Autonomous gasification of a private house: arrangement of a gas supply system with cylinders and a gas tank. Autonomous gasification: pros and cons

The buildings 04.03.2020
The buildings

Autonomous gas supply - how expensive will such independence be? Active gasification

Autonomous gasification of a turnkey private house. Full Review

Wanting to provide gas to their home, each owner must ask himself the main question. Is there an opportunity to power the building from the main gas networks in the area? Not every residential area has gas pipelines, to which you can connect with your subscriber input.

Even if a large-sized pipe runs through the site, which, according to the homeowner, can be an excellent source of gas supply, you should not flatter yourself. It may well be that this gas pipeline is not intended to power private buildings, but supplies high-pressure gas to production.

It is strictly forbidden to arbitrarily connect to such networks, and no one will give permission to connect. What to do?

The concept of autonomous gasification

Autonomous gas supply scheme If, ​​after contacting the gas service, it turned out that it was really impossible to supply natural gas to the site, there is only one solution to the problem. Provide gas supply to the house from an individual source.

For all engineering communications there is the concept of autonomous supply. In water supply networks, a private well serves as an autonomous source, in heating - a mini-boiler room, in ventilation - an individual supply and exhaust unit.

For autonomous gasification at home, equipment is used for the storage and use of liquefied hydrocarbon gas (LHG),

Useful information: a simple complex of facilities allows you to provide gas supply to all household appliances at home without connecting to gas pipelines, obtaining technical conditions and other permits.

Necessary equipment

The main element of the individual gas supply system is considered to be a gas tank - a container for storing fuel.

The variety of design solutions allows you to install it on the site above ground or underground, in a horizontal or vertical modification, of course, with the function of regular refueling. The volume of injected gas is calculated based on the hourly need of the house.

As the main consumer devices, the following are considered:

  • hot water gas boiler;
  • geyser;
  • kitchen gas stove;
  • hearth or fireplace.

Each of these devices must have a technical passport, which must indicate the hourly and second gas flow. Knowing the characteristics of the device, the number of hours of operation per day and the properties of the gas, the hourly, daily and annual fuel demand is calculated.

Based on this value, taking into account a small margin, the minimum required volume of the gas tank is prescribed. For small private houses, it does not exceed 3000 liters.

Keep in mind: it is better to entrust the choice of equipment installation location and its characteristics to designers.

In addition to the fuel storage, it is necessary to provide for the installation of a number of means to control the gas supply to the house. This includes:

  1. Shut-off valve required to shut off the gas supply from the gas tank.
  2. Pressure gauges for monitoring the pressure inside the gas tank and at the outlet from it.
  3. Gas reducer designed to reduce gas pressure to the minimum permitted values. Home appliances cannot operate on medium pressure gas, and it is in this state that it is stored in a gas tank.
  4. Low pressure gas pipeline supplying gas to the house.
  5. Gas meter, which is installed to record the flow of gas.
  6. Automatic protection systems necessary for monitoring and warning of a possible gas leak.
  7. Fire protection systems. Here we are talking about a thermal shut-off valve, which, when a certain temperature is reached in the room, automatically shuts off the gas flow through the gas pipeline.
  8. Home gas appliances that directly consume gas.

What does turnkey gasification include?

Companies that arrange a gas supply system of extreme readiness take responsibility for the implementation of a whole range of services.

This includes:

  1. Departure to the place and measurement of all dimensions of the site. This work is necessary to draw up a site plan, place all existing buildings on it, determine the degree of improvement and outline the location of the future gas tank and gas pipeline.
  2. Building a plan of the house with the application of all gas-consuming devices on it. Collection of passport and technical characteristics of equipment.
  3. System design taking into account the requirements of modern regulatory documentation. This includes the selection and proper placement of a gas tank, tracing a low-pressure gas pipeline around the site and the house, selection of the necessary shut-off, control valves and automation.
  4. Purchase of certified equipment and materials in specialized stores and its delivery to the construction site.
  5. Installation of the designed system. If it is impossible to carry out the construction strictly in accordance with the project, the designers are called to correct the decisions made.
  6. Gas pipeline testing, troubleshooting.
  7. Providing a guarantee for the work performed.

Gas consumption

You need to understand that there are no universal characteristics of gas consumption that will suit every home. The amount of fuel used in the house is influenced by many things that are only found out at the survey stage.

Two outwardly similar cottages can have completely different gas costs.

Gas consumption at home depends on:

  • thermal properties of enclosing structures. The presence of a good insulating layer significantly reduces heating costs;
  • climatic region of construction;
  • the total area of ​​the building;
  • the method of heating the house, the presence of warm floors and a fireplace in it;
  • the number of gas-consuming devices: boiler, water heater, gas stoves;
  • the number of hot water outlets;
  • degree of automation of gas supply and heating systems, allowing to turn off the fuel supply in any emergency situations;
  • the individual level of comfort of the inhabitants of the house, which is expressed in the degree of heating of the premises in the cold season, the frequency of cooking and the use of hot water.

The annual gas consumption will be 2700 liters, if we take as a basis a house with the following characteristics:

  • one-story, with an area of ​​100m2, built in central Russia;
  • the house has one household boiler and 1 stove, no heated floor;
  • three mixers;
  • there is a system for automating gas shutdown in case of fire or accident.

Operating experience

Most owners of private houses who have organized autonomous gas supply on their plots are satisfied.

First of all, people are attracted by the quick arrangement of the gas supply system, which will not entail bureaucratic red tape.

Secondly, independence from the gas supply organization that establishes its own rules for the use of gas. In addition, the installation of gas supply on liquefied petroleum gas is much cheaper than the preparation of a natural gas consumption system.

If the homeowner does not have the opportunity to gasify the house from a common gas main, you can always equip an independent gas consumption system. As a result, such a set of devices will be quickly installed on an empty site, which can be freely used, regardless of the permits of the gas service.

Watch a video in which people share their experience in operating an autonomous gas supply system:

Ways of gasification of a country house

Residents of rural areas and suburban cottage settlements want to enjoy the same benefits of civilization that are available in the city: electricity, water supply, Internet, television. One of the most difficult engineering tasks is the gas supply of a private house. Is it possible to solve this problem and what are the ways?

Gas supply in a private house

On the outskirts of large cities, solving the issue of gas supply is quite simple, since there are centralized highways to which you can connect. This service is not cheap, but if you buy a finished cottage within the city, it is usually connected to all communications.

If you live in one of the districts of the Moscow region, gas supply must be ordered from public or private companies. You will be offered two options:

  • connection to the highway;
  • independent gas supply.

Connection to the highway is possible only if it passes through your village. Pulling a pipe from a long distance is a costly pleasure. But if the entire village draws up an application and submits it to the relevant authorities, then the cost will be equally divided among all households that have expressed a desire to connect to gas.

There are several options for autonomous gasification:

  • installation of underground gas holders;
  • installation of gas cylinders;
  • installation of a mobile gas tank on a trailer.

The last two methods will be ideal if your house is not the largest, and you use gas only for cooking. If you want to install a double-circuit gas boiler that will work for heating and water heating, then even a few cylinders are unlikely to be enough for you for a long period of time.

Installation of a gas tank is a complex task, since a tank with a volume of more than two thousand liters will be placed in a pre-prepared pit and filled up. Pipes are laid from it to the auxiliary rooms of the boiler room. This volume of gas at economical consumption will last for six months. It is also important to choose a boiler with a high efficiency.

The advantages are obvious: hot water and heating, the ability to take a hot bath or shower, you do not depend on the central gas system. But the disadvantages also make themselves felt: the high cost of installation work, it is necessary to regularly fill the tank with gas and carry out its maintenance.

Autonomous gasification of a private house: gas consumption, recommendations, tips

Warm batteries, a hot bath and cooking on gas are a common thing for city dwellers, but for owners of suburban areas and summer cottages, all this is often not available, so autonomous gasification of a private house becomes necessary.

Thanks to an autonomous gas supply system, owners of summer cottages and suburban areas will be able to heat their homes at any time of the year, while spending much less money than when heating with electricity and other methods.

Features of autonomous gasification

When arranging an autonomous system, gas is supplied not from the central pipeline, but from its own storage.

An example of the simplest such gas system is known to everyone - these are propane-butane cylinders that are connected to the tiles in the country.

However, more than for cooking such cylinders will not be enough for anything. For heating the whole house, other containers are used - gas holders.

Autonomous gasification is a very simple system that operates independently of the central gas supply on liquefied gas.

Installing such a system has many advantages:

  • First of all, a propane-butane mixture is a fairly economical type of fuel that is easy to deliver to its destination;
  • Propane-butane is eco-friendly and safe for the environment;
  • The efficiency of autonomous gas heating is about 97%;
  • Combustion products with such heating are absent, as well as the smells of gas and burning;
  • Autonomous gasification is installed very quickly, usually it takes less than a week to complete all the work;
  • Autonomous gasification allows you to rationally use the backyard of a country house or cottage.

The system is installed as follows: a special underground storage facility is installed on the site for dispensing gas, which is called a gas tank.

Pipes are laid from this tank, which supply gas to consumption points. Depending on what the consumption will be, the storage is filled with liquefied gas 1 - 3 times a year.

It is delivered to its destination by special gas carriers.

When the gas in the liquid state enters the tank, it changes from the liquid state to gas due to the heat of the earth, and the vapor phase enters the pipe under low pressure to the points of consumption.

Many are interested in what fuel consumption is with such a heating system for a suburban building.

Studying the reviews of those who already use such a system, we can conclude that a lot depends on the size of your suburban home and other nuances, but you can reduce consumption consumption through control and regulation functions.

propane butane

Autonomous gasification is carried out by methane, which is unusual for us, but by liquefied propane-butane, which is usually also used for refueling vehicles.

Conventional natural gas, which we receive through a centralized pipeline, is very difficult to store, unlike a propane-butane mixture.

It is possible to liquefy natural gas at -160°C and at a pressure of 200 bar, and it is very difficult to obtain such conditions.

Buying natural gas in a liquefied state is also quite problematic, while propane-butane is sold at any gas station.

Propane-butane has many advantages, one of which is its efficiency.

During the combustion of this mixture, more energy is released than during the combustion of main gas, so the consumption of such fuel is much less.

However, this fuel also has disadvantages - when the temperature in the storage drops, condensate forms, which prevents the gas from flowing normally through the pipeline, so storage tanks are installed below the freezing level so that the temperature in the tank is always positive.

Many fear that this system is not a safe way of heating and choose other options.

However, you should know that the design is completely safe, thanks to the low pressure in the system, grounding and special sensors that close the necessary valves in the event of a leak.

Autonomous gasification device

The device of such a system can be studied according to this scheme.

Its basis is an underground tank - a gas tank equipped with:

  • safety valve;
  • liquid phase selection valve;
  • steam extraction valve:
  • level gauge;
  • filling valve;
  • system pressure regulator.

In our climate zone, horizontal storages are usually used, which are produced by the Chemet plant.

Such gas holders can be installed below the freezing level, and a large evaporation area allows you to easily switch from liquid to steam without additional equipment.

High branch pipes and a mouth do not allow flooding of a regulator of pressure during thawing of waters. Such tanks will work properly for many years even in the most frosty winters.

The volume of the tank usually averages from 4 to 9 thousand liters, depending on the size of the housing, such a volume of gas can be enough to heat the home for three to four months.

At the top of the tank neck there is a reinforcement compartment. Inside it are shut-off valves that control the flow of gas.

In addition, there may also be a hatch, which is used in case a specialist check inside the gas tank is necessary.

The next element of the system is a reinforced concrete base, on which the gas tank is installed and fixed.

This is done so that the empty tank does not float when the groundwater level rises.

For the base, a solid road reinforced concrete slab is taken, to which a container is attached with stainless pins through special holes in the supports.

Not far from the tank, an anode-cathode protection system is installed - magnesium alloy anodes, which are connected to the tank.

During the operation of the system, magnesium is oxidized and restores the iron from which the container is made. Thus, the service life of the tank is extended by several decades.

Underground gas pipeline device

To transport gas from the storage to the premises, an underground pipeline is used, which is placed below the freezing depth.

Autonomous gasification of a private house involves the use of special low-pressure PVC pipes with high strength.

In order for the system to be stable and not stop even at the lowest air temperatures, it must have a condensate trap - a device that serves to accumulate and evaporate liquid butane, which appears on the vertical surfaces of the pipeline in winter and can cause fuel supply to stop.

The condensate collector is a closed container with inlet and outlet pipes, as well as a drain pipe, which is led out into the gas tank casing.

Since, according to safety standards, the introduction of gas into the house underground is prohibited, the underground pipeline ends with a basement input.

This is an element of a steel pipe, a crane and a special device that takes into account shrinkage and displacement of the structure and acquires the desired shape, while maintaining the tightness of the joints.

The joints of polyethylene and steel pipes are one-piece and placed in a special case.

If you wish, you can also install a valve at the entrance to the room, which will be used in the event of a leak in the room.

The device of the internal gas pipeline

An internal pipeline is laid in the room, which delivers gas to consumption points in the house.

It includes:

  • cranes;
  • gas alarm;
  • stop valve;
  • manometer;
  • pressure stabilizers;
  • consumption meter.

The pipeline to the room is made of steel pipes in such a way that there are a minimum number of connections on it.

A thermal shut-off valve is a device that shuts off an internal gas pipeline in the event of a fire. This valve is activated when it reaches 100°C.

The gas alarm is an element that monitors the state of the air in the house.

It continuously checks and signals in the event of the appearance of gas vapors in the air with a concentration of at least 10%, and also activates a shut-off valve, which is placed on the internal pipeline.

Using two or more gas tanks

Often you can find the use of several tanks at once, which are combined by a vapor and liquid phase.

In this way, it is possible to increase the volume of storage of liquefied fuel, as well as the area of ​​its evaporation. In this case, you can fill the tanks in turn or at the same time.

Often one gas tank is used immediately for 2 - 3 houses and even more. If the houses belong to different people, then the owners of the houses must agree among themselves on the location of the reservoir.

In addition, metering stations should be installed near each house so that there are no disputes over the amount of gas used.

If you decide to make a common system, then you should take into account what kind of relationship you have with your neighbors, since the operation of the system can hardly be called autonomous.

Therefore, it is better to still install your own system, and not share it with someone.

Remote system management

Since this gas system is usually installed in country houses and cottages that are far from highways, and, consequently, from the settlement, it can be equipped with a universal GPS / GPRS module.

This element will allow you to control the gasification system from almost anywhere in the world using the Internet or a mobile phone.

Thanks to this module, you can turn the system on and off while away from home, which will help you reduce gas consumption, as well as turn on the system a few hours before you arrive at your country house.

In addition, an autonomous gas supply system can also be supplemented with a remote level gauge or a telemetric fuel level control system.

The remote level gauge allows you to know the level of gas in the tank right from home. A special device shows the fuel level as a percentage and signals if it falls below 10%.

The telemetry system allows you to control the fuel level in the tank using the Internet and a mobile phone.

In recent years, autonomous gasification of summer cottages is becoming more common and has positive reviews.

Considering also its safety and efficiency, you can safely install it to heat your suburban home.

Any developer thinks about choosing an energy carrier for heating a house. From the point of view of convenience and cost, natural gas methane is the best option today.

But what if there are no natural gas distribution networks nearby?

Back in the 1970s and 1980s, group storage units for liquefied gas were widely used for gasification in Ukraine, which were eventually replaced by centralized gasification systems. In Western Europe and the USA, gasification with liquefied natural gas (LPG) continues to be relevant. For example, in the same Poland today there are over 100 thousand autonomous gasification systems.

New cottage developments today often grow at a decent distance from gas communications, and even if communications are not far away, gas does not come to the villages immediately anyway. Most often, it remains to wait for years to supply gas, after which it turns out that the initial costs of connecting to the central gas supply significantly exceed the amount of costs that you originally expected. You are even ready to consider purchasing an electric boiler.

No need to hurry! First, most likely, you will not be able to achieve the allocation of appropriate electrical power. Secondly, in case of an emergency power outage, you will need a powerful diesel generator that can ensure the operation of an electric boiler for a certain period.

Any energy carrier is used to generate thermal energy. Therefore, to determine the economic feasibility of using liquefied gas as a source of heat, we compare the cost of 1 kW of energy obtained from it with other energy carriers. The total heating costs of a private house depend on the outside temperature and the heat losses of the house.

Table 1. Economic efficiency of using the most popular types of fuel for heating a private house.

Choosing a boiler and determining its heat output

A reliable calculation of power can only be performed by a specialist, however, an approximate calculation is easy to do on your own.

It is generally accepted that for a well-insulated house with a ceiling height of up to 3 m, for heating every 10 sq. meters of its area will require an average of 1 kW of boiler power. Those. for a house with an area of ​​200 sq. m it will be 20 kW. The hot heating system will require an increase in this value by 20-25%. Considering that the boiler is chosen for natural gas, it must be taken into account that the pressure drop in the gas main entails a decrease in boiler power by 15-20%. Thus, the power reserve of the boiler must also be increased by this amount. As a result, we have 28-30 kW.

Table 2. Comparative analysis of the use of the most popular types of fuel for heating a private house with a total area of ​​200 sq. m with heat loss of 30 kW.

The principle of operation of an autonomous gasification system

A volumetric tank is buried in the ground at a distance from the house (in warm areas it is installed on the surface of the earth). A pipeline is laid from the reservoir neck to the house, the outlets from which lead to the kitchen and to the boiler room. The tank is filled to 85% of the volume with liquefied gas from a special gas tank, which comes to you from 1 to 3 times a year. The poured liquid propane-butane begins to evaporate and the vapors (gas phase), passing through the reducers, under a low pressure of 30 mbar, enter through the pipe to the consumption devices.

Since the gas is in a liquefied state in the tank, and already in the form of gas is supplied to the heating devices, heat is required to evaporate it. In its absence, the intensity of evaporation of liquefied gas is significantly reduced and its pressure decreases. The process of converting liquefied gas from a liquid directly into a gas is called regasification.

From 1 liter of liquefied gas comes out 0.25 cubic meters. m of gas in a gaseous state. Regasification in surface tanks occurs under the influence of ambient heat, therefore, in winter, at low air temperatures, the productivity of such tanks is significantly reduced. In underground reservoirs, regasification occurs due to the thermal effect of the surrounding soil, while in winter the reservoir receives a constant heat flux from the depth of the soil. The temperature of the gas in the tank does not fall below +4C, therefore the evaporating capacity of such tanks is higher.

An autonomous gas supply system consists of a tank for liquefied gas, a safety valve, a drain valve, a level gauge, medium and low pressure reducers, and a piping system. The design, construction and operation of the system is carried out by specialized organizations that have all the permits and licenses.

Safety and reliability

Safety and reliability is what the consumer of any product or service is primarily interested in. In the case of autonomous gasification systems, safety and reliability must be considered in two aspects: the equipment itself and the fuel supply.

As a rule, there are no problems with equipment: its maintenance is carried out by qualified personnel according to special regulations. Each installation at the stage of its “birth” receives a serial passport, which is registered with the relevant authorities and then displays the entire history of its life. All such installations have a wide range of protection systems. Only licensed workers can be allowed to install and maintain them, and the owner of the house has the right only to visually take meter readings (by the way, do not forget to clear the container hatch from snow and look at the level gauge).

In general, such equipment is quite reliable - its service life is 20-30 years. Some elements are subject to forced replacement after the end of the standard service life. This service approach is familiar to many in the car maintenance system.

The subconscious fear about the hidden power of liquefied gas is born from rumors, myths and horrors of television reports from the places of explosions and fires of gas cylinders. There is a clear lack of reliable information, because an explosion or ignition can occur only in the event of some deliberate action or non-compliance with elementary safety rules.

But the situation with the supply of liquefied hydrocarbon gas for the majority of owners of private households is ambiguous. This is not diesel fuel, which you can buy at any gas station. Liquefied gas is supplied only by specialized organizations.

Advantages of autonomous gasification.

Firstly, it is the comfort and ecology of gas heating. Gas is provided not only by the boiler itself, but also by the stove. No soot, no ash to remove (as with coal), no sulfur oxide, no odor (as with diesel). Liquefied hydrocarbon gas, when it hits the ground, does not destroy it like diesel fuel.

Secondly, it is complete autonomy and, as a result, independence from gas pressure drops in the pipe, which is quite common in centralized gas heating systems. Therefore, turning off the gas and freezing does not threaten your radiators.

Thirdly, it is economy. In terms of the cost of energy carriers, systems with liquefied hydrocarbon gas are inferior to gas boilers, but they win compared to liquid fuel boilers. The advantages of this heating method can also include a very low level of sulfur compounds and the stability of the gas pressure at the inlet. Therefore, boilers that run on liquefied gas are much more durable.

The autonomous gasification system on liquefied petroleum gas can also serve as a backup fuel for natural gas consumers during peak loads in the gas pipeline network or during an emergency shutdown of gas supply.

Autonomous gas supply - how to make a system on your site? + Video

If you want to build a cottage, then you should definitely learn as much as possible about the autonomous gas supply of a country house. We will try to collect an exhaustive idea of ​​its advantages and disadvantages, we will also consider the scheme and nuances of design.

What it is?

Gas is the most popular and cheapest fuel used for heating private homes. It is not worth mentioning that this particular energy source is actively used for heating water, cooking, etc. Therefore, if you are going to build a country house, then gasification cannot be avoided. But what is an independent gas supply? This option is resorted to when it is not possible to connect to the central wire.

In the case of an autonomous system for a private house, a special tank filled with liquefied gas is buried in the ground, from where the fuel enters directly into the pipes. This design is also equipped with a special control system. As for the frequency of refueling, it is carried out as needed, usually it is required no more than twice a year. However, this indicator is influenced by a number of conditions, ranging from the number and square of the heated premises to their purpose, because there is a difference whether you will heat the house every day or only on weekends.

Advantages and disadvantages of autonomous gas supply

So, let's start, of course, with the advantages of such a system. Firstly, it is quite reliable and does not require any special care. So it is quite enough to simply carry out regular visual inspection for defects. Secondly, the equipment is able to withstand a huge temperature difference, reaching almost 100 ° C, namely from -45 to +50, so its use is relevant for a private house in absolutely any region, regardless of climatic conditions. In addition, it is completely independent of the central gas pipeline and, accordingly, the pressure in it.

The disadvantages include additional costs, because in this case you will need special equipment, the price of which is not small. You also need to constantly monitor the pressure in the system, otherwise you can be left without blue fuel at the most inopportune moment. And when choosing a place where the tank will be located, you need to make sure that transport will freely drive up to it, otherwise it will be very difficult to fill it. And of course, there can be no talk of any initiative in terms of installation or repair, because even a child knows that gas is a rather dangerous substance that can not only cause poisoning of the body, but also provoke a powerful explosion.

The system and its features

So, as already mentioned, autonomous gasification is independent of the central wire, and in this case the fuel is in a special container located underground at a depth of at least 1.5 meters. This tank is also called a gas tank. From it, respectively, through the pipes the substance enters directly into the house. One of the main parameters is productivity, that is, the amount of gaseous fuel produced from liquefied gas. Naturally, the more it is, the better.

In some cases, several houses are connected to the system, and then, of course, its performance is not enough - in order to increase it, a special evaporator is installed.

It should also be noted that the factors affecting the amount of fuel obtained are the temperature and surface area of ​​the liquefied gas. That is why the gas tank is buried at least one and a half meters into the ground, because at such a depth soil freezing is not terrible, and the temperature remains approximately at the same level throughout the year. That is, there is only one way to regulate the capacity, and in order to increase it, a wider tank should be chosen.

Choosing a gas tank

As you can see, this barrel is one of the main elements of an autonomous gas supply system for a private house, and we simply have no right to treat its quality negligently. They come from different manufacturers, as a rule, Polish, domestic, Italian and Czech. Of course, their cost will be slightly different. There are also ground variants, mainly of Czech production. Their cost is somewhat overpriced, but in this case you will avoid earthmoving, however, such equipment will not always be able to withstand harsh winters, and then additional heating will be necessary. In addition, if the quality of the metal is not good enough, then corrosion may occur, which threatens to provoke a powerful explosion.

Still gasholders are vertical or horizontal. It is better to give preference to the latter option, since in such tanks the pressure is distributed more evenly. Be sure to pay attention to the following parameters - volume, shape and material. Performance depends on the first two, and security depends on the latter. Naturally, it is better not to spare money, but to turn to professionals, they will make all the necessary calculations and installation. So you can save time and, possibly, even money, because incorrect calculations can cost you at least additional material costs.

The procedure for gasification of a private house

Now it's time to get acquainted with the order of work. So, there are two ways to solve this problem. You can contact a private company that will take care of all the issues related to the design and collection of the necessary documentation. Of course, the services of such offices are not free. You can do this on your own. If you chose the second option, then you should go to the local oblgaz structure, taking with you your passport, documents for the land plot, as well as the technical characteristics of the heating system, and write a corresponding application. After you visit a specialist involved in the development of specifications.

When designing an autonomous gas supply for a private house, some requirements must be observed. For example, a container in which liquefied gas is stored must be located at a certain distance from various structures. The distance is observed as follows:

  • to the fence at least 2 meters;
  • more than 10 m recede from residential buildings, and 5 m is enough from trees and non-residential premises;
  • the distance to wells, hatches, as well as wells should be at least 15 m.

Also, specialists study the properties of the soil, in accordance with its indicators, specifications are compiled. After, having written another application and collecting a number of documents (technical characteristics of the evaporator and reservoir, site plan, external gas pipeline and, of course, the conclusion of previous specialists), you should also contact the gasification design company. Of course, this organization must have the appropriate license. As a result, after registering with a specialized office, you will receive permission to carry out further work.

Only after this paper routine can you start installing the tank and connecting it directly to the gas pipeline of a private house. Moreover, this stage should be carried out only by highly qualified specialists. The only thing you can do yourself is earthmoving, thereby saving some money, but wasting time.

How autonomous gasification works | How it's made

Not all settlements are connected to the "benefits of civilization". Even new cottage settlements and private houses built near the city limits are often left without a central heating system. There is no corresponding project in the master plan, it is unprofitable to supply gas there or it is too expensive to do it - there can be many reasons, but people still need heating. There are several ways to provide your home with heat, and one of them is an autonomous gas supply system.

Autonomous gasification has long been actively used in Europe - not only for heating private houses, but also for industrial buildings. After the construction boom of cottages began in Russia, autonomous gas supply began to be actively used in our country.

The scheme of operation of the system is quite simple: in accordance with the design standards, a container (gas tank) with a volume of 1,750 to 10,000 liters is buried near the house or any other object. Only the neck of the tank remains on the surface.

The capacity of the gas tank depends on the expected needs. Designers calculate the loads of the boiler house for heating the house, heating hot water and cooking. If it is planned to gasify several houses at once, then, accordingly, the calculation goes to all objects.

A gas pipeline is laid from the neck of the tank, and branches are already being made from it to the boiler room and to the kitchen. The gas pipeline is laid at a depth of at least one and a half meters, in a trench with a sand cushion. Special transport fills the gas tank with liquefied hydrocarbon gas (LHG). The liquefied fuel then turns into a gaseous state. The gas passes through special regulators and at reduced pressure (30-50 millibars) goes through the gas pipeline to the boiler room.

LPG is a universal synthetic gas, also known as liquefied petroleum gas propane-butane. It is obtained from oil refining. LPG is considered the most suitable and environmentally friendly fuel for boilers. There are few sulfur compounds in it, and therefore the combustion of gas occurs with greater efficiency and without emitting odors. In addition, when using LPG, expensive boilers are much less susceptible to corrosion.

A separate plus of autonomous systems running on LPG is that they can be used even in places remote from main gas pipelines. Because the refueling of the tank is carried out with the help of special transport, which can literally reach anywhere.

Where natural gas is not available, LPG will be the most economical fuel. Compared to diesel fuel or electricity, the benefit can be up to double.

And of course, the most important question is how safe is the autonomous gasification system? Answer: so much so that it is considered one of the most reliable methods of heating. If the system is installed by specialists, then it will last at least 20-30 years. And serious problems can only be caused as a result of targeted intervention. It goes without saying that the installation and maintenance of an autonomous gas supply system can only be trusted by those organizations that have the appropriate licenses. It is also worth giving preference to those companies that provide a "full cycle" of services: design, installation and production of fuel storage facilities.

Depending on the specific object, as well as on the number of houses that need gas, various schemes and sets of equipment are used. All this is developed by engineers of the heating company. Autonomous gas supply will easily cope with such tasks as heating a restaurant, car service, warehouse or mini-village.

Now you also know how an autonomous gas supply system works.

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Autonomous gasification: pros and cons

Before you carry out autonomous gasification of your home or other object, you should carefully study all the advantages and disadvantages of such heating.

The disadvantages of autonomous gas supply include the following points:

  • the need to constantly monitor the state of the gas tank for possible gas leakage, as well as the obligation to monitor the remaining gas in order to avoid negative consequences;
  • the likelihood of malfunctions of the gearbox, into which water can enter, which will disable the entire autonomous heating system. However, such problems can be prevented by a more careful approach to the choice of a gas tank. The modern choice of such equipment requires a thorough study of all the characteristics of the products offered and their correlation with the expected operating conditions, from the type of soil to the features of the gas-consuming installation;
  • a narrow circle of gas suppliers, which puts those who want to have autonomous gas heating in a dependent position;
  • high cost of autonomous gasification measures, which involve the purchase of expensive equipment and payment for equally costly works and services. Therefore, initially, everything should be well thought out and assessed the cost of an autonomous heating system. In this case, all work on the assembly and adjustment of the system must be carried out by appropriate specialists. About how to independently establish gas supply in your home, and there can be no question! Think safety!

The advantages of autonomous gas heating are:

  • saving. Heat energy obtained from autonomous gas supply is cheaper than electrical energy, as well as energy generated by burning diesel fuel. Thus, the cost of autonomous gasification is gradually paid off by reducing heating costs;
  • freedom from main supply systems. There are no gas pressure drops in the system, and cases of unexpected shutdown;
  • Efficiency of design work and installation of a gas tank in relation to the time of connection to the main gas supply network. If desired, the tank can be installed in one day, and the whole process takes 3-4 days;
  • independence of the possibility of installing a gas tank from the location of the gasified object;
  • environmental friendliness. The burnt gas contains almost no hazardous substances, and the tank with it is installed at a reliable distance from the object;
  • a wide scope of liquefied gas, with which you can not only heat the house, but also supply it with electricity (of course, by installing additional equipment), as well as cook food;
  • individual project depending on your wishes;
  • cost-effective maintenance of an autonomous gas heating system, the use of which for a long time does not require additional involvement of specialists. The system, installed by professionals and assembled from high-quality high-tech equipment, is able to work for more than two decades;
  • increased service life of associated equipment involved in the operation of the autonomous gas supply system;
  • system flexibility. No need to coordinate the installation of additional equipment;
  • increased environmental friendliness. LPG completely evaporates during combustion and does not emit harmful substances.

Gas / Gasification in the Moscow region

Moscow region authorities promise to speed up the gasification of the region's settlements. Andrey Vorobyov, Acting Governor of the Moscow Region, said that by the spring of this year a new program would be adopted, which would indicate the addresses and specific terms of gasification. Its implementation will allow in a short time to bring the gas pipe up to the intra-settlement streets.

However, at the finish line, when the long-awaited gas pipeline will pass next to the household, the residents of the Moscow region will face the need to solve a standard problem - bringing gas to the house. For most of us, this is the first experience of gasification, and we approach it unprepared, with many questions: “How to connect to the pipeline, whom to contact, how much will it cost?”

The Podmoskovye correspondent conducted his own research on what steps you need to take before the “blue light” lights up in your kitchen, as well as who is better and safer to contact for work.

Gasification in the Moscow region: an example of fraud

Unfortunately, no one is immune from deception, even highly educated and famous people often fall for the tricks of scammers. So, in one of the elite cottage settlements, the client decided to install gas to his house. It was not necessary to pull the pipe from afar, it was already walking next to the site. With one of the numerous companies found on the Internet, an agreement was signed for connecting to gas. The contractor took upon himself all the work and all the worries, which is called "turnkey", for which he asked for a lot of money.

On reflection, the applicant agreed and made an advance payment of 25% of the agreed amount. For this money, he completed the installation of the gas pipeline, after which they offered to pay the remaining amount, promising that the gas would be launched in the near future. At the request of the customer to show the agreed project, and then the rest of the documents, the answer was that there was no need for this, the gas would be released anyway. After that, the applicant, doubting the contractor's integrity, decided to apply to the operating organization - Mosoblgaz.

There, they did not hear anything about the company that performed the work, no one contacted the gas workers with the project. As a result, the money paid in advance was lost, since equipment already laid without documents, properly and timely executed acts cannot be used.

In the above case, we can say that everything worked out "little blood" largely due to the fact that the customer caught himself in time. But it can be worse, and therefore, before trusting anyone, you need to carefully prepare: carefully study the gasification procedure, market participants and approximate prices for work.

Gasification procedure: specifications and project

The procedure for connecting to the gas supply consists of several stages. It all starts with obtaining technical conditions, which clearly state what will serve as a source of gas supply, whether it is one house or a collective building. It also indicates which gas-using equipment is installed, and other special conditions.

It is important that the procedure for obtaining technical specifications is free. Unfortunately, unscrupulous contractors in the estimate manage to charge their own tariff for this service, - explains the director of the branch of the State Unitary Enterprise MO Mosoblgaz Dmitry Yuryev.

After receiving the technical specifications, it is necessary to make a gasification project. It can be ordered both at Mosoblgaz itself and from any other contracting organization. The cost of such a project may vary depending on its complexity, as well as on the pricing policy of various companies operating in this market.

Further, the project must be agreed and registered with Mosoblgaz. Please note that the coordination of projects in the Moscow region is carried out exclusively at the Mosoblgaz State Unitary Enterprise. Coordination is paid, but registration is not, although the same intermediaries can take advantage of the ignorance of residents and take their price for it.

Gasification: how to build a gas pipeline and bring gas into the house

The next step is to obtain permission to build a gas pipeline from local authorities, if required. For example, it will be necessary to get a "go-ahead" if it is necessary to lay a pipe to a settlement or site several kilometers away. Mosoblgaz does not solve such issues, and various intermediaries are actively working here who are ready to “settle” the problem if it arises.

After obtaining permission, a contractor is hired to perform construction and installation work, who will physically lay a gas pipeline to the house, make internal wiring, and also supply all the necessary equipment - a meter, a gas alarm, a chimney. As a rule, one contractor is hired for the project, and for permitting, and for laying pipes, since this is easier than dealing with several firms, each of which may have its own idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow exactly the work should be done on each of stages.

During construction and installation work, it is important to have all properly executed permits, otherwise all work performed, as in the above case, will be a waste of money and time. In addition, all equipment used requires appropriate documents.

Any part of which the gas pipeline consists, whether it be a pipe, a basement, a meter, a gas alarm, all taps, must have a product passport. All this is then put into a folder when you prepare the executive and technical documentation. You show it when you hand over the object to us, - says Dmitry Yuryev.

When, as they say, “the pipe has laid down on the pipe,” that is, the gas pipeline has been installed, it must be handed over to the regional operational service of Mosobl-gas. In addition to technical documentation, she checks the pressure in the gas pipeline, conducts pressure testing. This is necessary to make sure that the gas pipeline is safe before tie-in. This procedure is free.

Next comes the delivery of the gas pipeline, which is also free, although many contractors charge money for this. Then comes the cut. This stage requires costs, but again, not those that some firms can “draw”. And the last thing is the launch of gas, after which the gasification process is completed.

Mosobolgaz: a list of conscientious gasification companies

Mosoblgaz notes: we are ready to implement the entire project on our own. But if the customer has already decided to turn not to Mosoblgaz, but to other contractors, then it will be useful at least to find out what the history of the life of the selected company, which SRO is, whether it is on the list of fraudsters, and if not, then clarify whether it performed such work earlier. Then the probability of falling for the bait of scammers will be much less.

In connection with the increasing cases of fraud by unscrupulous contractors performing gasification of private consumers in the Moscow region, the State Unitary Enterprise MO "Mosoblgaz" posted on its website information about organizations united in the non-profit partnership SRO "Association of Builders of the Moscow Region" that have a certificate for admission to certain types of work.

Go to the list of companies engaged in gasification in the Moscow region and approved by Mosbolgaz.

Mosobolgaz also offers advice on gasification in the Moscow region

Mosoblgaz: “If you have any doubts about the decisions made in the framework of gasification, you can always seek free professional advice from the State Unitary Enterprise MO Mosoblgaz through:

  • helpline: +7 (495) 597 55 69 (24/7);
  • [email protected](around the clock);
  • appointment and meeting with the heads of branches, the leadership of the State Unitary Enterprise MO Mosoblgaz (weekly).

What to do if there is a house, but the gas main is not connected to it? The answer is simple - we need autonomous gasification of a private house, which provides the supply of blue fuel to a gas stove and heating boilers. This is not an easy task, it requires careful design, strict adherence to building codes and special knowledge.

But still it is worth considering this option of gasification in more detail, since it has many advantages. We will tell you how the system works, which work units are included in the autonomous complex.

We will describe the specifics of the operation of a gas tank and bottled gas supply, as well as designate the rules for designing, designing and installing a local gas pipeline.

A gas stove connected to a liquefied gas cylinder is a common occurrence. By the same principle, it is possible to bring blue fuel to a gas boiler in order to provide heating and hot water supply to the whole house. You just need a larger container or even several tanks of liquefied gas.

The fuel in such systems is an analogue of natural gas, which consists of a mixture of butane and propane. This mixture is called LPG - liquefied petroleum gas.

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But if people live in a house or cottage all year round, you should definitely install an underground tank.

Gas tanks designed for installation underground are more in demand than above-ground models, as they provide a stable temperature for storing liquefied gas.

Although it is easier to install a ground gas tank, there are more problems with its operation. Due to the influence of high and unstable temperatures, more stringent safety requirements are imposed on such devices. Above ground installations are also typically more expensive than their underground counterparts.

As a rule, ground models are installed where a large gas flow is not planned. The tank will be emptied periodically, so you need to think right away: to prefer a stationary or mobile option. Refueling of mobile models equipped with towing wheels is carried out as follows:

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The gasification program from 2005 to 2025 provides for the implementation of measures to 833 objects. The total length of the constructed gas pipelines will be4856 km. Conditions for gasification will be created742 settlements of the Moscow region, where more than370.2 thousand human.

Program criteria:

1. For measures to develop gasification of settlements in the Moscow Region - the number of citizens permanently residing in a settlement in the Moscow Region, from 100 people (with the exception of settlements in the Moscow Region, the development of gasification of which is planned to be carried out as part of the fulfillment of the obligations of the Moscow Region under the Synchronization Schedule implementation of programs for gasification of the regions of the Russian Federation, agreed with PJSC "Gazprom").

2. For measures to increase the capacity of the gas distribution system:
1) design and construction of new gas distribution stations, construction of inter-settlement gas pipelines-connections necessary for the uninterrupted operation of existing networks from gas distribution stations, the capacity of which has reached the design and / or the reconstruction of which is provided for by the Agreement on Gasification of the Moscow Region dated March 18, 2015 N 03, signed between the Government Moscow Region and LLC "Gazprom transgaz Moscow";
2) construction of gas pipelines-links in cities and rural areas of the Moscow Region, including gas pipelines-links between gas reduction points and social facilities, the need for which is associated with the minimum fixed pressure in the networks:
for high-pressure gas pipelines of category I less than 0.6 MPa;
for high-pressure gas pipelines of category II less than 0.3 MPa;
for gas pipelines of medium pressure less than 0.005 MPa;
for low pressure gas pipelines less than 0.0013 MPa;
3) reconstruction of gas pipelines in connection with their significant wear or damage identified on the basis of the results of: diagnostics of gas pipelines with a service life of more than 40 years; instrumental examination (every 5 years); corrosion inspection (annually).

3. For measures to create conditions for ensuring the development of gas supply to land plots for the implementation of investment projects on the territory of the Moscow Region for the period up to 2025 - compliance of investment projects to be implemented on the relevant land plots with the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated 03.09.2015 N 757/24 "On the procedure for concluding, amending and terminating agreements on the implementation of investment projects in the Moscow Region" and the existence of a concluded agreement on the implementation of investment projects in the Moscow Region

Main goals and objectives of the Program

  1. Implementation of the state policy to provide the population of the Moscow Region with natural gas based on the introduction of advanced technologies and the maximum use of the potential of the gas distribution system of the Moscow Region.
  2. Creation of favorable conditions for the long-term development of gas supply to housing and communal services, industrial and other organizations.
  3. Creation of favorable conditions for gasification of rural settlements of the Moscow region.
  4. Creation of favorable conditions for the transfer of gas distribution systems of settlements in the Moscow region from liquefied petroleum gas to natural gas and the transfer of boiler houses from other types of fuel to natural gas with the introduction of energy-saving technologies and modern materials, decentralization of heating and hot water supply systems.
  5. Assistance in the reform of housing and communal services in the Moscow region.
  6. Improving the living conditions of the population of the Moscow Region, ensuring the growth of industrial and agricultural production, creating new jobs, increasing taxes, fees and other payments to the budgets of all levels of the budget system of the Russian Federation.
  7. Increasing the investment attractiveness of the Moscow region and the development of investment activity of economic entities.
  8. Creation of new sources of gas supply to supply gas to the gas distribution system of the Moscow Region.
  9. Increasing the capacity of the gas distribution system

Before you carry out autonomous gasification of your home or other object, you should carefully study all the advantages and disadvantages of such heating.

The disadvantages of autonomous gas supply include the following points:

  • the need to constantly monitor the state of the gas tank for possible gas leakage, as well as the obligation to monitor the remaining gas in order to avoid negative consequences;
  • the likelihood of malfunctions of the gearbox, into which water can enter, which will disable the entire autonomous heating system. However, such problems can be prevented by a more careful approach to the choice of a gas tank. The modern choice of such equipment requires a thorough study of all the characteristics of the products offered and their correlation with the expected operating conditions, from the type of soil to the features of the gas-consuming installation;
  • a narrow circle of gas suppliers, which puts those who want to have autonomous gas heating in a dependent position;
  • high cost of autonomous gasification measures, which involve the purchase of expensive equipment and payment for equally costly works and services. Therefore, initially, everything should be well thought out and assessed the cost of an autonomous heating system. In this case, all work on the assembly and adjustment of the system must be carried out by appropriate specialists. About how to independently establish gas supply in your home, and there can be no question! Think safety!

The advantages of autonomous gas heating are:

  • saving. Heat energy obtained from autonomous gas supply is cheaper than electrical energy, as well as energy generated by burning diesel fuel. Thus, the cost of autonomous gasification is gradually paid off by reducing heating costs;
  • freedom from main supply systems. There are no gas pressure drops in the system, and cases of unexpected shutdown;
  • Efficiency of design work and installation of a gas tank in relation to the time of connection to the main gas supply network. If desired, the tank can be installed in one day, and the whole process takes 3-4 days;
  • independence of the possibility of installing a gas tank from the location of the gasified object;
  • environmental friendliness. The burnt gas contains almost no hazardous substances, and the tank with it is installed at a reliable distance from the object;
  • a wide scope of liquefied gas, with which you can not only heat the house, but also supply it with electricity (of course, by installing additional equipment), as well as cook food;
  • individual project depending on your wishes;
  • cost-effective maintenance of an autonomous gas heating system, the use of which for a long time does not require additional involvement of specialists. The system, installed by professionals and assembled from high-quality high-tech equipment, is able to work for more than two decades;
  • increased service life of associated equipment involved in the operation of the autonomous gas supply system;
  • system flexibility. No need to coordinate the installation of additional equipment;
  • increased environmental friendliness. LPG completely evaporates during combustion and does not emit harmful substances.

Autonomous gasification of summer cottages - possible problems and their solutions

The happy owners of country cottages and summer cottages can tell you more than anyone else about the expediency of arranging a gas supply system: the benefits of civilization are especially valuable when they are not available. You can heat with wood or try to warm the house with electricity. Both are very expensive, the first is also laborious. The most economical option for energy supply was and is gasification. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to connect to the main gas supply. The subject of close consideration today will be autonomous gasification of summer cottages with liquefied gas. Consider the disadvantages and advantages of the arrangement, as well as possible difficulties during installation and operation.

For the operation of a gas stove alone, it is not necessary to equip a gas supply system, as you understand, it is enough to connect a cylinder with liquefied gas. Autonomous gasification is necessary for a comprehensive solution to the problems of home heating in the winter and hot water supply all year round.

The general scheme of the device for an autonomous gasification system for a summer residence clearly shows the possibility of providing a completely non-volatile system

Liquefied gas can feed an electric generator, and after all, the creation of a backup source of energy supply, and even in the face of frequent power outages, will not be superfluous! Thus, gasification of the dacha, in addition to the obvious advantages, is valuable in that it will help make the house completely energy-independent. Among the advantages of autonomous gas supply to the dacha are the possibility of uninterrupted supply of fuel to the consumer, ease of operation, environmental friendliness, and, most importantly, efficiency.

The gas supply system consists of a tank (gas holder) filled with a propane-butane mixture, shut-off valves, devices for automatically adjusting the pressure of the gaseous phase of the fuel, as well as a gas pipeline connecting the tank with gas consumers.

Gas holders come in various sizes and allow you to save reduced gas reserves sufficient for the operation of an autonomous system at home throughout the entire heating period. The gas tank can be installed on the surface of the earth or buried in the ground.

Above-ground placement of the gas tank is used in warm climatic zones. The container is painted white to reduce solar heat

When choosing an installation method, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the climate. Low temperatures in winter prevent the transition of gas from a liquid fraction to a gaseous one, which can cause its deficiency for the work of consumers. Therefore, an above-ground installation is more often used in areas with a warm climate, and in areas with severe winters, underground placement of a gas tank is more expedient, the soil provides the required temperature level. When placing a gas tank underground and above ground, it is important to take into account the need for corrosion protection. A tank standing on the surface is painted, intended for underground installation, covered with special resins and anti-corrosion polymer compounds.

The underground installation method is safer; a small area of ​​​​the infield will be occupied during the arrangement

Liquefied gas, in fact, is an explosive substance, when the temperature rises (for example, in summer), it expands significantly, the volume of liquid increases, which leads to a general increase in pressure in the tank. The container can depressurize, simply speaking, burst from internal pressure. In order to avoid such a scenario, it is strictly forbidden to fill the gas tank with liquefied gas by more than 85% of the volume.

Another possible difficulty in the operation of autonomous gas supply systems is to ensure the safety of the operation of the gas pipeline and all systems. Even a small leak from a gas pipeline can be extremely dangerous. The gas is approximately twice as heavy as air, therefore it “flows” into the lowest areas, accumulating in basements and basements, then, mixing with air, it forms an explosive explosive mixture. Therefore, the correct arrangement of the boiler room is extremely important. All heaters must be above ground level. Good ventilation (natural) is another necessary condition. Be sure to regularly check the joints for leaks. The room where gas consuming devices are located must be equipped with gas detectors.

Tank neck, used for refilling and accessing pressure control devices

Among the main advantages of the device of an autonomous gasification system, it should be noted the possibility of energy supply in automatic mode, a minimum of control by the user, economic feasibility and high performance. The main condition for effective work is a responsible attitude to the issues of arrangement, because the gas is explosive, negligence at any stage of installation and operation of the system is unacceptable. Each installation using liquefied gas must undergo mandatory registration with the Rostekhnadzor authorities, all activities for installation, installation, refueling must be carried out only by qualified specialists (with the appropriate license).


Autonomous gas supply using CNG compressed natural gas

Our country has the largest proven gas reserves in the world. But, unfortunately, this still does not make it available to most Russian consumers. Both individuals and legal entities.

This is mainly due to the fact that the local gas infrastructure does not meet the current needs of the economy, as it was created back in Soviet times. Laying new lines is very expensive and "opaque". Moreover, there is not always any interest of the executive bodies of the gas supply organization in refusing to gasify your facility. The reason may be simple - the gas limit in the main gas pipeline closest to you has been exhausted by other consumers. And what should you do if your company needs to expand its gas capacity in this particular place, where you already have everything you need: land, supply, production? Transfer the enterprise to another place where there is the necessary infrastructure or build a branch on the other side of the city? No, you don’t need to do any of this, now there is an autonomous CNG gas supply (AG CNG) for this. Autonomous gas supply of CNG is also suitable for backup gas supply in case of failure of the main one due to an accident.

Recently, around large and not only cities, cottage settlements are being built like mushrooms. Many citizens tend to leave the stuffy and gassed city and settle away from the hustle and bustle. If there is land, then building a house (s) is not a particular problem. There are housing construction technologies for every taste and budget. The main problem is communication. Where to get gas, electricity, heat, water? There are no special problems with water, it is everywhere, except that it lies at different depths. Well drilled and problem solved! Where to get gas? The problem is similar to the one described above, only in the cities the gas infrastructure is more or less developed due to the larger number of consumers, and it is more and more difficult with the suburbs. The solution to the problem is similar - autonomous CNG gas supply!

But this is not so bad, but what about electricity? Now that's not a problem either. The solution is to use a cogeneration gas turbine (or gas piston, depending on the needs) power plant and an autonomous CNG gas supply system for the electrification of the facility. Electricity is generated from gas at a price sometimes much lower than the tariff of the local power company!

How will you heat your house(s) and how much will it cost? Diesel fuel? Expensive! Electricity? Even more expensive! Propane-butane is no less than 3 times more expensive than CNG. It is estimated that only firewood is similar in cost to methane. But of course you can imagine a city dweller waving an ax, but how long will you last? Now the good news is that you get heat for free*! Due to the utilization of heat from the compressor unit, which is part of the CNG autonomous gas supply equipment. Plus, as a bonus, when installing additional ABHM equipment, the same heat turns into cold. You don't need an air conditioner!

What to do if you like all of the above, but you are not a developer of an elite village, but the owner of a garden plot in SNT or a house in the village, and you want to live there not only in summer, but all year round? In this case, you need to team up with your neighbors. Then it will be possible to lease this equipment at a low interest rate.

Our company is ready to offer you at the initial stage to provide free consulting assistance in preparing the necessary package of documents for travel to a meeting (meeting) of members of the board, residents. Our interest in cooperation with you is directed to the further development of the horticulture gasification project, the construction of a gas distribution pipeline, engineering work on the internal gas supply of the house, connecting the boiler and boiler equipment. It is always worth remembering that by entrusting the work to specialists, you will quickly, and often cheaper, come to the final result (connecting a private house to a gas pipeline).

Already at the first stage, we will orient you about the upcoming financial and time costs. The main problem that all partnerships face when gasifying horticulture is that some residents do not have a quick opportunity to invest in gasification of their homes. In this case, we offer you a flexible system of leasing payment for our services. And as a result, it turns out cheaper than the classic connection to the pipe. At what you make a small down payment, and pay the rest of the payments within three years.

In general, our advantages are that we are ready to:

We will be glad if you send us a questionnaire with a brief description of your village and plans for the gasification of gardening with contact details, and we will contact you shortly. Or just make a phone call. If a sufficient number of participants is not recruited for the gasification of your facility, then do not be discouraged. We will collect information on your object, inform you about new applicants. As soon as the required number of participants is reached, we can immediately start working. Practice shows that the active participation of the residents themselves greatly speeds up the process, so if you yourself take part in the agitation of the neighbors, it will be much better. The greater the number of participants, the cheaper the gasification for each house! Neighboring horticulture / SNT / DNP can also take part in the gasification process, if there is a technical possibility for this, the equipment will be one for all.

Brief description of the service:

On the prepared site of the gasified facility, CNG AG equipment is installed, which includes:

  • Container-cassette gas storages
  • booster compressor
  • Internal gas pipeline system
  • Gas reciprocating cogeneration containerized power plant (option) - in case, in addition to gas, you need electricity. At the same time, you receive free heat by utilizing the heat of the compressor.

Gas from the local gas pipeline is discharged to the stationary gas pipeline of the facility; if you don't have it, we can install it.

CNG AG is supplied with gas by means of a mobile gas tanker PAGZ, which receives gas at the parent CNG filling station. The system is fully automated: when the gas supply reaches a pre-calculated threshold, a signal enters the system, and the gas supplier company sends you a new PAGZ. Therefore, there can be no delays in gas supplies.

Benefits of using CNG compared to other fuels:

Autonomous gasification of a private house, country cottage

Noisy and dusty streets of the city, gas pollution, poor water quality - all these aspects cause a great desire to leave the city and be alone with nature. And now, in your mind, the thought firmly settles, about building or acquiring a summer house, or even building a cottage, for permanent residence.

Then you should think about how you will heat your home, with the onset of autumn cold weather. And what to do if there is no main gas pipeline in the village where you bought the house? You have only one way out, the most faithful and correct one - this is autonomous gasification of a private country house.

Autonomous gasification of a private house at home is an independent gas supply, propane-butane gas, using a gas tank (gas tank), which is located underground. Such a container can be purchased on the market. The gas tank is of different volume, at affordable prices and high quality.

At first glance, autonomous gasification represents only positive aspects, but, unfortunately, as in any business, there are negative aspects. This is safety and not small costs. But we can fix it all. Having spent a certain amount, you will quickly recoup it. Safety depends only on the correctness of the project, according to which the autonomous gas supply system will be installed. And only, not conscientious work, a company that provides services for autonomous gasification, can provoke the emergence of dangerous situations.

What type of fuel to choose for gasification?

It's worth thinking about here. Most choose gas. At this time, this is one of the most optimal and cheapest options. You won't need to think about where to store your fuel, because it goes along the highway, straight to your house. Unfortunately, there are houses that cannot be connected to the highway. In such a situation, the most profitable option is liquefied carbon gas.

Heating with carbon gas is inexpensive and economical. It has a huge advantage: it contains less sulfurous substances, has no smell, and when burned, a minimum amount of soot remains. The choice of propane-butane will be the right decision.

How to start autonomous gasification of your country house?

First, you need to study the land plot and draw up a work plan. Initially, the dimensions of the site should allow placing a tank for storing liquefied gas, no less than 10 meters from a residential building. Therefore, if a house is being built from scratch, it is better to immediately provide for the possibility of installing equipment before starting the construction of a country house. The tank itself is placed either underground or placed on special supports. In all actions, safety rules must be observed. When choosing an organization that will install an autonomous gasification of a private house for you, be sure to pay attention to whether the company has a license for the right to engage in this type of activity.

Advantages of autonomous gasification:

  • Autonomous gasification is safe, profitable and economical.
  • You do not depend on centralized gas supply systems.
  • Filling the gas tank with gas, only 1-2 times a year.
  • When burned, the gas does not emit substances harmful to the body.
  • Autonomous gasification systems have a very long service life, system wear is reduced to zero.
  • Installation of autonomous gasification is carried out in a short time, without the use of heavy equipment.
  • A special autonomous gasification project that is suitable only for you, regardless of the characteristics of your landscape.
  • Thanks to the versatility of such an autonomous gasification system, you can connect additional gas equipment without coordination.

Safety of the autonomous gas supply system:

In any autonomous gas supply system there is safety equipment.

Therefore, using the autonomous gasification system is absolutely safe. With proper and high-quality installation of such a system, it will serve you for many years. Gas containers (gas holders) must be checked for the strength of welded joints and are provided with special current protection. Gas tanks are installed only on a solid foundation, which eliminates the deformation of such a structure. Enterprises that are engaged in design and installation work, for the installation of autonomous gas supply, must have a license for such types of work.

Disadvantages of autonomous gasification:

Like any system, everywhere has its drawbacks. The main disadvantage of autonomous gasification is the refilling of the tank. Liquefied gas is highly explosive, but if everything is done efficiently and correctly, then this probability is below zero. The most important thing, when installing autonomous gasification, is to choose the right company that deals with design and installation work, and follow all the rules during installation.

So the moment has come when all the difficulties are behind, your cottage is gasified. Read your home safety instructions, explain to them, in great detail, what is not and what is possible. And, it's time to boldly enjoy a comfortable existence, safety and environmental friendliness.

Pros and cons of autonomous gasification

It should be noted that the gaseous fuel is intended for combustion, which is why it is considered explosive and its use is carefully controlled. Therefore, having decided to create an autonomous gasification system in a country house, you should entrust the performance of work only to an official company that has the appropriate approvals and certification.

The autonomous gasification system is a complex configuration consisting of many modules, each of which is essential for normal, stable and, most importantly, safe operation. Therefore, we do not recommend saving on components, refusing individual parts or replacing them with low-quality counterparts.

Disadvantages of autonomous gasification

  • On the one hand, this system eliminates the need to regularly refuel fuel tanks, as required by liquid or solid fuel options. However, this entails other obligations, in particular, the owner must constantly monitor the condition of the gas tank in order to avoid gas leakage. It is also necessary to monitor the remaining gas so that at the most important moment the system does not turn off due to lack of fuel.

This is easily done thanks to modern telemetry modules, the modification of some of them can transmit data even remotely via the Internet or GSM connection.

  • In the process of evaporation, condensate forms on the walls of the gas tank, which, if it enters the gearbox, can cause malfunctions in the system.

The models of gas tanks offered by our company have increased insurance against such manifestations. Their choice will be helped by qualified specialists who are well aware in determining the parameters, taking into account the operating conditions, the type of soil and the technological features of the gas-consuming installation.

  • In conclusion, it should be noted the importance of choosing a fuel supplier for refueling gas tanks, a proven and responsible partner.

Advantages of autonomous gas supply

Some users note the high cost of all work in combination with the purchase of equipment as a disadvantage of autonomous gasification. However, it is important to take into account other, economic, components:

  • the price of fuel in comparison with other energy resources;
  • system performance;
  • fuel storage costs;
  • high practicality, because when connecting to the main gas pipeline in the future, the owner of the property will not need additional costs for the re-equipment of the system!

In addition to this:

  • Savings, because the cost of heat generated using a gas fuel mixture is several times cheaper than other analogues.
  • Environmental friendliness, because the damage to the environment from burning gas is minimal.
  • No unpleasant odors from exhaust.
  • The durability of the equipment is about a quarter higher than that of liquid heating units.
  • Ample opportunities, because liquefied gas from a gas tank can be used not only for heating the building, but also for cooking.
  • Absolute ease of use.

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Autonomous gasification of a private house

In an attempt to gain energy independence, the owners of houses and cottages go to all sorts of tricks, install wind turbines, solar panels. In the end, having gone through a lot of options, they return to gas. Of course, for those villages where gas is supplied, there are no questions, but what about those whose dwellings have bypassed civilization? How to bring gas into the house if the gas pipeline is not even in the plans of the local authorities? Let's see what autonomous gasification of a private house is (more details here

Scheme of autonomous gasification of a private house

In general, the simplest autonomous gasification can be called the installation of liquefied gas cylinders. This option is acceptable only for a summer house or a summer house, where you just need to cook food on a gas stove. But what if it is necessary not only to cook dinners, but also to heat the house, to heat water for the bathroom? For these purposes, gas holders are installed - these are large tanks for storing natural or any other gas. Distinguish gasholders of constant volume, which are spherical or cylindrical steel tanks. Gas is stored in them under pressure up to 1.8 MPa. So autonomous gas supply of cottages is carried out using underground or above-ground gas tanks with a volume of 20 to 50 cubic meters. It is possible to make a gas tank based on the connection of several cylinders for liquefied gas.

The volume of the gas tank should be determined only on the basis of calculations that take into account the gas consumption of each device in the system. The pressure in the autonomous gas supply system is created due to the evaporation of liquefied gas, the faster the gas evaporates, the greater the pressure in the system, so it is very important to correctly calculate the volume of the gas tank itself or use devices that increase fuel evaporation.

By the way, by installing an autonomous gas supply system in your house, you can provide yourself with an emergency or permanent source of electricity, for this it is enough to purchase a gas generator. The issue of independent heating of a country house is also resolved, a double-circuit gas boiler and the correct calculation of heating radiators will make your home warm and comfortable even in the most severe frost.

Installation of an autonomous gasification system

Installation of a gas tank

The installation of a gas storage tank must be carried out below the freezing point of the soil, on a concrete base, in order to exclude any movement of the gas tank during the shrinkage of the soil. Then, as a rule, a polyethylene pipeline is laid from the tank to the kitchen or boiler room, where the control equipment is installed. Modern electronics will not only supply gas to gas appliances, but also control gas leakage, and in case of such, turn off the gas supply and notify the owners.

It is worth noting that the installation of an autonomous gas supply system will significantly reduce the cost of connecting a group of houses or cottages. An economic calculation showed that if 15 houses are connected to a common autonomous gasification system, then in this case the cost of gas supply to each house will be two times lower than with an individual project.

Most likely, it will be superfluous to mention that doing gasification of your home on your own is not only a bad idea, but also dangerous for you and your household, so finding professionals in this matter is your first task.

Gasification Intensity - Chemist's Handbook 21

In our country, boiler fuels are the most massive oil product. However, due to the intensive gasification of boiler plants or their transfer to solid types

It is proposed to carry out gasification of liquid hydrocarbons with water vapor in a fluidized bed of catalyst particles in an ascending layer of superheated steam and particles. Part of the resulting gas is returned to the process, mixing it with superheated water vapor in order to obtain hydrogen from it, which is believed to increase the intensity of the process (see Table 32, No. 3). The catalyst is separated from the gas stream and sent for regeneration by burning off the carbon deposited on it. When processing heavy raw materials (fuel oil), an additional operation is used to evaporate hydrocarbons on the surface of inert coke solid particles, on which coke and ash are deposited. The volatile part of the raw material is processed in the manner described above.

At the same time, the yield of by-products continuously increased from 5.5% for light naphthas to 8.5 and 15%, respectively, for heavy naphthas and kerosene. The main difficulty in conducting the process in the processing of high-boiling materials lies in the impossibility of complete evaporation of raw materials, especially at the elevated pressure necessary for gasification of high-boiling liquid hydrocarbons. If these hydrocarbons remain in a liquid state at the inlet temperature (450°C), intense cracking will occur throughout the volume. To avoid this, hydrogen is sometimes heated separately to a temperature well above that of the liquid feedstock.

To cover the heat deficit during the dry distillation and coal gasification processes, attempts are being made to use hot high pressure hydrogen to initiate the process of methanization of the coke residue, which is exothermic, and the simultaneous removal of volatiles from coal. This technology is used in the HYGAS process and the Hyd-run process, and its advantage lies in the fact that in this case raw gas is formed, which already contains some methane, and therefore a less intensive methanization process is required to obtain GPG. However, the hydrogen required for this purpose can be obtained by gasification of a part of the coke residue by steam-oxygen blast, or by additional processing of water gas in order to increase its hydrogen content.

The intensity of soot removal should be determined by the ratio of forces holding soot particles near the surface and friction forces in the gas flow. In the processes of particle transfer, a significant role can be played by the phenomenon of thermophoresis caused by the presence of a large temperature gradient near the boiler step. The dependence of the pollution factor e on the mass velocity 17 was found in the work (the data were obtained at a pilot plant for the gasification of sulfurous fuel oil) with a soot content in the gas of 3.5 g/m3 (Fig. 68). For another concentration of soot in the gas g, g/m), a correction factor K is introduced. The dependence of the correction factor on the concentration of soot in the gas is given in Fig. 69.

Fluidized bed gas generators, which use finely dispersed fuel, have the maximum intensity. On fig. 9.11 shows the process flow diagram for the production of water gas by gasification in a fluidized bed.

The requirements for raw materials in this process are less stringent than in the Lurgi process - gasification of high-ash (up to 40%) and sintering coals is possible. However, it is preferable to use coals with sufficiently high reactivity - brown coals, reactive coals, lignite coke and semi-coke with particle size mixing of solids in a fluidized bed leads to a practically isothermal regime, which facilitates temperature control in the reactor.

Expressed by D.I. Mendeleev back in 1888, the idea of ​​underground gasification received its intensive development in the 1940s. In the USSR, USA, France, research and pilot tests of new developments are still being carried out. Domestic developments not only had priority, but were also carried out on a larger scale.

However, their reserves are declining, and for some types of fuel and in some regions they are close to depletion. On the other hand, the intensive development of the chemical industry of synthetic materials requires a significant increase in the costs of organic and mineral raw materials. Oil, coal, natural gases are the raw materials for obtaining such materials using controlled organic synthesis. The integrated use of raw materials is currently based on the production of new types of fuel (for example, gasification of solid fuels) and organic and inorganic products and semi-products.

Under the intensity of fuel gasification is usually understood the weight of the fuel gasified per unit of time, referred to the unit of the cross section of the gas generator shaft.

In the prewar years, intensive use of natural and artificial gas for domestic needs began, gas consumption in Moscow and Leningrad was expanded, gasification of Grozny, Zhdanov, Makeevka and other cities and workers' settlements began.

In the case when the process of gasification on the surface proceeds much more intensively than the reverse process and there is no radiation, dn = 0, the value of m increases monotonically with increasing pressure and asymptotically approaches the maximum value at poo (Fig. 2). Thermal losses (dn 0) do not noticeably change this result for large values ​​of m, but for small values ​​of m there is a minimum value of p, below which there is no solution for m. For values ​​of p greater than the minimum, the function m(p) is a two-valued function, as shown schematically in fig. 2. Apparently, the smaller value of m corresponds to an unstable solution, and the minimum value of p determines the lower limit of flame propagation in terms of pressure. Comparison of Theoretical and Experimental Results for the Case of Combustion of Pure Solid Perchlorate

Much better than in an ordinary torch, the process of mass gasification is organized in any, even the most primitive layer. A fixed layer of lumpy fuel on a simple grate, blown with air, is a well-organized solid fuel gasification zone. In a stabilized process, even when working with cold air, very high temperatures quickly develop in the bed along the course of this air, reaching 1,700-1,800 ° C. At such temperatures and the presence of atmospheric oxygen, the gasification process is very intensive and gives gaseous intermediate products into the furnace gasification, which should burn already in the furnace space in a flame (flare) way, i.e. in a process of a purely diffusion type, if there is a sufficient amount of free oxygen in this space, which is actively involved in true mixture formation.) 8

The purpose of the study of bench and industrial cyclone furnaces, both in our country and abroad, was mainly to find the dependence of the overall final characteristics of the combustion process on the operating conditions and design ratios of the chamber dimensions. Meanwhile, a correct and complete explanation of the impact of certain regime conditions and design parameters on the final characteristics of the camera operation is impossible without studying the structure of the process, with the internal nature of which all the total effects are inextricably linked. Under the structure of the process is usually understood the position, size and intensity of the various zones (zones of mixture formation, ignition of fuel, gasification of solid particles, etc.) that occur in the combustion chamber during fuel combustion.

During the grinding of shale, large dust particles are enriched with calcium carbonate, and fine dust fractions are enriched with alkali metal compounds. Thus, the ash components capable of contaminating the heating surfaces are most concentrated in the extreme dust fractions. Proceeding from this, the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, together with the Tallinn Polytechnic Institute and other organizations, proposed a method for burning shale, which provides for the gasification of large dust fractions in a low-temperature reactor, followed by the combustion of thermal decomposition products of the fuel in a furnace, and a small part of the dust is burned in the gas duct of the steam generator behind the furnace at a temperature not exceeding the temperature of intense volatilization of alkali metals from the fuel.

In addition, the gas contains less Hj, CO and COj. When unloading, there is no burnt coke. The solid residue during pyrolysis, which is 2-5% of the total coke, is also considered coke. It is likely that this systematic discrepancy with the battery of Marieno coke ovens is explained by the fact that the coke gasification reaction with water vapor proceeds less intensively in the Jenkner retort due to the shorter duration of gas contact with hot coke. The discrepancy with the results obtained on a battery of coke ovens can possibly be reduced by lining the pyrolyzer with refractory bricks.

The classic confirmation of the diffusion nature of the process is the effect of particle size. A more intensive removal of sulfur at a higher initial content is explained by the earlier start of sulfur removal with the formation of a larger number of transport channels with pore opening, which is equivalent to coke grinding. The hydrodesulfurization process is also implemented through the opening of pores by the destruction of the carbon matrix by hydrogen gasification. The deepening of the process of thermal desulfurization during two-stage heat treatment is explained by the formation of microcracks - pores due to stress relaxation. Structural hardening, increasing the strength of the carbon matrix of cokes from oxidized raw materials and acid-treated raw materials slow down the process of thermal desulfurization.

The effect of temperature on the gasification process at different degrees of mixing of raw materials and the resulting soot with air and combustion products is not the same. On fig. 41 shows the dependence of the specific geometric surface of soot particles on the average temperature of the combustion process of raw materials in a macrodiffusion flame (at low mixing ratios of raw materials with air). It can be seen from the figure that, under these conditions, the specific surface area of ​​soot particles reaches its limiting value at relatively low temperatures (1600 K). At high mixing ratios (in a microdiffusion flame), such a limiting value of the specific surface area is not reached even at higher temperatures (2100 K), since conditions for intensive gasification are created.

As can be seen from the figure, the combustion of charcoal particles smaller than 500 μm proceeds in the region of the non-combustible boundary layer (if wet gasification reactions are not taken into account) in almost the entire range of possible temperatures. With the accepted values ​​of the kinetic characteristics, the flame combustion of particles corresponds to the kinetic and intermediate regions and proceeds according to the scheme of a non-burning boundary layer (6 500 μm and 1800°K). Combustion of particles larger than 1-5 mm, which one has to deal with in layered combustion of fuel, occurs in the region of the burning boundary layer (Se > 0.4). The transition to this region for various combustion devices (conventional counterflow furnaces and high-speed combustion furnaces) occurs at different temperatures due to the unequal intensity of material exchange in the layer. If the burnout area of ​​the carbon particle is determined, then it is possible to proceed to determining its burnout time.

A feature of layered combustion is that during combustion, the fuel lies in a layer of greater or lesser thickness on the grate (or in a special shaft) and the air necessary for combustion and gasification is blown through the fuel layer. The nature of combustion depends on the chemical activity of the fuel, its fractional composition, ballast content, the behavior of the zone and coke residue, etc. Regulation of the intensity of combustion is usually carried out by changing the flow rate of the blast air. During combustion, combustion products, unburned products of thermal decomposition of fuel and small particles of fuel are removed from the layer into the furnace space above the layer. The completion of their combustion occurs in the furnace space above the layer. Its value is therefore chosen such as to avoid losses with chemical and mechanical underburning.

The intensity or forcing of gasification, in addition to the nature of the fuel, is greatly influenced by the resistance to the movement of gases through the fuel layer and the uniformity of the distribution of fuel over the cross section of the gas generator. In this case, the main factor on which the intensity of gasification depends is the physicochemical nature of the processed fuel ( lump size, sinterability, moisture and ash content, etc.).

Gasification intensity and productivity of modern semi-mechanized gas generators

Gasification method and fork of processed fuel Gasification intensity Gas generator capacity in m 1 hour

It is possible to increase the intensity of gasification by using fine-grained fuel with a large reaction surface of particles. It turned out to be expedient to carry out gasification of fine-grained fuel in a boiling and suspended state, which not only increased the intensification. process, but also allowed to significantly expand the raw material base of gasification due to. low-grade fuels (dust, fines, coal, semi-coke and other fines, etc.).

The principle of gasification of fine-grained fuel in a fluidized bed also lies in the fact that at a certain blowing speed and fuel size, the layer of fuel lying on the grate comes into motion. in appearance resembling the boiling of a liquid. Intensive mixing of freshly loaded raw materials with hot coal and air provides. maintaining practically the same temperature in gas generators with a fluidized bed. throughout its height. Because of this, in this type of gas generators, it is impossible to distinguish temperature zones that are typical for layered gas generators.

Similar government considerations have recently led to intense government support in a number of countries outside the United States for the development of coal and lignite deposits. Australia will soon begin gasification of brown coal for the production of gasoline and boiler fuels. The shortage of hard coal and the absence of any significant oil deposits forced the state-owned Gas and Electricity Corporation to begin construction of a plant in the state of Victoria (Australia) worth about $ 24 million. This plant will gasify lignite using the Lurgi process, carried out in Germany for over 20 years. The first phase of the plant provides for the production of only fuel gas, tar and a small amount of gasoline. However, in the future it is planned to increase the production of gasoline to 600 m/day and organize the production of diesel fuel, heating oils, fuel gas and chemical products. In South Africa, a government plant for the production of liquid fuels from coal started up a few years ago near Johannesburg. It produces gasoline, boiler and diesel fuel, phenols, aromatic solvents, resins, creosote and other types of chemical raw materials. Although it was originally assumed that government subsidies for the operation of the plant would not be needed -

The model of solid fuel combustion considered here takes into account the possibility of radiative heat losses from the surface of the condensed phase, takes into account homogeneous reactions in the gas phase and gasification on the surface, which can either proceed much more intensively than the reverse process (easy gasification), or be equilibrium, or have an intermediate character. Rosen was the first to explore this type of model. He determined the burning rates of solid propellants, in which the gasification process determines the burning rate (formula (b) is valid), and there are no heat losses. Johnson and Nachbar obtained very accurate values ​​for m using similar assumptions about the gasification process, but taking into account radiation from the surface. Using an approximate graphical method, Spalding [1] revealed many qualitative features of the behavior of the value of m in the case of unhindered gasification, which determines the burning rate [formula (6)], and under equilibrium conditions on the surface [formula (12)], both with and without taking into account radiation heat losses. Studies carried out under the assumption of an intermediate nature of the process on the surface [formula (I)] have not been reported in the literature.

After the fuel warms up to the appropriate temperature level, the stage of pyrogenetic decomposition begins with the release of volatiles and coke formation. Under the influence of the environment and high temperature, the primary composition of volatiles itself undergoes profound changes, being finally gasified before entering into an intense combustion process. In essence, the actual fuel actually entering the active combustion process is not the primary fuel, but this fuel gas, the product of gasification of volatiles and the solid carbon of coke. The combustion mechanism of these final fuels is completely different, and the very process of their combustion occurs either non-simultaneously in the same place of the combustion center (fixed layer), or simultaneously, but in different zones of the combustion center (moving layer). Solid carbon also undergoes, if not complete, then at least partial preliminary gasification.

The practice of circulating-vortex furnaces has shown that free-peat ash has noticeable abrasive properties, which forced the entire streamlined surface, which is washed by the primary air jet and which can be intensively abraded by peat particles, to be constructed in the form of screen pipes, topped with well-fitting cast-iron tiles. The lower circulation part of the furnace space of the Shershnev furnace plays the role of a gasifier. In it, along with partial combustion, enhanced gasification of the fuel occurs. After the particles circulating in it are crushed to the size at which they begin to obey the law of soaring, they can be entrained, together with the gaseous products of combustion and combustible gas, into the afterburning space of the furnace, in which

The presence of such cold walls near the pulverized coal chambers does not go unpunished for the development of the flare process. It leads to an extremely uneven distribution of temperatures over the chamber cross section, which turn out to be very high in the central parts of the flow, remote from wall cold, and greatly underestimated near cold walls, which take significant amounts of heat from the gas and particles for direct return of the sense, i.e., to intense radiation perception of cold screen heating surfaces. That part of the air flow, which passes through the central, high-temperature zones of the furnace, enters into early and rapid gas formation of strongly heated particles. The rest, the edge sections of the dusty air flow, passing through supercooled zones, sluggishly participate in the process of fuel gasification, and sometimes, with the unsuccessful outlines of the combustion chamber and its irrational combination with pulverized coal burners, this part of the ash does not even have time to enter into the gasification process and is taken out in an unused sight into gas ducts.

It is believed that SO3 is formed almost entirely in the process of burning liquid fuels. The SO3 output increases as the excess air increases and the temperature decreases. The gasification of liquid fuel vapors entering the combustion zone of each individual drop, and the combustion of the coke residue, depending on the intensity of the air supply and the temperature level, is accompanied by the release of CO, Hg, C2H2, CH4 and other heavier hydrocarbons with abundant soot formation. Under these conditions, simultaneously with the formation of SO3, reduction reactions of the type SOg + CO CO + SOj occur.

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