Effective public administration - who to work with. State and municipal administration - What kind of profession? In the service of the state

Encyclopedia of Plants 06.01.2024
Encyclopedia of Plants

Having received an education in specialties state and municipal management- who to work with later is understood only by a few. Many have the mistaken opinion that with this specialization one can count on the position of an accountant or economist. Cases of such employment can be found, but very rarely. Acquaintances or an acute shortage of personnel help. If you want to become a manager, economist or accountant, it is better to choose another specialty.

Main directions for future work.

After receiving a diploma, all yesterday's students have three alternative paths:

  1. Service in a government structure.
  2. Work in a private company.
  3. Position in an independent research organization or institute.

The choice will have to be made depending on your ambitions and financial needs. After five years of studying the basics of analysis and forecasting, it will not be so difficult to understand the possible prospects for any position. But most often you will receive offers related to office work. Graduates, as a rule, refuse such work. Referring to low wages, high responsibility and low interest in the profession.

But in fact, this can be a good push, the first step up the career ladder. The main thing is not to get stuck in one place for a long time.

In the service of the state

Having chosen to serve in a government organization, you must be aware of the responsibility assigned to you. In fact, you are an intermediary between the people and the institutions of power. Having only a diploma in hand, you can count on a position as a specialist of the second category. Unfortunately, corruption has not yet been eradicated in our country. So in some situations you will have to fight with those whom they are trying to “pull through connections.” Just a few years ago, the salary of an employee of this rank was only 10-12 thousand rubles. Today the amount has increased to twenty and continues to grow every year. The state supports its employees; in some regions, the income of public sector employees exceeds the average salary. But in private companies, a young specialist can count on a higher salary. So decide what is important to you - immediate profit or the realization of ambitions. In a government position, it will be much easier with the second one. Of course, there is a career ceiling, but once you reach it, you can retrain.

Working for a private corporation

The second point, which involves working in private companies, may seem a little strange. After all, you studied for a degree in municipal and public administration, what do corporations have to do with this? But every large company has a department whose activities are aimed at cooperation with government agencies. You will need:

  1. Analyze actions of the government - the laws it adopts and the policies it pursues.
  2. Search ways to interact with her.
  3. Launch and support programs aimed at joint action with local governments.
  4. Define the basic needs of the company in the field of government.

As you can already understand, not every office can boast of interaction of this level. Basically, we are talking about monopolists and huge corporations. In some of them, the founder and holder of part of the shares is the state. It will not be an easy task to find employment in an organization of this size. The institute itself, with its extensive connections and expertise, can provide significant assistance. Take advantage of the internship time if you are not assigned to a government agency.

If you choose this specialty, your ultimate dream will be the position of head of the department. But wages initially attract personnel to such companies.

Analytical centers and consulting offices.

The third option will not give you a huge salary or the ability to distribute administrative resources. But if you are interested in analysis, forecasting and everything in the same spirit, a consulting agency or research institute will be the best option for you. With accurate and far-reaching forecasts, within just a few years you can earn a name and weight in a certain environment. Your opinion will be listened to, you will be regularly invited to various analytical programs. But only a few will achieve all this; most of the employees are busy with more prosaic duties. The opportunity to join an international consulting company opens up unimaginable opportunities for graduates to realize their own potential.

Basic requirements from the employer to the graduate.

So far, the main skills that students will be taught for five years have not been named:

  1. Analysis- development of financial markets, changes in tax policy, tracking political trends, possible risks of management activities.
  2. Organization- work in government agencies, work of other employees.
  3. Development- new bills, development programs for the entire region.
  4. Planning and control budget expenditures, activities of other employees.

In addition to all of the above, you should already be able to organize public relations, communicate in several languages ​​and offer consultations to private businesses. Such an ideal worker will be snatched away anywhere, but we are only striving for the ideal.

After graduating with a degree in state and municipal administration, you decide who to work for yourself. Just don’t forget to put the knowledge you gain during your studies into practice. For example, during the same job search. Don't rush to any position, but choose what will be best for you.

For many, it is still a mystery what the specialty “state and municipal administration” includes. What skills are taught at universities within this profile, and most importantly - where to go to work later.

State and municipal administration: what kind of profession?

Russia is a state with its own administrative apparatus, which is divided into three levels: federal, regional and municipal. Each level is called upon to resolve a range of issues within its competencies: from the adoption of legislation to the cleaning of adjacent home areas in each individual city or village.

In order for government structures to work effectively and not violate the law and the rights of individual citizens, highly qualified personnel are needed, whose training takes place specifically in the “state and municipal administration” profile. Graduates of this specialty can competently organize the work of government agencies, distribute the budget, process citizens’ requests, improve economic stability, and much more.

How did this specialty appear?

The expression “a country can be ruled by a cook” has long been irrelevant and is fundamentally incorrect. Ordinary people do not even imagine that a person in public service must be deeply versed in various fields: from jurisprudence to biology and geography, in order to make high-quality management decisions.

Advanced countries have been training specialists in this field for a long time; in our country, the system of state and municipal government began to receive competent personnel only in the 2000s.

At a time when the country was just rising from its knees, without a stable regulatory framework behind it, there was a need for professionals who, thanks to their knowledge and competencies, would develop and implement projects aimed at improving the lives of citizens and the state as a whole.

Since 1995, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has issued several standards for training in this specialty at universities and secondary vocational institutions. Then people did not know what state and municipal management included, who to work for, what to do, so only a few went to study, at the moment this program is one of the most popular among humanitarian areas.

Many artists, politicians, and public figures send their children to this direction because of the versatility of the knowledge gained.

Where can you go to get a job after studying?

The prestige of this work has recently risen greatly, but when choosing the specialty “state and municipal administration”, not everyone understands who to work with next. What government structures are open to graduates of this profile?

  • Administrations at different levels, and this could be the presidential administration.
  • Various executive bodies: committees, departments, departments dealing with economics, housing and communal services, education, healthcare, transport, social protection, ecology.
  • Legislative structures, be it the State Duma, the regional or territorial Legislative Assembly or the Council of People's Deputies directly in the municipality. Here you can speak directly on a professional basis, as well as in the supporting apparatus of the entire body or an individual deputy.
  • Diplomatic departments, departments for foreign economic relations.
  • Supervisory authorities (tax service, law enforcement, bailiff service).
  • Various civil institutions dealing with issues of social protection, insurance, and pensions.
  • Multifunctional centers providing government services to the population.

In addition, you can stay as a teacher at the university (after completing master's and postgraduate studies), and go to research centers.

Also, commercial organizations that require management personnel very often prefer applicants with a diploma in state and municipal administration.

Advantages of working in government structures

  1. If you choose the profession of state and municipal administration, work will be guaranteed for you. The market for vacant positions is constantly updated, and there is a demand for specialists in both federal and municipal bodies.
  2. The employer is the state. Accordingly, all labor legislation will be observed, and wages will always arrive on time.
  3. Career growth can begin in an ordinary municipal administration, and end in the State Duma - it all depends on the employee’s ambitions, his skills and efforts.
  4. The knowledge gained during training and in the process of work will allow you to quickly and effectively solve your own everyday problems, since you will know exactly what you need to pay attention to in contracts, where to go for a particular problem, what rights you have .
  5. Many employees have business trips during their work, so you will have the opportunity to visit different parts of Russia and beyond.
  6. Being a manager is prestigious. Employees are classified as modern intelligentsia.

Training program

In order to become a competent specialist, you need a broad outlook, which universities try to develop as much as possible. The student must master the basic disciplines for general development, such as: philosophy, history, mathematics, life safety, foreign language, the concept of modern natural science, physical education, ecology, political science.

In addition, there are a number of disciplines in the specialty: office management, jurisprudence (both general and narrower: civil, criminal, administrative, land, and so on), economics (world, macro, micro), theory of state and municipal government , project management, territory management, territorial structure, management, marketing, a set of disciplines in computer science and many others.

There are also disciplines designed to develop the personal qualities of students and their innovative spirit: psychology, sociology, ethics, business communications, consulting, cultural studies, logic, rhetoric, innovation management, public relations management and similar courses.

Thus, knowledge and experience, a broad outlook and a thirst for research, the development of creative and rule-making abilities, as well as a huge range of competencies that are applicable in various fields, are provided by training in the specialty of state and municipal management. The student will decide where to work next without any problems, since in addition to the public service, such a base is also required in other organizations, both commercial and non-profit.

What issues should a graduate understand?

  • Know the Constitution, basic federal and regional laws.
  • To navigate the power structures and the state management system.
  • Know how to find reliable legal information.
  • Know economic patterns, the political situation in the country, problems in the social sphere.
  • Be able to make thoughtful management decisions.
  • Know various methods of analysis, forecasting, statistics and reporting.
  • The most important thing is to understand, after receiving a specialty in state and municipal administration, who to work with later.

What qualities do you need to have to become a successful manager?

  1. Strive for knowledge.
  2. Be punctual.
  3. Have patience and will.
  4. Be able to correct mistakes.
  5. Think several steps ahead.
  6. Don't be afraid to bring something new into your life and work.

Where can I get an education?

In Russia, this specialty can be obtained almost everywhere in large cities and regional centers. In fact, every classical and economics university offers training and retraining in state and municipal management. Where to work after training, the average salary locally, the vacancy market within the region - these questions can be asked directly to the admissions committee in order to unambiguously determine the training profile.

As a rule, this specialty is paid, but there are exceptions. You can apply based on the results of the Unified State Exam, as well as an interview if you already have a secondary specialized education.

At the moment, you can complete a full bachelor's degree program, receive additional education, or take courses.

State and municipal management is an opportunity to gain broad knowledge, skills in working with people, learn the basics of office work, in addition, a person will move up the career ladder over time, which is important for many.

Career growth: where to start?

After graduating from university, you need to create a resume. Next, on the official websites of government agencies, study vacant offers and choose the most attractive ones for yourself.

In the civil service, positions are hired only through competition, so it is worth carefully studying the regulatory framework of the relevant body and the main acts relating to the civil service.

It is necessary to prepare in advance all the necessary documents that must be brought to the interview location. As a rule, filling a position lasts 1-2 months.

Thus, you should not be afraid to enter state and municipal government. You will definitely decide who to work with during your training, since during practical training you will become familiar with various bodies directly, and you will decide what is more interesting: social, legislative, economic, law enforcement, environmental protection or something else. Even if you realize that this profession is not for you, then with your existing qualifications and competencies you can easily find another, more interesting vacancy outside the public service.

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation


Deputy Minister

education of the Russian




State registration number

233 eq/sp________________




specialty 061000 -

"State and municipal administration"

Qualification Manager

To be entered from the date of approval


1. General characteristics of specialty 061000 - “State and

municipal government"

1.1. The specialty was approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 2, 2000 N 686.

1.2. The standard period for mastering an educational and professional program for full-time study is 5 years; qualification - manager.

1.3. Qualification characteristics of the graduate, area and objects of professional activity of the manager.

1.3.1. Area of ​​professional activity.

The specialist's area of ​​professional activity is ensuring effective management of the organization, participation in the organization and functioning of state and municipal management systems, improving management in accordance with trends in socio-economic development.

1.3.2. Objects of professional activity.

The objects of professional activity of a specialist are various organizations and divisions in the system of state and municipal government, the processes of economic, political, organizational and social life of society, problems of the functioning and development of the state and its regional and municipal entities, problems of interaction between man and society.

1.3.3. Main types of professional activities.

A specialist in state and municipal management - a manager must be prepared for the following types of activities, which are distinguished in accordance with his purpose and place in the management system: planning individual and joint activities, organizing work according to goals, resources and results, rational control of the activities of employees and the organization in in general, team management and coordination of activities in the external environment, employee motivation, representation of the organization and its external interests, research and diagnosis of problems, forecasts, goals and situations, consulting, methodological and educational work with employees, innovative activities in the field of management.

1.4. A specialist in state and municipal management - a manager can continue his education in graduate school, as well as master various professional programs of additional education in order to increase the efficiency of his activities.

2. Requirements for the level of training of the applicant.

2.1. The applicant's previous level of education is complete secondary (general) education, secondary specialized education. For the educational program of second education - higher education.

2.2. The applicant must have a state-issued document on secondary (complete) general education or secondary vocational education, or primary vocational education, if it contains a record of the bearer receiving secondary (complete) general education, or higher vocational education.

3. General requirements for the educational training program

graduate with a degree in "State and municipal


3.1. The educational program for training a specialist in state and municipal management - a manager is developed on the basis of this state educational standard and includes: a justification for the need for training a specialist in a specific region of activity of a higher educational institution, a curriculum, methodological support for the educational process (programs of academic disciplines, programs of educational and practical training, basic educational literature, methodological recommendations for types of classes), provision of the educational process by teaching staff.

3.2. Requirements for the mandatory minimum content of the educational program for training a specialist in state and municipal administration - manager, for the conditions for its implementation and the timing of its development are determined by this state educational standard.

3.3. The educational program for training a specialist in state and municipal management - a manager consists of disciplines of the federal component, disciplines of the national-regional (university) component, disciplines of the students' choice, as well as elective disciplines.

Disciplines and courses of the national-regional (university) component and disciplines chosen by students must meet the purpose of the cycle and meaningfully complement the disciplines specified in the federal component of the cycle.

3.4. The educational program for training a specialist in state and municipal management - a manager should provide for the student to study the following cycles of disciplines:

GSE cycle - general humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines;

EN cycle - general mathematical and natural science disciplines;

OPD cycle - general professional disciplines;

SD cycle – special disciplines;

FTD - electives,

as well as final state certification.

The curriculum should be structured according to cycles and components of the educational program.

4. Requirements for the mandatory minimum content of the educational program

specialty 061000 - "State and municipal administration"

Name of disciplines and their main didactic units (*)

Total hours to master the educational material


Federal component


Subject of philosophy. The place and role of philosophy in culture. The formation of philosophy. Main directions, schools of philosophy and stages of its historical development. The structure of philosophical knowledge.

The doctrine of being. Monistic and pluralistic concepts of being, self-organization of being. Concepts of material and ideal.

Space, time. Movement and development, dialectics. Determinism and indeterminism. Dynamic and statistical patterns.

Scientific, philosophical and religious pictures of the world.

Man, society, culture. Human and nature. Society and its structure. Civil society and the state. A person in a system of social connections. Man and the historical process; personality and masses, freedom and necessity. Formational and civilizational concepts of social development.

The meaning of human existence. Violence and non-violence. Freedom and responsibility. Morality, justice, law. Moral values. Ideas about the perfect person in different cultures. Aesthetic values ​​and their role in human life. Religious values ​​and freedom of conscience.

Consciousness and cognition. Consciousness, self-awareness and personality. Cognition, creativity, practice. Faith and knowledge. Understanding and explanation. Rational and irrational in cognitive activity.

The problem of truth. Reality, thinking, logic and language. Scientific and extra-scientific knowledge. Scientific criteria. The structure of scientific knowledge, its methods and forms. The growth of scientific knowledge. Scientific revolutions and changes in types of rationality. Science and technology.

The future of humanity. Global problems of our time.

Interaction of civilizations and future scenarios.


Specifics of articulation of sounds, intonation, accentuation and rhythm of neutral speech in the target language; the main features of the complete pronunciation style, characteristic of the field of professional communication; reading the transcription.

Lexical minimum in the amount of 4000 educational lexical units of a general and terminological nature.

The concept of differentiation of vocabulary by areas of application (everyday, terminological, general scientific, official and other).

The concept of free and stable phrases, phraseological units.

The concept of the main methods of word formation.

Grammatical skills that ensure communication without distortion of meaning in written and oral communication of a general nature.

Basic grammatical phenomena characteristic of professional speech.

The concept of everyday literary, official business, scientific styles, and the style of fiction. Main features of the scientific style.

Culture and traditions of the countries of the language being studied, rules of speech etiquette.

Speaking. Dialogue and monologue speech using the most common and relatively simple lexical and grammatical means in basic communicative situations of informal and official communication. Fundamentals of public speech (oral communication, report).

Listening. Understanding dialogic and monologue speech in the field of everyday and professional communication.

Reading. Types of texts: simple pragmatic texts and texts on broad and narrow specialty profiles.

Letter. Types of speech works: abstract, abstract, theses, messages, private letter, business letter, biography.


Structure and composition of modern cultural knowledge. Culturology and philosophy of culture, sociology of culture, cultural anthropology. Culturology and cultural history. Theoretical and applied cultural studies.

Methods of cultural studies.

Basic concepts of cultural studies: culture, civilization, morphology of culture, functions of culture, subject of culture, cultural genesis, dynamics of culture, language and symbols of culture, cultural codes, intercultural communications, cultural values ​​and norms, cultural traditions, cultural picture of the world, social institutions of culture, cultural self-identity, cultural modernization.

Typology of cultures. Ethnic and national, elite and mass culture. Eastern and Western types of cultures. Specific and “average” cultures. Local cultures. The place and role of Russia in world culture. Trends in cultural universalization in the global modern process.

Culture and nature. Culture and society. Culture and global processes of our time.

Culture and personality. Enculturation and socialization.


Essence, forms, functions of historical knowledge. Methods and sources of the study of history. Concepts and classification of historical sources. Domestic historiography in the past and present: general and special. Methodology and theory of historical science. The history of Russia is an integral part of world history.

Ancient heritage in the era of the Great Migration. The problem of ethnogenesis of the Eastern Slavs. The main stages of the formation of statehood. Ancient Rus' and nomads. Byzantine-Old Russian connections. Features of the social system of Ancient Rus'. Ethnocultural and socio-political processes of the formation of Russian statehood. Acceptance of Christianity. Spread of Islam. The evolution of East Slavic statehood in the 11th-12th centuries. Socio-political changes in Russian lands in the XIII-XV centuries. Rus' and the Horde: problems of mutual influence.

Russia and the medieval states of Europe and Asia. Specifics of the formation of a unified Russian state. The rise of Moscow. Formation of a class system of society organization. Reforms of Peter I. Age of Catherine. Prerequisites and features of the formation of Russian absolutism. Discussions about the genesis of autocracy.

Features and main stages of economic development of Russia. Evolution of forms of land ownership. The structure of feudal land tenure. Serfdom in Russia. Manufacturing and industrial production. The formation of industrial society in Russia: general and special. Social thought and features of the social movement in Russia in the 19th century. Reforms and reformers in Russia. Russian culture of the 19th century and its contribution to world culture.

The role of the twentieth century in world history. Globalization of social processes. The problem of economic growth and modernization. Revolutions and reforms. Social transformation of society. The clash of tendencies of internationalism and nationalism, integration and separatism, democracy and authoritarianism.

Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century. The objective need for industrial modernization in Russia. Russian reforms in the context of global development at the beginning of the century. Political parties of Russia: genesis, classification, programs, tactics.

Russia in conditions of world war and national crisis. Revolution of 1917. Civil war and intervention, their results and consequences. Russian emigration. Socio-economic development of the country in the 20s. NEP. Formation of a one-party political regime. Education of the USSR. Cultural life of the country in the 20s. Foreign policy.

The course towards building socialism in one country and its consequences. Socio-economic transformations in the 30s. Strengthening the regime of Stalin's personal power. Resistance to Stalinism.

USSR on the eve and during the initial period of the Second World War. The Great Patriotic War.

Socio-economic development, socio-political life, culture, foreign policy of the USSR in the post-war years. Cold War.

Attempts to implement political and economic reforms. Scientific and technological revolution and its influence on the course of social development.

USSR in the mid-60s-80s: growing crisis phenomena.

Soviet Union in 1985-1991 Perestroika. The 1991 coup attempt and its failure. Collapse of the USSR. Belovezhskaya agreements. October events of 1993

The formation of a new Russian statehood (1993-1999). Russia is on the path of radical socio-economic modernization. Culture in modern Russia. Foreign policy activity in a new geopolitical situation.


State and law. Their role in the life of society.

Rule of law and normative legal acts.

Basic legal systems of our time. International law as a special system of law.

Law and regulations.

System of Russian law. Branches of law.

Offense and legal liability.

The importance of law and order in modern society. Constitutional state.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation is the fundamental law of the state.

Features of the federal structure of Russia. The system of government bodies in the Russian Federation.

The concept of civil legal relations. Individuals and legal entities. Ownership.

Obligations in civil law and liability for their violation. Inheritance law.

Marriage and family relations. Mutual rights and obligations of spouses, parents and children. Responsibility under family law.

Employment agreement (contract). Labor discipline and responsibility for its violation. Administrative offenses and administrative liability.

Concept of crime. Criminal liability for committing crimes.

Environmental law.

Features of legal regulation of future professional activities.

Legal basis for the protection of state secrets. Legislative regulations in the field of information protection and state secrets.


Background and socio-philosophical premises of sociology as a science. Sociological project of O. Comte. Classic sociological theories. Modern sociological theories. Russian sociological thought.

Social groups and communities. Types of communities. Community and personality. Small groups and teams. Social organization. Social movements. Social inequality, stratification and social mobility. The concept of social status.

Social interaction and social relationships. Public opinion as an institution of civil society.

Culture as a factor of social change. Interaction of economics, social relations and culture.

Personality as a social type. Social control and deviation. Personality as an active subject.

Social changes. Social revolutions and reforms. Social progress concept. Formation of the world system. Russia's place in the world community.

Methods of sociological research.


Object, subject and method of political science. Functions of political science.

Political life and power relations. The role and place of politics in the life of modern societies. Social functions of politics.

History of political doctrines. Russian political tradition: origins, sociocultural foundations, historical dynamics. Modern political science schools.

Civil society, its origin and features. Features of the formation of civil society in Russia.

Institutional aspects of politics. Political power. Politic system. Political regimes. Political parties and electoral systems.

Political relations and processes. Political conflicts and ways to resolve them. Political technologies. Political modernization.

Political organizations and movements. Political elites. Political leadership. Sociocultural aspects of politics.

World politics and international relations. Features of the world political process. National-state interests of Russia in the new geopolitical situation.

Methodology for understanding political reality. Paradigms of political knowledge. Expert political knowledge; political analytics and forecasting.


Psychology: subject, object and methods of psychology. The place of psychology in the system of sciences. History of the development of psychological knowledge and main directions in psychology. Individual, personality, subject, individuality.

Psyche and body. Psyche, behavior and activity. Basic functions of the psyche. Development of the psyche in the process of ontogenesis and phylogenesis. Brain and psyche. Structure of the psyche. The relationship between consciousness and the unconscious. Basic mental processes. Structure of consciousness.

Cognitive processes. Feeling. Perception. Performance. Imagination. Thinking and intelligence. Creation. Attention. Mnemonic processes. Emotions and feelings. Mental regulation of behavior and activity. Communication and speech.

Psychology of Personality. Interpersonal relationships. Psychology of small groups. Intergroup relations and interactions.

Pedagogy: object, subject and tasks, functions and methods of pedagogy. Main categories of pedagogy: education, upbringing, training, pedagogical activity, pedagogical interaction, pedagogical technology, pedagogical task.

Education as a universal human value. Education as a sociocultural phenomenon and pedagogical process. Educational system of Russia. Goals, content, structure of lifelong education, unity of education and self-education.

Pedagogical process. Educational, educational and developmental function of training. Education in the pedagogical process.

General forms of organization of educational activities. Lesson, lecture, seminar, practical and laboratory classes, debate, conference, situational exercises, business games, test, exam, elective classes, consultation.

Methods, techniques, means of organizing and managing the pedagogical process.

The family as a subject of pedagogical interaction and the sociocultural environment of education and personality development.

Management of educational systems.


Physical culture in general cultural and professional training of specialists. Its socio-biological foundations. Physical culture and sport as social phenomena of society. Legislation of the Russian Federation on physical culture and sports. Physical culture of the individual.

Basics of a healthy lifestyle. Features of using physical education means to optimize performance.

General physical and special training in the physical education system. Sport. Individual choice of sports or physical exercise systems.

Professional applied physical training. Basics of self-study methods and self-monitoring of the state of your body.


Styles of modern Russian language. Vocabulary, grammar, syntax, functional and stylistic composition of book speech.

Conditions for the functioning of spoken speech and the role of extra-linguistic factors. Linguistic and extralinguistic factors of public speech. Sphere of functioning, species diversity, linguistic features of official business style. Interpenetration of styles. Specificity of elements of all language levels in scientific speech. Genre differentiation, selection of linguistic means in public style.

Features of oral public speech. The speaker and his audience. Main types of arguments. Preparation of a speech: choosing a topic, purpose of speech, searching for material, beginning, development and completion of speech. Basic methods of searching for material and types of auxiliary materials. Verbal presentation of a public speech. Clarity, informativeness and expressiveness of public speech.

Language formulas of official documents. Techniques for unifying the language of official documents. International properties of Russian official business writing.

Language and style of administrative documents. Language and style of commercial correspondence. Language and style of instructional and methodological documents. Advertising in business speech. Rules for document preparation. Speech etiquette in a document.

Basic units of communication (speech event, speech situation, speech interaction). Regulatory, communicative, ethical aspects of oral and written speech.

Speech culture and improvement of literate writing and speaking (literary pronunciation, semantic stress, word order functions, word usage). Nonverbal means of communication. Speech norms for educational and scientific fields of activity.


Federal component


Mathematical analysis.

The concept of set. Operations on sets. The concept of a point's neighborhood. Functional dependence. Graphs of basic elementary functions. Limit of number sequence. Function limit. Continuity of a function at a point. Properties of numerical sets and sequences. Global properties of continuous functions. Derivative and differential. Basic theorems on differentiable functions and their applications. Convexity of function. Indefinite integral. Improper integrals. Point sets in N – dimensional space. Functions of several variables, their continuity. Derivatives and differentials of functions of several variables. Classical optimization methods. Functions of supply and demand. Utility function. Indifference curves.

Linear algebra. Systems of linear equations. Elements of analytical geometry on a straight line, plane and in three-dimensional space. Determinants. Systems of vectors, matrix rank.

N – dimensional linear vector space. Linear operators and matrices. Complex numbers and polynomials. Eigenvectors of linear operators. Euclidean space. Square shapes. Systems of linear inequalities. Linear optimization problems. Basic definitions and problems of linear programming.Simplex method. Duality theory. Discrete programming. Dynamic programming. Nonlinear programming.

Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics. The essence and conditions of applicability of probability theory. Basic concepts of probability theory. Probability space. Random variables and methods for their description. Models of probability distribution laws, most used in socio-economic applications. Law of probability distribution for functions of known random variables. Chebyshev's inequality. The law of large numbers and its consequences. The special role of the normal distribution: the central limit theorem. Markov chains and their use in modeling socio-economic processes. Statistical evaluation and testing of hypotheses, statistical methods for processing experimental data.


Concept of information. General characteristics of the processes of collecting, transmitting, processing and storing information; hardware and software tools for implementing information processes; models for solving functional and computational problems: algorithmization and programming; high level programming languages; Database; software and programming technologies; local and global computer networks.

Fundamentals of protecting information and information, methods of protecting information. Computer workshop.


Natural science and humanitarian cultures; scientific method; history of natural science; panorama of modern natural science; development trends; corpuscular and continuum concepts of describing nature; order and disorder in nature; chaos; structural levels of matter organization; micro-, macro- and mega-worlds; space, time; principles of relativity; principles of symmetry; conservation laws; interaction; close action; long-range action; state; principles of superposition, uncertainty, complementarity; dynamic and statistical patterns in nature; laws of conservation of energy in macroscopic processes; principle of increasing entropy; chemical systems, energetics of chemical processes, reactivity of substances; features of the biological level of organization of matter; principles of evolution, reproduction and development of living systems;

the diversity of living organisms is the basis for the organization and stability of the biosphere; genetics and evolution; human: physiology, health, emotions, creativity, performance; bioethics; ecology and health; man, biosphere and cosmic cycles; noosphere;irreversibility of time; self-organization in living and inanimate nature; principles of universal evolutionism; the path to a unified culture.

Regional (university) component

Disciplines and courses of students' choice, established by the university


Federal component

ECONOMIC THEORY. Political Economy; subject of political economy and history of economic doctrines; introduction to economics (basics of economic analysis, fundamentals of exchange, functioning of a competitive market, fundamentals of the public sector); basic concepts of property; economic and legal aspects; money and monetary policy; national income; fiscal policy; problems of inflation and unemployment; firm and forms of competition; business structure, regulation and deregulation; factor markets and income distribution.

The main stages of development of economic science; the evolution of economic thought during the emergence of a market economy and entrepreneurship (mercantilists, physiocrats, the English classical school, early representatives of socialism, etc.); formation of the main directions of modern economic thought (marginalism, neoclassical schools: Austrian, Lausanne, Cambridge, American, institutionalism, Keynesianism, Marxism, social democracy); history of modern (post-war) economic theories (the dominance of Keynesianism, the dominance of neoclassicism, “state socialism”), economic thought in Russia.

HISTORY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN RUSSIA. Formation of statehood and public administration in Kievan Rus (IX-XI centuries); public administration in the ancient Russian principalities of the 12th - early 13th centuries; system of state and local government during the period of the Mongol-Tatar yoke and the Golden Horde (XIII-XVI centuries); the formation of Russian statehood in the 15th-16th centuries; the destruction of Russian statehood during the time of troubles (late 16th - early 17th centuries); overcoming the consequences of the turmoil and the development of state and regional administration in the 17th century; political reforms of Peter I; state and regional administration in the middle and second half of the 18th century; reforms and counter-reforms of public administration

in Russia in the second half of the 19th century; state and regional administration of the Russian Empire at the beginning of the 20th century; the formation of public administration in the post-revolutionary period; government system in the 30-40s;attempts to reform public administration in the 50-60s; prerequisites, conditions and trends of modern development of public administration.


socio-economic and political processes, their types and types; controlled socio-economic and political processes: their properties and features, classification.

General scientific and subject-specific research methods. Logical foundations of system analysis, formation of research goals, ways and resources for conducting research. Models of system analysis, criteria, limitations, method of structuring the problem of tree construction. Factual support of research. Sociological research. Sociometry. Methods of expert assessments, Delphi method, questionnaire methods, numerical assessment. Research programs and organization. Efficiency of the solution.

STATE AND MUNICIPAL FINANCES. The essence and functions of finance. Financial and credit system (FCS). Features and role of state and municipal finance. Principles of formation of the FCC. Characteristics of the FCC units: state budget; design principles and main functions; credit: essence and functions, banking system; insurance link: structure and functions of insurance bodies and their local branches; extra-budgetary funds and their role in the formation of municipal finances; finances of enterprises and organizations as the basis for the formation of municipal finances; financial market. Federal and municipal financial

institutes. Powers of municipal divisions of federally subordinate organizations. Functions of local government bodies. The treasury system of budget execution and its structure of treasury bodies. Budget process.

Principles of forming budgets at different levels; income and expenses, preparation and execution, budget deficit and surplus. System of taxes that form the state and municipal budgets. Fundamentals of interbudgetary relations in the Russian Federation. Financial balance of the municipality.


General theory of statistics. Statistics and its information base; tasks of statistics in state and municipal administration; organization of statistics in the Russian Federation; statistical observation and grouping; statistical population and its characteristics; relative and average values; statistical distributions and their main characteristics; selective method in the study of socio-economic phenomena and processes; methods for studying correlations; dynamics series and their analysis; forecasting based on time series and regression models; indices and index method in the study of socio-economic phenomena and processes.

Socio-economic statistics. Population, employment and unemployment statistics; labor statistics; system of national accounts and general indicators of socio-economic development at the macro level; national wealth statistics; statistics of the level and quality of life of the population; statistics of income and consumption of goods and services by the population.

DEMOGRAPHY. Demography as a branch of knowledge about population; its history and current state; connection with statistics, sociology, social policy. Theoretical aspects of population studies; population research methodology; institutes, centers, specialists. Practical goals and objectives of studying the population development of our country; studied indicators and trends. Current accounting and population census. Accounting for natural and mechanical movement of the population. Population reproduction. The degree of influence of individual factors on the intensity of the birth rate in Russia, in neighboring countries and in the world. Mortality, its connection with living conditions. Natural increase (decrease), its contrasts in different regions of the country and the world. Population migration. Migration policy in modern Russia, regional specifics. The quality of the population as the most important component of economic development and quality of life. Economic aspects of population growth. Economy and population. Urbanization and features of settlement in Russia. Regional aspects of demographic

politics in Russia, in developed and developing countries of the world.

CONTROL THEORY. The essence and content of management theory; evolution of management thought; new management paradigm; theoretical foundations of management and its current state; management problems in the transition to market relations. Goals and functions of management theory; functional division of managerial labor. Internal and external environment in management; organizational forms and management structures. General scientific methods

management theories; methods of managerial influence; methods for solving management problems and implementing management functions. Methodology and organization of the process of developing management decisions; target orientation of management decisions; analysis of action alternatives. Communication in the management process; management as a process; decisions in the management process; models and methods of decision making; situational approach in the management process. Fundamentals of personnel policy at the enterprise; activation of human resources; conditions and factors for a manager’s effective work; culture and style. Public Service, Governance and Ethics; specific requirements for the state apparatus and its employees. Concepts, essence and content of management effectiveness; costs for control; management of innovations and development of management theory. Systems approach; research of control systems and their design.

ORGANIZATION THEORY. Organization theory and its place in the system of scientific knowledge; the nature and essence of the organization; organization and management; social organization, economic organizations, state and municipal organizations; laws of organization, principles of organization; mechanistic and organic organizational systems; organization as an open system, internal and external environment of the organization, interaction and adaptation to changes in the external environment; life cycle of organizations; communications in organizations and modern information technologies of organizational culture; organizational design; assessing the effectiveness of organizational systems; trends in the development of the organization.

TERRITORIAL ORGANIZATION OF POPULATION. The territory and borders of the Russian Federation as a factor in the development of the Russian state. Natural prerequisites for the socio-economic development of Russia. Economic assessment of natural conditions and natural resources of Russia. Territorial features of demographic and ethnonational development of Russia. Territorial factors and features of settlement development. Patterns of territorial organization of production. The main features of the location and territorial organization of industry and its branches in Russia; interzonal division of labor. Features of the territorial organization of the transport system of the Russian Federation. The main factors and features of the development and distribution of agriculture in the Russian Federation. Main trends and features of the formation of a single economic space in the post-Soviet territory; problems of economic integration. Russia in the system of international (world) division of labor. Trends and features of socio-economic development of the north of Russia. Main directions of development of border regions of Russia. Features of the territorial organization of economic regions.

GEOPOLITICS. Basic ideas, principles and methods of studying geopolitics; modern system of international relations; foreign policy of the state; geopolitics in the territory of the former USSR; geopolitical changes after the collapse of the USSR; Russia in the new system of international relations; Ukraine and Belarus; formation of a new geostrategic policy; geopolitical relations in Central Asia; Transcaucasia: new geopolitical dynamics; geopolitics of the Baltic countries; European geopolitics: modern geopolitics of Eastern European countries; integration processes in Western Europe; geopolitics and national security in Western Europe; Geopolitics of the leading countries of the world: the place of the USA in the system of geopolitical relations; geopolitics and social development of Japan; geostrategic policy of China; Geopolitics of developing countries: problems of the geopolitical situation in Asia; geopolitics and Latin American countries; traditions and geopolitics of Africa.


Constitutional law of Russia.

Constitutional law as a branch of Russian law, as a science and academic discipline. Constitutional foundations of the organization of public power in the Russian Federation. Economic and political foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation. Constitutional and legal status of the individual: the institution of citizenship in the Russian Federation, personal, political, socio-economic and cultural rights and freedoms. Federal structure of Russia.

The constitutional system of power in the Russian Federation: the constitutional and legal status of the President of the Russian Federation; legislative power in the Russian Federation; executive power in the Russian Federation; constitutional and legal basis for the organization and activities of the judiciary and the prosecutor's office in the Russian Federation; constitutional foundations of local self-government in the Russian Federation.

Civil law. The concept of civil law. Subject of civil law. basic principles of civil law. Civil law system. Functions of civil law. Civil law in the Russian legal system. Concept and features of civil legislation. Composition of civil legislation. The relationship between federal legislation and the legislation of constituent entities in the Russian Federation. Civil Code: systems, meaning. Civil legislation and norms of international legislation. Application of civil legislation. Civil legal relations: concept, content, subjects and objects. Types of civil legal relations. Individuals as subjects of civil legal relations. Legal entities. The emergence of legal entities. Bodies of legal entities. Types of legal entities. Termination of activities of legal entities. state and municipal entities as subjects of civil legal relations. Participation of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities in civil legal relations. Responsibility for the obligations of the Russian Federation, a subject of the Russian Federation, a municipal entity. Objects of civil rights. Things and their classification. Money as a special category of things. Securities. Transactions: concepts and classification, terms in civil law. implementation and protection of civil rights. Representative offices. Power of attorney. Ownership and other property rights. Subjects and objects of property rights. State and municipal property. Mandatory right and obligation. Civil contract. Contents, conclusion, termination of the contract.

Administrative law. The essence of public administration as an object of administrative and legal regulation; the concept of the subject, methods and system of administrative law; sources of administrative law; mechanism of administrative legal regulation, structure, types of administrative legal norms and their role in regulating social relations; administrative norms and methods of public administration; the essence of administrative-legal relations; administrative and legal status of the subjects of these relations: citizens, state and non-state organizations and associations, executive authorities; legal status of civil servants and the procedure for their service, classification of government positions and civil servants, issues of stimulating management activities; the essence and composition of the administrative offense; subjects of offenses, measures of administrative liability and its types; proceedings in cases of administrative offenses, ensuring the rule of law in the activities of executive authorities.

Labor law. Labor relations of employees and relations derived from them as a subject of labor law; method and system of labor law; basic principles of labor law; sources of labor law; subjects of labor law; the concept of labor law, the concept of labor relations; labor collective; rights and role of trade unions; the concept of a collective agreement and its role; legal regulation of employment; concept of an employment contract; types of employment contracts; work time; Time relax; methods of legal regulation of wages; tariff system of remuneration; wage system; internal labor regulations; labor discipline; financial liability of the parties to the labor relationship; occupational Safety and Health; individual and collective labor disputes and the procedure for their resolution; labor conflicts and the procedure for their resolution; supervision and control over compliance with labor legislation.

Legal personality of civil servants; legal personality of an official; government positions and their categories; the concept and essence of public service; forms of public service; entry into the civil service; test when filling a public position in the civil service; oath of a civil servant; promotion (promotion): concept, principles; qualification rank, class rank, special rank, service age limit; termination of public service; nomination reserve; filling government positions in the civil service; salary of a civil servant; certification of a civil servant; part-time work in the civil service; encouragement of civil servants; disciplinary proceedings.

The concept of a municipal employee; legal status of a municipal employee; legal personality of a municipal employee; municipal position: concept and types; passing municipal service; termination of municipal service; encouragement and responsibility of municipal employees.

*) – universities have the right to divide a module into two or more disciplines.

Elective disciplines (EDD) and student elective courses (DE) are established by the university, faculty, department. For a list of recommendations, see Appendix 1.

Regional (university) component

Disciplines and courses of students' choice,

established by the university


SYSTEM OF STATE AND MUNICIPAL GOVERNANCE*. The content of the concept of "public administration", the main scientific schools studying it; structure of public administration in the leading countries of the world: institutional, functional and organizational analysis; central, regional and local government bodies, their hierarchy, problems of relationships; main areas of activity in the public administration system: state regulation of the economy, management of the social sphere, formation of public policy and its implementation, management of conflict situations.

Experience in the formation of local self-government in Russia. Comparative analysis of foreign experience. Constitutional and legal foundations of local self-government, its essential features. Relationships between state and municipal authorities, division of powers. Municipal formation as a socio-economic system. Natural, historical, national, socio-demographic, economic features of municipalities. Financial and economic support for local government. Composition of local government bodies, their tasks and forms.

Organizational structure of local (city, district, village) administration: principles, methods of construction and directions for improvement. Staffing. Features of municipal service. Municipal governance process. Decisions in the process of municipal management. Use of modern information technologies in the work of local administration. Work with the population, public organizations, citizens and enterprises located on the territory of the municipality. Planning the activities of local administration. Labor organization of municipal employees.

management of public relations. Subject, structure, main functions of social relations (PR); information processes in society and management; communications in organizations; PR in politics; PR in business; PR and media; means of interaction; public opinion as a structural element of PR; information policy of the Russian Federation - problems and development trends; legal basis of PR;

main organizational forms of PR and practical activities of PR; main genres of journalism and PR.


Region as an object of management and management. Methods used to analyze the territorial organization of the economy; main tasks of regional economics and management; territorial organization of society; regional features of the economy; interregional connections; patterns, principles and factors of distribution of productive forces; the essence of specialization and integrated development; natural resource potential of Russia; sectoral structure of economic location; methods for determining the sectors of market specialization of regions; economic efficiency of production; free economic zones; regional policy of the state; regional budget and tax system; regional management structure.

PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT. Human resource management as an integral component of the overall management process; basics of human resource management; individual at work; motivation and responsibility; human resource planning; recruitment and selection of personnel; forms of employment and contract work; personel assessment; job interviews; personnel training; career management; basics of reward management; relations in the organization; participation of personnel in management; organization communications. Objective and subjective causes of conflicts; typology of conflicts; conflicts in social and individual activities, national-ethnic conflicts, conflicts in the sphere of management, ideological and normative-value conflicts; form, structure and dynamics of conflicts; ways and means of preventing and resolving conflicts; the role of conflicts in socio-economic development; social and psychological motives of conflicts; conflict management.

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES OF MANAGEMENT. Organization and means of information technology to support management activities; directions of informatization of state and municipal administration; system representation of the managed territory and principles of creating an information system of the city and region (region, republic); the concept of new information technology (NIT); local and distributed databases; expert systems and knowledge bases; information languages; automated information retrieval systems; classifiers; fundamentals of constructing information technology tools; computer technologies for preparing text documents, processing economic information based on spreadsheet processors, using database management systems, integrated software packages; distributed information processing; regional and local computer networks; teleprocessing of data; communication networks. The main stages and stages of the creation and organization of computer information management systems. Economic efficiency of territorial information management systems.

SOCIOLOGY OF MANAGEMENT. Social management as a resolution of the contradiction between the managing and managed systems; three models of social management: subordination, reordination, coordination; management and manipulation, general, private and selfish interests, manipulation as the realization of selfish interests, types of manipulation: economic, political, bureaucratic, ideological, psychological; the objective nature of state interest, natural and artificial state interest, the mechanism for developing state interest, the clash of interests within the state, state interest in time and space, the vector of time and space for state interest, the relationship of state interest with the type of state; management in an aggressive environment, management environment, managerial mentality, relationship between the state of the management environment and the purpose of management action, inert, optimal and aggressive management environment, methods of management in an aggressive social environment.

DEVELOPMENT OF A MANAGEMENT SOLUTION. Decision functions in the methodology and organization of the management process; typology of management decisions; conditions and factors for the quality of management decisions; models, methodology and organization of the process of developing management decisions; target orientation of management decisions; analysis of action alternatives; analysis of the external environment and its impact on the implementation of alternatives; conditions of uncertainty and risk; techniques for developing and selecting management decisions under conditions of uncertainty and risk; effectiveness of decisions; control over the implementation of management decisions; management decisions and responsibility.

Regional (university) component

Disciplines and courses of students' choice, established by the university


Additional types of training

Total theoretical training (152 weeks x 54 hours)


Graduate design

Final state certification

5. Time frame for completing the basic educational program of a graduate in the specialty "State and Municipal Administration".

5.1. The duration of mastering the basic educational program for training a specialist in state and municipal administration - manager in full-time study is 260 weeks, including:

Theoretical training, including student research work, workshops, laboratory classes, seminars and examination sessions - 182 weeks.

Practices: educational and orientation - 2 weeks

economic and management practice - 6 weeks

pre-diploma - 8 weeks


Only 16 weeks.

Final state certification, including preparation and defense of the thesis project - at least 12 weeks.

Vacations, including 8 weeks of postgraduate leave - at least 50 weeks.

5.2. For persons with secondary (complete) general education, the time frame for mastering the basic educational program for training a specialist in state and municipal administration - a manager in full-time and part-time (evening) and part-time forms of education, as well as in the case of a combination of various forms of education, is increased by the university to one year relatively

the regulatory period established in clause 1.2. of this state educational standard.

5.3. The maximum volume of a student's academic workload is set at 54 hours per week, including all types of his classroom and extracurricular (independent) educational work.

5.4. The volume of a student's classroom work during full-time study should not exceed an average of 27 hours per week during the period of theoretical study.

At the same time, the specified volume does not include mandatory practical classes in physical education and classes in elective disciplines.

5.5. In case of full-time and part-time (evening) training, the volume of classroom training must be at least 10 hours per week.

5.6. When studying by correspondence, the student must be provided with the opportunity to study with a teacher for at least 160 hours per year.

5.7. The total amount of vacation time in the academic year should be 7-10 weeks, including at least two weeks in winter.

6. Requirements for the development and conditions for the implementation of an educational program for preparing a graduate in the specialty "State and Municipal Administration".

6.1. Requirements for the development of an educational program for training a specialist in state and municipal administration - manager.

6.1.1. A higher education institution independently develops and approves the educational program of the university for training a specialist in state and municipal administration - a manager based on this state standard.

Complex disciplines of the standard, which have a special footnote, can be divided in the curriculum into two or more disciplines, if the holistic nature of the content of each of them is ensured. At the same time, the total volume of hours allocated by the standard per cycle does not increase.

Disciplines “of the student’s choice” are mandatory according to the standards of choice established by the curriculum (for example, five out of twelve offered), and elective disciplines provided for by the curriculum of a higher educational institution are not mandatory for study by the student, but motivate individual interests to expand and deepen knowledge.

Coursework (projects) are considered as a type of academic work in the discipline and are completed within the hours allocated for its study.

For all disciplines and practices included in the curriculum of a higher educational institution, a final grade must be given on a scale - excellent, good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory or passed, not passed.

Specializations are part of the specialty within which they are created and involve obtaining more in-depth professional knowledge, skills and abilities in various, but narrower, areas of activity within the profile of this specialty.

A specialization should have not only a name, but also a set of disciplines that reflect its purpose, content and features.

6.1.2. When implementing an educational program, a higher education institution has the right:

Change the amount of hours allocated to mastering educational material for cycles of disciplines - within 5%,

  1. form a cycle of humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines, which should include, out of the eleven basic disciplines given in this state educational standard, the following 4 disciplines as mandatory: “Foreign language”
  2. (in a volume of at least 340 hours), “Physical Education” (in a volume of at least 408 hours), “National History”, “Philosophy”. The remaining basic disciplines can be implemented at the discretion of the university. At the same time, it is possible to combine them into interdisciplinary courses with maintaining the mandatory minimum content. If disciplines are part of general professional or special training (for humanitarian and socio-economic areas of training (specialties), the hours allocated for their study can be redistributed within the cycle.

The volume of hours for each of the other two selected disciplines is provided for at least 136 hours.

If a university chooses more than four disciplines, the volume of hours in one of them can be reduced within the limits of the standard of rational technology of the educational process.

Classes in the discipline "Physical Education" in part-time (evening), part-time and external studies can be provided taking into account the wishes of students.

To teach humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines in the form of original lecture courses and various types of collective and individual practical classes, assignments and seminars according to programs developed at the university itself and taking into account regional, national-ethnic, professional specifics, as well as the research preferences of teachers providing qualified coverage of the subjects of the cycle disciplines;

Establish the required depth of teaching of individual sections of disciplines included in the cycles of humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines, mathematical and natural science disciplines, in accordance with the profile of the specialty;

Establish, in agreement with the Educational Institution, the name of specializations in the specialty of higher professional education, the name of the specialization disciplines, their volume and content, as well as the form of control over their mastery by students;

Implement the basic educational program for training a manager in a shortened time frame for students of a higher educational institution who have a secondary vocational education in the relevant profile or a higher vocational education who wish to obtain a second education.

In this case, the duration of training must be at least three years. Studying in a shorter period of time is also allowed for persons whose level of education or abilities are a sufficient basis for this.

6.2. Requirements for staffing the educational process.

6.2.1. The implementation of the educational program for training specialists in state and municipal administration should be ensured by teaching staff who, as a rule, have a basic education corresponding to the profile of the discipline taught and are systematically engaged in scientific and/or scientific-methodological activities.

In general, at least 50% of the teaching staff must have an advanced degree.

6.2.2. At least 50% of teachers of general professional and special disciplines must have an academic degree and extensive practical experience in the relevant professional field. Of these, at least 5% must have a doctorate degree.

6.2.3. At least 35% of the teaching staff must be full-time teachers.

6.3. Requirements for educational and methodological support of the educational process.

6.3.1. Educational and methodological support includes a complete list of textbooks, teaching aids and other materials available in the university library and available to students. They must be relevant and provide sufficient quality of training for a highly qualified specialist.

6.3.2. Each discipline of the federal component of the state standard must be provided with at least one textbook per student.

Coverage of other disciplines is allowed at least 50%.

6.3.3. Methodological support for the educational process also includes intra-university publications and developments - methodological instructions and recommendations, lecture notes, computer training programs, tests, etc.

6.4. Requirements for material and technical support of the educational process.

A higher educational institution implementing the basic educational program for training specialists in state and municipal administration must have a material and technical base that ensures the normal and rhythmic conduct of all types of training sessions and research work provided for by the curriculum.

Material and technical support must comply with the current sanitary and technical standards.

Providing the educational process with computers should be at least one computer per 25 students.

6.5. Requirements for organizing practices.

The educational program, as a mandatory element, must contain programs of educational, introductory, design, diagnostic and pre-diploma internships.

The organization of practices can take various forms, but at the same time be aimed at obtaining practical knowledge and professional skills.

7. Requirements for the level of training of a graduate in the specialty.

7.1. Each university must develop and have a fund of control tasks to assess the quality of training of specialists. The fund is used for regular self-analysis of work, as well as for certification of a specialty and university.

7.2. The fund must include operational forms of tasks, questions, tests, tasks that allow you to assess the level of knowledge, skills and abilities, their compliance with the provisions of this standard and qualification requirements. The fund's compliance with these requirements is confirmed by the expert opinion of the UMO.

7.3.The final state certification of managers includes passing a comprehensive state exam in their specialty, which allows them to identify and evaluate theoretical preparation for solving professional problems, readiness for the main types of professional activities, as well as defending a diploma project on one of the current topics in improving management.

7.4. The comprehensive state exam in the specialty includes key and practically significant questions in the disciplines of general professional and special training. It is carried out at the final stage of the educational process before the development of the diploma project.

7.5. A manager's final qualifying work - a diploma project - should demonstrate skills in practical analysis of management problems, calculations and development of a management improvement project.

S t a v i t e l s:

Educational and methodological association for education

in the field of management.

The state educational standard for higher professional education was approved at a meeting of the Council of the Educational and Methodological Association for Management Education on November 22, 1999. Protocol No. 26.

Approved at a meeting of the Interdepartmental Scientific and Methodological Council on Economics and Management on February 16, 2000. Protocol No. 1.

Chairman of the UMO Council,

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Porshnev A.G.

Deputy Chairman of the UMO Council,

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Korotkov E.M.


Department of Educational Programs and Standards

higher and secondary vocational education Shestakov G.K.

Head of the Department of Humanitarian and

economic education Petrova T.E.

Annex 1

elective disciplines (DE) and specialization disciplines (DS)

(The disciplines DS, DPV, DE are included in the university curriculum
at the discretion of the university INDEPENDENTLY)

3. DPV. GSE. 01. Logic

5. DPV. GSE. 02. Rhetoric

1. DE.GSE.01. History of cities

2. DE.GSE.02. Economy of Russia

0.DPV. EH. 01. Computer training

0. DPV. EH. 02. Life safety (LHS)

0. DPV. EH. 03. Life safety (LHS)

1. DPV. OPD. 01. Introduction to the specialty

1. DPV. OPD. 02. Municipal services

2. DPV. OPD. 03. Macroeconomics

4. DPV. OPD. 04. Quality management

4. DPV. OPD. 05. Organizational behavior

4. DPV. OPD. 06. Research of control systems

4. DPV. OPD. 07. State regulation of the economy

1. DE.OPD.01. Local communities

2. DE.OPD.02. Economy of the city

2. DE.OPD.03. Business planning

4. DE.OPD.04. Territorial public self-government

4. DE.OPD.05. Career planning

2. DPV.SD.01. Microeconomics

2. DPV.SD.02. Innovation management

2. DPV.SD.03. Investment management

2. DPV.SD.04. Economics of the state and municipal sector

2. DPV.SD.05. Territory Marketing

3. DPV.SD.06. Financial right

3. DPV.SD.07. Fundamentals of environmental law

3. DPV.SD.08. Family law

3. DPV.SD.09. Social Security Law

3. DPV.SD.10. Basics of criminal law

4. DPV.SD.11. Strategic management

4. DPV.SD.12. Management of state and municipal property

5. DPV.SD.13. Civil service and personnel policy

5. DPV.SD.14. World politics and global problems

5. DPV.SD.15. Features of Russian political culture and mentality

1. DPV.SD.16. Municipal infrastructure

4. DPV.SD.17. Documentation support for management

2. DE.SD.01. Property valuation

2. DE.SD.02. Income and Expenditure Policy

2. DE.SD.03. Fiscal system

2. DE.SD.04. Small business in a market environment

2. DE.SD.05. State economic policy

4. DE.SD.06 City government

4. DE.SD.07. Territory development management

4. DE.SD.08. Foreign management experience

5. DE.SD.09. Public organizations

5. DE.SD.10. Political parties in Russia

2. DPV.DS.01. Economics of municipal economy

2. DPV.DS.02. Municipal finance and budget

3. DPV.DS.03. Municipal law

4. DPV.DS.04. Crisis management

4. DPV.DS.05. Ethics and management culture

4. DPV.DS.06. Conflictology

5. DPV.DS.08. National relations in Russia

5. DPV.DS.09. Public Relations

5. DPV.DS.10. Basics of Social Forecasting

2. DE.DS.01. Modeling of territorial systems

3. DE.DS.02. International law

4. DE.DS.03. Land management

5. DE.DS.04. History of socio-political doctrines

5. DE.DS.05. Theory of social development

5. DE.DS.06. Modern politics

Appendix 2


disciplines of the State educational standard
specialties 061000

Block of disciplines

0 – general

1 – object

2 – economics

3 – right

4 – control

5 – politics

1. – GS – mandatory according to the standard for this specialty

2. – DPV – disciplines of choice of university, faculty, department

  1. - DE – elective disciplines (at the student’s choice)

Curriculum cycles

  • – GSE – general humanitarian and socio-economic
  • – EN – natural sciences
  • – OPD – general professional
  • SD – special disciplines
  • – DS – specialization disciplines
  • Discipline number in the curriculum cycle

    Encoding can be alphabetic or numeric

    For example

    4. GS SD. 02. - DISCIPLINE:

    4. 1. 4. 02. - Municipal administration

    block of disciplines level curriculum cyclecurriculum number

    The discipline of the management block, mandatory according to the standard, in the cycle of special disciplines under number 02.

    Appendix 3

    Name of disciplines

    in the 1999 draft standard

    Changes in relation to the approved State Standard of 1995

    Cycle of general humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines


    Foreign language

    Ú - discipline left completely unchanged

    Cultural studies

    Ú - discipline left completely unchanged


    m - the didactic content of the discipline was replaced


    m - the didactic content of the discipline was replaced

    Psychology and pedagogy

    Ú - discipline left completely unchanged

    Physical Culture

    Ú - discipline left completely unchanged

    Cycle of mathematical and natural science disciplines

    Mathematics (higher and applied)

    m - the didactic content of the discipline was replaced

    Computer science

    Ú - discipline left completely unchanged

    Concepts of modern natural science

    Ú - discipline left completely unchanged

    Ecology of territories

    N – new basic discipline

    O general professional


    Economic theory

    A new name for the discipline was given and the didactic content was replaced

    History of public administration in Russia

    Ú - discipline left completely unchanged

    State regulation of the economy

    Ú - discipline left completely unchanged

    State and municipal finance

    Accounting and audit

    N – new basic discipline


    A new name was given to the discipline and the didactic content was replaced


    N – new basic discipline

    Control theory

    S N – a new basic discipline instead of a number of existing ones

    Organization theory

    m - the didactic content of the discipline was replaced

    Political science

    m - the didactic content of the discipline was replaced and transferred to the OPD cycle


    Ú - discipline left completely unchanged

    Civil law

    N – new basic discipline

    Administrative law

    N – new basic discipline

    Labor law

    N – new basic discipline

    Cycle special

    Public administration system

    Ú - discipline left completely unchanged

    Municipal government

    A new name was given to the discipline and the didactic content was replaced

    Constitutional law

    N – new basic discipline

    Municipal infrastructure

    N – new basic discipline

    Regional economics and management

    A new name was given to the discipline and the didactic content was replaced

    Personnel Management

    m - the didactic content of the discipline was replaced

    Information technology management

    m - the didactic content of the discipline was replaced

    Sociology of management

    Ú - discipline left completely unchanged

    Documentation support for management

    N – new basic discipline

    Development of management solutions

    Ú - discipline was left completely unchanged; can be converted to the DS cycle

    Total number of disciplines in the 1995 Gosstandart project (approved)……33

    Remain completely unchanged……………………….. 13

    Didactics (discipline content) has been changed……………9

    Disciplines have been consolidated (merged)……….…………..…4

    New compulsory disciplines have been introduced……………

    ..… 10

    Transferred to a cycle of specialization disciplines……………..4

    Disciplines ………..…………….…1 are completely excluded

    In addition, the discipline "Political Science" was transferred from the GSE cycle to the OPD cycle; The name of the discipline "Regional Studies" was changed to "Regional Economics and Management".

    The total number of compulsory disciplines in the 1999 Gosstandart draft...


    Appendix 4


    taught disciplines of specialty 061000 – “State and municipal management” by blocks, levels and cycles

    Block 0. General humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines.

    Block 1. Object of activity. Activities are presented in blocks
    Disc. 2, 3, 4, 5

    Block 2. Economics

    Block 3. Rights

    Block 5. Politics

    Disciplines with double encryption per block

    1; 2. GS. SD. Regional economics and management

    1; 0. DPV. GSE. Introduction to the specialty

    3; 0. GS. GSE. Jurisprudence

    3; 0. DPV. GSE. Logics

    5; 0. GS. GSE Sociology

    5; 0. DPV. GSE. Rhetoric

    Block 0. General disciplines

    0.GS.GSE. Philosophy

    0.GS.GSE. Foreign language

    0.GS.GSE. Cultural studies

    0.GS.GSE. Story

    0.GS.GSE. Psychology and pedagogy

    0.GS.GSE. Physical Culture

    0.GS.EN. Mathematics

    0.GS.EN. Computer science

    0.GS.EN. Modern natural science concept

    0.GS.EN. Ecology of territories

    0.DPV.EN. Computer training

    0.DPV.EN. Life safety (BCS) and (BPD)

    Block 1. Object of activity

    1.GS.OPD. Demography

    1.GS.SD. Municipal infrastructure

    1; 2. GS.SD. Regional economics and management

    1; 0. DPV.GSE. Introduction to the specialty

    1.DPV.OPD. Municipal economy

    1.DE.GSE. History of cities

    1.DE.OPD. Local communities

    Block 2. Economics

    2.GS.OPD. Economic theory

    2.GS.OPD. State regulation of the economy

    2.GS.OPD. State and municipal finance

    2.GS.OPD. Statistics

    2.GS.OPD. Accounting and Auditing

    2.DPV.OPD. Macroeconomics

    2.DPV.SD. Microeconomics

    2.DPV.SD. Innovation management

    2.DPV.SD. Investment management

    2.DPV.SD. Economics of the state and municipal sector

    2.DPV.SD. Territory Marketing

    2.DPV.SD. Economics of municipal economy

    2.DE.GSE. Economy of Russia

    2.DE.OPD. Economy of the city

    2.DE.OPD. Business planning

    2.DE.SD. Property valuation

    2.DE.SD. Income and Expenditure Policy

    2.DE.SD. Small business in a market environment

    2.DE.SD. Fiscal system

    2.DE.SD. State economic policy

    2.DE.DS. Modeling of territorial systems

    2.DE.DS. Demonopolization of municipal enterprises

    Block 3. Rights

    3.0. GSE.GSE. Jurisprudence

    3.GS.OPD. Civil law

    3.GS.OPD. Administrative law

    3.GS.OPD. Labor law

    3.GS.SD. Constitutional law

    3.DPV.DS. Municipal law

    3;0. DPV,GSE. Logics

    3.DPV.SD. Social Security Law

    3.DPV.SD. Family law

    3.DPV.SD. Financial right

    3.DPV.SD. Fundamentals of environmental law

    3.DPV.SD. Basics of criminal law

    3.DPV.DS. International law

    Block 4. Management and sociology

    4.GS.OPD. History of public administration in Russia

    4.GS.OPD. Control theory

    4.GS.OPD. Organization theory

    4.GS.SD. Public administration system

    4.GS.SD. Municipal government

    4.GS.SD. Sociology of management

    4.GS.SD. Personnel Management

    4.GS.SD. Information technology management

    4.GS.SD. Documentation support for management

    4.GS.SD. Development of management solutions

    4.DPV.OPD. Quality control

    4.DPV.OPD. Organizational behavior

    4.DPV.OPD. Control systems research

    4.DPV.SD. Strategic management

    4.DPV.SD. Department of state and municipal

    4.DPV.DS. Basics of Social Forecasting

    4.DPV.DS. Conflictology

    4.DPV.DS. Ethics and management culture

    4.DPV.DS. Crisis management

    4.DE.OPD. Territorial public self-government

    4.DE.OPD. Career planning

    4.DE.SD. Foreign management experience

    4.DE.SD. Territory development management

    4.DE.SD. City government

    4.DE.DS. Land management

    Block 5. Politics

    5.GS.OPD. Political science

    5.GS.OPD. Geopolitics

    5; 0.GS.GSE. Sociology

    5; 0.DPV.GSE. Rhetoric

    5.DPV.SD. Civil service and personnel policy

    5.DPV.SD. World politics and global problems

    5.DPV.SD. Features of Russian political culture

    5.DPV.DS. Public Relations

    5.DPV.DS. National relations in Russia

    5.DE.SD. Public organizations

    5.DE.SD. Political parties in Russia

    5.DE.DS. History of socio-political doctrines

    5.DE.DS. Theory of social development

    5.DE.DS. Modern politics

    This profession is for caring people who sincerely care about the needs of society. If your goal is to quietly but confidently create a new country and society, to serve for the benefit of people and the state, then feel free to choose this profession. The specialty implies a stable, well-paid, interesting job.

    What is “State and municipal government”?

    In every state there is an apparatus that manages and organizes various areas of state activity. For ease of management, there is a hierarchy of subordination - municipality, region and federal authorities.

    At each of the three levels, employees are assigned specific tasks. For example, at the municipal level - organizing the coordinated work of city utilities, protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, at the regional level - monitoring the activities of law enforcement agencies, at the federal level - adjusting, amending and writing laws of the federal district.

    This specialty provides a wide range of opportunities:

    • distribution and coordination, control over the expenditure of budget funds;
    • planning and development of the regional economy;
    • work in a public reception with applications from citizens;
    • organization of work of law enforcement and economic structural units;
    • management and control of healthcare institutions;
    • work in a pension fund;
    • control and management of regional and federal employment services;
    • assistance and support for large families and low-income people;
    • protection of nature, environment, resources.

    This specialization provides a wide range of knowledge on many topics - from law to biology and geography.

    Specialists in this profile began to be trained in 1995, when the Ministry of Education established standards and training schemes for this specialty. Now this area is the most popular among the humanities specialties in the country's universities.

    In order for the Laws to work, we need competent professionals who can competently implement important projects aimed at developing the country and qualitatively improving people’s lives.

    What kind of profession is there in the specialty “State and Municipal Administration”?

    There is a misconception that after training a graduate receives a degree in economics, lawyer or accountant. This is wrong. This profession involves administrative organizational work both in government agencies and in commercial firms.

    Having received this specialty, you can plan employment in the following areas:

    • work in government agencies is essentially mediation between the state and citizens. You shouldn’t immediately count on big earnings, but even the most modest position of a civil servant can provide a good start for climbing the career ladder. Salary – from 12 thousand, increases annually and exceeds the average salary by region;
    • In a commercial organization there is always a department for interaction with government authorities. The work of the employees consists of analyzing and monitoring Legislation, interacting with government agencies, drawing up joint programs and events with municipal authorities, coordinating the work of the company in line with the ongoing government policy. The average salary (starting) is higher - from 20 thousand, but career growth is insignificant, the maximum is the head of a department;
    • analytics centers and consulting companies - the main activity is analytics and monitoring, forecasting. The work is routine and monotonous; only a few achieve career growth in this direction.

    Graduates most often choose to work in administrations at various levels, executive authorities, supervisory authorities and civil institutions for the protection of the rights and freedoms of the population.

    What subjects do I need to take for training?

    Depending on the university, you will need to take the following exams:

    • mathematics;
    • Russian language;
    • history, social studies, computer science and ICT - each university determines the exam according to its own priority;
    • foreign languages ​​- at the discretion of the university.

    You can enroll in full-time (day-time) and part-time, or mixed forms of study.

    What is written on the diploma after graduation?

    Bachelor's degree indicating the profile, general specialty - manager or specialist.

    Depending on the chosen profile, the diploma will specify the specialization:

    • finance;
    • social sphere;
    • human resources;
    • urban economy;
    • social and cultural development;
    • personnel (personnel).

    When applying for a job, specialization can be a decisive factor for a positive decision.

    If you are counting on career growth, then you need to focus on state municipal structures; if you want a good salary, then you need to look for work in travel companies and large holdings.

    The choice of vacancies for graduates of this field is quite extensive, especially in government agencies. management.

    Salary for this specialty

    The starting salary of the second category is 14 -20 thousand, leading specialist - 25 - 30 thousand, chief specialist - 35 thousand, heads of departments - from 40 thousand. Salaries vary depending on region.

    You can read articles about this profession on Wikipedia. Interesting materials on the website of the Russian Academy and in the regulations of municipal departments and departments. Many federal universities are also represented in the Wikipedia rubricator.

    Corruption in the country has not yet been overcome. Therefore, it is problematic to focus on a well-paid position right away without acquaintances and connections. You will have to work as a simple clerk for two or three years for a salary of 15–18 thousand, but guaranteed and with a social package.

    The manager (organizer) specialization provides excellent employment prospects in many commercial and trade structures.

    "State and municipal management" (bachelor's degree)

    State and municipal administration

    Degree: Academic Bachelor. Applied Bachelor

    The most common entrance exams:

    • Russian language
    • Mathematics (basic level)
    • Computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) - specialized subject, at the choice of the university
    • History - at the choice of university
    • Social studies - by choice of university
    • Foreign language - at the choice of the university

    Most universities require final results in mathematics, which is a specialized exam, for admission. Another mandatory exam is the Russian language.

    To choose a university, you must also pass one of the following exams: history, social studies, computer science and ICT.

    At the discretion of the educational institution, an exam in English or any other foreign language may be offered, depending on the specific area of ​​study.

    The specialty “State and Municipal Administration” is an excellent opportunity to choose a prestigious job in large organizations. University graduates are in constant demand among employers; they have excellent prospects for subsequent professional growth and career advancement.

    Brief description of the specialty

    The specialty allows students to gain advanced knowledge in the field of economics during their studies, including such economic areas as management theory and others. They master the necessary professional and administrative skills that allow them to plan and coordinate the work of the organization and manage the team.

    Graduates who have completed training in this specialty have skills that allow them to manage an organization as successfully as possible, take part in organizing the work process of the management system, develop and improve the functioning of management in accordance with the main criteria for the development of the socio-economic sphere.

    • Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
    • State University of Management
    • Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. N.I. Lobachevsky
    • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
    • Perm State National Research University

    This specialty provides both full-time and part-time or part-time forms of education. With full-time study, the duration of mastering the specialty is 4 years, in other options - from 4.5 years or more.

    The specialty is universal in nature, therefore special requirements are imposed on the content of the curriculum. Particular attention is paid to such academic disciplines as:

    • economic theory
    • management
    • psychology
    • history of world civilizations
    • fundamentals of law and others.

    Among the compulsory subjects required to master the specialty are the following:

    • statistics
    • civil law
    • management theory
    • information technology in management
    • administrative law and others.

    Some higher education institutions introduce a course of professional foreign language and rhetoric into the curriculum. The training involves practical training in government agencies that meet the needs of the training profile.

    Gained knowledge and skills

    A bachelor-manager who has completed a program in this specialty can perform the following types of professional activities:

    • plan different types of activities;
    • organize work according to set goals, available resources and results;
    • carefully monitor the activities of employees and the entire organization;
    • lead a team and coordinate work in the external environment;
    • motivate employees;
    • represent the institution (company) and its interests;
    • explore and evaluate problems and situations;
    • propose forecasts and plan goals;
    • work with employees in the field of providing consultations, methodological recommendations, educational issues;
    • carry out innovative work in the field of management.

    Future profession: what to work for?

    Graduates can count on good positions in prestigious organizations, and they also have excellent opportunities for excellent career growth in the state and municipal service.

    A specialist bachelor-manager acts as an intermediary between people and the state. He works in various departments and services, including specialized ones, and participates in the development of bills. Also, a specialist manager receives citizens, helping them solve a wide range of issues, provides guidance in matters of healthcare, social, housing, educational, cultural and other life activities, monitors databases, issues certificates and information upon requests, and deals with office work issues. A specialist can find work in:

    • state and municipal authorities;
    • local government bodies;
    • international organizations and governing bodies;
    • public sector organizations;
    • non-profit organizations;
    • civil society institutions;
    • educational and research institutions;

    Holding a position as a specialist of the second category immediately after graduation, you can count on a salary of 20,000 rubles. The income of a leading specialist can be about 30,000, a chief specialist’s income can be about 35,000, and the head of a department will receive from 40,000 rubles. High professional qualities of specialists allow them to quickly move up the career ladder, but gradually step by step.

    Continuing training in the specialty

    If desired, you can continue your studies in this specialty in master’s and postgraduate programs.

    specialty: "state and municipal management". Where and who to go to work?

    I can’t get a job anywhere with this specialty, the devil took me to study for it, they don’t hire me as an economist or an accountant, they offer me as a clerk, I don’t want to work for them, People who have received such a specialty, where do you work, where is the best place for me to go and get a job? I am only considering the civil service!

    hahahaha of course they won’t hire you as an economist and boo

    The spheres are completely different.

    I thought they trained officials there. but I have a hard time imagining what it is.

    meh. First, study for 5 years, and then ask where to go to work.

    When you entered this faculty, what were you thinking about?

    I was probably going to run for mayor right away.

    Anya, honey, don’t be upset! somehow everything will work out)) up your nose!

    get a second education

    What is the specialization written in your diploma?

    I also received a specialty from the State Medical University, and a specialization in Foreign Economic Activity Management, you can at least get a job in this area.

    Who can work with this specialty? State and municipal administration. I’m thinking about who I should apply for.

    work in different government offices

    There is no need to take the names of the specialties of state and municipal administration and management literally and think that they train managers who, even for nothing, are not needed by anyone without experience and another narrow specialty (as most people and employers do). If you open the state educational standard and read about these specialties, then everything will be clear and it will turn out that these specialties are not so bad and that in half the cases where economists are required, managers are actually needed, ideally.

    The employers from message 10 apparently read the educational standard, so GMU employees are in high demand there.

    horror, I was just planning to enter this profession, now I won’t

    You can go work as a manager in private companies. The choice is very large. There is no need to focus on this education - first read the state regulations on it. I want to get it second highest. Now it’s not about education but about the labor market. I started looking for a job as a technician while I was still studying, but I found a normal one only when I graduated 2 years later. How lucky anyone is, of course. But in reality this education is good.

    I want to enroll in a second degree, I think it’s better to go to State Medical University or management? what do you advise? and in which industry according to special data. can I work?

    I don’t know how it is in your city, but here specialists in the field of State Medical University are simply being snapped up.

    What kind of city is this?))

    That's it. We have so many vacancies for all sorts of directors. and they calmly take it with their hands and feet =) I study there too. but I will say one thing. Garters are needed everywhere. =)

    Without garters they have nowhere to go! And the specialty is good)

    1Services of state and municipal authorities (district and regional administrations, ministries and departments)

    2 State security and internal affairs bodies

    3 Customs services

    4 Personnel and economic services of organizations related to foreign economic activity

    5 International trading companies

    6 Insurance companies, oil companies

    7 Financial and analytical services of companies, banks

    8 Public organizations providing social protection

    9 Educational institutions, etc.

    I’m graduating from state and municipal administration, please tell me where I can go to work in Moscow? Thanks in advance

    I don’t know how it is in your city, but here specialists in the field of State Medical University are simply being snapped up.

    Ready-made GOS answers for GMU 2012 http://goc2012gmy.ucoz.ru/

    Thesis http://diploms.my1.ru/

    Ready-made business plans http://business-class.my1.ru/

    A good specialty for Careerists, of course.))))

    Graduates studying in the specialty "civil and municipal administration" receive comprehensive training in the field of economics, law and management. In other words, they know economics better than law graduates, and have a better understanding of jurisprudence than economics graduates. And since all this knowledge can be used not only in the civil service, but also in private structures

    Tax, Banking, Government Authorities are waiting for you!

    do they hire for such positions when they have just finished studying?

    What is the salary for this specialty?

    The specialty of the State Medical University is, in principle, not bad. But as they say at my work, this is a “nothing” specialty9. I graduated from the State Medical University with the qualification of a manager. I work in the city administration in the human resources department as a specialist. Admission to the municipal or public service is carried out only based on the results of a competition for filling a vacant position, or from the personnel reserve of managerial personnel, which is also formed based on the results of the competition. What I want to say is that the education of State Medical University almost everywhere matches the qualification requirements for positions when passing competitions, that is, almost everyone. I took part in competitions, ran around. I didn’t win, but they were noticed by the commission (competitive commission), and they offered me a non-municipal position, but in the City Administration. I believe that the main thing is to get hooked and prove yourself. And any education is good, the main thing is how you present yourself with your education. I hope that I helped someone with my mini story.

    The most common entrance exams:

    • Russian language
    • Mathematics (basic level)
    • Computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) - specialized subject, at the choice of the university
    • History - at the choice of university
    • Social studies - by choice of university
    • Foreign language - at the choice of the university
    Most universities require final results in mathematics, which is a specialized exam, for admission. Another mandatory exam is the Russian language.

    To choose a university, you must also pass one of the following exams: history, social studies, computer science and ICT.

    At the discretion of the educational institution, an exam in English or any other foreign language may be offered, depending on the specific area of ​​study.

    The specialty “State and Municipal Administration” is an excellent opportunity to choose a prestigious job in large organizations. University graduates are in constant demand among employers; they have excellent prospects for subsequent professional growth and career advancement.

    Brief description of the specialty

    The specialty allows students to gain advanced knowledge in the field of economics during their studies, including such economic areas as management theory and others. They master the necessary professional and administrative skills that allow them to plan and coordinate the work of the organization and manage the team.

    Graduates who have completed training in this specialty have skills that allow them to manage an organization as successfully as possible, take part in organizing the work process of the management system, develop and improve the functioning of management in accordance with the main criteria for the development of the socio-economic sphere.

    Large universities

    • Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
    • State University of Management
    • Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. N.I. Lobachevsky
    • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
    • Perm State National Research University

    Terms and forms of training

    This specialty provides both full-time and part-time or part-time forms of education. With full-time study, the duration of mastering the specialty is 4 years, in other options - from 4.5 years or more.

    Subjects studied by students

    The specialty is universal in nature, therefore special requirements are imposed on the content of the curriculum. Particular attention is paid to such academic disciplines as:

    • economic theory
    • management
    • psychology
    • history of world civilizations
    • fundamentals of law and others.

    Among the compulsory subjects required to master the specialty are the following:

    • statistics
    • civil law
    • management theory
    • information technology in management
    • administrative law and others.

    Some higher education institutions introduce a course of professional foreign language and rhetoric into the curriculum. The training involves practical training in government agencies that meet the needs of the training profile.

    Gained knowledge and skills

    A bachelor-manager who has completed a program in this specialty can perform the following types of professional activities:

    • plan different types of activities;
    • organize work according to set goals, available resources and results;
    • carefully monitor the activities of employees and the entire organization;
    • lead a team and coordinate work in the external environment;
    • motivate employees;
    • represent the institution (company) and its interests;
    • explore and evaluate problems and situations;
    • propose forecasts and plan goals;
    • work with employees in the field of providing consultations, methodological recommendations, educational issues;
    • carry out innovative work in the field of management.

    Future profession: what to work for?

    Graduates can count on good positions in prestigious organizations, and they also have excellent opportunities for excellent career growth in the state and municipal service.

    A specialist bachelor-manager acts as an intermediary between people and the state. He works in various departments and services, including specialized ones, and participates in the development of bills. Also, a specialist manager receives citizens, helping them solve a wide range of issues, provides guidance in matters of healthcare, social, housing, educational, cultural and other life activities, monitors databases, issues certificates and information upon requests, and deals with office work issues. A specialist can find work in:

    • state and municipal authorities;
    • local government bodies;
    • international organizations and governing bodies;
    • public sector organizations;
    • non-profit organizations;
    • civil society institutions;
    • educational and research institutions;

    Holding a position as a specialist of the second category immediately after graduation, you can count on a salary of 20,000 rubles. The income of a leading specialist can be about 30,000, a chief one - about 35,000, and the head of a department will receive from 40,000 rubles. High professional qualities of specialists allow them to quickly move up the career ladder, but gradually step by step.

    Continuing training in the specialty

    If desired, you can continue your studies in this specialty in master’s and postgraduate programs.

    We recommend reading
