Swaying or swaying. Swaying or swaying, how to spell correctly? Transitive and intransitive verbs in Russian

landscaping 03.07.2020

    Correctly SWING. Consider the reasons, as the unforgettable Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov used to say,

    An amazing thing is the conjugation of Russian verbs! But also incomprehensible to some. How many tears were shed in the school walls for the reason that the letter E or I, U (Yu) or A (I) was incorrectly chosen when writing its personal endings (inflections)! How many people graduated from school without fully understanding the criteria for choosing these vowels, because at school they did not learn this rule, which is generally simple, but requiring effort to memorize!

    Indeed, how much do you need to know in order to choose the right vowel letter for inflection of your proposed verb: KOLYSH(U/A)TSYA?

    A little, on the one hand, on the other, a lot. Not much, because the rule according to which we determine the type of conjugation for verbs with personal UNSTRESSED FLECTIONS is placed on a small plate (I took it from the Internet, but such ones, printed in a large format, help students learn the rules in the classroom):

    a lot because

    • this rule must be known by heart, like a multiplication tablet, and the BC is the rule, and not just exception verbs,
    • by heart, you should also know ALL personal inflections of verbs,
    • one should not lose sight of the conjugated WANT and RUNN and all their derivatives,

    you need to remember in order to immediately, without any infinitives, competently declare: they do not belong to any of the two types of conjugation,

    2) it is necessary to know personal inflections by heart so that, first, verb forms are easy to distinguish from each other, second, the type of conjugation

    Naturally, we experience difficulties in choosing letters of vowels in inflections when they are unstressed, and therefore LEARN BY MEMORY (should, at least, learn), how to determine the type of conjugation by the indefinite form of verbs (again, let me remind you) with inflections UNACCEPTED. We teach:

    The main thing to remember:


    Let's see what our verb KOLYSH(U/A)TSYA is:

    • it is used in the 3rd person, plural,
    • his personal flexion is unstressed,

    therefore, we put this verb in the indefinite form (initial, infinitive, that's how many names this form has):

    • what do they do? KOLYSH (U / A) TSYA what to do? WAVE,
    • the verb ENDS in -AT (-СЯ, an indicator of recurrence, we do not take into account),


    • verb of this conjugation of the 1st,
    • therefore, in the indicated form, Y is written in inflection -UT: SWING,

    I will add: this verb (SWAVING, irrevocable SWING too) is far from the only one of those in which mistakes are made too often in the choice of vowel inflection, its brothers in misfortune are verbs:

    • FIGHT (fight, on -OT, 1st ref.),
    • REYUT (to fly, to -YAT, 1 ref.),
    • KOLUT (stab, on -OT, 1st ref.),
    • POLYUT (weed, on -OT, 1st ref.),

    By the way, the verbs WAVE, WAVE also have a second conjugation paradigm (that is, a different variant of change in faces) there is no place for the alternation of Х / / Ш in the root (X is preserved), and the forms of this variant are used less often: swaying, swaying swaying.

    To know how correctly and accurately the verb 'swaying * sways' is written, let's turn to the rules. Regarding the part of speech, this is the verb (what are they doing?) of the 3rd person in the plural. The vowel at the end of the verb is unstressed. It will help to determine the correct vowel if you first remember the conjugation in the indefinite form of the verb. To do this, we put it in an indefinite form - 'to sway'. We determine that the verb ‘sway’ refers to the first conjugation. Regarding the first conjugation in this case, we write ‘u’ at the end - the ending ‘ut’. Therefore, it will be true to ‘sway’. In the same way, in the verbs ‘written’, ‘itch’, ‘cut’ there will be an ending ‘ut’.

    Let's start with the question: What do they do? And now we have a question, how to write sway or sway correctly. Of course, 'sway' will be correct - even BV itself tells us, correcting the mistake, now we will check the word 'sway' through the conjugation, which is the first conjugation, and the rule says that in this case it is necessary to write 'ut' or 'ut'. So the confirmation that we will write is swaying.

    I looked through several dictionaries - everywhere they write that it is correct to write 'sway' (the verb answers the question - what are they doing?). This word came from the infinitive to sway, to sway, and since the ending is ‘-at’, you need to write ‘y’, not ‘a’:

    To begin with, let's define the initial form of this verb by posing the question 'what to do' - to sway. This verb belongs to the first conjugation, therefore, in the third person plural of the present tense, this verb should be written through -ut-, and nothing else. The corresponding rule is studied by everyone at school, but not everyone remembers it. So we write sway.

    To make the right choice in writing the word sway or 'sway', we will analyze it by composition and put the stress:

    kolysh-ut-sya - root / ending / postfix.

    drive, hold, hear, breathe.

    roar - roar

    purr - purr

    chirp - chirp.

    Let's choose the spelling sway.

    To correctly write the unstressed personal ending of a verb, you first need to determine its conjugation. To sway is a verb of the 1st conjugation, as it ends in -at and does not apply to exceptions.

    Now it remains only to substitute the desired personal ending. It turns out that it is correct to write in the third person plural sway with the ending -ut.

    As for other endings, for example, in the second person we write swaying (ending - eat), in the third person singular of the present tense we have swaying (ending -et),

    What are they doing? - swaying.

    First of all, let's say that the initial form (the indefinite form of the verb) will be the word 'sway' (answers the question 'what do you want?').

    Now let's define its conjugation: the ending of this verb is -at-, the verb ‘sway’ does not apply to exceptions. And this means that it belongs to the 1st conjugation.

    Answer: the correct spelling of this word is swaying

    Correctly SWING. Consider the reasons, as the unforgettable Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov used to say,

    An amazing thing is the conjugation of Russian verbs! But also incomprehensible to some. How many tears have been shed in the school walls for the reason that the wrong letter was chosen E or And, U (U) or AND I) when writing his personal endings (inflections)! How many people graduated from school without fully understanding the criteria for choosing these vowels, because at school they did not learn this rule, which is generally simple, but requiring effort to memorize!

    And now I read the answer (when I started answering myself, there was only one), I read the option in the comment to your question and could not help but think about how difficult it was to study and at least understand something in the lessons for those who do not know the basics learned about how often, as adults, these people fell and find themselves in an extremely awkward position, caught either in gross spelling mistakes, or in interpreting theoretical things according to their own understanding, when they are one (SELF, to some extent permissible under identifying real participles) it is not clear for what motives and as a result of what mental efforts they are transferred to another.

    Indeed, how much do you need to know in order to choose the right vowel letter for inflection of your proposed verb: PEG(U/A)TSYA?

    A little, on the one hand, on the other, a lot. A little, for the rule according to which we define verbs with personal UNACCESSED FLEXIONS the type of their conjugation is placed on a small plate (I took it from the Internet, but such ones, printed in a large format, help students learn the rules in the classroom):

    Lot, because

    • this rule must be known by heart, like a multiplication tablet, with the BC rule, and not just exception verbs;
    • by heart, you should also know ALL personal inflections of verbs;
    • one should not lose sight of the different conjugations WANT and RUNN and all their derivatives;
    • finally, it is also necessary to remember the special conjugators IS, GIVE, CREATE (and their derivatives, of course, too).


    you need to remember in order to immediately, without any infinitives, competently declare: they do not belong to any of the two types of conjugation;

    2) it is necessary to know personal inflections by heart, so that, first, verb forms are easy to distinguish from each other; second, conjugation type

    It is natural that we experience difficulties in choosing letters of vowels in inflections when they are unstressed, and therefore LEARNING BY MEMORY(should at least teach), how to determine the type of conjugation by the infinitive form of verbs (again, let me remind you) with flexions. We teach:

    The main thing to remember:


    Let's see what our verb KOLYSH(U/A)TSYA:

    • he is used in the person of the 3rd, plural;
    • his personal flexion is unstressed;
    • it also cannot be attributed to the conjugations of the 1st and 2nd, which are not included in the number of verbs,

    hence, put this verb in the indefinite form(initial, infinitive, that's how many names this form has):

    • what do they do? KOLYSH (U / A) TSYA what to do? WAVE;
    • the verb ENDS in -AT (-СЯ, an indicator of recurrence, we do not take into account);
    • is not included in the number of four verbs in AT of the 2nd conjugation.


    • the verb of this conjugation of the 1st;
    • therefore, in the indicated form, Y is written in inflection -UT: WAVE;
    • in other forms, we write the letter E in inflections: swaying, swaying, swaying, swaying.

    I will add: this verb (WAVE, irrevocable ROVE too) is far from the only one of those in which mistakes are made too often in the choice of vowel inflection; his brothers in misfortune are the verbs:

    • FIGHT (fight, on -OT, 1st ref.);
    • REYUT (to fly, to -YAT, 1 ref.);
    • COLYUT (stab, on -OT, 1st ref.);
    • POLYUT (weeding, on -OT, 1st ref.);
    • BLOW (puff, on -AT, 1st question), etc.

    By the way, the verbs SHUTTER, SHUTTER there is also a second conjugation paradigm (that is, a different variant of change in faces) there is no place for the alternation of Х / / Ш in the root (X is preserved), and the forms of this variant are used less often: swaying, swaying swaying.

    P.S. Unfortunately, too much that I wrote, of course, myself, had to be quoted: the uniqueness required on this project does not tolerate rules and frequently encountered terms.

    To know how correctly and accurately the verb quot is written; sway * tsyaquot ;, let's turn to the rules. Regarding the part of speech, this is the verb (what are they doing?) of the 3rd person in the plural. The vowel at the end of the verb is unstressed. It will help to determine the correct vowel if you first remember the conjugation in the indefinite form of the verb. To do this, put in an indefinite form - a tsya. We determine that the verb sway refers to the first conjugation. Regarding the first conjugation, in this case, at the end we write - ending utquot ;. Therefore, kolysh will be true ut sya. In the same way, in the verbs are written, itchy,cut there will be an ending utquot ;.

    Let's start with the question: What do they do? And now we have a question, how to write sway or sway correctly. Of course it would be correct swaying- even BV himself tells us this, I correct the mistake, now we will check through the conjugation the word swayquot ;, which is the first conjugation, and the rule says that in this case we must write ut or yutquot ;. So confirmation of what we will write sway.

    I leafed through several dictionaries - everywhere they write what to write correctly (the verb answers the question - what are they doing?). This word went from the infinitive to sway, sway, and since the ending -atquot ;, you need to write yquot ;, and not

    Correct option: sway. We are talking about the choice of a vowel in the personal ending of the verb (3rd person, plural). The vowel in the personal ending of the verb depends on the type of conjugation to which the verb itself belongs.

    The conjugation in this case (as with all verbs with an unstressed personal ending) is determined by the initial form: (what to do?) WAVE - the infinitive (initial form) ends in -at (-sya does not count), it does not apply to verbs- exceptions. This means that this is a verb of the first conjugation, it has endings of this type of conjugation. In the 3rd person plural - -ut. swaying.

    To begin with, let's determine the initial form of this verb by posing the question what to do - sway. This verb belongs to the first conjugation, therefore, in the third person plural of the present tense, this verb should be written through -ut-, and nothing else. The corresponding rule is studied by everyone at school, but not everyone remembers it. So we write kolysh ut sya.

    To make the right spelling choice sway or swayingquot ;, we will analyze it by composition and put the emphasis:

    count s sh-ut-sya - root / ending / postfix.

    The stressed vowel is in the root of the verb. There is a completely justified doubt in writing an unstressed personal ending. In this case, we act according to the algorithm:

    the first step is to turn to the indefinite form of the verb - to sway. It contains -at.

    The second step is to determine that this -at verb is not an exception, like verbs:

    Mr at, hold at, hear at, breathe at.

    The third step is a verb of the first conjugation and, accordingly, has a personal unstressed ending -ut in the form of the third person plural, like similar words:

    roar - roar about chut;

    purr - purr s chut;

    twitter - twitter e chut.

    Choose a spelling sway.

    Lush grasses sway in the meadow.

    To correctly write the unstressed personal ending of a verb, you first need to determine its conjugation. sway is a verb 1 conjugations, since it ends in -at and does not apply to exceptions.

    Verbs of the 1st conjugation have the endings -ut (-yut), eat, -eat, and so on.

    Now it remains only to substitute the desired personal ending. It turns out that it is correct to write in the third person plural sway with the ending -ut.

    As for other endings, for example, in the second person we write swaying(ending - eat), in the third person singular of the present tense we have swaying(ending -et),

    What are they doing? — swaying.

    This word is a verb in the present tense, plural and in the third person (they sway).

    First of all, let's say that the initial form (the indefinite form of the verb) will be the word (answers the question what do you want?).

    Now let's define its conjugation: the ending of this verb is -at-, except for the verb not applicable. And this means that it belongs to the 1st conjugation.

    Therefore, at the end of the plural and in the third person, it is correct to write -ut-.

    Answer: The correct spelling of this word is sway

    This conjugation of verbs is the initial form - to sway - that is, the first conjugation of verbs. And if the first conjugation, then ut yut. Therefore, it is correct to write - sway. You wrote the word make up. But this is the second conjugation, since the initial form is to paint.

In this article:

To choose the correct spelling of a word sway or sway, find out the conjugation of this verb by its indefinite form.

Under the gusts of the flowing wind, the trees sway and the leaves rustle.

Word in question sway indicates action and answers the question: what do they do? Based on these grammatical features, we determine that this is a verb in the form of the 3rd person plural of the present tense. This word is pronounced with a stressed vowel in the root:

count s sh-y t-sya - root / ending / postfix.

As you can see, the spelling problem is the choice of an unstressed personal ending of the verb, - at t or - a t?

In order to correctly write the unstressed personal ending of any verb, we will find out its conjugation. On our website there are detailed explanations of what endings the verbs of the first and second conjugations have.

For the words of this part of speech, conjugation is a constant grammatical feature. In order to correctly choose an unstressed personal ending, we turn to the indefinite form and look at what letter the verbal suffix in front of the ending is indicated -th, for example:

Parsed word sway has an initial form sway, which is formed using a reflexive postfix from the verb sway. We take into account that the presence of a prefix or postfix does not change the conjugation of verbs, for example:

  • winnow, winnow xia, once winnow, once winnow xia - verbs of the first conjugation;
  • to torment, to torment, to torment, to torment are verbs of the second conjugation.

Infinitives kolykh a be, kolykh a to be have a verbal suffix in their morphemic composition - a -. So, these are verbs of the first conjugation. Don't forget about exception verbs ending in -at.

We form the present tense forms of the verb of the first conjugation sway:

The initial form of the word glisten. Morphological analysis

Transitive and intransitive verbs in Russian. Examples

I don't know what vowel to stand before t in n.f.

Is it necessary to know by heart or is there another way out!

In the word oscillate, the suffix -a- is stressed, so there are no problems with determining the conjugation of the verb. If the suffix of the verb before the ending -т is unstressed, then you should learn the verbs in -it-ь:

glue, torment, measure, feast on, etc .;

verbs in -e-t: get well, get frosty, worm, get disgusted, moldy, etc .:

sow, winnow, sow, start, repent, bark, toil, hope, etc.

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