Modal verbs must have presentation. Presentation "modal verbs"

Landscaping and planning 30.06.2020
Landscaping and planning

Zakiryanova F.Kh. English teacher MOBU SOSH №15

Use have to

  • something needs to be done due to certain circumstances
  • I have to get up at 7 o'clock in the morning. (classes start at 8 o'clock)
  • He has to be in a hurry not to miss a train. (train leaves on schedule)

Conveys the need to perform an action, because. the circumstances require it.

I have to go to school on Monday.

I have to go to school on Monday

I have to get up at seven tomorrow.

Tomorrow morning I have to get up at seven o'clock.

Affirmative sentence

  • We have to be in

the theater on time.

  • We must be at the theater on time.

Minor members

Modal verb

semantic verb


I have to

We have to

You have to

They have to

He has to

She has to

It has to

Let's practice

1. I ... to come home at 5 o'clock.

2. My mother … to clean the floor every day.

3. We … to learn English.

4. My friends … to write a test.

5. They … to speak French to their guests from France.

6. He … to buy a ticket for the train.

Negative sentence

  • You don't have to pay for the book, it is a present.
  • You don't have to pay for the book, it's a gift.


Minor members

semantic verb

Modal verb

let us practice

1. My granny … have to work.

2. I … have to go now.

3. We … have to play football in winter.

4. Dan … have to see a doctor.

5. They … have to translate the text in pen.



General question

  • Do you have to go to school tomorrow?
  • Does she have to go to school tomorrow?


Minor members

Modal verb

semantic verb

Let's practice

My brother has to play football in school team.

  • Should my brother or my friend play football for the school team?
  • Does my brother or my friend have to play football in school team?
  • My brother has to play football or basketball in the school team.
  • Does my brother have to play football or basketball in school team?

Use must

  • To express obligation
  • To give a strong recommendation
  • I must help my mother.
  • You must watch this film. It's interesting.

  • I must go to school every day
  • You must go to school every day
  • He must go to school every day
  • She must go to school every day
  • It must go to school every day
  • We must go to school every day
  • They must go to school every day

affirmative sentences

  • I must do this exercise in pen.


Minor members

semantic verb

Let's practice

  • You must read this book.
  • You must read this book.
  • My brother has to walk the dog.
  • My brother must walk the dog.
  • We need to visit a sick friend.
  • We must visit our sick friend.
  • I need to clean the house today.
  • I must clean the house today.

Negative sentence

  • You mustn't cross the street when the light is red.
  • You can't cross the street at a red light.


Minor members

semantic verb

Let's practice

  • You can't walk on ice, it's dangerous.
  • You mustn't walk on the ice, it is dangerous.
  • You can't drive a car if you're 12.
  • You mustn't drive the car if you are 12.
  • You can't play on the road, it's dangerous.
  • You mustn't play on the road, it is dangerous.
  • You can't walk on the roof, you might fall.
  • You mustn't walk on the roof, you may fall down.

General question

My sister must help my mum.

  • Must my sister help my mum?


Minor members

semantic verb

Let's practice

  • We must be polite with the adults.
  • Must we be polite with the adults?
  • Children must work hard at school.
  • Must children work hard at school?
  • People mustn't drop litter in the streets.
  • Must people drop litter in the streets?
  • People mustn't wash cars in the rivers.
  • Must people wash cars in the rivers?

used to express strong advice, recommendations.

You should see a doctor.

You should see a doctor.

affirmative sentences

  • I should do to the doctor today.


Minor members

semantic verb

Let's practice

  • We should be polite with this man.
  • Should we be polite with this man?
  • Children go in for sport.
  • Should children go in for sport?
  • People be very attentive.
  • should people be very careful?

Outline plan

open lesson in 6th grade

with in-depth study of English

English teachers GBOU secondary school №1200

VAO DO Moscow

Pokotilo Ruslana Vladimirovna

Lesson topic: "USA. Planned trip around the country"

Lesson type: Lesson of application of knowledge in practice (using ICT).

Lesson Objectives:

activation and training of new vocabulary on the topic of the lesson.

training of skills of listening, reading, dialogical and monologue speech.

formation of linguistic and cultural competence.

Lesson objectives:

Tutorials: applying the knowledge gained in practice, operating with the available potential in a particular situation, consolidating the skills and abilities of monologue speech, practicing listening and reading.

Educational: fostering a respectful attitude towards each other, mutual assistance, fostering a positive attitude towards the culture of the country of the language being studied, the formation of motivation for learning English.

Developing: development of the ability to work individually, in pairs, in a team, the development of cognitive interest in the culture of another country, the consolidation of the ability to observe, compare, the development of creative abilities.

Compensatory: use linguistic and contextual guessing (international words, isolating the key words of the text)

Lesson type: Lesson of application of knowledge in practice (using ICT).

Forms of work in the lesson:

individual work;

work in pairs;

group work.

Lesson equipment:

computer (with speakers)

presentation «The USA»

video fragment (“Youtube" “People of the USA"

flashcards (words + definitions)

song "America, the beautiful"

During the classes.







Slide number, interactive whiteboard functions




Organizing time.

Greeting students:

Hello boys and girls.

I'm glad to see you.

Sit down, please.

Teacher greeting:

We are glad to see you too.

slide number 1"Places of the USA"

2 minutes.

– We start our lesson, which is connected with planning our trip to the USA, the country of striking differences. I hope you "ll enjoy our English lesson and be friendly to each other. I wish you a good luck! Let" s start.


Speech workout.




I want to know how much you remember about the USA and what you can tell your American friends about Russia. In 2 teams ask and give information about:

The students are divided into 2 teams, having discussed the information, the 1st group asks questions about the USA, the 2nd about Russia and answers.

At the same time, one of the students performs a task at the computer (screen), which is then checked by the rest of the students.

Complete the sentences about the American flag. (Match)

The American flag is often called the ... . It has … stripes and … stars, one for each … .

slide number 1

"Places of the USA"

slide number 3Match

(felt pen function)

4 min.




It "s important to know about people while planning a trip. Now we are going to watch an interview about American people. What adjectives do people use

to describe them?

Students write down adjectives while listening to the dialogue (from Youtube) and check in pairs and then frontally.

(friendly, busy, sociable…)

(Using language guessing, isolating key words)


4 min.


Checking the house. tasks


At home you read the dialogue and prepared some questions to ask a visiting professor from the USA. Now one of you is a student from Russia and the other a professor from the USA.

Try to role - play the dialogue.

Well, I "m sure that most of you would like to go to the USA. Think of several good reasons to go there.

Students act out dialogues in pairs, then 2-3 pairs - frontally.

I would like to go the USA to study (to do the sights of …, to visit my relatives etc)

6 min.



– And now I want you to relax your eyes, to look at the board and to follow some objects with your eyes.

Students follow the moving objects on the screen with their eyes.

slide number 6



2 minutes.


Activation and training



how to understand

understanding of what is read and heard


We should remember some words we learned the previous lesson. In 3 groups you will try to match the words and their definitions and then check the others.

(a chain, mighty, a skyscraper, a melting pot, a mixture, to rise, a desert)

(different things put together, a very high building, to begin, sandy country with little water and few plants, strong and powerful, a place where there is a mixing of different races and nationalities)

Students perform the task in subgroups, then mutual verification (a student from subgroup 1 reads the definition, and a student from subgroup 2 guesses the word, etc.).

At the same time, one student completes the task on the board, which is then checked by the rest of the students.

Complete the sentences using the new words. (mighty, shore, rises)

1 Do you know where the Moskva River …?

2 We could see a boat about a mile from the … .

3 The eagle flew up to the sky on its …wings.

9 min.


.Listening + reading

Now we are going to listen and read the text about the USA and choose the places you would like to visit .

First, look at the map of the USA, please. Let "s learn how to pronounce the proper names and then listen and read the text. (Ex. 17,18)

The students read the names in chorus after the announcer.

Students listen and read the text

Slides #8Rivers. Mountains.

grand canyon »

9 min.



what speech

�– We have found out a lot about the USA. It "s all very interesting. Now it"s time to plan our future trip. Choose the place in the USA you would like to visit and explain why it attracts you.(You can use information from the text and presentation).

While listening to your friends try to write the suggested plan of the route of your future trip and some key words explaining the choice.

Students talk about the place they like, justifying their choice with facts from the text and presentation material.

(Ex. I would like to go to the Grand Canyon. It is one of America's tourist attractions. I would like to see it at sunrise or sunset because the red, gold, brown colors are especially clear and bright.)

The rest write down the key words, listening to the suggestions of classmates for a future trip.

slide number 9Places.

People »

6 min.


House explanation. tasks

You were in an imaginary trip across the USA. Your home task is to sum up and write about all your and your friends" suggestions of the trip to the future leader of the group .Write at least about 5 places and explain your choice, using your notes.

The song "America, the beautiful" sounds

1 minute


Summary of the lesson.

The teacher sums up the lesson and evaluates the work of the students.

Students express their opinion about the lesson

2 minutes.

To use the preview of presentations, create a Google account (account) and sign in:

Slides captions:

Must / have to / should modal verbs

Should/shouldn't. This verb has an absolutely exact translation into Russian: worth / not worth. You should see that film. It's very good. (Not so strong. That's your advice) You shouldn't watch so much TV. (You are not allowed to do it) The verb should suggests an alternative.

Have to The verb Have to is used to express the need to do something due to certain circumstances. Like simple verbs, they are able to reflect the categories of person and number. You have to get ready for your test on literature. (Quite strong. It's necessary to do).

Forms of the modal verb h ave to: Present tense I have to (don't have to) We have to (don't have to) You have to (don't have to) You have to (don't have to) He /She/It has to (doesn't have to) They have to (don't have to) Past tense I had to (did not have to) We had to (did not have to) You had to (did not have to) You had to (did not have to) He/She/It had to (did not have to) They had to (did not have to)

Must This is a mix verb. It combines the elements of the verb should and have to, but it certainly has special functions on its own. The connection with the verb have to can be traced in the past tense of the verb must, because it sounds like had to In the verb must, there is more severity. In situations of “forcedness”, have to is used, not must. (I have no bread. I have to go to the shop. - I don’t have bread. I have to go to the store. (I really don’t want to, no one forces me, but I really need to)

+ (affirmative sentences) + (affirmative sentences) Have to Must Should 1. Strong advice (“definitely worth it”) I love this film. You must watch it. (I really like this movie. You should definitely watch it.) Advice (“should”, “should”) You should go home. It's late. (It's getting late. You should go home.) 1. rule, law You have to get a visa to go to London. (You must get a visa to go to London.) 2. rule, law You must get a visa to go to London. (You need to get a visa to go to London.) 2. You have to, because the circumstances are I have to go to work on Sunday. (I have to go to work on Sunday.) 3. You must, because I decided so You must wash your hands before lunch. (You must wash your hands before eating.)

- (negative sentences) Don't have to Don't need to Needn't Mustn't Can't Shouldn't Don't have to go to university tomorrow. It's Sunday. (I don't have to go to university tomorrow. Tomorrow is Sunday.) You mustn't smoke here. (You can't smoke here.) Advice "don't" "shouldn't" You shouldn't go to bed so late. You'll feel bad tomorrow. (Don't stay up so late. Tomorrow you won't feel well.)

Conclusion When choosing a modal verb, it is necessary to be guided by the context and understand the exact meaning of this verb in Russian. To summarize: Should / shouldn't - worth / not worth it. Have to / don't have to - forced / not forced. Must / mustn't - must, must / do not have the right, is prohibited.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Modal verbs in English (must, mustn\"t, should, need, have to)

This test is intended for students of the 7th grade and is based on the teaching material "Enjoy English" by M.Z. Biboletovoy (III quarter). The test is designed for two options with answers. Each option offers...

Modal verbs must / have to / should (Grade 7, Biboletova M.Z.)

Modal verbs in English are not used on their own, but in combination with the infinitive of the main semantic verb, they are not followed by the particle to (the exception is ought)....

Modal verbs CAN and their equivalents CAN Be able to Present Present Can Am Able to Isare Past Past Could Was Able to wereFuture Will be able to 1 1 Opportunity: I can, I can, I can I can, I can, I can 2 Permission: 3 Prohibition: I can't I can run very fast He can speak French. Can he do sums? Can I have a cup of coffee? You can't cross the street here. I can run very fast He can speak French. Can he do sums? Can I have a cup of coffee? You can't cross the street here.

The meanings of the verb could and its meanings The meanings of the verb could and its equivalent are not always exactly the same. In some cases, could and its equivalent was/were able to are used in different contexts: could - permanent ability to do something - could - permanent ability to do something in the past - could was/were able to - it matters could, succeeded - an exceptional situation . I could read when I was 5. I could read when I was 5. When he was 17 he could play chess well. Once he was even able to beat the champion. When he was 17 he could play chess well. Once he even was able to beat the champion.

Modal verbs MAY and their equivalents MAY Be allow to Present Present MayAm Is Allowed to are Past Past Might MightWas Allowed to Allowed towereFuture Will be allowed to… 1 Permission: May, permitted 2 Strict prohibition: Don't you dare 3 Opportunity: (may) May I come in? Yes you can (may). No, you cant (may not) You may not leave the room until I say so. You may often see such faces in the South of Russia

You can ask permission to do something like this: CAN/ COULD/ MAY/ MIGHT I borrow your pen? A short negative answer to such a question can be expressed as follows: No, I dont - please do not do this No you may not - prohibition No you must not - prohibition does not come from you it is forbidden No you can not - rules laws, etc. . We use the modal equivalent of may (be allowed/ permitted to…) when we want to emphasize that permission/ prohibition comes from someone: You are not allowed/ permitted to wait here

modal verbs (Modal verbs)

Compiled by:


in English

Voronina M.V.

in English

  • The main verb after the modal is written without a particle to . She can swim.
  • Don't have an ending -s/-es in the third person singular present tense ( Besides equivalents of modal verbs: to have to, to be to, to be obliged to). She can dance. She has to wake up early.

Features of modal verbs

in English

3. Interrogative and negative forms are formed without auxiliary verbs. Can I help you? He can "t dance. 4. Not all modal verbs have future and past tense forms, and when they are expressed, they are replaced with equivalents.

5. Do not have impersonal forms of the verb (infinitive, participle, gerund).

Modal verbs can be divided into three categories:

1. Modal verbs – can, may, must, ought to.

2. Equivalents - could, to be able to, might, to be allowed to, to have to, to be to.

3. Multifunctional verbs that perform the function of modal - shall, should, will, would, need, dare.


Translation: I can, I can

Meaning: physical or mental ability, the ability to perform an action.

Equivalent: to be able to

  • could- polite request (could you please)

Translation: can you please allow

Meaning: permission, request, possibility or assumption, expresses the actual, one-time possibility

Equivalents: to be allowed to, to be (un)likely to

will be allowed to

  • Might is a measure of the likelihood that something will happen, but with even more uncertainty.

Translation: must, must

Meaning: expresses a need, duty, urgent advice

Equivalents: to be required to, to be prohibited to, not to be allowed to

Right to

Translation: should, should

Meaning: expresses moral duty, desirability, strong advice

Equivalents: should

To be to

Translation: must, must

Meaning: used to express a weak order or command, an obligation.

To have to

Translation: compelled, obligated

Meaning: used to express obligation and necessity, depending on the circumstances.

This modal verb is used to express a threat or warning, as well as a request for guidance.

This modal verb is used to express polite requests, permissions, readiness / unwillingness to act.

This modal verb was originally used as the past form of the verb will, and therefore retained most of its meanings.

It is also used to express polite requests, permissions, willingness / unwillingness to act, as well as to express repeated actions in the past.

This modal verb has only one form - the present. In an affirmative sentence, it is used to express the need to perform an action, while in a negative sentence it is used to express the absence of a need.

This modal verb translates as having the courage to do something. In a negative sense - how not to have the courage to do something. It has two forms - the real dare and past dared.

Exercise 1

Translate the sentences; explain the usage of the modal verbs:

1. The green wire should be connected to terminal 4.

2. You mustn't turn the machine when the red warning light is on.

3. This lever can be up or down.

4. We can recycle old products to make new ones.

5. The red switch has to be on.

6. A rheostat is a resistor whose resistance value may be varied.

7. That morning he had to leave his car at home.

8. You can't ride a motorbike with no helmet.

Exercise 2

Put the verbs into Past Simple. Use the modal verbs and their equivalents:

1. He must work hard to finish his experiment.

2. I can devote myself to scientific work.

3. You may repeat this experiment.

4. He must illustrate this law by several experiments.

5. She can study automation in the college.

6. They may carry out these experiments at the laboratory.

Exercise 3

Put the verbs can, may, must .

  • What ____ we see on this map?
  • ____ do you speak Spanish? - No, unfortunately I ____ not.
  • At what time ____ did you come to college?
  • ____ I come in?
  • You ____ not smoke here.
  • ____ take your book? - I am afraid not: I need it.
  • I have very little time: I ____ go.
  • They ____ not go to the cinema today because they are busy.
  • You ____ read this text: it is easy enough.

We recommend reading
