How to find a pretty girl on VKontakte. How to meet a girl on VKontakte: everything is very simple

reservoirs 19.08.2020

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Dating in the virtual world has a special specificity, pluses and minuses. The main advantage of dating on the Internet is that people evaluate the interlocutor by his intellectual, spiritual qualities, instead of appearance.

Common interests, thoughts and the same look in matters are capable of much stronger than the charm of appearance to connect 2 strangers.

The main disadvantage of such an acquaintance- the anonymity of people, provoking cruel experiments.
More often these situations occur on virtual dating sites such as chats, social networks.


  1. An important advantage of dating in social networks is the expansion of the circle of new acquaintances. Growing up it becomes much more difficult to get acquainted, but the Internet helps to get acquainted with several versatile personalities at the same time and spend your personal time with interest.
  2. We do not see or hear the interlocutor; we can draw conclusions from his profile. For example, not competently filling out a personal questionnaire is an indicator that shows how educated a person is.
  3. When texting on social media, many are usually much sincere. They are not afraid to answer questions honestly.
  4. There are many excellent specialists on the Internet with whom you can consult on the topic of forecasting exchange rates, or loans.


  1. Online dating can be deceiving. As a result of the meeting after communication on the Internet, it turns out that they represented one thing, but received a completely different one.
  2. Married men who already have children often communicate on social networks. In the real world, compared to the Internet, it is much more difficult for a married man to find a woman for communication or a lover.
  3. There are times when a person gets acquainted on the Internet just “for fun”. For example, a man pretends to be another person, exposing another photo, inventing a profession, hobby and pedigree for himself.
  4. Another significant drawback is the lack of important information about a person, and there is only general data (weight, height, hobbies). And when there is not even a personal photograph, it generally becomes incomprehensible the purpose of such an acquaintance.
  5. There are many cases when, having met a young man, a girl has a feeling of disappointment, because on the network he was polite and intelligent, but in ordinary life he turned out to be a rare boor and a completely optional person.
  6. Without registering an acquaintance in contact and on any other sites, it is impossible to start in any way.

What to think about before texting a girl

The concept of online dating is simple.

If the girl ignores your first message, you can write the second, after the third. No need to write more than six messages, it's pointless.

If the girl does not respond to your first message, then the essence of the second will be able to evoke emotions in her. A lot of guys make a stupid mistake all the time: they give up after the first message.

Or when a girl doesn't reply to your messages and you start writing about how divine she is.

You should not ask the girl her name several times, imagine that she has already introduced herself and continue on.

Be prepared for the fact that they may not show initiative in communicating on the Internet. You must take matters into your own hands.

Ask her non-intrusive questions, talk on interesting topics. Start talking about your hobbies and dreams.

Be prepared for the fact that girls can ignore, this is normal.

What topic to start talking about

No need to put the interlocutor on a pedestal! One compliment is enough for the entire correspondence.

No need to beg for her phone number, it is better to smoothly bypass all her resistance and she will leave it to you on her own.

You do not need to tell her that you are ready to marry or live with her lovingly until the end of your days.

Messages come to the girls all the time!

It's better to be the most original. Then the question arises, how to get to know a girl in VKontakte in an original way?

Topics for conversation with a girl

Of course, you can talk with your interlocutor about whatever you want, but here are a few recommended topics.

  1. Hobbies
  2. Travel, walks
  3. Holidays
  4. Pets
  5. Cloth
  6. Friends
  7. Relationship
  8. Favorite places.

The girl likes, but ignores all messages

Ignoring is the most terrible thing in the communication of young people.

When your interlocutor stops responding in contact, you begin to get very worried.

The first reason for neglect

For example, a guy memorized one original phrase that he says at the beginning of communication, and then becomes himself again.

There are identified mistakes that guys often make when communicating in contact with a girl:

  • Trying to keep the conversation going even when the girl stops talking
  • They give her compliments she doesn't deserve.
  • Leave "unnecessary" comments on her personal photos.
  • Pay close attention to her words.

The second reason is that she will not like you initially.

She read the message from you and managed to draw conclusions for herself that she does not want to communicate with you.

This is not at all surprising, because many guys are completely confident in their thoughts.

They are sure that they know perfectly well what to write to a girl, but during practice they get disappointed.

Reason three - the girl believes that she is the best

She thinks that you are not worthy of her response to the message.

To get acquainted with a beautiful girl, you need to be able to correspond correctly.

No need to blame anyone, accept the situation as it is.

And if you still want to continue to communicate with this girl in contact, then learn to find an approach and competently conduct correspondence.
Do not pretend and do not shout “I want to meet a girl in Contact”, she must understand that she is the only one you have written to.

How to seduce a girl in contact

Try to find out her mobile phone number as soon as possible, for this be more original.

You're late for somewhere and then you'll call back.

In a few hours, you can safely dial her number and chat for seven to eight minutes.

Try to invite her on a date, in case of refusal, look for another interlocutor.

In 90% of cases, the girls call back and agree to a meeting.

How not to meet

You should not show bad manners, aggressiveness and superiority over her.

Show her that she was able to interest you and offer to go on a date in your free time.

A few tips when meeting in VK.

  1. Don't be intrusive.
  2. Don't show aggression.
  3. Behave decently and intelligently.
  4. And most importantly - do not rush things. Everything has its time!

If you do not know how to meet a girl on the Internet, these tips are for you. In our busy, full of business and worries time, this way of dating is chosen by an increasing number of people. How to decide and interest her, what to talk about?

How to strike up a conversation

Need some motivation to get to know each other. And go!

  1. Decide what kind of girl you need, who you are looking for. And based on this, choose a place to meet. It is better if it is a resource where people with whom you have common interests communicate.
  2. Take a picture, because a photo is your calling card. No naked torsos and cars of a neighbor!
  3. Choose a few more photos of where you work and fish. No drunk photos!
  4. Did you find the one? Time to send her a friend request.
  5. After you chatted a bit, left comments on her photo, it's time to meet. Invite her to the real as soon as possible!

This is the main thing that will lead you to success. So you got the answer to the question of how to meet a beautiful girl on social networks in order to start a new relationship.

A few more notes

You need to be a psychologist at heart and feel what is hidden behind a beautiful photograph. You are unlikely to be interested in a goddess in leopard leggings for a serious relationship. Therefore, you need to speak only the truth about yourself. She will feel it and open up. There is no need to be afraid of your thoughts - you are who you are! You need to write in such a way that she definitely wants to answer. Hook her up with something interesting.

But don't take too long to get her phone number. Already from the conversation you can clearly see what kind of person your new friend is. For example, a hoarse voice can tell if she smokes.

And it is clear that the first and even the second and third acquaintance can be unsuccessful. You still need to believe in yourself. Be an optimist! Behave naturally. It is better to have interesting hobbies, read more, watch not action movies, but something that might be interesting for her too. For example, arthouse. At the same time, and its intellectual level can be checked. You get a girl for a serious relationship, and not for one night, therefore, the requirements for her are high, this is normal.

On a first date, it's important to look neat. Also watch your speech and how you eat. Nothing escapes the girl. She will be much more interested in you if you show that you have good manners and a wide range of interests.

What is needed for an interesting acquaintance in a social network and how to continue it?

How can you meet a girl in contact - yes, just take it and write to her, but it is important that the beginning is intriguing. "Hi, how are you?" - who is interested? She receives several such letters every day. Girls get tired of such banality and monotony. It is important to show that you treat this acquaintance not just as one of many, but are aimed at building a serious relationship. Then you will attract her. She will want to give you her phone number and meet you. Let it be a park, cafe or cinema. Maybe you are fond of some kind of sport together? The same horse riding, for example. Wonderful! Horseback riding is fine.

That's all we wanted to tell you about productive online dating for a serious relationship. And remember - life is improvisation!

Dating & Pickup

How to meet a girl on VKontakte

Now it has become quite obvious to us that it is much easier to find a girl for a relationship through the Internet than to accidentally encounter love somewhere on the street. Therefore, the guys began to actively attack the girls with “amazing messages”, wanting to get to know them. And today we will tell you the main principles of successful dating with girls in contact.

It is worth noting that, despite the great popularity of dating sites, people over 25 still prefer to use them, who already have a certain amount of knowledge, which allows them to look for a girl for specific purposes: one-time sex, regular meetings or family relationships.

Social networks such as Odnoklassniki and Facebook are preferred by the older generation, or by people with specific business goals. Services of fast data publication Instagram and Twitter are not intended for dating and intimate communication. Therefore, it is Vkontante that is the most suitable social network for this.

Personal page of a successful guy

Before you bombard various girls with epic phrases about love and relationships, you need to do painstaking work on your personal page. You must understand that after your first message, the girl will go to your page and immediately give you a general description. And this will already affect the possibility of further communication, or a complete ignore.

Many girls do not like to delve into the guy’s data for a long time and study all the facets of his soul, they prefer to make a verdict 10-15 seconds after visiting the page. Therefore, this impression must be given by you. So let's explore three types of guys that girls will continue to communicate with:

Successful guy. On the page of such a guy there are a large number of photos where he is sitting in a bar, restaurant or in front of his car in fairly good clothes. There are also photos from the beach and in the company of their friends. The profile contains accurate information, and the list of communities and publications on the page contains a huge number of quotes from successful people. Rude and harsh phrases addressed to someone are not excluded, but there must always be a spirit of respect and consistency. A big plus will be some kind of negligence, which distinguishes a really successful guy from someone who is just trying to seem like one.

The older the girls get, the more desirable these guys become. And if we take about earlier years, then girls who are easily called "Fifa" or "glamorous chick" are fond of them. You should roughly understand what we are talking about now.

Theme guy. These are the pages of guys who almost completely consist of some kind of hobby: sports, fights without rules, music, skateboards, tattoos and so on. The profile may contain specific information, or information with thematic humor. A big plus will be your own photos from any event or party.

These guys are unique. Most girls do not understand them and do not want to mess with them. But the girls "in the know" will be just crazy about them. Therefore, the main task of such guys: finding a girl from the party.

Decent guy. This is the page of an ordinary guy who does not have any pronounced hobbies. He must have a certain set of photos and posts that would describe his stage of development. For example, photos from the sea, from work / study, from a restaurant and walks with friends, some personal nice photos are possible and nothing more. If you have a lot of pretty girlfriends, then you can take pictures with them. Make sure the photos are of various girls and not just one. And so, this is one of the most common types.

In this case, it is worth talking about those points that should not be in this profile:

  • No photos in front of rugs or in grandpa's sweaters;
  • No photos with a sad face full of pain and suffering;
  • No photos with girls and friends that do not show you in the best way;
  • No pictures of you drinking or worse (there have actually been cases of guys posting pictures of themselves sitting on the toilet!)
  • Less various erotica and black book mysticism.

Such guys are popular with a wide range of girls, with the exception of "behaviors" for money and girls who need some sort of underground atmosphere. However, most often the guys have to be the first to make their way to the girls.

We analyze the pages of girls

After you have prepared your page for accepting girls, you just have to find these girls. By entering certain search criteria, you will be shown a large number of pages of girls, where you can select any of them.

List of things to watch out for:

1) Marital status of the girl. The presence of her photos with some particular guy. If it becomes clear that the girl is busy, then you need to look for the next one.

2) Matching the girl to your personal profile. If you set up a rap and skateboard lover theme page, and you yourself stumbled upon a girl who prefers boys with money and cars, then the probability of success will be extremely small. You can, of course, try, but you should not expect something grandiose.

3) Analysis of the girl's interests. You need to look at the girl’s page for about the last six months to determine the likelihood of her past breakup, some stable hobbies or changes in her life. All this will help at the stage of getting to know her.

4) Analysis of the girl's friends. Very often there are situations when there are no “doubtful” photos on the page of the girl herself, but there may be such photos on the pages of her friends. In order not to waste your time once again and not write to the “walking girl”, it is better to check this fact just in case. Also, this analysis will help to understand the interests of the girl.

Of course, many guys prefer to immediately write to a girl and try to somehow win her heart, but if you are in doubt or feel some kind of fear, we suggest that you monitor the girls for 2-3 days to collect additional information. What exactly they publish on the page, how often they are online, which of their friends is most often online, and so on.

We write to the girl in contact

After you have decided that this girl can theoretically suit you, you need to make the first contact with her. For this, there is nothing better than to write a message first. And here are some ways:

1) Thematic request. Based on her hobbies and interests, you text her with some minor question. For example: “Hi, I saw you have a lot of photos from nature. Can you tell me what this place is?"

2) Timid request. If a girl spends almost all her time on the Internet, then there is a chance that she will like it when you give her the role of communication leader. Therefore, the first message can be sent with some uncertainty. For example: “Hi, I wanted to write to you for a long time, but I couldn’t do it. And so I wrote!

3) Standard greeting. If a girl can be called ordinary, then acquaintance with her should be ordinary. No need to reinvent the wheel and write her some tricky phrases. She still won't understand them. Therefore, standard phrases like: “Hi, how are you” or “Hi, how are you feeling” will be enough. Such phrases are needed so that the girl goes to your page and appreciates you. If everything suits her, you can be sure that she will continue to communicate with you, if not, then look for another.

Communication with a girl in contact

After the girl agreed to your invitation to talk to her, then all communication should develop in the same way as it happens on any date. You can read more about this in the article "".

To describe it briefly:

1) You let the girl say more than you.

2) You keep the conversation going by asking questions that the girl will like.

3) You give her small compliments and feel her reaction to it.

4) You direct the conversation in the right direction and set the topics of communication.

5) You do not cling to the girl, but keep yourself restrained and free enough.

So you can establish communication with a girl who will agree to communicate with you. After a week of communication, it will be possible to freely invite the girl to a meeting. If it spins and refuses, don't worry. As long as she communicates with you, you have a chance.

Previously, it was still too new, unknown, it was even scary to somehow think about it. However, already now many couples meet online and, at the same time, build full-fledged relationships in the future.

Online dating for girls can be very useful. It's just perfect for those who are shy meet guys in person, does not know what to say at a meeting, or is simply afraid to be disappointed when he sees his chosen one. In real life, when we see a person, we may misjudge him at first sight. After all, we do not allocate time for further evaluation. On the Internet, the opposite is true. In a short time, we can recognize not only the outer shell of a person we like, but also his interests and inner qualities.

So, let's talk about how a girl should get acquainted with young people in contact. We are used to the fact that the guy always seems to be the first to take the first step, but you can also wait for the weather by the sea for a very long time. Therefore, we must act. But, nevertheless, the girl should be tactful and unobtrusive, and everything will go smoothly.

Getting ready to meet

So the first thing every girl should do is prepare yourself to meet guys. The guy will meet you “by clothes”, that is, by photos, scrolling through your albums, as well as the information that you leave on your page. Every little thing can either push a gentleman away from you, or attract.

So make sure everything in we are ready to show the world on your page, does not embarrass you in any way or does not bring discomfort.

Based on the photographs, it will be possible to form a certain impression about you: where do you go, what do you like, who are your friends, what are your habits. You can sometimes seem silly and frivolous, so remove all unnecessary photos from your page, there is no need to create eye-catching moments. Write on the page about yourself what you love (hobbies, hobbies, things that you just like). No need to invent anything, write as it really is. The most important rule is to be yourself.

Guys don't like it at all. girls with bad habits and those who look bad, unkempt. girl don't smoke- it is not fashionable and not stylish at all. Drinking is not welcome either. In photographs, for example, you will immediately see how well-groomed you are and how you take care of yourself. It is not necessary to be a written beauty. You just need to take care of yourself - light, unobtrusive makeup, natural hair, delicate skin, a slender body - all this will draw attention to your page. If you haven't done much yet make yourself look good- then act!

After all, if you are lucky, and after meeting you will have to meet the guy live, he should not be disappointed when he sees in life something completely different from what is in the photo.

Let's act! Just do not despair!

So, we put the page in order, everything with our beloved is also at the highest level - excellent. It's time to start taking action.

The first thing we must do- decide who we are looking for. We fill in the search for the data that we would like: year of birth (first of all), city of residence. The rest is up to you.

The Vkontakte website offers a huge selection of search queries, because each girl needs something different. You can choose the religious or political views of your chosen one, a page with or without a photo, a place of study and work. You are welcome, Everything depends on you.

To make the choice wider, you can remove several search criteria, because not all guys indicate all the necessary information. But it is among these guys that he may be the only one.

So, the search criteria are defined. The system will find thousands and millions of guys who also want to meet beautiful young ladies. Of course, there will be a lot of options, so do not rush. It's better to spend a little more time on a good selection and choose the guys that you like more than this.

So, choose the guys you like. Let's start by choosing a few young people. If so, you can always start over. We look through their pages, photos and decide who we like the most.

Now is the time for decisive action. We gather our thoughts and write to the guy, or add him as a friend. If he accepted the application, then you can already rejoice a little - it means that he is interested in you. Then you can start even with the simplest phrases. We write whatever we have the courage to write.

“Hi.” I like you. Let's get acquainted"

“I see you play tennis. So do I. It would be interesting to talk to you."

In the modern world, the laws that used to be suitable for a long time no longer apply. Now guys pay a lot of attention to girls who are the first to take the initiative.

There is nothing to be ashamed of. Why not? Even if you are very shy and worried, It's OK. Get together and write to him. Are you missing out on your happiness? After all, this is the Internet, and they don’t beat anyone for demand.

If one guy did not answer your message - it's okay, another, third, tenth will answer. You can also leave enticing graffiti on his wall (e.g. soccer ball if he loves football; headphones if he loves music). View playlist, there may be songs, which you also like.

“But I noticed a song on your page ... Can you explain what it is about? I think I didn't quite get it." ” That's so interesting, but I thought that this song was from another artist. Can you tell me about him?"

” Cool, we have the same taste in music. It is interesting to find a soul mate. By the way, my name is Katya.

This is where the conversation started. If the guy does not make contact (answers inconsistently, incomprehensibly, in monosyllabic sentences), then drop this business. Ease in communication will be felt from the first minutes, if you really found the “right” person. Starting a conversation with standard phrases like “Are you cool, let's get acquainted” and “What kind of girls do you like? I'm just like that, that's how lucky”, you can go much further. As a result, you will sit for hours in front of the computer, busy communicating.

But you don't have to force yourself. If a guy did not reciprocate - nothing. Do not write anything in response to him, do not sting and do not swear. Firstly, this is useless, and there is no reason to waste your nerves. And secondly, it's not his fault that he didn't like you. Everyone is free to choose.

One more trick is to disappear for a while. You can write something interesting to the guy every day, to interest him. And then once - and disappeared for a day. Just know the measure. No need to run away for a week and behave incomprehensibly. Generate interest in yourself.

So, finally, you have achieved the result. You met a guy. Now you need to somehow not lose his attention and keep it. How to achieve this? Yes, there is nothing complicated. Most importantly, don't get lost. Periodically write to him first. The guy also gets tired when nothing is important from you and nothing is heard. He, too, will think that he is being imposed on you. But don't push yourself. No need to scribble meaningless messages every hour in order to get all his attention. Keep the middle ground.

Ask him questions, be interested in his hobbies and his life. So you prepare the ground for a real meeting. Show your imagination You're a girl, you must be a little cunning. Throw out some phrase by chance, like “Oh, it’s raining today, and I wanted to go play basketball with the guys.” This is where the conversation starts. This is just one of the topics. And you can come up with everything that your imagination is capable of.

Well, now the time is running out, the matter is approaching the meeting. First, consider whether you need it or not. If you are really interested in a person, then you need to act. If you're just bored, then don't hurt the guy. Maybe he seriously liked you and he is already making plans for you. If the guy still won't ask you out, then maybe he's just shy or thinks you don't like him enough. So take the first step yourself! Invite him!

If you find it easier, you can first prepare the ground for a real meeting. For example, offer to chat on Skype, maybe this will speed up the desire to meet. Well, if that doesn't help, pull yourself together and offer yourself. Nothing will happen because you are denied? Once I refuse, the second. And they will agree to the third one, and this option will be even better! For example, "Why are we soaring here, let's go outside, at least we'll knead the bones." Why not?!

Summing up

So, we have already identified the main points that you need to work on in order to get to know a guy in contact.

  • We follow and take care of ourselves, create a beautiful image that will not disappoint the chosen one in the future.
  • Next, choose the “victims”, write to them first. We are not shy. Confident girls will always get their way!
  • We don’t impose ourselves on a guy when communicating, but we don’t disappear for a month either. We hold frames.
  • We are not afraid to write what we want, to be inventive and witty. Guys love active and interesting girls. One or two rejections can be tolerated. The best option will not leave you!
  • And finally, we meet! If you are not offered a meeting, then you offer it yourself.

Our main motto is Do not be afraid of difficulties and be confident! Your energy is felt everywhere, so go ahead!

Video: Female pickup: how to meet a man

Attention, only TODAY!

Today, there are many different opportunities for communication. However, another, more serious problem immediately arose: for some reason, people forgot how to communicate with each other. Often guys do not know what to write to a girl in "Contact". And this is regardless of whether they want to meet or have known the girl for quite some time. Let's talk about this now.

The main rules of communication

Initially, you need to say that you need to be able to communicate in social networks, including in "Contact". So, for this it is best to follow a couple of simple but effective rules:

  1. You should always be yourself. In social networks, there is a temptation to create your own image, the type that you really want to be, but for certain reasons this does not work out. However, this is a false path. You must always be yourself. Indeed, otherwise it is easy to get into a mess, finding yourself in an uncomfortable and sometimes even delicate situation.
  2. You must always tell the truth. After all, lies tend to accumulate. And then it will be easy to get confused.
  3. It is best to exchange short messages. After all, few people like to read long letters. Yes, and it's not very convenient.
  4. A separate moment about greetings. So, you don't always have to say hello. If you want to start a conversation, then definitely. If the message is a response to a photo or an interesting post, there is no need to say hello.
  5. Well, and most importantly, you can’t do without emoticons and likes. It is also a kind of form of communication. And most people generally consider repost as something similar to respect.

The first phrases when meeting

Be sure to figure out what to write to a girl when meeting in "Contact". So, you need to start with the most common greeting. There are several ways to do this:

  • Standard. To the girl you like, you can simply write: “Hi, how are you?” However, it should be noted that this phrase will interest only those ladies who at the moment have absolutely nothing to do. And the answer will follow only in order to entertain yourself for half an hour.
  • Original. So, you can write something unusual to a girl. For example: “You dress so beautifully. You must be a stylist. Or popular today: "Your parents are probably sorcerers, because their daughter is a charming fairy."
  • Mysterious. What to write to a girl when meeting in "Contact" to interest her? Example: “Hi, I don’t know if you will answer me or not, but I have something interesting to offer you.” However, in this case, you need to think through everything carefully so that later you do not turn out to be empty talk.
  • Youth. You can use special slang for greetings: youth, subcultural. Especially if the girl is a representative of a certain group (conclusions can be drawn from photos, audio recordings, etc.).

Well, and most importantly, what is worth remembering: any phrase written for the first time should cause a desire to answer. That is, the message should call for action.

What to start talking about

We understand further what to write to a girl in "Contact". So, if an acquaintance happened, you also need to think about how not to break off the connection that has just begun. It's important to keep the conversation going. Here you need to submit as much information as possible so that it is interesting to the interlocutor. At the same time, it is important that the girl also talks a little about herself. It must be remembered that it is imperative to be interested in the person with whom you are talking. This will be evidence that the person is not indifferent to the interlocutor.

Self-talk: work

What to write to a girl in "Contact" to bring her to a conversation about yourself? So, here you need to hook the lady with something that interests her. To do this, you will have to view her profile, study her small profile. Many useful conclusions can be drawn from this. For example, you can ask a question about the place of study. Ask where the girl studies, why she chose this direction (for students), what subjects she likes to study (for schoolchildren). This is a very good topic that can flow into multiple stories about the future, about the profession, about hobbies and scientific potential. Approximate phrases from what to write to a girl in "Contact" in the key of talking about her:

  • "Where do you study? You can see from the photo that your life is very interesting."
  • "What is your favorite subject of study, and what do you just hate to study?" (It is very easy to get along in a conversation also on the basis of dislike.)
  • "Where do you work? Why here?"

Do not forget that the wording of phrases can be varied, adjusted to a special slang.

Self-talk: hobbies

Self-talk: family

We figure out further what to write to the girl you like in "Contact". So, let's talk about her family. However, it must be remembered that this is a very sensitive topic. Here you need to be careful and not make mistakes. After all, very often a simple interest can be regarded as a mercantile intention to find out information about the welfare of relatives. Sample questions that you can safely ask:

  1. "Tell me about your parents' hobbies. Are there any common hobbies and activities in your family?"
  2. "Tell me about the unique ancestors in your family. Maybe you have grandees or workers of rare professions along the family line?"
  3. "Interestingly, have you followed (will you follow) in the footsteps of your relatives in choosing a profession?" (So ​​unobtrusively you can find out about what your parents are doing.)

About compliments

Often, guys are interested in what to write a nice girl in "Contact". Here, of course, you need to use compliments. However, they must be applied skillfully, unobtrusively. After all, if there are a lot of compliments, this can be regarded as a toady. Examples of simple phrases:

  • "You have very beautiful eyes (smile, hair)."
  • "Even in the photo you have a crazy energy. You must be a very energetic person."
  • "You dress beautifully. You have your own special attractive style."

Poems and prose

We further consider a variety of options for what you can write to a girl in "Contact". So, you can send a poem to the lady you like. However, it should be small and best of all handwritten. Girls will definitely find this cute. However, at first you do not need to write about great feelings, love and the sublime. In a quatrain, you can wish good morning or a good day. You can write something nice. If you can’t write something similar on your own, you can simply download the verse from the Internet. However, such messages should not be sent too often. After all, it may seem that there is nothing more to say.

Loading the wall

It is also worth giving a couple of tips on what to write to the girl on the wall in "Contact". So, the wall is a public place. And if a guy there periodically leaves his messages, this will testify to something. In any case, the girls really like it. In this case, what to write to the girl in "Contact"? Examples:

  1. "You can leave songs with meaning on the wall."
  2. "Be sure the girls need to" throw "postcards with flowers or animals on the wall."
  3. "But still, small graffiti painted by the ladies are most appreciated by the ladies. This will indicate that the girl is not indifferent to the man."

As a small conclusion, it is worth saying: no matter what a guy decides to write to a girl, everything should be done with all his heart and from the bottom of his heart.

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