The fundamental question of the revolution of 1905-1907. Beginning of the first Russian revolution

landscaping 20.10.2019

Bourgeois revolution 1905 - 1907 was the result of deepening antagonism between labor and capital, the agrarian question and the unfavorable foreign policy situation. The autocracy was able to extinguish the popular indignation, but did not eliminate the causes of the revolution.

Announcement: as Bismarck said: "The revolution is invented by geniuses, carried out by fanatics, and the fruits of it go to crooks." Revolution is always blood, murder, destruction of everything, the victory of stupidity, dirt and lawlessness.

Revolution This is a fundamental revolution in the development of society.

REASONS for this revolution:

  1. Unresolved contradictions between peasants and landowners, workers and capitalists.
  2. Political lawlessness and lack of political freedoms.
  3. Increasing poverty after the crisis of 1900-1903.
  4. Defeats in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905.

CHARACTER: bourgeois-democratic.


Stage 1: January - September 1905 - January 9 - provocation and execution of a demonstration of workers (about 1 thousand killed, about 5 thousand wounded), protests of workers (more than 600 thousand), creation in Ivanovo - Voznesensk Council of Authorized Deputies, the uprising of sailors on the battleship "Prince Potemkin - Tauride", mass uprisings of peasants.

Stage 2: October - December 1905 - the highest upsurge of the revolution. The All-Russian October political strike (more than 2 million participants), the publication of the "Manifesto on October 17" - the introduction of certain political freedoms, the convening of the 1st State Duma, the December armed uprising in Moscow.

Stage 3: January 1906 - June 1907 - strikes of workers, uprisings of peasants and sailors of Sevastopol and Sveaborg. Activities 1 and 2 of the State Duma. They were disbanded on charges of inciting unrest.


  1. The bourgeoisie has achieved the coming to power (work in the State Duma).
  2. Some political freedoms appeared, people's participation in elections was expanded, parties were legalized.
  3. Wages increased, the working day decreased from 11.5 to 10 hours.
  4. The peasants achieved the abolition of redemption payments, which had to be paid to the landowners.

Of course, there were results from the revolution, but how much blood was shed. It was made with the money of enemies - the Japanese. Through this revolution they achieved our defeat in the Russo-Japanese War. To be continued.

Chronology of the Russian Revolution 1905-1907.


July 15- The murder of the "reactionary" Minister of the Interior by the Socialist-Revolutionary E. Sazonov V. Plehve.

August, 26th– Appointment of a Liberal as the new Minister of the Interior P. Svyatopolk-Mirsky.

September October- Secret meetings in Paris of members of the liberal " Liberation Union» with SR terrorists, Finnish and Caucasian nationalists.

November 6-9- Meetings of zemstvo leaders in St. Petersburg throw a demand into the country legislative popular representation. Soon after them, high society opens a "banquet campaign" demanding the most extensive state reforms.

12 December– The government, by its decree, rejects even deliberative popular representation, but accepts other demands of the Zemstvo (freedom of conscience, revision of laws on the press, etc.).


Investigation of the circumstances of the uprising on the battleship "Potemkin" (the first series "Spontaneous rebellion")

– Agrarian riots all over the country. Burning of landowners' estates by peasants.

August 6- Project deliberative"Bulygin Duma" (6.08), rejected by the "liberals".

August 27- The law on the broad autonomy of universities, thanks to which they begin to organize violent revolutionary rallies with the wide participation of outsiders, often armed.

August- Armenian-Azerbaijani massacre in Transcaucasia.

September- The next Zemsky Congress adopts a resolution demanding broad autonomy for Poland.

Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin

July 9- The dissolution of the First Duma (its constitutional possibility is provided for by the "Basic Laws").

July 9Vyborg Appeal: 180 (about a third) deputies of the dissolved Duma call on the people to stand up for popular representation and not to give the government "neither soldiers nor money."

12th of AugustTerrorist attack on Aptekarsky Island: a group of socialist-maximalists blows up the residence of Stolypin. At the same time, more than 30 people die, not counting the killers themselves, the children of the prime minister are seriously injured, but he himself remains unharmed.

25-th of August– Publication of an extensive government program of reforms and martial law.

Aug. Sept- Decrees on the transfer to the peasantry of specific, state and cabinet lands (that is, state lands and those that were previously owned by the royal and grand ducal families).

October 5- The Stolypin law on civil equality of peasants (later not approved by the Duma "liberals" - they do not agree to approve it before "Jewish equality" is introduced). A similar fate befell another most important Stolypin law - on the establishment of zemstvos in volosts (in a unit less than a lot).

October 14- "Robbery in Lantern Lane" - the largest revolutionary-criminal expropriation of the period of the First Russian Revolution: the seizure by the Maximalist Social Revolutionaries in St. Petersburg of more than 360 thousand rubles from the transported customs sums.

November 9– The main measure of the Stolypin agrarian reform was the law on providing peasants with the opportunity to leave the community.


March, 6- Stolypin's government declaration in the Duma with the proclamation of a broad program of reforms.

April 16- “Zurabov Incident”: Tiflis deputy Zurabov from the Duma rostrum “in the worst Russian language” slanders the Russian army: they say, it has always been beaten, it will be beaten, and it will be fine to fight only against the people. The Duma noisily approves of Zurabov's mocking speech, and this greatly lowers her in popular opinion.

20 April- The decree on courts-martial, not approved by the Duma, according to the law, ceases to be valid 8 months after it enters into temporary force.

June 1st- The government demands from the Second Duma to remove the parliamentary immunity from 55 socialist deputies convicted of preparing a military conspiracy. The Duma refuses.

Lecture 46

Revolution of 1905-1907 in Russia: causes, main political forces, labor and peasant movement, anti-government actions in the army


By the beginning of the 20th century, the following contradictions became extremely aggravated in Russia, which were the causes of the first Russian revolution.

1) Contradiction between landowners and peasants. The land issue was the main socio-economic issue of the First Russian Revolution.

2) The contradiction between workers and capitalists due to the high degree of exploitation of workers in Russia.

3) The contradiction between the autocracy and all segments of the population due to the complete political lack of rights in the vast majority of the country

4) The contradiction between the autocracy and all non-Russian nations and nationalities due to the policy of Russification pursued by the autocracy. The non-Russian nations and nationalities demanded cultural and national autonomy from the autocracy.

One of the main questions of any revolution is the question of power. In relation to him, various socio-political forces in Russia united in three camps.
First camp were supporters of the autocracy. They either did not recognize the changes at all, or agreed to the existence of a legislative advisory body under the autocrat. These are, first of all, the reactionary landowners, the highest ranks of state bodies, the army, the police, a part of the bourgeoisie directly connected with tsarism, and many zemstvo leaders.
Second camp consisted of representatives of the liberal bourgeoisie and the liberal intelligentsia, the advanced nobility, employees, the petty bourgeoisie of the city, part of the peasants. They advocated the preservation of the monarchy, but constitutional, parliamentary.

IN third camp - revolutionary-democratic - included the proletariat, part of the peasantry, the poorest sections of the petty bourgeoisie, etc. Their interests were expressed by the Social Democrats, Socialist-Revolutionaries, anarchists and other political forces.

First Russian Revolution , which had a bourgeois-democratic character, lasted for 2.5 years - from January 9, 1905 to June 3, 1907.

Conventionally, the revolution can be divided into 3 stages:

I stage . January 9 - September 1905- the beginning of the revolution and its development along an ascending line.

II stage . October - December 1905- the highest rise of the revolution, the culminating point of which was an armed uprising in Moscow.

Stage III. January 1906 - June 3, 1907- the period of the descending line of the revolution.

date of Event Event value
January 9, 1905 "Bloody Sunday" The beginning of the revolution. On this day, faith in the king was shot.
May 12 - June 23, 1905 Strike of 70 thousand workers in Ivanovo-Voznesensk The first Soviet of Workers' Deputies in Russia was created, which lasted 65 days
April 1905 III Congress of the RSDLP in London The congress decided to prepare an armed uprising.
spring-summer 1905 A wave of peasant uprisings swept across the country The All-Russian Peasant Union was created
June 14 - 25, 1905 Uprising on the battleship "Potemkin" For the first time, a large warship went over to the side of the rebels, which indicated that the last support of the autocracy - the army was shaken.
October 1905 All-Russian October political strike The tsar was forced to make concessions, as the dissatisfaction of the people with the autocracy resulted in the All-Russian strike
October 17, 1905 Nicholas II signed the Manifesto of Freedoms The manifesto was the first step towards parliamentarism, constitutionality, democracy and created the possibility of peaceful, post-reform development
October 1905 Formation of the Constitutional Democratic Party (Kadets) The adoption of a program that contained provisions in favor of the workers and peasants
Formation of the party "Union of October 17" (Octobrists) The program of the Octobrists took into account the interests of the working people to a lesser extent, since its core was made up of large industrialists and wealthy landowners.
Formation of the party "Union of the Russian people" This party was the largest Black Hundred organization. It was a nationalistic, chauvinistic, pro-fascist organization. (Chauvinism is the propaganda of hatred towards other nations and peoples and the upbringing of the superiority of one's own nation).
late autumn 1905 Revolts of soldiers and sailors in Sevastopol, Kronstadt, Moscow, Kyiv, Kharkov, Tashkent, Irkutsk The revolutionary movement in the army testified that the last support of the autocracy was no longer as reliable as before.
December 10–19, 1905 Armed uprising in Moscow High point of the first Russian revolution
December 1905 The electoral law was published in the 1st State Duma The beginning of Russian parliamentarism
April 27, 1906 Nicholas II solemnly opened the First State Duma - the first Russian parliament
February 20, 1907 The II State Duma began its work
June 3, 1907 The Second State Duma was dissolved. At the same time, a new electoral law is adopted. A coup d'état was carried out in the country from above. The political regime established in the country was called the "June 3 Monarchy". It was a regime of police brutality and persecution. Defeat of the First Russian Revolution.

The events that took place in Russia in 1905-1907 are usually called the Russian bourgeois-democratic revolution. Relatively speaking, this revolution is the initial stage of preparation for a larger event in the history of the Russian people - the 1917 revolution. The events of these years opened the wounds that were ripening under the auspices of the absolute monarchy, outlined the paths for the development of events in history, and marked the socio-historical conflict that was brewing among the people.

The events of this era are preceded by several unresolved conflicts of the social structure of the empire. Let us understand what was the task of the first Russian revolution. The most important reasons can be which were the catalyst for unrest in society:

  • Most of the country's population did not have political freedoms.
  • The abolition of serfdom in 1861 essentially remained on paper. The peasant class did not feel any special privileges.
  • The difficult work of workers in factories and factories.
  • The war with the Japanese, which weakened the Russian Empire. The war will be discussed separately, since many historians believe that it was she who contributed to the reactionary unrest.
  • The oppression of national minorities in a multinational country. Any multinational country sooner or later comes to the Civil War to defend their rights and freedoms.

At the initial stages, the revolution did not pursue the goals of armed confrontations. Its main goal is to limit the power of the king. Even the overthrow of the monarchy was out of the question. The people politically and mentally could not exist without a king. Historians unanimously call all the events of this period preparations for larger historical events - the February and October revolutions.

Any war, any unrest, must have a clear financial footprint at its core. It cannot be said that the priest Gapon took and raised the masses to the battle with the autocracy, without having huge money, which poured like oil into the fire to kindle modernization sentiments. And here it is appropriate to say that there was a Russo-Japanese war. It would seem, what is the connection between these events? However, this is where this financial catalyst should be sought. The enemy is interested in weakening the enemy from within. And what, if not a revolution, can quickly ignite enemy forces, and then just as quickly extinguish them. Do I need to add that with the end of this war, revolutionary unrest also subsided.

In Russian history, it is customary to divide the movements of this period into three stages:

  • Beginning (01.1905 - 09.1905);
  • Takeoff (10.1905 - 12.1905);
  • The extinction of unrest (10.1906 - 06.1907).

Let us consider the events of these periods in more detail. This is important for understanding the course of the revolutionary movement.


In January 1905, several people were fired at the Putilov factory in St. Petersburg. This angered the workers. On January 3, under the leadership of the previously mentioned priest Gapon, a strike begins. It is she who will be the prototype of the first revolution of the country. The strike lasted only a week. The outcome of the confrontation was a petition to the monarch, which included several main points:

In essence, these are absolutely normal requirements of an adequate democratic society. But there is no need to talk about this in a country with an autocratic monarchy. There is no call for the overthrow of the tsar, there is still no such slogan “Down with the tsar”, there are no instructions to take up arms. All requirements are maximally loyal. However, the tsarist authorities accepted this petition as an encroachment on their person and the foundations of autocratic power.

January 9, 1905 is called Bloody Sunday. On this day, people gather a crowd of 140,000 and begin to move towards the Winter Palace. By order of the king, the crowd was shot, and this was the first wrong step of the monarch, for which he would pay years later with his life and the life of the entire royal family. Bloody Sunday 1905 can briefly be called the detonator of all subsequent revolutionary movements in Russia.

On January 19, 1905, Nicholas II speaks to the rebels, where he says in plain text that he forgives those who went against the tsar. However, if the situation with discontent repeats, then the tsarist army, as on January 9, will use force and weapons to suppress the uprising.

Between February and March 1905, worker-peasant riots and strikes began in many counties. Until the end of September, various uprisings break out throughout the empire and beyond. So, on May 12, in Ivanovo-Voznesensk, at a textile factory under the control of the Bolshevik M. Frunze, a strike and strikes began. The workers demand a reduction in the working day from 14 hours to 8 hours, a decent level of wages (they pay no more than 14 rubles), and the abolition of fines. The strike lasted 72 days. As a result, on June 3, demonstration executions took place. Famine and flourishing diseases (especially tuberculosis) forced the workers to return to the machines.

It should be mentioned that all these strikes gave the first result - in July, by order of the authorities, all workers received an increase in wages. On August 31 - July 1, a congress of the peasant union was held.

Then the tsarist government commits a second offense: in late July - early August, mass repressions, arrests and exile to Siberia begin. On this, the first stage of the revolution of 1905 can be considered completed. A start was made, and then the revolution began to gain strength and power.


The events of this period are often called the all-Russian strike. Historians attribute this name to the fact that on September 19, in the central newspapers of Moscow, the editors published information about the need for a number of changes in the political and economic structure of the country. These articles received active support from the Moscow workers and railway workers. Major riots break out across the empire.

The strikes take place almost simultaneously countrywide. 55-60 large cities are involved. The first political parties, the Soviets of People's Workers' Deputies, began to form. Everywhere there are calls for the overthrow of the king. The royal power begins to gradually lose control over the ongoing riots. Nicholas II 10/17/1905 was forced to sign the manifesto "On the improvement of the state order." There are several important points in this document:

  • Democratic freedoms proclaimed. All people have the inviolability of the person and receive civil rights given by law.
  • All classes of society are admitted to the State Duma.
  • All laws of the country can be adopted only through their approval in the State Duma.

From these provisions of the manifesto, it becomes clear that autocracy as a form of power no longer has an absolute. From that moment until 1917, the form of government in Russia can be called a constitutional monarchy.

According to the convictions of the tsarist government, the manifesto was supposed to give the revolutionaries what they demanded, and the revolution should eradicate itself, because for this the requirements of the will of the people were fulfilled. But the miracle didn't happen.

The fact is that the manifesto was perceived by the current political parties as an attempt by the tsar to suppress the uprisings. The leaders of the people do not believe in the power of the manifesto and in the guarantor of its execution. Instead of subsiding, the revolution begins to gain new strength.

The October 17 Manifesto is a very important document in the history of Russia. It is from him that the formation of parliamentarism begins in Russia, the first political parties are created. Anti-government camp from the general gray mass begins to split into three powerful currents, which in the foreseeable future will enter the battle of the Civil War, where brother will go with a gun against brother.

The liberal bourgeoisie stands out, which consists of the bourgeois intelligentsia and Zemstvo liberals. The Mensheviks stand out - the social democratic stratum, which claims that the revolution is useless.

In their opinion, the revolution must be stopped, since the country is not yet ready to accept socialism. And, finally, the Bolshevik Social Democrats, who advocate the socialization of society, the overthrow of tsarist power.

These are the main three currents of the antagonists of the tsarist regime. And if the first two camps are passive in relation to the tsar and even come to his defense, then the Bolshevik socialist camp stands for radical reforms, where there is no place for the monarchy, and even more so for autocracy.

On December 7, 1905, at the call of the Moscow Soviet of Workers' Deputies, a strike of workers in Moscow and St. Petersburg began. On December 10, the authorities try to suppress the uprising with weapons. The fights go on for a week. Barricades are being formed, workers are seizing entire city blocks. On December 15, the Semyonovsky regiment arrives in Moscow, which begins a massive shelling of the protesters. As a result, on December 19, the turmoil was crushed by the tsarist army.

In the same period, strikes take place in large cities. and regions throughout the country. As a result, many cities now have squares and streets with the name of the events of 1905-1907.

fading unrest

The number of unrest decreases and gradually disappears. On February 2, 1906, the tsar signs a decree on the formation of the State Duma. The Duma is created for a period of 5 years, but Nikolai retains the right to dissolve it ahead of schedule and form a new one, which, in fact, he did.

On April 23, 1906, following the results of revolutionary changes and the signed manifesto, a new set of laws was published. In November of the same year, the tsar issued a decree allocating land plots to the peasants.

What did the first Russian revolution lead to

Despite mass unrest, many executions, exiles, the country's way of life has not changed radically. For this reason, the events of 1905-1907 are called preparations or rehearsals for the 1917 revolution.

The autocracy, previously not restrained by anything, has now turned into a semblance of a constitutional monarchy - the State Council and the State Duma appear. The poorest segments of the population receive certain rights and freedoms guaranteed by law. Thanks to the strikes, the working day was reduced to 8-9 hours, and the salary level was slightly increased. And, finally, since 1861, the peasants received the land in their own hands. In fact, it was the first Russian revolution to reform the country's political system.

Despite the positive developments, there is a moment that the level of social security after these events decreased, corruption flourished, and the monarch continued to sit on the throne. It is a little illogical that, following the results of mass bloodshed and victims, the way of life remained the same. It seems that what they fought for, they ran into something. Be that as it may, this stage in the history of Russia was the start of the 1917 revolution. The collective consciousness has changed, the forces of the people have been felt. This revolution was simply necessary for history to develop 10 years later.

The prerequisites for the revolution were formed over decades, but when capitalism in Russia passed into the highest stage (imperialism), social contradictions escalated to the limit, resulting in the events of the first Russian revolution of 1905-1907.

Causes of the first Russian revolution

At the beginning of the 20th century, a noticeable decline began to be observed in the Russian economy. This resulted in increased public debts, which also led to a breakdown in monetary circulation. Oil in the fire added and crop failure. All these circumstances have shown the need to modernize the existing authorities.

After the abolition of serfdom, representatives of the most numerous class received freedom. Integration into existing realities required the emergence of new social institutions, which were never created. The political reason was also the absolute power of the emperor, who was considered incapable of ruling the country alone.

The Russian peasantry gradually accumulated dissatisfaction due to the constant reduction of land allotments, which justified their demands for the provision of land from the authorities.

Dissatisfaction with the authorities grew after military failures and defeat in the Russo-Japanese War, and the low standard of living of the Russian proletariat and peasantry was expressed in dissatisfaction with a small number of civil liberties. In Russia by 1905 there was no freedom of speech, press, inviolability of the person and equality of everyone before the laws.

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In Russia there was a multinational and multi-confessional composition, however, the rights of many small peoples were infringed, which caused periodic popular unrest.

Difficult working conditions at plants and factories caused discontent among the proletariat.

The course of the revolution

Historians divide the First Russian Revolution into three stages, which are reflected in the table:

The peculiarity of the revolution was its bourgeois-democratic character. This is reflected in its goals and objectives, which included the limitation of autocracy and the final destruction of serfdom.
The tasks of the revolution also included:

  • creation of democratic foundations - political parties, freedom of speech, press, etc.;
  • reduction of the working day to 8 hours;
  • establishment of equality of the peoples of Russia.

These requirements covered not one estate, but the entire population of the Russian Empire.

First step

On January 3, 1905, the workers of the Putilov Plant began a strike due to the dismissal of several workers, which was supported by large factories in St. Petersburg. The strike was headed by the “Assembly of Russian factory workers of the city of St. Petersburg”, headed by priest Gapon. In a short time, a petition was drawn up, which they decided to hand over personally to the emperor.
It consisted of five items:

  • The release of all those who suffered for strikes, religious or political beliefs.
  • Declaration of freedom of the press, assembly, speech, conscience, religion and personal integrity.
  • Equality of all before the law.
  • Compulsory free education for all citizens.
  • Responsibility of ministers to the people.

On January 9, a procession was organized to the Winter Palace. Probably, the procession of the 140,000-strong crowd was perceived as revolutionary, and the ensuing provocation prompted the tsarist troops to open fire on the demonstrators. This event went down in history as "Bloody Sunday".

Rice. 1. Bloody Sunday.

On March 19, Nicholas II spoke to the proletariat. The king noted that he would grant forgiveness to the protesters. However, they themselves are to blame for the execution, and if such demonstrations are repeated, the executions will be repeated.

From February to March, a chain of peasant riots begins, occupying approximately 15-20% of the country's territory, which began to be accompanied by unrest in the army and navy.

An important episode of the revolution was the mutiny on the cruiser "Prince Potemkin Tauride" on June 14, 1905. In 1925, director S. Ezeinstein will make a film about this event called Battleship Potemkin.

Rice. 2. Film.

Second phase

On September 19, the Moscow press put forward demands for economic change, which were supported by factories and railroad workers. As a result, a major strike began in Russia, which lasted until 1907. More than 2 million people took part in it. Soviets of workers' deputies began to form in the cities. A wave of protests was picked up by banks, pharmacies, shops. For the first time, the slogan "Down with autocracy" and "Long live the republic" was sounded.

April 27, 1906 is considered the date of the beginning of parliamentarism. Satisfying the demands of the people, the first State Duma in Russian history began its work.

Third stage

Unable to stop and overcome revolutionary activity, Nicholas II could only accept the demands of the protesters.

Rice. 3. Portrait of Nicholas II.

On April 23, 1906, the main code of laws of the Russian Empire was drawn up, which was amended in accordance with revolutionary requirements.

On November 9, 1906, the Emperor signed a decree allowing peasants to receive land for personal use after leaving the community.

June 3, 1907 - the date of the end of the revolution. Nicholas II hung a manifesto on the dissolution of the Duma and the adoption of a new law on elections to the State Duma.

The results of the revolution can be called intermediate. There were no global changes in the country. Other than the reform of the political system, there was no solution to other issues. The historical significance of this revolution was that it became a dress rehearsal for another, more powerful revolution.

What have we learned?

Speaking briefly about the First Russian Revolution in an article on history (Grade 11), it should be noted that it showed all the shortcomings and mistakes of the tsarist government and gave a chance to solve them. But for 10 years, most of the unresolved issues remained hanging in the air, which led to February 1917.

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