Joint of a valley with a pitched roof. Roof truss system with a valley: characteristic features and installation difficulties

Landscaping and planning 26.06.2020
Landscaping and planning

It is important to build a valley in such a way as to withstand the elements of nature, as well as protect the roof of the house from leaking and, possibly, blowing off the roof by gusts of wind.

What is endova?

If you finish home construction, then one of the most important things remains the device of the roof valley. The valley or groove is the junction of the roof slopes, which takes on the lion's share of the roof loads:

  • heats up in summer to a high temperature;
  • rainwater flows down to this joint;
  • snow cover load is the highest here.

A natural disaster for a house can be prevented or its consequences reduced if the valley firmly holds the corner blow. For the correct calculation of the structure of the house or its individual parts, you can contact the specialists of InnovaStroy. In order to order a free calculation, you can fill in contact information and leave a message on the calculation parameters on the main page of the company's website. Going to home page, you need to scroll the page from the top one row, press the button "Order a miscalculation for construction - for free!"

The bottleneck of the whole house

What is the need for a proper valley device? The weakest point of any structure is the place where there is a connection. It is here that all negative external influences on the structure can most quickly appear. The valley, which connects two, three, and sometimes more parts of the roof, is the bottleneck in the design of any structure, both in the private construction sector and in commercial buildings.

An incorrectly constructed or incorrectly calculated valley can cause the beginning of the destruction of the roof, under certain circumstances, the entire roof, and sometimes the entire house. If you approach laying the valley unprofessionally, without calculations and certain knowledge, you can get the most negative consequences. If we know in advance what it is necessary to protect the house from, we can make sure that the junction of the slopes is a reliable connection for many years. InnovaStroy specialists have extensive experience in successfully carrying out the most complex roofing works, including the installation of a roof valley. The company can also order a comprehensive service, including house design, repair of the roof and roofing, as well as the design of a new or reconstruction of an existing roof, installation or a full cycle of roofing work, which will be performed by professionals.

How to build a valley correctly?

No matter what the roof is built from, no matter what material is chosen for the roof, there are general laying rules, a diagram of the valley device:

1. First, a solid wooden crate is attached at the junction of two roof slopes.

2. From below, the valley is reinforced with roofing tin or other suitable building material. It must be waterproof, resistant to temperature extremes. It can be, for example, one of the options for waterproofing carpets.

3. The crate is assembled first from a solid boardwalk.

4. The flooring is covered with an asbestos-cement (slate) tray or a tray made of galvanized steel. This is also called the lower valley. The edge of the tray should protrude forward, beyond the border of metal tile parts, slate sheets or corrugated board. This will ensure the rigidity and reliability of the structure.

5. The last step in the construction of the valley is laying above all roofing sheets, the upper valley. Usually the upper valley is a part of the same material from which the entire roof is made. The upper valley is not a mandatory element of the roof, but it gives the building complete aesthetic look .

Sometimes laying the upper valley may be abandoned for the following reasons:

  • it is necessary to organize a large drain capacity;
  • the passage of melted snow, into which particles of branches, leaves and other debris often fall, goes better with an open type of valley;
  • it is necessary to improve the passage of the flow of melt or storm water for a roof with a small angle of elevation of the slopes.

We talked about the basic rules for arranging a valley, but besides this, they have many features. The most important factor influencing the valley laying technology is the roofing material. The valley is, in fact, part of the roof, therefore it must be a continuation of it and be combined in color and material of manufacture. It is important to observe these technological features when completing roofing, which we will discuss further. If you carefully read all the tips, you may well try to install a valley on the roof on your own. If you are not confident in your abilities or you do not have consultants with experience in construction, still the best option is to contact those who know how to build this important part of the house. Our advice will help you understand how the valley works and how to build it correctly, even if you are not a builder, but a customer of the service.

How will the valley save the house?

The principle of operation of the valley is based on the drainage of water under the action of the angles of the slopes:

  • along the grooves, gutters or roof profile, moisture, snow or water flows down to the gutter of the valley;
  • the gutter receives the flow and directs it down the roof;
  • independently or with the help of a drain, the water stream merges to the ground.

The valley should be, based on the tasks set by the front roof structure:

  • strong enough to hold the flow of water or sliding snow, ice
  • additionally waterproofed to eliminate possible leakage of the roof near the gutter.

To take into account all the features of laying the valley, you should know the simple rules worked out by professional builders.

The device of the roof valley from a metal tile

The metal tile is the modern queen of roofing, because it has a beautiful appearance and excellent performance. When it comes to metal tile roofing, the roof is formed according to the general scheme that we described above. First, a crate is arranged, and then a standard sheet of metal tiles is laid, specially prepared in the form of a gutter. From above, after the installation of all roofing sheets, the upper valley is also attached.

During the installation of a metal tile valley, it should be remembered that a wooden crate needs to be made:

  • solid, without voids at the junction;
  • lathing material - boards not less than 150 by 25 mm;
  • the width of the crate from the center of the joint must be at least 300 mm on both sides.

After the crate is formed, it is necessary to lay waterproofing - a special rug or any other building material resistant to moisture and stress. The lower valley is fixed with self-tapping screws with a pitch of at least 300 mm. two edges of the slopes, the overlap must be at least 10 cm. In the interval between the lower valley and the metal tile, it is recommended to lay a sealant that will expand under the influence of heat and seal the joint.

Device of a valley on a slate roof

Slate is a roofing classic. These corrugated sheets of asbestos cement are cheap and easy to work with, although more fragile than metal tiles.

The installation of a valley on a slate roof preserves the main stages of installing a valley with a metal tile. On the finished wooden crate-frame, a slate sheet is laid, which is specially prepared at the factory for the lower gutter. The upper valley is laid after the installation of the entire roof. The lathing for the slate valley is made of beams with a section of at least 60 by 60 mm. If the roof sheathing can pass with pauses in laying, then the valley requires a full sheathing. On top of the formed wooden gutter, a slate part is laid, usually factory-made. Slate blanks begin to be fastened with thick and large slate nails from the bottom to the top of the roof.

If there is no such slate figure, you can use a metal base for the lower valley. Slate sheets should overlap the edge of the lower valley by 10-15 cm. Sometimes, in the slate version, the upper valley is not made to increase the flow of melted snow or a large flow of water during heavy rains. This scheme is practiced in places with high humidity and a specific climate.

Device valley from corrugated board

Profiled roofing has been used for a long time, although such a coating is not fashionable for houses - it looks too simple. But corrugated board does not lose ground, because it is inexpensive and easy to process, which is a very important indicator for any construction site. There are no differences in the installation of the valley in comparison with metal tiles and slate, although there are some peculiarities. For lathing, you can use a continuous row of boards with a cross section of at least 32 by 100 mm and a distance of at least 50-60 mm from the center of the valley. The valley bar must enter under the main cover of the corrugated board by at least 250 mm.

Other methods of arranging a valley

Roofing is not always made of popular materials. Sometimes it is required to make a valley for a soft roof, for example, from rolled modified bitumen or other synthetics. In this case, the valley is made either open or by the “undercut” method. Under the lining carpet, a valley carpet is laid on top. This carpet is coated with bituminous mastic to enhance waterproofing. The carpet is nailed with roofing nails, which are driven in at a distance of no more than 2-5 cm from the edge of the carpet and at a distance of no more than 25 cm from one another.

If the valley is laid using the undercut method, no decking is required. The valley is also required in a tiled roof. Tiled roofing is complex in design and technique, therefore it requires special attention of the builder. It is important not to allow any gaps in the thermal insulation or insufficient insulation. The valley in this case should have snow-stopping brackets. Laying the valley in a tiled roof is carried out in two ways:

  • on wooden plank flooring
  • on a thick wooden crate.

The width of the flooring from the board must be at least 30 cm from the axis of the groove. The laying of the groove on the flooring is done before the crate is stuffed. The grooves are built from the bottom up.

Important results

The device of the valley is a very important moment in the completion of the construction of a house, cottage or outbuilding. The fundamental thing is that its device has many technological moments that should not be missed:

  • high-quality waterproofing of the lower valley to maintain the integrity of the roof and durability of operation
  • compliance with the structural strength of the crate to prevent sagging or breakage of the valley

  • the correct selection of materials for installing the gutter, the choice of this material, taking into account the highest possible quality and reliability, water resistance;
  • installation of valley elements by specialists or amateur builders with sufficient knowledge.

If all these points are observed, you will get a roof where the valley will perform its main function - to protect against the destructive power of water and keep warmth and comfort in your home for many years without costly and troublesome unscheduled repairs.

The video will help you to carry out the correct installation of the roof valley.

Endova - the inner corner of the roof, which is the actual junction of a pair of slopes. If such an angle is formed in the roof structure, it is considered a key component of the entire roofing system.


In fact, the valley is a drain for precipitation that falls on the slopes. Therefore, this component is subjected to significant loads. The impact associated with weather conditions on this element is greater than on all other parts of the roof.

The end part of the structure is also called the razzheblok- this is a part of the structure, which is completed with special parts that are responsible for the appearance and functional component. Each component must be examined separately.

For example, in a truss structure, a valley is a wooden beam that is laid in the system at the junction of the slopes, usually at an internal angle. If the valley is large, then the beam is reinforced.

The best material for the device of the valley itself is galvanized in the form of steel sheets. The properties of this material can significantly extend the period of operation of not only the valley, but also the roof. Most often, valleys are ordinary galvanized strips that are assembled into a single system. Professionals distinguish the strips of the lower or upper valley.

The bottom bar is the one that is installed on the inside of the corners, which are also called negative. The installation of this part is carried out in the first place - before the installation of the main roofing material.

The upper valley plays the role of a decorative detail. Thanks to her, the joints take on a more finished look, and the roof gets a complete external face. This part is strengthened after the decking or other finishing roofing base is fixed.

The shape of the valley can be different and is selected depending on the chosen roofing base. For example, a straight-shaped part is intended for corrugated board, and a semicircular part is for metal tiles. Consider other features of the roof valley in more detail.

Features and purpose

Several types of different slopes are usually present in complex roof schemes. The number of valleys is associated with the configuration of the roofing system, and the configuration is cruciform, with the letter T or G. The number of these elements is also associated with the presence of such components as dormers and dormer windows or other elements of roof decoration.

The valley planks should be bent at an angle that matches the adjoining slopes. The upper decorative element in some cases may be uninstalled. This is due to the type of roof base, as well as to the features of the roof. One lower valley is able to provide reliable waterproofing of the structure. The main thing is to correctly execute the device.

For example, an open valley is acceptable in roof structures with a small slope angle. In an open structure, the installation of a waterproofing layer is mandatory.

An open razzheblok is convenient in that it does not accumulate garbage in itself. The arrangement of the system will take less time, but the aesthetics of this design leaves much to be desired.

If the roof slope is steep, and its edges are located close to the gutter, a closed-type valley is required for use. The joints of this design will be better protected, and the roof will look more beautiful. The main advantage of an open drain is that any volume of water can drain quickly.

There is another type of valley - intertwined. The appearance of the device is similar to the closed type. However, the seam points can intersect to form a continuous surface. The main disadvantage of the interlaced design is the difficulty in installation. Installing the unlock will take a longer period. The roof will accumulate rubbish. And during the spring melting of snow, ice crusts will form on the roof.

Any kind of valley is made from the same base as the roof covering. For example, if the roof is slate, asbestos cement is needed for the valley. If the roof is made of metal tiles or profiled sheets, sheet steel must be used, which can be galvanized or painted.

If a protective layer for the material is used in the production of roofing, the valley must be provided with the same component. That is, all elements of the roof assembly should look like a single whole. In rare cases, additional elements from one type of material are used for roofing from another type of product.

The main for the internal valley, for example, can be galvanized steel. At the same time, the level of galvanizing should ensure the tightness of the joint for a long period of time in sufficient volume. A valley with a polyurethane protective layer is used for roofs made of metal tiles. Also, such a top valley is suitable as a top covering for a polyester roof gutter.

The cause of improper installation of the valley may be a skewed truss system. Irregularities may appear at the transition points of the rafters from one angle of inclination to another.

Any bending will cause the protective base coating to peel off, which will start corrosion. The slats will quickly collapse, the sealing of the roof will be broken. All elements of roofing are important to use correctly. The layer that forms the valleys must be airtight, reliably protecting the inside of the roof from atmospheric phenomena.

For the protection to be really reliable, you need to choose sheets for the valley that are stronger than the base of the roofing material. For the proper arrangement of the valley, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. Let's study the layout of the truss structure for a roof with a valley in more detail.


Endova is an obligatory element of buildings with a T-, G- or cruciform roof. Another type of frame base is divided into articulated and closed, as well as open. The first option is needed when the angle of inclination is large. It is also suitable for options on which flexible materials will be laid, such as soft ondulin. For a closed articulated valley, additional waterproofing is required.

A certain fastening angle is selected depending on the angle of the slopes. The method of fastening is always associated with the dimensions of the truss parts. If the rafters are two meters or smaller, you can use nails. If everything is different, you need special metal linings that will strengthen the constituent parts. In places of greater load, it will be possible to install a retaining strut.

The device of a reinforced grating will require a place where the slopes descend. The type is selected depending on the type of roofing. For example, a metal tile requires additional parts between the parts of the main crate, which is fixed at the junction itself. The step of the crate at the junction is halved.

The length of the lattice itself must be greater than the width of the valley.

If a profiled sheet, tile or slate is planned on the roof, then additional boards about 10 cm wide are mounted along the articulation axis. The number of boards will be related to the width of the substrate. You may need several boards on each side.

If ondulin is chosen as the roof covering, then one board will be required on each side of the slope, which are attached with an approximate indent of 75 cm. An element called a groove should fit in the resulting space.

If the roofing is soft, the lattice of bars should be solid, so such a system does not require amplification. It is also important to choose the option of attaching the rafter legs. They are fixed at a certain angle depending on the slope of the slope.

The rafter part of the roof for the valley is easy to install on your own. Before you start working with your own hands, you need to choose a timber of the correct thickness, and also take into account the reliability of fastening. A roof with a valley, assembled according to all the rules, will last for several decades.

How to do it yourself?

The bottom part of the valley is mounted on the prepared crate structure. As mentioned above, this is sheet steel with a fold in the central part and sides on the edge. The part can be attributed to additional components, and it is usually sold in two-meter pieces.

The bar is installed according to the rules from below. It is important to bring the edge of the composite part over the roof overhang. It should be about 2-3 cm below the edge. From excess material, you need to form a flanging.

At this stage, it is important to consider that the valley part always ends behind the overhang in the presence of a drain element. If this part is short, water will flow into the structure.

If the length of one part is short, the next part lies 20–30 cm end-to-end on top. This place is smeared with sealants or bitumen. It is important to lubricate the entire joint. The plank must be laid the entire length of the gutter, so several sheets will probably be required. Extra meters are cut off near the ridge. The rest must be fixed in the form of a gutter.

For fastening, special roofing screws are used, as well as kleimers that cling to the side. The main task of the valley is to ensure tightness. Fastening with clamps is more advantageous in terms of ensuring impermeability. After this work, there will be no holes left in the material, even if they are protected by a rubber plug.

The lower part must necessarily be with sides. The approximate height of the sides is about 2 cm. Thanks to the sides, water from the roof slope will not fall under the main roofing. It should lie down so that 6–10 cm remain to the central part of the valley.

It is not recommended to place roofing products closer to the central part of the valley. To prevent precipitation from falling under the valley, a special protective tape is glued from the place of inflection. It is sold on an adhesive basis, so before installation it is enough to remove the coating and stick the tape on the base.

If the roofing material, trimmed at the edges, looks attractive enough, the structure can be left as it is. If the appearance of the cut parts does not suit you, a decorative overlay is applied. It is called the upper valley and is only responsible for its purpose. Quite often, the detail is not used.

In some embodiments, the sealing hermetic strip is supplemented with other types of waterproofing. It does not particularly interfere if there are waves in the ledges of the roof covering and there is free space at the inflection points. It is often clogged with rubbish in winter or melted snow in spring.

To completely fill the remaining space, the gap is filled with sealant in layers.

In order for the decorative piece that is laid on top to also play a sealing role, it does not need to be fixed to the grate with nails. At the same time, it is necessary to join the elements so that there is no gap at all along the line of the valley.

If the valley is made of ondulin, it must be laid in such a way that a kind of gutter is obtained. A roofing base is then applied flush to this gutter. The overlap of the sheets on the lower valley must be at least 15 cm. It is enough to fix the laid ondulin sheets with special roofing nails, which must be painted as a coating. Nails should be fixed as far as possible from the gutter line of the valley.

Installation of the valley is a responsible task, but increased requirements are placed on waterproofing, which must be present in this area of ​​the roof. Professionals advise using modern types of waterproofing that can be installed on top of the crate.

These include, for example, diffusion membranes. This layer will successfully protect the underlying structures and thermal insulation, which can get moisture. In this case, the membrane will not prevent the release of water vapor.

The first membrane waterproofing is laid out along the valley over the crate.

This layer will protect the wood from condensation. Membrane material can be reinforced with staples. This layer must be carefully cut along the edge of the drip (lower side of the valley). Next, the membrane is laid out along the slopes, and different pieces of material are glued together with double-sided tape.

Particular attention should be paid to gluing the membrane along the edge of the gutter. If this work is done poorly, the material will eventually be ruffled by the wind. For waterproofing the valley, the use of roofing material is allowed. Other materials will be suitable that will provide the proper level of protection.

The general installation scheme will look like this:

  • roofing material;
  • crate;
  • accelerated type of crate;
  • sealing tape;
  • waterproofing material;
  • end cap;
  • sealant with universal qualities;
  • the valley is flat;
  • end bars.

Prepare in advance the tools you need. The respective stores offer a wide range of products. Tools are manual, semi-automatic, automatic.

For the installation of the valley, you may need:

  • measuring devices;
  • the pencils;
  • upholstery tape;
  • small spatula;
  • hammer;
  • cutter;
  • construction dryer;
  • mounting gun;
  • various fasteners;
  • bars;
  • waterproofing tapes;
  • screwdrivers;
  • cutter for metal bases;
  • level.

Choose quality tools, because the success of the work is largely related to the quality of the parts used. For example, it is more convenient to work with a semi-automatic seamer with the sides of the valley. The machine can be adjusted to work with material of different thicknesses. The sides will turn out to be of high quality along the entire length of the sheet. A semi-automatic machine is especially effective if you have to work with long roof slopes.

A metal cutter is needed with large or medium teeth. The length of the canvas must be greater than the thickness of the part itself. Usually a hacksaw is used, the blade of which is 45–50 cm. The hacksaw can be replaced with a modern power tool. For example, a jigsaw will greatly facilitate the work.

When installing a roof, it is important to use high-quality marking tools. Convenient to use special marking rails. You can make it yourself from a suitable, not very wide bar. The need for other tools is determined by the characteristics of the roofs.

  1. Sealing materials and tapes must be installed with high quality. Only in this installation option will you be able to exclude litter and precipitation that can get into the structure.
  2. Mount the grate under the valley from below, the beginning comes from the droppers (sides).
  3. Roof decking must be mounted carefully, very tightly to the valley details.
  4. You can hide the disadvantages of installing a valley using a false device, the sheets of which should be narrower than the bottom bar.
  5. After installing the valley, you should not delay the completion of the rest of the work for a long time.
  6. When choosing waterproofing materials, consider the sloped angle of the slopes. If they are almost flat, put additional waterproofing.
  7. The base for the valley itself must be of very high quality, stronger than the roofing. If the roof is made of metal tiles, the part needs a self-expanding sealant.
  8. Keep in mind that a closed valley option will always be more attractive than an open valley option.
  9. It is not necessary to start work related to the arrangement of the roof if the hydrometeorological center promises rainy weather in the coming days.

If the roof of the roof is designed according to a special project, the structure will serve for a long time. The general appearance of the roof with the use of a valley adds to the attractiveness of the entire building. It takes on a very beautiful look.

It is most convenient to create a project using special programs. If there is little experience in this area, it is better to use the services of professionals. Broken roof options are suitable for large presentable houses.

The main advantages of this design are the possibility of profitable arrangement of the attic space. For any roof, it is important to choose the right type of roofing material. This choice is associated with the formed slope of the structure.

If you neglect the rules for arranging the roof, there is a threat of destruction of the frame. Norms are always associated with the type of roof construction, as well as with the material used in construction.

See the following video for installation of the valley.

The higher the complexity of the roof structure, the more different elements it includes. The classic gable roof consists of only two slopes, at the junction of which an external rib is formed - a ridge. Multi-pointed variants, having more than one ridge, form, in addition to the outer ones, also internal angles between the planes, which are called valleys. Many inexperienced builders are wondering what a roof valley is and how to do it correctly. This article will talk about the features of the device and installation of this structural element, which affect the operation of the entire structure.

The valley is called a functional element of the roof, which is formed at the junction of two roof slopes of a complex, multi-gable design. Simply put, this term refers to the internal angle between two adjacent slopes. The valley roof due to the presence of this structural detail is characterized by increased complexity of design, installation and operation. The functions of the valley are:

  1. Skate connection. Two inclined planes of roofing slopes are connected, at the junction forming an internal corner, called the valley.
  2. Collection and transportation of water. The valleys are internal corners, so water flows into them from the slopes, collects in a large stream and is transported to the drainage system.
  3. Snow accumulation. Also, the places where the slopes adjoin are the places where snow masses accumulate, so the load on the truss system in these areas increases.

Please note that the installation of the roof valley must be carried out in accordance with the load calculations and the detailed design, since this structural element is subjected to increased loads due to the accumulation of snow and atmospheric moisture.


A multi-gable roof is a complex structure that consists of several slopes, has more than one ridge, as well as valleys. The groove between the inclined surfaces, formed at their junction, is a weak spot through which leaks often occur if the installation is not performed correctly. In accordance with the characteristics of the device, the following types of valleys are distinguished:

  • Open. It is an open joint between two slopes, into which a special gutter is laid. This is the easiest version of the gutter device to install, used on roofs with a small angle of inclination.
  • Closed. This version of the valley is different. That in it the slopes fit snugly to each other, without forming a gap. A closed-type valley is suitable for roof structures with steep slopes.
  • Bound. An intertwined valley is a method of arranging a joint between two mated slopes, in which sheets of roofing material are intertwined with each other, reliably protecting the inner corner from moisture penetration.

As a rule, a roof valley made of metal tiles or corrugated board consists of several elements: reinforced waterproofing, an internal strip that protects the joint from atmospheric moisture leakage, and a decorative detail that makes the appearance of the groove more attractive.

Device rules

The junction of the roofing slopes of a multi-gable roof is characterized by increased vulnerability to the penetration of melt or rain moisture, since it is quite difficult to connect the waterproofing material without a gap. In addition, the groove is subjected to increased loads arising from the accumulation of snow mass in winter. Therefore, the valley roof must be designed in accordance with the following requirements:

  1. At the point of conjugation of the individual parts of the multi-gable design, the crate is necessarily reinforced. Solid flooring from edged boards helps to more evenly distribute the weight of the roofing material and the load that falls on the roof when snow falls.
  2. The gutter of a multi-gable roof needs reinforced waterproofing. To protect the valley from water seepage during heavy rains or melting snow caps, it is necessary to provide it with additional waterproofing; for this, a special moisture-resistant lining carpet is equipped.

Before you make a valley on the roof, you need to carefully consider its design so that during operation it does not cause leaks. When creating a project, it is important to correctly calculate the load to which it will be subjected. For example, ceramic tiles have a much greater weight than corrugated board, so it requires additional reinforcement of the crate.

Requirements for materials and components

A valley is also called a special bar for equipping internal corners between roof slopes. For each roofing material, special components are manufactured to protect the gutter from moisture penetration. Valleys for corrugated board, roofing steel and metal tiles are corners, and additional elements for tiles resemble semicircular gutters. The main thing is that the material from which they are made meets the following requirements:

  • Additional elements should be selected in accordance with the roofing material with which the roof is covered.
  • The material from which the additional elements are made must be highly resistant to moisture in order to protect the gap between the roofing material from moisture penetration.
  • Additional elements used for the equipment of the groove must have high mechanical strength and long service life.

It is interesting that earlier manufacturers did not produce special additional elements for the equipment of the gutter, so the developers used various improvised means and remnants of roofing material for these purposes. Reliable and aesthetic valleys are now being produced, suitable for any color and type of coating.

Installation technology

Many inexperienced roofers do not know how to make a valley in order to avoid leaks during the operation of the roof. In fact, this is a fairly simple technological process that is performed during the roofing process. The installation of the valley is carried out using a screwdriver, self-tapping screws, metal scissors, waterproofing film, sealant and a special strip. Installation is carried out as follows:

  1. First, in the place where the roof valley is attached, there the batten attachment scheme is reinforced with additional elements. It will be optimal to mount a continuous crate of edged boards 40x150 mm in size in this area.
  2. Waterproofing is laid on top of the continuous crate. In order for the lining carpet to be reliably protected from leaks, the material is laid in several layers.
  3. Then, on top of the waterproofing, using a screwdriver and galvanized self-tapping screws, the inner plank of the groove is attached to the crate.
  4. After laying the roofing material, the gap where the slopes are joined is abundantly coated with sealant, and then closed with a decorative corner, fixed using roofing screws with special press washers.

Please note that only the valley roof, mounted according to the technology, reliably protects against atmospheric precipitation, and also does not lend itself to deformation when the load increases.

Video instruction

The valley on a metal tile, as practice shows, is one of the "weakest" and most dangerous places for a leak. You can't save on valleys. Roofs with leaking valleys can be found quite often - alas, this is not uncommon.

Installation of the valley is carried out according to the following rules.

The device of the valley, starting under the line of the eaves and ending at the line of the ridge

The valley must be mounted according to the following rules:

1. First:

  • Make sure that the waterproofing along the valley is installed correctly, there are gaps for water and small debris along the valley counter-batten, there are no tears or mechanical damage to the waterproofing.

2. Secondly:

  • Be sure to reinforce the valley with an additional crate by adding an additional board between the boards of the step crate (as in the top picture).

3. Planks of valleys are mounted on already installed droppers (when the valley starts on the ledge).

4. Prepare the required number of valley planks and mount them from bottom to top with an overlap of 25 - 30 cm.

5. Mount the universal seal along the flanges of the valley strips and under the ridge.

Cut the sheets of metal tiles bordering the valley according to the markup. Sheets should not reach the center line of the valley 6 - 10 cm on each side.

6. For fastening, use the same self-tapping screws as for fastening metal tiles. When fastening the cut sheets, it is allowed to screw the self-tapping screws into regular places located 10 - 15 mm below the stamping line in the lower part of the wave through the metal-tile sheet and through the valley plank no closer than 25 cm from the valley axis.

In these places, the sheets of metal tiles touch the plane on which the valley planks lie. At the same time, the self-tapping screws that have passed through the metal tile sheet and through the valley plank will firmly press the tile sheet to the valley plank at the points of attachment with self-tapping screws. When stepping away from regular places at the attachment points, a gap will remain between the metal tile sheet and the valley plank, which can lead to leaks through the valley plank at the points where self-tapping screws pass through it.

7. It is not allowed to tighten the screws at a distance of less than 25 cm from the axis of the valley.

8. During installation, all cuts are carefully aligned to the base with a rubber mallet.

9. Installation of the cashier (decorative lining) of the valley:

Mount the overlay, moving from the bottom up with an overlap (overlapping) on ​​each other by at least 10 cm. Fasten the decorative overlays of the valley to the upper points of the sheets of metal tiles adjacent to it.

It is forbidden to mount a sealant between the sheets of metal tiles and the cash lining of the valley.

* The overlay of the valley hides the oblique cuts of the metal tile and reduces the likelihood of snow blowing between the sheets of the metal tile and the valley plank. The water collected from the slopes falls under the valley lining and flows along the center line of the valley fold.

Device of a valley starting on a slope and ending on a slope

1. Make sure that the waterproofing along the valley is installed correctly, leaving gaps for water and small debris along the valley counterbeam, there are no tears and mechanical damage to the waterproofing.

2. Be sure to mount an additional board in the valley between the boards of the step battens. Fit the tile sheet to the side wall of the dormer window as follows:

  • cut the metal tile sheet adjacent to the side wall of the dormer window along the length so that the line of your cut is at least 20 cm higher than the exit of the valley to the slope (the remaining part of the metal tile sheet can be used to continue installation with the addition of a single-module sheet with the purpose of reaching a common line for joining sheets in rows);
  • to bring the sheet to the side and front walls of the dormer window, make cutouts according to the dimensions of the dormer window and mount the metal tile sheet.

On the tile sheet along the walls of the dormer window, mount the universal sealant.

Install the cornice strip on the eaves of the dormer window.

Mount the pre-prepared valley strips in the valley. Cut the bottom of the valley plank along the eaves and along the exit line to the slope. If necessary, mold the edge of the valley, which faces the slope, in order to ensure that the valley plank is tightly applied to the sheet of metal tiles - with a rubber mallet. It is allowed to slightly trim the bottom sheet of the metal tile.

When extending the valley, provide an overlap of 20-30 cm, depending on the angle of inclination of the slopes.

In the upper part, join the sheets of the left and right valley using tinplate techniques or on self-tapping screws using sealant. From the correctness of the preparatory work in this place depends on the protection of the line of the ridge of the dormer window from the ingress of water into it from the upper slope.

Mount the universal seal along the flanges of the valley.

Get ready for the installation of sheets of metal with oblique cuts on a large slope.

If you use the part remaining from the side sheet of the tile, bring the lower cut on it to the form of a regular one and add a single-module sheet to it in order to bring the level of the top of the sheet to the common line of joining along the rows on the slope.

Prepare for installation the first sheet of the main slope above the valley. Its lower part must necessarily be below the exit line of the valley to the slope. Place the prepared sheet on the metal tile sheet previously mounted below the valley, with the sheets overlapping by at least 20 cm, and the valley sheet itself will be sandwiched between the mounted and previously mounted sheets. Mount all sheets bordering the valley.

Make sure that the gaps between the cut sheets and the center line of the valley are 6-10 cm.

When fastening the cut sheets, it is allowed to screw the self-tapping screws into regular places located 10-15 mm below the stamping line in the lower part of the wave through the tile sheet and through the valley plank no closer than 25 cm from the valley axis.

In these places, sheets of metal tiles touch the plane on which the valley planks lie. At the same time, the self-tapping screws that have passed through the metal tile sheet and through the valley plank will firmly press the tile sheet to the valley plank at the points of attachment with self-tapping screws.

When indenting from regular places at the attachment points, a gap will remain between the metal tile sheet and the valley plank, which can lead to leaks through the valley plank at the points where self-tapping screws pass through it. It is not allowed to tighten the screws at a distance of less than 25 cm from the axis of the valley.

Mount the cashing pad, moving from the bottom up with an overlap of at least 10 cm.

It is forbidden to mount a sealant between the sheets of metal tiles and the cash lining of the valley.

Fasten the cash linings of the valley to the upper points of the sheets of metal tiles adjacent to it.

Make sure that the screws securing the valley lining have not damaged the previously installed valley strips.

The overlay of the valley decorates oblique cuts on the metal tile and reduces the likelihood of snow blowing between the sheets of the metal tile and the valley. The water collected from the slopes falls under the valley lining and flows along the valley fold line.

*** Operation and maintenance of metal tile valleys.

The valleys on the metal tile need care. Last year's leaves that have fallen on the roof also fall under the valley lining and, with a sufficient gap between the cut edges of the metal tile, will be washed away with water along the valley planks.

If there are trees near the house, remove the lining from the valleys from time to time and clean the water channel. Leaves, needles and other debris "lay down" in the valleys, clogging the water flow and provoking rotting of the metal.

At first glance, the installation of a roof valley seems to be a rather complicated and problematic process. Therefore, many consumers prefer to pay builders than to do this business on their own. In the article, we will further describe in more detail what a valley is, and also provide detailed instructions for its construction.

Purpose of the groove

On the roofs of complex configurations, which include several slopes at once, internal joints inevitably turn out. In such places, snowfall, rainwater, and all kinds of garbage most often accumulate. In addition, they are quite difficult to maintain.

A valley, or groove, is an element that is laid along the inner corner of the roof under the slopes. It is designed to protect the structure from water leakage under the roofing and provides free evacuation of precipitation from the roof surface.

The number of ends will depend on such factors:

  1. The roof configuration is cruciform, in the shape of the letter T or G.
  2. The presence of additional elements, in particular, dormers and dormer windows.

The structure of the internal valley

As a rule, a corrugated valley device involves the presence of two planks that are bent at an angle that coincides with the angle formed by the adjacent slopes. In this case, the lower element serves as a drain, and the upper one is rather decorative.

In some cases, the upper piece of the valley is not installed. It depends on the type of roofing, as well as the features of the roof. Be that as it may, the competent execution of the valley connection ensures the reliability and waterproofing of the roof structure.

There are some rules for arranging a groove:

  1. The lower element of the valley is laid before fixing the roofing material, and the upper element after its completion.
  2. Nails are not used for mounting the groove.
  3. The gutter is assembled from the bottom up, sealing the seams with Tegola bitumen-polymer mastic, bitumen-based sealants (Xtra Seal) or rubber (Tytan), or Icopal glue.
  4. The inner valley for corrugated board is made of galvanized steel or copper, and the outer one is made of roofing material. It is preferable to use a galvanized sheet with a polymer coating, such a valley bar is able to withstand temperature changes from -60 ℃ to 120 ℃.
  5. To provide additional insulation of the roof and prevent water from flowing under the roofing material, a foam sealing gasket is glued along the ribs of the valley.
  6. You can fix the groove either with the help of clamps on the sides, or by means of self-tapping screws along the edges.
  7. The sides are made at least 2 cm in height so that water does not overflow through them during heavy rain.
  8. The flanging of the valley is in contact with the end parts of the laths of the crate.
  9. In cases where the valley for corrugated board is assembled from several segments, they are laid with an overlap of 10 cm or more.
  10. On roofs with flat slopes, reinforced waterproofing is required.

Varieties of grooves and their connections

There are several types of corrugated roof valleys based on the configuration of the joints between the slopes:

  • Open groove - found on low-slope roofs. In this case, additional waterproofing is required.
  • Closed type of valley - inherent in roofs in which steep slopes practically touch, layering on the gutter.
  • Intertwined valley - in shape it resembles a closed one, however, at the joints, fragments of the roofing intersect, forming a single surface.

Consider the features of each type of valley.

An open groove has the following advantages:

  • It does not accumulate debris.
  • Precipitation is quickly evacuated from the surface.
  • Installation work is quick and easy.

If we talk about the shortcomings, then such a valley does not look too beautiful.

Among the advantages of grooves of a closed or interlaced type are:

  1. Aesthetics.
  2. High quality waterproofing.

But the disadvantages of such a design are much more:

  1. A twisted valley is quite difficult to lay.
  2. The process takes much longer.
  3. Such a roof needs regular cleaning of debris.
  4. During thaws, ice plugs may appear between the slats of the groove.

Schemes and types of lathing on the truss system

Depending on the intended roofing material and the scheme of the truss system, the installation of the valley will be performed in different ways. In this case, we mean the type of crate. Recommendations in this regard are usually indicated by manufacturers in the instructions for roofing.

The crate for laying the groove can be of the following types:

  1. A continuous crate is performed for the subsequent laying of soft roofing. In this case, the valley roofing carpet is made of a waterproofing material. This installation method is the simplest.
  2. A gable roof with a valley, in which slate, corrugated board or tiles are used as a roofing, the crate for the gutter is made from 2-3 boards 10 cm wide, laying them along the joints. The wider the valley is supposed to be, the larger the step of the crate will be.
  3. For laying metal tiles, auxiliary battens are mounted between the main battens. The rest will not cause difficulties.
  4. Ondulin is laid on two boards 10 cm wide in increments of 15 cm, so the groove will not sag.

Installation features for corrugated board and other roofing materials

As already mentioned, a house with a valley roof is subjected to loads from rain and snow, which must be removed from its surface in time. In this regard, the arrangement of high-quality waterproofing is a paramount task. Therefore, when installing the groove, attention should be paid to such subtleties as: correct trimming of the roofing material, observing the step between the supporting elements and fasteners, tightness of the seams, overlap sizes. Only the installation technology of the soft roofing valley, which is placed on a solid base, will be somewhat different.

Installation under a soft roof is performed as follows:

  1. A lining carpet is placed on a continuous crate over the entire surface of the roof slopes. At the joints of individual sheets, it is laid with an overlap.
  2. A valley carpet is covered along the inner corner of the roof. Its edges are fixed with bituminous mastic, and then nailed every 10-20 cm. About 20 cm of the carpet should peek out from under the roofing material.
  3. If the length of the groove exceeds 10 m, it is made of several parts fixed in an overlap of 15 cm. The edges of the planks are fixed with mastic.

The technology for mounting the valley under corrugated board, ceramic or metal tiles is as follows:

  1. A layer of waterproofing is laid on top of the base, which is nailed every 20 cm.
  2. Next, the bottom element of the valley is laid with a slight overlap of the cornice board, fixing it with self-tapping screws every 30 cm.
  3. Along the edges, the bottom strips of the gutter are laid with sealing tapes.
  4. The roofing material is cut along the groove and fixed in such a way that it does not reach the bend by 10 cm.
  5. The upper element of the valley is mounted with an overlap of 10-12 cm.

To mark the cut line, you can use the paint cord brands KARPO, Irwin, INTERPOOL MT-2507 or STAYER.

Installing a groove for ondulin:

  1. Individual pieces of material for the valley are fastened with an overlap of 15 cm using self-tapping screws in the upper corners of each piece.
  2. The edges of the groove are glued with sealing tape.
  3. The roofing along the corner element is cut, and then nailed into each wave as far as possible from the middle of the gutter.

Features of the device of the valley near the roof windows

Roof structures such as attic doors or skylights also need to be waterproofed. The arrangement of the valley in such places involves bringing its lower element to the correct coverage.

The scheme of work looks like this:

  1. Near the dormer window stuffed crate.
  2. The length of the groove is calculated, taking into account possible overlaps if it consists of several fragments.
  3. Mark the place of the bend at the bottom of the gutter.
  4. The incised sections are bent in the direction opposite to the sides.
  5. The valley is slightly raised above the level of the roof, bringing bars under it.
  6. The edges are sealed with tape.
  7. The lower section of the roofing is cut and slipped under the valley planks.

Thus, the valley is an extremely important and necessary element of the roof, which you can equip with your own hands. It is only important to arm yourself with some knowledge and tools.

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