Where was the enchanted place in the story located? "enchanted place"

Engineering systems 01.10.2019

Enchanted place

They say that a person can control an unclean spirit. Don't say that. If the devilish power wants to make you faint, it will make you faint...

I was eleven years old. My father had four of us. At the beginning of spring, Father took tobacco to Crimea to sell. He took his three-year-old brother with him, and I, my mother and two brothers remained. Grandfather sowed a mash tree right next to the road and went to live in the kuren.

Grandfather liked the fact that fifty Chumakov carts would pass by him in a day, and everyone could tell something.

One day six carts were driving past: old friends of Grandfather Maxim. We sat in a circle, ate melons, and talked. My grandfather took us in and made my brother and I play the sopilka and dance. And he himself, even though he is old, cannot resist, so his legs dance. And then he couldn’t stand it, and the grandfather began to dance on the path between the cucumber beds. But as soon as he reached the middle of the path, his legs stopped lifting. I accelerated at first, danced to that place, and again my legs became wooden. “Look, a devilish place! Look, a satanic obsession! Herod, the enemy of the human race, will get involved!”

Ah, the rogue Satan! May you choke on a rotten melon!.. - said the grandfather.

And someone laughed from behind. The grandfather turned around, and the place was unfamiliar, a field around, then he took a good look and recognized the threshing floor of the volost clerk. This is where the evil spirits dragged me!

Then the grandfather went out onto the path, and a candle lit up on the grave to the side of it. Then the candle went out, and a little further from it another lighted up... Grandfather decided that there was a treasure here. He wanted to dig right away, but he didn’t have a spade with him. The grandfather noticed the place and went home.

The next day, in the evening, armed with a spade and shovel, the grandfather went to the priest’s garden. I reached the place and began to look: there was a threshing floor - the dovecote was gone, the dovecote was visible - there was no threshing floor. And then it started to rain heavily. Grandfather went home.

The next day, walking through his garden, the grandfather struck with a spade on the path where there was no dancing with the words: “Cursed place!” And again I found myself in the field where I saw the candles. Now he had a spade.

He ran to the grave and began to dig. The earth is soft, he dug a cauldron. The grandfather spoke to himself, and around him someone repeated his words several times. The grandfather decided that this was the devil who didn’t want to give up the treasure.

To hell with you! - said the grandfather, throwing the cauldron. - Your treasure is yours!

The grandfather started to run away from there, but everything was quiet around. Grandfather returned and grabbed

cauldron and run as fast as you could. And so he ran to the priest’s garden.

And the mother waited until the evening for the grandfather, but he was still not there. We've already had dinner. The mother washed the pot and began to look for where to pour the slop. And here comes the kitchen along the path. The mother poured hot slop into it. Grandfather will scream in a deep voice!

He began to tell us that now there will be children with bagels, he dug up a treasure. They opened the cauldron, and there was rubbish in there and it was a shame to say what it was.

Since then, the grandfather no longer believes the devil.

And don't think! - he often told us, - whatever the enemy of the Lord Christ says, he will lie, son of a dog! He doesn't have a penny's worth of truth!

And the grandfather will hear that somewhere is restless:

Come on guys, let's baptize! - he will shout to us too. - That's it! so him! good! - and begins to lay crosses.

As part of the project "Gogol. 200 years"RIA Newspresents a brief summary of the work “The Enchanted Place” by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol - the final story of the series “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”. The story has the subtitle "A true story told by the sexton of the *** church."

This true story dates back to the time when the narrator was still a child. The father and one of his sons went to the Crimea to sell tobacco, leaving his wife at home, three more sons and his grandfather to guard the tower - a profitable business, there were many travelers, and best of all - Chumaks who told outlandish stories. One evening, several carts of Chumaks arrive, all old acquaintances of their grandfather. We kissed, lit a cigarette, started talking, and then there was a treat. The grandfather demanded that the grandchildren dance and amuse the guests, but he did not endure it for long and went himself. The grandfather danced gloriously, making such pretzels that it was a wonder, until he reached one place near a bed with cucumbers. This is where his legs became. Tried again - same thing. He scolded and started again - to no avail.

Someone laughed from behind. The grandfather looked around, but did not recognize the place: both the bashtan and the Chumaks - everything was gone, there was only one smooth field around. Still, I understood where he was, behind the priest’s garden, behind the volost clerk’s threshing floor. “This is where the evil spirits dragged me!” I started to get out, it was not a month, I found a path in the darkness. A light flashed on a grave nearby, and another a little further away. "Treasure!" - the grandfather decided and heaped a large branch for a sign, since he did not have a spade with him. He returned late to the bashtan, there were no Chumaks, the children were sleeping.

The next evening, grabbing a spade and shovel, he headed to the priest’s garden. So, according to all the signs, he went out into the field to his former place: the dovecote sticks out, but the threshing floor is not visible. I went closer to the threshing floor - the dovecote disappeared. And then it started to rain, and the grandfather, unable to find a place, ran back cursing. The next evening he went with a spade to dig a new bed, and, passing the damned place where he could not dance, he hit the spade in his heart, and ended up in that very field. He recognized everything: the threshing floor, the dovecote, and the grave with a piled up branch. There was a stone on the grave. Having dug around, the grandfather rolled him away and was about to sniff the tobacco, when someone sneezed over his head. I looked around - there was no one. The grandfather began to dig and found a boiler. “Ah, my dear, that’s where you are!” - exclaimed the grandfather. The bird's nose said the same thing, and the ram's head from the top of the tree, and the bear. “It’s scary to say a word here,” muttered the grandfather, and after him the bird’s nose, and the ram’s head, and the bear. Grandfather wants to run - there is a bottomless steep slope under his feet, a mountain looms over his head. Grandfather threw the boiler, and everything became the same. Deciding that evil spirits were only frightening, he grabbed the cauldron and began to run.

At this time, both the children and the mother who came were wondering where the grandfather had gone. After dinner, the mother went to pour out the hot slop, and a barrel was crawling towards her: apparently, one of the children, naughty, was pushing her from behind. Her mother threw slop at her. It turned out that it was my grandfather. They opened my grandfather’s cauldron, and in it there was rubbish, squabbles and “I’m ashamed to say what it is.” From that time on, the grandfather swore to believe the devil, blocked the damned place with a fence, and when the neighboring Cossacks rented a field for a tower, something always sprang up in the enchanted place “the devil knows what!”

Material provided by the internet portal briefly.ru, compiled by E. V. Kharitonova

They say that people can cope with an unclean spirit. You shouldn't say that. If evil spirits want to deceive, so be it.

The narrator was 11 years old. In total, the father had 4 children. In early spring my father went to Crimea and brought tobacco for sale. He took his 3-year-old brother with him, and the narrator stayed at home with his mother and 2 brothers. Grandfather sowed a vegetable garden right next to the road and went to live in the kuren.

Grandfather liked the fact that about 50 carts passed by him a day, and everyone could tell him something.

One day 6 carts were driving past Maxim’s grandfather; these were his grandfather’s old comrades. They sat in a circle, ate and talked. The grandfather took the narrator and his brother to play the pipe and dance. Unable to resist, the grandfather himself began to dance right on the path between the cucumber beds. This is where the unclean thing happened: as soon as the grandfather reached the middle of the path, his legs immediately stopped rising. He started again from the beginning of the path, danced to the middle and again his legs became stiff. It was some kind of enchanted place. The grandfather immediately began to swear and called this place devilish.

Immediately behind the grandfather, someone laughed. The grandfather turned around and looked - and the place was unknown, the field around was unfamiliar. I took a closer look and recognized the threshing floor of one of the volost clerks. This is where the unclean force took my grandfather.

Then the grandfather decided to go out onto the road, and to the side on one of the graves he saw a candle flashing. Soon it went out and a second light came on, a little further away. The grandfather thought that a treasure was hidden in this place. I thought about digging right away, but I didn’t have a shovel with me. Then he decided to remember the place and return here later. With these thoughts he walked home.

In the evening next day the grandfather took a shovel and a spade and went to the place of the treasure. But, having reached the place, he was surprised - if there is a threshing floor, then there is no dovecote, but if a dovecote is visible, then there is no threshing floor. Suddenly there was a heavy downpour, and the grandfather wandered back home.

The next day, the grandfather walked through his garden to the enchanted place with a spade in his hands. Hitting the place where his legs were stiff with a spade, he immediately found himself in the field where he had seen the candles. Only now he had a spade.

He got to the place indicated by the candles and began to dig. Soon he dug out the cauldron. While digging, the grandfather talked to himself, and someone repeated his words several times. The grandfather thought that this was the devil who didn’t want to give up the treasure. Then he left the treasure and ran to the house, and there was silence all around. Then he returned, took the pot and ran as fast as he could. So he got to the priest's garden.

The mother waited for the grandfather until the evening. We’ve already had dinner, but he’s still nowhere to be seen. The mother washed the pot and began to look for where to dump the slops. Suddenly she saw a kukhla floating in the air in the dark. The mother took the hot slop and poured it there. Immediately there was a loud cry from the grandfather. The grandfather told about the treasure he had found and hoped that now all the children would have bagels and bagels.

Hoping for gold, the grandfather opened the pot, and there was something that was embarrassing to even talk about.

After this incident, my grandfather lost all his trust. And he often told his grandchildren that they should never trust the devil - he would definitely deceive. And if I heard something turbulent going on somewhere, I immediately began to be baptized and shouted to my grandchildren to be baptized.

The grandfather fenced off that enchanted place on the path where his legs grew stiff with a fence, and threw all the garbage and weeds there.

Kukhlya* is a vessel for transporting liquids over short distances.

This true story dates back to the time when the narrator was still a child. The father and one of his sons went to the Crimea to sell tobacco, leaving his wife at home, three more sons and his grandfather to guard the tower - a profitable business, there were a lot of travelers, and best of all - Chumaks who told outlandish stories. One evening, several carts of Chumaks arrive, all old acquaintances of their grandfather. We kissed, lit a cigarette, started talking, and then there was a treat. The grandfather demanded that the grandchildren dance and amuse the guests, but he did not endure it for long and went himself. The grandfather danced gloriously, making such pretzels that it was a wonder, until he reached one place near a bed with cucumbers. This is where his legs became. I tried again - the same thing. He scolded and started again - to no avail. Someone laughed from behind. The grandfather looked around, but did not recognize the place: both the bashtan and the Chumaks - everything was gone, there was only one smooth field around. Still, I understood where he was, behind the priest’s garden, behind the volost clerk’s threshing floor. “This is where the evil spirits dragged me!” I started to get out, it was not a month, I found a path in the dark. A light flashed on a grave nearby, and another a little further away. "Treasure!" - the grandfather decided and piled up a large branch for a sign, since he did not have a spade with him. He returned late to the bashtan, there were no Chumaks, the children were sleeping.

The next evening, grabbing a spade and shovel, he headed to the priest’s garden. So, according to all the signs, he went out into the field to his former place: the dovecote sticks out, but the threshing floor is not visible. I went closer to the threshing floor - the dovecote disappeared. And then it started to rain, and the grandfather, unable to find a place, ran back cursing. The next evening he went with a spade to dig a new bed, and, passing the damned place where he could not dance, he hit the spade in his heart, and ended up in that very field. He recognized everything: the threshing floor, the dovecote, and the grave with a piled up branch. There was a stone on the grave. Having dug around, the grandfather rolled him away and was about to sniff the tobacco, when someone sneezed over his head. I looked around - there was no one. The grandfather began to dig and found a boiler. “Ah, my dear, that’s where you are!” - exclaimed the grandfather. The bird's nose said the same thing, and the ram's head from the top of the tree, and the bear. “It’s scary to say a word here,” muttered the grandfather, and after him the bird’s nose, and the ram’s head, and the bear. Grandfather wants to run - there is a bottomless steep slope under his feet, a mountain looms over his head. Grandfather threw the boiler, and everything became the same. Deciding that evil spirits were only frightening, he grabbed the cauldron and began to run.

At this time, both the children and the mother who came were wondering where the grandfather had gone. After dinner, the mother went to pour out the hot slop, and a barrel was crawling towards her: apparently, one of the children, naughty, was pushing her from behind. Her mother threw slop at her. It turned out that it was my grandfather. They opened my grandfather’s cauldron, and in it there was rubbish, squabbles and “I’m ashamed to say what it is.” From that time on, the grandfather swore to believe the devil, blocked the damned place with a fence, and when the neighboring Cossacks rented a field for a tower, something always sprang up in the enchanted place “the devil knows what!”

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Gogol N.V. fairy tale "The Enchanted Place"

Genre: literary mystical fairy tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "The Enchanted Place" and their characteristics

  1. Narrator, sexton in his youth. A boy, cheerful and mischievous.
  2. Grandfather Maxim. Important, angry, serious. I wanted to find a treasure.
  3. The narrator's mother. I poured slop on my grandfather.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "The Enchanted Place"
  1. The sexton begins the story
  2. Grandfather and his chicken
  3. Arrival of the Chumaks
  4. Dancing
  5. Enchanted place
  6. Grave with candle
  7. Searching for a grave
  8. Again at the grave
  9. Fear and horror
  10. Removing the boiler
  11. Hot slop
  12. Garbage in the boiler.
  13. Do not believe evil spirits.
The shortest summary of the fairy tale "The Enchanted Place" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. The sexton remembers his youth, how he lived with his grandfather in a smoking area near the road.
  2. Once the Chumaks arrived and the grandfather began to dance, but suddenly he found himself in an unfamiliar place.
  3. Grandfather saw a candle on the grave and realized that there was treasure there.
  4. A day later, the grandfather again stood in the cursed place and found himself near the grave.
  5. He was frightened by evil spirits, but he pulled out the cauldron and brought it home.
  6. The mother doused the grandfather with slop, and there was garbage in the cauldron.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "The Enchanted Place"
Never believe what evil spirits promise you.

What does the fairy tale “The Enchanted Place” teach?
The fairy tale teaches not to try to get rich quickly, not to look for treasure, but to work. Teaches not to believe in evil spirits. Teaches that there are many mysterious and incomprehensible things in the world. Teaches you to be brave and firm in faith.

Review of the fairy tale "The Enchanted Place"
I really liked this story, which the author called a true story. Of course, I didn’t quite believe this story; it still seemed like a fairy tale to me, but it was interesting to read. And the description of the evil spirits at the grave even brought a smile, although I wouldn’t want to encounter something like that myself at night.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "The Enchanted Place"
The devil is strong, but there is no will.
There would be a swamp, but there would be devils.
If you mess with the devil, you have yourself to blame.
Pray to God and don’t give a damn.
The devil is not as scary as he is painted.

Unfamiliar words in the fairy tale "The Enchanted Place"
Chumak - driver
Bashtan - melon
Kavun - watermelon
Levada - vegetable garden
Khustka - scarf
Kukhwa - barrel

Read summary, brief retelling fairy tales "The Enchanted Place"
The sexton tells an incident from his youth.
His father took him to sell tobacco, and the narrator, grandfather, mother and two brothers remained at home. For the summer, the grandfather went to live in a kuren near the road, and took the boys with him. And then one day the Chumaks, six carts, appeared along the road. Ahead walked a chumak with a large gray mustache.
He recognized his grandfather and said hello. The grandfather was delighted with his old acquaintances and went in to kiss. Everyone sat down, took watermelons, and the grandfather ordered them to play the nozzle and dance. And even my grandfather’s legs were bursting to dance. And so he could not stand it and rushed to trim his knees. I accelerated, reached the middle, but my knee didn’t work out. He turned around, came back, again reached the same place - it didn’t work.
The grandfather swore at Satan, and lo and behold, the place around was unfamiliar. The grandfather took a closer look, saw the priest’s dovecote, and got out onto the path. It goes on, and the night is dark, impenetrable. Suddenly a candle was lit at the grave - there was treasure there. The grandfather regretted that there was neither a shovel nor a spade, he piled a huge log on the grave and went home. I came home, the Chumaks had already left, and my grandfather fell asleep.
The next day, towards evening, the grandfather took a shovel and went to the priest’s garden. He walked and wandered, but couldn’t find the grave. And then it started to rain. Grandfather came home wet, lying there, swearing with the last words.
The next day, the grandfather walked through the melon patch as if nothing had happened, covering the watermelons. And in the evening I walked past the enchanted place with a shovel, couldn’t stand it, walked into the middle and hit it with a spade. And again I found myself in the same place near the grave. And the candle burns again.
The grandfather approached the grave. He sees a huge stone lying on it. The grandfather dug up the stone and pushed it off the grave. The grandfather stopped to take a break, poured tobacco on his fist, just brought it to his nose, someone behind him sneezed, he sprayed it all over the grandfather.
Grandfather turns around - no one. Grandfather began to dig. I dug up the pot and was delighted. “There you are, my dear,” he says. And the bird's nose repeats the same words. And then a ram's head from the top of the tree. And a bear from behind a tree. Grandfather became scared, and the bird's nose, the ram and the bear all repeated after him.
The grandfather got scared and looked around. And the night is terrible - no month, no stars. Yes, some mug peeks out from behind the mountain, his eyes are red, his nose is like fur in a forge. Grandfather threw the cauldron and was just about to run when everything disappeared, everything became quiet.
The grandfather understood that evil spirits only frighten. With difficulty he pulled out the cauldron and ran as fast as he could. And only at the priest’s garden he stopped.
Meanwhile, everyone at home was wondering where grandfather had disappeared to. The mother had already come from the farm with dumplings, everyone had already dined, and the mother washed the cauldron and was looking for a place to pour the slop. He looks like a barrel is coming, someone must be pushing it from behind.
The mother decided that the boys were playing around and poured the hot slop directly into the barrel. When someone starts yelling in a deep voice, lo and behold, it’s grandfather.
He wiped himself off, had a fight, and puts out the boiler. Wealth promises. He opens it, and there is rubbish, garbage, dirt. The grandfather spat and ordered never to believe in evil spirits. As soon as he appeared, he immediately began to be baptized. And he ordered to throw rubbish and rubbish onto the damned place.
Good watermelons grew there.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "The Enchanted Place"

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