How to clean a chimney at home. Cleaning the chimney from soot: an overview of the best tools and the most effective ways

The buildings 20.06.2020
The buildings

Many types of heating systems that use combustible fuels require vigilant attention and maintenance of chimney channels. In our review, we will consider the causes of chimney clogging, the means and methods for cleaning them, as well as the rules for maintaining them in working condition.

Why do chimneys get clogged?

The combustion processes of different types of fuel are very different. If the combustion of natural gas produces only carbon dioxide and water, then the combustion products of firewood, fuel oil and coal are more diverse. When burning, solid fuel emits a large amount of smoke, which contains sulfur and nitrogen compounds, and most importantly, unburned carbon residue. It is the solid particles of soot that represent the bulk of the pollution that accumulates in the chimney.

To ensure the most complete combustion of the fuel, a very high temperature is required in the combustion chamber. Soot burns out at 1100 ° C, but such heat is detrimental to the material of the furnace, moreover, from a purely technical point of view, such conditions cannot be implemented in home heating equipment. So, the formation of by-products during the combustion of solid fuels is inevitable, but at the same time, in some boiler rooms, chimneys remain relatively clean for several years, while in others, the channels become almost completely clogged in a couple of months.

The main reason for the accumulation of soot in the chimney channels is water. During the combustion of dry fuel, the vast majority of soot is carried away by the flow of combustion products and is released into the atmosphere. If a large amount of water evaporates during combustion, as happens when burning raw wood, soot particles bind, become heavier and more viscous, which is why they stick to the walls of the chimney. In addition, the presence of moisture on the walls of the channel can also contribute to the deposition of carbon deposits. If hot gases pass through a cold pipe, then an insignificant amount of moisture, which is inevitably formed during combustion, condenses on the surface of the pipe. On wet surfaces, soot sticks much more intensively, which is why chimneys need to be insulated.

Chimney inspection

The condition of the chimney channels must be checked at least once a year - at the beginning of each heating season. As a rule, inspection of only the longest accelerating section is required, for which it is necessary to have access to the top of the pipe. If there is a deflector or a protective cap, they must be removed and visually assess the clearance in the pipe by shining a flashlight inside. There are several types of pollution:

  1. Porous dry soot growths indicate that the chimney is operating normally, but it has not been cleaned for a long time. With further operation, the clearance will gradually decrease, which will lead to a deterioration in traction.

  1. Viscous tar formations on the walls indicate that wet fuel is constantly burned in the boiler, or the chimney needs to be insulated. Such pollution grows much faster than dry soot, besides, the resin gradually drains, which is why there is less clearance in the lower part of the pipe, which is very difficult to notice during external examination.

  1. The chimney can be clogged with debris such as fallen leaves or small animal nests. The operation of the chimney in this case is impossible, it is required to immediately eliminate the blockage.

Cleaning agents for soot and soot

Before you start cleaning the chimney, it will not be superfluous to try to apply special chemicals. They are sold under different brand names: Kominicek, Chimney Sweep, Spalsadz, Sadpal, but all have approximately the same composition and principle of action. Chimney cleaners are a set of inorganic salts that, when heated, form volatile active substances that react with carbon compounds. In fact, the process of chemical decomposition of soot is similar to the action of catalytic purification of car exhaust gases. After decomposition, soot falls off the walls of the chimney and is carried out by a stream of hot gases. The effect of cleaning chemicals is especially useful for removing carbon deposits from the heat exchanger and those parts of the smoke exhaust system that are difficult to access.

The use of chemicals for cleaning chimneys is mainly preventive in nature, but they can also be used immediately before mechanical cleaning. After decomposition, the soot becomes loose and easier to remove, moreover, when contaminants are shed, the risk that the pipe will become clogged is reduced. It is necessary to apply chemistry before cleaning in 2-3 times greater concentration than provided for in the instructions. At the same time, it is desirable to maintain active combustion of the boiler or stove for several hours, using only dry firewood or coal.

Mechanical cleaning of channels

Manual removal of soot is required in cases where the thickness of the build-up on the walls exceeds 5-7 mm. However, if the chimney has not been serviced for a long time, soot can occupy more than half of the pipe section, so several methods are provided for cleaning.

To remove thin plaque, a round steel ruff is used, suspended on a cable along with a spherical weight, the shape of which will not allow it to get stuck in the pipe. The bristle diameter in the widest part should be 10-20 mm larger than the chimney section. For channels with a special internal coating, nylon brushes should be used, their diameter should be 50-70 mm larger than the pipe. The principle of cleaning is simple: the ruff is pulled up and down inside the pipe until all carbon deposits are removed from the walls. Periodically, the brush must be removed in order to clean the bristles of adhering soot and visually determine the location of the most problematic areas of the chimney.

During the cleaning process, soot falls down, so all inspection hatches and the valve on the boiler must be closed. If the fireplace chimney is being cleaned, its firebox must be closed with a dense film, which is hermetically glued with adhesive tape to the outer walls of the vault. After cleaning is completed, you need to wait a while until the soot settles, and then carefully remove the bulk of it with a scoop, and the rest with a damp cloth or a washing vacuum cleaner.

In some cases, it is not possible to access the top of the pipe. In such situations, the boiler should be dismantled and cleaned from below. For these purposes, disc brushes are provided, mounted on a long flexible rod. Such a device can also be made independently using brass brushes for a grinder and a metal-plastic pipe.

Removal of stubborn dirt from the chimney should be carried out with a straight or semi-circular blade (depending on the shape of the chimney channel). It is important to start cleaning strictly from one side so that crumbling soot does not clog the pipe. If the channel is completely clogged, the blockage is pierced with a massive metal rod tied to a cable. After removing the bulk of the contaminants, the chimney must be thoroughly cleaned with a ruff.

Precautions and Contamination Prevention

Cleaning chimneys is a high-risk job. The main threat is soot, the suspension of which in the air is explosive, in addition, it is a carcinogen and does not linger in the upper respiratory tract. Particular care should be taken when working on the roof: securely fix the ladder and use a safety rope tied to the chimney pipe.

When cleaning yourself, there is always a risk of dropping a tool inside the channel, so all devices must be tied with a cord. For the same reasons, you should not use home-made fixtures and irregularly shaped weights.

To avoid intensive clogging of the chimney, high-quality fuel should be used: year-old hardwood firewood, and preferably briquettes or pellets. It is necessary to use chimney cleaners from time to time and always remember: regular cleaning is always less expensive than building a new chimney or dismantling an old one to eliminate a blockage that cannot be cleared.

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When using any solid fuel, products of incomplete combustion accumulate in the chimney, which settle on the walls in the form of a soft coating. If you do not clean it in time, the clearance will decrease, which will significantly worsen traction. And so much so that the smoke goes into the room. In the worst case, the soot can catch fire, which is fraught with the destruction of the pipe or even a fire. Cleaning the chimney is practically the only way to avoid this. It is necessary to inspect the condition of the pipe twice a year - before and after the heating season. And how often you have to clean it depends on whether you use preventive chimney cleaning methods or not.

This is the result of a soot fire.

There are two types of chimney cleaning type:

Chimney sweeps have been cleaning soot in this way for centuries. Cleaning is carried out from the roof. A special projectile is lowered into the pipe - a core, to the center of which a flexible cable is welded / attached. Above the core there is a brush that crushes soot, and the core is a weighting element that simultaneously checks the patency of the pipe. When working, you need to be careful: if the traction is good, knocked down soot and other debris will fly into your face. Therefore, first put on goggles and a respirator, and also tie yourself to a pipe: with a sudden release in the face, a person involuntarily makes a sharp movement. How it can end on the roof, you can probably imagine.

This design - a ruff with a core on a cable - can be done independently, but the main snag is in the right load. It should be round and centered. No ordinary weights, heavy pieces of iron are suitable. They work for the time being, and then the tied load becomes “by surprise” in the pipe and no efforts can get it out of there. Often, in order to extract the projectile, disassembly of a fragment of the chimney is required. If you are going to clean the chimney yourself, either make or buy the “right projectile” that under no circumstances will get stuck in the chimney. Taping a brush, making it from metal or synthetic bristles - these are already details that usually do not cause difficulties.

Sometimes the pipe is too high to be reached even from the roof. In this case, the chimney is cleaned from below. If the chimney is metal and there is a cleaning glass, it is unscrewed and a ruff on a flexible rod is filled into the pipe. In some cases, not rods are used, but rigid wire. If there is no glass, maybe there is a cleaning hole, if there is none, then you will either have to disassemble the beginning of the chimney, or clean it through the firebox, which is completely inconvenient.

There is one more thing: if the pipe is metal, brushing is not enough - a large amount of plaque remains on the walls. In order for the cleaning to be of high quality, instead of a brush, a lump of rags is wound onto a wire or rod. Such cleaning of the chimney leaves behind almost perfectly clean walls.

Homemade chimney brush

One option is to make a cleaning brush out of polypropylene pipes. Pipes are cut into fragments of approximately 1.5 meters. Threaded fittings are installed on the ends. A metal brush for a grinder is attached to one of them.

Previously, the wire on the brush is fluffed with pliers or pliers. It turns out a home-made cleaning telescopic rod for the chimney.

How to make a chimney cleaner from a plastic bottle, see the video.

How to clean a very high or curved chimney

Sometimes the pipe rises very high above the ridge. Not to call a special vehicle with a lifting platform every time to clean the chimney? The issue is resolved with the help of a very long cable, in the middle of which a brush of a suitable diameter is attached.

A small load is tied to the end of the cable, thrown into the pipe, pulled out from the other end. The cable remains inside, and its second end hangs outside. When it becomes necessary to shake the soot, they simply pull one end, then the other, moving the brush tied to the cable. The total length of the cable is three pipe heights.

The problem of a pipe with a bend is solved in the same way - you only have to somehow drag the cable through the knee for the first time, and then you only need to pull the ends of the cable.

Soot cleaning chemicals

Any chemical means are only preventive measures and a way to make mechanical cleaning more rare. You can cope without mechanical removal of plaque only if you have a stainless steel or ceramic chimney, and then, with the regular use of one or more products from this category.

Keep in mind that if you haven't cleaned your chimney for a long time, and you start using one of the chemicals, there is a chance that you will completely "plug" the draft. These substances do not remove or dissolve deposits, but only soften them. Softened soot and soot either fly away in the form of flakes into the pipe, or fall down. If the stove is reversible, with long curved smoke channels, soot can clog the gap. It will be necessary to open the cleaning windows, remove the soot and everything that has fallen in there. If the pipe is straight, after using these products, it is necessary to clean the firebox - within a few days, the fallen sediment will pour into it.

Folk chemicals

Let's start with "folk" means for dissolving soot. Even our grandmothers periodically sprinkled a certain amount of salt on burning firewood. So that at the same time soot flies into the chimney, and does not pour in, the chimney is very well heated, the fireman at full power for a while. Then half a kilogram-kilogram of salt is poured into the fire and they continue to heat for another hour and a half. If the pipe is hot enough, gray or black flakes will start flying into the pipe. For several days, then the remains can pour inward, but the bulk burns out in the pipe.

Many are well acquainted with the effects of potato starch. In the same way, with a well-heated oven, they pour on firewood near a bucket of potato peelings (you can chopped potatoes, you can starch). The effect is almost the same, with the only difference that almost everything falls inside.

Another option for “folk” chimney cleaners is to burn a few aluminum cans. In this case, the fire must be really hot: firewood with a high heat capacity is needed. Then aluminum really burns - the can disappears in 5-7 minutes. If it just darkens, there will be no effect.

store preparations

There are a variety of chimney cleaners available in stores. Some of them are produced in the form of packaged powder, others - in the form of logs or briquettes. Read the instructions before buying. There are preparations intended for open fireboxes - such as a fireplace, there are - for closed ones, such as bath or heating stoves. It is not recommended to interchange them - after all, chemistry ...

The range of chemicals for cleaning the chimney is constantly updated, but there are drugs that have existed for more than a dozen years. Their impact has already been well studied. Below we will talk about the most popular and common.

The composition of these funds, of course, is not disclosed, the principle of operation is rather poorly described: under the influence of gases released during combustion (safe for humans), soot dries up, burns out, becomes brittle and flies out into the pipe or crumbles down. Review the log for cleaning the chimney "Saginet Chimney Sweep" in the video.

Thermal chimney cleaning methods

The action of this method is based on the fact that soot is a high-calorie combustible substance. The temperature in the chimney is brought to the point where it flares up and burns out. The problem is that the burning temperature of soot is about 1100°C and few chimneys and fire cuts (when passing through the ceiling or roof) are able to withstand such heating.

Its one very unpleasant and dangerous feature is that if a lot of soot has accumulated, the moment of ignition is very similar to an explosion. Almost the same sound is heard, and the air wave is palpable. So, not weak shock load is added to the extremely high temperatures. There were cases when even the coarse stoves fell apart. So this method is a dangerous undertaking.

Thermal cleaning is implemented simply: take dry aspen firewood and heat the stove. Their burning temperature is very high, and after a while the soot flares up. If aspen is heated periodically, the deposits simply do not have time to be deposited in sufficient quantities to cause any tangible harm during combustion. But on a clogged chimney, this method is dangerous to use.

Careful operation of furnace or boiler equipment is not a guarantee of the absence of soot in the chimney. The question of cleaning the chimney remains relevant all the time. In order to facilitate maintenance, chimney and combustion chamber cleaners are used, the operation of which is worth familiarizing yourself with. Do you agree?

We will talk about all the effective methods and chemical compositions that remove dirt from chimney pipes. In the article presented by us, information is collected and presented on methods for the prevention and destruction of tar deposits. Folk and mechanical methods of dealing with soot are described in detail.

Combustion is a physical and chemical process, as a result of which combustible substances are oxidized and a large amount of heat is emitted. The fuel breaks up into fractions - a part is converted into gas and rushes up, creating traction. Particles of unburned materials (scale and soot) are deposited in the chimney.

The amount of deposits directly depends on the completeness of fuel combustion. With active combustion, the content of organic matter is sharply reduced - water vapor, sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide come out of the pipe. Heavy resins and ash settle in limited quantities.

The fly ash is mixed with wood resins and oils. An "explosive mixture" is formed - when ignited, the soot temperature reaches 1000 ° C and above

In addition to the natural processes of combustion and smoldering, the main causes of chimney clogging include:

  1. The use of wood with a high content of resinous substances, such as firewood from coniferous trees. The resin forms an excellent adhesive base for soot sticking.
  2. The firebox of a boiler or stove with poorly dried or freshly cut firewood - condensate settles on the inner surface of the "smoker". Soot particles accumulate faster on wet walls.
  3. Use of a heating device for waste disposal. Combustible household waste is a complex of esters, resinous components and non-combustible substances that contribute to the rapid contamination of the smoky channel.
  4. Pipe security. From the side of the street, leaves can fall into the chimney, birds fly in, etc. During the time that the furnace is idle, wasps or birds sometimes build their nests in the pipeline.

The rapid "overgrowing" of soot is the result of the unscrupulous work of the stove-maker. Reduced cross-sectional area of ​​the pipe, incorrect angle of inclination, roughness and many turns of the chimney accelerate the process of pollution. Too thin walls or insufficient thermal insulation of the pipe contribute to excess condensate.

A chimney made of asbestos or metal resists decomposition from acids and gases. The brick is less resistant, and gradually the combustion products deform the inner walls of the channel. A rough surface accumulates soot faster

Possible consequences of a contaminated channel:

  1. Reduced traction. The narrowed lumen limits the free outflow of smoke. Due to the accumulation of soot, the pipeline does not warm up well, which means that the efficiency of the equipment drops. It is possible that acrid smoke begins to flow from the furnace into the room, which is dangerous for carbon monoxide poisoning.
  2. The likelihood of fire. The soot layer can ignite - in addition to the deformation of the chimney, sparks and fire pose a threat to the roofing and the house as a whole.

There is a danger of fire and nearby buildings. The roofs of neighboring houses are not immune from the ingress of hot soot particles.

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The uninterrupted operation of the furnace heating system at home largely depends on the functionality of the chimney. Pipe cleaning is one of the mandatory activities. There are several cleaning technologies and therefore, before servicing the chimney, you need to choose the best method.

Causes of soot formation

When kindling a stove or fireplace, oxidation occurs, which requires high temperature and oxygen. If these factors are insufficient, then soot appears, which is the result of incomplete oxidation of carbon. Outside, it is quite easy to determine the presence of soot by the color of the smoke. If a black stream comes out of the pipe, then there are particles of soot in it, but a large amount of it settles on the inner surface of the chimney. In this way, the pipe becomes contaminated, and the bend areas are particularly prone to accumulation of dirt and need to be cleaned.

Any chimney needs regular maintenance and cleaning.

If the chimney is excessively clogged, there is a risk of fire hazard, poisoning by fuel combustion products, and low efficiency of the heating system. The reasons for these effects are as follows:

  • using raw wood to kindle a stove or fireplace;
  • burning plastic, chipboard or plywood, garbage and other similar materials;
  • lack of sufficient draft, which may be due to incorrect chimney design and other reasons;
  • the use of firewood from resinous wood species, that is, spruce, pine;
  • lack of regular maintenance of the chimney.

Designing a chimney always requires taking into account standards and rules. The pipe must have optimal parameters, because the traction force and the frequency of maintenance and cleaning of the chimney depend on this.

Identification of the need for cleaning

Chimney clogging occurs as a result of various circumstances, but signs of pollution are always associated with smoke entering the room. Thus, if during the kindling of a stove or fireplace inside the room smoke is formed, an unpleasant smell, then there is no draft that ensures the exit of smoke to the outside. A reverse draft occurs, as a result of which the air does not move up, but down, that is, into a room with a stove or fireplace. Incorrect design of the smoke exhaust system also does not allow efficient heating of the stove from the very beginning of its use.

When constructing a chimney, certain rules and regulations are taken into account

Arbitrary attenuation of the fireplace or stove during combustion is one of the signs that the chimney needs maintenance. Cleaning is also required with a bad flame, when the fire does not flare up. The unusual bright orange color of the flame also signals that the correct movement of air is disturbed. In such cases, it is necessary to clean the heating system, but you should first take into account the design features of the chimney. Therefore, if the pipe is clogged, a method should be determined to eliminate the blockage. Manipulations can be carried out outside, from the roof or from inside the room.

Chimney Treatment Methods

In case of clogging of the stove or fireplace pipe, you can use mechanical, chemical or folk cleaning methods. Each option has certain features, and the optimal solution is selected based on the design of the chimney, the degree of contamination, and the features of the use of cleaning products. It is important to use the selected products in compliance with the rules, since it is necessary to avoid damage to the chimney and carefully remove the soot that has settled on the inner walls of the pipe.

When disassembling the chimney, you can see a layer of soot in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bturns of the system

To determine the most convenient cleaning method, it is worth implementing several methods for removing soot. This will allow you to master the features of the use of tools and tools and carry out further cleaning as quickly as possible.

Chemical method: materials and technology

The use of special chemicals is effective with a small accumulation of soot on the inner surface of the pipe. For this purpose, powdered components or briquettes are used, which are poured into a pre-melted oven. During the combustion process, substances are formed that soften the soot in the chimney, its particles fly out. In this case, a significant accumulation of dirt can crumble down, clogging the passage. That is why the chemical method is only suitable for the prevention and removal of light plaque.

Chemical agents help soften and remove soot

Means for chemical treatment of pipes are quite diverse. The main structures have the following application features:

  • Kominichek pellets are often found in stores, and their use involves preliminary kindling of a stove or fireplace. After that, you need to lay a paper bag with granules on firewood, you do not need to tear the package and pour out the component. The tool effectively removes plaque up to 3 mm thick;
  • log "Chimney sweep" or under a different name is produced by many companies. The funds are placed in a melted oven, the log burns out, and the released substances soften the soot. During the combustion process, care must be taken to ensure that large accumulations of dirt do not clog the chimney;
  • powdered products are placed in the oven without opening the package. The principle of their action is the same as in cases with logs or pellets.

After using these products, you need to ventilate the room well, and clean the chimney mechanically, which is required with a large accumulation of soot. If the layer of plaque was no more than 3 mm, then the chemical components successfully remove dirt, leaving clean pipe walls. In some cases, the effect of the funds lasts another 2-3 days, particles of soot fall off.

Video: chimney cleaning log

Features of mechanical cleaning of the chimney

Mechanical cleaning of the heating system pipe involves the use of a special brush with a long handle. This tool is best used from the outside, and to use it from the side of the stove, you will need a flexible hose that allows you to rotate the brush inside the pipe. In any case, the soot subjected to mechanical stress falls down and therefore a container must be provided for easier removal of dirt. Without this, it will be necessary to wash the stove or fireplace from black soot after it is removed from the chimney.

Chimney brushes are varied and you need to choose a tool depending on the diameter of the pipe

A tool for mechanical cleaning can be purchased at a store or made independently using improvised means. The diameter of the brush is selected according to the size of the pipe, and for manipulations you need a long, rather rigid, but elastic cable or hose. Cleaning includes the following steps:

  1. The brush is attached to one end of the cable, placed in the chimney from the side of the roof or stove.

    The cable must be rigid, as the accuracy of the brush control depends on it.

  2. Cleaning is carried out by rotating movements, as a result of which soot breaks off from the walls of the pipe and falls.

    From the inside it is convenient to clean the chimney of small diameter

  3. In the oven or fireplace, you need to install a container for collecting dirt, which will allow you to quickly and easily wash all surfaces without unnecessary debris.

    When cleaning outside, it is important to use a roof fall protection.

A brush is a disposable device for cleaning pipes and therefore it is often made independently, because it is very difficult to wash a used tool from soot. For manufacturing, you can use a 5-liter plastic bottle, thick wire, plumbing cable. The process of creating a chimney brush involves the following manipulations:

  1. The bottom of the bottle must be cut off and the walls dissolved into thin strips, reaching the neck.

    Stripes can be folded in half and stapled at the neck

  2. It is best to fold the strips in half and fix with a stapler at the neck. A self-tapping screw is screwed into the cover from the inside, the sharp end of which is fixed to the cable.

    Bolts can be used for fixing

  3. As a basis, you can use a broom head, a plastic bottle case, nylon fibers. The base is securely attached to the torso and can be used to process the chimney.

    Nylon rods are convenient for cleaning the chimney

A homemade or ready-made chimney brush should be fairly stiff, capable of removing a thick layer of soot. Before mechanical treatment, it is best to carry out dry cleaning, which helps to soften plaque and make it easier to remove.

Video: ruff and weight for pipe cleaning

How and how to heat a fireplace to clean the chimney

Proper operation of the furnace involves not only its regular maintenance, but also the observance of certain rules for kindling. This helps to prevent the formation of a large amount of soot, prevent the occurrence of plaque and maintain the efficiency of the heating system.

Small dry firewood is needed for the fireplace

The basic rules of operation are expressed as follows:

  • powdered chemicals or a special log can be used regularly when lighting the stove. This allows you to remove a thin layer of soot in a timely manner and avoid the use of a mechanical cleaning method;
  • raw firewood or pine, spruce logs should not be used for kindling. They secrete resinous substances that contribute to the active formation of soot;
  • the amount of cleaning chemicals is selected according to the instructions. Exceeding the norm does not improve the result, but it has a negative impact on human health and requires long-term ventilation of the room.

To heat the stove or fireplace should be only high-quality firewood, which prevents the formation of a thick layer of soot.

Folk remedies for cleaning the chimney

Manufacturers produce a variety of chemicals and tools for the mechanical removal of soot from the chimney. Folk methods are also in demand and no less effective. For example, potato peels help soften and eliminate plaque inside the pipe. Half a bucket of dry and some fresh cleanings should be poured into a melted oven. During the combustion of this component, starch is released, which helps to soften and separate soot from the pipe walls. The mild effect of potato peelings lasts for several days, that is, the soot flies out of the chimney for another three days.

After the final removal of soot, it is necessary to clean the outer surface of the chimney

Table salt can be combined with potato peels or used alone. The substance is taken in an amount of 0.5 kg. Salt is carefully poured into a melted stove or fireplace, avoiding a sharp temperature drop inside the firebox. Aspen firewood is also effective, but their action is based on soot burnout. Therefore, you need to use no more than two logs, combined with other fuel when kindling the stove. These products can be applied regularly, keeping the chimney clean.

Chimney liner: do-it-yourself arrangement

Brick chimneys are most often subjected to the liner procedure, as they have a rough surface. Soot settles perfectly on such a basis and the device quickly loses its effectiveness. It is also possible to use the sleeve method for asbestos pipes, but such elements are rarely installed in private homes. Asbestos pipes are impractical and short-lived. Therefore, the lining of brick chimneys is the most common.

Brick chimneys are more prone to clogging than other options

The sleeve can be carried out in two ways: the installation of stainless steel pipes or the complete re-laying of the shaft. The first option is optimal to prevent contamination of the chimney and ensure the durability of the pipe. Full arrangement is carried out with severe blockages, destruction of the structure.

Advantages of chimney liners

The lining of a brick chimney is carried out to prevent the formation of a large layer of soot. With the help of installed stainless steel pipes, further maintenance and operation of the device is facilitated. After such a procedure, effective cleaning of soot is possible by chemical methods, folk remedies or mechanical action.

The liner can be carried out both during the construction of the chimney and during operation.

Lining is a simple process that involves the installation of stainless steel pipes inside the chimney. Due to this, the inner surface of the furnace device will be smooth, and soot will not accumulate in large quantities. And also the sleeve has the following advantages:

  • improvement of traction and performance of the heating system;
  • no need for frequent cleaning of the chimney from soot;
  • extending the service life of the pipe;
  • reduction of heat losses;
  • tightness of a brick pipe;
  • prevent moisture from entering the heating system.

The design of the pipe after the sleeve provides elements for the removal of condensate, which ensures that there is no negative impact on the heating system of the house.

Calculation and materials for chimney liner

The first preparatory stage of arranging the chimney involves inspecting a brick chimney and identifying cracks, deformations and other damage. Small cracks must be sealed with cement mortar, after it dries, the structure is checked for strength. Next, you should measure the height and diameter of the pipe, and depending on these indicators, select the cross section of the metal element, which can be oval or round. For a square chimney opening, the first option is optimal, and oval ones are suitable for a rectangular hole.

The surface of the chimney must be clean before lining.

After calculating the parameters of the steel pipe and eliminating the damage to the brick chimney, materials must be selected. The following pipe options can be used for sleeving:

  • round, oval, square stainless steel pipes;
  • corrugated flexible steel pipes;
  • ceramic products of various shapes.

There are also plastic elements, polymer liners, asbestos-cement pipes, but they are distinguished by complex installation, high cost, and impractical operation.

Steel pipes are in demand for chimney liners

To equip a brick chimney, it is also necessary to prepare a sealant designed for outdoor use and withstanding high temperatures. Basalt wool is required to insulate the space between brick and steel surfaces, and an external metal umbrella to protect the structure from moisture. A tee with a branch, adapters are selected depending on the working design. Metal cleaning is installed in the condensate collector, which is also needed for arranging the pipe. Couplings are required to secure the condensate trap.

Pipe sleeve process

Before installing the inner sleeve, clean the surface of the pipe from soot, cement slurry and irregularities. A winch is installed at the mouth of the pipe to control the sleeve, that is, its descent and ascent. The bottom of the shaft must be leveled and a ventilation hole with a condensate drain connected.

Installing a tee with a condensate drain involves determining the location for this part. The optimal area is under the roof, where you need to disassemble the brick chimney and mount the condensate trap. The next steps are as follows:

  1. On a straight section of a brick pipe with hooks, ropes of sufficient length and strength are attached. Then a metal pipe is inserted at a height that allows the next part of it to be mounted. This is how all parts of the sleeve are fixed, treating the junction with a sealant for furnaces.

    Sleeves are inserted along the entire height of the chimney

  2. The space between the brick wall and the metal pipe is filled with a non-combustible heat insulator. This work is carried out from the side of the roof and therefore it is imperative to use a safety cable.

    Non-combustible insulation is laid tightly enough

  3. A protective umbrella or “skirt” is attached to the head of the brick pipe to prevent moisture from entering the chimney. The disassembled part of the pipe must be laid and sealed.

    Umbrella protects the structure from precipitation

Video: chimney sleeve design features

Soot removal is a mandatory step in the maintenance of any chimney. This is necessary to ensure the safety and performance of the home heating system. The right choice of cleaning technology or liner is the key to the durability of the chimney and the absence of soot during operation.

The patency of smoke channels is of decisive importance for the normal operation of heating systems. This is especially important for solid fuel thermal units. Chimneys tend to become clogged with combustion products, which reduces fuel efficiency and increases the likelihood of situations that threaten not only the integrity of property, but also the lives of people living in the house.

How and how to clean the chimney from soot

Heating in a private house is a vital system that affects not only comfortable living, but often the property and life of residents. A special role is played by the system for removing fuel combustion products from the room - the chimney. Its inner surface is gradually contaminated with condensate and soot, while the cross-section of the chimney channel decreases, the draft decreases, and the complete removal of smoke from the room is disturbed.

Over time, the chimney becomes clogged with soot, and its ability to remove combustion products decreases.

Why does the chimney get dirty

Clogging of the smoke channel occurs during the combustion of fuel, when vaporous and solid products are released from it, carried out by the flow of furnace gases. But under certain conditions, they do not completely fly out into the pipe. This happens under the following circumstances:

Signs of a clogged chimney

When the flue gas duct becomes clogged, it will be immediately visible. The main signs of a clogged channel will be the following phenomena:

What to do if the chimney is clogged

Before the start of the heating season, it is imperative to inspect the chimney from the inside for blockages. In the warm season, birds with a nest can settle in it or debris blown into the chimney by the wind can appear. To avoid this, the chimney must be equipped with a mesh cap at the installation stage to prevent such situations.

In such a case, the house should always have a backup heating unit in the form of a heater or an electric heater built into the heating system.

Having provided yourself with warmth with its help in the cold season, you can thoroughly consider the situation and think about options for getting out of it.

The presence of draft in the furnace must be checked every time the furnace is ignited - the flame must deviate towards the chimney

How to clean a chimney

The meaning of this operation is to timely clean the walls from soot deposits and debris that has got inside (during the off-season period). When cleaning, you need to check all sections of the chimney and the stove itself. The last step is to clean the ash pan and the firebox. Timely cleaning of the chimney reduces fuel consumption and makes the operation of the furnace safe.

In practice, three main cleaning methods are used, two of which are preventive:

  1. Chemical and biological methods. They are used as a preventive measure using compounds that soften soot and lead to its partial removal from the smoke channel.
  2. Mechanical. It is produced by direct impact on the soot layer with various tools in order to remove it.

If you use such tools correctly and in a timely manner, you can avoid involving a third-party specialist in cleaning the chimney.

Biological methods of cleaning the chimney

All biological methods are based on adding some substances to a burning furnace. Common products include the following:

  • potato peelings. This is an old folk remedy for the prevention of soot deposits, the simplest and always available. The peel must be prepared in advance, accumulating at least half a bucket. It must be dried and brought into the furnace at the end of the burning of the bookmark. When burned, potatoes release starch, which softens the soot layer well. It happens that it simply falls down in layers or pieces, part of it is carried out along with the furnace gases. This operation is also recommended before mechanical cleaning;
  • rock salt. The method is used when igniting the furnace. The compound formed when the salt is heated softens the soot layer well. A tablespoon of salt should be poured over the fuel tab;
  • aspen wood. Firewood from a tree of this breed has a high calorific value, so they are laid at the end of the firebox. Hot furnace gases simply burn soot directly on the walls of the chimney. The danger of the method lies in the fact that large deposits of soot during combustion at a high intrinsic temperature can destroy the chimney and cause a serious fire. Therefore, this method should be used regularly, laying aspen firewood in small portions. For the same purpose, you can use birch firewood peeled from the bark;
  • shell of walnuts. The use of this tool is also associated with a high temperature of their combustion. Therefore, they can serve as an alternative to aspen firewood. But the shell can be used in an amount of no more than two liters at a time. Otherwise, overheating of the chimney is possible with predictable consequences.

Photo gallery: folk remedies for cleaning the chimney

Walnut shells cannot be burned in large quantities - it can overheat the chimney Burning dried peelings destroys the soot layer due to the release of starch Rock salt, when heated, releases substances that soften soot on the walls of the chimney Aspen wood burns soot on the walls of the chimney due to a very high combustion temperature

Soot removal chemicals

There are several such products, and they can be divided into two groups: household products and special chemicals. The first group includes:

  1. Naphthalene. This is an effective and quite reliable tool. Under its influence, soot exfoliates and is taken out into the furnace. It is placed in the oven on the burning firewood. A significant drawback is the acrid unpleasant odor remaining in the room. Therefore, it is not used in open hearths and fireplaces.
  2. Blue blend. It's easy to make your own if you have a few common ingredients on hand. Need to mix:
    • five parts of copper sulfate;
    • seven parts of saltpeter;
    • two parts of medium fraction coke.

Special chemicals are used to clean chimneys also for preventive purposes. Given the existing demand, the industry produces a variety of formulations designed specifically to combat soot. The release form can be briquettes, like logs, powders or solutions. Their action is based on the decomposition of smoke even in the furnace into components that do not form soot.

The convenience is that the methods of their use are described in detail in the instructions for use, and they are divided into portions. You can burn these products together with the packaging, which is also very convenient. The following products are popular:

There are quite a few remedies for soot on the market, so by testing you can choose the best option for yourself.

Photo gallery: chemicals for cleaning the chimney

Cheerful chimney sweep tablets will help get rid of soot in the chimney no worse than a professional chimney sweeper Blue mixture must be prepared independently from three not the most common components This product is recommended to be used only in closed combustion chambers Naphthalene leaves behind an unpleasant odor that will disappear within a few days

Video: chimney cleaning with special chemicals

Mechanical cleaning methods

Mechanical methods are radical and are recommended for use at least twice a year. They are produced from the top of the pipe with various brushes or nozzles for power tools, and the final cleaning is performed from below from the hearth, fireplace or furnace furnace.

Chimney sweeps use special ruffs on a long cable

As preparatory measures, before cleaning a thick (from two millimeters) layer of soot, potato peelings or other listed means are burned.

In this case, the following materials and tools may be needed:

To clean the pipe from above, you need to use a roof ladder, well fixed on the roof . Under any conditions, you need a reliable safety rope.

Work at height can only be carried out in dry, calm weather. Before climbing to the roof, you should not take drugs that reduce the reaction, and even more so alcoholic beverages.

Before starting work, the oven must be cooled down. Clean the furnace space from unburned fuel residues and ash. Close the firebox door, blower, and hob covers tightly and hang with a wet rag to prevent soot from entering the room. The gate must be opened completely to avoid re-clogging of the channel with crumbling soot.

The chimney pipe must be freed from the head, after which:

Video: cleaning the chimney from the side of the room

Ruff with own hands

If for some reason there was no brush at hand, it can be made “on the go” from a plastic bottle. To do this, you need to cut several tiers of strips up to 12-15 millimeters wide on the body so that they bend vertically. To make the device heavier, sand can be poured to the bottom.

A good chimney brush can be made from a plastic bottle

Stainless steel pipe cleaning

A feature of the product is the high quality of the inner surface of the chimney. This prevents a significant amount of soot from settling on the walls. Naturally, this is true for a properly made chimney, subject to the rules for firing a furnace. If a stable soot has formed, it is urgent to clean it. To do this, use the following methods:

In order not to conduct additional "experiments", you need to heat the stove only with suitable fuel - well-dried hardwood firewood. At the end of each firebox, you need to add one aspen log for prevention.

Video: stainless steel pipe cleaning

Soot removal from stainless steel sandwich pipes

Cleaning the inner sandwich pipe, if used correctly, is very rarely needed. Nevertheless, if such a need arises, you can use an elongated brush made of thin pile. The flexible compound hose is rotated by an electric drill, cleaning is done through a tee from below. Fine bristles of the ruff do not damage the surface of the pipe, effectively cleaning the surface.

Such a chimney is easy to dismantle and clean each pipe individually.

Special cases of cleaning the chimney

Some chimney cleaning situations require separate consideration.

How to clean a chimney pipe in a private house

Briefly, the entire process of cleaning the chimney has already been described above. To what has been said, it is only necessary to add that with a strong clogging of the smoke channel, the first operation is to break through the soot with a core without additional devices. Only then are brushes of different sizes and designs consistently used.

When performing work, care should be taken to create a safe working environment.

When working at height, be sure to buckle up with a safety cable.

Video: how to clean a chimney in a private house

Bath chimney cleaning

The chimney in the bath is usually simpler. And most often it is made of stainless pipes, which requires special attention to its cleaning. In order not to negate its main advantage - the high quality of the inner surface - it should be cleaned only with soft plastic or brushes made from natural materials. The easiest way to manage is with straight pipelines, and if there are elbows - we recall that there should be no more than two of them - you may have to dismantle the chimney if it does not have special windows for cleaning during installation.

Otherwise, preventive measures and cleaning are carried out in the same way.

Cleaning the chimney pipe from tar

Considering the composition of flue gases, you need to pay attention to two main components - this is water vapor from the fuel and a vapor of difficult-to-ignite creosote. Mixing and settling on the walls of the smoke channel, they form a resin that is difficult to remove due to its viscosity and good adhesion to various types of surfaces.

The only effective way to deal with tar deposits is to prevent its formation. For this, various means are used that are produced specifically for this case.

HANSA effectively protects the walls of the chimney from the formation of tar

For example, the known composition of HANSA is a fine crystalline substance. Part of it turns wood into resin and water vapor, and the second, reacting with the substance of the resin, contributes to its decomposition and combustion at the temperature in the furnace. Remains of resin on the walls turn into a brittle crystalline composition, crumbling into the furnace.

This composition is placed inside the burning furnace. The frequency of use at the beginning of the operation of the thermal unit is daily, then you can switch to use once a week.

Curved chimney cleaning

The bends of the smoke channel are always a forced measure caused by the structural features of the building. However, they need to be cleaned periodically. For this purpose, elements are provided in the design of the pipeline, using which this operation can be performed easily and simply. These are special hatches, when opened, it becomes possible to access the straight section of the bend. The length of the inclined sections is not recommended to be made larger than a meter. The number of bends on one pipe should not exceed two.

If there is no window for cleaning on the outlet elbow, then the chimney will have to be disassembled

How to clean a gas stove chimney

The reason for cleaning the chimney of the gas column is its banal clogging with a deterioration in draft. In a city apartment, this is all the more dangerous because the threat arises for many people at the same time. One of the signs of traction deterioration is the “popping” of the column igniter.

The process of cleaning the exhaust pipe from a gas unit is practically no different from such an operation with conventional chimneys. The same ruff is used. Recently, vacuum cleaners of a special design are often used, which reliably clean the surface of the pipe and collect pollution products. In difficult cases, when the layers cannot be removed with a brush or vacuum cleaner, special chemicals are used to soften and remove them. Considering that the use of prophylactic agents on the column pipe is impossible, urgent measures should be taken if signs of clogging are found.

It must be admitted that the success of using solid fuel furnace equipment to the greatest extent depends on the correct operation of the units and the careful selection of fuel for it. In addition, it is necessary to regularly use preventive measures and know how to get rid of problems with clogged chimneys. Then stoves and fireplaces will delight you with fertile warmth in the house for a long time. I wish you success!

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