Where are the most skyscrapers in the world. The largest skyscraper in the world

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Top 10 skyscrapers in Russia outside of Moscow. November 20th, 2015

Skyscrapers in most people are strongly associated with America. Or with Asia. In Russia, at best, they remember Moscow City. And what is being done in the rest of vast Russia? And they are still building there. And they are building, I must say a lot.

The second highest city in our country is Yekaterinburg. The city is changing and changing in a very interesting way. Many, of course, scold modern buildings, but I personally like it. The former Sverdlovsk is gradually turning into a city of high-rise buildings and is acquiring its new face. Naturally, one of the tallest buildings in Russia is located in it.

The Iset tower opens our list. The spire is 209 meters. I can’t say that the building is distinguished by some elegance, but it looks, nevertheless, interesting.

Below are two of my photos from 2013. My family and I caught the historical moment of construction. Now it's already in the past. "Iset" was completed and entered into the architectural appearance of Yekaterinburg.

Today it looks something like this. Yekaterinburg City is gradually taking shape. Although a few more skyscrapers are definitely not enough there. On the other hand, I'm very curious, what else can be placed there? What functionality will skyscrapers carry. The population of Yekaterinburg is slightly more than a million people, and it is not clear to me whether it makes sense to build new skyscrapers. Who and what will be there to do as a result? Luxury housing? But I'm not sure that there is such a great demand for apartments in the Ural city. Offices? Again, what kind of offices will allow themselves to maintain such hulks? In general, the question is open. If the locals have something to say, I'll read it with pleasure.

And here are some of my personal photographs of the same building "from the ground."

Personally, I have a feeling of some emptiness around. Yes, the once tallest "Antey" sheltered here, but still there are not enough five or six more buildings the size of the "Vysotsky" skyscraper, or at least about the same level.

As far as I remember, there is an ordinary nine-story building across the street from him on Malysheva Street. Here it is, in my opinion, it is necessary to demolish and build another skyscraper there. Yes, and on Mamin-Sibiryak Street, you can demolish the boxes of some bank and stick another skyscraper there. However, I am not the only one who is so smart, and a building called Opera is already being built next to Vysotsky. Always annoyed by the names in Latin by the way. Where is the Ural creativity? Where is the legendary ingenuity of mountain masters? And then they came up with some kind of opera in Latin ...

By the way, I got the photo of the construction site from vedmed1969 . In August of this year, he visited Vysotsky and took such a historical shot. Curiously, how much has the construction progressed in three months?

The third building in the list of skyscrapers in Russia is again located in Yekaterinburg. Yes, that's the trouble. It doesn't function. Height 151 meters. It's not clear when it will be finished. Originally called "Prisma", now renamed "Sverdlovsk". Again, there is some kind of emptiness around. This building is lonely there. I think I need to add something along the way.

Here is my photo from 2013.

We are transferred from the capital of the Urals to St. Petersburg. Surprisingly, in my opinion, one of the ugliest high-rise buildings in our country is located there. Strange story. Somewhere, somewhere, but in the city on the Neva, one could come up with something more interesting. And yes. Again some bourgeois words. "Leader Tower". What for? People call it the "Constitution". In my opinion, how much cooler. Height 145.5 meters.

We leave the northern capital and move to the Caucasus. Grozny. How many different associations with this place. I've been wanting to go there for a long time, but I don't see any prospects yet. Moreover, there is a suspicion that I would rather find myself again in Yekaterinburg (which I really want) than in Chechnya. But back to Grozny. LCD "Phoenix". Height 145 meters. There are plans to build another skyscraper nearby under the sign "Akhmat Tower", but those plans ...

By the way, again some foreign words. What for? They would come up with something, if not in Russian, then in the Chechen language. It would be much more interesting.

Ekaterinburg again takes the sixth place. LCD "February Revolution". 139 meters.

Some of my own photos from 2013. Now, of course, the landscape has changed.

In the honorable seventh place we have Saratov with the residential complex "Elena". The network has a lot of materials pouring mud on this project. What is really going on there, I have no idea. Maybe bakhmetev what will he tell? And so the height of the building is 134 meters. By the way did not expect to see Saratov in the top ten. I thought it would be Novosibirsk or Khabarovsk. But they are not in the top ten at all, which honestly surprised me very much.

Which cities have the most expensive skyscrapers? However, let us turn not to the price of construction, but to the cost of space (per square meter).

Shanghai - 12.5 thousand dollars per square meter

Since this city is one of the world's financial centers, there is always a great demand for space in skyscrapers. It is here that the tallest skyscraper in China is located, the 128-story Shanghai Tower, whose height is 632 meters. However, it has not yet been able to attract a large number of people, since its construction was completed in 2015, largely due to the large number of skyscrapers that have appeared in China over the past years.

Frankfurt - 14 thousand dollars

Brexit has forced many British companies, particularly in London, to look to Frankfurt as a potential relocation site. Since this city is the financial capital of the European Union, there are a large number of skyscrapers here that can attract the attention of highly paid employees. Although there is no shortage of space in the city, there has been a building boom in recent years, with thirty new buildings over a hundred meters high.

Taipei - $16,000

Prices in this city are very high, but sales in recent years have not been particularly impressive. However, in the next couple of years, rental prices in skyscrapers are likely to rise sharply, as investors pay attention not only to the largest financial centers. Apple opened its first store in the city at Taipei 101 in July 2017.

Boston - $17,000

This city is experiencing the biggest building boom in history and the city's skyline is changing beyond recognition. A one billion dollar skyscraper with a height of 236 meters has been planned for construction in the financial district, raising concerns that green space will be destroyed in large numbers.

Singapore - $19,000

In the ranking of cities most likely to attract private property investors, this locality ranked fifth in the world. Over the past decade, Japan alone has invested $4.5 billion in Singapore real estate. It is noted that the residential market in this city is constantly improving, in particular, we are talking about the prospects for collective sales.

Sydney - $20,000

The low amount of vacant space in the city's commercial buildings has pushed up rents significantly in recent years. However, prices for skyscraper space are expected to rise even more in the near future as investors turn their attention to the city. In 2016, it ranked seventh in terms of the number of foreign investors. It is also worth noting that this city has excellent financial relations with Los Angeles. This couple ranked first in 2016 in terms of the number of transactions between private investors. The number of these transactions amounted to 41 percent of their total number.

London - 24.5 thousand dollars

This city ranked second in terms of the number of foreign investors in 2016. However, investors are starting to turn their attention to other EU cities, ignoring London, as other cities are starting to show broader and more stable economic growth, as well as low inflation and low interest rates on loans.

San Francisco - $25,000

The dense horizon of this city becomes even denser. The 61-story skyscraper Salesforce Tower is currently the tallest building in the city, will soon be completed and opened, and its total cost will be one billion dollars.

New York (Manhattan) - 37 thousand dollars

The largest financial center in the world has a very recognizable, almost legendary skyline. A building boom was planned for the near future, but it is under threat as local organizations have set limits on the height of new buildings in various parts of the city.

Tokyo - $49,000

By the 2020 Olympics, the city is set to have 45 more skyscrapers, marking an impressive growth in development.

Hong Kong - 80 thousand dollars per square meter

Hong Kong-based Henderson Land recently paid $3 billion for a five-story car park, a record amount for the city and also a record amount per square meter. This deal demonstrates how competitive the real estate market is in a city that is critically short of space.

In some of the cities in Europe, entire business centers consisting of tall buildings have taken shape, while in other places skyscrapers are still isolated cases. It is interesting, however, to trace this architectural wave, new to Europe, and to see what this continent has to offer architecturally in the future.

1. Frankfurt. After most of the city was completely destroyed during the second world war, Frankfurt began to develop in a different way in relation to its architecture. Today it is exceptionally very different from most cities, not only in Europe, but also in. Its central parts are decorated in an architectural style typical of countries across the Atlantic Ocean - the USA and Canada. The city center is built up with impressive skyscrapers. Among the more popular buildings are the tallest skyscrapers in Europe - Commerzbank, which rises almost 259 meters above the city, the Deutsche Bank twin towers, and the well-known building of the European Central Bank. Due to its imposing city skyline, downtown Frankfurt is often referred to as "Meinhattan" - a combination of New York's famous Manhattan quarter and the Main River flowing near Frankfurt.

2. Istanbul. The largest city in the whole boasts modern architecture, and in its urban skyline, skyscrapers are nothing new. Most of them are located in the Levent Business District (Istanbul's main business center). This part of the city is located on the European shore of the Bosphorus. The tallest building is called Istanbul Sapphire. The elegant skyscraper rises to 288 meters in height, and its antenna rises to more than 261 meters. An interesting fact is that the impressive building is multifunctional. In addition to being a commercial facility, the skyscraper also serves as a residential building with luxury apartments. Eastern Europe's largest city has hundreds of other skyscrapers, and about one-third of them are under construction. This speaks of the very dynamic economic development of Istanbul in recent years.

3. London. Now skyscrapers are an indivisible part of the silhouette of the most significant financial center on the planet -. Most of the tall buildings of the British capital rise where the old ship docks were once located - at one of the largest bends in the River Thames. It is home to the infamous Canary Wharf, which rises to a height of 235 meters and is still one of the largest buildings in London. Her real name is One Canada Square and she was completed in 1991. The Shard London Bridge will be completed in 2012 and is expected to shade all other buildings in the city with its 330 meters height. Even when you see London, you will understand that some of the best architects in the world are working on the skyline of the city, who
afraid to experiment with innovative ideas. An excellent example that can confirm these words is the Egg (or also called "Cucumber"). Now, with its 180 m., the building is not the tallest, but definitely the most original in terms of its design.

4. Barcelona. As one of the most attractive cities for living and investment in the world, solar is also starting to grow rapidly. Among all the tall buildings you can find within the city, the most notable towers are the Torre Mafre and Hotel Arts, which are also the tallest buildings in this magnificent city. Both skyscrapers rise to a height of 154 meters near the city's beach. The most distinctive façade of the 144 meter tower is Torre Akbar, which at first glance resembles the Egg (or Cucumber) that colors the British capital. Torre Akbar
is a masterpiece of glass and aluminum. During the dark hours of the day, the building glows in blue and red lights, which are visible from afar. Although these are the tallest buildings in the Catalan capital, there are also many other skyscrapers that open up on the city skyline, lending a businesslike and modern touch to this sunny and friendly face of Barcelona.

5. Benidorm. When a person sees Benidorm for the first time, he is most often surprised. The reason is that the place is out of the ordinary when it comes to a Mediterranean resort. Interestingly, the struggle for the most attractive sea view has gradually turned Benidorm into one Manhattan. Although the height of local skyscrapers cannot be compared with the height of those that can be found on the Big Apple, there are still many buildings here that inspire respect with their height. One of the most impressive is the 186 meter tower of the Grand Hotel Bali. No less impressive also the 158 meter building of Torre Lugano. One of the factors that contribute most to make Benidorm look so imposing is that most of the skyscrapers are built on the same very narrow but long waterfront area and are very close to each other.

6. Paris. After the Montparnasse tower was built in the center, it was decided to stop with high construction, because there are kilometers long tunnels under Paris and this would definitely not be the best foundation for building skyscrapers. It turned out, however, that for a city as a multimillion-dollar French capital, it is a real deprivation to turn down the opportunity to build skyscrapers, since it is no secret that Paris is in every respect among the best cities in the world. Thus, the quarter of La Defense appeared, which is now the financial heart of Paris. You will find more skyscrapers here than in any other city on the European continent. Today, the tallest of all the skyscrapers in Paris is the First Tower, which rises to 231 meters in La Defense. Other world-famous buildings are the Montparnasse Tower, 210 m high, La Grande Arc de La Defense, 110 m high, also legendary, built in 1889, which with its 324 m is still the tallest structure in French capital.

7. Naples. The Italian city of Naples has more skyscrapers than anywhere else in this Mediterranean country. The tallest building in the city is the Telecom Italia Tower. The skyscraper, covered with mirrored glass, rises to 129 m. It is important to say that it is located in a seismic zone and there are factors like earthquakes that limit high-rise construction for quite natural reasons. Otherwise, this did not prevent the formation of an impressive business center in Naples, which, if viewed from above,
to a certain extent likens the city as or Phoenix. The reason is in the image, how the surrounding subtropical landscape is associated with the characteristic urban architecture.

8. Moscow. Few cities in the world have gone through more fundamental changes since 1990 like the Russian capital Moscow. From a typical Soviet city with drab and boring architecture, Moscow has evolved into one of the most modern urban centers in Europe, and the skyscrapers that rise in the western part of the city are among the tallest on the continent. Moscow International Business Center is better known as Moscow City. It represents Russian wealth. The buildings are located directly on the Moscow River of the same name. The tallest of all skyscrapers in the city is due for completion in 2011 and is called the Mercury City Tower. Once fully completed, the building will rise to 380 m. At 306 m above the streets of the Russian capital rises the tallest completed building in Moscow. Skyscrapers in Moscow look exceptionally modern and being among them for a moment you can feel as if you have fallen into the Asian dragon - Singapore.

9. Madrid. Back in is another European city with an imposing urban skyline. We are talking about the densely populated Spanish capital, in which high-rise construction has long become a necessity. The highest, as well as the most impressive, are the Cuatro Tores Business Eyria skyscrapers. This is a complex consisting of 4 skyscrapers, the highest of which rises to 250 meters in height. Among the most famous for the city are the two towers of Puerta de Europa. The buildings impress with their design, which cannot be overlooked. Although there are many taller buildings in Madrid, the 114 meter towers of the Puerta de Europa are built with a 15° slope, which is an interesting decision considering their height. Both office buildings are covered with dark glass and have 26 floors each. Torre Picaso and Torre de Madrid are also among the winners of the Spanish capital with a height of 156 and 142 m respectively.

10. Warsaw. One of the cities with the largest number of skyscrapers in Eastern Europe is Warsaw, despite the fact that the Polish capital falls behind cities like Istanbul and Moscow in this respect. The tallest building in the city is the Palace of Culture and Science. The tall 231 m building differs from modern skyscrapers, most likely because it was built back in 1955. The skyscraper is extremely multifunctional and is used as a museum, office building, theater, cinema, etc. Due to the decades that he left behind, the Palace of Culture and Science has some measures of an old look and it can be called the Polish Empire State Building. Second
the tallest in the city is the building of the Warsaw Trade Tower. The skyscraper impresses both with its 208 m height and the fact that thanks to the interesting architecture it looks different from every angle you look at it from.

The international database Emporis ranked cities by the number and height of skyscrapers in their territory. The result is a ranking of cities with the most impressive cityscapes.

When compiling the ranking, Emporis considered only built skyscrapers (40 floors and above) and high-rise buildings (from 12 to 39 floors), and then assigned points to each building according to the number of floors. Higher buildings get higher scores. TV towers, columns, bridges and other structures will not turn on.

25. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: 2,595 tall buildings per 1,182 km2. Rio de Janeiro is a city in Brazil, the capital of the state of the same name. The population of the city exceeds 6.5 million people. It is the second largest city in the country and the fifth in South America. Forms an agglomeration with a population of 12 million people.

Rio de Janeiro is a city of contrasts. Poor dwellings huddle on the slopes of the surrounding mountains. These are the poorest areas of the city - the favelas. There are several hundred favelas in the city.

In fact, these are mini-states within a state. The federal authorities practically do not interfere in the affairs of the favelas. In most favelas, the standard of living is very low, often there are no basic amenities, schools, hospitals, etc. and, as a result of all this, an extremely unfavorable crime situation and a terrible sanitary condition.

Rio de Janeiro is known for a very high level of crime, including drug trafficking, which is mainly concentrated in areas of densely populated favelas that are practically not controlled by government authorities and the police (power in them actually belongs to the most influential drug cartels).

As part of the city's preparations for the 2014 FIFA World Cup (the final is due to take place in Rio) and the 2016 Summer Olympics, the state and city are making major efforts to restore law and order, including in the favelas.

In Rio there are branches of such companies as Royal Dutch Shell, EBX, Esso. The offices of the large international companies Coca-Cola, IBM and El Paso are also located in Rio de Janeiro.

Rio ranks second nationally in industrial production and is the second largest financial center, second only to Sao Paulo. The city's industrial enterprises produce food, chemical and petroleum products, medicines, metal products, ships, textiles and furniture.

However, the dominant sector in the economy is the service sector, including banking and the second most active stock market in Brazil. The sphere of tourism and entertainment is also key to the economy of the city and the country.

The city is divided by the locals into the Old Town, the New Town and the suburbs. The Old Town houses the customs, the docks, the arsenal, the stock exchange, the National Academy of Arts, the city hall and cultural institutions, including all theaters and almost all museums.

The new city is known for its mint, prison, main station and Les Invalides. Basically, high-rise buildings are concentrated in the New City.

In general, Rio is a city of contrasts, on its territory you can see both favelas, where representatives of the poorest segments of the population live, and modern skyscrapers. 24. Osaka, Japan: 1,490 high-rise buildings per 220 km2. Osaka is considered the third largest city in Japan. The population of Osaka exceeds 2.5 million people.

Osaka is served by 2 airports. Kansai International Airport receives most of the scheduled international flights, some domestic and most cargo.

The airport is located on an artificial island in Osaka Bay. Osaka International Airport handles mostly international cargo flights and charter flights.

The city has a subway that serves more than 912 million passengers a year, making it one of the largest in the world.

Jakarta is a Special Capital Region, the capital and largest city of Indonesia. The population of Jakarta exceeds 9.5 million people.

Such industries as car assembly, textile, clothing, footwear, electronics, food, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, printing, glass, paper, woodworking, ship repair, shipbuilding, metalworking are developed here. New industrial zones are being actively developed.

Jakarta is a city where skyscrapers built according to the most modern designs coexist with traditional Indonesian dwellings. This is a real metropolis with many modern luxury hotels, shopping centers, restaurants and nightclubs. 22. Istanbul, Turkey: 2,312 high-rise buildings per 1,991 km2.

Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey, the main commercial, industrial and cultural center, the main port of the country.

Istanbul accounts for 27% of Turkey's GDP and 20% of the entire labor force in the country. Istanbul's GDP per capita is 70% above the national average, and Istanbul's productivity as a region is about 50% higher, with Istanbul's economy primarily producing high value-added products.

The economy is mainly based on mechanical engineering (including shipbuilding), chemical, cement, food, light, printing, woodworking, paper and glass industries, trade and tourism. A wide variety of products are also produced, such as: olive oil, tobacco, vehicles, electronics and much more.

Istanbul is home to the Istanbul Stock Exchange, the only exchange in Turkey that combined the former Istanbul Gold Exchange and the Turkish Derivatives Exchange. The main banks of the country, foreign insurance companies and agencies are also based here.

Tourism plays an important role in the city's economy. Istanbul is an extremely popular tourist destination. However, the sector continues to grow rapidly.

Istanbul is a city with a rich history, which could not but be reflected in its architecture. There are many significant architectural monuments from different historical periods, while most of the buildings do not differ in height. However, in Istanbul you can also see modern high-rise buildings with unusual architecture. 21. Beijing, China: 925 high-rise buildings on 16,808 km2. Beijing is the capital of China with a population of over 20 million people.

In addition, Beijing is the political, educational and cultural center of the PRC, while Shanghai and Hong Kong are considered the main economic centers.

At the same time, in recent years, Beijing has increasingly taken on the role of a locomotive of entrepreneurial activity and the main field for creating innovative enterprises. Beijing is one of the four ancient capitals of China.

Beijing is home to a significant number of foreigners, mainly businessmen, representatives of foreign companies and students.

Most foreigners settle in the densely populated northern, northeastern and eastern parts of the city. In recent years, there has been a large influx of South Koreans, who already form the largest foreign diaspora in China.

Three architectural styles prevail in Beijing's urban area. Firstly, it is the traditional architecture of imperial China, one of the best examples of which is the Gate of Heavenly Peace (Tiananmen Gate) - the architectural symbol of China, as well as the Forbidden City and the Temple of Heaven.

The second is the style of the 50-70s. XX century, which is very reminiscent of Soviet buildings of the same time.

And finally, modern architectural forms, mainly located in the Central Business District. The tallest building is the 74-story skyscraper of the China World Trade Center, and the 106-story China Zun skyscraper is under construction. 20. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: 608 high-rise buildings per 243 km2. Kuala Lumpur is the capital of Malaysia. The population of the city exceeds 2 million people.

It is a significant commercial, industrial and financial center of the country. In the city and its environs there are enterprises for the processing of rubber, the production of palm oil and other food products, the assembly of automobiles, electrical and electronic products, the production of agricultural equipment, metal products, and textiles.

Tin and coal are mined near Kuala Lumpur. Kuala Lumpur is home to the state central bank Bank Negara Malaysia and many other major banks, the stock (since 1978) and commodity (since 1980) exchanges, the boards of the most important state organizations, public and private insurance companies, the main offices of the Malaysian branches of TNCs , various firms and enterprises.

As for architecture, a variety of architectural styles coexist here - from Victorian to Islamic architecture. In addition, buildings in the style of modernism and postmodernism play an important role in the appearance of the city - these are the Petronas Towers, the Kuala Lumpur Exhibition Center and many other skyscrapers built relatively recently. 19. Mumbai, India: 1,596 tall buildings per 621 km2. Mumbai is the most populated city in India: the concept of the city includes the so-called. Mumbai Municipal Corporation, which includes two districts of the state of Maharashtra.

Together with satellite cities, it forms the sixth largest urban agglomeration in the world with a population of 21.3 million people.

Mumbai is a major hub for international communications. The city has a deep natural harbour, being the largest port in western India. About half of India's passenger traffic passes through the passenger terminal.

Mumbai - one of the most important economic and cultural centers of India, is a city of great contrasts, where luxury and wealth coexist with poverty. Modern quarters are adjacent to slums - the northern districts of the city, which are considered breeding grounds for various diseases.

About 10% of all workers in the country work in this city. The city contributes 33% of income tax revenue and 60% of all customs fees. Mumbai accounts for 40% of all India's foreign trade. The city has developed industries: cotton, oil refining, chemical, mechanical engineering.

It is worth noting that employees working for the state make up a significant part of the entire workforce of the city, but at the same time there are many residents engaged in low and medium-skilled labor: taxi drivers, shopkeepers, mechanics, repairmen and others.

Mumbai is the main center of the entertainment industry. Most of India's television and satellite networks are located in this city. Film Industry Center of India, so-called. Bollywood is located in Mumbai, where there are other, less well-known film studios.

Mumbai was actively built up during the period of British rule, in the second half of the 19th and 20th centuries. Its planning and development still retains the features of colonial domination and social inequality.

This city is a real world of contrasts. Here antiquity coexists with modernity, poverty with luxury. And next to the buildings of the times of English domination, you can see modern high-rise buildings that house company offices, hotels and shopping centers. 18. Panama: 241 high-rise buildings per 2,560 km2.

Panama is the capital of the state of Panama with a population of 1.3 million people. Panama City is the political, administrative and cultural center of the country.

Panama has a highly developed economy based primarily on transport, services, the banking sector and the construction and sale of real estate. The main source of the city's wealth is undoubtedly the Panama Canal, one of the world's main transport arteries.

The city creates about 55% of the country's total GDP, being the location of all major Panamanian companies and representative offices of international corporations.

Tourism is an increasingly important part of the city's economy, attracting operators of the largest international hotel and restaurant chains to the city.

The capital of Panama is a modern, thriving commercial city that stretches for 10 km along the Pacific coast of the country.

The city is full of buildings of old Spanish colonial architecture, although many of the houses are skilful reconstructions, as the old city was often devastated by earthquakes and numerous pirate sieges.

Now it is a city of skyscrapers, parks, magnificent suburbs and historical monuments. 17. Chongqing, China: 541 high-rise buildings on 82,403 km2. Chongqing is a city in central China. It is a city with a population of over 7 million people. Chongqing is a major commercial center in China, with many shopping malls and office buildings. In addition, innovative science is developed here - there are more than 1,000 research institutes in Chongqing. The population exceeds 7.5 million people.

Chongqing is one of the largest commercial centers in China. The leading place in the economy of the city is occupied by industry.

The main branches of industry are: chemical, machine-building and metallurgical. Chongqing, together with the cities of Shanghai, Changchun and Shiyan, is China's largest automobile production base. The city has 5 factories for the production of complete vehicles and more than 400 factories for the production of automotive parts.

Chongqing City has three large iron and steel enterprises: Aluminum Processing Plant, Chongqing Steel Corporation and Chongqing Special Steel Company. The city is one of the 6 chemical industry bases in China.

Chongqing produces more than 1,000 chemical industrial products, including oil varnish, titanium white, and others, among which wood alcohol production ranks first, and pigment and synthetic medicine production ranks second in China. 16. Incheon, South Korea: 494 high-rise buildings per 1,029 km2.

Incheon is a city and port on the Korean Peninsula in the Republic of Korea.

Incheon is the third most populous city in Korea after Seoul and Busan. Incheon is the country's most important transport hub, as the city has the largest port on the western coast of the peninsula, as well as the country's largest airport, Incheon.

In the 21st century, the city has become an international business center centered around the futuristic high-tech project New Songdo City, which houses the country's tallest building, the Northeast Asia Trade Tower (305 m).

The port of Incheon has become the second largest after the port of Busan due to its convenient location at the mouth of the Hangang River.

Incheon is often referred to as the "Gateway to the Korean Capital" and is considered part of Greater Seoul. The Seoul and Incheon subways are connected. However, Incheon is an independent administrative-territorial unit and one of the most important cities in Korea.

It is a large port city with a population of 2.5 million people, a powerful industrial center with developed engineering, shipbuilding, steel, oil refining, chemical, electrical, textile, and flour-grinding industries. The city also has a developed production of sheet glass and porcelain and faience products. There is a large thermal power plant.

The Incheon Free Economic Zone consists of three parts. These are New Songdo City, Cheongna and Yeongjong Island. The goal of the Incheon FEZ is to transform these three sites into the international trade, logistics, leisure and tourism centers of northeast Asia. This free economic zone was announced by the government in August 2003 and became the first in Korea. 15. Shenzhen, China: 420 high-rise buildings per 2,020 km2.

Shenzhen is a city in China with a population of over 10 million people. According to the UN, Shenzhen is among the top five cities in the world in terms of population growth.

Thanks to large-scale foreign and government investments, in a fairly short period of time, the city has become a major industrial, financial and transport center of the Pearl River Delta economic region and the country as a whole.

Today, Shenzhen is one of the fastest growing cities in China, the fourth most competitive city in the country, the largest among Chinese cities in terms of exports and serves as a kind of gateway to attract investment, new technologies and business culture.

With the establishment of the Free Economic Zone, Shenzhen has become a magnet for multinational corporations. Today, Shenzhen ranks 4th among the economic centers of mainland China (after Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou) and is one of the top three financial centers in the country.

The city is home to one of the country's largest Shenzhen Stock Exchange, as well as major international companies.

The large-scale construction work carried out in Shenzhen over the past three decades has almost completely destroyed samples of the old buildings. Shenzhen is one of the ten cities in the world with the largest number of skyscrapers (they are concentrated mainly in Luohu, Futian and Nanshan).

Among them are Kingkey 100 (442 m, 100 floors, opened in 2011), Shun Hing Square (384 m, 69 floors, opened in 1996), SEG Plaza (356 m, 70 floors, opened in 2000) and many other skyscrapers.

The city is building the Pingan International Finance Center complex, which will include a 116-story tower (660 meters) and a 66-story tower with a height of 307 meters 14. Busan, South Korea: 351 high-rise buildings on 527 km2.

The second largest city in the country, after Seoul. The largest port in the country, known as the "Sea Capital of the Republic of Korea". The official name of the city is Busan Metropolitan City.

Busan is one of the most modern cities in Asia. The city is known for its many skyscrapers and other architectural landmarks. Here is the largest department store in the world - Sinsege Centum City and the tallest building in the Republic of Korea - Doosan Haeundae We "ve the Zenith Tower A".

Other mega-structures are also being built in the city - skyscrapers "Lotte Super Tower" and the highest office in the country "Busan International Financial Center". The building "Lotte Super Tower" has 110 floors, the design height is 510 meters.

The port of Busan is the largest in the Republic of Korea, available for vessels with a displacement of up to 50 thousand tons, a length of up to 330 meters and a draft of up to 12.5 meters.

There is also a passenger water "tram", a railway junction, a developed system of bus transport and taxis.

Busan is home to South Korea's longest bridge, the Gwangan Bridge. Ponyonno, the first urban highway in the city and country, runs from north to south. In the west of the city is the Gimhae International Airport. Busan is connected to the Russian city of Vladivostok by direct flights. Busan has a subway system.

Busan is home to the Korea Exchange and the Busan International Financial Center. 13. Toronto, Canada: 2,029 tall buildings per 629 km2.

Toronto is the largest city in Canada and the capital of the province of Ontario. The population is over 2.5 million people. Together with the cities of Mississauga, Brampton, Markham and others, it forms the Greater Toronto agglomeration with a population of over 5.7 million people.

Toronto is part of the "golden horseshoe" - a densely populated region around the western part of Lake Ontario with a population of about 7 million people. Approximately one third of Canada's population lives within a 500 km radius of Toronto. About a sixth of all Canada's jobs are within city limits.

The city of Toronto is also known as the "economic engine" of Canada, is considered one of the leading metropolitan areas in the world and has a lot of weight both in the region and at the state and international level.

The main sectors of the city's economy: the production of electric power equipment, an oil refinery, nuclear energy, and the food industry. The city is the headquarters of the largest North American bakery company George Weston.

Toronto has a rectangular street grid; Until the middle of the 20th century, two-story buildings prevailed. However, modern buildings and skyscrapers are harmoniously combined with older buildings. 12. Guangzhou, China: 543 high-rise buildings on 7,434 km2. Guangzhou is a city of the People's Republic of China with a rich history of 2000 years. The city has become the largest industrial, tourist, transport and financial center of China.

With a population of over 13 million, Guangzhou is the fourth largest city in China after Shanghai, Beijing and Tianjin.

The city is the largest tourist, industrial, financial and transportation center of China. After Guangzhou was declared "open", two economic and technological "development zones" were formed in it. The Guangzhou-Nansha zone is built up with manufacturing enterprises, the free trade zone is the concentration of trade and customs organizations.

Guangzhou is a world-famous light industry center producing products from silk, cotton, jute, ramie and man-made fibers. Like many other industrialized provinces in China, the city suffers from chronic power shortages.

Guangzhou hosts the Canton Fair (CECF, Canton Fair) twice a year - one of the most important events of the year in the world of manufacturing and trade. Today it is the third industrial exhibition in the world in terms of the volume of transactions. Guangzhou is the most important trading platform with Hong Kong.

The city is developing rapidly, old residential areas are quickly demolished and built up with new skyscrapers. 11. Tokyo, Japan: 2,771 high-rise buildings per 620 km2. Tokyo is the capital of Japan, its financial, industrial, administrative, cultural and political center. More than 13 million people live here.

Tokyo is one of the world's three financial centers, along with New York and London. Also, Tokyo is one of the most economically developed agglomerations in the world.

Tokyo is a major international financial center and the headquarters of some of the world's largest investment banks and insurance companies, as well as serving as the hub for the transportation, publishing and broadcasting industries in Japan.

Tokyo is the main economic center of Japan. The economy of the metropolis is based on branches of the secondary and tertiary sectors of the economy.

Tokyo is a city with a huge number of skyscrapers, which house offices of organizations and shopping centers. 10. Bangkok, Thailand: 923 high-rise buildings per 1,568 km2.

Bangkok is the capital and largest city of Thailand with a population of 5.6 million.

Bangkok is Thailand's economic center and port (due to its location on the Chao Phraya River). The Stock Exchange of Thailand is also located in Bangkok.

The main sources of income are the export of rice and fish products, the production of electronic components, the automotive industry, oil refining, and shipbuilding.

Despite the popular belief that a significant part of the income of Thailand in general and the capital in particular is tourism, this is not the case, the share of tourism is only about three to four percent. The city is also famous for its jewelry, the opportunity to buy or sell silver and bronze items.

Sao Paulo is a city in the southeast of Brazil, the capital of the state of the same name, the largest city in the Southern Hemisphere. The population of the city exceeds 13 million people.

Historically, the city had a significant industrial sector, but now the economy is shifting to the service sector, serving the business of the entire country. Many reviews point to the growing importance of the city in the global economy, although this growth is slowing down due to serious social problems.

Sao Paulo is the largest financial center of the Mercosur economy. The city attracts many important economic forums and conferences, which makes it not only the economic, but also the cultural and scientific center of the region.

It hosts events from small meetings to large international exhibitions, more than 200 international events per day, covering an area of ​​​​about 250 thousand m2 in pavilions and conference centers, excluding hotel space, which adds another 70 thousand m2, and together with clubs, cultural and business areas, this number reaches 430 thousand m2. The city also boasts numerous tourist spots, from gastronomic to cultural institutions.

The architectural image of the city is created by a mixture of different eras and styles. In Sao Paulo, many old buildings, museums and churches have been preserved. At the same time, Sao Paulo is one of the most modern cities, most of it is built up with skyscrapers made of glass and metal (such as Paulista Avenida), including the highest skyscraper in Brazil - Miranti do Vali. Such a neighborhood of styles does not look far-fetched and alien - on the contrary, the ancient church can look harmoniously against the backdrop of the most modern building. 8. Shanghai, China: 1,121 high-rise buildings per 6,638 km2.

Shanghai is the largest city in China and one of the most populated cities in the world. Located in the east of China. One of the four cities of the central subordination of the PRC, an important financial and cultural center of the country, as well as the world's largest seaport.

The total population of Shanghai (including the non-urban area) is 16.738 million, this figure also includes temporary residents in Shanghai, whose number is 3.871 million.

Shanghai is the financial and commercial center of China. In 1990, the Shanghai Stock Exchange was established in Shanghai, the first in mainland China. After the reform of the stock market in 2005, the capitalization of the stock market has greatly increased.

Like many other regions in China, Shanghai is experiencing a construction boom. Shanghai's modern architecture is distinguished by its unique style, for example, the upper floors of high-rise buildings occupied by restaurants are shaped like flying saucers.

One of the symbols of Shanghai is the skyscraper of the Shanghai World Financial Center, referred to by its shape as a "opener". In terms of the number of skyscrapers, Shanghai has surpassed Hong Kong, which became part of China, their main focus is the Pudong area.

The city built the highest in China and the second in the world 128-storey skyscraper Shanghai Tower.

Most of the buildings under construction in Shanghai today are high-rise residential buildings, varying in height, color and design. Organizations responsible for planning the development of the city are now increasingly focusing on the creation of green spaces and parks within residential complexes to improve the quality of life of Shanghainese people.

7. Chicago, USA: 1,160 high-rise buildings per 589 km2.

Chicago is the third largest city in the United States (after New York and Los Angeles), the second most important financial center of the country (after New York) and the largest transportation hub in North America.

The population of Chicago is more than 2.5 million people (white population - about 45%). The Chicago agglomeration (with various suburbs) is called "Greater Chicago" or "Chicago Country" - about 9.5 million people live in it. The Chicago agglomeration ranks 26th in the world in terms of the number of inhabitants.

Chicago is considered to be the economic, industrial, transportation and cultural capital of the Midwest. Informally, it is sometimes also referred to as the "Second City" and the "Windy City".

One of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks is located in Chicago, the largest exchanges are the Chicago Board of Trade and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, united in the CME Group, the Chicago Stock Exchange, the Chicago Stock Exchange, OneChicago.

The Chicago Loop is the business center of Chicago, the second largest in the United States after Manhattan. It houses stock exchanges, the headquarters of such well-known companies as United Airlines, Chase Bank, Boeing and others.

Main shopping street State Street; LaSalle Street, called Chicago's Wall Street; Michigan Avenue, considered the most beautiful street in the city, part of which - the "Magnificent Mile" - is famous for its luxurious hotels, restaurants and shops.

After the fire of 1871, which destroyed the city almost entirely, Chicago began to rebuild with feverish speed. More than a century later, Chicago is a city of high rises.

Here, for example, the Willis Tower is located - a 110-story, tallest building in the United States of America with a height of 443 m. At the top is the Skydeck Chicago observation deck, which offers beautiful views of Chicago and Lake Michigan. In this building you can get acquainted with the entire history of skyscraper construction. 6. Dubai, UAE: 686 high-rise buildings on 3,885 km2. Dubai is the largest commercial, financial and tourist center of the Middle East. The pace of development of the city is comparable to Shanghai.

Dubai does not have some significant taxes: corporate income tax, capital gains tax, personal income tax, and income repatriation tax. The United Arab Emirates also has double tax treaties with more than twenty countries around the world.

FEZs - free economic zones - are of great value in doing business in Dubai. The offshore zone is located in the Jebel Ali area.

The city has two seaports, several bus stations (the largest in Bur Dubai) and two major international airports (Dubai and Al Maktoum). There is a developed bus network, some of the stops are air-conditioned. On September 9, 2009, the Dubai Metro was opened.

The city has many shopping centers, office buildings, hotels, inns, entertainment centers.

The city harmoniously combines both historical architectural monuments and modern architecture. 5. Seoul, South Korea: 3,023 high-rise buildings per 616 km2.

Seoul is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Korea. The population is more than 10 million people.

About 20,000 businesses operate in Seoul. Although Seoul occupies only 0.6% of the territory of the Republic of Korea, the city generates 21% of the country's GDP. Main industries: trade, engineering, telecommunications, electronics, construction.

Seoul is home to the headquarters of many international companies. International banks Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Barclays, Grupo Santander, UBS, Credit Suisse, UniCredit, Société Générale, Calyon, BBVA, Macquarie Group, ING Bank, State Street and Standard Chartered have branches in the city .

The look of Seoul intertwines antiquity and modernity, skyscrapers and pagodas. Masterpieces of ancient national architecture are the Great South Gate (Namdaemun) and the Great East Gate (Dongdaemun), which once served as an entrance to the city; they were opened and closed to the sound of the bell.

Architectural monuments are the royal palaces of Seoul.

The modern landmark of Seoul is the 262 m high Golden Tower, erected on the island of Yeouido. This is one of the tallest structures in Asia. At the top of the tower is an observation deck that offers views of Seoul and its surroundings and the Yellow Sea. The tower has an aquarium, where over 20 thousand inhabitants of the sea are represented. 4. Moscow, Russia: 10,896 high-rise buildings per 1,081 km2.

Moscow is the capital of Russia and the largest city in terms of population (over 12 million people). Moscow is the largest city in Russia by the number of inhabitants and the most populated of the cities located entirely in Europe. Its agglomeration with a permanent population of about 15 million people is also the largest in Russia and Europe.

Moscow is an important tourist center of Russia. It is the most important transport hub. The city is served by 5 airports, 9 railway stations, 3 river ports.

Moscow is the largest financial center on a national scale, an international business center and a control center for a large part of the country's economy. For example, about half of the banks registered in Russia are concentrated in Moscow. In addition, most of the largest companies are registered and have central offices in Moscow, although their production may be located thousands of kilometers away.

The capital of the Russian Federation, Moscow, has preserved a number of valuable architectural monuments, some of which are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The architecture of Moscow combines many styles from different historical eras.

Not to mention the modern architecture. In recent years, more and more high-rise office buildings, various business and cultural centers have been built in Moscow.

In the first decade of the 21st century, the construction of the complex of buildings of the Moscow International Business Center Moscow-City began, which consists of several high-rise buildings, predominantly of an office type.

The Republic of Singapore is a city-state located on islands in Southeast Asia. Currently, the state of Singapore consists of 63 islands.

Singapore is a highly developed country with a market economy and low taxation, in which transnational corporations play an important role. Singapore is attractive to investors because of its low tax rates.

Singapore is ranked among the East Asian tigers for the rapid jump of the economy to the level of developed countries. The country has developed electronics production, shipbuilding, and the financial services sector. One of the largest manufacturers of CD drives. Large-scale research is being carried out in the field of biotechnology.

Singapore is the second most densely populated country in the world. Its population is over 5 million people.

The architecture of Singapore shows a range of influences and styles from different places and periods. It ranges from the eclectic style and hybrid forms of the colonial period to modern architecture incorporating trends from around the world.

However, traditionally Singapore is associated with skyscrapers and high-rise buildings, which house office buildings and shopping and entertainment centers. 2. New York, USA: 6,091 tall buildings per 800 km2. New York is the largest city in the United States, one of the largest agglomerations in the world. The population of the city is 8,405,837 people. New York is the world's most important financial, political, economic and cultural center.

New York, along with London and Tokyo, is called one of the three main centers of the world economy.

New York is the most important financial center of the country and the world, financial institutions located in the city at the end of 2008 controlled up to 40% of world finance.

Situated on separate islands and peninsulas, the city has a large number of bridges and tunnels. Adjacent parts of the city are connected to each other, as well as to the adjoining cities of Jersey City, Newark, and others, at the same time, as a rule, by several bridges and tunnels.

New York is one of the most attractive cities in the world with a rich history and unusual architecture. Here one cannot fail to mention the most significant architectural buildings of New York, namely, the Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building "e, Chrysler Building" e, Flatiron Building "e, Brooklyn Bridge, etc. New York is a relatively young city (it is less than 400 years old), and its layout is not burdened with centuries-old layers of historical and architectural eras.

Popular are New York City skyscrapers that are at least 183m tall in a standard height measurement that includes architectural details but does not include antenna masts. 1. Hong Kong: 7,794 high-rise buildings per 1,053 km2.

Hong Kong is a special administrative region of the People's Republic of China, one of the leading financial centers in Asia and the world. The population of Hong Kong exceeds 7 million people.

Hong Kong is an important center for international finance and trade, and the concentration of headquarters is the highest in the Asia-Pacific region. In terms of per capita gross domestic product and gross urban product, Hong Kong is the richest city in China.

The architecture of Hong Kong is well represented by modern architecture, in particular, it is modernism, postmodernism, functionalism. Due to the lack of available land, some historic buildings remain in the urban areas of Hong Kong.

Mankind itself did not notice how, obsessed with gigantomania, it was carried away by a crazy race - to build skyscrapers who are higher.

In 1852, an unknown mechanic worked at the Maize & Burns bed frame factory in New York. He received a responsible task: to design an efficient lift for heavy loads. Elevators already existed, but they were dangerous, the ropes often broke. The mechanic found a simple solution: he attached the rope to the cab with a power spring. If the rope broke, the spring contracted and threw out catchers that stopped the cab on the guide rails. The mechanic's name was Elisha Otis.

His invention, along with the use of load-bearing metal frames in housing construction, made it possible to build buildings of dizzying heights, which coincided with the boom of urbanization. Cities have become global business centers. Rent prices skyrocketed, and city planners had no choice but to go up. The first skyscraper appeared in 1885 in Chicago - the building of the insurance company Home Insurance Building with ten floors and a height of as much as 42 m.

130 years have passed, but the fashion for the construction of skyscrapers does not think to fade away. The tallest building in the world is currently the Burj Khalifa in Dubai (828 m). However, by April of this year, China plans to complete the construction of the 838-meter Sky City, while Kuwait is building the Tower of Silk City (Madinat Al-Hareer), the declared height of which is 1001 meters.

But the most ambitious of the current projects is in Saudi Arabia. Last year, the construction of the Kingdom Tower began there with a planned height of 1007 m. The competition is not only for height, but also for speed: the Saudis need to build as quickly as possible, because competitors are not asleep. Bahrain plans to build a 1022-meter Murjan Tower in the coming years. On top of that, Azerbaijan announced the construction of a skyscraper with a height of 1050 meters by 2018.

"Big Body, Little Mind"

Not to come first is not the worst thing that threatens the participants of this race of giants. Skyscrapers are not always pride, a breakthrough and a demonstration of technical achievements. In practice, almost more often than a triumph, the construction of reinforced concrete monsters turns into curiosities, and in some cases remains unfinished at all.

So, the Intempo skyscraper in the Spanish resort town of Benidorm became famous for the fact that when they decided to make it even higher than it was originally planned, the creators forgot to design an elevator. Construction after that was actually frozen for many months.

The building of the Ryugyong Hotel in North Korea, once intended to be the tallest hotel in the world, now stands as a mute reproach to the builders, reminding the whole world that the ambitious project, which began to be built back in 1987, cannot be built for more than a quarter of a century. bring to mind due to lack of funding. To date, the building has been completed, but the grand opening of the hotel, scheduled for 2013, did not take place. A spokesman for the Kempinski Group, the chain that was supposed to operate the hotel, said that "entering the North Korean market is not possible."

Form does not follow function

But more often than not, the builders of amazing skyscrapers are criticized for their design. The developers of the East Gate skyscraper in Suzhou are ridiculed by everyone for the fact that their building most of all resembles giant pants. Seoul's original 153-meter "bicycle towers" are compared to toilet paper roll holders. And if a tourist, walking around Dubai, suddenly feels uncomfortable among the surrounding monsters of glass and concrete, then he should be reassured: he is not alone in this.

“Unfortunately, the majority of skyscrapers are non-existent, there are only a few good ones in the world,” says Sergey Skuratov, one of Moscow's leading architects. The Burj Khalifa is good, but in general, 90% of the skyscrapers in Dubai are ugly, this is such a very specific kitsch, ”says his colleague Vladimir Plotkin, chief architect of the Reserve bureau.

Not everyone is ready to admire the appearance of skyscrapers as a class. If architects can still praise some of the work of their colleagues, then there are citizens and members of the professional community who do not consider skyscrapers interesting in principle.

“The skyscraper is a technical genre, where the main thing is the amazement of the public with the abilities of the engineers who were able to deliver it. And from the point of view of an architectural project, this is a rather stupid thing: well, what can an architect draw there? - comments the architectural critic Grigory Revzin. “A skyscraper is like a dinosaur: it is a very big body and very little mind.”

Who needs skyscrapers?

Skyscrapers, like any houses, in theory should not only be beautiful, but also harmoniously fit into the surrounding landscape. Skyscrapers look organically in those cities where the corresponding architectural traditions have already developed - New York, Hong Kong, the birthplace of Chicago skyscrapers.

Russian architects also travel to these cities for experience and inspiration. “The classic high-rise buildings that were built in the early 20th century in Chicago are beautiful, the symbol of this city - the Willis Tower - can serve as an example of a very good skyscraper. Just like the Empire State Building in New York. The twin towers of the World Trade Center were very beautiful, magnificent. But in historical cities with an already established number of storeys, the installation of skyscrapers must be approached more than carefully, warns Vladimir Plotkin. “Quite rightly, there were waves of indignation at the plans to build the Okhta Center in St. Petersburg, and it’s good that it was moved to another place.”

When it comes to ancient cities with low-rise buildings and already established architectural appearance, Europe comes to mind first of all.

Take, for example, London - the European capital of skyscrapers, but recently the situation there has not been in favor of building glass and concrete giants. Today, more than 200 skyscrapers are under construction in the English capital, and the UK government is concerned that their further construction could "significantly change the skyline and affect the appearance of historic quarters."

Not our race

Moscow also has its own traditions of building high-rise buildings: for more than half a century, the city has been symbolized by the famous Seven Sisters skyscrapers, and Moscow City has become a symbol of Moscow in the 21st century. And maybe this is just the beginning.

“Now one such complex of skyscrapers in the city looks very compact, lonely and strange. It makes sense to continue building skyscrapers in the capital, but to put them not in the center, but towards the periphery,” Vladimir Plotkin believes.

As you know, a skyscraper can not be placed anywhere. So, there is a very serious limitation on transport accessibility. For example, when Norman Foster designed the 500-meter tower "Russia", which was supposed to be the largest building in Moscow and Europe, then calculations were made and an interesting fact was revealed. “The capacity of the building was 21 thousand people, and if at the end of the working day they all had to leave the premises, then the least fortunate would have managed to do this only at six in the morning of the next day,” notes Grigory Revzin. As a result, it was decided to abandon the construction of the Rossiya tower.

Moscow, according to architects, should not strive to participate in some kind of ratings, but it would be more correct to focus on more practical tasks - the market, workshop, architecture. “This is not our race,” Sergey Skuratov comments. “We don't have a problem with a lack of land or an acute task to show the world some of the latest achievements… Skyscrapers may be Russia's task for the next century. Now we just need to learn how to build houses well.”

Tatyana Redkova

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