Do-it-yourself dressing room: drawings, diagrams and photos of functional systems. How to make a dressing room with your own hands: master class Designs for a dressing room

Landscaping and planning 26.06.2020
Landscaping and planning

Currently, huge walls, massive wardrobes and all kinds of cabinets fade into the background, remaining in the shadow of modern design solutions. Such a functional area as a dressing room can help rationally decompose and fit a large number of different things. It was she who absorbed all the functions of an ordinary wardrobe or wardrobe.

The dressing room, as a rule, is not universal, since such a room requires special attention. It must match the taste preferences of the owner. In order for this zone to really suit the owners, it is necessary to consider some of its features and properties.


In order to create a dressing room with your own hands, you need to make sure that it is really necessary for the available space. Such a zone is undoubtedly the dream of every girl and not only. It holds a huge amount of things that can not fit in a regular closet, things in it are arranged in order and laid out in plain sight, and here you can change your clothes privately.

Also, the dressing room has a huge number of features that need to be mentioned.

  • You can easily find any thing in it, because the clothes are laid out on specially designed shelves, hangers and drawers.
  • This zone is the focus of absolutely all things placed depending on the typical characteristics.
  • Items or things that are rarely used in everyday life easily fit on the outermost shelves and do not distract attention.

  • Having made a dressing room, you can save a lot, since the issue of purchasing several cabinets and shelves is postponed.
  • If such a functional area is selected with the calculation of all characteristics, it will serve the owner for a single year.
  • It adapts to the interior of any room and can be located both in the passage area and in the attic.
  • Its internal content is planned individually.
  • It can accommodate fairly large items, such as an ironing board, vacuum cleaner or clothes dryer.


Few people do not want to have a dressing room in their apartment. Many people think that it is an unaffordable luxury, but this is just a delusion. Currently, anyone can afford a room that significantly saves space and brings together all the things that have not found a place in a small closet.

To choose the right layout, you just need to decide on the design of the dressing room and choose one of the appropriate types.

  • Linear. This view is very similar in appearance to a large and long wardrobe. Such a dressing room is fenced off with a plasterboard wall and doors - an ordinary sliding, thick curtain, or it is not fenced off at all.

  • Angular. This type of functional area will fit perfectly into any free corner and will be no less practical. Here you can also fit shelves, drawers and hangers, which were placed in a separate dressing room. In addition, personally ordered corner boxes will be considered an addition.

  • Parallel. This type is only suitable for passage rooms or for a wide corridor. It provides for a parallel arrangement of two cabinets filled with clothes. This will include a large number of things, it will fit the outerwear of the whole family.

  • U-shaped. This option is suitable for those who have a long bedroom. It can be visually divided into two parts: in one, there will be a built-in wardrobe on the entire wall, in the other - a bed with bedside tables. By arranging everything in this way, you can balance the room, make it more symmetrical and furnish the room as tightly as possible.

It should be noted that when drawing up the design of the dressing room, it is necessary to divide it into several parts:

  • for outerwear;
  • for everyday wear;
  • for shoes;
  • for private dressing


Ordinary cabinets visually appear large and massive, unlike dressing rooms that have sufficient capacity and light appearance. They can be located both in the bedroom and in the living room, or, for example, in the corridor. Thus, in one place you can collect the entire family wardrobe, even if this area is small.

This is not to say that small dressing rooms are useless and optional. They also hold a certain amount of clothes, but it all depends on how much and what exactly will be placed in them.

There is a long-established shape in the form of a rectangle. It is this zone that is intended for dressing one person and, in fact, the things themselves. This small room requires special attention when arranging, because you need to take into account the location of the mirror and the pouffe so that they do not interfere.

The most successful and practical placement of a mini-dressing room is a bedroom or a 2x2 attic. With the help of it, the room will become light, harmonious in all plans and, importantly, comfortable. It will fit perfectly in a niche in which hangers and various boxes for shoes or other items can easily fit.

Also, the original option would be placement around the perimeter of the wall. Sliding doors for this small space can be made of glass or wood.

In order to save extra square meters of the bedroom, a dressing room can be installed in the corner. It will be not only practical and rather convenient option, but also quite stylish and textured. If a small amount is allocated for such a zone, an excellent solution would be to divide the room in half by means of a thick curtain, behind which there will be a specially designated place for storing clothes.

For a room with 4 sq. m or 3 sq. m, the space for free walking is limited. It can comfortably accommodate only one person. With such dimensions, you need to pay attention to every detail in order to complete all items as much as possible. The taboo in this small space is superimposed on bulky items, because they simply cannot find a place. You need to use everything: from floor to ceiling. And to save a couple of free centimeters, shelves located almost under the ceiling will help, in which things will fit that cannot be used, but it's a pity to throw them away.

For those who love order, an open 2x2 dressing room is suitable, it will help save the budget, because there is no need to spend money on a partition in the form of a door or curtains. And for those who store heaps of things and try to fit them in one space, a closed dressing room will be a great helper, behind the door of which no one will see a huge pile of clothes.

You can design a functional area for things even in a room of 2 square meters. m, because for him you can make a practical and comfortable dressing room. The main thing is to calculate everything to the smallest detail and properly equip it.

A great solution would be to place a dressing room in a room of 18 meters, and this is usually a bedroom or living room. It is necessary to create the design of this zone in accordance with the interior of the room itself, you need to take into account every detail and responsibly approach the color scheme and light. If there is a desire to increase the available space, you can attach mirrors to the sliding doors of the dressing room, thereby visually adding a couple of square meters to the room.

The functional area of ​​​​3x4 meters is quite roomy. It fits various rods, drawers, hangers, trousers, shoe baskets, shelves, sections for items such as an ironing board or vacuum cleaner and, of course, a mirror. The layout here should be comfortable and convenient, and a soft pouffe can add an extra particle of comfort.


With the acquisition of a dressing room, a huge number of problems are solved: saving space, the appearance of a place for changing clothes and keeping personal belongings from prying eyes. You can make such a comfortable and multifunctional zone with your own hands, the main thing is to study the construction technique in detail, read the basics of organization and make out what exactly this construction is made of.

From drywall

To build a drywall dressing room is a rather bold, but at the same time, a reasonable decision, since with the help of this material you can choose any size of the planned area, fill it with a different number of shelves. In order not to make mistakes during manufacturing, you must strictly follow the steps:

  • To get started, measure the area chosen to accommodate the future dressing room.
  • Decide for yourself or write down on a piece of paper a list of ideas and concepts that you would like to implement.
  • From a number of all the listed options, choose one and refine it so that the design of this functional area fits the interior design.

  • Execute the drawn up schemes and calculations.
  • Purchase sheets of drywall in accordance with the dimensions and markup.
  • Cut out the main parts.
  • Make a frame out of metal structures.
  • Sheathe this frame with the cut pieces of drywall.
  • Finish the installation by decorating the outer part of the resulting zone.


For those who want to quickly decorate and change the space of a room, building a mesh dressing room is suitable. It is this way of solving the problem of lack of space for clothes that is less expensive and very fast. Mesh zones are able to bring lightness and airiness into the room, which, at times, is so lacking. Outwardly, this design looks quite original, since it consists of many small compartments that will fit most of the available clothes.

Such wardrobes have a number of advantages and features. They are widely used because they are attractive and affordable, have many modifications, colors, are very easy to install, can be retrofitted and, in the end, look stylish and original.


The area made of chipboard or chipboard is convenient, but not universal, since the shelves are already built into the frame and cannot be rearranged. But, despite this, this design has many features. Chipboard is a relatively inexpensive material, unlike aluminum frames. You can also save a lot, for example, on a trouser case by replacing such a branded accessory with a regular barbell or shelf.

The wooden structure looks gentle, besides, it can be chosen in different colors.


Such material is very durable and wear-resistant, and is often used for the manufacture of partitions. It has a low price, so everyone can afford it. In addition, plywood is easy to use, and cutting it does not require experience and professional materials. It is versatile and easily changes shape without even deforming.


The wooden wardrobe system has an aesthetic and rich look. It is pleasant and comfortable to be in it. Such an area is usually separated from the main room by sliding doors that can hide everything that is there. In addition, wood is an environmentally friendly material, it does not harm health and, thanks to its characteristics, will last for many years.


Such material is produced by gluing and pressing shavings of coniferous trees. It is resistant to fire, does not have any defects, and has excellent sound insulation performance. OSB is very often used in decoration, because it has an inexpensive cost and, importantly, does not react to moisture in any way.


These are thin sheets having a woody structure. Since the tree has a rather expensive cost, veneer, which is as close as possible to it, will be an excellent replacement. It is worth noting that natural veneer is also not cheap. If the budget for the purchase of material is modest, artificial veneer can help, which looks no worse.

Accommodation options

In order to properly and wisely arrange the dressing room, you must, first of all, navigate and compare the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room in which this zone will be located. Even if the room is small, you can fit such a functional system into it.

In order not to wonder where to equip the dressing room after all, it is necessary to consider several options for successful placement.

From the pantry

You can build a spacious dressing room from an ordinary pantry, since it is already separated by a door and equipped with electricity. The advantage is that you do not need to think about where to place such a zone, because the space for the former storage room has long been predetermined in terms of the apartment. A typical pantry has an area of ​​​​2 square meters. m, which will be perfect for a spacious dressing room. If you have come to the conclusion to change the space in the apartment in this way, then this is really the right and right decision.

In the bedroom

The bedroom, like any other room, requires free space. To do this, it is necessary to plan the placement of the dressing room so that there is enough space for a comfortable stay. If the room is spacious enough, it will easily fit a large functional area for clothes with sliding doors.

If the bedroom is small, you can resort to zoning. It is the open system that will not visually reduce the space and help save extra meters. Hangers and shelves nailed to the wall will add coziness to the room, and decorative drawers will bring some neatness.

You can also fit a dressing room in a niche, this option will not look massive and heavy. The internal filling for this type of solution can be selected and designed independently, it all depends only on personal preferences and taste characteristics.

Optionally, you can make a multifunctional partition in the form of a screen, which can be completely removed, thereby making the dressing room open.

In "Khrushchev"

Apartments built during the time of the colorful Soviet statesman are distinguished by the presence of a niche. Its conversion into a dressing room will be an original and practical solution. Usually such a room is very small, and standard furniture is unlikely to fit. Custom-made furniture will help to get out of this situation, in which each owner can embody any design idea.

In the hall

If this room has a small area, it will make an excellent corner version of the dressing room, which will fit a sufficient amount of clothing for the whole family. The same practical solution would be to create an open area in the corridor, but if there is a niche for this. Shelves, drawers, hangers or decorative metal tubes can be placed in it.

In a private house

It is necessary to place such a functional area next to the bedroom, as it is very convenient. It is also necessary to take into account that it is desirable to arrange it so that each member of the family does not feel discomfort and can freely get into it. As a rule, frequent houses have a large enough living area and the same spacious rooms that fit a dressing room of any type and size.

And if the building has two floors, such a zone will fit perfectly under the stairs and save space.

In the bathroom

The bathroom, as a rule, has a fairly small area. In order to make the most of the available space, you can independently build a small open-type dressing room. Metal rods will help in its creation, on which you can hang towels and other things, and a lot of decorative boxes where various cosmetics will fit.

In a panel house

A panel house is not distinguished by the presence of large and spacious rooms that would be able to accommodate a huge functional area for storing things, but it is quite possible to equip a small one. It is important to know and remember that it must be equipped with ventilation so that the clothes do not acquire a specific smell, and good lighting. To arrange the required number of things, you can draw a layout plan that distributes them correctly.

in the attic

This type of room has a specific shape, because of which it is necessary to think through every detail of the dressing room in order to avoid mistakes. One of the best locations is the location under the slope of the roof, as it is practically not used and, in most cases, just empty. The same excellent solution will be the corner option, which can save as much as possible the area of ​​​​and so small-sized space.

If the attic is large enough, a dressing room can be placed by the window - this will make it convenient for changing clothes and very cozy.

In a one-room apartment

Many owners of such apartments prefer a functional wardrobe system rather than conventional wardrobes. It can make a room textured and stylish, but there are key points to consider. Depending on the geometry of the room, it is necessary to choose one of the types of existing systems, the main thing is that it looks harmonious. To expand an already small apartment, a dressing room in light neutral colors with existing mirrors will help. With proper design, it will be possible to fit in it not only things, but also household appliances (for example, a vacuum cleaner)

In the country

With the help of the functional area located in the country house, you can not hide things in suitcases, but put them in their places or hang them on hangers. With the help of it, they will have a well-groomed appearance and will not wrinkle, even if the stay in the house turns out to be short.

under the stairs

Such a zone, located under the stairs, will help to maximize the use of the space of the house or apartment. An integral plus is that not only clothes can be placed in such a room, but also items that are used quite rarely, as well as large household items.

Layout with dimensions

Many people think that arranging a dressing room in a small apartment is an unacceptable decision. But it should be noted that an ordinary closet in a small room looks much more massive. In order to avoid such an erroneous judgment, you only need to correctly compose and design the design of the future functional area. If the apartment consists of large rooms, a separate spacious room should be allocated for the dressing room.

At the initial stage of creation, you need to know the rules that will help you plan its placement correctly. Next, you need to draw on paper a drawing of the desired dressing room, after dividing it into four zones. The first should be calculated for outerwear, the second for short, the third for hats and the fourth for shoes.

When creating such a space, it is advisable to look at ready-made schemes and plans that are as similar as possible to the zonal arrangement of rooms in your apartment. Various samples of dressing rooms, as well as ready-made ideas that are as close as possible to your taste preferences, will also push you to the right decision.

Arrangement and filling

Currently, there are a huge number of ways with which you can equip any room. A zone in the form of a dressing room saves space in the entire apartment, deprives it of huge overweight wardrobes, and brings order to the entire space of the apartment. You can decide which design to use and purchase the right equipment yourself, but not without absorbing some of the ideas and tips presented below.

A compartment door will look very original and interesting in the dressing room. She will create a structure that visually separates the room, but at the same time, resembles a closet. Sliding doors, as a rule, have many advantages and disadvantages. They, unlike swing ones, do not take up much space, because they have a roller mechanism that moves in the direction to the right or left.

In addition, it can be easily decorated and decorated by resorting, for example, to photo printing or airbrushing. Another important aspect is that such doors are safe and easy to install.

The storage area can be made in various variations and in any room. But whatever it may be, its content should represent the maximum number of necessary devices. It can be shelves, various boxes or a separate rack. Among the storage systems, the main ones can be distinguished:

  • case;
  • panel;
  • frame;
  • mesh.

In general, the design is a separate room with departments and sections for different types of clothing or shoes. It should be noted that the most practical and multifunctional system is the panel one, since it hides various wall defects, moreover, it can be easily moved.

In order for the internal content of this zone to be maximally involved, it is necessary to calculate the number of racks placed in it, in addition, mini-cabinets that help save space will be an excellent addition.

How to do it yourself?

If a family consists of more than three family members, it simply needs such a functional area as a dressing room. A great option would be to allocate a separate room for her, but if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment does not allow this, you can enclose a certain part in one of the rooms. As you know, ordinary cabinet furniture, old or new, is not suitable for such a zone; a combined modular version that can be assembled and disassembled by yourself will look more rational.

Also, to save space, sliding doors, curtains or screens that cover the internal filling of the dressing room are perfect.

There are various ways to create such a functional area. For example, a great option would be to make it from drywall.

This is one of the functional options that will make a separate room out of the dressing room and hide all things from prying eyes. In order to independently carry out construction at home, you need to take into account several useful points:

  1. The outerwear compartment should be 110 cm high.
  2. For warm clothes - more than 140 cm.
  3. For shoes, the height and width of the seat is calculated by the formula - the height of the largest accessory plus 10 cm.
  4. Shelves for linen should be 40-50 cm.

It is impossible to miss the aspect that the internal content also has its own characteristics and schemes. The following options for the correct placement of shelves and other parts will help you maximize the use of space.

To make it as comfortable as possible for use will be able to place the structure around the perimeter of the wall, U-shaped and L-shaped placement.

In order to build a dressing room, it is not necessary to seek help from the masters. It is only necessary to delve into the essence of the matter in more detail, and step-by-step instructions will help in this.

  • First you need to mark the room reserved for the future space intended for storing clothes. Next, we reinforce the profile frame with self-tapping screws.
  • We attach drywall sheets to the resulting structure from all sides, we hide various communications behind them.
  • We putty the holes. Further, decorative finishing is carried out in the form of painting the internal walls or gluing wallpaper.
  • Laying purchased flooring. It can have a different structure, it all depends on the personal wishes of the owners.

How to make a dressing room - in the next video.

When finishing work is completed, the dressing room is supplied with various drawers, shelves and hangers.

  • We install the door or a screen that matches the interior design.
  • The next stage is the installation of lighting and ventilation. so that the clothes do not acquire a musty smell. Window ventilation is also necessary, moreover, it has many advantages. It is in a closed space without ventilation that microorganisms form in the form of a fungus, due to which the air acquires a fetid odor. After wearing, things and shoes acquire a specific smell, and in order for it to disappear, daily airing will help. It must be borne in mind that with improper air circulation, wet clothes tend to deteriorate.

Dressing rooms are special rooms designed for storing things, shoes and other small items. Usually they are represented by separate rooms, equipped with different systems for keeping things. Often they are formed independently in the hallway or converted from a small closet. They are considered multifunctional and comfortable to use, and a dressing room can be made by hand, for which different materials and drawings are used.

If you plan to do the work yourself, it is recommended to watch the training video in advance in order to learn all the details of the work, as well as take into account various errors and problems that arise in the process. The first stage of creating a dressing room is the formation of special drawings, according to which subsequent work will be implemented. When a sketch is formed, important points are taken into account:

  • initially, a drawing is made of a direct compartment designed to create a dressing room, and it can be represented by a small closet or even a small niche in the corridor, bedroom or other housing;
  • all results are transferred to paper, and it is quite difficult to do this work yourself without experience, special skills;
  • it is determined what dimensions the racks, shelves and other elements installed in the dressing room will have, taking into account that the shelves should not have a depth exceeding 50 cm, and there should be a distance of 35 cm between them;
  • if there are difficulties in determining the appearance of this compartment, then it is advisable to view the photo in the selection in order to take any finished drawing as a basis;
  • it is important to decide whether there will be a door in the structure, because if it is planned, then it is decided what size it will have, and whether it will be standard, hinged or sliding;
  • do-it-yourself wardrobe drawings and diagrams of which can be seen in the selection must be made of durable, high-quality, therefore, all the elements contained here must be securely fixed, therefore, the fasteners used for these purposes are thought out.

The finished project should contain numerous calculations and photos so that you can visualize how the dressing room will look like in the apartment, as well as what fasteners and materials you need to purchase to complete all the work.

Tools and materials

Making a dressing room on your own requires the advance preparation of various materials and tools used during this work. At this stage, you should use the information calculated, obtained as a result of the design.

Mandatory elements are prepared:

  • rack and guide profiles designed to create a frame for a future wall, and their thickness should not be significant, since partitions that are significant in thickness take up too much space, which is not suitable for a limited space;
  • drywall used in the process of sheathing partitions, and it is desirable that its thickness varies from 12 to 15 mm, and it is also recommended to use a moisture-resistant material;
  • to increase the soundproofing parameters, it is recommended to fill the frame space with some suitable material, and mineral wool is considered an excellent solution for these purposes;
  • materials for finishing work, and this includes putty and mesh to strengthen the putty layer, as well as finishing material, and paint, wallpaper, and various wall panels can be used;
  • to create high-quality, uniform lighting, lighting devices are purchased, as well as wires for wiring, sockets and a switch;
  • fittings for various storage systems, doors, and other elements used indoors;
  • arranging a dressing room with your own hands necessarily involves the use of different shelves and racks, mirrors and other elements to fill it, and their choice depends entirely on the chosen layout, the preferences of the owners and their financial capabilities.

When buying lighting fixtures, it is recommended to give preference to LED lamps and a special tape, as these elements guarantee high-quality and uniform lighting, and are also considered economical to use.


Frame elements


Installation of drywall construction

At this stage, the direct creation of a drywall dressing room begins. For this, walls are created from pre-purchased metal profiles. The whole process is easily implemented independently at home, and it is recommended to watch the training video in advance to take into account the nuances of work. Consistent and correct actions are performed:

  • marking is applied to the walls in those places where it is planned to attach the structure to the walls, and for the correctness of this process it is necessary to use the building level;
  • holes for dowels are created, and it is important to know how to make them correctly, since they must be located where there is a markup for this;
  • the profile is fastened, and this process must be done quickly, reliably, for which dowels are inserted into the holes made in advance, where the screws are hammered, and then the profiles are attached;
  • we assemble the structure, for which the ventral racks are mounted, inserted into the already fixed guides, and the distance between them should be approximately 60 cm;
  • if it is planned to manufacture a dressing room with a door, then where there will be an opening, it is necessary to strengthen the structure, for which special jumpers are used.

It is necessary to make a dressing room with your own hands in such a way that the resulting structure is not skewed in any way, and it should not bend or stagger.


Profile fixing

Wardrobe rack

Such a special rack is considered the optimal solution for each dressing room. It fits perfectly even in a small room, and it is also easy to assemble it. It can even be made independently from chipboard or other affordable and easy-to-process materials. There are many photos with this design, so you can see the attractive appearance of such dressing rooms.

Wardrobe racks can be bought ready-made or made by yourself. In the latter case, you can embody unique ideas, ideas, as well as arrange a dressing room that perfectly matches the needs of the owners of the premises.

A photo of ready-made such racks in large quantities is available below, so you can choose the best option. With independent creation, successive stages are implemented:

  • initially, markings are applied that determine the dimensions and parameters of the future structure, and it should be located both on the walls and on the floor of the room where the work is planned to be performed;
  • guides are being installed, and they must be attached to the base base with a back so that a groove is formed for inserting racks;
  • the structure is sheathed with drywall or different slabs, and the choice depends on the preferences of the owners of the future dressing room, as well as on the chosen style.

Thus, the rack is ideal for dressing rooms. Wardrobe rooms with this design are distinguished by high capacity, attractiveness, and versatility.

Assembly of shelving elements

Painting of metal parts

Frame installation

Shelf fixing

Mounting the assembled rack

Finished construction

Pencil case

Often a special pencil case is arranged in this room. It is a narrow and long closet designed to store various clothes or other not too large things. Often it is additionally equipped with a special hanger in the form of a frame, which extends from the side. The number of shelves in such a pencil case can be different, and it is determined depending on the number of people living in residential real estate.

The process of creating such a design is divided into successive stages, which allows you to make a really high-quality and multifunctional pencil case in the apartment:

  • the necessary materials for work are purchased, and it is important to choose high-quality videos;
  • first, a hanger is assembled, and then special rollers are attached to the sidewalls;
  • the back and top wall is fixed;
  • hanger slides in;
  • then we make the remaining sidewall.

Thus, if you figure out how to build a dressing room pencil case, then this process will not cause any difficulties and problems.


When learning how to make dressing rooms in rooms, you need to decide on finishing materials. Drywall is most often chosen as the skin, and various objects and elements can be fixed on structures made from it. After creating the frame and fixing the skin, putty and wall decoration are carried out. To carry out the work correctly and competently, you must follow a certain sequence of actions:

  • drywall sheets are fixed to the frames made;
  • if necessary, they are cut and bent in different ways;
  • the structure is puttyed using a self-adhesive tape, and it prevents the occurrence of cracks;
  • it is desirable to apply the material in two layers at once;
  • a special strengthening primer is applied, which reduces the absorbency of the base, and also increases the adhesion of the paint;
  • the surfaces of the resulting structure are painted, and it is also allowed to use other materials for sheathing, for example, wall panels.

Thus, if you carefully study the device of the dressing room with your own hands, then this process will not take much time and will not require the investment of a significant amount of money. With independent work, it is possible to obtain a truly unique design, ideal for a particular room and its style.

Lighting and ventilation

Another important point is the creation of high-quality ventilation and lighting in the dressing room. Most often, it is a room without windows, so natural air renewal and sunlight are impossible here. Therefore, in the process of finishing this room, the following features are taken into account:

  • under the dressing room door, a sufficiently large gap is certainly left through which fresh air will enter the room;
  • in the process of erecting partitions, special technological gaps are certainly left;
  • small holes in the walls can be created above the baseboards;
  • if the work is done in a private house, then it is recommended to make a ventilation hole on the floor, closed with a strong and fine-mesh grate.

Lighting in a dark room should be of high quality and optimal. Therefore, it is advisable to use not only a common lamp mounted on the ceiling, but also additional lighting. To increase the comfort and speed of finding various items on the shelves, it is recommended to attach LED backlighting to them, presented in the form of ribbons.

Drawings and diagrams

If you create a dressing room with your own hands, then you need drawings and diagrams, according to which the main work will be carried out. In these documents, the main points are certainly thought out:

  • room size;
  • the location of all elements contained here;
  • the need, dimensions and other parameters of the doors are taken into account;
  • calculation of finishing materials and fixtures;
  • the use of various retractable structures is envisaged;
  • all costs necessary to obtain a full and comfortable room are calculated;
  • pre-planned.

The drawing will certainly be created first on paper, and when studying it, it will be schematically seen how the room will look after the work has been completed. If there is no experience with drawings, then you can use special programs.

Thus, the dressing room is a useful, multifunctional room designed to store various items, clothes. To understand how to make a dressing room with your own hands, it is recommended that you first carefully study the training video in order to take into account the numerous nuances and features of this work. It is important to use pre-made drawings during work, as well as to use only high-quality, reliable materials. With a competent approach, a high-quality, durable structure that can withstand various loads and impacts is guaranteed. We must not forget about optimal ventilation, uniform lighting. The comfort of using a self-made dressing room depends on all the above nuances.

Not sure how to make the best use of space? Where to put things that have already accumulated a lot? The ideal solution is to make a dressing room from the pantry. Examples of design, arrangement secrets, thanks to which your things will always be at hand.

It's great when you have your own dressing room, or at least a convenient dressing room. So far, I only have a corner bedroom with an uncomfortable niche that I would like to adapt for a makeshift wardrobe. But faced with a large selection of frame furniture on the one hand, and inspiring DIY projects on the other, I began to doubt what to spend my energy on to embody what was already in my head. And how are things going with you? If you intend to make a wardrobe on a minimal budget, using only Leroy Merlin blanks (Amazon, Ikea, the list goes on), then you are here.

Dressing room from the pantry in Khrushchev

The presence of a pantry in the apartment is a priceless treasure for those people who always lack space. Turn your pantry into a cozy changing area in several ways. For example, in Khrushchev, a pantry can be replaced with a wardrobe.

To do this, you need to follow these steps:


If the door opens inward or moves on rollers, then this design will save even more space, try making the door mirrored.

The dressing room will be no less attractive if done according to a different plan. To create a new functional space from the pantry, it is necessary to make a drawing and update the design of the internal surfaces of the walls. The ceiling needs to be repaired. You can make the wardrobe illuminated and conduct electrical wiring inside.

If you are planning to add light to a closet, find an electrical box that can provide power and plan the cable route. If you don't know how to do this, call a licensed electrician to help you connect and install the lights. Buy a large mirror that is mounted on the door. Now you need to think about different compartments.

More space should be allocated for long items, we should not forget about the bar for hangers. In addition, you need to pick up special shoe stands, the upper shelves on which hats will be stored. When everything is done by hand, the design can be changed according to personal preferences.

The wardrobe should take into account women's comfort, providing boxes for small items. For example, they can store brushes, threads, needles, and other devices.

How to make a wardrobe from wooden slats?

Need more closet space? If you have enough floor space and some basic carpentry skills, you can build a closet in a bedroom, guest room, study, or hallway that looks like it's been there all along.

The first step is to build the cabinet frame and attach it to the surrounding walls. Next will be finishing the doorway and installing the door (s) to your liking. Finally a barbell will be installed or you will customize the interior with rods, shelving, drawers and any other accessories you want.

Planning the construction of cabinet walls

Plan to build a 2m by 4m cabinet frame with 2/4 inch slats, making a depth of at least 70cm. You can build the frame in one of two ways: build the walls on the floor and then raise them in place, or build them in place.

It is much easier to connect all the elements together on the floor if there is a large free area in the room to work on. But using this method, you will have to make a slight modification to the height of the cabinet walls because it is not possible to lift a 2m high wall into a 2m high space. So, build a wall 1cm shorter than the height of the ceiling, and then install spacers or thin blocks between the top panel and the ceiling.

Beginning of work

First, mark the position of the top bar (in the figure "top plate") and the bottom (sole plate). On the ceiling, mark both ends of the center line of the new cabinet wall. Measure 1 3/4 inches (half the width of the 2 by 4 top bar) on both sides of each mark. Fix parallel lines between the corresponding marks with chalk to show the position of the top bar.

Basic structural elements

Then, hang a plumb bob from each end of the lines and mark those points on the floor. Secure these lines with chalk to connect the dots of the floor, marking the position of the sole. If the cabinet has a side wall, lay out its top and bottom rails as well.


Use a frame rectangle to make sure it is perfectly perpendicular to the front wall. Cut the top and bottom strips to the correct length.

Mark the top bar and sole for pin placement using a square and pencil.

Lay each edge of the top plank on the edge towards the sole of the plank to hem at both ends. Starting at the end that will be attached to the existing wall, measure 1 1/2 inches and then make lines on both planks as shown. Starting at this end, measure and draw lines 15 1/4" and 16 3/4" apart. Next, starting at these marks, advance 16 inches each time until you reach the far end of both planks.

Do-it-yourself dressing room from the pantry

A wardrobe, whether built-in or classic, should have a functionally designed arrangement of shelves, drawers, clothes hangers, etc. Drawers should be placed in the lower zone, up to 120 cm from the floor, to see what's in them. The wardrobe can be short and long, depending on the length of things. It is enough to install shirts, trousers, jackets, blouses in a closet 90-100 cm high, or create two floors with hangers - one above the other.

The long part of the closet includes coats and dresses, which require about 150 cm. Shelves can be placed in any part and at any height in the closet.

A small storage room easily converts into a multifunctional wardrobe and is a great option for small apartments that lack space for comfort. It can store clothes, household items, sundries, and anything else that creates visual clutter. Now all this will be hidden from view in a convenient pantry, transformed into a closet with many shelves and niches that will be spacious enough for any needs.

Special systems consist of many elements:

  • pipe products;
  • brackets;
  • shelves;
  • Door.

You can order this design in the furniture salon, after specifying the required size. Then it remains only to collect the pipes. Thus, not only closets are assembled, but also exhibition stands, shelving for office space and much more.

The advantage of the frame structure is the ability to change the position of the shelves at any time.

Wardrobe options

Dressing room can be made using drywall. This option involves the implementation of drawings at all stages of work. Before assembling and arranging the elements, it is necessary to accurately calculate the size of all parts and place the data on the drawing diagram.

Create a design - professionals will help

Necessary steps

  • put the layout on the wall;
  • make frames from wooden beams;
  • to arrange the cabinet, you need to start with the beams, which will be placed horizontally next to the ceiling. They will serve as a guiding element;
  • then make vertical beams. Their distance from each other is determined based on the size of the drywall sheets. It should be no more than 70 cm;
  • shelves will be attached with the help of transverse beams;
  • sheathe the frame with drywall;
  • it is very convenient to finish both sides, not forgetting about thermal insulation. Hide the wire inside to provide high quality lighting;
  • at the final stage, it is necessary to finish the drywall on the outside and inside, fix the shelves.

In small pantries, racks can be made by yourself. Design the structure with adhesive film, varnish, paint, or veneer.

How to install a wardrobe system?

Wardrobes come in all shapes and sizes, but they all have one thing in common, which is that they are not big enough. Whether our closet is small or large, we inevitably manage to fill every available centimeter. As a result, there will still be little space for us.

The best solution to the problem is seen in the following steps:

  • minimizing the good we have accumulated (good luck!);
  • installing a storage organizer that will make better use of every available cubic centimeter;
  • using a wardrobe system to improve storage.

Wardrobe systems allow you to maximize the use of space and ensure the availability of things. Which, in turn, greatly simplifies our lives.

They are of several types:

  • modular;
  • professional;
  • suspended.

Modular systems can be installed by cabinet specialists, or you can go your own route and install your own ready-to-assemble melamine or wood panel kits.

Professionally installed systems can be extremely efficient, efficient and expensive. Build systems are more affordable, and most are relatively easy to assemble and install if you have a few basic DIY skills.

Hanging wardrobe systems are also relatively easy to install and can be a great solution for some types of organizations. The best solution is often a combination of several types of system wardrobes that allow you to use even non-standard or uncomfortable space.


Develop a plan for your closet. When choosing the best types of organization, focus on what you want to store in it. Using a tape measure, check the hanging length of dresses, coats, shirts, blouses and trousers. Then figure out how much space you need for shoes, hanging bars, clothes racks to get to a point where they're not overcrowded.


Plan to place items you use frequently on open shelves. The top shelves are great for bulky items, sweaters, hats and the like.

Make a rough drawing on graphic paper, including the main dimensions. It will serve as a guide to work out your needs. To do this, you need to know the sizes of storage systems that you can use.

Hanging wardrobe systems: how to do it yourself?

In a simple hanging organization system, shelves are attached to the wall via hooks, and diagonal metal supports are attached to each end of the shelf to provide extra support.

Start with cleaning. If there are items left in the wardrobe, pull them out with a nail puller or similar tool. Before any installation, you need to close the holes with putty and paint, as this stage will be much more difficult if you start it after installing the shelves.

Often it is the kits that save you time and money. If you buy a kit, make sure it has everything you need and comes with all the parts you need. If you are sure of your measurements, drill holes for the shelves and brackets with a drill so that you can simply hang the purchased set on the wall. Otherwise, you will have to cut the parts with a hacksaw.

There are two main types of hanging shelving:

  • some use a vertically mounted horizontal hanging track with equal intervals between standard shelves that can be adjusted;
  • the other type is a non-adjustable suspension system that uses shackles or brackets.

Installing wardrobe shelving

With a simple hanging organization system, shelves are attached to the wall via hooks, and diagonal metal supports are attached to each shelf to provide extra support.

Before installation, draw on the wall where you are going to place the structure. It's okay to attach shelves to drywall, but keep in mind that it's important to attach shelves to studs if they're going to be under heavy stress. Resize the shelves as needed using wire cutters or a hacksaw. Attach rubber caps to the cut ends.

Drill holes along the mounting lines using a level.

  • Place a level on the wall where you want to attach your first shelf. Draw a line along the level to mark this position.
  • Using a drill, make a hole for the anchor hook that will attach the shelf to the wall. The shelving manufacturer must specify the size of this opening.
  • Place the anchor hook in the hole. Tighten it firmly. Duplicate this step to insert another hook at the opposite end of the shelf. (Please note that you do not need to use anchor hooks if you are drilling directly into the wall with self-tapping screws).
  • Fasten the shelf so that it sits on two anchor hooks.
  • At the front edge of one end of the shelf, secure the diagonal support piece with the bracket. Make sure the shelf is level and then drill a hole for the anchor hook where indicated at the base of the diagonal support.
  • Install the anchor hook in this hole and fasten the screw to fix the wall support. Repeat this process for the opposite end of the shelf. (Again, anchor hooks won't be needed if you're drilling directly.)
  • Repeat these instructions to install the remaining shelves.

Installation of guide racks

For a wall cabinet, also start with a blueprint on the wall where you want the top track of the shelving system to be. Plan to attach the top shelf at an accessible height and the track above it, horizontally, about 15 cm higher.

  • Use a level and a pencil to draw a line 15cm higher where you want the top shelf. Using a fastener, mark the location of each fastener on the wall.
  • On each wall, cut a hanging (horizontal) track to fit the width of the cabinet storage area. Get a helper to hold the track in place while you insert screws into each available opening. Make sure the track is securely installed.
  • Place the standard shelf (the long vertical track you attach the shelves to) in position on the track. It is best to leave a distance of no more than 10 cm between the end of the shelf and the first holder (the same rule applies to the last holder) and, if possible, install the holders above the fixing point. Make sure the holder is vertical and then insert the screw through its center and into the stud (use longer anchor hooks if you can't attach to the stud, but be aware that they will hold less weight).
  • Position the additional holders 40 to 80 cm apart by simply sliding them along the track. If necessary, cut them to length with bolt cutters or a hacksaw and cover the cut ends with rubber end caps.

In a small room, a corner cabinet would be a good choice. It can be done using a rectangular rack with sliding doors. You will only have to fill it with shelves. Thus, it is possible to use any space in a very small apartment.

Ideas for using a small wardrobe:

  • place for ironing;
  • rooms with lots of mirrors;
  • workstation with multiple integrated workstations;
  • convenient organizer for socks, ties, belts, jewelry.

This part of the apartment will appeal to all family members, not only to choose an outfit and stroke it there, but also to retire for a while. It is enough to place a comfortable chair and a lamp in the dressing room.

When the dressing room turns out to be too small in size, during the repair it is possible to perform its full or partial modification (make it U-shaped or linear).

What about doors?

Installing doors in the opening of the storage room does not always provide for all our desires, as it is limited by corners and small footage. Therefore, the most convenient option here - sliding doors - is rarely suitable. I would stop at the option of stylish textile doors - hang the opening with curtains in the color of the walls or in contrast. Such an exit is suitable for any decor, softens the space and will fulfill the main assigned role - to close the room from views and allow you to conveniently go inside.

Many homeowners at the design stage provide for a dressing room. In a small room for all-season items, you can store a variety of ready-made clothes, shoes, accessories for trying on and choosing a harmonious combination. Multifunctional furniture is placed according to the principles of ergonomics, which allows the dressing room to fit into even the smallest apartment. For its arrangement, 2m² is enough.

Benefits of a dressing room

In a small room, any items of clothing that were previously stored in wardrobes and chests of drawers are successfully placed. Due to the compact arrangement, the presence of convenient shelves along the walls and hangers, you can immediately pick up matching items. If the area allows, an ironing board, a fitting screen, a mirror, a table for small things are installed here. This organization of storage of household items has many advantages:

  • Simplified sorting and storage of clothes;
  • Thanks to open shelving, you can see all the elements at the same time;
  • Quick search for the desired item;
  • The ability to change clothes without leaving the dressing room;
  • Mobility of shelves and drawers, they can be moved depending on the season;
  • Ability to use as a pantry, store a vacuum cleaner, suitcases;
  • Saving space in the bedroom, hallway, living room;
  • Saving money and time. Building a dressing room with your own hands according to the project is much cheaper than buying several chests of drawers and sliding wardrobes.

Accommodation options

Each person has enough things to organize a single place to store them. It can be a budget rectangular room or a spacious design room. There are many comfortable accommodation options.

To choose the most suitable place, you should first determine the number of things. It is necessary to consider the area - whether the clothes of all family members, bedding, bath accessories will be stored there. You should also consider the type of construction, the possibility of conducting electricity, ventilation, the need for doors.

In the bedroom

Dressing rooms in the bedroom can exist in several versions. More often there are large cabinets built into the wall, which are fenced off with partitions. In small rooms, the storage space is simply separated by sliding structures made of drywall and plywood.

The wardrobe will fit perfectly into the overall design of the bedroom, if you choose the right place for it. First of all, it is necessary to plan the placement of large-sized furniture, beds, cabinets, tables. You can even out the space of narrow elongated rooms by zoning and enclosing a place to sleep. In this case, the storage area is located in the main area. In square rooms, you can build a closet next to the bed, on the next wall without a window.

The design of the dressing room in the bedroom should be light and aesthetic. The severity of large structures and massive beams can be smoothed out with decorative elements. Glass, mirrored doors will be beautiful and practical. A great option for the bedroom is an open dressing room. Things are always in sight, which allows you to quickly plan an image. If they need to be hidden, use a movable partition.

From the pantry

Wanting to optimize space, the owners of standard apartments often convert the pantry into a dressing room. In this case, the design and location of the storage for things depends on the original layout. The refurbishment process includes the dismantling of old shelves and the installation of new ones. A small pantry can easily be turned into a functional, comfortable room by placing several shelves and hangers in it. There is a place not only for clothes, but also for household items that create visual interference in the interior.

For the arrangement of the pantry, you can use any available material. Before starting work, it is necessary to assess the general condition of the room, strengthen the walls, ennoble the ceiling, and renew the flooring. It is better to make new shelves and racks from drywall, having previously thought through the design scheme. As a decor, you can use paints and varnishes, adhesive film, light veneer.

If the old pantry is located at the end of the corridor, you can simply remove the doors, leaving three walls. It is appropriate to place a closet with shallow shelves and several hangers on the sides in a niche. The pantry at the front door, near the kitchen, must be covered with a door or a curtain to prevent the penetration of extraneous odors and extraneous looks.

In the corridor

The dressing room in the hallway is unlikely to be made large, so you need to consider its functionality and capacity. Be sure to have a wardrobe, drawers, open and closed shelves. It should be noted that permanent and seasonal items will be stored in such a closet. Casual clothes are best placed on open shelves, in plastic containers. For rarely used items, a place under the ceiling should be provided.

The choice of a suitable place for a large closet is influenced by the layout of the apartment, the peculiarity of the corridor finish. The appearance and type of construction are customized to these parameters. Apartment owners in their hallways prefer to assemble the following types of structures:

  • With open shelves. This option visually expands the space;
  • With closed cabinets and drawers. Eliminates dustiness of things, there is no need to pack shoes and clothes;
  • With swing doors. It will fit well into classic interiors. Not suitable for narrow corridors;
  • With compartment doors. Great way to save space. Doors can be fixed to a furniture box or ceiling.

For the convenience of storing shoes and accessories, you can add a wooden, plywood structure with a pencil case. A narrow and tall piece of furniture will not take up much space in the hallway, it will fit well into the overall interior of the room. The outer surface can be decorated with a mirror, hooks.

From a niche

Even in the smallest apartment you can make a dressing room. A great option is to equip a convenient and stylish storage for clothes in a niche. A simple design can be made independently from solid wood, drywall, plastic panels. Any of these materials will withstand the expected load, well resists mechanical damage.

A wardrobe from a niche can be closed and open. Sliding doors are decorated with mirrors, any light-reflecting elements. Due to this, a small room seems more spacious. Doors of swing models are best equipped with weighting accessories from the inside. An open wardrobe can be hung with a designer curtain.

On the attic floor

Heavy, massive chiffoniers can hardly be considered a worthy decoration of the interior. They are replaced by simple, lightweight designs. Original dressing rooms can be placed in the most unusual place, for example, on the attic floor. A bold decision requires a lot of investment. A technically sophisticated dressing room has both advantages and disadvantages. The positives include the following:

  • Possibility to place a large wardrobe system;
  • Huge scope for the implementation of the most unusual projects;
  • The room is located away from the bedrooms and the living room, which gives it a special personality;
  • You can create an interesting recreation area by adding original decor to the room;
  • Excellent lighting due to favorable location, good energy savings.

Unfortunately, this idea has many drawbacks. This is the complexity of insulation, the high cost of laying pipes. In an unheated room, it is uncomfortable to try on outfits, temperature changes, high humidity will adversely affect their quality. It is necessary to constantly monitor the integrity of the roof covering, otherwise a sudden leak will ruin the entire wardrobe. The main disadvantage of such a complex in the attic is a significant distance from the entrance. For frequently used clothes, shoes, it is better to provide a place closer to the entrance.

under the stairs

This arrangement of the dressing room is practical and convenient. The option is suitable for private houses with several floors. With the help of various modular systems, you can achieve amazing results and build an original storage for all kinds of textiles, accessories, household appliances. For the convenience of placing clothes, you can use one of the following systems in the dressing room under the stairs:

  1. Cabinet. Wooden panels and shelves are assembled into a single structure. An open, closed wardrobe will look good in a classic interior;
  2. Mesh. Easy-to-install honeycombs create a feeling of lightness and mobility. Cells usually remain open, which expands the space;
  3. Frame. Hangers and shelves are attached to special beams and profiles. Installation differs in reliability and simplicity of installation;
  4. Panel. It is created from parallel panels attached to the wall. There are no restrictions between the shelves and any partitions. Such a wardrobe will look good in a minimalist style.

In many private houses above one floor, a pantry is provided under the stairs. This nondescript space can easily be converted into a useful clothing store. When carrying out work, the conditions for the general style and the wishes of neutrality should be observed.

Materials and filling the dressing room

A simple wardrobe complex can be assembled from a variety of materials. Most often used wooden sheets, plastic, metal. Finishing material is chosen based on the location of the room, the overall interior. You can decorate a room for storing clothes with glass wallpaper, clapboard, ceramic tiles, decorative stone and more. In shelves and racks, it is necessary to make fasteners and side holes for mounting lighting fixtures in advance.

For ease of use, wardrobes are filled with all sorts of devices for storing clothes and other necessary items. Thanks to simple devices, the frequency and process of cleaning the room is simplified, you can always quickly find the necessary thing. Convenient filling will keep dresses and suits always ready for fitting. The most functional models contain the following content:

  • Drawers;
  • Standard, high bars;
  • Boxes and baskets;
  • Modules for shoes, shoe cabinets;
  • Hangers for ties, belts;
  • Mirror, lighting, table, chair.

Each filling system has its pros and cons, so maximum comfort can only be achieved by observing the principles of ergonomics.

wardrobe projects

The location of the wardrobe complex in the room must be accurately calculated, since the design, the purpose of which is to save space, should not occupy a single extra centimeter. Thanks to zoning, you can fit all summer clothes, shoes, voluminous jackets and fur coats. For each type and size of wardrobe, a different way of delimiting space is suitable. To successfully create your own corner for comfortable storage of things, you need to familiarize yourself with the standard wardrobe projects:

  • Corner layout. It can be arranged in any room of the house, apartment. The main advantage of the model is the ability to place a large number of things without losing space, blocking useless corners. Cabinets can be built in or placed as freestanding pieces of furniture. Models are filled with shelves, hangers right up to the ceiling;
  • Parallel. Differs in functionality and simplicity of project implementation. You can assemble the model with a frame cabinet and partitions. Ideal for a long, wide corridor, other rooms of this type;
  • Linear. Looks like a regular closet. You can place it along any wall. Due to the elongated structure, it has limitations in the location of additional items (ironing board, table). You can only move along a narrow passage;
  • U-shaped. A spacious room is created due to excess space. You can fill it with racks of various sizes, hangers, voluminous baskets and drawers. Such a wardrobe is separated by a traditional partition, an interior door.

Stylistic and color design

Rooms, wardrobes for storing clothes differ not only in size, design, but also in stylistic and color design. You can immediately purchase suitable finishing materials and decorative elements or create an original dressing room according to a special project.

The cabinet in the style of old classics looks impressive and aristocratic. A noble coating is created using special wood staining techniques. A traditional brown, natural beige shade will do. Provence furniture is replete with simplicity, playfulness, floral ornaments. Suitable colors are yellow, green, pink. Wardrobe modern will fit perfectly into any modern design, and neoclassic will be in harmony with all classic interiors.

Complexes for storing clothes in an oriental style are decorated with textiles, natural wood. You can use only natural muted shades. Boiserie-style wardrobes emphasize their simplicity and practicality. The color of the structure in the tone of the wall decoration will help to hide any surface imperfection.

Stages of independent organization of the dressing room

Before starting work, it is imperative to draw up a detailed design diagram and foresee possible problems during installation. The finished project should contain detailed information with the features of the room, the material used, accurate calculations. Also, fasteners, tools, decorative, consumables should be prepared in advance. The finished wardrobe frame will not be functional enough without additional devices and decoration. All stages of independent organization should be clearly distributed.


Having decided to create a cozy and comfortable dressing room, first of all it is necessary to evaluate the importance of the new design and carefully plan your actions. The main criterion for choosing the size and location is the number of people who will use it. You should also take into account the need to place household appliances and seasonal items in the closet.

At the next stage of planning, it is necessary to estimate the volume of things already sorted, to determine a place for each group. This will help to provide the required number of hangers, rods, boxes, baskets. Consider the length of the longest garment that will be stored stretched. Filling equipment must be planned with some margin.

The final stage is the creation of a drawing. It is necessary to reflect all of the above points. For greater clarity, you can create a wardrobe layout in a special computer program or simply glue it out of cardboard. This will create additional opportunities for maneuvers, allow you to change objects in places.


A spacious closet for storing clothes and shoes needs quality lighting more than other rooms, since most of these projects do not have windows. In a bright dressing room it is easier to navigate, look for the right things, the color of bright T-shirts, trousers and dresses is not distorted, which allows you to boldly create ideal images without leaving the room.

At first glance, it may seem that the dressing room is a luxury that is unacceptable by the standards of standard Russian apartments. In fact, losing precious meters by separating a relatively large part of the living space for "hot needs" is a rather bold decision. However, this "product" of Western civilization is appearing in an increasing number of Russian apartments (increasingly penetrating into Russian homes) - and no wonder. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but a separate dressing room, even a small one, not only does not take away, but, on the contrary, saves space, allowing you to free up more space for living in other rooms.

However, simply allocating space for storing clothes is not at all enough. In this article, we will talk about how to properly plan a dressing room, what nuances and details to take into account in order not only to rationally use the space, but also to use it as comfortably as possible.

Part one. Planning

Like all great things, a walk-in closet needs to start with planning and analysis.

Step 1. One person or several? We determine the users of the dressing room - one person, spouses, the whole family or children. Ideally, each family member should have their own separate room (even a small one), but, unfortunately, this is unrealistic in most Russian apartments. If 2-3 people use the dressing room, everyone should have their own “zone of influence”.

Step 2 We determine what exactly will be stored in the dressing room, what things.
In the dressing room you can store both basic things, shoes, and blankets, pillows, suitcases, large bags, sports equipment, and jewelry. It all depends on the size of the room or the size of the space allotted for the dressing room.

Step 3 We sort things for storage: we divide them into those that are stored in limbo, and those that require shelves to store. As a result, we get a) how many hangers do you need b) how many shelves do you need.

Important! Keep stock! After all, the wardrobe is replenished, and with throwing away, given the traditional Russian "frugality" and ingenuity in using unnecessary things, sometimes big problems arise :))

Step 4 We measure the longest dresses in order to understand which departments to plan for long lengths. Again, a nuance - if your wardrobe has one super-long evening dress, you should not adjust the height of the bar just for it. It is quite possible to store such an outfit thrown over the crossbar of a hanger (of course, in a dress case).

Step 5 Having the dimensions available (both the room and what needs to be placed there) and knowing exactly the number of shelves, you can start drawing a sketch of the dressing room. Alternatively, you can simply draw on paper what needs to be placed, on a scale, say 1:10, cut it out, and already visually move it back and forth, thinking through the optimal combination.

Ease of use must also be taken into account. The tables below show how much space a person occupies in what positions and how high he can reach.

When planning a dressing room, also consider the zoning rules (located at the end of the article).

"At the end" you will get a clear, well-thought-out scheme, on the basis of which you can order cabinets and racks, and it will also become clear what you need, hangers and additional accessories.

Part two. "CENTIMETER"

Cabinet width

As for the width of the compartments for things stored on hangers: according to experts, the normal distance between the hangers can be considered 5 centimeters, dense placement - 2 cm. When planning, please keep in mind that optimality is optimality, and no one has yet canceled ventilation. Even if you can be proud that you didn’t “waste” a single centimeter, the price for such rationality will be an unpleasant musty smell in the dressing room (do you still remember the smells in grandmother’s pantries and chests?). In addition, clothes that are poorly ventilated do not last as well.

The width of the coat hangers is 34-51 centimeters. They are selected based on the size of your clothes. Given the wide selection of this accessory (at least even in our online store), this is quite simple to provide (we have already told)

The depth of the cabinet is from 50 to 60 centimeters. European standard - 56 centimeters.

Hangers are of two types: long and short. For the first, a compartment from 1.5 meters is provided, for the second - about 1 meter.

Trouser compartment - 120-130 cm

A few tips:

✔ The distance between the clothes rail and the top shelf should be at least 4-5 centimeters so that it is convenient to take off clothes.

✔ Short things are best stored on two bars one above the other, the optimal distance between them is 80-100 cm. (The height of one short bar is about 100 cm)

✔ Shelves. The height of the shelves is 35-40 cm. According to furniture makers, it should be at least 32 cm.

✔ "Time-tested" depth of shelves - 40 cm+

✔ If you make shelves 50-60 cm wide, 2 stacks of things will fit exactly and neatly on them. In our opinion, this is a very convenient size. Long shelves (80 cm) must be “supported” from the bottom with something so that they do not bend under the weight of the contents (provide a partition from below).

✔ Storage boxes. The optimal width of drawers for storage is 40-70 cm, height is about 40. Such dimensions provide optimal load on the sliding mechanism.

✔ Drawers and baskets should be made at a distance of no more than 110 cm, otherwise it will be inconvenient to use them. In extreme cases - no higher than 140 cm (consider height! The average height of a Russian is 160-180 cm.)

As for the length of the stored clothing, it is individual in each case. Before planning a dressing room, of course, it is better to measure the available jackets, skirts, trousers, blouses...

Table of approximate clothing sizes by height


1. Bars and pantographs

The fundamental, so to speak, element of the dressing room. As mentioned above, the planning of this useful room always begins with choosing a place for long things, and a high bar (165+) is used for these purposes. For shirts, jackets, blouses, shorter rods are needed, about 100 cm, and there are usually several of them.

- This is a bar with a special mechanism that allows it to be lowered to a convenient height. The pantograph is very convenient if you decide to use the entire wall for storing short things.

2. Pull-out trouser hangers

They should be about 60 cm high.

3. Drawers

Used to store underwear and bed linen, accessories and jewelry.
By stocking them and arranging the little things inside, you can avoid chaos and buy some of the time usually spent searching and cleaning. In addition, the contemplation of even rows of linen every morning will give a feeling of order for the whole day.

4. Shelves

They can be both stationary and retractable.

5. Boxes and baskets

In such an irreplaceable thing as, you can store anything. Magazines, albums, photographs, various trifles, art and sewing supplies... Previously, the entire range of such packaging was limited to used shoe boxes made of bad cardboard. Now the boxes are produced in a variety of sizes, colors and excellent quality; thanks to the correct shape, you can fill any space with them so that not a single centimeter is lost.

Baskets, especially retractable honeycombs, are very convenient for storing bed linen and small things.

6. Shoe storage

Shoes, as you know, come with and without heels, open and closed, soft and molded, summer and winter (boots and boots), as well as less common "special cases" in the form of ski boots, etc. And if there are no questions with the placement of rarely used or seasonal shoes (it will go to the mezzanine, soft - in, the rest - in boxes), then options are possible with everything else.

To place the shoes that you decide to store without boxes, you can do the following in the dressing room:

  • open shelves, both regular and sloped (suitable for flat shoes),
  • special stands(keep shoes with heels)
  • special hooks for storing boots in a suspended state (to avoid creases in the tops).

Before starting the design, each pair is measured. The approximate dimensions of a pair of boots are 25 cm wide and 30-40 cm long, but everything, of course, is individual and depends on the size of the shoe.

7. Hangers for ties, scarves, belts and umbrellas

They are retractable, circular (installed in the corner), hanging (in this case, accessories are stored on the bar, like ordinary clothes; they come in a variety of shapes, sometimes quite interesting). Belts, scarves and umbrellas can also be placed on ordinary wall hooks.

8. Compartments for ironing board and dryer

9. Mirrors

If the dressing room is spacious and allows you to dress there, then a mirror in which you can see yourself in full growth is a must. It is good to have an additional one, small, so that you can evaluate your view from behind.

An important sub-point follows from this: LIGHTING. Good lighting where you dress is just as essential as a large mirror. If the lighting is only artificial, install several spotlights.

10. If possible, the dressing room is well equipped ottoman, cabinet or at least a console.

Part four. Zoning

When planning a dressing room, there are rules. Some are recommended by experts, and some (such as, for example, the width of the passage between cabinets) are dictated by reality and it’s simply impossible not to comply with them.

Zoning rules

1. First, we distribute long clothes. And then everything else. It is much easier to vary combinations of small components than large ones.

2. The principle of distribution of things: "as we wear, so we store", i.e. shoes are placed at the bottom, and hats at the top.

3. What you wear should be visible: on the bars or in the most accessible drawers (+/- 40 cm)

4. In the upper part (40-50 cm to the ceiling), mezzanines are usually arranged (where suitcases, seasonal items, blankets, etc. “go to live”)

5. For sliding elements (shelves, drawers, baskets), it is necessary to provide additional space (so that they have where to move out). As a rule, it is about 50 cm.

6. To make it convenient to move between cabinets and racks, the minimum recommended passage width is 60 centimeters. When planning this "aspect" must be taken into account.

7. If more than one person will use the dressing room, then for everyone it is necessary to foresee and plan their own “zone of influence” in advance, where they can place their things.

The text provides examples of storage system planning diagrams so that you can get a general idea of ​​​​the sizes of various sections. Each case is individual and you can get something completely different from the samples, but exactly right for you - which means the perfect dressing room.

Materials used in the article:

"Useful tips" from furniture brand Komandor

"Wardrobe room: filling, location, organization of space", site "Your designer"

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