Leap year calendar of the 20th century. Leap years - list

Encyclopedia of Plants 15.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

The Salem witch hunt has begun.

Peter issues a decree on the laying of the Biysk fortress

Leo von Klenze was born - the founder of architectural trends on the principle of ""new - a little rebuilt antique"". And the Marquis de Sade was transferred to the Bastille, where in five years he would write three of his most famous and outrageous novels.

Gioacchino Rossini is born.

Napoleon appoints commanders in his army. Alexander I is considering a gas lighting project in the capital of his empire.

The Grand Duchess is getting married - of course, a prince. The Russian emperor takes care of widows and the country's legislation.

Aubert's opera The Mute of Portici (or Fenella) premiered.

Charles Darwin explores the Brazilian jungle during the Beagle expedition.

The Crimean War is over.

Herman Cholerite is born.

The St. Gotthard Tunnel was completed.

The Russian Empire is full of cultural events. Performances are played, writers write letters. In Europe, Engels wrote something of little interest to Liebknecht. In America, another round of a court case, which eventually dragged on for a quarter of a century and led to a change in the rules of forensic evidence.

An international commission has been set up to regulate fur seal hunting. It was one of the first examples of international cooperation in the field of animal protection.

Talented organizers and creative personalities were born all over the world on this year and day.

According to the Gregorian calendar, 1900 is a common year; according to the Julian calendar, it is a leap year.

Russo-Japanese War- one of the first in the 20th century. And in Europe they dance and sing.

Liquid helium was obtained at the Leiden Laboratory. The Oryol Central was created in Russia. Football is played in Brazil.

Joseph Stalin flees from exile. Russia is helping to conclude a Serbian-Bulgarian treaty. Workers are on strike in Bodaibo.

Strikes, pogroms, sunken ships, orders and everything that accompanies the world war. In Moscow, poets are self-elected as Presidents of the globe.

The Red Army is pushing the atamans Denikin and Annenkov. The first constitution was approved in the Czech Republic. The Kapp putsch began in Germany.

After civil war culture comes alive. Surrogate money is prohibited. Vladimir Kryukov is born - the chairman of the KGB and a member of the State Emergency Committee.

The Central Electoral Commission and Council of People's Commissars of all levels produce documents. Writers write letters. The artists are performing. The ships are being built. Celebrities are born.

In Finland, an armed rebellion of the Nazis. The last Emperor China is still trying to lead the state.

Niels Bohr proposed a planetary model of the structure of the atom.

Hitler fools the American diplomat. Black Hetty McDaniel wins an Oscar.

Soviet troops succeed in all directions.

The President of Peru criticizes opponents. Irina Kupchenko was born.

The USSR sends notes to America because of the Katyn affair. Stalin is sent a letter about Paulus. The Academy of Arts thinks about talented children. End and start testing aircraft. Raisa Smetanina is born in the village of Mokhcha.

Airplanes are flying. The unjustly accused and shot generals have been rehabilitated. Islamic Republic of Pakistan established. In Finland, the President has resigned. In Korea, articles are published that fully support the opinion of the country's leader.

The largest earthquake in Morocco. Flights of cruise missiles and new aircraft. Movie premieres. Writers and at least one serial killer were born.

Launching a Soviet nuclear submarine. The message of the Americans about the existence of a new strategic fighter aircraft. The Pact on Arab Cultural Unity was signed.

Launched ships and submarines. The Il-18D aircraft crashed.

V. Vysotsky sings in Moscow. In the United States, John Lennon begins the fight for an American visa.

How many days are in a leap year?

Once every four years we observe an interesting calendar phenomenon. Every year it is customary for us to count 365 days, but once every four years we count 366 days. This has been the case historically, since 45 BC, when a Roman dictator named Gaius Julius Caesar created the calendar. Later, such a calendar began to be called the Julian.

The history of the leap year.

Gaius Julius Caesar's new calendar began on January 1, 45 BC. Astronomers of that time calculated the exact number of days during which the Earth completes a cycle called a year. The exact number of days was 365.25. In other words, there were 365 full days and 6 hours in a year. Since it was inconvenient to count incomplete days, we decided to introduce a special one to even out the balance.

For three years in a row, 365 days are counted, and in each subsequent fourth year they are added 24 hours (6 hours in 4 years) in February. Thus, a new day of February appeared, only one, appearing every four years. This month was not chosen by chance. It was he who was considered the last Roman month of the year. 45 BC became the first leap year.

The current year 2016 is a leap year. The next one will be in 2020, then in 2024, and so on.

Signs of a leap year.

Since ancient times, a year in which one day more than in other years was considered significant and even difficult. Some events were associated with it, it was believed that if it was in this year that winter was a day longer, it means that this year affects the human body in a special way.

Leap year, signs which scares a lot of people, is actually not so scary. The human body is not imprisoned for changes in the calendar and numbers. Rather, a person runs the risk of being influenced by the location of the planets, the moon and other external factors affecting the person as a whole.

Among the signs that many people have in this long year, the main ones are the prohibitions on various buildings.

Leap year: what not to do?

Many of us are interested in what cannot be done on a leap year. Among these activities are:

  • carol,
  • make real estate transactions,
  • divorce.

It is not recommended to go far, and if this happens, it is advised to say certain prayers. All this, of course, has nothing to do with religion, so if the soul asks for prayer, it is better to pray without any signs.

Leap year is not terrible.

Such a year can bring a lot of wonderful moments to a person. In leap years, such great figures of art and culture were born as: M. Glinka, I. Strauss, L. Tolstoy, I. Goncharov, as well as modern actors: K. Diaz, K. Khabensky, T. Hanks.

February 29 is one of the most mysterious phenomena for many. Do you know that not every 4th year is a leap year, but in history there is also February 30? Not? Then read our article. "First Smolensky" figured out the scientific and historical foundations of what is happening, as well as the human prejudices associated with this.

Gregorian and Julian calendars. What is the difference?

In 45 BC, Gaius Julius Caesar introduced a new calendar, later called the Julian. Together with the astronomer Sosigen, Caesar came to an amazing discovery - the astronomical year lasts 365 and 6 hours. Later, scientists will find out that during this time the Earth makes a complete revolution around the Sun and, as it turned out, it is not a multiple of the number of revolutions of the planet around its axis (that is, it is not equal to the whole number of days).

Thus, in order to compensate for the day running over 4 years, it was decided to increase every fourth year in the calendar by one day. In principle, it could have been any other day - summer, spring or autumn, but it was decided to stop on February 29, and not, say, on December 32.

I must say that Caesar miscalculated a little and set a leap year every third year. Only 36 years after his death, Emperor Augustus corrected the unfortunate mistake.

Even more interesting is the case with leap years The situation is in the Gregorian calendar, adopted by Pope Gregory XIII on October 4, 1582. In this calendar, the duration of the year is somewhat less and equal to 365.2425 days, that is, it contains 97 leap years for every 400 years. In the Gregorian calendar, the rule applies: a year whose number is a multiple of 400 is a leap year, other years whose number is a multiple of 100 are not leap years. All years, the number of which is a multiple of 4, but not included in the previous group, are leap years.

The difference in counting leap years is the main difference between the two calendars. The Orthodox live according to the Julian calendar, the Catholics live according to the Gregorian. That is why, speaking of Russian Empire and chronology, there are concepts of old and new styles. For example, the year 1900 is not a leap year according to the Gregorian calendar, but it is a leap year according to the Julian calendar. To date, the difference between the calendars is 13 days and continues to increase.

The Gregorian calendar is much more accurate than the Julian calendar: it gives a much better approximation to the tropical year (the length of time it takes for the sun to complete one cycle of seasons). Today, the entire secular world lives according to the Gregorian calendar. Therefore, it is wrong to assume that every fourth year is a leap year. The scoring system is somewhat more complicated.

In 1699, the Kingdom of Sweden decided to keep up with world trends and switch from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar. To do this, it was proposed to skip leap years for 40 years in order to equalize the calendar difference (at that time it was 10 days). But something went wrong and 1704 and 1708 were leap years in Sweden. In 1712, it was decided to completely abandon the reform. Then, in order to return to the Julian calendar, in February 1712, another day was added. So it appeared on February 30 in Sweden.

In 1929, the USSR decided to introduce the Soviet revolutionary calendar, where each month lasted 30 days, and the week - 5 days. The remaining 5 or 6 (for leap years) days of the year were called nameless holidays. The idea was abandoned already in 1931. At the same time, February 30 also appeared twice (1930 and 1931) in the Soviet calendar.

Some scholars believe that due to the error of the Gregorian calendar in 3328, February 30 will also have to be introduced to equalize calendar year with tropical. However, other scientists, on the contrary, believe that the day should be taken away, not added.

Leap prejudice

There is a sign that every leap year must be very difficult and even unsuccessful. It turns out that in many ways, this is an exclusively Russian tradition. The fact is that February 29 is Kasyan's day. The attitude of the Orthodox towards this saint is very twofold. Kasyan, one of the followers of Christ, refused to help the farmer pull out the stuck cart, which Christ asked him to do. This was done by Nikolay, who was walking beside him. And then Christ said: “You have done a good deed, Nicholas. People will remember you twice a year - in May and December. And you, Kasyan, for not helping, will be remembered only once every four years. In some areas, Kasyan is not even revered as a saint, and his name is reputed to be shameful. It is believed that it was this attitude of the people towards Kasyan that created a negative image of February 29 and the leap year as a whole.

Another interesting fact- In Scotland, in a leap year, it is not men who woo women, but vice versa.

In the Julian and Gregorian calendars, a leap year is a year that consists of 366 days. Thus, it differs from the usual one by the presence of an “extra” day. In the Julian calendar, every fourth year is a leap year. As for the Gregorian, it has a similar approach to determining a leap year, but with a small exception.

What are leap years in the Gregorian calendar?

To be considered a leap year, the year must first of all be divisible by four. Regarding zero years, from which centuries begin, they are considered leap years only if their number is a multiple of 400. So, for example, the year 2000 is a leap year, while the year 1900 is not.

As for the question of how many days are in a leap year, the world's most widely used Gregorian calendar contains 366 days. The “extra” day is February 29th. Thus, people born on this day officially celebrate their birthday every four years. This is interesting feature leap years.

Where does the extra day come from?

Our planet is constantly revolving around its celestial body - the Sun. The Earth makes a complete revolution in 365 days and several hours. This period of time is called a "year". For convenience of calculation, the “extra” few hours are not taken into account for three years. In the fourth year, additional hours are added up and, as a result, an “extra” day is obtained, which is usually added to every fourth February.

Leap years: a list for the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries

Given the above rules for determining leap years, it is possible to form a list of them for the last centuries. So, in the 19th century, these were: 1804, 1808, 1812, 1816, 1820, 1824, 1828, 1832, 1836, 1840, 1844, 1848, 1852, 1856, 1860, 1864, 1868, 1872, 180. 1888, 1892, 1896.

In the 20th century, the leap years, respectively, were 1904, 1908, 1912, 1916, 1920, 1924, 1928, 1932, 1936, 1940, 1944, 1948, 1952, 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968, 194. , 1988, 1992, 1996.

As for the 21st century, in which we all were lucky enough to live, the leap years were 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012. The next leap year will be 2016.

Leap Year Mystery

Despite the fact that the origin and features of leap years have long been studied and absolutely clear, many people are apprehensively waiting for their onset. It just so happened that a leap year is considered something strange and somewhere even dangerous. Nevertheless, if we analyze history, in ordinary years there were no less various kinds of cataclysms and negative events than in leap years. Therefore, it is not necessary to attach any special significance to leap years.

A leap year, or it is also called the word "leap year", causes a lot of rumors and superstitions, which boil down mainly to the fact that this year is unhappy and promises only one negative event. In this article, we will discuss how true these opinions are.

A bit of history

The word "leap" came to us from the Latin language, that is, it ancient origin, and its literal translation sounds like "second sixth".

According to the Julian calendar, the Earth goes through its cycle in 365.25 days, while every year the day shifted by 6 hours. Such an error could well confuse ancient men, and in order to avoid this, it was decided that after every fourth year another day would be added to the annual cycle. Accordingly, this year will include 366 days, and they will be added in the shortest month - February, it will consist of 29 days. For distinction, he was called a leap.

On the Ancient Russia, in turn, there were many legends about the emergence of leap years, and each of them was already perceived as necessarily unlucky. The legends about the arrival of the new calendar and the leap year in it in Russia were also reflected in the Saints. So, February 29 is dedicated to the memory of St. Kasyan, and among the people he is called Kasyanov Day. Several legends and apocrypha are dedicated to this day (stories that are not recognized by the church as confirmed and consistent with what we know about God). But it sheds light on the origin of the bad reputation of the leaps.

According to this legend, Kasyan appears to the common people not as a man, but as an angel, moreover, a fallen one, who was once tempted by Satan, as a result of which he fell away from God. However, in the future, he realized how wrong he was, repented and begged the Creator for mercy. Taking pity on the traitor, God, before taking him back, put His angel to him. The celestial shackled Kasyan and, by order from above, beat him on the forehead with a metal hammer for admonition for 3 years, and released him on the fourth.

The second legend about Kasyan

According to the second story Kasyan- this is a person, and Kasyanov's day is the date of his name day. However, according to the legend, that man systematically drunk dead for three years in a row, but on the fourth he came to his senses, brought repentance, gave up addiction, turned to repentance and became a saint - he acquired the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the people considered, it is fitting for them to celebrate their day so rarely - only on February 29th.

The third legend about Kasyan

This legend is dedicated to St. Kasyan traveling the earth and Nicholas the Wonderworker, well known to Christians. And then they meet a man along the way. He asked them for help as his wagon became bogged down in the mud. Kasyan replied to this that he was careful not to spoil his clean riza, and Nikolai, not afraid of dirt, immediately helped. The saints returned to the Kingdom of God, and the Creator noticed that Nikolai's robe was dirty and asked him what it was about.

The Saint told him what had happened on the way. Then the Lord noticed that Kasyan's clothes were clean, and asked the question: did they not travel together? Kasyan replied that he was afraid to stain his clothes. God understood that Cosmas was cunning, and arranged in such a way that his name day is celebrated with him once every 4 years. And Nikolai's namesake for his meekness - twice in 365 days.

Anyway , whatever it may be, the leap was recognized as bad. Therefore, the Russian superstitious people tried to somehow protect themselves from this day.

  1. I tried to finish all the important things before the 29th of February.
  2. Some did not dare to leave the house.
  3. On February 29, if the sun came out, it was called Kasyan's Eye or Kasyanov's Eye. Then they tried not to fall under the sun, so that the saint would not… jinx them! And he did not bring suffering and disease to the poor person.

As in old times, in today's world, superstitions and signs that are not with better side determine the leap years of the 21st century. We list some of them:

Why is a leap year considered bad?

Such an attitude is quite understandable: the appearance of the 29th day in February characterizes the whole year differently from others, psychologically distinguishes it from among the others. This can be important for a person who is unsure of their abilities. It will be much easier for him, referring to this special period, to refuse something new than to expend energy for self-development or the start of some business.

For the same reason, it will be easier not to get pregnant, so as not to give birth later, because the fear that the birth will be difficult increases, the baby may be born painful. And if not, then suddenly his life will be bleak or hard.

See our resourceful people and the threat in the very name of the leap year, saying that it “mows down” people, in other words, takes them away, leads to death. Therefore, the holiday is met with apprehension (or, conversely, on a special scale - you never know who will die ...). This is a very common belief that tries to infiltrate the statistics. It is becoming accepted that the death rate increases every 4th year. At the same time, the statistics themselves do not confirm these data in any way.

Mushrooms can not be collected either, and even more so they can be eaten or sold to people. No, not so as not to get poisoned, but so that with the “bad earth” a person does not get “something bad”.

It is believed that a leap year entails cataclysms in nature and all sorts of disasters: drought, floods, fires.

What years are leap years

In the last century, as well as in the present, such calendar periods also terrified. A list of them can be seen in the image or found on the Internet. Also, the year 2000, the same millennium, in turn was a leap year, opening a whole millennium.

Despite the fact that with the development of technology, information has become more accessible and it has become possible to learn more and expand one's horizons, getting rid of primitive fears, many continue to anxiously expect a leap year, internally setting themselves up for problems and troubles, and when they come (if they come), this is perceived as doomed: well, it's a leap year... An extra day in February. Deadly!

There are special calendars that indicate exactly when the leap year occurs. It is enough to carefully look at the table and find (or not find) the actual numbers there. It is enough to know at least one leap year, after which, through elementary arithmetic, it will be possible to calculate them yourself. Let's say you're interested in leap years in the 21st century. Find a calendar and view it. Knowing that 2016 is a leap year, it is easy to understand that the next one will come in 2020.

If you trust the statistics, a very small number of all catastrophes and misfortunes falls on leap years. The superstitions that exist today can be interpreted by the fact that people who were closely following the misfortunes and misfortunes that occurred at leap years, communicated an exaggerated meaning to what was happening only because of the unflattering reputation of the latter. Persons who extremely trust superstitions about leap years would like to wish to pay more attention to positive events and changes. And then, perhaps, there will be a list of good and joyful signs restoring the reputation of the leaps.

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