How to make a chair out of plywood with your own hands. Features of the manufacture of plywood furniture

garden equipment 26.06.2020
garden equipment

I propose to make a children's chair out of plywood. For everyone who already has children, this article will be very interesting, although adults can also use such a chair, since the product is quite durable and light. This chair was made by me in full size, after which I took all the measurements and designed it in the Compass 3D program.


1. Plywood 9 mm thick and 640 mm x 570 mm in size
2. PVA wood glue or similar
3. Paint - any at your discretion


1. Electric jigsaw (or manual)
2. Sandpaper
3. Ruler and pencil

Step one: dimensioning the plywood

For the manufacture of our chair, we will use 9 mm thick plywood, and for one chair we only need to take a piece of plywood measuring 640 mm x 570 mm. I used 9mm plywood, but if you have 8mm or 10mm plywood, that will work too, just need to change some dimensions in the drawings (you need to change the width of all the eyelets on the back, seat and legs, to the width of the plywood you are using ). To begin with, we transfer all the dimensions of the drawing to a sheet of plywood.

Of course, this is not the easiest way to transfer blueprints and here you have to sweat a little. Of course, I provided an easier way to transfer the drawing to plywood, and everyone who has a printer at home will be able to do everything much faster, easier, and better. In order to print the drawings on a printer, you will have to install the Compass 3D program on your computer. We fill in the search engine with the name of the KOMPAS-3D V14 x32 Portable mini program and download it from any resource convenient for you. This is a portable version of the program and it does not require installation on a computer. Open the folder with the downloaded program

Next, open the Bin folder

Next, run the program itself

In the dialog box, click OK

Our program is open and ready to go. Downloading the drawing (Plywood 9mm 640 at 570.frw)
Now open the downloaded drawing in the program and click Preview

We leave all the settings unchanged and print our drawing, it will require seven standard sheets for an A4 printer. We glue the finished printout along the lines.

Now such a printout can be glued to plywood and cut out everything on it.

Step two: cut out the details from plywood

After dimensioning the plywood using one of the above methods, you can start cutting out our parts. The most accessible tool that we will use is, of course, a jigsaw. You can use a manual jigsaw, such as children use at school in labor lessons, or a more advanced electric jigsaw. After cutting, we should get these details.

There is also an easier way to get our parts, and this way can be used by those who have a CNC machine or have access to it. Download the same file above, open it in the Compass 3D program, and save it in the correct format for the CNC machine software. Now our parts will be cut out in a matter of minutes.

Step Three: Preparing Parts for Assembly

Before proceeding with the assembly of the chair, all parts must be properly sanded. We take sandpaper No. 100, and go through all the surfaces of the parts from all sides, we also knock down sharp edges. It is necessary to check all the connections of the parts, whether everything is connected well, and if you need to immediately adjust the joints to each other. After that, we take sandpaper No. 240, and again we pass along all surfaces of the parts from all sides.

Step four: assembling the chair

After preparing all the details and checking the tightness of the joints, you can begin to assemble the chair. We take two drawers and smear the joints with glue, after which we connect them with the legs of the chair.

Next, we glue the legs at the joints with glue and glue the seat, we fasten the back in the same way.

We wipe the glue that came out with a damp cloth, and leave the chair for a day in a warm place.

Step five: painting the chair

The final step in the manufacture of the chair will be its painting. Before painting, you need to go through sandpaper No. 240 in the places of gluing, and even so, go over the entire chair. Now on the market there are many paints and varnishes for painting any surface, and what paint or varnish to use, of course, is up to you.


I did not paint my chair because I made it as a prototype, trying to fit and calculate all sizes. The chair is designed for children under 6 years old, but I designed it in such a way that even an adult with my height (1.80 m) is very comfortable to sit on it. This chair can also be used as a garden chair.

The difficulties in caring for children are largely due to the fact that buying everything you need can be quite a task for the family budget. Another question is whether parents manage to find exactly what they would like in stores, or in fact there is nothing ideally suitable among the assortment. Both reasons that prevent the purchase of a particular product, one way or another, suggest that it would be nice to make it yourself. For example, a high chair - if dad has enough experience with various tools, he may well make it with his own hands.


Contrary to its seeming simplicity, a do-it-yourself highchair is not an easy task to complete without any preparation. Do not start work until you have a clear understanding of how the end result should look like, and what operations will have to be performed to achieve this.

Also, don't ignore the calculations. Any chair should be strong enough to withstand its “passenger”, and the child, although not heavy, will not sit neatly on it, especially since the dimensions of such furniture are also small.

Strength requirements are relevant not only for basic materials, but also for fasteners, be it self-tapping screws, glue or grooves. In addition, the baby is constantly growing, and it makes sense to make a high chair with a margin of at least a couple of years in advance. For all its strength, the product should be comfortable, that is, approximately correspond to the dimensions of the owner.

Also try to ensure the proper lightness of the furniture being made - it should be convenient for the owner to independently move his chair to where he wants to sit at the moment.

Don't forget to stay safe. Furniture, in any case, cannot be traumatic, and children's furniture even more so. No sharp edges are allowed, and if wood is the main material, as happens in most cases, then it must be carefully sanded to avoid peeling splinters. When covering the finished product with varnish or paint, give preference to natural - children tend to put everything in their mouths, and can be poisoned by a toxic coating.

Finally, remember that this chair is for a child. In addition to suitable sizes, it is also desirable for a piece of furniture to be beautiful. If complex decor is not for you, try to at least paint it in bright colors.

Drawings, dimensions, diagrams

Before proceeding directly to the manufacture of parts, it is necessary to draw up a drawing with dimensions - this is the only way all the components will ideally fit one to the other. You can use either one of those ready-made options that are already posted on the World Wide Web, or draw up a diagram yourself. It is important to note here that there are blueprints and instructions on the Internet explaining how to make a standard look table and chair, so they are usually not suitable for those who want to create something original - for example, an elephant chair.

  • Drawing a table and chairs, which can be made in the form of a kit, it is not necessary to strictly follow the principles of drawing: there are not so many details in them that they cannot be kept in the head. For us, the main thing is to make sure that all dimensions converge, and the parts fit perfectly with each other, but the ways of connecting individual parts must be present on the drawing. In general, it can be presented schematically, without a high accuracy of the drawing.
  • Think over the dimensions (or choose ready-made drawings based on them), based on the convenience of the child. Those chairs are considered comfortable, the seat of which is at the level of the knee or slightly lower. In the case of a highchair, it is recommended to make the seat a little higher, because the child will probably still grow. At the same time, do not overdo it: if it is difficult for the baby to climb onto the seat, then the product can be considered unsuccessful.

  • Determining the size of the seat itself, keep in mind that the owner should fit freely on it, but do not make it too big - this will make the chair heavier and difficult to carry. The normal height of the back is about two thirds or three quarters of the wearer's back, making it higher than the neck is already impractical. When determining the thickness of future parts, rely only on the strength of the selected material and the weight of the child.


In terms of ease of processing and environmental friendliness among the materials for the manufacture of children's furniture, wood and its derivatives undoubtedly hold the palm. Therefore, most often you can find a wooden chair. However, you can not choose any tree - here, too, it is worth considering before proceeding with the manufacture. The most popular among all types of wood is beech. They have a strength reminiscent of oak, but are easier to work with and less expensive. In general, it is hardwoods that are considered a priority. Of the inexpensive options, birch is often chosen, you can also consider linden.

From softwood, spruce and pine are suitable for making furniture, but the resin contained in any such wood is dangerous - it can stain clothes, and it can also pose a health hazard. Regardless of the specific species, choose a homogeneous tree, without knots and cracks, with an even texture.

The material of the seat may be similar to the material of the body, or it may be fundamentally different. In order to save money and achieve greater flexibility, the seat is also made from plywood, and even from chipboard. When choosing them, give preference only to the most durable types, but remember that in any case they are inferior in terms of durability to solid natural wood.

For increased softness, the seat can be additionally equipped with a small foam cushion, sheathed with a fabric that is pleasant to the touch.

There is also such an option for sitting as made from plastic bottles - both whole and chopped. Harmful plastic, present in the form of garbage in any apartment and polluting the environment, could get a second life, especially since its strength and durability are very high. This option is still much less common due to the difficulty of securely fastening individual parts, as well as the not very attractive appearance of the finished product.

Colors and decor

For all its practicality and convenience, the baby will definitely not like the chair if it cannot be described with the word “beautiful”. No one makes any special chairs for teenagers, and for young children, brightness and attractiveness are very important. Therefore, do not limit yourself to only one colorless varnish or discreet monochromatic solutions. A solid color is generally acceptable only if a light or very bright shade is chosen - often it is red or yellow, the so-called "warm" tones.

If drawing is not alien to you, please your child with interesting design solutions. You can go the "adult" way, painting the frame in one color, and the seat and back in another, or you can focus on the children's desire for a bright and defiant one. The simplest option is the “rings” on the legs of the chair, any patterns and even just blots are also acceptable - provided that it looks cute and positive. Regardless of how much and what kind of paint you use, do not forget - it should not be toxic.

If you have a creative streak and a desire to complicate the task a little for the common good of the cause, you can perform a more complex decor. As an option, decorate the legs or the back of the chair with carvings, but adults would like this solution more. But for a child, an ornament in the form of one or another animal will be a chic solution. The classic option is when the back is cut out to resemble an elephant, or any other animal that is cute for a child, and then painted to look more like a “cartoon” character.

Covers can also become a kind of decor. In addition to their typical functions, such as simplifying the cleaning of furniture and increasing the comfort of its use, they can also decorate the back of the chair. Ideally, they should depict the child's favorite hero, characters from popular fairy tales, or the same animals. Mom can help with making a cover for dad, especially if she knows how to embroider or has skills in appliqué fabric. If the mother does not have such talents, you can simply change the cover from the clothes on which the necessary pictures were applied by the factory method.

For the youngest children

The youngest children so far sit on the highchair for only one thing - eating. It is important and necessary to teach a child to eat while sitting, and indeed to sit, in particular, at the table. However, the features of its development at this stage do not allow the use of ordinary chairs for this. The problem lies in the fact that a simple chair does not have a back with handles, and a tiny child himself will not be able to sit on it evenly, and will simply fall.

As for highchairs, their dimensions usually do not allow you to choose a normal table for them. In this situation, a special highchair for feeding will be an excellent way out.

Such furniture should be comfortable for both the child and his mother - so far the child cannot eat on his own, so the mother will have to spoon-feed him. For the convenience of this operation, the chair is made at a normal height, or even a little higher - so that the mother does not bend over. The actual period of use of such a chair is about a year, so if you have one child and the family does not plan a second one at all, you can choose not the most durable materials for manufacturing.

In terms of manufacturing, the highchair is perhaps the most complex - it has the largest number of parts. The relatively small seat is raised high above the floor, which makes it necessary to resort to installing additional stiffeners between the legs - for improved structural stability.

Given the specifics of the child of the appropriate age, both the backrest and the railing are simply necessary - they must completely exclude the possibility of the baby falling. Moreover, the barrier should also be in front, although it has another useful function - it plays the role of a countertop on which food will be placed. The space under the tabletop is left free - the baby will stick his legs in there.

Cutting and assembling such a chair is quite simple. First, according to the drawing, two identical side halves are cut out, which are then interconnected by the seat, backrest and stiffeners using grooves, glue or self-tapping screws. Before assembly, all individual parts should be sanded to a perfectly smooth state, the finished product is varnished or painted - ready.

Models for an older child

The peculiarity of highchairs for children who have finally come out of infancy lies in a significant variety of design options, limited only by the creator's imagination. The back is still considered a mandatory attribute, but the railing is no longer there, as are the front barriers. Saving on materials in this situation is not worth it - if the furniture is made with a margin of size, then the child will be able to use his high chair for many years.

The manufacturing process consists of a few simple steps:

  • Think over the design to the smallest detail and draw up a drawing. Decide on the number of body parts - whether it will simply consist of two solid halves or from separate legs and separate supports for the seat, whether the backrest base will be a continuation of the rear legs or it is attached separately, and so on. Calculate everything, including the thickness of the seat and legs, provide stiffeners and additional supports for the seat in advance. Provide grooves, designate places for screws.
  • If doubts about the correctness of the selected parameters still remain, try to assemble a temporary cardboard chair according to the drawing. Unfortunately, it does not have the same strength to test the product from all sides, and it differs in thickness from wood or plywood, which must also be taken into account when specifying dimensions, but you will get a visual idea of ​​​​the future product.

  • Start cutting out individual parts from wood or plywood. It is advised to start with the body. Well, if there are a lot of identical parts in the set, then the subsequent ones can be cut out by simply tracing the already finished first one. If your design allows, don't put off assembly until after you've cut everything out - start as soon as you have at least two pieces that need to be connected. This will help you immediately notice any design flaws, if any. After the parts are ready, sand them to a smooth state.
  • When all the elements are ready, proceed to the final assembly. Do not limit yourself to one type of fastener, in particular, glue the grooves - this will significantly strengthen the product and increase its durability. Ensure that the grooves go as deep as possible - tap on the joints with a hammer to make the fastening more reliable.
  • The last step is varnishing and staining.

No matter how detailed and intelligible a theoretical explanation is, it is unlikely to be compared in terms of information content with a good example, because it is better to see once than hear a hundred times.

H and the video is one of the best examples of how to make a highchair with your own hands. The master tells literally everything, including the dimensions of the parts he used, so you can even do without a drawing, just repeating what he says. The resulting chair is quite simple in design, but easy to make. You can find many other similar videos on the network, but the models there are always approximately the same, but here the process is shown in great detail and clearly.

Watch a master class on making a highchair with your own hands:

The principle of making a baby highchair, in general, is similar, but it is worth studying in more detail both because of the increased complexity of the design, and simply because another master is already talking, who can reveal some new points.

How to make a baby highchair, see the video:

One of the positive things that goes in favor of wooden furniture is that it is possible to make a wooden highchair with your own hands. Naturally, in the case of twins, you will have to make two chairs at once. Note that usually home-made children's highchairs made of wood are different - classic folding, transformers and growing ones.

In this article, in the “for dummies” style, we will tell you how to make a highchair for feeding with your own hands using the example of a wooden transformer highchair. We will show two working options for a do-it-yourself feeding table-chair with drawings and dimensions, and also make some considerations about them.

ATTENTION!!! The article turned out to be long, as we write not only for experienced craftsmen, but also for beginners, as well as people who rarely do anything with their own hands. If you don't want to read everything, use the table of contents. Pop-up heading tips will help you understand what is there, and choose the right one.

If you want to make a high chair with your own hands, but not a transformer, or you know everything how to do it and love brevity, it doesn’t matter either. Over time, a link to the entry will appear at this place, where information about homemade highchairs for feeding will be collected in one heap. In the meantime, we are looking at the site map and the rubric, there are articles there.

The content of the article:

Do-it-yourself highchair - why a children's wooden highchair TRANSFORMER. MOTIVATION

One of the big advantages of children's wooden transformers for feeding is that the design of high chairs is extremely simple, so even a beginner can build them on their own. You can make such a highchair for feeding with your own hands either from improvised materials, or you can easily purchase material at a low price.

In the article do-it-yourself children's highchair, we examined in detail how a folding highchair is made. It turned out that it is done quite simply. But its relevance is very doubtful - wooden furniture is always bulky and heavy, and in two years such a high chair will have to be disassembled into spare parts and made separately for a children's table and chair.

But the chair - transformer immediately "kills" two birds with one stone: it is both a chair and a table - a desk. First, the high chair is used for its intended purpose, together with a small table, and then, after 1.5 years, it is disassembled, and the child gets a separate desk and high chair. Convenient and practical. Perhaps this is precisely what causes constant interest in a wooden highchair transformer for feeding made by oneself.

It remains only to figure out how to make such a miracle of technology on your own. And in the beginning, let's see the video of one of the craftsmen.

Do-it-yourself feeding chair or wooden high chair do-it-yourself transformer for feeding a baby getting started

Searching on the Internet on the topic of a do-it-yourself feeding chair, it will become clear that there are two options for a transforming chair.

The first option is more complicated, but for some reason it is the one that is popular on the Internet. Most likely, once someone made a wooden transformer chair for feeding with their own hands in this way, and then articles on the topic of how to make it yourself miraculously mindlessly multiplied. Because where to take the correct option is not clear. We give here the most understandable (for the author) description and sane drawings.

The second version of the do-it-yourself feeding chair is simpler and more logical, it is according to it that factory wooden transformers are made. And we also bring it here, with our own measurements.

If everything is clear with the material and you are only interested in drawings and dimensions for a do-it-yourself high chair, then immediately proceed below to the parts of how to make a do-it-yourself high chair - Option 1, and How to make a do-it-yourself wooden high chair - Option 2. A for now, since we decided to write a story in the “for dummies” style, let’s talk about the materials used.

DIY high chair - Materials

To make a highchair for feeding with your own hands, you will need wooden blocks. A board with a thickness equal to the thickness of the bar used can be added. Plywood or chipboard, self-tapping screws, glue, fabric washable upholstery and any soft filler. Well, more staples for a construction (furniture) stapler.

You can use any timber that is sold or available. It would be better if he was trimmed. So with him less fuss. Otherwise, you will have to plan it yourself and make it smooth. It is most convenient to take the size of the beam 20x30 mm.

Chipboard or thick plywood - from 10 to 15 mm thick - will be used as a table top for a desk table and a small removable table for a high chair.

The hard parts of the back and seat of the do-it-yourself feeding chair can be made from fiberboard or plywood. It is not necessary to use thick plywood, from 5 to 10 mm thick is enough. In general, plywood will be stronger, but stapler staples are easier to enter into fiberboard.

Some parts are glued together. To do this, you can use wood glue or just PVA glue.

To make a soft back and seat on a high chair with your own hands, you will need an external upholstery - a durable, easy-to-wash fabric, such as raincoat fabric or bologna, or just oilcloth, and inside a soft filler - foam rubber, batting, synthetic winterizer or something else. See for yourself how much you need. Soft filler can be glued to the hard parts of the back and seat, or simply fastened with a construction stapler, or you can combine both options. Upholstery is easier to immediately fasten with a stapler. So it will be more reliable. The size of the staple depends on the stapler and the chosen thickness of the upholstery.

It's also a good idea to have a medium sandpaper to sand the parts and make them smooth.

In the first version of the do-it-yourself highchair, only 4 wood screws are used: for attaching the tabletop to the desk-table. All other wooden parts will be interconnected with homemade dowels, also made of wood. You can put the rest of the bars on the dowels.

In the second version of the do-it-yourself feeding chair, there are practically no dowels, but there are many self-tapping screws for fastening all the parts together. Factory transformers are made on euro self-tapping screws, and a do-it-yourself wooden highchair transformer for feeding can be assembled on any. The main thing is to assemble correctly. Dowels are used only if you decide to make rounded parts that are conveniently attached to the bars with their help.

Both the wooden table and the do-it-yourself feeding chair have rounded elements, although you can do without them. These elements can be made either from a board with a thickness corresponding to the thickness of the bar used. If the beam is taken, as here, 20x30 mm, then we take a board 20 mm thick, but 30 mm is also possible, this depends on how you put the bars, joke F). If there is no board, then the same bars are perfect. You just need to glue them together.

Depending on how much and how you arrange the rounded elements for cutting on the board or glued bars, this is the length of them (boards, bars) and you need to take. On glued bars or a board, 4 elements must be laid at once. Therefore, the length will be from 0.5 to 1 m, and maybe 2 m is not enough.

Do-it-yourself feeding chair - separate words about wood and paintwork

I propose to pay attention to the wood material of the high chair. We note right away that a children's wooden chair for feeding with their own hands is best made from linden. However, like any other children's furniture for kids. Since conifers often used in the manufacture of wooden furniture may not be suitable here: pine emits resin, which is very toxic. And it is better not to risk children's health. However, pine is often found in hardware stores, so we try to take it as dry as possible and without interspersing resin. Believe me, the child will be better, and it will be easier for you to do it yourself.

To give shine, color and environmental protection, it is better to use ACRYLIC varnish, or paint. It is not as harmful to the baby as the rest. Why exactly him? The answer is - what if the baby tries a table or a chair for feeding, which you yourself made with your own hands? You are responsible for the consequences. Although if it doesn’t matter or it’s not possible to get them, then you can cover the feeding chair with your own hands with whatever you want.

Do-it-yourself wooden transformer highchair - Option 1

To understand what a do-it-yourself highchair will be in the form of components of option 1, we present the drawings and dimensions.

To make parts of a children's high chair for feeding a wooden transformer with our own hands, we take a bar with a section, for example, 20x30mm. From it we will make the following details. Specify the length and quantity.

  • Legs - 390 mm, 4 pcs.
  • Rounded parts - 4 pcs.
  • Armrests, they are also the upper crossbars of the chair - 195 mm, 2 pcs.
  • Planks running parallel to the armrests, they are also crossbars, 335 mm, 2 pcs. On these crossbars we will then attach the seat with the crossbars of the feeding chair
  • Planks on which the seat and back are attached, they are also crossbars - 300 mm, 3 pcs. Two for the seat and one for the back
  • Small table on a chair (H x W) 340x340 mm. It lies on the armrests of the chair 340 mm = 300 (length of the chair crossbar) + 20 + 20 mm.
  • The seat and back have the same dimensions (H x W) 250x290 mm. Width 290 mm \u003d 300 (length of the cross bar) - 5 - 5 (gaps on both sides for upholstery and soft filler), mm.

  • Legs 500 mm 4 pcs.
  • Planks for the lower and upper part 410 mm 4 pcs. On the lower slats there is a table for feeding, on the upper slats a tabletop is attached.
  • Cross bars 340 mm 4 pcs. To fasten the sides of the table. Length 340 (mm) = 300 (length of chair crossbar) + 20 + 20 (mm). This is done so that the chair gets up between the sidewalls of the table.
  • Tabletop (H x W) - 440 × 380 mm. 1 PC. The tabletop rests on the upper slats and does not protrude beyond the sidewalls. Width 380 (mm) = 340 (cross bar length) + 20 + 20 (mm). Length 440 (mm) = 410 (top bar length) + 30 mm

How to make a high chair with your own hands

Work begins with a chair. To do this, according to the size, the bars are cut to the desired length. Separately, you need to make rounded parts - they connect the legs and armrests in front and behind. Naturally, all sawn parts must be made smooth, lint-free and treated with sandpaper with special care - small children are always an increased risk of injury. Therefore, to the question of how to make a highchair for feeding with your own hands, we give a pretentious answer - we work conscientiously.

Roundings for a wooden highchair transformer for feeding do-it-yourself are cut out separately - according to the drawing. For rounded parts, there is one IMPORTANT point. If you glue the bars and place the part with wood fibers in a different way than shown in the figure, then such a part may break in the most unexpected way during sawing or further operation. Therefore, the bars must be glued with wood fibers parallel to each other. And you need to place the rounded part of the highchair for feeding with your own hands along these parallels. The same applies to the board - we place the part for sawing parallel to the wood fibers of the board.

To successfully glue the bars, we use wood glue or PVA. Additionally, the bars do not need to be jointed and leveled. At the bars, you need to choose fairly even planes, position them correctly and simply press them harder with clamps. It will dry out in a day for sure.

Then, from the waste bars for the highchair for feeding with your own hands, you can make rectangular panties. Dimensions - 8x20x50 mm. In general, the length of the dowel should be 4-5 mm less than the total depth of the groove of the two fastened parts. The edges of the dowels can be slightly rounded.

On all parts, mark places for planting dowels. To do this, mark the contours of the groove, for example, with a pencil. Rectangular grooves for dowels should be made approximately 30 mm deep. To do this, drill 4-5 holes with a drill with a diameter of 6 mm. Next, using a chisel, align the walls of the groove and fit it to your own, individual, home-made dowel. And if there is a router, then we make the grooves with a router, it’s easier.

When all the details are ready, there are dowels and grooves for fastening, you can start assembling a children's high chair for feeding a wooden transformer with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself wooden highchair transformer for feeding a child - assembly

We begin to assemble a wooden high chair transformer for feeding with our own hands from the sidewalls. First one is done, then the second. On the dowels, draw a line in the middle of the length. Using a light hammer, install to the marked line. Then we take the part to be connected and insert the dowel into it. We connect the parts first dry, i.e. without glue. After all the details of the sidewalls are connected, we check for cracks. If everything is fine, then carefully separate the parts and glue the dowels, and then assemble them again, as indicated above. Then you need to pull off the parts and let dry, about 1 day. You can tighten it with clamps, or tightly wrap it on both sides with a rope. But at the same time, make sure that nothing is warped, and no gaps are obtained. It is less reliable to tighten with a rope than with a clamp, but not everyone has clamps of this size.

While the sides of the transformer highchair for feeding the child are drying, you can do the seat and backrest with your own hands. They are cut out of plywood or fiberboard, according to the drawing. If the plywood is not thick or fiberboard is used, then to give strength, it is better to cut out 3 parts of the seat and back and glue them together. Lubricate with glue and clamp with clamps. It also dries overnight.

After the sidewalls, seat and back are assembled and cut out, we assemble everything completely. On the seat and backrest from the planned reverse side of the wooden highchair of the transformer for feeding the child with your own hands, you can immediately attach the crossbar strips. To do this, use either dowels, or, which will be even easier, small self-tapping screws. To get it right, the slats must be fastened with gaps of 5 mm on each side along the width of the seat and back. The back and seat can be connected to each other with a metal corner, or a metal strip bent along.

If we do it on dowels, then we drill holes in the seat for fastening to the crossbars of the chair. Mount better on 4 pcs. standard cylindrical dowels. For the back of such dowels - 2 pcs. We connect the sidewalls with crossbars on which the seat will then lie. We do it without glue to check and see the positions of the seat and back. Also, without glue, we put the seat on the crossbars on the dowels. Bending and bending the back, mark the position of the bar for fixing the back, and then disassemble. If you wish, you can cut off the side of the backrest according to the picture. No desire - everything will be fine too.

At the children's highchair for feeding a wooden transformer, we sheathe the seat and back with a soft filler with our own hands: we glue it to the hard part or nail it with a stapler. Then, again with the help of a stapler, we stretch the upholstery. It is better not to save, and do not try to fasten the upholstery and the soft part with the same bracket. Something might be skewed, and it will not be good.

Then we collect all the parts on dowels smeared with glue. We put in place, check the corners. We fasten the back bar to the back on 2 cylindrical dowels. We check the gaps and tighten with clamps or a rope. We are waiting for it to dry. That's it, a chair from a wooden transformer highchair for feeding with your own hands is ready .

We repeat. If there is no desire to mess with dowels, all parts can really be connected using ordinary self-tapping screws. It may not be as strong, but it is easier to assemble. To decide, of course, the master. And it is most convenient and most durable to fasten the roundings with the help of dowels, and then carefully coat them with glue. After that, leave the finished sidewall to dry for a day.

The last stage: we cut out, according to the size, a small table on a high chair with our own hands. It can be left rectangular, it can be rounded in the part closest to the child. It's not essential. Only a matter of aesthetics and fuss. This table is attached to the edges of the armrests. It is possible on cylindrical dowels, it is possible on self-tapping screws. And when the child grows up, he just takes off and that's it, he is no longer needed.

A table for a do-it-yourself highchair is assembled in the same way as a chair. First dry, then with glue. Either self-made dowels or self-tapping screws are used. We start with the sides. We attach the upper and lower strips to the legs, we get two rectangles. When the sides are assembled, they, like the chair, must be pulled off and wait a day until they dry.

Next, the transverse bars are attached - with their help, the sidewalls are connected. We fix the crossbars for the feeding table with our own hands according to the drawing. The general idea is that they should be at unequal distances from the edges of the sidewalls. On the lower ones, which will be closer to the edge, there are chair legs in the high chair position. And the upper ones serve as spacers for the legs of the chair, so that the chair stands firmly.

A tabletop cut from plywood or chipboard is mounted on top of the upper parts of the sidewalls and screwed on with self-tapping screws. Everything is gathered together and pulled together as usual, waiting for it to dry.

When the table and chair for feeding with your own hands are ready, we will turn it into a transformer chair for feeding the baby. To do this, we will connect them. The table is turned over, the tabletop is at the back, and the chair is placed on the transverse bars of the table.

Wooden do-it-yourself transformer table for feeding a baby - finishing touches

Finally, when the chair and table are ready, we check for roughness for the last time and sand it if we find one.

When a wooden chair and a transformer table for feeding a child are made with your own hands, they should be completely worked through - use exclusively non-toxic varnishes, or paint with acrylic paint. Beforehand, to give the desired color, you can wash and dry.

Everything, the first option is ready. The most adequate description was found on, from this site material was taken for a note on the first option.

Do-it-yourself wooden transformer highchair - Option 2

To understand what a do-it-yourself highchair will be in the form of components of option 2, we present the drawings and dimensions.

To make parts of a children's high chair for feeding a wooden transformer with our own hands, take a bar with a section, for example, 20x30 mm. From it will need to do the following details: specify the length and quantity.

DIY feeding chair dimensions of spare parts, length and quantity

If there are no rounded parts

  • Legs 450 mm 4 pcs.
  • Armrests - 365 mm 2 pcs.

If there are rounded parts

  • Front legs 450 mm - 2 pcs., Rear 390 mm - 2 pcs.
  • Armrests - 290 mm 2 pcs.
  • Rounded detail according to the scheme - 2 pcs


  • Bottom strips on the sidewalls 365 mm 2 pcs.
  • Cross bars 350 mm 4 pcs. They are attached to the seat and back.
  • Seat (H x W) 290x330 mm
  • Backrest (H x W) 450x330 mm

DIY feeding table dimensions of spare parts, length and quantity

  • Legs - 450 mm 4 pcs. The legs are located in the middle of the table, and are the lower slats of the sidewalls.
  • The lower and upper crossbars, on which the table for feeding is in the position of a table-desk, and to which the tabletop is attached - 500 mm 4 pcs.
  • Cross bars 410 mm 3 pcs.
  • Tabletop (H x W) 500x510 mm
  • Fastening straps for chair legs length 230 mm. ATTENTION - in the diagram, the thickness of the bars is 15x15 mm, but you can use any. For example, the same 20x30 mm.

Do-it-yourself wooden highchair transformer for feeding a child - The main differences from option 1

The previous part about a wooden highchair transformer for feeding a child with your own hands turned out to be too voluminous. Therefore, in order not to write a sheet again, let's say that everything is done according to the drawing and dimensions similarly to the first option.

Dowels are not used, with the exception of the rounded parts of the high chair. They are made, as well as in option 1, only they have different sizes. Everything else is fastened with screws. It can be ordinary on wood, it can be euro. If you use euro self-tapping screws, then mark the places where they should go. And in a place with a smaller diameter, we drill a hole for them.

Do-it-yourself highchair - we make parts and assemble

The bars are cut to size. Carefully processed with sandpaper. The cardinal difference from the first version of the do-it-yourself highchair is the absence of special round parts. But since sharp corners are an increased danger for a small child, they must be rounded. It is the upper parts of the chair legs that are slightly rounded on one side. And the two lower crossbars of the table are also rounded - the legs on which it stands.

You can also insert a few bars, rectangular or round, in the sidewalls between the armrest and the bottom bar to which the seat is attached, it does not matter. You can place them anywhere at any distance, most importantly in the seating area. This is so that the baby does not crawl away through the sidewall, and it will go for beauty.

One more stroke.
How to make a do-it-yourself high chair with a movable back? You can make the back of a do-it-yourself feeding chair take several positions. This will have to be dealt with.

To do this, the rear legs and armrests are fastened together using a round part, as was the case in the first version. In this case, the size of the armrest and back leg will be different (see the description of the dimensions of the chair). In the rounding, you need to make a hole where, as a result, a screw will be inserted, with a handle - a fixer at the end. The screw is attached to the back of the chair with one side, the other goes through this hole. The handle is screwed on the edge and secures it in the desired position. The back is fixed.

The hole can be made either with a milling cutter, or several small holes can be made with a drill and then modified with a chisel. The size of the hole depends on the screw used. The handle can be whatever you like. In the handle, carefully select the groove for the nut, which will actually be screwed onto the screw and fix the back of the chair. The screw itself is conveniently fixed not in the back of the chair, but in the upper crossbar.

Once again, we note that the rounding of the highchair for feeding with your own hands is more convenient and better fastened with glued dowels. On self-tapping screws it will be uncomfortable and clumsy.

Specifically for the baby, this version of the chair is very convenient, but to make it, you will have to make some efforts. If there is no desire, then it is realistic to do without a movable back, then it makes no sense to make a separate rounding. Just tilt the back as you and the baby are comfortable. We mark the place where the upper transverse bar touches the backrest and the sidewall. We drill a hole there. We fasten the sidewall and back with a self-tapping screw. So on each side.

When the sidewalls for the do-it-yourself highchair for feeding are assembled, two transverse fastening strips for sitting and one on a movable cylindrical dowel for fastening the back are screwed to the lower strips of the sidewall. A movable dowel means that one of the grooves is several (mm) larger than the diameter of the dowel.

The back and seat is done in the same way as in the first version. Only the dimensions here are slightly different - a longer back. It's more convenient for the baby. It is also not necessary to fasten the seat and back together, it is enough to attach them to the transverse slats, and subsequently make them soft and upholstered, for example, with oilcloth. Before upholstery, as usual, skin and paint.

That's it, the do-it-yourself highchair for a children's wooden transformer is ready.

DIY high chair table

A do-it-yourself table for a highchair for feeding is assembled in the same way as in the first version. Sidewalls first. When the sidewalls are assembled, they are fastened together by transverse strips located below - they also serve as supports on which the assembled chair stands. This is important as the high chair is mounted on them and plays a role in its solid installation.

This is the difference from the previous version - there is no additional crossbar in the middle at the bottom of the table, which makes the table not closed, and it is more convenient for an older child to sit at it. At the same time, two crossbars go only from below, where the tabletop is attached - there is only one crossbar. When everything is assembled, it remains to screw the countertop.

There is one moment.
How to make a table top for a transformer highchair for feeding with your own hands? The figure shows the diagram and dimensions of the variant with grooves. For simplicity, the table top for feeding with your own hands can, as in the first version, simply be put on the bars, or you can, as they do at the factory, clamp between the bars. The first option is simpler, but the screws will be visible in the most inappropriate place. The second will require more fuss, but more beautiful. To clamp between the bars, you need to make grooves in them. This is done without problems with a milling cutter, or just a chisel, but it takes longer. Accordingly, the dimensions of the tabletop will be different. The groove is washed away to make the thickness of the table top and a depth of 5 mm.

For greater stability of the highchair standing on the table, in the assembled form of a do-it-yourself highchair for feeding a wooden transformer, you can additionally make four small bars - two on each side. They are located under the countertop, it is better to put them on the "fact". Those. when the table and chair are ready, we put a chair on top of the table, as it should be in the end. We mark from the inside on the sidewalls of the table, where the chair legs closest to the table top pass. On the sides, parallel to the markings, we attach these bars to the sidewalls of the table, one on each side. As a result, it should turn out so that the legs of the chair closest to the countertop pass between these bars, and they, in turn, do not allow the chair to move in different directions. This gives the chair extra stability.

The do-it-yourself feeding table is ready.

DIY highchair - summary and some conclusions

As usual, summing up, we talk about what is easier - to make a highchair for feeding with your own hands, or to buy? The answer is clear - buy. Moreover, wooden transformers are very common today and are inexpensive. But there are people who want to make their own efforts and imagination, or maybe someone has not sorted out the rubble of their building materials for a long time. Then go - creativity has been valued at all times.

The first option, of course, is the most common on the Internet, but it is not the easiest. There you have to fiddle with dowels, make grooves, glue parts. It's great if there is a special large clamp, as an ordinary rope can warp the part. And the details, if you do not compress at all, then maybe nothing will work out at all. In short, take a lot. In addition, over time, such a product will definitely dry out, remember the old swinging chairs. And your child will definitely rock a ready-made highchair for feeding with your own hands.

The second option is not common on the network. But this do-it-yourself high chair looks like a factory transformer high chair. Assembled on self-tapping screws. The main thing is to ensure that during assembly the mating parts of the parts stand at 90 degrees to each other and do not warp. Take a little. Only if you want to make a movable back with a rounded element, then you have to sweat.

At one time, when they wanted to make a wooden transformer for feeding with their own hands, we knew the first option. But he seemed complicated. And then, when they bought a factory one, they found its dimensions and realized that it was no worse, and maybe even better than the first option. If I had to do it myself another time, I would choose the second option.

How to make a do-it-yourself high chair video craftsmen

In principle, every craftsman makes his own transformer chair for feeding with his own hands. So to speak, according to your needs and with your capabilities. Here are the most understandable and popular videos. From them it will become clear that the beam can be of any size. The dimensions of the chair-table for feeding can also be any. The main thing is to capture the essence of the design and sequence - how to make a highchair for feeding with your own hands.

If you decide to try your hand at joinery and furniture craft, you can start with small and completely uncomplicated items, such as a shelf, drawer or stool. But if you already have at least a little experience in this matter, then you can safely start making a reliable and high-quality plywood chair with your own hands. This piece of furniture is very popular and therefore there is always a place for it in an apartment or in the courtyard of a country house. And if you are a fan of outdoor activities, you should definitely find out how you can quickly and easily, and most importantly, inexpensively make a folding plywood chair.

You may ask why bother yourself with making furniture with your own hands when there is a huge range of ready-made furniture on sale? The fact is that this process is quite interesting and exciting. Independent production of furniture, even if it is as simple as a folding chair, will not only save the family budget, but also bring something special and unique to the interior of your home.

Plywood is several sheets of wood glued together in a perpendicular way, due to which high strength of the material is achieved. The thickness of plywood can reach from seven to twenty-five millimeters. Due to this range, the scope of plywood is very diverse. The thinner one is used as a material for upholstery of walls, and the widest one is used for covering floors or constructing partitions.

For the production of furniture, plywood of medium thickness is used - about 10-15 centimeters, which allows you to achieve the necessary strength, as well as elasticity to give the sheets additional bends in the manufacture of decorative elements of a stool or other pieces of furniture.

At first glance, the manufacture of plywood furniture may seem to someone quite a difficult task. However, this is absolutely not the case. Of course, you will need some skills in working with tools, but without much professional training.

Another argument in favor of self-manufacturing plywood furniture is the absence of the need for a professional workshop with a huge number of tools and CNC coordinate milling machines. Here, the most common household tools that are available in the arsenal of almost every man are quite suitable. But even if you still have to buy some of the tools, then these costs are nothing compared to buying finished furniture.

If you are new to home furniture making, then start with the simplest designs. An excellent option for such cases would be plywood chairs. And today we will look at two examples of making plywood furniture - this is a folding chair and a do-it-yourself rocking chair.

Simplicity, convenience and comfort - do-it-yourself folding furniture

It is worth noting that a beautiful plywood chair can perform not only a decorative function, but also a practical one. Especially when we are talking about folding chairs, which, due to their compactness and ease of assembly, will be useful for any summer resident or fisherman. The design of folding plywood furniture that we offer is quite simple and allows you to make a chair with your own hands quite quickly and at minimal financial cost.

As the fitter Mechnikov said in the well-known film, when an experienced swindler Ostap Bender tries to get his goods as soon as possible - “Money in the morning, chairs in the evening!”. So in our case - having spent quite a bit of money in the morning, by the evening you can get a comfortable, unusual in design plywood chair.

Tools and materials

Plywood Tools

To create one plywood chair you will need:

  • a sheet of moisture-resistant 20 mm plywood measuring 60 by 90 cm;
  • building corner;
  • scissors;
  • paper;
  • Sander;
  • marker;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • mounting hinges or bolts with sleeves;
  • varnish for woodworking;
  • a drawing of a folding chair with a photo, which you can easily find on the net and pick up to your taste.

Tip: Birch wood is an ideal material with high strength. It is easy to process, which allows you to create stylish decorative furniture elements. This curved plywood is widely used in the production of school chairs, kitchen furniture, etc.

Manufacturing steps

Folding chair Drawing of a folding chair made of plywood Drawing of a folding chair made of plywood, option 2

  1. The chair drawing selected from the photo on the network must be transferred to cardboard or thick paper, and then cut out the detail templates.
  2. Attach cardboard blanks to a sheet of plywood and circle with a pencil or marker.
  3. Using a jigsaw, cut out the details of the chair along the pre-marked lines.
  4. The resulting blanks should be carefully sanded with a machine or a special fine sandpaper. Particular attention must be paid to the saw cut lines.
  5. Using a drill, drill holes for mounting the hinges.
  6. Lay out all the elements of a folding chair on a smooth surface according to the diagram and assemble them together.
  7. If desired, the finished chair can be varnished, and veneer can be glued to the ends.

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
10 11 12
13 14 15
16 17 18

Ready-made folding chairs

In the same way, you can make a table and chairs for a school or home, which you can not only take with you to nature, but also install on the veranda, in the garden or in the dining room, decorating the interior of the country house. Show a little imagination and we are sure that your design solutions will be appreciated not only by family members, but also by guests at home.

Plywood armchair

So the long-awaited evening or day off has approached, when you want to take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday work, sitting comfortably in your favorite chair. After all, you must admit that one of the important components of a comfortable pastime is comfortable furniture. A plywood rocking chair will allow you to quickly relieve tension from your whole body after a busy day at work, relax with a book in your hands or, almost inaudibly rocking, indulge in pleasant memories of the events of the past day.

And what could be better than the independent production of comfortable furniture that would fully meet your individual needs? Some people think that making a chair or chair out of bent plywood is a rather complicated process. Many do not even know where and how to start it.

In fact, you do not need to be a professional furniture maker or designer in order to build something special and beautiful. Today in Runet you can find a lot of ideas with photos and videos that will help you choose exactly what you like most and fit into the interior of your room in the best way. Having analyzed with our help what needs to be done and in what sequence, you can easily cope with this task.

To make a rocking chair you will need:

  1. Canvas with a thickness of 15 millimeters or more for load-bearing structures such as side supports, racks, etc.
  2. A 10 mm thick curved plywood sheet, from which it will be easy to make any curved detail, for example, a backrest bar or other decorative element.
  3. Graph paper.
  4. Marker.
  5. Electric jigsaw for sawing parts out of plywood.
  6. Sander.
  7. Wood glue.
  8. Antiseptic for FC treatment.
  9. Self-tapping screws.

Chair manufacturing steps

1. Drawing 2. Cutting out the details 3. Assembling the seat
4. We fix the back 5. We fix the armrests The chair is ready

  1. We find on the net for making with our own hands drawings of the details of the furniture we need. Please note that you should choose models that have the fewest connection points in the design - despite the fact that plywood with glued sheets is quite strong, it is still more susceptible to damage from dynamic loads compared to solid wood.
  2. We transfer the rocking chair scheme to a format sheet with exact scale.
  3. We place the resulting paper patterns on plywood and make precise markings on it in strict accordance with the blanks.
  4. Using a jigsaw, we cut the plywood structural elements as accurately as possible.
  5. Using a grinder, we process the surfaces of the structural parts of the rocking chair, rounding their edges and removing small fractions of wood from plywood.
  6. We carry out antiseptic treatment of plywood.
  7. The assembly of the structure is carried out in accordance with the scheme of the selected drawing. First you need to glue together the necessary structural elements, and then strengthen them using self-tapping screws.
  8. The finishing of the rocking chair is done at the discretion of the master. You can give preference to a seat covered with foam or fabric, or simply varnish the chair. Much will depend on where your new furniture will be located.
  9. For greater reliability, special springs should be installed on the supporting parts of the rocking chair.

With this, our chair is ready. If necessary, you can improve the drawings of standard models, modify them to fit your parameters or dimensions.

Making a chair out of plywood is not difficult at all. Made by hand for individual sizes, such a piece of furniture will become a comfortable and original element of the interior with a small financial investment.

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Types of features of plywood chairs

Folding chairs are made from plywood of various types and designs. The easiest option to start with is this. More complex structurally is a transforming chair. Here you can not do without pre-prepared drawings and carpentry skills.

Experienced craftsmen bring to life unusual ideas, getting unique products. It's nice to make practically designer chairs with your own hands, at the same time acting as a developer, manufacturer, and decorator.

There are no analogues of the product either in a furniture store or with relatives at home. An important point is a significant savings in the family budget. Homemade stools are much cheaper than factory options. Almost every owner has the tools necessary for making at home. The main thing is desire and patience.

Step-by-step instruction

A well-written instruction or work plan with a detailed description of each step and action will help you make plywood chairs with your own hands.

First, create templates for the details of the future piece of furniture. They are made from cardboard. With the help of a ruler and a pencil, all the components and details of the product are drawn on cardboard, cut out. Then transferred directly to plywood.

At the next stage, all the parts needed for assembly are cut out. With the help of an electric jigsaw, parts are cut out of plywood.

All elements are recommended to be carefully sanded. The surface should be as flat and smooth as possible. Without a grinder, it is difficult to completely align the parts and give the back the desired shape. If you use sandpaper, it will take a lot of time and require a lot of effort.

Drill holes for the hinges, according to pre-prepared drawings. In the role of suspension brackets, it is recommended to use bolts with sleeves. The sleeves are fixed into the holes made with glue, which will increase the reliability of their fixation.

Special wooden spikes are needed to keep folding chairs open. Holes are drilled to prepare the attachment points. The wooden spikes themselves are made from timber, cutting off 4 pieces of the length necessary for their manufacture.

Then you can start assembling according to the project or scheme. The final chord is the manufacture of the seat. Foam rubber is cut according to a given shape, covered with fabric and attached to the seat using a construction stapler.

Necessary materials and tools

Properly selected tools and materials for the manufacture of furniture will make the process as comfortable and productive as possible.

You will need:

  • a sheet of plywood, preferably 20 mm thick and 600x900 mm in size;
  • foam rubber for a soft seat, 70 mm thick;
  • fabric for decoration;
  • cardboard for plywood dimensions;
  • ruler with a pencil;
  • construction stapler;
  • jigsaw;
  • surface polishing machine or sandpaper;
  • PVA glue;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • bolts with sleeves;
  • a hammer.

If you manage to get or borrow a conductor for assembling furniture, this will be a great help in your work.


Plywood chairs should, like any other type of furniture, be durable and comfortable. It is difficult for novice craftsmen to independently develop a model and calculate the loads that allow them to withstand the required weight. Therefore, the project and drawing of the future chair can be found ready-made or consult with more experienced craftsmen.

There are special tables for matching the height of a person and the required height of the chair. Before manufacturing, you need to consider who will most often use the product. The model made under the individual sizes will be comfortable and convenient.

Manufacturing procedure

Before you start making a chair with your own hands, it is advisable to draw up a work plan. It is necessary to determine the size and design of the product, prepare tools and materials for making a chair, choose the type of decor and upholstery.

To avoid damage to the material, do not rush. The main thing is to do everything in accordance with the drawings.


A simple decor will help to give a stylish and original look to a self-made furniture module. Ordinary plywood is not the most visually attractive material, so it's worth taking the time to give the product a more interesting and beautiful surface.

The easiest way is to process the finished model with varnish. This will improve the visual perception of the product and decorate it externally. You can paint the surface of the furniture with wood paint, and then varnish it. So it will be possible to achieve the unity of the color scheme of the interior of the room in which the chairs will be located.

A rather laborious, but more interesting option is to apply an ornament or a complex pattern. In this case, a wide scope for creativity opens up and it all depends on the imagination and skill of the author. It is recommended to use not ordinary, but waterproof paints. In addition, it is advisable to purchase brushes of different sizes for ease of application.

Decorating the soft seats of the chairs with fabric to match the furniture in the room will make the interior harmonious and stylish.

What do you do with old furniture?

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