How to make a square out of paper in the easiest way. Easy and fast: how to make a cube from paper How to make a square from an A4 sheet

Garden equipment 14.10.2023
Garden equipment

Voskobovich's method has been widely known to people associated with pedagogy since the collapse of the Soviet Union. One of his popular toys is Voskobovich’s “Square”, or, as it is also called, a game square. We will tell you what kind of toy this is, how to play the Voskobovich square and how you can make it with your own hands in this article.

Voskobovich square - what kind of toy is it?

This game will be interesting not only for children of different ages, but also for adults playing with them. It is made in the shape of a square, which consists of 16 isosceles triangles. Between the triangles that make up the square there is a space 0.5 - 1 cm wide. The standard dimensions of triangles are 4.5 * 4.5 * 6 cm. A well-bending material is chosen as the base of the toy, most often fabric. The standard size of the square base is from 14 to 15 cm.

The planes of each triangle are painted in contrasting colors. For example, on one side, all the triangles that make up the square are red, but if we expand the square, we will see that they are green.

The number of colors presented in a square depends on the age of the child who will play with it. You can find two-color and four-color squares. The two-color one is intended for children aged 2 to 5 years; a child aged 3 to 8 years and older can handle the folding patterns of a four-color square. Often for a four-color square, red and blue triangles are used on one side, yellow and green on the other side.

Along with the game, the kit includes instructions that offer a fairy-tale plot for the games and addition diagrams of different levels of complexity.

Benefits for a child from playing with Square

The play square will greatly help in the development of your child.

While playing with it, the child will:

  • learn to name and distinguish different shapes of geometric figures;
  • navigate the sizes – large, medium, small;
  • form first ideas about spatial relationships and spatial modeling;
  • be able to use the proposed diagrams or come up with your own for constructing planar and three-dimensional figures;
  • remember colors;
  • develop attentiveness, thought processes, logic, memory;
  • develop imagination, creative data, creativity;
  • fine motor skills.

How to play

It must be remembered that an adult is a full partner in playing with a child. You can easily take this toy on your trip; it will keep your child occupied for a long time and takes up minimal space in your luggage.

To play with Voskobovich's magic square, you can use the book “Square Fun,” which is included in the package and offers a fairy tale story with 18 color addition patterns. The fairy tale “The Mystery of the Raven Meter” with its main characters mom Trapezium, dad Rectangle, baby Square, grandfather Quadrangle and other characters will captivate your child into the world of adventure. He will happily agree to help overcome the difficulties that stand in the way of the heroes.

You can turn on your imagination and dream up with your child. Come up with your own fairy tale and your own schemes. You can create your own book in which your fairy tales will be written down and pictures drawn up together with your child, from which he can recreate the figures again. This game will be even more interesting for him.

Play the game "Guess what happened." To do this, fold some shape and ask your child to guess what happened. If the child already knows how to fold figures independently, then switch roles. Now he will put together a figure for you, and you guess.

Try to put together letters, numbers or symbols familiar to your baby. Let him try to do it on his own. This way, you will not only spend quality time together, but also reinforce the material previously studied with your baby.

You can create an unusual finger theater by playing only individual parts of the square. Let the child lift up the upper left corner with his finger, the lower left corner, the upper right, the lower, and now, lifting the center of the square from below with his finger, he will get a pyramid. This game will be fun to play with musical accompaniment.

The square can be cut in certain places. For example, by cutting a square with a cross, you will discover new possibilities for folding unusual three-dimensional shapes.

Fantasize with your baby and you will be able to discover new games with this wonderful square.

Master class on making a Voskobovich square with your own hands

There are several options for how to make a square yourself. More details about each.

Option 1

How to do:

  1. Choose contrasting colors for the triangles. If you are making a two-color square, then red and green sheets of cardboard will be enough. If you decide to make a four-color square, you will need red, green, blue and yellow sheets.
  2. Draw the required number of triangles on the cardboard. For two-color you need 16 pieces of each color, for four-color - 8 pieces. You can use standard triangle sizes (6*4.5*4.5 cm), or you can make your own.
  3. Cut out the triangles.
  4. Based on the size of the triangles, decide on the size of the base. For standard sizes, the base will be 15*15 cm. If you use a different size of triangles, then take into account the distance between them of 0.5-1 cm.
  5. Glue the triangles together in pairs with contrasting colors: blue-yellow, red-green. There should be 16 triangles in total.
  6. Next, if you use tape, glue the triangles together on both sides, according to the number of colors chosen for the square.
  7. If you use film, first measure the dimensions of the base of the square. On the base, arrange the squares in the required sequence. Fold the film along the top border and carefully glue the squares on the other side. You will have a solid base for your square. If you use tape, there will be many connection points.

The guide is ready. You can start folding.

Option 2

You will need:

  • plain, easily folded fabric for the base;
  • colored self-adhesive paper;
  • scissors;
  • ruler:
  • pencil.

How to do:

  1. Prepare the base of the required size. Please note that the edges of the fabric should not fray. Treat them if necessary.
  2. Cut isosceles triangles from self-adhesive paper.
  3. Place the triangles on the base to avoid mistakes when gluing.
  4. Now gradually separate the protective paper layer from each triangle and glue it to the base.

The dimensions of the triangles and the base, the color combination are described in detail in option 1.

Option 3

How to do:

  1. Prepare the base. If necessary, trim the edges of the fabric.
  2. Cut out the required number of triangles from colored fabric.
  3. You need to cut out 32 triangles, slightly smaller in size, from cardboard.
  4. Assembling a square. We glue cardboard triangles onto the base using a glue gun, and glue fabric triangles on top of them.
  5. To add strength, sew the edges of the triangles using a sewing machine.

All the necessary sizes and color selection can be seen in the first version of the Voskobovich square.

In addition to games with such a square, Voskobovich offers another game “Transparent Square”.

Transparent square

With the help of this game the child will develop:

  • thought processes;
  • logics;
  • design skills;
  • fine motor skills.

In addition, the baby will learn to name and distinguish geometric shapes and learn about their peculiarities.

The set includes 30 transparent square-shaped plates. One of them is entirely blue, the other plates are colored blue only by individual particles of the square.

The set offers detailed guidance on game actions. It contains a fairy tale about the unusual non-melting ice floes of Lake Ice. According to the plot of the tale, the raven Mater competed with the guardian of Lake Ice for three days. All these days he performed various tasks. In the manual they are divided into 3 groups.

  • Day one offers tasks that require the analysis of geometric shapes and part-whole relationships.
  • Day 2 is devoted to collecting squares and other various shapes from particles.
  • The third day involves playing vertical dominoes.

All these days the child assists him in completing tasks, receiving a reward in the form of non-melting pieces of ice. From these he will be able to put together the figures offered in the album or create his own.

On the final third day, you can help the raven with your whole family by playing “vertical dominoes” with your child. The rules of the game are very simple. The players, in turn, draw out plates with parts and together begin to build a square from them. When the plate that you pulled out is not suitable for building a square, then you need to put it aside and start building another square from it.

The player who has completed the construction of the square takes it for himself, and he is awarded the number of points corresponding to the particles of the square. The winner is the player who has the most points at the end of the game.

The fairytale story “The melting ice floes of Ice Lake, or the tale of a transparent square” will tell the little one about what happened to the Master and the ice floes in the continuation of the story. This fairy tale is a continuation of a series of fairy tales about little Geo, Uncle Slava and the crow. If you are not familiar with them, you can read their summary, which is at the beginning of the book. After Geo takes the magic pieces of ice from the Master, he begins to search for a way out of the Violet Forest. Invisible Vse, who accompanies him on the road - a prankster and a mischief - is trying in every way to prevent him from doing this. However, your baby's participation and magical ice cubes will not allow him to do this. Your child will help Geo by collecting various figures from non-melting pieces of ice while reading the fairy tale.

The compactness of this game makes it very convenient. When you go on the road, you will know how to keep your child occupied for a long time.

The game is suitable for children from 3 to 9 years old. The set includes various diagrams for adding figures.

A cube is a multifaceted figure whose sides are represented by a square. If you or your child loves riddles, then after reading the article, you will learn how to make a cube out of paper. You will also learn about the various options for cubes and the detailed manufacturing process of each type.

Paper cube scan diagram

Making a template for a cube Knowledge of how to make a cube out of paper will help you design a gift box or a box for sweets. More details in one of the previous articles. The process of making a cube using a blank begins with constructing a development. A development is a diagram that is intended for the manufacture of a three-dimensional cube from cardboard or paper.

For work on the production of a development (circuit) we will need:

  • paper;
  • a simple pencil;
  • ruler and scissors.

How to make a paper cube according to the diagram:

  1. Draw a square. We monitor the indicators: the sides should be equal, and the angles should correspond to the ninety-degree mark. Now we remember the school curriculum and find out that the cube has 6 faces. This means that there should be six squares on the paper.
  2. Draw identical squares with a pencil near the cube. Many will think that there is one extra left and it is not needed, but this is not so. It must be drawn next to any of the squares.
  3. So, it seems like 6 squares have been drawn, now to connect them, you need small allowances. They are drawn on the sides of 3 squares. In this case, their width should be up to one centimeter. Cut out the diagram and start gluing the craft. It is important not to forget to trim the corners of the allowances, as it will make the work better and more convenient.

After carrying out such manipulations, you will get a three-dimensional cube on which you can write letters and draw animals. A similar design can be made without the help of drawing. How to make a paper cube with 12 sides using the following diagram from the site:

Easy production using a ready-made template

This method of making a cube is easier and does not require knowledge of the school curriculum. To organize, you need to find a ready-made cube template on the Internet, print it out and cut it out, then bend the paper along the marked dotted lines and glue it into a finished craft. All this way, you get a wonderful cube that your child will love to play with.

For this paper cube, the origami technique is used. You only need to have a landscape sheet. There is no need for glue here, and scissors will only be used once and only when it is necessary to cut off the protruding edge. But upon completion of construction, you will need a lot of air, since the craft will have to be inflated.

Making a simple origami cube:

Simple cube (Step 1)

So, we get a ready-made cube, we need to give it volume. You need to find an open corner and blow air into it.

Modular cube

Having knowledge of how to make a cube out of paper using the origami technique and having made the craft several times, you can try to construct a cube from modules. You will need six sheets of colored paper, preferably 2 sheets of the same color. As for colored cardboard, it is better not to use it for this craft.

You also need to understand that such work takes a lot of time, but in the end you will get a wonderful craft. When manufacturing, you must follow the exact sequence.

Making modular crafts involves combining individual elements into a whole structure. We carried out similar actions when

The process of making a cube from modules:

After spending some time, you learned how to make a modular paper cube. And we were probably convinced that the final manufacturing result has an excellent appearance.

If you want the craft not to fall apart, then during construction it is better to use glue. It will ensure reliable fastening of parts.

Puzzle cube

To help your child develop, you can construct a puzzle cube from paper. It consists of eight small cubes, which are made according to a cut out template. The large puzzle cube has 6 sides, so 3 of them must be black and 3 must be white.

Having made the blank, we begin to construct the puzzle:

  • take 3 white cubes and 3 black cubes;
  • We connect them using double-sided tape.

The puzzle cube is ready, you can give it to your child.

Many people are delighted with the Yoshimoto cube. It turns over and spins on all sides without falling apart. It is made in the same way as the previous version from eight small cubes.

The main difference between this design is that it can become a strip of cubes. Many people will think that making such a toy on their own is difficult, but in reality it is not so.

For production you will need:

  • sheets (the quantity varies depending on how many shapes you want);
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • scissors.

Having collected the entire list, we begin to construct the cube.

How to make a Yoshimoto cube from paper:

  1. We copy the attached drawing onto the prepared material and indicate the dimensions on it. You can change the specified parameters.
  2. We transfer the drawing to the selected material. A total of eight templates are needed.
  3. We cut out the blank and glue it into a finished small cube. We also make 7 more blanks of the same size.
  4. Now we take adhesive tape, put a thread under it and use the thread to fasten 8 cubes into a solid structure. The cube is ready.

If you use plain paper to make the cubes, regular tape and thread will do, but if the cubes are made from a denser material, it is better to use tape and glue. This kind of craft is very attractive to kids. They not only play with the cube, but also develop in every possible way. After all, you can draw images of animals and write letters on the cubes.

A person never knows what he may need at one time or another. Today he thinks that creating a paper cube is useless, but tomorrow he might find it useful, for example, for work purposes. So for all those in need and just those who like to create with their own hands and want to make paper crafts, there are several options for creating a cube from paper.

Creating a cube in a hurry

There is a way to quickly glue a paper cube. This scheme includes only five steps:

This is a simple and convenient scheme. By analogy, you can make a paper cube into a playing cube if suddenly the plastic ones get lost somewhere. Just draw dots with a marker! True, this miracle is not very bouncy, but for the first time it may be suitable.

Assembling a cube from paper modules

There is another option for creating a paper cube. If you use sheets of paper of different colors, the edges will turn out to be multi-colored. So, the following needs to be done:

Thus, you will get a cube whose structure will be somewhat more complex than the previous one..

Origami cube

The finished model turns out to be slightly unusual in appearance and beautiful. For this version of the paper cube you need 6 squares of paper. They can all be the same, and multi-colored. The creation scheme is as follows:

Print Thanks, great lesson +2

Three-dimensional crafts are always interesting for children. Therefore, it will be great if you study geometric shapes with them with the help of such creative activities, where you can not only have a great time with them, but also clearly show the shapes.

  • Stationery glue
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Eraser
  • Paper

Step-by-step photo lesson:

We select paper. It is best to take half-cardboard, because it will hold the square shape better than plain paper. Color is also important. You can take either regular white or a bright, rich shade. In addition to paper density and color, sheet format is also important. If you are planning to make a large volumetric square, then take not A4, but A3 or even A2 format.

Now let's move on to the markup. For this we take a pencil and a ruler. We retreat at least 1 cm from the top edge. Next, we count out as many centimeters as one face of the cube will have. Separate with a line and then repeat this procedure two more times. Then on the left side we retreat a short distance. We form a contour along which we will cut and glue the cube.

Cut along the contour. This is how the workpiece should look like in the photo. If you have any inaccuracies, you should redo it. Because in this case, a volumetric square of paper cannot be obtained.

We make inward folds along each line. For accuracy, it is better to use the sharp end of a compass or a utility knife. With the tool, you can lightly draw lines under the ruler and get perfect folds.

Glue the bottom of the cube together.

Then apply office glue to the remaining parts of the square and glue them to the desired sides.

So we got a volumetric square of paper in a matter of minutes. Of course, everything comes with experience and over time you will get more and more accurate and faster.

Video lesson

Have you ever thought about how to make a cube out of paper and why it is needed? Let's say how to make a cube out of cardboard on your own, we will tell you and even show you. What useful functions will you give to the origami cube? Let's give you a hint: remember your children's cubes with letters, from which you learned to form your first words, not yet knowing how to write. And if you cover a paper cube with pictures from old children's books, you will get a construction puzzle no less interesting than in our distant childhood.

There are countless options for using a colored paper cube in games. And at the same time, you won’t have to worry about children hurting each other when throwing such a toy. Our wooden ones were heavier. We are ready to show you how to make a paper cube with your own hands right now. Ready to get started?

Simple paper cube

A three-dimensional hexagonal 3D cube is folded from a square piece of paper without glue. And you don't even need scissors here. Unless you cut off the extra “tail” from the A4 sheet to get a square blank. But the skill of inflating balloons will come in handy, because we will now teach you how to make an inflatable cube. Intrigued? Then let's start:

  • Diagram 1 is your visual guide. You should resort to it every time the folding algorithm seems complicated. Take a paper square and fold it diagonally, then in half - it's all just markings;
  • Focusing on the diagonal folds, form a triangle by bending the side planes of the workpiece inward (see diagram). 4 walking corners at the base of the triangle need to be bent to the top, 2 on each side of the workpiece;
  • Bend the opposite side corners to the center - you have a vertical reference axis here. Repeat on the other side. The walking corners of one of the conical protrusions (on the second the corners are “closed”) are folded twice so that they can be carefully tucked into the middle pocket corners;
  • Similarly, tuck the double-folded corners into the pockets on the back of the workpiece. The cube model is ready, all that remains is to give it volume. Find an open corner and inflate the model through it.

Cube made of modules: assembled cube 6 colors

We have already discussed how to make a cube out of cardboard on your own above, and for this modular cube, multi-colored paper of 6 colors (or 3 repeating ones) will be enough. Even without cardboard, it will turn out to be quite dense due to the algorithm for folding the modules (each separately and all together). Let's start understanding it step by step. Let us immediately warn you that the whole process will be divided into 7 steps - folding the modules and assembling the cube (you can use glue - it will be stronger). It will take some time, but the result will definitely please you: the cubes will turn out bright, colorful, and do not require additional decorations or painting.

  • Take a square piece of paper and fold it so that you get a visible division into 4 identical rectangular planes (see Fig. 2). Fold small corners along the diagonal corners of the starting square;
  • Fold the “flaps” of the sheet, similar to closing window shutters. Using the corner guides (folded earlier), bend the previously unused corners inward, then tuck them inward on both sides. The result is a parallelogram;
  • Turn the structure face down, bend the corners towards you so that you get a small square with triangular folded ears. Make 5 more pieces. such modules.

Connect blocks into a cube by inserting the corners of the modules into the middle pocket planes of adjacent blocks. Be smart; in a pinch, a diagram will help. You have learned in practice how to make an origami cube from bright modules. Try gluing the cube from blocks at the assembly stage so that it is even stronger and does not crumble into modules in the game. You can, of course, take a standard cube pattern, simply print it out and glue it together - ready-made templates are always at hand. And if the standard pattern does not suit you and you need an original counting cube for the game, you can fold it yourself once or twice. It’s easier when you know how to make even more subtle tricks out of paper. You might be interested in folding patterns or.

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