair. In view of the fact that no one is safe from various extreme situations, Lambrem-Service offers emergency or urgent glazing.

Reasons for replacing broken glass in an interior door

Did the children play and accidentally broke the glass in the interior door? Because of the draft, the door slammed, and the glass shattered to smithereens?

In this case, the urgent replacement of broken glass in the interior door is a priority. Leaving fragments or without special skills trying to fix the problem yourself - threatens with unpleasant injuries. Urgently call the master to replace the broken glass, entrust this matter to a specialist.

Steps to replace broken glass

The procedure for replacing glass in an interior door consists of the following steps:

  • upon arrival, the master dismantles and removes the fragments,
  • takes measurements,
  • in the workshop prepare and cut the desired size,
  • the surface is ground and processed, if desired, the glass is tempered to enhance its strength,
  • then delivery to the customer follows, it is mounted and our master hands over the finished work to you.

To cooperate with us, you can choose any of the following methods:

  • departure of the master to your house
  • you can measure the required piece of glass yourself, but in the latter case, the company is not responsible for the error in your measurements, you are responsible for paying for glass work in full.

door glass replacement cost

The price of replacing glass in an interior door depends

  • from the kind
  • from sizes
  • from the surface material (aluminum, plastic or wood) of an individual door

You can calculate the final cost of the finished work by contacting an online consultant on our website or by calling a measurer.

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