Fire Rabbit Aquarius. Aquarius-Rabbit Man Career

landscaping 28.06.2020

The Aquarius-Rabbit man is always busy searching for the truth. He is interested in how relationships are established, their essence. The search for the existent is its main purpose, and even its task. He is more interested in the surrounding reality than others, trying on his own laws and features. Much for this man is not interesting, what is interesting to other men, for example, earnings, as he strives for something incomprehensible, barely perceptible.

They are distinguished by sharp intuition. They are able to quickly resolve all issues, but rarely listen to the inner self. And this gives rise to contradictions, difficulties in life. Often they are pursued by insurmountable obstacles that make them look for the cause of unhappiness in the people around them. In fact, they need to improve themselves, always move forward in order to overcome difficulties.

By nature, they are distinguished by a strong will and purposefulness. They easily start any business. However, they rarely demonstrate pessimism and despondency. They are more characterized by cheerfulness, fun. With close people, this sign connects only trust and love. They can quickly reach their goal, but for this they need discipline, and this quality is often beyond their control.

Characteristics of the Aquarius-Rabbit man in Love

He is extremely attractive. From the Rabbits he received a magical mystery, and from Aquarius - an unusual beauty that only a connoisseur will notice. He is emotional and sensual, therefore he always attracts many fans, each of whom would like to understand his soul. He is an idealist, so a woman who will have the qualities and emotions necessary for him will suit him.

In love, he appreciates the opportunity to be himself. It is difficult for him to impose his opinion, as he has a very persistent character. It should be noted that he is romantic, so you can captivate him with romance. He is reliable and faithful, but always looking for an ideal companion who will share his interests and hobbies, will not limit his freedom. And this is possible in rare cases.

Aquarius-Man, born in the Rabbit year, in the Bed

He loves comfort, so in intimate relationships he always strives to create an appropriate atmosphere. The entourage is important to him, which differs from banal ideas. In addition, he will be glad if the partner does not impose unusual fantasies on him. Everything is standard and will usually be the best option for him. However, splashes are possible, and he, too, can offer something unusual and extravagant.

He is not at all against intimate relationships, however, he is too intuitive, so he always knows when it is worth transferring relationships from ordinary to intimate, and when not. To interest him, romance alone may not be enough. He will communicate with the girl for quite some time before he thinks about such a relationship. It's all about his insight and careful choice of a partner that is right for him.

Aquarius-Rabbit man horoscope in Family and Marriage

In the family, he is very sweet, it is always calm and pleasant to be around him. He knows how to create a cozy atmosphere. At the same time, in communication with him, a feeling of peace is always created. He loves children very much, so there can even be three children in a family. At the same time, he always tries to educate worthy people from them, and most often he succeeds. Relations with his wife are quite harmonious, since his choice was conscious.

He is one of the most domestic of the Chinese zodiac combinations among Aquarius. He loves novelty and bright events, but most often he prefers to watch them on TV. In rare cases, seeks to find a suitable partner, even if the spouse does not suit him. It should be noted that he agrees to marriage only after a thorough analysis of the relationship. If something does not suit him, he is unlikely to decide on an alliance with this girl.

The Aquarius-Cat (Rabbit) sign includes people born from January 21 to February 19 in 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011.

A person born under the sign of Aquarius in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) is one of the most mysterious and elusive. Aquarius belongs to the element Air, which is why he is so easy-going and loves freedom. Cat (Rabbit) - lazy and observant, politely cool and reasonable.

Aquarius brings a little of his realism, and adds his friendliness and altruism to feline selfishness. A person with a combination of Aquarius-Cat (Rabbit) is an active nature. He does not hide from life, fights for justice and seeks unconditional love. He is either brave to recklessness, or lazy to self-forgetfulness. For him, the main thing is the feeling of his personal freedom.

A person born under the sign of Aquarius in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) is characterized by curiosity, rich imagination and fantasy. They have their own special, unique style in both clothes and behavior. With this combination, people are born who have natural creativity and a love of knowledge, they love communication, but also need silence. The combination of Aquarius-Cat (Rabbit) elegance and grace, and their originality only emphasizes their attractiveness. These people are inspired by everything beautiful, art, culture, painting, music, etc.

In a love relationship, Aquarius-Cat (Rabbit) prefers constancy and stability, but does not tolerate encroachment on his personal freedom. Perhaps that is why he does not seek to start a family too early. Nevertheless, he loves home comfort, appreciates the warmth and attention of a loved one. Very vulnerable, sensitive and vulnerable.

Aquarius - Cat (Rabbit) characteristic

A person born under the sign of Aquarius in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) is endowed with an attractive appearance and innate wisdom. He has an original style of behavior and a bright image. He also has a rich imagination and an amazing ability to charm people, and thanks to his calmness and inner magnetism, he easily finds a way out of any trouble.

Aquarius-Cat (Rabbit) is a born romantic, with his characteristic spirit of adventurism. Having conceived something, he moves forward, in spite of any obstacles. He studies the world not for the purpose of conquest, but for the purpose of understanding. Everywhere he needs to get to the bottom of the truth, learn something new or understand the essence of this or that phenomenon. This Cat (Rabbit), who was born under the sign of other Cats (Rabbits). He is attracted by the mystery of human relationships, and he is looking for the essence of all things.

In general, the Aquarius-Cat (Rabbit) combination gives a person an optimistic outlook on life, a desire to learn and develop, but at the same time, envy, stubbornness, and from time to time, apathy and laziness are also characteristic of him. Still, the Cat, he is the Cat in Africa, although he is Aquarius. This is a wonderful soulful actor who plays with nuances both on stage and in life. This person appreciates freedom very much, and no one can impose their point of view on him. His inherent insight helps to perfectly navigate the weaknesses or virtues of others. You can even say that he also has a prophetic gift and all his fantasies are only a reflection of what will happen soon.

Aquarius-Cat (Rabbit) is not afraid of work and works for the benefit of his family and loved ones. It can make a wonderful decorator or art specialist. Due to the fact that Aquarius-Cat (Rabbit) can speak beautifully and competently, he can choose the profession of a correspondent or become an outstanding scientist. If the work does not cause him discomfort, then he can reach significant heights in it. However, Aquarius-Cat (Rabbit) does not strive to achieve much in life. For him, the main thing is to study everything that surrounds him. Finances also do not play a big role for a person with this combination. For him, money is a secondary value, and most importantly, it is happiness, peace, harmony and joy, love and emotions. By the way, Aquarius-Cat (Rabbit), one of the few who has the gift to smooth out conflicts and act as a peacemaker among any groups of people who have disagreements.

Despite his external activity, Aquarius, born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit), is the most domestic of all Aquarius. Of course, he is interested in distant countries, but he is in no hurry to see everything. For him, home comfort, warmth and attention of loved ones are much more important. At heart, he is not a nomad or a tourist at all. He is too attached to comfort and a little lazy.

In a love relationship, Aquarius-Cat (Rabbit), emotional and sensitive. He is a born romantic who can charm anyone. This is an eccentric, an optimist, the soul of the company. It is interesting with him, he knows how to surprise with his direct attitude to the world. In sexual relations, thanks to his imagination and sensitivity, he is an unsurpassed lover. This is a faithful and devoted, responsible and reliable partner, on whom you can rely on everything, however, it is unlikely that anyone will succeed in subordinating him. He suffers greatly from the restriction of his freedom, and if he feels constrained, he will immediately try to escape.

Aquarius - Cat (Rabbit) woman

A woman born under the sign of Aquarius in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) is very sociable, optimistic, charming and attractive. Powerful willpower, magnetism and charm make this woman very attractive to others. She always has many friends and admirers. This is a bright, sincere and independent person with a huge creative potential and a rich inner world. She is talented and if she develops her creative potential, she will be able to achieve great results in the field of art.

The Aquarius-Cat (Rabbit) woman is always full of ambition, self-confidence and independence. This often brings various difficulties and emotions, both positive and negative, into her life. In addition, born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit), therefore, she knows how to learn from her mistakes and use this experience to implement her future plans. This is especially true of climbing the career ladder and financial planning. It is this rationalism that helps her achieve a good financial position and status in society by adulthood.

In relations with men, the Aquarius-Cat (Rabbit) woman is active and restless, loves to flirt and communicate, strives for love and tenderness, but will never part with her independence. Like a man born with this combination of signs, it is vital for her to maintain a sense of freedom and flight, and pressure and restriction are very difficult to endure. She is able to create a happy family only with a man who can understand her, and will not interfere with her to freely explore the world, and express herself not only in creativity, but also in life. If she feels under control, she will immediately run away. To become happy in family relationships, she needs to learn to accept someone else's opinion and worldview and not consider herself smarter than others. Nevertheless, her practicality and rationalism, which is characteristic of her, helps to calculate her relationship a few steps ahead and determine whether this partner is suitable for her or not.

Aquarius - Cat (Rabbit) man

A man born under the sign of Aquarius in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) is cheerful and sociable, bold and decisive. He is optimistic about the future and always goes to his dream.

The Aquarius-Cat (Rabbit) man knows how to achieve his goals. Having chosen a task, he completely concentrates on it and may not notice anything around him. His enthusiasm and passion can only be envied. For him, there is nothing more important than to bring the work begun to the end, no matter what it costs him. Thanks to this quality, he can boldly take on the most adventurous projects and, of course, achieve their implementation.

It is worth noting that those born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) can quickly resolve all emerging issues, but rarely listens to their inner “I”. This causes various difficulties in life and contradictions. Also, problems can arise due to the desire of a man born under the sign of Aquarius in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) to look for the cause of misfortunes in the people around him. To move forward, he needs to improve himself, develop and strive for higher goals. He is used to letting financial affairs take their course, enjoying the current moment, which often also leads to difficulties.

In relationships with women, the Aquarius-Cat (Rabbit) man is charming and playful. His fiery and passionate temperament attracts many female fans to him. In the name of love, this man is capable of chivalrous deeds and serenades under the moon. Women are fascinated by his "unusualness" and the ability to remain cheerful and positive in any situation. He himself is also looking for a woman with a twist, bright, bold and unusual. However, he does not particularly seek to tie the knot. Like all Aquarians, he prefers to remain independent and unsubdued. He values ​​his freedom and does not want to part with it. The love relationship of this man is always built on trust. Self-interest and calculation are alien to him, but this is what can prevent him from seeing the true motives of a not entirely honest woman. But if this man meets his soul mate, he can build a strong, trusting, passionate and romantic relationship that will not fade over time.

Capable Cat. Very good friend!

Eastern horoscope- Cat / Rabbit

Zodiac horoscope- Aquarius

The melancholy and sweet-tongued Libra-Rabbits can seem like sissies. Their mind is inquisitive, they make good scientists and journalists. Libra-Rabbit loves the best and can be extravagant. Such people are able to work hard to achieve what they want. They should try to stop snobbery in themselves.

Chinese astrology describes the Cat as a symbol of wisdom. Men and women born in the Aquarius Cat combination are people who have a special style.

Everything they say and do will have a certain stylish manner. In general, these people give the impression of a very fashionable person. This combination produces people who are either calm and collected or secretive and intrusive.

Aquarius Rabbit are people who have natural creativity and a love of knowledge. They like communication but sometimes they need silence. They are excellent listeners, wise and careful. They try to avoid confrontation of any kind. These people can be excellent peacemakers among any groups of people who have differences.

They have special skills that help them calm the situation with their charm and common sense. Therefore, they should find a profession in which a calming effect is required. They do not like to lead, but they will be a great part of any team. These stabilization skills work well in your personal life as well.

This combination gives very elegant and graceful people, and their originality only emphasizes their attractiveness. They are inspired by art and culture, everything is beautiful. They can be great color scheme and home decor consultants.

The weakness in the personality of these people is that they value their independence too much. Close relationships can make them feel trapped. They should learn to trust the judgments and opinions of others.

Aquarius rabbit is a romantic. He has such a rich imagination that he is able to charm people with just him. But he studies the world not for the sake of victories, but to understand it.

The Aquarius cat is an optimist in everything, he controls his turbulent emotions, directing their excesses in another direction that is useful for himself - building relationships with people and the world around him. Insight and philanthropy help him see the merits and demerits of others and even guess about future events.

Sexually, neither male nor female Aquarius rabbits have problems. Otherwise, it is simply impossible - a romantically inclined person is attractive to the opposite sex in advance. And for the same reason, he has very few enemies.

From January 20 to February 18, people of one of the most mysterious signs of the Zodiac, Aquarius, are born. Their element is air, which is why they are so easy-going and at the same time elusive, because their essence is freedom.

Aquarius Woman: General Characteristics of the Sign

Representatives of this zodiac sign are often called unpredictable and extravagant. They think outside the box, are active and sociable - all this is about them. Aquarius women are especially amazing in communication.

  • They are characterized by adventurism, mischief and recklessness. They will easily draw you into a whirlwind of endless fun. In their company, it is easy to relax and start doing the most unimaginable things, because Aquarius women are never shy about their joyful impulses.
  • Girls and women born under this zodiac sign have a wide circle of acquaintances. They are frequent visitors to noisy parties and home gatherings, and they also really know how to make friends.
  • However, freedom is most important for them: in communication, relationships and work. Therefore, travelers, photographers, journalists, etc. are often found among these people. No other sign gives such a number of freelancers, as well as people without a certain kind of activity. It is incredibly important for these ladies to know that nothing and no one limits them - remember this when trying to keep an Aquarius girl or an irreplaceable employee born under this sign.
  • Aquarius women fall in love easily, but this does not mean that they are so easy to bind to themselves. Feelings can disappear as quickly as they appeared. In addition, household and household hardships become a deadly poison for Aquarius romantic impulses.
  • Impressive success in building a career (and this, despite the dislike for conventions and rigid frameworks, is a frequent occurrence in the biography of representatives of this sign) is also a consequence of love of freedom, independence and the desire for independence.
  • Next to the Aquarius woman is not easy: you have to run after her. Bright, cheerful, eye-catching and forever young. She believes in friendship between a man and a woman, which often causes jealousy on the part of her husband.
  • Aquarians are great mothers. They usually manage to find a middle ground between "hen" and "cuckoo". The first, in principle, is not peculiar to her, but her innate curiosity and friendliness saves her from the second. As a result, most often they establish close friendships and trusting relationships with their children. However, discipline in such a family will never be at its best.
  • These women look very original, throwing aside traditions and strict fashion rules. They like to experiment and shock, and the appearance in this case gives the widest field of activity.

Influence of the year of birth

Some of the most difficult personalities are born under this zodiac - Aquarius. The characterization of the sign of a woman will be more complete if we compare the date of birth and the year.

  • So Aquarius, born in the year of the Rat, especially appreciate friendship. For her sake, they are ready to give up their own deeds and desires. However, they are impulsive in relationships, so they do not like to tie themselves in marriage.
  • A woman born under the signs of Aquarius and the Ox combines amazing poetry and pragmatic realism. She knows how to quickly deal with pressing matters and immerse herself in her beautiful airy world. Because of this, it is sometimes difficult for her to find a life partner, because she is looking for a romantic nature.
  • Tigress-Aquarius is a freelance artist. Most often they are unusually good, so they are especially popular with the opposite sex. However, keeping them is not easy.
  • The most domestic representative of Aquarius is the one that was born in the year of the Rabbit or Cat. These are optimistic and cheerful people, however, sometimes they are distinguished by excessive idealism.
  • Dragon and Aquarius are an amazing combination of fire and air. These women are distinguished by a very bright and emotional perception of the world. They are incredibly energetic and manage to lead to “excellent” both at home and at work. However, it is very difficult to find a man for such ideal representatives of the fair sex.
  • A woman who combines the signs of Aquarius and the Snake, on the one hand, is cunning, smart and insidious, and on the other, she strives for simple family happiness.
  • The combination of Aquarius and the Horse suggests that you have a highly intelligent person in front of you. These women are distinguished by cunning and resourcefulness. Among them there are also those who, in order to achieve their own goals, are ready to play a dishonest game. Nevertheless, these people usually do not expect a dirty trick from others and are distinguished by amazing naivety.
  • In the art world, there are often those Aquarius women who were born in the year of the Goat. They not only have special talents, but also have a very vivid desire to rotate in the bohemian circle.
  • If an Aquarius woman was born in the year of the Monkey, then most likely she is prone to experiments both in work and in relationships with people. This also applies to families. It is these people who often make scientific discoveries.
  • Rooster-Aquarius is one of the most secretive representatives of the sign. This girl is prone to easy relationships, hates commitment. She easily goes towards new adventures and hobbies, while she does not need the company on this long journey.
  • Aquarius, born in the year of the Dog, will amaze you with the lack of self-interest and desire for material well-being. This woman will only do something if she likes it. Otherwise, even platinum mountains will not attract her.
  • The Aquarius woman, who was born in the year of the Pig, is distinguished by her unusual charm and mystery. She loves to play through life - both with others and with herself.

Love and relationships

A bright and sociable Aquarius woman is not always capable of a violent manifestation of feelings. Even if her love for a partner is strong, she does not consider it necessary to effectively and passionately announce it. Such is the nature of the air signs of the zodiac.

Despite the sometimes immodest behavior of Aquarius, one can hardly call them truly passionate. Of course, temporary outbreaks of physical attraction are possible, but in general, most representatives are distinguished by restraint. This is the essence of the sign - not to give yourself completely to anyone, but to maintain your isolation even at the moment of physical closeness with your loved one.

Also, these women are unlikely to forgive treason or another offense that is vital for them. It's all about the internal level of comfort. Aquarius women always choose a situation in which they will feel harmonious. They are not characterized by torment and doubt, they are completely subordinate to their intuition.

However, in relations with Aquarius there is one amazing plus - a strong thread of trust. These women will never start checking your phone, tormenting you with empty suspicions and tormenting you with fits of jealousy.

Far-fetched reasons for quarrels are not for them, just like scandals, tantrums and squabbles. If everything suits them, they are with you, if not, they leave.

Aquarius woman: compatibility with other signs

Astrologers promise Aquarius women ideal and harmonious unions with Cancer, Libra and Gemini. A bright relationship awaits a couple with Aries. But the temperamental Lions and Scorpios are unlikely to be appreciated by the airy Aquarius women. The union of conflicting natures can also be strong if Aquarius and Taurus meet. Perfectly understand each other and two Aquarius. By the way, this is the rare case when two representatives of the same zodiac sign can get along under the same roof.

A family

Aquarius will agree to the bonds of marriage only on the condition that he is convinced that this event will not bind him hand and foot.

In family life, the Aquarius woman opens up from a new perspective. She does the most ordinary things in an unusual way. In addition, the representative of this sign will remain freedom-loving and independent, and the stamp in the passport is unlikely to be able to fix this. The only thing that remains for those who are nearby is to simply accept it as a given.

However, if she meets a partner who is able to accept these qualities of her as positive, she will make him a truly happy person in family life. The most suitable couple for her will be a man striving for a calm, sincere and full of mutual attention relationship.


Working with an Aquarius woman is often not easy. They do not accept any rules and canons. And the more they try to limit them to some kind of framework, the more actively they go beyond their borders: they are late, they do not comply with the dress code and the general schedule. It is important for them not to see external restrictions. If there is no pressure from outside, and the process itself is exciting, Aquarius women are ready to work for their own pleasure for 12 hours a day.

You can learn amazing details about the representatives of this sign from this video.

The character of the Rabbit woman "Cat" - Aquarius: These Pisces always consider themselves right, worthy of others in everything. They put their ideas and methods of solving problems ahead of everything, but they are often mistaken. But these mistakes do not teach them; on the contrary, anger comes to them. They can change significantly if they consider life in different manifestations. In particular, delicacy comes to them, the ability to listen to others and accept someone else's opinion. But this is achieved by exceptionally strong natures.

These women are always full of ambition, self-confidence and independence. As a result, they often have to deal with difficulties, so their life is filled with emotions of a different kind. But at the same time, powerful willpower, magnetism and charm make these women especially attractive and interesting to others. In addition, they are very talented. Usually they manifest themselves in music, art.

Woman Rabbit "Cat" - Aquarius in love and relationships: These women consider love to be the meaning of life, but at the same time, emotions do not allow them to soar. These women always feel support under their feet. They will be able to find their love if they can learn to accept someone else's opinion and worldview, which is a necessity in a relationship. They need to always learn in order to feel the strength to continue the relationship. Such a difficult situation will one day change with the change in the nature of Pisces.

Woman Rabbit "Cat" - Aquarius in finance and career: They are especially practical, so they can take all their mistakes for the implementation of future plans. In particular, this applies to climbing the career ladder and financial planning. Rationalism and the ability to plan their lives allows them to achieve a good position for maturity. They are often successful and prosperous, as they easily solve all difficulties, stepping up towards their goal.

Woman Rabbit "Cat" - Aquarius in the family and marriage: Practicality and rationalism in relationships helps Pisces a lot. They can calculate their relationship for several moves and begin to implement their plans. If they consider a partner promising for a serious relationship, they will definitely sharpen the family. And here rationality will let a little Pisces down, as he will feel vivid feelings for his other half and especially children, for whom he can do everything, even the impossible.

Advice to the woman Rabbit "Cat" - Aquarius: This sign needs to be more open, since not all enemies are around. Some women can even help him achieve his goals. The whole life of these women is subordinated to the achievement of goals, and therefore they often cannot relax. They just need to see those loved ones who surround him and can help in almost everything. It is important to understand that being a loner is difficult and unnecessary. This understanding will help him achieve excellent results in all areas of life and with little or no effort.

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