How much water should a teenager drink. How much water per day should be given to the baby, when and how to teach him to drink

landscaping 30.06.2020

Water is necessary for every person to sustain life. It is not necessary to exclude it from the diet of infants, especially those who are bottle-fed. Many mothers are wondering what kind of water to give the baby. To answer this question, you need to know what effect it has on the body and what properties it has.

A small child receives enough liquid along with breast milk. But this applies only to the first month of life. As the child grows, physical activity also increases, the child sweats a lot. To replenish the lost moisture, he definitely needs to drink a sufficient amount of liquid. This is especially true for babies who are fed mixtures.

How much fluid does a small body need? The baby should drink 60 ml of water per day. It doesn't need to be heated up. The liquid should be at room temperature (23-24 degrees) or slightly warmer. Every month the daily dosage increases and by the end of the year should be about 100 ml.

Water should be raw, it does not need to be boiled. Raw water contains many trace elements necessary for the development of the body and the full functioning of internal organs. During boiling, all substances die. Before giving the child to drink, the water must be filtered.

If the child is prone to constipation, then you should know that boiled water further fixes the stool.

What to Consider

Some experts agree that it is not necessary to give water to a child up to six months. This is explained by the following points.

  1. Water disrupts the intestinal microflora, and there may be a risk of developing dysbacteriosis. During breastfeeding, along with nutrients, beneficial bacteria enter the body, which are settled in the intestines. They help the digestive organs work in a normal healthy mode. Water can introduce an imbalance in this process.
  2. The body of a newborn child in the first months adapts to new conditions. Internal organs continue to form and do not fully perform their functions. This also applies to the kidneys. Water carries an extra load on this organ. It contains more salts than breast milk. The main function of the kidneys is to remove excess salt from the body. The danger lies in the stagnation of salts.
  3. Water can interrupt a child's healthy appetite. As a result, he will not receive the right amount of nutrients and will stop gaining weight.
  4. Danger lurks and the process of lactation. Sucking stimulates the mammary glands. Milk is produced in the right amount. If you give water at night instead of milk, then this process is disrupted. It is at night that the hormone prolactin is produced in large quantities, which stimulates the production of daytime milk.
  5. By giving bottled water to drink, there is a danger that the baby will refuse to suckle. The liquid from the slot in the nipple flows easier and faster, no need to exert force to get enough.

When is water needed?

The need for water increases after a month of age of the newborn. Breast milk by this time ceases to fully fulfill the function of quenching thirst. How much water can be given the first time? You need to start accustoming to water with a few teaspoons.

In what cases is additional liquid simply necessary?

  • Drink plenty of water in the summer when the weather is hot. And in winter, when the heating is turned on in the room.
  • Children. prone to increased sweating, should drink the required amount of fluid per day.
  • During colds, especially those accompanied by fever, fluids should be given. It is able to remove viruses from the body.
  • It is not uncommon for young children to have symptoms associated with stool disorder. If you have diarrhea or constipation, you just need to drink water.
  • In the first month, jaundice may appear in children. This disease passes faster when the baby drinks plenty of fluids.

A few tips for introducing fluids into the diet.

  1. In some cases, the liquid helps to wean children from night feedings. A child who drinks water instead of milk will soon stop waking up for night feedings altogether.
  2. Don't force your child to drink water. The child's body itself lets you know how much fluid is needed. If he cries, is naughty, pushes the bottle away, then suggest you need to try at another time. The baby may not need to drink until 9-10 months of age.
  3. To get your baby to drink water when needed (when formula-fed, during complementary foods, or in hot weather), you need to get his attention. You can start giving dried fruit compotes. It will be easier to accustom to water in this case.
  4. If a child drinks more water than normal, there is a chance that he will refuse to eat. Or eat it in small quantities. The danger is that the body will not receive enough vitamins and minerals that are part of breast milk. Mom should carefully monitor how much water the baby drinks.
  5. How many grams of water should a child drink at a time? A single dosage should not exceed 20 grams. When the dosage is not exceeded, this will not create an unnecessary burden on the functioning of the urinary system and kidneys. It is better to offer to drink from a spoon instead of a bottle.
  6. If the baby drinks milk immediately before feeding, then he will not eat. It shouldn't be done that way. It is better to accustom to drinking an hour before feeding, or immediately after feeding.
  7. It is necessary to water the child only with high-quality water. An allergic reaction may occur in the form of a rash, cough, stool disorders.
  8. Mineral water, both with gases and without, is also harmful to a small organism. It contains a lot of salts.
  9. With constipation, you can make water with the addition of raisins. To do this, pour some raisins with boiled water and insist for several minutes. If you teach a child to this infusion, then the stool will improve.
  10. If the child drinks a lot of liquid, does not get drunk with the required amount, you need to consult a doctor. This can be a sign of a disease such as diabetes.

Which water should you choose

The ideal option is special bottled baby water, which can be found on store shelves or in a pharmacy. It completely passes all stages of cleaning, non-carbonated and ready to use. You can not only drink it, but also cook your baby's favorite dishes: cereals, soups, mashed potatoes.

It is not worth taking risks with the water that flows from the faucet. It may contain pathogenic microbes that adversely affect the functioning of the body.

If the water has passed through a special cleaning filter, then you can not be afraid to offer the baby to drink.

Melt water is considered beneficial for the body. The purified liquid is poured into the container and placed in the freezer. When it is completely frozen, remove from the freezer and place in a warm place. Do not give your child cold water to drink. The nasopharynx of newborns is not yet strong and inflammation may begin.

Babies should not be given sparkling water. Mineral water with gases is also prohibited. Can harm the digestive system.

Mineral water is approved for use in children older than one year and only by special appointment of a specialist.

No need to add sugar and other sweet syrups to the water. You can harm the functioning of the organs of the endocrine system or disrupt tooth enamel. You need to accustom to ordinary filtered water.

Signs of dehydration

There are several signs by which you can understand that the child urgently needs water.

  1. Apathy, lethargy.
  2. There is dryness of the oral cavity (dry lips, lack of saliva).
  3. The fontanel sinks.
  4. Rare urination.
  5. Urine acquires a sharp unpleasant odor and changes color.

What do we have to do? In these cases, frequent attachment to the breast is indicated, as well as additional supplementation between feedings.

Several options for how to give a child some water.

After the parents weigh the pros and cons of additional feeding of the baby, the right decision will be made. Consulting a pediatrician will help you make the right choice. He, taking into account the characteristics of the development of the child's body and the characteristics of lactation, will help determine the timing of the introduction of fluid. Tell you how much water to give.

We did not grieve for ourselves, until one day - thanks to the news about health - we found out that, it turns out, we drink too little water. And that if you do not empty 8 glasses a day, you will dry out, wrinkles will appear, excess weight and a headache. Now there are even smart thermo mugs that give a signal that it's time to replenish the balance. We figure out where in these recommendations is water, and where is science.


doesn't like pouring water

Where did the “mandatory” 8 glasses come from?

Apparently, the primary source of this idea was the book of the eminent American nutritionist Frederic Stare Nutrition for Good Health published in 1974. It was about “approximately 6-8 glasses per day”, and any drinks (including tea and coffee), vegetables and fruits were counted. There were no references to scientific research in the book.

However, the authority of Stare led to the fact that the recommendation migrated to later publications and imperceptibly transformed into a prescription to drink "at least 8 glasses of pure water per day." The Internet was literally flooded with them:

Information for the curious

Article by physiologist Hainz Valtin “”Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day” Seriously? Where is the scientific basis for the "Rule of eight glasses"? . It details the source of the myth and its consequences.

And, it turns out, how many glasses of water a day should a normal person drink?

Literally as much as you want. The body autonomously knows how to perform all vital functions: it is difficult to miss the moment when you get hungry or want to go to the toilet. The same goes for fluid replenishment. There are thirst centers in the brain: they are activated every time receptors in the body send a signal about a shift in the water-salt balance. At this point, you go in search of water. Without this mechanism, a person could hardly live to old age.

The body replenishes fluid reserves by entering the gastrointestinal tract not only pure water, but also other drinks, as well as food. Therefore, depending on your diet, you may feel thirsty more or less frequently on different days.

Does that mean tea and coffee also count?

the weather is hot,

you just finished an intense workout,

you are breastfeeding

you have frequent vomiting or diarrhea.

In the latter case, it is important to consult a doctor who will tell you how to compensate for fluid loss. In all others, it is enough just to have a bottle of water on hand and apply when you want.

But dehydration is dangerous!

Yes, but getting yourself dehydrated without feeling thirsty is very difficult. According to physiologists, the body sends signals to the brain about the need to drink water when the blood thickens by 2%. At the same time, most experts define dehydration as a thickening of the blood by at least 5%.

Dehydration can indeed occur during intense training in athletes, which is why they drink "electrolytes" - special drinks that quickly replenish fluid loss.

What happens if I don't drink enough?

Scientists observed athletes who did not replenish fluids after training. Most often they complained about:

You will probably experience the same symptoms if you do not listen to the voice of thirst.

Drinking plenty of water is a popular advice for overweight people. There are some interesting studies on this.

4. If you follow a diet with a reduced daily calorie intake and drink 500 ml of water before each meal, then you will lose 44% more than those who are on the same diet, but do not drink water in such quantities. Valid for people over 55 who are overweight.

In short, the more liquid I drink, the better for my health, right?

Everything is good in moderation. There are several documented deaths from so-called water intoxication. The mechanism is the following.

A large amount of water entering the body greatly thins the blood. Because of this, the level of sodium in it is critically reduced. The blood becomes less salty than the fluid inside the cells of the body, so water rushes into the cells and they swell. When this happens in the brain, it increases in volume, but the cranium limits it. Because of this, intracranial pressure rises, which is dangerous and sometimes deadly.

It is known that 60% of the body weight of an adult is water, but this percentage only decreases with age. This valuable fluid is considered the most important component of our diet, as it supports normal metabolism, digestion, and thermoregulation. But we should consider how much water we need to drink.

Climatic conditions, nutritional habits, the nature of professional activity, health status are the main factors that determine the daily need for fluid. An adult should drink about 2.5 liters of water per day, and one and a half liters should be free liquids (directly water itself, compote, tea, soup, etc.).

How much water should a child drink? For babies, the main food is mother's milk, so the daily water intake for babies usually does not exceed 200 ml. Children aged 2-7 years need to consume about 1.5 liters of water per day, and children from seven to twelve years old - about 2 liters. The daily norm of water for teenagers is about the same as for adults, but if the child is involved in sports, then the amount of fluid drunk should be one liter more.

The body is harmed by both excess consumption and lack of water. When the body loses more than 10% of water, it endangers its vital functions, and an excess amount of fluid puts a strain on the kidneys, heart and often causes swelling.

Doctors advise drinking more fluids in the heat, with high physical exertion, taking medications, drinking coffee often, during air travel, visiting a sauna or bath. It is important to drink water at room temperature, since ice water is not absorbed in the esophagus, but immediately enters the intestines, where it dissolves toxins and carries them throughout the body. Cold drinks can also lead to sore throats.

You should not increase or decrease the amount of fluid consumed without medical indications. It is better to consult a doctor about how much water to drink for certain diseases. Usually, drinking more water is recommended for gout, gallbladder and liver problems, various intoxications, high fever, infectious diseases, cystitis and pyelonephritis. And cardiovascular diseases, obesity, kidney disease give rise to reduce the daily water intake.

You need to know that at night our body loses a considerable amount of fluid, so be sure to drink 200 ml of pure water in the morning before meals. In addition, drinking cool water on an empty stomach stimulates the intestines, which helps with constipation.

How much water should you drink with meals and is it worth it at all? This issue in nutrition and medicine is still controversial. It is interesting to know that different nations have a tradition of drinking liquid during a meal. For example, in France they use table wine to improve digestion, in the USA - water, and the Japanese drink tea before and during meals.

The question of how much water to drink, in principle, is individual. However, you can determine if your body is getting enough moisture with a small test. Pinch the skin on your arm from the outside of your palm. The skin instantly smoothed out - it means everything is normal, and if not - your body requires more fluid.

Young parents are often looking for an answer to the popular question “How much water should a child drink at different ages?”. The main advisers are, as a rule, the same young families and the older generation, and both the first and second ones cannot give an unambiguous answer. Each age period in a child needs its own amount of fluid intake and, as a rule, only pediatricians know about this.

Children under the age of one

A lot of controversy goes around the topic “How much liquid should a child consume and should he, in general, drink plain water?” - most experts are of the opinion that an infant up to six months does not need water, since it satisfies all the needs for liquid with mother's milk. Mother's milk is a unique complex of minerals, vitamins and nutrients, and at the same time provides the colonization of the child's intestines with the necessary microflora. The use of water during this period may entail the washing out of this very microflora. If you offer a baby up to a year to drink water, then in proportion to the amount of water drunk, a smaller amount of milk will be taken during feeding.

It is most rational to start giving water to the child after the seventh month. Even in hot weather, if the child is thirsty, it is worth attaching it to the breast, mother's milk will perfectly quench your thirst. Of course, in conditions of severe loss of moisture, such as fever, diarrhea, vomiting, the child needs to replenish water in the body, in such cases, the baby can and even should be offered to drink ordinary clean drinking water.

The average fluid requirement that a child under the age of one year should consume is approximately 50 ml per day. water per 1 kilogram of baby weight. Each child is individual in terms of fluid intake, there are water drinkers, and there are light drinkers. Keep track of how much your child drinks water, if he drinks a lot, but his urination process is rare, consult a doctor. If the baby has colic, dill water helps well, and with bloating, you can give the baby water with chamomile.

Watch the video "When should I supplement my child?"

How much water should a child under one year old and older children drink?

At the age of one year and older, you should follow some rules in the diet of the child, especially those related to drinking fluids. Try not to let your baby drink liquids containing sugar, although the child loves sweets, plain water is the best option. In order for the child to drink it with pleasure, you can dilute it a little with juice, of course, freshly squeezed and suitable for the child by age. The basic requirements for the water that a child should drink are as follows:

  • Low mineral and salt composition. Forget about healing and healthy mineral waters, giving your baby such a product to drink, you will rather harm him than benefit him.
  • Without preservatives. All kinds of preservatives on the market for drinking water, soda or juices are harmful even to an adult body, not to mention the fact that a child consumes them.
  • Purchased water. Specialized bottled water is sold in shops and pharmacies, with a label containing information that the water is intended for children. The label must contain information about the registration with Rospotrebnadzor. Such water is clean, suitable for drinking, and by using it, you can be sure that your child is drinking high-quality and clean water.

After a year, and especially after solid food appears in the baby's diet, the need for water increases. This is due to the fact that the child begins to move more, and the loss of fluid increases accordingly. Try to give your baby plain water, of course, sweet and attractive drinks attract and please the child, but do not forget about water. Also, very often a child pays attention to a wide variety of products that can be found on the windows of kiosks and shops, with bright labels and labels, and makes his choice in favor of such drinks.

This and other tricks can be used if your child does not want to drink plain water:

  • Buy a bright soda bottle, fill it with ordinary drinking water and offer it to your baby. A bright and beautiful vessel, for sure, should please the child.
  • Children simply love to drink through straws, how much joy ordinary water will bring if a child drinks it through a straw.
  • If the child is accustomed to drinking only juices, you can gradually dilute them with water, increasing the proportion of water over time and reducing the concentration of juice in the resulting drink.

Dehydration in a child

Toddlers, unlike adults, perceive the feeling of thirst a little differently, it is perceived by children more dulled. Adults should monitor how much water their child drinks at all times, especially on a hot day or during active play. In case of overheating (not necessarily in the sun, the child may be dressed or wrapped up too much), diarrhea, vomiting and hyperactive behavior, be sure to supplement the baby with plain water. When the child is 3 years old, especially carefully monitor the total amount of fluid consumed - the child should drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

Dehydration in a baby aged one to three is determined by the following signs:

  • After a long sleep, the baby's diaper remains dry;
  • Urine color is unusually dark;
  • Sharp and strong smell of urine;
  • The child behaves uneasily, screams and cries, crying is dry - without tears;
  • The skin becomes grayish and dry.

In such cases, it is immediately necessary to show the baby to the doctor as soon as possible, because most likely the child is dehydrated.

Always keep a close eye on how much and what kind of water your baby should drink. Try to accustom the child to sweet drinks as late as possible, set an example yourself, if the child sees that his parents are drinking sparkling water, he will also want to drink it. Do not try to forcibly supplement the baby, if it seems to you that he drank a little, the child's body itself determines how much fluid he needs. Children under one year, try not to drink before meals, or at least half an hour before feeding.

In order for the growth and development of a small person to correspond to the norm and health indicators, his parents need to monitor his drinking regimen. not only replenishes the baby's fluid loss, but also stimulates the immune system, increases its protective functions. After all, no one will argue with the fact that the health of the child is the main concern of parents. Even such an elementary question as “how much liquid should a small child drink?” Should worry parents.

Many sources - articles, textbooks, advertisements, informative brochures for mom - indicate that water is necessary for human development. It is known from biology and anatomy that we are 80% water, and this liquid directly affects all the processes that occur in our body. You will be surprised, but very often the development of certain diseases indicates that the body is sorely lacking in water.

The sooner you teach your child to drink water correctly, the easier it will be for him to maintain a competent drinking regimen in adulthood.

The effect of water on the body

Water has a very positive effect on the general condition and well-being of a person. Constant drinking of water normalizes metabolism, helps to lose weight, maintains optimal body temperature, regulates blood pressure, reduces the manifestation of allergic reactions, relieves fatigue, and improves mood.

Water deficiency in the body, defined in medicine as dehydration, deprives vitality, leads to a feeling of fatigue, provokes the occurrence of a number of diseases. The optimal drinking regime must be observed during illness and on very hot days.

If you do not drink enough water per day, then this can provoke such pathological conditions as:

  • Allergy;
  • Infectious manifestations;
  • The formation of kidney stones;
  • Violation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Metabolic disease;
  • Diseases of the oral cavity.

It is very important for a child's body to receive the necessary amount of fluid, since it is in the first years of life that all the internal organs and vital systems of a small person are formed. You can be sure that the sooner you teach your child, the less he will get sick and you will visit the doctor much less often.

Water - what to give?

How clean the water will be for your child depends on his well-being and, of course, overall health.

Never give your child untreated tap water (even if you boil it first). Water from a well or bottled water sold on tap is not suitable for a child to drink. Why? It is very easy to explain this - children's drinking water must comply with SanPin standards (regulatory sanitary requirements). What are these requirements?

Sanitary standards and requirements for children's water:

  • Children's water should have a balanced composition of minerals and mineral salts - their amount will be less than in ordinary "adult" water;
  • During the manufacturing process, such water is not treated with various kinds of chemicals;
  • No preservatives, flavorings, dyes;
  • If you buy bottled water, be sure to pay attention to the label, it should indicate “baby water”.
  • Alkalinity of children's water should not exceed 6.5 mg-eq/l, hardness - no more than 7 mg-eq/l.

When buying water, pay attention to the label. It must include items such as:

  • Name of water;
  • date of manufacture;
  • Storage conditions;
  • Best before date;
  • Chemical and physiological composition;
  • Full information about product registration;
  • Place of water spill.

Consumption rates

Do the norms of water consumption differ at one month of a child's life and at 2 years? Below are the norms for drinking water consumption by children.

If the child is under one year old

As a rule, a child under 6 months (if he is breastfed) does not need additional supplementation. All of the beneficial nutrients are found in breast milk. At this point, it is important for the mother to drink enough pure water to give it to her baby with breast milk. It is recommended to drink 2 to 3 liters of water per day. If the child is on, then he needs water. But, there is no need to be zealous here either, because water fills the child’s small stomach very quickly, creating a false feeling of fullness.

If a child was born in a very hot summer, then it does not matter what kind of feeding he is now on - breast milk or formula, he needs to be supplemented with water. Enough 1-2 tsp. per day to meet the baby's need for water.

Water is necessary for a child in case of fever, flatulence, diarrhea, vomiting, hiccups.

A bottle-fed baby can drink about 200 milliliters of water per day.

Important! In case of diseases of the cardiovascular and urinary systems in a child, the norms of water consumption should be agreed with the attending physician.

To summarize, on average, a child under 12 months old needs to consume 50 ml of water per kilogram of body weight. That is, if a child weighs 6 kilograms, then on average he should drink about 300 ml of water. Approximately the same amount of water is needed for children from 1 year to 3 years.

You can find out that a child has a water deficiency in the body by symptoms such as:

  • Dry chapped lips;
  • Dry skin;
  • Lack of urination for 6 hours (can be determined by the dryness or wetness of the diaper);
  • The child is capricious, restless, nervous;
  • Urine has a sharp strong odor;
  • The child drinks water very eagerly.

The older the child gets, the more water he needs to consume. For example, for children aged years, the daily water intake is 1.5 liters.

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