Ecosil is a plant growth stimulator. Ecosil: instructions, use and reviews of the drug Preparatory measures before use

Encyclopedia of Plants 23.06.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

Each owner of a summer cottage dreams of increasing the productivity of his crop, as well as protecting plants from various cataclysms.

The treatment of country crops with biostimulants is an opportunity to profitably carry out preventive work to protect crops from numerous diseases and vagaries of nature. A drug called "Ekosil" is a budgetary and highly effective immunity stimulator, which many gardeners call a "first aid kit for country plants."

Why is the drug needed?

"Ekosil" is not considered a fertilizer for plants, although its effect is to favorably change the composition of the soil. This helps to absorb useful and nutrients much more efficiently. Also, the stimulant helps plants cope with viral and fungal irritants.

A number of advantages of the drug "Ekosil":

  • acceleration of germination of crops;
  • fruits ripen much faster;
  • the amount of vitamins and useful minerals in grown fruits increases;
  • to frozen and drying plants come back to life again;
  • country plants have strong immunity, they are able to withstand sudden changes in temperature.

How does Ecosil work?

The preparation contains three terpenic acid diluted with 5% aqueous emulsion. This is the main active ingredient. A capacity of 20 ml is enough to process about 4 acres of land. To process a large area of ​​crops, the manufacturer is ready to offer a capacity of 100 ml, 500 ml, as well as 5 liter bottles.

If you process plants in the autumn, then their protective functions are activated. Crops tolerate cold much better, it becomes easier for them to take root in a new place. The growth regulator of country crops also has a disinfecting effect. The gardener should keep in mind that for each type of plant, the dosage and method of using Ecosil are different.

How to breed Ecosil

The drug should be diluted, starting from the type of plant that needs fertilizer. To find out how much water is required for the correct preparation of the drug, you need to familiarize yourself with the table that is placed in the package of the drug.

Table on how to breed Ecosil for different types of plants(click to enlarge) :

A set of substances is made using a special measuring device or a medical syringe. From one ml of Ecosil, 30 drops of the active substance should be obtained, which is ready for use.

Before direct dilution, Ecosil should be shaken and then mixed with warm water heated to about 50 degrees. The resulting mixture must be mixed.

Before applying the resulting liquid to the plants, it should be placed in a dark place. The fertilization procedure is carried out in dry weather in the morning or evening. After spraying the substance, the drug begins to act after 20-30 minutes. Visible results are visible within a few days.

Proper treatment with a drug to stimulate the growth of seeds and plants

Seed treatment before sowing leads to improved plant similarity. This characteristic is especially important if you want to save as many seeds as possible.

For seedlings should be used 20-30 drops stimulant growth of Ecosil. Dilute the drug 1 liter of water. Spray the seeds should be 5 days before sowing.

For seeds enough 12 drops "Ekosila" and stir it 1 liter of water. In the resulting solution, it is necessary to leave the seeds to soak for an hour. After that, rinse the seed with running water and then dry it. After this simple procedure, the seeds are ready for planting.

Precautions when working with Ecosil

Be careful when using the drug. When working with it, wear rubber gloves, goggles, a respirator, and a protective suit.

If the drug does get into the eyes, immediately rinse them with water. If a person has inhaled a large amount of the sprayed substance, then one should stay in the fresh air for a long time.

The risk of severe poisoning occurs when a person swallows Ecosil. This negatively affects the entire work of the body as a whole. In this case, immediately call a doctor, and before he arrives, wash the victim's stomach, and then take the sorbent.

How to store "Ekosil"

Before unpacking the package, the drug is valid for 6 years from the date of production. It should be noted that after the expiration of three years, the properties of the substance decreases.

The drug must be stored in a dry and dark place in the temperature range from 0 to +30 degrees. After dilution with water, the solution is stored exactly one day.

The cost of the drug

The price of the drug "Ekosil" is low. For example, the smallest dose of 20 ml worth about 5 rubles. Per 500 ml a bottle of Ecosil means the gardener will have to lay out approximately 30 rubles.

Ecosil (Novosil) Preparation
Description. Instructions for use

Ecosil (Novosil) is a growth regulator that also has a fungicidal effect. It is used to increase productivity, and also contribute to better seed germination. Ecosil is used both for spraying during the growing season and for soaking seeds before sowing. The use of Ecosil reduces the likelihood of plant diseases with viral, fungal and bacterial diseases and contributes to an easier course of the disease. The drug is also used to increase the resistance of plants during growth in stressful and extreme conditions: with a decrease in temperature, lack of moisture, lighting, etc.

The use of Ecosil helps plants simultaneously in several planes:
1. Ecosil helps strengthen plants: increases resistance to pests and fungal, viral and bacterial diseases.
2. Ecosil increases the germination of seeds, increasing their germination energy, which increases the amount of final production.
3. The use of the drug stimulates the formation of roots during the propagation of bulbous, tuberous and rhizomatous plants, as well as during reproduction by cuttings.
4. Plants recover faster after experienced stress (frost, drought, use of other drugs), if the plants are treated with Ecosil.
5. The use of Ecosil on decorative flower crops (both indoor and garden) prolongs flowering, increases the decorative effect of plants.
6. After the treatment of plants with Ecosil, the quality of fruits increases, ripening occurs more quickly, and the number of fruits increases.
7. Ecosil increases stress resistance of plants. It is easier to tolerate the lack of moisture in the soil, drought or frost, sudden changes in temperature.
8. Reduces the number of crumbling flowers and buds on berry and fruit crops, thereby increasing the harvest.
9. Increases the natural immunity of plants.

Instructions for use:
Ecosil must be diluted according to the proportions below, depending on the culture on which it will be applied. Ekosil emulsion is shaken, then diluted in a small amount of warm water (40-50 degrees), after which it is brought to the required volume with water at room temperature, it must be mixed very carefully. The required amount of the drug can be measured with a syringe or by counting the drops. The working solution must be used on the day it was prepared, storage is highly undesirable and should not exceed a day (stored in a dark place). Processing of plants is carried out outdoors in the morning or in the evening, preferably in calm weather.

Indoor plants (3 liters of water, 0.6 ml or 20 drops of Ecosil). It is possible to soak the tubers of plants, followed by spraying during the formation of buds and during flowering. Processing helps weak specimens gain strength, accelerates the development and growth of the plant, promotes more abundant flowering, and also increases the resistance of crops to bacterial and fungal diseases.

Annual flower crops (5 liters of water, 1 ml or 30 drops of Ecosil). The first treatment is watering the seedlings, after which the plants are sprayed three times: one week after watering, then during the budding period, and the last time during the flowering period. Treatment with the drug improves the decorative qualities of the culture, and also contributes to faster development and growth.

Perennial flower crops (5 liters of water, 3 ml or 90 drops of Ecosil). The treatment can be carried out three times: the first time in the germination phase, they can be watered, the second time - spraying the plants during the period of active growth, and the last treatment is carried out 2 weeks after the first spraying. Ecosil stimulates the development and accelerated growth of culture, and improves its decorative qualities.

Hibiscus (5 liters of water, 2 ml or 60 drops of Ecosil). Processing is carried out during the emergence of shoots by watering, which stimulates the acceleration of growth and faster development of Hibiscus.

Lawn grass (5 liters of water, 1 ml or 30 drops of Ecosil). The lawn is sprayed three weeks after sowing the seeds, which accelerates the development and growth of plants, and also has a positive effect on decorativeness.

Seeds (3 liters of water, 1.2 ml or 36 drops of Ecosil). The seeds are soaked in the solution for an hour, after which they are washed with water, allowed to dry and planted in the prepared substrate. Processing improves seed germination and more active start of seedling growth.

Garden crops (3 liters of water, 0.4 ml or 12 drops of Ecosil). It is processed twice: during the budding period and 2 weeks after the first spraying. Processing helps to improve product quality, increase yields, increase resistance to aphids, increase frost resistance and reduce flower abscission.

Grapes (3 liters of water, 0.5 ml or 15 drops of Ecosil). It is processed twice: the first time it is sprayed during active flowering, and the second time - two weeks after the first. Processing improves fruiting and improves product quality. Fungicidal effect: increased resistance to rot, mildew, anthracnose and oidium.

Strawberries and wild strawberries (3 liters of water, 0.4 ml or 12 drops of Ecosil). Plants are treated three times: the first time - after harvesting the fruits and removing the whiskers, the second time - during the beginning of flowering in the next year, and the last time - during the period of active flowering. Processing with Ecosil makes the fruits sweeter, improves the quality and size of the fruits, and increases the number of peduncles. Fungicidal effect: improves the frost resistance of seedlings and disease resistance.

Tomatoes (3 liters of water, 1 ml or 30 drops of Ecosil). The first treatment - spraying seedlings, the second - spraying during the flowering of the first brush, the third and fourth treatments - spraying during the flowering of the second and third brushes, respectively. Processed to increase productivity and improve the quality of finished products. Fungicidal effect: increased resistance to Alternaria, late blight, septoria and bacterial black spot.

Cucumbers (3 liters of water, 0.3 ml or 9 drops of Ecosil). Sprayed after the appearance of 3-4 leaves, at the beginning of flowering, during mass flowering, and the last fourth time - a week after the last treatment. Spraying is carried out to improve the quality of products and increase the yield. Fungicidal effect: reducing the likelihood of powdery mildew, nosporosis, desiccation and bacteriosis.

Eggplant (3 liters of water, 1.2 ml or 36 drops of Ecosil). Processing is carried out 2 times: at the beginning of budding and during flowering. The drug helps to increase productivity and product quality. The drug also prevents the spread of diseases and reduces the likelihood of plant disease.

Pepper (3 liters of water, 0.6 ml or 18 drops of Ecosil). Processed once - spraying seedlings 4-5 days before planting. It helps to increase yield and improve the quality of fruits, and also improves the resistance of pepper to diseases (fungal and bacterial).

White cabbage (3 liters of water, 0.8 ml or 24 drops of Ecosil). Cabbage is sprayed after the appearance of 6 leaves and during the mass tying of heads of cabbage. Ecosil processing improves product quality. The drug also increases resistance to bacterial and fungal diseases.

Carrots and beets (3 liters of water, 0.5 ml or 15 drops of Ecosil). The plants are sprayed for the first time in the phase of 9-10 leaves, and the second time - two weeks after the first. Processing is carried out to improve product quality and increase yields. An additional effect is an increase in resistance to fungal and bacterial diseases and resistance to frost.

Turnip onion (3 liters of water, 2 ml or 60 drops of Ecosil). Spraying during active budding, in the 4-leaf phase and again two weeks after the last treatment. Ecosil helps to improve the yield and keeping quality of turnips, and also reduces the likelihood of downy mildew.

Beans (3 liters of water, 0.4 ml or 12 drops of Ecosil). Plants are sprayed three times: at the very beginning of flowering, during the period of active flowering and a week after the second treatment. Ecosil increases productivity and increases plant resistance to cold snaps and diseases.

Ecosil is a low-hazard substance, it has the 4th hazard class for humans. The drug is not dangerous for bees when used in the fields. Ecosil is not phytotoxic and does not cause resistance. It is necessary to work with the drug using personal protective equipment: glasses, gloves, gauze bandage, gown and headgear. After finishing work with the drug, you need to change clothes, wash your hands and face with soap and water, rinse your mouth with water, take a shower. The drug can be used after the expiration date, given that the effectiveness may decrease. If Ecosil has been spilled, then the place can be washed with soap and water; no special treatment is required.

Ecosil is compatible with most fungicides and pesticides, but before mixing preparations, it is better to check them for compatibility by mixing a small amount of preparations - if a precipitate appears, then the preparations cannot be combined. Store the drug in a dry dark place at a temperature of 0 to 30 degrees. Do not store together with food and medicines. Children and animals should not have access to the drug. Shelf life Ecosil - 3 years. The shelf life of Ecosil is 6 years (after three years, the effectiveness of the drug decreases).


Ecosil- a growth regulator, which also has a fungicidal effect. It is used to increase productivity, and also contribute to better seed germination. Ecosil is used both for spraying during the growing season and for soaking seeds before sowing. The use of Ecosil reduces the likelihood of plant diseases with viral, fungal and bacterial diseases and contributes to an easier course of the disease. The drug is also used to increase the resistance of plants during growth in stressful and extreme conditions: with a decrease in temperature, lack of moisture, lighting, etc.


The use of Ecosil helps plants simultaneously in several planes:

  • 1. Ecosil helps strengthen plants: increases resistance to pests and fungal, viral and bacterial diseases.
  • 2. Ecosil increases the germination of seeds, increasing their germination energy, which increases the amount of final production.
  • 3. The use of the drug stimulates the formation of roots during the propagation of bulbous, tuberous and rhizomatous plants, as well as during reproduction by cuttings.
  • 4. Plants recover faster after experienced stress (frost, drought, use of other drugs), if the plants are treated with Ecosil.
  • 5. The use of Ecosil on decorative flower crops (both indoor and garden) prolongs flowering, increases the decorative effect of plants.
  • 6. After the treatment of plants with Ecosil, the quality of fruits increases, ripening occurs more quickly, and the number of fruits increases.
  • 7. Ecosil increases stress resistance of plants. It is easier to tolerate the lack of moisture in the soil, drought or frost, sudden changes in temperature.
  • 8. Reduces the number of crumbling flowers and buds on berry and fruit crops, thereby increasing the harvest.
  • 9. Increases the natural immunity of plants.

Instructions for using ecosil

Ecosil must be diluted according to the proportions below, depending on the culture on which it will be applied. Ekosil emulsion is shaken, then diluted in a small amount of warm water (40-50 degrees), after which it is brought to the required volume with water at room temperature, it must be mixed very carefully. The required amount of the drug can be measured with a syringe or by counting the drops.

The working solution must be used on the day it was prepared, storage is highly undesirable and should not exceed a day (stored in a dark place). Processing of plants is carried out outdoors in the morning or in the evening, preferably in calm weather.

List of cultures, drug consumption and terms of application

Houseplants(3 liters of water, 0.6 ml or 20 drops of Ecosil). It is possible to soak the tubers of plants, followed by spraying during the formation of buds and during flowering. Processing helps weak specimens gain strength, accelerates the development and growth of the plant, promotes more abundant flowering, and also increases the resistance of crops to bacterial and fungal diseases.

annual flower crops(5 liters of water, 1 ml or 30 drops of Ecosil). The first treatment is watering the seedlings, after which the plants are sprayed three times: one week after watering, then during the budding period, and the last time during the flowering period. Treatment with the drug improves the decorative qualities of the culture, and also contributes to faster development and growth.

Perennial flower crops(5 liters of water, 3 ml or 90 drops of Ecosil). The treatment can be carried out three times: the first time in the germination phase, they can be watered, the second time - spraying the plants during the period of active growth, and the last treatment is carried out 2 weeks after the first spraying. Ecosil stimulates the development and accelerated growth of culture, and improves its decorative qualities.

Hibiscus(5 liters of water, 2 ml or 60 drops of Ecosil). Processing is carried out during the emergence of shoots by watering, which stimulates the acceleration of growth and faster development of Hibiscus.

Lawn grass(5 liters of water, 1 ml or 30 drops of Ecosil). The lawn is sprayed three weeks after sowing the seeds, which accelerates the development and growth of plants, and also has a positive effect on decorativeness.

seeds(3 liters of water, 1.2 ml or 36 drops of Ecosil). The seeds are soaked in the solution for an hour, after which they are washed with water, allowed to dry and planted in the prepared substrate. Processing improves seed germination and more active start of seedling growth.

Horticultural crops(3 liters of water, 0.4 ml or 12 drops of Ecosil). It is processed twice: during the budding period and 2 weeks after the first spraying. Processing helps to improve product quality, increase yields, increase resistance to aphids, increase frost resistance and reduce flower abscission.

Grape(3 liters of water, 0.5 ml or 15 drops of Ecosil). They are processed twice: the first time they are sprayed during active flowering, and the second time - two weeks after the first. Processing improves fruiting and improves product quality. Fungicidal effect: increased resistance to rot, mildew, anthracnose and oidium.

Strawberries and wild strawberries(3 liters of water, 0.4 ml or 12 drops of Ecosil). Plants are treated three times: the first time - after harvesting the fruits and removing the whiskers, the second time - during the beginning of flowering next year, and the last time - during the period of active flowering. Processing with Ecosil makes the fruits sweeter, improves the quality and size of the fruits, and increases the number of peduncles. Fungicidal effect: improves the frost resistance of seedlings and disease resistance.

Tomatoes(3 liters of water, 1 ml or 30 drops of Ecosil). The first treatment - spraying seedlings, the second - spraying during the flowering of the first brush, the third and fourth treatments - spraying during the flowering of the second and third brushes, respectively. Processed to increase productivity and improve the quality of finished products. Fungicidal effect: increased resistance to Alternaria disease, late blight, septoria and black bacterial spot.

cucumbers(3 liters of water, 0.3 ml or 9 drops of Ecosil). Sprayed after the appearance of 3-4 leaves, at the beginning of flowering, during mass flowering, and the last fourth time - a week after the last treatment. Spraying is carried out to improve the quality of products and increase the yield. Fungicidal effect: reducing the likelihood of powdery mildew, nosporosis, desiccation and bacteriosis.

eggplant(3 liters of water, 1.2 ml or 36 drops of Ecosil). Processing is carried out 2 times: at the beginning of budding and during flowering. The drug helps to increase productivity and product quality. The drug also prevents the spread of diseases and reduces the likelihood of plant disease.

Pepper(3 liters of water, 0.6 ml or 18 drops of Ecosil). Processed once - spraying seedlings 4-5 days before planting. It helps to increase yield and improve the quality of fruits, and also improves the resistance of pepper to diseases (fungal and bacterial).

White cabbage(3 liters of water, 0.8 ml or 24 drops of Ecosil). Cabbage is sprayed after the appearance of 6 leaves and during the mass tying of heads of cabbage. Ecosil processing improves product quality. The drug also increases resistance to bacterial and fungal diseases.

Carrots and beets(3 liters of water, 0.5 ml or 15 drops of Ecosil). The plants are sprayed for the first time in the phase of 9-10 leaves, and the second time - two weeks after the first. Processing is carried out to improve product quality and increase yields. An additional effect is an increase in resistance to fungal and bacterial diseases and resistance to frost.

turnip onion(3 liters of water, 2 ml or 60 drops of Ecosil). Spraying during active budding, in the 4-leaf phase and again two weeks after the last treatment. Ecosil helps to improve the yield and keeping quality of turnips, and also reduces the likelihood of peronosporosis.

Beans(3 liters of water, 0.4 ml or 12 drops of Ecosil). Plants are sprayed three times: at the very beginning of flowering, during the period of active flowering and a week after the second treatment. Ecosil increases productivity and increases plant resistance to cold snaps and diseases.


Ecosil is compatible with most fungicides and pesticides, but before mixing preparations, it is better to check them for compatibility by mixing a small amount of preparations - if a precipitate appears, then the preparations cannot be combined.

Security measures

Ecosil- a low-hazard substance, has a 4th class of danger to humans. The drug is not dangerous for bees when used in the fields. Ecosil is not phytotoxic and does not cause resistance.

It is necessary to work with the drug using personal protective equipment: glasses, gloves, gauze bandage, gown and headgear. After finishing work with the drug, you need to change clothes, wash your hands and face with soap and water, rinse your mouth with water, take a shower.

The drug can be used after the expiration date, given that the effectiveness may decrease. If Ecosil has been spilled, then the place can be washed with soap and water; no special treatment is required.

First aid

If the drug gets on the skin, this place must be washed with plenty of running water.

Eye contact requires rinsing the eyes under running water with the eyes open. If necessary, consult a doctor.

When swallowing the drug, the stomach should be washed, and then take activated charcoal at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight.

If Ecosil vapors are inhaled, the victim must be removed to fresh air. Treat symptoms if needed.

Ecosil storage

Store Ecosil in a dry, dark place at a temperature of 0 to 30 degrees. Do not store together with food and medicines. Children and animals should not have access to the drug. Shelf life Ecosil - 3 years. The shelf life of Ecosil is 6 years (after three years, the effectiveness of the drug decreases).

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A drug " Ecosil"- not only a "breath of air" to a weakened and sick plant, but also an order of magnitude multiplied energy of a healthy, strong and beautiful plant.

« Ecosil"- a natural amount of triterpene acids, similar in composition to the active substance of ginseng, isolated from the extract of Siberian fir woody greens. An alternative to chemicalization in agriculture, the use of low-consumption natural compounds. In fact, a fundamentally new technological process has been created, which, in terms of ecology, productivity, and the resulting effect, fully meets the standards of the 21st century. Numerous tests and trials are real confirmation of this.


It will increase cold resistance, endurance to heat and drought. It will help to safely get out of stressful weather situations (returning frosts, sudden temperature changes), which cannot be avoided in the “risk farming zone” - and this is almost all arable land in Belarus.

It will provide a high and unique immunoprotective effect by activating the natural defenses of the plant organism.

Strengthens the protective functions of plants against diseases and pests.

It will increase the decorativeness of flowering shrubs, flower beds and lawns, prolong flowering, enhance the brightness and freshness of color. Will protect the blooming garden from return spring frosts.

During the flowering period of fruit and berry bushes and strawberries, it will reduce the shedding of flowers, provide a plentiful harvest, increase the collection of berries of remontant strawberries and raspberries.

It will significantly increase the yield of vegetable and fruit crops, accelerate the ripening of fruits by 10-15 days, improve their quality and nutritional value.

It will increase the vigor of germination and seed germination.

Stimulates root formation during green cuttings and propagation of rhizomatous, tuberous and bulbous plants.

Resuscitates when plants are damaged by drought, frost, pesticides.

Plants treated with Ecosilom» can be used for preparing baby and diet food.

"Ecosil" is the only drug that finds its use throughout the year.

Late winter, early-early spring- time to take care of seeds and seedlings. Before planting, soak all seeds, bulbs, tubers for a short time (according to instructions) in a solution of " Ecosila". This speeds up seed germination and gives friendly seedlings. Seedling diving is an important agricultural technique. Therefore, when diving and before planting, be sure to dip the roots in the solution " Ecosila"(30-60 drops per 1 liter of water). Do the same with potato tubers. For better survival of seedlings of shrubs and trees, we recommend dipping them into a solution " Ecosila"the root part before planting (60 drops per 1 liter of water). To increase frost resistance and prevent flowers from falling off, we recommend treating with a solution 3-4 days before frost" Ecosila"(120 drops per 1 liter of water).

Here is a bit on a similar topic: "".

Summer- the time of rapid growth of all vegetables, berries, fruits, potatoes, green crops. Here " Ecosil» the first assistant and protector from all diseases. Each crop is best sprayed with a solution of " Ecosila three times during the growing season:
1) shoots,
2) phase of mass budding,
3) 7-10 days after the last treatment.
The concentration of the solution according to the instructions.

Autumn- during winter plantings and sowings, the processing of planting material - garlic, bulbs and rhizomes of flower plants, will help them take root faster and winter better. This technique is especially good when transplanting mature trees and shrubs (including in early spring) for the accelerated design of open park areas, offices and cottages. We harvested apples and pears, do not be too lazy to carefully spray the trees with a solution " Ecosila"- in the germ will kill fungi and rot, accelerate the healing of broken branches. Thoroughly spray all wooden parts of the basement with an aqueous solution " Ecosila» at a concentration of 1 vial per 1 liter of water against the fungus.

Almost every farmer is now aware of biostimulants for plants. Miracle drugs that increase productivity, the industry produces a great variety. Relatively recently, a new universal product "Ekosil", produced in Belarus, appeared on the shelves of specialized stores. very simple, but this biostimulant is so strong that you need to follow the dosage exactly. We offer detailed information on how and which plants it helps.

General information about the drug

Growth stimulator "Ekosil" is produced at the Belarusian enterprise "BelUniversalProduct". The release form is an emulsion, which is a 5% concentrate of triterpene acids obtained from fir needles. Since this product is environmentally friendly, it does not pose a threat to humans, animals, birds, bees. Ecosil has IV, that is, the lowest. Regardless of this, it is necessary to prepare a working solution and process plants with gloves. Manufacturers took into account that some people may need a large amount of the drug, while others may need a very small one, because the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe plots and, accordingly, the number of crops planted are different for everyone, and some do not have personal plots at all, only indoor plants. Therefore, for convenience, Ecosil is produced in containers of different volumes, from 500 to 20 ml. The shelf life at which the drug has the activity stated in the instructions is 3 years, but it can also be used in the subsequent time, taking into account some decrease in the effect.


Ecosil, the instructions for use of which are indicated on the bottle and packaging, is a multifunctional drug. It is used for:

Better rooting of seedlings and seedlings;

Speedy seed germination;

Increasing the percentage of seed germination;

A more voluminous increase in the green mass of herbs and all plants used as greens;

Reducing the ripening time of all types of fruits;

Improving the taste of fruits and vegetables;

Increase in the volume of fruits, all types of vegetables (underground, ground);

More abundant and prolonged flowering of garden and indoor flowers;

Restoration of plants after transplantation, pruning, diseases;

Increased drought resistance and frost resistance of plants;

Achievement of high efficiency in the fight against many fungal, bacterial and viral diseases of plants.

The action of "Ecosil" begins no later than half an hour after it hits the plant, but it will be noticeable in a couple of days.

Method for preparing a working solution

According to the reviews of everyone who already uses Ecosil in their garden, the instructions for using and preparing the product are very simple. Having calculated the required amount of the product, measure it with a dispenser, a measuring container, a syringe (whichever is more convenient for you), add it to a small volume of warm, about 60 degrees Celsius, water, mix thoroughly, then add water to the volume indicated in the instructions. It is recommended to store the working solution for no more than 24 hours in a place inaccessible to sunlight. It is desirable to process vegetative plants with it in the morning or in the evening in dry weather.

Ecosil: instructions for use for seeds

Every gardener or florist faced a problem when the seeds processed and sown in accordance with all the rules did not germinate well. Some bags even indicate the percentage of germination, so that buyers are prepared in advance for the fact that, say, out of 20 purchased seeds, about half of the seedlings will appear. But there are such exclusive crops, the seeds of which are sold only 2, 3, 5 pieces per package. What a shame it is when, having bought them, following all the instructions, you put them in the ground and do not get any result. The magic remedy Ecosil helps to minimize this problem. It increases germination up to 95-98%, and in addition, it accelerates the emergence of seedlings and makes them more viable. Soaking seeds in "Ecosil" is carried out according to the following technology: 0.4 ml of the product or 12 drops are diluted in a liter of water, seeds are placed in it and kept for no more than an hour. Then they must be washed with water, slightly dried and can be sown.

Ecosil for seedlings

Few people will believe, but even dill is planted with seedlings abroad. In Russia, we traditionally plant tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cabbage and some flowers in this way. Recently, individual farmers have begun to grow cucumbers with zucchini in plastic cups before planting in the garden at home on the windowsills. How to feed the seedlings (at least tomatoes, at least zucchini), so that, having got from greenhouse conditions into open ground, it does not get sick and takes root better? Ecosil will help here too.

This drug is not a classic fertilizer, but it stimulates the growth of plants, develops resistance to many diseases in them, such as late blight, septoria, root rot, Alternaria, and additionally white powdery mildew and desiccation in cucumbers. Compared with other stimulants, in which it is necessary to withstand the root system of plants for some time, Ecosil is used for seedlings not immediately before planting, but 4-6 days before it. According to the instructions, a separate working solution must be prepared for each culture. So, for a tomato, you need to take 30 drops of Ecosil, for pepper - 20 drops per three liters of tap water, mix well and spray the foliage of the seedlings. The instruction suggests processing eggplants and cucumbers with Ecosil already in the garden in the budding phase, and cabbage in the 7-leaf phase.

But some gardeners and seedlings of these plants were fed with a magical remedy, they only bred it in a smaller amount than indicated in the instructions.

Processing of vegetative vegetable crops

Of course, it is very important how to feed seedlings in greenhouse conditions. But in order to get an excellent harvest, and in the garden you need to regularly pamper your plants with something useful. Ecosil would also be an ideal choice here. The attached instructions give detailed instructions for which crop how much to take funds, when and how to process them. These figures can be summarized in a small table.

The procedure for processing (spraying) vegetable plants
No. p / pcultureNumber of treatmentsTimingNumber of drops "Ekosila"Water volume (l)
1. TomatoesIn factflowering phase30 3
2. cucumbers4

1. 3-4 sheets.

2. Beginning of flowering.

3. Mass flowering.

4. A week after the 3rd treatment.

10 3
3. eggplant2

1. The budding phase.

2. Mass flowering.

40 3
4. Cabbage2

1. 6-7 leaves.

2. Mass tying heads.

24 3
5. Beets and carrots2

1. 8-10 sheets.

2. 2 weeks after the 1st treatment.

15 3
6. Beans3

1. Beginning of flowering.

2. Mass flowering.

3. A week after the 2nd treatment.

12 3

As you can see from the table, Ecosil is used for tomatoes without specifying the number of treatments. The landmark here is the opening of buds on the brushes.

Processing of fruit and berry crops

All fruit trees, all berries, and especially grapes, are susceptible to diseases and pest attacks. This leads to the fall of the ovaries, the rotting of the fruit, the death of the branches or the entire plant as a whole. Ecosil successfully copes with these troubles. The method of application for bushes and trees is the same as for vegetables. The unique tool helps to get rid of aphids, increases the resistance of grapes to mildew, rot, anthracnose, oidium, increases the sweetness of all fruits without exception.

Ecosil for flowers

This wonderful tool is successfully used by those who have outdoor flower beds, and those who are engaged in home floriculture. For many cultures, the instruction prescribes its own norms, but there are also generalizations. So, for indoor plants, the working solution is prepared as follows: 20 drops of Ecosil emulsion are diluted in three liters of settled water. The green mass of plants is sprayed with this solution in the phases of budding and flowering, and tubers are also soaked in it.

For annual garden flowers, the working solution is prepared as follows: 30 drops of the emulsion are dissolved in five liters of non-cold water, after which the seedlings are watered and the grown plants are sprayed during budding and flowering.

For perennial garden flowers, the treatment is identical, with the difference that 90 drops of emulsion are added to the working solution for the same amount of water.

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