Compatibility in a rabbit and dragon relationship. Rabbit and dragon: compatibility between men and women and what it affects

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Will the union of Cat and Dragon result in a happy marriage? What awaits them? After all, it’s a very difficult combination of signs. It will help answer your questions and find out the secret about the possibility of starting a family - the eastern horoscope for compatibility in love.

Rabbit and Dragon are a difficult combination of signs

A man who was born in the year of the Dragon is very inquisitive by nature. He needs to be aware of all the things that happen to their friends, especially women. He's still a man! Not quite serious in terms of long and sincere relationships. The blood is hot - this is how the eastern horoscope explains excessive interest in the opposite sex.

In most cases, according to the horoscope, the dragon man remains a bachelor. He is quite happy with a free, non-binding relationship. This is the norm for him. But you yourself understand that with such a position it is unlikely that he will be able to find a serious and good wife. He will be attracted to the same girls and women, with the same easy behavior and relaxed principles in relationships.

According to the compatibility horoscope, some Dragon men find their soul mate who has a serious intention to create a happy marriage. More precisely, the rabbit woman finds him, but it’s not that easy. To reach his heart, she needs to be herself, so simple, homely, without any “imaginations”. He will meet such a woman in life with the purpose of making him realize what an indecent life he led, how greedy and selfish he was in relation to those around him.

And the rabbit woman, at the beginning of the relationship, will love him for who he is. This will seem a little strange. How did it happen? Will she tolerate all his looks at other ladies? Yes, that's absolutely right. The dragon will change with such a soul mate - the eastern horoscope predicts compatibility in love. He will become a real family man, he will acquire the ability to love not only himself, but also others: his wife, children.

Compatibility of Dragon Man and Rabbit Woman

She will be inspired to do good and useful deeds not only at home towards her family, but also at work towards her colleagues. This will increase his authority and bring high material income. A woman who was born in the year of the Rabbit is very gentle, affectionate, calm and kind. She will extinguish the excessive fire in her partner, says the love compatibility horoscope. And their home will be in an aura of love, warmth and comfort.

These and other qualities are what the dragon husband values ​​in his wife. Next to the Dragon, she will become more sexy, liberated and self-confident. In a word, they will change each other in a positive way. According to the horoscope, such compatibility is quite realistic for creating a strong marriage and happy relationships.

Compatibility of Cat Man and Dragon Woman

The Cat man characterizes himself as a quiet and serene person. He doesn't like novelty. It’s easier for him to go fishing than to travel around the world.

He does not like expressions, and he speaks very without emotions and feelings. The dragon woman is opposite to the rabbit man according to the horoscope of compatibility in love. She is more energetic than him, more proactive in relationships. And she obviously won't like it. She wants to see a man next to her who is able to share her views on life, feel what she feels, and simply understand her. And disagreements cannot be avoided here.

The Cat Man is a quiet and serene person

But in order to preserve love and mutual understanding in the marriage of such a union, you need to accept your partner as he is. The male rabbit is calmer, melancholic, and does not tolerate novelty or movement. And the dragon woman requires feelings, emotions and acuity... passion! That's how different they are. In this case, you just need to match your partner’s ideas about you. Well, at least just try. It is not so difficult. If you want to maintain love and mutual understanding, then you will be able to do this.

The marriage compatibility horoscope predicts a completely happy and prosperous family. There will be peace in the house thanks to the dragon man, and laughter and joy thanks to the rabbit woman. There is nothing scary here that the man is supposedly so serene. And this alignment of characters suits them quite well. They will be happy.

Thus, dear lovers, we are convinced that the compatibility in love of the Dragon and the Rabbit is quite possible for creating a happy marriage. Cast aside all doubts about your loved one. He will be faithful to you, love and give himself without reserve. Throw away all caution about what other people will say. It doesn't matter! The important thing is that you have a wonderful opportunity to be together, to understand and feel each other, to reveal resources and talents in your partner that he himself did not even know about. Well, isn't this wonderful?

Character of the Rabbit (Cat)

When it comes to such a contrasting pair as the Rabbit and the Dragon, their compatibility raises doubts among the average person. However, experts in the field of astrology know some secrets that will help harmonize these difficult relationships. In Eastern mythology, the Rabbit is not at all a defenseless creature. He is cunning, fast and unprincipled, and therefore knows no barriers. Despite its apparent softness, it is extremely resistant and takes the most advantageous position when falling.

The second name of the symbol is the Cat, the one that always lands on its paws. If the Dragon and Cat-Rabbit come together, the compatibility of the couple often depends on the interest and diplomacy of the second. The Capricorn cat is recognized as the most suitable partner: he will appreciate greatness and beauty like no other zodiac sign. In second place is Scorpio, who is no stranger to vanity.

Such different dragons

Even without being an astrologer, you can easily recognize the Dragon in any crowd, especially if he is also a Leo. A proud posture involuntarily attracts attention. A dragon born under the sign of Libra is considered lucky: he is not threatened by love suffering. A representative of this combination of signs more often becomes an object of adoration than falls in love himself.

Pisces is the most unbalanced symbol, subject to the struggle between the elements of Fire and Water. They especially urgently need a soft, sensitive and understanding interlocutor, which is what the Rabbit is. Independent and imperturbable Taurus, in the depths of his soul, experiences no less intense passions between earth and sky: the attraction of the zodiac element of the Earth does not allow him to fly freely. Dragons are associated with prosperity, they are not afraid of difficulties, and leadership is won without effort: for some reason, in their presence, no one has a question about who is in charge here.

Rabbit man, Dragon woman

When a Rabbit man and a Dragon woman get together, compatibility promises to be difficult, but nevertheless exciting. As a rule, physical attraction between them arises easily and naturally, but mutual understanding requires work. The practicality of the Dragoness more than compensates for the passivity and irresponsibility that are sometimes inherent in the Hares.

The connecting link of this couple is the craving for novelty and fun; both do not accept monotony. Excessive self-confidence and disorganization can be a destructive force - the flip side of the ability to act spontaneously. Both have an equally developed need for communication; they are an open and hospitable family.

Dragon Man and Rabbit Woman

In a couple where a Dragon man and a Rabbit woman are combined, compatibility rarely arises on its own. Paradoxically, the initiator of relationships is often not the sparkling Dragon, but the inconspicuous but resourceful Rabbit.

As a result, the woman also places responsibility for the further development of the relationship on her fragile shoulders. The dragon is used to radiating magnificence anywhere, just not in the family circle, sometimes not realizing how important a reliable rear is for him - a place where he can gain moral support and energy replenishment. The aggressiveness of a partner can somewhat discourage the peace-loving Rabbit.

From dating to honeymoon

At the initial stage of a relationship, the Dragon and Rabbit achieve compatibility in love without difficulty. She is fascinated by the strength and charisma of the Dragon, and he, in turn, is touched by her ability to listen carefully and empathize, without reproaching her for anything. Having become spouses, the Rabbit and the Dragon reinforce their compatibility in marriage through communication. There is a risk that the Dragon will develop the habit of criticizing the other half.

Undoubtedly, with the best intentions: so that it corresponds to the ideal. The opposite situation, when she is a Dragon and he is a Rabbit, is no less destructive. The cat retreats to the last, but, being driven into a corner, is forced to attack. The Dragon (he or she) will show wisdom if he does not persist and generously gives the Hare the palm. The partner probably showed delicacy in response.

He and she in family life

The Rabbit and Dragon compatibility horoscope places great importance on the spontaneity of both. This uniquely positive and attractive factor at the beginning of a relationship often brings chaos to everyday life. The Rabbit is kept in constant tension by the task of avoiding sharp corners, which are regularly created by the loud and assertive Dragon. Since the rabbit's ingenuity knows no bounds, the Dragon often finds himself faced with facts that he cannot comprehend.

In order for advice and love to reign in the family, spouses will have to learn to act synchronously. Over time, the new habit will require less and less effort, because in fact, the spouses are striving for a single goal: a reasonable balance of stability and variety.

Fate often pits us against partners who should teach us life lessons and provide us with the necessary life experience. Compatibility between Rabbit and Dragon is no exception.

One of the partners will obey the other

Being vector horoscopic neighbors, these two signs often interact according to the principle: slave - master. We will consider below what pros and cons each partner of the union can receive.

Characteristics of signs

The dragon is very secretive

By external signs, you can recognize a dragon by its absent look, as if it is looking through you, by the pleasant timbre of its voice. One gets the impression that he is a quiet person, but behind his peaceful appearance and imaginary simplicity hides a strong and intelligent nature.

It is impossible to predict what is on a dragon's mind by its appearance.

Dragon woman

The Dragon Woman knows how to manipulate men

From an early age, the dragon woman does not lack male attention; it’s not even about beauty, but rather about inner strength and natural magnetism. She flirts with men with pleasure, accepts gifts from them, but is in no hurry to tie the knot.

In the zodiac horoscope, an analogy can be drawn with the Aries woman, the Aries woman is the boss, the unquestioning leader, masculine character traits are dominant.

Dragon Man

Dragon men make good musicians

The dragon man is smart, has a natural sense of style, strength and endurance. The owner of powerful sexual energy, an expert on the female body. He rarely falls in love, allows himself to be loved, and is in no hurry to get married, often remaining single. He is independent and freedom-loving and will not tolerate command and control. Men of this sign are trusting, can succumb to female cunning, but will not tolerate betrayal and lies. The eloquence and simplicity of the dragon often play a cruel joke on him; they do not skimp on expressions, revealing their emotions, often their sharp tongue is ahead of their mind.

The dragon man is closely connected with the spiritual world; they make excellent philosophers, poets, and musicians. Natural talents and willpower make them successful in any field. Representatives of this sign have inner sexuality and sacred power. On their life's journey, they often collide and play an important role in the lives of their vector neighbors, the cat and the boar.

Cat woman

The Cat Woman is a devoted wife and loving mother.

The cat woman strives to find the ideal partner. Family is everything to her! The cat is looking for a potential husband and loves children. The natural charm and naivety of the rabbit often clashes with men for whom she is just a pleasant pastime, but having met a reliable partner, she becomes a devoted wife and a good housewife.

The cat's house is furnished with great taste and is cozy. Cats are hospitable and welcoming; if we are talking about a Leo woman, then you can expect that she will throw a feast with her last money, put the best snacks and expensive wines on the table.

Male cat (rabbit)

The Cat Man is gentle and kind

The male cat enjoys great success among women; his inner charm and ability to present himself often help in life. The male rabbit makes his way up the career ladder due to his hard work and intelligence; he knows how to earn money. The natural softness and delicacy of the rabbit allows it to avoid conflict situations. The main characteristics of a male rabbit include:

Rabbit and Dragon Compatibility

In a union, opposites attract

Love is a lofty feeling that can endure fire, water and copper pipes, but is the love of a rabbit and a dragon able to overcome these difficulties? The compatibility of a rabbit and a dragon in love is reminiscent of the union of Pisces and Sagittarius; representatives of the warring elements of fire and water cannot get along together, but apart it is even worse.

Perhaps this is a case where two opposites attract.

Dragon Man - Rabbit Woman

A woman will be forced to obey a man

The compatibility horoscope for the dragon and the rabbit is complex, but not hopeless. Both partners can become close due to sexual attraction. A passionate male dragon conquers a loving rabbit at first sight. Their love for experimentation in bed can become a strong foundation for a marriage, especially if we talk about a partnership where the man is Leo and the woman is Sagittarius.

Characteristics of the sign - Rabbit (Cat). The Rabbit sign is �

Dragon - Characteristics of men and women, and their combinations

Eastern horoscope of compatibility of Zodiac Signs by �

In the relationship between a cat and a dragon, in addition to love pleasures, the issue of everyday life invariably arises. A straightforward dragon makes it clear what he needs; he does not feed him with promises of love until death, but provides strong material support for his partner. Being in an eternal search for an ideal partner, a dragon man enters into official marriage at the age of forty, provided that his wife is beautiful, cooks well and is able to add variety to the gray everyday life of the family.

In this union, the game must take place according to the rules of the dragon; he will not tolerate a commanding tone or insubordination in the relationship. If we are talking about relationships between a woman and a rabbit, a man and a rabbit, then we can talk about equal rights for partners; in connection with a dragon, such a model of relationships is impossible a priori.

Dragon Woman - Rabbit Man

Marriage will not be easy for partners

Relationships in which a female dragon and a male rabbit are more likely to be destructive for the man. The model of this marriage is possible for many years, provided that the rabbit man surrenders his masculine powers to the powerful wife, if at the same time the Scorpio woman - the husband is destined for the role of henpecked. The compatibility of Cat and Dragon will be filled with great mutual understanding, subject to late marriage by the age of 40-50.

A marriage where the man is a rabbit and the woman is a dragon is possible, but extremely difficult. Horoscope compatibility will be a clear advantage in the relationship of this couple. Compatibility in marriage, male rabbit, female rabbit is much more harmonious and resembles a partnership; if we talk about the union of a rabbit and a dragon, then we are talking about unconditional submission.

The Rabbit needs to idolize his partner, not pay attention to her harsh expressions and inability to run a household; if the woman is a Capricorn, then there is no point in arguing at all.

The soft and diplomatic character of a rabbit, its sensuality and tenderness in bed can melt the cold heart of a freedom-loving wife, but this may require years of mutual work and a willingness to compromise.

Rabbit and Dragon are a difficult combination, which can sound euphonious if the couple decides to work on their relationship. Usually the Rabbit is too freedom-loving, and the Dragon is too busy with social life, which prevents them from improving their relationship when problems arise. Left to chance, relationships do not get better. Often they end in a breakup, since in some way it prevents the partners from doing their own thing.

Dragon man and Rabbit woman (Cat) compatibility = 53%!

In love = 50%: At the beginning of the relationship between the Rabbit woman and the Dragon man, a good mutual understanding is established. They often do the same things and have a common hobby. However, this cannot become the basis for love, since the Dragon man will not accept excessive freedom in his chosen one. This creates tension, misunderstanding and will lead to a breakup. There are chances of staying together, but they are small and both need to want it.

Married = 50%: Often their marriage rests on the well-functioning comfort of their home. The Rabbit woman devotes a lot of time to her home and tries to please her husband. However, the inner life will be full of disagreements, since the Dragon man does not understand the depth of his chosen one’s thoughts. It seems to him that with her everything is becoming more complicated. But she doesn’t agree with him about her lifestyle, because for her the main thing is to be at home, and for him to communicate with different people.

In bed = 60%: The Rabbit woman and the Dragon man are very sensual and passionate natures. They enjoy intimacy for its own sake. However, the strong attraction between them is not able to solve personal problems. This can bring disharmony into their relationship. As a result, they may even grow apart for a while, although it is pleasant for them to be together. Even a strong attraction will not lead them to a positive perception of their partner at the level of communication.

Rabbit man (Cat) and Dragon woman compatibility = 48%!

In love = 50%: The love relationship between a Dragon woman and a Rabbit man begins as something bright and enchanting. However, this idyll does not last long, since the bright characters of the partners will not allow them to calmly look at each other’s shortcomings. As a result, love gradually becomes obsolete, and they begin a period of desperate confrontation in order to change their partner. You should just relax and be together without changing each other.

Married = 45%: The marriage relationship between a Rabbit man and a Dragon woman often resembles a guest marriage. They are free to do their own thing, sometimes together. At times the Rabbit man will not be satisfied with such a relationship, but in this case he will have to make serious changes. The Dragon woman is quite happy as it is, since other matters do not give her the opportunity to think about her relationship. It’s hard to say where this relationship will lead.

In bed = 50%: Intimate relationships for this couple should be a continuation of ordinary relationships. If they have not found understanding in everyday life, and neither partner has decided to change, then intimacy is unlikely to be joyful for both. Most likely, this will be purely physical attraction, without a hint of special spiritual intimacy. This may suit both, but for a deeper understanding they will need to actively change.

Relationship forecast!

The Rabbit and the Dragon are capable of creating a romantic couple for some time. In this case, the relationship will shake up both, giving a charge of vigor and positivity. As for long-term relationships, everything is much more complicated. They will need a lot of time to understand their partner and try to change themselves. If a couple is ready to do some heroic deeds for each other, then the relationship can become long-lasting and interesting for both.

The compatibility of Rabbit and Dragon is quite high. The couple has every chance of creating a happy family, and the marriage will be strong and long. A woman's love of freedom, dynamism, flexibility of character and optimistic outlook on life are successfully combined with the practicality and closeness of a man.

Leadership in tandem undeniably belongs to a woman born in the year of the Dragon. However, this is not a reason for conflicts, since the Rabbit man (Cat) realizes that his partner’s recommendations contribute to the rapid achievement of his goals. A woman knows how to find the most favorable way out of any problematic situation. A man’s knowledge and kindness are supported by the fortitude and good intuition of his companion. Her behavior helps to further develop such qualities of the chosen one as vanity and despotism. The man, in turn, imparts to his beloved skills that develop diplomacy, refined manners and the ability to competently negotiate.

A woman born in the year of the Dragon does not have the simplest character. She understands perfectly well that she is developing next to such a companion. After all, he is a kind, sympathetic and well-mannered man.

Rabbit man (Cat) and Dragon woman: general compatibility

For the Rabbit man, peace and stability are very important

The relationship in this couple is of particular interest. They can be long lasting and joyful. It should be noted that both men and women have different views and beliefs regarding marriage and serious relationships. A man born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat) needs peace and stability. A woman is characterized by spontaneity. She simply cannot stand routine. However, differences in priorities will not prevent them from becoming attached and loving each other. In a romantic relationship, partners will provide their chosen one with a sufficient degree of freedom and independence, which is important for both of them.

The romance between the Rabbit and the Dragon begins quickly and is something colorful and magical. Unfortunately, complete harmony does not last long, since the lovers are too different from each other and from time to time they clearly see the inherent negative qualities in their partner. You should not try to change your companion: this will inevitably lead to separation. If everyone in this union is able to change, then the relationship will be long-term and interesting for both of them.

The man in this tandem is a person with conservative views who resolves his issues as they arise. What distinguishes him from his beloved is that he does not accept new things and is more likely to prefer fishing to traveling. He desperately needs peace and harmony. He is in no hurry to find a way out of the situation. He needs time to draw conclusions and comprehend what is happening.

A man is characterized by caution. Those around him easily trust him. He is little interested in the difficulties of strangers, as well as world events. All that matters to him are the events in his life.

Rabbit men are very popular with women

People like to communicate with a Rabbit (Cat) man. He does not lack female attention. Representatives of the fair sex appreciate his sophistication and tact. A man born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat) knows how to competently present himself in society and be a courteous suitor. Moreover, he does not overestimate himself.

Often men of this sign are successful businessmen. They have well-developed taste, as well as strong business acumen. The Rabbit Man (Cat) will be able to sell the most useless thing to anyone without much difficulty. He is diplomatic. He can expect success in legal activities, as well as in other areas where imagination is required.

A woman born in the year of the Dragon costs nothing to attract the attention of others. Men like her boundless optimism, intelligence and external beauty. She is a very energetic person who you want to spend time with. You can easily recharge your life force from it.

The woman has a strong spirit and vanity. She often has great ambitions. Pride and selfishness characterize the personality of the Dragon Woman. She wants to be the center of attention. She cannot afford to miss an important event. She needs to take part in it. The woman has amazing leadership qualities. She sets difficult to achieve goals and strives to achieve them. Each issue is approached with due responsibility. She is a workaholic and does not like to put off solving issues until tomorrow. With such energy, a woman born in the year of the Dragon will not be able to devote herself exclusively to household chores. She definitely needs to realize herself.

Rabbit Man (Cat) and Dragon Woman: Marriage Compatibility

The Rabbit man gladly allows himself to be taken care of

The man in this couple is assigned a passive role. He devotes himself to self-improvement, creativity, and it can be anything. The woman takes care of the house, raising children, and all financial matters. It is worth noting that she has enough strength for such diverse activities. And this state of affairs suits both spouses and does not bring discord into their relationship. Their harmonious marriage contributes to the fulfillment of all desires. The logic and practicality of the Dragon woman are successfully complemented by the spirituality of the man. They are a perfect continuation of each other.

The compatibility of a Rabbit man (Cat) and a Dragon woman is not close to ideal in all cases. The main thing is that their tandem is based not only on the physical side of the relationship, but also on correctly set priorities in favor of a successful marriage. The strengths and characteristics of both spouses will be the key to creating a family. It is important that partners see everything good in their companion and are able to give it due importance.

Regardless of the compatibility of the Rabbit man (Cat) and the Dragon woman, they both have selfishness. Sometimes they only think about themselves. This behavior should be avoided. A man needs to understand with understanding that his chosen one cannot imagine her life without noise and fun, rash decisions and a chaotic lifestyle. She should allow him to be alone when he needs it. A woman should understand that just as much as she needs parties, a man needs peace and quiet. If spouses manage to come to a compromise, hear each other’s arguments, learn to make concessions and treat their other half with respect, then a strong and interesting relationship awaits them. The character strengths of each spouse will become the basis for a long union.

An important role is played by the lack of a system and at least some kind of plan for life in a woman born in the year of the Dragon. Her decisions are not thought through and are made illogically. Sometimes a man categorically does not like this, since such actions of his partner disturb his peace. Sometimes it begins to seem to him that unexpected events will constantly happen in his life. He doesn't like it. It is difficult for a man born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat) to lead such a life. His companion, on the contrary, cannot be frightened by anything. She wants a vibrant life, adventure and fun. Of course, such disagreements can be resolved. Over time, spouses adapt to each other and respect the characteristics of the character and thinking of their companion. If they are united by an irresistible desire to be close, then the compatibility of the Rabbit and the Dragon in marriage and love will become almost ideal.

Rabbit man (Cat) and Dragon woman: compatibility in love

It is very difficult for a Rabbit man to resist cheating

The intimate life of the Rabbit and the Dragon is a logical continuation of their relationship. If they managed to gain mutual understanding, then sex will bring them the necessary passion and pleasure. However, if the partners do not want to adapt to the preferences of the spouse, then there can be no talk of any spiritual intimacy. Of course, there are times when this state of affairs suits both lovers. But in order to get to know your partner better, a man and a woman should change.

The problem is that it is difficult for a Rabbit (Cat) man to be faithful. But in an alliance with a Dragon woman, he will be devoted if the relationship is filled with harmony and mutual understanding. Then he will show himself as a passionate and affectionate partner.

Not a single union, even the most successful, is immune from possible conflicts. In order to avoid them, problems should be solved as they arise. This is extremely important for the Rabbit and Dragon tandem. Often a man born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat) is distinguished by a strong desire for independence. His chosen one devotes a lot of time to social activities. And the partners don’t even find a minute to discuss their accumulated differences.

In order to strengthen the union, spouses should think about a joint business or building a house. You should adopt the best qualities and traits inherent in your partner. The strong-willed character of the Dragon woman makes up for the lack of strength and confidence in the behavior of the Rabbit man (Cat). His companion needs to learn the pliability and patience of her husband.

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