Recipes for the treatment of hepatitis C. Hepatitis with home treatment folk remedies

Engineering systems 30.06.2020
Engineering systems

Hepatitis is an inflammatory disease of the liver of various etiologies (viral, toxic or unspecified). Viral hepatitis is caused by strains A, B, C, D, E. In severe cases and with inadequate treatment, they can eventually acquire a chronic course and proceed secretly, or be sluggish with a poor clinical picture.

Features of the disease

The causative agent of viral hepatitis B belongs to the hepadnaviruses. It is complex, it has 3 antigens: HbsAg, HBeAg, HbcAg. These are proteins that cause an immune response in the body in the form of antibodies. The virus is very resistant to temperatures, chemical and physical external factors:

  • stored frozen for 15-20 years;
  • if it gets into the refrigerator - 6 years;
  • at normal room temperature - 3 months;
  • boiling kills the virus after half an hour;
  • disinfectants do not work on it;
  • autoclaving with t + 120 C destroys it after 5 minutes;
  • dry heat with t + 160 C - after 2 hours.

It is transmitted by all human physiological fluids parenterally. Ways of transmission: sexual, contact (through damaged skin), transplacental.

When an infectious agent enters the liver, it functions in an intact liver cell for a long time. With a high immune status, cells with the virus are destroyed by lymphocytes and removed from the liver. The acute form of the disease ends with recovery, after which stable immunity remains.

With low immunity, the virus remains in the body for years and decades, and possibly for a lifetime. The disease is asymptomatic, becoming chronic over time. With asymptomatic carriage, hepatocytes with the virus present in them can degenerate into tumor ones.

Phytotherapy and folk methods

Phytotherapy is an additional method of treatment, provided that all medications prescribed by the hepatologist are taken. The purpose of such treatment is to additionally stimulate the recovery of hepatocytes, improve the processes of bile secretion, reduce dyspepsia and pain.

The disease is serious, therefore, with hepatitis B, treatment with folk remedies should occur only after consultation with a doctor and under his control. Despite the fact that hepatitis is treated at home mainly with herbal preparations, this can also be unsafe. Not all herbs that treat inflammatory processes in the liver are useful for hepatitis B. Even the most effective of them have certain contraindications, therefore, before starting treatment, you need to carefully read them and, in the future, if the specialist has approved such treatment, strictly follow the instructions for use: observe the dosage, frequency of administration, duration of course treatment.

Honey is a folk remedy for hepatitis B

In the treatment of hepatitis B, folk remedies often use honey - “liquid gold”. It finds its wide application due to its unique composition: it contains many minerals, sugars, vitamins, organic acids. Due to the properties of this product, oxidative reactions are activated in the liver cells. Restoration of hepatocytes affected by the virus occurs more intensively, the immune status and resistance of the organism to all viral hepatitis increase.

Using honey as a remedy, it is necessary to consult a doctor first: allergic reactions to the use of bee products often appear. In addition, the existing diabetes mellitus is a contraindication to its use.

Healthy recipes with honey

  • One of the effective recipes with honey is considered to be its sharing with blackcurrant. It is recommended to mix them in equal proportions and apply 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before meals for a long time.
  • When used daily before breakfast, a mixture of liquid May honey with bee bread (1 teaspoon of each component), metabolic processes are accelerated not only in the liver, but throughout the body.
  • A mixture of honey and pollen (1 tablespoon each) is recommended to be taken after dinner. Considered a proven antiviral and liver cell protector.
  • A spoonful of liquid May honey is added to a glass of apple juice, drunk before going to bed: degenerative changes in hepatocytes undergo reverse development.
  • For treatment and prevention, there is another proven folk remedy using honey: 1 teaspoon of a mixture of 40 grams of honey and 5 grams of royal jelly is taken before each meal.
  • With destructive lesions of the liver tissue, such a recipe for folk treatment has been tested by time to restore the disinfecting function of the liver: 1 kg of honey, 200 g of olive oil, 4 minced lemons, mix and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day on an empty stomach. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator in a jar covered with a lid. In the absence of contraindications to honey, take as long as possible.

Mumiyo - a folk remedy proven for thousands of years

In the treatment of viral hepatitis B, mumiyo is used, which is used as the main drug according to the scheme or together with honey and other ingredients. Recipes with these ingredients have been successfully used in folk medicine for over 3,000 years. It is a mineral substance resembling a black or dark brown resin with a specific odor. It is found in the mountains of different countries.

Able to leave behind a considerable number of unpleasant consequences. Many patients in the old fashioned way, having learned about such a diagnosis, begin to self-medicate at home. But it is worth noting that with such an infectious disease, you should immediately consult a doctor, and perhaps he will already prescribe concomitant treatment in the form of folk remedies - medicinal herbs.

If you resort to folk methods for the treatment of the hepatitis C virus, then you should carefully study the composition of medicinal mixtures and their side effects. The most common, safe and versatile remedy for infection is carrot juice. The general availability and usefulness of carrots is able to restore liver cells, as well as normalize its function in the human body.

Carrot juice can be drunk in any quantity, if there is no allergy. It is worth noting that, based on the characteristics of the human body, the skin may acquire a yellowish tint. You shouldn't be afraid of this.

Many patients, despairing that they will never be able to cope with the disease that has overtaken them, resort to traditional medicine. In a short period of time they try many medicinal herbs, decoctions, infusions - but this does not help them. Folk remedies are a method of treatment with a cumulative effect, that is, the patient will not receive an instant result. The treatment regimen at home can drag on for many months, or even years. The main thing in folk medicine is to observe all the proportions in the manufacture of the medicine and take it clearly on time.

If you have no experience in preparing medicinal suspensions, it is best not to do them in order to avoid sad consequences.

Common folk recipes

The most popular way to treat hepatitis C with the help of traditional medicine at the moment is milk thistle. Its seeds, leaves and root are ideal for decoction.

The recipe is simple:

  • grind three large spoons with a pile of seeds and pour them into 0.5 liters. boiling water;
  • wait until ½ of the broth remains, strain the infusion.

Take the resulting decoction three times a day after meals.

In second place after milk thistle is the rhubarb plant, which is rich in minerals and vitamins. The scheme for preparing a decoction from it is simple:

  • crush the rhubarb root to get 5 g of ready-made “powder”;
  • pour one glass of boiling water;
  • simmer over low heat for no more than 20 minutes;
  • strain.

Take three times a day, 15 ml. before meals. You can finish off honey to taste, since the finished broth has a too bitter taste. The course of treatment with rhubarb is two months. If you decide to take a break in treatment, then the use of the decoction can be resumed after two weeks.

Also, traditional medicine recommends that patients with acute hepatitis C take crushed cranberries with honey, one tablespoon three times a day. If there is no cranberry, then it can be replaced with viburnum juice - this is an equivalent replacement. Honey helps to relieve the inflammatory process in the biliary tract and contributes to the normalization of the stomach.

Milk thistle and rhubarb are rich in various kinds of vitamins and minerals, but they will not help to completely heal. Therefore, before resorting to the help of traditional medicine, it is worth discussing your given desire with your doctor, as well as conducting a comprehensive examination of the whole organism.

Ayurvedic remedies

Ayurveda is a “healing”, a medical system that helps to establish a balance between the energy in the human body. Ayurvedic remedies affect the emotional background of the patient. In Ayurveda, a strict diet is observed, such foods as fish, meat, fried foods, sugar, cheese, butter are excluded. In acute hepatitis C diseases, even milk is removed from the diet. But it is recommended to use green vegetables and mung (a dish of a mixture of 16 green herbs). After a week or two, you can add rice and khichri (in Russian, pilaf without meat) to the existing products. Also in Ayurveda, it is important to observe physical and sexual peace. In acute hepatitis C, it is advisable to drink wine from aloe, which prevents the development of the disease into a more complex and chronic form. The duration of treatment with Ayurvedic remedies is at least three months.

There is a recipe for the preparation of a laxative effect drug:

  • guduchi extract (a means of incomplete metabolism, applied twice a day, 1 teaspoon);
  • tikta (composition of bitter herbs, consumed 1 teaspoon twice a day).

Ayurveda is an ancient science of healing from India. In Russia, this is still a new system that needs to be introduced into society.

There are some Ayurvedic preparations that can cleanse the liver of toxicity and tone the body:

  • "Amalaki powder" - "elixir of youth", improves blood circulation, increases hemoglobin, treats hepatitis C and improves vision, it is possible to use during pregnancy;
  • "Amalaki Rasayana" - a special substance that improves the metabolism in the body, as well as fighting an infectious disease;
  • "Amla - amalaki" - a natural source of vitamin C, able to resist chronic fatigue, as well as helping other drugs to overcome hepatitis C in humans;
  • "Amla sweets" - dried fruits, endowed with the ability to prevent cancer;
  • "Arogyavardhini Vati" - a remedy with a choleretic effect, is used for various kinds of poisoning, helps to cure hepatitis;
  • “Giloy - buzzing churna” - an immunomodulator, used for various liver diseases;
  • "Dashamool" - a rejuvenating agent used for violations of the liver;
  • "Ichhabhedi Ras" - a means of cleansing the liver;
  • "Lauh Bhasma" - a drug that has an auxiliary effect in the treatment of liver diseases;
  • "Livomap" - a tool that stimulates the liver and gastrointestinal tract;
  • "Nirocil" - an extract that affects the functioning of the liver (reduces its size);
  • "Sudarshan ghan vati" - a debilitating agent that can cure hepatitis and reduce the size of the liver;
  • “Cytozen” is an anti-inflammatory drug that has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the liver and removes toxicity from it.
  • Neem herb tincture - this remedy cleanses the blood of toxins, which is very beneficial for overall well-being and the condition of internal organs.

In order to decide on such a step as to treat with folk remedies, you need to have strong arguments that this will help you. In no case should you self-medicate, so as not to aggravate the situation with the disease. It must be remembered that as soon as you learned about the diagnosis of “hepatitis C”, you have been a virus carrier for a long time. In order not to provoke an epidemic, you should carefully consider your condition and health - it is best to consult a doctor for specialized medical care.

Remember, folk remedies, herbal decoctions and infusions have their meaning only in a complex form, where combined ones are present. Traditional medicine is designed to support your body, but you should not use it as the main treatment. Therefore, if you want to recover quickly, do not delay the moment of “healing”, but consult a doctor.

Viral hepatitis C is a serious disease in which the liver tissues become inflamed under the influence of HCV. This disease often has a latent course, so the patient does not even know that he is sick. Six months later, the disease becomes chronic. Hepatitis C threatens cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Many patients are concerned about how to treat hepatitis C at home. According to doctors, therapy should be comprehensive: medications, proper nutrition, avoidance of alcohol, smoking, moderate physical activity. In addition, folk remedies are used as maintenance treatment.

Popular prescriptions for the treatment of hepatitis C

Treatment of hepatitis C with folk remedies will help reduce the burden on the liver and restore the functionality of the gland. For this purpose, the following recipes are most often used:

  • Honey contains vitamins and minerals that a diseased liver needs. The bee product promotes the outflow of bile (liver secretion) and prevents inflammation of the gland. Honey is recommended for use in the chronic form of the disease. However, during its use, the level of digestive juice should be monitored. In case of a disease with a chronic course, honey is consumed before meals three times throughout the day. To prepare a sweet medicine, it is necessary to dilute 25 g of the product in 250 ml of water. The liquid should be drunk quickly. Treatment lasts 8 weeks. It is recommended to conduct 2 courses per year (in autumn and spring).
  • Treatment of hepatitis with herbs is also quite popular. For this purpose, horsetail, tansy, sage, yarrow, knotweed, burdock, burdock (leaves) are used. In addition, St. John's wort, chamomile, burdock root and elecampane, and rose hips are used to prepare the medicine. Take 10 g of each component and mix. Then 100 g of the collection is brewed with 1 liter of boiling water, wrapped and left for 3 hours. The finished liquid is filtered and consumed in 75–100 ml.
  • You can be treated with the help of Caucasian hellebore. Doctors recommend taking funds with hellebore after the end of medication. The plant contains toxic substances that destroy fungi, microbes and viruses. Plant treatment should be long-term, only in this case it will be possible to defeat the infection. Hellebore restores liver function and metabolism. An infusion is prepared from the plant, which is taken before going to bed.

Honey accelerates the outflow of bile, prevents inflammation of the liver

Treatment of hepatitis C is often carried out with the use of mumiyo. "Mountain wax" helps with various diseases. The product resumes the work of the gland, stimulates the absorption of nutrients in the intestines. After regular use, tissues are saturated with oxygen and carbon dioxide is released, as a result, the respiratory coefficient (the ratio of the volume of carbon dioxide released to the volume of absorbed oxygen) is normalized, and the amount of sugar in the blood decreases.

The most effective recipes with mumiyo:

  • Take 15 g of mumiyo powder and dissolve it in 500 ml of water, the temperature of which is about 70 °. For a full therapeutic course, which lasts 3 weeks, you will need 60 g of powder. The initial dose is 25 drops of the solution, then it is gradually increased to 60 drops over 7 days. The liquid is taken in 5 ml twice.
  • Pour 3 liters of water into the container, bring to a boil, when it cools down, add 3 g of mumiyo there and mix thoroughly. The resulting solution is drunk 200 ml three times for 10 days half an hour before meals. After 10 days, treatment should be interrupted for 5 days. The solution continues to be taken until recovery occurs.
  • Take 4 g of powder and dilute in warm milk, add a little honey and blueberry or grape juice. The medicine is drunk, and then a raw egg is consumed. The duration of treatment is 4 weeks.

It will not be possible to cure hepatitis C forever with the help of the above-described means, however, the condition of the liver after their use will noticeably improve. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of the doctor on the issue of complex therapy.

Many patients are interested in the question of whether it is possible to apply folk recipes on their own. The answer is unambiguously negative. Before using any remedy, you should consult a doctor.

Milk Thistle Applications

Treatment of hepatitis C at home is carried out using milk thistle. To create medicines, all its parts (fruits, leaves and roots) are used. The plant protects hepatocytes from the negative effects of toxins.

Milk Thistle Decoction Protects Liver Cells from Toxic Substances

A decoction is prepared from milk thistle seeds. To prepare it, 75 g of seeds are crushed in a blender, brewed with 500 ml of boiling water and put in a steam bath. When ½ of the liquid has evaporated, it is removed from the heat and cooled. Then the medicine is filtered and consumed 30 ml three times a day after eating food. The duration of treatment ranges from 1 to 2 months.

Herbalists recommend drinking liquid along with seeds in the same amount with an interval of 60 minutes. This means that the patient must take 30 ml of the solution 12 times a day between 9.00 and 21.00. Treatment lasts 3 weeks, then you need to take a break for 14 days.

Milk thistle for hepatitis is used in the form of an infusion. To prepare it, 50 g of inflorescences are poured into 1 liter of vodka and infused for 14 days. Then 3 ml of the medicine is diluted with 100 ml of cooled boiled water. The solution is used four times a day. Take the infusion for 8 weeks.

Powdered milk thistle is also used for treatment. To do this, 5 g of chopped herbs are diluted with 200 ml of hot water and left for half an hour. Then the medicine is taken five times a day, 45 ml each. The treatment lasts 40 days, then you need to pause for 14 days. It is recommended to conduct 3 courses for 6 months.

Corn silk against hepatitis

With the help of corn stigmas, hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholecystitis and many other diseases can be cured. Of course, we are talking about complex therapy. Decoctions and infusions are prepared from this product, they are taken until complete recovery occurs.

Corn stigmas help with hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholecystitis, etc.

To prepare the infusion, pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the product 220 ml of boiling water. The container is wrapped and left. After 2 hours, the liquid is filtered and drunk 60-90 ml 3 to 5 times a day before the patient eats. The following scheme for the use of the drug is also possible: 75 ml three times in 24 hours.

To prepare a decoction, pour 1 teaspoon of raw materials with boiling water in a volume of half a liter and put the container on steam. After half an hour, the liquid is removed and insisted. After 1 hour, the drug is taken 100 ml four times.

Other folk remedies for hepatitis C

Treatment with folk remedies will help restore liver activity.

Herbs help to restore the work of the gland

Patients are concerned about what herbs treat hepatitis. For this purpose, chamomile, calendula, Ivan-tea, cinquefoil, etc. are used. In addition, the following folk remedies are recommended for illness:

  • 200 g of oats are brewed with warm water (about 21 °) in a volume of 1 liter, insisted for 12 hours. Then the liquid is put on fire, covered with a lid, boiled for half an hour. Then the container is covered with a towel and left for another 12 hours. The decoction is drunk 100 ml three times a day before the patient eats.
  • The herb volodushka also helps with hepatitis. 30 g of a dry plant is poured with 1 cup of boiling water, and then insisted. After 2 hours, the finished product is taken 100 ml three times.
  • 5 g of immortelle is poured into 200 ml and insisted in a thermos for 60 minutes. Drink the medicine 100 ml three times.
  • For the treatment of chronic hepatitis, you need to prepare a decoction of vegetable seeds. To do this, mix 1 teaspoon of carrot seeds, 3 teaspoons of parsley and 4 teaspoons of celery fruit. The ingredients are poured into 1 liter of boiling water, insisted for half an hour. The finished broth is filtered and drunk 100 ml six times.
  • With hepatitis C, you can take the following tincture. To prepare it, pour 50 g of nettle, 25 g bought 500 ml of vodka. The container with the liquid is wrapped and insisted for 3 weeks. Then the medicine is filtered and drunk 40 drops, which are diluted with 1 glass of filtered water. Multiplicity of application - 6 times for 40 days.
  • Grind horseradish roots, mix 2 tbsp. spoons of this mixture with the same amount of honey, then leave for 3 days. Use the medicine in 25 ml with an interval of 3 hours 40 days.
  • If jaundice does not go away after treatment, and the tests are bad, prepare an effective remedy. Mix 5 g of baking soda with lemon juice and take on an empty stomach in the morning. After 4 days, the skin, mucous membranes will acquire a normal color.
  • Rosehip and barberry are used as adjunctive therapy for chronic hepatitis. The roots of plants are crushed, poured with water (500 ml) and boiled in a water bath. After 30 minutes, the liquid is infused for 12 hours, and then taken ½ cup before meals. Treatment lasts 40 days. Then the course is interrupted for 12 days.
  • With hepatitis, it is recommended to prepare a choleretic decoction. To do this, pour 10 birch buds with 220 ml of boiling water. Then put the liquid on the steam bath. After 15 minutes, cool the product, add another 1 glass of warm water, use 75–100 ml twice or thrice a day before the patient eats.
  • Mix 30 g of immortelle flowers, 50 g of buckthorn, rose hips, knotweed, 20 g of birch leaves. Before going to bed, pour 25 g of the collection into a thermos, brew in 440 ml of boiling water. By morning, the broth will be ready. Use the drug 50 ml three times a day.
  • A tincture of fresh horseradish leaves will help with chronic hepatitis. Fill a jar (3 l) with leaves, fill with high-quality vodka, insist for 1 week under the lid. Filter the finished tincture, dilute with water (5 ml per 50 ml of water). Consume three times before meals. The course is continued until the remedy is over. Before use, you need to chew and swallow 8 milk thistle seeds.
  • Pour 5 tbsp. spoons of St. John's wort dry wine (Cahors or Madera) to cover. Insist in a dark place for 12 days. Shake the liquid container daily. The finished medicine must be filtered, and then drink 30 ml three times or four times for 14 days.

These are effective alternative methods of treatment that improve the condition of the gland in hepatitis C. There are many more recipes that can be used as part of complex therapy. Before using them, the patient should consult with his doctor.

Liver cleansing

As you know, hepatitis develops as a result of a long-term negative effect of toxins on the gland. For this reason, its functionality is broken, and it is no longer able to work normally. To restore the activity of the liver, it is necessary to periodically cleanse the liver.

Periodically clean the liver

There are a huge number of cleansing methods that are used as maintenance therapy for hepatitis. But there is the simplest, safest and most delicate method. To implement it in the morning on an empty stomach, drink 440–660 ml of filtered water without gas at room temperature. After half an hour, use 220 ml of freshly squeezed apple or grape juice. If necessary, the juice can be replaced with olive oil (cold pressed) in a volume of 30 ml.

After drinking the above drinks, lie on your right side, after placing a heating pad under it, cover yourself with a warm blanket. You need to stay in this position for 2 hours. Then stand up, take deep breaths, sit down a few times. Then you can eat.

It is quite possible to defeat hepatitis with folk remedies, subject to the recommendations of the doctor.

Nutrition rules

Effective treatment involves diet and lifestyle changes. That is, the patient should eat more vegetables, fruits, give up alcohol, smoking. Only in this case it is possible to reduce the toxic load on the gland.

Diet is an important component of the complex therapy of hepatitis C

In acute hepatitis, fatty, fried, salty, spicy dishes should be excluded from the diet. In the absence of severe symptoms, the consumption of the above foods should be limited. After the diagnosis is established, the patient should be attentive to his condition, refuse some products or replace them with others.

For example, instead of mayonnaise, it is allowed to use sour cream with a low percentage of fat content. It is forbidden to use canned products, semi-finished products, and marinades must also be abandoned. It is recommended to eat only fresh dishes prepared from natural products.

The patient should replenish the diet with fruits, vegetables, herbs, fermented milk products with a low percentage of fat content, lean meat and fish. In addition, it is allowed to consume walnuts and legumes in small quantities. The patient should drink freshly squeezed juices from berries, fruits or vegetables, especially carrots.

It is worth limiting the number of eggs in the diet, quail eggs are more useful for hepatitis. This restriction applies to butter and vegetable oils. It is highly recommended to eat grapefruits, blueberries.

Doctors advise to eat food often, about 7 times, but in small portions. Fractional nutrition will reduce the load on the digestive organs, the functionality of which is impaired in hepatitis.

Instead of coffee, you can drink a drink made from chicory, which improves the functioning of the digestive tract.

Hepatitis requires daily light exercise

If you notice symptoms of hepatitis C, you should visit a doctor who will establish a diagnosis and determine the tactics of treatment.

As part of complex therapy, you can use the following folk methods:

  • Healing Fitness. The patient should push up from the floor or wall, rotate the body, bend it to the sides, forward, walk in place. In addition, it is recommended to rub in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium.
  • water therapy. In acute hepatitis, it is recommended to take daily baths. In addition, it is recommended to drink about 3 liters of filtered water per day.
  • Cold and hot shower. The patient should alternately turn on hot water for 60 seconds, and then cold water for 5 seconds. The procedure is performed 10 to 15 times while taking a shower. It is recommended to carry out 3 contrasts in 24 hours.
  • Radish and honey. Juice is squeezed out of the radish, you need to prepare 1 liter of liquid, to which 500 ml of liquid honey is added. Use the medicine three times in 50 ml, preferably before going to bed. Radishes can be replaced with cranberries.
  • Warm enema. With jaundice, it is recommended to put a warm enema from chamomile decoction.
  • Infusion of daisies. Dry raw materials are poured into 1.5 liters of cooled water after boiling, insisted, filtered. The medicine is drunk ½ cup three times.
  • Infusion of lovage. To prepare the remedy, use the leaves or seeds of the plant. Approximately 4 g of raw materials are poured into 1.5 liters of cooled boiled water, insisted for 3 hours. Then the medicine is filtered and taken 30 ml four times in 24 hours.

These effective remedies will help improve the condition of the liver in hepatitis C and speed up recovery.

The hepatitis C virus is characterized by severe damage to the liver tissues. It is most often diagnosed in a chronic form, when the liver has already been seriously affected by the action of the pathogen. Treatment of hepatitis C with folk remedies is an auxiliary method of therapy, as it helps to restore the inflamed and damaged organ, speeds up the healing process.

HCV viruses come in different genotypes and subtypes. Almost all of them easily resist the action of the human immune system. Since the liver does not have nerve endings, viral agents live in the organ for a long time unnoticed by humans. The disease is discovered by chance, during a medical examination, or when it enters a high phase with severe symptoms of intoxication.

Hepatitis C is difficult to treat due to the high degree of pathogen mutation. It was not until the beginning of this century that direct-acting antivirals were produced that could clear an infection in 3 or 6 months. Standard interferon therapy is not always successful, but is more accessible to patients. In any case, to achieve the maximum result, it is required to apply all methods of combating the disease.

Infectious liver disease is much easier to treat if it is diagnosed on time. In this case, the patient does not have an increased virological load, and the tissues of the organ are slightly damaged.

If viruses go unnoticed for several decades, this can lead to cirrhosis, which often later develops into cancer. In the presence of concomitant factors (alcoholic, drug and other liver poisoning), it may take only about 10 years for the development of irreversible changes in the gland.

Symptoms of HCV

The first signs of the disease appear in the first 2 months after infection. They are accompanied by elevated body temperature to subfebrile values, nausea, aching joints, pain in the projection of the liver and other signs of the body's fight against infection. In the early stages, self-healing is possible, but subject to strong immunity.

In many cases, especially with hepatitis C genotype 1b, the disease is asymptomatic, therefore, it is detected only at the chronic stage of the course. The patient has no visible signs of the disease. He may feel increased fatigue, loss of appetite, skin itching. This situation has been going on for years.

Symptoms of hepatitis C in the peak phase are characteristic of severe damage to the organ. They are expressed in a persistent decrease in appetite, exhaustion, the presence of jaundice, severe pain in the right hypochondrium. The liver increases significantly in size, the feces become light, and the urine, on the contrary, is dark in color.

There are some differences in symptoms by gender and age:

  • Men can develop gynecomastia and erectile dysfunction over time.
  • In women, the menstrual cycle is disturbed, they suffer from nervous disorders.
  • In children, the disease in most cases develops asymptomatically, there is a steady replacement of damaged cells with connective tissue, which leads to the rapid development of fibrosis.

Traditional treatment

The disease requires an integrated approach to therapy. Treatment with antiviral drugs is mandatory. Patients are prescribed interferon-alpha and Ribavirin. The best results are obtained by combining Sofosbuvir with Ledipasvir, Daclatasvir or Velpatasvir. They are able to cure the disease in 3, maximum 6 months.

Be sure to assign a diet table number 5 according to Pevzner. It is necessary to relieve the burden on hepatocytes, accelerate the self-renewal of the organ and increase the chance of a full recovery.

The stages of therapy are necessarily checked for effectiveness by laboratory and instrumental studies. If the results are not successful, then the doctor selects other medications.

Comprehensive approach to virus therapy

Hepatitis C is one of the few diseases where traditional methods of treatment are welcome. However, they should be auxiliary, not primary, as they cannot completely destroy the virus. In this case, all prescription options must be agreed with the doctor.

In combination with a diet, folk remedies can relieve severe symptoms, relieve inflammation, improve the functioning of the organ and speed up its recovery. To increase the effectiveness of the fight against the virus, it is necessary to exclude all foods that are prohibited by diet number 5.

When is the treatment of hepatitis C with folk remedies effective?

Treatment of hepatitis C with folk remedies at home does not take much time, money and effort. There are many recipes for maintaining the liver during illness. It is important to choose the most effective and affordable means. You can read about which of them is better for the treatment of acute or chronic hepatitis C on the forums with patient reviews.

Many products in themselves are a cure for a diseased liver. They are recommended to be eaten regardless of the stage of the infectious process. In the acute phase, more stringent dietary restrictions are observed. However, they are removed almost immediately after recovery.

Chronic hepatitis C requires a long-term diet due to significant organ damage. In some cases, the patient may be offered a lifelong diet and additional maintenance therapy for the liver with folk remedies.

Care must be taken when choosing herbs. Some of them may contain toxic substances that will only worsen the condition of the liver. Therefore, before preparing medicinal decoctions and tinctures, it is necessary to agree on the list of ingredients with the attending physician.

Popular folk recipes for hepatitis C

Traditional medicine for hepatitis C is based on proper nutrition and the use of medicinal tinctures or mixtures. A combination of different recipes is possible, the main thing is to know how to properly help the liver and not overdo it. It should be remembered that such treatment is lengthy, requires regularity and diligence.

Not a single folk remedy for hepatitis C will help cure the disease without basic drug therapy.

Oats in chronic cirrhosis of the liver

Oats for hepatitis C, complicated by cirrhosis, can be called the number one folk remedy. This is the most budgetary and very effective medicine. It improves the outflow of bile, has cleansing and regenerative properties, helping the body to recover. For treatment, make a decoction of oats.

How to brew the remedy:

  1. 1 cup of grains is ground into powder in any way.
  2. Add salt on the tip of a knife and 2 tablespoons of sugar.
  3. Pour in 1 liter of boiling water.
  4. Stir, put on the stove on a small fire and cook for 5 minutes.
  5. Cool, drink half a glass after each meal.

The drink can be sweetened with honey, which also helps in the treatment of the disease. The decoction is drunk daily for at least three months.

Herbal treatment

Is it possible to drink herbal infusions with hepatitis C? Not all herbs are useful for an infected organism, so you should consult with your hepatologist before taking it. Many plants are able to treat inflammation, strengthen the immune system, heal, destroy viruses. Useful infusions and decoctions are prepared from them.

Healing drink recipe:

  1. A mixture is prepared from rose hips (5), cudweed (4), birch leaves (4), St. John's wort (3), dandelion roots (2), calendula flowers (2), celandine (2), fennel fruits (2), corn stigmas (2) - parts are indicated in brackets.
  2. The mixture is poured with boiling water and infused for 7-8 hours (calculation 4 tablespoons / 1 liter).
  3. The infusion is drunk half an hour before meals.

You can brew herbs separately. A medicine prepared from the root of marsh calamus is very effective. The drink is infused for only 20 minutes. The crushed raw materials are brewed with boiling water (200 ml). Take half a glass before meals.

Helps the liver to recover, so it can be drunk both during treatment and during rehabilitation therapy. If there is no plant material, then it is possible to use pharmaceutical products, such as dietary supplement Ovesol, milk thistle meal.

With severe inflammation of the organ in the acute phase or with an exacerbation of the chronic form, a decoction of chamomile is indispensable. This plant quickly stops inflammation and relieves painful symptoms.

Another popular folk remedy for treating the liver is rhubarb roots in a decoction. 50 grams of powdered raw materials are poured with water and put on the stove. Bring to a boil, then simmer for a quarter of an hour. Insist 12 hours. Take before meals 30 ml three times a day.

A useful infusion in the chronic course of pathology and the presence of cirrhosis will be obtained from a mixture of shepherd's purse, immortelle, mint, tansy, birch leaves, verbena, corn stigmas, dog rose, horsetail, cumin. Raw materials are mixed in equal proportions. The mixture is brewed with boiling water, insisted and drunk throughout the day.

Other herbs used in the treatment of hepatitis C: dill seeds, hemlock, ginseng, coltsfoot, thuja, marigold, galangal root, viburnum, echinacea (echinacea). Treatment with dill seeds is absolutely safe and is prescribed even for infants.

Why persimmon is useful

With hepatitis C, doctors recommend including persimmons in the diet. Its benefits are due to the rich composition of nutrients. It strengthens the body's defenses, normalizes lipid metabolism, prevents tissue scarring, which leads to cirrhosis. It contains a lot of glucose and fructose, which quickly restore the glycogen energy source.

The fruit contains a balanced composition of vitamins and minerals. It saturates with valuable substances, regulates blood pressure, suppresses the activity of pathogens. It has a diuretic property, which allows you to effectively remove toxins and decay products from the liver through the urinary tract.

Mumiyo: a universal folk remedy

In the folk treatment of many internal organs, mummy is used. The resin-like organic substance has many useful properties: it relieves inflammation, heals, increases the level of hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells in the blood, removes harmful toxins from the body, and strengthens the immune system.

Cooking methods:

  • 4 grams of the product is diluted in warm milk (in the presence of cirrhosis it is better to take goat milk), add a teaspoon of honey, stir. The drug is taken daily in the morning, on an empty stomach. The course is 4 weeks.
  • 15 grams of the product is poured into 500 ml of hot water (not more than 70 degrees), mixed thoroughly until dissolved. Take drops half an hour before meals. On the first day, 25 drops are dripped into the water, adding 5 drops per day for a week. A dosage of 60 drops is drunk in the remaining 3 weeks of therapy.

Courses can be repeated, but not earlier than two weeks later. At this time, it is recommended to make infusions of herbs: chicory, St. John's wort, yarrow, horsetail. They are mixed in the same amount. Take 220 ml of boiling water per tablespoon of the mixture.

How to use corn silk properly

Corn stigmas (thin cob hairs) are used for many liver diseases, including various types of hepatitis, diseases of the gallbladder, pancreas. They have a pronounced diuretic effect, dull the feeling of hunger, improve lipolysis and metabolism.

Corn silk is prepared in 2 ways.


The tool is crushed in a convenient way. Fresh hairs can simply be cut with a knife. Raw materials in the amount of 1 tablespoon are poured with a glass of boiling water, the container is covered with a lid. Insist at least two hours. Drink 45 ml shortly before meals.


4 tablespoons of raw materials are poured into a container, put on a stove and pour 0.5 liters of water. Bring to a boil, but do not boil. Insist with the lid closed until completely cooled. Take 100 ml before meals 4 times a day.


The beaver stream is extracted from the anal preputial glands of beavers, so it has a specific smell and an unpleasant, bitter taste. To reduce feelings of hostility, it must be taken with juices. A folk remedy relieves inflammation, destroys viruses, restores immunity and promotes the regeneration of hepatocytes.

The infusion is prepared at the rate of 100 grams of raw materials per 1 liter of vodka. It should be infused in a glass, tightly closed container for at least 1 month. Shake the liquid periodically. It acquires the maximum healing effect after infusion for 3 months. Drink 1 teaspoon per day for one month.

However, many doctors do not allow the tincture to be taken because it contains alcohol. The powder of the beaver stream does not dissolve in water, so it can be taken dry. At one time, a small amount of powder is taken, from a match head, swallowed and washed down with juice.

Juice therapy

Alternative methods of treatment for hepatitis C include vitamin therapy with pumpkin, carrot, cabbage, beet, lemon juices. They are drunk twice a day, 50-70 ml at a time. Juices can be diluted with water without gas. Honey is added to sour drinks (with lemon, apple cider vinegar).

Carrot juice is considered especially valuable as a source of vitamin A, which is necessary for liver cells. The juice from the budra is useful. The drink consists of lemon, honey and ivy-shaped budra grass. However, it must be used with caution, as the plant contains toxic substances.

Healthy teas

It is not necessary to resort to complex recipes for the use of medicinal herbs. Many of them can simply be brewed as tea. These are rowan leaves, wild rose, chamomile, milk thistle, mint, St. John's wort. It is enough to brew raw materials in a kettle and insist for half an hour. Calculation of proportions: 1 tablespoon per glass of water. Honey is added as a sweetener. It is also very useful to put a slice of lemon in a cup of tea.

Other popular folk remedies

During the period of illness, it is recommended to eat more beets, lingonberries, tangerines, lemons, pumpkins, carrots, feijoa, any sweet fruits and berries, add linseed oil, cinnamon to food. sugar should be preferred, as it is good for a diseased liver. However, you should be aware that valuable substances are destroyed at temperatures above 60 degrees.

Traditional healers recommend treating the disease with the help of the veselka mushroom. It contains a valuable unique composition of useful and rare substances: phytoncides, antihistamine compounds, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, polysaccharides, complex amino acids. They treat many diseases, from serious infections to oncology.

How to take Veselka mushroom:

  • A teaspoon of crushed dry raw materials is poured into a glass of milk, boiled. The container is covered with a lid and infused until completely cooled. Drink with softened pieces of mushroom.
  • The dry mixture is placed in a thermos, poured with boiling water. Calculation for 1 teaspoon 220 ml of water. Insist 12 hours. Strain and drink a third of a glass three times a day.

The course of treatment with a fungus is 1 month.

Alternative methods of treatment can be combined with hirudotherapy. Leech saliva contains many useful substances. One of them is the hormone hirudin, which reduces blood clotting, which improves its microcirculation in the diseased organ. Another component is aegilina substances, which prevent tissue degradation. In addition, such treatment inhibits the reproduction of viruses.

In addition to folk remedies, you can drink licorice in the form of a pharmacy syrup, take succinic acid. The latter drug is a powerful antioxidant, improves metabolism at the cellular level, protects against the degeneration of damaged tissues into a cancerous tumor. Sometimes licorice powder is mixed with maral show-offs (young deer antlers). It is impossible to cure hepatitis C with such a remedy, however, due to the high content of vitamins and medicinal substances, the mixture helps to restore the liver.

Traditional medicine for gentle cleansing of the liver in chronic hepatitis C and cirrhosis

In the chronic course of the disease and the presence of cirrhosis, it is recommended to periodically clean the liver with mild methods. The most delicately you can clean the body with juices from apples, grapes or cold-pressed olive oil.

Do this in the morning after waking up. On an empty stomach they drink half a liter of purified water, and after 30 minutes they drink a glass of juice (200-220 ml) or oil (30 ml).

After drinking the juice, the patient should lie down in bed on his right side. In the projection of the liver, you need to put a warm heating pad and cover yourself with a blanket. The procedure time is 2 hours.

Gentle brushing is done twice a week. For a complete and high-quality cleansing of the body, 15 procedures will be required.

What prescriptions help with acute HCV

At the beginning of the development of the disease, the liver becomes very inflamed, which means recipes that are based on herbs with an anti-inflammatory effect are suitable. You can drink infusions and teas with chamomile, calendula, yarrow. A great combination - aloe with honey. Such a mixture will quickly relieve inflammation and stop the reproduction of viruses.

Juice is prepared from aloe. The lower leaves are removed from the plant, scrolled in a meat grinder and squeezed. Juice is mixed with honey in equal proportions. Drink 1 tablespoon before meals three times a day.

Alternative therapy of the virus during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, any self-medication is unacceptable. A woman should definitely consult a doctor about taking drugs and traditional medicine. It is especially dangerous to drink herbs without knowing about all their properties. Some of them can cause miscarriage and other pregnancy complications.

Pregnant women can safely drink carrot or pumpkin juice, but moderation must be observed. Useful mustard oil, which contributes to the gentle cleansing of the liver. You can eat honey, make an infusion of wild rose, add lemon, cranberry juice to tea, that is, use something that probably will not cause health problems.

Complementary therapies at home

In addition to taking various means, treatment can be supplemented with gymnastics, water procedures, cleansing enemas.


Doctors recommend daily exercise. It should contain exercises for the body: tilts, turns of the body. In this case, you need to do a soft massage in the projection of the liver. Such measures will improve the blood supply to the organ.

Water treatment

In the acute phase, you need to drink as much water as possible. A daily warm bath is recommended.

Cold and hot shower

It is useful to rinse the body with water of different temperatures. One minute hot, 5 seconds cold. Alternate 10 times. During the day, you need to take such a shower three times.

Chamomile cleansing enema

In the presence of jaundice, it is necessary to do cleansing enemas. They are made from a decoction of chamomile to soften the effect on the intestinal wall.

Viral hepatitis C is a serious disease in which the liver tissues become inflamed under the influence of HCV. This disease often has a latent course, so the patient does not even know that he is sick. Six months later, the disease becomes chronic. Hepatitis C threatens cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Many patients are concerned about how to treat hepatitis C at home. According to doctors, therapy should be comprehensive: medications, proper nutrition, avoidance of alcohol, smoking, moderate physical activity. In addition, folk remedies are used as maintenance treatment.

Popular prescriptions for the treatment of hepatitis C

Treatment of hepatitis C with folk remedies will help reduce the burden on the liver and restore the functionality of the gland. For this purpose, the following recipes are most often used:

  • Honey contains vitamins and minerals that a diseased liver needs. The bee product promotes the outflow of bile (liver secretion) and prevents inflammation of the gland. Honey is recommended for use in the chronic form of the disease. However, during its use, the level of digestive juice should be monitored. In case of a disease with a chronic course, honey is consumed before meals three times throughout the day. To prepare a sweet medicine, it is necessary to dilute 25 g of the product in 250 ml of water. The liquid should be drunk quickly. Treatment lasts 8 weeks. It is recommended to conduct 2 courses per year (in autumn and spring).
  • Treatment of hepatitis with herbs is also quite popular. For this purpose, horsetail, tansy, sage, yarrow, knotweed, burdock, burdock (leaves) are used. In addition, St. John's wort, chamomile, burdock root and elecampane, and rose hips are used to prepare the medicine. Take 10 g of each component and mix. Then 100 g of the collection is brewed with 1 liter of boiling water, wrapped and left for 3 hours. The finished liquid is filtered and consumed in 75–100 ml.
  • You can be treated with the help of Caucasian hellebore. Doctors recommend taking funds with hellebore after the end of medication. The plant contains toxic substances that destroy fungi, microbes and viruses. Plant treatment should be long-term, only in this case it will be possible to defeat the infection. Hellebore restores liver function and metabolism. An infusion is prepared from the plant, which is taken before going to bed.

Honey accelerates the outflow of bile, prevents inflammation of the liver

Treatment of hepatitis C is often carried out with the use of mumiyo. "Mountain wax" helps with various diseases. The product resumes the work of the gland, stimulates the absorption of nutrients in the intestines. After regular use, tissues are saturated with oxygen and carbon dioxide is released, as a result, the respiratory coefficient (the ratio of the volume of carbon dioxide released to the volume of absorbed oxygen) is normalized, and the amount of sugar in the blood decreases.

The most effective recipes with mumiyo:

  • Take 15 g of mumiyo powder and dissolve it in 500 ml of water, the temperature of which is about 70 °. For a full therapeutic course, which lasts 3 weeks, you will need 60 g of powder. The initial dose is 25 drops of the solution, then it is gradually increased to 60 drops over 7 days. The liquid is taken in 5 ml twice.
  • Pour 3 liters of water into the container, bring to a boil, when it cools down, add 3 g of mumiyo there and mix thoroughly. The resulting solution is drunk 200 ml three times for 10 days half an hour before meals. After 10 days, treatment should be interrupted for 5 days. The solution continues to be taken until recovery occurs.
  • Take 4 g of powder and dilute in warm milk, add a little honey and blueberry or grape juice. The medicine is drunk, and then a raw egg is consumed. The duration of treatment is 4 weeks.

It will not be possible to cure hepatitis C forever with the help of the above-described means, however, the condition of the liver after their use will noticeably improve. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of the doctor on the issue of complex therapy.

Many patients are interested in the question of whether it is possible to apply folk recipes on their own. The answer is unambiguously negative. Before using any remedy, you should consult a doctor.

Milk Thistle Applications

Treatment of hepatitis C at home is carried out using milk thistle. To create medicines, all its parts (fruits, leaves and roots) are used. The plant protects hepatocytes from the negative effects of toxins.

Milk Thistle Decoction Protects Liver Cells from Toxic Substances

A decoction is prepared from milk thistle seeds. To prepare it, 75 g of seeds are crushed in a blender, brewed with 500 ml of boiling water and put in a steam bath. When ½ of the liquid has evaporated, it is removed from the heat and cooled. Then the medicine is filtered and consumed 30 ml three times a day after eating food. The duration of treatment ranges from 1 to 2 months.

Herbalists recommend drinking liquid along with seeds in the same amount with an interval of 60 minutes. This means that the patient must take 30 ml of the solution 12 times a day between 9.00 and 21.00. Treatment lasts 3 weeks, then you need to take a break for 14 days.

Milk thistle for hepatitis is used in the form of an infusion. To prepare it, 50 g of inflorescences are poured into 1 liter of vodka and infused for 14 days. Then 3 ml of the medicine is diluted with 100 ml of cooled boiled water. The solution is used four times a day. Take the infusion for 8 weeks.

Powdered milk thistle is also used for treatment. To do this, 5 g of chopped herbs are diluted with 200 ml of hot water and left for half an hour. Then the medicine is taken five times a day, 45 ml each. The treatment lasts 40 days, then you need to pause for 14 days. It is recommended to conduct 3 courses for 6 months.

Corn silk against hepatitis

With the help of corn stigmas, hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholecystitis and many other diseases can be cured. Of course, we are talking about complex therapy. Decoctions and infusions are prepared from this product, they are taken until complete recovery occurs.

Corn stigmas help with hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholecystitis, etc.

To prepare the infusion, pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the product 220 ml of boiling water. The container is wrapped and left. After 2 hours, the liquid is filtered and drunk 60-90 ml 3 to 5 times a day before the patient eats. The following scheme for the use of the drug is also possible: 75 ml three times in 24 hours.

To prepare a decoction, pour 1 teaspoon of raw materials with boiling water in a volume of half a liter and put the container on steam. After half an hour, the liquid is removed and insisted. After 1 hour, the drug is taken 100 ml four times.

Other folk remedies for hepatitis C

Treatment with folk remedies will help restore liver activity.

Herbs help to restore the work of the gland

Patients are concerned about what herbs treat hepatitis. For this purpose, chamomile, calendula, Ivan-tea, cinquefoil, etc. are used. In addition, the following folk remedies are recommended for illness:

  • 200 g of oats are brewed with warm water (about 21 °) in a volume of 1 liter, insisted for 12 hours. Then the liquid is put on fire, covered with a lid, boiled for half an hour. Then the container is covered with a towel and left for another 12 hours. The decoction is drunk 100 ml three times a day before the patient eats.
  • The herb volodushka also helps with hepatitis. 30 g of a dry plant is poured with 1 cup of boiling water, and then insisted. After 2 hours, the finished product is taken 100 ml three times.
  • 5 g of immortelle is poured into 200 ml and insisted in a thermos for 60 minutes. Drink the medicine 100 ml three times.
  • For the treatment of chronic hepatitis, you need to prepare a decoction of vegetable seeds. To do this, mix 1 teaspoon of carrot seeds, 3 teaspoons of parsley and 4 teaspoons of celery fruit. The ingredients are poured into 1 liter of boiling water, insisted for half an hour. The finished broth is filtered and drunk 100 ml six times.
  • With hepatitis C, you can take the following tincture. To prepare it, pour 50 g of nettle, 25 g bought 500 ml of vodka. The container with the liquid is wrapped and insisted for 3 weeks. Then the medicine is filtered and drunk 40 drops, which are diluted with 1 glass of filtered water. Multiplicity of application - 6 times for 40 days.
  • Grind horseradish roots, mix 2 tbsp. spoons of this mixture with the same amount of honey, then leave for 3 days. Use the medicine in 25 ml with an interval of 3 hours 40 days.
  • If jaundice does not go away after treatment, and the tests are bad, prepare an effective remedy. Mix 5 g of baking soda with lemon juice and take on an empty stomach in the morning. After 4 days, the skin, mucous membranes will acquire a normal color.
  • Rosehip and barberry are used as adjunctive therapy for chronic hepatitis. The roots of plants are crushed, poured with water (500 ml) and boiled in a water bath. After 30 minutes, the liquid is infused for 12 hours, and then taken ½ cup before meals. Treatment lasts 40 days. Then the course is interrupted for 12 days.
  • With hepatitis, it is recommended to prepare a choleretic decoction. To do this, pour 10 birch buds with 220 ml of boiling water. Then put the liquid on the steam bath. After 15 minutes, cool the product, add another 1 glass of warm water, use 75–100 ml twice or thrice a day before the patient eats.
  • Mix 30 g of immortelle flowers, 50 g of buckthorn, rose hips, knotweed, 20 g of birch leaves. Before going to bed, pour 25 g of the collection into a thermos, brew in 440 ml of boiling water. By morning, the broth will be ready. Use the drug 50 ml three times a day.
  • A tincture of fresh horseradish leaves will help with chronic hepatitis. Fill a jar (3 l) with leaves, fill with high-quality vodka, insist for 1 week under the lid. Filter the finished tincture, dilute with water (5 ml per 50 ml of water). Consume three times before meals. The course is continued until the remedy is over. Before use, you need to chew and swallow 8 milk thistle seeds.
  • Pour 5 tbsp. spoons of St. John's wort dry wine (Cahors or Madera) to cover. Insist in a dark place for 12 days. Shake the liquid container daily. The finished medicine must be filtered, and then drink 30 ml three times or four times for 14 days.

These are effective alternative methods of treatment that improve the condition of the gland in hepatitis C. There are many more recipes that can be used as part of complex therapy. Before using them, the patient should consult with his doctor.

Liver cleansing

As you know, hepatitis develops as a result of a long-term negative effect of toxins on the gland. For this reason, its functionality is broken, and it is no longer able to work normally. To restore the activity of the liver, it is necessary to periodically cleanse the liver.

Periodically clean the liver

There are a huge number of cleansing methods that are used as maintenance therapy for hepatitis. But there is the simplest, safest and most delicate method. To implement it in the morning on an empty stomach, drink 440–660 ml of filtered water without gas at room temperature. After half an hour, use 220 ml of freshly squeezed apple or grape juice. If necessary, the juice can be replaced with olive oil (cold pressed) in a volume of 30 ml.

After drinking the above drinks, lie on your right side, after placing a heating pad under it, cover yourself with a warm blanket. You need to stay in this position for 2 hours. Then stand up, take deep breaths, sit down a few times. Then you can eat.

It is quite possible to defeat hepatitis with folk remedies, subject to the recommendations of the doctor.

Nutrition rules

Effective treatment involves diet and lifestyle changes. That is, the patient should eat more vegetables, fruits, give up alcohol, smoking. Only in this case it is possible to reduce the toxic load on the gland.

Diet is an important component of the complex therapy of hepatitis C

In acute hepatitis, fatty, fried, salty, spicy dishes should be excluded from the diet. In the absence of severe symptoms, the consumption of the above foods should be limited. After the diagnosis is established, the patient should be attentive to his condition, refuse some products or replace them with others.

For example, instead of mayonnaise, it is allowed to use sour cream with a low percentage of fat content. It is forbidden to use canned products, semi-finished products, and marinades must also be abandoned. It is recommended to eat only fresh dishes prepared from natural products.

The patient should replenish the diet with fruits, vegetables, herbs, fermented milk products with a low percentage of fat content, lean meat and fish. In addition, it is allowed to consume walnuts and legumes in small quantities. The patient should drink freshly squeezed juices from berries, fruits or vegetables, especially carrots.

It is worth limiting the number of eggs in the diet, quail eggs are more useful for hepatitis. This restriction applies to butter and vegetable oils. It is highly recommended to eat grapefruits, blueberries.

Doctors advise to eat food often, about 7 times, but in small portions. Fractional nutrition will reduce the load on the digestive organs, the functionality of which is impaired in hepatitis.

Instead of coffee, you can drink a drink made from chicory, which improves the functioning of the digestive tract.

Hepatitis requires daily light exercise

If you notice symptoms of hepatitis C, you should visit a doctor who will establish a diagnosis and determine the tactics of treatment.

As part of complex therapy, you can use the following folk methods:

  • Healing Fitness. The patient should push up from the floor or wall, rotate the body, bend it to the sides, forward, walk in place. In addition, it is recommended to rub in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium.
  • water therapy. In acute hepatitis, it is recommended to take daily baths. In addition, it is recommended to drink about 3 liters of filtered water per day.
  • Cold and hot shower. The patient should alternately turn on hot water for 60 seconds, and then cold water for 5 seconds. The procedure is performed 10 to 15 times while taking a shower. It is recommended to carry out 3 contrasts in 24 hours.
  • Radish and honey. Juice is squeezed out of the radish, you need to prepare 1 liter of liquid, to which 500 ml of liquid honey is added. Use the medicine three times in 50 ml, preferably before going to bed. Radishes can be replaced with cranberries.
  • Warm enema. With jaundice, it is recommended to put a warm enema from chamomile decoction.
  • Infusion of daisies. Dry raw materials are poured into 1.5 liters of cooled water after boiling, insisted, filtered. The medicine is drunk ½ cup three times.
  • Infusion of lovage. To prepare the remedy, use the leaves or seeds of the plant. Approximately 4 g of raw materials are poured into 1.5 liters of cooled boiled water, insisted for 3 hours. Then the medicine is filtered and taken 30 ml four times in 24 hours.

These effective remedies will help improve the condition of the liver in hepatitis C and speed up recovery.

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