The system of work on the spelling of dictionary words. Diploma work on the topic “Vocabular and orthographic work at Russian language lessons in primary school” Problems in the spelling of dictionary words

reservoirs 03.07.2020

Dictionary and orthographic work - the study of the spelling of words that are not checked by the rules, difficult to write or little known to schoolchildren in terms of meaning: memorizing their alphabetic composition, pronunciation, sound-letter analysis, recording, making sentences with them, including them in dictionaries, compiling wall tables of difficult words. From a spelling point of view, the composition of words with unchecked spellings is heterogeneous.

Spelling differences give reason to divide the words into: 1. Words with unstressed vowels: Dog Tomato 2. Words with double consonants: Saturday Story Class 3. Words with voiced and voiceless consonants: Station Suddenly 4. Words with unpronounceable consonants: Ladder

At present, the main technique is the mechanical memorization of the graphic appearance of the word. The disadvantage of this technique is that it does not activate the mental activity of students. There is a problem of teaching younger students to spell words with unchecked spellings. Work on unchecked spellings can be rationalized.

Techniques for memorizing vocabulary words that activate the mental activity and memory of students: 1. Reliance on a complex of analyzers (spelling pronunciation) 2. Mnemonic techniques that facilitate memorizing the external appearance of "difficult" words by forming associations. 3. Selection of single-root compound words. 4. Etymological analysis. Techniques 1, 2, 3 - reliance on mechanical memorization And technique 4 - reliance on consciousness

Memo for students to memorize unverifiable words. 1. Read the word carefully to yourself and out loud. 2. Find out the meaning of the word (dictionaries). 3. Read the word syllable by syllable and write it down. 4. Underline the part of the word that you are trying to remember. 5. Check in the dictionary if you spelled the word correctly by pronouncing it in syllables. 6. Pick up a few related words and write the word 2-3 times ...

B) Vocabulary and spelling work can be built based on the associative memory of the child. Requirements for an associative image: 1. An associative image must necessarily be associated with a dictionary word by a common feature: color, shape, action, material, quantity ... 2. An associative image must have an undoubted letter in its spelling, which is doubtful in the dictionary word.

Etymological analysis when working with words with unverifiable spellings puts learning on a scientific basis. It should be used as an auxiliary technique for spelling, lexical and other practical purposes. Tasks of etymological analysis: 1. Determination of the original or borrowed nature of the word (with a given meaning and structure) 2. Clarification of the image (representation) underlying the word as the name of the object of reality. 3. Establishing when the word appeared in the language and how, on the basis of what and with the help of what method of word formation it arose. 4. Reconstruction of its original form and old meaning.

During etymological analysis, students realize that the spelling of a word reflects its meaning, and when writing, they begin to look for support in the semantic side of the word. The habit of finding the root, relying on such an important language factor as the semantics of the morpheme, becoming involuntary, increases students' vigilance to spelling difficult places in the word and their attentiveness when doing any written work. Words are assimilated by schoolchildren both in meaning and in terms of spelling.

What is the difference in the spelling of the words charm and smell? (differences in origin and historical morphemic structure) Charm - charm, attractive force. The etymological root -ba-, which was in the ancient verb -bayat-. To charm - to bewitch with words. From him came the words: fable, bike, bye-bye. Sense of smell is the ability to perceive smells. Formed from the verb stink (to smell). When writing a word, it retains the graphic appearance of the root stink (smell).

Tasks for working on words with unchecked spellings. 1. Working with a dictionary. - write down 5 words starting with a certain letter - write out words with "b" in the middle of the word 2. Grouping and writing words according to spelling. (writing words in alphabetical order, in groups in accordance with spelling features) 3. Exercises that contribute to the development of a culture of speech. (correct stress in words, making sentences with these words) 4. Selective dictation. (the teacher reads the text aloud, students write down the words encountered in it with these spellings)

5. Dictation by picture (cards) 6. Dictation from memory. (memorize the words written on the board for a certain time, after which the words are closed, and you need to reproduce them from memory) 7. Dictation with a commentary. (students comment on the spelling of words) 8. Dictation using riddles. (the teacher reads riddles, the answers to which are "difficult" words) 9. Exercises to activate and enrich the vocabulary of students. (pick up root words for the words "tractor", "station") 10. Creative tasks. (compilation of a creative dictionary, in which you need to pick up pictures, riddles, proverbs, tongue twisters, excerpts from children's books for vocabulary words or compose riddles, rhymes yourself)

The etymological analysis of the word improves the spelling literacy of students, the vocabulary is enriched based on etymology. An idea is formed about the language as a developing phenomenon, about the connection of the language with the history of the country, the people. The foundation of linguistic thinking is being laid. Students develop logical thinking, cognitive processes are activated, interest in the language is brought up.

Speech therapist Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Balandina

MBOU "Secondary School No. 1" p.g.t. Urengoy.Purovsky district

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Advice for parents and teachers.

Problem: The child cannot remember vocabulary words.

For many years, the basic methodological principles of teaching spelling remained unchanged and implied, first of all, a clear and precise assimilation of the rules, exceptions to them, memorization of difficult and unverifiable words and persistent many hours of practicing practical skills (exercises, dictations).

All these traditional techniques had a positive effect on the correct spelling of words, because the child not only wrote, but also read a lot, memorizing a visually difficult word. It's no secret that today's children read little (the book has been supplanted by television and computers). Their vocabulary is limited. In recent years, the problem of countless errors in school notebooks, for the so-called vocabulary words, has become particularly acute.

Taking into account this need, special dictionaries are created at school for such words. Even if these words are memorized by the child, then, as experience shows, the very purpose of memorization is, as it were, shifted. The child remembers that this is a dictionary word, but cannot remember the letter that should be written in it. But only because of this letter the word was memorized! Therefore, voluntarily or involuntarily, but the purpose of memorization here is to separate dictionary words from all others, and not to memorize the rules for writing those letters that are doubtful in these words.

How to overcome these difficulties?

In order to improve the memorization of words, it is advisable to conduct classes in a playful, entertaining way so that this mechanical process of prescribing is not violence against the child, but develops curiosity, observation, and logical thinking.

Vocabulary dictation is one of the most difficult types of work. The difficulty is not even in memorizing words, but in the fact that children do not know how to do it. First of all, it should be said that memorizing vocabulary words is the work of both a child and an adult.

Starting to work on memorizing vocabulary words, one should remember the first rule of pedagogy, on which all methods are based: consistency and once again consistency. When applied to dictionary words, you need to use the memorization algorithm, regardless of which words are easy or difficult, short or long, no matter what age and height your child is. This algorithm works always!

Algorithm for memorizing vocabulary words (information for adults).

  • Explain the meaning of the word.It's necessary! Do not neglect this point of the algorithm. Very often, the difficulty of remembering is associated with a misunderstanding of the meaning, and sometimes the explanation of the meaning associatively helps to remember the spelling. For example, who is sure that your child knows what an appeal, outrageous or valueology is? And these are school vocabulary words! It is best to explain the meanings of difficult words in several stages. First, introduce a general concept, for example, valueology is a science (suggest to compare with the structure of the word bio log iya, geolog iya, etc.) After the child has learned this word in general, we supplement the definition with bright memorable details: valueology is a science that tells how to live in harmony with nature. And where are the details? Need to be supplemented.
  • Spelling reading aloud.Spelling is the reading of a word as it is written. This is simply necessary, because children help themselves by pronouncing the words when writing exactly as they are written, and unconsciously choose the option that fits and matches the one they heard. Not to a ship, not a ship, but to Ora BL.
  • Write and pronounce vocabulary at the same time(at home on paper, preferably with a colored pencil or felt-tip pen). In this way we gradually realize the sound and visual nature of the word. With this approach, we “work” for two types of children at once - visuals (those who perceive information mainly visually) and auditory (those who perceive information better by ear).
  • Record from memory.
  • Check with a sample.If there are errors, you need to

Correct them by crossing out the wrong letter and writing the correct one on top, and next to it

Write the word once, pronouncing it.

Ways to facilitate the memorization of vocabulary words.

Figurative representation of a dictionary word: a picture, a picture in the graphic design of a word, a semantic map.

First you need to explain to the child how to draw a picture and what to pay attention to. After that, let the child fantasize on his own! It should be noted that children easily draw words with a specific meaning (birch, fountain, lemon), words with an abstract meaning (frost, people) are more difficult.


At the same time, detailed drawing is a good way to introduce new

Words in the active vocabulary of the child (dolphin, route, team, intellectual).

Of course, not always and not all words can be drawn. In this case, it is possible to attract an auditory "clue", that is, to associate the word with the so-called mnemonic representation. For the unit being studied, it is necessary to choose a word that is always heard, easy to remember, and most importantly, has a similar sound with a dictionary word.

For example, Kostya is in costume. Kostya in a brown suit. Co. an estya in a brown suit walks along to the ridor. Ka cha at the ka litka. There is a pocket on Katina's dress. A pessimist Petya. Di flyer Di ma. Katya in the picture. Oh la on the portrait. White birch.


Mountains and stars on the mountain and umbrella.

If the word is Russian in origin, then the easiest way is to refer to its etymology. The origin of the word explains its spelling. Here are some examples.

Rowan. Mountain ash decorates our forests, villages, cities all year round. Their bright red brushes flaunt in any square. But why is the mountain ash called the mountain ash, and not in another way?

Cherry, apple-tree and many other trees are white at the time of flowering. And curly inflorescences of mountain ash stand out from the general whiteness with their variegation. In transparent umbrellas, both light green and white flowers are intertwined; darken, and leaves, and branches, and air shine through them. "Pockmarked" - they said among the people.

According to the figurative expression of our ancestors, rowan from ripples is motley.

The dress. Handkerchief. What do these words have in common and why do they stand next to us? The fact is that these two words are based on the Old Russian word “dress”, which means “a piece of matter”

Smell and charm. We know that the sense of smell is the ability of a person to distinguish smells, and charm - A person's ability to please. Such different words and so similar in spelling! But if we remember that in the Old Russian language the word "stink" meant "smell", "smell" - the ability to distinguish smells, then it will never be confused with the word "charm", which was formed from the word "bait", which means " speak beautifully."

Facilitates and diversifies the memorization of vocabulary words by their thematic grouping. For example, the following topics could be suggested:

Trees: birch, mountain ash, chestnut, lilac, aspen, poplar, apple tree.

Animals and birds:cow, dog, ram, puppy, chicken, hare; crow, lark, sparrow, titmouse, woodpecker, swallow, nightingale.

Flat: apartment, address, staircase, corridor, room, bed, sofa, armchair, stool, furniture, item, order, wardrobe, rack, picture, portrait, collection.

Cuisine, vegetables, fruits, berries:saucepan, frying pan, dishes, plate, glass, milk, sugar, salad, watermelon, apricot, orange, tangerine, lemon, apple, vegetables, cabbage, carrots, peas, cucumber, potatoes, tomatoes, radishes, nuts, berries, raspberries, strawberry, currant.

Score: store, showcase, cash desk, suitcase, drawing, felt-tip pen, pencil, album, pencil case.

Clothing: clothes, coat, mittens, sweater, pocket, boots, boots, felt boots, scarf, overalls, suit.

Office: hall, vestibule, office, computer, director, team.

Transport: transport, bus, tram, trolleybus,

street: street, alley, fountain, building, plant, factory, pharmacy, library, subway, monument, ditch, sand, ravine.

apartment, hike, ocean, shop, school, office, garden, street, tour. Then we make up stories according to the words already studied.

In this exercise, children can make up stories on their own, or a parent writes a story and reads, and the children should write out only those words that have been taught.

For example, here is a text written on the topic:


"We're approaching the building and we enter. Climbing up stairs and walk through the lobby. Before us director's office. The director is sitting at the table in front of computer and dreams of doing today a million things to do: crush the rebellion, pay a visit and buy eleven kilograms of apples. Outside the window the lark sings, but the director does not hear him, because he was turned on tape recorder and murmured decorative silver fountain.

It is in the power of an adult to help the child remember dictionary words by distributing them according to the similarity of spelling: doubled consonants, words in the root of which you need to remember the letter “o”, “a”, “e”, “and”; words that are spelled together, etc.

Ways of memorizing and checking vocabulary words.

Spelling pronunciation of the word, writing it in the air with a finger, an imaginary pencil, which is located on the tip of the nose, contributes to better memorization of dictionary words, while the word must be written on the ceiling or the opposite wall.

In addition, there are several games and exercises designed specifically for memorizing vocabulary words. When memorizing a dictionary word, a picture is considered, denoting the word itself, and played out init is a memorable letter highlighted in the picture. With this method of graphic association, the picture is well remembered and easily remembered. Various games that use figurative-graphic and sound associations help children to master the correct spelling of vocabulary words without stress and repeated prescribing.

"Guess which letter is hidden in the picture."


C o r o n o r o c o c o dil


C o l o c o l Chrysanthemum Bag

In addition to the above methodology, for better memorization by a child in a visually associative way, riddle verses can be selected for a dictionary word. The guess is a memorable dictionary word, and the word-image necessarily sounds in the context of the riddle itself, so it is easy to remember, as well as in crossword puzzles, where the dictionary word is combined with the word denoting an associative image by crossing these words through a dubious spelling.

Poetic riddles create a positive mood for the child, the memorization process takes place in a useful, developing, creative game form.


With the owner - friends, Lives under the porch,

Serves as a watchman, curled up like a ring.


I cut the waves with my nose, From one country to another

I know all the roads to the sea, I carry people without wheels.

The chef invites everyone to dinner.

To work until the evening NOON
Need to eat at noon
A whole hour of work is not -

Everyone gathered for .... (lunch). D

The heart of the Motherland is beating R

In this ancient city MOSCOW

Kids in Voronezh and Vologda know him. D Every day there's a new home And There are about a dozen floors in it. H
There are houses in a long row - ten, twenty, one hundred in a row,
And everyone looks at each other with square eyes.

Children read the words by pointing to the letters. Then they lower their heads on their folded hands, remember with their eyes closed, the words they have just read. Pictures are flipped.

A child or several children write down words in a notebook or on a piece of paper. Checking is carried out independently, if there are errors, correct them.

Memorization of words on the grid.

Write the word in large block letters. Underline each letter.


After a while, erase the letters. The task of the child is to name the letters, you can randomly.

"Oral crossword".

Have your child learn the words. You name the definition, and the child names the word and writes it down. But one should not give definitions presented in academic dictionaries. For example, an architectural structure designed to be ascended or descended on foot. What is it? (Stairs).

When performing such an exercise, the meaning of the word is updated and the connection of the meaning with the acoustic image of the word is fixed.

"Old Russian Letter".

If you have already distributed the words according to the similarity of spelling, then the following exercise will allow you to check how the child remembered them in a playful way. Offer to write a letter from dictation, but only in consonants (you dictate words in which you need to remember the spelling of consonants), or in vowels if you need to remember a word with problematic vowels. For example, eoie is a bicycle, aoaoia is a laboratory, oo is a horizon, euay is a memoir; prfssr - professor, trtr - territory, ssts - association.

Compilation of phrases with those words, the spelling of which is being formed.

Make up phrases so that the words in them begin with the same letter. The task makes sense when several dictionary words with different letters are used. For example:

Chauffeur; nimble;

Firework; shines;

Juggler; Zhora;

Football; French.

Then close the left column and ask the child to remember the vocabulary words, relying on the words of the right column and reproducing the image that he created.

Often, as homework, the child is asked to learn vocabulary words in a whole list, and then memorization is difficult only because of the volume. In this case, you can use the well-known "Cicero method". After the child writes the words in a notebook and reads them spelling (pronouncing each letter), offer to arrange the words around the room. For example,in the corner of the room - a concert, on the sofa - guests in costumes, in the middle - a lake, a glass on a shelf, a lair under the table, etc.After some time (1 - 1.5 hours), walk around the room with the child and "collect" the words, pronouncing them spelling.

To memorize vocabulary words, you can use games that require, albeit a little, but additional preparation. From the side of an adult. If you spare no time, then the games you have prepared will turn family leisure into a useful pastime and become a good tradition. In addition, we, adults, know that any game makes it easy to develop attention, the ability to concentrate, work out the mechanism for switching from one action to another, and even educates character.

Vocabulary lotto.

Material: large cards with cells in which vocabulary words are written, and small cards with the same words (this is easy to do on a computer by copying the words). The game can be played by 2 players of any age. The rules of the game are the same as in all lottos. The winner is the one who first closes his cards with small cards.


This is a well-known game that is used to develop memory and attention. Material: several pairs (a couple - 2 cards with the same words) of small cards. The game can be played by 2 players of any age. Cards are laid out on the table with written words down in rows of 6 - 8 pieces or in a mess. If the same word is written on them, the player takes them for himself and opens another pair of cards. If 2 cards do not match, the player returns them to their place, words down. The turn passes to the next player. When unpaired cards are returned to their place, all the players try to remember where which card lies. The game ends when all the cards have been dealt. The one who collects the most pairs wins.

"Difficult words".

Try to make a number of cards with vocabulary words written on them, in which problematic letters are highlighted, the more highlighted, the better. The number of cards can increase from game to game, at the first stage there can be 10, and then 100. If there are already learned words in the game, this will not bring harm to anyone. The game can be played by 2 to 5 people.

Before the start of the game, each player receives an equal number of word cards. Then, in any way, it is determined who will be the first. When making a move, the player lays out a card, clearly pronouncing the word written on it, especially highlighting problematic letters with his voice. The opponent must find a card with a word in which one of the problematic letters is highlighted, and put it on top, also clearly pronouncing the word. Then the next player makes a move. If a player does not have a word with the required letters, he skips a turn. The first person to lay out their cards wins. And the loser must come up with one funny sentence each with the remaining words.

I would like to remind you once again: so that the necessary work on memorizing vocabulary words does not turn into an unreasonably hard work for the child, he needs not only a mentor, but also a partner in the game.

Sections: elementary School


The Russian language is considered one of the most difficult school subjects in the primary grades. On the one hand, knowledge of the native language is given to children from childhood; on the other hand, it is a complex discipline that requires a lot of work. Therefore, much attention is paid to teaching the Russian language in elementary school. Not only the success of mastering the entire course of the Russian language, but also ensuring the social adaptation of the graduate largely depends on how students master the skills of literate writing.

The basis of students' literacy is the assimilation of spelling rules, i.e. spelling standards. A lot of work is being done aimed at learning and the ability to use spelling rules in writing. The ability to use spelling rules lies in the ability to find a weak position and check it with the strong position of the corresponding vowels or consonants.

But there is such a category of words that cannot be checked by a strong position, the spelling of such words must be remembered. These are dictionary words. During the entire period of education in elementary school, in accordance with the new program, students must memorize 198 vocabulary words, that is, not checked, but memorized words. Schoolchildren meet with them already in the first grade. The most common of them should be mastered by all students. However, observations show that students, after graduating from elementary school, make a large number of mistakes in spelling vocabulary words.

A certain system of work is needed when studying the spelling of dictionary words, which will allow the teacher to present these words in an interesting and accessible way, and the student to easily and firmly learn them.

Psychological and pedagogical foundations

Despite the fact that such a rich and extensive material has been accumulated and offered for the assimilation of vocabulary words by children, the problem of their spelling still remains unresolved, overcoming the lack of literacy of students remains one of the most important tasks of elementary school. Teachers continue to work on finding better ways to deal with this problem.

There are shortcomings in the practice of schooling that prevent the successful assimilation of vocabulary words. One of these omissions is the monotonous work on the dictionary word. Another reason can be attributed to the fact that when getting acquainted with vocabulary words, the child is assigned a passive role: the word is presented and analyzed by the teacher himself. Students are only asked to copy and memorize it. However, the mechanical memorization of words tires the student and does not form his interest in the language. Equally inefficient is the mechanical writing out of words.

In addition, a child at primary school age has not yet mastered the methods of semantic memorization, his logical memory is not yet sufficiently formed. Thus, the process of memorization in younger schoolchildren should be specially organized, since the overwhelming majority of children of this age do not independently use the methods of semantic processing of the material and, in order to memorize, resort to a proven means - multiple repetition. But this trick doesn't work for long.

It is not enough for the student to become familiar with the grammatical phenomenon as such. It is important to ensure that knowledge is consolidated so that the student can “transfer” them to other phenomena of the language. Therefore, it is necessary to look for such material and forms of work that would attract the attention of students, develop interest, arouse surprise and a desire to understand the phenomenon, and awaken thought.

Since the game still occupies a leading place in the life of younger schoolchildren, the assimilation process must also be built in such a way that the memorization process takes place in the game, resorting to bright, emotionally diverse types of work to activate the attention of children, which in turn will contribute to a deeper assimilation and strong memorization - i.e. use in teaching entertaining tasks.

Entertaining as a means of increasing the efficiency of learning vocabulary words.

The process of the Russian language usually captivates students with a developed cognitive interest, while in younger students, as a rule, it is not developed or underdeveloped. Mastering the spelling of dictionary words causes great difficulties for primary school students.

One of the solutions to the problem is the use of entertaining tasks. It helps children: psychologists have proven that knowledge acquired without interest, not colored by one's own positive emotions, does not become useful - it is a dead weight.

Entertaining in the classroom is not entertainment, but hard work and constant search.

In the dictionary of Ozhegov and Shvedov, “entertaining” is interpreted as “capable of occupying attention, imagination, interesting”, and “tasks” - “what is assigned to be performed”. Therefore, “entertaining tasks” are “what is assigned to be performed, capable of occupying attention, imagination”

But entertainment without a strict scientific system of teaching can not always lead to success. Therefore, it is necessary to make science work for tomorrow. You can always find something interesting, exciting in life. You just need to find it and give it to children in an exciting way, encouraging them to similar interesting finds and discoveries.

I chose the following types of exercises for work:

  • Sound association method
  • Method of graphic associations (mnemonics)
  • Writing a word from a different angle of view (in the sun)
  • Isolation of an unstressed vowel in size and color
  • Use of language material
  • The study of a group of words, united by some sign
  • Spelling five minutes
  • Dictation in reverse

Method sound associations used when a phrase and a dictionary word successfully consonant.

In this case, the words are not called test words, but hint words, at the same time they come up with a fairy tale, for example, how a dirty pencil case was washed with foam, the girl Masha was very fond of playing with a car, how a little dog named Sonya lived, etc.

To the method of graphic associations or mnemonics include such puzzles, poems, drawings, groupings of words that cause certain associations. Those,. the essence lies in the fact that the memorized letter is encrypted in the form of a graphic image - a picture. It is easy to remember and easy to remember when needed. The process of drawing up an image and memorizing a word will already be a game, and a game that is useful, developing, and creative.

Writing a word from a different angle of view (in the sun) “ Sun should look like this: ... At the same time, it is very important that the dictionary word be written several times, but not linearly, but exactly like this, on rays, from different angles of view, and the letter that needs to be remembered would be striking in its size. In combination with this work, the unstressed vowel was also highlighted with color.

Isolation of an unstressed vowel in size and color. The word is written on a large-format sheet with a bold felt-tip pen, highlighting the dangerous place in size and color, and hung around the class by the students themselves using adhesive tape. Highlighting an unstressed vowel in size and color on a separate sheet is also useful when working on mistakes made in dictionary or test dictations. When getting acquainted with dictionary words, when writing a word in a notebook, we also used the allocation of an unstressed vowel in size and color (pens with colored rods were used).

Usage language material for each word studied includes the following sections:

  • Word interpretation
  • To the origins of the word
  • Root words
  • Word compatibility
  • Synonyms - antonyms
  • When do they say so?
  • Practical material: riddles, proverbs, sayings, sentences and texts from works of art.

An example of one of the options for choosing the sequence of work of the teacher and students when familiarizing themselves with the spelling of the word being studied:

one). The teacher invites students to consider a picture card with an image of an object (for example, birch, carrot, ax, etc.). Students call a visible object a word, realize its meaning. You can choose another option to start working on the word: the teacher reads one of the riddles, the children guess it, explain the answer to the riddle. The word being studied can also be isolated from the text written on the blackboard or perceived by the children by ear.

2). Students pronounce the word in question, determine the place of stress in it, indicate the number of syllables, pronounce all the sounds in order.

3). A card with the word written on it is placed on the typesetting canvas. Students read it spelling, establish the difference in pronunciation and spelling.

4). The teacher offers to solve spelling problems, which letter in the word should be remembered and why? Is it possible to check the spelling of a letter by selecting a test word? Where can I find the spelling of this word? Next, the students write in a notebook, put an accent mark, highlight a vowel, which must be remembered when writing.

5). Under the guidance of a teacher, children select cognate words for the studied word. The selection of single-root words is combined with elementary lexical analysis. Cards are placed on the board, on which words of the same root are written, observation is made of the uniform spelling of the root in them and they are written in a notebook.

6). With any of the single-root words, students make up their own sentence.

I used the language material when getting acquainted with the most difficult words for younger students to understand, and especially words that have a bright, interesting history of the origin of the word - station, revolution, holiday, father, etc.

Dictionary words can also be studied not one at a time, and not in the order proposed in the textbook, but by combining them into groups on certain sign. For example, by “dangerous place”, a combination of letters, or simply by a topic common to a group of words.

AT O a circle d ORO ha “Vegetables” – tomato, potato, carrot, cabbage, etc.
AT stock in on the "Birds" - crow, sparrow, magpie,
St faces G d "Dishes" - a glass, a plate,

It also helps to master the spelling of words. spelling five minutes, for which you can choose a series of words with traditional spelling or include these words in a series of others: a commentary letter requiring a clear pronunciation of what is to be written. When compiling phrases, sentences, coherent text, it is necessary to use dictionary words as reference words.

Dictations on the contrary The teacher suggests the meaning of a given word, the children determine the word. Further work can be built in the following way: either the children themselves write down the word and identify dangerous places, or there is a collective analysis of the word, i.e. on the principle of a commentary letter.

For such dictations, the teacher needs to have several options for meanings from simple to more complex, so that if there are difficulties in the answers, the children have the opportunity to independently come to the given word. It is advisable, if possible, to have cards with a picture of a dictionary word.

For example,

Agronomist -

1) a specialist in improving the culture of agriculture;
2) a person who knows the laws of agriculture

Director -

1) the head of an enterprise, institution;
2) a person who knows how to manage a team

1) close to something;
2) approximately

Based on the presented exercises, the system of work on the study of vocabulary words looks like this:

  1. Work on the spelling of a dictionary word begins with its presentation or its lexical meaning. This is a preparatory stage at the stage of acquaintance with the word. The presentation of the word is carried out in the form of guessing a riddle, reading a proverb, a small passage from the text or solving a rebus;
  2. Familiarity with the word itself and its spelling should go hand in hand. Therefore, the next step should be a direct acquaintance with its spelling. Moreover, it is important that the children themselves come to the choice of the correct letter. The etymological analysis of the word helps with this.
  3. Referring to the etymological reference will allow children to create their own associative image of this word (graphic and/or sound). But the emphasis is always on the spelling of the word.
  4. A dictionary word is recorded, but not in the traditional way, but on the rays of the sun or on a landscape sheet, while the letter of the dangerous place is highlighted in font and color.

In parallel with this, work is underway with language material: the selection of cognate words, compatibility, the compilation of sentences, the selection of riddles, proverbs and sayings with a given dictionary word.

It is also advisable to use a spelling dictionary at the stage of acquaintance with the spelling of a word, if it is difficult to choose a letter. This develops in children the ability to work with a book, and in addition, it allows them to independently come to a solution to the spelling task assigned to them.


The Russian language is the language of the great Russian people. It is characterized by an extraordinary richness of vocabulary, flexibility and plasticity of grammatical forms and meanings, a variety of stylistic means.

It is known that the ability to write correctly in their native language among elementary school students is not sufficiently formed. On the one hand, the skill of literate writing is a general educational one, therefore, children who have not mastered this skill will face difficulties in further learning. On the other hand, it is not so much functional literacy (initial writing and reading skills) that is important, but linguistic literacy (language skills in oral and written speech in everyday communication).

Mastering spelling rules helps children to write correctly in the future. Spelling rule - the norm of written speech. Spelling norms are obligatory for all people who speak Russian. The essence of spelling is revealed with the help of morphological, traditional, semantic and other principles. The morphological principle of Russian spelling is applied to most spellings, which covers all types of morphemes. But there is a category of words that does not obey the rules. They are subject to the traditional principle of Russian spelling. Traditional spellings cannot be verified, like morphological ones, by the strong positions of the corresponding vowel and consonant phonemes. The spelling of such words cannot be brought under any rule, they should be studied individually. These are the so-called vocabulary words. They, like the multiplication table, must be known by heart. That's just the multiplication table is placed on one notebook page, and dictionary words, the spelling of which for the most part does not lend itself to any logic (children's anyway), is a whole plump dictionary. They must be taught and taught, often returning to the same word over and over again.

Reproductive activity, rote memorization can be diversified by using entertaining material, introducing vocabulary words of the game into the study of spelling. This will consist in the introduction of non-traditional methods, forms, methods of working with the word, in getting acquainted with fascinating educational material: cognitive texts, sayings, proverbs, sayings, word games, questions and practical tasks.

The various types of exercises recommended by me are specific practical (methodological) assistance to primary school teachers. Exercises can be used in finished form or take individual elements from them. In addition, the teacher can implement the ideas embedded in the exercises by independently selecting other language material.

The main thing is that it is necessary to carry out everyday, purposeful, varied work on students' mastering the spelling of dictionary words, the results of which will be the success of our students.

List of used literature.

  1. Aryamova O.S., Mali L.D. “Etymological Dictionary” Words with unchecked spelling. // NSh. - 1992. - No. 2. – P.19-26.
  2. Bakulina G.A. A new approach to vocabulary and spelling work in Russian language lessons. // NSh. - 2000. - No. 1. - P.22-26.
  3. Besschastnaya E.N. Once again about vocabulary work in the Russian language lesson: Experience for young people. // NSh. - 1999. - No. 8. - P.64-66.
  4. Betenkova N.M., Fonin Ya.S. Literacy Competition: Didactic games and entertaining exercises in the Russian language for elementary school students: Book. for the teacher. – M.: Enlightenment, 1995.
  5. Bogoyavlensky D.N. Psychology of mastering spelling. - M.: APN RSFSR, 1970. - 100 p.
  6. Burmako V.M. Russian language in drawings. - M.: Proseshchenie, 1991. - 123p.
  7. Gankina M.V. Grammar "ambulance". // NS: Plus or minus. - 2001. - No. 6. - P.22-27.
  8. Gordeev E.V., Dmitryuk M.V. A creative approach to learning words with unchecked spellings. // NSh. - 1995. - No. 1. - P.16-18.
  9. Zolotykh N.A. Methods and forms of work on vocabulary words in Russian language lessons. // NSh. - 2001. - No. 3. - P.9-16.
  10. Kanakina V.P. Working on difficult words in elementary grades. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991. - 112 p.
  11. Mitrofanova G.S. We write “O”: cow, dog, sheep: Experience with vocabulary words. // Teacher. - 1999. - No. 6. - P.15-17.
  12. Panov M. Entertaining spelling. – M.: Enlightenment, 1984. – 65p.
  13. Ryzhikova G.I. The use of gaming techniques in the study of words with unchecked spelling. // NSh. - 1995. - No. 1. - P.15-16.
  14. Tarabarina T.I., Sokolova E.I. Both study and play.: Russian language. A popular guide for parents and educators. - Yaroslavl.: Academy of Development, 1998. - 208p.
  15. Uzorova O.V., Nefyodova E.A. 300 tasks and exercises in the Russian language. 1 - 2 cells. - Kirov.: GIPPV, 1999. - 272p.
  16. .Undzenkova A.V., Sagirova O.V. Russian - with passion!: A collection of entertaining exercises and games in the Russian language for classes with younger students. - Ekaterinburg: "ARD LTD", 1998. - 173p.
  17. Khovanskaya V. Entertaining Dictionary: [How to Diversify the Memorization of Difficult Words]. // NSh. - 2000. - No. 4 (Jan.). - P.5-12.
  18. Ekhina O.P. How to memorize vocabulary words.: Techniques for developmental learning in correction classes. // Rus. lang. [gas]. P.s. - 2001. - No. 7. - P.14-15.

The correct spelling of the dictionary word "problem", which contains a foreign root, with dubious letters:


It should be remembered that the dictionary word "about the problem" is written with the letter " about".

Words-images for memorization:

complexity - about the problem
question with - about problem
zagvo zdka - about the problem

In image words, the letter that is doubtful in the dictionary word "problem" is under stress. Therefore, in order to correctly write the dictionary word "problem", it is necessary to remember the word-image "complexity" and other similar word-images.

Phrases and sentences with other words:

When checking documents, he could have problems.
Just because things didn't mean there weren't problems.
In the expanses of the Motherland, he began to have serious problems.

Combining a dictionary word into phrases and sentences with other dictionary words in which the same letter is doubtful allows you to remember the spelling of several words at once.

Phraseologisms and quotes with a dictionary word:

There are no unsolvable problems, but there are already successes in creating them! (Aphorism,

You will never solve a problem until you admit you have it. (Aphorism,

Each solved problem generates a new unsolvable problem. (A law formulated by employees of the US Department of Labor)

Phraseologisms and quotes with the word "problem" help to remember the spelling of a dictionary word in an interesting expression.

Poems with a dictionary word for memorization:

How I want sometimes to forget about all the problems.
How I want to forget about the hustle and bustle of people.
How I want not to know about malice and self-interest
And about the "knives" that everyone hides behind their backs.

(Poem by Irina Kameneva)

We give birth to ideas, children and problems,
And we endure all the pain, parting, betrayal ...
We are waiting for a miracle, weather and flights,
We look at the skies, at the outgoing rails ...

(Poem by Marina Boikova)

Let us all be a little crazy
Forgive us this sin, Lord.
How will I live - my problems,
But always keep HIM on the way.

(Poem by Natalia Nepetrova)

Reading poems using a dictionary word with a foreign root is a fun way to remember the spelling of a word.

See also in the spelling dictionary:

The problem is how the word is spelled, stress
spelling or how to write a word correctly, stressed and unstressed vowels in it, various forms of the word "Problem"

See also in the explanatory dictionary:

Problem - what does the word mean, its interpretation and meaning
definition and meaning, explanation of the meaning and what the word means
Problem, -s, feminine 1. Difficult question, task, tr...

Other vocabulary words on the topic "state".

Skill Formation

Spelling words with


Unstressed vowels.

Problem: school-age children make mistakes when writing vocabulary words.

Target: teach your child to write these words without mistakes.

The program of primary education in the Russian language for each class provides for the obligatory assimilation of a number of words, the spelling of which is not checked by the rules. These are the so-called vocabulary words. A strong assimilation of their spelling is achieved through frequent use in various tasks and exercises, if possible related to the topic of the lesson being studied.

“Vocabulary work is not an episode in the work of a teacher, but a systematic, well-organized, pedagogically expediently constructed work related to all sections of the Russian language course, it is conducted from grades 1 to 10,” wrote the famous methodologist A.V. Tekuchev .

The formation of spelling skills in the study of words with unverifiable spellings should be based on the active work of students, the regularity of tasks and exercises, repeated (5-8 times) reference to the studied vocabulary words (on a daily spelling five-minute).

In the work on the assimilation of words with unchecked spelling, a variety of methods and techniques that contribute to a strong memorization of the correct spelling are of particular relevance.

^ Types of dictations of vocabulary words

The most common type of vocabulary and spelling exercises are dictations. Vocabulary dictations can be considered both as a teaching and as a controlling type of work on difficult words.

Visual dictation.

Students orthographically and orthoepically pronounce the difficult word written on the card with a highlighted unstressed vowel and write it down from memory.

Picture dictation.

1. The teacher shows a card - a picture, the children name the depicted object, explain the spelling of an unstressed vowel in a word and write it down;

2. The teacher shows a card - a picture, the children write down the word on their own.

Selective dictation.

(picture, auditory, visual)

The teacher gives the children tasks:

1. write in the first column the words - the names of animals, in the second - the name of plants;

2. write in the first column the words in which the vowel e should be remembered, in the second - the words in which the vowel o should be remembered;

3. write out words from the dictionary on a specific topic.

Dictation with commentary.

The teacher calls the dictionary word or words of the same root to it, one student comments on the spelling, the rest of the children write these words in a notebook.

^ 1. Writing a word alphabetically.

Having written down on the board a few words with an unverifiable vowel (felt boots, calendar, bus, store, rocket, etc.), the teacher suggests rewriting these words in a notebook, arranging them alphabetically.

^ 2. Selective dictation.

The teacher reads aloud the text in which there are words with unverifiable spellings, and the students, after listening to the sentence, write down the words encountered in it with this spelling.


Winter came. Frosts crackled. The boy put on his coat, took his skates and went to the skating rink. There are a lot of guys from his class. Everyone is having fun.

^ 3. Grouping and writing words according to spelling.

Students write down the words dictated or given on the board in groups in accordance with the spelling features of the words. So, the teacher gives words with unverifiable unstressed vowels (sofa, pencil case, newspaper, raspberry, lilac, notebook, victory, commander, etc.) and suggests writing them in columns: in one - with unstressed a, in the other - with o, in the third - with and, in the fourth - with e.

^ 4. Selection of single-root words with different morphemes.

Frost, frosty, frost, frost, frost.

5. Selection and recording of synonyms and antonyms.

Blizzard - blizzard, storm, blizzard, blizzard.

South - north, west - east, back - front, left - right, coward - hero, fast - slow, defeat - victory, gloomy - friendly, restriction - freedom.

^ 6. Making sentences with these words.

For example, given the words: carrots, cabbage, peas. Students make a sentence: Carrots, cabbage and peas grow in the garden.

^ 7. An essay on a given topic based on key words.

In the garden.

Harvest, carrots, cabbage, tomato, peas, beets, cucumber.

8. Drawing up a story based on the key words and title it.

9. Adding spelling tables.

To fix unchecked spellings, the method of appending tables can be used.

Straw, garden, etc. etc.

^ 10. Selection and recording of words on topics.

“School” (teacher, guys, pencil case, pencil, class, notebook, friend, textbook, duty officer, etc.), “Transport”, “Travel”, “Garden”, “Plants”, “Days of the week”, "Months", "Numbers", "Animals", "Professions", "Magic Words", "Colors", etc.

^ 11. Replacing descriptive phrases with words - synonyms.

Drawer for pens and pencils (case).

12. Answers and questions.

These tasks are performed in different ways:

a) the teacher dictates the questions, the students write only the answers;

b) the teacher dictates or reads the questions written on the board, the students write complete answers.

Who lives in the forest? (Hare, bear, fox, bear, etc.)

^ 13. Supplementing sentences with words.

Chirping merrily ... (sparrows).

14. Game tasks.

Name (write) words that begin with the letter d, etc.: road,

on duty, girl, December, etc.

Guess the words.

The beginning of the word ka- is given. Children write words that begin with these letters:

cabbage, calendar, potatoes, pencils, painting.

Chain of words.

The teacher calls the first word, the children continue the chain: each subsequent word must begin with the last letter of the previous one.

Collect words from syllables.

ro ag nom (agronomist)

then av bill mo (car)

Replace numbers with letters of the alphabet: 31 12 19 12 21 18 19 10 33 (excursion)

Find an extra word: car, harvest, tram, plane.

^ 15. Games - competitions . It can be puzzles, crossword puzzles. The guessed words must contain the studied spellings.

16. When studying the program material, you can offer the following task.

Theme "Parts of speech".

Students write down phrases: lovely daisies, plant trees on the street, walked on the sand, a vociferous nightingale, take care of plants, a bright fire - and perform tasks: adjectives - sorted by composition, verbs determine conjugation; explain the spelling of unstressed vowels; determine the cases of nouns.

^ 17. Compilation of an etymological dictionary of words with unverifiable spelling.

RASPBERRY - the name was based on the sign of the berry fruit, consisting of small parts. The word raspberry is derived from the word small - "small". Raspberry - small - "consisting of small parts."

^ 18. Write spellings by analogy with the appearance of the subject.

dandelion to pike

pug vicza p masha

19. Proverbs with missing letters.

Not great ... .. yes, the nose turns red.

……. loves cleanliness.

Alien viburnum, homeland - ... ..

20. Words are written on the board. Children read carefully. Then the words are closed and the teacher says: “Now I will show the pictures. If the name of the object depicted in the picture coincided with the entry of the word on the board, then write this word in a notebook.

Game form of presenting material 8. The composition of numbers was studied,

consists of three structural components: Seven in eight concluded.

rhyming lines to a dictionary word, eight seven

unusual meaning of rhymes, emphasis

letter entry in a word with spelling. 9. This word is a champion,

Rhyming helps to establish meaning - It jumps with a pole.

the relationship between the word and is highlighted - sixteen sixth

letter entry, indicates op -

fogram, and most importantly, it contributes to production - 10. - Cap, cap, cap, -

free memorization of writing a word - cabbage whispers.

boiled words. Pupils in the future - Without rain, I'm very bored!

operate with rhyming as an algorithm cabbage cap.

to memorize spelling.

11. Fox and fox - brother and sister.

Here are the main components of this fox fox

I. Highlighting a word in a word. 12. The union lives in a dwelling,

1. There are words like a bird, Let's find him.

Crowing on the vocabulary page. housing or

Car - tone car! 13. - Qua! - apartment all of a sudden

Man said.

2. Look, children, cancer flies in a rocket. Scared the kids.

rocket cancer apartment qua!

3. Beautiful city 14. An eye in an apple sits,

There is in this word, He looks at the world from above.

To visit it - an apple eye

A huge honor! You can use lines from

Twelve vein (Vienna) poems by famous writers,

For example:

4. The plane is a secret - On the last day of school

The secret is on the ticket. To whom will I give a lilac?

Ticket il (Il) lilac ire (Ire)

5. Rov hid in bed.

He wanted to sleep.

Bed moat

6. Woe began to burn,

We won't talk about him

We regret.

burn grief.

7. The artist revealed a secret to me:

"I fit a large port into a portrait."

port portrait

II. Selection of a syllable in a word.

1. I write the word "good."

And in every syllable the letter O!

2. With the syllable MO - I am an evil frost,

And without it - I'm a lot of roses.

3. Note RE sang

In the address skillfully.

4. We studied the words

With letter A.

The address will be familiar to everyone,

The first syllable for the letter is house.

What? Who?

work people

5. And in these words

lives without a fight

combination -ORO-.

Who? What? How?

forty city soon

crow road

III. Highlighting a letter in a word.

1. There is a huge notebook,

in which you can draw.

And she's called

Let me remind you: with the letter A.

2. The letter O lives in a fire.

And imagine not being afraid

Does not burn or smoke.

3. Say a nice word:


And it's easy to remember:

Letter A, two K and O!


4. "A miracle is a river."

bear pencil case

rooster notebook

We will write with the letter E!

From a dictionary word

It turned out "Miracle - the river."

Between the words it flows

He carries the letter E with him.

5. Key words are important.

With the letter O they are friendly!

6. Look - guys,

With the letter O grows in the garden.

Well, where does cabbage grow?


The place is empty.

I, my friends, will tell you:

"Writing is a mystery,

With the letter A, another bed!


Everything is fine with us now!

In a student's notebook

O and A grow in the garden!

The dictionary page looks like this:

Important people on the street

We were able to settle down in peace.

We recommend reading
