Three musketeers dumas short.

Landscaping and layout 24.09.2019

In April 1625, the population of the small town of Meng, on the outskirts of Paris, was agitated. A young eighteen-year-old man drove into the town on a red tailless gelding. His clothes and manners, as well as his appearance, caused a flurry of ridicule in the crowd of townspeople. However, the rider did not pay the slightest attention to them, because, as befits a nobleman, he should not sort things out with commoners. But a completely different matter - an insult inflicted by an equal. Our hero's name is D'Artanyan, and with a bare sword he throws himself at a noble gentleman in black; but several townspeople with a cudgel immediately rush to help. D'Artagnan, who wakes up, sees that the offender is gone, but, even worse, a letter of recommendation written by his father to Monsieur de Treville, the captain of the royal musketeers and his old comrade, in which he asked to identify his son who had reached the age of majority, disappeared , for military service.

The pride of the Guards are His Majesty's Musketeers, fearless people living by the laws of honor, for which their reckless and independent behavior is forgiven them.

When d'Artagnan is waiting for a reception at de Treville, Mr. Captain inflicts a headwash on his musketeers Porthos, Athos and Aramis - he was outraged not that they had fought with the cardinal's guards, but that they allowed themselves to be arrested.

During a conversation with de Treville, who took young man very welcoming, d'Artagnan sees a stranger from Meng outside the window. He hurries out into the street and alternately touches three Musketeers on the move.

They all challenge the young man to a duel. During this time, the stranger in black disappears, but at the appointed hour d'Artagnan meets with Athos, Porthos and Aramis at the agreed place. But all of a sudden things don't turn out as planned.

The swords of all four duelists team up against the Richelieu guards. The Musketeers come to the conclusion that the young Gascon is a real brave man who masterfully owns weapons, and they take him into their company.

Meanwhile, Richelieu complains to the king that the Musketeers have become completely insolent. But Louis XIII was intrigued rather than upset. He wants to find out who the unknown fourth is, who was in the company with Athos, Aramis and Porthos. De Treville introduces d'Artagnan to His Majesty, after which the king enlists the Gascon to serve in his guard.

D'Artagnan stops at the house of the haberdasher Bonacieux, who, already knowing about the young man's valor, turns to him with a request to save his young wife, the maid of honor of Her Majesty Anna of Austria. The abductor by all accounts is a stranger from Meng. The reason for the abduction was not at all the charms of Madame Bonacieux, but her proximity to the queen. Now in Paris is the beloved of Queen Anne, Lord Buckingham, and her maid knows where he is staying. The Queen is in danger: the king has left her, Richelieu, who lusts for her, annoys her with his persecution, she loses loyal people one by one. In addition, the Queen is a Spanish woman who is in love with an Englishman, and it is known that Spain and England are the main political opponents of France. Following Constance, Bonacieux himself disappears, in his house a trap is set up for Lord Buckingham or people close to him.

D'Artanyan one night hears fuss and muffled female screams in the house. It was Madame Bonacieux, who had escaped from custody, who had fallen into a trap set up in her own house. The young Gascon manages to recapture it from Richelieu's people and hide it in Athos's apartment.

D'Artanyan watches the woman's exits into the city and one day sees her in the company of a man dressed in a musketeer's uniform. D'Artanyan is at a loss: did Athos really decide to take away the saved beauty from him (and by that time he was already in love)? But his jealousy quickly passes: Constance's companion was Lord Buckingham, whom the woman took on a date to the queen in the Louvre. Madame Bonacieux tells d'Artagnan about the secrets of her mistress's heart. He vows to protect the queen and her lover as she is. A conversation between young people is their first declaration of love.

Buckingham leaves Paris, Queen Anne presents him with twelve diamond pendants. Having learned about this, Richelieu invites the king to arrange a ball at which the queen should appear in pendants.

Foreseeing the shame of the queen who rejected him, the cardinal dispatches Milady Winter, one of his secret agents, to England. She must steal two pendants from Buckingham. And if even ten others miraculously back to the ball in Paris, the cardinal will be able to prove that the queen is not perfect. Milady leaves for England, d'Artagnan is in a hurry for her. Milady succeeds in kidnapping, but d'Artagnan gets ahead of her and delivers ten pendants to the queen and two more, which the London jeweler managed to make in less than two days. The queen is saved, the cardinal is put to shame, and d'Artagnan receives a generous reward - he was accepted into the musketeers, and Constance gave him her heart.

However, it was not without losses. Having learned about the valor of the newly minted Musketeer, Richelieu entrusts the treacherous Milady Winter with custody of him.

She weaves intrigues against D'Artagnan and instills in him a strong and contradictory passion. At the same time, she seduces the Comte de Ward, the very stranger from Meng. My lady's maid Kathy, in love with d'Artagnan, shows him the letters of her mistress de Wardes. A young musketeer comes on a date with my lady disguised as a count. She, not recognizing him in the dark, gives him a diamond ring as a token of her love. D'Artagnan presents this adventure to his friends as funny joke... Athos darkens at the sight of this ring. It brings up a painful memory in his memory. The ring is a heirloom that he gave on the night of love to the one he believed to be an angel. In fact, it was a branded criminal, thief and murderer. Athos's heart was broken. Soon the story of Athos is confirmed: in a fit of passion, d'Artagnan discovers a lily-shaped stamp on my lady's bare shoulder - evidence of eternal shame.

From that moment on, he becomes the enemy of my lady. He knows her secret. He refused to kill Lord Winter in a duel - only disarmed him, and then reconciled with him. But Lord Winter was the brother of her late husband, and she has long been striving to get the Winters by fortune! Nothing came of my lady's plan to set d'Artagnan against de Wardes. My lady's pride is wounded, as is Richelieu's ambition. After all, the cardinal invited d'Artagnan to join his guards regiment, but was refused, after which he warned the young insolent man, saying that he was depriving him of his patronage, now no one would give a broken penny for his life ...

Soldiers must be at war. D'Artagnan and his friends take a vacation from de Treville and go to the vicinity of the port city of La Rochelle, which opens the gates to the British on French soil. Cardinal Richelieu seeks to defeat England not so much in order to save France from the enemy as in order to take revenge on a happy rival. Buckingham also wishes to satisfy his personal ambitions in this military campaign. He wants to return to Paris not as an envoy, but as a triumphant. Still, the stake in this bloody drama, which is played out between two powerful powers, is the supportive look of Queen Anne.

The French besiege the fortress of La Rochelle, the British - the fort of La Pré and Saint-Martin.

Before his baptism of fire, D'Artagnan thinks about what happened to him over the past two years in Paris. He is loved and in love, although he does not know where Constance is and what is wrong with her. He became a musketeer, and at the same time he had an enemy - Richelieu. A lot of adventures happened to him, and he is hated by my lady, who is just waiting for an opportunity to take revenge on him. He is patronized by the queen, although this is more likely not even a protection, but an excuse for persecution ... The only unconditional acquisition of d'Artagnan was a ring with a diamond, although its brilliance is darkened by the sad memories of Athos.

By chance, the Musketeers accompany the cardinal on an incognito night walk in the vicinity of La Rochelle. In the Red Dovecote tavern, Athos hears the cardinal talking to my lady (it was Richelieu who was on his way to meet her). The Cardinal sends her to London to mediate negotiations with Buckingham. But these negotiations are not distinguished by diplomacy: Richelieu presents an ultimatum to the duke. Buckingham must not take a decisive step in the current military confrontation, otherwise the cardinal will publicize documents that defame the queen. These documents testify to the benevolence of Anne of Austria to the duke, as well as her conspiracy with the enemies of France. When my lady asks what will happen if Buckingham becomes stubborn, the cardinal says that a femme fatale will appear who will be able to put a dagger in the hand of some fanatic killer. My lady understands Richelieu's hint. After all, she is just such a woman!

The Musketeers perform an unheard-of feat on a bet - they dine on the bastion, which is open to the enemy, repel several severe attacks of the Larochels and return unharmed to the location of the army. The Musketeers are aware of Milady's mission and warn the Duke of Buckingham as well as Lord Winter. Winter arrests Milady in London. She is guarded by a young officer, Felton. Milady becomes aware that her guard is a Puritan. She calls herself his fellow believer, comes up with a story about how she was seduced by Buckingham, then she was slandered and branded as a thief, although in fact she suffers for her faith. Felton was amazed. He is very religious and disciplined, and the usual methods of seduction did not work on him, but the sad story of my lady won his heart. Plus, she is so beautiful and so devout! Felton arranges for my lady to escape. He instructs a familiar captain to deliver the captive to Paris, but he himself penetrates the Duke of Buckingham and kills him with a dagger. Everything happened as Richelieu intended.

Milady takes refuge in Bethune, in the monastery of the Carmelites, and Constance Bonacieux also lives there. Milady learns that d'Artagnan is to appear in the monastery from hour to hour, poisons Constance and escapes from the monastery. However, she cannot escape retribution. The Musketeers follow her trail.

V dark forest at night they are judging my lady. On her conscience the murder of Buckingham, the death of Felton, Constance, she incited d'Artagnan to murder de Wardes. Her first victim was a young priest, seduced by her, she persuaded him to steal church utensils. The priest was sentenced to hard labor for this, could not bear it and committed suicide. The brother of the shepherd, the executioner from Lille, saw the purpose of his life in the vengeance of my lady. He had already overtaken her once and put a stamp on her shoulder, but the criminal managed to hide in the castle of Athos - at that time Count de la Fer. She kept silent about what had happened and married him. The young husband unwittingly discovered the deception and, in a rage, hung the deceiver on a tree. However, the Countess de la Fer was saved, now she became Lady Winter, gave birth to a son, poisoned Winter, while receiving a rich inheritance. But this seemed to her not enough, she dreamed of getting a share belonging to her brother-in-law.

Very summary novel The Three Musketeers

Three Musketeers

On the first Monday in April 1625, the population of the town of Meng on the outskirts of Paris seemed as agitated as if the Huguenots had decided to turn it into the second fortress of La Rochelle: a young man of eighteen entered Meng on a red gelding without a tail. His appearance, clothing and manners caused a flurry of ridicule in the crowd of townspeople. The rider, however, does not pay attention to them, as befits a nobleman who considers it shameful to sort things out with commoners. Another thing is an insult inflicted by an equal: d "Artagnan (this is the name of our hero) throws himself with a bare sword at a noble gentleman in black; however, several townspeople with a cudgel come running to help him. When he wakes up, d" Artagnan does not discover either the offender or anything. much more serious - letter of recommendation father to an old comrade in arms, the captain of the royal musketeers, Monsieur de Treville, with a request to determine the adult son for military service.

The Musketeers of His Majesty are the color of the guards, people without fear and reproach, for which they get away with independent and reckless behavior. At the hour when d'Artagnan is awaiting a reception at de Treville's, Monsieur Captain inflicts another headwash (which, however, does not entail sad consequences) to his three favorites - Athos, Porthos and Aramis. that they started a fight with Cardinal Richelieu's guards, and allowed themselves to be arrested ... What a shame!

Talking to de Treville (who received the young d'Artagnan very affectionately), the young man sees a stranger from Meng outside the window - and rushes headlong into the street, hitting three Musketeers one by one on the stairs. All three challenge him to a duel. the appointed hour at the appointed place are waiting for d "Artanyana Athos, Porthos and Aramis. The case takes an unexpected turn; the swords of all four are unanimously exposed against the ubiquitous guards of the Duke of Richelieu. The Musketeers are convinced that the young Gascon is not only a bully, but also a real brave man who wields weapons no worse than them, and accept d "Artagnan in their company.

Richelieu complains to the king: the Musketeers are completely insolent. Louis XIII is intrigued rather than upset. He wants to know who this unknown fourth, who was with Athos, Porthos and Aramis. De Treville introduces the Gascon to His Majesty - and the king enlists d'Artagnan to serve in his guard.

The haberdasher Bonacieux turns to d'Artagnan, who is staying in his house, about whose valor is already rumored in Paris: yesterday his young wife, the maid of honor of Her Majesty Queen Anne of Austria, was kidnapped. By all accounts, the kidnapper is a stranger from Meng. Bonacieux, and her closeness to the queen: in Paris, Lord Buckingham, the beloved of Anne of Austria. Madame Bonacieux can lead on his trail. The queen is in danger: the king has left her, she is pursued by Richelieu who longs for her, she loses one after another loyal people; in addition to everything (or above all) she is a Spanish woman in love with an Englishman, and Spain and England are the main opponents of France in the political arena. from people close to him.

One night d "Artagnan hears a fuss and stifled female screams in the house. It is Madame Bonacieux, who escaped from custody, again fell into a mousetrap - now in her own house. D" Artagnan takes her away from Richelieu's people and hides her in Athos's apartment ...

Watching all her exits to the city, he lies in wait for Constance in the company of a man in a musketeer's uniform. Has friend Athos really decided to take away the saved beauty from him? The jealous man quickly resigns himself: Madame Bonacieux's companion is Lord Buckingham, whom she leads to Dover to meet the queen. Constance initiates d'Artagnan into the secrets of her mistress's heart. He promises to protect the Queen and Buckingham as herself, this conversation becomes their declaration of love.

Buckingham leaves Paris with Queen Anne's gift of twelve diamond pendants. Having learned about this, Richelieu advises the king to arrange a large ball, to which the queen should appear in pendants - those that are now kept in London, in Buckingham's casket. He foresees the shame of the queen who rejected his claims - and sends one of his best secret agents, My Lady Winter, to England: she must steal two pendants from Buckingham - even if the other ten miraculously return to Paris for the big ball, the cardinal will be able to prove the queen's imperfection. Racing with Milady Winter rushes to England d'Artagnan. Milady succeeds in what the cardinal instructed her; however, time works for d'Artagnan - and he delivers ten queen's pendants to the Louvre and two more exactly the same ones, made by a London jeweler in less than two days! The cardinal is put to shame, the queen is saved, d "Artagnan is accepted into the musketeers and rewarded with the love of Constance. There are, however, losses: Richelieu learns about the valor of the newly minted musketeer and entrusts him to patronize his treacherous Milady Winter.

Weaving intrigues against d'Artagnan and instilling in him a strong and contradictory passion, Milady simultaneously seduces the Comte de Ward, the man who served as a hindrance to the Gascon on his journey to London, sent by the cardinal to help Milady. shows him the letters of his mistress de Wardes. D "Artagnan, disguised as Count de Wardes, comes to see my lady and, unrecognized by her in the dark, receives a diamond ring as a token of love. His adventure d "Artagnan hastens to present his friends as a funny joke; Athos, however, at the sight of the ring darkens. In reality, she was a branded criminal, a thief and a murderer who broke the heart of Athos. The story of Athos is soon confirmed: on the naked shoulder of my lady, her ardent lover d "Artagnan notices the brand in the form of a lily - the seal of eternal shame.

From now on he is the enemy of my lady. He is privy to her secret. He refused to kill Lord Winter in a duel - he only disarmed, after which he reconciled with him (the brother of her late husband and the uncle of her little son) - and after all, she has long sought to take possession of the entire fortune of the Winter! Nothing worked out for my lady and her plan to play off d "Ar-659

tanyana with de Bard. My lady's pride is hurt - but so is Richelieu's ambition. Inviting d "Artanyan to go to serve in his guards regiment and having received a refusal, the cardinal warns the young impudent man:" From the moment you lose my patronage, no one will give you a broken penny for your life! "...

The place of the soldier is in the war. Taking a leave of absence from de Treville, d'Artagnan and his three friends set off for the vicinity of Larochelle, a port city that opens the gates for the British to the French borders. By closing them for England, Cardinal Richelieu completes the business of Jeanne d'Arc and the Duke de Guise. Victory over England for Richelieu is not so much about ridding the king of France from the enemy as about revenge on a more successful rival in love with the queen. The same is with Buckingham: in this military campaign he seeks to satisfy personal ambitions. He prefers to return to Paris not as an envoy, but as a triumphant. The true stake in this bloody game played by the two most powerful powers is the favorable look of Anna of Austria. The British besieged the fortress of Saint-Martin and the fort of La Pré, the French - La Rochelle.

Before his baptism of fire d "Artagnan sums up the results of a two-year stay in the capital. He is in love and is loved - but does not know where his Constance is and whether she is alive at all. He became a musketeer - but has an enemy in the person of Richelieu. Behind him he has many extraordinary adventures- but also the hatred of my lady, who will not miss the opportunity to take revenge on him. He is marked by the patronage of the queen - but this is a poor defense, rather, a reason for persecution ... His only unconditional acquisition is a ring with a diamond, whose brilliance, however, is darkened by the bitter memories of Athos.

By chance, Athos, Porthos and Aramis accompany the cardinal on his incognito night walk in the vicinity of Larochelle. Athos in the "Red Dovecote" tavern hears the conversation between the cardinal and my lady (it was to the meeting with her that Richelieu rode under the protection of the musketeers). He sends her to London as an intermediary in negotiations with Buckingham. The negotiations, however, are not entirely diplomatic: Richelieu presents his opponent with an ultimatum. If Buckingham dares to take a decisive step in the current military confrontation, the cardinal promises to publicize documents discrediting the queen - evidence not only of her favor for the duke, but also of her collusion with the enemies of France. "What if Buckingham gets stubborn?" - asks my lady. - "In this case, as has happened more than once in history, a femme fatale should appear on the political scene, who will put a dagger in the hand of some fanatic killer ..." Milady perfectly understands Richelieu's hint. Well, she is just such a woman! .. Having accomplished an unheard-of feat - having dined on a bet on a bastion open to the enemy, repelling several powerful attacks from the Larachels and returning to the army's location unharmed - the Musketeers warn the Duke of Buckingham and Lord Winter about my lady's mission. Winter manages to arrest her in London. A young officer, Felton, has been assigned to guard my lady. Milady learns that her guard is a Puritan. She is called his fellow believer, allegedly seduced by Buckingham, slandered and branded as a thief, while in reality she suffers for her faith. Felton is smitten with my lady on the spot, Religiousness and strict discipline made him a man inaccessible to ordinary seductions. But the story told to him by my lady, shaken his hostility to her, and with her beauty and ostentatious piety, she won his pure heart, the felton helps Milady Winter escape. He instructs a familiar captain to deliver the unfortunate captive to Paris, and he himself infiltrates the Duke of Buckingham, who, in the execution of Richelieu's script, kills with a dagger.

Milady is hiding in the Carmelite monastery in Bethune, where Constance Bonacieux lives. Learning that d'Artagnan should appear here any hour, my lady poisons the beloved of her main enemy and flees, but she cannot escape retribution: the Musketeers are rushing in her footsteps.

At night, in a dark forest, my lady is judged. She is guilty of the death of Buckingham and Felton, who was seduced by her. On her conscience is the death of Constance and the instigation of d "Artagnan to murder de Wardes. Another - her very first victim - a young priest seduced by her, whom she persuaded to steal church utensils. Condemned for this to hard labor, the Shepherd of God laid hands on himself. his brother, an executioner from Lille, set out with his life the goal of his life to take revenge on my lady. in a rage he committed lynching against his wife: he hanged her on a tree. Fate gave her another chance: the Countess de la Fer was rescued, and she returned to life and to her vile deeds under the name Lady Winter. Having given birth to a son, Milady poisoned Winter and received a rich inheritance ; but this was not enough for her, and she dreamed of a share belonging to her brother-in-law.

Having presented all of the above accusations to her, the Musketeers and Winter entrust Milady to the Lille executioner. Athos gives him a purse of gold - payment for hard work, but he throws the gold into the river: "Today I am not doing my craft, but my duty." His blade shines in the moonlight wide sword... Three days later, the Musketeers return to Paris and appear to their captain de Treville. "Well, gentlemen," asks their brave captain. "Did you enjoy yourself well on vacation?" - "Excellent!" - is responsible for himself and for the friends of Athos.

Alexandr Duma

"Three Musketeers"

On the first Monday in April 1625, the population of the town of Meng on the outskirts of Paris seemed as agitated as if the Huguenots had decided to turn it into the second fortress of La Rochelle: a young man of eighteen entered Meng on a red gelding without a tail. His appearance, clothing and manners caused a flurry of ridicule in the crowd of townspeople. The rider, however, does not pay attention to them, as befits a nobleman who considers it shameful to sort things out with commoners. Another thing is an insult inflicted by an equal: d'Artagnan (this is the name of our hero) throws himself with a bare sword at a noble gentleman in black; however, several townspeople with a cudgel come to his aid. When he wakes up, d'Artagnan does not find either the offender, nor - which is much more serious - his father's letter of recommendation to his old comrade in arms, the captain of the royal musketeers, Mr. de Treville, with a request to determine the son of 18 years for military service.

The Musketeers of His Majesty are the color of the guards, people without fear and reproach, for which they get away with independent and reckless behavior. At that hour, when d'Artagnan is expecting a reception at de Treville, Mr. Captain inflicts another headwash (not involving, however, sad consequences) three of his favorites - Athos, Porthos and Aramis. De Treville, it should be noted, was outraged not that they had staged a fight with Cardinal Richelieu's guards, but that they had allowed themselves to be arrested ... What a shame!

Talking to de Treville (who received the young d'Artagnan very affectionately), the young man sees a stranger from Meng outside the window - and rushes headlong into the street, hitting the stairs one by one three musketeers... All three challenge him to a duel. The stranger in black manages to sneak away, but at the appointed hour, Athos, Porthos and Aramis are waiting for d'Artagnana at the appointed place. The case takes an unexpected turn; the swords of all four are unanimously exposed against the ubiquitous guards of the Duke of Richelieu. The musketeers are convinced that the young Gascon is not only a bully, but also a real brave man who wields weapons no worse than them, and they accept d'Artagnan into their company.

Richelieu complains to the king: the Musketeers are completely insolent. Louis XIII is intrigued rather than upset. He wants to know who this unknown fourth, who was with Athos, Porthos and Aramis. De Treville introduces the Gascon to His Majesty - and the king enlists d'Artagnan to serve in his guard.

The haberdasher Bonacieux turns to D'Artagnan, who is staying in his house, about whose valor is already rumored in Paris: yesterday his young wife, the maid of honor of Her Majesty Queen Anne of Austria, was kidnapped. By all accounts, the kidnapper is a stranger from Meng. The reason for the abduction was not Madame Bonacier's charms, but her closeness to the Queen: in Paris, Lord Buckingham, the beloved of Anne of Austria. Madame Bonacieux can put him on the trail. The queen is in danger: the king has abandoned her, Richelieu, who longs for her, pursues her, she loses one after another loyal people; in addition to everything (or above all), she is a Spanish woman in love with an Englishman, and Spain and England are the main opponents of France in the political arena. Following Constance, Monsieur Bonacieux himself was kidnapped; in their house a trap is set up for Lord Buckingham or someone close to him.

One night, D'Artagnan hears a fuss and stifled female screams in the house. It was Madame Bonacieux, who had escaped from custody, once again fell into a mousetrap - now in her own house. D'Artagnan takes it away from Richelieu's people and hides it in Athos's apartment.

Watching all her exits to the city, he lies in wait for Constance in the company of a man in a musketeer's uniform. Has friend Athos really decided to take away the saved beauty from him? The jealous man quickly resigns himself: Madame Bonacieux's companion is Lord Buckingham, whom she takes to the Louvre to see the queen. Constance initiates D'Artagnan into the secrets of her mistress's heart. He promises to protect the Queen and Buckingham as her own; this conversation becomes their declaration of love.

Buckingham leaves Paris with Queen Anne's gift of twelve diamond pendants. Having learned about this, Richelieu advises the king to arrange a large ball, to which the queen should appear in pendants - those that are now kept in London, in Buckingham's casket. He foresees the shame of the queen who rejected his claims - and sends one of his best secret agents, Milady Winter, to England: she has to steal two pendants from Buckingham - even if the other ten miraculously return to Paris for the big ball, the cardinal will be able to prove the queen's imperfection. D'Artagnan is racing to England with Milady Vinter. Milady succeeds in what the cardinal has instructed her; however, time is working for d'Artagnan - and he delivers ten queen's pendants to the Louvre and two more exactly the same ones, made by a London jeweler in less than two days! The cardinal is put to shame, the queen is saved, d'Artagnan is accepted into the musketeers and rewarded with the love of Constance. There are, however, and losses: Richelieu learns about the valor of the newly-made Musketeer and entrusts him to patronize the insidious Milady Vinter.

Weaving intrigues against d'Artagnan and instilling in him a strong and contradictory passion, my lady at the same time seduces the Comte de Wardes, a man who served as a hindrance to the Gascon on his journey to London, sent by the cardinal to help my lady. Catty, my lady's maid, mad about the young musketeer, shows him the letters of her mistress de Wardes. D'Artagnan, disguised as Count de Varda, comes to see my lady and, unrecognized by her in the dark, receives a diamond ring as a token of love. D'Artagnan hastens to present his adventure to his friends as a funny joke; Athos, however, darkens at the sight of the ring. Milady's ring evokes a painful memory in him. This is a heirloom, presented by him on the night of love to the one whom he considered to be an angel and who in reality was the branded criminal, thief and murderer who broke the heart of Athos. Athos's story is soon confirmed: on the bare shoulder of my lady, her ardent lover D'Artagnan notices the brand in the form of a lily - the seal of eternal shame.

From now on he is the enemy of my lady. He is privy to her secret. He refused to kill Lord Winter in a duel - he only disarmed, after which he reconciled with him (the brother of her late husband and the uncle of her little son) - and in fact she has long sought to take possession of the entire fortune of Winters! Nor did my lady succeed in her plan to play d'Artagnan against de Bard. My lady's pride is hurt - but so is Richelieu's ambition. Having invited d'Artanyan to go to serve in his guards regiment and having received a refusal, the cardinal warns the young impudent man: "From the moment you lose my patronage, no one will give you a broken penny for your life!" ...

The place of the soldier is in the war. Taking a leave of absence from de Treville, d'Artagnan and three of his friends set off for the outskirts of Larochelle, a port city that opens the gates for the British to French borders. Closing them for England, Cardinal Richelieu completes the affair of Joan of Arc and the Duke of Guise. Victory over England for Richelieu is not so much about ridding the king of France from the enemy as about revenge on a more successful rival in love with the queen. The same is with Buckingham: in this military campaign he seeks to satisfy personal ambitions. He prefers to return to Paris not as an envoy, but as a triumphant. The true stake in this bloody game played by the two most powerful powers is the favorable look of Anna of Austria. The British besieged the fortress of Saint-Martin and the fort of La Pré, the French - La Rochelle.

Before his baptism of fire, d'Artagnan sums up the results of his two-year stay in the capital. He is in love and is loved - but does not know where his Constance is and whether she is alive at all. He became a musketeer - but has an enemy in the person of Richelieu. Behind him he has many extraordinary adventures - but also the hatred of my lady, who will not miss the opportunity to take revenge on him. He is marked by the queen's patronage - but this is a poor defense, rather, a reason for persecution ... His only unconditional acquisition is a ring with a diamond, whose brilliance, however, is darkened by the bitter memories of Athos.

By chance, Athos, Porthos and Aramis accompany the cardinal on his incognito night walk in the vicinity of Larochelle. Athos in the "Red Dovecote" tavern hears the conversation between the cardinal and my lady (it was to the meeting with her that Richelieu rode under the protection of the musketeers). He sends her to London as an intermediary in negotiations with Buckingham. The negotiations, however, are not entirely diplomatic: Richelieu presents his opponent with an ultimatum. If Buckingham dares to take a decisive step in the current military confrontation, the cardinal promises to publicize documents discrediting the queen - evidence not only of her favor for the duke, but also of her collusion with the enemies of France. "What if Buckingham gets stubborn?" - asks my lady. “In this case, as has happened more than once in history, a femme fatale should appear on the political scene, who will put a dagger in the hand of some fanatic killer…” Milady perfectly understands Richelieu's hint. Well, she is just such a woman! .. Having accomplished an unheard-of feat - having dined on a bet on a bastion open to the enemy, repelling several powerful attacks of the Larashelians and returning to the army location unharmed - the Musketeers warn the Duke of Buckingham and Lord Vinter about my lady's mission. Vinter manages to arrest her in London. A young officer, Felton, has been assigned to guard my lady. Milady learns that her guard is a Puritan. She is called his fellow believer, allegedly seduced by Buckingham, slandered and branded as a thief, while in reality she suffers for her faith. Felton is smitten with my lady on the spot, Religiousness and strict discipline made him a man inaccessible to ordinary seductions. But the story told to him by my lady, shaken his hostility to her, and with her beauty and ostentatious piety, she won his pure heart, Felton helps Milady Winter escape. He instructs a familiar captain to deliver the unfortunate captive to Paris, and he himself infiltrates the Duke of Buckingham, who, in the execution of Richelieu's script, kills with a dagger.

Milady hides in the Carmelite monastery in Bethune, where Constance Bonacieux also lives. Learning that d'Artagnan is to show up here any hour, my lady poisons the beloved of her main enemy and flees. But she does not succeed in escaping retaliation: the musketeers rush in her footsteps.

At night, in a dark forest, my lady is judged. She is responsible for the death of Buckingham and Felton, who was seduced by her. On her conscience is Constance's death and d'Artagnan's incitement to murder de Ward. Another - her very first victim - a young priest seduced by her, whom she persuaded to steal church utensils. Condemned to hard labor for this, the Shepherd of God committed suicide. His brother, an executioner from Lille, made it his life's goal to take revenge on my lady. Once he had already overtaken her and branded her, but the criminal then disappeared into the castle of Count de la Fer - Athos and, keeping silent about the unfortunate past, married him. Inadvertently discovering deception, Athos, in a rage, committed lynching against his wife: he hung her on a tree. Fate gave her another chance: the Countess de la Fer was rescued, and she returned to life and to her vile deeds under the name of Lady Winter. Having given birth to a son, my lady poisoned Vinter and received a rich inheritance; but this was not enough for her, and she dreamed of a share belonging to her brother-in-law.

Having presented all of the above accusations to her, the Musketeers and Vinter entrust Milady to the Lille executioner. Athos gives him a wallet with gold - payment for hard work, but he throws the gold into the river: "Today I am not doing my craft, but my duty." In the moonlight, the blade of his broad sword shines ... Three days later, the Musketeers return to Paris and appear to their captain de Treville. “Well, gentlemen,” the brave captain asks them. "Did you have a good time on vacation?" - "Excellent!" - is responsible for himself and for the friends of Athos.

A young man drove into the agitated town of Meng on a red gelding without a tail. His appearance caused a lot of ridicule among the people, but he does not pay attention to them, except for one gentleman in black, d'Artagnan attacks him and loses consciousness in a skirmish, and when he wakes up, he realizes that he has lost his father's letter of recommendation to his comrade in arms, Mr. well de Treville, to assign him to the service.

De Treville is talking with a young d'Artagnan, who suddenly rushes into the street, seeing a man in black on the street, while hitting 3 musketeers. They challenge him to fights, in which they agree that the young bully has excellent command of weapons and take him to themselves. And then the king accepts d'Artagnan in his guard.

D'Artagnan, learns from the haberdasher Bonacieux that his young wife, close to Her Majesty, has been kidnapped. And the kidnapper is a stranger from Meng. Madame Bonacieux can help track down Lord Buckingham. The queen was left by the king, Richelieu is pursuing, and she is also a Spanish woman who is in love with an Englishman, and the countries are opponents of France. Also kidnapped by Bonacieux.

D'Artanyan hears weak female screams at night. It turns out that Ms. Bonacieux, who escaped from custody, fell into a mousetrap in her own house. D'Artagnan protects her and hides her at Athos.

Seeing Constance in the company of the musketeer, the jealous man thinks that it is Athos, but it is Lord Buckingham, she leads him to meet the queen. Now d'Artagnan knows everything and promises to protect both the Queen and Buckingham.

Buckingham leaves Paris with 12 diamond pendants. Richelieu found out about this and advises the king to arrange a ball specially, and the queen should be in pendants. He also sends Milady Vinter in order to steal two pendants, and in the case of the return of ten, he will be able to prove the queen's debauchery. Milady Vinter manages to complete the assignment, and D'Artagnan delivers 10 queen pendants and 2 custom made! The cardinal is disgraced, and the queen is saved, d'Artagnan became a musketeer and Constance gives his love. And Richelieu sniffs out everything and orders to patronize Milady Winter Musketeer.

Having inspired d'Artagnan with passion, my lady also seduces the Comte de Wardes, who was sent by Richelieu to help my lady. And the servant of my lady, shows the musketeer the letters of the mistress to the Comte de Wardes. D'Artagnan receives a diamond ring from my lady and learns that she is the former lover of Athos, who broke his heart, as well as the one who turned out to be a branded criminal.

Now he knows her secret. He does not duel Lord Winter, but she wants to take over the Winters' fortune! Also, the plan did not come out to play the musketeer against de Bard. Richelieu invites d'Artagnan to serve with him and is refused, Richelieu's ambition is wounded.

The Musketeers set off for the port city of La Rochelle, which opens the way for the British to reach France. Cardinal Richelieu closed them, and thus avenged the most successful rival in loyalty to the queen. Buckingham is also trying to satisfy his ambitions, preferring to return to Paris as a triumphant. The decisive moments in the battle are the favorable look of Anna of Austria. The British capture the fortress Saint-Martin, as well as the fort of La Pré, and the French capture La Rochelle.

Before the battle, d'Artagnan recalls the results of his stay in the capital. He loves, but does not know where Constance is. He's a musketeer now - but Richelieu's enemy. Extraordinary adventures brought him the hatred of my lady. He is under the patronage of the queen - but as a result of this he is constantly persecuted ... But there is a ring with a diamond, the brilliance of which is darkened by the bad memories of Athos.

On the first Monday in April 1625, the population of the town of Meng, on the outskirts of Paris, seemed as agitated as if the Huguenots had decided to turn it into a second fortress, La Rochelle; a young man of eighteen entered Meng on a red gelding without a tail.
His appearance, clothing and manners caused a flurry of ridicule in the crowd of townspeople. The rider, however, did not pay attention to them, as befits a nobleman who considers it shameful to sort things out with commoners. Another thing is an insult inflicted on an equal: d'Artagnan (this is the name of our hero) throws himself with a bare sword at a noble gentleman in black; however, several townspeople with a cudgel come to his aid. When he wakes up, d'Artagnan does not find either the offender, nor - which is much more serious - his father's letter of recommendation to his old comrade in arms, the captain of the royal musketeers, Monsieur de Treville, with a request to determine the son who has come of age for military service.
The Musketeers of His Majesty are the color of the guards, people without fear and reproach, and therefore they get away with their independent and reckless behavior. At the hour when d'Artagnan is expecting a reception at de Treville, Mr. Captain inflicts another headwash (which does not entail sad consequences) to his three favorites - Athos, Porto-sous and Aramis.
De Treville, it should be noted, was outraged not that they had staged a fight with Cardinal Richelieu's guards, but that they had allowed themselves to be arrested. ... ... What a disgrace! Talking to de Treville, who received the young d'Artagnan very affectionately, the young man sees a stranger from Meng outside the window and rushes headlong into the street, hitting three Musketeers one by one on the stairs. All three challenge him to a duel. The stranger in black manages to sneak away, but at the appointed hour, Athos, Porthos and Aramis are waiting for d'Artagnana at the appointed place. The case gets an unexpected turn: the swords of all four are unanimously exposed against the ubiquitous guards of the Duke of Richelieu. The Musketeers are convinced that the young Gascon is not only a bully, but also a real brave man who wields weapons no worse than them, and they accept d'Artagnan into their company.
Richelieu complains to the king: the Musketeers are completely insolent. Louis XIII is intrigued rather than upset.
He wants to know who this unknown fourth, who was with Athos, Por-i toos and Aramis. De Treville introduces the Gascon to his Majesty - and the king enlists d'Artagnan to serve in his guard.
The haberdasher Bonacieux turns to D'Artagnan, who is staying at his house, about whose valor is already rumored in Paris: yesterday his young wife, the maid of honor of Queen Anne of Austria, was kidnapped. By all accounts, the kidnapper is a stranger from Meng. The reason for the abduction was not Madame Bonacier's charm, but her closeness to the Queen: in Paris, Lord Buckingham, the beloved of Anne of Austria. Madame Bonacieux can put him on the trail. The queen is in danger: the king left her and is now pursued by Richelieu, she loses one after another loyal people; in addition to everything (or above all), she is a Spanish woman in love with an Englishman, and Spain and England are the main opponents of France in the political arena. Following Constance, Monsieur Bonacieux himself was kidnapped; in their house a trap is being set up for Lord Buckingham or someone close to him.
One night, d'Artagnan hears a fuss and stifled female cries in the house. It was Madame Bonacieux, who had escaped from custody, once again fell into a mousetrap - now in her own house.
D'Artagnan recaptures it from Richelieu's people and hides it in Athos's apartment.
Watching all her exits to the city, he lies in wait for Constance in the company of a man in a musketeer's uniform.
Could his friend Athos have taken it into his head to take away the saved beauty from him? The jealous man quickly resigns himself: Madame Bonacieux's companion is Lord Buckingham, whom she leads to the Louvre on a date to the queen. Constance initiates d'Artagnan into the heart secrets of her mistress. He promises to protect the Queen and Buckingham as herself; this conversation becomes their declaration of love.
Buckingham leaves Paris with Queen Anne's gift of twelve diamond pendants. After finding out about this, Richelieu advises the king to arrange a large ball, where the queen should appear in pendants - those that are now kept in London, in Buckingham's casket.
He foresees the shame of the queen who rejected his claims and sends to England one of his best secret agents, my lady. Winter: she has to steal two pendants from Buckingham - even if the other ten miraculously return to Paris for the big ball, the cardinal will be able to prove the queen's imperfection. D'Artagnan is racing with Milady Winter to England. Milady succeeds in what the cardinal has instructed her; however, time is working for d'Artagnan, and he delivers ten queen's pendants to the Louvre and two more exactly the same, made by a London jeweler in less than two days! The cardinal is put to shame, the queen is saved, d'Artagnan is accepted into the musketeers and rewarded with the love of Constance. Richelieu learns about the valor of the newly discovered musketeer and entrusts him to patronize the treacherous Milady Winter.
Intriguing against d'Artagnan and instilling in him a strong and contradictory passion, my lady at the same time seduces the Comte de Wardes - a man who served as a hindrance to the Gascon on his journey to London, sent by the cardinal to help my lady. Kathy, my lady's maid, mad about the young musketeer, shows him the letters of her mistress de Wardes. D'Artagnan, disguised as a Comte de Varda, comes on a date to my lady and, not recognized by her in the dark, receives a diamond ring as a token of love.
D'Artagnan is in a hurry to present his adventure to friends as a funny joke; Athos, however, darkens at the sight of the ring. Milady's ring evokes a painful memory in him. This is a heirloom, given by him on the night of love to the one whom he regarded as an angel and who in reality was the branded criminal, thief and murderer who broke the heart of Athos.
The story of Athos is soon confirmed: on the naked shoulder of my lady, her ardent lover d'Artagnan notices the brand in the form of a lily - the seal of eternal shame.
From now on he is the enemy of my lady.
He is privy to her secret. He refused to kill Lord Winter in a duel - he only disarmed, and then reconciled with him (the brother of her late husband and the uncle of her little son) - and after all, she has long sought to take possession of the entire fortune of the Winter! Nothing came of my lady and her plan to play d'Artagnan against de Bard.

On the first Monday in April 1625, the population of the town of Meng on the outskirts of Paris seemed as agitated as if the Huguenots had decided to turn it into the second fortress of La Rochelle: a young man of eighteen entered Meng on a red gelding without a tail. His appearance, clothing and manners caused a flurry of ridicule in the crowd of townspeople. The rider, however, does not pay attention to them, as befits a nobleman who considers it shameful to sort things out with commoners. Another thing is an insult inflicted by an equal: d "Artagnan (this is the name of our hero) throws himself with a bare sword at a noble gentleman in black; however, several townspeople with a cudgel come running to help him. When he wakes up, d" Artagnan does not discover either the offender or anything. much more serious - a letter of recommendation from his father to an old comrade in arms, the captain of the royal musketeers, Mr. de Treville, with a request to determine the son of 18 years for military service.

The Musketeers of His Majesty are the color of the guards, people without fear and reproach, for which they get away with independent and reckless behavior. At the hour when d'Artagnan is awaiting a reception at de Treville's, Monsieur Captain inflicts another headwash (which, however, does not entail sad consequences) to his three favorites - Athos, Porthos and Aramis. that they started a fight with Cardinal Richelieu's guards, and allowed themselves to be arrested ... What a shame!

Talking to de Treville (who received the young d'Artagnan very affectionately), the young man sees a stranger from Meng outside the window - and rushes headlong into the street, hitting three Musketeers one by one on the stairs. All three challenge him to a duel. the appointed hour at the appointed place are waiting for d "Artanyana Athos, Porthos and Aramis. The case takes an unexpected turn; the swords of all four are unanimously exposed against the ubiquitous guards of the Duke of Richelieu. The Musketeers are convinced that the young Gascon is not only a bully, but also a real brave man who wields weapons no worse than them, and accept d "Artagnan in their company.

Richelieu complains to the king: the Musketeers are completely insolent. Louis XIII is intrigued rather than upset. He wants to know who this unknown fourth, who was with Athos, Porthos and Aramis. De Treville introduces the Gascon to His Majesty - and the king enlists d'Artagnan to serve in his guard.

The haberdasher Bonacieux turns to d'Artagnan, who is staying in his house, about whose valor is already rumored in Paris: yesterday his young wife, the maid of honor of Her Majesty Queen Anne of Austria, was kidnapped. By all accounts, the kidnapper is a stranger from Meng. Bonacieux, and her closeness to the queen: in Paris, Lord Buckingham, the beloved of Anne of Austria. Madame Bonacieux can lead on his trail. The queen is in danger: the king has left her, she is pursued by Richelieu who longs for her, she loses one after another loyal people; in addition to everything (or above all) she is a Spanish woman in love with an Englishman, and Spain and England are the main opponents of France in the political arena. from people close to him.

One night d "Artagnan hears a fuss and stifled female screams in the house. It is Madame Bonacieux, who escaped from custody, again fell into a mousetrap - now in her own house. D" Artagnan takes her away from Richelieu's people and hides her in Athos's apartment ...

Watching all her exits to the city, he lies in wait for Constance in the company of a man in a musketeer's uniform. Has friend Athos really decided to take away the saved beauty from him? The jealous man quickly resigns himself: Madame Bonacieux's companion is Lord Buckingham, whom she leads to the Louvre to see the queen. Constance initiates d'Artagnan into the secrets of her mistress's heart. He promises to protect the Queen and Buckingham as herself, this conversation becomes their declaration of love.

Buckingham leaves Paris with Queen Anne's gift of twelve diamond pendants. Having learned about this, Richelieu advises the king to arrange a large ball, to which the queen should appear in pendants - those that are now kept in London, in Buckingham's casket. He foresees the shame of the queen who rejected his claims - and sends one of his best secret agents, My Lady Winter, to England: she must steal two pendants from Buckingham - even if the other ten miraculously return to Paris for the big ball, the cardinal will be able to prove the queen's imperfection. Racing with Milady Winter rushes to England d'Artagnan. Milady succeeds in what the cardinal instructed her; however, time works for d'Artagnan - and he delivers ten queen's pendants to the Louvre and two more exactly the same ones, made by a London jeweler in less than two days! The cardinal is put to shame, the queen is saved, d "Artagnan is accepted into the musketeers and rewarded with the love of Constance. There are, however, losses: Richelieu learns about the valor of the newly minted musketeer and entrusts him to patronize his treacherous Milady Winter.

Weaving intrigues against d'Artagnan and instilling in him a strong and contradictory passion, Milady simultaneously seduces the Comte de Ward, the man who served as a hindrance to the Gascon on his journey to London, sent by the cardinal to help Milady. shows him the letters of his mistress de Wardes. D "Artagnan, disguised as Count de Wardes, comes to see my lady and, unrecognized by her in the dark, receives a diamond ring as a token of love. His adventure d "Artagnan hastens to present his friends as a funny joke; Athos, however, at the sight of the ring darkens. In reality, she was a branded criminal, a thief and a murderer who broke the heart of Athos. The story of Athos is soon confirmed: on the naked shoulder of my lady, her ardent lover d "Artagnan notices the brand in the form of a lily - the seal of eternal shame.

From now on he is the enemy of my lady. He is privy to her secret. He refused to kill Lord Winter in a duel - he only disarmed, after which he reconciled with him (the brother of her late husband and the uncle of her little son) - and after all, she has long sought to take possession of the entire fortune of the Winter! Nothing worked for my lady and her plan to play d "Artagnan against de Bard. My lady's pride is stung - but also Richelieu's ambition. Inviting d" Artagnan to go to serve in his guards regiment and being refused, the cardinal warns the young impudent: "From that moment, how will you lose my patronage, no one will give you a broken penny for your life! "...

The place of the soldier is in the war. Taking a leave of absence from de Treville, d'Artagnan and his three friends set off for the vicinity of Larochelle, a port city that opens the gates for the British to the French borders. By closing them for England, Cardinal Richelieu completes the business of Jeanne d'Arc and the Duke de Guise. Victory over England for Richelieu is not so much about ridding the king of France from the enemy as about revenge on a more successful rival in love with the queen. The same is with Buckingham: in this military campaign he seeks to satisfy personal ambitions. He prefers to return to Paris not as an envoy, but as a triumphant. The true stake in this bloody game played by the two most powerful powers is the favorable look of Anna of Austria. The British besieged the fortress of Saint-Martin and the fort of La Pré, the French - La Rochelle.

Before his baptism of fire d "Artagnan sums up the results of a two-year stay in the capital. He is in love and is loved - but does not know where his Constance is and whether she is alive at all. He became a musketeer - but has an enemy in the person of Richelieu. Behind him many extraordinary adventures - but also the hatred of my lady, who will not miss an opportunity to take revenge on him. He is marked by the patronage of the queen - but this is a bad defense, rather, a reason for persecution ... His only unconditional acquisition is a ring with a diamond, whose brilliance, however, is darkened by the bitter memories of Athos.

By chance, Athos, Porthos and Aramis accompany the cardinal on his incognito night walk in the vicinity of Larochelle. Athos in the "Red Dovecote" tavern hears the conversation between the cardinal and my lady (it was to meet her that Richelieu rode under the protection of the musketeers). He sends her to London as an intermediary in negotiations with Buckingham. The negotiations, however, are not entirely diplomatic: Richelieu presents his opponent with an ultimatum. If Buckingham dares to take a decisive step in the current military confrontation, the cardinal promises to publicize documents discrediting the queen - evidence not only of her favor for the duke, but also of her collusion with the enemies of France. "What if Buckingham gets stubborn?" - asks my lady. “In this case, as has happened more than once in history, a femme fatale should appear on the political scene, who will put a dagger in the hand of some fanatic killer…” Milady perfectly understands Richelieu's hint. Well, she is just such a woman! .. Having accomplished an unheard-of feat - having dined on a bet on a bastion open to the enemy, repelling several powerful attacks from the Larachels and returning to the army's location unharmed - the Musketeers warn the Duke of Buckingham and Lord Winter about my lady's mission. Winter manages to arrest her in London. A young officer, Felton, has been assigned to guard my lady. Milady learns that her guard is a Puritan. She is called his fellow believer, allegedly seduced by Buckingham, slandered and branded as a thief, while in reality she suffers for her faith. Felton is smitten with my lady on the spot, Religiousness and strict discipline made him a man inaccessible to ordinary seductions. But the story told to him by my lady, shaken his hostility to her, and with her beauty and ostentatious piety, she won his pure heart, the felton helps Milady Winter escape. He instructs a familiar captain to deliver the unfortunate captive to Paris, and he himself infiltrates the Duke of Buckingham, who, in the execution of Richelieu's script, kills with a dagger.

Milady is hiding in the Carmelite monastery in Bethune, where Constance Bonacieux lives. Learning that d'Artagnan should appear here any hour, my lady poisons the beloved of her main enemy and flees, but she cannot escape retribution: the Musketeers are rushing in her footsteps.

At night, in a dark forest, my lady is judged. She is guilty of the death of Buckingham and Felton, who was seduced by her. On her conscience is the death of Constance and the instigation of d "Artagnan to murder de Wardes. Another - her very first victim - a young priest seduced by her, whom she persuaded to steal church utensils. Condemned for this to hard labor, the Shepherd of God laid hands on himself. his brother, an executioner from Lille, set out with his life the goal of his life to take revenge on my lady. in a rage he committed lynching against his wife: he hanged her on a tree. Fate gave her another chance: the Countess de la Fer was rescued, and she returned to life and to her vile deeds under the name Lady Winter. Having given birth to a son, Milady poisoned Winter and received a rich inheritance ; but this was not enough for her, and she dreamed of a share belonging to her brother-in-law.

Having presented all of the above accusations to her, the Musketeers and Winter entrust Milady to the Lille executioner. Athos gives him a purse of gold - payment for hard work, but he throws the gold into the river: "Today I am not doing my craft, but my duty." In the moonlight, the blade of his broad sword shines ... Three days later, the Musketeers return to Paris and appear to their captain de Treville. “Well, gentlemen,” the brave captain asks them. "Did you have a good time on vacation?" - "Excellent!" - is responsible for himself and for the friends of Athos.

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