Field and geranium blood red. Planting and caring for perennial blood red geraniums

Landscaping and planning 30.06.2020
Landscaping and planning

This is a perennial plant with carved leaves and delicate flowers covering a beautiful spherical bush. Flowers of various colors can be double and simple, but they are always very beautiful. Openwork bushes with leaves on long petioles are very decorative and before flowering, they are well combined with other perennial flowers, and in autumn the geranium foliage turns fiery red, which is an additional

blood red geranium

Don't underestimate the crail

The basis of the geranium bush is a knotty fleshy root and branched stems that densely cover the long petioles of the leaves. Each geranium leaf is divided into 5-7 lobes and at the time of active growth has a rich green color on the outside. The reverse side of the leaves is light green. There are long hairs on the stems, petioles and the back of the leaves, which give the geranium a special appearance. During one season, only leaves of one generation grow in geraniums, with which it remains by winter.

Geranium is a very adaptable plant. It can grow, but in this case no flowers will appear on it and it will be possible to propagate it only by dividing the bush. The dimensions of this plant in the shade may exceed the dimensions described in the characteristics of the variety.

The best place for growing geraniums is a well-lit and wind-sheltered area. Geranium blooms from the third decade of June to early August. Each flower can stay on the plant for up to two weeks, after which, instead of flowers, pods similar to a crane's beak will appear, because of which geranium got its second name - crane.

The decorativeness of geranium bushes is more, probably, not in flowering, but in their peculiar form and extraordinary lightness and tenderness. Although by now many varieties have been bred with flowers of various shapes, colors and sizes, plants continue to be divided according to the height of the bush, which is a more significant feature than its flowering. Varieties with the following sizes have been bred:

  • height 10-15 cm, diameter - 30 cm;
  • height 20 cm, diameter - 30 cm;
  • height 25-35 cm; diameter - 35 cm.

The smallest varieties will get along well on the ground. Moreover, geraniums do not tolerate stagnant water, they are more drought-resistant plants and will feel great on a hill under the protection of stone ledges. For the same reason, you should not plant geraniums.

Large varieties in their forms will be accompanied by hosts, geyhers and daylilies, chamomiles, rudbeckias and echinaceas.

Reproduction and care of geraniums

If the first copy of this plant on your site turned out to be a two-year-old bush, then for the purpose of mass reproduction of geraniums, you should take care of collecting seeds. After a slight browning of the pod with seeds, it is better to cut it off. So the appearance of the geranium will be attractive and the crumbled seeds will not germinate around the mother bush.

Seeds ripened in pods can be stored until spring and sown in a box with nutrient soil for germination in April. Seeding depth is up to 1 cm. Seedlings are as unpretentious as adult plants. It should be understood that flowering in young specimens occurs only in the second year. When growing geraniums from seeds, you can get specimens with characteristics that differ from those of the original plant in size, flower shape and color, so you can safely expect surprises.

You can propagate a geranium bush vegetatively - by separating a part of the rhizome with a bud from the mother plant. This operation is best done in the spring, and after it, the separated and mother plant must be provided with good watering and loosening of the soil until it is fully restored. In the case of such reproduction, the separated plant will completely repeat the characteristics of the original specimen.

The soil for planting geraniums is suitable sandy and sandy with a minimum organic content. The main care for geraniums will be watering and initial weeding. Subsequently, with the growth of geraniums, she herself will force out uninvited neighbors. Top dressing with complex fertilizer at the beginning of flowering will provide decorative effect and long flowering.

To obtain a continuous row of geraniums, it is planted at a distance of 40 cm from each other. But group and single plantings look especially impressive in combination with other perennials and flowering garden plants. In this case, it is necessary to maintain a distance of at least 50 cm from neighbors, taking into account the growth of an adult plant.

In autumn, with the onset of frost, geranium leaves are pruned. It is possible to lay spruce branches around the rhizome, but in areas with a temperate climate, geranium is well preserved even without additional shelter. With the new season will please the best forms and a large number of colors.

It is considered one of the most colorful and beautiful ornamental plants, which is revered and loved by many. This flower comes from England. Geranium has a unique delicate aroma, decorative and healing properties. Thanks to the work of Dutch and English breeders, many new varieties of this plant have appeared, which are striking in their diversity and are often used in landscape design.

Description of geranium

Garden geranium is a perennial ornamental leafy plant with very delicate and beautiful flowers. Today there are about 300 species of this flower.

This extraordinary plant is valued not only for its amazing flowering, but also for its ability to form a lush, compact spherical shrub with bright green openwork foliage.

Garden geranium flowers can have a wide variety of colors, except for orange and yellow. Their size, depending on the variety, is 3-6 cm in diameter. This plant retains its decorative effect until frost.

blood red geranium

In nature, this plant can be found on the mountain slopes of Europe and the Caucasus. This is a perennial shrub with a compact lush spherical crown, reaching a height of about 50-60 cm and a width of 0.5 m. The leaves are dark green. Stems, undersides of leaves, petioles and flower stalks of blood red geraniums are covered with hairs. Closer to autumn, the leaves and stems of the plant turn bright red, justifying their name.

This species blooms in early summer and blooms with simple or semi-double flowers of light pink, purple or red. However, the blood red geranium is decorative not only during the flowering period, but throughout the growing season, which makes this plant popular in garden design.

Low-growing varieties are used in flowerpots, rock gardens, and in roof gardening. The plant is planted alone (in rockeries, mixborders, borders) and in groups. In rock gardens and flower beds, the shrub goes well with garden chamomile, cuff, bluebells, hosta, geyhera, daylily.

Features of growing in the garden

Blood red geranium prefers full sun, but can also grow in partial shade. The main thing is that there is no stagnant water in the soil, since this is a drought-resistant plant. If the landing site is lowland, a retaining wall can be made for the pet, so the water will not stagnate.

Garden blood-red geranium is very unpretentious in care. Prefers loose, loamy and sandy calcareous soils, but can grow in any garden soil.

Geranium in one place can grow up to 10-15 years, without the need for division and transplantation. Some time after planting, it is necessary to carefully weed out all the weeds that inhibit the growth of the plant. In the future, when the bush grows, there will be no special need for this, it will itself oppress the weed grass.

Geranium blood red: planting and care

If you plan to grow a plant through a rhizome, then it is advisable to purchase planting material as early as February. The underground part of the seedling should be dense enough, have a solid growth point and adventitious roots. Store planting material in the refrigerator at 1-2 degrees Celsius. So that the plant does not dry out, it is moistened every two weeks. Landing on the site is carried out only after the soil warms up well. When planting, you need to make sure that the roots do not bend.

Some growers prefer to buy plants grown in pots. They are planted in a permanent habitat when the weather is completely stabilized. True, the assortment of such potted plants is not too diverse. Yes, and they cost a lot.

Proper planting of geraniums is the key to its good growth and abundant flowering. Since this plant has a long root system, a deep, but not too wide planting hole is needed to plant it. The distance between the bushes is about 30 cm.

First, a nutrient mixture is placed in the planting pit, the roots of the flower are laid out on top of it, then they are covered with soil and watered.

Transplant garden geraniums in autumn or early spring. During this period, its reproduction is carried out by dividing the bush into parts.

Blood red geraniums grow very fast. Therefore, it is important to monitor this process and prevent the formation of excessive growth.

It is worth remembering that this plant does not tolerate transplantation very well, so it is advisable to plant it in a flower garden for a permanent habitat.

Growing geraniums in flowerpots

Planting blood-red geraniums is carried out in a pot with drainage holes. The planted flower is well compacted and watered. During this period, the plant needs special care - coolness and good lighting. Therefore, it is taken out to a glazed balcony or loggia. The soil should always be slightly moist, but not flooded, since an excess of moisture can cause the plant to rot the root system.

Geranium Care

The basic care for this plant is as follows:

  • Watering. After planting, the plant must be watered frequently and abundantly. In the future, the number of irrigations is reduced. Only on hot summer days and during the dry season, the bush is watered often and regularly. The drooping leaves of the plant are a signal of a lack of moisture.
  • Garden geranium is blood-red, the care of which is not difficult at all, does not need fertilizer. But mineral fertilizers can be used as top dressing.
  • In geraniums, it is necessary to remove faded buds in a timely manner so that new ones bloom.
  • The main care for this plant includes the reproduction procedure. This is done in two ways - by dividing the rhizome and seeds.

Reproduction of geranium seeds

Growing this ornamental shrub with the help of seeds is a very laborious process and at the same time not always effective enough. When using the seed propagation method, the probability of obtaining a new plant with all the characteristics and qualities of the main variety is not very high. Yes, and collecting fresh seeds for planting is quite problematic. The seed pods crack when ripe, and the seeds are dispersed throughout the area.

Seeds are sown in April or before winter. The appearance of the first shoots should be expected in May. Young seedlings of the plant develop quite quickly, they are unpretentious in care, like adult bushes. With seed propagation, young plants bloom the next year.

Other types of care work and disease prevention

Blood-red garden geranium (photo attached to the article) does not require shelter, since it is a winter-hardy plant that can easily tolerate low temperatures.

The flower has a high resistance to diseases and invasions of harmful insects. Geranium rarely gets sick. A protective barrier for it is created by released phytoncides and essential oils.

In low light and high humidity, the bush can be affected by powdery mildew. Treatment of an infected plant is carried out with Bordeaux liquid. Frequent waterlogging of the soil can provoke the appearance of gray rot. It is almost impossible to save a damaged shrub, so it is immediately removed from the site. In the event of brown spotting, the geranium is treated with a fungicidal solution.

Here, in principle, is all the care that needs to be provided in the garden plot for a flower.

The garden blood red geranium is an amazingly colorful plant that can find a place in any garden. Proper planting, competent care and optimal conditions of detention - and this perennial will delight owners with full growth and lush flowering for a long time.

Blood red geranium grows in the wild throughout Europe, in the European regions of Russia and the Caucasus. In the 16th century, it was cultivated by English gardeners, but only in the middle of the 20th century, with the advent of fashion for gardens in a natural style, the plant firmly established itself in household plots and summer cottages.

Important! According to the teachings of Feng Shui, a flower harmonizes the space around it, neutralizes unfavorable energy. Attracts love, relieves bouts of anger.

Botanical description

Blood red geranium belongs to the Geranium genus of the Geranium family (Geraniaceae). This is a herbaceous perennial plant, its average life expectancy is 12-15 years.

A spherical bush 50-80 cm high. The root system is powerful, of the rod type. The main root is well expressed, knotty, thick.

From the root ascending or recumbent, hard, bright green, strongly branched, forked, pubescent stems with numerous leaves.

Wintering leaves of a serrated form are divided into 5-7 narrow lobes., which, in turn, are divided into several linear or linear-lanceolate lobes. From below, a bright green leaf blade is covered with whitish villi.

In autumn, the lower leaves, the petioles of the stems at the base, acquire a bright carmine-red color, giving the curtains a special appeal. In regions with a warm climate, some of the foliage remains green all winter, retaining its decorative effect all year round.

Peduncles are straight, slightly rising above the leaves, from which the bush seems to be strewn with flowers. Numerous flowers are large, solitary (rarely paired), 3-4 cm in diameter with 5 petals. The obovate petals are painted in various shades of red..

The flowering period is long - from June to August. After flowering, fractional fruits are formed, which, when ripe, break up into 5 lobes-seeds.

Medicinal properties and contraindications

Fresh and dried roots, green part and flowers of the plant contain a large number of active ingredients (organic acids, tannins, resins, flavonoids and alkaloids, essential oils, carotene, carbohydrates). In medicine, their healing properties are widely used.:

There were no obvious contraindications. but preparations containing geranium are not recommended for use in:

  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • duodenal ulcer and stomach, gastritis in the acute phase;
  • chronic constipation, intestinal atony;
  • thrombophlebitis, thrombosis;
  • increased blood clotting.

Popular varieties and photos

About two dozen varieties of red geranium are known, of which the most in demand are:

  • album;
  • Alan Bloom;
  • compactum;
  • prostratum;
  • Nana;
  • Elke;
  • Genluce;
  • Max Free;
  • Prostratum.

One of the most popular varieties is Striatum (Striatum), which is sometimes sold under the name Lancastrense. This is a small plant 10-15 cm high, with small light pink, decorated with a central eye and dark veins, numerous flowers.

In autumn, openwork bright crimson leaves give a special decorative effect to the variety. It looks especially good in borders, rock gardens, mixborders, rockeries.

Further on the photo you can see some varieties of blood-red geraniums.

Where and how to plant?

The plant is unpretentious, but it also has its own preferences.

Lighting and location

Geranium grows well in sunny or lightly shaded areas.. The best place is lit for half a day. The plant will also develop in the shade, but then the flowers will be smaller, and the color will not be as saturated.

The soil

Red geranium belongs to mesotrophs - plants that live on soils with a moderate content of minerals.

Loamy, fertile soil with good aerobic qualities and drainage is most suitable for her. It is desirable that the soil be well limed and have a slightly alkaline or alkaline pH value of 7.5-8.5.


Geranium feels great in one place without transplanting and dividing for 10-15 years. If you need to plant new varieties or create a new decorative element in the garden, follow simple rules:


Flower care is not burdensome and does not require special costs:

  1. Regular watering is needed only in dry weather. The plant is drought-resistant and does not like excess moisture.
  2. Weeding is required only in early spring. When the foliage grows and forms a dense carpet, the weeds will die on their own.
  3. The free space between curtains is mulched. When the roots are exposed, pour the soil.
  4. Fertilizer is applied three times. Organics are applied before planting, nitrogen fertilizers in May with the beginning of the growing season, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers during the flowering period.
  5. Autumn pruning of dry shoots, peduncles and leaves is carried out for better wintering and renewal of the bush in spring. When pruning, leave stumps at least 5 cm long.

Important! Most varieties of red geranium do not require shelter for the winter. In very severe or snowless winters, the bushes are protected by any covering material.

Common diseases and pests

All representatives of the genus Geranium emit a specific odor containing phytoncides. It repels pests and prevents the spread of fungal and viral diseases. Geranium planted in a flower garden protects neighboring plants from diseases and pests.

But anything can happen:

Reproduction features

Red geraniums are easy to propagate by seeds, cuttings or dividing the bush.


Propagation by seeds is the most time-consuming and unreliable method.- varietal characteristics are often not preserved, and in hybrid plants, seeds practically do not ripen. To collect seeds, wilting flowers are wrapped in cloth or paper. Sowing is carried out in autumn or early spring for seedlings. The plant reproduces by self-sowing, but flowering occurs only in the second year.


Top cuts with 3-4 buds are placed in water at room temperature. After 2-3 weeks, the cuttings, with a formed root system, are planted, watered and covered with a film.

Cuttings can be stored for quite a long time. To do this, they are covered with slightly moistened peat and placed in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. 2-3 times a month, the soil is moistened with a spray bottle.

By dividing the bush

The easiest way to propagate garden geraniums is by dividing the bush in early spring. or after flowering has ended (read more about the care and reproduction of garden geraniums, and from you will learn about existing perennial flower varieties). Young roots are separated from the dug out rhizome of the mother bush with a sharp disinfected knife and planted in the soil prepared in advance.

Blood red geranium is a grower's dream. A flower that requires minimal care not only decorates the garden, but also repels pests from neighboring plants, helps the owner to heal many diseases and even saves from evil spells.

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Recently, for the design of window sills, flower beds, the geranium plant, which is unpretentious in care, has been more often used, a photo of which is shown later in the article. Growing this plant is a pleasure.

plant description

Geranium is the most famous indoor flower. It is easy to care for, and breeding it is not difficult. There are a large number of species in the world. It can be either an annual or a perennial plant. The stems reach a height of up to 0.5 m. The leaves are dark green in color, decorated with a pattern or a border. The leaves are characterized by a mint or lemon aroma. The flowers are large and very pretty. This is not only a home flower, it also grows in the wild. It is found in Europe, in the Caucasus.

Almost every variety needs moisture. For a flower to grow well, it needs care. The shrub is resistant to winter frosts and prefers neutral, slightly acidic, as well as acidic soils.

Important! The main condition for growing any variety of geranium is the absence of stagnant water.

The plant loves illuminated areas, if it lacks light, flowering decreases, and the leaves and flowers fade.


This flower has many beneficial properties for the human body. For example, special substances are released into the air that adversely affect various microbes.

Leaves, stems, flowers and even roots have healing properties. Geranium-based products are characterized by a positive effect on the body due to the healing composition. This includes starch, gallic acid, gum, pectin, and tannins.

This plant prevents the release of fluid. It is actively used for bleeding, pharyngitis, insomnia, intestinal disorders and dysentery. In addition, it helps to relieve fatigue, contributes to the normalization of the nervous system.

Important! The flower in any form is contraindicated in pregnant women, people with chronic diseases and in old age.

Common diseases

Growing bushes is not difficult. The plant rarely gets sick. The most common geranium diseases are brown spot and powdery mildew. So that the geranium does not hurt, it must be cut after flowering. If the plant is still sick, then the diseased leaves must be cut and burned.

Varieties with names and photos

There are many types of geraniums, both garden and indoor. They differ in terms of flowering, growing conditions, height.

Types of geraniums by height:

  1. Undersized. Plant height below 0.5 m. These include ash, Dalmatian, large-rhizome, Himalayan geranium.
  2. Tall. Plants in height from 0.5 m. These species include: magnificent, flat-petal, forest, red-brown, meadow, Georgian.

Geranium is divided into the following groups:

  1. Royal.
  2. Variegated.
  3. Succulent.
  4. Fragrant.
  5. Ampelous geranium.
  6. Zonal.

Let's get acquainted with some types of plants in more detail.

The royal variety is distinguished by its size and brightness of colors. In addition, this plant is very picky in the care, which confirms its name. The flowers come in different shades, from white to purple. The flower feels comfortable in a room with high humidity, but does not tolerate direct sunlight.

The average height of the bush is 60-80 cm. It blooms quite beautifully, but not for long.

This variety got its name because of the similarity of its flowers to small tulips, and this is its main difference from other varieties of geraniums. The flower of this species does not exceed 1 cm in length. On 1 stem there is 1 inflorescence of approximately 50 flowers. The color of flowers is different: from light pink to burgundy. Usually the inside of the petals is darker than the outside. The leaves are shiny and hard to the touch. The height of the plant is different, 30-70 cm.

Indoor geranium is divided into types:

  • ampelous (curly);
  • bushy (low).

The flower has a powerful stem about 60 cm high, dissected leaves. The inflorescences are located on the tops of the shoots and are characterized by umbrella.

This variety is characterized by abundant flowering from early spring to mid-winter. The flowers of the plant come in different colors: red, yellow, white, etc.

This variety is very unpretentious in care and, as a result, is popular. This garden species has a well-developed rhizome. The leaves of the plant are covered with villi, have an aroma, thanks to which the plant got its name. The flowers are small, collected in white-pink umbrellas.

This perennial plant grows in countries with a temperate climate in deciduous, coniferous forests, meadows, mountain river valleys. This species has a short root, a hard strong stem, five-parted thick leaves and umbrella-shaped flowers. The species is known for its medicinal properties.

Geranium blood red

Red geranium has a fleshy and rather long root. The bush reaches a height of 10-50 cm, acquires an attractive lush shape up to 0.5 m wide. The stem is hard, densely leafy. With the advent of autumn, the stems of the flower, as well as the leaves, turn bright red, thereby justifying the name. The flowers consist of 5 petals, simple or semi-double. Flowers vary from light pink to red.

This ornamental plant is characterized by delicate and very beautiful flowers. There are both annual and perennial varieties. Garden flowers are popular in different countries. The flowers come in a variety of colors other than orange and yellow.

This plant has a hanging form. The plant got its name due to the shape of the leaves, resembling ivy leaves. They are firm to the touch. The variety is characterized by long branches hanging down. The bush can be up to 1 m long.

Geranium is magnificent

This variety is a hybrid garden bush, reaching a height of up to 50 cm. This plant begins to bloom from the beginning of summer. Lilac flowers. In autumn, the flowers turn wine red, orange and yellow. This species does not produce seeds and propagates strictly vegetatively.

This species is distinguished by bright decorative leaves and flowers. A border runs along the edge of the leaves. This semi-shrub reaches a height of 0.8 m. Rosebud geraniums are grown both at home and in gardens. The plant blooms throughout the summer. In autumn, the plant is dug up, cut and left in a cool place.

Pelargonium and geranium difference

Due to different genetic characteristics, these plants cannot be crossed with each other. Pelargonium comes from the southern countries, and geranium is a native of the north. For this reason, geraniums can bloom at a temperature of +12 degrees, and pelargonium blooms only in greenhouse or apartment conditions. Pelargonium is usually grown in apartments, and geraniums do well even in gardens.

Proper Care

In order for the plant to grow well, it is necessary to properly make a flower garden, and weeds will not sprout near the bushes. In late spring, it is recommended to weed the plant. In addition, in May it is necessary to loosen and fertilize the soil. Subsequent care consists in watering the bush.

Important! When the shoots begin to fade, they must be cut. Some types need to be tied up.

These flowers reproduce in the following ways:

  • seeds;
  • vegetatively.

The bush bears fruit well. Seeds from ripe fruits are spread throughout the territory, so their collection is difficult. Seeds collected in August can be sown immediately and form seedlings before the onset of winter.

Important! Winter is considered the best time for landing.

Seedlings must first be planted in a special nursery. Formed bushes are planted in the flower garden. The simplest, easiest and most successful way of growing is reproduction by dividing the bush. It is recommended to do this with the onset of spring or at the end of summer.

Essential oil

From the leaves of perennial varieties, distilled with water vapor, a colorless essential oil is made, the aroma of which resembles that of a rose. This flower is able to cure depression, inflammation of the throat, nose and ears.
Essential oil is an excellent antidepressant and pain reliever.

  1. It increases mental as well as physical activity.
  2. The oil is able to restore the skin after frostbite and burns.
  3. The oil is characterized by the ability to normalize blood pressure and blood circulation.
  4. It is used to treat neuritis and neuralgia.
  5. Geranium oil normalizes the hormonal background of the female body.

Important! Essential oil should not be taken for more than 2 weeks. You can not take the drug on an empty stomach.

This useful and beautiful plant can often be found on windowsills, balconies, gardens.

Blood-red geranium is known not only for its beautiful appearance, but also for its medicinal properties. If you decide to decorate your house or plot by planting this plant, you must definitely study its features of planting, care and reproduction.

Botanical description of the plant

Blood-red geranium belongs to the Geranium family. This is a perennial plant, characterized by redness of the stem and leaves in winter, which is why this geranium is called blood red. Flowering occurs in summer, with single flowers of a pink-raspberry hue blooming, which stay on the stem from 7 to 12 days.

Did you know? The first mention of blood-red geranium dates back to the 17th century.

Common varieties

From this type of geranium, many varieties have been bred, differing from each other in flower color and size.

Did you know? The official name of the flower is Geranium sanguineum, the second Russian name for geranium.- pelargonium, andamong the people, the plant also has the name "crane" for the shape of the fruit.

Below is a list of the most common ones:

  1. Striatum, another name is Lancastriense. It has a small height compared to other varieties, as it grows up to 10 cm. The flowers are pink in color, the petals are light at the edges, dark in the center.

  2. The bush grows up to 15 cm. The flowers have a pink color of a dark shade.

  3. The height of the plant, according to various sources, can be from 10 to 20 cm. The petals of the flowers have a light pink color and veins of a darker shade.

  4. Alan Bloom. This variety grows up to 15 cm in height, the flowers are pink in color.

  5. The height of the bush is on average 15 cm. Literally, the name is translated from German as “apple blossom” - the variety received this name because of light pink flowers with dark veins that resemble apple blossom.

  6. Nana. The plant grows up to 15 cm. The geranium flowers of this variety have a bright shade of pink.

  7. The height of this variety is on average 15 cm. The petals are pink, closer to lilac. The flowers have dark veins.

  8. The bush has a height of up to 20 cm. The variety can be distinguished by the crimson hue of the flowers. Also on the petals you can see the veins of a dark color.

  9. Elke. In appearance, the variety is similar to the previous one, since it has similar dimensions (height 20 cm) and color (raspberry).

  10. The bush grows up to 20 cm. The petals of the flowers are painted in a dark shade of pink.

  11. The popular cultivar 'Max Fry' usually grows up to 20 cm and has pink flowers with deep pink veins.

  12. This species is somewhat higher than the previous ones - the average height is 25 cm. The flowers have pink petals with dark veins.

  13. In height, the variety grows up to 25 cm and is distinguished by pink flowering.

  14. The plant usually grows up to 25 cm. The petals have a purple hue, as indicated by the name of the variety.

  15. Variety "Nywood" has a height of approximately 25 cm, pink bloom.

  16. album. Translated from Latin, the name means "white", which indicates the color of the petals. In addition to snow-white flowers, the plant of this variety is distinguished by its high height compared to the previous ones (up to 30 cm).

  17. The bushes grow up to 30 cm. The flowers are pink in a light shade with slightly darker veins.

Necessary conditions and care

This type of geranium belongs to fairly unpretentious plants. In caring for him, you need to follow some rules, but this will not be a big difficulty.

Location selection

To place a flowerpot with a plant, it is better to choose a spacious lighted place. Drafts and open wind must be avoided. The optimal room may be a glazed loggia or a room with large windows facing south.

Temperature and humidity

Blood red geranium does not need a special microclimate. The plant is best kept at normal room humidity (60%) and temperature (+18...+20 °C). It is important that the temperature does not fall below +12 ° C.

Watering and spraying

The frequency of humidification depends on the season. So, in the period after planting and in the hot season, the plant needs frequent watering, during cold weather and at high humidity, moisture intake can be reduced. Be sure to stick to a balance: both an excess and a lack of water can harm.

Important! It is advisable not to use hard water when watering, as it can harm the plant.

Water should be at room temperature. For unpretentious blood-red geraniums, manual watering is quite suitable.

top dressing

Fertilization should be carried out in the spring. Top dressing is important before entering the growing season and flowering. It is highly undesirable to fertilize with organic substances. For top dressing, it is better to use a mineral complex fertilizer.


Pruning the plant is very necessary to make room for new shoots. Winter pruning is carried out after flowering, this period falls on September-December. It is necessary to remove faded inflorescences and dry leaves, shorten the main stem by a third so that the plant can overwinter and gain strength.

At the end of winter - beginning of spring, formative pruning is carried out. However, you should not be zealous, because the flower will need strength to recover. This pruning is designed to enable the plant to bloom magnificently.

In summer, geraniums should be regularly rid of dried leaves and stems.


The plant can continue to live without a transplant, but it is better to produce it as it grows. The best period for the procedure is the end of winter and the first months of spring. You can repot geraniums every year or less.

The soil should be loose and light. The pot should be slightly larger than the previous one, but too spacious containers should be avoided.
Transplantation should take place according to the following instructions:

  1. Moisten the soil in the old pot.
  2. Disinfect the new container.
  3. Pour a layer of drainage to the bottom.
  4. Carefully remove the plant with the root and move it to a new pot.
  5. Backfill with new soil and compact.
  6. Water the pot.

Features of planting and care in the open field

Blood red geraniums are easy to grow outdoors.

In addition to the fact that the flower is beautiful, caring for it consists of only a few points:

  • for planting, choose a place with loose soil such as loam and sandstone;
  • initially it is better to plant individual seedlings at a distance of half a meter from each other;
  • try not to overmoisten the soil;
  • weeding is necessary only during the period of adaptation of the plant in a new territory;
  • before frosts, it is worth cutting off the shoots; other types of preparation for the winter season are not needed;
  • when the bush grows noticeably, it must be divided.


Blood red geranium can be propagated by seeds or division of rhizomes.


Seed propagation is preferably carried out before the onset of winter frosts or in early spring (March-April). In this case, the first sprouts will sprout in late spring. Flowering should be expected next year.

The division of rhizomes

The division of the rhizome, or vegetative propagation, is resorted to either in the period of early spring, or in late summer - early autumn, when the plant fades. The rhizome is divided so that each part has one kidney, and then planted in the ground.

Important! The division of the rhizome is more optimal for varietal forms than the seed method.

Medicinal properties and contraindications

In folk medicine, blood red geranium is used as a medicine for the treatment of many diseases.

Among the therapeutic effects can be distinguished:

  • sedative;
  • antiseptic;
  • painkiller;
  • hemostatic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • astringent;
  • dissolving salt deposits.

The range of diseases for the treatment of which traditional doctors advise the use of drugs based on this plant is extensive.

Important! Before using the remedy for any of the folk recipes, consult your doctor. Remember that self-medication can be harmful.

These include:

  • bleeding (internal, nasal, uterine);
  • wounds and ulcers on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • abscesses;
  • depression
  • schizophrenia;
  • insomnia;
  • salt deposits;
  • fractures;
  • tonsillitis;
  • sore throat;
  • bleeding gums;
  • hair loss;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • gout;
  • rheumatism.

Contraindications to the use of this plant for medical purposes include:
  • allergy to components;
  • increased thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis;
  • atonic constipation;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • stomach ulcer.

Application in traditional medicine: recipes

There are many recipes with blood red geranium as an ingredient. For medicinal purposes, leaves, flowers and roots are used, most often in dried form.

Alcoholic universal infusion


  • dried geranium - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • vodka - 200 ml.

Cooking method.

  1. Pour the dried plant with vodka.
  2. Insist for 7 days.
  3. Strain the infusion.

For medicinal purposes, dilute 1 part of the medicine with 4 parts of water. It is used as a universal remedy for various diseases.
Universal infusion on water


  • dried geranium - 8 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 1 l.

Cooking method.

  1. Boil water.
  2. Add dried plant.
  3. Boil for 1 min.
  4. Insist 30 min. under a covered lid, you can additionally wrap the container with a towel.
  5. Strain the infusion.

For the treatment of various diseases, the medicine should be taken after meals 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l.

Infusion against allergic dermatitis


  • dried root - 1 tsp;
  • water - 200 ml.

Cooking method.

  1. Soak the root in cold water.
  2. Infuse the mixture for 8 hours.
  3. Strain.

This remedy for allergic dermatitis treats the skin in the affected areas.

The blood red geranium is a beautiful medicinal plant that combines beautiful flowering with unpretentiousness. A flower that is properly cared for will become an exquisite decoration for your home or garden.

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