Words that are written from tsy. Spelling words with combinations of qi and qi

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Class: 2


  • learn to spell combinations correctly chi-chi in words;
  • develop the skills of competent writing;
  • develop spelling vigilance;
  • develop monologue speech, attention, observation, thinking;
  • improve sanitary and hygienic skills;

Equipment: textbook, cards, support cards.

During the classes

I. Organization of the class.

Checking readiness for the lesson.

II. Work on the topic.

1) analysis of notebooks

- open notebooks. Take a look. You made me very happy.

We did the job without errors … People

1-2 mistakes were made … People

I was glad for the work: ...

They try: ...

I admire the notebooks: ...

Be careful. Try.

2) Work on the riddle

a) write on the board: (dedicated connection lcd, small color small)

Living in a difficult book lcd e
Cunning brothers shk and.
Ten of them, but these brothers
They will count everything in the world.

- Read (read independently)

- Read, prove what you read? (riddle, since the subject is described, but not named)

- Guess (numbers). prove.

- Re-read, think:

  • How many sounds [f] are in the riddle? (1)
  • How many sounds [w] are in the puzzle? (2)

- What can you say about these sounds? (always solid, paired in voicing and deafness, hissing)

- What letters represent these sounds? ("Same" "sha") cards Ж Ш on the board

b) min. calligraphy

- Pay attention to the spelling of these letters.

- Show of the teacher.

- Write down the connections of the ZhK ShK (show in words) (landing rule)

Outcome: Well done! They wrote it calligraphically correctly. We tried.

c) - What sibilant sounds do you still know? (h sch c)

- What letters represent sounds? ("Che" "schA" "tse")

on the board of the card ЧЦ Щ

- What spelling patterns with these letters do you know?

(ZhI - SHI I write with the vowel I; CHA - SHA I write with the vowel A; CHU - SHU I write with the vowel U)


- And what do we know about the spelling with C? (nothing)

d) Reread the riddle.

- What is it? (numbers)

- Let's perform a sound-letter parsing of the word "numbers" (children perform

independently) RULE OF LANDING


- Let's check how you did it?

- Who is it? (children honk in red; if green - why? I doubted)

- What's wrong with you? ( i post. "AND"; i post. "NS")

- And I didn’t put anything. Why do you think?

- I doubt which letter should be written.

- So what are we going to work on?

I post it on the board

3) Work in pairs.

a) - Take the green card.

- Read the assignment

- What's not clear? We are working.

b) Verification

- What two groups did you split the words into?

(words with orph. TSY with letter NS

words with spelling. QI with letter AND)

c) Reread the words of group I. (children read words)


- Reread the words.

TSY stands at the end of a word)

- Read the words of the II group. (children read words)

A card appears on the board. I emphasize the combination QI

- Reread the words.

- What interesting things have you noticed? ( QI in the middle of a word)

VERDICT: Well done! We found the spelling correctly and proved it.

OUTPUT: When is it written TSY with the letter Y (written at the end of a word)

- When it is written QI with the letter I (written in the middle of the word)


4) Work on the text.

- Take the envelopes, take out the cards.

- Read it. (children read)

- What have you read? (suggestions)

- Let's re-read. (read one sentence at a time)

- What do you think we will perform?

- Make a text out of these sentences.

Animals are also cold in winter. 5
Children are happy with the snow. 2
Birds have a hard time finding food. 4
So winter has come. 1
And the birds, the beasts? 3


- Read the text that you got. Prove. (this is a text, since all sentences are related in meaning, each next sentence continues the previous one)

- What is the text about? Theme (the onset of winter)

- Reread the text again.

- Find and write down sentences about birds.


- How many sentences did you write down?

- Read it.

- Find words with new spelling. Prove.

(TSY I write with the letter Y, because at the end of the word)

VERDICT: Well done! You did the job right.

5) I open the entry on the board:

- Read it. (read words in a chain)

- What interesting things have you noticed? ( TSY- in the middle of a word, but this cannot be)

- Guys, it turns out that there are words in the Russian language that do not fit the spelling. The spelling of these words must be remembered. These words are words of exception. EXCEPTIONAL WORDS

- To make it easier to remember the words, there is a rhyme that will help. (I say)

The gypsy stands on tiptoe and says "chick" to the chicken.

- Let's say it all together.

VERDICT: Well done! Memorize the spellings of these words to avoid mistakes.

6) Back to the word (scheme)


- What letter will we write in this word?

- Prove it. (I write the QI with the letter I, because the QI is in the middle of the word and there are no exceptions to this word in words)

- Proved correctly.

- Let's make a conclusion.

- When is it written with the letter I? (in the middle of a word)

- When is TsY written with the letter Y? (at the end of a word)

- Who remembered all the words of the exception?

- Name them.

VERDICT: Well done! Correctly proved and made a conclusion.

7) Independent work.

- Let's work on the task.

- Take the card (yellow)

b) Verification.

Read …… the words you wrote down.

What common? (there is a spelling in every word)

What is the word "superfluous"? (France - state, snowflake - orph.zhi - shi)

- Read the words in the spelling "I am writing with the letter y"

  • Gypsy
  • Streets
  • Chicks

- What is the word "superfluous"?

Gypsy (word exception)

- Read the words with the spelling "I write qi with the letter i"

  • France
  • Cylinder

- When is it written with the letter y? (at the end of a word and in words of exceptions)

- When is qi written with beech and? (in the middle of a word)

- What question were we looking for an answer to? (when words are written TSY, and when TSI)

- Have we answered this question?

- When is it written TSI with the letter Y, TSI with the letter I?

III. Reflection:

- Continue the sentence:

  • It was interesting to me…
  • I wanted…
  • I learned that ….
  • I managed…


- Guys, I was happy.

- You were real scientists. Found a spelling and proved it.

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Russian language - spelling:


Spelling tsy - qi and tse - tso

Letter NS after c written in noun endings (cucumber NS , No chicken NS ), in the endings and suffix -un adjectives ( kutz th, pale-faced th, sisters eun ).

In words c NS gan, c NS film, c NS kidneys, c NS c and in other words of the same roots ( c NS Ghanaian, c NS p-c NS n, on c NS kidneys, c NS kat etc.) is written tsy... Can remember: c NS gan na c NS kidney c NS film c NS whipped c NS c.
In the rest cases are written qi, for example: stanz and i, c and tata, c and pk, c and fra, c and rounder, c and mbaly, c and bik, c and nga, c and novka, c and boole, c and garka, c and Mlyanskoe.

In struck syllables according to pronunciation after c written O, for example: c O kat, c O stake, persons O, well done O m, father O in, pepper O out, face O vka, vytants O vomit, dance O R etc.
No accent after c instead of O written e, for example: towel e, finger e m, Komsomol e v, kuts e go, sitz e oh, well done e wool, gloss e hey dance e valiant, dance e vat, harz e vat, syringe e vat.



To main

Spelling words for letters from A before I AM see the list of letters >>>

The most important spelling rules.

The letters b and b.

In other cases, the letter is used as a separating mark b , for example: Boer b yang, v b young, sparrow b other, chickens b smart, fox b I am, fox b e, fox b and, nights b NS, mon b yana, under b yachy, gun b e, face b NS, gray b smart, h b e, h b I am, h b and.

Note 1. In many loan words, the letter b used as a separator before the letter O , for example: battle b he, bul b he, Gil b otina, pocket b ola, company b he, medal b he, min b he, pavil b he, honored b he, champin b he.

Note 2. Separating b not written in the following cases:

a) in complex abbreviated words: Gosyurizdat;

b) after prefixes and after the first part of compound words before a , O , at , NS : trouble-free, subdivision, insane, save, three-arshin, double decker.

Spelling sibilants with vowels.

9. After letters f , NS , h , SCH letters are not written in Russian words NS , I am , NS , and the letters are written and , a , at .

In some foreign words after f , and NS and also after c letters are written I am and NS : broch NS ra, f NS ri, C NS rih, Svents I am us.

Spelling TSI - TSI and TSE - CO.

10. Letter NS after c spelled in the endings of nouns ( ogur tsy , No chicken tsy ), in the endings and in the suffix - eun adjectives ( NS tsy th, pale-faced tsy th, sisters tsy n).

Besides, tsy written in words tsy gan, tsy films, tsy kidneys, tsy c, and in other words of the same root ( tsy ghanaian, tsy NS- tsy NS, on tsy kidneys, tsy kat etc.). In other cases, it is written qi , for example: mill qi I am, qi tata, qi pk, qi fra, qi roller, qi mbala, qi bic, qi nga, qi new, pan qi pb, qi boole, qi garka, qi Mlyanskoe.

11. In stressed syllables in accordance with the pronunciation after c written O , for example: tso kat, tso if, whether tso , young tso m, from tso v, lane tso out, obi tso wka, vytan tso pluck out, tan tso R etc.

No stress after c instead of O written e , for example: canvases tse , finger tse m, Komsomol tse v, NS tse th, sieve tse out, young tse wadded, I look tse twisted, tan tse gross, tan tse vat, gar tse vat, sprin tse vat.

Note. In unaccented syllables O spelled only in a word tso cat and some foreign words, for example: palace tso , sker tso .


Spelling TSY - TSI. 2nd grade


  • learn to spell combinations correctly chi-chi in words;
  • develop the skills of competent writing;
  • develop spelling vigilance;
  • develop monologue speech, attention, observation, thinking;
  • improve sanitary and hygienic skills;

Equipment: textbook, cards, support cards.

I. Organization of the class.

Checking readiness for the lesson.

II. Work on the topic.

1) analysis of notebooks

- open notebooks. Take a look. You made me very happy.

We did the job without errors … People

1-2 mistakes were made … People

I was glad for the work: ...

Be careful. Try.

2) Work on the riddle

a) write on the board: (dedicated connection lcd, small color small)

Living in a difficult book lcd e
Cunning brothers shk and.
Ten of them, but these brothers
They will count everything in the world.

- Read (read independently)

- Read, prove what you read? (riddle, since the subject is described, but not named)

- Guess (numbers). prove.

  • How many sounds [f] are in the riddle? (1)
  • How many sounds [w] are in the puzzle? (2)
  • - What can you say about these sounds? (always solid, paired in voicing and deafness, hissing)

    - What letters represent these sounds? ("Same" "sha") cards Ж Ш on the board

    b) min. calligraphy

    - Pay attention to the spelling of these letters.

    - Write down the connections of the ZhK ShK (show in words) (landing rule)

    Outcome: Well done! They wrote it calligraphically correctly. We tried.

    c) - What sibilant sounds do you still know? (h sch c)

    - What letters represent sounds? ("Che" "schA" "tse")

    on the board of the card ЧЦ Щ

    - What spelling patterns with these letters do you know?

    (ZhI - SHI I write with the vowel I; CHA - SHA I write with the vowel A; CHU - SHU I write with the vowel U)


    - And what do we know about the spelling with C? (nothing)

    d) Reread the riddle.

    - What is it? (numbers)

    - Let's perform a sound-letter parsing of the word "numbers" (children perform

    independently) RULE OF LANDING


    - Let's check how you did it?

    - Who is it? (children honk in red; if green - why? I doubted)

    - What's wrong with you? ( i post. "AND"; i post. "NS")

    - And I didn’t put anything. Why do you think?

    - I doubt which letter should be written.

    - So what are we going to work on?

    I post it on the board

    3) Work in pairs.

    a) - Take the green card.

    - What's not clear? We are working.

    - What two groups did you split the words into?

    (words with orph. TSY with letter NS

    words with spelling. QI with letter AND)

    c) Reread the words of group I. (children read words)


    TSY stands at the end of a word)

    - Read the words of the II group. (children read words)

    A card appears on the board. I emphasize the combination QI

    - What interesting things have you noticed? ( QI in the middle of a word)

    VERDICT: Well done! We found the spelling correctly and proved it.

    OUTPUT: When is it written TSY with the letter Y (written at the end of a word)

    - When it is written QI with the letter I (written in the middle of the word)


    4) Work on the text.

    - Take the envelopes, take out the cards.

    - Read it. (children read)

    - What have you read? (suggestions)

    - Let's re-read. (read one sentence at a time)

    - What do you think we will perform?

    - Make a text out of these sentences.

    Animals are also cold in winter. 5
    Children are happy with the snow. 2
    Birds have a hard time finding food. 4
    So winter has come. 1
    And the birds, the beasts? 3

    - Read the text that you got. Prove. (this is a text, since all sentences are related in meaning, each next sentence continues the previous one)

    - What is the text about? Theme (the onset of winter)

    - Reread the text again.

    - Find and write down sentences about birds.


    - How many sentences did you write down?

    - Find words with new spelling. Prove.

    (TSY I write with the letter Y, because at the end of the word)

    VERDICT: Well done! You did the job right.

    5) I open the entry on the board:

    - Read it. (read words in a chain)

    - What interesting things have you noticed? ( TSY- in the middle of a word, but this cannot be)

    - Guys, it turns out that there are words in the Russian language that do not fit the spelling. The spelling of these words must be remembered. These words are words of exception. EXCEPTIONAL WORDS

    - To make it easier to remember the words, there is a rhyme that will help. (I say)

    The gypsy stands on tiptoe and says "chick" to the chicken.

    - Let's say it all together.

    VERDICT: Well done! Memorize the spellings of these words to avoid mistakes.

    6) Back to the word (scheme)

    - What letter will we write in this word?

    - Prove it. (I write the QI with the letter I, because the QI is in the middle of the word and there are no exceptions to this word in words)

    - Let's make a conclusion.

    - When is it written with the letter I? (in the middle of a word)

    - When is TsY written with the letter Y? (at the end of a word)

    - Who remembered all the words of the exception?

    VERDICT: Well done! Correctly proved and made a conclusion.

    7) Independent work.

    - Let's work on the task.

    - Take the card (yellow)

    Read …… the words you wrote down.

    What common? (there is a spelling in every word)

    What is the word "superfluous"? (France - state, snowflake - orph.zhi - shi)

    - Read the words in the spelling "I am writing with the letter y"

    - What is the word "superfluous"?

    Gypsy (word exception)

    - Read the words with the spelling "I write qi with the letter i"

    - When is it written with the letter y? (at the end of a word and in words of exceptions)

    - When is qi written with beech and? (in the middle of a word)

    - What question were we looking for an answer to? (when words are written TSY, and when TSI)

    - Have we answered this question?

    - When is it written TSI with the letter Y, TSI with the letter I?

    III. Reflection:

  • It was interesting to me…
  • I wanted…
  • I learned that ….
  • I managed…
  • - Guys, I was happy.

    - You were real scientists. Found a spelling and proved it.

    xn - i1abbnckbmcl9fb.xn - p1ai

    School XXI century

    (c) we all learned a little

    Dictation: combinations of qi, qi

    A funny reminder! to make it easier to remember words in which in the root words after C written AND, learn this saying with your children:

    Tsy gan na tsy kidneys approached ts s film
    and tsy threw at him: "Tsy ts!"

    After t, the letter y is written in the endings and in the suffix -yn, for example: birds, sheep, cucumbers, white-faced, sistersyn, lisitsyn, as well as in the words of gypsies, chicken, tiptoe, tsyts (interjection) and in other words of the same root. In other cases, after c is always written and, for example: station, mat, zinc, medicine.

    qi, qi.

    Fathers, fighters, blacksmiths, knitting needles, pages, bulbs, drummers, palaces, chicken, chick, tiptoe, birds, streets, vendors, cucumbers. (16 words.)

    Write down the words. Underline combinations qi, qi.

    Hares, foxes, tits, borders, singers, fingers, station, acacia, compasses, circus, zinc, figure, gypsy, circus, compasses, figure, station. (17 words.)

    Write words in the plural.

    Father - fathers fighter, blacksmith, hare, cucumber, end, fox, tit, palace, finger, knitting needle, onion, border, caterpillar.

    Outline of a lesson in the Russian language (grade 3) on the topic:

    Russian language lesson in grade 3.

    Russian language lesson in grade 3

    Topic: Spelling TSI and TSI. Anchoring.

    Lesson type: knowledge consolidation lesson.

    Technologies used: technologies of activity learning, student-centered learning, pedagogy of cooperation, information and communication technologies, TRIZ, problem-dialogue learning, technology for the development of critical thinking.

    Lesson objectives: to create conditions for the active consolidation of the spelling of the combinations QI and TSI, taking into account the structure of the word and the meaning of morphemes.

    - to enrich the vocabulary of students;

    - improve spelling knowledge and skills.

    - development of the ability to formulate and prove your point of view;

    - development of skills to analyze, compare, generalize;

    - develop the ability to apply new knowledge;

    - development of creative, speech abilities of students;

    - the formation of logical skills;

    - development of group and pair work skills.

    - education of a value attitude to the word;

    - creation of a favorable atmosphere of support and interest, respect and cooperation;

    - interaction of students in group and pair work: the development of respect for each other.

    2. Present information in the form of a diagram.

    3. Predict the work ahead.

    1. Formation of the ability to listen and hear.

    Equipment: cards for individual work, computer, presentation, visualization for board decoration.

    My friends, I am very glad to enter your friendly class. And for me the reward is the attention of your clever eyes. I wish you a great mood and good luck with this lesson. And what do we learn in Russian lessons? (Correctly, beautifully, correctly speaking and writing). To prepare our tongues to give only correct and competent answers, let's start the lesson with a clean phrase, which will also cheer us up.

    For smiling.

    - For shaking your hand.

    - How I like you!

    - You don't pretend at all,

    You try to understand me

    You are coming towards me!

  • Updating basic knowledge.
  • 1) A poem is given on the cards and on the slide. Let's read it.

    Ts.filok performed in the c.rke

    He played the ts.balah,

    I was driving a motorcycle bike,

    And he knew a lot of c.fr.

    He got out of the cylinder

    Carrots and cucumber.

    And I didn’t know only one thing,

    Where do they write TSI, where QI:

    - Guys, do you understand all the words in this poem? How can we find out the meaning of words we do not understand? (Use the dictionary). Guys, how can you find the meaning of the desired word in the dictionary? Probably, this is a very long time, because there are a lot of words in the dictionary, until we read everything. (All words in the dictionary are in alphabetical order). Now we need to find in the dictionary the meaning of the words "cylinder" and "cymbals", they both begin with C, how do we know which word will appear in the dictionary first? (Look at 2 and then 3 letters, the word "cylinder" will come before the word "cymbals").

    Two students read the meanings of the words from the explanatory dictionary. The sound of cymbals turns on.

    1) What did the chicken not know from this poem? Do you know? Today I invite you to become connoisseurs of the Russian language and play the game “What? Where? How?".

    - So, what will be the theme of our game? - "Spelling of combinations TSY and TSI. Fixing."

    - What goal will we set for ourselves? - "Exercise in the correct spelling of words with combinations of TSI and TSI"

    - And during the lesson we will answer three questions from the name of our game.

    WHERE should you check?

    Let's answer the first question:

    What should be checked? The letters of the vowel sounds Y or I after Ts ..

    Where should you check? At the root, ending, or suffix.

    How should you check? Apply the rule.

  • Solution of the educational problem.
    1. Let us now recall the rule about spelling the combinations of ЦЫ and ЦИ. To do this, there are signs on the board, from which you need to make a rule.
    2. - What do you need to know in order to correctly write the letter of the vowel after the C? (what part of the word is the spelling)

      If [TsY] is in the root, then we write TsI, except for the words of exceptions: gypsy, chicks, chick, chick, chick.

      If [TsY] is at the end - write Y.

      If [TsY] is in the suffix -YN - write Y.

      If [ЦЫ] is in nouns ending in –tia, write I.

      And now, who can, using the diagram on the blackboard, tell when, after C, we write N, and when I. (Answers of the students)

    3. Now, applying this rule, let's complete the task. (Two students take turns to the blackboard (work with the words "circus", "collection", then four go out and work in pairs, one pair chooses words with the letter Y, another pair of words with the letter I) go out and work in pairs, the rest work in pairs in the card) Verification.
    4. Reflection. Assess yourself. If you completed this task without difficulty and mistakes, draw a smiley on the top step, if you made one mistake, then on the middle step, and if it was difficult for you to cope with this task, then on the bottom step.

    5. Primary anchoring. Work in pairs.
    6. Guys, next to the words of the first column, I will put a question mark. Why do you think? I'll tell you - put an emphasis on these words. (The student at the blackboard puts emphasis on the words, the rest are in the notebook). What have you noticed? What two groups can these words be divided into? (On words where the combination of Chi is stressed, and on words with an unstressed combination of Chi).
    7. Now complete this task. (on cards). Insert the missing letters, pick up a test word, sort the words by composition. Three pairs of children are working at the blackboard.
    8. Chain, rated, digital

      So what is the conclusion? Is it always possible to write in the root of a word after the letter I? (No, not always, if under stress, then we write AND or Ы in exception words, and if without stress, then you need to either check or look in the dictionary)

    9. Independent work. Test.
    10. Now let's check how you can apply the rule. Let's do our own work. Insert missing letters into words.

      Foxes.n, port.i, chick., Prince., C.of films, fingers., C.fry, cucumber, c.rk, c.cat, c.rkul, dance ..

      1. Incorporation of new knowledge into the knowledge system and repetition.
      2. The famous teacher of the Russian language and literature, Yuli Anatolyevich Khalfin, wrote a poem in which he collected the words for the rule that we were working on today. Let's read it.

      The chickens lay on the mat all day.

      The chickens suffered terribly from scurvy.

      The gypsy takes them on tiptoe to the hospital.

      Doctor Tsibuli told them to be treated there.

      - Explain the meaning of the highlighted words. What is the doctor told the chickens to treat for scurvy? This item is in my box. It can be red, white, green, and even pearl. But the most popular is onion. What is it? (Onion)

      (There was a doctor in a dressing gown, like a beetle in a shell.

      "Tsibulya," he said, "not a potion, but an onion.")

      Mat - A dense wicker product made of straw, reeds for laying on the floor, for packing.

      Scurvy - A disease caused by a lack of vitamins in the body and manifested in loosening and bleeding of the gingival mucosa, in muscle-vascular pain, weakness

    11. Onions, like other vegetables or fruits, are very beneficial for our health. Let's come up with riddles about vegetables or fruits, and we will get a kind of vitamin salad of riddles that we will hang on the board. And in order for us to get a riddle, we need to fill in such a table. In the first column, write down the words that answer the question which one? (bow), and in the second - what is the same. Let's practice.
    12. Now try to write a riddle about any vegetable or fruit. You can do it on your own, or you can in a couple or group. Children write riddles, several riddles are read out.
    13. Was today's lesson helpful to you? How?

      What tasks seemed necessary to you?

      What tasks did you find difficult?

      What tasks did you like?

    14. Write out three phraseological units from the dictionary with words with combinations of Tsi and TsI, write down sentences.
    15. Come up with assignments for classmates on the topic "Spelling TSI and TSI". (Vocabulary dictation, cards, crossword puzzle, text for cheating with missing letters, test)
    16. Preview:

      Slide captions:

      Russian language lesson grade 3 Spelling TSI and TSI. Anchoring.

      - How I like you! - For what? - For smiling. - How I like you! - For what? - For shaking your hand. - How I like you! - For what? - You are not pretending at all, You are trying to understand me, You are going to meet me!

      Ts.filok performed in the central club He played on the central ball, He drove around on the motorcycle bike, And he knew a lot of c.fr. He took out Carrots and cucumbers from the cylinder. And only one thing I did not know, Where they write TSI, where TSI: Kollets.ya, Sinits.n, Spets.ya and Spits.n.



      WHAT should be checked? The letters of the vowel sounds Ы or И after Ц. WHERE should you check? At the root, suffix, endings of words. HOW should you check? Apply the rule.

      CHECK YOURSELF! Foxes Y n portz I chick S prince Y c Y films of fingers Y c I fry cucumber Y c I rk c Y kat c I rkul dance Y

      The chickens lay on the mat all day. The chickens suffered terribly from scurvy. The gypsy takes them on tiptoe to the hospital. Doctor Tsibuli told them to be treated there. There was a doctor in a dressing gown, like a beetle in the shell. "Tsibulya," he said, "not a potion, but an onion."

      Composing a riddle Fill in the table with which one? (bow) what (who) is it? Round ball Bitter medicine Useful milk Resentment cries from it 2. Combining what is written in both columns of the table with words but not, read the riddle

      Round, but not a ball. Bitter, but not a cure. Healthy, but not milk. They cry from him, but no offense.


      Self-analysis of the lesson of the primary school teacher Nosova Anna Lvovna

      Spelling TSI and TSI. Anchoring.

      Technologies used in the lesson

    • Technology of pedagogical cooperation
    • - technology of problem-dialogue learning

    • Health-saving technologies
    • Person-centered approach
    • Methods by source of knowledge

    • verbal;
    • practical;
    • pictorial
    • Methods for the level of cognitive activity

    • reproductive (reproduction of previously acquired knowledge in the course of a conversation);
    • partial search.
    • Methods of mental activity

    • analysis;
    • synthesis;
    • observation;
    • comparison;
    • generalization.
    • the principle of a differentiated approach;
    • the principle of visibility;
    • the principle of accessibility (the material is selected taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of students).
    • Motivation for learning at different stages of the lesson

    • emotional methods - encouragement, creation of a situation of success;
    • cognitive methods - a creative task;
    • social methods - creating a situation of mutual assistance, cooperation.
    • Pair and group, collective, individual

      Lesson objectives: to create conditions for the active consolidation of the spelling of the combinations QI and TSI, taking into account the structure of the word and the meaning of morphemes.

      - to consolidate the spelling algorithm of letter combinations ЦЫ ICI;

      - repeat morphemic parsing of words;

      - implementation of the system-activity approach;

      - development of critical thinking;

      - development of the ability to rely on the studied material;

      - fostering interest and respect for the native language;

      - creation of a favorable atmosphere of support and interest, respect and cooperation;

      1. We develop the ability to extract information from diagrams, illustrations, texts.

      3. Reveal the essence, features of objects.

      4. Draw conclusions based on the analysis of objects.

      5. Summarize and classify according to characteristics.

      1. Evaluate learning activities in accordance with the task at hand.

      4. Carry out cognitive and personal reflection.

      2. Ability to clearly and clearly state your opinion, build speech structures.

      3. Ability to build productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults.

      When building the lesson, I used the principles: scientific, problematic, visibility, activity, accessibility, consistency and consistency.

      To achieve the set goals of the lesson, I have chosen: methods of the means - problematic (language material), visual (cards for pair work, table, diagram).

      In this lesson, work was carried out on the formation of universal educational actions.

      The work was carried out in the lesson:

      - to master the skills and abilities of oral and written speech;

      - by parsing words by composition.

      The topic, purpose, content of the lesson correspond to the level of assimilation of students' knowledge and the level of formation of their skills. Each stage of the lesson was a continuation of the previous one and preparation for the next.

      The didactic task of each stage, its content, methods and techniques of teaching, forms of organizing the cognitive activity of students and the real result are organically interconnected.

      In the lesson, I tried to create an atmosphere of openness, benevolence, co-creation and communication, including the emotional sphere of the child.

      The use of ICT technology made it possible to increase the motivation of students, to present the studied material on the topic more clearly (it is well known that with a complex perception of information using the organs of sight and hearing, the amount of information received increases to 65%), independent work made it possible to quickly track the progress of students on the topic ...

      I believe that the lesson is consistent with the set goals and objectives. The children coped with the proposed tasks in the lesson, which means that the goal of the lesson has been achieved.

      The following teaching methods were used in the lesson: visual and illustrative, control (self-control, self-esteem), verbal, practical. For the effective systematization of knowledge, the technique of drawing up a scheme was used, which children will use in the next lessons, which contributes to the development of logical actions: analysis, synthesis, generalization.

      I have used teaching technologies that meet the requirements of the FSES of the second generation: student-centered learning, pedagogy of cooperation, information and communication, TRKM, TRIZ, health-saving technologies, problem-dialogue learning.

      The activity of the students was at a high level. The material was mastered, as the children were able to apply the knowledge gained. In the classroom, I try to develop the independence of students, from independent goal-setting to summing up.

      The student assessment system that was presented (self-assessment sheet) is very effective because children become more active and everyone sees the result of their activities and can evaluate themselves.

      The lesson plan is fully completed. I think that the time in the lesson was distributed rationally.

      I try to give a positive emotional attitude at the beginning and at the end of each lesson, which creates a so-called situation of success for each student, which means that there is more desire to learn, and, therefore, to master the material well.

      The lesson was in the nature of friendly cooperation both between teacher and students, and among students.


    • learn to spell combinations correctly chi-chi in words;
    • develop the skills of competent writing;
    • develop spelling vigilance;
    • develop monologue speech, attention, observation, thinking;
    • improve sanitary and hygienic skills;
    • Equipment: textbook, cards, support cards.

      I. Organization of the class.

      Checking readiness for the lesson.

      II. Work on the topic.

      1) analysis of notebooks

      - open notebooks. Take a look. You made me very happy.

      We did the job without errors … People

      1-2 mistakes were made … People

      I was glad for the work: ...

      Be careful. Try.

      2) Work on the riddle

      a) write on the board: (dedicated connection lcd, small color small)

      Living in a difficult book lcd e
      Cunning brothers shk and.
      Ten of them, but these brothers
      They will count everything in the world.

      - Read (read independently)

      - Read, prove what you read? (riddle, since the subject is described, but not named)

      - Guess (numbers). prove.

    • How many sounds [f] are in the riddle? (1)
    • How many sounds [w] are in the puzzle? (2)
    • - What can you say about these sounds? (always solid, paired in voicing and deafness, hissing)

      - What letters represent these sounds? ("Same" "sha") cards Ж Ш on the board

      b) min. calligraphy

      - Pay attention to the spelling of these letters.

      - Write down the connections of the ZhK ShK (show in words) (landing rule)

      Outcome: Well done! They wrote it calligraphically correctly. We tried.

      c) - What sibilant sounds do you still know? (h sch c)

      - What letters represent sounds? ("Che" "schA" "tse")

      on the board of the card ЧЦ Щ

      - What spelling patterns with these letters do you know?

      (ZhI - SHI I write with the vowel I; CHA - SHA I write with the vowel A; CHU - SHU I write with the vowel U)


      - And what do we know about the spelling with C? (nothing)

      d) Reread the riddle.

      - What is it? (numbers)

      - Let's perform a sound-letter parsing of the word "numbers" (children perform

      independently) RULE OF LANDING


      - Let's check how you did it?

      - Who is it? (children honk in red; if green - why? I doubted)

      - What's wrong with you? ( i post. "AND"; i post. "NS")

      - And I didn’t put anything. Why do you think?

      - I doubt which letter should be written.

      - So what are we going to work on?

      I post it on the board

      3) Work in pairs.

      a) - Take the green card.

      - What's not clear? We are working.

      - What two groups did you split the words into?

      (words with orph. TSY with letter NS

      words with spelling. QI with letter AND)

      c) Reread the words of group I. (children read words)


      TSY stands at the end of a word)

      - Read the words of the II group. (children read words)

      A card appears on the board. I emphasize the combination QI

      - What interesting things have you noticed? ( QI in the middle of a word)

      VERDICT: Well done! We found the spelling correctly and proved it.

      OUTPUT: When is it written TSY with the letter Y (written at the end of a word)

      - When it is written QI with the letter I (written in the middle of the word)


      4) Work on the text.

      - Take the envelopes, take out the cards.

      - Read it. (children read)

      - What have you read? (suggestions)

      - Let's re-read. (read one sentence at a time)

      - What do you think we will perform?

      - Make a text out of these sentences.

      Animals are also cold in winter. 5
      Children are happy with the snow. 2
      Birds have a hard time finding food. 4
      So winter has come. 1
      And the birds, the beasts? 3

      - Read the text that you got. Prove. (this is a text, since all sentences are related in meaning, each next sentence continues the previous one)

      - What is the text about? Theme (the onset of winter)

      - Reread the text again.

      - Find and write down sentences about birds.


      - How many sentences did you write down?

      - Find words with new spelling. Prove.

      (TSY I write with the letter Y, because at the end of the word)

      VERDICT: Well done! You did the job right.

      5) I open the entry on the board:

      - Read it. (read words in a chain)

      - What interesting things have you noticed? ( TSY- in the middle of a word, but this cannot be)

      - Guys, it turns out that there are words in the Russian language that do not fit the spelling. The spelling of these words must be remembered. These words are words of exception. EXCEPTIONAL WORDS

      - To make it easier to remember the words, there is a rhyme that will help. (I say)

      The gypsy stands on tiptoe and says "chick" to the chicken.

      - Let's say it all together.

      VERDICT: Well done! Memorize the spellings of these words to avoid mistakes.

      6) Back to the word (scheme)

      - What letter will we write in this word?

      - Prove it. (I write the QI with the letter I, because the QI is in the middle of the word and there are no exceptions to this word in words)

      - Let's make a conclusion.

      - When is it written with the letter I? (in the middle of a word)

      - When is TsY written with the letter Y? (at the end of a word)

      - Who remembered all the words of the exception?

      VERDICT: Well done! Correctly proved and made a conclusion.

      7) Independent work.

      - Let's work on the task.

      - Take the card (yellow)

      Read …… the words you wrote down.

      What common? (there is a spelling in every word)

      What is the word "superfluous"? (France - state, snowflake - orph.zhi - shi)

      - Read the words in the spelling "I am writing with the letter y"

      - What is the word "superfluous"?

      Gypsy (word exception)

      - Read the words with the spelling "I write qi with the letter i"

      - When is it written with the letter y? (at the end of a word and in words of exceptions)

      - When is qi written with beech and? (in the middle of a word)

      - What question were we looking for an answer to? (when words are written TSY, and when TSI)

      - Have we answered this question?

      - When is it written TSI with the letter Y, TSI with the letter I?

      III. Reflection:

      • It was interesting to me…
      • I wanted…
      • I learned that ….
      • I managed…
      • - Guys, I was happy.

        - You were real scientists. Found a spelling and proved it.

        xn - i1abbnckbmcl9fb.xn - p1ai


        To main

        Spelling words for letters from A before I AM see the list of letters >>>

        The most important spelling rules.

        The letters b and b.

        In other cases, the letter is used as a separating mark b , for example: Boer b yang, v b young, sparrow b other, chickens b smart, fox b I am, fox b e, fox b and, nights b NS, mon b yana, under b yachy, gun b e, face b NS, gray b smart, h b e, h b I am, h b and.

        Note 1. In many loan words, the letter b used as a separator before the letter O , for example: battle b he, bul b he, Gil b otina, pocket b ola, company b he, medal b he, min b he, pavil b he, honored b he, champin b he.

        Note 2. Separating b not written in the following cases:

        a) in complex abbreviated words: Gosyurizdat;

        b) after prefixes and after the first part of compound words before a , O , at , NS : trouble-free, subdivision, insane, save, three-arshin, double decker.

        Spelling sibilants with vowels.

        9. After letters f , NS , h , SCH letters are not written in Russian words NS , I am , NS , and the letters are written and , a , at .

        In some foreign words after f , and NS and also after c letters are written I am and NS : broch NS ra, f NS ri, C NS rih, Svents I am us.

        Spelling TSI - TSI and TSE - CO.

        10. Letter NS after c spelled in the endings of nouns ( ogur tsy , No chicken tsy ), in the endings and in the suffix - eun adjectives ( NS tsy th, pale-faced tsy th, sisters tsy n).

        Besides, tsy written in words tsy gan, tsy films, tsy kidneys, tsy c, and in other words of the same root ( tsy ghanaian, tsy NS- tsy NS, on tsy kidneys, tsy kat etc.). In other cases, it is written qi , for example: mill qi I am, qi tata, qi pk, qi fra, qi roller, qi mbala, qi bic, qi nga, qi new, pan qi pb, qi boole, qi garka, qi Mlyanskoe.

        11. In stressed syllables in accordance with the pronunciation after c written O , for example: tso kat, tso if, whether tso , young tso m, from tso v, lane tso out, obi tso wka, vytan tso pluck out, tan tso R etc.

        No stress after c instead of O written e , for example: canvases tse , finger tse m, Komsomol tse v, NS tse th, sieve tse out, young tse wadded, I look tse twisted, tan tse gross, tan tse vat, gar tse vat, sprin tse vat.

        Note. In unaccented syllables O spelled only in a word tso cat and some foreign words, for example: palace tso , sker tso .



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        Russian language - spelling:


        Spelling tsy - qi and tse - tso

        Letter NS after c written in noun endings (cucumber NS , No chicken NS ), in the endings and suffix -un adjectives ( kutz th, pale-faced th, sisters eun ).

        In words c NS gan, c NS film, c NS kidneys, c NS c and in other words of the same roots ( c NS Ghanaian, c NS p-c NS n, on c NS kidneys, c NS kat etc.) is written tsy... Can remember: c NS gan na c NS kidney c NS film c NS whipped c NS c.
        In the rest cases are written qi, for example: stanz and i, c and tata, c and pk, c and fra, c and rounder, c and mbaly, c and bik, c and nga, c and novka, c and boole, c and garka, c and Mlyanskoe.

        In struck syllables according to pronunciation after c written O, for example: c O kat, c O stake, persons O, well done O m, father O in, pepper O out, face O vka, vytants O vomit, dance O R etc.
        No accent after c instead of O written e, for example: towel e, finger e m, Komsomol e v, kuts e go, sitz e oh, well done e wool, gloss e hey dance e valiant, dance e vat, harz e vat, syringe e vat.


        Alphabet truths

        Interactive dictation

        Textbook GRAMOTA: spelling

        GRAMOTA Tutorial: Punctuation

        Names and titles. Interactive simulator

        useful links

        Summer reading


        Quotes about language

        Tongue Twisters

        Proverbs and sayings

        Choose the correct answer options. To check the completed task, click the "Check" button.

        Spelling S and I after Ts

        In order to accurately choose the letter Y or I after C, it is necessary to determine in which part of the word the dubious vowel is located.
        1. In the roots of words after TS, you should write the letter I (for example: CIRCUS, QUOTE) in all words, except for the exception words: GYPSY, CHICKEN, CHICKEN, QYKNUT, TSYTS.
        2. In the endings and suffixes after C, Y is written (for example: FIGHTER-Y, OGURTS-Y, SISTERS-YN, TSARITS-YN-O). The exceptions here are the verb MUSIC, as well as all nouns that end in - ЦИЯ in the nominative case (for example: STATION, POSITION, ACTION).

        1. “Please wait a little,” said the official, putting down a c_fru on paper with one hand and moving two points on the scores with the fingers of his left hand. (N. Gogol)

        2. The blood of everyone who heard this she-wolf and weeping froze, and the insane, mortal fear, taking away their minds, drove them into the cracks, into the deepest and narrowest holes. (R. Krapp)

        3. - Where are you, beast, cut off your nose? She screamed in anger. - Scammer! drunkard! I myself will report the policemen _ and. What a robber! (N. Gogol)

        4. Stepan Trofimovich deliberately in the stupidest way sometimes translated Russian proverbs and radical sayings into French, no doubt being able to understand and translate better; but he did this out of a special kind of glamor and found him witty. (F. Dostoevsky)

        5. The newspaper can lose its reputation. If everyone starts to write that his nose has run out, then. And so it is already said that many incongruities and false rumors are being published. (N. Gogol)

        6. The private was a great promoter of all arts and manufactories, but he preferred the state banknote to everything. "This is a thing," he used to say, "there is nothing better than this thing: it doesn’t ask for food, it will take a little space, it will always fit in your pocket, if you drop it, it will not hurt." (N. Gogol)

        7. At this time, Ivan Yakovlevich looked out through the door of the c ryelnik, but as fearfully as a cat that had just been whipped for stealing bacon. (N. Gogol)

        8. The motor pots _ feces and stops. (V. Nabokov)

        9. ... This was a silent white-faced man, with short, hard hair standing on end on a cubic skull and a fishy gaze of cold eyes, a Latinist by profession, and later a rather prominent Soviet official. (V. Nabokov)

        10. I always wanted to find a true friend, we would play music with him, he would have left me a house and a flower garden as an inheritance. (V. Nabokov)

        11. Do you remember we once had breakfast at his hotel, on the luxurious, multi-tiered border of Italy, where asphalt endlessly multiplies with glitz and the air smells of rubber and paradise? (V. Nabokov)

        12. All mental illnesses can be explained by the subconscious memory of the misfortunes of the patient's ancestors, and if the patient suffers from, say, megalomania, then in order to completely cure him, one has only to establish which of his great-grandfathers was a power-hungry loser. (V. Nabokov)

        13. This dissertation - I deftly and painfully pricked the then Slavophiles and at once gave him numerous and furious enemies between them. (F. Dostoevsky)

        14. Grinning, he threw off his little jacket, pulled off a shaggy dark sweatshirt over his head. (V. Nabokov)

        15. But at that time he became a Sambitz and, with particular haste, ordered to assure himself once and for all that his career had been broken for his whole life by a "whirlwind of circumstances." (F. Dostoevsky.)

        16. Thought is c _ nic; but the sublimity of the organization even sometimes contributes to an inclination towards central thoughts, already on the basis of the versatility of development alone. (F. Dostoevsky)

        17. It was one hallucinus before the illness, especially since that very night he really fell ill for two whole weeks. (F. Dostoevsky)

        19. Abroad Shatov radically changed some of his former socialist convictions and jumped to the opposite extreme. (F. Dostoevsky)

        20. Nationality, if you like, has never appeared in our country except in the form of a lordly club venture, and, in addition, a Moscow one. (F. Dostoevsky)

        21. While waiting, they gave the venerable and offended Peter Pavlovich a whole sheep: they hugged and kissed him; the whole city was visiting him. (F. Dostoevsky)

        22. Gropingly he went to the left, to the kitchen door, found it, walked the senz _ and went down the stairs. (F. Dostoevsky)

        23. Still friends, still drinking, club and cards, and my reputation as an atheist. I don't like this reputation, Stepan Trofimovich. (F. Dostoevsky)

        24. I even went out for a walk, for the necessary moz_onu, only in complete twilight, when it was already completely dark. (F. Dostoevsky)

        25. All our people from the very beginning were officially forewarned that Stepan Trofimovich would not receive for some time and asked to leave him in perfect peace. (F. Dostoevsky)

        26. - Alexey Nilych themselves had just come from abroad _, after a four-year absence, - Liputin picked up, - they went to improve themselves in their specialty. (F. Dostoevsky)

        27. They only collect observations, and do not touch the essence of the question, or, so to speak, the moral side of it, and even reject morality itself, but stick to the newest prince of universal destruction for good final purposes. (F. Dostoevsky)

        28. Many metropolitan and provincial newspapers and other magazines are published in Russia, and they report many incidents every day. (F. Dostoevsky)

        29. By the way: there are eunuchs here in the district, a curious people. (F. Dostoevsky)

        30. Her husband brought her daughter somewhere in Turts, and for twelve years there was no hearing. (F. Dostoevsky)

        31. She stood over him for three minutes, barely catching her breath, and suddenly fear embraced her; she walked out on the kidneys, paused at the door, hastily crossed him and left unnoticed, with a new heavy sensation and with a new longing. (F. Dostoevsky)

        32. At the entrance to our huge market square, there is a dilapidated church of the Nativity of the Virgin _, which is a remarkable antiquity in our ancient city. (F. Dostoevsky)

        33. Waking up the next day, fresh as an apple, he immediately went to the Ts _ Gan camp, located across the river in the suburb, which he heard about yesterday at the club, and did not appear at the hotel for two days. (F. Dostoevsky)

        34. - How so, would you go to the top five if I offered you? - Verkhovensky suddenly blurted out and put the scissors on the table. (F. Dostoevsky)

        35. He decided to refer directly to the newspaper dispatcher and in advance to make the public with a detailed description of all the qualities, so that everyone who met him could at the same moment introduce him to him, or at least let him know about his place of stay. (N. Gogol)

        36. I will not describe in detail the picture of the fire: who does not know it in Russia? In the nearest alleys from the blazing streets, there was an exorbitant bustle and crampedness. (F. Dostoevsky)

        37. It turned out that one landowner, Nadezhda Yegorovna Svetlitsa, had told her to wait for herself in Khatovo yesterday and promised to take her to Spasov, but she never came. (F. Dostoevsky)

        38. Varvara Petrovna seized her by the hand like a kite and film, and swiftly dragged her towards Stepan Trofimovich. (F. Dostoevsky)

        39. The main thing that vexed everyone was that out of all the confusion that seemed to be there was nothing in common and binding. (F. Dostoevsky)

        40. The water licked the low bank, covered with reeds, daffodils and tense flesh of unblown irises. (J. Updike)

        41. The most noble and impeccable indignation kindled in her soul when, putting on a shawl, she caught the embarrassed and mistrustful look of her pupils _. (F. Dostoevsky)

        42. There was, for example, one moment in Solzhenitsa's Cancer Ward, when Russian prose, and with it the writer himself, came within two or three paragraphs to a decisive breakthrough. (I. Brodsky)

        43. Because - be patient, children, there are only seven minutes left to suffer - although potentially each cell individually is immortal, but, voluntarily assuming a differentiated function within an organized community of cells, it finds itself in an unfavorable environment. (J. Updike)

        44. The carcass of a brontosaurus weighed thirty tons, and the brain - only two ounces _ and. (J. Updike)

        45. But just as on a sheet of paper, shaded with a black pencil, the worn-out initiales and inscriptions that had long since been painted over on the lid of the school desk appear, this picture again revived in me longing and fear for my father. (J. Updike)

        46. ​​The boy wanted to become a doctor of medicine, but did not finish his studies and now he became a flayer. (J. Updike)

        47. Ducks and frogs vying with each other hoarsely and gleefully shouted on the swampy lake, peeping through the thickets of cherries, lindens, acats and wild apple trees. (J. Updike)

        48. I always drank lemonade here, as if saying goodbye to Ts _ Vilisaz _ her before diving into that dark wilderness, which, by some ridiculous mistake, became our home. (J. Updike)

        School XXI century

        (c) we all learned a little

        Dictation: combinations of qi, qi

        A funny reminder! to make it easier to remember words in which in the root words after C written AND, learn this saying with your children:

        Tsy gan na tsy kidneys approached ts s film
        and tsy threw at him: "Tsy ts!"

        After t, the letter y is written in the endings and in the suffix -yn, for example: birds, sheep, cucumbers, white-faced, sistersyn, lisitsyn, as well as in the words of gypsies, chicken, tiptoe, tsyts (interjection) and in other words of the same root. In other cases, after c is always written and, for example: station, mat, zinc, medicine.

        qi, qi.

        Fathers, fighters, blacksmiths, knitting needles, pages, bulbs, drummers, palaces, chicken, chick, tiptoe, birds, streets, vendors, cucumbers. (16 words.)

        Write down the words. Underline combinations qi, qi.

        Hares, foxes, tits, borders, singers, fingers, station, acacia, compasses, circus, zinc, figure, gypsy, circus, compasses, figure, station. (17 words.)

        Write words in the plural.

        Father - fathers fighter, blacksmith, hare, cucumber, end, fox, tit, palace, finger, knitting needle, onion, border, caterpillar.

      Name of the teacher: Zodbaeva I.V.

      class: 1 "B" MBOU "School No. 20"

      Subject: Russian


      The purpose of the teacher : create conditions for the formation of knowledge about the features of the sound [c] as always solid, spelling skills of words with combinationsqi, tse, tsy in the middle of a word.

      Planned results (UUD):

      subject: learn to write words with combinationsqi , tse , tsy under stress, vocabulary words defined by the program, write off a small text according to the rules of copying, indicate the learned spelling;

      metasubject : regulatory- accept and save the educational task;cognitive- they understand the question asked, in accordance with it they construct an oral answer;communicative- adequately use the means of oral communication to solve communication problems;

      personal UUD: have an understanding of the reasons for academic success.

      Educational resources: cards with letters; task cards; test.

      During the classes

      I. Organizational moment.

      There are many interesting things in the world

      We are sometimes unknown.

      There is no limit to the world of knowledge.

      So hurry up, friends, get down to business!

      II. Calligraphy.

      1. Pure phrases.

      Ji-ji-ji - hedgehogs live in the forest.

      Shi-shi-shi - there are pencils in the box.

      Anishit Yokopovna proposes to write letters that denote only solid consonants.

      Guess the riddles:

      This letter is wide

      And it looks like a beetle.

      And at the same time, it is definitely a beetle

      Makes a whirring sound.


      Shura stirred the hay,

      I forgot the pitchfork in the hay.


      The letter "..." is a hook at the bottom,

      Exactly with a faucet tank.(C.)

      2. Working with a sound bar.

      Anishit Yokopovna waved her sleeve, and the letters Ш, Ж, Ц appeared (on the board).

      Asyrk and Tork noticed the mistake made by the Sorceress. Have you noticed?

      Tork grabbed the letter C and tried to drag it away, but Anishit Yokopovna stopped him. Think why?

      Masha suggests looking at the sound bar (p. 57).

      Where will we look for the letter C - at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the column?(At the end.)

      Output: there is a letter that denotes only a solid sound - this is Ts.

      3. Writing letters.

      Writing in a notebook: zhi shi tshe ts.

      III. Learning new material.

      1. Textbook work.

      Personal UUD: implementation of functions of self-control of the process and results of activities.

      Exercises 25, 27.

      Speak every word in the exercises and listen to yourself.

      What sound do you make and hear [ts] or [ts']?

      What rule for writing only solid consonants did you learn in the previous lesson?

      Can you extend this rule to the solid sound [c]?(Student responses.)

      The exercise 26.

      One student works at the blackboard with a detailed commentary.

      Do I need to write down the words in bold? Read the rule again and tell me why you don't need to write it down.

      Physical education

      The exercise27 (independent execution with mutual check of pairs).

      Reading intrigue.

      “- True, occasionally after C is written Y, - said the Sorceress.

      How do you remember when you write Y? - asked Misha. "

      2. Working with cards in groups.

      Communicative UUD: the formation of the ability to distribute work with a neighbor at the desk.

      The words on the cards are: birds, chicken, starlings, circus, number, gypsy, gypsy (ka), cycle, chicks, fathers, zinc, good fellows, chicks, citrus.

      ExerciseGroups 1-2 (strong groups): write out words that are similar in spelling to the word "birds". Draw a conclusion in what cases S is written after Ts.

      ExerciseGroups 3-4: write down words that are similar in spelling to the word "chicken".

      Exercise5th group (poorly performing): write out words that are similar in spelling to the word "circus".

      Verification of works.

      conclusions: under stress, write ЦИ with the letter И, ЦЕ with the letter Е; not in all words after C is written I, there are exception words (tip of the Bat, p. 61); at the end of words after Ts, Y is written.

      Cognitive UUD: general educational- training to work with information presented in graphic form;brain teaser- summing up a specific linguistic material under the linguistic scheme, establishing cause-and-effect relationships.

      Personal UUD: implementation of self-control of the process and results of activities.

      Reread the words in bold from Exercise 26. What two words can you spell correctly now? Write them down.

      "Gypsy" - I write Y, because this is an exception word.

      3. Vocabulary dictation.

      Exercise: replace a sentence with one word.

      What is the name of an African animal with a long neck?

      What tool is used to pierce the hole?

      What is the name of the wild rose?

      What edible mushroom with a ginger cap do you know?

      What is the name of the military uniform coat?

      What is the name of a chicken chick?

      What are the names of animals with long ears that change the color of their fur twice a year?

      4. Work according to the textbook.

      The exercise 28.

      Additional task: underline in the written sentences a) capital letters, b) punctuation at the end of a sentence and c) learned letter combinations.

      Mutual verification.

      IV. Lesson summary.

      What secret of letters denoting only solid sounds did the Sorceress Anishit Yokopovna help you discover?


      1. Insert the letter I or Y.

      a) draw..sh; d) redhead ...

      b) spring ... thread; e) higher;

      c) r..beam; f) laugh.

      2. What letters are not written after Ж, Ш?

      a) S; b) And; c) E; d) E; e) I.

      3. Indicate in which words Y is written after C.

      a) sheep ..; d) c..fra;

      b) ts..rkul; e) c..x;

      c) c..ganka; f) c .. kidneys.

      Additional material for students.

      Strong level.

      Find a suitable word and write phrases.

      Fragrant ... Colored ...

      Thorny ... thick ...

      Agile ... Long ...

      Words for references: hedgehog, already, pencil, lily of the valley, reed, swift.

      Average level.

      Guess riddles, write answers.

      The cat lives on our roof

      And they live in the closet ...(mice) .

      Will not go without gasoline

      No bus, no ...(a car) .

      If it started flowing from the roof

      And the drifts below -

      So the sun is hot

      Take away ...(skis) .

      Streams run through the fields

      On the roads...(puddles) ,

      The ants will come out soon

      After winter ...(cold) .

      S. Marshak

      White peas

      On a green leg.

      (Lilies of the valley.)

      Spun in the air

      A little asterisk

      Sat down and melted

      On my palm.


      Weak level.

      Insert combinations into these wordslive orshi .

      Pru..na, ver..na, oh..bka, ma..na, poo..nka, sleep..nka, other..na, laugh..nka, na..vka, cool..na.

      Write the words. Underlinelive, shi.

      What rule did you use to spell the words correctly?

      Anishit Yokopovna was pleased with you. She decided to reveal another secret to you, but about it - in the next lesson.

      Name of the teacher: Zodbaeva I.V.

      class: 1 "B" MBOU "School No. 20"

      Subject: Russian

      umk: promising primary school


      The goals of the teacher : create conditions for the formationknowledge about the features of sounds[w], [w] solid as always; contribute to the development of spelling skills of words with combinationszhi-shi, zhi-she under stress, to distinguish the sounds [w], [h].

      Planned educational outcomes : subject: learn to identify sounds[w], [w], as always, solid, to distinguish sounds [w], [h], to write correctly dictionary words, words with combinationslive shi , the same she , qi , tse , tsy ; metasubject (criteria for the formation / assessment of the components of universal educational actions (ULE)) : regulatory- they understand the reference points of the action in the educational material highlighted by the teacher;cognitive- carry out semantic perception of the text;communicative- formulate their own opinion and position, take a partner's position, including one that is different from their own;personal UUD: demonstrate primary skills in evaluating work, classmates' answers based on the specified criteria for the success of educational activities.

      Educational resources:cards with riddles; drawing - the image of Dunno.

      During the classes

      I. Organizational moment.

      The call is small

      And he tells a hundred guys:

      Sit down and study

      Work hard, don't be lazy.

      II. Calligraphy.

      We have a big lever -

      Doesn't work in any way.

      Let's move up and down -

      Come on, turn on soon!

      Students grasp the left thumb with the thumb and forefinger of their right hand and begin flexing and unbending it at the joint.

      Then they take the index finger of their left hand and do the same exercise.

      This exercise is done for all fingers. Repeat the exercise by changing hands.

      Dunno came to visit Masha and Misha from the Forest School.

      On the deska sample of syllables is written:zhi shi qi zhe tse.

      III. Lesson topic message.

      Remember the rules you learned in previous lessons. (Textbook, p. 57, 58, 60.)

      Dunno believes that without rules, you can easily live.

      Dunno... Why should I teach a rule?

      I can live without rules!

      And so can I write

      Any dictation marked "five"!

      "What are the rules for?" - this is the topic of our lesson.

      IV. Work on the topic of the lesson.

      Vocabulary dictation.

      Mom knits a long scarf

      Because the son ...(giraffe) .

      For mom today is an attentive son

      He put wonderful roses in ...(jug) .

      Will not go without gasoline

      No bus, no ...(a car) .

      Leads the bear to the booth

      On a string ...(Gypsy) .

      The teacher opens the blackboard on which the same words are written down by Dunno: geraf, jug, mashyna, tsegan .

      Look at what Dunno wrote. Rather correct the mistakes before Anishit Yokopovna notices.

      In which word can you not identify the letter? Why?(In the word "giraffe", since the vowel is unstressed.)

      Now can you explain what the rules are for?(Students answers.)

      Reading a tutorial(pp. 62–63).

      Cognitive UUD: general educational -the formation of the ability to search for the beginning of a lesson in a textbook by conventions: the symbol of the chapter and the ordinal symbol of the lesson, as well as the ability to correlate these designations in the textbook; developing the ability to apply rules and use instructions and learned patterns;brain teaser- summing up a specific linguistic material under the linguistic scheme; the formation of the ability to compare and highlight the common and the different.

      Dunno decided to improve. He learned the rule and is ready to write the dictation again.

      Picture dictationfrom Anishit Yokopovna.

      There are pictures on the board. Children go one by one to the blackboard, write down the words and underline the combinations:live andshi .

      Dreamlive nka,qi fra, elive , qi rkul,shi shka, pencilshi , lylive.

      What is the word "superfluous"?(The word "ski", since the vowel is unstressed.)

      Guys, do you know why skis are called that? Listen! - Dunno refers to the children. - The word "ski" comes from the word "sneak away." It turns out that these words are relatives. And in the old days, the word "lick" meant "to slide on the ice."

      Lick - sneak away - hide.

      And it turns out that the very name of "ski" is the main property of sliding.

      "Skiing" is an ancient word, it appeared about 800 years ago.

      Guess the charade:

      We rush you

      What is urine.

      We have legs for you

      Let's get it wet.

      (Skis, puddles.)

      Well done, Dunno, he spoke well about the origin of the word "ski", - praised Anishit Yokopovna. - For this I will tell you about ...

      I have two horses, two horses.

      They carry me on the water.

      And the water is as hard as stone.



      1. Narrow steel runners attached to ice skating shoes.

      2. Kind of sport - running on such runners.

      Metal skates first appeared almost 300 years ago. The young Tsar Peter I forged iron skates for himself with his own hands. They were called "runners". The bend of the ridge was usually decorated with the image of a horse's head. Hence the name "skates"(A. Svetlov) .

      Work in a notebook(p. 36).

      Write down the word "skates". Memorize the unstressed vowel

      Working in pairs.

      Pupils receive cards to work in pairs.

      a)III level.

      Grisha took skis ... and Natasha's ... k..nki. Fun baby ride ...

      b)Level I. Fill in the missing letters. Explain your choice.

      In which word could you not insert the missing letter?shy ", since it is unstressed.)  (In the word" good

      The skating rink on the pond is good ...

      Ice sparkles like glass.

      Alyosha on the run ...

      And in the cold it is warm.

      V. Donnikov

      v)Level II. Copy the sentences from the poem by Alexander Pushkin, inserting the missing letters.

      Prettier than fashionable parquet

      The river shines, it is dressed with ice.

      Boy ... to the joyful people

      K..nkami resoundingly dir..t ice.

      What words could you not insert letters into? Why?

      G)III level. Insert missing letters where possible in the words of the poem.

      C..of films in c..rke performed.

      He played the ts..balah,

      On a motorcycle ... I drove around

      And c..fr knew a lot.

      He got out of the cylinder

      Carrots and cucumber ..

      And I didn’t know only one thing,

      Where is I, and where is Y.

      Hand gymnastics

      One of the attendants is doing finger exercises.

      And our granddaughter

      Little hands,

      And fingers on the handles -

      Girls and boys.

      Fingers live together

      Their name is called:

      Finger Sasha,

      Finger Masha,

      Misha, Grisha and Stepan,

      Finger Zhenya,

      Fenya finger,

      Tanya, Vanya and Roman.

      These are the fingers -

      Girls and boys.

      V. Consolidation of the studied material.

      Work according to the textbook.

      The exercise29, p. 63.

      Personal UUD: implementation of functions of self-control of the process and results of activities.

      Independent work.

      Masha did not write out the words:sh..panze, zh..rafa, well..vet ... Do you agree with Masha? Why?(The vowels in these words are unstressed.)

      Physical education

      Work in a notebook.

      Exercise1, p. 36.

      What words cannot be transferred?(Horse, stump.)

      Why?(1 syllable.)

      What words do the hyphenation cause similarity?(Pal-ma, horse-ki, boy.)

      What are the similarities?(The first 4-letter syllable ends in a soft sign, etc.)

      Vi. Lesson summary.

      It's time for Dunno to return to the Forestry School.

      Please remind us what rule we worked with today?

      What are rules for? When do they appear?(The rule appears where there is something out of the ordinary.)

      What's unusual about combinationszhi, shi, qi, same, she, tse? (In these combinations, we write the vowels "i", "e" after hard consonants.)

      Prove to Anishit Yokopovna that you did a good job and that you are not afraid of the most difficult tasks. Insert letters and explain their choice.

      Ts..ts, clowns! Indian c .. lits.

      Whoever got into ts..l got into ts..rke ts..nits.

      And also the one who is under the gun ...

      Here's a good fellow - he remained tsym.

      1. In what word is the vowel [a] pronounced? 1) impression 2) friend 3) find out 4) custom 2. What word

      consists of a prefix, root, one suffix and an ending?

      1) translator

      2) skipping

      3) playmaker

      4) pivot

      3. Which of the following words means "sluggish, in a state of deep indifference"?

      1) skeptical

      2) cold-blooded

      3) ascetic

      4) apathetic

      4. In what row is the letter E written in all the words at the place of the pass?

      1) to build .. your highway .., in a light blue .. suit ..

      2) at the opening ... of the forum ..., before the blooming ... cherry ...

      3) under a dried up ... poplar ... about further cooperation ..

      4) until the next meeting .., on the waving .. pennant ..

      5. In which answer option are all the examples correctly indicated, where b is written in the place of the gap?

      A. Let me remember ... only the good.

      B. Many people love people who are easy to communicate with.

      Q. If you come across ... an incomprehensible word, look in the dictionary.

      D. Do not hide from thunderstorms under trees.

      1) A, B 2) B, D 3) C, D 4) B, C, D

      6. In which row is the same letter missing in all words?

      1) opt..mizm, rising..mainting, intelligent .. actual

      2) h .. dense, overcoming .. overcoming, break .. rub

      3) untouchable ... excellent, teacher ...

      4) naive..shy, frost..b (fine rain), summer..tnitsa

      7. In place of which numbers (s) is NI written?

      and almost fell on the bench. It was noticeable that he was very n (4) in spirit.

      1) 1, 3 2) 2 3) 2, 4 4) 1, 2, 3

      8. In which row are all words spelled with a hyphen?

      1) (gender) Europe, (so) that, (by) stronger

      2) dressed (in) summer, (ex) champion, (military) air

      3) with someone (that), hardly (probably), (in) Russian

      4) (wide), (pale) pink, (south) western

      9. Indicate the incorrect explanation of the spelling (O / E after sibilants).

      1) rayOm - in the ending of a noun, under stress

      2) cheap - in the adjective suffix, under stress

      3) stew - in the participle suffix, preserved in the adjective and noun derived from the participle

      4) armed - in the participle suffix

      10. In what word is the stress on the third syllable?

      1) intention

      2) switch

      3) excluded

      4) cough

      11. Give an example with a misspelled word form.

      1) a few tomatoes

      2) very cold

      3) up to two thousand twenty-two

      4) old professors

      12. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence:

      Keeping the memory of the past

      1) it took scientists a long time to study the ancient chronicles.

      2) monasteries have become an integral part of Russian history.

      3) the study of history is of great importance.

      4) it helps to better understand the present.

      13. List a sentence with a grammatical error.

      1) The train set off on the flight according to the schedule.

      2) In the story "The Jumping Girl" Chekhov condemns, first of all, idleness.

      3) One of the heroes of the novel, who is looking for the meaning of life, opens the way to inner freedom.

      4) Whoever came to our town, everyone was amazed at the cleanliness and neatness in which the courtyards, streets, and pier are kept.

      14. In which sentence instead of the word WEAR need to use the word WEAR?

      1) The coniferous forest CLOTHED all the mountains and came close to the sea.

      2) Daria Alexandrovna was thinking about how to dress the children warmer tomorrow.

      3) After yesterday's downpour in shoes and the street will not cross, you will have to WEAR hunting boots.

      4) Dancers Dressed in national costumes.

      15. Please provide the correct explanation for punctuation in the sentence:

      A new metro line () was launched and it became convenient for residents of the district to get to the center.

      1) A complex sentence, before the union AND the comma is not needed.

      2) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the union AND a comma is not needed.

      3) A complex sentence, before the union And you need a comma.

      4) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the union And a comma is needed.

      16. Which answer option correctly indicates and explains all the commas?

      The sky (1) completely covered with (2) winter stars (3) sank onto the tops (4) of sleeping fir trees.

      1) 1, 3, 4 - two participial turns are distinguished

      2) 2, 4 - two participial turns are highlighted

      3) 1, 3 - the participle turnover is highlighted

      4) 1, 2 - the adverbial turnover is highlighted.

      17. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which in sentences must be commas?

      May (1), according to old-timers (2), has always been warm in these parts.

      I think that it is impossible to judge the merits of the project (3) according to the words of amateurs (4).

      1) 1, 2 2) 1, 2, 3, 4 3) 3, 4 4) 1, 3

      18. Specify a sentence in which you need to put only one comma. (No punctuation marks are placed.)

      1) In the evenings, children and adults gathered at the table and read aloud.

      2) Sadkov equally well painted both urban and rural landscapes.

      3) I saw only the battle and heard the cannonade.

      4) The birds hid for a while or left these places altogether.

      19. In which sentence should you put a dash? (The signs are not placed.)

      1) Life is beautiful and amazing.

      2) Everything set up in a special way the quiet twilight rustle of foliage and the sound of water.

      4) Science must be loved; people have no power more powerful and victorious than science.

      20. Which answer option shows the correct placement of commas in the sentence:

      The forest is never empty (1) and (2) if it seems empty to you (3) you yourself are to blame (4) that you do not notice the life around you.

      1) 1, 2, 4 2) 2, 3 3) 1, 2, 3, 4 4) 1, 3

      GENERAL SPELLING TASKS OPTION I I. Specify in the roots of which words you need to write the letter o: 1) mind .. to ask for help; 2) tangent line; 3) attach

      an effort; 4) a small p..stochki; 5) grown vegetables; 6) the leaves are hot. 7) to ... sleep in water; 8) assign responsibility; 9) blotting paper; 10) open the potatoes; 11) level. To take in the rights; 12) obm..kut the pen in ink; 13) bow to the mother; 14) high-spirited sk..kun; 15) jump on a horse. II. Determine in which words you need to write the letter o: 1) uneven sh..v; 2) shout out loud ..; 3) slum dwellers; 4) burn the hand; 5) distorted drawing; 6) support the shoulders..m; 7) the team is rallying; 8) spring water; 9) copper patch..k; 10) a shallow ravine..k; 11) alum solution; 12) crush the grain; 13) narrow w .. forehead; 14) has become fresh ..; 15) talk general ... III. Indicate in which words you need to write pre-. 1) a very funny child; 2) run quickly; 3) purchase a book; 4) . downplay the merits; 5) turn water into steam; 6) get involved in art; 7) get fed up with fruits; 8) pr.. trample the ground; 9) honorary pr..zidium; 10) pr .. coastal thickets; 11) a good student; 12) pr..no disregard the dangers; 13) pr..glue an ad; 14) pr .. interesting person; 15) cut off the conversation. IV. Find the words in which the soft sign is written: 1) impudent lie ..; 16) littered with solid ..; 2) a lot of tasks ..; 17) do not cry loudly ..; 3) iron roofs ..; 18) ten thousand ..; 4) protects., Peace; 19) red ivy ..; 5) designation .. stress; 20) the right thing ..; 6) galloping rushing ..; 21) fifth floor ..; 7) get married ..; 22) the drink is fizzy ..; 8) the snow is squeaky ..; 23) looks like a father; 9) hiding around the corner; 24) straighten .. oxen; 10) the wind is fresh ..; 25) staying at home; 11) builds, fast; 26) respect the elder; 12) brush .. brushwood; 27) smear .. with oil; 13) the law is omnipotent ..; 28) honey is viscous ..; 14) a mustachioed walrus ..; 29) key., From the apartment; 15) hot oven ..; 30) warm shower ... V. Indicate the words in which hr is written. 1) chewing newspaper; 2) feeding the child on time; 3) cargo carriage; 4) an accident ... a meeting; 5) a willing friend; 6) defective ... detail; 7) cooler .. thread; 8) boiling water; 9) car workshops; 10) guests ... the courtyard; 11) oats ... cookies; 12) windy ... day; 13) salted cucumbers ... 14) a knotted scarf; 15) loose sweater. Vi. Determine where the words are not written separately. 1. Several glass panes were (missing) in the windows. 2. The child (does not) reach the table with his hand. 3. He was (not) a wizard. 4. (Not) the stepmother fell in love with the old man's daughter. 5. The (not) ugly bear cub was playing in the clearing. 6. Lonely on the autumn (un) fun road. 7. The river was (not) sore, but deep. 8. Vase (not) crystal. 9. We value (not) idleness, but work. 10. Children are healthy, (not) have a cold. 11. It was an (un) timed hit. 12. (Not) working, you will (not) be full. 13. Deeply (un) studied issue. 14. Still (not) washed fruit lay on the table. 15. He danced (not) weary, selflessly. Vii. Indicate where to write neither. 1. He n .. left. 2. Can't hear n .. sound. 3. Where has he just been! 4. N .. should I go to him? 5. No n .. soul. 6. He n .. could n .. come. 7. This is by no means ... close. 8. N .. he has never been here. 9. Where n .. was, everywhere he was buried. 10. They sent it - n .. fish n .. meat. 11. N .. with whom to talk heart to heart. 12. As always, I was left with nothing. 13. The village has become nobody's: n .. our own, n .. alien. 14. N .. one little thought in my head. 15. N .. would read in low light. VIII. Determine which words are hyphenated: 1) (half) lemon; 9) (blood) circulation; 2) (radio) broadcast; 10) (vice) governor; 3) rank (rank); 11) a long time ago; 4) (raincoat) tent; 12) (semi) savage; 5) Ivan (yes) Marya; 13) somewhere (somewhere); 6) (five) day; 14) (tech) help; 7) north (west); 15) (common) known. 8) copper (red); IX. Indicate in which examples the selected words are written separately: 1) (in) January frosty; 2) and no matter what they said, everyone listened; 3) as (as if) someone knocked; 4) (c) you can't do anything alone; 5) entered (on) business; 6) (firstly); ‘7) (at) the roar was growing; 8) gathered (for) a meeting with the artist; 9) the tracks were wrapped behind (that) tree; 10) we have advanced (c) deeper; 11) track (s) track; 12) it is a bird (in) the genus of a heron; 13) (in) the course of time; 14) near rivers, (on) the likeness of the Terek, a stormy current; 15) she also bowed to him.

      help to solve the following tasks: 1) in which word are all consonants solid? museum, hornet, hat, cup. 2) what verb

      related to the second conjugation?

      be in time, sow, endure, eat

      3) add an extra word.

      languid, indefatigable, two-volume, tedious

      4) find the loan word:

      coffee, box, gate, gold

      5) In which word the number of letters coincides with the number of sounds

      late, warm, neighborhood, eight

      6) in which word is the letter e missing?

      note ... the enemy, adore ... a friend, apply ... a suit, eat sour cream

      help pliz thank you and list you more oscos later)

      In what word or combination there is NO sound. S.?

      1) interinstitutional 2) to the results 3) circus 4) purely
      In what word is the soft consonant pronounced, d,?
      1) dequalification 2) motto 3) decipher 4) model
      Which word is the correct pronunciation?
      1) snow (with "n" eh) 2) god (boh) 3) cream (cram) 4) puree (p "ur" e)

      А 1. In what word during pronunciation occurs the voicing of the consonant sound?

      1) allow

      2) mowing

      3) unemployed

      4) footage.

      A2. In which word is the letter denoting a stressed vowel correctly highlighted?

      1) bush

      2) covered

      3) understood

      4) (GOOD) NEWS.

      A3. In which sentence, instead of the word HUMANITY, should HUMANITARIAN be used?

      1) The most HUMANE professions on earth are those on which the spiritual life and physical health of a person depends.

      2) A HUMANE attitude towards children means, first of all, an understanding of the child's spiritual efforts, a respectful attitude towards these searches and unobtrusive help.

      3) Cooperation between the countries is constantly developing and strengthening in the HUMANITY sphere.

      4) HUMANE laws are possible only in a mature society.

      A4. Give an example with a misspelled word form.

      1) four hundred lines

      2) rinsing linen

      3) all directors of gymnasiums

      4) more higher

      A5. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence

      Climbing up to the observation deck,

      1) you can see the whole city.

      2) a wonderful view of the city opens.

      3) the city is visible at a glance.

      4) covers the excitement at the sight of the open spaces.

      A6. Indicate a sentence with a grammatical error (with a violation of the syntactic norm).

      1) Thanks to the article in the newspaper, we learned about the resumption of the tourist boat route to the "Northern Islands".

      2) Kem is one of the oldest cities in Russia, located on the White Sea.

      3) Everyone who wrote an excellent review, gave a deep analysis of the work and substantiated their point of view.

      4) Paustovsky's story "Squeaky Floorboards" talks about the role of Russian nature in the life and work of the great composer Tchaikovsky.

      Read the text and complete tasks A7-A12.

      (1)… (2) The sea mouse is actually a very cute worm, a few centimeters in size. (3) A remarkable feature of this worm is that its body is covered with a kind of fringe, consisting of many hairs that shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. (4) Here, as in opal, the play of color is determined by the diffraction of light on a complex microstructure , and if you place the hairs of a sea mouse under an electron microscope, their cellular structure, reminiscent of a honeycomb, becomes clearly visible. (5) This structure is remarkably ordered, and the linear dimensions of the cells are commensurate with the wavelengths in the range of visible light. (6) ... it is safe to say that the hairs of a sea mouse have a two-dimensional photonic medium: only the red component is reflected from the stream of light falling on the hair perpendicularly, but if the light falls obliquely, then the hair reflects (depending on the angle) then yellow then green, then blue, and it appears to the eye alternately in all the colors of the rainbow.

      A7. Which of the following sentences should be the first in this text

      1) Interestingly, the sea mouse is not the only carrier of photonic crystals in the sea.

      2) At the end of the 20th century, scientists discovered that the villi of their fur are not even one-dimensional, but a full-fledged two-dimensional photonic crystal.

      3) Of great interest are the so-called sea mice living at a depth of several kilometers in the depths of the southern seas.

      4) If you look at the hair of a sea mouse at a right angle, it will turn out to be bright red.

      A8. Which of the following words (word combinations) should be in place of the gap in the sixth sentence?

      1) Fortunately

      2) Therefore

      3) Because

      4) Despite this.

      A9. What word or combination of words is the grammatical basis in one of the sentences or in one of the parts of a complex sentence of the text?

      1) the sea mouse is (proposal 2)

      2) the body is fringed (sentence 3)

      3) shimmer (sentence 3)

      4) place (sentence 4).

      A10. Indicate the correct description of the fourth sentence of the text.

      1) Complicated with non-allied and allied subordinate communication between parts.

      2) Compound

      3) Complex with a compositional and subordinate connection between parts

      4) Complicated.

      A11. Indicate the correct morphological characteristic of the word COVERED (sentence 3)

      1) participle

      2) adverb

      3) adjective

      4) gerunds.

      A12. Indicate a word that means “quick change of spots of light, colors”.

      1) rainbow (suggestion 3)

      2) play (sentence 4)

      3) range (sentence 5)

      4) flow (proposition 6).

      A13. What word has the -Д- suffix?

      2) dishes

      3) quirk

      4) false.

      A14. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which one letter H is written?

      According to M.Yu. Lermontov, a brightly gifted (1) personality in the circle of nonentities is doomed (2) to misunderstanding and loneliness, and if he behaves in accordance with (3) the “norms” of this society, then on gradual (4) self-destruction.

      A15. In which row is the unstressed verifiable vowel of the root missing in all words?

      1) West ... old, representation ... appearance, st ... horny.

      2) To… breathe, to get off… to get out, op… lchenie.

      3) Bl ... thump, pl ... vets, spread ... burning.

      4) G ... ryach, pri ... hay, dad ... rotnik.

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