How to make bread kvass without yeast. Homemade bread kvass without yeast

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This drink is especially in demand in summer, but this does not mean that it cannot be drunk at other times of the year. Today we will learn how to cook kvass at home from rye bread.


  • Crackers (from dark bread) - 0.2 kg;
  • Sugar - 7-10 tbsp. spoons;
  • Yeast (dry) - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Drinking water - 3 liters.


  1. Take dry rye bread and break it into several pieces. If you have fresh bread, then dry it in the oven.
  2. Boil water. Let it cool down a bit (5 minutes).
  3. Take a 3-liter jar and pour croutons and sugar into it.
  4. Fill the contents of the jar with hot water almost to the top (leave 5-8 centimeters on top). Mix everything and leave the jar to cool at room temperature.
  5. Now add yeast and stir again.
  6. Now the jar needs to be tightly closed with a lid and sent to infuse. Wrap kvass in an old blanket and leave it to ferment for 12 hours. Be careful, if there is not enough free space in the jar, then kvass can tear off the lid.
  7. After 12 hours, you can get a jar of kvass. Now strain the drink through cheesecloth and you can already drink it. Homemade bread kvass is ready. Now you can enjoy this healthy drink, which has no harmful substances at all.

Homemade bread kvass with yeast


  • Bread (rye) - 500 g;
  • Sugar - 0.25-0.3 kg;
  • Water - 5 l;
  • Yeast (dry) - 5 g (pressed yeast can also be used, only 20 g will be needed).


  1. Turn on the oven to 200 degrees.
  2. Cut the bread into small cubes. Bread must be taken without additives (sesame, seeds, raisins, etc.), otherwise it will affect the taste of the drink, because extra elements are not needed here.
  3. Lay the bread out on a baking sheet. You don’t need to lubricate it with anything, otherwise our kvass will give off oil. Do not be afraid, the bread will not have time to burn in a short time.
  4. Send the mold with cubes to the preheated oven for 5 minutes. You can bake croutons longer, then the kvass will be darker, and the taste will become sharper.
  5. Pour 5 liters of drinking water into a large bowl and boil it.
  6. Wait for the water to cool down and be at room temperature.
  7. Prepare two 3-liter jars. Pour the prepared water into jars. Add crackers to jars (separate them into two parts and throw them into jars).
  8. Wrap the tops of the jars with gauze (because kvass must not be covered during fermentation) and send them to a dark place. Banks with kvass should be infused at room temperature for 48 hours.
  9. Dissolve the yeast in a small bowl (follow the instructions on the package).
  10. Strain all kvass through cheesecloth. The crackers that remained in the gauze will need to be thoroughly squeezed out, then they can be thrown away, we will not need them anymore.
  11. Strained kvass again pour into jars.
  12. Add diluted yeast and sugar to the jars (0.1 kg per jar will suffice at this stage). Mix everything very well with a long spoon.
  13. Now cover the jars with lids, but do not close them. Carbon dioxide must escape quietly, otherwise the cans may burst.
  14. Kvass should ferment for 16 hours at a temperature of 18-25 degrees, while it should be in a dark place.
  15. Remove both jars and add sugar to them. Be guided by your taste preferences.
  16. Pour the finished kvass into bottles. Spin them up.
  17. Send the bottles to infuse for the last time - send them to a dark place with room temperature for 4 hours.
  18. Now our kvass is ready! It must be refrigerated before use. As soon as you put the bottles with kvass in a cold place, the fermentation process will stop.

Be careful! Such kvass is stored no more than 3 days.

Without yeast - with raisins

This recipe is good because the drink will not have an unpleasant yeasty aroma.


  • Rye bread - 0.3 kg;
  • Raisins - 0.025 kg;
  • Drinking water - 2 l;
  • Sugar - 0.1-0.2 kg.


  1. Cut the bread into small pieces (do not cut the crust).
  2. Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
  3. Lay the bread out on a baking sheet in a single layer. The form must not be lubricated!
  4. Place the tray in the oven for 3-4 minutes. Bread needs only to be dried, and not fried, otherwise the finished drink will be bitter.
  5. Boil 2 liters of water.
  6. Put the croutons in a saucepan and pour boiling water over them. Pour about 50 grams of sugar to them, mix everything. Wait until the water has completely cooled down.
  7. Pour raisins into cold water. Now it is better to pour the drink into a jar. The lid cannot be closed. Just cover the jar with cheesecloth to keep insects out.
  8. Put the jar of kvass in a dark, dry place, but at room temperature.
  9. Leave the drink to infuse for three days. On the first day, foam forms on kvass - this is an indicator that you did everything right, since the fermentation process has begun.
  10. After the specified time - kvass must be filtered. To do this, take gauze and fold it in several layers, pass the entire drink through it, collecting all the pulp in gauze. Squeeze the pulp well and leave it in cheesecloth. From it you can again get kvass several times (2-3).
  11. Now you can still add sugar to kvass. It is required, even if only in small quantities. After all, then carbon dioxide will be released and kvass will turn out carbonated.
  12. Pour the finished drink into bottles, but do not fill them completely, leave a few centimeters on top so that the bottle does not burst.
  13. Send the bottles to a dark place for 6-8 hours. The cap must be tight, so check the pressure constantly. Ideally, come every hour and unscrew the lid to release the gas.
  14. Kvass, which has already been saturated with carbon dioxide, can be put in the refrigerator. In a cold environment, the fermentation process will stop and the kvass will be ready to drink.
  15. When the drink is well cooled, it can be drunk. Kvass from rye bread is ready! Such a drink is stored for no more than 5 days.
  16. To get another portion of kvass from the pulp, you need to do the following:
  • Put the pulp in a jar.
  • Boil 2 liters of water and add 100 g of sugar to them. Wait for the water to cool down.
  • Pour the pulp with boiled water, mix everything.
  • Throw a small piece of bread (fresh) to the drink.
  • Subsequent steps will be the same as in the main recipe.

It is believed that this kvass is tastier than the first. Cake from this kvass can still be used 1-2 times.

Be careful! The pulp must be reused during the day.

Alcoholic bread kvass - a recipe at home


  • Bread crackers - 0.3 kg;
  • Dry yeast - 5 g;
  • Sugar - 0.5-1.5 kg;
  • Citric acid - 3 g;
  • Purified water - 5 liters.


  1. It's easier to work with breadcrumbs right away, but if you don't have them, they're easy to make. In order to get 300 g of crackers, you need to use 450-500 grams of bread. It must be cut into small cubes and laid on a baking sheet. It is worth putting the form immediately into the oven preheated to 190-200 degrees, for a few minutes. If you want bitterness to be felt in kvass, then hold the bread in the oven a little longer.
  2. Boil 3 liters of water.
  3. Put the crackers on the bottom of the pan and pour them with boiling water. Let everything infuse under a closed lid for at least 3 hours.
  4. Take a colander and put gauze on it, which is folded in layers. Strain the infused crackers through a colander. Do not throw away the pulp.
  5. Boil the remaining 2 liters of water.
  6. Put the used crackers in a saucepan, and fill them with boiled water. Leave everything to infuse for 1 hour.
  7. After the allotted time, strain the water, squeeze the cake well, now it can already be thrown away.
  8. Dilute yeast with water. We use dry yeast in the recipe, and before adding it to kvass, you need to transfer it to an active state. Detailed instructions will be on the package.
  9. In a large container, mix all the kvass. Add citric acid, pre-soaked yeast and sugar. It must be added carefully, because the strength of our drink depends on it. Therefore, we will add sugar to kvass in stages. At first, 0.5 kg will be enough.
  10. It is necessary to mix everything thoroughly, now send the kvass to infuse for 10 hours. It should be in a dry, dark place, but at room temperature. You can not close the kvass with a lid, just cover it with gauze.
  11. After 2 hours, check the kvass, bubbles should form in it. If they appeared, you did everything right and you will get delicious kvass.
  12. After the allotted time, take out the drink. Taste the kvass, if the strength is low, you need to add more sugar. At this stage, add 0.2-0.3 kg of sugar. Mix everything and send the kvass to infuse further.
  13. After 5 hours, take out the kvass and taste it again. If the strength is low, add sugar again. This time, 200 grams will be enough. Mix everything again and hide.
  14. After 5 hours, try kvass. You can also add sugar. The maximum is 1.5 kg of sugar, with this amount the fortress will be 12 degrees, you will not get more.
  15. If the taste of kvass completely suits you, then close the container with a lid and send it to the refrigerator until completely cooled. If the fortress is acceptable for you, but there is not enough sweetness, then just add sugar to the container and hide it in the refrigerator. Cold neutralizes the fermentation process, so the strength of kvass in the refrigerator will not increase.
  16. This kvass can be stored up to 7 days.

Kvass on bread sourdough without yeast

A jar or other container of a suitable volume, a baking sheet, a knife, a spoon, a sieve, gauze, a cutting board.


What is useful yeast-free kvass

The advantage of bread kvass is the presence of extractive substances in it, which are formed in kvass at different stages of its preparation. Thanks to lactic acid bacteria, which are formed during the fermentation process, lactic acid appears in kvass, good for human digestion.

That is why kvass has the same beneficial effect as fermented milk products: kefir, curdled milk, fermented baked milk. Kvass from bread is very nutritious, it contains contains vitamins, easily digestible sugar and other substances.

Step by step cooking

video recipe

After watching this short video, you will see how to make kvass sourdough without yeast, and then kvass itself.

Kvass from oatmeal without yeast

It is very easy to prepare kvass from oatmeal on your own. The recipe is pretty simple. To you no need to look for rare ingredients to prepare such kvass and engage in complex procedures such as brewing and steaming. And you can buy oatmeal or oats at the nearest market or in health food stores.

Cooking time: 4-5 days.
Servings: 4 liters of kvass.
Kitchen appliances and accessories: a jar or other container of a suitable volume, a spoon, a sieve, gauze.


Oat kvass is suitable for consumption by both children and adults. Not everyone will like the peculiar taste of such a drink, so the drink add raisins, lemon, mint, honey, and other dried fruits. The benefits of kvass from adding various ingredients to it only increase.

Step by step cooking

video recipe

Dear hostesses! Watch this video with a recipe for making homemade kvass from oats. You will see that there is nothing difficult in preparing this wonderful, healthy drink.

If you want, you can add originality to the taste by adding a handful of dried fruits. The drink will become sweeter, and this will make it more carbonated. Such kvass is beautiful, and most importantly, a healthy substitute for lemonade on a hot day! A fresh taste of kvass will add a leaf of lemon balm or mint, lemon, lime or orange zest. Cinnamon and juicy berries can also give this ancient Slavic drink an interesting taste. Do not keep kvass in a warm place for a long time, otherwise it will turn into a brew.

Our recipes for making bread kvass at home will help you out when on a hot day you want real Russian kvass: their bread and crackers.

  • Water - 1 Liter
  • Rye bread - 500 grams
  • Raisins - 0.5 cups
  • Sugar - 4 cups
  • Dry yeast - 1.5 Art. spoons

Let's take all the ingredients we need. We put a vat of water on the stove, if you don’t have such a large pot, then you can divide everything into two portions. The water must be brought to a boil.

At this time, you should fry the bread. Fry the bread in a frying pan without oil until blackened. Most importantly, make sure that the bread does not burn. However, for bread kvass, you need pieces of rye bread, brought exactly to black coals.

When the water boils, the vat should be removed from the fire, add a handful of raisins and all the bread. Cover the pot with a lid and leave to infuse overnight.

The next morning, remove the lid, remove the bread from the vat (discard the bread) and add the mixture prepared in a separate bowl of sugar and yeast. Mix well. Cover the vat with plastic wrap and leave to infuse for another 6 hours. Stirring the liquid every two hours. After that, you will need to get the raisins from the vat.

Take another pan, gauze and strain bread kvass.

You will get such kvass. Pour it into plastic bottles, close and put in the refrigerator. We let the kvass stand in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, after which the kvass can be drunk.

Recipe 2: bread kvass at home

  • Sourdough in portions
  • Raisins 10-15 pcs.
  • Sugar 4-6 tbsp. a spoon
  • Rusks to taste
  • Kvass 3 tbsp. a spoon
  • Water 2.8 l

Pour the starter into a clean three-liter jar. It should cover the bottom of the jar by about 5-7 cm. If you are preparing kvass for the first time, you must first prepare the starter: pour 2 tbsp. l. sugar, black bread crackers for one third of the can, ¼ tsp. dry yeast, water, mix everything and leave for one day.

Add black bread croutons to the jar. I make them myself: I cut a loaf of black bread into small pieces and fry in the oven until a crust forms. Then I put them in a bag and use them as needed.

Add sugar to the jar. The amount of sugar depends on which kvass you like more, if sweet, then you need to put 6 tbsp. l., if with sourness, then 4 tbsp. l. sugar will suffice.

Add pre-washed and peeled raisins and 3 tbsp. dry purchased kvass.

Pour into a jar of clean water. I always cook kvass on spring water, if this is not possible, you can use ordinary boiled drinking water. We mix everything in a jar and close it with gauze.

In the process of cooking, kvass will "play" and a certain amount of liquid will surely spill out. Therefore, our jar must be placed in a deep plate or dish. Put the jar in a bright place, leave for two days.

On the third day, kvass is ready, carefully pour it into a clean jar. From the contents of our three-liter jar, a full two-liter jar of kvass is obtained. Place in the refrigerator and keep it there until consumed. Drink and add kvass to dishes - chilled.

After we drained the kvass, the sourdough will remain in the jar, which must be mixed well and placed in a separate bowl. We will use this sourdough in the preparation of new kvass, the sourdough must be stored in the refrigerator.

Recipe 3: homemade bread kvass with yeast

  • Bread (about a third of a Borodino loaf) - 4 slices.
  • Sugar (6 tbsp. - for sourdough, 4 - for ready-made kvass) - 10 tbsp. l.
  • Yeast (two packets of fast-acting, each with 11 g) - 22 g
  • Raisins (roughly; I put 8-10 raisins in each bottle) - 30g
  • Water - 3.5 l

Let's start with sourdough. Cut a loaf of Borodino bread into crackers - cubes with a side of about two or three centimeters. Lay on a baking sheet in a single layer and dry in the oven at 150 degrees until they are almost black. If you want light kvass, you can take wheat crackers or Borodino kvass to dry not to blackness, but simply until they become crackers.

When the crackers have cooled, pour three or four handfuls into a liter jar, add 6 tbsp. l. sugar (for kvass I usually take white sugar), pour boiling water. Pour in boiling water carefully, shaking the jar periodically so that it does not burst. And do not add to the top: the leaven will ferment and may “escape”.

As soon as the contents of the jar have cooled to almost room temperature, pour in all the yeast. Cover the jar with a paper towel or gauze and leave for three days.

After three days, pour the starter into a three-liter jar, add another 4 tbsp. l. sugar, add cold water a little to the top - and leave for another two or three days. You will see for yourself how kvass begins to ferment, “work”.
As soon as this "work" stops, the drink is ready.

Strain kvass into a plastic bottle or other container with a narrow neck and tightly closed, add a handful (8-10 pcs) of raisins to each bottle, close tightly and let stand for another day.

Then open carefully! Kvass is ready.

Recipe 4: how to make bread kvass at home

  • Borodino bread 5 slices
  • Raisins 1 handful
  • Sugar 3 tbsp. l.
  • Dry yeast 0.5 tsp
  • Purified water 3 l

Cut Borodino or other rye bread into small pieces.

Dry the bread in the oven until it burns slightly - this will give the kvass a beautiful color and flavor. After toasting, pour the crackers into a jar or pan.

Add sugar and washed raisins to the jar. Raisins give kvass sharpness.

Boiled, but cooled to 70 degrees with water, pour crackers. Leave the future kvass to infuse for a couple of hours in a warm place.

In a separate bowl, dissolve dry yeast with sugar in half a glass of warm water. When the yeast "comes to life", they can be added to the jar and mixed.

Cover the jar with gauze to protect the drink from dust or insects, put it in a very warm place, maybe on a windowsill in the sun. Let kvass ferment for about 1 day, but not less than 12 hours.

Then strain the kvass through two layers of gauze, pour into bottles and cork well. Place in the refrigerator to ripen for another day or less. To give even more sharpness, two or three more raisins can be thrown into the bottles.

For a new portion of kvass, you can use all the ingredients described above, or you can select part of the sourdough (fermented bread) and do not add yeast to the new portion, but otherwise follow the recipe.

Recipe 5: homemade bread kvass without yeast

  • slices of rye bread - 250 g,
  • water - 2.5 l,
  • granulated sugar - 180 g,
  • raisins - 15-20 pcs.

We dry it in a preheated oven so that it only takes on a golden crust. If the crackers burn, the drink will have a bitter taste.

Pour granulated sugar into boiling water, stir to dissolve, turn off and cool to body temperature.

Pour the syrup into the jar almost to the very top and pour in the washed raisins.

We tie the neck of the jar with several layers of gauze and put it in a dark place.

After 1-2 days, an intensive fermentation process begins - croutons rise to the neck. After 3-4 days, kvass acquires a sharp taste - it is already ready.

We filter and pour it into another container and set to cool.

Remove half of the crackers from the jar and add some fresh ones. And then again pour in sweet warm water and add raisins. We also put it in a dark place, but after 10-12 hours kvass will be ready. Thus, one can make this drink daily.

Recipe 6: homemade kvass from crackers (with photo)

This bread recipe for homemade kvass can be prepared at home from crackers and stale bread.

  • crackers - 1 kg
  • water - 10 l
  • sugar - 250 gr
  • dry active yeast - 1 tsp
  • raisins - 3 tsp

We get stocks of bread crusts, pieces and other bread leftovers that we did not let mold eat in the long winter. These pieces of leftover bread dry perfectly right on the windowsill, put into a cloth bag and stored until better times. It is clear that bread with nuts, cheese and other fatty additives is not suitable for kvass.

We bake crusts and pieces of crackers in the oven until light blackness appears around the edges.

We boil 10 liters of water in a large saucepan (for three 3-liter cans of kvass) and lower our burnt pieces of crackers there. We mix. Now you need to wait until the water cools down and pulls out all the useful substances from the bread. It is better to leave to infuse until the morning. Such an infusion is called wort.

We strain it and squeeze the bread. Now it is not a pity to throw it away. Although, in rural areas, this can be fed to poultry or livestock.

Pour the must into jars. At room temperature, add 3-4 tablespoons of sugar to each jar and, literally, dry yeast of any company on the tip of a knife. Protect from direct sunlight!

Add 10 pieces of regular raisins to each jar. It is believed that raisins enhance fermentation. Stir and leave at room temperature overnight.

The foam and bubbles that appear indicate that the process has begun. It makes no sense to keep kvass warm any longer. He will peroxide. We filter the raisins and pour the kvass into PET bottles. A thick mass at the bottom of the jar, about 150 ml remains in it. We return the raisins there. This is a ready-made sourdough for future kvass. Pour in the new cooled wort, add sugar and a few fresh raisins. And that's it. We don't need yeast anymore.

We put the bottles and jars in the refrigerator. We take a sample of kvass from bottles. You should know that fermentation continues in the refrigerator. Kvass loses its sweetness and becomes more vigorous. For children, you can add a tablespoon of sugar to bottles. For okroshka, sour aged kvass is good. We have organized the process of continuous pouring of kvass.

Recipe 7, step by step: homemade kvass from bread

  • Bread "Borodino"
  • dry yeast
  • sugar

For kvass, we need not bread, but crackers. Therefore, we will cut the bread into small pieces so that they go into our intended container for making kvass - in my case, this is a three-liter bottle (the output of kvass is about 2 liters in 1-2 days).

We put our croutons to dry in the oven, I won’t say how long, because. didn't spot. In general, it all depends on your taste. For example, I like slightly fried ones, then kvass turns out to be a beautiful color:

After the crackers are ready, we fall asleep them in a half-liter jar. for making sourdough. Add yeast, a couple of tablespoons of sugar and pour water.

Leave for at least a day to start the fermentation process. After that, we control the fermentation process visually and by sound (hissing).

Drain the liquid, add fresh water, sugar, a couple of crackers and leave for another day. (in principle, the fermentation process has already begun, all this in order not to feel the taste and smell of yeast) If there is a smell, repeat again.

Part of the bread should move down and the drink should smell of kvass.

If your drink turned out to be whitish in color and not the same as in the photo, don’t let that bother you, I photographed an almost finished sourdough.

After that, pour the contents of the jar into a larger container, and fill the floor of the bottle with water. Again, add sugar and crackers - now these are the main and only ingredients for kvass.

As soon as it is ready (it is determined by taste for 1-2 days), we drain the finished kvass and add the ingredients.

After the starter is formed in sufficient quantities, you can increase the amount of water to a full bottle.

It remains to strain kvass:

add sugar to taste and enjoy! If small particles suddenly get into the finished kvass - do not worry - this is bread, it is edible.

Over time, with an increase in the amount of leaven, the speed of preparing kvass will increase. As sediment accumulates from bread crumbs, at the bottom of the bottle:

Summer has not had time to give us its warmth, we are already reaching for different drinks. For me, there is nothing better than kvass, it is tasty and perfectly quenches thirst, especially if it is real homemade kvass. And if you are interested in the question - how to make kvass at home, then you are at the right time, in the right place.

I decided to offer you a selection of interesting recipes for this delicious drink, choose the one that you liked.

This is not always a fast process, but in any case, making homemade kvass is not difficult - there are a minimum of ingredients, and labor costs are small. And then kvass is made by itself, without our intervention, we just have to wait for a delicious result.

Kvass was made in ancient times and is still being made today. And he won such popularity not only as a drink that quenches thirst, but also as a drink that is good for our body. In Russia, everyone drank kvass, both poor and rich people, they believed that it adds strength and energy, and is good for digestion.

But for it to be really useful, you need to know the intricacies of making kvass at home.

  • If you will make bread kvass, then it is important to know that the bread must be natural (flour, yeast, water). Newfangled additives that are put in so that, for example, it is stored longer, can ruin the fermentation process.
  • As a rule, croutons are made from bread, and kvass is made from them. The color of the resulting drink will depend on the degree of rosiness of the crackers. But in an effort to get a dark saturated color, remember that burnt crackers will give not only color, but also bitterness.
  • If you make kvass with yeast, then check them for freshness.
  • For fermentation of kvass, use glass or metal dishes (enamelled without chips, stainless steel). Ready kvass can be poured into plastic bottles.
  • Raisins are also an important ingredient in the preparation of an invigorating drink, it enhances fermentation and makes it vigorous. The main thing is that you do not need to wash the raisins before laying, as you will wash off the so-called wild yeast that is found on the surface of the berries.
  • The sugar in kvass releases carbon dioxide and makes the drink carbonated. But here, too, there is no need to overdo it. After all, one of the advantages of kvass is its low calorie content, sugar, respectively, increases this calorie content. Therefore, everything should be in moderation if we want to benefit from the drink, and it is unlikely that we will be able to quench our thirst with very sweet kvass.
  • If we want to get exactly kvass, and not mash, then the fermentation process must be stopped in time. Therefore, the fermentation period should not be more than 4 days, the leaven must be removed, and the filtered kvass put in the refrigerator.
  • It is recommended to store ready-made kvass in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days.

But why keep it? Drink this wonderful homemade drink, it will not only quench your thirst, but also benefit your body.

Kvass without yeast at home

Kvass without yeast, also called double-fermented kvass, is one of the most correct recipes, the one that was prepared by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. In it, sour-milk fermentation prevails over alcohol, respectively, the balance of useful substances and vitamins is observed, which makes it useful for our body.


  • rye bread crumbs
  • sugar

How to make yeast-free kvass:

It is important to know that if you don’t really like the taste of the first kvass, this does not mean that a bad recipe is normal. The real taste appears already during subsequent fermentations and the older the kvass, the tastier it is.

Video on how to make homemade kvass without sourdough

See another recipe for kvass without yeast in the video, it is made without sourdough and therefore the process is a little faster.

Bread kvass with yeast

This recipe is very popular in home cooking - yeast accelerates the maturation of the drink and kvass is very tasty.

If anyone is confused by the smell of yeast, then it will be felt only in young kvass. Yes, and we will use the yeast only once, then we will add the sourdough and the smell of the yeast will go away.


  • crackers from different bread - 300 gr
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. l.
  • yeast - 10 gr fresh or 1 tsp. dry
  • raisins - 1 tbsp. l.

How to make homemade kvass with yeast:

We leave half of the swollen crackers as a starter and make the next kvass using it, you no longer need to make a yeast starter, but otherwise we cook in the same way.

Homemade kvass from wort

Kvass from store-bought kvass wort is an easier way to make a delicious summer drink. To make kvass taste good, you need to buy a good concentrate, for example, prepared in accordance with GOST 28538-90. If there is no such marking, pay attention to the composition of the wort so that it is natural without unnecessary additives.

It is good when different types of malt are included in the wort, for example, barley and rye, then kvass has a richer taste.


  • water - 4 liters
  • kvass wort - 160 gr.
  • sugar - 235 gr.
  • dry yeast - 10 gr.
  • raisins - 10 gr.

How to make kvass yourself from store wort:

Flour kvass - a real Russian recipe

Flour kvass is a real Russian drink, it is also called rustic. This recipe is also popular for its ease of preparation and the fact that this drink perfectly quenches thirst, is excellent as an okroshka kvass, and is ahead of all types of kvass in terms of usefulness.


  • rye flour (preferably coarse grinding);
  • Wheat flour;
  • water;
  • sugar;
  • dry yeast or raisins
  • mint (optional)

How to make flour kvass:

  1. Here you also need sourdough, it is called thick - take 150 ml. warm water, add 1 tbsp. l. sugar, stir until it is completely dissolved and add rye flour to the density of sour cream, put 5 - 6 raisins. The thick should stand for a day at room temperature. The presence of bubbles on the surface and a sour smell indicates the readiness of the starter. Raisins from the finished sourdough must be removed.
  2. Let's start making kvass. It can only be made from rye flour, but wheat makes the drink more delicate and pleasant to the taste. For 5 liters of water we need 0.5 kg of flour. Mix rye with wheat in a ratio of 2: 1, where two parts are rye and one part is wheat.
  3. Pour flour into a container and gradually pour water (40 - 50 0), you should get a homogeneous mass without lumps, similar in consistency to sour cream. Bring the remaining water to a boil and pour it over the flour mixture, mix everything thoroughly, add sugar to taste and, if desired, a small bunch of mint.
  4. As soon as the basis for flour kvass cools down to 40 0, add the leaven and mix thoroughly. Cover the container, wrap it in a blanket and leave for 4 days. The appearance of foam, bubbles and the smell of freshly baked bread indicates that the kvass is ready. It must be filtered through 4 layers of gauze, bottled and put in the refrigerator. Adjust the taste with sugar.

If you replace sugar with honey, then such kvass will be healthier and tastier.

The thick, which settled to the bottom will serve as leaven. But it needs to be revived. After decanting kvass, add a little flour, sugar, warm water and leave for a couple of days. In the refrigerator, the ground for kvass made from rye flour retains its qualities for quite a long time.

These were bread kvass recipes, but there are many other interesting recipes, for example. I have already talked about its beneficial properties, as well as about the method of preparation, we really like this kvass.

How to make birch kvass - video recipe

If you have the opportunity to collect birch sap, then you can make kvass based on it, how to do this, see the video.

With this, I, perhaps, will end the conversation on how to make kvass at home, choose your favorite recipe and enjoy a tasty and healthy drink.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

Rye kvass is considered one of the most delicious and healthy. In addition, the preparation of such kvass suggests the possibility of refusing to use yeast, which negatively affects the composition of the drink and contributes to the elimination of its possible benefits. ​

If you plan to make kvass from sourdough rye flour without adding yeast at home, you can count on an impeccable taste and healthy composition.

The easiest recipe

Such kvass involves the addition of raisins, which improves the taste of the finished drink.


rye flour: 255 grams - sourdough, 255 grams - kvass;

sugar: 25 grams - sourdough, 115 grams - kvass;

raisins: 15 pieces - sourdough, 15 - kvass;

filtered water.

Cooking method:

Initially, you will need to prepare a sourdough using flour and sugar. Then filtered water and raisins are added to the starter base. The sourdough is kept warm for several days and acquire a kind of sourness.

Now you can cook kvass. To do this, pre-boil four and a half liters of water. Sugar and rye flour are diluted in 500 milliliters of water. After that, very slowly pour boiling water, continuing to stir. Then the bottle with kvass is placed in a warm place for several hours. Then kvass is mixed with sourdough.

Kvass is combined with sourdough, after which it is infused in a warm room. It is advisable to set aside at least 7 hours for this.

It is advisable to store such rye kvass in the refrigerator. In this case, it will retain its aroma and taste, an amazing benefit.

Classic rye kvass

Such kvass is also made from rye flour on sourdough without yeast. Cooked rye kvass at home will delight you with amazing taste and benefits.


black bread for sourdough;

crackers for kvass;

250 grams of rye flour;

130 grams of sugar: 10 - sourdough, 120 - kvass;

raisins to taste;

filtered water.

Cooking method:

At the very beginning, you need to prepare a starter for kvass. To do this, chopped black bread is dried on a baking sheet in the oven. If the croutons are dried longer, the kvass will turn out fragrant and delight with a rich taste. If desired, you can dry the bread for a short time and prepare a lighter kvass.

The cooled crackers are poured into a jar and poured with filtered water. Then sugar is added (a small amount is required, up to 10 grams). The container is shaken thoroughly. It is advisable to leave it warm for a couple of days. After about 2 days, you can count on getting a finished sourdough with a characteristic flavor and aroma.

The starter is poured into a 3-liter jar. Add a couple of handfuls of rye crackers, sugar and add water. The container is covered with a lid and a towel. Leave the workpiece for 2 days.

At the next stage, the liquid is poured into another container. Add sugar, taking into account how sweet the drink should be. Also add raisins. After the drink is ready, it is bottled. Initially, kvass is left warm, after which it is put in the refrigerator, where it is stored in the future.

The preparation of such kvass will require more time and effort, but as a result, the drink will turn out to be tasty and fragrant.

The benefits and harms of rye kvass

Rye kvass is very popular for home cooking. In addition, a properly prepared drink will be very useful, because it not only quenches thirst and pleases with its taste, but also improves health.

The following benefits of rye kvass are noted:

saturation of the body with vitamins;

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