Maggi diet why in violation. Maggi Diet - Important Notes

garden equipment 30.06.2020
garden equipment

So many comments have accumulated that I decided to collect all the questions in a separate article. If something else is not clear, then write in the comments.

For women, no more than 250 grams per meal is allowed. I confess, I don't get that much. In the morning I eat 200 g, snacks 150-170. This is the weight of the finished dish in grams.

What to do if you missed a meal?

Some boast that they eat only 2 times a day, and then they catch up with fruit drinks and compotes. Of course, the plumb line will be good. After all, you have drastically reduced your daily calorie intake.

According to the rules of the Maggi diet, if you miss more than 2 meals (in one day), this equates to a BREAK. By sharply limiting food intake, you yourself create severe stress for the body. And then he can respond with strong gluttony due to a lack of calories.

If you want, you can reduce the serving size by 40-50 grams maximum. Just see how you feel, whether you are comfortable and how your body will respond.

If there are breakdowns - what to do?

If you have broken the diet, you must start from the beginning. It happens that you made a mistake in one product during the diet, you can forgive yourself. But when there is a breakdown, the next day you continue the diet - this is a violation.

Think of it as material that the teacher told you to repeat again. You know everything and next time you will not break down. And don't forget to snack between meals. So you won't feel hungry.

How often can you repeat the Maggi diet?

What can you do for snacks?

It is allowed to eat 2 hours after the main meal.

  • any allowed vegetables (cucumber, carrot, zucchini, etc.),
  • lettuce or Chinese cabbage leaves,
  • fresh greens.

You can nibble them on their own, make a fresh salad dressed with lemon or balsamic vinegar. Or make a vegetable smoothie.

What vegetables can be eaten on a diet?

In the table, I described which vegetables can be consumed on the Maggi diet. If some are not on the list, write a question in the comments. Yes, frozen formulas are still allowed. From this list, you can choose what to cook for lunch or dinner.

Product Calories per 100 g GI level
vegetable marrow24 15
zucchini16 15
cucumbers14 20
eggplant24 10
String green beans32 30
Raw carrots35 35
Carrots (boiled)41 85
Raw beets43 30
Boiled beets (stewed)48 64 - 70
Green peas (fresh or frozen)77 40
Broccoli34 10
Boiled cauliflower23 15
Brussels sprouts35 15
White cabbage, fresh28 15
red cabbage31 15
celery stalk13 15
Celery root (fresh)34 30-39
Bulgarian pepper29 15
Onion41 15
Tomato20 10
raw pumpkin26 25
Boiled pumpkin (stewed)26 75
Spinach23 32
leaf lettuce16 10

Prohibited vegetables include: potatoes, canned peas and corn.

Is it possible to have beets, carrots and pumpkins?

If you want a salad of boiled beets or pumpkin, then eat it as a snack or lunch. I don't recommend it in the evening.

Can you eat canned peas?

Definitely - no. It has added sugar. Eat fresh or frozen. It's much tastier. Frozen pour hot water for a few seconds. You can add it to vegetable salads.

Is it possible cabbage and what kind?

You can use fresh white cabbage, broccoli or color. But sauerkraut is forbidden, even if you cooked it yourself. In it, and this interferes with the natural care of water, plus morning swelling.

What can you substitute for lettuce leaves?

Can be Chinese cabbage, iceberg, romaine, arugula, beet leaves (chard)

What to dress salads with?

See what condiments are allowed. Drizzle the salad with lemon juice, apple balsamic vinegar, or regular table vinegar. Or rub the garlic, add some water and seasonings (only without sugar and starch). Now in stores a lot of ready-made dried spices are sold.

Starting from the 4th week, season salads with curdled milk or natural sugar-free yogurt. Add the same spices and grated garlic to them. I do it myself often, less calories than with mayonnaise.

What fruits can be on the Maggi diet?

Everything that is written in the table can be eaten on allowed days.

Product Calories per 100 g GI level
A pineapple52 62
Apples52 30
Lemon34 20
Grapefruit34 20
Melon35 35
Mandarin38 40
Orange43 35
Apricot44 20
Nectarine44 35
Peach45 35
Plum46 22
Pear47 33
Kiwi47 50
Quince48 35

You can only replace an orange or grapefruit with kiwi. An apple or other fruit is not allowed. Because sweet fruits cause appetite.

What kind of fish can you eat?

  • pollock,
  • cod,
  • flounder,
  • seafood (shrimp, mussels and lobsters),
  • tilapia,
  • chum salmon,
  • hake and others.

Can you eat mushrooms?

No, they are on the prohibited list. Canned is not allowed either.

Can meat be substituted for chicken?

According to the rules of the diet, it is not recommended. There is a clear menu, where all products are scheduled by day. Although, in practice, many often replace beef or pork with chicken. In practice, this does not interfere with weight loss. Essentially, that's all. The main thing is to choose non-fat meat - chicken fillet, breast, turkey meat, offal.

Is it possible by-products?

Oh sure. Bake, steam, stew.

Can you drink broth after cooking meat?

Yes, you can, after cooking the meat, healthy protein remains in it. But do not replace their meal.

What low-fat cheese can you eat?

You can take cheese up to 20% fat. These include Adyghe, mozzarella, ricotta, light semi-hard cream cheeses, soy, feta cheese. Just look at the ingredients. Sometimes even such cheeses have a fat content of more than 20%.

Is it possible to have kefir or other sour milk?

Yes, you can, starting from the 4th week. In the meantime, in the first weeks, we eat cottage cheese. It has less carbohydrates.

What can replace eggs?

Only cottage cheese. 100 g cottage cheese \u003d 1 egg.

Can you drink coffee with milk?

You can drink coffee, but milk is prohibited. It contains sugars that are limited to Maggi. And do not replace with concentrated milk, it has more carbohydrates and higher calorie content.

Is it possible to drink tea with honey and ginger

Yes, please drink as much as you like. Only without honey. It's on the banned list.

Can I drink wine while on a diet?

No. Alcoholic drinks increase appetite. Watch a detailed video in which even Malysheva says that alcohol increases cravings for gluttony. So, this is a direct breakdown of the diet and you have to start over.

Alcohol is allowed, but only at the end of the diet. Then buy a bottle of good wine or whatever you like and celebrate the end of Maggi's diet with a small glass.

What to do while breastfeeding and during pregnancy?

It is not recommended to sit on such protein diets if you are pregnant. Do you want to have a healthy baby? When I began to recover more than normal during pregnancy, I excluded all bakery, sweet fruits and sugar. Lost 2 kilos in just 3 weeks.

Nuts during the diet is also impossible. Although now they have lifted the ban on eating while losing weight. They are useful because they contain a lot of protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids. But they are too high in calories. Even on the Dukan diet, they are allowed only at the third stage, when a person gets used to proper nutrition.

What are the best vitamins to take while on a diet?

Following a diet, you must take Omega-3 and vitamin complex. This will support your body. What vitamins do I drink and where do I order,.

But, if you observe a deterioration in well-being and / or you have been prescribed medication for a long time, stop the diet. Especially girls, if you were put on hormonal drugs. Better improve your health, it is more important.

Can this diet be applied to vegetarians?

If you exclude all meat, eggs and seafood, it will be a completely different diet. In this food system, we get protein from animal products.

If there is constipation?

This is a typical protein diet problem. Drink more plain water - at least 2 liters + tea between meals. Eat salad leaves with meat and fish, as indicated in the menu. very important in a high protein diet.

And laxatives are very strong, they are allowed to take no more than 2-3 days. Therefore, if you follow the above recommendations and still constipation, then stop the diet.

Why is the weight coming off quickly/slowly?

In the first week, weight is reduced faster. Some lose 1-5 kilograms, depending on body weight. It drains excess fluid. In the remaining weeks, on average, it takes 200-500 g per day with periodic “stagnations”.

On the 2nd week, the weight stopped - what is it?

Starting from 2 weeks, food is mainly fruit and vegetable with a high fiber content. These foods retain water in the body, thereby causing such weight gains. It happens that today - 200 grams, and tomorrow + 400 grams.

At 2 and 3 weeks, look at the general trend - what are the plumb values ​​for each week. And it will definitely be positive!

On the 4th week, the weight will again decrease steadily. So do not worry about such weight jumps. And connect small workouts.

Weight stands still - is this normal?

If this situation occurs, then first calm down. When changing nutrition, our body tries to protect itself, not letting go of those extra pounds. What if they are needed for later? Therefore, when the diet changes, the metabolism slows down and the body goes into "savings" mode. This is our physiology.

If the weight is worth what can be done:

  1. Drink more water. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. I recommend increasing the amount of plain drinking water, rather than tea or coffee. The body perceives such drinks as food.
  2. No physical activity. In the early stages of the diet, it is enough to change the diet. But then, the body gets used to such a calorie content. And for more calorie burning, you need to connect physical training. Get started, sign up for group or individual training. This is also an additional motivation for your result!

    You can leave the Maggi diet as the basis of nutrition. Gradually introduce cereals and cereals for breakfast and lunch.

    For breakfast I eat oatmeal with half a steamed apple or cottage cheese. I cook cheesecakes for myself in a dry frying pan or make mini cottage cheese casseroles in the microwave. That is, breakfast remains protein-fruit with the addition of porridge.

    At lunch you can have soup and half a second. Remember that bread is still banned.

    For a snack prepare vegetable salads, eat fruit in the morning, you can bake an apple, make cottage cheese with yogurt or a small one. Let's say a loaf or lingering biscuits like "Maria". A snack is a small meal between the main ones. Even, but a small handful.

    Dinner I recommend leaving it the same - protein + vegetables. It can be meat / fish / offal and vegetables, fresh, stewed or steamed. You can add a spoonful of vegetable oil to salads. For a change, I also cook with the addition of vegetables or make it as a salad.

    For those who cannot do without sweets, I also recommend the Minus 60 nutrition system. This is also an acceptable way out of the Maggi diet. Just limit yourself in the use of any "harmful" until 12 o'clock in the afternoon. So gradually and to the sweet will not pull.

The Maggi diet is named after an outstanding woman and statesman of the 20th century - Margaret Thatcher. Maggie is a diminutive form of the name Margaret, and has nothing to do with the popular bouillon cubes. A special weight loss technique developed by the Mayo American Diet Clinic for the “iron lady” has been kept in the strictest confidence since 1979. Detailed notes were found among Thatcher's papers only after her death and were put on public display.

The ingenious mechanics of the Maggi diet operates with a carefully calculated combination of products that, without causing exhaustion, start the processes of burning fat, removing intoxicants and stale toxins, cleanse and renew the body.

In the modern classification it goes like . A plentiful menu containing protein-containing foods, boiled vegetables and citrus fruits, curd dishes and - everything contains a rich concentration and special substances - flavonoids that burn fat and release stagnant fluid, harmful excess from the body.

General and unequivocal advantages are obvious:

  • No calorie restrictions, you can safely throw out the table of consumption norms;
  • Simple and not complicated recipes for dishes from ordinary products;
  • A significant advantage over most diets (and protein ones) is a fully balanced diet of foods that does not cause anemia, asthenia, vitamin deficiency and other side effects. The Maggi diet is saving on vitamins and nutritional supplements without harming yourself;
  • Weight loss is suitable for all ages and health conditions. But still, this is an occasion to consult a doctor in advance and use it no more than once every six months;
  • The results are visible and significant from the beginning and every day. As a result, 8 - 12 kg of fat mass is lost on average.


The duration of the full cycle is 28 days, divided into four stages lasting a week each. An important aspect: the Maggi diet does not allow you to swap the diet, you must strictly follow the detailed menu and lists of allowed and prohibited foods. The classic option for Margaret consisted of a two-week course, but gradually the weight loss method was upgraded to 4 weeks for those who are not going to part with just 1-2 kilograms, but intend to do away with weight on a grand scale.

Grocery list

The main weight loss diet is based on, available and. The remaining products are auxiliary.

List of allowed products:

  • Maggi's diet allows dry toast, diet crackers, bran;
  • Eggs or low-fat cottage cheese;
  • Hard cheese is possible in small quantities;
  • Crackers and dry toast from bakery products;
  • Citrus fruits, first of all, the famous figure correctors -;
  • considered a popular fat burner. Pears, kiwi, apples will go well;
  • Coffee and tea without sugar contribute to general well-being toning;
  • Fish and seafood do not accumulate excess weight;
  • Lean meat (everything except lamb and pork), cooked without fat, oil and heavy ones, will organically enter the diet;
  • Legumes and vegetables (sugar-containing carrots or beets with caution, not for weight loss) boiled and fresh;
  • Greens, salad, seasonings and spices.

During any diet, too spicy and spicy dishes, each one only irritates the mucous membrane in vain, causing an unreasonable feeling of hunger. It is worth switching to more restrained recipes.

List of prohibited products:

  • Alcohol;
  • Fat and oil, mayonnaise, sauces;
  • Potato;
  • Flour: bread, confectionery, pasta, pastries.
  • Sugar, regular or natural (sucrose, fructose, glucose), all sweets and desserts without exception.
  • Fruits with a high sugar content (grapes, cherries) should also be temporarily forgotten.

Diet schedule by stages

Starting something is always difficult. After all, the body is not easy to rebuild and overcome the urge to harmful goodies. Maggi's egg diet, the menu for the week is rigidly fixed and unchanged. Breakfast throughout the week is the same: coffee or strong tea without sugar with grapefruit and 2 eggs (in the case of the cottage cheese version, 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese is the only difference compared to Maggi's egg diet). If boiled vegetables are indicated, then it is boiled.

  • We recommend reading:

First week

Lunch and dinner are scheduled by day of the week. In cases where the table does not indicate the exact amount, then there are no strict restrictions on it:

  • Monday

Lunch: fruits are allowed (one type) - you can eat without restrictions, but you should not overeat
Dinner: lean meat boiled or steamed. Green or black tea without sugar (synthetic without carbohydrates are allowed)

  • Tuesday

Lunch: Boiled, steamed, fried without fats and oils chicken, skinned. Boiled vegetables.
For dinner: a salad of fresh vegetables and the already familiar grapefruit with eggs (150 grams of cottage cheese, for the appropriate option), you can add toast

  • Wednesday

In the afternoon, cheese and as many tomatoes as you like with toast, lettuce leaves. In the evening, boiled low-fat meat products without a side dish.

  • Thursday

Daily utilitarian diet: fruits (one kind) diversify the evening minced meat or meat with a side dish: boiled vegetables.

  • Friday

2 eggs / cottage cheese, grapefruit and boiled vegetables. In the evening, it will be nice to taste stewed steamed or baked fish without oils to a salad of fresh vegetables.

  • Saturday

Fruit for lunch, meat and vegetables for dinner

  • Sunday

Sunday's final stage of the first week will be crowned with boiled or steamed skinless chicken with assorted vegetables, cheese, fruits, grapefruit. Dinner modest: salad, boiled vegetables and tea (coffee)

From the fifth day of strict adherence to the diet, the result: fat evaporates before our eyes and water intensively comes out. Weigh yourself no more than once a week. Unexpected jumps and temporary stops in the disposal of the body are possible. This is normal: there is a rapid restructuring and by regulating the water-salt balance, the body either releases water or retains it.

Second week

Each breakfast is constant: 2 eggs (150 grams of cottage cheese with 0% fat content) grapefruit and tonic drink for the day, coffee. This week, the menu is detailed with protein so that muscle tissue grows more actively and the body is forced to destroy fat, stimulating weight loss.

  • Monday

Low fat meat, fresh vegetables and salad on the dining table. In the evening, eat 2 eggs (or fat-free curd mass) with grapefruit with coffee or tea.

  • Tuesday

Almost completely repeats the previous day, like Wednesday, both in the afternoon and in the evening. The functioning of the body must enter into a monotonous track. The amount of boiled vegetables and fruits is increasing

  • Thursday

Marked by ready-made vegetables and hard cheese. Dinner is a standard dish: cottage cheese eggs with grapefruit, drink tea, coffee

  • Friday

Goes like a fish day, no garnish required. Dinner as usual.

At the weekend, Maggi's diet calls for the following recipes: skinless chicken or other lean meat and a light fruit dinner. With the correct passage of the stage, the result will be about 5 kilograms.

Third week

The basic version of Maggi's egg diet ended at around 2 weeks. The third and fourth were added later - with their help, the full result is achieved (there is data on the results of losing 20 or more kilograms per course). The methodology of the menu is somewhat different in the direction of simplification: the diet has become rigidly fixed and is replaced every day. Cheese is completely off the menu.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner are the same for a week and consist of:

  • Fruit. Available in unlimited quantity. But you shouldn’t overeat and you can’t add anything to the menu diet;
  • Vegetables. All the same conditions, raw or cooked;
  • Further, these ingredients are mixed: the third day is reserved for both fruits and vegetables, but nothing more than salad and coffee;
  • Fish Thursday lives up to its name. Steamed, boiled, non-oil fried fish or protein seafood with boiled vegetable garnish and lettuce;
  • The next day is devoted to meat. Any low-fat with vegetables in free quantities;
  • Unloading the body after a large amount of animal protein. Only fresh fruit, as on the first day;
  • The harsh last day of the third trial calls for the consumption of a single type of fruit on the list.

Fourth week

At the end of all the misfortunes experienced, the menu and available recipes are much more diverse. The peculiarity is that for each day a certain protein norm is determined, which can be destroyed at least in one sitting, at least slowly stretch the dishes for a whole day, eating every 10 minutes. The standard three-time regimen, of course, will allow you to achieve optimal results without a spoiled stomach in a week.

Maggi diet menu for the fourth week:

  • Meat, according to the requirements of the diet (200 gr). Fish (200 gr). Several (up to 5 pieces) tomatoes and cucumbers, lettuce. Things like grapefruit, toast and coffee (maximum one) are wiser to move to breakfast.
  • Meat - 200 gr. 400 gr fresh vegetables and fruits of your choice
  • A quarter of a kilogram of low-fat cottage cheese, 200 grams of boiled vegetables, the same amount of fresh. Traditional morning grapefruit toast.
  • Chicken without skin, up to 400 gr. A third kilo of fresh vegetables, salad and breakfast (citrus and toast)
  • 2 eggs (150 grams of cottage cheese for connoisseurs of the cottage cheese diet), 120 grams of hard cheese (option - cheese). Breakfast is not even worth mentioning, plus 300 grams of fresh vegetables and herbs.
  • 200 gr lean meat, a little cheese or cottage cheese. Breakfast and during the day fresh vegetables up to 300 gr.
  • Fish - up to a quarter of a kilo, a few tablespoons of cottage cheese, 200 grams of both cooked and raw vegetables, fruit and breakfast. Optional cheese and green salad.
  1. It is necessary to cook by boiling or steaming, without the use of oil, fat, broth. You can season the salad with lemon or vegetable juice and soy sauce;
  2. Like any other protein diet, it depends on the observance of the water intake - at least 2 liters a day, in order to avoid potential problems with the kidneys;
  3. You can not skip the next appointment, exclude or combine with others - only by accurately following the recipes of the Mayo Clinic is there a guarantee to get the declared results of losing weight and consolidate the progress made. So once you break loose, it’s better to stop completely and try again another time. The “iron lady” diet not only reduces weight, but also tempers the spirit;
  4. For the normal preservation of the cycle, as in any other diet, vitamins of group E and omega fatty acids will not interfere;
  5. Healthy sleep and the last meal no later than three hours before going to bed will maintain health, well-being and mood. Compliance with daily sleep-wakefulness biorhythms will also improve and consolidate the result;
  6. Hungry beyond all strength, we satisfy our hunger with a salad and a cup of coffee;
  7. Cheese is allowed to take up to 20% fat, forget about it in the third week.

A slim figure is not only beauty and attractiveness, but also health. In an overweight person, there are disorders of the cardiovascular system, respiratory failure and the chances of diabetes mellitus increase. Obese people are irritable and insecure, because in the first place they themselves do not like their appearance. To solve the problem of excess weight, the Maggi egg and curd diet was developed, which helped many people regain their desired shape and find a beautiful body.

Features of the diet for weight loss Maggi

It is believed that the Maggie diet for weight loss was developed by the best nutritionists in the UK specifically for Margaret Thatcher. Of course, since the diet became known to the public, it has undergone many changes and additions. There is no confirmed fact that Margaret Thatcher herself observed it. However, its effectiveness should not be doubted, since with its help thousands of women have gained the desired weight.

Proper weight loss of the Maggi diet is based on:

  • high protein content;
  • the minimum amount of carbohydrates;
  • constant control of the drinking regime.

The standard diet is designed for 4 weeks. During that time, the body gets used to protein foods and is able to lose weight by 7-20 extra pounds.

The Maggi protein diet is considered the best weight loss system.

General description of the Maggi diet:

  • strict observance of the menu is necessary;
  • not allowed to replace products;
  • the menu lacks first courses, cereals and sweets;
  • allowed fruits from the list of acceptable.

Approved Products

Maggi's power system is not considered too strict. Following it, a person is allowed to consume a large number of products. The Maggi egg diet for 4 weeks allows a person to create new eating habits and preferences, which contributes to the formation of a more correct and healthy diet after the end of the diet.

Allowed products of the Maggi diet:

  1. Eggs. staple of the diet. Eggs are a storehouse of protein, which is easily absorbed by the body and contributes to a set of muscle mass. It is not without reason that this is a favorite product of bodybuilders, because the yolk contains biotin (Vitamin B7) - one of the main fat-burning enzymes. It promotes the breakdown of carbohydrates, is involved in the production of collagen and is responsible for skin elasticity.
  2. Cottage cheese. Do not use curd masses and glazed curds that contain a lot of sugar and other harmful impurities. Get dietary cottage cheese in a supermarket with a fat content of 1-5%, since completely fat-free cottage cheese consists of harmful components.
  3. Meat. It is based on protein and amino acids, which affect the burning of fats. Promotes the formation of a beautiful muscular relief.
  4. Fruit. Rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Due to the high content of fibers and water, fruits are well satiated and relieve the feeling of hunger. List of allowed fruits of the Maggi diet:

The main product of the diet are eggs or cottage cheese.

  • grapefruits;
  • oranges;
  • apples;
  • peaches;
  • tangerines;
  • melons;
  • watermelons;
  • kiwi;
  • pomelo;
  • pineapples.
  1. Vegetables. The measured consumption of seasonal vegetables improves metabolism, cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, and promotes weight loss. They are low in calories, contain a lot of fiber and improve gastrointestinal motility. List of allowed vegetables:
  • string beans;
  • pumpkin;
  • carrot;
  • cucumber;
  • zucchini;
  • tomato;
  • broccoli;
  • cauliflower;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • spinach;
  • celery.
  1. Lean fish. Use tuna and avoid very oily fish varieties. Shrimp works well, as all seafood supplies the body with healthy fats.

Eggs and citrus fruits are considered the basis of the diet, so before starting, make sure that you are not allergic to the main components. For the duration of the Maggi diet, it is forbidden to fry vegetables, meat or fish in vegetable oil.

With the Maggi diet, eggs give a feeling of fullness

Partially or completely prohibited products

The diet includes the least high-calorie foods, while providing a person with the necessary supply of micro and macro elements. This nutrition system is designed for people with a pronounced excess of adipose tissue. The secret of the diet is a calorie deficit, it is he who affects the reduction of adipose tissue. The most optimal option for a calorie deficit is the Maggi nutrition system combined with physical activity. This will not only help reduce body fat, but also help create a beautiful muscle relief on the body.

Before starting a diet, it is important to read the list of prohibited foods. Nutritionists excluded them because of the high content of sugar, carbohydrates and starch, which will prevent the transformation of the figure.

List of prohibited foods of the Maggi diet:

  • meat first courses;
  • cereals and pasta;
  • vegetable and butter;
  • milk, fat sour cream and cheese;
  • smoked meats and sausages;
  • semi-finished products;
  • canned food;
  • mutton;
  • sweets and pastries;
  • bananas, dates, grapes, figs;
  • corn, potatoes;
  • seasonings;
  • mayonnaise and ketchup;
  • any bread (except whole grain bread);
  • sugar.

Before starting a diet, it is advisable to consult with your family doctor. In the presence of certain diseases, the doctor will prohibit following such a diet to avoid complications.

During the diet, it is forbidden to consume fatty dairy products.

For the duration of the diet, bad habits are excluded. Smoking on an empty stomach increases the chance of developing gastritis and pancreatitis. When it is not possible to completely quit smoking, reduce the number of cigarettes and do not smoke in the morning and before bedtime. The waiver also applies to alcoholic beverages. By themselves, they are high in calories and stimulate the appetite. Alcohol disturbs digestion, increases the acidity of the stomach and causes dehydration. However, there is an opinion that it is possible to drink a small amount of wine on days when meat is present in the diet.

What are the varieties of the Maggi diet?

The whole diet is based on protein foods, citrus fruits and an active lifestyle. Over time, such nutrition has constantly changed and changed depending on the physiology of the person and the result that he wanted to achieve.

This led to the formation of several varieties of diet:

  1. Egg diet "Maggi". It is a classic option, got its name because of the main protein ingredient and the same type of breakfast that accompanies the diet for all 4 weeks.
  2. Curd diet "Maggi". By its action, the curd version of the Maggi diet for 4 weeks does not differ from the classic version. The only difference is that if for individual reasons you do not want to eat eggs, you can replace them with low-fat cottage cheese.
  3. Protein diet "Maggi". This option allows you to eat eggs or cottage cheese for breakfast as desired. This makes it possible to dilute the diet as much as possible without disruption.
  4. Two-week diet "Maggi". This option is considered by some nutritionists to be the most appropriate and reliable; it is he who is attributed to Margaret Thatcher. It is distinguished by an increased number of eggs, they are eaten not only for breakfast, but also for lunch.
  5. Weekly diet "Maggi". Suitable for women and men who do not need significant weight loss. This option is most suitable if you want to slightly improve the figure and remove the extra 3-4 kg. A diet for one week is suitable for both cottage cheese and egg.
  6. Diet "Maggi" for a month. An effective opportunity for people with an extra 10-15 kg to reduce weight and transform. Such a long-term diet develops a new habit of proper nutrition and normalizes metabolism.

The first week of the diet is the most stressful for the body.

The main factor in all these types of diet is the correct exit from the diet. Only he can guarantee the long-term preservation of the result.

If a person, for individual reasons, cannot consume one product from the Maggi daily diet, he is excluded from the list without replacing it with another possible product.

What are the benefits of the Maggi diet?

Dishes for the Maggi diet have the following advantages:

  • do not harm digestion;
  • improve metabolism;
  • saturate and relieve the feeling of hunger as much as possible;
  • consist of a variety of products;
  • suitable for all age groups.

What are the disadvantages of the Maggi diet?

Cons of the Maggi diet:

  • you need to give up bad habits;
  • it is necessary to strictly observe meals and each menu in order;
  • in some cases, allergic reactions to eggs and citrus fruits are possible;
  • the result is more effective with additional physical activity;
  • there are no first courses;
  • complete ban on sweets.

With strict adherence to the diet, you will see results in four weeks.

Contraindications to the Maggi diet

Diet is prohibited:

  • pregnant women;
  • women during lactation;
  • women and men over 60;
  • with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver;
  • with hormonal disorders;
  • a person with thyroid disease;
  • when using antibiotics;
  • hypertensive and hypotensive patients.

During the Maggi diet, moderate physical activity is mandatory. For non-athletic people, daily exercises and walks in the fresh air are suitable.

The basic rules of the Maggi diet

The cottage cheese and egg version of the Maggi diet must be carried out in strict observance of the ten rules.:

Nursing mothers and pregnant women are prohibited from using the Maggi nutrition system.

Detailed menu

Recipes for the Maggi diet are not difficult to prepare. Their advantage is the ease of cooking and the absence of harmful ingredients. The combination of products is selected according to a special system, it is impossible to replace one product with another, then the diet will not bring results. Recipes for meat dishes and vegetables for every day do not require culinary skills, so even a man can cook them.

Week 1

The first week of the Maggi diet is the hardest. There is a restructuring of the body and getting used to the new diet. The diet menu of the first week requires willpower and perseverance. We advise you not to overload the stomach a few days before the start, so as not to cause additional stress on the body.

2 weeks

The Maggi diet undergoes changes in the second week. The food system includes more eggs, the body begins to get used to the restructuring. The second week often brings the woman into shock, she begins to realize that only a smaller part of the diet has passed. Be sure to praise yourself and motivate the results of other people.

3 week

The third week of the Maggi diet is starting to show results. The girl notices changes in weight and understands that the most difficult part is over. The menu of the third week of the diet makes it possible to mentally tune in to the final stage.

4 week

New changes are noticeable in the menu for 4 weeks. Products are listed in the total quantity for each individual day. The daily diet should be divided at the discretion of 4-5 servings. Supplementing products or increasing the number of permitted products is prohibited. The fourth week of the Maggi diet will show the final changes in weight. The 4-week diet is coming to an end, but you don’t need to relax, because the right way out of such a diet lies ahead.

How to get out of the Maggi diet?

Proper exit provides an opportunity not to return the dropped kilograms after returning to a normal diet.

Leaving the Maggi diet will not return the lost kilograms if you follow the following rules:

  1. Include in the menu for the next 7-10 days some foods from the diet list (eggs, cottage cheese, citrus fruits and vegetables).
  2. Switching to proper nutrition is the least likely to regain lost weight.
  3. Gradually and in small portions, add sugar, sweets and other forbidden foods so that your body does not experience stress.
  4. Keep an eye on your drinking regimen.
  5. Do not eat later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.

For 4 decades now, the Maggi protein diet has been listed in the TOP of the best weight loss systems, presented in two versions - egg (classic) and cottage cheese. Websites and scientific treatises are devoted to it, on the Web you can find a lot of reviews of those who tried to lose weight using this technique. Some praise her, others scold her, and this applies not only to ordinary people, but also to nutritionists.

On the one hand, there is a lot of information about her, on the other hand, there are too many conflicting questions, the answers to which must be found even before you decide to lose weight in this way. In any case, until you try it yourself, doubts about its effectiveness will not be resolved. Therefore, we understand the nuances - and get rid of extra pounds with the help of eggs and cottage cheese!

Basic principles

The basic principles of the Maggi diet are its foundation, which just helps to get rid of excess weight. If they are modified, it will be a different weight loss system. They need to be mastered in order to ultimately achieve the desired results.

  1. It .
  2. The content of carbohydrates in products is minimal.
  3. The main product is eggs or low-fat cottage cheese (depending on the option chosen).
  4. An additional product is grapefruit.
  5. The timing of the Maggi diet is either 2 or 4 weeks.
  6. The first 2 weeks of the hunger strike are strict adherence to the nutrition schedule. The second 2 weeks - free flight, arbitrary number of servings, any convenient time for eating ... BUT! A very meager diet, a strict restriction on the menu according to the list of products.

It is not known who was the developer of this weight loss system, but this is the correct weight loss from the point of view of physiology and medicine. An unusual tandem of protein products with citrus fruits gives an incredible effect in the fight against extra pounds. And all this is scientifically explained.

History of creation. The name of the diet was given by the former Prime Minister of Great Britain, the well-known iron lady Margaret (abbreviated as Maggie) Thatcher. The nutrition system, which included 2 eggs with grapefruit for breakfast, was found in her old diary in 1979. Since then, she has gained such popularity.

How is weight loss

The Maggi diet, depending on the option chosen (or), rebuilds the body's work in a new way. And this happens gradually, over 2 or 4 weeks.

The result is a long-awaited weight loss. And if you understand how this is achieved, you will be able to control the entire process from start to finish, thereby increasing the degree of effectiveness of the fight against excess weight.

Here is how the functioning of your organs will change:

  • metabolism will accelerate;
  • carbohydrates and fats will begin to be burned intensively;
  • fatty acids will be degraded;
  • proteins, thanks to biotin (a component of the yolk), will be completely absorbed;
  • the egg will give a feeling of fullness, which will last long enough so that you will not suffer from hunger;
  • Grapefruit, eaten for breakfast with an egg, will prolong it, so that until lunch you will not be drawn to refrigerators and fast foods;
  • the body will spend a lot of energy on the digestion of eggs (it lasts about 4 hours);
  • by additionally eating 1 orange daily, you can increase the number of lost kilograms.

Other processes that will be affected by the egg-curd diet will also be a nice bonus:

  • calcium will improve the condition of the skin, hair, teeth, bones;
  • there will be no fatigue and irritation syndrome, since calcium is a source of energy;
  • muscle mass, despite losing weight, will remain, so that your body will acquire not only harmony, but also beautiful, embossed outlines;
  • the nervous system will work as before and even better, thanks to the same calcium: irritation, bad mood and depression will not bother you.

For 4 weeks you will feel how your body is changing from the inside, and you can observe the results in the mirror.

  • Week 1

The most difficult and stressful for the body, which will have to seriously rebuild due to the new diet. There may be slight dizziness and nausea during the day, which should pass after a glass of clean cool water.

  • 2 weeks

More calm, as the internal systems of the body are already accustomed to working in a new mode. Here there is an increase in protein attack and the introduction of even more eggs and cottage cheese into the diet. There may be problems with the stool, which are solved by the use of laxative drinks from herbs.

  • 3 week

Reassuring and encouraging at the same time. The body submits to the new fasting system, does not react to it with side effects, and for this you cancel a rigid eating schedule and please an empty stomach with food at any time convenient for you. The week will turn out to be difficult not so much for the body as for losing weight, since it is at this stage that you want to quit everything and move on to your usual way of life. But the results, already visible on the scales, make many go to the bitter end.

  • 4 week

Everything must be in harmony. Those who lose weight are satisfied with the results and expect the end of the hunger strike. The body works without interruption.

Maggi's protein diet has been studied by experts along and across, all its options have been studied, so there can be no doubt about its effectiveness. With strict observance of all its principles and rules, there will be no failures, and at the finish line you can be truly proud of yourself.

Keep in mind. For weight loss on the Maggi diet, it is useless to use eggs that are already more than a week old, since the amino acids from them disappear after this period.

Efficiency and results

When deciding on any diet, a woman should see the end result she is striving for. The specific figure promised by nutritionists and other beauties who have lost weight in this way is an excellent incentive that makes you go to the bitter end, no matter how hard the path is.

If this is a real Maggi diet (cottage cheese or egg, and not other pseudo-options with the addition of shrimp, vinegar and other obscure products), then the results can be the most promising:

  • 1 week - loss of 2-3 kg;
  • 2 weeks - 3-5 kg ​​go;
  • 3 weeks - up to 8 kg;
  • Maggi's diet for 4 weeks can give a result of 10-12 kg.

There is something to strive for! And if the weight does not go away, contrary to this schedule, although you follow all the rules and diet, the problem may lie in a more serious reason for excess weight.

This may be heredity, a failure in the hormonal system, or a metabolic disorder. In these cases, you need to contact the doctors, who will first put your health in order, and only then you will resume the fight against excess weight.

Impressive! Adrien Brody (Hollywood actor) used the Maggie diet (egg version) and lost 14 kg to play in the movie The Pianist. This role was an Oscar-winning one for him.

List of contraindications

In general, it is better to contact doctors even before the start of egg or cottage cheese starvation. A feature of the Maggi diet is too long consumption of protein foods. This can seriously change the work of some internal organs, and if they initially functioned incorrectly, the sad consequences will not be long in coming.

Most often, this is an exacerbation of chronic diseases and all kinds of stomach problems. What are the contraindications for the Maggi diet?

  • Food allergies to basic foods (eggs, citrus fruits, cottage cheese).
  • Pressure surges in any direction (i.e., both hypertension and hypotension).
  • During pregnancy, the Maggi diet is prohibited, as with HB, since it is narrowly focused: with an excess of protein in the body, there will be a shortage of carbohydrates and fats, while all three components of a balanced diet are important for the formation of the fetus and the development of the baby in the first year of life.
  • Gastrointestinal pathologies (especially the Maggi diet is harmful for constipation, as protein foods contribute to them).
  • Problems with the heart and blood vessels.
  • Diseases of the liver and kidneys.

So it’s better to play it safe once again and get tested a week before the start of fasting on the Maggi diet. This will allow you to objectively assess the state of your own health and its readiness for such a long and serious stress. But you will definitely know about the absence of contraindications, which will positively affect the final result of a 2 or 4 week test.

Be careful! If during the Maggi diet you are increasingly experiencing rotten egg belching or an unpleasant aftertaste in your mouth, you should stop and find another way to lose weight.

Compliance rules

Despite the fact that the Maggi diet involves an increase in protein in the diet and a decrease in carbohydrates, it reflects proper nutrition and is based on its principles.

You can verify this for yourself by studying the rules for its observance:

  1. Daily water consumption - 2 liters.
  2. Salt restriction.
  3. Any snacks in the first 2 weeks are prohibited.
  4. Daily exposure to fresh air for half an hour or more.
  5. Hiking for at least an hour, even as an option,.
  6. Don't feel overwhelmed. Especially dangerous is the third week, when you are allowed to eat as much as you want. It is better to finish each meal with a feeling of slight (!) Hunger.
  7. Dinner should be 3-4 hours before going to bed.
  8. The first week is considered the most difficult in the Maggi diet: if you feel unwell, it is better to stop the hunger strike.
  9. Any sport is required.
  10. The intake of any medication should be limited to a minimum.
  11. Provide the body with a gradual exit from the Maggi diet: carbohydrates and fats after 4 weeks of protein starvation should be included in the diet in small portions.

If you have no contraindications for health reasons, and you are satisfied with the basic rules for following the Maggi diet, print out lists of allowed and prohibited foods along with an indicative menu - and lose weight for your health!

Useful advice. For the Maggi diet, try to buy small eggs: they have much more nutrients that gradually evaporate from large eggs, because there are a lot of microcracks in their shells.


When choosing the Maggi diet as a way to lose weight, you need to understand that for a whole month you will have to eat mostly the same foods. Yes, this is not a mono-diet, and among its advantages, a variety of menus is often indicated. In fact, the diet is repeated day by day, and it is only in your power to make it more saturated by choosing new dietary dishes each time.

But for this you will have to focus on the following table, which details the permitted and prohibited products.

Everything sweet and starchy, as well as any cereals (including buckwheat and rice) are banned as part of the Maggi diet. Allowed fruits deserve special attention: for the curd version, they are useful for adding to cottage cheese in the morning, but for the egg menu for breakfast, grapefruit is required, and during the day - an orange.

All dishes must be properly cooked: you can lose weight only if they are steamed, boiled, stewed or baked in the oven.

Starting from the 4th week of the hunger strike, it is allowed to lightly fry the meat under the following conditions:

  • without oil;
  • in a non-stick pan or grill;
  • no more than 1 time in 3 days;
  • in small quantities.

Despite such strict restrictions, this will allow you to diversify your diet and create a fairly rich menu for every day, which will not become a torment for you.

Do not invent! Some women who dream of losing weight, wanting to get the most out of Maggi's diet, use quail eggs, which are considered more useful than chicken ones. But not in weight loss. After all, they do not have lutein and so many essential amino acids involved in metabolism.

sample menu

It is very difficult to create a menu as part of the Maggi diet for each day of the next 4 weeks on your own. Therefore, it will be easier and more correct to use ready-made ones.

Of course, they are approximate and subject to variations and corrections due to your circumstances and individual preferences. For example, someone does not like tomatoes, but can replace them with cucumbers. Others may be allergic to shrimp, but you can always eat any fish instead.

Therefore, determine the duration of the diet (2 or 4 weeks), the option (egg or cottage cheese) - and select the menu that suits you to the maximum. Usually they are very conveniently and compactly placed in the table by day of the week.

For 4 weeks

The menu table below for 4 weeks is convenient for use at any stage of the Maggi diet. This is an egg version, considered a classic, but you can always convert it to cottage cheese by replacing 1 egg with 100 grams of cottage cheese. Otherwise, these diets do not differ.

This is the correct Maggi diet for 4 weeks, indicating a complete list of products for each day. You can cook any dietary dishes from them, if their ingredients allow you to fit into this framework. Your hands will be especially free for 4 weeks, when the diet expands significantly, thanks to which you can make good recipes from allowed products.

The menu of this weight loss system for 2 weeks is much stricter and more difficult.

For 2 week

If you choose an abbreviated version of the Maggi diet, when you need to lose weight faster than in a month, an approximate menu for 2 weeks will help you, which is also conveniently presented in the table. The classic version with eggs is easy to turn into cottage cheese, replacing 1 egg with 100 g of cottage cheese.

If you need a more accurate Maggi diet menu with portions in grams, you can contact a nutritionist, since a lot depends on the initial weight from which you start to lose weight. For 3 and 4 weeks of such a hunger strike, these indicators are generally unimportant, since allowed foods can be consumed in any quantity. As for the first and second weeks, be guided by the following numbers:

  • breakfast: 2 eggs / 200 gr cottage cheese;
  • lunch: 350 gr - the total volume of all foods eaten;
  • dinner: 300 gr - total weight for all recommended meals.

At the same time, do not forget to add a cup of coffee to the main diet in the morning, green tea with lemon in the afternoon, and a herbal calming drink in the evening.

By adhering to these recommendations, you can easily create a fairly accurate Maggi diet menu for every day, no matter how long the hunger strike you choose. As for dietary dishes that you can diversify your diet on these days, you will find the most delicious recipes for every day here.

The most delicious recipes

Having mastered the recipes for the first week of the Maggi diet, you can then repeat them throughout the entire month of the hunger strike. Since they are distinguished by sufficient satiety and excellent taste, you are unlikely to complain about the monotony of your menu.



  • 250 gr beef;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 hard boiled egg;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • chopped head of garlic;
  • chopped parsley (20 gr).


  1. Grind a lean piece of beef until minced.
  2. Chop the onion.
  3. Mix the resulting minced meat with the egg.
  4. Add salt.
  5. Stir in garlic and herbs.
  6. Roll the mixture into a roll.
  7. Pack in foil.
  8. Bake at high temperature.

chicken cutlets


  • 250 gr chicken (sirloin);
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 20 gr chopped parsley;
  • 1 tomato.


  1. Make minced meat from the chicken fillet.
  2. Mix it with eggs.
  3. Chop the onion, add to the minced meat.
  4. Do the same with garlic and parsley.
  5. Lay out on a baking sheet.
  6. Bake for 20 minutes at 220°C.
  7. Decorate with tomato slices.

vegetable pizza


  • 100 gr zucchini;
  • 50 gr tomato;
  • 50 gr broccoli;
  • 50 gr leaf lettuce;
  • 3 eggs.


  1. Cut vegetables into strips or circles.
  2. Put in a pan.
  3. Fill with eggs.
  4. Bake for 20 minutes at 150°C.

fish roll


  • 200 gr of any low-fat sea fish;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 bulb.


  1. Make fish mince.
  2. Add egg and chopped onion.
  3. Roll the rolls.
  4. Wrap them in foil, cling film.
  5. Bake for 20 minutes at 180°C.

These mouth-watering recipes show just how varied and delicious Maggi's diet can be. So do not be afraid of a boring diet: you can always come up with something new, experiment with the list of allowed foods, exchange tips on forums with those who lose weight in the same way.

And finally, the final block "Questions and Answers" will leave no room for doubt and help you make the final decision whether to go on a Maggi diet or not.

On a note. You can hate eggs in 4 weeks. Especially if you do not bother with the variety of dishes from this product. So do not be lazy and use the rich collection of recipes that will allow you to enjoy the true taste of eggs for a long time.

Questions and answers

Here we have tried to answer the most relevant and frequently asked questions regarding the Maggi diet.

Can the Maggi diet be used while breastfeeding?

No. The child will not have enough carbohydrates and fats in milk, which he needs for normal development.

What are the cons of the Maggi diet?

  • Accurate observance of the menu;
  • duration;
  • After the Maggi diet, weight quickly returns;
  • The absence of the slightest indulgence, even in the form of honey.

Why isn't the weight coming off?

Check with your doctor: perhaps the cause of excess weight in your case is heredity, hormonal disorders, or improper metabolism. First you need to heal.

Is alcohol allowed?

Even light alcoholic drinks are prohibited as part of the Maggi diet.

How often can you repeat?

Is it possible to have buckwheat on the Maggi diet?

No, as it is a carbohydrate that is contraindicated for the protein system of weight loss.

Is it possible to have cabbage on the Maggi diet?

If it's broccoli, yes. in combination with proteins, it will negatively affect the work of the stomach. You are simply tormented by flatulence.

Why is the Maggi diet dangerous?

First of all, the harm of the Maggi diet is for pregnant and lactating women, as well as those who cannot tolerate egg white. Otherwise, it does not pose a danger to a healthy body.

What kind of meat can be on the Maggi diet?

Beef and rabbit. From poultry - chicken, turkey and partridge.

What can you substitute for toast?

Whole grain bread or diet cracker.

What can you drink with the Maggi diet?

Coffee and tea without sugar and milk, as well as any herbal infusions and decoctions.

What can I snack on during the Maggi diet?

Snacking in the first 2 weeks is prohibited. The rest of the time - permitted fruits.

What is the portion in Maggi's diet?

Breakfast: 2 eggs / 200 grams of cottage cheese. Lunch: 350 gr. Dinner: 300 gr.

How much weight can you lose?

For 2 weeks - up to about 5 kg, for 4 weeks - about 10.

Can seafood be substituted for fish?

Maggi's protein diet is a weight loss system that, despite its apparent simplicity, is not suitable for everyone. There are controversial points in this system, but in general it is based on proper nutrition and the principles of a healthy lifestyle. So, subject to contraindications and basic rules, it cannot bring anything but good.

You need to understand that it is not the diet itself that always brings harm, but people who do not know how to use it competently. No willpower not to eat a piece of cake before bed? On the third day of the hunger strike, you can no longer look at the eggs? In that case, this system is definitely not for you. But those who safely reach the finish line will surely leave the most enthusiastic reviews about this diet, seeing the desired numbers on the scales.

The Maggi diet has nothing to do with the bouillon cubes of the same name. This is a whole system for fast weight loss with a diet of natural and healthy products that will be consumed in a certain sequence. The complexity of the Maggi egg diet is that mistakes and breakdowns are unacceptable. At the slightest deviation, you will need to start all over again. But for those who have reached the victorious end, stunning results await. You will need to change your wardrobe, perhaps not even by one size.

Basic Rules:

  1. If any one product is excluded from the diet, then it is forbidden to replace it with another food.
  2. You can drink tea, coffee, chicory. You can not add milk, cream, sugar to them. Sugar substitutes are allowed.
  3. If an error occurs or there was a breakdown, the diet should be stopped or started from the first day.
  4. Weigh yourself daily in the morning after going to the toilet.

During the diet, as well as after it, sports, swimming pool, massage and other beauty treatments are welcome. They will help keep the skin in good shape and maintain muscle mass.

How much weight can you lose on the Maggi diet

For 4 weeks of strictly following the Maggi egg diet, you can lose from 5 to 15 kilograms. But with the slightest breakdowns and violations, the weight can suddenly stand in one place. That is why they approach weight loss correctly, deliberately, and prepare in advance. You also need to remember that kilograms go faster with a lot of weight. The slimmer the person, the more modest the results will be.

Prohibited Products

Vegetables for the diet are boiled in water, but broths should not be consumed. The same goes for chicken, meat products.

You can not use:

  • oil and any other fats;
  • sweet fruits (grapes, bananas, dates);
  • sugar and its derivatives;
  • potatoes, beans;
  • mushrooms.

The use of any alcoholic beverages is contraindicated. They not only have a high calorie content, but also whet the appetite. At the time of the diet, it is also recommended to stop smoking, as nicotine inhibits all processes in the body.

Approved Products

Products are consumed fresh, baked, boiled. You can use grilled or fried without oil. The basis of the diet is chicken eggs, which are consumed daily. In addition, you can eat some other products:

  • any vegetables, except for prohibited species and conservation;
  • any fruits and berries, it is advisable to give preference to citrus fruits, apples, kiwi;
  • low-fat dairy products, cheese;
  • low-fat fish, seafood;
  • lean meats.

For dressing dishes, it is allowed to use all kinds of seasonings: salt, pepper, balsamic vinegar, herbs, soy sauce. When using mixtures, it is advisable to carefully read the composition. It should not contain sugar. On certain days, dried rye bread is allowed. It can be replaced with various types of bran. They are very useful for the body, contribute to weight loss.

Important! Be sure to drink clean water 1.5-2 liters per day. If you need to get rid of the feeling of hunger, it is recommended to drink a warm liquid.

Video: "Dietitian on a Diet": Testing the Maggi Diet

Menu for the Maggi diet for all days

Breakfast is the same every day. Lunch and dinner consist of different products. In no case should you violate the regimen, change meals in places, since the effect of the diet is due to chemical reactions occurring in the body. With strong bouts of hunger, you can eat allowed vegetables, but the interval between the food you eat and the snack should not be less than 2 hours.

Menu of the first week

1-2 eggs and half a grapefruit are consumed daily for breakfast, which can be replaced with an orange. If the exact number of products is not indicated, then they can be eaten in unlimited quantities.

Dinner: one kind of fruit
For dinner: meat, greens or lettuce

Dinner: chicken
Dinner: 1 grain toast, 1 any citrus, fresh vegetable salad, 2 eggs

Dinner: tomatoes, cottage cheese or cheese (no more than 20% fat), a slice of bread
Dinner: skinless meat or poultry, lettuce

Dinner: fruits of 1 kind
Dinner: meat or poultry, greens

Dinner: 2 eggs, boiled vegetables or fresh salad
Dinner: a piece of fish, 1 citrus, herbs

Dinner: fruits of 1 kind
Dinner: meat, lettuce

Dinner: chicken, 1 grapefruit, fresh tomatoes
Dinner: baked or boiled vegetables

On a note: Chicken eggs can be replaced with quail eggs at the rate of 1:2. They are also boiled, but 3-4 minutes is enough.

Menu for the second week

Breakfast remains the same: 1-2 eggs, half a citrus

Dinner: boiled or stewed meat, greens
Dinner: citrus, lettuce, 2 eggs

Dinner: meat, greens
Dinner: 2 eggs, half a grapefruit

Dinner: 1-2 cucumbers, a piece of meat
Dinner: 2 eggs, whole grapefruit

Dinner: 2 eggs, cheese or cottage cheese, fresh or boiled vegetables
Dinner: 2 egg steam omelette

Dinner: steamed or baked fish
Dinner: 2 egg omelet (no oil)

Dinner: meat, tomatoes, 1 orange
Dinner: salad of different fruits

Dinner: chicken, tomato, any citrus
Dinner: chicken, vegetables

Menu of the third week

Breakfast from any products allowed during the day. All products are used in any quantity. Meals 4-5.

All kinds of unsweetened fruits are allowed

Boiled and fresh vegetables (permitted types)

Any allowed vegetables and fruits

Boiled or stewed fish, boiled vegetables and herbs

Lean meat or poultry, vegetables

Saturday and Sunday
Two fruit days from the permitted species. The number of meals, the size of portions is not limited by anything

Sample menu for the fourth week

Divide the entire daily diet into 5 parts. You can eat products in any order. The interval between doses should not be less than 2 hours.

For a day: a quarter of boiled chicken, 1 citrus, 1 slice of grain bread, 3 tomatoes

For a day: 200 g boiled meat, a slice of bread, 4 cucumbers, 1 any fruit, 3 tomatoes

For a day: 50 g cottage cheese, a plate of boiled vegetables, 2 tomatoes, 1 grapefruit, 1 slice of bread or 20 g bran, 2 cucumbers

For a day: 0.5 skinless chicken, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 orange, 1 slice of bread, 1 citrus

For a day: 2 eggs, vegetable salad, small orange, 3 tomatoes

For a day: 0.5 chicken breast, 150 g cottage cheese, a glass of kefir, a slice of bread, 2 pcs. cucumber and tomato, 1 grapefruit

For a day: 1 can of tuna in its juice, a plate of boiled vegetables, a slice of bread, 2 pcs. tomatoes, 2 pcs. cucumber

Logout and weight retention

Low-carb and protein diets, such as the Maggi egg diet, are famous for their ability to burn fat quickly. But if you immediately return to normal nutrition, then the weight will easily return back.

  1. Keep a calorie count. Increase the amount consumed gradually, adding 50 units per week.
  2. Do not overeat, do not stretch the stomach.
  3. Drink 2 liters of water daily.
  4. Chew food thoroughly, slowly, do not eat on the go.
  5. Give preference to slow carbohydrates in the form of cereals, grain bread. Refined sugar should be avoided.

Helps maintain the results of the diet physical activity: dancing, swimming, running, cycling. Useful walking. If the weight begins to grow, you can arrange a fasting day.


Eggs are very allergenic, they often cause a reaction. If you are intolerant to this product, you should abandon the diet.

Main contraindications:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • liver disease;
  • childhood;
  • pregnancy.

If the diet is completed to the end, but there is a desire to repeat it, then it is recommended to immediately switch to the fourth after the first week. Longer adherence to the system is not recommended.

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