Alarm ringing 6 letters scanword.

Landscaping and planning 03.07.2020

Obsolete Region 1. The same as sound the alarm. A sharp and bitter thought pierced his heart… Quietly bend down, pick up a stone and stun Nikolai… Then tie him up and run to the village…(M. Gorky. Shabry). 2. Make a commotion. - What demon is bringing you here?! - shouted the second. - I'm mine for you! What are you hitting with a flash?(A. Chapygin. Razin Stepan).

  • - alarm alarm, alarm call, call for combat readiness ...

    Cossack dictionary-reference book

  • - Northern Lights...

    Marine vocabulary

  • - I spolokh I "anxiety, confusion". From the floor. II flash II "aurora borealis associated with a deafening noise", also flashes pl., archang. . Rather to the previous one than from flying or flames...

    Vasmer's etymological dictionary

  • - ; pl. spo/lo/hee, R....

    Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - Rush, flash, husband. . Same as flash...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

  • Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - flash I sp'oloh, spol'oh m. outdated. 1. An alarm bell, announcing a disaster, calling the people; alarm 2. trans. Turmoil, anxiety, turmoil. II spʻoloh, spolʹoh m. 1. Northern Lights...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - m. obsolete. 1. An alarm bell, announcing a disaster, calling the people; alarm 2. transfer...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - m. 1. Northern Lights. // Flash, reflection of the northern lights. 2. Lightning flash; lightning...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - sp "...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - to spread sensational news, to excite Wed. To know, the heart sounded alarm - Your whole face flared up suddenly. Nekrasov. Troika. Wed The old women instantly sound the alarm, And here is the public opinion! Griboedov...

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - See KARA -...
  • - See GLASS -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See LIFE -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - ...

    Word forms

  • - commotion, lightning, in, alarm, alarm, ...

    Synonym dictionary

"Beat the Flash" in the books

To hit or not to hit?

From the book Spetsnaz GRU: Fifty years of history, twenty years of war ... author Kozlov Sergey Vladislavovich

To hit or not to hit? Around midnight, I froze for some minutes and in a dream I saw bearded spirits climbing towards me. For some reason, the spirits did not scream, but squeaked. Suddenly waking up, I heard that it was the tone call of my R-392 radio station, designed for communication inside


From the book PEOPLE OF THE SOVIET PRISON author Boikov Mikhail Matveevich

Chapter 8 TO BEAT OR NOT TO BEAT? For five days in a row, I asked myself questions full of bewilderment: “Why was I put into a cell of criminals?

Beat and beat!

From the book War. 1941-1945 author Ehrenburg Ilya Grigorievich


From the book 1937. The tragedy of the Red Army author Souvenirov Oleg F.

I.V. STALIN: “BEAT AND BEAT” This is the Stalin’s autograph preserved on one of the numerous proscription lists submitted by the People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the USSR for the final decision of the “leader”274. In his desire to get the “necessary”

12 To hit or not to hit - that is the question

From the book Raising a Child from Birth to 10 Years author Sears Martha

12 To Hit or Not to Hit, That Is the Question Parents still hit their children, despite hundreds of studies confirming the detrimental rather than beneficial effects of spanking and slapping on a child's behavior. Spanking is rarely helpful, and yet this method

Cossack "flash"

From the book Dear Glory and Loss. Cossack troops during wars and revolutions the author Trut Vladimir

Cossack “flash” On one of the hot July days of 1914, in all Cossack regions of the country, the Cossacks on duty galloped in different directions from the village administrations. Each of them held a small red flag in his hand - “flash”, meaning a general alarm signal and

FM BROADCASTING: To hit or not to hit?

From the book Computerra Magazine No. 6 of February 14, 2006 author Computerra magazine

FM BROADCASTING: To hit or not to hit? Author: Felix Muchnik Every manager, not necessarily a director, faces the same problem every day - how to encourage subordinates to work more actively. In large corporations, these issues are dealt with by the personnel department (its


From the book Don't Buy a Dog the author Kostyuk Pavel

TO BEAT OR NOT TO BEAT? Hamlet never dreamed of the torment that overcomes an ordinary dog ​​lover. Whether to beat a puppy, whether to punish him for eating his wife's boots, for puddles on the polished parquet, for killed upholstered furniture, for eating carved wood sets. They say that dogs have a short memory, and,

From the book How to Find Love Easily: 4 Effective Steps author Kazakevich Alexander Vladimirovich

Chapter 11 To hit or not to hit - that is the question...

From the book Raise a Child How? author Ushinsky Konstantin Dmitrievich

Chapter 11 To beat or not to beat - that is the question ... A child is a creation of God, and we are not given more to know - this is how it was written in old books, when there was a strange idea about psychology and physiology. The attitude towards children in that world was twofold. On the one hand, thanks to

Beat and beat!

From the book War. April 1942 - March 1943 author Ehrenburg Ilya Grigorievich

Beat and beat! Yesterday, for the first time, after weeks of summer heat, a light rain fell over the outskirts of Stalingrad. He seemed to remind the Germans of the timing. September is out. There are veterans among the German soldiers. They know what winter is. Hitler is in a hurry. He throws new

To hit or not to hit?

From the book Literaturnaya Gazeta 6303 (No. 1 2011) author Literary Newspaper

To hit or not to hit? Humanitarian To beat or not to beat? DIARY OF A TEACHER Inna KABYSH Is it possible to kill old women? I guess that "Crime and Punishment" is not about that, and yet. In our time - pluralism, tolerance, political correctness and (what else?) ambivalence - I want

To beat or not to beat naughty children?

From the book The Enlightening Book. hurry to love author Kazakevich Alexander

To beat or not to beat naughty children? It may seem to some of the readers that I am calling for forgiveness and conciliation, for spinelessness and unscrupulousness. This is not true. Although love is not driven in with fists, it is impossible to learn love without difficulties and trials.

How to beat

From the book Real Fight [School of streets and gateways] author Ivanov Alexey Alekseevich

How to beat 1. Striking The main thing in a fight is a hit. Only a blow will bring you victory over the enemy. Martial arts schools can prove the advantages of grips, submissions and other tricky actions as much as they like, but not a single trick can compete with a blow. He

Chapter 4 To hit or not to hit?

From the book Chess for the little ones author Sukhin Igor Georgievich

Chapter 4 To hit or not to hit? How does the black rook move? Thumbelina asked. “Also along the lines, like the white rook,” Dunno explained. - Let's put both the white rook and the black rook on the chessboard. If now it's black's move, then the black rook can move forward, backward,

PhD in Philology Daria Zarubina, Ivanovo State Power Engineering University

“... The head opened its lips, called with a dry tongue: “Mom, mom, I'm dying ...” Tears flowed. Snowflakes settled on the eyelashes ...

The third day is coming soon... The wind, the wind creaks the rope... “Cow, tea, not milked for the third day... Is that a red light?.. Oh, it's scary... Torches... Sledges... People. .. Coming here... More torment?” I wanted to score with my feet - earthen mountains squeezed them, you couldn’t move them with your finger ...

I don’t see where she is,” Peter said loudly. - Dogs, or what, ate?

This fragment from the novel by A. N. Tolstoy "Peter I" cuts into memory. It would seem that there are scarier and more detailed written ones, but still this seemingly passing scene, where the king talks to a woman buried in the ground for the murder of her husband, is filled with a special feeling. Half-dead, for the third day in the frozen ground, Daria, under the whisper of her watchman: “Confess, maybe they will have mercy ...” - answers the king with proud anger: “And once again I would kill him, the beast ...” It is clear that no torture, no fear they will not force her to beg for mercy, to repent of having rebelled against her tormentor.

This scene is a kind of dialogue between Alexei Nikolayevich and his friend and namesake - Alexei Pavlovich Chapygin - the author of the novel "Razin Stepan".


“- Oh, fathers! Grave worms sharpen my chest, and ruin me for what wrong judges?! Yes, after all, my husband was from my asp! They poked red-hot needles under my nails... Volosyev plucked half of them. He himself is spoiled, without a damper, and that’s why he doesn’t need a reaper, that’s why he was a tormentor! ..

Aha! - A man in Cossack clothes looked at the ground, saw a woman buried up to her shoulders with disheveled hair.

At the sound of footsteps, one archer raised his head:

Hey you human!

He turned the berdysh with the ax to the ground and firmly grasped the handle.

What demon is bringing you here?! - shouted the second.

I am yours! What are you hitting with a flash?

There are you!”

In both Chapygin and Tolstoy, the one who comes to decide the fate of a woman asks, read, one question. “Why did you kill your husband? ... Well, did he beat you, tortured you? - asks Peter. “Others, maybe the husband was worth it?” - Razin, who has not yet been recognized by the reader, asks the watchmen.

And in these scenes we see how different "mercy" is between Peter and Stepan.

“Tell them to shoot,” the tsar throws, turning away. And we understand that he cannot let the woman go, but he can answer her prayers - to end the torment.

What does Razin do? He talks to the archers to "dig up a woman" and go with her to a tavern. He cuts in two the “boyar son”, the head of the guard, persuades the archers to leave for the free Don, takes away Irinyitsa, the saved woman, wrapped in his zhupan. He is "free" to do what he sees fit without fear of anything.

Tolstoy, Gorky, and Prishvin admired Chapygin’s ability to show this “liberty”, strength, unbending folk spirit, the desire to disturb a sleepy, miserable life, to convey a special folk flavor.

And even at the level of vocabulary and style, we see a dialogue between Tolstoy and Chapygin. Tolstoy has a clean, emphatically literate text, and Chapygin has a motley, colorful one, filled with dialectisms.

Even in this small passage there are several dialect words that are unclear to you and me. Let's take it in order.

Since the name of the family of poisonous snakes "aspids" is familiar to modern man, we can conclude that Irinitsa's husband is an extremely unpleasant person. We find confirmation of this in Dahl: "Aspid is an evil person, a miser, a crafty koschey, stingy." A man is poisonous, evil, with a black soul, like an asp - blue-black slate, from which writing boards were made earlier. However, slate boards spread a century later than the uprising led by Razin.

Everything is more or less clear with the word “corrupted” - in the modern literary language there is the word “corrupted”, and clairvoyants-psychics do not allow to forget the word “corruption”. But what is the meaning of the expression "without gas"? You hear the combination of something familiar. Stash. Some secret place where we hide money or valuables. And where should a free Cossack keep money so that they don’t cut off his wallet? Of course, tie it to the belt and tuck it inside, into trousers, or sew the money closer to the belt, where it will not ring, and closer to the body. This belt was called so - "gashnik", like the upper part of the pants, which the belt pulled together. And if there is no throttle, then the pants have nothing to hold on to. In the Great Dictionary of Russian Sayings by V. M. Mokienko and T. G. Nikitina, we find: in Siberia, an extremely poor person was disparagingly called a “lousy damper” or “canvas damper”. Probably, Irinitsa's husband was even poorer. Confirmation of this conjecture can be a line from the novel "Sugar German" by Sergei Klychkov, whom Yesenin called "a truly wonderful folk poet": "... as if both of them complained to each other that it was too much of both ours and yours over these three years they messed up, which there will be no one to pay taxes, and both of them will soon be left without gas!” "Without gas" here is clearly a synonym for the combination "without pants." A beggar, embittered, possibly sick (“spoiled”), her husband tortured Irinyitsa, for which she killed him.

And now her savior appears by the fire. Archers guarding the killer "beat with a flash." The word "alarm" also seems familiar due to the related words "alarm", "alarm", "commotion". But why are they hitting with a flash? Both in the Etymological Dictionary of M. Fasmer, and in the Explanatory Dictionary of V. I. Dahl, “alarm” is mentioned in the meaning of “alarm, alarm”. “Beat the flashes” - ring the alarm bell (in Chapygin we even find the combination “striking bells” in the text). And there was a word from the verb “slosh / slosh” - “disturb, stir up, embarrass, disturb, excite, frighten, raise and excite, disturb the peace” (V. I. Dal). In the novel, the writer quite often uses both options - both “thrash” and “throw”: “I was startled in vain: I killed the ataman’s pet, he’ll throw up a drink, then hold on! ..”; “The shirt on her back trembles, quiet sobs sway. Turning over the heavy sheet of the book, the hunchback said in a barely audible voice:

Irinitsa, don't beat yourself up, stop seeing your face: the eyes will miss the visible - the heart will remember.

She whispered:

And so, grandfather, I yearn that honey is intoxicated, and hops do not take me ... "

But the meaning is different. If in the first case the word means rather “to unbalance, disturb, indignant”, then in the second it means “to worry, yearn, worry, grieve”. Despite the fact that Chapygin generously uses both the noun "flash" and the verb "slash", they never occur in the meaning of "fear, fright, scare."

It is this word "flash" that sets the rhythm of the novel from the very first scene. Cossack - flash, flash. And this is not only about Razin, but also about his friends and opponents.

Several times in various scenes there is a request to “not thrash” someone that is in the very Cossack nature: “We will excite the guests, in a flash we will flog whoever is not with us ...”

In the meaning of "excite, alarm, set in motion", sometimes - "scare" the word "flash" in those days was the least in demand.

However, in modern dialects, it is in the meaning associated with the feeling of fear that the word manifests itself most actively.

Here is a fragment from Irina Mamaeva’s story “Lenka’s Wedding” published in 2005 in the journal “Friendship of Peoples”: “And the yons will come - so, amin-word, well, drag me around the benches and the floors. And from bench to bench, from bench to bench. So much everything inside is libaid, that and look the soul will jump out. I lie and do not dare to stir. I'm so upset, I can't breathe." Another heroine laments: “I can’t, I can’t live like this anymore.”

In the story, written on the Karelian language material familiar to the writer from childhood, “I’m alarmed” is a completely accurate synonym for the word “I’m scared”, and “frightened” in many dialects means a scarecrow or a frightening person, but more often - a clumsy person who looks like a scarecrow. “Ek, I’m dressed up, I won’t let people in with such a puff,” the grandmother will say to the fashionable granddaughter, and she will block the door with herself, “well, take it off, dress like a human.”

Do you want to earn the title of "polohala" in the village? Wear loose clothing. In order for everything to be in a rural way, or, as my Volga grandmother says, “dirty-poly things”, clothes should sit on the figure, and not hang out like on a scarecrow. Therefore, sometimes “polokhalom” in the villages of Novgorod, Kostroma and other northwestern regions is not called a person dressed “like a scarecrow”, but the loose clothing itself, a hoodie. “Dave the singer was shown on TV. It was just as bad on her as it was on you. Or nadys, I don’t even remember. ” So after all, yes, that is, even today? Or nadys, one of these days? But the grandmother will not answer, she will wave her hand, saying that, they say, to talk to you, with a puff.

Village old people do not like it when something breaks their habitual way of life, and what seems to us petty, unimportant, everyday, can seriously alarm grandparents from the outback. No wonder they say: "A strip will reveal a mistake." As soon as everything begins to move, someone disturbs the village, knocks the established life out of rhythm, everything will fall apart. If it's not broken - don't fix it, it will stand still. Don't pout for no reason. Yes, only to move forward it is necessary that occasionally someone disturbed stir up the sleepy swamp, so that the old, stagnant swamp flares up, flares up, takes up a bright flame.

After all, it also seems to you that these words are relatives - “blaze” and “blaze”. They have a lot in common - a feeling of anxiety, restlessness, fear, erratic movement and confusion. And yet it is not entirely clear whether there is a relationship here. A. A. Shakhmatov believed that yes, “blaze” is related to the word “polokh”, and yet Vasmer carefully writes “maybe” in his dictionary. But Dahl does not have the “fiery” meaning of the word “flare” in the dictionary at all, there is a closer “alarming” meaning of the verb “flash”: “Blaze, blaze what, Psk., Tver., Throw, throw, throw, throw” . This is how you pull on the word, and the agitated, forgotten words begin to rumble, they want to be heard, linguistic connections, ancient and new, stretch like strings, and it becomes clear how everything is connected in the complex organism of the language, according to what laws some of its “cells” die off. and others are born. And in the seen in a new way, the familiar words “alarm”, “commotion”, the reflections of bonfires, noise, the ringing of the alarm bell, people's strength and will seem to appear.

Flash, pl. flashes, genus. flashes and flashes, pl. flashes, flashes... Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

FLASH, flash, husband. (Region). The same as flash. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

I sp oloh, spol oh m. outdated. 1. An alarm bell, announcing a disaster, calling the people; alarm 2. trans. Turmoil, anxiety, turmoil. II s oloh, spoloh m. 1. Northern Lights. ott. A flash, a reflection of the northern lights. 2. Lightning flash; lightning … Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

- (sev.) northern lights. Samoilov K.I. Marine Dictionary. M. L .: State Naval Publishing House of the NKVMF of the USSR, 1941 ... Marine Dictionary

1. Flash, a (y); m. Trad. nar. An alarm call announcing a disaster; anxiety. 2. Flash, see Flashes ... encyclopedic Dictionary

I flash I anxiety, confusion. From the dust. II flash II northern lights associated with a deafening noise, also flashes pl., arkhang. (Sub.1). Rather to the previous than from flying (see) or flame (*pol men). 1 A. Podvysotsky (see) - flashes ... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Fasmer

Flashes, flashes, flashes, flashes, flashes, flashes, flashes, flashes, flashes, flashes, flashes, flashes (Source: “Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

ALARM- alarm tocsin, alarm call, call for combat readiness ... Cossack dictionary-reference book

flash- alarm, but (alarm alarm; alarm, commotion) ... Russian spelling dictionary


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