I feel that the guy does not like. What to do if a man does not love you? He treats you like a friend

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According to Steve Harvey, author of the popular novel Act Like a Woman, Think Like a Man, men express their love in three ways: publicly assert their rights to a woman, protect her, and care for her. Part of this statement can be challenged, because in our time, not all women want a man to provide or protect them. But all women, without exception, undoubtedly need love. Unfortunately, this desire sometimes leads to the fact that women begin to see love where there is none.

But even if there were feelings, they can disappear over time, and it is important to pay attention to this in time. But how to understand that the love and adoration that a man felt for you has passed?

He criticizes your appearance

Omar Khayyam once said that if a person loves you, he will like even flaws, and if not, even perfection can irritate him. If a man really loves you, you will always be beautiful in his eyes, even with dirty hair or an oversized nightgown. He will not notice that after the winter holidays you have a couple of extra pounds, if you do not tell about it yourself. But if a man constantly recommends you go to the gym or forces you to get plastic surgery, do not rush to follow his whims. It is obvious that he is not satisfied with you, not your appearance. And even if you lose weight, he will find other faults in you.

He discusses your shortcomings with his friends

Women often discuss relationship problems or their partner's shortcomings with their girlfriends, while men keep it to themselves. People who truly love each other focus on their partner's strengths instead of looking for weaknesses.

If a partner allows himself to publicly humiliate you and laugh at your failures, do not expect anything good from this relationship. This suggests that a man does not respect you, and a strong and reliable union is impossible without respect. By criticizing you in front of other people, he unconsciously tries to prove to them (and to himself) that only you are to blame for cooling his feelings.

Relationship to your habits

Women often complain about the behavior of men, but they also have annoying or strange habits. Maybe your man also doesn't like you taking a bath for two hours, constantly talking to a friend on the phone, buying unnecessary things, eating off his plate at dinner, or singing the same song all day long. Loving men, as a rule, endure all this in silence, or treat such behavior with humor. If your man finds fault with every little thing in your behavior, negatively comments on it, then the only feeling he feels for you is irritation, not love.

Mindfulness for your stories

Scientists have proven that a man can listen attentively to a woman for only 6 minutes. That's why, ladies, the next time you want to talk to your loved ones, try not to rant for hours. Remember that it is very difficult for a man to focus on conversations about strangers, celebrities, shopping, fashion and diet. If you really want to talk about it, call a friend.

And yet, if a man sees that you want to discuss something very important to you, he will make every effort to listen carefully, even if this topic is not at all interesting to him. If he really loves you, he will not leave you unattended. But if he constantly changes the subject or avoids conversations using various excuses, then your worries most likely do not bother him. Accordingly, he is not going to participate in resolving any issues that may arise during the relationship.

His relation to your emotions

Men do not tolerate women's tears, and recently scientists have found an explanation for this: it turns out that women's tears contain special volatile substances that lower the level of testosterone in the blood of men, which leads to a decrease in sexual desire. Therefore, you should not use tears if you want to somehow influence your loved one.

In fact, the only desire that a man feels at the sight of a crying woman is to run away and not see this. But a man who loves you will come together and do his best to calm you down, even if the reason why you are crying seems trivial to him. He will calm down only when you start smiling again. Well, if he does not love you, tears will become another source of irritation.


Flirting is very important for a relationship. This tool helps to rekindle feelings and break through the routine if you are in a long-term relationship. Text messages, intriguing notes, playful photos - all this helps to rekindle mutual interest, just like in the early days of a relationship. Of course, it is very important that both partners actively respond to this flirting.

But if you have already sent 10 erotic essays and photos to your man, and he has not reacted to them in any way, stop doing this and think about what makes him ignore your flirting.

His response to your requests

For a loving man, the requests and wishes of his beloved (and not friends or distant relatives) will always take first place. In fact, men love to help women - this gives them the opportunity to demonstrate how cool, strong and responsible they are. Of course, there are situations in which a man cannot help. For example, he doesn't know how to fix a faucet, but that certainly doesn't mean he should leave you alone with the problem. Instead, he will call the plumber. But if he reacts with annoyance to your most innocent request (to change a light bulb, for example) and considers it "another unbearable task", you should reconsider your relationship. Perhaps your man is very enthusiastic about helping some other woman?


It turns out that even monkeys can feel jealous of their partners if other males gather around them. Jealousy arose in the course of evolution as a way to maintain the integrity of the couple. That is why a man subconsciously wants to claim his rights to a woman and be the sole "owner" of her beauty. And if someone pays attention to you, a loving man, quite naturally, will become nervous.

Humans are certainly not monkeys, and bouts of excessive jealousy only hurt relationships. But if a man is absolutely indifferent to the signs of attention that others give you, this is an alarming sign. This means that he no longer wants to “fight” for you, and it is no longer important for him to remain the best in your eyes.

Protection in case of danger

The need to protect their loved ones is also an important trait for men, while it is important for women to feel protected. And although modern men no longer have to protect the weaker sex from predators and wild tribes, there are still many dangers in our troubled world. Therefore, it is quite natural that a loving person begins to worry if his other half returns late from work or finds himself alone in an unfamiliar place. And if he can't even be there, then at least call her and make sure she's okay. Protecting a woman from threats (real or imagined) makes a man feel like a superhero.

Therefore, if you do not receive protection and support from a man in difficult situations, for example, when you have to return home late, when you get lost in an unfamiliar city, or you have problems with your boss, this is a very bad sign. Your chosen one is either a coward, or simply does not love you. Why do you need it then?

Tender words and expression of feelings

The language of love consists of gentle words, touches, hugs and kisses. Calling each other affectionate words, you create a special intimate atmosphere. The choice of affectionate names occurs unconsciously and shows how one of the partners relates to the other, who dominates the relationship and how balanced they are.

Therefore, if your man frowns every time you try to hug him and call him loved, this is a sure sign that his feelings have disappeared.

A man (and a woman too, let's be honest) can say anything. But if at the same time he does nothing for the “beloved” - alas, these are just words.

Not renounce loving

“Do you love me” is the age-old question that women ask their chosen ones. They get the answer "yes, of course." And then they wonder - how could he? Not coming home, drinking away your salary, cheating with your best friend, forgetting that it’s time to take you and your baby from the hospital and raise heavy fists against your beloved? I didn’t like it, and I could - it’s simple. However, it also happens the other way around - romantic ladies sigh "he never spoke about love", not noticing that their cozy nest from floor to ceiling was assembled by male hands.

A man (and a woman too, let's be honest) can say anything. But if at the same time he does nothing for the “beloved” - alas, these are just words. And what actions say that love is dead and it has long been useless to wait "without leaving the door"?

Ten signs that a man does not love:

Especially for ladies who have doubts and questions. Young people know how to sing sweetly and build castles in the air, they can find themselves in difficult circumstances and literally fall into the abyss, but nevertheless, a loving man always values ​​his woman. And not loving, respectively - does not value.

1. A man doesn't care if you're in danger. He will let you go home alone at midnight or at two in the morning for cigarettes and go to bed. He does not care how many hot horsemen or greedy sharks are at your resort, what condition the wiring is in the apartment and whether your parachute is well built. And if something happened to you, he will not come to save you from all misfortunes (at least without much persuasion).

2. A man doesn't care if you get hurt. Whether you have an unpleasant procedure, a hospital or a trip to the dentist, whether you were taken away by an ambulance with appendicitis or an injury for a brand new cast - the most you can expect is “I sympathize, dear.” If you ask hard, you can give medicines or give money. But to worry - will not.

3. Your experiences are indifferent to a man. If your cat has died or your mother is ill, he will be upset - that dinner was delayed, a date was canceled, and you have an unpleasant expression on your face.

4. A man doesn't care about your problems. If they do not introduce it into consumption and do not take time, of course. Whether they were fired from work, the sink broke, the lock on the door jammed, they forgot their suitcase on the train - “it’s my own fault.” At best, poor thing.

5. He will eat knowing you are hungry. It's simple - to take and eat, piece by piece, without noticing that your saliva is flowing and your fingers are trembling.

6. He can watch you cry. Do not get angry, do not regret, do not console, and do not even yell “stop immediately!” - continue to wet the monsters in the computer, stare at the football or cut the herring.

7. He won't stand up for you, no matter if you're yelled at by a neighbor in a communal apartment, a teacher at school, or a drunk plumber on the subway. He will not cover you in front of your mother-in-law, boss or traffic cop. You are not the woman he wants to protect.

8. He won't offer you money knowing you don't have any. Will not offer help knowing you need it. It will be serene to go light when you carry weights.

9. He doesn't call first. Doesn't text or email. Does not come to pat on the head and hug if you do not call. And he is not interested, but where did you disappear to and where did you stay.

10. He is not jealous of you at all for anything - neither for men, nor for work, nor for children, nor for pets, nor for social networks and computer games. He does not ask how you live without him, with whom you communicate, what is happening with you. He does not care.

Ten signs that a woman does not love:

For those men who doubt the feelings of their girlfriends. And for ladies who, for years and decades, have been pulling hateful novels and hopeless marriages out of habit, “for the sake of children” or out of a sense of duty. Women more often deceive themselves, mistaking nesting and maternal instincts for love. But if they are not there either, it means that, alas, it definitely does not smell like love.

1. A woman doesn't care where and with whom her man spends the night. She will never send a text message, she won’t call and she won’t ask in the morning “Where were you and who got your shirt dirty in lipstick”. She does not wait until dawn for the key to creak in the lock, she does not make scenes at the threshold and does not ask questions to friends and the police. She does not let on indifference or cold - she just goes to bed. And sleeps.

2. A woman doesn't care what a man looks like. How often does he shower and shave, is his shirt clean, are his socks intact, are his underpants beautiful and is he a decent umbrella. It is not a fact that she will wash, darn and buy new things herself, but if a woman does not comment on the appearance of a man in any way, he is indifferent to her.

3. She doesn't care what, how and when he eats. There are good housewives, bad and none, there are women, in principle, not created for the kitchen. But even the most mediocre cook at least occasionally wants to feed her man - this is an instinct.

4. She does not saw him. He doesn’t grumble about the scattered socks and the cap of the toothpaste, he doesn’t ask to shave off his stubble, shake off the ashes in the ashtray and not fight with Petka. He does not complain about career failures, a ruined day off, or a wallet lost while drunk. She does not care about his mistakes and bad habits.

5. She doesn't care about him. Does not bring medicine when a man is sick, does not sit by the bed, does not comfort, does not go to the hospital and does not experience the disease with him. He does not cook breakfast in the morning and does not warm up dinner, does not iron shirts, does not tie his tie, does not cover with a blanket, wakes him up unnecessarily and does not allow him to rest.

6. She doesn't want children. Not now, not later, not in the long term. Despite the fact that it does not belong to childfree and is capable of childbearing. If the couple already has children, it does not matter to her that this particular man is their father.

7. She does not talk about her problems, does not complain, does not seek sympathy and protection. Women are characterized by frankness with loved ones, if she is silent, the man is no longer close to her.

8. She doesn't stop a man. It doesn’t matter what stupid adventure he started, whether he was going fishing, on a binge, at a corporate party with a striptease or at Manezhnaya with fittings - she will send a kiss after her and slam the doors.

9. She does not caress a man. Does not seek to kiss, snuggle, fall asleep at your side, call a comic name, show tenderness. Never steals pieces from his plate, never puts on his shirt or t-shirt, or moves in bed to his warm spot.

10. She doesn't dress up for him. He does not try to look more interesting, put on perfume, style his hair in a special way, put on a new dress. And he does not ask how she looks and whether he likes her experiments with appearance. She doesn't care what he thinks about it.

Women also know how to spill like nightingales, especially if they have a reason or a theme for a song. But if they do not see in a man either a father to their children, or a breadwinner and protector, or an object for care, they do not strive to be beautiful and desirable for their chosen ones - it is better to understand this in time. And come to terms with the fact that feelings did not grow in this Garden of Eden ... Or try to revive the fragile trunk of a broken family apple tree, so that later together they can eat the sweet fruits of bitter love.published

Love works wonders, a happy person in love can be seen immediately. His eyes are burning, he is kind to others, he is always in a good mood. In the absence of his girlfriend, he is sad.

How to understand that a guy does not love you - you need to take the advice of a psychologist and compare the signs. If there is no reciprocity on his part, there is no need to waste time on him.

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How to understand that a guy does not love you?

There is an erroneous opinion that if a young man's sexual interest has faded and lovemaking has become less frequent, then love has passed. This is not always true. Perhaps the relationship has developed into a more mature, calm stage. You can understand that a loved one has lost interest in you and no longer loves you by a number of signs.

Signs that he fell out of love with me

Psychologists have long identified the main indicators by which it is possible to determine how much a partner is in love or vice versa, has lost interest in a girl.

  1. Lack of respect. If he insults you, does not consider your opinion and tries to “hit” with the word “hit” in the most painful place, it's time to be wary and understand that this is dislike. Especially if he behaved differently before.
  2. Sexual problems. When a person experiences attraction and love, he tries his best to please his partner. If the guy is not interested in why you avoid sexual contact, does not try to solve this problem, it is difficult to talk about strong feelings.
  3. Communication. When a guy talks to you like other comrades, it means that he does not distinguish you among his friends. How do you know if a guy doesn't love you anymore? He is not interested in how you are doing, talks about the girls he likes, his previous novels.
  4. Free time. When a guy loves, he will definitely find time for meetings. If your boyfriend constantly finds reasons and excuses to avoid dating, it's time to think.
  5. Treason. Who has changed at least once, as a rule, will repeat it again. If he is in love, he will not be able to think of anyone else but his girlfriend. You should not flatter yourself with hopes, look for an excuse for your soulmate, you can safely say that feelings have passed.

Phases of love

Test: loves or no longer exists

If the question arose: how to understand whether a guy loves you or not, you can pass a special test compiled by psychologists. The number of points will help to recognize what is the attitude of your soulmate towards you.

For each positive answer, you need to add 1 point, for a negative one - 0. The answer to the question: how to understand that a guy does not love you, the test will definitely show.

  • your betrothed always finds time to meet with you;
  • always wondering how your day went;
  • when you are sick, cares for you;
  • constantly wishes you "good night" and "good morning";
  • introduced you to friends and parents;
  • you have an excellent sexual relationship;
  • worried when meeting with you;
  • all free time is preferred by your company;
  • tries to please you in everything;
  • constantly talks about his feelings.

How do you know if a guy doesn't love you anymore? If you got from 5 to 10 points, you don’t have to worry, the person is not indifferent to you and has passionate feelings. A lower score indicates dislike.

What does psychology say?

Knowing how to understand that a guy no longer loves, you can save time and not waste it on an empty relationship. It doesn't make any sense.

Psychologists believe that in a couple's relationship there is no place for others. This means that you can not listen to the advice of friends and girlfriends. You can think about the indifference of a partner if there is an unreasonable anxiety. If you feel happy, you don't have to worry.

How to understand that a guy does not love you - psychology will help answer this question.

  1. You will feel that the attitude has changed, purely intuitively.
  2. He will find many excuses not to come on a date.
  3. Stop caring for you, give gifts.
  4. Will not kiss you and try to hug you when they meet.

A girl can often determine the attitude of her young man towards herself, understand him by some features. How to understand that a guy does not love you, signs:

  • inattention;
  • constant criticism;
  • lack of common topics for conversation;
  • contempt;
  • reluctance to meet often;
  • dates are only for sex;
  • he doesn't introduce you to friends and parents.

Useful video

From the following video, you can find out more information on how to understand that a guy no longer loves:


  1. The listed signs will help to understand that the guy has no feelings left.
  2. If he is dating you only for sex or personal gain, we advise you to be on the lookout.

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It seems to her that the former tenderness on the part of the man imperceptibly disappeared, and the time spent together loses its ardor and becomes commonplace.

Psychologists say that you can determine how interesting you are to a man, and how strong his love is in several ways.

1. The most irrefutable evidence that a man has cooled off towards you is silence.

This is silence in a relationship, when a loved one does not call, does not come, does not write touching SMS, but instead constantly finds reasons and excuses for his absence and silence. Of course, it may also happen that he really had problems at work, or unexpected guests arrived. But if the period of silence is prolonged, and the man does not take any action to improve the relationship, you should think about it.

2. Another reason to be wary is the absent gaze of a lover.

Naturally, such a look can be caused by some problems or banal fatigue, but if a man constantly looks, as it were, “through you”, avoiding eye-to-eye look, think about whether your relationship is as sincere as it seems to you.

3. An unpleasant sign indicating that a man is cooling off towards you is a lack of interest in what you are saying.

A man stops listening to you and delving into what you are trying to convey to him. This is a very alarming call, since a truly loving person will not neglect the words of loved ones.

4. It is also worth reconsidering your relationship if a man stopped calling you affectionate words, but instead began to constantly criticize.

Even if you try to please your loved one, he finds some shortcomings in your actions, while not embarrassing to voice them even in front of outsiders. Do not turn a blind eye to such behavior, because it can only get worse. If your loved one is indifferent to whether you have fans or not, while before he had a jealous character, most likely he has completely lost interest in your person.

5. A particularly bad sign is the lack of tactile contact.

That is, if a man avoids touching, does not try to touch you, avoids hugs, you can be sure that he does not have passionate feelings for you. Of course, everyone has a bad mood, but the constant lack of desire to touch you, take your hand, kiss you, hardly indicates passionate love. Most likely, the man just lost interest in you.

If you are finally convinced that a man does not love you, you have two options for getting out of this situation. You can try to restore a relationship or finally break with a man. Both options require endurance and are not an easy test. Of course, it is up to you to decide which way out of this situation to prefer, but if you feel that love has finally passed, it is hardly worth sticking together former happiness that has broken into small pieces.

In relationships, there are “periods of cold” when it seems that the partner has stopped loving. This impression can appear due to various factors: from the fading of passion to evidence of infidelity. How to understand that the reason for the deterioration of relations is that the beloved man no longer loves you, what other reasons there are, and what to do with all this - we tell in the article.

Reasons for dislike

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How to understand that a man does not love you

Very simple and very difficult at the same time. We explain: you can feel only that love, the manifestations of which reach you and impress. That is, on the one hand, a man does not love if you do not feel that he loves. As an occasion for conversation and debriefing, this is already enough.

Another aspect is more complicated: if you used to feel the love of a partner, but now you have stopped, it means that something has changed.

Here are the possible options:

  • The man stopped doing what he did to show his love. He stopped giving it out in an understandable and familiar form, or he stopped showing it at all.
  • You no longer fit the way he previously expressed his feelings. For example, instead of flowers, you want joint trips, rapprochement at the household level, compliments - whatever.
  • The first two factors overlap.
  • You yourself doubted your feelings and, in order not to deal with them, subconsciously decided not to notice the signs of your partner's love.

There is a lot of selfishness in love: we get used to receiving something from a partner. It cannot be avoided, and it is not worth trying either. Come to terms with the fact that your feelings for a person are an encroachment on his freedom, time, lifestyle. There is nothing tragic in this: in relation to you, he behaves the same way, and both of you are looking for ways to exist in a short distance, where each has to somehow focus on the other. Just because you find each other more valuable than some of the habits, traditions.

Understanding that a man has stopped loving you grows out of a feeling of the same. And it is enough to make a choice: do you want to solve this problem or leave. Having orientated in subjective feelings and a further plan of action, it is already possible to talk with a man, if necessary. Try to find out if you are right in your feelings and guesses, what is happening with him and his feelings, whether he is ready to change something if you need it.

When preparing for such a conversation, think in advance what exactly you will say. What exactly made you doubt his feelings? What did he do or didn't do that made you think so? State the problem and request as precisely as possible, but don't try to be unemotional.

You do not decide that you have fallen out of love, out of the blue. Something changes so that you stop feeling your value for a person. He may become less emotional, less responsive to what you do for him, increase the distance and reduce the time you spend together. Be prepared for the fact that you may have to disperse and need to know. The situation may look different because of the details, but the essence of what is happening will not change: instead of the love of a man, you begin to feel his indifference.

What are the signs of indifference

When suspicions arise whether you are loved, it is often a matter of perceived indifference. The girl is looking for signs that the guy is avoiding her, looking for a way to understand that he does not need you, and is trying to figure out what to do with all this now.

Indifference is the absence of signs of attention and only your feeling of your own uselessness. First, check if there really are no manifestations of sympathy, or if the guy just switched to others. You can understand whether a person needs you by the fact that he, in principle, somehow acts in your direction. People are different, and there is no single list of characteristics that would speak about how a guy who does not love behaves.

If earlier you received a bouquet of flowers every week, and now he calls for you at work - this is not the absence of signs of attention, this is their change. Perhaps you liked the first option more than the second, but this is already a matter of pleasant attention to you, and not its presence or absence. Before you brand indifferent, make sure that he really does not show any attention. And that this is not connected with a blockage at school or work, as well as with other force majeure circumstances.

Signs of indifference or how to understand that a guy has stopped loving you:

  1. You began to communicate less. He does not write in instant messengers and is silent on dates.
  2. He is not interested in the news of your life. He does not ask himself and quickly loses interest in the topic if you talk about it.
  3. He avoids meetings. He does not appoint them himself and finds a reason to merge with those that you appoint.
  4. He has more and more cases that you did not know about. New projects, hobbies, promises to friends and acquaintances, hobbies.
  5. There are more girls in his close circle of friends.
  6. He stopped making you happy. He knows you love bowling, desserts, and bike rides. Previously, all this was in abundance, but now there is none or almost none.
  7. When you do something he definitely likes, he reacts with more restraint than before. Breakfast in bed could keep him in a good mood for the whole day. Now he munches listlessly on a croissant, leaves his scrambled eggs half-eaten, and stares at his smartphone while he sips his coffee.
  8. Your attempts to attract attention turn into nothing: he gets angry or doesn't notice them. You can even directly ask for something, and if he brushes it off, this is a very alarming call.
  9. Your attempts to talk about what is happening also end in failure. You are worried, trying to understand what is going on. If he ignores it and says that you are panicking out of the blue, answers in monosyllables, or otherwise avoids the conversation, he clearly does not care about you and your feelings.
  10. He forgets about the planned plans. Doesn't show up for dates or cancels them at the last minute, refuses planned trips, forgets to do what you asked for.
  11. It lowers your priority. If earlier Saturday evening was yours and only yours and you went somewhere a couple of times a week, now friends, relatives and hobbies take up this time, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for you to find a place in the schedule.

Reasons for dislike

You were looking for the answer to the question “how to find out if the guy you love loves you or not”, and came to the conclusion that he does not. Why did everything turn out like this? You can find out the true reason only by asking the guy. And only if he does not hide it from himself. But often you want to know at least something, even if not completely true, in order to act after you managed to understand that you are not loved.

  • The love has gone. Falling in love is a hormonal state of the brain in the first 4-6 months of a relationship. Then everything is fine without effort and worries. When the brain stops producing the hormones of being in love (dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin), all of a sudden it becomes necessary to work on the relationship. And sometimes the partner seems to be a completely different person.
  • He was interested in another girl.
  • He realized that now he does not want a relationship at all.
  • You stopped doing something that you used to do, and because of this, he didn’t like it.
  • Something has changed in his views on life and plans, and now they do not fit with you.
  • The most pleasant and, oddly enough, quite common reason: he did not understand what he was doing all the way. And now he still doesn't understand.

Can a man love again

Certainly it can. And we have an article to help. But the question is, does he want to? And under what conditions - after all, they may well not suit you. And are you ready to be with a person who has already stopped loving you once? It is not so difficult to recognize whether a guy loves or not, how to decide what to do with it now.

It often turns out that you seemed like another girl to him when the relationship first started. And now he wants someone softer or, conversely, strong. Someone more economic. More active. More homely. Preferences and requirements can be anything. In an attempt not to lose a person, you can find out about them in order to decide if what he asks is right for you.

In these reflections, you will have to decide how commensurate the value of the relationship is with the changes that you are offered to experience. How much you are capable and want to become more suitable in what a man asks for. And, having realized the value of relationships and the complexity of changes, keep in mind that they will not give a 100% guarantee that everything will be fine. The changes you make may not help.

What to do now: answers to questions that arise for everyone

How to recognize if a guy loves or not?

By the attention shown to you. Here is what the guy is used to doing to show sympathy, and what you are used to receiving as signs of sympathy. And, including, attempts to find out. All three points indicate that the guy has feelings for you and seeks to convey them. The main feeling that all these factors provide is that he cares.

How can I tell if I'm truly loved?

What is the difference between real and not real love? You will understand that he truly loves you when he does something from your individual list of things that indicate this. If you want to check, make sure and rejoice, offer him to do something that is important to you. He most likely just does not know what you would like.

How do you know if your boyfriend loves you or not?

If you have any doubts, then this question is worth asking. If there is no doubt, you yourself will notice by his behavior: support, pleasant surprises, gifts, trust, attention and embedding you in his life.

What should I do if my boyfriend doesn't love me?

When you find out that he doesn't love you, you are still his girlfriend. And your feelings don't go anywhere either.

This gives a choice:

  • You can give up, end this relationship and break contact completely.
  • You can find out the cause of the discord and think about whether it is in your power to give the man what you want and improve the relationship.
  • You can not give up your plans and communication with him and try to communicate or meet on other terms. At least for a while
  • You may separate, but keep in touch. And act according to the situation: either gradually move towards a new round of relations, or look at him a little more from the outside, decide if you want something from him and change your feelings.
  • You can choose the one that is right for you and meet a man who will love you.

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